oj Jewish geneofogicaf & GUBERNIAS -- information from the HISTORICAL GEOGRAPH Y by Warren Blatt ,.. . 3


iclcc SZYDLOWIEC IN PEACEFUL TIMES from the Szydtowiec Memorial Book 13

SURNAMES FROM EASTERN RADO M compiled by Alexander Beider 1 7

THE POWER OF EXTRACTS by Lauren B. Eisenberg Davis 2 5

KIELCE-RADOM RESEARCH Spcciat Merest Qroup PROJECTS by Lauren B. Eisenberg Davis 3 0

OCCUPATION DEFINITION S by Lauren B. Eisenberg Davis 3 1

/RADOM DEAT H INDEX, 1874-187 7 by Lowell Ackerman 4 3


... but first a word from your coordinator.. 2 :e2 Journal o f Information fro m the KIELCE and RADOM SIG Winter 1997

^journal of information from the ... bu t first a word from your coordinator Of course, we first want to welcome all of you to this inaugural issue of our journal. I t has been an enormous effort by a few people, but now that it's in your hands, we hope you see that there is plenty of room for YOUR contribution to these pages in coming issues. and Being a contributory publication means that we ALL have to pitch in and help. W e want to know of your successes and how you attained them; the value of the extracts and indices, the articles, what other information you'd like to see, etc. W e need your help, Special interest Group too, in translating or transliterating those pesky, sometimes illegible Cyrillic characters found on the LDS films, or by indexing names from synagogue documents or Yizkor books or other publications is published quarterly by the that give evidence that our relatives once lived in the area. I t is this KELCE and RADOM sharing that will bring us closer to our goal of discovering the world Special Interest Group of our elders from Kielce and Radom. We want to learn as much as possible-from the beginning of a non-profit, informal world-wide time to the present-about the Jewish people who lived in the area body of individuals interested in called Kielce and Radom, two southern gubernias of the Kingdom of Jewish genealogical research from that existed between 1867-1917 . Warre n Blatt's history and Kielce and Radom, two gubernias in geography of the area in our opening article explains it well. the Kingdom of Poland as defined by We are extremely pleased that Alexander Beider has agreed to the boundaries as they existed from provide a series of articles for our journal. Hi s two recent books 1867-1917. about Russian and Polish Jewish surnames have made a stellar contribution to Jewish geneological research . Hi s pages of ADVISORY GROUP; information are a notable addition to this publication. Warren Blatt In this and future issues you will find extractions from archival Lauren Davis records to be of premier use to your research. Laure n Davis's Gene Starn, Coordinator explanation in this issue, together with her collaboration with Warren on the births in Chçciny, Warren's on marriages in Sohkow All correspondence, manuscripts, and Lowell Ackennan's Radom death index, should all be requests for information, dues, invaluable to those researching those areas. That' s a start, and with membership questions, etc. should be your help, we may eventually transcribe ALL the LDS records into directed to: language that we can understand and make use of. When we heard that Betty Provizer Starkman had been to HELCE-RADOMSIG, Radom this past summer, we quickly asked her to tell us what she Gene Starn, Coordinator discovered. He r story and photos may appall you. P.O. Box 520583 Also among these pages you will find other items that may longwood,FL 32752 U.S.A. tickle your fancy or provide you with an unexpected hint or direction toward your genealogical goals... E-mail: [email protected] Phone: (407) 788-3898 In any case, this issue is yours to peruse at your pleasure and leisure. Membership in the K-R SIG includes And we want to hear from you, whether by letter or e-mail. We all quarterly publications for the are open to all comments, criticism and suggestions. O r if you have calendar year. some particular question about the region, a puzzler in your own research, please let us know. W e can't do your research but maybe Annual dues ( U.S. funds) are: we can send you in the right direction. $24.00 for U.S., Canada and Mexico $30.00 for all others • Winter 1997 A Journal of Information from the KIELCE and RADOM SIG Page 3 Kielce and Radom Gubernias — Geographic History

by Warren Blatt

Kielce and Radom gubernias were two of the History ten gubernias (provinces ) o f th e Kingdo m o f During th e Firs t Polis h Republi c (1569 - Poland (Russia n Poland) fro m 186 7 to 1917 . I t 1795), thi s are a wa s know n a s Craco w an d is the area betwee n the Pilic a an d Wisla rivers. palatinates. Betwee n 177 2 and 179 5 Today, this region corresponds roughly to south- Poland wa s partitione d betwee n th e thre e central Poland , muc h o f th e are a betwee n neighboring European Empires: Russia, Prussi a and Krakôw. and Austria . I n the first partition o f 1772 , on e third o f Poland' s territor y wa s taken . Th e are a This area has been in many different politica l occupied b y Austri a wa s give n th e nam e o f jurisdictions over time. Fo r the purposes of this . I n the secon d partition o f 1793 , Russi a Special Interest Group, we are defining "Kielc e obtained on e hal f o n th e remainin g territor y o f and Rado m gubernias " usin g th e border s tha t Poland, whil e Prussi a too k th e provinc e o f were in place from 186 7 to 1917, since that is the Poznati. period during which the majority o f our ancestors emigrated fro m th e region. The thir d an d final partitio n occurre d i n 1795, a s th e remnant s o f Polan d wer e divide d During th e 1867-191 7 period , Kielc e an d amongst Russia , Austria , an d Prussia . Polan d Radom gubernia s wer e bordere d o n th e north , ceased to exist as a political entity. It disappeared east, and west by other gubernias of the Kingdom from th e map of Europe for over 10 0 years, not of Poland: to reappear until after World War I. I n the third • o n the east by and Siedlce gubernias partition, Austria annexed the large area between • o n the north by Warszawa guberni a the Bu g an d Pilica rivers , includin g the Kielce- • o n the west by Piotrkow guberni a Radom area . Austri a name d thi s are a Ne w o r and wa s bordere d o n th e sout h b y Galici a ; th e are a tha t ha d bee n take n i n (Austrian Poland). 1772 wa s rename d Eas t Galicia . Wes t Galici a and Eas t Galici a wer e merge d int o th e singl e The gubernia s wer e eac h divide d int o province of Galicia i n 1803. districts (Polis h , Russia n ye3f l uezd). Kielce an d Rado m gubernia s eac h containe d The seven districts: In 1807 , afte r Napoleo n defeate d th e Kielce: Radom: Prussians, he established th e Duchy o f Warsaw • Kielc e • Rado m as a Frenc h protectorate , usin g th e territor y • Wloszczow a • Kozienic e which Prussia had taken during the partitions. I n • Jedrzejo w • Opoczn o 1809, afte r Napoleo n defeate d Austria , th e • Pinczô w • Koriski e Schônbrunn Peac e Treat y adde d th e forme r • Stopnic a • flza Austrian Wes t Galici a (includin g th e Kielce - • Miechô w • Opatô w Radom area) to the Duchy. Politica l subdivisions • Olkus z • Sandomier z were th e departments o f Krakôw , Sandomierz , and Lublin . Afte r ' s disastrou s A lis t o f th e majo r town s wit h Jewis h Moscow campaign , th e Duch y o f Warsaw wa s communities i n th e regio n an d thei r district s occupied b y the Russian s i n 1813 . Napoleon' s appears on the following pages. duchy laste d onl y si x year s (an d th e Kielce - Radom region was part of it for only four years), Page 4 A Journal of Information from the KIELCE and RADOM SIG Winter 1997 but i t lef t behin d a legacy o f progressive socia l In 186 7 another redistricting took place. Te n and economi c reforms , includin g th e beginnin g gubernias replace d th e previou s five : Kalisz , of civil registration . Kielce, Lomza, Lublin, Piotrkow, Plock, Radom, Siedlce, Suwalki and Warszawa. Th e old Radom The Kingdom o f Poland gubernia wa s spli t i n two , formin g Kielc e an d Radom gubernias . Thes e border s remaine d i n After Napoleon' s defeat , i n 181 5 th e place until 1917 , and i t is these borders that we Congress o f redistributed the partitioned are using for th e definition o f our SIG. Polish territory. Prussi a receive d th e provinces of Pozna n an d Wes t Prussi a i n th e wes t an d The gubernia s wer e divide d int o district s north, and Austria took Galicia in the south. Th e (Polish powiat), whic h were further divide d int o city of Krakow became an independent free city . subdistricts (Polis h ). Ther e wer e 8 4 Most o f th e Duch y o f Warsa w wa s give n t o districts i n the ten gubernias o f the Kingdom o f Russia. Thi s area was given the official nam e of Poland i n 1867 . Th e district s o f Kielc e an d the Kingdo m o f Polan d (Tsarstvo Pol'skoe i n Radom gubernias are listed on the previous page. Russian, Krôlestwo Polskie i n Polish) ; o r Congress Polan d (name d afte r th e Congres s o f Poland Reborn Vienna), known in Polish as Kongresôwka. Th e area wa s colloquiall y know n a s "Russia n Following Worl d Wa r I an d th e Treat y o f Poland". Versailles, Polan d wa s re-establishe d a s a n independent natio n afte r mor e tha n 10 0 years. The Kingdo m o f Polan d wa s establishe d i n This Secon d Polis h Republi c (1918-1939 ) November o f 181 5 a s a pseudo-independen t included mos t o f th e Kingdo m o f Poland , plu s kingdom, unde r th e rule o f the Czar o f Russia . much additiona l territory . I t wa s divide d int o The Kingdom was divided into eight provinces or seventeen provinces , onc e agai n calle d (Polis h wojewôdztwa): Augustôw , wojewôdztwa. Th e forme r Kielc e an d Rado m Kalisz, Krakow , Lublin , Mazovia , Plock , gubernias al l becam e par t o f Kielc e province . Podlasia an d Sandomierz . Eac h provinc e wa s This republic lasted little more than twenty years, divided int o district s (obwôd i n Polish) , whic h as the Nazis occupied the area. were i n tur n divide d int o subdistrict s (powiat). Sandomierz was the area that would After Worl d Wa r II , th e Thir d Polis h become th e futur e Rado m gubernia . Krako w Republic wa s established , wit h vastl y differen t voivodeship included the area that would become borders — the entir e countr y wa s shifte d west . Kielce guberni a (i t als o included th e Bçdzi n The countr y wa s subdivide d int o seventee n area). Despit e the name of this province, the city wojewôdztwa between 194 5 and 1975 . Th e area of Krako w wa s no t included ; i t wa s a n of th e forme r Kielc e an d Rado m gubernia s independent city until 1846 . mostly becam e part o f Kielce province, thoug h small part s wer e no w i n th e province s o f As a result of the Polish insurrection of 1831, Krakôw, Katowice, and Lublin. the territor y o f th e Kingdo m o f Polan d wa s divided i n anothe r wa y i n 1844 . Voivodeship s In 197 5 Poland's interna l jurisdictions wer e were abolished and replaced with five ryôepmiK changed, wit h th e countr y divide d int o 4 9 gubernias (th e Russia n wor d fo r province) : administrative districts , whic h ar e use d today . Warszawa, Augustôw , Plock , Radom , an d The are a o f th e forme r Kielc e an d Rado m Lublin. Rado m guberni a wa s forme d fro m th e gubernias are today in the administrative districts former Sandomier z an d Krakô w voivodeships , of Radom , Kielce , Piotrkô w Trybunalski , and containe d eigh t districts : Radom , Opatôw , Czestochowa, Katowice , Krakô w an d , Sandomierz, Kielce, Miechôw, Olkusz . • and . Winter 1997 A Journal of Information fro m the KIELCE and RADOM SIG Pag e 5

The table on the following two pages lists the major Jewish communities in Kielce and Radom gubernias.

Town - Name of the town, in the current Polish spelling.

District - Name of the district (Polishpowiat) tha t the town was in, during the 1867-191 7 period. Source : Atlas geogrqficzny illustrowany Krolestwa Polskiego, edite d by J. M. Bazewic z (Warszawa: [1907]) .

1897 Pop . - Jewis h populatio n i n 1897 , accordin g t o th e All-Empir e Census , a s cite d i n SHifHKjioneMiJi [Evreiskaia Entsiklopediia = Jewish Encyclopedia] (St . Petersburg : Brokhaus-Efron , 1906-1913). Article s on "Kielc e Gubernia" (Vol . IX, cols. 949-951) and "Rado m Gubernia" (Vol . XIII, cols. 268-271 ) contain population statistic s fo r al l town s wit h a Jewish population o f over 500 . I f thi s column is blank, that indicates a Jewish population o f less than 500 in 1897.

1897 %Je w - Percentage o f the town that was Jewish in 1897 , calculated fro m th e population tables i n Evreiskaia Entsiklopediia.

1931 Pop. - Jewish population in 1931, according to the second national census of Poland of 1931 . Thes e figures are taken from Black Book of Localities Whose Jewish Population was Exterminated by the Nazis (Jerusalem: Ya d Vashem, 1965) ; which i n turn are taken from Drugi powszechny spis ludnosâ z dnia 9 grudnia 1931 r. (Warszawa : downy Urzq d Statystyczny, 1934-1938) .

Lat./Long. - The town' s latitud e an d longitude . Position s ar e take n fro m th e JewishGen ShtetlSeeker (; whic h is based upon the U.S. Board on Geographic Name s (BGN) database: Gazetteer of Poland. 2nd edition (Washington: Defens e Mappin g Agency, 1988) .

FHL microfilm s - Year s fo r whic h Jewis h vita l record s (births , marriage s an d deaths ) hav e bee n microfilmed b y th e Genealogica l Societ y o f Uta h (th e microfilmin g ar m o f th e LD S Famil y Histor y Library). Source : Family History Library Catalog, 199 6 microfiche edition . Se e th e FHLC Localit y section unde r th e heading s "POLAND , [Province] , [Town ] - JEWIS H RECORDS " fo r detail s an d microfilm orderin g numbers.

Provinces: The FHLC uses Poland's 1945-197 5 provincial borders. Mos t of the old Kielce and Radom gubernias (1867-1917 ) are covered by the 1945-197 5 province of Kielce. However , th e borders do not overlap exactly, and some areas are covered by neighboring provinces: Krakôw province in the southwest (parts of old Olkusz and Miechôw districts); Katowice province (part of old Olkusz district); and Lublin province in the northeast (part of old district).

The notation "RC " indicates that there are civil transcripts o f Roman Catholic vital records listed i n the FHLC for the 1810-1825 period. I t is during this period that the Roman Catholic civil transcripts included Jewish registrations. Separat e records were kept by each religious community beginning i n 1826 .

There wer e thousands o f othe r smalle r village s i n the Kielce-Radom region, whic h are not liste d here . Their vital records are included amongst those of a neighboring larger town. T o determine the location of a village, you can consult the JewishGen ShtetlSeeker at , or the U.S. Board on Geographic Names database, available as Gazetteer of Central and Eastern Europe on microfiche fro m Avotaynu , Inc. Page 6 A Journal of Information from the KIELCE and RADOM SIG Winter 1997

Towns in Kielce and Radom Gubernias:

1897 1897 1931 Town District Pop. %Jew Pop. Lat./Long. FHL microfilms Bialaczôw Opoczno 166 51°18720° 18' RC Bialobrzegi Radom 1,534 66% 2,200 51°39720°57' 1862-1877, RC Bodzentyn Kielce 1,472 44% 934 50°57720°58' 1869-1884, RC Bogoria Sandomierz 575 48% - 50°40721° 16' 1826-1884, RC Brzesko Miechôw 1,935 49°58720°37' 1849-1886 Busko-Zdrôj Stopnica 895 41% 1,464 50°28720°43' Checiny Kielce 4,361 71% 2,825 50°48720°27' 1826-1884, RC Stopnica 5,671 82% 5,908 50°38720°45' 1876-1884 Ciepielôw Ilza 339 51°15721°34' 1826-1877 Cmielôw Opatôw 587 30% 664 50°53721°31' Kielce 306 50°49720°48' 1826-1870, RC Opoczno 855 63% 1,013 51°27720°29' RC Dzialoszyce Piriczôw 3,526 77% 5,618 50°22720°21' 1826-1865, RC Gielniôw Opoczno 3,500 51°24720°29' RC Glowaczôw Kozienice 1,109 62% 1,411 51°38721° 19' RC Gniewoszôw Kozienice 523 49% 3,500 51°28721°48' 1826-1877 Gowarczôw Koriskie 681 45% 508 51° 17720°26' 1826-1859, RC Granica Kozienice 1,213 78% - 51°28721°49' 1826-1877 Ilza Ilza 2,069 49% 1,545 51° 10721° 15' 1850-1877, RC Opatôw 1,996 83% 1,518 50°44721° 17' Janowiec [na d Wisla] Kozienice 261 51°20721°53' 1817-1878, RC Jedlirisk Radom 622 46% 762 51°31721°07' RC Jçdrzejôw Jedrzejôw 2,050 43% 4,585 50°38720° 18' 1875-1884, RC Kazanôw Ilza 816 61% 336 51° 17721°28' 1828-1877, RC Piriczôw 293 50° 16720°29' RC Kielce Kielce 6,399 28% 15,530 50°52720°37' 1868-1884, RC Klimontôw Sandomierz 2,443 72% 2,652 50°40721°27' 1826-1887, RC Klwôw Opoczno 297 51°32720°38' 1851-1877, RC Koriskie Koiiskie 4,453 55% 5,037 51° 12720°25' 1826-1884. RC Sandomierz 836 39% 812 50°35721°35' 1857-1884, RC Koszyce Piriczôw 678 50° 10720°34' RC Kozienice Kozienice 3,790 55% 3,811 51°35721°34' 1826-1877, RC Kromotôw Olkusz 275 50°29719°31' 1826-1854, RC Ksiaz Wielki Miechôw 729 52% 852 50°26720°08' Kunôw Opatôw 510 50°57721° 17' Kurozweki Stopnica 224 50°35721°06' 1875-1884 Kurzelow Wloszczowa 191 50°53719°53' RC Lagôw Opatôw 1,233 51% 1,269 50°47721°05' Lasocin Opatôw 123 50°54721°45' Lelôw Wloszczowa 720 58% 638 50°'41719° 37' 1873-1884 Ilza 1,468 60% 1,376 51C 10721°39' 1826-1877, RC Lopuszno Kielce 397 50c'57720° 15' RC Magnuszew Kozienice 771 47% 731 51C'46721° 24' 1826-1876, RC C Maleniec Opoczno 185 51 '11720° 11' Malogoszcz Jedrzejôw 415 50c'49720e 17' 1826-1867, RC Miechôw Miechôw 1,436 34% 2,383 50c'22720e 02' C Nowa Tymienica Ilza - 51 "17721e'41' Stopnica 2,781 73% 2,478 50'"18720e'49' 1826-1884 Odrzywôl Opoczno 389 51''32720e'33' RC Olkusz Olkusz 1,840 53% 2,707 50"'17719e'34' 1827-1870, RC Opatôw Opatôw 4,138 63% 5,462 50''48721e'26' 1835-1884 Winter 1997 A Journal of Information from the KIELCE and RADOM SIG Page 7

Opoczno Opoczno 2,425 40% 3,376 51°22720°17' 1866-1887, RC Osiek Sandomierz 590 41% 539 50°31721°27' RC Ostrowiec [-Swieto.] Opatôw 6,146 63% 10,095 50°56721°24' Ozarôw Opatôw 2,557 77% 2,258 50°53721°40' 1826-1884 Pacanôw Stopnica 1,520 62% 1,689 50°24721°03' 1875-1877 Stopnica 180 50°42720°45' Pilica Olkusz 2,688 68% 1,877 50°28719°39' 1826-1870, RC Piriczôw Piriczôw 5,194 57% 4,324 50o32720°32' 1810-1884 Piotrkowice Stopnica 248 50°40720°41' Potaniec Sandomierz 1,221 47% 1,025 50°26721°17' 1826-1884, RC Proszowice Miechôw 1,307 50° 12720° 18' Przedbôrz Koriskie 4,089 69% 3,749 51o05719°53' 1826-1886, RC Opoczno 2,168 75% 2,153 51°22720°37' 1826-1877, RC Radom 1,504 83% 1,852 51°28720°54' 1826-1877, RC Radom Radom 11,277 38% 24,465 51o25721°09' 1827-1877, RC Radoszyce Koriskie 1,728 49% 1,278 51°05720°14' 1826-1884, RC Rakow Opatôw 1,263 60% 1,112 50°41721°03' Ryczywol Kozienice 82 51°41721°26' 1826-1877, RC Sandomierz Sandomierz 2,163 33% 2,641 50°41721°45' 1826-1886, RC Wloszczowa 224 50°46719°50' 1826-1869, RC Sediszôw Jedrzejôw 448 50°35720°041 RC Sieciechow Kozienice 118 5r33721°45' RC Sienno Hza 1,059 55% 735 5r05721o28' 1826-1877, RC Skala Olkusz 604 50°54721o33' RC Skalbmierz Piriczôw 700 50°20720°25' RC Radom 775 44% 820 5ri9721°15' RC Skarzysko-Kamienna Koriskie 1,590 51°07720°54' Skrzynno Opoczno 191 51°22720°431 Slawkow Olkusz 714 17% 610 50°18719°24' RC Slomniki Miechôw 904 24% 1,460 50°15720°06' Shipia [Nowa] Kielce 1,038 62% 956 50°52721°06' RC Sobkôw Jedrzejôw 646 58% 400 50°42720°28' 1826-1884, RC Solec Ilza 829 32% 898 51°08721°46' Hza 2,159 51o04721°04' RC Staszôw Sandomierz 4,903 56% 4,704 50°33721°10' 1826-1880, RC Stopnica Stopnica 3,134 71% 3,328 50°26720°57' 1875-1884 Stromiec Radom 189 51"39721°06' Suchedniôw Kielce 912 51°04720°50' RC Szczekociny Wloszczowa 2,532 50°38719°50 1826-1884, RC Szydlôw Stopnica 867 37% 660 50°36721°00' 1854-1884 Szydlowiec Koriskie 5,298 71% 5,501 51°14720°51' 1826-1877, RC Tarlôw Hza 1,210 63% 1,052 51o00721°43' 1826-1884, RC Wachock Hza 638 30% 468 5r04721°01' RC Wasniôw Opatôw 191 50°54721°13' Wierzbnik Hza 975 55% 2,159 51°03721°05' Wislica Piriczôw 1,755 70% 1,341 50°21720°41' 1826-1875, RC Wioszczowa Wloszczowa 2,530 68% 2,910 50°52719°58' 1823-1884, RC Wodzislaw Jedrzejôw 2,667 74% 2,839 50°32720°12' 1826-1884, RC Wolanôw Radom 318 51°23720°58' 1826-1877, RC Olkusz 2,901 60% 4,276 50°22719°46' 1826-1870, RC Wysmierzyce Radom 109 51°37720°50' Zarnôw Opoczno 1,171 58% 919 5ri5720°ll' 1826-1873, RC Zarnowiec Olkusz 1,412 57% 946 50°29719°52' 1811-1870, RC Sandomierz 1,680 66% 2,000 50°4872r51' 1826-1892, RC Zwoleri Kozienice 3,242 54% 3,787 51°21721°36' 1826-1877, RC Page 8 A Journal of Information from the KIELCE and RADOM SIG Winter 1997

Kielce and Radom Gubernias with Powiat Divisions and Towns of Interest

Warszuwa Gubernia

Siedlce Gubernia Kozienice Opoczno

0 Przysucha \ Radom e Zwolen

SzydUnriec Piotrkâw Gubernia Konskie Priedbàn Ilia

Wloszczowa Kielce 0 (Harôw I & Opatô w • 1 t Chfdny • 1-I Lublin Sieztkodny Sobkôw - Sandomierz i J Gubernia - A V y Jçdrzejôw Ckmidnik 0 PUiea I Klimoitiàw £ o Stanôw Wotbrom Pinczôw, Miechôw e e Dziatoszyce Stopnica Olkusz NowyKorayn


Kingdom of Poland with Radom and Kielce gubemias shaded. Winter 199 7 A Journal o f Information fro m the KBELCE and RADOM SIG Page 9

An Unforgettable Journey Through Poland and Eastern Europe

by Betty Provizer Starkma n

July 199 6 The road s an d facilitie s ha d improve d beyon d This wa s a n extraordinar y sa d journey, a journey recognition. Th e entry and exi t to the country , whic h through hell. W e walked in the footsteps of our brethren was once a nightmare, was smooth and efficient . Th e murdered in World War II. W e followed the paths from hotels, even in small towns, were clean and modern. Al l their innocent villages and simple homes, down the roads evidence of the former Police State was absent, with the into forests and camps and road sides where they were exception o f acces s t o archives , whic h w e wil l late r tortured an d murdere d o r shippe d t o concentratio n discuss. Th e former Jewish communities, the shtetleh, camps. however, remain almost the same-with one exception- We questioned the residents of their former homes no Jew lives there any more. Th e journey emphasized to and learne d when , me somethin g tha t I where, ho w an d b y think I ha d alway s whom the y wer e known-that th e loca l slaughtered. populous o f ever y Everywhere w e sa w village, hamlet and town evidence o f th e onc e in easter n Europ e vibrant communitie s benefitted greatly by our that ha d compose d demise. The y liv e i n Jewish Eastern Europe: our forme r homes , ru n a tor n Tora h scrap , a our forme r businesses , synagogue wall , a use ou r communa l theater, hotel or library buildings an d i n mos t lodged i n a forme r instances den y tha t w e synagogue, blackene d ever lived here. Shabbot candles , han d The first three days made i n th e Kovn o in Polan d wer e spen t Ghetto, cemeter y doing researc h o n m y remnants wher e cattl e maternal Bodenstein , grazed an d wher e Street scene, Hza, summer 1996 Beilin ancestor s i n swastikas were painted eastern Poland . W e upon th e remainin g passed America n fas t tombstones of the dead, an aged wine cup long hidden, food restaurant s an d sign s advertisin g ne w products , a Chanukah lamp. W e wept and said Kaddish over their beautiful forests and wild flowers and suddenly we were bones an d ashe s in Bab i Yar , Belzec , Majdane k an d in the town of Belzec. Nearb y is the site of the former Ponar. W e lit Memorial candles and vowed to tell our Belzec Concentratio n Camp . I t is unbelievable to me children and our children's children so that this horror, that i n thi s lovely pristine settin g ove r 100,00 0 of our this barbarity, will never be forgotten. I n the words of people were murdered 55 years ago. Nothin g remains of Elie Weisel, "We are all survivors and must remember the camp. Howeve r there are many memorials put up by and tell the tale." survivors and family of those killed. I am sure that my On Jul y 7 , 1996 , my travels began in Kiev, the n distant relatives from this area died here. Onc e again I across th e Ukrain e fro m wes t t o eas t t o Lvi v (Lvov - said Kaddish an d lit a memorial candle. No t far away, Lemberg). Eigh t day s were spen t o n researc h in th e an the edge of Lublin, is Majdanek Concentration Camp, . Fro m , a three hour train ride took me to where perhap s on e millio n peopl e wer e gasse d an d Przemysl i n easter n Polan d where a prearranged car , burned. I canno t fin d word s t o describ e thi s horror . driver and translator awaited me. When I returned from my first visit to Poland, I wrote an After the Ukraine, Poland seemed almost civilize d article called Shoes, Shoes, Shoes which was published and comfortable. Thi s was my third trip to Poland and by the Detroit News. Al l I can remember are the baby the changes were amazing. Ther e is an air of prosperity shoes, ballet slippers and ashes. Onc e again Kaddish. in thi s country . Home s and churche s are being built . We visited the towns of Tomaszow Lubelsld, Lublin, Page 10 À Journal of Information fro m the KIELCE and RADOM SIG Winter 1997

