
Antileukotriene agents in : The dart that kills the elephant?

Education Paolo M. Renzi, MD Éducation

Abstract From the Research Centre and the Pulmonary Unit, THE PERSISTENCE OF AIRWAY is believed to cause the mechanical Centre hospitalier de changes and symptoms of asthma. After decades of research, a new class of med- l’Université de Montréal ication has emerged that focuses on , mediators of inflammation. These Hospitals, Université de substances are potent inducers of , increased vascular perme- Montréal, and the Meakins ability and mucus production, and they potentiate the influx of inflammatory cells Christie Laboratories, McGill in the airways of patients with asthma. In this article the author reviews the devel- University, Montreal, Que. opment, , and clinical and toxic effects of the syn- thesis inhibitors and antagonists that are entering the North American market. These agents can decrease airway response to antigen, airway hyperre- This article has been peer reviewed. sponsiveness and exercise-induced asthma. They are also effective inhibitors of ASA-induced symptoms. Although few published studies are available, the an- CMAJ 1999;160:217-23 tileukotrienes seem almost as effective in the management of chronic asthma as ß See related article page 209 low-dose inhaled , and their use permits a decrease in the frequency of use or dose of corticosteroids. Further evaluation and clinical experience will determine the position of targeted inhibition of the leukotriene pathway in the treatment of asthma.


ON CROIT QUE LA PERSISTANCE DE L’INFLAMMATION des voies respiratoires provoque les changements mécaniques et les symptômes de l’asthme. Après des décennies de recherche, on a produit une nouvelle catégorie de médicaments qui visent avant tout les leukotriènes, médiateurs de l’inflammation. Ces substances sont de puissants inducteurs de la bronchoconstriction, d’une augmentation de la perméabilité vascu- laire et de la production de mucus. Elles potentialisent aussi l’influx de cellules in- flammatoires dans les voies respiratoires des patients atteints d’asthme. Dans cet ar- ticle, l’auteur passe en revue la mise au point, le mode d’action et les effets cliniques et toxiques des inhibiteurs de la synthèse et des antagonistes des récepteurs des leukotriènes qui arrivent sur le marché nord-américain. Ces agents peuvent réduire la réaction des voies respiratoires à l’antigène, l’hyperréactivité des voies respira- toires et l’asthme d’effort. Ils sont aussi des inhibiteurs efficaces de la provocation par ASA. Même s’il y a peu d’études publiées disponibles, les antileukotriènes sem- blent presque aussi efficaces pour le traitement de l’asthme chronique que les corti- costéroïdes inhalés à faible dose et leur utilisation permet de réduire l’utilisation ou les doses de corticostéroïdes. Une évaluation et une expérience clinique plus poussées permettront de déterminer où se situe l’inhibition ciblée des voies des leukotriènes dans le traitement de l’asthme.

sthma is a chronic disease of the airways of the lungs, characterized by re- versible obstruction and increased responsiveness to specific stimuli, which consist mostly of , and some nonspecific stimuli, such as A 1 cold air, exercise and irritants. A detailed analysis of the clinical, biological and histological characteristics of asthma indicates that it is an inflammatory disease of the airways and that the inflammation can lead to chronic and possibly irre- versible changes affecting physiological response to different stimuli.2 Indeed, it is now clear that even patients with mild, asymptomatic asthma have inflammatory

