Volume XXII, No. 1 31 January 2021

ISSN 1555-774X. Copyright © 2021, PolishRoots®, Inc. Editor: William F. “Fred” Hoffman, e-mail: [email protected]< > CONTENTS Welcome! FamilySearch and Inaccessible Records The Latest from PolishOrigins Geneteka Index Updates An Overview of Recent Periodicals Upcoming Events More Useful Web Addresses You May Reprint Articles... *************************************** *** WELCOME! *** to the latest issue of Gen Dobry!, the e-zine of PolishRoots®. You can find this and previous issues here: Also, Agnieszka Maja Migalska of the Facebook group Polish Genealogy has made the PDF available via this link – thanks, Agnieszka!

Gen Dobry!, Vol. XXII, No. 1, January 2021 — 1 ************************************** *** FAMILYSEARCH AND INACCESSIBLE RECORDS *** by William F. “Fred” Hoffman< [email protected]>

Frustration continues for some Polish researchers who try to access records from their ancestral villages via the FamilySearch website. If I understand correctly, not everyone who goes to find records on the website is out of luck. I can’t guess at a percentage of those who are missing out. I just know I continue to see questions online from people wondering why their records are not available – especially those that were online at one point but have now been withdrawn.

A gentleman named Ed posted a note to the PolishGenius mailing list, quoting a form letter response he got from FamilySearch when he asked about specific records in the Żnin area. He summed up the answer as follows: “In a nutshell, I can only get to the film I want if I go to a FHC. There is a FHC that is supposed to have the film about an hour’s drive away from me, but with COVID I think I will wait on making the trip for now.”

Who can blame Ed? Most of us old enough to be interested in genealogy are also old enough to be careful where we go these days, and whose air we share!

I’m going to quote the form letter he received, omitting only a few details out of regard for Ed’s privacy. Unless I am very much mistaken, it is a form letter and there’s nothing here that doesn’t show up in other responses from FamilySearch.


We know it appears that these films have not been scanned but they have, or they would not have been assigned a DGS folder #. Please review the following knowledge article that addresses this issue:

Why are some catalog items available only as microfilms?

Not all microfilms are digitized yet, which means a microfilm is not yet available in a digitized version on the FamilySearch.org website. There are several possible reasons:

There may be a contractual, data privacy, or other restriction preventing access to the microfilm. FamilySearch is making every effort to ease restrictions, which are dependent on the decisions of record custodians and applicable laws.

In some cases, we do not have permission from the content owners to digitize the content.

Gen Dobry!, Vol. XXII, No. 1, January 2021 — 2 Some content is digitized (you see a DGS number in the catalog entry), but not available to view online (you do not see a camera icon in the catalog entry). In these cases, a contractual, data privacy, or other restriction prevents us from making the images available online.

We suggest the following:

• Keep searching in the FamilySearch blog for “monthly record updates” where they list all the records that are now available on FamilySearch. It’s possible that these records were recently digitized and they just haven’t made them available yet for online access. • Digitized records will typically be dropped into the Images section of the main Search menu. When we searched for Żerniki, Żnin, we had three choices geographically and found the same record set for both Zerniki, Znin, Posen, Prussia, and Żerniki, Żnin, Bydgoszcz, Poland. • Also don’t forget to use the Research Wiki and searched for information based on the location of choice. We found the following article that may be of interest to you:

Germany, Prussia, Posen, Catholic and Lutheran Church Records - Inventory

We searched for “Znin” and found many hits. Unfortunately the links of interest may take you right back to the Catalog notes with microfilm icons.

Note: we added a screenshot showing the pulldown menu of Family History Centers that are suppose to have a copy of the microfilm. We know most centers are closed due to the virus, but if you see one located near you, you can call when they finally open and see if the film is there before you go over. Good luck in your Polish research.

You can also find answers to your questions by using our Help feature at the top of any FamilySearch screen by clicking the Help icon (the small circle with the question mark), then Help Center. Enter a few key search terms to find and select knowledge articles appropriate to your question.

You can view your case details, including relevant knowledge articles in the Help Center by clicking the link below. You may be required to sign in.

[I’ve omitted the link just in case it might involve privacy concerns.]

If you have further questions regarding this case, please reply directly to this email message.

If you have different questions or concerns, please contact us directly by phone or chat. Click for details.

Gen Dobry!, Vol. XXII, No. 1, January 2021 — 3 =====

Of course, we have to keep reminding ourselves that FamilySearch doesn’t have to do one damned thing to satisfy us. It has its own reasons for doing what it does, and its interests don’t necessarily coincide with ours. I don’t think it’s outrageous for us to express some frustration, however. There are a few things about this that don’t seem to add up. Honestly, I believe addressing our concerns just a bit more openly would benefit FamilySearch. On the other hand, no one asked me....

Fortunately, in the meantime, our Polish friends are putting more and more material online. Perhaps there will come a point where we won’t need to pester FamilySearch any more! I don’t know when that day may come – but then I never expected to live long enough to see records available online in the first place!


*** THE LATEST FROM POLISH ORIGINS *** by Zenon Znamirowski

Editor – I like to pass along the contents of newsletters sent out by PolishOrigins because they often contain valuable info for researchers, and I know not everyone subscribes to the newsletters.

Have you ever thought about what your forefathers would tell you if you met them?

The question does not have to do anything with religion. It doesn’t matter at the moment if you believe that you will meet them again or do not believe in that at all. You can look at it as a thought experiment.

So, what would they say if they could talk with you?

Would they worry about you?

It is possible in this time we experience now they would be worried about you. Or maybe they would tell you that actually, you are very lucky living in this time, in this place, even if the future is uncertain (when was it certain?).

Would they give you advice?

I am sure they could share with you their life wisdom. If some of them left a memoir or other written testimony of their life then you are lucky. You may also remember stories told by them or their descendants (parents, grandparents). You can take some of their experience and apply it in your today’s life.

Gen Dobry!, Vol. XXII, No. 1, January 2021 — 4 Also, when you read or hear about their life, their struggle, their achievements, don’t you feel pride? The confidence that if they managed to overcome all these obstacles you can do the same?

Would their advice be useful in today’s world?

In many ways they could understand you better than younger generations as they could grasp better of what you had to come through in your life.

You subscribed to this newsletter which means that you most probably are interested in your family history. Many of you have been doing their family genealogy for years (we know it is a “never- ending story”). Dry facts included in vital books or even information from other more descriptive genealogical sources do not necessarily help you directly with your current life’s problems. But still, by learning about the life of your forefathers, reading history books about their times and places, visiting their villages, can give you hints to some of the decisions you have to make today.

No matter how civilization and technology have developed, what modern cultural or political trends have become popular, there are universal truths, foundations, that let us survive thousands of years as humankind. Even if you ignore or “cancel” from your consciousness or social life those natural laws followed with humility by our ancestors, the disturbed natural systems will ultimately prevail with painful consequences.

A few more things your ancestors could tell you.

Would they be interested in your opinions, if you were right in all the arguments, or would they look at what you actually did in your life?

Would they notice that you were a “spectator,” “commentator,” “critic,” or that you were an example and left traces of a meaningful life?

Would they notice what you did for your own life? What did you do for your (and their) kin and descendants? If you made them stronger? If you contributed in any way to the life of your neighbors, communities, by sharing your talents? If you made the life of others even just a little better? Not by just pure existence, avoiding mischiefs or misbehaviors, but by your actions?

Would they be proud of your life?

No matter what answers I am getting for myself to these questions, the thought to make my ancestors proud guides my most important decisions and actions. It reminds me that I was given a limited time on the earth and I don’t know when it will end.

It brings back my focus to the things that are under my control and to return to the track I set for myself. It gives me a boost of energy, fuel, a feeling of urgency to conduct the current projects or to plan new ones no matter the situation in the whole world and my little world. To do the best job. To leave a legacy. Gen Dobry!, Vol. XXII, No. 1, January 2021 — 5 I hope that this way I increase the chance that I will make some of my ancestors, especially those I admire the most, proud.

And there is a bonus in that. I think that if we make our ancestors proud, even just a little bit, there is a chance that our descendants will also be proud of us.

