
Medication Regimens for Managing Stable

Susanne Meghdadpour FNP PhD and Njira L Lugogo MD

Introduction Asthma Phenotypes and Endotypes Review of a Stepwise Approach for Managing Stable Asthma Assessment of Contributing Factors Asthma Follow-up, Assessing Adherence, and Education Are Essential to Asthma Outcomes New Approaches to Managing Stable Asthma Intermittent Dosing of Controllers Therapies in Asthma Alternative Medications for the Management of Asthma Long Acting Muscarinic Antagonists (Long-Acting ): Tiotropium and Umeclidinium Phosphodiesterase-4 Inhibitor: 5-Lipooxygenase Antagonists: Zileuton Macrolide Antibiotic: Azithromycin Special Population Considerations Asthma COPD Overlap African-American Patients and Safety of LABAs Summary Recommendations for Clinicians Providing Care to Patients With Stable Asthma

Guideline-based management of asthma was developed as a means of standardizing asthma ther- apies and of improving outcomes. The National Asthma Education and Prevention Program and the Global Initiative for Asthma guidelines provide recommendations to care providers about the routine management of asthma. There has been rapid development of new therapies for asthma, specifically with the advent of new drug delivery devices and biologic therapies for severe asthma. We are increasingly recognizing that asthma is a heterogenous disease with a diverse underlying pathophysiology, and therefore, it is imperative for care providers to begin to understand asthma phenotypes and endotypes, and the implications of these classifications on management, especially of severe refractory asthma. This article serves as a review of guideline-based therapy for asthma and includes updates on alternative therapies, new approaches that use previously recognized therapies, and special populations with asthma. Key words: asthma; management; phenotypes; guide- lines. [Respir Care 2018;63(6):759–772. © 2018 Daedalus Enterprises]

Introduction as a way of summarizing the best available evidence on the management of asthma. The National Asthma Edu- Asthma is a heterogeneous disease that is character- cation and Prevention Program1 (NAEPP) and the Global ized by both inflammation and airways hyper-respon- Initiative for Asthma2 (GINA) guidelines are meant to siveness. Asthma affects millions of adults and children empower care providers with tools to help manage worldwide and is associated with a significant degree of asthma, with specific recommendations about selecting morbidity. Guideline-based management of asthma has initial therapies, systematically assessing response, and been recommended since the 1990s as a means of stan- adjusting therapies based on the individual response to dardizing asthma treatment across the age spectrum and medications.


The NAEPP guidelines1 were last updated in 2007 and asthma. These classifications may significantly impact the included a key change in asthma management priorities. The management of asthma, especially refractory asthma.1,2 NAEPP 2007 guidelines1 shifted from a focus on severity- based asthma treatment recommendations to one that is fo- Asthma Phenotypes and Endotypes cused on achieving optimal asthma control regardless of un- derlying severity. Asthma severity is an inherent feature of Asthma is a heterogeneous disease composed of a com- the disease, and there has been increased recognition that bination of symptoms, inflammation, and lung function severity cannot always be altered; however, asthma control impairments. However, it is being increasingly recognized can be optimized regardless of the underlying severity of that a variety of pathophysiologic mechanisms lead to the disease. Per the NAEPP guidelines,1 good control for patients manifestation of asthma symptoms. Phenotypes are de- Ͼ12 y old includes the following: asthma symptoms Յ2 days/ fined as the observable properties of an organism that are Յ ␤ wk, nighttime awakenings 2 times a month, short-acting 2 produced by the interaction of genotype and the environ- agonist (SABA) use Յ2 days/wk, no interference with nor- ment. Endotype is proposed to be a subtype of a condition Ն 3 mal activity, and FEV1 of 80% predicted. defined by a distinct pathophysiologic mechanism. For The current guidelines1,2 recommend systematic ap- example, eosinophilic asthma is the phenotype but the proaches to determining the degree of asthma symptoms endotype would be late onset eosinophilic asthma driven and then assessing impairments caused by these symptoms by interleukin-5. The primary inflammatory mediator of with standardized questionnaires such as the Asthma Con- asthma was previously thought to be underlying allergic trol Test and the Asthma Control Questionnaire. These and eosinophilic inflammation, and led to the recommen- instruments can be administered during clinician visits, dation that inhaled steroids should be the cornerstone of and adjustments in therapy are made based on the degree therapy in persistent asthma. to which the individual patient’s asthma is controlled or We now understand that a large proportion of patients uncontrolled. The GINA guidelines2 (2017) included the with asthma (up to 50% of patients with mild-to-moderate addition of newer asthma therapies that were not in the asthma) do not have underlying eosinophilic inflamma- previous guidelines, including the use of tiotropium and tion, which makes it unlikely that a response to inhaled anti-interleukin-5 targeted therapies. Both guidelines are steroids will occur.4-6 This indicates that a significant num- consistent in the recommendation that corticosteroid-based ber of patients would benefit more from initial therapy anti-inflammatory therapies are the baseline treatment for with , such as long acting muscarinic an- all patients with asthma, with the addition of bronchodi- tagonists monotherapy, or by using alternative anti-inflam- lators (both short acting and long acting), an- matory therapies, such as , roflumilast, or leu- tagonists, and targeted biologic therapies as adjunctive ther- kotriene modifiers. Although, the evidence that supports apies if asthma control is not achieved.1,2 This paper reviews alternative approaches is mounting, it is too early to make current recommendations and approaches to care per the changes to the asthma guidelines. The fact that patients current guidelines, and suggests that treatment, both now may receive therapies that are both expensive and highly and in the future, should also be driven by consideration of unlikely to be beneficial underscores the importance of phenotypes and endotypes associated with an individual’s correctly identifying asthma phenotypes, particularly in severe asthma when targeted therapies can be adminis- tered. The key barrier to correct identification of asthma phe- Dr Lugogo is affiliated with Division of Pulmonary and CRITICAL CARE Medicine, Department of Medicine, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, notypes and endotypes in clinical settings is the inability to Michigan. Dr Meghdadpour is affiliated with Division of Pulmonary, access a readily available clinical test that accurately cat- Department of Pediatrics, Allergy and Sleep Medicine, Duke University, egorizes the type of inflammation present in the lungs of Durham, North Carolina. patients with asthma. Sputum remains the accepted stan- Dr Lugogo discloses relationships with Sanofi, AstraZeneca, GlaxoSmith- dard to identify the presence of eosinophils and neutro- Kline, Merck, and Teva. Dr Meghdadpour has disclosed no conflicts of phils in the lungs of patients with asthma, but, with few interest. exceptions, sputum testing remains a research tool, and many centers do not have the capability to perform sputum Dr Lugogo presented a version of this paper at the 56th RESPIRATORY differential cell counts in patients with asthma as a means CARE Journal Conference, Respiratory Medications for COPD and Adult Asthma: Pharmacologic Actions to Clinical Applications, held June 22– of guiding therapy. Until these challenges can be addressed 23, 2017 in St Petersburg, Florida. and further evidence to guide medical decision-making can be accumulated, there is little chance that personalized Correspondence: Njira L Lugogo MD, 300 North Ingalls St Suite 2C40, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-5400. E-mail: [email protected]. medicine in asthma management will be fully realized. Alternative approaches to help identify phenotypes and DOI: 10.4187/respcare.05957 endotypes of asthma are being developed, including the use