Zamosc, Bilgoraj, Tyszowce, Siemnice and Josefow. well known Jewish community. Th e area is now a park I will not go into details at this time since this is a group where boy s play ball . I t i s partially fence d an d we devoted to research in the Kielce-Radom area. discovered eight restored tombstone shards covered with On the way to anti-Semitic words and pictures. Ther e is also a towns i n Kielce - Jewish tombstone made into a park bench. Radom w e di d Our next sto p was Bodzentyn, wher e I had research m hoped t o find record s o f the families Prowizor , Tarnobrzeg an d Samet, Davidow and Goldfarb. O n our way there Sandomierz. we passe d gree n rura l ol d countr y areas , Sandomierz, I reminiscent of Michigan farmland, old wooden low believe, i s on e o f houses, gree n mountains , farm s goin g u p hills, the mos t beautifu l small plots. Th e town lies m a valley surrounded towns in Poland. I t by steep hills. A river runs through it. Thes e were was onc e a privat e real peasants , I discovered . Th e street s wer e fortified cit y an d cobbled and the town was dull, primitive, shabby, the tow n cente r i s old and poor. Onc e again the archives have little surrounded b y ol d information for me. I was told tha t the records are guild halls. Ther e in Kielce. I did learn, however, that som e of the are ar t shop s an d Stafkman family lived here and were land owners. sidewalk cafe s and I wa s able t o briefl y perus e 192 5 land records . a charmin g tow n There I discovere d tha t Szlam a an d Szmue l square (rynek) with Starkman were owners of the Motorized Water Mill a medieva l tal l and that Moshe Starkma n was the co-owner of a watch tower and an building proposed for a future post office and head ancient clock. Thi s of the Ryczywole and Sitkah Water Mill. W e were was als o a cit y o f Opatô w City Hall then directe d to the home of a very elderly man Jewish residence s who had done a study of the of Bodzentyn. H e had worke d in the archives during the Russian period and a pyramid of old broken cracked Jewish tombstones and probably kept some of the Jewish records when the has bee n erecte d in the former Jewis h cemetery . Th e Russians left. Th e study is about 25 typewritten pages in nearest decen t hote l is , believe i t o r not, The Hotel Ostrowiec in Ostrowiec. Th e hotel is lovely Polish. H e charge d m e and w e spen t tw o night s there . $100.00 fo r a copy , a n Unfortunately mere is not time to explore the outrageous amoun t o f town. money i n Poland . Opatow (Apt) is also a beautiful walled However, I wanted it. A city whic h wa s onc e privatel y owne d by copy has been given to the Polish royalty . W e went a t onc e t o the Michigan Holocaus t archives wher e I wa s searchin g fo r Museum bu t I hav e no t Sztarkman record s from th e tow n o f had tim e t o personall y Iwaniska. W e were tol d m Sandomier z study it. Thi s man then (previously havin g bee n informe d tha t led us up a very steep hill Iwaniska records were here) that the records to locate a hidden Jewis h are i n Opatow . The y wer e ar e mos t cemetery. Home s wer e uncooperative at the archives (our experience beginning t o infringe o n throughout the Ukraine and Poland). The y the area . Ho w long will claimed to have no inventory of records, no this ancien t cemeter y records of Iwaniska or any pre World War II survive? W e walke d Jewish records . Whe n aske d wher e the y A street in Bodzentyn through a fores t o f beautiful wild flowers and might be, they said that perhaps they were wild raspberrie s an d destroyed b y th e Germans . Eve n ou r translator, Alex , a physic s professo r a t Warsa w discovered 8 1 unmolested old tombstones. I t is truly a miracle that this cemetery has survived. I t is one of the University, became annoyed with them to no avail. W e few that I have discovered in its natural state. The then visited the five acre Jewish Cemetery of this once Winter 1997 A Journal of Information from the KBELCE and RADOM SIG Page 11

People were not as friendly as before. Ther e was an air of curiosit y and perhaps hostility a s we wandered th e town. Drunk s la y o n cemen t benche s i n th e rynek , drinking an d starin g a t us. W e visit the offic e o f the mayor who was very much a peasant. W e presented him with a lette r from m y senator , Car l Levin , photo s o f Jewish Hza for his archives and a watch (I took 40 with me). H e asked if we can perhaps obtain some business contacts for Ilza since there is much unemployment. I asked for vital records, land records, tax records, etc. for the families o f Prowizor, Samet , Goldfarb. H e sent bis secretary in searc h and she returned with promises of sending such records to me. I have never received them. The Ilza Synagogue It wa s a dreary , wet , sa d day . I being destroyed imagined how my ancestors walked these same streets . I thin k o f grandmothe r living here as a child and dying here at the age o f 32 . Woul d sh e eve r have dream t mosquitoes ar e vicious and that I , her namesake, would return to pay the are a is , o f course , homage to her? I imagined how the Jewish uncared for , ful l o f thorn s residents were gathered here in the rynek and weeds . I t wa s on Octobe r 22 , 1941 , an d shippe d t o impossible to begin to find Treblinka where most perished. I took one the grave s o f my ancestor s last loo k a t th e synagogue , sinc e I wil l in this brief time. S o once probably never return. I walked through again I said Kaddish and lit the ryne k an d sa w th e bridg e s o ofte n a memorial candle and shed described t o m e b y father . Th e bridg e tears. traverses a smal l river nex t t o th e The following da y was synagogue. July 18 , my birthday. Ho w Something is different here. I paused. strange that I shoul d be in They were making an d sellin g Christia n Bza, th e plac e o f m y tombstones betwee n th e river an d th e father's birt h o n m y synagogue. A s I approached the front o f birthday. Thi s is a beautiful tow n located in a valley the synagogue I saw that it was being demolished, surrounded by high hills. O n the crest of one hill is the Zomax (castle ruins). Dz a (Driltch) mean s "tears " an d i t wa s raining tears in my shtetlila.. W e roamed the street s and found my grandparent' s house. I t is located on the town squar e (rynek), the only house with a wrough t iron balcony . Th e lowe r floor i s no w used a s a busines s an d perhap s fou r families live in the divided upper floors. My grandmother , Gite l Rifk a Same t Prowizor, was bom in this house as were my father and five of his siblings. I have traced th e Same t famil y t o 178 9 Ilza , where the men wer e alway s the recor d keepers o f the Jewish community . Th e town ha s grow n sinc e m y las t visit ; however, i t ha s als o becom e shabby . Page 12 A Journal of Information from the KIELCE and RADOM SIG Winter 1997

destroyed, knocked down; contrary to Polish law. I was in Nowe Miasto, he was expected at the archives and was in a state of shock. Th e workmen began to shout at me handed piles of Jewish vital records. W e spent two days as I entered the ruins and took photographs. Alex , my studying them. I must add, however, that this was the translator spoke to them in Polish as they waved fists at first time in all my experience that this has happened. me. I gathere d thre e beig e glaze d brick s from th e I have always believed, and I mention this when I pripitchuk, the hearth, and carried them back to the car lecture, that it is easier to do research from the United weeping. Th e rain continued in torrents as I placed my States. Th e archives in Warsaw have always been most "treasure" in cooperative, an d via mail I have received the trun k almost all documents not discovered m the and picke d Mormon Famil y Histor y Library . I t is , up a yiskor however, a deeply emotional experience to candle an d walk in the footsteps of our ancestors, to see my praye r where an d ho w the y lived , t o visi t th e book. I synagogues where they worshiped, to pay returned and respect at their graves. I t is an experience, again though difficult, that I highly recommend. entered th e Since my return, I have pondered the synagogue. events an d experience s o f those 2 4 days. Bricks wer e Most of Eastern European Jewry, along with falling al l their institutions and customs, their art and about me . literature, wer e totall y destroyed . Th e Polish remnants and ashes of the six million now workmen, fertilize the fields of Poland, , the peasants, Ukraine, Lithuani a an d Latvia . The y were The author says kaddish for her ancestors in continue t o liv e onl y i n th e combine d shouting a nonexistent cemetery memories of the few survivors, their children insults a s I ... and we genealogists. Onl y wisdom and lit aie candle bravery o f ou r parent s an d grandparent s and said Kaddish for the lost synagogue, the lost little saved us from the agony that was Eastern , the lost way of life. I am the last Jew to ever be in Europe. Thei r flight from Europe not only gave us life, the synagogue in Hza. I continued on to say Kaddish to but also gave life to the future generations, our children, the nonexisten t Jewis h cemeter y where m y ancestor s grandchildren and their children. Di d these brave souls were buried for over two hundred years and left Hza for know, did they dream that their difficult journey would the last time. insure the continuity of the Jewish People? I s it all a Later that sam e day I traveled on to Mogielnica, trick o f fate, an illusion, a part o f the heart, a part of home o f th e Prowizo r an d Borenstei n familie s sinc e being Jewish? 1746. Agai n Kaddish was said in the nonexistent Jewish cemetery, where children were picking raspberries and Betty Provizer Starkman is a professional mushrooms. I was able to identify som e of the former genealogist and family historian who resides at Prowizor homes , whic h ar e no w businesse s o r 1290 Stuyvesant Rd., Bloomfield Hills, MI 48301. apartments. Al l o f grandfather' s aunts , uncle s an d (810) 646-0332. E-mail: [email protected]. cousins from this town were killed in . Th e site o f the former famou s wooden synagogue is now a parking lot for trucks. I did not check the archives here because I have all possible data from previous research PLEASE LET US KNOW... and I was too emotionally drained from my visit to Dza. if you have found records for our region in Perhaps all this has been too negative. I n Nowe other gubernias. Thi s happens from time Miasto, Warsa w Province, I had grea t succes s in the archives by hiring a n extraordinary Polish researcher, to tim e fo r variou s reasons , bu t w e ar e Krysztof Maczewski. Thi s was for research I was doing trying t o compil e suc h a lis t a s a n for a legal firm that did not mind the additional expense. important addition to our publication I spok e to Chris several times by telephone before my arrival so that he would be prepared. Whe n we arrived Winter 1997 A Journal o f Information fro m the KIELCE and RADOM SIG Page 13

The Szydlowiec Memorial Book: An Excerpt Szydlowiec in Peaceful Times by the late Motl Eisenberg, translated fro m the by Max Rosenfel d

Szydlowiec was a typical Jewish shtetl, like hundreds Religious lif e wa s déminant , forcin g it s ironcla d in Poland. Th e Jews there felt they had roots in the town rules and customs on everyone, regulating the personal going back many many generatons. A t the outskirts of and social life of every Jew in town. Wo e to him or her Szydlowiec lived the , about 20% of the population, who deviate d from th e establishe d order . Th e who earned their livlihood from the Jews. synagogue, the bes-medresh, th e shtibl — these were a Szydlowiec had three large marketplaces, which the second hom e t o ever y Jew . Som e me n cam e i n th e people calle d Upper Market, Lower Market and Upper morning, davene d a t to p speed , an d ra n of f t o thei r Highway. Th e Upper Market was the "fashionable" part occupations. Others , who cam e very early, woul d si t of town , containin g th e Cit y Hal l an d a n ancien t down a t the open gemoras an d "learn" with great zea l historical buildin g wit h a high tower . Livin g i n th e until late in the day. Lower Marke t wer e Shabbos and holidays mainly the Jewish poor, all the houses of worship the handicraftsmen an d were packed. Youn g and the smal l shopkeepers , old, in their best clothes, ha the very center of this would hurr y t o services . market wa s a larg e Everything stopped—al l circular building , als o the stores were closed, all historical, whic h th e the workshop s idle , th e Jews called "DiBodns" marketplaces empty . A This containe d onl y reverent holida y stores. atmosphere reste d ove r The Lowe r Marke t all the Jewish homes. was th e main cente r o f The livin g standar d the town. O n Fridays a of the Jews in Szydlowie c fishmarket, whic h was ver y low . Mos t supplied Jew s with fis h One of the markets people were poor. Fro m for Shabbos, was located early morning t o lat e a t here. Her e also were the guest-houses where strangers night they worked hard to support their families. Ver y and poor visitors found foo d and shelter. Her e friends important to Jewish livelihoods were the weekly fairs that met, her e people made business deals , talked politics. took place every Wednesday. Al l three markets filled up The place was always busy and noisy. O n one side of the with wagon s loade d wit h product s brough t b y th e Lower Market was a small street that led to the "Big Bes- peasants from surrounding villages. Medresh" an d th e "Littl e Bes-Medresh" an d t o th e Jewish blacksmiths, their toolboxes hanging from large, beautifu l synagogu e behind which were the ol d their shoulders , circulate d amon g th e horses , an d th e and new cemeteries. peasants woul d hir e the m t o pu t ne w shoe s o n thei r The Uppe r Highway was settled mostly by Jewish animals. Th e peasants—men nd women—besigedthe wagondrivers, blacksmiths, carpenters, petty traders and food stores , buyin g o r tradin g kerosene , salt , sugar , some Polis h families . Clos e t o th e roa d wa s Laze r herrings, dry goods. Tailorin g and hatmaker shops were Redlich's button factory which employed a large number crowded wit h peasant s measurin g size s o r choosin g of Jewis h girls , mos t o f who m als o too k wor k colors. home—sewing buttons on cards. Th e Upper Highwa y The six-thousan d Jew s i n Szydlowie c wer e abou t was the "port" from which every morning wagons, buses 80% o f th e tota l population . Mostl y they wer e self - and buggies carried frieght and passengers to Radom and employed handicraftsmen an d shopkeepers with a small Warsaw. class of manufacturers an d entrepreneure, and a smal l Gravestones i n Szydlowie c testifie d t o a Jewis h number of proletarians, employed mostly in the Jewish presence there going back at least 480 years. lif e in the shoe-and-leather factories . Ther e wer e twelv e town flowed smoothly, with no upheavals, and it never mechanized leather factories in the town, a good number occurred to anyone that this would ever change. of smaller shoe factories, severa l stone-quarries, a larger Page 14 A Journal of Information fro m the KIELCE and RADOM SIG Winter 199 7 mechanized mill , tw o Jewis h cooperativ e banks , tw o hundreds o f Jews , men an d women , wer e concerned , button factories , a brewery , a n iro n foundry , an d a interested, an d wheneve r necessary , the y helped i n a sawfull. Considerin g th e siz e o f th e population , material way. Everyone' s private life was an open book, Szydlowiec's economic life was very dynamic. a family affair . It was around 1910-1 1 that I joined the circle of young readers of Yiddish books. An d since I lived in my own small "apartment" in a quiet corner of our factory building, with a separate entrance, I became the keeper of our new books. Member s of the circle used t o com e and borrow books, and in this way I made many friends , h i time th e circl e expanded . Young fellows and girls from well-to-do homes used to snea k ver y cautiousl y int o m y apartmen t t o brorrow books. At on e o f ou r meeting s w e vote d t o se t up a secret librar y i n m y apartment . Eac h membe r The Shul of Note Eisenberg pledged to donate his own books. Th e books were sorted, catalogue d an d numbered. I t was the firs t library ever created in Szydlowiec. The leathe r industr y i n ou r tow n wa s th e nerv e One day we received a new book that had just been center of the economy, providing a livelihood for about published in Vilna. I t was called Yiddisher Bibloteker 200 workers as well as dealers who traveled throughout and contained a call to establish libraries in every town. Poland an d brought back friegh t car s o f the rawhide ; It also had a form for a petition, in Russian, addressed to dealers i n coal , kindling , chemicals , lime ; shippin g the Governor of the respective region; it was to be signed clerks at the railroad station; porters who unloaded the by two house-holders in whose name the permit would be wagons; rivers for transporting the goods; brokers who issued. W e found two such people — Yehiel Dimont, dealt wit h out-of-tow n buyer s fo r th e leather ; broker s who hate d th e Hassidim , and Aaro n Fisher , th e tow n who loaned money at interest. feldsher, an d the onl y Jew in Szydlowie c who wore a Szydlowiec was well known in the Hassidic world. short jacket and a short beard. Fishe r considered himself It was the home of the famous Rebbe Nathan David, who a modern progressive man. started a dynasty of great rebbeim. O n every holiday, hassidim came to Szydlowiec to see him and later his successor. Our tow n wa s distinguishe d fo r th e "sheyne yidn "— scholars, communal leaders, philanthropists, shrewd Hassidim, neatly dressed and with well kept beards. Al l of them enjoyed the great respect of the Jewish population . Th e religiou s leader s wer e carefully chosen men, renowned scholars. Th e rabbi and th e dayani m arbitrate d al l religiou s an d communal disagreement s amon g Jews . Wheneve r two parties could not settle their differences betwee n them, they arranged a din-; th e beth-din wa s binding. That was Jewish life in Szydlowiec. I t was slow, calm, withou t upheavals . Generation s cam e an d went, Neither wars nor historic events changed the Workshop of women tailors old way of life. Everyon e conducted his modest life at his workbench o r counter, lived out his years in the Some time later—much to our surpise—the permit circle of his family and friends. Everyon e knew everyone forme library arrived, h i those days, under Tsarist rule, else. Peopl e wishedeac h othe r a goo d morning . this was a great victory. W e made every effort to find a Whenever thing s wer e goin g ba d fo r someone , o r i f place and finally succeeded in getting two large rooms in someone wa s ill , th e new s sprea d quickl y an d the n the home of a Pole. Som e of our members who were Winter 199 7 A Journal of Information from the KIELCE an d RADOM SIG Page 15

carpenters built a bookcase, tables and chairs. -The news reading circl e grew . A t it s first genera l meetin g w e about the opening of this place where young people could decided t o se t ourselve s u p a s a n independen t gather to read books spread like wildfire. I t created both organization named KULTURA, for the disemination of a sensation and a storm of protest. Meeting s were called. education an d culture . A n executiv e committe e wa s The decision of the bet-din was that on Friday evening elected consisting of Reuben and Zucker, Berish after services this matter would be discussed publicly in and Joseph Tenenbaum, and myself. the synagogue and the bes-medresh and that the Jews of A feveris h cultura l activit y began. W e recruite d Szydlowiec woul d b e warne d agains t thi s threa t t o young people from well-to-do homes, from poor homes, Yiddishkeit, an d that everyon e would be instructed to from religiousl y observan t homes . Th e driv e fo r keep their sons and daughters out of that forbidden place. knowledge and education was irresistible. Ou r library Furthermore, th e leader s o f this movemen t woul d b e was always busy. Hundred s of readers borrowed books. placed i n herem — The readin g room-i t excommunicated. contained Yiddis h Many in ou r circl e newspapers an d were intimidated by this magazines-was ful l storm an d withdrew , every evening . W e leaving onl y a fe w arranged lecture s o n determined, fearles s political, literar y an d individuals wh o hel d social topics , b y ou r fast to their position. A own an d outsid e delegration o f speakers. A t thes e three — Beynish discussions everyon e Tenenbaum, was free to expres s his Yerakhmiel Greenber g or her own opinion. and myself-reported t o In orde r t o rais e Rabbi Eleazar , head o f funds fo r ou r every - the beth-din, tha t w e Th e Cultural Clu b increasing activities we were not goin g to take organized dramati c this provocatio n lyin g groups tha t presente d down, tha t w e woul d protes t th e herem, that w e had works by famous Yiddish playrights. Thi s activity too founded our library with the Governor's permission and brought us both funds and new members. that no one had the right to obstruct us. Rabb i Eleazor Years passed. Th e big world outside was astir with did not take our warning lightly. great events . Problem s ripened whose solutio n would But our work suffered. Th e young people had been bring about great changes in the world. Might y empires frightened away from us. Then , in the summer of 1914, were threatened with collapse. Smal l peoples demanded when the war broke out, Russian soldiers were billeted in independence. Ol d regimes fell. Revolutio n in Russia. Szydlowiec and all available space was requisitioned for The Balfou r Declaratio n arouse d grea t hope s amon g the military, including ou r library. Ou r aactivity was Jews, a new interest in world political events. thus effectively halted for a long time. At a general meeting of the KULTURA we adopted The outbreak of the war brought troubled times for a proposal to change our society into a general Zionist the Jewis h population . Russia n armie s marchin g organization. Ou r circle lost its previous independent through th e countrysid e terrorize d th e civilia n character and became a political institution. A a number population, especially the Jews. Jewis h livlihoods were of prominent members lef t ou r ranks because o f their disrupted. Th e whole economy was paralyzed. Atypica l oppostion to . wartime business developed. All ou r youthfu l ardo r was now turned to Zionist After several turns of military fortune our town was activity. An d ther e wa s plent y o f wor k t o do : occupied by die Austrian army. Th e Jews breathed more maintaining the normal activity of our library, readings easily, happy to rid of the Russian satraps under whose and discussions every Saturday, organizing young people rule the y wer e no t certai n o f thei r lives . Friendl y to b e halutzim , meeting s t o rais e fund s fo r Kere n reltionships develope d with the Austriaa n occupatio n Kayemet and Keren Hayesod. Th e political work for tue aauthorMes. A new era of political and culturl freedom, Zionist organizatio n i n Polan d demande d grea t effor t opened for the Jews. Th e young people started meeting from us: participation in the hehillos that were then again, openly . Interes t in cultura l matters rose. Th e Page 16 A Journal of Information from the KffiLCE an d RADOM SIG Winter 1997 being organized on a democratic basis, getting into the The anti-Semitic mood in Poland was growing more city council, leading the election campaign to the Polish acute, envelopin g broade r an d broade r circle s o f the parliament (). people. Th e political parties competed against each other At that time a Mizrachi group was also organized in propagating Jew hatred. A mass psychosis developed. under the leadership of Yerakhmiel Haim Blizinski. I t The government began following a policy which ruined attracted man y o f th e olde r generation-middl e clas s the economic life of Polish Jewry. Th e improverishment people, artisans, small merchants and just plain people of th e Jew s deepened . Competitio n wa s fierce; who sympathized with the Zionist vision and were hostile merchants sol d thei r ware s a t a loss . Bankruptcie s to the authorative Hassidic mounted. Jewis h workers leaders wh o ha d and handicraftsme n dominated Jewis h lif e u p worked fo r starvatio n to that point. wages. A movemen t There wa s als o a n started t o ope n a active grou p o f youn g cooperative ban k t o help people around Betar, who the Jewis h smal l were follower s o f businessmen wit h loan s Jabotinsky's politica l and credits . Th e Ban k ideaas. Ludowi (People s Bank ) A stron g Bundis t proved s o usefu l an d movement attracte d popular tha t anothe r workers an d cooperative ban k wa s handicraftsmen. I t opened established, Ban k a library , organize d trade KupietskL (Commercia l unions, le d strikes , Bank). Bot h o f thes e arranged lecture s an d i n The Eastern Wall of the Shul Jewish banks were always generaal conducte d a n busy. Th e need for credit active prograam that had its effect in the town. was urgent. A large selectio n o f the population was The Orthodox circles, organized in Agudas Israel, living from trade and manufacturing. were also a strong force in Szydlowiec. Th e communal With Hitler's rise to power in Germany, economic leaders—Hassidim, scholars , peopl e wh o had alway s woes took second place. No w the primary concern was influenced religious matters and enjoyed the respect of for sheer survival. I n mid-1939 this concern reached a the masses of Jews—belonged to Aguda. high point-th e ai r smelte d mor e an d mor e o f All these activities, political and cultural, gradually gunpowder. Ver y soon--i n mid-Augus t 1939 — changed the appearance of the town and give it a new gunpowder exploded: Hitler attacked Poland. coloration. I n Shlomo Eisenberg's house a "kino" was The panic among the Jews was awful. Bu t not one opened which showed better films and occasional stage of us eve n imagined at that time how cruel a fate the plays. Nazi murderers were preparing for the Jews. In the elections to Szydlowiec's city council, out of 14 Jewis h councilmen , thre e Zionist s wer e elected : This excerpt from the Szydlowiec Memorial Yerakhmiel Greenberg, Pinkert and myself. Ou t of 24 Book has been published with the permission of councilmen, the Jew s had a majority . A t thei r firs t the Shidlowtzer Society, who holds the meeting, th e newl y electe d counciilme n chos e a n copyright on all of this material. It was made executive consisting of the Mayor, the Deputy Mayor and available to the Kielce-Radom SIG by Sid two alderman . Th e Jew s vote d fo r a lis t whic h Davis, program director of the Voice of nominated Pinker t fo r Deput y Mayor and on e Jewish America, whose mother's family emigrated from alderman, s o tha t ou t o f fou r member s o f th e cit y Szydlowiec. adminsttation, two were Jews. Th e Polish councilmen were incensed by this and protested vehemently to the A few copies of the English version of the yizkor Jewish councilmen: it was simply unthinkable that a Jew book are still available at reasonable prices by should be elected Deputy Mayor in a Polish city. Al l the writing to A.B. Rosenbautn, Chairman, The h Polish councilme n forme d a united fron t aroun d this Shidlowtzer Benevolent Society, 2949 - 13T issue, including the National Democrats, the Socialists St., Flushing, NY 11354. and two Communists. Winter 1997 A Journal of Information from the KIELCE and RADOM SIG Pag e 17


Compiled by Alexander Beider Introduction edited by Warren Blatt

When working o n my book A Dictionary of Chmielnik , Dzialoszyce , Gniewoszôw , Jewish Surnames from the Kingdom of Poland Jedrzejôw , Koprzywnica , Kozienice , Miechôw , (Avotaynu, 1996) , I use d man y source s t o Olkusz , Piriczôw, Przedborz, Przytyk , Staszôw , discover Polis h Jewis h surnames . Th e mos t Szczekociny , Szydlowiec , Wislica , Wodzislaw , important source s wer e th e vote r list s fo r th e an d Zwoleri . Othe r book s hav e n o lis t o f FocyflapcTBeHHaa Jfyivi a (Gosudarstvennaya victims , for example, the yizkor books of Kielce, Duma — the Russia n parliament) , th e yizko r Opatôw , Ostrowiec , Radom , Skarzysko - books, an d the civil records. Fo r my research, Kamienna . ThebookofWierzbnik-Starachowic e only th e surname s fro m thes e source s wer e include s th e lis t o f Jew s wh o wer e deporte d computerized; n o given names were extracted. durin g the Second World War to the local camp from differen t regions . Voter Lists Editor's Notes: The list s o f voter s wer e publishe d i n 1906 , 1907 an d 191 2 i n the Russian language officia l Liste d below are the surnames from th e fou r newspapers for each gubernia. Thos e authorized easter n district s o f Rado m gubernia : Ilza , to participat e i n the election s consiste d o f me n Opatôw , Sandomier z an d Kozienice , surname s twenty-five year s an d olde r wh o me t certai n extracte d from the voter lists, along with the total economic requirements : revenues , property , numbe r o f voter s bearin g eac h surname ; an d occupation, and taxes on their industrial activities surname s extracted fro m th e yizkor books. Dr . or homes. Beide r ha s graciously share d th e source s o f hi s research with the Kielce-Radom SIG. Dat a fo r Only a smal l percentag e o f th e Jewis h th e othe r district s o f Rado m an d Kielc e wil l population was liste d i n th e vote r lists . Sinc e appea r in future issue s of this journal, half o f th e population was female , an d 60% o f the populatio n was unde r ag e twenty-five , Al l thes e name s wer e transliterate d int o a calculating fro m populatio n figure s yield s tha t standar d contemporar y Polis h spelling , fro m about 20% of the Jewish males over age twenty- eithe r Russia n (vote r lists) , o r fro m Yiddis h o r five are contained i n these voter lists. Hebre w (yizko r books) . Al l th e letter s i n th e names belo w shoul d b e rea d a s i n Polish. Fo r The voter lists contain the surname and given example , w e spel l "Frydman " instea d o f mor e name o f eac h voter . Patronymic s (th e father's familia r Englis h spellin g o f "Friedman" , given name) are present in most of these lists as "Rozensztejn " instea d o f "Rosenstein" , "Kac " well. Th e age of voters is given only in the lists instea d of "Katz" , etc. compiled in 1912 for Lomza gubernia, whil e the lists for all other gubernias give no age. Dr . Beider is offering a research service. He will retur n t o yo u th e complet e entrie s fo r a Yizkor Books surnam e fro m th e origina l vote r list s (give n names an d patronymics) , a t a cos t o f $2 1 pe r Many yizko r book s hav e list s o f Holocaus t nam e per district. Writ e to: Alexander Beider , victims included . Fo r th e Kielce-Rado m area , 8 rue du Dauphiné, 91300 Massy, France. Mak e this i s th e cas e fo r th e yizko r book s o f check s payable to "Avotaynu , Inc." Page 18 A Journal of Information from the KIELCE and RADOM SIG Winter 1997