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© 1999 Canadian Medical Association (text and abstract/résumé) Renzi changes in their airways, characterized by infiltration of development of posterior subcapsular and nuclear the mucosa and epithelium with activated T cells, mast cataracts.7,8 These problems have rekindled the search for cells and .3 alternative, well-tolerated, effective pharmacological Because the persistence of inflammation plays such a agents that target airway inflammation. central role in the symptoms and physiological changes encountered in asthma, it is not surprising that Canadian The leukotriene pathway guidelines for asthma management have selected this as- pect of the disease for specific therapeutic intervention.4 Leukotrienes, prostaglandins and thromboxanes are When asthma is not acceptably controlled, as defined in part of a group of biologically active fatty acids known as Table 1, anti-inflammatory must be given. .9 Leukotrienes are not stored in cells but are Systemic corticosteroids have been a mainstay in the generated, upon activation of various cell types, by lipoxy- treatment of both chronic severe asthma and acute asth- genation of the liberated by phospholi- matic exacerbation for many decades. However, the seri- pase A2 in the perinuclear membrane, which separates the ous side effects that accompany therapeutic doses of sys- nucleus from the cytoplasm. Arachidonic acid is also the temic steroids led to the introduction of inhaled substrate of the cyclo-oxygenases, the action of which leads corticosteroids in the 1970s. These formulations are now to the formation of prostaglandins and thromboxanes. recommended as first-line therapy for patients whose Leukotriene synthesis results from the action of 5- asthma is not otherwise acceptably controlled. lipoxygenase on arachidonic acid10 (Fig. 1). This Inhaled corticosteroids seem to act by an anti-inflam- cannot metabolize free arachidonic acid; instead, it must matory effect in the bronchial mucosa.5 However, since be bound to a membrane-bound protein called 5-lipoxy- their introduction, there has been a rise in asthma preva- genase activating protein (FLAP). The interaction of lence, morbidity rate and mortality rate, and many pa- arachidonic acid, FLAP and 5-lipoxygenase leads to the tients still have poorly controlled asthma and a poor qual- production of the unstable compound 5-hydroxyperoxy- ity of life. These trends cannot be explained only by poor eiocosatetraenoic acid (5-HPETE), which is either re- compliance with inhalation therapy or poor technique of duced or converted to . Leukotriene A4 is 6 administration. In addition, not only do inhaled cortico- then converted by a hydrolase to or by a steroids have local side effects (including dysphonia and synthase (glutathione-S-transferase) to . candidiasis), but they also have systemic effects when em- The leukotrienes are excreted to the extracellular milieu ployed at moderate to high concentration,7 and long-term by a carrier-mediated mechanism. use has been associated with adrenal suppression, dis- Leukotriene B4 is produced preferentially by neu- turbed bone metabolism, skin thinning, behavioural trophils and monocytes. Transcellullar biosynthesis in- changes, alterations in carbohydrate metabolism, and the volving the export of leukotriene A4 can lead to the pro-

duction of leukotriene B4 in erythrocytes, endothelial cells

Table 1: Criteria for asthma control* and T lymphocytes. Leukotriene B4 is a chemotactic agent for neutrophils and causes leukocyte activation. As Characteristic Good control Acceptable control early as 1940, a substance that caused smooth-muscle < Daytime symptoms None 3 d/wk contraction was shown to be released by the lungs of anti- Nighttime symptoms Does not awake Awakens gen-sensitized guinea pigs. This substance was first called < 1 night/wk slow-reacting substance and later slow-reacting substance Physical activity Normal Normal of anaphylaxis.11 It was not until the 1980s that the physio- Exacerbations None Mild, infrequent chemical and biochemical properties of this substance

Absenteeism None None were shown to be caused by the cysteinyl leukotrienes C4, 12 β < D4 and E4. Activated eosinophils and mast cells preferen- Need for prn 2-agonist None† 3 doses/wk tially make cysteinyl leukotrienes. Monocytes can also FEV ; FEV /FVC Normal 90% personal best 1 1 produce these substances, and transcellular biosynthesis PEF Normal 90% personal best leads to their production in endothelial cells and platelets. PEF variability < 10% diurnal < 15% diurnal variation‡ variation 5 d/wk 5 d/wk Leukotrienes in asthma

Note: prn = on as-needed basis, FEV1 = forced expiratory volume in first second; FVC = forced vital capacity, determined by spirometry; PEF = peak expiratory flow, determined with a The airways of patients with asthma are infiltrated with portable peak flowmeter. activated eosinophils, mast cells and lymphocytes.2,3 These *Reproduced with permission of Canadian Respiratory Journal 1996;3:89-100 (ref. 4). †May use 1 dose/day for prevention of exercise-induced symptoms. cells are probably responsible for the greater return of ‡Diurnal variation is calculated as [(highest value – lowest value) / highest value] x 100. leukotrienes from bronchial and bronchoalveolar lavage

218 JAMC • 26 JANV. 1999; 160 (2) in asthma of patients with asthma than from lavage of normal sub- more potent than acetylcholine and histamine as contrac- jects.13–15 The leukotriene return does not differ between tile agonists of human airways.16 Leukotrienes increase atopic and nonatopic asthmatic patients,13 although anti- microvascular permeability, modulate the afferent nervous gen challenge increases leukotriene return in atopic asth- system, stimulate mucus release, slow mucus transport matic patients only.14,15 and decrease the activity of human respiratory cilia.17 In Leukotrienes in the airways can contribute to the phys- addition, they increase influx and smooth- iological and pathological changes of asthma (Fig. 1). muscle mass after antigen challenge. These effects may all Cysteinyl leukotrienes are several orders of magnitude be important in airway hyperresponsiveness, impairment of mucociliary transport, formation of mucus plugs, shed- ding of epithelial cells, narrowing of the small airways and Arachidonic acid influx of inflammatory cells.