Persistent asthma: daily medication Intermittent Consult with asthma specialist if step 4 care or higher is required. asthma Consider consultation at step 3.


PREFERRED STEP 4 PREFERRED Step up if needed PREFERRED (first, check STEP 3 High-dose ICS High-dose ICS adherence, Medium-dose + LABA + oral environmental + LABA PREFERRED ICS + LABA corticosteroid control, and STEP 2 comorbid Medium-dose ALTERNATIVE AND conditions) PREFERRED ICS AND STEP 1 OR ASSESS Low-dose ICS Low-dose ICS + Medium-dose CONTROL PREFERRED LABA ICS + either Consider ALTERNATIVE LTRA, Consider ALTERNATIVE theophylline, or omalizumab Step down if SABA PRN for patients Low-dose ICS + zileuton for patients possible Cromolyn, either LTRA, who have , who have theophylline, or allergies (and asthma is LTRA, or zileuton allergies well-controlled at theophylline least 3 months)

Patient education and environmental control at each step

Quick-relief medication for all patients: SABA as needed for symptoms. Intensity of treatment depends on severity of symptoms: up to 3 treatments at 20-min intervals as needed. Short course of systemic oral corticosteroids may be needed. Caution: Increasing of beta-agonist or use >2x/week for symptom control indicates inadequate control and the need to step up treatment.

Fig. 1. National Asthma Education and Prevention Program stepwise approach to managing asthma in patients Ͼ12 y old. ICS ϭ inhaled corticosteroid; LABA ϭ long-acting ␤ agonist; SABA ϭ short-acting ␤ agonist; LTRA ϭ antagonist; PRN ϭ prescribed as needed. From Reference 1, with permission. of sputum-based proteomics; nasal brushings; transcriptom- ues to be associated with normal lung function.1 The ics; and surrogate measurements of inflammation, such as the persistent symptoms require the addition of daily ther- fraction of exhaled nitric oxide, blood eosinophils, and serum apies aimed at decreasing these symptoms, which in- immunoglobulin E levels. Most of these markers require ad- clude low doses of inhaled steroids or theophylline or ditional validation before being widely used. The closest we leukotriene antagonists.1 As the steps increase, the pa- have come to personalized medicine in asthma is in severe tient’s asthma is characterized by more persistent symp- asthma in which targeted biologic therapies are administered toms and abnormalities in lung function, with an in- based on serum immunoglobulin E (omalizumab) and pe- creased likelihood of having exacerbations, nighttime ripheral eosinophils (reslizumab, mepolizumab, and benrali- symptoms, daily symptoms, and use of zumab). Phenotyping is critical in the management of severe therapies for rescue (steps 3, 4).1 asthma, and clinicians should strongly consider incorporating As asthma worsens, inhaled steroid doses are increased this into routine practice at this time.7,8 and the addition of maintenance bronchodilator therapies is encouraged. In the NAEPP guidelines,1 the bronchodi- Review of a Stepwise Approach for Managing lator that is recommended is long-acting ␤ agonist (LABA), Stable Asthma although there is a significant amount of evidence avail- able to support the use of tiotropium as an alternative to Both the NAEPP and GINA guidelines1,2 rely on a step- LABA or as adjunctive therapy. The data on tiotropium wise approach to managing asthma symptoms. The NAEPP will be discussed further in long acting muscarinic antag- guidelines1 include 6 steps based on asthma severity, which onists (long acting anticholinergic) section of this paper. is defined on the basis of lung function impairments, ex- Steps 5 and 6 asthma are severe persistent and often re- acerbations, and medication utilization (Fig. 1). Step 1 fractory to inhaled steroids and bronchodilators in isola- asthma is mild and intermittent, and typically requires tion.1 These patients have the most significant burden of “as needed” bronchodilator therapy; step 2 asthma is disease in asthma and also have the highest risk of poor encompassed by more persistent symptoms but contin- outcomes. In these patients, whose asthma is not con-


Diagnosis Symptom control and risk factors (including lung function) Inhaler technique & adherence SE Patient preference ON P A S S E S R E S

Symptoms W S E I Exacerbations V E Asthma medications Adverse effects R Non-pharmacological strategies Patient satisfaction Treat modifiable risk factors Lung function T AD EN JU M ST TREAT STEP 5

STEP 4 STEP 3 Refer for PREFERRED STEP 1 STEP 2 add-on CONTROLLER treatment CHOICE (eg, Med/high tiotropium, ICS/LABA anti-IgE, or Low dose anti-IL5) Low dose ICS ICS/LABA

Other Add tiotropium Add low dose Consider low Leukotriene receptor antagonists (LTRA) Med/high dose ICS High dose ICS ICS controller dose ICS Low dose theophylline Low dose ICS+LTRA + LTRA (or + theophylline) options (or + theophylline)

RELIEVER As needed SABA or As needed SABA low dose ICS/

• Provide guided self-management education (self-monitoring + written action plan + regular review) REMEMBER TO... • Treat modifiable risk factors and comorbidities (eg, smoking, obesity, anxiety) • Advise about non-pharmacological therapies and strategies (eg, physical activity, weight loss, avoidance of sensitizers) where appropriate • Consider stepping up if ... uncontrolled symptoms, exacerbations or risks, but check diagnosis, inhaler SLIT added as technique and adherence first • Consider adding SLIT in adult HDM-sensitive patients with allergic rhinitis who have exacerbations despite an option ICS treatment, provided FEV1 is >70% predicted • Consider stepping down if . . . symptoms controlled for 3 months + low risk for exacerbations. Ceasing ICS is not advised.