IL2A Feldman (1 v, Ybw ) Kaufman ( 1 v, Ybw ) Morgiensztern (Ybw) Tajchman (3 v, Ybw ) Abramowicz (1 v, DISTRICT: Feldpicer (Ybw ) Kazimierski (Ybw) Mysliborski (1 v) Tauman (Ybw) Ybk) Fersztendyk (1 v) Kierbel (Ybw) Najman (1 v, Ybw ) Tencer (Ybw) Adler (3 v, Ybk ) Finkielsztajn (Ybw ) Kierszenbaum (2 v, Najnudel ( 1 v, Ybw ) Tenenbaum (2 v, Ybw = Yizko r book Ajchenbaum (Ybk ) Fiszman (2 v, Ybw ) Ybw) Nemed (Ybw) of Wierzbrak Ybw) Ajdelman (3 v) Flancenbaum (Ybw) Kierszenblat (2 v, Nisenbaum (3 v, Ybw ) Tenenwurcel (1 v) Ajdenbaum (Ybk ) Frochtman (1 v, Ybw ) Ybw) Niskier (1 v, Ybw ) Tobman (Ybw) Ajdenberg (3 v) [Other important Fryde (1 v) Kierszenblum (1 v, Nudelman (Ybw) Trope (2 v, Ybw ) Ajlenberg ( 1 v) towns Ciepielôw , Frydman (1 v, Ybw ) Ybw) Ofman ( 1 v, Ybw ) Turkieltaub (Ybw) Ajlman (Ybz) Grabowiec, Frymel (1 v, Ybw ) Kieselbrener (1 v) Oracz (1 v) Ungier (Ybw) Ajnszyndler (Ybk ) Kazanôw, Lipsko, Frymerman (1 v, Kiestenberg (1 v, Orenbach ( 1 v) Wajcjiendler (Ybw ) Ajzenbaum ( 1 v, Ybk ) Nowa Tymienica, Ybw) Ybw) Pasternak (Ybw) Wajchman (2 v) Ajzenberg (4 v, Ybk) Sienno, Solec , Funk (Ybw ) KIWOWICZ ( 1 v ) Pawlower (Ybw) Wajcman (Ybw ) Ajzenmeser (Ybk ) Starachowice, Furman (Ybw) Pflichtentrajn (Ybw ) Wajgienszperk (Ybw ) Ajzman (Ybz ) Tarlôw, Wachock] Klajnbaum ( 2 v) Gierszterman (1 v) Klajnman (Ybw ) Phchtentrajn ( 1 v) Wajman ( 1 v) Akierman (2 v) Glat (1 v, Ybw ) Klikwaser (Ybw) Pochaczewski (Ybw) Wajmberg ( 1 v) Alperman (1 v, Ybk) Abramowicz (Ybw ) Glazer (Ybw) Kogut (Ybw) Pozner (1 v, Ybw ) Wajngarten ( 1 v) Alterlajb (Ybk ) Ajdelkopf(Ybw) Gold (1 v, Ybw ) Komarowski (Ybw) Pracownik (1 v) Wajnryb ( 1 v, Ybw ) Altman (2 v, Ybg) Ajzenman (3 v, Ybw ) Goldberg ( 1 v, Ybw ) Konowiecki (Ybw) Prowizor (1 v) Wajnsztok ( 1 v, Ybw ) Anglejter ( 1 v, Ybk) Ajzensztat (1 v) Goldfarb ( 7 v, Ybw ) Kopf(Ybw) Przytycki (Ybw) Wajntraub (Ybw ) Angleter (Ybg) Altman (1 v, Ybw ) Goldfingier ( 1 v) Koralnik (Ybw) Puterman (1 v, Ybw) Wajsberg ( 1 v, Ybw ) Arbajtman ( 1 v, Ybk ) Anielewicz (1 v, Ybw ) Goldgrub (Ybw) Korenwaser (3 v, Rabinowicz (Ybw) Wajsblum (Ybw ) Awensztern (6 v, Ybk ) Awenos (1 v) Rajchcajg (Ybw ) Goldman (8 v, Ybw ) Ybw) Wajsfeld ( 1 v) Baginski (Ybk) Baranek (Ybw) Rajs (3 v, Ybw) Goldszrut (1 v) Korman (1 v) Wajsman (2 v) Bajer (2 v, Ybk ) Bekiermaszyn (Ybw) Rajzler (Ybw ) Goldsztajn ( 1 v, Ybw ) Korta (Ybw) Wajzer ( 1 v, Ybw ) Bandman (Ybk) Bichman (1 v) Rajzlik (Ybw ) Golebiowski (2 v, Kosman (3 v) Warszawski (2 v, Baran (Ybk) Biderman (Ybw) Rajzman (Ybw ) Ybw) Krauzman (Ybw) Ybw) Batyst (Ybk) Binsztok (3 v, Ybw ) Rezmk (1 v) Gotlib (2 v, Ybw ) Krysztaî ( 2 v, Ybw) Waserman (1 v, Ybw ) Bekierman (Ybg) Birenbaum ( 1 v, Ybw ) Rochwerg (1 v) Grober (Ybw ) Kuclowicz or Wekselman (1 v, Bendelman (Ybz) Birencwajg ( 1 v, Rolmcki (Ybw) Grojsman ( 1 v) Kocelowicz (Ybw) Ybw) Bendler (Ybk) Ybw) Rotszyld (Ybw) Grosfeld ( 1 v) Kumec (1 v, Ybw ) Werber (Ybw) Bentman (Ybk) Rozenbaum (1 v) Blatman (1 v, Ybw ) Grosfersztand ( 1 v) Kuncman (2 v) Wiecznik (Ybw) Bergier (Ybk) Rozenberg (2 v, Ybw ) Blikzylberg (1 v) Gryner (1 v, Ybw ) Kuperberg (3 v, Ybw ) Wilenczyk (Ybw) Berkman (1 v, Ybz) Rozenper (1 v) Bliman (4 v, Ybw ) Grynglas (1 v) Kuperszrmdt (1 v) Winograd (Ybw ) Berkowicz (1 v) Rozental (2 v, Ybw ) Blumenfeld ( 1 v, Grynhaut (Ybw) Kuperszmit (1 v) Zabner (Ybw) Berman (Ybk) Rozenwald (Ybw ) Ybw) Grynszpan (1 v, Ybw ) Kurnowski (Ybw) Zachcinski (Ybw) Bememan (6 v, Ybk) Rubinfajer ( 1 v) Bojmalgryn (1 v) Guterman (Ybw) Kuszerman (1 v) Zajftnan (Ybw ) Bersztel (Ybz) Rubmowicz (2 v) Bomsztajn ( 1 v, Ybw ) Gutman (1 v, Ybw ) Laks (1 v, Ybw ) Zalcman (1 v, Ybw ) Bertmanowicz (Ybz) Rubinsztajn (3 v, Borensztajn ( 3 v, Hajblum (Ybw ) Landau (1 v) Zalsztajn (1 v) Berunad (Ybk ) Berynman (Ybz) Ybw) Heler (2 v, Ybw ) Langier (3 v, Ybw ) Ybw) Zelcer (Ybw) Bichman (Ybz) Borôwka (Ybw ) Helsztajn (Ybw ) Lecht(1 v) Rutman (3 v, Ybw ) Zoberman (1 v, Ybw ) Biegamec (Ybk) Brandwajn ( 2 v) Herblum ( 4 v, Ybw ) Lerman (Ybw) Rutmanowicz (Ybw) Zulcer or Zolcer Binem (1 v) Brodbekier (3 v, Ybw ) Hercyg (Ybw ) Lerner (1 v, Ybw ) Rybak (Ybw) (Ybw) Binental (Ybk) Bromberg (1 v, Ybw ) Herling (Ybw) Lewi (1 v, Ybw ) Samet (Ybw) Zylberberg (3 v, Ybw ) Birenbaum (11 v, Bruturer (1 v) Herszenhorn (2 v, Lewinson (Ybw) Szachtman (1 v) Zylberfenig (Ybw ) Bryks (1 v) Ybw) Liberman (1 v, Ybw ) Szafir ( 1 v, Ybw ) Zylbergield (1 v) Ybk) Bryt (Ybw) Herszman (Ybw) Lichtensztajn (1 v, Szajn (1 v, Ybw ) Zylberman (2 v, Ybw ) Birman (Ybg) Buchbinder (1 v) Hilf(Ybw) Ybw) Szajner (Ybw ) Zylbersztajn (Ybw ) Biter (1 v) Chajton (Ybw) Hunelgryn (1 v, Ybw ) Lipski (Ybw) Szajnfeld ( 1 v) Zysapsi or Zysafsi Blatman (3 v, Ybk ) Ciepfy ( 1 v, Ybw ) Hirszberg (1 v) Lipsztajn (Ybw ) Szarfer (Ybw ) (Ybw) Blejchman (Ybz ) Cukier (6 v, Ybw ) Hochbaum (1 v) Lipszyc (1 v, Ybw) Szarfharc (Ybw ) Zysholc (1 v) Blizko (1 v) Cukierman (4 v, Ybw ) Hochnuc (Ybw ) Lis (Ybw) Szechman (Ybw) Zyskind (Ybw) Blumencwajg ( 1 v, Cukiert (1 v) Hofman ( 1 v) Listyg (1 v) Szmedra (1 v) Ybk) Cwilew ( 1 v) Honigbojm (1 v) Majzels ( 1 v, Ybw ) Szpagat (Ybw) Bojmajl (Ybk ) Cymerman (1 v, Ybw ) Homgman (1 v, Ybw ) Makierowicz (Ybw) Szpajzer (Ybw ) Bojmal (3 v) Cytryn (Ybw) Homgsberg (1 v, Malach (1 v) Szpajzman (1 v) Bojmalgryn (3 v) Cytrynbaum (Ybw) KOZIENICE Ybw) Mafech (1 v) Szpiro (1 v, Ybw ) Bojman (1 v) Dawidowicz (1 v, DISTRICT: Horowicz (1 v, Ybw ) Mandelzys (1 v, Ybw ) Sztajman ( 5 v, Ybw ) Borensztajn (15 v, Ybw) Horwacz (1 v) Manela (Ybw) Sztajn (1 v) Ybk) Ybk = Yizko r book Delewkowicz (Ybw) Iser (Ybw ) Maslowicz (2 v, Ybw ) Sztajnbaum (Ybw ) Borer (1 v) of Kozienice, Drajnudel (Ybw ) Ismach (1 v) Mecherowsia (1 v) Sztajnhart (Ybw ) Brajntuch (Ybz ) Ybg = Yizko r book Dreksler (1 v, Ybw ) Melamed (Ybw) Sztajnsztander ( 1 v) Brajtman (Ybk ) Iwry (1 v) of Gniewoszôw, Dynerman (1 v) Mesenberg (2 v) Sztarkman (6 v, Ybw ) Brajtsztajn (Ybk ) James (1 v) Ybz = Yizko r book of Ejnesman (1 v, Ybw ) Szterenkranc (Ybw) Brandszaft (Ybk ) Janower (1 v) Milgram (1 v) Zwolen Elencwajg ( 1 v) Kac (1 v, Ybw ) Milman (Ybw) Sztern (Ybw) Brandszpigiel (2 v) Engiel (1 v) Braun (3 v, Ybk ) Kacenelenbogien (1 v) Milrad (2 v) Sztrajtman (Ybw ) [Other important Emsman (Ybw) Kaciala (Ybw) Milsztajn ( 1 v) Szuch (1 v, Ybw ) Brod (1 v) Erhch (1 v) towns Gtowaczôw , Kadysiewicz (1 v, Mincberg (1 v, Ybw) Szwarcberg (3 v, Gramca, Bronsztajn (Ybk ) Erhchman (Ybw) Ybw) Minkowski (Ybw) Ybw) Brontfan (Ybz ) Erhchson (Ybw) Magnuszew, Kalikwaser (Ybw) Mor or Mur (Ybw) Szyfman (1 v, Ybw ) Ryczywôl] Bronzaft ( 2 v) Fajgienbaum (Ybw ) Kampf (1 v, Ybw ) Morder (1 v) Szylkrot (1 v) Brzozowski (Ybk) Farbraan (Ybw) Winter 1997 A Journal of Information from the KIELCE and RADOM SIG Page 19

Buchman (Ybk) Fetelman (1 v) Grosfersztand (2 v) Kamer (Ybk) Lewin (2 v; Ybg) Orbach (1 v; Ybk) Buchner (1 v; Ybk) Feterman (1 v) Grosman (Ybg) Kanarek (Ybz) Liberman (Ybk) Osetka ( 1 v) Bursztajn (Ybk) Finkielman (2 v; Ybg) Grotsfejh (2 v) Kaplan (1 v) *•>'* Libeskind (Ybz) Palacz (1 v) Bursztyn (1 v) Finkielsztajn (4 v; Grower (1 v) Kapler (2 v) Libfeld (Ybz) Papierblat (Ybg) Cajgfingier (Ybg; Ybk) Gruberg (Ybk) Karp (1 v; Ybk) Libhaber (Ybg) Pasternak (3 v; Ybk) Ybk) Fiszbaum (1 v) Grubler (Ybk) Karpenkop (2 v) Lichtensztajn (8 v; Pelcman (Ybg) Cechsztajn (Ybz) Fiszbojm (3 v; Ybk) Grudniak (5 v; Ybk) Karpik (Ybk) Ybk) Perel (2 v; Ybk ) Celnikier (Ybg) Fiszman (Ybg) Gryman (1 v) Karpman (1 v; Ybk) Licman (1 v) Perelman(l v ) Cemach (1 v; Ybk) Fisztajn (Ybk) Gryn (2 v; Ybk) Kasman (2 v) Likforman (3 v) Perelsztajn (4 v; Ybk ) Chanaft (Ybk) Flajszer (9 v; Ybk) Grynberg (1 v; Ybk) Kaszkiet (2 v) Likwerman (Ybk) Piekolek (5 v) Chelciiiski (1 v) Flaksel(1 v ) Grynhauz (1 v; Ybk) Kasztan (1 v; Ybz) Lmdenbaum (2 v) Piekolik ( 1 v) Chelemer (3 v; Ybz) Flakser(1 v ) Grynszpan (1 v; Ybk) Kazimirski (1 v) Lipfeld (1 v) Pieter (Ybk) Chinatowski (1 v) Flam (Ybk) Grynsztajn (3 v; Ybk) Kieler (Ybg) Liphaber (1 v) Pinczewer (Ybk) Chliwner (1 v; Ybk) Flamenbaum (1 v; Gutholc (1 v) Kierszenbaum (2 v; Lipman (Ybk) Pirowicz (1 v) Chmielnicki (3 v; Ybk) Guthorc (1 v) Ybk) Lipszyc (Ybg) Pomeranc (Ybz) Ybk) Fliderbaum (Ybz) Gutmacher (2 v; Ybk; Kierszenberg (1 v) Litman (3 v; Ybk) Poncz (Ybk) Chuling (1 v) Flumen (5 v; Ybz) Ybg) Kierszenblat (2 v; Litwak (1 v; Ybk) Popielnik (Ybk) Chulisz (Ybk) Flumenbaum (6 v; Gutman (3 v) Ybz) Lizband (Ybk) Potarznik (2 v) Cukier (9 v; Ybk) Ybz) Gwis (1 v) Kiestenbaum (Ybg) London (2 v; Ybk ) Potyszman (1 v) Cukierman (5 v; Ybk) Fogiel (1 v) Halputer (Ybk) Kiestenberg (8 v; Ybz) Lukower (Ybz) Prajs (Ybz) Cwajgienberg (3 v; Folberg (1 v; Ybk) Handelsman (2 v; ybk) Kiszka (Ybg) Luksenberg (3 v; Ybz) Preczelman (1 v) Ybg) Frajberg (1 v; Ybg) Hanower (2 v; Ybz) Kiwowicz (Ybz) Luksenburg (Ybk; Prochnicki (Ybk) Cwechman (Ybz) Frajlich (3 v) Hantkan (1 v) Klajnbaum (2 v) Ybg) Przytycki (2 v) Cwerman (1 v) Frajman (1 v) Helman (1 v) Klajnbojm (2 v) Lundenburg (Ybg) Purysewer (Ybk) Cybul (Ybg) Frajndlich (Ybk) Henigsztajn (1 v) Klajnert (1 v) Madanes (Ybk) Pytkowicz (2 v; Ybk) Cygielman (1 v; Ybk) Frochtman (2 v) Hercberg (Ybk) Klajnman (Ybk) Majdan (1 v; Ybk) Rabinowicz (Ybk) Cymbalista (Ybk) Fruchtgartel (1 v) Herszenbaum (9 v; Kligier (1 v) Majerowicz (1 v) Radowicz (Ybk) Cymerblat (1 v) Fruman (Ybk) Ybk) Klonski () Malach (1 v; Ybg ) Rafhowicz (Ybk ) Rajchapel ( 1 v) Cymerman (2 v; Ybk) Frydental (1 v) Herszenfis ( 1 v) Klugsberg (Ybg) Male (1 v) Rajchenbaum (1 v) Dab (Ybk) Frydman (12 v; Ybk) Herszenhorn (Ybk) Kofrnan (1 v ; Ybk) Mandel (3 v; Ybk) Rajchman (Ybg) Damlech (1 v) Frymer (Ybg) Herszhorn (2 v) Kolynsztajn (1 v) Mandelajl (Ybk) Rajnchapel ( 1 v) Dancygier (3 v; Ybk) Frysz (3 v; Ybk) Herszman (1 v) Kon(ll v ; Ybk) Mandelbaum (3 v; Rajter (Ybg) Diament (6 v; Ybk) Fuks (1 v; Ybg) Himelfarb (Ybg) Koper (2 v) Ybk) Rajz (Ybz) Dobroszkolno (Ybz) Funk (Ybk) Himelsztajn (1 v) Kopler (Ybk) Mandelbojm (1 v) Rajzman (Ybk) Dobrzyriski (Ybk) Futerman (Ybk) Hirsz (2 v; Ybg) Koplewicz (Ybk) Mandelcwajg (3 v; Rapoport (6 v; Ybk) Donersztajn (Ybk) Garfinkiel (Ybk ) Hirsztajn (1 v) Korman (12 v; Ybk) Ybk) Rechthant (Ybk) Dorfsman (Ybk) Gielberg (1 v; Ybk) Hitelsman (Ybk) Kornblit (1 v) Mandelman (Ybz) Rechtman (Ybk) Dorweman (1 v) Gielblat (2 v) Hochman (3 v) Kornblum (Ybk) Mantelmacher (Ybk; Rochman (5 v; Ybk) Drejzner (1 v) Gielbord (1 v) Hofenberg (Ybk) Korngold (1 v) Ybg) Rojtman (Ybg) Drezner (1 v) Gielernter (Ybg) Hoferman (1 v) Kornwaser (Ybk) Margoszes (Ybk) Rojzman (Ybk) Dua (1 v; Ybk) Giendzel (Ybk) Hofman (1 v; Ybk) Kosman (1 v; Ybg) Margules (3 v) Rokach (2 v) Dyksztajn (Ybk) Gierszon (1 v) Hofsztajn (Ybk) Koziak or Kaziak Medalion (Ybk) Roskosznik (Ybk) Dylgant (1 v) Giewis (1 v) Holchendler (Ybg) (Ybk) Mekler (Ybk) Rotblat (1 v) Dymant (Ybk) Giman (4 v; Ybk) Holckiener (4 v; Ybg) Koztowski (1 v) Melcer (2 v; Ybk) Rotenberg (4 v) Dymensztajn (1 v) Ginendel (Ybk) Holinwer (Ybg) Krajcberg (Ybk) Melman (1 v) Rotfarb (Ybz) Dyner (Ybg) Giser (1 v) Honigbaum (Ybz) Kramarski (Ybk) Mencer (1 v) RotmanO Dynes (1 v) Glaze (1 v) Honighendler (Ybz) Krech (Ybg) Mendelman (Ybk) Rotszyld (1 v) Dzik (1 v; Ybk) Glazer (Ybk) Honigman (Ybz) Kronengold (Ybk) Mendelson (Ybg) Rozen (8 v; Ybk) Edelberg (1 v) Glazman (Ybk) Honigtajn (1 v) Krongold (Ybz) Micenmacher (1 v) Rozenbaum (1 v; Ybk) Edelsztajn (1 v) Glikman (1 v) Honikbaum (1 v) Kruk(Ybg) Milberg (Ybk) Rozenberg (6 v) Ejgier (1 v) Glikzylberg (2 v) Honiksztok (3 v; Ybk) Krymhant (Ybg) Miler (3 v; Ybk) Rozenblat (5 v) Elbaum (1 v) Glozman (Ybg) Horowicz (2 v; Ybk) Kryszpel (1 v; Ybk) Milgrom (1 v; Ybk) Rozenblum (2 v) Engiel (Ybz) Golberg (3 v) Huberman (5 v; Ybk) Kuczer (2 v; Ybk) Miriski (Ybz) Rozencwajg (7 v; Epsztajn (Ybk) Gold (1 v; Ybk) Hurdyk (1 v) Kuperman (7 v; Ybk) Mine (Ybk) Erlich (2 v; Ybk) Goldberg (Ybk) Ickowicz (2 v; Ybk) Kuropatwa (Ybk) Mincberg (2 v; Ybk) Ybk) Erlichman (3 v; Ybk) Goldcwajg (Ybk) Ilenblum or Ajlenblum Kuszerman (1 v) Munaj (1 v; Ybk) Rozenfeld ( 1 v; Ybk) Fajfel ( 1 v) Goldcymer (2 v) (Ybz) Laks (1 v; Ybg) Musman (3 v) Rozenkranc (Ybz) Fajferman (1 v) Goldfarb (6 v; Ybk) Jabtonka (Ybk) Lancman (1 v) Nachmanowicz (1 v; Rozenman (1 v) Fajgienbaum (4 v; Goldman (7 v; Ybk) Jakobson (1 v; Ybk) Langie (1 v) Ybk) Rozensztam (1 v) Ybk) Goldnadel (Ybg) Jodenlerner (Ybg) Langier (1 v) Nagiel (1 v; Ybk) Rozensztark (2 v; Fajkind (1 v) Goldsztajn (3 v; Ybk) Joskowicz (2 v; Ybk) Lankleben (1 v; Ybz) Najdorfd v ; Ybk) Ybk) Fajn (1 v) Goldszwarc (2 v; Ybk) Justman (1 v) Lebendykier (1 v) Najhelt (1 v) Rozental (2 v; Ybk) Fajngiezycht (1 v) Goldwaser (3 v; Ybk) Jut (Ybk) Lederhendler (Ybk) Najman (2 v) Rozenwajn (Ybg) Federmeser (1 v) Gorer (Ybz) Kac (2 v) Lederman (5 v; Ybk) Najnudel (1 v; Ybk) Rozenwajs (Ybk) Federwaser (Ybz) Gorzyczanski (Ybk) Kajler (1 v) Lçga (Ybk) Najsztajn (Ybk) Rozman (Ybk) Feldberg (Ybz) Gotelf(l v ) Kajzer (Ybg) Legie (1 v) Nasielski (Ybk) Rozmaryn (Ybz) Feldman (Ybg) Gotlib (1 v; Ybk) Kalb (Ybk) Lejneman (1 v) Nidenberg (1 v) Rubin (Ybk) Feldsztajn (1 v) Gradowczyk (Ybk) Kaliiiski (Ybk) Lejzorowicz (1 v) Nirenberg (1 v) Rubinsztajn (8 v; Ybk) Feltman (2 v) Grajec (Ybk) Kalisz (Ybk) Lerman (Ybk) Nudelman (4 v) Rynder (Ybg) Fersztel (1 v) Granadsztajn (1 v) Kaliszer (2 v) Lerner (1 v; Ybk) Nusbaum (Ybk) Ryng (1 v) Fersztenberg (1 v) Grobla (1 v) Kalynszajn (2 v) Lewi (1 v; Ybk) Nusynblat (2 v) Saksznajder (Ybg) Page 20 A Journal of Information from the KIELCE and RADOM SIG Winter 1997

Samelson (2 v) Szyldkrojt (Ybz ) Zamojski (Ybk ) Bader (1 v, Ybop) Bursztyn (1 v) Fiszhendler (Ybos) Sanek (1 v, Ybg ) Szyler (1 v) Zaterman (1 v, Ybk ) Bahaner (Ybos) Cahchman or Fiszman (2 v) Sapirsztajn (Ybk ) Szylman (1 v) Zebel (1 v) Bajczer ( 1 v) Celichman (Ybos) Flajszer (Ybos ) Silman (1 v) Szyper ( 2 v) Zeman (Ybk) Bajgielman ( 2 v, Chçcinski (Ybos) Flajszman (1 0 v, Sirota (Ybk) Tabacznik (1 v, Ybk ) Ztotogôra (Ybg) Ybos) Chmielewski (1 v) Ybos) Sitkowski (1 v) Tajtelbaura ( 4 v, Ybk ) Zomberg (Ybg) Bajnerman ( 2 v, Ybos) Chunenfeld ( H (1 v) Flederwaser (1 v) Sobôl ( 2 v, Ybk ) Tanachowicz (Ybz) 2urkowski ( 1 v) Bajrych (Ybos ) Cukier (3 v, Ybos ) Fligielman (Ybop) Sochaczewski (Ybk) Taube (1 v) Zyferman ( 3 v, Ybk) Bakalar or Bekler Cukierzaft ( 1 v) Flikier (1 v) Spirytus ( 1 v) Tenenbaura (3 v, Ybk ) Zygielman (1 v) (Ybos) Cukierfajn ( 1 v, Ybos) Fliktentraj ( 1 v) Stokfisz (Ybk ) Tener (Ybg ) Zygierman (1 v) Bal (Ybop) Cwajgienbok (3 v) Fojgiel (Ybop) Sukno (Ybk) Teper (1 v, Ybk ) Zylber (Ybz) Baiter (1 v, Ybop, Cwajgman (2 v, Ybos ) Frachtman (1 v) Symenhauz (1 v, Ybk ) Teperman (Ybk ) Zylberberg (9 v, Ybk ) Ybos) Cymer (1 v) Frajberg ( 2 v) Szabason (3 v, Ybk ) Tochterman (Ybk ) Zylberfarb ( 1 v) Band (4 v) Cymerman (3 v) Frejman ( 1 v) Szabezon (Ybg) Topol (Ybg ) Zylberknop (1 v, Ybk ) Bankier (1 v) Cymrot (Ybos) Frenkiel ( 2 v, Ybos ) Szac (1 v) Torenglejn ( 1 v) Zylberman (7 v, Ybk ) Baranowski (1 v) Cytryn (1 v, Ybos ) Frochtman (1 v) Szaf (Ybk ) Tnangiel (Ybk ) Zylberszporn (2 v) Baum (1 v) Czarnocha ( 1 v) Frucht (Ybop) Szafirsztajn ( 4 v) Tuchman (Ybk) Zylbersztajn ( 3 v, Baumfeld ( 1 v) Czernikowski (8 v, Fruchtgarten (2 v) Szafranski ( 2 v) Turek ( 2 v) Ybk) Baumsztajn ( 1 v, Ybop, Ybos) Fruchtman (Ybop) Szajer (Ybg ) Tyrangiel ( 1 v, Ybk ) Zyman (1 v, Ybk ) Ybos) Daches (1 v) Frydenberg (1 v) Szajerman ( 2 v) Tyszman (Ybk ) Zyngier (1 v) Bekiel (Ybos) Dajcz (Ybos ) Frydental (Ybos) Szajn ( 2 v) Ubogi (1 v) Zyngierman (1 v) Bekier (1 v) Dales (Ybos) Frydland (4 v, Ybos) Szajnfeld (Ybk ) Uczen ( 1 v) Zyperman (Ybk) Benkier (Ybos) Damski (1 v, Ybop, Frydlewski (1 v, Szames(ll v ) Urbach (1 v) Berenbaum (1 v) Szapiro ( 1 v) Urtregier ( 1 v) Ybos) Ybos) Berencwajg (Ybop ) Szarfharc (Ybg ) Wajcman (3 v, Ybk ) Darmgrosz or Frydman(ll v ) Berensztajn ( 1 v) Szawelzon (1 v) Wajnberg (1 3 v, Ybk ) Dramegrosz (Ybos) Frydrych (Ybos) Bergier (2 v, Ybos ) Szepsel ( 2 v) Wajnfeld ( 2 v) OPATÔW Dawidowicz (2 v) Frymerman (Ybop) Berliner (1 v) Szerer(1 v ) Wajngarten (Ybk ) Debiszewski (Ybos) Fuks (2 v, Ybos ) DISTRICT: Berman (3 v, Ybos) Szermajster (Ybk ) Wajnman (1 v) Debski (1 v) Gajst (1 v, Ybos ) Berson (1 v) Szerman (4 v, Ybg ) Wajnryb (Ybg) Dodels (1 v) Garfinkiel ( 1 v) Ybop = Yizko r book Beser (1 v) Szlaferman (Ybz ) Wajnsztok ( 2 v, Ybk ) Dorobecki (1 v) Gdal (1 v) of Opatow, Beserman (2 v) Szluftnan ( 1 v) Wajntraub ( 2 v, Ybk ) Drepta ( 1 v) Gdalewicz (2 v, Ybop) Ybos = Yizko r book Biderman (Ybos) Szlukier (1 v) Wajntrob ( 2 v) Dychter (Ybop, Ybos) Gdanski (Ybos) of Ostrowiec Biezonski (Ybos) Szmajser ( 1 v, Ybk ) Wajnworcel ( 1 v) Dykierman (Ybop) Giefen or Gapan Birenbaum (2 v) Dyner (1 v) (Ybos) Sznajder (3 v) Wajsband (Ybz ) [Other important Birencwajg (Ybop , Dziadek (1 v) Gielbaum (1 v) Sznajderman (1 v) Wajsberg ( 2 v, Ybk) towns Cmielôw , Ybos) Dziaioszycki (Ybop) Gielberg (Ybos) Sznol (Ybz ) Wajsbort (3 v) Iwamska, Kunôw , Blachman (4 v) Edit (1 v) Gielbojm (1 v) Szpajzer ( 1 v) Wajsbrot (Ybk ) Lagôw, Lasocin , Blajberg ( 1 v, Ybos ) Edelman (1 v) Giersztajn ( 1 v, Ybos) Szpajzman ( 2 v) Wajsman (Ybg ) Ozarôw, Rakôw, Blankman (Ybos) Ejnysman (1 v) Giertner (1 v, Ybos ) Szpigiel ( 1 v, Ybk ) Wajzburg ( 1 v) Wasniôw] Szpigielman (2 v, Waksman (1 v, Ybk ) Bhtental (2 v, Ybop) Ejzykowicz(l v ) Giewaltman (1 v) Bluer (2 v, Ybop ) Elwing (Ybos) Giewerc (1 v) Walman (1 v) Adler (6 v, Ybop, Ybk) Warecki (Ybk) Blum (Ybos) Ender (1 v) Ginsberg (1 v) Ybos) Szpilberg (Ybg ) Waserman (8 v, Ybz ) Bluman (1 v) Engiel (Ybop) Ginsburg (2 v) Agater (Ybos) Szpira ( 1 v, Ybk ) Wasernis (1 v) Blumenfeld (3 v, Engielender (2 v, Glanc (1 v) Ajbuszyc ( 1 v) Sztajman ( 1 v) Ybos) Ybos) Glat (6 v, Ybop, Wegman (Ybz) Ajchenhorn ( 1 v) Sztajnbaum (Ybk ) Blumensztok (1 v, Epsztajn (1 v) Ybos) Weltman (Ybg) Ajdelkopf(l v ) Sztajnbok (Ybk ) Ybop, Ybos) Erenberg (2 v, Ybop) Glazman (4 v, Ybop ) Werber (Ybk ) Ajgier (Ybos ) Sztajnfeld (Ybg ) Bluwol (2 v) Erhch (2 v, Ybos ) Glmowiecki (1 v) Wertman (3 v, Ybk ) Ajhorn (1 v) Bojm (1 v) Erhchman (3 v, Ybop ) Glubitszer (Ybos) Sztajnhoren ( 1 v) Wierzbicki (Ybg) Ajlkichen (Ybos) Goldbach (1 v, Ybop) Sztajnhom (Ybz ) Wilczek (1 v, Ybk ) Ajzenbach ( 1 v) Boleslawski (1 v) Erman (3 v, Ybop) Sztajnrod ( 2 v) Wilczkowski (2 v) Ajzenberg ( 1 v) Bomsztyk (1 v) Fachler (3 v, Ybos ) Goldbart (1 v) Sztajnrot (Ybk ) Wildenberg (3 v, Ybk) Ajzenman (7 v) Borensztajn (3 v, Fajersztajn ( 1 v) Goldberg (4 v) Sztajnsznajder ( 1 v, Wildman (1 v, Ybk) Ajzensztat (1 v) Ybos) Fajfkopf (Ybos ) Goldblum (3 v) Ybg) Winer (1 v) Albus (1 v) Brafman (Ybos ) Faktor (1 v) Goldcekier(l v , Sztamfater (Ybg ) Winerlak (1 v) Aleksandrowicz (1 v, Brajtel (1 v) Farbman (Ybos) Ybop) Sztarkman (Ybk) Winograd (Ybk) Brakarz (2 v) Feczok or Pienciok Goldcykier (Ybos) Ybos) Sztatwojner (1 v, Ybk ) Wizenberg (Ybz) Brochsztajn (Ybos ) (Ybos) Goldfarb (5 v) Algazy (Ybop) Sztatyner (Ybk) Wolberg (2 v, Ybk ) Brodbekier (1 v) Federkol(1 v) Goldfingier ( 2 v, Alhazen (1 v) Sztekier (Ybk) Wolfsztand (Ybk ) Bromberg (3 v, Ybop, Fefer ( 1 v, Ybos) Ybos) Alkichen (1 v) Ybos) Feldberg (Ybos) Goldgrub (1 v) Sztelman (1 v) Wolraan (1 v, Ybz) Alter (Ybos) Broncher (1 v) Feldblum (1 v, Ybos) Goldhaar (1 v) Sztern (1 v, Ybz ) Wulf(l v ) Alterman (1 v) Broner (3 v) Feldman (6 v, Ybos ) Goldman (12 v) Sztentfeld ( 1 v) Wulfman ( 1 v) Altersman (1 v) Fercyk or Parcik Goldmic (1 v) Szternsztajn (Ybk ) Zachorowicz (1 v) Altman (1 v) Brukiew (1 v) (Ybos) Goldrajch (Ybos ) Sztrajman (Ybk ) Zaja.c (1 v) Angiemcki (1 v) Brukirer (Ybos) Goldszlegier (1 v, Sztylman (2 v) Zajdenbaum (Ybz ) Anterhk (2 v) Brykman (4 v, Ybop, Fersztendyk (1 v) Szuch (Ybk) Zajdenworm ( 1 v) Apelbaum (8 v, Ybos) Ybos) Fidler (Ybos) Ybos) Szwarcbard (3 v) Zajfman ( 1 v) Arbajtman (1 v) Bryks (2 v, Ybop, Finkielsztajn (2 v) Goldsztajn ( 4 v) Szwarcberg (2 v, Ybz ) Zalcberg (9 v, Ybk ) Arbes (1 v) Ybos) Fisz (8 v, Ybos ) Goldwaser (4 v, Szwarcman (2 v, Ybk ) Zalcer (Ybk) Arbuz (1 v, Ybos) Buchbinder (Ybos) Fiszbajn ( 1 v, Ybos ) Ybop, Ybos ) Szwarcwort (1 v) Zalcman (1 v, Ybk ) Aufman ( 2 v) Budyn (Ybop) Fiszendler (1 v) Goldys (1 v) Szwer (Ybg) Ausdajczer ( 1 v) Bulka (1 v, Ybos) Fiszer (Ybos) Goldzac (1 v, Ybos) Winter 1997 A Journal of Information from the KDELCE and RADOM SIG Page 21