Zenon Znamirowski, Founder and CEO, PolishOrigins

*************************************** *** GENETEKA INDEX UPDATES *** by Waldemar Chorążewicz

Editor – Once more, let me pass along new Geneteka indexes updates shared by Waldemar on Facebook’s Polish Genealogy group this month. You can find assistance with the two-letter province abbreviations online, for instance, at . Note that UK is Ukraine and BR is Belarus. Also worth remembering is the tip Henry Szot shared with us in the April 2018 issue of Gen Dobry!

Here is an easy way to find out if an index has been updated. On the top right of results pages, there is a list of options (opcje). The last item is Wyszukaj tylko indeksy z ostatnich (search only indexes in the last), with a choice of 1, 3, 7, 14, 31, and 60 days. This permits receiving results only in the chosen time period. Example of use: 1) select the search page icon, 2) select świętokrzyskie, 3) select parish Sokolina and the wyszukaj option with 31 days, 4) if any, only results entered for the last 31 days will be shown. A surname might be added to further limit results.

Births – U[rodzenia] • Marriages– M[ałżeństwa] • Deaths – Z[gony].

Adamów (pow. łukowski) (LB) -- U 1905-1909, indexed by Urszula Drabińska Andrzejewo (Jewish) (MZ) -- UM 1860, Z 1860-61, indexed by Marcin Dobrzyński Bąkowa Góra (LD) -- U 1872-89, 1895-1907; Z 1920-21; indexed by Mariusz Majchrzak Banica (gr.-kat.) (MP) -- UMZ 1901-1910, indexed by Halina Żabczak Barcice (m. Sucha Struga, Obłazy) (MP) -- U 1786-1869 (update), 1870-1908, indexed by Viera Dušinská Barcice (m. Sucha Struga, Obłazy, Barcice, Przysietnica) (MP) -- U 1786-1869, indexed by Viera Dušinská Barysz (UK) -- Z 1873-1915 (expanded), indexed by Urszula Jarek-Mikulska, Ewa Marciniak

Gen Dobry!, Vol. XXII, No. 1, January 2021 — 6 Bebelno (SK) -- UMZ1866-1870, indexed by Roman Burczyk Belsk Duży (MZ) -- U 1920, M 1940, indexed by Teresa Mikołajewska Bęsia USC (WM) -- Z 1876, indexed by Donata Stremplewska Biała Cerkiew (UK) -- U 1836, 41 M 1841 Z 1838, indexed by bekel Biała Rawska (LD) -- U 1845, indexed by Bogusław Nagórski Biała Rawska (LD) -- Z 1848, indexed by Ewa Czerkawska Bielica vel Jelna (BR) -- U 1806-1810, indexed by Walerian Skrendo Bielsko-Biała - Starconka MB Pocieszenia (SL) -- U 1786-1869; M 1786-1852; Z 1786-1839, indexed by Łukasz Kominiak Bielsko-Biała - Mikuszowice Krakowskie św.Barbary (SL) -- U 1880-89 ; M 1865-1939, indexed by Łukasz Kominiak Birsztany (LT) -- UZ 1815-1816, M 1802-1818, indexed by Bożena Tylingo Błotnica (MZ) -- M 1900-05, indexed by Labcio402 Bogdanów (LD) -- M 1916, indexed by Bożena Rasmussen Bogurzyn (MZ) -- U 1869-70, Z 1874-80, indexed by Jan Wojtkiewicz Bolesław pow. dąbrowski (m. Mędrzechów) (MP) -- U 1851-1870, indexed by Anna Krawiec Bolesław pow. olkuski (MP) -- M 1825-1829, indexed by andrzej27 Borkowice (MZ) -- Z 1921-30, indexed by Łukasz Okła Borkowice (MZ) -- UMZ 1909; Z 1931-41, indexed by Grzegorz Świerczyński Borowie (MZ) -- M 1889-1908, indexed by Rafał Krasieńko Borszewice (LD) -- UMZ 1885, indexed by Klaudia Jasitczak Borysław (Gr.-Cath.) (UK) -- UMZ 1841-1907 (range of years), indexed by Danuta Danecka Brok (MZ) -- M 1913, indexed by Waldemar Badurek Brzesko (m. Brzesko) (MP) -- U 1790-1930; Z 1790-1953, indexed by Incognito Brzesko (m. Brzezowiec) (MP) -- U 1826-1905; Z 1826-1968, indexed by Incognito Brzesko (m. Słotwina) (MP) -- U 1790-1825; Z 1792-1822, indexed by Incognito Brzesko (MP) -- M 1790-1958, indexed by Incognito Brzeźce-Brzestz (SL) -- U 1820-28,30-74, indexed by Wojciech Gąsior Brzeziny (LD) -- UM 1916, indexed by Marysiawo Brzeźnica k. Dębicy m. Pustków (PK) -- U 1892-1893, indexed by Łukasz M. Majewski Brzeźnica m. Pustków (PK) -- U 1890-1891, indexed by Łukasz Majewski Budyłów (UK) -- U 1870-1871, indexed by Olga Brudzyńska Burzyn (PL) -- M 1878-1904, indexed by Grzegorz Nowik Bydgoszcz (Fara) (KP) -- U 1863-74, indexed by Jerzy Lange Byszów (UK) -- U 1836, 1841; M 1841; Z 1838, indexed by bekel Byszów (UK) -- U 1839, indexed by Maria Dubiczyńska Chęciny (SK) -- U1840-1850, expansion, indexed by Edward Jabłoński Chełmża (KP) -- U 1796,98-1800, indexed by Waldemar Chorążewicz Chlewiska (MZ) -- Z 1849-59, indexed by Łukasz Okła Chłopków (Orthodox) (MZ) -- UMZ 1876-1910 (range of dates), indexed by Jolanta Klass Chorzele (MZ) -- U 1809-10, Z 1829-36, indexed by Kamil Knebel Chorzów - Królewska Huta II USC (SL) -- Z 1900-03, indexed by Krystyna Domańska-Bzdak Chorzów - Królewska Huta św. Barbary (SL) -- Z 1853, indexed by Wojciech Gołąbowski Chorzów św. Barbary (SL) -- Z 1854, indexed by Wojciech Gołąbowski Chorzów USC (SL) -- Z 1906-10, indexed by Krystyna Domańska-Bzdak