Fig. 2. Global Initiative for Asthma stepwise approach to control asthma symptoms and reduce risk. ICS ϭ inhaled corticosteroid; LABA ϭ long-acting ␤ agonist; OCS ϭ oral corticosteroid; SLIT ϭ sublingual immunotherapy; HDM ϭ house dust mite. From Reference 2, with permission. trolled on high-dose inhaled steroids and LABA, there are inhaled combination therapies.2 Unlike the NAEPP several alternatives, including the use of tiotropium, bio- guidelines,1 the GINA guidelines2 include the use of logic therapies that target interleukin-5 and immunoglob- tiotropium in steps 4 and 5 asthma as a means of achiev- ulin E, and bronchial thermoplasty. ing asthma control. In addition, use of inhaled steroids 2 The GINA guidelines use a similar stepwise approach and/or LABA therapy for rescue is included. The GINA to asthma management, and there are 5 steps included in guidelines2 recommend a continuum that is encompassed the recommendations (Fig. 2). Step 1 patients require by assessing patients, adjusting therapies, reviewing re- intermittent therapy with consideration for the addition sponse, and reassessing patients to determine if further of daily maintenance therapy if there are persistent symp- adjustments are required. In addition, adherence, med- toms that remain uncontrolled; in step 2 therapy, the ication tolerance, management of comorbid conditions, addition of maintenance inhaled steroids is important in achieving asthma control.2 Steps 3 and 4 require the and contributing factors are recommended. Interestingly, 2 addition of maintenance bronchodilators, with increas- the latest GINA guidelines include the use of sublin- ing doses of inhaled steroids, and step 5 encompasses gual immunotherapy for a target population of patients Ͼ severe asthma, and these patients may require oral cor- with allergic rhinitis, exacerbations, FEV1 70% pre- ticosteroids and biologic therapies, in addition to their dicted and house dust mite allergen sensitivity (Fig. 2).


Traditional guidance-based Personalized approach to asthma asthma management Diagnosis Diagnosis

Assessment of Mild asthma Moderate to severe asthma severity/asthma control

Assess and manage comorbidities, Characterize subtype Characterize subtype contributing factors, and provide education on triggers and medications for asthma Basic phenotyping Phenotype Endotype

Stepwise approach to therapy Spirometry Gender Non-personalized approach to IgE Blood Sputum Other asthma care with no phenotyping Age biomarkers biomarkers Peripheral eosinophils or targeted approaches Obesity FENO lgE Eosinophils FENO (if available) Ethnicity Eosinophils Neutrophils Smoking history SABA, ICS alone, ICS + tiotropium, Periostin Cytokines Tailored therapy ICS + LABA, ICS + LABA + tiotropium, Cytokines Tailored therapy ICS + LTRA, oral steroids, omalizumab Tailored therapy

Fig. 3. Proposed personalized approach to asthma therapy. SABA ϭ short-acting ␤ agonist; ICS ϭ inhaled corticosteroid; LABA ϭ long-acting ␤ agonist; LTRA ϭ leukotriene receptor antagonist.

Assessment of Contributing Factors that are causing non-adherence to improve adherence and thus asthma outcomes. The complex issues of adherence A well-rounded approach to mitigating contributing fac- are addressed in an article Titled: Patient Adherence Issues tors must be included in the management of patients with in this edition of the journal. asthma if optimal control is to be achieved. It is imperative As the landscape of inhaled therapies and comfort level to assess comorbidities, such as gastroesophageal reflux regarding devices used to deliver medications becomes disease, allergic rhinitis and atopy, sinus disease, sleep more complex, the gaps in knowledge of patients, provid- apnea, vocal cord dysfunction, and obesity, throughout all ers, and care teams is an added concern. There currently the steps of asthma management. In addition, management are multiple devices on the market, including the Respimat of environmental exposures and/or triggers, tobacco use, (Boehringer Ingelheim, Germany), dry powder inhaler, and irritants is essential. pressurized metered-dose inhaler, Diskus and Ellipta de- vices, each with a unique actuation, priming, and admin- Asthma Follow-up, Assessing Adherence, and istration approach. Improper technique when using these Education Are Essential to Asthma Outcomes devices is a common issue and leads to poor drug delivery and to predictably poor treatment response rates. Advances The guidelines recommend assessing patients by obtain- must be made in teaching patients how to correctly use the ing baseline lung function measurements and establishing devices prescribed to them to improve asthma outcomes. It the level of asthma control, managing contributing factors is often challenging for a busy practitioner to address in- and comorbid conditions, and then making adjustments to haler teaching, but this must be a key component of any therapy if indicated.1,2 Patients should then be followed up asthma management program. at 3-month intervals to determine if asthma control has been achieved and if there are opportunities to either fur- New Approaches to Managing Stable Asthma ther optimize therapy or to step-down treatment. The ul- timate goal is to determine the right amount of medication Intermittent Dosing of Controller Therapies required to achieve control without exposing patients to in Asthma the risks associated with the use of unnecessarily high doses or excessive numbers of medication. The guidelines recommend regular rather than intermit- An additional key issue that must be addressed is asthma tent use of long-term controllers (inhaled steroids and long- education and the improvement of health literacy in pa- acting bronchodilators) in patients with persistent asthma.1,2 tients with asthma. Practitioners must ensure that patients However, there has been growing interest in intermittent are adherent to asthma therapies, and it is imperative not dosing of controller medications. In a recent study, the only to identify non-adherence but to address the issues intermittent use of short-acting albuterol combined with