Golfarb ( 1 v) Ickowicz (1 v) Krakowski (1 v, Malcman(l v ) Orfus ( 2 v) Ruda ( 1 v) Gotlib (2 v, Ybos ) Janowski (1 v, Ybos ) Ybop) Mahcki (2 v, Ybop ) Organek ( 1 v) Rumianek (Ybos ) Gotman (Ybop ) Jedynowski (Ybos) Kranc (1 v) Mahngier (1 v), * Orlean (1 v, Ybop ) Rus (Ybos) Grafsztajn ( 2 v) Jungsztajn (Ybop ) Krauzman (1 v) Mahniak (1 v, Ybos ) Pacatek (Ybos) Rutman ( 1 v) Granatman (Ybop) Jurkowski (Ybop) Krongold ( 2 v, Ybos ) Malzyner ( 1 v) Pancer ( 2 v, Ybos ) Ryba ( 3 v, Ybos ) Granatsztajn (Ybos ) Kac (10 v, Ybos ) Krysztat (2 v, Ybop ) Mandel (6 v, Ybos ) Papluk or Foflu k Rywenbajrok ( 1 v) Grober (Ybos ) Kacenelbogien (Ybos) Kudlowicz (2 v, Ybos ) Mandelbaum (3 v, (Ybos) Sakowski (Ybos) Grochower (Ybos ) Kadysiewicz (1 v) Kulik (Ybop ) Ybos) Paserman ( 1 v) Sapir ( 1 v) Grocman ( 1 v) Kajzer (Ybop ) Kuhner (Ybos) Mandelzys ( 4 v, Pejsakowicz ( 2 v) Satynowicz (Ybos) Grojsbojm ( 1 v) Kahchsztajn (Ybos ) Kumic (Ybos) Ybop) Pejsechowicz (Ybop ) Saubel ( 5 v) Grojskop (2 v) Kahszer (2 v, Ybop ) Kun (1 v) Manela ( 1 v) Percyk ( 1 v) Sedziarz (1 v) Grojsman ( 8 v, Ybop ) Kalmus (1 v) Kupczyk (Ybop ) Mangurten(l v ) Perelman ( 2 v) Siarka (1 v) Groramôw (Ybop ) Kamelhar ( 1 v, Ybop ) Kuperberg ( 1 v) Manisiewicz (Ybos) Perelmuter (3 v, Slawner (Ybop ) Grosman (1 v, Ybos ) Kammski (1 v, Ybos ) Kuperblum (2 v, Marchacki (1 v) Ybos) Slawny (1 v, Ybop ) Grouman (1 v) Kampel (3 v, Ybos ) Ybos) Markowiecki (1 v) Perta (2 v) Slupowski ( 1 v) Grusmojsz ( 1 v) Kanarek (Ybos ) Kuperman ( 1 v, Ybos ) Marmurek (2 v, Ybop ) Pfefer (3 v) Shiszny (Ybos ) Grynbal ( 1 v) Kandel ( 2 v, Ybop ) Kuperwaser ( 2 v) Mazyk or Mezik Piekarczyk (Ybos) Smolny (1 v) Grynbaum (4 v, Ybos ) Kandelsburg (1 v) Laks (1 v, Ybos ) (Ybos) Pietruszka (2 v, Ybop ) Sobel ( 1 v) Grynberg ( 2 v) Kaplanski (4 v, Ybop ) Landau ( 1 v, Ybos ) Megierman (1 v) Pilcmacher ( 1 v, Sobôl (1 v, Ybop ) Grynblat (6 v, Ybos ) Kapler (Ybop ) Langier ( 3 v, Ybop ) Mekler ( 2 v, Ybop, Ybop) Sosinowicz (4 v) Grynbojm ( 1 v) Kaplewicz (1 v) Langnas (Ybos ) Ybos) Pinczewski (1 v) Sosnowicz (Ybop) Gryncwajg (Ybos ) Karbel (1 v) Laufer ( 1 v) Melman (1 v, Ybop ) Pipek (2 v, Ybos ) Spodekd v , Ybos ) Gryner ( 2 v, Ybos ) Karp (3 v) Lebkiele (1 v) Merzel ( 1 v) Pizel or Pyzel (Ybop ) Srebrny ( 1 v) Grynglas ( 2 v, Ybos ) Karpen ( 1 v) Lederman (4 v, Ybop, Metmacher (Ybos) Potasznik (Ybos) Staszowski (3 v) Gryngler (Ybos ) Karper (Ybos ) Ybos) Mic (1 v) Prajs ( 1 v) Struzer (Ybop ) Grynszpan (3 v) Kiejzman (Ybos ) Lerer (1 v) Micmacher (6 v, Praszkier (Ybop) Stupinski (Ybop ) Grynszpanholc ( 1 v) Kiemgsberg (1 v, Lerman ( 1 v) Ybop, Ybos ) Pruski(1 v ) Sulman (Ybos ) Grynsztajn ( 2 v, Szacher (Ybos ) Ybos) Lerner (2 v) Miedzygôrski (Ybos) Prync (1 v) Szafir ( 3 v, Ybos ) Ybop) Kierbel ( 4 v, Ybos ) Leszcz (Ybop ) Milberg (1 v, Ybop ) Przepiôrka (1 v, Ybos ) Szafran (Ybop , Ybos ) Gryntych ( 2 v) Kierszenberg ( 1 v, Lewak (1 v) Milgram (1 v) Puczyc (Ybos ) Szajner ( 4 v, Ybop ) Gurfinkiel ( 1 v, Ybop ) Ybos) Lewensztajn ( 1 v, Milman (Ybos) Puiawer (Ybos ) Szajnfeld (Ybop , Guterman ( 2 v) Kierszenblat (Ybos) Ybop) Milsztajn ( 4 v, Ybos ) Rabinowicz (1 v, Gutholc (Ybos ) Kiestenbaum (2 v) Lewi (3 v) Mine (1 v, Ybos ) Ybop, Ybos ) Ybos) Gutmacher ( 2 v, Kiestenberg (4 v, Lewuital (Ybop) Mincberg (5 v, Ybos ) Rac (Ybop) Szajnwald (Ybop ) Ybop) Ybos) Lewinzon (Ybos) Minkowski (Ybos) Racimora (1 v, Ybos ) Szamsztajn (Ybos ) Gutman (6 v, Ybos ) Kirszbaum (Ybos ) Lewkowicz (1 v, Mirszajn (Ybop ) Rajchcajg ( 2 v, Ybos ) Szapir (1 v) Gutwilen (Ybos) Kirszenblat (1 v, Ybos) Mhczak (1 v) Rajchenbaum ( 1 v) Szarfer ( 1 v) Gwiazda (Ybos ) Ybop) Libenbaum (1 v) Monkichen (Ybos) Rajzghk ( 1 v) Szarfsztajn (Ybos ) Haber (1 v) Kirszner (Ybos) Liberman (1 v) Morgienfeld (Ybos ) Rapaport (1 v, Ybos ) Szercman (Ybos) Hajnerman (Ybos ) Ktos (2 v) Libersman (1 v) Morgienlender (4 v, Rapoport (2 v, Ybos ) Szerki or Sierki Hajntflik o r Hajntpli k Klajman ( 5 v, Ybos ) Libfeld (Ybos ) Ybos) Recht (Ybop) (Ybop) (Ybos) Klajmic ( 4 v) Libman (2 v) Morgiensztem (2 v) Rembiszewski (Ybos) Szerman (12 v, Ybos ) Hajwenman ( 1 v) Klajnbaum (Ybos ) Lichtenberg (1 v) Muszkies (Ybos) Rendel (1 v) Szlachter ( 1 v) Halbersztat (Ybos ) Klajnman ( 1 v) Lichtman (Ybos) Muzykant ( 1 v) Rentman (Ybos ) Szmelcman (6 v, Halpern ( 3 v, Ybos ) Klaper (Ybos) Lilienbaum (1 v, Nadanowski (2 v) Reter (Ybos) Ybop) Halsztok (Ybos ) Klarenberg ( 1 v) Ybop) Nadynowski (Ybos) Rezler (1 v) Szmerdyner (1 v) Halsztuk (1 v) Kligierman (1 v, Lilienfeld (1 v) Nagiel (2 v, Ybos ) R6zany ( 1 v, Ybos ) Szmuklerz (5 v, Ybop ) Hartsztajn (Ybos ) Ybos) Linden (1 v) Najdyk (Ybos ) Rochwerg (3 v, Ybos ) Sznajder ( 4 v, Ybos ) Hefter ( 1 v) Klimsztajn ( 2 v) Lindzen (Ybos) Najman ( 1 v, Ybop ) Rolnicki (1 v) Sznajderman (Ybos ) Hejne ( 2 v, Ybos ) Klingier (Ybos) Linzon (1 v, Ybos ) Najnudel (Ybos ) Ropcher or Roncher ( 1 Szpajzer ( 1 v) Henig (Ybop) Kliperman (1 v) Lipa (1 v) Naparstek ( 1 v, Ybos ) v) Szpajzmacher (Ybos ) Herbus (1 v) Klug (Ybop) Lipman (5 v, Ybop ) Nihbaum (1 v) Roset (1 v, Ybop , Szperling (Ybop) Here (1 v) Knobel (1 v) Lipowicz (2 v) Nirenberg (1 v, Ybos ) Ybos) Szperman (1 v) Hercyk (Ybos ) Knochen (Ybop ) Lipski (Ybop) Nisenbaum (3 v, Rotenberg ( 6 v, Ybop ) Szpigiel (3 v, Ybos ) Hermolin (2 v, Ybos ) Kohan(lv) Lipszyc (1 v) Ybop) Roter (1 v) Szpilman (3 v, Ybos ) Herszenfeld ( 1 v) Kohen (4 v) Lisgarten (1 v) Nisengarten (1 v) Rotfogiel ( 1 v) Szpiro (1 v) Herszenhorn ( 2 v) Kojl (Ybop ) Lublinski (Ybos) Niskier (1 v, Ybos ) Rotman (1 v) Szpitalny (1 v, Ybop ) Herszkowicz (1 v, Kolton or Koftu n Lublmer (Ybop) Nusbaum ( 2 v) Rotsztajn (3 v, Ybos ) Szrajberg ( 1 v) Ybop) (Ybos) Luft ( 1 v) Nusynowicz (1 v, Rozen (1 v) Szrajbman ( 6 v, Ybop ) Himel ( 1 v) Kopersztych ( 2 v) Luksenberg ( 2 v, Ybos) Rozenberg (1 4 v) Sztajman (Ybos ) Himelfarb (1 v) Korenblau (Ybos ) Ybop) Nutberg ( 1 v) Rozenblat (3 v) Sztajn ( 1 v) Hirszenhora (Ybos) Korenbht (2 v) Lustgarten ( 1 v, Ybop, Nutowicz () Rozenblum (3 v) Sztajnbaum ( 1 v, Hirzman (3 v) Korenblum (Ybop) Ybos) Nyskier (1 v) Rozencwajg ( 4 v) Ybos) Hocherman (Ybos) Korenwaser (Ybos) Lustman (Ybop, Ofert (1 v) Rozenfeld ( 5 v) Szlajnbok (3 v, Ybos ) Hochman ( 1 v) Korman (1 v, Ybos ) Ybos) Ojzerowicz (Ybop ) Rozenman (3 v, Ybos ) Sztajnhart ( 6 v, Ybos ) Hochmic (4 v, Ybop ) Kotek (1 v) Lustyk (Ybop, Ybos) Oksberg (Ybos) Rozenmuter ( 2 v, Sztajnsznajder ( 1 v, Hofman ( 1 v, Ybos ) Kozlowski (1 v, Ybos ) Machtyngier (1 v, Olmer (Ybos) Ybop) Ybop) Holpryn ( 2 v) Krajdel ( 1 v) Ybos) Opatowski (1 v) Rozental ( 2 v) Sztam (Ybos) Homgman (1 v) Krajnglas (Ybos ) Majerczak ( 1 v, Ybos ) Openhajm (Ybos ) Rozner ( 2 v) Sztarkman (2 v, Ybos ) Horenfeld ( 1 v) Krakower ( 1 v) Majerczyk (Ybos ) Orensztajn (6 v, Rubinsztajn (4 v, Szterenkranc (2 v, Horowicz (2 v, Ybos ) Matach (1 v, Ybos ) Ybop, Ybos ) Ybos) Ybos) Page 22 A Journal of Information from the KIELCE and RADOM SIG Winter 1997

Szterenlicht (1 v) Wajman ( 3 v) Wurman (Ybos) Anios (1 v) Cwajgienbaum ( 2 v) Ginsberg (1 v) Szterenszos (1 v) Wajnbaum ( 1 v) Zabner (1 v; Ybos) Ankier (1 v; Ybk ) Cwajgienbok (Ybs ) Ginzburg (Ybs) Sztern (1 v) Wajnberg (1 2 v; 2elezniak (1 v) Apelbaum (2 v; Ybs) Cymerman (1 v; Ybs; Gladsztajn ( 1 v) Szternlicht (1 v; Ybos) Zychliriski (Ybos) Apelfeld ( 2 v) Ybk) Glat (Ybs) Ybop) Wajnfeld ( 1 v) Zachciriski (Ybos) Aspis (Ybs) Cynamon (7 v; Ybs; Glatsztajn (Ybs ) Sztokbaum (Ybos) Wajngord ( 1 v) Zajdel (Ybos ) Awenos (Ybs) Ybk) Gliklich (2 v; Ybs ) Sztrajtman ( 1 v; Ybos ) Wajngort ( 1 v) Zajfman ( 6 v; Ybop; Bajczer (Ybs ) Cypler (1 v) Gluzman (Ybk) Sztulberg ( 1 v) Wajngurt (Ybop ) Ybos) Bajgielok (Ybs ) Cytryn (2 v; Ybs; Golab (1 v) Sztych (Ybos) Wajngust ( 1 v; Ybop ) Zajsel (Ybos ) Band (Ybs) Ybk) Gold (1 v) Szuchendler (2 v) Wajnman (3 v; Ybop ) Zalcberg (2 v) Baranek (3 v) Cytrynbaum (2 v; Goldbaum (2 v) Szuchhendler (Ybos) Wajnryb ( 5 v) Zalcman (6 v; Ybos) Baum (1 v; Ybs) Ybs) Goldberg (4 v) Szuchmacher (Ybop) Wajnsztajn ( 1 v) Zamberg (Ybop) Baumelcwajg ( 1 v) Czajkowski ( 1 v) Goldblum (1 v) Szuchman (3 v) Wajnsztok ( 1 v) Zauberman (2 v) Baumsztyk (1 v) Czapnik (2 v; Ybs ) Goldfarb (3 v) Szucht (1 v; Ybop) Wajntraub ( 5 v) Zelcer (Ybop; Ybos) Bekier (6 v; Ybk ) Czepielewski (1 v) Goldfeder (3 v; Ybs ) Szulmajster ( 1 v) Wajntraum ( 1 v) Zelingier (Ybos) Bekierszpigiel (Ybs) Czepielowski (Ybk) Goldfiszer ( 1 v) Szulman (2 v; Ybop ; Wajntrob (1 v) Zelwer (Ybos) Bergiel (1 v) Czyrzych ( 1 v) Goldflus (6 v) Ybos) Wajnwurcel (Ybos ) Zemel (1 v) Bergier (1 v; Ybs) Dabrowski (Ybs) Goldfus (Ybs ) Szulsztyk (Ybop) Wajs ( 2 v) Ziemiak (Ybos) Bergman (Ybs) Dajtelbaum ( 2 v; Ybs ) Goldgrub (Ybs) Szwajngarten (Ybos ) Wajszand (Ybos ) Zoberman (1 v) Berlin (1 v; Ybs ) Dajtelcwajg ( 2 v) Goldhar (5 v; Ybs) Szwarc (Ybos) Wajsberg ( 1 v; Ybos) Zomberg (1 v) Berman (1 v) Damieri (2 v) Goldkind (1 v) Szwarcman (3 v; Wajsblum (1 2 v; Zuzmuk or Rzorzmok Beser (1 v; Ybs ) Degsztajn (Ybk ) Goldlust (Ybs) Binsztok (Ybs) Ybos) Ybos) (Ybos) Denemark (1 v) Goldman (6 v) Birenbaum (1 v; Ybs; Goldsztajn ( 4 v) Szwer (1 v) Wajsbrot ( 1 v) Zwikielski (Ybos) Diament (1 v) Goldwaser (1 v; Ybs; Szwerdszarf (Ybos ) Wajsdorf(l v ) Zybe or Zibe (Ybos) Ybk) Dula (1 v; Ybs ) Szwizyk or Swizik Wajsenberg (Ybos ) Zygielbaum (Ybos) Blachsztajn ( 1 v) Dunajec ( 2 v; Ybs ) Ybk) (Ybos) Wajsfelder (Ybos ) Zygman (1 v) Blajberg ( 1 v; Ybk) Dyksztajn (1 v; Ybs) Gorder (1 v) Szyfman ( 1 v) Wajsfogiel ( 1 v) Zylberberg (10 v; Blank (Ybs) Dynemark (1 v) Gorzyczanski (1 v) Szymonglat (1 v) Wajswol (Ybop ) Ybos) Blecher or Blacher Dynenmark (1 v) Gotlib (2 v) Tajchman ( 1 v) Wajszelman ( 1 v) Zylberblech (Ybop) (Ybk) Dyzenhauz (5 v) Graf (2 v; Ybs) Tajtel (Ybop ) Wajzer ( 1 v; Ybos) Zylberblich (2 v) Bloch (1 v; Ybk) Dzialoszycki (Ybk) Graubart (1 v) Tajtelbaum ( 1 v; Waksman (5 v; Ybos) Zylberdrut (Ybos) Blum (Ybs) Ejderowicz (1 v) Grosberg (Ybs) Ybop) Wakswaser (2 v; Zylberman (7 v; Blumen (1 v) Elefant(1 v ) Groshauz (3 v; Ybs ) Tancer (Ybos) Ybop) Ybop; Ybos) Blumenfeld ( 6 v) Erdfrucht (Ybs ) Grosman (3 v; Ybs; Tarlowski (Ybos) Waldman (6 v; Ybos) Zylberminc (Ybos) Blumental (1 v) Erlich (3 v; Ybs ) Ybk) Tarszyc (Ybos) Walersztajn ( 4 v; Zylbersztajn (3 v; Blusztajn (1 v; Ybs) Erlichman (2 v; Ybs) Gruszeps (Ybs) Ertfrucht ( 1 v) Taryk or Toryk Ybos) Ybos) Bluwol (Ybs) Gruszka (Ybs) Etner(1 v ) (Ybos) Warszawski (2 v; Zylbertrut (Ybos) Bodyn or Budyn (Ybk) Grymberg (1 v) Fajersztajn ( 1 v) Tempelhof (Ybos) Ybos) Zyngier (7 v; Ybos) Boguchwal (Ybs) Grynbal (4 v; Ybs; Fajertak ( 1 v) Tenenbaum (6 v; Waserman (3 v; Ybop; Zysapel (3 v; Ybos) Bojm ( 1 v) Ybk) Fajnkuchen ( 2 v) Ybos) Ybos) Bokser (1 v) Grynbaum (2 v) Fajntuch (3 v; Ybk ) Teper (3 v) Wasner (Ybop) ****************** Bomsztyk (Ybs) Grynberg (4 v; Ybs; Faktor (1 v) Teperman (Ybop) Watman (1 v; Ybop; Borencwajg ( 1 v) Ybk) Fefer ( 1 v) Tochterman (Ybos) Ybos) Borensztajn ( 2 v) Grynblum ( 5 v) SANDOMIERZ Feferkoren (1 v) Tojerman (Ybop) Wejgman ( 1 v) Borkiensztajn (Ybk ) Gryner (1 v) DISTRICT: Feferman ( 1 v; Ybs; Tokarz (1 v) Welman (1 v; Ybos) Brajdyk ( 1 v) Gryngraz (Ybs) Topel (Ybos) Werner (1 v) Bram (1 v) Ybk) Grynhauz (1 v) Ybk = Yizko r book Tramper (Ybos) Wergman (1 v) Braum (1 v) Feldberg (1 v; Ybs) Grynwald (1 v; Ybs) of Koprzywnica; Trojster ( 2 v; Ybop) Westel (2 v; Ybos) Brendzel (4 v; Ybs) Feldblum (1 v) Guterbaum (1 v; Ybs) Ybs = Yizko r book of Trope (1 v) Wewerman (3 v; Brojtman (1 v) Feldlaufer (2 v; Ybs) Gutman (2 v) Staszow. Trypler or Tryfle r Ybop) Broner (Ybs) Feldman (2 v) Hajman (2 v; Ybs) (Ybop) Wigdorowicz (1 v; Bronfeld ( 1 v) Fiszman (2 v) Halpern (1 v; Ybs) [Other important Turek (4 v) Ybos) Bryk (Ybk) Fiszof (Ybs ) Hauer (Ybs) towns: Bogoria, Turkieltaub (Ybop) Wilner (1 v) Brykman (2 v) Flajszhakier (Ybs ) Hautman (Ybs) Klimontôw, Osiek, Ungier (1 v; Ybop; Wincygster (Ybos) Bryks (1 v) Floderwaser (Ybs) Helfand ( 1 v) Zawichwost]. Ybos) Winer (3 v) Buchbinder (Ybs) Fogiel (2 v) Hengieltraub (1 v; Ungierman (1 v; Wislicki (Ybop; Ybos) Buchholc (Ybs) Forszteher (Ybs) Ybs) Ajbuszyc (1 v; Ybk) Ybop) Wizenberg (1 v) Buchman (2 v; Ybs) Frajlich (Ybs ) Hercyk (Ybs) Ajchen(l v ; Ybs) Unrot (1 v) Wizenfeld ( 2 v; Ybop) Bukszpan (2 v; Ybs) Frajman ( 1 v) Herszkop (Ybs) Ajdelkop (Ybs) Urbas (Ybos) Wtoclawski (1 v) Bulka (Ybs) Frusztajer ( 1 v) Herszkowicz (1 v; Ajdelman ( 2 v) Wloszczowski (Ybos) Bulwa (Ybs) Fryd (2 v) Ybs) Urbinder (1 v; Ybop ) Ajdelsztajn ( 1 v) Bydlowski (Ybs) Frydman (21 v; Ybs; Himelfarb (3 v; Ybk) Urcwajg ( 1 v) Wolfman (Ybos ) Ajzen (Ybs ) Cebularz (Ybs) Ybk) Himelsztajn ( 1 v) Urmacher (1 v) Wolfowicz (Ybop ) Ajzenberg ( 4 v; Ybs; Wolman (2 v) Cederbaum (1 v) Frysz (1 v) Hirszberg (Ybs) Wacholder (Ybos) Ybk) Checinski (Ybs) Fuks (4 v; Ybs) Hirszman (2 v) Wagman (Ybop; Worcman (4 v; Ybop; Ajzenbuch (Ybk ) Chelimer (1 v) Futerman (Ybs) Hochman (1 v) Ybos) Ybos) Ajzencwajg ( 1 v) Chelmer (Ybs) Garfinkiel ( 1 v) Hofman (Ybs ) Wagszal (Ybos) Worman (1 v) Ajzenman (1 v) Wajberg ( 2 v) Wortman (3 v; Ybop ) Chilewicz (Ybs) Gielbart (Ybk) Holdbersztat (1 v) Ajzensztat (1 v) ChortorHort(l v ) Wajc ( 1 v) Wreclawski (1 v) Akierman (2 v; Ybs) Gielertner (1 v) Horenfeld ( 1 v; Ybs) Wajcblum ( 5 v; Ybop) Wulc (1 v) Cukier (3 v; Ybs) Gielman (Ybs) Horn (Ybs) Albaum (Ybs) Cukierblum (2 v) Wajcwajg ( 1 v) Wulfman ( 1 v) Albersztajn ( 1 v) Giersztajn (Ybk ) Horowicz (1 v; Ybk) Cwajg ( 1 v; Ybk) Wajgienszperg (Ybos ) Wulfowicz ( 1 v) Albus (Ybs) Giertner (1 v) Hryszman (1 v) Winter 1997 A Journal of Information from the KIELCE and RADOM SIG Page 23