Gen Dobry!, Vol. XXII, No. 1, January 2021 — 7 Chotcza Dolna (MZ) -- UMZ 1915-18, indexed by Bartłomiej Zieliński Chruślin (LD) -- U 1920; M 1940; Z 1940; indexed by Antoni Burzyński Chrzanów USC (MP) -- Sk UMZ 1889-1900, indexed by Krzysztof Imiołek Ciepielów (MZ) -- U 1915-18, MZ 1915-18 (duplicates), indexed by Bartłomiej Zieliński Cudnów (UK) -- UMZ 1830, indexed by Dorota Żyłko Czarnia (MZ) -- M 1914,1916-40, indexed by Mariola Postępska, Bożena Prymus, Łucja Samorajczyk, Waldemar Chorążewicz Czarnia (MZ) -- U 1917-20, indexed by Bożena Prymus, Mariola Postępska, Waldemar Chorążewicz Czarnia (MZ) -- Z 1917-40, indexed by Łucja Samorajczyk, Bożena Prykus, Mariola Postępska, Waldemar Chorążewicz, checked by Waldemar Chorążewicz Czeczersk (BR) -- UZ 1830-1831, indexed by Marck57 Czereja (BR) -- UZ 1830-1831, indexed by Marck57 Częstochowa św.Zygmunta (SL) -- Z 1844-46, indexed by Stanisław Jegier Czulice (MP) -- U 1655-1670, M 1730-1779, indexed by Zolo Dąbrowa Białostocka (PL) -- U 1811b-36, M 1811b, Z 1811b, indexed by Anna Krawiec Dąbrowa Tarnowska (m. Dąbrowa Tarnowska) (MP) -- U 1820-1822, indexed by Paweł Dobrzyński Dąbrowa Wielka (LD) -- UMZ 1916-18, indexed by Urszula Gałkiewicz Dobrzejowice (KP) -- UMZ 1893-1910, indexed by Maciej Lisinski Dobrzyków (MZ) -- M 1859-1903, indexed by Tomasz Bogiel, checked by Maria Bagińska- Wierzbowska Dobrzyniewo Kościelne (PL) -- U 1808-10 Z 1898-99, indexed by Adam Okuniewski Dojlidy (Orthodox) (PL) -- U 1853-57, 1900; M 1900-01; Z 1902-03; indexed by Livia Ditto Dukla m.oIwla, Cergowa (PK) -- U 1857-1908 (expansion), indexed by Monika Węgrzyn Dzietrzkowice (LD) -- SkU 1713-1808, indexed by Dariusz Laskowski Dźwierszno Wielkie USC (WP) -- UMZ 1900-1901, M 1902-1910, indexed by Marcin Strzelec Fastów (UK) -- U 1836, 41 M 1841 Z 1838, indexed by bekel Gdów (m. Kwapinka) (MP) -- Z 1855-1912, indexed by Ela Synowiec Gielniów (MZ) -- U 1914, indexed by MiStrz Gielniów (MZ) -- U 1917, indexed by Michał Strzeszewski Gierzwałd USC (WM) -- U 1893, 1904-1917; Z 1893-1899, indexed by Izabela Czaplińska Gójsk (MZ) -- U 1808-25, M 1808-24, Z 1808-25, indexed by Mary Ann Graham Golcowa (PK) -- M 1865-1890, indexed by Konrad Dunst Golub (KP) -- Z 1824-38, indexed by Kamil Krasiński Góry Pińczowskie (SK) -- U1908-1909, M1901-1906, Z1863-1870, indexed by Anna Kasprzyk Goszczyna-Gusten USC (DS) -- Z 1884-85, 90-92, 96-1905, indexed by Thorsten Haferanke Goworowo (MZ) -- U 1916-18, M 1910-31, indexed by Linda Aguilar Grabowo USC (WM) -- M 1893-1899; Z 1894-1899, indexed by Anna Parysek Gradzanowo (MZ) -- UMZ 1901, indexed by Ewa Wołejko-Wołejszo Gułtowy (WP) -- U 1795-1817, Z 1875-1902, indexed by Danuta Danecka Gumino (MZ) -- U 1902-05, M 1898,1901-05, Z 1896-1905 (1897-1900 expansion), UMZ 1906-14, indexed by Krystyna Malik Gutkowo USC (WM) -- Z 1875;1886-1888;1918-1923, M 1930, indexed by Donata Stremplewska

Gen Dobry!, Vol. XXII, No. 1, January 2021 — 8 Helianów (Greek-Catholic) (LT) -- UMZ 1802-1818 (with gaps), indexed by Marck57 Imbramowice (MP) -- U 1819, 1821, 1855, indexed by Michał Stojek Imielin USC (SL) -- M 1875-95, indexed by Ilona Grodoń Istebna (SL) -- M 1885-89, indexed by Łukasz Kominiak Jabłonowo Pomorskie (KP) -- U 1758-1810, indexed by Jarosław Cendrowski Jampol (UK) -- M 1843-1846, indexed by Ewa Marciniak Jasienica (MZ) -- U 1783-89, 1797-1806 (summary), indexed by Emilia Borowicz Jasienica (SL) -- U 1814-89, indexed by Łukasz Kominiak Jasieniec (MZ) -- UMZ 1914-19, indexed by Beata Wójcik Jedwabne (PL) -- U 1893-96, indexed by Grzegorz Nowik Jeziórka (MZ) -- UMZ 1913-18, indexed by Teresa Mikołajewska Kałów (LD) -- UMZ 1841-60, indexed by Henryk Dąb Kamieniec Podolski (UK) -- U 1779-1781, indexed by Maria Dubiczyńska Kamieńsk (LD) -- U 1808-10, indexed by Karolina Wiśniewska Kamieńsk (LD) -- Z 1937, indexed by Krzysztof Bartosik Kamionka Strumiłowa (UK) -- UM 1817-1873 (range of dates), indexed by Egbert Małecki Kaszów (MZ) -- M 1860, 1889-90, 1917, Z 1825, indexed by Marcin Dobrzyński Katowice-Murcki USC (SL) -- M 1875-1909, indexed by Aleksander Kunsdorf Katowice-Podlesie USC (SL) -- M 1874-1909, indexed by Aleksander Kunsdorf Kazanów Nowy (SK) -- M 1900-194, index; Z 1900-1903 index; indexed by Dariusz Laskowski Kęty (m. Kańczuga, Nowa Wieś) (MP) -- Z 1834-1858, indexed by Łukasz Kominiak Kijów (UK) -- U 1836, 41 M 1841 Z 1838, indexed by bekel Kijów (Uniwersytet) (UK) -- U 1842 Z 1838, indexed by bekel Knyszyn (PL) -- UMZ 1849-64, indexed by Wiesław Chodak Kock (LB) -- U 1817,1819, indexed by Elżbieta Bloch Kołaczyce (PK) -- U 1861-1870, indexed by Jacek Bełzowski Koniusza (MP) -- U 1839 (expanded and updated), indexed by Ewa Wołejko-Wołejszo Korytnica (pow. węgrowski) (MZ) -- U 1694-1739, indexed by Wilhelm Hałys, checked by Grażyna Przybysz Kosina (m. Kosina, Rogóżno, Korniaktów, Białobrzegi) (PK) -- M 1904-1912 (range of years), indexed by Zbigniew Surmacz Kosina (m. Rogóżno, Korniaktów, Białobrzegi) (PK) -- M 1904-1906, 1909-1910, indexed by Zbigniew Surmacz Kosina m.Kosina i Rogóżno (PK) -- U 1924-1929, indexed by Zbigniew Surmacz Kosów Lacki (MZ) -- UMZ 1899, indexed by Ewa Dybowska Kowalewo Pomorskie (KP) -- U 1821-68, indexed by Kamil Krasiński Kozienice (MZ) -- U 1657-90, M 1668-76, 1689-90, indexed by Joanna Maślanek Kraków Katedra (Wawel) (MP) -- Z 1798-1870 (range of years), indexed by KasiaKP Kraków św. Anna (MP) – U 1815-1845 (update), indexed by Agnieszka5995 Kraków WNMP (Mariacki) (MP) -- U 1801-1809, indexed by KasiaKP Kraków-Podgórze św. Józef (m. Bodzów, Kostrze) (MP) -- M 1818-1870, indexed by Witold Kozłowski Kraków-Podgórze św. Józef (m. Pychowice) (MP) -- M 1840-1870, indexed by Witold Kozłowski Kraków-Ruszcza św. Grzegorza Wielkiego (m. Przylasek Rusiecki) (MP) -- U 1771-1880,