RESPIRATORY CARE • JUNE 2018 VOL 63 NO 6 763 MEDICATIONS FOR STABLE ASTHMA inhaled steroids was associated with similar rates of asthma considered for addition to future revisions of the NAEPP exacerbations as regular use of beclomethasone or combi- guidelines.1 nation therapy (albuterol-beclomethasone) in subjects with Umeclidinium, a newer addition to this class of drugs, mild persistent asthma.9 Furthermore, in this study, regular has been studied as both monotherapy and add-on therapy use of inhaled steroid therapy had no additive benefits to inhaled steroids in asthma. There was a modest im- over intermittent “as needed” use with regard to the re- provement in trough FEV1 in subjects who were steroid duction of asthma exacerbations, which required oral ste- naive and treated with umeclidinium monotherapy18 and 10 roids in adults and children with persistent asthma. Reg- umeclidinium resulted in improvements in FEV1 in addi- ular use of inhaled steroids resulted in improvements in tion to inhaled steroids when compared with inhaled ste- asthma control and symptom-free days. However, it did roids alone, an effect that was reportedly more prominent 19 not confer additional benefits with regard to FEV1, quality in those subjects with fixed obstruction. Studies to de- of life, airway hyper-reactivity, adverse events, hospital- termine the role of umeclidinium and glycopyrrolate in izations, and emergency department visits for asthma.10 asthma are ongoing, and it is still unclear about how these Based on the available data, clinicians can consider the use medications will be incorporated in the future. Ume- of intermittent inhaled steroid or combination therapies in clidinium is currently not FDA-cleared for asthma. carefully selected patients with mild persistent asthma. Phosphodiesterase-4 Inhibitor: Roflumilast Alternative Medications for the Management of Asthma Roflumilast is a phosphodiesterase-4 inhibitor that has both bronchodilatory and anti-inflammatory effects, and is The use of bronchodilator-based and inhaled corticoste- currently cleared by the FDA for the treatment of adult roid (ICS) based therapies for asthma are reviewed in other patients with COPD associated with chronic bronchitis articles Bronchodilators and Inhaled and Systemic Corti- and a history of frequent exacerbations. Roflumilast has costeroids in this issue of the Journal. There are several been studied in asthma as monotherapy as well as add-on other new promising therapies, including anticholinergic therapy to inhaled steroids (Table 2 for multiple studies). and alternative anti-inflammatory medications that are not There are studies that demonstrated non-inferiority when currently widely used to treat asthma. compared with inhaled steroids with improvements in FEV1 in patients with mild-to-moderate persistent asthma. In Long Acting Muscarinic Antagonists (Long-Acting addition, roflumilast results in increased time to first ex- Anticholinergic): Tiotropium and Umeclidinium acerbations and has some effects on improvement in asthma quality of life and symptoms. The drug is associated with Tiotropium is an anticholinergic drug that targets the nausea and gastrointestinal adverse effects that are tran- muscarinic receptors and results in bronchodilatory effects sient and improve with time. In addition, roflumilast re- in the lungs of patients with asthma and COPD. Tiotro- sults in weight loss in some patients. The potential weight pium has been shown to improve FEV1 in addition to ICS loss and possibility of associated improvements in asthma or as an additive therapy to inhaled steroids and LABA control in those who are obese may be a desirable effect of combination therapy11,12 (see Table 1 for multiple other roflumilast therapy in this subpopulation of patients with studies). In addition, tiotropium increases the time to first asthma.20 However, in a large in asthma, ro- exacerbation and decreases severe exacerbations when flumilast did not result in significant changes in weight.21 added on to combination therapy in severe asthma.13 In Although roflumilast is a promising therapy for asthma, African-American subjects, tiotropium was non-inferior to phase 3 studies have not been completed and the drug is LABAs and did not demonstrate any differences in safety currently not cleared by the FDA for treatment of asthma. measures and adverse events.14 The initial studies used the The main limitation has been the vexing adverse effects of HandiHaler (Boehringer Ingelheim, Germany) device, and therapy that must be balanced with the potential benefits more recent trials included the Respimat device, which and weighed against better tolerated alternatives. was shown to be efficacious in improving FEV1 in chil- dren, adolescents, and adults with asthma.15-17 The FDA 5-Lipooxygenase Antagonists: Zileuton cleared the use of the Spiriva Respimat (Boehringer In- gelheim, Germany) for treatment of adult and pediatric (Singulair, Merck, Kenilworth, NJ) is a more patients with asthma. The use of tiotropium as monotherapy commonly used leukotriene receptor antagonist cleared by in asthma is an ongoing area of investigation. Tiotropium the FDA for treatment of asthma in patients ages has been included in the GINA guidelines2 as an alternate Ն12 months and is considered step 2 therapy in the NA- add-on treatment option for steps 4 and 5 in adult patients EPP guidelines1 with anti-inflammatory properties. The with a history of exacerbations and will undoubtedly be less-familiar drug, zileuton is a 5-lipoxygenase inhibitor


Table 1. Review of Clinical Trials Assessing Efficacy of Tiotropium in Asthma C

ARE Clinical Trial With Comparators Results Other Considerations Tiotropium

• Peters et al57 Tiotropium vs formoterol add-on therapy in asthma Tiotropium was non-inferior to and Improved peak expiratory flow improved proportion J UNE (NAEPP Step 3) superior to doubling the dose of ICS of ACDs; improved FEV1; decreased daily symptoms

08V 2018 58 ␮ Kerstjens et al Tiotropium as an add-on to ICS/LABA (GINA/NAEPP Tiotropium significantly improved lung function in Significant improvement in FEV1 (86 mL for a 5- g Step 5) severe uncontrolled asthma dose and 113 mL for a 10-␮g dose); no significant difference in QOL measurements