Inberg ( 1 v) Laufer ( 1 v) Nusbaum (2 v, Ybs, Sosiewicz (3 v, Ybs ) Tenenwurcel (4 v, Zemel (Ybs) Ingberg (2 v) Lederman (3 v, Ybs ) Ybk) Sosnowicz (Ybk) Ybs) Ztotnik (Ybk) Ingbir (2 v) Lejman ( 1 v) Ofman ( 1 v, Ybk ) Spiro (4 v) , ; * Terkiel ( 1 v) Zoberman (5 v, Ybs , Jaroslawski (Ybs) Lçkowicki (Ybs) Olster (1 v, Ybs ) Srebrny (1 v) Tocherman (1 v) Ybk) Jaskolka (3 v, Ybs ) Lembergier (Ybs ) Opatowski (1 v) Stecki (1 v) Tochterman (Ybs) Zontak ( 1 v) Jegierhorn (1 v) Lerer(3 v) Orensztajn ( 3 v) Swieczruk (1 v) Tokarz (Ybs) Zylber ( 1 v) Joskowicz (Ybs) Lerner (1 v) Pagorek ( 1 v, Ybs ) Szafir ( 1 v) Toska (Ybs ) Zylberberg (1 2 v, Jurkowski (Ybs ) Lewandowski (Ybs) Paluch (1 v) Szafran ( 4 v) Traub (1 v) Ybs) Kac (5 v) Lewenszpil (2 v) Pantirer (Ybs) Szajblum ( 1 v) Trefler ( 1 v) Zylberbogien (2 v, Kacelenbogien (2 v) Lewi (2 v) Pas (5 v) Szajner (Ybs ) Troper (Ybs ) Ybs) Kalinski (1 v) Lewkowicz (1 v) Pasznirer (1 v) Szaniecki (Ybs) Tuchman (2 v, Ybs ) Zylbersztajn ( 2 v) Kandel (3 v) Lewowicz (Ybs) Peczyna ( 2 v, Ybs) Szeper(1 v) Tykocinski (1 v) Zymerfogiel ( 2 v) Kaner (Ybs) Liberman (Ybs) Perel(1 v) Szerman (1 v, Ybs ) Tyszler (Ybk) Zyngier (3 v, Ybs ) Kanis (Ybs) Lihenbaum ( 1 v, Ybs ) Perelman (4 v, Ybk ) Szklarz (1 v) Ungier (2 v, Ybs ) Zyser (Ybs ) Kaper (2 v) Lincfeld (Ybs ) Pinkus (1 v) Szlachter (1 v) Urbach ( 1 v) Zysman (Ybs) Karp (1 v, Ybs ) Linksman (1 v, Ybs ) Pion or Fian (Ybk) Szmajser (Ybs ) Urbajtel (Ybs ) Karpen (2 v, Ybs ) Lipman (Ybs) Plaszkiewicz (1 v) Szmidt (1 v) Urbas (Ybk) Kaufman ( 6 v) Lipszyc (Ybs) Ptonka (1 v) Szmukler (Ybk) Uszerman (1 v) Kielman (Ybs) Lowczy ( 2 v) Piuznik (Ybs ) Sznajder ( 2 v) Wagner (5 v, Ybs ) Kierbel ( 2 v) Lowczyk (Ybs) Podeszwa (Ybs) Szmcer (Ybk) Wajcblum (Ybs ) Kiestenbaum (Ybs) Lubecki or Lubiecki Pomerancblum (2 v, Szrufer ( 4 v, Ybs ) Wajcman (Ybs ) Kiestenberg (Ybs ) (Ybs) Ybs) Szolmajster (Ybs ) Wajdenbaum ( 1 v) Kifel (Ybs ) Lustgarten (Ybs) Prajs ( 1 v, Ybs ) Szolsztyk (Ybs) Wajl (Ybs ) Kinder ( 1 v) Lyszkiewicz (Ybs) Pryzand (Ybs ) Szoor (1 v) Wajman (Ybs ) Kindler ( 1 v) Maczrak (Ybs) Rabinowicz (2 v) Szperlmg (Ybk) Wajnbaum ( 1 v, Ybs ) Kirszenbaum (2 v, Majerczyk ( 1 v, Ybk ) Rafatowicz ( 1 v, Ybs ) Szpeter (1 v) Wajnberg (3 v, Ybs ) Szpigiel (Ybs ) Ybs) Majsterczyk (Ybs ) Raj (2 v) Wajnbergier (3 v) Szpinrad (Ybs ) Kirszenberg (Ybk) Majzels ( 2 v, Ybs ) Rajch (3 v, Ybs ) Wajnfeld ( 2 v, Ybk ) Szpiro (Ybs) Kirszenwurcel (2 v, Maty (1 v) Rajchman (Ybs , Ybk) Wajngarten ( 1 v, Ybs ) Szpold (1 v) Wajnman ( 1 v) Ybs) Mandel ( 4 v, Ybs, Rajfer ( 2 v) Szpom (1 v) Wajnryb (3 v, Ybs ) Klajhendler ( 2 v) Ybk) Rajman (Ybs ) Szrajbman ( 2 v) Wajnsztok (Ybs ) Klajman ( 1 v) Mandelbaum ( 2 v) Rajnsztajn (Ybs ) Sztajn ( 1 v) Wajsbium ( 1 v, Ybs ) Klajminc ( 1 v) Mandelzys (Ybs) Rajter (Ybs ) Sztajnbaum ( 1 v, Ybs ) Wajsbrod ( 1 v, Ybk ) Klajnberg (Ybs ) Mansdorf (Ybs ) Rajzman (Ybs ) Sztajnberg ( 1 v, Ybs ) Wajsbrot (4 v, Ybs ) Klajner ( 1 v) Marc (1 v) Rapoport (1 v) Sztajnbok ( 1 v) Wajsdorf (Ybs ) Klajnhendler (Ybk ) Marder (Ybk) Rawet (2 v) Sztajner (Ybs ) Wajsfeld ( 1 v) Klaner (1 v) Mardy (Ybs ) Rechtman (1 v) Sztajnfeld (Ybs ) Wajsman (2 v) Klap (1 v) Margules (1 v) Roszer (Ybs) Sztajnhart (Ybs ) Waksman (1 v) Knobel (2 v, Ybs ) Mauer (Ybs) Rotapel (1 v) Sztalryt (Ybs) Walersztajn ( 1 v) Kogut (3 v) Meckiel (1 v) Rotenberg (2 v, Ybs ) Sztarkman (2 v) Wanberg (1 v) Kohan (1 v) Meckier (Ybs) Rozen (Ybs) Szterenberg (1 v) Wargier (Ybs) Kohen (2 v) Medman (1 v) Rozenbaum (3 v, Ybk ) Szterenfeld ( 2 v) Warszawski (Ybs) Kon (1 v, Ybk ) Mejler ( 1 v) Rozenber (1 v) Szterenlicht (1 v, Ybs ) Wasercyjer (Ybs ) Kop (2 v) Meier (3 v, Ybs ) Rozenberg (10 v) Sztern (1 v, Ybk ) Watman (Ybs) Kopel (2 v) Mer (Ybs ) Rozenblat (1 v) Szternberg (1 v, Ybs ) Weksler (1 v, Ybs ) Kopf(l v ) Merzel (Ybs) Rozenblum (3 v, Ybs ) Szternzys (Ybs) Werner (2 v) Koplewicz (Ybs) Migdat (3 v) Rozenburten (1 v) Sztrom (Ybs) Werthajm ( 1 v) Korenblum (1 v, Ybs ) Milrad (1 v) Rozencwajg ( 4 v, Ybs ) Sztrowajs ( 1 v) Wewerman (Ybs) Kostenbaum (2 v) Milsztajn ( 6 v) Rozenfeld ( 4 v, Ybk ) Sztrozenberg (Ybs) Wieczmk (Ybs) Kotyk or Kutyk (Ybk) Mme (4 v) Rozengarten (2 v, Sztulberg (3 v) Wilczek (4 v) Koziemcki (Ybs) Mmcberg (3 v) Ybs) Sztylftis (Ybk ) Wilner (2 v) Kozuchowicz (Ybs) Misdal (1 v) Rozenmuter (Ybs) Szubman (Ybs) Wincygster (Ybs) Krakauer (1 v, Ybs ) Mtotek (2 v, Ybs ) Rozensztajn (3 v) Szuldman (1 v, Ybs, Winer (2 v, Ybs ) Krongold (Ybs ) Mliczak (1 v) Rozensztok (1 v, Ybs) Witenberg (1 v, Ybs ) Krygsztajn (Ybs ) Morgien (Ybk) Rozental (6 v, Ybk) Ybk) Wolberg (1 v) Kryksztat (1 v) Morgiensztern (Ybs) Rozmaryn (1 v) Szwarc (1 v, Ybs ) Wolbromski (1 v, Krysztal (1 v) Nachimowicz (1 v, Rozner (1 v) Szwarcberg (1 v) Kucharski (Ybs) Ybk) Rubmsztajn (Ybs ) Szwarcman (2 v) Ybs) Kukielka (Ybs) Nachtygal (Ybs) Rubinzpon (Ybs) Szwugier (3 v, Ybs ) Wolfowicz o r Kuman (Ybs) Naftysel ( 1 v) Ruda (Ybs) Szydtowski (1 v) Wulfowicz (Ybk ) Kupfer (1 v) Naj (2 v) Rytenberg (1 v) Szyf(lv, Ybs ) Wolman (2 v, Ybs ) Kupferberg ( 1 v, Ybs ) Najberg ( 1 v, Ybs ) Ryzenberg (Ybs) Szyfman ( 1 v) Worcelman (Ybs) Kupferblum ( 4 v) Najman (Ybs ) Rzezak (Ybs) Szyper(5 v) Worcman (1 v) Kwalwaser (1 v, Ybs ) Najsztajn (Ybk ) Rzezak (4 v) Tajtelbaum (4 v) Zabner (1 v, Ybs ) Labadz (Ybk) Naparstyk (Ybs) Samsonowicz (Ybs) Targowmk (Ybs) Zajdman ( 2 v) Lach (1 v) Nirenberg (1 v) Sandomierski (3 v) Taub (1 v) Zajfman ( 1 v) Ladowski (Ybs) Nisenbaum (2 v, Ybs ) Segal (3 v, Ybs) Taubenblat (1 v, Ybs ) Zaks (Ybs) Laks(Ybk) Nisencwajg ( 2 v, Ybs ) Skrzypacki (1 v) Tauman (1 v) Zalcberg (2 v, Ybs ) Landau (2 v, Ybk) Nisenfrucht (Ybs ) Solarczyk (1 v) Tenenbaum (6 v, Ybs ) Zalcman (1 v, Ybs ) Langarten (1 v) Nisengarten (3 v, Ybs ) Solarz (2 v, Ybs ) Tenenblum (3 v) Zandmeer (1 v) Las (2 v) Nudelman (1 v) Solmk (2 v, Ybs) Zelcer (1 v, Ybs ) Page 24 À Journal of Information from the KIELCE and RADOM SIG Winter 1997 Holocaust orphan seeks help in locating her biological parents A 54-year-old Jewish orphan of the Holocaust ha s meeting, but learned little more about her past.. asked for help in locating her birth parents. She has learned that she told authorities when she It seems that Pnina Guunan, at age 2-1/2, was left in was found: an abandoned railway cart outside Warsaw in 1944 . Sh e 'My name is Barbara Rebhuhn (Rebhun). I live was just 2-1/2 years old. in Aleje Jerusalimakie (a street by this name existed Pnina was handed over to a Polish family named only in Warsaw). I am 2-1/2 years old. I talk Polish Kaczmarek by a Red Cross messenger. Sh e lived with and German. ' " this family in the town of Zyrardow, close to Warsaw, till So her rea l nam e i s Barbar a Rebhun . A quick the end of the war when they moved to their home town telephone check shows more than 10 0 listings in the U.S. of Bierakow, close to the town of Poznan. alone. In 1949 she was placed in die Jewish orphanage jus t There was one other very important fact that Pnina outside Warsaw . I n Septembe r o f that yea r a Jewis h mentioned. family named Himmel adopted her. Sh e became Pnina "According to the documents in the Zydowski Himmel and moved to Israel with the family. Intitut History czny, in 1948 a certain family named Pnina writes: Rebhun from Krakow came looking for a Barbara "My adopting parents did not talk either about Rebhun... " my adoption or my past. To them I was their only That was nearly 50 years ago and, as genealogists beloved child. My adopting mother used always to realize, time has a way of erasing so much. Pnina , or say, 'A mother is the one who cares for the child, Barbara, say s sh e ha s writte n t o man y peopl e an d not the one delivered it. ' Only now, after their institutions aroun d the world asking for help. S o far she death, I began to look for my biological family. has had no results. In her quest she found the documents which threw If anyon e reading this has an y clues, or has any light on the early part of her past. suggestions for Pnina to follow, please write to us. We'l l Just this past June she met the son and daughter of get word to her immediately. the Polish family Kaczmarek in a moving, friendly

A new BOOK about Poland Alphabetical Inde x o f this boo k fo r eac h passenger , except occupation . I t i s arrange d alphabeticall y b y Hamburg Passengers from the Kingdom of Poland and surname and includes given name, age, sex, ship, date, the Russian Empire, Indirect Passage to New York: page in the actual lists, town and country. Ther e is a one 1855-June 1873, by Géraldin e Mose r an d Marien e page "Quic k Us e Guide" and a narrativ e fo r furthe r Sirverman, published by Landsmen Press, 1996; 194 pp. guidance. Soft cover. The Index of Passengers in Order of Appearance on the Lists in the second part o f the book gives the ful l The passenge r list s preserve d b y th e polic e name, town and date for each passenger, ordered by page authorities in Hamburg, Germany (1850-1934) are one number an d placemen t i n th e actua l lists . Thus , it of the best sources of information on the town of origin affords a quic k pictur e o f a n emigrant' s possibl e of our ancestors. Ther e are pirect Lists (those going traveling companions. Althoug h proximity on the lists direct t o thei r por t o f destination ) an d indirec t list s does not per se imply a familial or personal relationship, (passage to an intermediate port and then to the final people originatin g i n th e sam e are a ofte n arrive d i n destination.) Hamburg on the same overland transport. A s the dates This book indexes passengers from Hamburg who get later, the "landsmen" groups grow larger. An d over took the indirect route to New York from 1855 through time di e emigration increasingly becomes a movement of June, 1873, and came from the Kingdom of Poland or the whole families , makin g th e Hambur g list s a rathe r Russian Empire. Ther e are no indirect lists for 1868 , or valuable genealogical resource. the first three months of 1870. Ordering Information. Total cost, postpaid, is $26 Of the 12,59 3 passengers found by these criteria, the in the U.S.; $27 Canada and Mexico; all other countries, Jewish proportion was estimated to be about from 65 to $30. Mak e check payable to LANDSMEN PRESS, mail 80 percent for various time periods. to LANDSME N PRESS , Box 228, 370 1 Connecticu t AU dat a i n th e Hambur g list s ar e give n i n th e Ave., NW , Washington, DC 20008. Winter 1997 A Journal of Information from the KŒLCE and RADOM SIG Page 25

The Power of Extracts

Lauren B . Eisenberg Davis

The unfortunat e realit y o f ou r genealog y study the pre-surnam e perio d (181 0 t o 1820 , an d quests i s tha t w e mus t wor k wit h document s w e often beyond) . I began to realiz e tha t thi s wa s a don't necessaril y understand . Th e Kingdo m o f necessary techniqu e fo r a muc h wide r rang e o f Poland's Napoleani c forma t o f vita l civi l years: the ful l scop e of the LD S microfilms o f the registrations, which records statisti c events , is not Jewish vital records for the nineteenth century. columnar wit h headings . The y ca n appea r formidable, wit h extensive text in either Polish o r My origina l researc h i n Krasnystaw , Polan d Russian, dependin g o n th e year . Don' t b e (Lublin gubernia ) yielde d a handfu l o f ancestor s intimidated; anyon e ca n maste r thes e records . I for m y tree . Onc e I studie d ever y recor d fo r th e did. Th e complexit y o f thi s paragrap h styl e whole town , I realized tha t nearl y te n percen t o f format ma y appea r t o b e a curse , bu t i t i s a all vital event s registere d i n Krasnystaw wer e fo r blessing in disguise: a great deal of information i s my family ! Man y o f th e connection s wer e buried i n thes e records , mysterie s tha t ar e no t difficult t o discern . A length y analysi s proces s apparent from onl y lookin g a t th e indices . Th e slowly helpe d m e t o identif y larg e undiscovere d challenge i s no t s o muc h ho w t o deciphe r factions of my family . individual records , bu t t o b e abl e t o ti e record s together to form a family . I expande d m y extraction s t o encompas s Radom, Turobi n an d Izbic a a s wel l ( I ha d Format of the Records previously worke d o n Chçcin y wit h Warre n Blatt). I n doin g so , I wa s abl e t o mak e som e Each origina l recor d boo k contain s birth , meaningful observation s abou t certai n aspect s o f marriage and/o r deat h record s fo r a particula r life i n m y ancestra l towns : juvenil e deaths , town fo r a specifi c spa n o f years . Mos t year s occupation distributions , namin g patterns , cousi n marriages, literac y rates . I coul d se e ho w th e were indexe d b y the origina l clerk . Th e reel s o f trends and patterns differed from town to town. films ar e typicall y arrange d a s follows : fo r a specific year , birt h record s ar e followe d b y th e birth index , marriag e record s followe d b y th e What Are Extracts? marriage index , the n deat h record s followe d b y the death index. Occasionall y I'v e noticed that an Vital recor d extraction s ar e th e isolatio n o f index i s ou t o f place . Th e year s ar e usuall y crucial fact s from vita l statisti c records . Often , delimited b y som e typ e o f heade r frame o n th e the fields extracte d includ e name , parents , ages , occupations an d towns . I t i s very usefu l t o hav e Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (LDS) this summary of a whole town' s records availabl e microfilms o f th e origina l recor d books . for genealogica l research . A ful l se t o f extract s Typically a marriage recor d will fill a page; birth can revea l solution s t o mysterie s tha t migh t and deat h record s ar e usuall y tw o pe r page , otherwise remai n buried . Ofte n th e onl y wa y t o although I have seen as many as seven. get suc h extraction s i s to perfor m the m yourself . A cooperativ e researc h grou p suc h a s th e Over th e cours e o f time , I learne d tha t a Kielce-Radom SIG is a good means of pooling our standard metho d o f genealog y researc h wa s efforts. insufficient t o produc e a comprehensiv e picture . Searching inde x list s o f vita l even t registrations , Why Do Extracts? and then examining those records, was simply not good enough . To o many importan t piece s o f th e puzzle were slipping through the cracks. Why shoul d w e perfor m vita l recor d extractions when we ca n simpl y acces s th e inde x of civi l registration s i n th e LD S microfilm s fo r Under th e tutelag e o f Warre n Blatt , I' d our towns? The answer is many faceted, an d ofte n learned th e importanc e o f extractin g basi c facts complex. from ever y recor d fo r a n entir e tow n i n orde r t o Page 26 A Journal of Information from the KIELCE and RADOM SIG Winter 1997

On th e mos t basi c level , man y films ar e A confusin g issu e i n workin g wit h not completely indexed . Som e events/year s hav e pre-surname record s i s th e wa y i n whic h th e no index at all. Sometime s marriages are indexe d patronymics wer e recorded . Sometime s th e only b y groom . Th e alphabetica l orde r o f a n patronymic use d i n a registration wa s the father' s index ca n b e misleading . Mos t indice s ar e name, an d sometime s th e grandfather' s name . semi-alphabetical: alphabetica l b y th e first lette r Naturally, this may be inconsistent acros s multiple of th e surname , the n chronologica l withi n tha t registrations i n a nuclea r family . Conside r th e letter. However , som e indice s ar e no t following family : alphabetized a t all , bu t ar e chronological , an d those tha t ar e alphabetica l ma y b e ordere d b y Child: Jankie l given name rather than surname, or a mix of both. Father: Icyk A fe w item s ma y b e misplace d withi n a n Child's paternal grandfather: Berek alphabetical listing , suc h as the name Goldberg i n Father's paternal grandfather: Szlam a the midst o f the "M" section, o r a fe w 'leftovers ' appended to the end of the alphabetized index. The index entry for this birth might read Ickowicz, Jankiel o r Berkowicz, Jankiel The inde x i s ofte n no t a n accurat e Similarly, the record itself may identify the fathe r reflection o f the simpl e facts transcribed from th e as either Icyk Berkowicz o r Icyk Szlamowicz. I t is records. Th e ver y nam e o f th e perso n whos e impossible to analyze the value of these records at event i s th e subjec t o f th e registratio n ma y b e a glance. misidentified o n th e inde x du e t o clerica l erro r made over 10 0 years ago. A n index is simply not Technically, whe n a gir l o r woma n i s a primary source document. identified a s Han a Dawidowiczowna , i t shoul d mean Hana, daughter of the son of Dawid, making Patronymics Dawid Hana's paternal grandfather. I n reality, this expression wa s ofte n use d erroneousl y a s a The mos t crucia l reaso n t o perfor m synonym fo r Han a Dawidown a i n vita l records . complete vita l recor d extraction s i s to b e abl e t o Similarly, a marrie d woma n identifie d a s Sur a use data from the pre-surname period. Prio r to the Moskowiczowa shoul d be Sura, wife of the son of Russian surnam e mandat e i n th e Kingdo m o f Moszek; Mosze k shoul d b e Sura' s father-in-law . Poland, an d o n a limite d basi s fo r severa l year s Again, example s ca n b e foun d fo r th e incorrec t beyond 1821 , mos t Jew s registere d onl y b y use of this phrase to denote Sura, wif e of Moszek. patronymic names (identification b y father's give n You must consider multiple records of a family t o name). Th e Polish notation s fo r patronymic s ar e unravel this situation. the following suffixes : Additionally, man y record s contai n -wicz, meaning 'son of names tha t ar e difficul t t o discer n betwee n -owna, meaning 'daughter of surnames an d patronymic s (o r sometime s eve n -owa, meanin g 'wif e of , an d i s ofte n see n o n occupations), suc h a s Berkowic z an d death records of married women. Abramowicz. I n Chçciny , fo r example , Manelowicz represent s bot h th e surnam e Manel a It is impossible to identify you r ancestor s and a patronymi c fo r th e Gna t family , whos e from a patronymi c entr y o n a n index , unles s th e patriarch had the give n name Manela . To o hast y given names are suc h a n unusual pairing, suc h a s a decisio n migh t caus e a researche r t o connec t perhaps Sume r Elko n Tanchumowicz , an d eve n these tw o distinc t familie s withou t realizin g th e such a n unusua l combinatio n o f name s i n on e different connotation s of Manelowicz. town could be quite common in another. There are simply to o many Abra m Szmulowicz s t o identif y Maiden name s ar e no t usuall y reflecte d which i s your s withou t furthe r study . I n som e on the index . Ther e are a fe w exception s to this, towns, patronymics are used as part of a full nam e but very few . I f yo u ar e tracin g th e descendant s even after th e surname mandate. Henc e you may of a woman whose marriage you cannot find , yo u see Abra m Szmulowic z Cukierman . Szmulowic z will no t kno w he r marrie d name , an d henc e wil l is neithe r a middl e name , no r par t o f a multipl e not b e abl e to find the birth and deat h records o f surname. I t simply means that Abram Cukierma n her descendants, nor even her own death record. was the son of Szrnul. Winter 1997 A Journal of Information from the KIELCE and RADOM SIG Page 27

Often, town s d o no t lis t wome n b y of Jewish Genealogy (XII : 2). Perhap s your famil y maiden surname , but by patronymic. Thi s cloud s name change d ove r time . Thi s wa s fairl y the issue even further . B y extractin g the record s common early in the process of surname adoption. and studyin g th e extractions , i t i s possibl e t o This i s a majo r consideratio n fo r th e Kielc e an d assign maiden surnames t o women by identifyin g Radom gubernias , whic h wer e onc e include d i n other record s i n thei r families : thei r birt h and/o r West Galicia. Th e Russian surnam e mandate was marriage records which would indicate the forma l imposed on the Jews of the Kingdom o f Poland i n family surname . Onc e a woman's birth famil y i s 1821, bu t thes e Jew s ha d experience d a prio r identified, he r ancestor s (an d latera l relative s a s surname edic t i n 1805 , under th e auspice s o f th e well) may be traced. Austrian controlle d Wes t Galicia . Fro m 1810 , when the Russians gained control, through part o f Conjectural Surnames 1821, surname s wer e no t require d a t al l i n thi s region. Consequently , a t th e tim e o f th e 182 1 Analyzing recor d extract s ca n resul t i n mandate, many familie s chos e different surname s assignments o f conjectura l surnames . Thi s mean s than they'd had earlier , o r differen t branche s o f a that i t i s possibl e t o determin e wha t surnam e a family woul d mak e divers e decision s regardin g family late r acquired , althoug h the y wer e no t retention o f th e 180 5 surnam e versu s adoptin g a identified b y a surnam e a t th e tim e o f th e earlie r new one . Sibling s ma y hav e acquire d differen t records. B y comparin g familie s fo r simila r surnames. Yo u ca n identif y th e multipl e characteristics, suc h a s names, patronymics , age s surnames used by a single famil y from studyin g a and occupations , i t i s ofte n possibl e t o identif y large set of records. Extractio n makes this easier. later record s fo r th e sam e family : record s fo r events registere d afte r th e famil y adoptio n o f a Town o f origi n i s a n importan t fac t i n formal surname . Fo r example , a n 182 0 birt h extractions. Town s are usually listed on marriag e record fo r a Lib a Laia , daughte r o f Hersze k registrations an d occasionall y o n birt h an d deat h Fiszlowicz, ca p maker , an d Mary a Perçcow[na ] records as well. A marriage record also identifie s might b e paire d wit h a n 182 2 deat h recor d fo r a towns wher e th e brid e an d groo m wer e bor n o r Liba Lai a Zaiqc , ag e 2 , daughte r o f Hersze k resided, as well as the towns where the banns were Zaiqc, cap maker, and Marya Rozenwald. Hence , read. Bann s ar e document s o f inten t to marry . a researche r coul d conjectur e tha t Hersze k Be carefu l i n your interpretation o f banns, i f the y Fiszlowicz too k o n th e surnam e Zaiqc , an d tha t are availabl e (bann s wer e ofte n no t filme d fo r Marya Perçcowna' s fathe r and/o r brother s many towns) , i n th e absenc e o f othe r supportin g acquired th e surnam e Rozenwald . Thi s i s no t a evidence o f th e marriage . O n rar e occasion , th e 100% guarantee . I t i s alway s possibl e tha t th e marriage never took place. death recor d i s from anothe r famil y o f simila r characteristics. Unusua l name s an d occupation s Typically ther e wer e tw o bann s pe r make conjecture s mor e probable . Ages , i f marriage. Whe n th e brid e an d groo m wer e from available, shoul d b e take n int o account , bu t different towns , banns were written in each town , realize that ages were ofte n inexac t as reported a t hence, if the marriage took place in another town, the tim e o f registration , an d tha t spellin g o f al l there wil l b e n o correspondin g marriag e names varie d from recor d t o record , o r eve n registration i n on e o f th e town s wher e th e bann s within a singl e document . I t i s conventiona l fo r were registered . Bann s usuall y contai n th e sam e conjectural surname s to appear i n squar e bracket s basic name, age, parent and residence informatio n in published extracts. Thes e names do net appear as th e marriag e record . Consequently , i t offer s in the original records. another opportunit y t o verif y suc h facts i f th e information i s illegibl e o n th e marriag e Surname Mandates registration itself . Additionally , i f on e part y wa s from a smal l villag e an d th e marriag e recor d doesn't indicat e wher e tha t villag e is , th e plac e A ver y confusin g issue , whe n workin g where the banns were written is a good indicatio n with 19t h century Jewish records from this region, of the location of that village. is tha t eve n onc e surname s wer e adopted , the y were not fixe d o r permanent i n the way we thin k of the m today . Se e th e articl e "Alternate The towns embedded i n the registration s Surnames in Russian Poland" from th e Summe r are a crucia l clu e i f you r famil y cam e from a 1996 issue of Avntmmu: The International Review different tow n than the one you are studying. A n Page 28 A Journal of Information from the KIELCE and RADOM SIG Winter 1997

unusual an d poignan t exampl e i s th e hig h Chçciny. H e kne w fro m record s ther e tha t percentage of deaths at the Radom hospital i n the Zysman's father' s nam e wa s Joel . I n 1848 cholera epidemic, where many of the victims performing extract s o f nearb y Sobkôw , h e were no t onl y from othe r towns , bu t als o from discovered th e 181 7 marriag e o f Zysman' s other powia t (districts ) an d eve n othe r gubernia s brother Icek , wh o marrie d a brid e from (provinces). Sobkôw. Th e marriage registration liste d th e groom's fathe r wit h a patronymic , Joe l What make s th e toi l o f extractin g Jaskowicz. Thus , Warren uncovere d anothe r worthwhile? Yo u may argue tha t yo u ca n perus e generation o f direc t ancestry ! Th e all th e record s fo r you r tow n withou t th e registration als o liste d Warren' s additional wor k o f extracting records that bea r no great-great-great-grandfather a s a witness : resemblance to your family. However , i n order to "Zysman Joelowicz , ag e 26 , o f Chçciny , be thoroughly analyzed , th e data mus t be studied , brother o f th e groom. " Withou t extracts , not perused , an d studie d repeatedly . Whil e thi s Warren woul d neve r hav e discovere d this . may see m lik e a n inordinat e amoun t o f wor k t o There wer e n o surname s i n thi s registration . reap a fe w extr a benefits , conside r th e key piece s Other example s abound . Th e ke y i s t o fin d of information tha t you may uncover, or the shee r matches based o n give n names , i n orde r t o volume of relatives that may surface . assign the conjectural surnames .