Gen Dobry!, Vol. XXII, No. 1, January 2021 — 9 indexed by Leszek Matuszek Kraków-Ruszcza św. Grzegorza Wielkiego (m. Ruszcza, Wola Rusiecka, Kępa Rusiecka, Wadów) (MP) -- U 1871-1880, indexed by Leszek Matuszek Kraków-Ruszcza św. Grzegorza Wielkiego (m. Wyciąże, Las Wyciązki) (MP) -- U 1871- 1880, indexed by Leszek Matuszek Kraków-Ruszcza św. Grzegorza Wielkiego (Ruszcza, Wola Rusecka, Kępa Rusecka, Wadów) (MP) -- U 1871-1880, indexed by Leszek Matuszek Kraków-Skałka św. Stanisław (m. Bodzów, Kostrze) (MP) -- M 1786-1817, indexed by Witold Kozłowski Kraków-Tyniec św. Apostołów Piotra i Pawła (m. Kopanka) (MP) -- M 1786-1804, indexed by Witold Kozłowski Kraków-Tyniec św. Apostołów Piotra i Pawła (m. Tyniec, Koło) (MP) -- M 1786-1870, indexed by Witold Kozłowski Kraków-Tyniec św. Apostołów Piotra i Pawła (MP) -- M 1644-1769, indexed by Witold Kozłowski Kraków-Zwierzyniec Najświętszego Salwatora (MP) -- U 1779-85, indexed by aqkis Krasnystaw (LB) -- M 1871-1890, indexed by Krzysztof Zochniak Kraszewo (MZ) -- U 1800, Z 1800-03, indexed by Robert Smach Krępa Kościelna (MZ) -- M 1886-1918, indexed by Jerzy Borycki Kroczyce (SL) -- U 1889-92, indexed by Szymon Molski Krynki (SK) -- M1686-1779, indexed by Kamil Stąporek Krysk (MZ) -- M 1868-1914 (1869, 73-74 expansion), indexed by Incognito Krzeszów (PK) -- U 1907, 1919-1920; M 1712-1728 (range of years), indexed by Jolanta Łokaj Krzyżanowice (MZ) -- U 1885, indexed by Wiktoria Pilnik, checked by Marcin Dobrzyński Kurzyna m. Jarocin (PK) -- U 1839-1850, indexed by Krzysztof Bielak Kuźnia Raciborska - Ratiborhammer (SL) -- U 1851-56,74-75; M 1851-74, indexed by Alfred Choroba Łask (LD) -- UMZ 1848-50, indexed by Agata Kasprowicz-Jandrić Łaznów (LD) -- UMZ 1876, indexed by Witold Jałmużna Łęczeszyce (MZ) -- M 1808-75 (aneksy), indexed by Teresa Mikołajewska Łęczeszyce (MZ) -- U 1920, M 1940, indexed by WZI Łęczeszyce (MZ) -- UMZ 1917-18 (duplikaty), indexed by WZI Lędziny (SL) -- UMZ 1860-64, indexed by Krzysztof Kosteczko Łęki Górne m.Machowa (PK) -- U 1822-1844, indexed by Marcin Kiwior Leoncin (MZ) -- U 1778-1801, 1914; M 1923-1928; Z 1903-04; indexed by Wojciech Wosiński Lewiczyn (MZ) -- U 1914-16, UMZ 1917-18, indexed by Rafał Traczyk Lipie (MZ) -- UMZ 1914-17, indexed by Teresa Mikołajewska Lipinki (WM) -- M 1802-1819, indexed by Jarosław Cendrowski Lisów (MZ) -- M 1889-1900, indexed by Sławomir Wodzyński Lisów (SK) – Z 1847, indexed by Zdzisław Stępień Łobudzice (LD) -- U 1791-1808, M 1775-1808, indexed by Henryk Koluszkowski Łobudzice (LD) -- UZ 1876-95, indexed by Jacek Kundzik Łobżenica (WP) -- M 1920-1925, M 1935-1941, indexed by Monika Rozpłoch-Mróz Łódź MBNP (Mariawites) (LD) -- UMZ 1912-18, indexed by Izabela Ziobro Łódź-Mileszki-Chojny (LD) -- U 1861-76; M 1861-67; Z 1861-76; indexed by Izabela Ziobro

Gen Dobry!, Vol. XXII, No. 1, January 2021 — 10 Łódź NMP (LD) -- U 1907, indexed by Janusz Kucharczyk Łódź NMP (LD) -- UZ 1852, indexed by Felberg_Sławomir Łódź Przenajśw. Sakr. (Mariawites) (LD) -- UMZ 1912-18, indexed by Izabela Ziobro Łódź św. Franciszek (Mariawites) (LD) -- UMZ 1916-18, indexed by Urszula Gałkiewicz Łódź św. Jan (Protestant) (LD) -- U 1916-18, indexed by Urszula Gałkiewicz Łódź św. Wojciech (LD) -- UZ 1911, indexed by Ilona Gieras Łomna (MZ) -- U 1920, indexed by Incognito Łososina Dolna (m. Jakubkowice, Rąbkowa) (MP) -- U 1894-1901, indexed by AdamC Łososina Dolna (m. Łososina, Jakubkowice, Rąbkowa) (MP) -- U 1844-1893, 1894-1901 (update), indexed by AdamC Lubar (UK) -- U 1855-1861 (range of years), indexed by Marian Padlewski Lubecko (SL) -- U 1835, indexed by Maria Rogalska Lubień Kujawski (KP) -- UZ 1822-23 (expansion); UMZ 1884-85, indexed by Dagmara Mielczarek , Elżbieta Piwińska Lubsza-Lubschau (SL) -- M 1865-77, indexed by GTG_Silius_Radicum Ludzisko (KP) -- Z 1901-18, indexed by Katarzyna Siemiankowska Magnuszew (MZ) -- Z 1842-49, indexed by Labcio402 Makarów (UK) -- U 1836, 41 M 1841 Z 1838, indexed by bekel Markowa (UK) -- UMZ 1818-22, 24-28, 35, 37-38, 47-53; 1854-1864 (range of years), indexed by Grzegorz Żychowski Mazowsze (KP) -- M 1743-81, indexed by Jarosław Cendrowski Mazowsze (KP) -- M 1781-84,76-1810, indexed by Jarosław Cendrowski Miasteczko Śląskie (SL) -- Z 1917-36, indexed by Krystyna Domańska-Bzdak Miechów (MP) -- U 1846-1850, 1855 (update); M 1766-1796; Z 1826-1828; indexed by Urszula Pogoń Mikluszowice (m. Świniary) (MP) -- Z 1796-1849, indexed by Krzysiek.f.72 Mikołajów (UK) -- M 1897-1921, indexed by Magdalena Kasprzycka Mikołajów (UK) -- Z 1921-1943, indexed by Magdalena Kasprzycka checked by Hanna Kołodziejska Mikołów św. Jana (ewang.) (SL) -- U 1870-72, indexed by Barbara Sznober Miłonice (LD) -- U 1920, MZ 1940, indexed by Józef Dębowski Mława (MZ) -- UMZ 1885-89, indexed by Izabela Czaplińska Morawica (MP) -- U 1709, indexed by Renata Majewska Morawica (MP) -- U 1791-1796, indexed by merdigon Morawica (MP) -- Z 1810-1853, indexed by Aleksandra Ufir Mortęgi USC (WM) -- U 1878-1889; M 1874-1892; Z 1874-1890; indexed by Katarzyna Matyjas Motowidłówka (UK) -- U 1822-23, 26-30, 33-36, 42; M 1823-41 (range of dates); Z 1822-38 (range of dates), indexed by bekel Mrągowo (Protestant) (WM) -- M 1865-1867, indexed by Waldemar Chorążewicz Mścibów (BR) -- UMZ 1802-1818, indexed by Wilnianka Muśniki (LT) -- Z 1840-1861, indexed by Marta Bałażak Mysłowice-Zamek USC (SL) -- M 1874-1909, indexed by Aleksander Kunsdorf Nakło nad Notecią (KP) -- Z 1926-30, indexed by Monika Rozpłoch-Mróz Narew (Orthodox) (PL) -- UMZ 1860-64, indexed by Mirosław Korzunowicz