OL Bateman et al59 Tiotropium vs salmeterol add-on therapy in patients Tiotropium was non-inferior to salmeterol in Improvements in peak expiratory flows and patient- uncontrolled on ICS with B16-Arg/Arg mutation maintaining improved lung function when added reported outcomes 3N 63 (Bateman NAEPP Step 3,4) to ICS M Kerstjens et al13 Tiotropium as an add-on to ICS/LABA (step 5) Tiotropium significantly increased time to the first Overall 21% reduction in severe exacerbation FOR EDICATIONS O ϭ exacerbation and FEV1 (hazard ratio 0.79, P .03); significant increase 765 6 in FEV1 15 Beeh et al Tiotropium add-on to the medium-dose ICS in patients with Significant improvement in FEV1 Mean 188 mL improvement in FEV1 (the maximal symptoms and with moderate persistent asthma improvement was noted with the 5-␮g dose) 16 ␮ ␮ ␮ ␮ Vogelberg et al Tiotropium Respimat (1.25 g, 2.5 g, and 5 g) add-on Significant improvement in FEV1 with a 2.5- g Similar adverse events across dose ranges, well to ICS in adolescents symptomatic when on ICS and 5-␮g dose tolerated S

60 TABLE Kerstjens et al Tiotropium Respimat or salmeterol as add-on therapy to Significant improvements in FEV1 with both ACQ7 response improved in tiotropium and ICS in moderate persistent asthma tiotropium and salmeterol salmeterol compared with placebo 17 Vogelberg et al Dose-ranging tiotropium Respimat therapy in children Significant improvements in FEV1 272 mL with a No significant safety events were reported

6–11 y old with persistent symptoms while on inhaled 5-␮g dose, 290 mL with a 2.5-␮g dose, 261 mL A steroids with or without leukotriene antagonists with a 1.25-␮g dose in comparison with placebo STHMA Wechsler et al14 Anticholinergic vs LABA add-on therapy to inhaled No difference in LABA ϩ ICS vs tiotropium ϩ Addition of tiotropium to ICS is non-inferior to the steroids in black adults with asthma ICS in time to first exacerbation; no differences addition of salmeterol in black adults with in FEV1, QOL measurements, ACQ, or moderate asthma responses based on the Arg16Gly alleles 61 ␮ ␮ Paggiaro et al Effect of tiotropium in symptomatic asthma on low- to Tiotropium 2.5- g and 5- g doses were superior Significant improvement in FEV1 after 12 wk of medium-dose inhaled steroids to placebo in increasing FEV1 therapy 62 ␮ ␮ Hamelmann et al Tiotropium add-on in adolescents (age 12–17 y) with Improvements in FEV1 with 2.5- g and 5- g Trend toward improvement in asthma control and moderate asthma, on ICS with or without leukotriene doses at 24 wk health-related QOL measures antagonist for 52 wk

ICS ϭ inhaled corticosteroid ACD ϭ asthma control day LABA ϭ long-acting ␤ agonist ACQ7 ϭ Asthma Control Questionnaire, 7-point scale QOL ϭ quality of life 6 R 766

Table 2. Review of Clinical Trials Assessing the Efficacy of Roflumilast in Asthma

Clinical Trial With Comparators Results Other Considerations Roflumilast Bousquet et al63 Roflumilast 500 ␮g once daily compared with Roflumilast and beclomethasone significantly increased No significant differences existed between ␮ inhaled beclomethasone 200 g twice daily FEV1 (270 mL and 320 mL, respectively); roflumilast and beclomethasone effects in for 12 wk in patients with asthma (499 significant improvements in FVC with both asthma subjects) therapies; small improvements in asthma symptom M scores and rescue medication use DCTOSFOR EDICATIONS 65 ␮ Bateman et al Roflumilast 100-, 250-, and 500- g doses in Significant improvements in FEV1 compared with Roflumilast was well tolerated with all doses with patients with asthma (12-wk dose-ranging baseline for the three doses of roflumilast 100-, 250- mild-to-moderate adverse events that were study, 693 subjects) and 500 ␮g resulted in increases of 260, 300 and transient in nature 400 mL respectively; significant improvements in peak flow 64 Bateman et al Analysis of seven phase 2 or 3 studies Roflumilast was non-inferior to beclomethasone and Roflumilast improves FEV1 and asthma symptoms comparing roflumilast with beclomethasone montelukast with regard to improvement in FEV , 1 S

and montelukast in asthma (3,802 subjects) asthma symptom scores, or rescue medication use TABLE 66 Meltzer et al Analysis of data from 10 studies with 4,873 Roflumilast increased FEV1 in 9/10 studies with Roflumilast improves FEV1; roflumilast increased subjects who received roflumilast vs placebo significant improvements reported in 3 studies; time to first exacerbation in comparison with either alone or as add-on therapy to ICS addition of roflumilast to ICS resulted in increases placebo; most common adverse events were A STHMA ESPIRATORY (2 studies: and beclomethasone) in FEV1 gastrointestinal in nature (nausea and diarrhea) with minimal changes in weight (Chervinsky P et al 2015)(16) Bateman et al67 Roflumilast combined with montelukast vs Addition of roflumilast ϩ montelukast resulted in The most common adverse event was headache; montelukast alone as an add-on in patients a minimally clinically significant difference in no changes in sputum or blood neutrophils and