5-Lipoxygenase Targets in the leukotriene pathway + FLAP Major efforts have been made to inhibit the synthesis of leukotrienes or to block their effects. Researchers have concentrated on 4 points in the leukotriene pathway. The 5-HPETE first 2 relate to leukotriene biosynthesis (Fig. 1), and the goal is inhibition of either 5-lipoxygenase or the mem- 5-Lipoxygenase + FLAP brane-bound protein FLAP. The other 2 occur later in Leukotriene the pathway and involve receptor antagonists directed

biosynthesis against leukotriene B4 or D4. The first antileukotrienes to inhibitors be developed were disappointing because of a lack of po-

tency and specificity. Because leukotriene B4 is mostly

Leukotriene A4 chemotactic for neutrophils, research on antagonists for this part of the pathway has concentrated on inflamma- tory diseases other than asthma. Several FLAP inhibitors LT A4 hydrolase LT C4 synthase are under development, as are numerous 5-lipoxygenase LT D 4 inhibitors and antagonists. receptor The antileukotrienes currently available in the US and Leukotriene B4 antagonists (chemotaxis Canada — two receptor antagonists for leukotriene D4 and leukocyte and one 5-lipoxygenase inhibitor — and the receptor an- activation) Leukotriene C4 tagonist that may appear eventually in Canada are pre- sented in Table 2. All are prescribed as pills to be taken Transpeptidase Inflammation, from once a day () to 4 times a day (). bronchocon- All will be approved for adults and elderly patients. Zafir- striction and Leukotriene D4 lukast and zileuton have been approved for use in adoles- hyperrespon- cents (those 12 years of age and older) in the United siveness States, and montelukast, a drug that was developed in Dipeptidase Canada, is targeted for patients older than 6 years of age.

Antileukotrienes in asthma

Leukotriene E 4 At this time, the clinical effectiveness of an- tileukotrienes seems comparable for all agents, although Fig. 1: The leukotriene synthesis pathway. Leukotriene biosyn- no study directly comparing efficacy has been performed thesis inhibitors act on either 5-lipoxygenase or its activating (Table 3).18–53 protein. The antagonists target either In atopic asthma, challenge studies are per- leukotriene B or D ; however, because leukotriene B is 4 4 4 formed to determine whether there are early- or late-phase mostly chemotactic for neutrophils, research on antagonists allergic airway responses. A late-phase response is thought for this part of the pathway has concentrated on inflammatory diseases other than asthma. FLAP = 5-lipoxygenase activating to represent an inflammatory component of airway ob- protein, 5-HPETE = 5-hydroxyperoxy-eiocosatetraenoic acid, struction. The leukotriene D4 receptor antagonists inhibit LT = leukotriene. up to 81% of the early airway response and up to 57% of

CMAJ • JAN. 26, 1999; 160 (2) 219 Renzi the late airway response after antigen challenge.18–20 One of daytime symptom scores and nocturnal awakenings were the only differences in effects between the leukotriene D4 also lower in patients receiving montelukast than in those receptor antagonists and zileuton, a 5-lipoxygenase in- receiving the placebo. However, there were no important hibitor, is that the latter has only small effects on the early differences in the effect of the between response and does not inhibit the late response,21 although those who were receiving inhaled corticosteroids and it prevents eosinophil infiltration into the airways after anti- those who were not. These results underline the rapidity gen challenge.22 This difference may be attributed to dose, with which this medication takes effect and its broad ap- potency or the short half-life of zileuton. plicability in patients with asthma. Antileukotriene agents can decrease airway responsive- Only one study has been performed in children with ness to methacholine, allergens or cold air.23–25 All of the chronic asthma.36 In 336 children 6 to 14 years old with drugs inhibit by up to 50% the drop in forced expiratory FEV1 between 50% and 85% of predicted, montelukast volume in the first second (FEV1) that occurs after exer- was associated with better FEV1, decreased use of 26–30 β cise. An even more dramatic response is found in ASA- 2-agonist, improved quality of life, better global evalu- sensitive asthmatic patients, in whom the bronchocon- ation by the parents and reduced rate of asthma exacer- striction and nasal and gastrointestinal symptoms that bations. follow ASA challenge can be almost completely inhib- Antileukotrienes exert their effects principally by af- ited34,35 and asthma control improved with a leukotriene fecting the leukotriene pathway. In addition, these agents 33 D4 . have other anti-inflammatory effects, because they also Double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled studies decrease the level of eosinophils in the airways and the in patients with mild to moderate asthma have shown that blood.36,41–43 Few studies have compared the effectiveness antileukotrienes have a definite therapeutic benefit. In 139 of antileukotrienes and other . The clinical ef- asthmatic patients whose FEV1 was 40% to 75% of the fectiveness of leukotriene D4 receptor antagonists is re- predicted value, a 4-week course of zileuton led to a portedly similar to that of low-dose inhaled corticos-