Gen Dobry!, Vol. XXII, No. 1, January 2021 — 11 Narewka (Uniate par.) (PL) -- UMZ 1798, indexed by Mirosław Korzunowicz Niedzbórz (MZ) -- U 1894-1900, indexed by Jan Wojtkiewicz Niegardów (MP) -- U 1821-1844, indexed by Wojciech Nowiński Nienadówka m. Nienadówka (PK) -- M 1870-1909 , indexed by Krzysztof Bielak Nowa Wieś Królewska (KP) -- UMZ 1874-80, indexed by Monika Bandlewska Nowe Miasto Lubawskie (WM) -- M 1750-1777, indexed by Jarosław Cendrowski Nowe Miasto Lubawskie-parish (WM) -- M 1750-1777, indexed by Jarosław Cendrowski Nowe Sioło gr.-kat (PK) -- UMZ 1785-1869 (range of dates), indexed by Jerzy Nowosielski Nowogród (PL) -- M 1844-50, indexed by Iwona Grabska Obrazów (SK) -- Z 1913-1915, indexed by Jolanta Prokopiuk-Bathelt Ocieka (PK) -- UMZ 1821-1871 (range of dates), indexed by Jarosław Czarkowski Odelsk (BR) -- M 1849-1867, indexed by wiktor_odelsk Oleksin (MZ) -- Z 1851-1855, indexed by Anna Ornoch Oleksów (MZ) -- Oleksów U 1906-17; M 1906-17 (06-08, 11-17 supplemented); Z 1906-17 (15- 17 supplemented); indexed by Bartłomiej Zieliński Olkusz (MP) -- U 1868-69, 1881-89; M 1881-1912 (updated and expanded), indexed by Karol Szotek Olkusz (MP) -- UZ 1863, indexed by pbasik Olsztynek, ob. wiejski (WM) -- U 1877-1878, indexed by Donata Stremplewska Opatówek (WP) -- U 1765-1769, indexed by Radosław Kliber Opoczno (LD) -- SkM 1884-94, indexed by Jan Berens Orłów (LD) -- U 1920, MZ 1940, indexed by Antoni Burzyński Orzysz (WM) -- Z 1756-1766, indexed by Adam Rajkiewicz Osjaków (LD) -- U 1833-1836, indexed by Łukasz Fajfrowski Ostrowiec (BR) -- M 1700-1720, 1726-1796, indexed by Łukasz Majtka Pabianice (ewang.) (LD) -- UMZ 1916, indexed by Tom Wodziński Parysów (MZ) -- Z 1890-1902, indexed by Stanisław Jegier Pików (UK) -- U 1763-1848 (range of dates) M 1788-1800, 27-48 Z 1801-48, indexed by Joanna Maślanek Pilica (Evangelical-Augsburg) (SL) -- UMZ 1881-1913, indexed by Krzysztof Imiołek Piotrków Kujawski (KP) -- UMZ 1813-22, indexed by Piotr Piotrków Trybunalski (Orthodox) (LD) -- Z 1940, indexed by Marcin Dobrzyński Pobiednik Mały (MP) -- UMZ 1812, 1813, 1815, 1817-1818, 1820, indexed by Norelik Podbuż (Greek Cath.) (m. Załokieć) (UK) -- UMZ 1845-61, 1877-1883, indexed by Mateusz Goldyn Poręba Spytkowska (m. Poręba Spytkowska) (MP) -- Z 1830-1848, indexed by merdigon Poręba Spytkowska (m. Uszwica) (MP) -- Z 1830-1848, indexed by merdigon Poręba Spytkowska (MP) -- Z 1797-1829 (range of years), indexed by merdigon Poręba Żegoty (MP) -- U 1844, indexed by Aleksandra Ufir Potworów (MZ) -- U 1914-15, indexed by Krzysztof Jach Przedbórz (LD) -- UMZ 1870-71, indexed by Krystyna Stanisławska Przystajń (SL) -- U 1864-83; M 1856-57, 68-97, 1914-30; Z 1898-1940, indexed by Elżbieta Kowalska Przytuły (PL) -- Z 1941-52, indexed by Grzegorz Nowik Pułtusk (Orthodox) (MZ) -- U 1860-61, indexed by Marcin Dobrzyński

Gen Dobry!, Vol. XXII, No. 1, January 2021 — 12 Raciąż (MZ) -- MZ 1718-1807 (summary), indexed by Krzysztof Kośnik Raciborowice (MP) -- U 1604-1610; M 1638-1644; Z 1689-1693, indexed by Incognito Radzanów (pow. mławski) (MZ) -- M 1890-94, indexed by Jan Wojtkiewicz Radzicz USC (KP) -- MZ 1911-22, indexed by Marcin Strzelec Radzionków-Radzionkau USC (SL) -- M 1877-94, indexed by GTG_Silius_Radicum Ręczno (LD) -- Z 1780-1808, 1848-51, indexed by Mariusz Majchrzak Rodatycze (m. Rodatycze) (UK) -- UMZ 1831-40, indexed by Paweł Hermanowicz Rogów (SK) -- MZ1810-1825, indexed by Jolanta Sowa Rokitne (UK) -- U 1836, 41 M 1841 Z 1838, indexed by bekel Romany (PL) -- Z 1919-34, indexed by Anna Krawiec Ruda Kościelna (SK) -- Z1861-1867, indexed by Adrian Sawicki Ruda Śląska-Bykowina - Friedrichsdorf USC (SL) -- UZ 1902-06, indexed by Krystyna Domańska-Bzdak Ruda Śląska-Czarny Las-Schwarzwald USC (SL) -- Z 1902-06, indexed by Krystyna Domańska-Bzdak Ruda Śląska-Halemba USC (SL) -- U 1900-06; M 1900-06; Z 1874-01, 03-06; UM 1874-99; indexed by Krystyna Domańska-Bzdak Ruda Śląska-Nowa Wieś-Neudorf USC (SL) -- U 1900-01, indexed by Krystyna Domańska- Bzdak Ruda Śląska-Orzegów USC (SL) -- UZ 1904-06, indexed by Krystyna Domańska-Bzdak Ruda Śląska-Wirek-Antonienhütte USC (SL) -- U 1900-06; M 1900-03, 05-06; indexed by U 1900-03, Krystyna Domańska-Bzdak Rudniki (OP) -- UMZ 1735-1808, indexed by Marzanna Kempska Rukszenice (BR) -- UZ 1830-1831, indexed by Marck57 Rybna (MP) -- M 1810-1852, indexed by Miłosz Pamuła Rybnik-Boguszowice (SL) -- U 1848-70 (expansion), indexed by swapgirly Rybno (MZ) -- M 1918-19, indexed by Renata Florczak Ryboły (Uniate parish) (PL) -- UMZ 1809, indexed by Mirosław Korzunowicz Ryńsk (KP) -- M 1773-75,78-88,94-1803, indexed by Jarosław Cendrowski Rzgów (LD) -- U 1731-92, MZ 1731-97, indexed by Jacek Mierzyński Rzyszczów (UK) -- U 1836, 42 M 1841 Z 1838, indexed by bekel Rzyszczów (UK) -- U 1839, indexed by Maria Dubiczyńska Sączów (SL) -- M 1869-1915, indexed by Łukasz Puciata Samostrzel USC (KP) -- M 1906-09, indexed by Marcin Strzelec Sampława (WM) -- M 1787-1808, indexed by Jarosław Cendrowski Siennica (MZ) -- UMZ 1909,13, indexed by Stanisław Jegier Skierniewice (LD) -- U 1911-1913, indexed by mariamikołaj Słaboszów (MP) -- M 1601-1874, 1915-1916 (update), indexed by Renata Majewska Sławków (SL) -- UMZ 1821-28, indexed by A.Ch Słomniki (MP) -- Z 1874-1885, indexed by Jerzy Koprowski Smogorzewo (MZ) -- U 1839-42, indexed by Artur Lewandowski Sochaczew (MZ) -- U 1889, indexed by Izabela Ziobro Sochaczew (MZ) -- Z 1916-17, indexed by Marta Osiecka-Purzeczka Sokołów (pow. gostyniński) (MZ) -- UMZ 1871-79, indexed by Joanna Bugajska Solec nad Wisłą (MZ) -- UMZ 1904-06 (expansion), indexed by Wiesława Krawczyk