C ϩ with moderate-to-severe asthma on at least FEV1 compared with montelukast placebo; eosinophils ARE medium dose ICS ϩ LABA (64 patients) improvements in patient-related outcomes were noted • J UNE ICS ϭ inhaled corticosteroid LABA ϭ long-acting ␤ agonist 08V 2018 OL 3N 63 O 6 MEDICATIONS FOR STABLE ASTHMA that significantly decreases the production of . Special Population Considerations It has effects on both lung function and inflammation, which result in significant improvements in FEV1, asthma Asthma COPD Overlap quality of life, and exacerbations (see Table 3 for multiple studies). Furthermore, zileuton decreases inflammation in Asthma and COPD were previously thought to be 2 the lungs of patients with asthma. The drug has been cleared distinct diseases without any significant overlap. How- by the FDA for the treatment of asthma in persons Ն12 y ever, recently, a new phenomenon was described, and the and is included in the NAEPP guidelines1 for treatment of term asthma COPD overlap was coined to encompass a patients with step 3 or higher asthma. Zileuton is associ- disease in which these disorders may co-exist, with fea- 30 ated with a small risk of causing elevated function tures of both being present. Asthma COPD overlap ac- test results; this is more likely to occur within the first 3 counts for approximately 15–25% of obstructive airway diseases and is associated with worse outcomes than either months of treatment. Elevations in liver function test re- asthma or COPD alone.31-35 Patients with asthma COPD sults are transient and resolve with discontinuation of ther- overlap have an increased risk of exacerbations; pharma- apy; therefore, it is recommended that liver function be cologic implications exist when determining the appropri- monitored on a regular basis after the initiation of zileuton ate therapies for these patients.36 22 therapy. In spite of the addition of zileuton into the guide- The exact definition of asthma COPD overlap continues lines, its widespread use has been hampered by concerns to be a topic of ongoing discussion,37-40 and the origin of over liver-related adverse effects and short half-life that the disease may be asthma with the subsequent develop- require frequent dosing.23 In addition, poor insurance cov- ment of chronic obstruction or COPD with allergic fea- erage for the medication coupled with its high costs re- tures.41,42 Patients with asthma and with a lack of revers- sulted in decreased utilization. ible air flow obstruction and with a significant tobacco use history are excluded from asthma clinical trials, which Macrolide Antibiotic: Azithromycin thus limits the generalizability of therapies cleared by the FDA for the treatment of asthma to this unique group of patients. This holds true for patients with COPD with any Azithromycin is an azalide antibiotic, closely related to history of asthma or allergic disease and reversibility. In macrolides, that possesses antimicrobial and immunomodu- 2014, the GINA guidelines2 first addressed the issue of latory effects, and there has been growing interest in using asthma COPD overlap, stressing the importance of assess- it as a therapy in severe persistent asthma. There have been ing risk factors for exacerbations, including nonpharma- mixed results from clinical trials that assessed the use of cologic therapies and strategies in this subgroup of pa- macrolides as adjunctive therapy in asthma with a recent tients.43 study that demonstrated no effects in asthma overall but a Therapeutic approaches in patients with asthma COPD subgroup analysis indicated that perhaps macrolides may overlap require an increased ability to accurately define still have effects on exacerbation reduction in patients with the potential underlying mechanisms of inflammation (en- 44 severe non-eosinophilic asthma.24,25 There are conflicting dotypes) that can allow for targeted therapies. Biomark- results with regard to the effect of azithromycin on asthma ers are desperately needed to help characterize these phe- exacerbations. Although azithromycin reportedly decreased notypes and to deal with the inherent inflammatory 45 the number of exacerbations and improved quality of life heterogeneity that is present in asthma COPD overlap. For instance, some patients with COPD predominantly in one study,26 therapy did not decrease the duration of have eosinophilic inflammation and, as such, should be acute symptoms or the time to resolution of acute asthma treated with inhaled steroids rather than with bronchodi- symptoms. In addition, in a separate exacerbation study lators alone, contrary to the current recommended guide- (AZALEA), azithromycin did not result in improvement in lines for the treatment of COPD (the Global Initiative for 27 asthma control, quality of life, or lung function. There is Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease).46,47 uncertainty about the long-term role of macrolides in Tobacco cessation and vaccinations are cornerstones of asthma, unlike in COPD in which these therapies demon- therapy in asthma COPD overlap, and the use of ICS and strated efficacy in reducing exacerbations in select patients bronchodilators is important. Further research is required with COPD with frequent exacerbations.28 A recent meta- to determine the role of biologic medications in asthma analysis demonstrated an increased risk of hearing loss COPD overlap.48 The impact of asthma COPD overlap on and antimicrobial resistance in subjects with chronic lung asthma and COPD outcomes will continue to be an area of disease treated with long-term macrolides, and, therefore, active investigation, and clinical trials are needed to help these issues need to be taken into consideration as the role define the most appropriate interventions for these patients of macrolides in asthma is defined in the future.29 who bear a more significant burden of disease.

RESPIRATORY CARE • JUNE 2018 VOL 63 NO 6 767 6 R 768

Table 3. Review of Clinical Trials Assessing the Efficacy of Zileuton in the Treatment of Asthma

Clinical Trial With Zileuton (Zyflo, Comparators Outcomes Other Considerations Chiesi, Cary, NC) Israal et al68 Zileuton 400 ␮g and 600 ␮g vs placebo in Significant reduction in asthma exacerbations that required Elevated liver function tests in some patients that mild-to-moderate asthma on ␤ agonist corticosteroid therapy, RR 2.6 (600-␮g dose); resolved with discontinuation of drug ϭ only; N 401, 13-wk treatment period significant increase in FEV1 and asthma QOL assessments (600-␮g dose) 69 ␮ ␮ ϭ Liu et al Zileuton (400 g, 600 g vs placebo; N Significant improvement in FEV1 with both zileuton doses Similar adverse events across groups 373) in patients with asthma with regular compared with placebo; significant decrease in ␤ ␤ use of agonist alone nocturnal symptoms, agonist use, and proportion that M

required steroid rescue medication decreased by 62% FOR EDICATIONS Schwartz et al70 Zileuton vs theophylline in mild-to-moderate No significant difference between zileuton and ϭ asthma (N 471) theophylline on asthma outcomes, including FEV1, peak flow ␤ agonist use, and QOL; both zileuton and theophylline improved these outcomes when compared with placebo Lazarus et al71 Open label study to assess efficacy of Zileuton resulted in significantly lower steroid rescues, Increased risk of elevated LFTs (4.6% in zileuton