Examples • I found a birth record fo r a baby, liste d i n a n index wit h a surnam e I wa s searchin g i n a Following ar e a fe w example s o f town I wa s heavil y intereste d in , whos e situations in which full tow n extractions can solve mother wa s a wido w an d whos e fathe r wa s puzzling mysteries: not identifie d a t all . I' d neve r com e acros s any othe r record s fo r thi s family . I n case s like this , sometime s th e recor d wil l identif y Once multipl e town s fo r a region ar e the widowed mother by married surnam e an d extracted, i t i s possibl e t o fin d record s o f a sometimes b y maide n name . I n th e latte r single famil y i n differen t towns , a s peopl e case, th e bab y i s actuall y assigne d a n migrated an d marrie d ou t o f th e confine s o f incorrect surname. their ow n villages . Take , fo r example , th e case o f th e Manel a famil y i n Chçciny . Extractions ma y provid e mothers ' maide n Warren Blatt's early Chçciny extracts contai n names, i f availabl e o n th e origina l records , information from a n 181 1 marriage record fo r and you ca n searc h to se e i f the surnam e fo r Szajndla, daughte r o f Luk a Szlamowic z the bab y wa s th e mother' s o r father' s name . (Luka, so n o f Szlama ) an d Sor a Berko w In m y case , i t wa s th e maide n nam e o f th e (Sora, daughter of Berek). Late r registration s mother, and brought a whole new branch onto chronicle th e birth s o f childre n t o thi s sam e my tree. woman, Szajndl a Manela , an d he r husban d Icek Rozenwald. Durin g this same era, births • Althoug h Krasnysta w i s outsid e o f th e were registered to a Szlama Manela and Gitla Kielce-Radom jurisdiction, th e nex t exampl e Janklôw i n Chçciny , bu t n o marriag e is generic enough to apply to any research i n registration surfaced fo r this couple. A n 181 9 the Kingdo m o f Poland , an d i s importan t marriage record in Sobkôw, also extracted by enough t o meri t discussion . M y Warren Blatt , describe s a groo m name d great-great-grandparents, Wol f Cukierma n Szlama, so n o f Luk a Szlamowic z an d Sor a and Bajla Bar k (sometimes identified a s Sura Berkôw, and a bride named Gitla, daughter of Bajla Bark on later records), were married i n Jankiel. Thi s discovery, in the extractions o f 1846 in Krasnystaw. I traced th e Cukierma n a neighborin g town , provide d th e connectio n family t o th e 1700s , bu t coul d find onl y a between th e brothe r an d siste r pai r o f couple of registrations fo r a Bark family , an d Szajndla and Szlama Manela. the tim e frame wa s muc h t o lat e to o b e applicable for Sura Bajla's birth. Another exampl e i s Warre n Blatt' s Mydl o family. Hi s great-great-great-grandfather , From the 184 6 marriage record, I learned that Zysman Mydlo , bo m circ a 1791 , live d i n [Sura] Bajl a wa s 1 9 year s old , bor n i n Krasnystaw, and was the daughter of Herszek, Winter 1997 A Journal of Information from the KIELCE and RADOM S1G Page 29

deceased a t th e tim e o f th e marriage , an d be foun d i n th e articl e "Who was Brayny Hana Bark . Th e ver y firs t recor d i n th e Beyli Wigdorow? . . . The Problem, and a Jewish register, 182 6 birth #1, was for a Sur a Solution" b y Judit h Alliso n Walters , i n Bajla Libman , daughte r o f Hersze k Libma n Toledot (11:2 , page s 12-13) . Thi s articl e and Chana Rappaport. Thi s record caught my chronicles th e author' s searc h fo r th e eye for two reasons: ancestors o f a woma n identifie d onl y b y patronymic i n all records available. 1) Excep t fo r th e surname , al l th e detail s mirrored thos e o f Sur a Bajl a Bark , ray Primary vs. Secondary Source Data great-great-grandmother. When dealing with extraction documents, 2) Th e materna l grandparent s wer e listed : it i s crucia l t o bea r i n min d th e natur e o f th e Falek an d Lai a Rappaport . Thi s wa s highl y material w e ar e dealin g with. Ther e ar e differin g unusual. styles of record extraction. I t is possible to creat e an extractio n documen t simpl y fro m name s an d Through th e process of extraction, I was able parents. Som e researcher s extrac t a s muc h to determin e tha t Hersze k Libma n ha d die d information a s possibl e from eac h record , around 183 5 (although I was unable to locat e including hous e numbe r (fo r earl y record s whic h his deat h registratio n du e t o a ga p i n th e include suc h a field) , dat e o f th e event , tim e o f records filme d b y th e LDS) , an d tha t Chan a day, witnesses , occupations , an d wh o signe d th e Rappaport ha d subsequentl y marrie d a ma n document. named Jankie l Bar k [Bargman] , wit h who m she raised additional children. Sur a Baila an d Some o f th e dat a i s subjec t t o error , her siste r Chai a too k o n thei r stepfather' s either i n th e clerk' s origina l transcription , o r surname. Thi s brough t m e additiona l direc t interpretation o f th e handwritin g from th e poo r ancestors: Fale k an d Lai a Rappaport , plu s quality o f th e microfilm s an d origina l recor d Laia's fathe r an d Herszek' s parent s from th e books. Man y o f th e ambiguitie s ma y b e resolve d 1825 marriage of Herszek Libman and Chana as th e researche r become s familia r wit h th e Rappaport. residents of the town. A s always, it is prudent fo r the researcher , whe n usin g secondar y sourc e dat a Yet th e 182 6 birt h woul d hav e remaine d such as extractions, to examine the primary sourc e undiscovered, o r a t leas t unsolved , withou t data (origina l records) fo r fina l verification . I t i s the extractions . Th e ke y piec e t o th e puzzl e always best fo r the genealogist t o view the actua l was the marriage of Jankie l and Chana Bark's records pertainin g t o his/he r famil y t o verif y th e daughter Tem a Bergma n ( a varian t o f Bark ) interpretation and glean additional facts . which actuall y liste d Chana' s maide n name , yielding positive identification . Full extraction was an important jump fo r me. M y research ha d take n o n ne w dimensions , • Fo r an example of a very different nature , my new proportions o f importance . I not onl y kne w great-great-great-grandfather, Gimpe l who my ancestor s were, bu t ha d gaine d a cleare r Mandelman o f Radom , coul d no t sig n hi s picture of their way of life. Tow n extracts provide name. Al l record s o n whic h h e wa s a a windo w throug h whic h t o loo k beyon d th e declarant wer e marke d OOO . I s thi s simple confines of one's own family, t o life i n the unusual? Whil e performin g extractions , yo u shtetl as a whole , th e ver y environmen t i n whic h can not e th e absenc e o r presenc e o f our ancestor s lived . Onl y whe n considerin g a s signatures. I n Radom , illiterac y amon g many clue s a s possibl e ca n w e realisticall y fathers o f newborn s wa s fairl y common . I n compile a cohesiv e an d comprehensiv e famil y other towns, however, i t was quite rare. Thi s tree. may no t see m lik e a ge m o f genealogica l information, bu t remembe r tha t w e ar e studying people, not data. Ou r ancestors were much mor e tha n merel y a collectio n o f Lauren B. Eisenberg Davis is a senior systems names, dates and places. analyst and served as research project coordinator for the 15th Summer Seminar on • Anothe r interestin g exampl e o f th e valu e o f Jewish Genealogy in Boston last summer. extracted dat a fo r al l residents of a town ca n Page 30 A Journal of Information from the KIELCE and RADOM SIG Winter 1997 Kielce-Radom Gubernia Research Projects Inventory

There has been an informal team of Kielce-Radom research coordination fo r the past year, prior to the formatio n o f the forma l Kielce-Radom SIG . W e have pooled our resources, shared our finds, an d helped eac h othe r along . W e hav e foun d ou r familie s i n eac h others ' project s i n neighborin g towns . There was a fair amount of internal migration in Congress Poland last century.

Join ou r team . Th e curren t project s liste d belo w cove r onl y a smal l portio n o f ou r are a o f interest. I t i s crucia l t o maintai n a centra l inventor y o f Kielce-Rado m researc h project s currentl y underway or planned, i n order to avoid duplicatio n o f effort. Togethe r w e can find the missing link s in our trees.

Contact Laure n Davis to register a project o r for information o n how to star t one: PO Box 784, Reisterstown, MD 21136, United States of America or via E-mail at .

For copies o f the fil m inventor y documents , sen d a large self-addressed , stampe d envelop e to : Warren Blatt , 27- 1 Georgetow n Drive , Framingham , MA 01701 , Unite d State s o f America . Al l othe r projects listed here are scheduled for serialization i n this journal.

Vital Statistic Record Extractions LDS Index Projects

Checiny 18W-1825 Checiny 1826-1834 Warren Blatt and Lauren B. Eisenberg Davis Embellished with information from the 1810-1825 extraction project . Kielce 1868-1884 Lauren B. Eisenberg Davis Dolores Ring Kielce 1868-1884 Malagoszcz 1826-1843 Transliteration from Cyrillic Michael Tobias David Zakai

Olkusz 1810- Konskie Robert Heyman Transliteration from Cyrillic David Zakai Radom 1827-1841 Lauren B. Eisenberg Davis Ozarôw 1858-1867 Daniel Wagner Sobkôw 1810-1838 Warren Blatt Pilica Jackie Wasserstein Wioszczowa 1823,1832,1836,1853 David Zakai Przedborz 1879-1886 Transliteration from Cyrillic Film Inventories Daniel Wagner

Checiny Jewish Records Radom 1868-1877 Warren Blatt Transliteration from Cyrillic Lowell Ackerman Chmielnik Jewish Records Warren Blatt Wloszczowa David Zakai Gnojno Jewish Records Warren Blatt Winter 1997 A Journal of Information from the KIELCE and RADOM SIG Page 31

Occupation Definitions Lauren B. Eisenberg Davi s Polish-English Rough Translations

It is difficult t o interpret the occupations mentioned i n 19t h century Russian Polan d Jewis h vital statistic s records i n the contex t o f 19t h century Jewis h life . Thes e occupatio n definition s wer e gleane d from a variety o f dictionaries, using either the ful l word or similar root words, and by consultation with other dedicated genealogist s researching the region. A few of the occupations are sometimes spelle d irregularly . The y appear i n this lis t wit h multiple spellings . Som e word s o n th e lis t ar e no t actua l occupations , bu t descriptiv e word s foun d wit h th e occupations, such as a specific typ e of peddler.

The prefix phrase "mayster kunsztu" means a master in the art of a given profession, typicall y an artisan or craftsman suc h as tailor, glazier, goldsmith. "Mayste r profesyi" is a master in the profession o f a given area o f specialty, such as a butcher. Thes e masters may sometimes be identified wit h an apprentice, fo r example a groom on a marriage registration who is an apprentice (czeladnik) to a master craftsman .

Special thank s t o Warre n Blatt , Michae l Tobias , Alexande r Beide r an d Mari a Binde r Grebe r fo r then - contributions to this occupations list. aknszerca midwife faktor broker aptekarz dispensing chemist. felczer assistant surgeon pharmacist fornal stable hand, groom aredarz, arcndarz lease-holder, innkeeper fryzjer barber artysta artist furman cart-driver aresztant prisoner galanternik outfitter, seller of baca shepherd fancy goods bakalarz teacher garbarz tanner banlder banker garncarz potter barkarz barge-master, boatman golarz barber belfer assistant me lamed gorzclnik alcohol distiller in cheder gospodarz farm-owner blacharz plumber, tinker, tinsmith gérnik miner browarnik brewer grabarz grave-digger brukarz paver grzebienlarz comb maker brygadzista forman, overseer handJarz peddler, shopkeeper, bnfctowy bartender tradesman bnrmlstrz mayor handlarz bydlo cattle tradesman ceglarz brickmaker handlarz chmiel hops tradesman chandlarz alternate spelling handJarz drzewa wood tradesman ofhandlarz handlarz zboza corn/grain tradesman chazan cantor introligator bookbinder deJla carpenter jalmuznik alms giver cyrulik barber-surgeon kahalny senior Kahal member czapnik cap-maker (Jewish self-administration) czarownik medicine man kamicniarz stone cutter, stone mason czeladnik journeyman, apprentice kantor cantor czlowiek «tudinjqcy student kapelusznik hatter doktor doctor karabelnik hawker, peddler domokrazca peddler, hawker karczmarz innkeeper domu czynszowego landlord kolodzeij wheelwright dozorca boznicny synagogue caretaker, komlniarz chimney-sweep shammes komarnlk cottager drobny knpiec chandler konlarz horse breeder drukarz printer korzenny grocer dnchowny clergyman koszykarz basket maker dziedzic landlord kotlarz coppersmith, brazier dzierzawca tenant, lease-holder kowal blacksmith ekonomia bailiff, land-steward kramarz stall-keeper (storefront) farbiarz dyer krawiec tailor fabrykant manufacturer, krawiec damski dressmaker factory owner krawcowa dressmaker » age Jié A Journal of Information from the KIELCE and RADOM SIG Winte r 1997 kresiarz draftsman rzezak mohel krochmalnik starch maker or merchant rzezblarz sculptor krnpiarz dealer in groats/barley rzeznlk butcher, shochet kacharz cook sklepikarz shop keeper, tradesman kupczyk commercial clerk skôrnik tanner koplec merchant, grocer slodownik maltster kuénierz furrier slulqcy, sluzby servant ladiwacz loader, heaver smolarz pitch-burner latarnik lamplighter snycerz wood carver laznik bath attendant solarz salt dealer lekarz physician solny salt leSnlk forester sprzatanz street sweeper listonosz postman stelmach cart/wheel maker mqczarz flour miller stolarz carpenter malarz painter straganiarz huckster meblarz furniture/cabinet maker strajenny stable boy metalowicc metal worker strazulk, strôz doorkeeper, watchman, mleczarz dairyman guardian stypendyst» mlynarz miller scholar sukJennlk mosieznik brass worker, brazier clothier, draper szewc shoemaker mnlarz, murarz mason szklirz glazier mozykant musician szkoinik synagogue sexton mydlarz soap-maker szmuklerz lace maker, haberdasher nadzorca supervisor, overseer szpalernik tapestry maker najemnik day laborer szpektor teacher's assistant nauczyciel teacher, schoolmaster szpitalnik hospital worker oberzysta tavern keeper szpekulant money-lender ogrodnik farmer, gardener sztycharz engraver pachciarz tenant szrygar miner palacz stoker/fireman or szwaczca seamstress distiller szynkarz innkeeper parobek farmhand ilnsirz locksmith, ironsmith piekarz baker tapicer upholsterer pienikarz gingerbread maker targowaik peddler pisarz author terminator apprentice piwowar brewer tkacz weaver podkahalny lesser Kahal member tokarz turner (lathe) podrabin assistant rabbi towar goods, merchandise pocta poet nczefi student, apprentice nczony scholar pogrzebacz poker, grave digger nrzednik clerk policjant policeman wadarz quilt maker poslugacz servant, porter wapnlarz lime burner producent manufacturer wedzarz smoker (offish, meat) przekupien peddler, dealer, huckster wiernik trustee przemyslowiec industrialist wikliniarz basket weaver przewoznik ferryman, earner, winnik, winiarz wine maker, boatman wine merchant przybion outfit, equipment, wiasdciel proprietor, owner fittings wioicianin peasant rabin rabbi wyrobnici day-laborer, charwoman radzorca overseer wyrobnik day-laborer radca advisor wyszynlurz innkeeper rekrot recruit wyrwôrca manufacturer rewizor controller, inspector zajazd ntrzymywacy innkeeper zebrak beggar robotnik worker zcgarmistrz watchmaker robotnik rolny farmhand zcznik alternate spelling rolnik farmer ofrzetnik rozny diverse dotnlk goldsmith rybak fisherman znachor medicine man rymarz saddler, harness maker zniwiarz reaper rysownlk draftsman zotnierz soldier rzemiesinlk artisan Winter 1997 A Journal of Information from the KIELCE and RADOM SIG Page 33

Sobkow Marriages 181 0 -1838 by Warren Blatt

The following informatio n ha s been extracted fro m th e LDS microfilms o f the civil registration i n Sobkôw, Poland . This abstract include s information abou t al l Jewish marriage an d bann registrations fo r th e years 181 0 to 1838 , from FH L microfilms #715,86 9 (1811-1818), #715,870 (1819-1825) , #715,872 (1810, 1820 , 1826-1853) . Names i n square brackets [ ] are extractor's conjectures ; the y do not appear i n the original record .

Act Surnam e Name Ape Parent s Place Living/Bor n 1810 1 Herszla 24 Wolf Rachel Lai a 20 Abram Szula 20 Szulm Edla 22 Berk 1811 4 Litman 26 Giersce Jckowicz Checiny (7) Rywka z Abramow (8) Mindla 21 Szlama Leybusia Sobkôw Ester z Efraimow 8 Aaron 23 Szula Abramowic z S (15) Esterka z Habelow (16) - Esterka 27 Jck S Laja z Urvnow 10 Mosiek 35 Guther Moszkowicz ? Pelice? (19) Sora z Urynow (20) - Haja 24 Szai Melochowicz S Ravzla z Szvmonowicz 1812 5 [ROTENSZTEIN] Mortka 25 Moszka Lewkowic z S Laja z Izraelow Dwora 22 Lewka Wolfowicz (dec. ) Checiny Levba z Michlow. of Zarnow 1813 3 [WARSZAWSKI] Mosiek 23 Kalma Chaimowic z S Zysla z Dawidow [CHLEBODAWCA] Hewa 21 Herszl Leyzorowic z S Esterka z Lewkow 4 Lipman 33 Abel Lipma n Pinczôw Cyrla z Abramow - Henkla 22 Herszla Mendlowic z S Joida? z Tobiaszow 1814 1 MILWOCH Abram 27 Szaia Kromolôw Hana z Moskowiczow (pow. Pilaki ) [KOLTONSKI] Braydla 24 Wolf Lewkowic z S FMalka z Herszl 2 SZRAYBERSDOR F Jako b Herszla Pinczôw Estera z BOCHEtiSKI [SZENKIER] Mindl a 19 Salomon Jakobowicz S Razla z Lewkowiczowna 1815 2 Aaron 22 Zelman Aaronowicz

Symche 19 Beniamin Beniusowiczo w Bassa z Lewkow 4 Josek 18 Smul Efraimowic z S Hana z Eliaszow Fajgiel 19 Lewka Herslowic z Chmielnik Haia z Muchlowiczow (pow. Szvdlôw ï 7 Wolf 30 Osier Wolfowic z Chmielnik Malka z Luzerowicz - Hanna 19 Zysma Abramowicz S Page 34 A Journal of Information from the KIELCE and RADOM SIG Winter 1997

1816 13 Hersl 18 Lewka Herslowic z Pierzchnica Peysla z Jakobowiczow [GRANDMAN] Perla Pesla 20 Szmol Moskowicz S Gitla z Judkow 16 WolfBer 25 Jakob Sendra Pinczôw Hane z Lewkowiczow - Etla 22 Jck Ptachetki ? S Laia z Juskow 17 Mosiek 24 Dawid Mortkowicz Pinczôw Cypa z Saygow [MENDELSKI] Sura 20 Lewka Aaronowic z S Kiela z Avzvkow 1817 6 [LACHETA] Wolf 31 Medl S (wid.) Hindla 21 Jaska Synowic z S Rvwka z Szmolow 7 [KAUFMAN] Szmol Berek 16 Hercka Eliaszowic z S Sara z Szmolow Pesla 17 Wolf Abellowic z Chmielnik Malka z Callowiczow 11 [MYDLO] Jcek 22 Joel Joskowicz Checiny Hana z Herslowiczow [PASTERNAK] Tauba 24 Abram Szulimowicz S Svme z Aaronowiczow 1818 8 [SOBKOWSKI] Leybus 18 Jck Lupka [ z Josek] S Sura z Fislow [LUSTYG] Blima 17 Wolf Pinczôw Hinda z Jakubowiczow 10 OSSIYA Jck 19 Boruch S Gitla z Jakubow Marya 18 Zyzma Pelta? z Fislowiczow 17 Jcek 23 Szlama Herslowicz Checiny

[GODLEWSKI] Braindla 19 J^eybusia Szulimowicz S Rochla z Szulimowiczow 18 [KAUFMAN] Meloch 18 Aaron Eliaszowic z S

Rochla 20 Zelik Szlumkowic z Pinczôw

1819 11 [CUKIERMAN] Scharya 27 J^eyzer Checiny Royzla [KAUFMAN] Gitla 35 Aaron Eliaszowicz S

12 PASTERNAK Berk 23 Abram Checiny

[KOLTONSKI] Jtla 21 Wolf Lewkowic z S [Malka z Herszll 19 [MANELA / KWART Szlama 16 Luka Szlamowiczo w Checiny / GOLDRAT ] Sura z Berk Gitli 20 Jankel S Pesla Nocjvmowiczown a 1820 13 [SOBKOWSKI] Icek J^eybus 20 Icek Lipka [ z Josek] S Sora z Fiszl Rywka 18 J^ewka Checiny Malka z Szmulôw Herszlowiczôwna Winter 1997 A Journal of Information from the KEELCE and RADOM SIG Page 35

1821 5 Pinkus 2 6 Wol f Joelowicz Chmielnik Brandla z Dynowicz Kraindli 1 9 Hay m Maierkowic z S Malka z Herszkow 6 WOLTMAN Beniamin 38 Chçciny

[BLAUMSZTEIN] Sore Marie 19 Jasklu Effraymowic z S

7 [ZEMELMAN] Leybus 21 Herszl Mortkowic z S Dobrys z Medlow Rayzla 19 Leybus Jaskowicz S Hasa z Joskow 10 Izaak 48 Abram Berkowicz S (wid.) [PIOTRKOWSKI] Micha 20 Jakob Szaykowic z S Krvsa z Boruchow 17 [MENDELSKI] Aaron 31 Lewka Aaronowic z S (wid.) Kayli z Hayzykowicz Porye 20 Jck Ayzykowic z Chçciny

18 PINDRYCH Joska 20 Mortka O Sora z Leyzerowicz

Ester 18 Leyzor Jakobowicz C O Sora z Dawidowiczow 1822 8 [SZENKIER ] Ury n 20 Leybu s Salomonowicz S Malka [GRANDMAN] Kayl a 22 Szmo l Moskowicz s Gitla T z Hersll 9 [KACHMAN] Dawid 21 Herszk S Sora Eliaszowic z EYPSTEIN Mindla 19 Berk Wodzisiaw Dwora fpow. Jedrzejôw ) 10 [GODLEWSKI] Abel 22 Leybus [Szulimowicz ] S Rochla Szolimowic z [WEYNSTAT] Dwoyra 20 Mortka S Sora Abelowicz 11 - Jakob 23 Leybus S Haia Jaskowiczow [ZEMELMAN] Brandla 19 Herszla s Dobrvs Mortkowiczo w 13 [FLAYSZKIEN] Cynet 22 Boruch Ossie j s Frayndla z Jakobowiczow - Jchet 22 Szmol Maiorkowicz Wodzislaw Czerwa z Herszlow fpow. Jedrzejôw ) 14 [TENENBAUM?] Boruch 20 Naftali Boruchowic z Chçciny Pesla z Szmolow SCHEF Gitli 17 Szmol Pinczôw Bawa z Berkow 17 WEYNDBLATT Slama 25 Wolf Jakobowicz S [cfSZPELBERG] Rywka SERWIESKI Malka 16 Lewka Moszkowicz S Tcf GRANEK1 Blima z Berkowiczow 19 WAYMAN Izrael 20 Dawid Gowarczôw Laia (pow. Koncicki, - Gitla 16 Zelman Szymonowicz S obw . Oponenski , Sora woj. Radomski ) 20 [ZEMELMAN] Jasek 18 Herszl Mortkowicz (dec. ) S Dobrys z LACHETOW TODOROWICZ Royze 16 Zysma Leyzorowicz (dec.) S Perla z Jakobowicz Page 36 A Journal of Information from the KIELCE and RADOM SIG Winter 1997

21 [GARCINSKI] Josek 33 Leybu s Joskowicz Haia z Jaskowicz [OBICKI] Ester 19 Kiw a Lewkowic z Gitla z Hiesvlow 1823 15 BLADY Leybus 36 Jako b Dawidowicz Checiny (wid.) Faygla z Lewkow [POTAZNICKI] Sora 18 MoskaHabk i S Rvfka z Dawid 1824 1 Nuta 23 Lewk a Koplowic z Piriczôw Gitla z Moskowicz MENDELSKI Blime 22 Lewk a Aaronowic z S

7 KOCHANSKI Dawid 22 Jck (dec. ) _ Rochla Jasklerowicz (dec. ) - Perla 18 Szulim Jckowicz (dec. ) Pierzchnica Cerkla z Lewkowicz 10 BORKOWSKI Mosiek 23 Joska Jckowicz S Mindla z Lewkow WAYNSZTEYN Malka 19 Wolf (dec. ) Piriczôw Laia z Kalman 17 KRAWCZYNSKI Nuta 36 Eliasz Haymowicz S (wid.) Ester z Jckowiczow WAYS Ester 22 Lucheta WAY S ? (rybek) S Rvfka z Berkowiczow 1825 No marriages on microfilm, Bann s only (partial ) 1826 1 SPIZERMAN Szmu l 1 9 Pinkus (wie s Lukowa) wies Dembski Wola Faygla Szmulowna (pow. Szydlôw ) KRAWIEC ? Malk a 1 7 Jck Chmielnik Sora Kavla Josefown a (now. SzvdlôwL 2 HELFTON Kopel 37 Herszl (wiesMarzys ) Pierzchnica (wid.) Pesla Lewkowna wies Bozykow OBICKI Elka 19 Kiwa [Lewkowicz ] S (pow . Szydlôw ) Cerla Moszkowna 3 - Berk 24 Leyzor Berkowicz (dec. ) Wielkie Xiezie Beyla Leyzorowna (dec. ) (obw. Miechowski ) Frayda 25 Isser Berkowicz (dec. ) wies Gozny (wid.) Hinda Morkowna (dec. ) (gm. Hawa?, (widow o f Haimï pow. Jedrzeiôw) 4 CHMIELNICKI Jck 38 Hilel Herszkowicz (dec. ) S (wid.) Sora Abramowna (dec. ) SOKOLOWSKI Laja 36 Zelka [Dawidowicz ] wies Sokolow [cf. WAJNGROT ] (wid.) Judesa Szymkowna (pow. Szydlôw ) (widow o f Hevnochi 1827 1 KAUFMAN Moszk 23 Aron S Ruchla Kalmowna (dec. ) WORZAG ? Justyna 20 Herszl S Ravzla Herszlowna 2 GARBARSKI Abus 24 Rywen (dec. ) Patana?, Austria Bayla Mortkowiczow (dec. ) Fraydla 22 Jankl Szmulowicz (dec. ) wies Dçbski Wola Malka/Nacha? Jckowna 3 UNIKOWSKI Uryn 18 Berk Mortkowicz wies Unikowie Hana Lewkown a (pow. Szydlôw ) KAUFMAN Haia Rochla 18 Herszka S [Bann s in S Sora z Kolomkow and Pinczôwl 1828 Volum e not on microfil m Winter 1997 A Journal of Information from the KIELCE and RADOM SIG Page 37

1829 1 ROZENHO L Tobias z 21 Tobias z (dec. ) Staszow Szaywa (woj. Sandomierz ) PRZECHOCK1 Layb a 15 Hersz k wies Chalupki Revza Cherszkowic z (now. Szvdlow ) 2 OBICKI Joska 24 Kiwa [ z Lewka], age 84 S Cerla [ z Moszk] - Faygla 22 Lewka (dec. ) Dzialoszyce Marva Lewkowiczow (dec. ) 3 LEDERMAN Mendel 22 Szmul Gencier (dec. ) Zarnowie (obw. Obkuski , Bayla z Jckowiczow woj. Krakow ) KOLTONSKI Cywia 21 Wolf [ z Lewka] (dec. ) S Malka \z Herszl l 1830 1 HERMAN Leon 22 Abra m (dec. ) Frayda FRYZERMAN (dec. ) SZANCER Brygida 18 Mende l SoralSOBKOWSKHdecJl 1831 No marriages i n book 1832 1 GOLDBERG Hersz l 21 Izrae l [ z Szymon] S Frymet [ z Herszl] GUTMAN Jent a 18 Wolf[Lejb ] S Hinda 1833 1 SOBKOWSKI Joel 22 Jc k [Lipk a z Josek] S Sora [ z Fiszl] GOLDBERG Haia 18 Izrae l [ z Szymon] S Frvmet F z Herszl (dec. ) 1834 1 KAUFSMAN Moska 25 Herszk a S Sora BLAUSZTAJN Hinda 20 Jaskie l [ z Effraym ] s Dwora F z Nutowl 2 BLAUSZTAJN Nachym 40 Efraym (dec. ) S (wid.) Haia ROTENSZTAJN Cypa 40 Nuta TENENBAUM Piriczôw (wid.) Serla 3 EJZYK Abram 20 Efroim S Gitla GRANDMAN Hana 18 Szmul [Moszkowicz ] (dec. ) S Gitla FHerszlowna l 1835 1 GOTLIB Szymon 2 0 Josk a Ber (dec. ) wies Bielni Dwora z Moszk (dec. ) (woj. Sandomierz ) WISNICKI Tyla 1 8 Hersz l [ z Herszl] S Rvfka z Szvmon (Banns in S & Rakôw) 2 SZENKIER Jck 28 Salomon z Jakob (dec.) S (wid.) Rayzla [ z Leibus] SZLAMAWICZ ? Judes Ester 20 Abraam Szczekociny Marvm 1836 1 WARSZAWSKI Moska 40 Kalma (dec. ) (wid.) Zysla (dec. ) FREYMAN Marya 36 Moska LEWKOWIC Z (dec.) Dzialoszyce (wid.ï Ruchla (dec. } 2 KAPEL Lejzer 24 Lejbus" S (sign s i n Yiddish: Haia "KAPELMAYSTER") KRAWCZYftSKI Brajndla 30 GRANEK (dec. ) S (wid.1) - (dec.) 3 PASTERNAK Dawid 22 Lewka (dec. ) Daleszyce Haia z Dawid MORAWIECKI Marya 20 Zyskind wies Obicki Sora z Kiwa Page 38 A Journal of Information from the KIELCE and RADOM SIG Winter 1997