Gen Dobry!, Vol. XXII, No. 1, January 2021 — 13 Solec Zdrój (SK) -- Z 1839-1874, 1877, indexed by Agnieszka Przybyła Sołek-Śleszyn (LD) -- U 1920, indexed by Antoni Burzyński Sołoki (LT) -- UMZ 1806-1814, indexed by Marck57 Stara Bielica (BR) -- UZ 1830-1831, indexed by Marck57 Stara Iwiczna (Protestant) (MZ) -- Z 1875-84, indexed by Rafał Albiński Stary Kornin (Orthodox) (PL) -- UMZ 1891, 1892, indexed by Walenty Adamiec Stary Waliszew (LD) -- U 1920, M 1940, indexed by Dariusz Śludkowski Staszów (SK) -- M1894-1918-list, indexed by Wojciech Liśkiewicz Staszów (SK) -- UM1894-1895 (expansion), Z1894-1895, indexed by Jerzy Koprowski Stoczek Łukowski (LB) -- U 1880-1889, indexed by Ewa Sobiech Stolec (LD) -- U 1812-67, indexed by Elżbieta Nejman Stolec (LD) -- Z 1825-67, indexed by Małgorzata Berendzik Strzegocin (LD) -- U 1890-95, indexed by Antoni Burzyński Strzegom (SK) -- Z1911-1918, indexed by Wojciech Liśkiewicz Strzegowo (MZ) -- U 1902-05, indexed by Jan Wojtkiewicz Suchowola (PL) -- M 1862-64, indexed by Ewa Witkowska Sulisławice (SK) -- UM 1911-1912 index, indexed by Wojciech Liśkiewicz Surwiliszki (LT) -- U 1835-1848, indexed by Grażyna Wójcik Suwałki (PL) -- M 1905, indexed by Marek Rozmysłowski Św. Lipka (WM) -- U 1871-1875, indexed by Robert Połubiński Świerże Górne (MZ) -- UMZ 1839, 1860-64, indexed by Michał Gorczyca Święta Lipka (WM) -- U 1876-1880, indexed by Robert Połubiński Świlcza m. Rudna Mała (PK) -- U 1863-1883, indexed by Zbigniew Surmacz Szczebrzusz (SK) -- UMZ 1917-1918, indexed by Wojciech Liśkiewicz Szczyrzyc (m. Abramowice, Pobręczyn) (MP) -- U 1850-1901, indexed by Krasny Szczyrzyc (MP) -- M 1786-1831, 1832-1842 (range of years), indexed by Ela Synowiec Szreńsk (MZ) -- U 1808-23 Z 1808-22, indexed by Jolanta Górska Szwarcenowo (WM) -- M 1775-1803, indexed by Jarosław Cendrowski Szydłowiec (MZ) -- U 1920, indexed by Mikołaj Wilk Szymanów (MZ) -- M 1907-27, indexed by Mariusz Dąbrowski Szynwałd (pow. grudziądzki) (KP) -- M 1757-79,81-1800, indexed by Jarosław Cendrowski Taboryszki (LT) -- UMZ 1862-1863, indexed by Piotr Pukin Tarnów (m. Rzędzin) (MP) -- U 1866-1879, indexed by Mieczysław Maziarski Tarnów (m. Strusina) (MP) -- U 1895-1903, indexed by Mieczysław Maziarski Tarnów (m. Tarnów) (MP) -- U 1833-1889, indexed by Mieczysław Maziarski Tarnów (m. Terlikówka) (MP) -- Z 1797-1936, indexed by Mieczysław Maziarski Tarnów (m. Zamieście) (MP) -- U 1833-1853, M 1817-1843, indexed by Mieczysław Maziarski Tetyjów (UK) -- UMZ 1805-1847 (range of dates), indexed by Joanna Maślanek Trąbin (KP) -- UZ 1870-76; M 1870-76, 78, 80, 82, 85, indexed by Maciej Lisinski Trzebinia (MP) -- M 1890-1895, indexed by Krystyna Domańska-Bzdak Trzebinia (MP) -- U 1890-1904; M 1896-1906, indexed by Krzysztof Imiołek Trześń (PK) -- UM 1786-1820, indexed by Elżbieta Benke Tumlin (SK) -- U1871-1880, indexed by Henryk Korus Turka (Greek Cath.) (UK) -- U 1900-1925, indexed by Danuta Danecka Tylmanowa (m. Ochotnica Dolna) (MP) -- U 1826-1830, 1840, indexed by Incognito

Gen Dobry!, Vol. XXII, No. 1, January 2021 — 14 Tymowa (m. Tymowa) (MP) -- U 1903, indexed by Mateusz_Grojec Ulan (LB) – UMZ, August 1810 to 1812, indexed by Anna Lasota Uniejów (MP) -- Z 1842 (update), 1843-1856, indexed by Aleksandra Perz-Pieron Wabcz (KP) -- M 1769-1800, indexed by Jarosław Cendrowski Wąchock (SK) -- U1920, indexed by Kamil Stąporek Wadowice Górne (PK) -- M 1829-1846, indexed by dawid254 Wadowice Górne (PK) -- U 1827-1828, indexed by Tomasz Malata Warszawa św. Andrzej (aneksy) (WA) -- A 1834, indexed by Michał Zieliński Warszawa św. Andrzej (WA) -- U 1918, 1920, indexed by Justyna Jaźwińska Warszawa św. Andrzej (WA) -- Z 1919, indexed by Ewa Czerkawska Warszawa św. Augustyn (WA) -- M 1932-34, indexed by Paweł Zawadzki Warszawa św. Barbara (WA) -- Z 1927, indexed by Ewa Rembikowska Warszawa św. Trójca (WA) -- M 1903-04, indexed by Adam Rozenau Warszawa-Leszno Narodzenie NMP (WA) -- M 1866 (expanded), 1867, 1915, 1916, 1933, indexed by Agata Pakuza Warszawa-Leszno Narodzenie NMP (WA) -- M 1868 (expanded), indexed by Agata Pakuza and Elżbieta Załucka Warszawa-Ochota św. Jakub (WA) -- U 1920 M 1940, indexed by Dorota Nowakowska Warszawa-Praga MB Loretańska (WA) -- M 1939-40, indexed by Incognito Warszawa-Wawrzyszew św. Maria Magdalena (WA) -- U 1870, indexed by Paweł Zawadzki Warszawa-Wola św. Stanisław (WA) -- Z 1933, indexed by Ewa Czerkawska Wartkowice (LD) -- UMZ 1916-17, indexed by Urszula Gałkiewicz Wasylów (UK) -- U 1836, 42 M 1841 Z 1838, indexed by bekel Wasylów (UK) -- U 1839, indexed by Maria Dubiczyńska Wawrzeńczyce (MP) -- UMZ 1811-1815, indexed by Ewa Wojciechowska Wiadziec (BR) -- UZ 1830-1831, indexed by Marck57 Więcławice (MP) -- U 1727-1757, 1805-1811; M 1730-1731, indexed by Tekla Wielkanoc (Protestant) (MP) -- UMZ 1790, indexed by Renata Majewska Wielkie Radowiska (KP) -- U 1852-60, indexed by Krzysztof Kaminski Wielowieś (SL) -- M 1811-55, indexed by Karina Frank Wilno św. Filipa i Jakuba (LT) -- M 1936-1939, Z 1935-1939, indexed by Bożena Tylingo Wistka Szlachecka (KP) -- UZ 1818-27; M 1818-22, indexed by Katarzyna Siemiankowska Włocławek (Protestant) (KP) -- U 1829-30; Z 1829; indexed by Krzysztof Bartosik Włocławek (KP) -- M 1894, indexed by Barbara Ledzion Wodzisław (SK) -- UMZ 1919, indexed by Ela Ginalska Wojciechowice (SK) -- Z 1897-1901, 1913-1920, indexed by Tadeusz Łukaszek Wola Trutowo (KP) -- M 1808-13,19-20,22-31,33-34, indexed by Piotr Romanowski Wola Wiązowa (LD) -- U 1820-22,43-53, indexed by Tomasz Skolimowski Wolanów (MZ) -- UMZ 1915-18, indexed by Mikołaj Wilk Wołodarka (UK) -- U 1822-23, 33-35; MZ 1822-23, 33-34; UMZ 1837-1839 (range of years); indexed by Maciej Saryusz-Romiszewski Woźniki - Woischnik (SL) -- M 1920-31; Z 1800-39, indexed by GTG_Silius_Radicum Wydminy USC (WM) -- M 1879, indexed by Donata Stremplewska Wylatowo (KP) -- M 1693-66,68,1701-02,04,06-09,11-13,15-29,31-39, indexed by Janson Wysoka (MZ) -- U 1915-20, indexed by Mikołaj Wilk

Gen Dobry!, Vol. XXII, No. 1, January 2021 — 15 Wysokie Koło - Regów (MZ) -- U 1817-49; Z 1816-49, 1871-1900, indexed by Dorota Kober Wysokie Koło - Regów (MZ) -- Z 1930-47, indexed by Bartłomiej Zieliński Zabłudów (PL) -- M 1871, indexed by Mirosław Korzunowicz Zaborów (m. Wola Przemykowska) (MP) -- Z 1820-1929, indexed by Gosia253 Zabrze św.Andrzeja Apostoła (SL) -- U 1816-130, 1844-74, indexed by Barbara Wiechuła Zabrzeg - Ochodza (SL) -- M 1788-1901, indexed by Łukasz Kominiak Zabrzeg (m. Ochodza) (SL) -- UZ 1789-1901, indexed by Łukasz Kominiak Zabrzeg (SL) -- Z 1785-1820, indexed by Łukasz Kominiak Zaduszniki (KP) -- U 1901-05; M 1901-10, indexed by Jan Berens Zakroczym (MZ) -- UMZ 1917, indexed by Łukasz Kucharsk Zakrzew (Zakrzów) (MZ) -- UMZ 1838-46, indexed by Marianna Paszek Żarnowiec (SL) -- UMZ 1861-70, indexed by Romuald Szymaniak Żarnowiec (SL) -- UMZ 1899-1905, indexed by Wacław Winczakiewicz Zawada (PK) -- MZ 1821-1848, indexed by Jarosław Czarkowski Zbuczyn (MZ) -- UMZ 1830, indexed by Przemysław Zalewski Zgłowiączka (KP) -- UMZ 1841-44,68-70 (expanded), indexed by Zbigniew Piasecki Zielenice (MP) -- U 1868-69; MZ 1868, indexed by Ulinka and Renata Majewska Zielenice (MP) -- UMZ 1790-1791, indexed by Ulinka Zieluń (MZ) -- UM 1826-49, 70, 1906-12, Z 1826-49, 1906-12, updated M 1808-25, UMZ 1850-1905, indexed by Rafał Krasieńko Złaków Kościelny (LD) -- U 1920, indexed by Urszula Świerczyńska Żychlin (LD) -- U 1920, MZ 1940, indexed by Antoni Burzyński Żywiec - Saybusch (SL) -- Z 1877-1908, indexed by Łukasz Kominiak