zileuton when added to usual asthma care less emergency care, fewer hospitalizations, and greater group vs 1.1% in the usual care group); S ϭ TABLE vs usual care alone (N 2,947) increases in FEV1; significant improvement in asthma resolved with discontinuation of therapy symptoms 72 O’Connor et al Zileuton added to low-dose inhaled Adding zileuton showed no significant difference in FEV1 No significant changes in use, acute versus doubling the dose of compared with doubling ICS dose; all 3 groups had asthma exacerbations, and requirement for A STHMA ESPIRATORY betamethasone in moderate-to-severe significant improvements in FEV1 compared with steroids persistent asthma (N ϭ 388, 12-wk baseline treatment period) Wenzel et al73 Zileuton CR added to usual care vs placebo Improvements in peak expiratory flow with zileuton Increased abnormalities in LFTs improved within (N ϭ 926) in patients with moderate compared with placebo 21 days of discontinuing therapy C asthma ARE 22 Nelson et al Zileuton CR compared with placebo in Improvements in FEV1 noted within 2 wk and sustained Elevations in liver function tests in 2.5% zileuton ␤ ␤ • moderate asthma treated with agonist throughout (390 mL in the zileuton group); decline in group and 0.5% placebo, resolved with

J only (N ϭ 613, 12-wk study) agonist use and exacerbations discontinuation of zileuton therapy UNE

RR ϭ relative risk 08V 2018 QOL ϭ quality of life ICS ϭ inhaled corticosteroid CR ϭ controlled release LFT ϭ OL 3N 63 O 6 MEDICATIONS FOR STABLE ASTHMA

African-American Patients and Safety of LABAs thermore, it is essential to discern whether patients have been non-adherent with their asthma therapies and to iden- LABAs are a mainstay of asthma therapy for patients tify and target reasons for non-adherence. Asthma educa- with persistent asthma who remain uncontrolled on in- tion is an essential part of care delivery, particularly given haled steroid monotherapy. In 2006, the SMART trial was the inhaler confusion that exists and is worsening with the published and raised concern about a potential for increased ever-expanding number of devices that are on the market. adverse events in patients of African descent who had Ultimately, the goal is to decrease exacerbations, optimize asthma.43,49 The SMART trial included 26,355 subjects lung function, and decrease symptoms that negatively im- who received salmeterol or placebo for the management of pact each patient’s quality of life. asthma.49 In interim analyses, the study was terminated secondary to a small but statistically significant increase in REFERENCES overall mortality with regular use of salmeterol. Further- 1. National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, National Asthma Educa- more, there were increased respiratory-related events and tion and Prevention Program. Expert Panel Report 3: guidelines for asthma-related deaths with salmeterol that seemed to oc- the diagnosis and management of asthma, 2007. http://www.nhlbi. cur predominantly in African-American subjects, who rep- nih.gov/guidelines/asthma/asthgdln.pdf. Accessed April 18, 2018. resented 18% of the study population.49 2. Global Initiative for Asthma (GINA). GINA Report, Global Strategy for Asthma Management and Prevention. www.ginasthma.org. Ac- Meta-analysis confirmed the significant benefits of cessed April 18, 2018. LABA therapy in asthma; however, safety concerns re- 3. Lo¨tvall J, Akdis CA, Bacharier LB, Bjermer L, Casale TB, Custovic mained.50 In 2007, the FDA issued a black box warning on A, et al. Asthma endotypes: a new approach to classification of any drug formulations that contains LABAs that mandated disease entities within the asthma syndrome. J Allergy Clin Immunol against using these medications as monotherapy without 2011;127(2):355-360. 51 4. McGrath KW, Icitovic N, Boushey HA, Lazarus SC, Sutherland ER, concomitant inhaled steroids. In addition, safety studies Chinchilli VM, et al; Asthma Clinical Research Network of the were mandated to determine if, in fact, there were residual National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. A large subgroup of mild- safety concerns when LABA used in combination with to-moderate asthma is persistently noneosinophilic. Am J Respir Crit inhaled steroids was prescribed to African-American pa- Care Med 2012;185(6):612-619. tients.52 5. Szefler SJ, Martin RJ, King TS, Boushey HA, Cherniack RM, Chin- 49 chilli VM, et al; Asthma Clinical Research Network of the National Since the SMART trial, multiple large clinical trials Heart Lung, and Blood Institute. Significant variability in response have been completed that demonstrated efficacy of LABAs to inhaled corticosteroids for persistent asthma. J Allergy Clin Im- in combination with ICS in decreasing exacerbations53 and munol 2002;109(3):410-418. asthma control in African-Americans with an acceptable 6. Douwes J, Gibson P, Pekkanen J, Pearce N. Non-eosinophilic safety profile and no indication of increased mortal- asthma: importance and possible mechanisms. Thorax 2002;57(7): 14,54,55 643-648. ity. Based on these studies, the FDA recently re- 7. Dunn RM, Wechsler ME. Anti-interleukin therapy in asthma. Clin 56 moved the black box warnings on LABAs. What is yet Pharmacol Ther 2015;97(1):55-65. undetermined is whether increased doses of inhaled ste- 8. Darveaux J, Busse WW. Biologics in asthma–the next step toward roids will be superior to adding on LABAs in African- personalized treatment. J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract 2015;3(2): Americans, and this is an area of ongoing investigation. 152-160; quiz 161. 9. Papi A, Canonica GW, Maestrelli P, Paggiaro P, Olivieri D, Pozzi E, et al; BEST Study Group. 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Long-acting muscarinic antagonists: a potential add-on therapy in the treatment of asthma? a more tailored way (Fig. 3). Comorbid conditions and Eur Respir Rev 2016;25(139):54-64. contributing factors should be taken into consideration and 13. Kerstjens HA, Engel M, Dahl R, Paggiaro P, Beck E, Vandewalker mitigated. A structured approach to the management of M, et al. Tiotropium in asthma poorly controlled with standard com- patients with asthma in the clinical setting should be de- bination therapy. N Engl J Med 2012;367(13):1198-1207. veloped, including the use of standardized questionnaires 14. Wechsler ME, Yawn BP, Fuhlbrigge AL, Pace WD, Pencina MJ, Doros G, et al; BELT Investigators. Anticholinergic vs Long-Acting to routinely assess the 2 important domains: risk (exacer- beta-Agonist in Combination With Inhaled Corticosteroids in Black bations) and control. This approach allows clinicians to Adults With Asthma: The BELT Randomized Clinical Trial. 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Discussion Ն12 y old but not for 5-11 y olds the Respimat device but are not doing because of incomplete evidence. I’m as well when they combine tiotropium Williams: Very nice summary. I not quite sure I understand what the with a fixed combination ICS/LABA. don’t think the final answer will be concern is about triple therapy versus In some instances, all the formulations coming out in terms of what the next combination therapy, you feel like an on the market have been tried. Some NIH Expert Panel Report version looks inhaled steroid with a LABA is still patients do well combining inhaled ste- like, but I think there is a good sum- going to be available to the patient. Is roids and LABA plus long acting mus- mary of the evidence coming from the that correct? carinic antagonists (eg, one of my pa- Agency for Healthcare Research and tients did best with beclomethasone Quality. Some of the things we can Lugogo: Yes. combined with Tiotropium plus olo- expect, such as the issue of the use of daterol [Stiolto, Boehringer Ingel- inhaled steroids alone versus inhaled Williams: Maybe that there’s just heim, Germany]). I recognize that this steroids plus as needed steroids when going to be some confusion about it? is off-label use, so I’m not recom- necessary reportedly showed no ben- mending this approach; however, the efit. They feel comfortable and, thus, Lugogo: For example, there are pa- more inhalers we have on the market, they recommend inhaled steroids alone tients who do very well with tiotro- the higher the number of possible com- versus intermittent steroids for those pium, and they like the delivery with binations. There may be some bene-

