Broadcasting Telecasting
TH YEAr BROADCASTING TELECASTING i lE BUSINESSWEEKLY OF RADIO AND TELEVISION DECEMBER 24, 1956 35¢ PER COPY More Competitive Tv: FCC 83dVdSÀ431 aTV ájama89'uo11 Page 27 Odt, GSM esss avao.I aiV Tismx.eyó Spot Billings of Top 40 Ra 1GSOi'' (6£Ob-95(009-10)-;70F4'Z3V) Page 29 301 Q qua boy eTaaF 1seaglR Gimmicks and Giveaways: TS-£ A3TEaeAtur: .1 TV 4VSt1 Page 36 FCC Changes Possible: Mc Page 51 ?1.8% Auto Dominance Amount Spent on Autos by Grade B Area Families Market figures prove families living in WXEX -TV Grade B area spend 21.8% more WXEX -TV $170,145,000 m autos *than families in Grade B area of Station B $139,070,000 any other RICHMOND market TV station Station C $139,691,000 Automobiles, tires, batteries, accessories Source: Sidney Hollander Associates TV wXEXTom Tinsley, President NBC BASIC - CHANNEL 8 Irvin G. Abeloff, Vice Pres. National Representatives: Select Station Representatives in New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington. Farjoe & Co. in Chicago, Seattle, Sari Francisco, Los Angeles, Dallas, Atlanta. A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from KVTV'S TALENT TEAM homemaker FORECAST, weatherman Jan TODAY ro Conrad Voss Johnson Hostess on KVTV's Mr. Weather in the 3- Open House and the state KVTV area. Con- Homemaker home tinually sponsored, 5 makers rely on -with days a week, by the sales results to prove same advertiser for it. over three years. women's feature news editor editor Austin Marge Schneider Hinshaw "At Home" with Marge Consistently first with Hinshaw is filled with the News in Sioux City.
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