Waldemar also posted this link to “How to Use Geneteka Search Engine”:

*************************************** **** AN OVERVIEW OF RECENT PERIODICALS ***

Editor—This is an ongoing feature, meant to inform you of articles published recently in newsletters and journals that may interest you.

AVOTAYNU, Fall 2020, Vol. XXXVI, No. 3, Avotaynu, Inc., 794 Edgewood Ave, New Haven CT 06515-2261, website .

• Some Favorite Online Research Tools, Janette Silverman • More About U.S. City Directories, Edward David Luft • Seven Noted Genealogists Reflect on How Genealogy Affected Their Lives – Forming Friendships Through Genealogy, Lawrence Abensur-Hassan – 30/30 Looking Back: How Genealogy Changed My Life? Stanley Diamond – A Medical Doctor Gets the Genealogy Bug, Anthony Joseph – Genealogy: Challenging Puzzles and Brick Walls, Peter Nash Gen Dobry!, Vol. XXII, No. 1, January 2021 — 16 – The Journey and Awakening Along the Way, Miriam Weiner • Tracing a Family: Odessa, Philadelphia, New York, Palestine, Alan Shuchat • Disproving a Cossack Paternal Ancestry for an Ashkenazic Lineage, Rachel Unkefer

Naše rodina, “Our Family,” December 2020, Vol. 32, No. 4, Quarterly of the Czechoslovak Genealogical Society International, P.O. Box 16225, St Paul MN 55116-0225, website .

• Exploring CGSI’s Website, Kevin Hurbanis • A Journey Through Blanka’s Genealogy Blog, Mary Sramek-Levesque • Tracing Your Immigrant Ancestors with MyHeritage, Lisa A. Alzo, M.F.A. • Slovak Pride – Connecting Families Here and Abroad for the Past 30 Years!, Helene Baine Cincebeaux • Polička Networking Group • Using Facebook as a Genealogical Tool, Robin Selvig • Forging a New Type of “Czech” Community, Jann Crock • History, Lost and Found, Christy Banks • Expansion of CGSI Program Availability, Paul Makousky

National Genealogical Society Quarterly, Vol. 108, No. 4, December 2020, National Genealogical Society, 6400 Arlington Blvd, Ste. 910, Falls Church VA 22042-2138, .

• The Identity of Alcina, Wife of Oscar Furkey of Quebec and Vermont, Margaret R. Fortier, CG • Who Was the Mother of Samuel Kilbourn of Hartford County, Connecticut, and Baltimore City, Maryland?, Gary L. Ball-Kilbourne, PhD, CG • Charles Olin and Charles Melville of Nebraska, Montana, California, Oregon, and Nevada: One Man or Two?, Mary Kircher Roddy, CG • Review of Genealogy at a Glance: German Genealogy Research, Ernest Thode • Review of Austrian Family History Research: Sources and Methodologies, by Roger P. Minert and Charlotte Noell Champenois

Project to Discover Schenectady County’s Eastern European Roots Newsletter, January 2021, Vol. 8, No. 1, website .

• Tys Family Farm in Pictures, Carole McCarthy • The Mysteries of Eva – Ewa Katarzyna Janiszewska Jeziorska (Stryjewska?) Nowoczynska aka Eva Novak, Gail Denisoff • Never Say Never, Bernice Izzo • Pani Katarzyna Kornacka, Part 19 – The Fifties (A Journey Back), Martin Byster

Wilno Heritage Society, News from the Wilno Heritage Society, 2020, Vol. 19, 1112 Wilno Road North, Wilno ON K0J 2N0, CANADA,

• Summer 2020 Saved!, Beverly Flynn Glofcheskie Gen Dobry!, Vol. XXII, No. 1, January 2021 — 17 • Needles and Hoops, Kashubian Embroidery Club • Gross Isle, Canada’s Historic Quarantine Site, Shirley Mask Connolly • Heritage Homestead Stones, Shirley Mask Connolly • Remembering the First Comers and Continuing Our Research, Shirley Mask Connolly • Read All About It! More to Discover at Polish Kashub Heritage Museum

*************************************** *** UPCOMING EVENTS ***

Most upcoming in-person events have been canceled due to the pandemic; but many have been switched to online events. Here is a list of specific events I have heard about recently:

6 February 2021

PGSCTNE: MEMBERS HELPING MEMBERS WEBINAR Europe’s WW II Displaced Persons (DPs): Their Little Known Story 12:00 – 2:00 p.m. EST

Presented by: TOM SADAUSKAS – PGSCTNE member, has been actively conducting genealogy research since 2000, with a special focus on Eastern Europe. All four of his grandparents and his father were born in Lithuania. He has made several trips to Lithuania and Germany to do genealogy research and has been successful in reestablishing contact with relatives in Lithuania as well as making contact with newly uncovered ones. Tom has made numerous presentations at various genealogy conferences including those organized by the Polish Genealogy Society of Connecticut & the Northeast Inc. (PGSCTNE), the Washington D.C. Family History Center and the Baltimore Family History Center. He is also a frequent contributor to the monthly Polish genealogy e-zine Gen Dobry! Contact Email:

Following the end of WW II in Europe in May 1945, there were more than eleven million displaced persons (DP) in Germany alone with several million other DPs in neighboring countries. Yet by the end of 1945, more than 95% of these DPs had been repatriated (both willingly and unwillingly) back to their original homelands. Less than one million DPs remained, either unable or unwilling to return to their homelands. Ultimately, the majority of these DPs were able to emigrate to other countries for resettlement and to begin new lives. Topics to be covered include:

• The Role of Refugee Organizations including the IRO and UNRRA • Repatriation of DPs to the East • Ethnic Cleansing of Germans from Eastern Europe • Life in the DP Camps • How DPs were Screened and Processed for Emigration to their New Countries • How the DPs Were Transported to Their New Countries By Ship and Plane • Impact of Displaced Persons Act of 1948

Gen Dobry!, Vol. XXII, No. 1, January 2021 — 18 • Processing & Resettlement of DPs in the United States • What DP Records Are Available & How to Access Them • How These records Can Aid Your Genealogy Research • Useful Books and Related Websites

NOTE: Current PGSCTNE members will receive a link to register for the webinar in a separate email prior to the webinar.

If you are not a member of the PGSCTNE and would like to join to be able to participate in members only activities, please go to to join online. We will then send you a link to the upcoming webinar.

[From PGSCTNE’s January 2021 Bulletin] =====

13 and 27 February, also 13 and 27 March 2021


The series of Polish genealogy lectures via Zoom continues, with these lectures upcoming (all times are Eastern Standard):

February 13, 2021 12:00 p.m. – Piotr Nojszewski: who served in Foreign Armies 1:15 p.m. – Tadeusz Pilat: No Vital Records? No Problem

February 27, 2021 12:00 p.m. – Marta Czerwieniec: Genealogy Research in Ukraine 1:15 p.m. – Piotr Nojszewski: Nobility in the Polish Lithuanian Commonwealth-the Rich and the Poor

March 13, 2021 12:00 p.m. – Tadeusz Pilat: German Partition-Additional Sources 1:15 p.m. – Lucjan Cichocki: Austrian Cadastral Records Between late 1700s and mid 1800s

March 27, 2021 12:00 p.m. – Lucjan Cichocki: Poles and Ruthenians in South-Eastern Poland and Western Ukraine 1:15 p.m. – Aleksandra Kacprzak: two 30-minute lectures: (1) Cemeteries-A History and Online Resources (2) Polish Traditions and Superstitions

For more info, email or visit

Gen Dobry!, Vol. XXII, No. 1, January 2021 — 19 =====

21 February 2021


Learn how to work efficiently and effectively with a Polish researcher from home or in-country to dig more deeply and broadly into your Polish ancestry. What questions to prepare? What documents to organize? What specific goals to attain? What to take, and not take to Poland. The answer to these and other questions will greatly enhance your results.

