Understanding Interparticle Interactions in Dry Powder Inhalation: Glass Beads As an Innovative Model Carrier System
UNDERSTANDING INTERPARTICLE INTERACTIONS IN DRY POWDER INHALATION: GLASS BEADS AS AN INNOVATIVE MODEL CARRIER SYSTEM DOCTORAL THESIS SUMBITTED IN FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR IN NATURAL SCIENCES AT KIEL UNIVERSITY, GERMANY by Niklas Ludwig Renner Kiel 2017 Referee: Prof. Dr. Regina Scherließ Co-Referee: Prof. Dr. Thomas Kunze Date of Exam: 13.10.2017 Accepted for publication: 13.10.2017 Prof. Dr. Natascha Oppelt (Dean) Published research articles contributing to the present thesis: Renner, N.; Steckel, H.; Urbanetz, N.A.; Scherließ, R. Tailoring the surface topography of a model carrier to alter dry powder inhaler performance Dalby, R.N. (Ed.), RDD Europe 2017 2 (2017), 195-200 Renner, N; Steckel, H.; Urbanetz, N.A.; Scherließ, R. Nano- and microstructured model carrier surfaces to alter dry powder inhaler performance International Journal of Pharmaceutics 518 (2017), 20-28 Conference contributions: Renner, N.; Steckel, H.; Urbanetz, N.A.; Scherließ, R. Tailoring the surface topography of a model carrier to alter dry powder inhaler per- formance Respiratory Drug Delivery, Nice, France (2017) Renner, N.; Steckel, H.; Urbanetz, N.A.; Scherließ, R. A deeper insight into the impact of chemical surface properties on inhalation perfor- mance Drug Delivery to the Lungs 27, Edinburgh, Scotland (2016) Renner, N.; Scherließ, R.; Steckel, H. Glass beads as model carriers in dry powder inhalers: the influence of chemical sur- face properties on inhalation performance International Congress on Particle Technology, Nurnberg, Germany (2016) Renner, N.; Scherließ, R.; Steckel, H. Investigating the influence of carrier surface roughness on drug delivery in DPIs 10th World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Tech- nology, Glasgow, Scotland (2016) Renner, N.; Kutelova, Z.; Scherließ, R.; Steckel, H.
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