TH YEAr BROADCASTING TELECASTING i lE BUSINESSWEEKLY OF RADIO AND TELEVISION DECEMBER 24, 1956 35¢ PER COPY More Competitive Tv: FCC 83dVdSÀ431 aTV ájama89'uo11 Page 27 Odt, GSM esss avao.I aiV Tismx.eyó Spot Billings of Top 40 Ra 1GSOi'' (6£Ob-95(009-10)-;70F4'Z3V) Page 29 301 Q qua boy eTaaF 1seaglR Gimmicks and Giveaways: TS-£ A3TEaeAtur: .1 TV 4VSt1 Page 36 FCC Changes Possible: Mc Page 51 ?1.8% Auto Dominance Amount Spent on Autos by Grade B Area Families Market figures prove families living in WXEX -TV Grade B area spend 21.8% more WXEX -TV $170,145,000 m autos *than families in Grade B area of Station B $139,070,000 any other RICHMOND market TV station Station C $139,691,000 Automobiles, tires, batteries, accessories Source: Sidney Hollander Associates TV wXEXTom Tinsley, President NBC BASIC - CHANNEL 8 Irvin G. Abeloff, Vice Pres. National Representatives: Select Station Representatives in New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington. Farjoe & Co. in Chicago, Seattle, Sari Francisco, Los Angeles, Dallas, Atlanta. A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from KVTV'S TALENT TEAM homemaker FORECAST, weatherman Jan TODAY ro Conrad Voss Johnson Hostess on KVTV's Mr. Weather in the 3- Open House and the state KVTV area. Con- Homemaker home tinually sponsored, 5 makers rely on -with days a week, by the sales results to prove same advertiser for it. over three years. women's feature news editor editor Austin Marge Schneider Hinshaw "At Home" with Marge Consistently first with Hinshaw is filled with the News in Sioux City. helpful "how -to's" for A news show that lends homemakers, women's news, fashions, and authority to your sales decorating ideas that message. make sales and faithful listeners. e 1 sports editor cowboy Les Canyon Davis Kid Dean of sportscasters Jim Henry, the genial in the rich Siouxland Kid's Kowboy with a Market and an out- faithful retinue of side - standing sports figure kicks. Sioux City's only in his own right. daily children's partici- pation show. CBS ABC Dominant in all Departments" A Cowles Station. Under the some management as NETWORK SYNDICATED PERSONALITIES WNAX -570, Yankton, South Dakota. Don D. Sullivan, Tcp 20 Tcp 11 All of the top 39 General Manager. Network shows Syndicated shows local live shows See Your Katz * Aug. '56 Sioux City Telepulse SIOUX CITY, IOWA Representative INDIANA'S Z101 LARGEST TV MARKET T!EE HAUTE --ai,,. ' i ' ''!'IVI R O L L I N G CO. TERRE HAUTE, INDIANA N E W Y O R K C H I C A G O B O S T O N S A N F R A N C I S C O CBS, NBC, and ABC Television Networks L O S A N G E L E S ® T.M.-Ca5TV Published every Monday, with Yearbook Numbers (53rd and 54th issues) published in January and July by BROADCASTING PIIRLICATIONS, INC., 1735 DeSales St., N.W., Washington 6, D. C. Entered as second class matter March 14, 1933, at Post Office at Washington, D. C., under act of March 3, 1879. Merry Christmas to all STEINMAN STATIONS and to all a good year Clair McCollough, Gen. Mgr. Page 4 December 24. 1956 BROADCASTING TELECASTING closed circuit. $23 MILLION FOR 1 That's price placed mason and Celler Committee hearings last Lion should treat matter like common car- by corporate owner on ftis vhf station in session) aiso has been retained by CBS for rier .kate case, examine books, check rate major market (one of first ten) in last few representation music-copyright and cer- cards;: salaries paid principals, advertising weeks. While there was no deal, it's under- tain other Olds. Bruce Bromley, senior contracts, ets., etc. Commission said re- stood $23 million price could be supported partner, is personally handling re presenta- quest could be resubmitted at later pro- based on earnings. Biggest pride so far paid tion. f ceeding. for tv outlet was Westinghouse $10 million BT BT purchase of WDTV (TV) Pittsburgh, now LONG WAY OUT Solicitor General J. TEX AND JINX (Falkenburg) McCrary's KDKA -TV, In Jan. 1955. Lee Rankin has said no to FCC's desire interview programs on WRCA New York, BT to take ShrevOport, La., ch. 12 case to U. S. sttitiott; fixtures since 1946, may soon be NBC RADIO. is on verge of selling second Supreme Coftrt. Last October, FCC was syndikated. Tex & Jinx office in New York half of its projected hourly five -,minute told to reoten vhf hearing to take into ac- reportedly has set up syndication branch newscast series. It's being considered by count death of Don George, principal own- headed by former executive producer Brown & Williamson Tobacco Co., through er of successful KSLA -TV Shreveport Jerome M. Landay. Deal, said to be cur- Ted Bates agency, and decision is expected [BT, Oct 8]. FCC at argument before rently under