Guest Speaker: Dorena Wasik – Interest in her own Polish heritage has led Dorena, for the last ten years, into pursuing many aspects of Polish research. As a result she is well known in the New Britain, Connecticut Polish community, involved with several Polish-American organizations, including volunteer director for the Polish American Foundation’s Polish Language School for Adults and coordinator for their genealogical and cultural trips to Poland. She has also spoken at several genealogy conferences in Poland to help Polish researchers find their American families.

PGSA MEMBERS: To obtain free attendance you log in first on the PGSA website at https://< pgsa.org/my-account/>, then proceed to the PGSA Store and follow the links to webinar registration. Mail-in registrations are not accepted.

NON-MEMBERS: Register here — . There is a non-members charge of $10.


25 – 27 February 2021


Family Search has announced that RootsTech 2021 conference, previously planned for February 3-6, 2021 in Salt Lake City, Utah, will now be held as a free, virtual event online. RootsTech Connect 2021 will be held on 25-27 February 2021. To register and read more about it go to:

[From a note sent by Jan Meisels Allen.]

===== 9 – 13 August 2021


The dates of the 2021 FEEFHS Conference have been moved to the following week, August 9-13, 2021. Gen Dobry!, Vol. XXII, No. 1, January 2021 — 20 “We hope to have mostly the same program and speakers as we had planned for 2020, insofar as they are available. We anticipate that the vast majority will be. If not, then we will find other qualified speakers to provide the same great instruction.

“We wish all of you good health and wellbeing during this time, and hope to have you join us in 2021 for help in discovering your Central and East European ancestors!”

For more information, visit the website:


September 2021

THE NORTH AMERICAN LITHUANIAN BUSINESS FORUM 2021 BALTIC AMERICAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Venue: The Union League of Philadelphia • 140 South Broad Street • Philadelphia PA 19102

The North American Lithuanian Business Forum 2021 will convene policymakers and business and society leaders to drive dialogue, collaboration and action.

The forum aims to explore how leaders can boost productivity and attract investments to accelerate inclusive growth; and how politicians, business, and civil society leaders can work together for economic and societal benefits. For more information, visit the website: https://< www.bacc.nyc/forum>

[From a note sent by Mildred Helt.]

************************************ *** MORE USEFUL WEB ADDRESSES ***

The 3 January 2021 issue of Nu? What’s New? mentioned that the Arolsen Archives issued a report on a project to link names of people mentioned in documents to the images of the documents. It’s an ambitious effort, and in view of the importance of Arolsen for genealogical researchers, it’s an effort we should praise. TheNu? article gave the above URL, where you can read the complete announcement. ______

That same issue of Nu? mentioned an announcement from FamilySearch that you can get info on your family name at this website. It checks family trees posted to FamilySearch, and the info on meanings comes from Patrick Hanks Dictionary of American Family Names, a highly-regarded source. I checked a few Polish surnames, and most of them came back with basic info that was reasonably accurate. But there are bugs to work out. When I checked Flisak, “son/kin of the Gen Dobry!, Vol. XXII, No. 1, January 2021 — 21 raftsman,” it gave me info on Lisak, “son/kin of the fox.” In other words, it overlooked the F- at the beginning of the name – not acceptable procedure! But I imagine they’ll get these glitches fixed. ______

Eastman’s Online Genealogy Newsletter [EOGN] published Bobbi King’s review of the book German Immigrants in American Church Records – Volume 19: Missouri (excluding St. Louis County), by Roger P. Minert. When you think about how many Polish immigrants were classified as German, it stands to reason researchers with Polish roots should know about every volume in this series. Note that FamilySearch has info on the whole series: . ______

An EOGN blog entry on 15 January explained that Ancestry.com is shutting down its 15-month effort to sell customers genetic insights into their health. There are enough researchers interested in DNA-testing and its results that I thought I should mention this. EOGN mentioned you can read more in an article by Kristen V. Brown on the Bloomberg site at . ______

An EOGN blog entry posted on 20 January 2021 bore the title “How to Find Genealogy, Family History, and Local History Books in the Internet Archive.” The above URL takes you to the page where you can search the Internet Archive for material related to genealogical research. I applied the filter “Polish” and got some interesting results: https://archive.org/details/genealogy?&an< d[]=languageSorter%3A%22Polish%22>. ______

An EOGN blog entry on 28 January 2021 discussed free family history classes and webinars offered in February 2021 by FamilySearch. Some of them will likely not interest readers of Gen Dobry!, but I think the three beginner classes offered are worth mentioning: “Using the FamilySearch Catalog,” “Overview of Family Search,” and “The Tired, the Poor, and the Huddled Masses: U.S. Immigration 1820-1954.” It’s easy to forget that lots of newcomers are taking up genealogy; we should remember them and give them a hand! ______

While messing around online, I found this link to a publication of interest to those with roots in Galicia. The book in question is Skorowidz dóbr tabularnych w Galicyi z Wielkiem Ks. Krakowskiem, “Index of Tabular Estates in Galicia, including the Grand Duchy of Kraków.” It was published in 1890 and the author was Tadeusz Pilat (presumably not the same Tadeusz Pilat currently working as a genealogist and lecturer in Poland!). The columns used in the main body of the book translate as follows: The Tabular Entry | Owner | Post office | Telegraph |Parish |

Gen Dobry!, Vol. XXII, No. 1, January 2021 — 22 Starostwo, county council, and tax office | County council, notary office, and tax office [I’m not sure why they have two columns with more or less the same info]. Tabular estates were those listed in the Tabula Krajowa, an institution that kept track of property transactions and holdings in Galicia. ______

In Facebook’s Ukrainian Genealogy group, a lady asked for help with two given names, one of which is quite rare. Sarah Kurlowich suggested checking this website to see where the name appears. Note that the site offers info on given names, surnames, and place names. I have no way of evaluating the accuracy of the info provided, but the few examples I checked gave reasonable results. (Although I’m somewhat confused as to why “Dmitro” is most prevalent in Russia but has the highest density in Tonga! Tonga?). ______

In a post to the Polish Genius mailing list, Jan Cesarczyk wrote, “While looking for information I came across a publication about surname used by Poles which have Lithuanian origins. It contains a list of surnames starting at page 27.” The book is Litewskie nazwiska Polaków (Lithuanian Surnames of Poles] by Justyna B. Walkowiak, published 2019 by the Wydział Neofilologii UAM w Poznaniu. And yes, it’s in Polish, but the actual entries on specific names are not terribly difficult to figure out. ______

I also ran across this link to the book Rodziny szlacheckie na Litwie w XIX wieku: Powiaty lidzki, oszmiański i wileński (Noble Families in Lithuania in the 19th Century: The Counties of Lida, Ashmiany, and Vilnius) by Czesław Malewski, : 2016. ______

If you’re a member of the mailing list Polish Genius, there was an interesting discussion on January 22 about sending money to Polish archives via wire transfer. One participant, Jill, found that she could transfer money via Chase Bank at a rate cheaper than Western Union offers. She wrote: “Flat rate of $5 up to $5000 and any amount over $5000 USD is free! The key at Chase is to use foreign currency. Less risk to Chase perhaps? If the exchange rate were to change dramatically? Any bankers out there?” Roman Kałużniacki advised caution, saying there can be hidden fees (for instance, with Paypal) and it’s wise to check various options. Debbie Greenlee commented that Roman had mentioned TransferWise before as an option to consider, and she was pleased to see Chase might be better. The whole discussion is worth reading, but I think the take-away is that transferring money via Chase Bank, using foreign currency, is definitely worth a look. Of course, as always, let the buyer beware!


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Gen Dobry!, Vol. XXII, No. 1, January 2021 — 24