KSEÇZKI Jck 30 Jankiel (dec. ) S (wid.) Ewa (dec. ) HAIMOWICZ Hana 24 Haim (dec. ) Checiny Ruchla JAKOBOWICZ Hersz l 21 Jako b Malka WAJNGROT Gold a 20 Zeli k [Dawidowicz ] wies Sokolow Doln y fcfSOKOLOWSKn Idessa fSzvmkowna l GELTNER Fiszl 5 3 Lewk a (dec. ) wies Poreby Dzierzn a (wid.) Taub a z Moska (dec. ) Frajndla 2 4 Szul/Salomo n (dec. ) S Sora (dec. ) (Banns in S & Woloron) USIROWICZ NutaLej b 2 8 Mené s wies Lurowiznie Hacha z Boruchowicz Malka 2 2 Szabs a S Kraizla BERNHARDT Adolf 35 Loeb l Herszel Warszaw EsterZ...FERDNER (dec. ) MAJZEL Brygida 20 Anszelm , 50 wies Morawie Tekla z Pinkus (all signed i n Polish} 1837 1 ZYLBERBER G Pinku s 19 Judka Szydlow 7 GUTMAN Han a 18 WolfLejb S Hinda 2 SZTEJNFELD Lejbus 36 BerkJckowicz (dec. ) Korczyn (wid.) Zlata z Lewkow (dec. ) WAJNSTAT Sara 30 Frojma (dec. ) S (wid.1) Haja (dec. ) 3 Michl 22 Lejzor (dec. ) wies Wolica Hana Herszkowiczow (dec. ) LEWKOWICZ Michla 18 Jckla (dec. ) wies Debski Wola Rvwka (dec. ) 4 MIERZYNSKI Dawid 34 Haskla (dec. ) Przedborz (wid.) Cierna z Jckowiczow (dec. ) JAKUBOWICZ ? Hentsza 22 Jankl (dec. ) wies Debski Wola Michla (dec. ) 5 KRAKOWSKI Lejzer Lej b 30 Wolf S (wid.) Malka KAUFMAN Perla 20 Eliasz, o f Dzialoszyce S Marva 6 BLAUSTEJN Hil Froj m 20 Jaskla f z Effroym ] S Dwora [ z Nuta] Jentla 19 Lejbus (dec. ) wies Stawi, Szandla (parafi Wodzislawskf i 7 KONIK Jck 18 Moszka (dec. ) Konskie Ester Laia (dec. ) (gub. Sandomierz ) WAJNSTAT Haja Laj a 18 Josek S Faijrla fLevbusowna l 1838 1 MDSRNICK I Anzel m 28 Judka Checiny Zlota KAPELMAJSTER Jtl a 27 Lejbus S Haia 2 SIEDLICK I Izrael 24 Lejbus Laia WAJNBERG Gitla Brajdl a 18 Abram Hudes 3 DROCHEWSK I Mendel 30 Szymch a wies Drochowie Liwsa/Liwia? (dec. ) [SOBKOWSKI?] Rywka 30 Lewk a S (wid.) Winter 1997 A Journal of Information from the KIELCE and RADOM SIG Page 39

STROZOWSKI Herszla 20 Moska [ z Dawid] Rywka [ z Berk] KOTLICKI Frajdla 19 Aron (dec. ) Jtla (dec.) 5 HARENDOW Herszla 28 Mordka wies Wolica Rochl KOTLICKI Rochla Laj a 24 Aron (dec. ) wies Kotlicki Golda (dec.) 6 RAKOWSKI Szlama 50 Jakob Markowicz (dec. ) S (wid.) Laia z Jckowiczow (dec. ) SZMULOWICZ Frajdla 32 Kiwa (dec. ) Daleszyce Szavdla z Joskowiczow 7 GOLDSZTAYN Izrael 21 Mojzesz wies Truskolasi Rebekka (obw. Wielunski , GRINBAUM Fajgla 42 Abram S gub . Kaliski) (wid.) Malka 8 WAJNRYB Mendel 20 Abram S Basa z Ehasz CUKIERMAN Ruda 18 Zachanasz [Leyzorowicz] S Jtka z Aron fKAUFMAN l 9 LUPKA Jankiel 26 Jck Zelmanowicz Chmielnik Malka z Dawid KIERSZENCWAJG Rochla 19 Szmul [ z Aron] S Rvwka z Szlama fBORKOWSK H

NOTE: The geographic names i n parenthesis following th e place name i n the "Plac e Living/Born" colum n are the jurisdictions fo r tha t locality, a s transcribed fro m th e original records, "wies " means "village" . Al l o f the other places were identifie d a s towns. Ther e were various administrative subdivision s at various times.

Abbreviations: gub. = guberni a = provinc e obw. = obwô d = distric t woj. = wojewôdstw o = provinc e par. = paraf i = paris h pow. = powia t = distric t gm. = gmin a = count y

SOUTHWESTWARD FROM KIELCE This map, published about 1910 , topographically shows the towns southwestward from Kielce. Page 40 A Journal o f Information from the KIELCE and RADOM SIG Winter 1997


Act Surnam e Nam e Age Parent s Place Living/Born 1816 Identica l t o 181 6 Marriage record s 1817 Identica l t o 181 7 Marriage records 1818 8 [SOBKOWSKI ] Leybu s 18 Jc k Lupka [ z Josek] Sobkôw Sura [ z Fisl] LUSTYG Blima 17 WolfAbra m Pinczôw Hinda z Jakubowiczow 10 OSSIYA Jck 19 Boruch S Gitla z Jakubow Marien? 18 Pelta? z Zvzmona 17 Jck 23 Szlama Herslowicz Checiny

[GODLEWSKI] Braindla 19 Leybusia Szulimowicz S Rochla z Szulimowiczow 18 [KAUFMAN] Meloch 18 Aaron Eliaszowic z S

Rochla 20 Zelik Szlamkowicz Pinczôw

1819 11 [CUKIERMAN] Scharys 27 - Chçciny Raysla [KAUFMAN] Gitla 35 Aaron Eliaszowic z Sobkow

12 PASTERNAK Berk 23 Abram Checiny

[KOLTONSKI] Jtla 21 Wolf Lewkowic z S FMalka z Herszll 19 [MANELA / KWAR T Slama 16 Luka Slamowicz Checiny / GOLDRAT ] Sora z Berk Gitla 20 Jankl S Pesla Nochvmowiczo w 1820 5 Moska 22 Jano s Ayzykowicz Chçciny

Faygla 19 Salomo n Jakobowicz S

13 [SOBKOWSKI] Joska / Lejbu s 20 Jck Lupka [ z Josek] S Sora z Fiszlow - Rywka 18 Lewka Chçciny Sora z Szmulow Herszkowiczo w 1821 5 Pinkus 2 6 Wol f Joelowicz Chmielnik Brandla z Dynowicz Kraindla 1 9 Ha y m Maierkowicz S Mallca z Herszkow 6 WOLFMAN Beniamin 38 Chçciny

[BLAUMSZTEIN] Sore Marie 19 Jasklu Effraymowic z S C O 7 [ZEMELMAN] Leybus 21 Herszl Mortkowic z Dobrys z Mçdlow [LACHETA ] Rayzla 19 Leybus Jaskowicz O Hasa z Joskow 10 Izaak 48 s (wid.) [PIOTRKOWSKI] Micha 20 Jakob Szaykowicz s Krvsa z Boruchow Winter 1997 A Journal o f Information fro m the KIELCE and RADOM SIG Page 41

17 [MENDELSKI ] Aaron 31 Lewk a Aaronowicz S (wid.) Kayla z Hayzykowicz Porye 20 Jc k Ayzykowic z Chçciny

18 PINDRYCH Joska 20 Mortka S Sora z Leyzerowicz - Ester 18 Leyzor Jakobowicz S Sora z Dawidowiczow 1822 8 [SZENKEER ] Ury n 20 Leybu s Salomonowicz S Malka [GRANDMAN] Kayl a 22 Szmu l Moskowicz s Gitla f z Herszi 9 [KACHMAN] Dawid 21 Herck S Sore Eliaszowiczow [EYPSTEIN] Minda 19 Berk Wodzilôw Bwora fwoi. Jedrzejôw 1) 10 [GODLEWSKI] Abel 22 Leybus [Szulimowicz ] S Rochla Szulimowiczo w [WEYNSTAT] Dwoyra 20 Mortka S Sora Abelowicz 11 Jakl 23 Leybus S Hana? Jaskowicz? [ZEMELMAN] Brandla 19 Hersl Mortkowicz (dec. ) - Dobrvs \z Medl LACHETA 1 13 [FLAYSZKEIN] Cyne 22 Boruch Ossy i S Grynella z Jakowiczow Jachet 22 Szmul Maiorowic z Wodzilôw Czena? z Herslowicz (pow. Jedrzeiôw) 16 GOLDBERG Faywel 18 Izrael Szymonowic z S Frymet z Herszlowicz [SAX] Laia 18 Ayzyk Judkowic z Chçciny Hencha Zelmenowic z 17 WAYNBLATT Slama 25 Wolf Jakobowicz S [cfSZPILBERG] Rywka SERWICKI Malka 16 Lewka Moskowic z S Icf GRANEK1 Blima Berkowiczow 20 WAYMAN Izrael 20 Dawid Gowierczow Leija z Peltow (pow. Koncie, - Gitla 16 Zelman Szymonowicz S obw . Opoczyn , Sora woi. Radom) 21 [ZEMELMAN] Joska 18 Herszl Mortkowic z (dec. ) S Dobtry z Lachetow Jaklewiczowe y - Royze 16 Zyzmy Leyzerowicz (dec. ) S Perla z Jakobowicz Todorowiczowe v 22 [GARCINSKI] Joska 33 Leybus Jaskowicz Kopelmayste r S Haie z Jaskowiczow OBICKI Ester 19 Kiwa Lewowic z s Gitla z Hasvtow? 1823 25 EBERSMAN Salomon 19 Joska [ z Wolf] (kupca) 26 Brandla z Juliniwicz? ROSENGART Dwora 19 JûSef (rolnik ) wies Porçba Hana z Hayzykow (gm. Ciajowa, pow . Piliski. obw. Olkuski i 31 BLADY Leybus 36 Jakob Dawidowicz (dec. ) Chçciny 32 (wid.) Faygla z Lewkow (dec. ) POTAZNICKI Sora 18 Moska Habki S Rvfka z Dawidowic z 1824 1 Nuta 23 Lewka Koplowicz Pinczôw 2 Gitla z Moskowicz MENDELSKI Blima 22 Lewka Aaronowic z S Kavla z Avzvkow Page 42 A Journal of Information from the KIELCE and RADOM SIG Winter 1997

13 KOHANSK I Dawid 22 Jc k Jasklowicz (dec. ) S 14 Ruchla (dec. ) Perla 18 Szuli m Jckowicz (dec. ) Pinczôw Cerka z Lewkow 19 BORKOWSK I Mos k 21 Josk a Jckowicz S 20 Mindla z Lewkow WEINSZTEYN Malk a 19 Wol f (felczer ) (dec. ) Pinczôw Laia z Kalmow 33 KRAWCZYNSK I Nut a 36 Elias z Haymowicz 34 (wid. ) Ester z Jckowicz WAYS Este r 22 Rybe k Lacheta Ways ?? Rvwka z Berkowiczow 1825 32 Abus 26 Rubi n (dec. ) S #77 36 Baila Moszkowiczow (dec. ) Sora 24 Jank l (dec. ) S #83 Mechla Joszkowicz 33 POPLONKI Berk 25 Lewka Aronowicz (dec. ) Pinczôw 37 Szyfra z Dawidow (dec. ) - Marya 28 Jck (dec. ) S #73 Laia z Moszkowiczow Cdec. ) 34 LEJKIEWICZ Zacharyasz 19 Leyzor S #79 38 Laja GRANDMAN Rochla 20 Szmul [ z Moszk] S #89 Gitla f z Herszll 35 PINKIES? Hnanie 18 Joska Nowym Miescie? 39 Kraydla z Herszlow SZENKIER Rochla 20 Salomon Jakubowicz (dec. ) S #74 Rozala z Leibusiow 42 WAYNTROB Szyia 18 Moszka Wloscowie 43 Dwora z Zendkowicz EBERSMAN Freyda 19 Joska [ z Wolf] S - (dec. 1) 44 GRYNSPAN Herszla 24 Anzel S #10 45 Zlata KRAWCZYNSKI Bayla 20 - S #10 Blima (wid. ) 46 KRAKOWSKI Leybus 19 Wolf (piekarz ) S #15 47 Malka BEKERMAN Brandla 16 Szai (piekarz ) S #123 Basa 48 GOLDBERG Abram Jakob 19 Izrael [ z Szymon] S #74 49 Frymet [ z Herszl] TYNICKI Hendla 16 Jakob (szynkarz ) Tyncu? Maitka 50 KOSMAN Moska Eli 22 Aron S 53 Rochla (dec. ) SZANCER Rochli Lai 18 Mendia S Sora z SOBKOWSKI (dec. ) 51 DABROWSKI Mendia 20 Lewka S 54 Laia WAYBRAT Faigla 18 Wolf Checiny Hindla 52 SOBKOWSKI Abram 18 Jck [Lipka z Josek] S 55 Sora [ z Fiszl] BESLER Reyzla 17 Szmul Mierzwin Sura (dec. 1)

WHAT AREA DOES OUR SIG COVER? We hav e taken th e boundarie s o f th e about th e Jew s wh o live d i n tha t regio n Kielce and Radom gubernias as they existed from the earliest settlemen t t o the presen t from 1867 to 1917. Tha t is the geographical day. Fo r example , w e hav e Duch y o f area. Warsaw era data in both the Sobkôw and We woul d lik e t o fin d ou t everythin g Chçciny extracts. Winter 1997 A Journal of Information from the KIELCE and RADOM SIG Page 43

Radom Death Index 1874-1877

Lowell Ackerman

The followin g informatio n ha s bee n computer Interne t access . Se e th e Worl d Wid e transliterated from th e Cyrilli c inde x o f th e civi l Web page: . registry o f Radom , Poland , i n possessio n o f th e Polish Stat e Archives , an d microfilme d b y th e Some o f th e dat a i s subjec t t o error , eithe r i n th e Church of Jesus Christ Latter-day Saints . Thi s list clerk's origina l transcription , o r interpretatio n o f includes entrie s from al l the Jewis h deat h record s the handwritin g from th e poo r qualit y o f th e for th e year s 187 4 throug h 1877 , from th e LD S microfilms an d original record books . Item s that microfilm number s 120135 2 (throug h 187 5 deat h were questionabl e ar e followe d b y a question #81) and 120135 3 (through the end of 1877). mark. A fe w entrie s hav e a n asteris k ('*' ) i n th e given nam e field. Thes e record s hav e n o give n The ful l database , whic h consist s o f name. A t leas t som e o f the m ar e death s o f transliterations o f all the Cyrilli c metrica l indice s unnamed newboras . Th e genealogis t usin g thi s currently availabl e fo r Rado m throug h th e LDS , index lis t mus t nex t vie w th e record s themselve s can b e querie d on-lin e vi a th e Russia n Er a to glean the additional facts contained therein. Indexing of Poland Project (REJPP) , for those with

Akt Surname Given 13 FERSZENDIK Sura 108 GOLDBERG JankdMoidd name 50 FERSZTYNDIK Szmul 148 GOLDBERG Moszek 1874 183 FERSZTYNDYK Sura 11 GOLDBERG Sura Frajd a 4 ABRAMOW1CZ Gdalia 132 FINKELSZTAJN Aron 130 GOLDFARB Kajla 158 ABRAMOWICZ Hana 38 FINKIELSZTAJN Dwojra 126 GOLDFLIS Rojza 166 AJFER Krajdla 87 FINKIELSZTEJN Chaja Gitla 90 GOLDMAN Rojza 6 AJZENSZTAT Rajzla 177 FISZBAUM Gitla 66 GOLDRAT Lejzor 71 AJZENSZTAT RywkaSura 41 FLAMENBAUM Brucha 85 GOLDSZTAJN Berek 137 AKERMAN Dobra 31 FLAMENBAUM Sura ha 129 GRINBERG Izrael 93 AKERMAN LejbusDawid 22 FRIZERMAN Lenerd 60 GRINCWAJG Ita 101 AKERMAN Nuta 23 FRYDMAN Beniamin 74 GRINFELD Enta 112 AKERMAN Pinkus 94 FRYDMAN Froim 9 GROSFELD Rudila 175 AKERMAN Sejwa 86 FRYDMAN Uja 165 GURTYK Moszek 147 AKERMAN Szmul 160 FRYDMAN Mendel 143 GUTMAN Frimeta 65 BAJTLER Rywka 67 FRYDMAN Mortka 81 GUTMAN Jankel 39 BALBAUS Josek 181 FRYDMAN Moszek 164 GUTMAN Szlama 145 BAUM Rudila 1 FRYDMAN SzyfraRojza 136 GUTMAN Wolf Moszek 45 BAUMGARTEN Cirla 78 FURMAN Chana 139 HAIMOWICZ Abram 46 BAUMGARTEN leek 111 FURSZTAJN Rojza 115 HAKMAN Izrael 70 BAUMGARTEN Malka 8 GAFTARCIK Frimet 179 HAKMAN Lejbus 44 BERKOWICZ Berek 59 GAMER Matys 14 HANOWER Szmu! 176 BIRNBAUM Abram 68 GELCMAN Naftula 107 HENIK Moszek 142 BIRNBAUM ChanaBajla 124 GELFANT Izrael 150 HOPMAN Jankel 131 BIRNBAUM Ester 7 GELIBTER Rajzla 82 KAJLER Fajga 96 BIRNBAUM Ester Dysa 113 GELLER Chil 169 KERSZBERG Jankel 157 BIRNBAUM Moszek Lejzor 25 GERBERMAN Abus 19 KERSZENBAUM Bajla 138 BLEJWAS Nucfaym 149 GERING Bina 182 KERSZENBAUM Curtla 10 BRAJTER Aron 76 GERSZENFIS Idesa 135 KERSZENBLAT Laja 106 CARNA Dobra 168 GERSZTAJN leek 105 KERSZENBLAT Matla 79 CHWAT Maria 128 GISER Mendel 92 KLAJMAN Rywka 162 DEN Michel 159 GLAJSZTAJN Bajla 69 KOCHEN Herszek 62 DYNERMAN Elka 47 GLAT AbnmMo&zck 28 KON Moszek 29 EJCHENBAUM Jankel 48 GLAT Malka 140 KOPELMAN Gitla 58 EJZENSZTAJN Ester Laja 34 GLEJTMAN Szmul Dawid 125 KORMAN Chana 109 EJZMAN Boruch 57 GLUZMAN Pesa 100 KORMAN Chaskel 27 ELFANT Sura 21 GOL? Moszek 54 KORMAN Dina 154 FERPETERSZAK Herszek 56 GOLDBERG Hawa 89 KORMAN Mendel 104 GOLDBERG Jankel 32 KORMAN Nuta rage 4*4 A Journal of Information from the KIELCE and RADOM SIG Winte r 1997

3 KORMAN Ruchla 146 ZAJDENWEBER Dobra 132 GROSFELD Chaja Sura 16 KOTKA Zelik 91 ZAJDENWEBER Laja 153 GROSFELD Izrael 102 KRAJSKEN SzmulGecel 49 ZALCMAN Sura Gttla 8 GROSMAN Etla 118 KREPS Nuchym 188 ZEGMAN Rajza 173 GRUDSZTAJN Perla 103 KURC Sura 40 ZIBUCH Aron 27 GUTMAN Rywka 75 LANCBERG Lejbus 35 ZIMERMAN Szlama 45 HAFTARCZYK Majlicklcek 52 LANCBERG Rywka 5 ZYBULSKAJA Laja Golda 170 HANDELSMAN Lipman 155 LANDAY Ester 75 HERMAN Wulf 170 LANDAY Rywka 1875 143 JAKUBOWICZ Szanca 53 LERPER Kajla 111 ADLER Szmelka 68 KAC Mindla 184 LINDENBAUM Jankel 116 AKERMAN Enta 117 KAC Sura 116 LIPSZYC Izrael 100 AKERMAN Lejbus 119 KAJLER Chaim 12 LOTERMAN Jakublcek 82 ALPORT Matla 76 KERSZENBAUM Abram Icek 24 MAC Gitla 149 ALTMAN Faiea 65 KERSZENBAUM Chaskel 173 MAJZYWEK Alter 161 KERSZENCWEJG Chana 133 ALTMAA 4JL^ A A*A 4 M*N * Motek 42 MANDELMAN Chaim Lejb 31 BARAN Izrael 88 KERSZMAN Malka 83 MAYERCHAK Mayer 26 BAUMGARTEN Symka 150 KESTENBERG Lejbus Ajdla 55 MAYERKOWICZ 163 BERCHAS Chinda 166 KIPCKA Abram 127 MENDELMAN Bajla 52 BERGMAN Lejzor 164 KIPCKA Chana 119 MENDLOW1CZ Lejbus 115 BERNMAN Chaja lia 165 KIPCKA Gitla 63 MILERMAN Moszek 59 BIRNBAUM Ella Bina 167 KIPCKA Hersek MOSZKOWICZ Malka 61 19 BIRNBAUM Jankel Perla 23 KIRSZBERG RywkiChuu 26 PASTERNIK Abram 10 BJALSKA Laja 3 KIRSZENBAUM Gitman 180 PERELMUTER Chana 137 BLAJCHER Herszek 40 KIRSZENCWEJG Ruchla Laja 144 PERELSZTAJN Chana 93 BLAJMAN Cvora 142 KIRSZTAJN JakubDawid 17 ROJZENBERG Rojza 87 BLATMAN Chana 134 KLAJMAN DobrtRywk» 156 ROTBACH Izrael 85 BRESLER Haim 39 KORMAN Chana 37 ROZENBERG Ruchla Malka 57 CYGELSZTAJCHEïI Faig a 129 KORMAN Golda 186 ROZENBERG Szlama 34 CYPERIK Majer 95 KRONENBERG HerszLejzor 122 ROZENBLAT Tauba 156 EJCHENBAUM Rywka 29 KUPERMAN Alter 178 ROZENCWAJG Jankel 120 EJZENBERG Moszek 50 KURC Abram 185 RUBINSZTAJN Laja 128 EJZENSZTAD Moszek 43 KURSZENCWEJG Lejzor 167 RUDNICK1 Moszek 16 ELFONT Gitla 74 LANGA Szlama 172 RUTMAN Berek 25 ERLICH Pesia 63 LEDENBAUM Berek 18 RUTMAN Elia Cama 42 FELDMAN Dawid 21 MAC Dwojra 110 SOBELMAN IcekAjzik 15 FERSZTENDIK Frajdla 140 MAC Szmul 134 SZAJN Laja 32 FIDLER Michal 53 MANDELKORN Rajzla 187 SZAJNFELD Jankel 114 FINKELMAN Ester 55 MELIODJSTA Mendel 77 SZMERT Berek 96 FINKELSZTAJN Chana 168 MILCMAN Fajga 98 SZPAJDERMAN Moszek Jakub 155 FINKELSZTAJN Perla 37 MILMAN Malia 30 SZTAJMAN Rywka 135 FISZMAN Necha 105 MILMAN Moszek 121 SZTAJNBERG Bajk Rywka 4 FLAMENBAUM Dawid 2 MILMAN MoszekMtjer 15 SZTAJNBERG Bonich Lejzor 174 FLEJSZOR Lejbus 118 MORA Chaim 33 SZTAJNER Sztnul 70 FRYDMAN Ester 80 MORDKOWICZ Laja a a ^ a . a^ivaja A v MUSZKUNDLIT Moszek 72 SZTELMAN Maria 131 FRYDMAN SzyfraRojza 71 88 SZWARCMAN Lejbus 102 FUKS Jakub Ioek 1 NISENBAUM Chana 141 TAJZMAN Abram Jankel 44 FUKS Pinkus 139 NORDWIN Cala 43 TENENBAUM Chaja Sura 18 FUKSMAN Ruchla 30 NORELIDERGSKI Jakub 73 TENENBAUM Dwojra 20 GELCMAN Jakub Icek 126 NUDELMAN Nuchem 99 WAGENSZTERG ChajaHawa 157 GERDET Tauba 6 PALER Moszek 153 WAJCMAN Berek 79 GERPIK Moszek 51 PRT1CUSKI Icek Majer 133 WAJCMAN Herszek 66 GERSZENFELD Ita 112 RAJCH Chawa 117 WAJCMAN Rywka 146 GERSZENFIS Dwojra 106 RAJCH Dymka 80 WAJNTROB Abram 5 GERSZENFISZ Moszek 107 RAKOC Pesa 161 WAJSBORT Jankel 125 GERSZEPGORN Frajda 172 RAKOC Pinkus 51 WAJSBORT Josek . 121 GERSZEPGORN Rywka 7 RAPOPORT Fajga 120 WAJSBORT Nuta 124 GERSZEPGORN Szmul 101 RJCHTMAN Chemia 163 WARMAN Szifra 84 GLAJMAN Brucha 81 RONIBLAN Mendel 95 WARSZAUR Lejzor 99 GLAJMAN Ester 77 ROZENBAUM Gutman ROZENBAUM Rojza 84 WENCELMAN Mendel 97 GLAS Gitla 109 114 WERBER Dawid 22 GLAS MAN Rafal 46 ROZENBERG Herszek ^^ âp^ f IUATU a A ^ 136 ROZENBERG Izrael Rafal 20 WERBER Uba 83 GOLDBERG Ester 123 WERBER SuraSerka 89 GOLDBERG Faiea 36 ROZENBLAT Ester 151 WERZHBLICKA Laja 171 GOLDBERG Jankel 90 ROZENCWEJG Jankel 97 WILNER Kajla 108 GOLDBERG Kopel 113 ROZENKRANC Lejbus 174 WIZENBERG Berek 9 GOLDBERG Malka 103 RUDSTAJN Chaja Chana 152 WIZENBERG Lejbus 141 GOLDBERG Maria 67 RUTMAN 64 WIZENBERG Szmul 62 GOLDFARB Szmul 35 RUTMAN Mordka Enta 2 WIZENBERG Zachariasz 48 GRENBERG Moszek Bonicfa 13 SENDY 171 WOLMAN Nucfayn 154 GRINCWEJG Gnendla 12 SPIR Judka 36 WOLNOWICZ Rucha Laja 152 SZEKSMAN DawidNachmin Winter 1997 A Journal of Information from the KIELCE and RADOM SIG rage «