13.4% increase in FEV1 and a substantial reduction in teroids, although FEV1 was significantly more improved β 40 44–46 symptoms and use of 2-agonists. In 276 asthmatic sub- in the group treated with inhaled corticosteroids. Most jects with similar FEV1 who received either 10, 20 or 40 studies have shown that leukotriene D4 receptor antago- mg of or placebo twice a day, the efficacy of the nists permit a decrease in the dosage of inhaled corticos- drug in affecting objective and subjective measures was teroids in patients with moderate or severe asthma.47–50 In 39 dose dependent. The 40-mg dose was associated with 226 adults taking inhaled corticosteroids whose FEV1 was 46% fewer awakenings, 30% less use of albuterol, 27% greater than 70% of the predicted value, 10 mg of mon- fewer daytime symptoms and 11% greater FEV1 than telukast at bedtime permitted tapering of the corticos- placebo. In another study montelukast or placebo was ad- teroids.47 Fewer of the treated patients discontinued the ministered to 29 patients with FEV1 of 50% to 80% of study with failed weaning from corticosteroids (16% v. 1 37 predicted for 10 ⁄3 days. Montelukast was associated with 30% of those receiving placebo), and more of them were

10.9% greater FEV1 than placebo on day 1 and 13.4% tapered off corticosteroids altogether (40% v. 29%). β greater FEV1 on day 11. Daily use of 2-agonist, mean These responses were independent of whether patients

Table 2: Characteristics of antileukotrienes for asthma in phase III clinical trials or launched Compund Age Cost, Drug* identification Status group, yr Dosage US$/mo

Leukotriene D4 receptor antagonists Montelukast MK-0476 Launched in Mexico, > 6 10 mg/d or 75.80 (Singulair) (Merck Frosst) Canada, US 5 mg/d (6–14 yr) (Ultair) ONO-1078 Launched in Japan; Adult 300–450 mg once ND (SmithKline Beecham) phase III trials in UK, US or twice daily Zafirlukast ICI-204219 (Zeneca) Launched in Canada, US > 12 20 mg/bid 52.50 (Accolate) 5-lipoxygenase inhibitor Zileuton (Zyflo) A-64077 (Abbott) Launched in US > 12 600 mg/qid 75.00

Note: ND = not determined. *Generic name, with trade name in parentheses.