negotiation by NBC Spot Sales this week. Other half already sold to lower court contended vigorously that death with major radio advertiser, would provide Bristol-Myers in transaction representing of Mr. George came long after final deci- for strip of programs that would include $2.1 million net annual billing' to NBC. sion was rendered, but court remanded case excerpts of interviews with government and BT from bench. Commission lawyers, discour- diplomatic people and show business stars. aged, feel this means some cases may never Series would be placed for domestic and COLOR COSTS Size of RCA's invest- be brought to legal conclusion without long foreign distribution. ment in color television due to be pointed litigation. up shortly in ttiblic release-for first time BT BT -of actual figures on sales, fossei, 'etc. GOLF ON TV There's more than pure Brig. Gen. David Sarnoff, board chairman, ANNOUNCEMENT will be made this golf competition in matches being played is preparing statement which will show week of appointment of Millard F. French, by big name stars at Arizona Biltmore in RCA took overall net loss of more than who served as an FCC examiner from 1953 Phoenix. Pete DeMet, Chicago tv producer $6.5 million on color this year (counting to 1955 and since has been on FCC legal and automobile executive, is filming two color programming costs and advertising staff, to return to examiner staff. He is 13 -match all -star golf series for 1957, avail- of color, as well as developmental and native of Beckley, W. Va. able for tv sponsorship, and reportedly has training expenditures). He looks for modest BT General Motors, Ford and certain brewing color sets and color tubes in last profit on FULL VIEW Upon instruction from interests interested, presumably for network half of next year, and after that expects all series to be scheduled this spring. FCC, staff is drawing up proposed order profitable. color tv to ,become substantially which would provide for "spectrum analy- BT RCA 21 -inch color set sales to date total sis" down to 25 mc. This order, which more than 160,000 (company is shooting MR. DEMET, who completed filming of probably will be adopted next month, than twice that in 1957), and total first cycle of 13 Dec. 6, hasn't yet decided for more would widen already -in -work above 890 and color on tinte and place for second cycle. Six factory billing price of color sets be- mc. study. Study .is deemed necessary cameramen required more than six hours equipment sold up to now comes to almost industrial cause of pending petitions from for first few matches but final match took $60 million. and other users for more spectrum space, BT five hours and he expects to get timing plus preparatory,_work for 1959 Interna- down to four hours-not much longer than CHARLES WILLIS, former special assist- tional Telecommunications Conference. normal match. All cameras will be on at White House, is due for big job at interests ant One question is whether best jeeps or trucks with hydraulic lifts. Ruthraufi & Ryan. Since leaving Eisen- would be served by opening spec- hower staff, Mr. Willis has been consultant trum or only selected pórtions. BT to W. R. Grace & Co. He'll join R &R as BT MANANA FCC Comr. Rosel H. Hyde financial vice president and assistant to plans to fly to Mexico City, second week in ALTHOUGH commercial tv spot activity President F. Kenneth Beim. January to 5.-Mexico treaty on Warner Bros. is on upswing, Hollywood signU. at radio frequencies. He was scheduled to BT movie major has delayed opening of New leave last week, but slight hitch (notirling TEST CASE Hollywood film producers York tv office until after holidays because major), with intervening Christmas= b1i- and distributors are figuring ways to ex- proposed manager for agency film[. field days, .made new timetable ploit high ratings scored by feature films became unpvailàble at :last moment. As _aand àcceptable to Mexican opposite number. on KTTV (TV) Los Angeles. Newly_issued ré8ult, Chicago office appointment has been Pulse report for November ' put KTTV's postponed since New York manager bill BK Theatre MGM Friday night Colgate (using make selection. WHAT is believed to be first non- network and sta- movies) ahead of all competition B7 European office for broadcast entity (even nightly presentation of other films tion's FULL EXPOSURE There's more than in combination with newspaper) being es- from same library well into top 10 multi - curiosity involved in ch. 3 WiSC -TV Madi- tablished next month by Washington Post weekly network and local shows. Film in- on, Wis., request for books of Madison uhf Co.
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