RESPIRATORY CARE • JUNE 2018 VOL 63 NO 6 771 MEDICATIONS FOR STABLE ASTHMA fits to using combination bronchodi- SABA, then I would add on a leukotri- his asthma and did fine. I think that lator therapy. For example, if you are ene inhibitor as first-line therapy. But if supports my second and more signif- on LABA plus long-acting anti-mus- you have a little bit more in the way of icant comment, which is I think its carinic antagonists, then you can re- symptoms, for example, you have sea- important to understand the difference ally ramp up the ICS dosage during sonal symptoms, or when you get upper between treatment guidelines and the exacerbations. Therefore, if the patient respiratory infections, you cough for FDA and drug labels. The FDA func- takes beclomethasone propionate all 3-4 weeks at a time, or you’re very tions under regulatory standards that the time, then he or she could quadru- aware that, for a month and half in the require a very strong level of evidence ple the dose during acute asthma ep- spring, you’ll have issues, then you for efficacy; we call it substantial. A isodes. Of course, the FDA is cur- would qualify for intermittent treat- substantial level of evidence usually rently still mandating that, if you use ment with ICS. The 2 ways I approach means 2 randomized double-blind a LABA, it needs to be in a fixed this group of patients is as follows: trials that replicate efficacy. You also combination inhaler. The other thing One subgroup of patients receives in- have to have a very full and thor- we find is that patients are completely termittent asthma therapy that is ad- ough understanding of safety to clear overwhelmed by the different types ministered seasonally. So I’ll say, a drug, and FDA cleared indication of devices; for instance, one patient “you’re always sick in April, start your may have a rescue pMDI, a Respi- ICS in March, take it for 2 months and label that goes on new medica- mat inhaler with tiotropium, and in- and then you can stop it for the next tions. Clinical treatment guidelines haled steroids or fixed combination 9 months, and if you get sick with any are different. They can perform a medication in an Ellipta device. This upper respiratory infection, go on your literature review and their experience introduces a significant amount of inhaled therapy.” The other subgroup and attempt to inform clinicians on inhaler confusion. The large number is of those without seasonal variation the practice of medicine. They can of delivery devices is also a big bur- but who really fall off a cliff when go, if you will, beyond the label. I den on providers who are managing they get sick and it takes them forever am glad the practice of medicine al- these patients. Especially for primary to recover in spite or oral corticoste- lows for clinicians to be understand- care physicians; I don’t know how a roids and other interventions. In those ing of various ways to use drugs more provider would find the time to re- patients, I’ll prescribe intermittent broadly. I think the FDA says as well ally educate a patient on the use of 3 SABA/ICS dosing that is initiated the that it’s absolutely fine with us, the different devices during an already moment they get sick with an upper practice of medicine is important and time-constrained visit. respiratory infection. This is meant to we don’t regulate that. I wouldn’t reduce the morbidity and protracted want to go to a clinician who says, MacIntyre: Njira, I don’t treat asthma. course. “I only prescribe FDA-cleared ther- But say you have a relatively mild pa- apy.” That would make me very ner- tient with asthma who only has inter- Mann: I think there’s a fair number vous because there are a lot of gaps mittent symptoms, what drives you to of patients with fairly severe asthma and holes. I just want to clarify, when just give the patient albuterol when nec- who really only have problems when folks criticize the FDA and say: How essary versus something simple, like they get a cold. My son was a perfect come you haven’t cleared this or montelukast, versus the ICS/SABA example. He would be fine and stable, that? Everyone is doing it! How come combination? What drives those choices but, with a cold, he would be blue and in your mind? in the emergency department. I even- we don’t have as-needed use based tually started putting him on predni- on this study? Why don’t you clear Lugogo: I would recommend pre- sone when he had a cold. So, I man- the use of this drug for this popula- scribing SABA only to patients with aged my son in a possibly unorthodox tion when it’s helpful? Such data of- exercise-induced asthma or with very way by giving him prednisone during ten fall more appropriately into clin- mild intermittent asthma, with rare use colds and nothing in between. I’m not ical guidelines or the practice of of SABA, once a month or something. sure even treatment guidelines would medicine and only if the data meet If you have any kind of atopy or al- concur with such an approach, but my regulatory standards and are submit- lergic rhinitis and exercise-induced son’s clinicians frankly agreed with ted to the FDA can they be imple- symptoms not fully controlled on my approach. He eventually outgrew mented in labeling.