220 JAMC • 26 JANV. 1999; 160 (2) Antileukotrienes in asthma were initially receiving high- or low-dose inhaled corti- decrease the time needed to educate patients, since physi- costeroids. This therapeutic effect may be important be- cians would not need to discuss the toxic effects and side cause of the potential side effects of high-dose inhalation effects of inhaled corticosteroids.55 The approximate cost steroid therapy over prolonged periods.7,8 The therapeutic of the agents available to date in Canada is comparable to β effects of antileukotrienes in asthma are reportedly at least that of long-acting inhaled 2-agonists. comparable to those of cromoglycate, and Because there has been at most only 2 years of experi- .51–53 ence with these medications, it is too soon to know their long-term effects in people with chronic asthma. The Advantages, disadvantages and adverse antileukotrienes are generally well tolerated, the most effects common side effect being headache, but this problem seems to occur at the same rate in patients receiving Over more than 2 decades, many drugs have been in- placebo.37–40 Several antileukotrienes have been withdrawn troduced for the treatment of asthma but all have been because of their toxic effects on the . Zileuton, for ex- modifications of known classes of anti-asthmatic or anti- ample, caused an increase in alanine aminotransferase ac- allergic medications. The antileukotrienes are a new class tivity of 3 times or more in 2% to 5% of patients and can of agents that target a specific site in the inflammation also cause symptomatic hepatitis with jaundice.56 These cascade. In theory, this should have the advantage of fewer adverse effects resolved when the drug was stopped. For side effects on the . One disadvantage is this reason and because of drug interactions, it is unlikely that some patients do not respond to antileukotrienes, that zileuton will be released in Canada. perhaps because leukotrienes are not a major factor in Among the leukotriene D4 receptor antagonists, zafir- their airway inflammation. lukast must be taken 1 hour before or 2 hours after Because these agents are taken by mouth, drug delivery meals. This drug is metabolized in the liver and in- and compliance should be better than for inhaled medica- creases serum concentration of .57 Because zafir- tions, especially in children, in whom low rates of compli- lukast inhibits the cytochrome P-450 isoenzyme ance with inhaled corticosteroids are associated with exac- CYP3A4, drugs metabolized by this enzyme should be erbation of disease.54 This advantage may also help to used cautiously in patients receiving zafirlukast. A recent

Table 3: Established effects of antileukotrienes 5-lipoxygenase

Leukotriene D4 receptor antagonists inhibitor Subject of study Montelukast Pranlukast Zafirlukast Zileuton Early response Effective18 Effective19 Effective20 Effective21 Late response Effective18 Effective19 Effective20 Not effective21,22 Hyperresponsiveness ND Effective (methacholine)23 Effective (allergen)24 Effective (cold air)25 Exercise-induced asthma Child Effective26 ND ND ND Adult Effective27 Effective28 Effective29 Effective30 ND ND Effective31 Effective32 ASA sensitivity (or challenge) Effective33 Effective34 ND Effective35 Chronic asthma Child Effective36 ND ND ND Adult Effective37 Effective38 Effective39 Effective40 Eosinophil level Effective41 Effective42 Effective43 Effective43 Comparisons Inhaled steroids Similar44 Similar45 Similar46 ND Steroid wean Effective47 Effective48 Effective49 ND Not effective50 With nedocromil or cromoglycate ND Similar51 Similar52 ND With theophylline ND ND ND Similar53

Note: ND = Not determined.

CMAJ • JAN. 26, 1999; 160 (2) 221 Renzi report described the Churg Strauss syndrome, a rare considered in the following circumstances: in patients form of vasculitis that presents with asthma, cardiomy- with mild to moderate asthma in whom corticosteroids opathy and neuritis, in patients receiving zafirlukast.58 are not the first choice (because of side effects on cur- This disease has also been described in asthmatic pa- rent medications, poor inhalation technique or poor tients receiving other medications. As of Jan. 1, 1998, compliance, or refusal or hesitation to take inhaled corti- the incidence of Churg Strauss syndrome in patients costeroids even after appropriate education); as a pre- treated with zafirlukast was similar to what would be ex- ventive strategy for allergen-, exercise- or ASA-induced pected in all patients with asthma (56 per million pa- asthma; as add-on therapy for patients whose asthma is tients).58 Because all of the confirmed cases occurred in insufficiently controlled with inhaled corticosteroids; patients who had been weaned from corticosteroids, pa- and to reduce the amount of inhaled or oral corticos- tients should be weaned from these medications with teroids needed to control disease in patients with mod- prudence when they respond to antileukotrienes, and all erate or severe asthma. The physician should expect an cases of Churg Strauss syndrome in patients receiving improvement in approximately 50% of patients. An- antileukotrienes should be reported. tileukotrienes generally act rapidly, so if no improve-

Pranlukast, another leukotriene D4 receptor antagonist, ment occurs within 14 days, a response is unlikely, and is also metabolized by the liver, so the same caution about the drug should be discontinued. interactions with medications metabolized in the liver ap- plies. Montelukast has been specifically modified so as not Competing interests: Dr. Renzi has received funding from several pharmaceutical companies to perform phase II and to induce peroxisomal .59 When patients are given phase III studies related to asthma treatment. He has also the recommended doses of this drug, it may not be neces- given talks and presented continuing medical education sary to monitor or modify other medications metabolized events sponsored by pharmaceutical companies. He directs by the liver and administered concomitantly. an asthma clinic that receives educational grants from 3 phar- maceutical companies. Who should receive antileukotrienes? References

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