147 SZERMAN H in da 137 FOGELMAN Icek 3 NOREMBERGSKA Estera 72 SZLECHTER SuraRywka 20 FRAJDENRAJK Fajga Zelda 153 PAJKUS Chana 144 SZPAJZER Frajda 96 FRAJDENRAJK Pinkus 141 PEJSAKOWICZ Josek 56 SZPAJZMAN Lejzor 131 FRIDMAN Dawid 107 POTAZHNIK Lejzor 69 SZREK Ita 55 FRIDMAN Dwojra 61 POTAZHNIK Rojza 17 SZULKLOPER Herszek 155 FRIDMAN Izrael 157 PROKT Necha 148 TAJC SzymonElia 104 FRIDMAN SzlimiPejsak 121 RATER Icek 49 TENENBAUM Etla 135 FRIDMAN Todiweta 29 RONCKA Frimet Estera 28 TENENBAUM Hinda 105 FUKS Chaja 32 ROTENBERG Szlama 33 TENENBAUM Jankel 100 FUKS Nuta 127 ROTENBERG Szymon 64 TENENBAUM Jankel 62 G? Josek 11 ROZENBERG Chil 110 TENENBAUM Laja Mirla 67 GENSZTEJN Enta 95 ROZENBERG Gitla 159 WAOENSZPARG IcekMendel 102 GLAT Chawa 60 ROZENBERG Moszek 41 WAJNBERG Ester 133 GLAT Izrael 57 ROZENBERG WolfBer 60 WAJNMAN Pejsak 37 GLIKSON Rukla 35 ROZENBLAT ChaimWolf 14 WAJNTRAUB Gitla 70 GOLDBERG Grendla 63 ROZENBLAT Ita Fridla 169 WAJNTRAUB Herszek 73 GOLDBERG Majer Wolf 42 ROZENBLAT Talia 11 WAJNTRAUB Zelda 34 GOLDFLISZ Rvwka 115 ROZENFELD Aron Icek 38 WAJSBORT Berek 23 GOLDMAN Dwojra 128 RUBINSZTEJN Ruchla 158 WAJSBORT Rywka 1 GOLDMAN Jakub 136 RUTMAN MUM RuchU 94 WAJSGLAS Symdia 138 GOLDMAN Lejbus 38 RUTMAN Mindla 54 WAJSMAN Hawa 84 GONDELSMAN ChilMordka 122 RUTMAN Szoel 127 WAJSZEFISZ Dwojra 15 GROSFELD Hana Perla 13 SOBELMAN Herszek 123 WAKS Malka 93 GROSFELD Sura 66 SOBELMAN Jankel 145 WAKSMAN Chaskel 56 GROSMAN Chaja 120 SWECHNIK Moszek 104 WAKSZLAK Ajzik 75 GUTMAN Josek 152 SZMAER Chaim Icek 78 WEJDKA Marya 150 GUTMANOWICZ Izrael 88 SZTARK Chawa 162 WELTMAN Dwojra 21 HERMAN Estera 81 SZWARCBORT Josek 61 WERBER Liba 77 HERSZ Liba 69 TENENBAUM Enta 86 WISENBERG Mendel 59 JURKOWICZ Chaja Sura 14 TENENBAUM Maria 92 W1TEMBERG Nedia 30 KAC Dwojra 143 TENENBAUM SurtBrandli 151 WIZENBERG Nuchem 109 KAC Lejbus 94 WAJCMAN Szejwa 98 WOUANOWICZ Rywka 85 KADYSEWICZ Mendel 83 WAJMAN Szorica 58 ZAJDMAN Szmul Moszek 144 KADYSEW1CZ Nedia 78 WAJNSZTAJN MiriaRiichh 47 ZELKER Herszek 27 KAJLER Brandla 17 WAJNTRAUB Chtja Hydes» 138 ZILBERBERG Lejzor 118 KENENTOWSKA Perla 114 WAJNTRAUB Icek 122 Z1LBERBERG Majer 39 KERSZENBAUM Radunul 49 WAJNTRAUB Kajel 73 ZILBERBERG Malka 139 KESTENBERG Dawid 112 WAJNTRAUB Malka 160 ZILBERBERG Perla 52 KOJDA Borucfa 7 WAJNTRAUB Mendel 130 ZILBERG MirjtDwojn 142 KOLENDER MoszekMejlich 58 WAJNTRAUB Moszek 91 ZILBERSZTAJN Marja 151 KON Cypojra 97 WAJNTRAUB Moszek 24 ZYCHGOLC Cylim 108 KOPELMAN JakubKopel 4 WAJSFOGEL Chawa 91 KOPERWAS Mendel 92 WASERBERG Chana 1876 147 KORMAN lznel Mendel 99 WERBER Peka 125 AKERMAN Fajga 101 KORMAN Rajzla 79 WEZBERG Hersek 51 AKERMAN Icek 89 KRENS Zysla 47 WINER Rojza 111 AKERMAN MoszekHersz 149 KRUL Laja 50 WIZENBERG Chaja 126 ARGUNAST Jankel 124 KURC Lejzor 148 WUDKA SzmulHersz 106 BANKER Fiszel 146 LANDAU Jankel 44 WULER Maria 48 BANKER Rukla 43 LANGS Chil 156 ZAJDMAN Ajzik 86 BEKERMAN Szewadi 53 LEWKOWICZ Herszek 65 ZAJKMAN Moszek 2 BEKERMAN Wulf 18 LIPSZTEJN Szulim 103 ZALCBERG ha 45 BERENBAUM Bacia 90 MAGNUSZEWSKI Abram Zelik 33 ZAMECKOWSKA Tochweta 64 BERMAN Hana 76 MAJZELS ChaimNuta 87 ZILBERBERG Bajla 158 BLAT Abnm Judka 110 MANDEL Rywka 74 ZILBERBERG Chana 123 BORENSZTAJN Lejzof 19 MANDELKORN Herszek 10 ZILBERBERG Szajndla 25 CARNA Rachmil 22 MANDELMAN Abram 98 ZIMLER Chana 68 CITRINOWICZ Zelda 54 MANUSZEWICZ Chana 113 ZUKER Maer 26 CYTRIN Gela Maria 116 MENDRAKICKA Sim» GrendU 40 ZUKERMAN Chaim 46 MILCHIOR Gabriel 12 ZUKERMAN Kelman 16 EDW1D Faie M a * Jer* 117 MILER Laja 72 ZYLBERSZLAK NysenLejb 5 EGER Josek 129 EJDELMAN Sura Laja 8 MILLER Nuchem 145 EJZENBERG Abram 9 MINDELMAN Szlama 1877 24 EJZENBERG Rywka 134 MORA Mendel 64 ABRAMENT Chil 154 ENGEL Chana 82 MORDKOW1CZ Chaja Perla 123 ABRAMOWICZ Chawa 41 FELDMAN Gitla 31 MOSZKOWICZ Kajfinan 161 ADLER Ester 6 FELDSZTAJN Lejzor 28 NADEZHENWUJ Izrael 34 AJZENBERG SzffiaBlinu 140 FERSZTENBERG Izrael 132 NAJHAUS FtjgaMtflu 66 AJZENMAN Boroch Josek 130 FINKEL Josek 80 NAJHAUS Jankel 78 AJZENSTAT Szmul 119 FLAJSZER Fajga 36 NAJMAN Boruch 10 AKERMAN Mendel 71 NAJMAN Dwojra rage t 9 A Journal of Information from the KIELCE and RADOM SIG Winte r 1997

* 143 BERENBAUM 14 KADYSEWICZ Izrael Majer 52 ROZENCWEJG Jankel Dawid 54 BERKOWICZ Berek 142 KERSZENBAUM Chana 162 ROZENCWEJG Sura 136 BERLENSKA Hydesa 89 KERSZENBAUM Chil 120 ROZENWALD Rajzla 65 BERNSMAN Rajzla 74 KERSZENBAUM Gelia 35 RUDMAN Chaja Rywka 85 BIRENBAUM Gttla 119 KESTENBERG Herszek 84 SALCBERG Chil Alte r 22 BIRENBAUM Sima Laja 27 KEZMAN Rojza 137 SILBERSZTAJN Bajla Ruchla 156 BORENSZTEJN Ncdia 38 KLAJMAN Chin» MiUci 79 SOBELMAN Pinkos Berek 133 DOBRUCKA Chaja 56 KLINGIER Moidka Josek 109 SOKOLOWSKÎ Josek 118 DYNERMAN • 55 KOCHEN Borudi 112 SZAJMAN 88 EJNMAN Berek 72 KOCHEN Szlama 134 SZARER Zelman 73 EJZENSTEJN Chaskel 113 KOLENDER * 128 SZERMAN Mindla 61 FAJBASZEWICZ Moszekloek 76 KONEKER Rudila 150 SZPAJDERMAN Hydesa Blima 159 FAJNTUK Rukla 86 KOPELMAN Chawa 107 SZPAJZMAN Lizel 2 FINKELSZTAJN Sura Laja 39 KORMAN Brucha 36 SZREJBER S2merek 153 FINKŒLSZTAJN Fajga 44 KORMAN Chaim 20 SZTERN Josek Boroch 116 FISZMAN Aron 42 KORMAN Herman 94 SZTRAUMAN Eliasz 4 FISZMAN Beniamin 93 KORMAN Josek 82 SZULKLAPER Moszek 155 FISZMAN Sura 129 KOZLOWSK1 Jankel 15 TANER Rywka 108 FLAMENBAUM Dawid 115 KRYS Jankel 77 TELC Herszek 67 FLAMENBAUM Majer 144 LANDAU Majer 95 TENENBAUM Ester 21 FRID Gitla 51 LANGS Rywka 157 TENENBAUM Majer 45 FRIDMAN Fiszel 58 LEWIN JakubMoszek 37 WAJCMAN Chaja 13 FRIDMAN JosekDawid 83 LEWKOWICZ Chaim 47 WAJCMAN Eta 19 FRIDMAN Lejzor 152 LOTERMAN * 91 WAJNBUCH ha 71 FRIDMAN MajerGecel 158 LOTERMAN Anzel 80 WAJNBUCH Maria 99 FRIDMAN Sirnka 100 MAJZELS * 149 WAJNTRAUB * 29 FRIDMAN Sura 126 MALC Motel 11 WAJNTRAUB Szlama Mendel 60 GOLDBERG Frajda 26 MARKOWICZ AronLejb 111 WAJSBORT Nuu 49 GOLDBERG Izrael 28 MICHALOWICZ Michel 31 WAJSGLAS SunFrymeta 3 GOLDBERG Laja 151 MILGRAM Ester Maria 139 WAJSMAN Srul 17 GOLDBERG Sana 141 MITELMAN Josek 12 WAJSMAN Szymon 53 GOLDBERG Szymon 32 MONKATOW Sura 50 WAKSBERG Majer 92 GOLDMAN Abram 33 MONKOTOW Abram 114 WAKSMAN Chaia Sura 30 GOLDSZLEGŒR Abram 122 NEJCHAUS Paja 140 WAREM * 106 GOLDSZTAJN Zysla 8 PESZEMYSIAW Chana 127 WERBER Fajga 68 GORZMAN Josek 9 RACHLARZ Abram 7 WERTGAJM Moszek 103 GOTFRID Herszek 59 RADOMSKA Szajndia 135 WULFOWICZ Pinkus 117 GROSFELD Szlama 70 RAPOPORT Lejzor 75 ZAJDENWEBER Etla 6 GURFINKIEL Icek 147 ROTBLAT Chaim lakub 131 ZAJFMAN Cluwa 102 GURSZTAT Zdman Dawid 96 ROTENBERG Hydesa 138 ZAMECZKOWSKI Jankel 87 GUTMAN Chaim 43 ROZENBAUM - Izrae l 124 ZANNIK Perla 40 HAKMAN Szaja 25 ROZENBERG Chaim 110 ZEJDMAN Lejbus 81 HANDELMAN Ryflca 24 ROZENBERG Icek 163 ZEJNDLIOWICZ Fila 98 HERSZFELD Aha 62 ROZENBERG Malka 18 ZINGERMAN Golda 41 HERSZMAN Moszek 97 ROZENBERG Sura 104 ZUKER Sana Chaim 154 HOPMAN Gitla 1 ROZENBLAT HerszLejb 69 ZYLBERMAN Jankel 57 HOROWICZ Ryflca 132 ROZENBLAT Herszek 23 ZYLBERSZPIC Malka Ruchla 16 KORN Rudila 130 ROZENBLAT Motel Lejb 105 ZYMERFOGEL Berek 5 JUDMAN Laja 160 ROZENBLUM EsterSymka 148 ZYMERMAN Aron Icek 90 KAC Ester Ruchli 63 ROZENCWEJG Chana 121 ZYSMAN Abram

Dr. Lowell Ackerman, a veternarian, international lecturer and author of 14 books, has been a genealogist for the past five years and has particular interest in Radom, the birthplace of his paternal and maternal grandfathers. Dr. Ackerman has been to Radom and plans another visit in the future. He resides with his wife, Susan, at 8901E. Altadena Ave., Scottsdale, AZ 85260. Data of these records were input by Sari Ackerman.

VOLUNTEER NEEDED TO HELP WITH RADOM RECORDS We need a volunteer to complete verifica- Davis , 9 Raindrop Circle; Reisterstown, MD tion of remaining data of Radom database 21136 , or e-mail before it can be published. Contac t Lauren fo r details of work to be done. Winter 1997 A Journal of Information from the KBELCE and RADOM SIG Page 47

Chçciny, Poland: Jewish Birth Record Extractions and Analysis 1810-1825

Warren Blatt and Lauren B. Eisenberg Davis

The followin g informatio n ha s been extracte d from Some o f th e familie s wer e know n b y multipl e the civi l registratio n record s o f Chçciny , Poland , i n surnames (see the article "Alternate Surnames in Russian possession of the Polish State Archives, and microfilme d Poland" i n th e Summe r 199 6 issu e o f Avotaynu: the by the Churc h o f Jesu s Christ Latter-da y Saints . Thes e International Review of Jewish Genealogy). Th e extractions includ e informatio n from th e Jewis h birt h additional surnames in these extractions are indicated b y records fo r th e year s 181 0 throug h 1825 , from th e 'cf. Whereve r possible , al l surname s attribute d t o a n following LDS microfilms: individual ar e included . Spellin g o f al l name s varie s from record to record. #730254 1820- 1823 #730255 1824- 1825 The occupation s appea r i n thes e extract s i n thei r #936652 1811- 1818 original Polish spellings. Th e reason fo r this i s that i t is #936653 1810,1819- 1820 impossible t o discer n exactl y wha t man y o f thes e occupations were , i n th e contex t o f nineteent h centur y From 181 0 throug h 1825 , th e Jewis h vita l statisti c Jewish life . Pleas e refe r t o th e Polis h "Occupation events in Chçciny were recorded i n the Roman Catholi c Definitions" i n thi s issu e o f th e journa l fo r roug h civil registry. Fro m 181 3 through 181 6 only one Jewis h translations. Additionally , refe r t o th e articl e "The registration, a death , wa s extracte d from Chçciny , Power of Extracts" i n thi s journa l fo r genera l although man y delaye d registration s fo r thos e year s ar e information o n vita l statisti c record s an d extraction s included i n the 181 8 records, an d beyond. Henc e ther e thereof. are no entries in this se t o f birth record extract s fo r th e years 181 3 through 1816. Some o f th e dat a i s subjec t t o error , eithe r i n th e clerk's origina l transcription , o r interpretatio n o f th e The extracts contain information o n names, parents, handwriting from the poor quality of the microfilms an d ages and occupations, derive d directl y from th e origina l original recor d books . Item s tha t ar e questionabl e ar e registrations. Th e earlier extracts include the exact dat e followed by a question mark. Age s were often inexact as of the event and family residenc e (consistin g o f a town, reported at the time of registration. if othe r tha n Chçciny , an d hous e number) . Th e late r extractions omi t thes e las t tw o piece s o f information . Two set s o f presumabl y identica l origina l recor d Realize that som e events were not registered i n the yea r books wer e maintaine d durin g thi s era . W e hav e that they occurred. Field s that have a dash ("-") indicat e observed some discrepancies between film inventor y and that the informatio n wa s missing o n the original record . records actuall y extracte d fo r mi s document , an d ar e "Akta" ar e th e Polis h recor d numbers . Twin s ar e working to rectify them . Fo r eac h year , onl y on e boo k denoted by an asterisk (*). Man y of the birth and deat h was extracted, whic h may accoun t fo r thi s discrepancy . records ar e correlate d i n th e rightmost colum n o f th e It i s possible tha t tw o birth s from 181 0 are include d i n extract. Al l conjecture d informatio n i s enclose d i n one set of record books, but not in these extracts. square brackets. As always , i t i s pruden t fo r th e researcher , whe n Additional informatio n o n surname s an d using secondar y sourc e dat a suc h a s thi s work , t o patronymics, fo r record s tha t hav e none , ha s bee n examine the primary source data for fina l verification. I t derived, by the authors, from a n analysis of all the dat a is alway s bes t fo r th e genealogis t t o vie w th e actua l in thi s document , a s wel l a s severa l year s beyon d th e records pertainin g t o his/he r famil y t o verif y th e scope of this document. Pleas e realize tha t conjecture d interpretation, and glean additional facts . surnames ar e no t foun d i n th e origina l record s an d ar e not 100 % guaranteed . Thes e surname s wer e generate d Special thank s t o Heshe l Teitelbau m from the available facts of given names, occupations and for contributing some of the conjectural surnames . ages, an d compare d wit h othe r record s whos e familie s exhibited similar characteristics. Checinv Birth Extracts * Aid Surname Given Name Father (occupation) Age Mother Age Location Date Death Record

1810 6 - Herszl Icek Lefkowicz (szynkaiz ) 25 Sura z Herszkôw 24 Polichnie#16 Sep 12 22 ROZENWALD Szmul Jasek [Meiorowicz] 28 Fradla z Wolf 28 Checiny #51 Sep29 36 - Szlama Wolf Berek (kupiec ) 40 Cartul z Mane 16 w (2nd wife) 24 #96 Oct22 52 SZPYRA Szmul Mortek (kupiec ) 30 Hewa z Leybus 24 #170 Dec 1 65 |LANDAU| Eyzyk Szmulka Eyzykowicz 20 Mirka z Leybus 24 #7 Dec 23 66 BACZ Eliasz Szymka (kramarz ) 50 Judat z Major (2nd wife ) 36 #93 Dec 23

1811 1 FINKELSTEIN Hayzyk Dawid [Berkowicz] (kupiec ) 36 Faygel z Lewkôw 36 #140 Jan 1 9 FINKELSTEIN Reysla - - 42 MANELA Herszk Josek [Szlamowicz] Manelowicz (kupiec) 36 Leja z Haymowiczowna 30 #98 Mar 1 0 43 IROZENWALD) Zacharyusz Labiusz Szloma (kupiec ) 28 Sara zIzrael 24 #109 Mar 9 81 - Berek Jonas Lewkowicz 42 Sara z Kawen 36 #56 May 1

1812 2 - Gitla Beniamin Abelowicz 20 Chana z Sohorowicz 24 #24 Jan 2 3 - Hana Slama Moszkowicz (kupiec ) 60 Pesla z Ferensowna 50 #61 Jan 2 18 GOLDBERG Abram Eliasz 60 Ryfka z Harynowiczowna 40 #101 Jan 26 37 ME JER [c f MEJERKIEWICZ] Israel Boruch [Saulowicz] (krawiec) 30 Rays la z Lewkowna 28 #33 Oct2 38 SPIRA Izrael Mortek (kupiec ) 30 Hawa z Leybusôw 24 #104 Feb6

1818 30 SZPIRA Pinkus Mariais 38 Chawa z Stermanôw 32 #108 Feb27 o 46 SAX Ryfka Eyzyk (kramarz ) 40 Czama z Zaym6w 40 #58 Apr 17 47 [GLAS) Zebnan Jasek Zabnanowicz (piekarz ) 22 Liba z Beniamôw 22 #173 Apr 24 48 - Faygel Mortek Rubinowicz (garbarz ) 26 Jaydla z Leybusiôw 19 #62 Apr 1 4 52 - Icyk Chehnan? Zyska (handlarz ) 34 Fromet z Ickôw 28 #17 Apr 25 55 [GLAYTJ Rochla Leja Zelik Jakubowicz (cyrulik ) 32 Feygel z Manelôw 32 #25 May 20 56 - Ruchta Hajm Zelmanowicz (wyrobnik) 26 Basa z Ickowna 22 #174 Jun 6 57 CUKIERMAN Abram Icek Szamel (kramarz ) 40 Ela z Leyzykow 42 #107 May 6 58 GOLA Jokul Icek (czapnik ) 34 Cerka z Chaymôw 30 #86 Jun 5 o 59 IMAJERKIEWICZ) Anzel Borach Szolkowicz (krawiec ) 37 Malka z Janus 24 #35 Jun 7 [I821D#84J 60 GOLDBERG Izrael Leybus 20 Faygel z GOLDBERG 19 #103 Oct24, 181 7 61 GOLDBERG Layzor Leybus (szynkarz ) 34 Reyzla z Haymow 30 #92 Aug8, 181 7 62 - Serl? Zelik Szmul (kramarz ) 34 Haja z Iklôw 26 #111 Jun 5 66 - Nache Hajm Lewkowicz 38 Basa z Herszkôw 32 #182 Mar 28 68 - Ryfka Rocha Szyme Haymowicz (krawiec ) 40 Jenta z Moszkôw 36 #104 Jun 26 69 IGERTLER] Laia Mortek Szymonowicz(szynkarz ) 26 Pesla z GERTLER 24 #179 Jun 27 72 IGERTLER] Szlama Herszel Abram Wolfowicz (kupiec ) 20 Sand la z DawidôwfMANELA] 18 #109 Jun 1 3 77 CUKIERMAN Faygel Herszel (kupie c towarow) 20 Haja z[Leyzer6w] GOLDBERG 22 #66 Mar 12 [1818 EM73] 78 ROZENWALL Zyszka Leybus (krawiec ) 39 Czana z [Eliasôw] GOLDBERG 40 #109 May 12 79 KWERT [cf MANELA] Elkona Jozef [Szlamowicz ] (szynkarz) 42 Entel z Haymow 30 #102 Jan 17, 1817 80 - Abram Jakub Lewek Wolfowicz (bakalarz ) 23 Czewa z Zelman 22 #111 May 12 81 - Josek Major Leybus Ickowicz (kramarz ) 24 Haja z Herszkôw 25 #24 Mar 18,1817 82 - Mosiek Leybus Sender (kupiec ) 50 Ryfka z Eyzyk 48 #106 Jun6, 1813 83 SILBERBERG Juda Mosiek (kupiec ) 19 Go Ida z Joskow 19 #9 Mar 15,1817 84 Eyzyk Daniel Herszel Zadlowic z (piekarz) 40 Hana z Zandlow 38 #91 Mar 30,1817 89 - Sora Symcha Jakubowicz (pak. ) 50 Haja z Faywôw 40 #25 Jul2 91 - Herszel Haym Boruchowicz (kramarz ) 28 Entka z Gulow 22 #82 Jul28 92 [RAYZMANI Mosiek Szlama Zusmanowicz(handlarz) 28 Sora z Izrael 26 #61 Jul2 93 ILANDAUJ Bayla Szmulka [Eyzykowicz ] (kupiec) 30 Mirka z Leybusiôw 26 #47 Mar 15,1816 97 - Mosiek Nochim Moszkowicz (wyrobnik) 45 Sora z Lewkôw 40 #107 Aug5 98 - Josek Icyk Mosiek Jaskowicz (wyrobnik) 42 Paja z Icek 30 #91 Aug2 100 MANEL Mosiek Leyb Boruch [Dawidowicz] (kupiec) 22 Bluma z Wolf 24 #106 Jull2 107 FINKELSZTAYN Calka Szjia (handlarz ) 32 Sora z Herszkôw 26 #175 Oct 16,1815 108 FINKELSZTAVN Laja Szjia (handlarz ) 32 Sora z Herszkôw 26 #175 Oct6, 1816 109 EZEMBERG Joyna Nafta la (kupiec ) 38 Haja Rochel z Joskôw 26 #91 Jan 1,1815 110 EYZEMBERG Wolf Naftula (kupiec ) 38 Haja Rochla z Joskôw 26 #91 Mar6,1817 112 - Gitla Mosiek Szymkowicz (wyrobnik) 24 Haja z Jerychôw 22 #60 Mar 8,1817 113 WOLFSZTAD Faywel Judah (rzeznik ) 45 Esterka z Leybusiôw 40 #61 Dec 3,1812 114 GOTFRYD Szptynca Abraam (piekarz ) 27 Szandla z Szmulôw 20 #68 Mar 14,1817 US WOLFSZTAD Mosiek Judah (kramarz ) 24 Leja z Wygdorôw 20 #61 Dec 28,1817 116 IROZMARYNJ Perla Mosiek Majorowicz (zlotnik ) 22 Bayla z Ickôw 20 #91 Aug28 117 - Sora Herszek Haymowicz (krawiec) 46 Rochla z Leyzor 42 #55 Aug29 118 CHORAZOWICZ Rochla Leja Markus (kupie c toworow) 24 Ryfka z Leybus 24 #7 Aug 23 120 FINKELSZTAYN Berek Dawid (kupiec ) 40 Faygela z Leybusiôw 36 #108 Feb20,1817 121 FINKELSZTAYN Maryim Dawid (kupiec ) 40 Fayga z Leybusiôw 36 #108 Mar 10,1815 122 FINKELSZTAYN Wolf Herszel 19 Laja z Berkôw 20 #108 Febl3 123 SZPIRA Szmul Markus 36 Hawa z Leybusiôw 30 #108 Feb 18,1817 125 LANGWAND Haja Wolf 19 Mary en z Major 21 #179 Feb 12,1817 126 LANDWAND Abram Icyk Josek 45 Ryfka z Szlama 40 #179 Aug 20 129 [GOLDBERG] Gitla Rayzla Layzer Moszkowicz (bakalarz ) 50 Fromet z Szymonowicz 20 #87 Aug 23 130 - Szumon? Cyna Nuta Leybus (handlarz ) 45 Ma Ik a z Lewkôw 40 #6 Sep 1 131 G ALLA Tauba Mosiek [Joskowicz] (piekarz ) 28 Brand la z Kienowiczôw 25 #119 May 27, 181 6 132 - Dawid Haim Mychlowicz (bakalarz ) 30 Malka z Zurykôw 24 #187 Sep2 14S - Zelda H ana Perens Pinkusowicz (krawiec ) 46 Hinda z Herszkôw 25 #55 Sep 8 146 WALMAN Sora Beniamin (introligator ) 49 Hinda Fegela z Lakôw 18 #56 Sep 13 151 ORBACH Eyzyk Leyzer (szynkarz ) 40 Ryfka z Zusmanôw 36 #5 Mar 7,1813 152 ORBACH Zysma Leyzer (szynkarz ) 40 Ryfka z Zusmanôw 36 #5 Jan 16 154 Szymcha Zysma Haymowicz (garbarz ) 24 Bayla Gitla z Dawidôw 20 #180 Oct 6, 1817 155 MENDEL Rywen Haim (piekarz ) 40 Dwora z Franklôw 36 #60 Oct 5 156 IWAXMANI Hana Szprinca Herszel Majorowicz (szpitalnik) 26 Maryon z Ick6w 21 #52 Aug7 157 fWUELCl Abram Icyk Dawid Wygdorowicz (introligator) 19 Hana z Szlamôw 19 #174 Oct2 158 (ROZENWALD| Eydla Jasek [Maiorowicz](przekupnik) 38 Trendla z Wolfôw 36 #170 Nov 12 , 1817 159 LANGWENT Hana Leja Leyzer (kupiec ) 42 Haja z Herszkôw 40 #104 Nov25, 181 6 167 - Zelda Major Moszkowicz (handlarz ) 30 Faygela z Osierowiczôw 25 #56 Oct5 168 - Szandla Hana Icyk Boruchowicz (bakalarz ) 58 Jachet z Jaskôw 40 #59 Oct8 175 - Zysma Libma Jaskowicz (wyrobnik ) 32 Sora z Szlamôw 24 Podzolicki #5 Oct26 178 PERCEBLUIER Jasek Jakub (mynarski ) 22 Fraydla z Berkow 22 Wolimurow #43 Sep22 182 {ZALKEMANI Josek Haym Moszkowicz (kupiec ) 29 Hana z Zysmanôw 25 #104 Oct31 188 CUKIERMAN Kay la Herszel (kupiec ) 19 Haja z Leyzerôw GOLDBERG 22 #66 Nov 8 189 - Faygel Herszek Ickowicz (wyrobnik ) 26 Esterka z Moszkôw 24 #232 Nov 1 0 194 - Berek Herszkowicz (krawiec ) 24 Ryfka z Eyzyk6w 20 #52 Nov 1 [1819DU133] 198 LANGWENT Machete Leyzer (ferbger ) 42 Haja Sor a z Herszkôw 38 #104 Nov 2 206 - Maiyion Abram Jaskowicz (wyrobnik ) 28 Nesa z Dydkôw Gdalowna 30 #79 Dec 1 3 207 - Wolf Mendel Leyzerowicz (krawiec ) 44 Hana z Wolfôw 40 #116 Dec 1 9 208 MANELLA Szija Joyzepf [Szlamowicz](szynkarz ) 46 Entla z Haymow 35 #102 Dec 1 9

1819 2 ICHMIELNIK] Leybus Berk Fyszel Herszel (wyrobnik ) 35 Rochla z Herszkôw 28 #18 Jan 1 3 - Beniamin Joseek Mortek Jaskowicz (wyrobnik ) 38 Rayzla z Szlammowicz 36 #88 Jan 1 4 KRAKOWSKI Zysel Janas [Fiszelowicz] (kramarz) 36 Rochla z Izraelôw 30 #17 Jan 2 8 ROZENWALT Izrael Moszek Icyk [Maiorowicz ] (kramarz) 26 Szandla z [Lukôw] 2 0 #107 Jan 1 2 MANELA [cf KWART/GOLDRAT] 9 IMYDLOJ Joel Icyk Joellowicz (krawiec ) 22 Taubula z Abraham[PASTERNAK] 23 #119 Jan 8 10 [GOTFRYTJ Mosiek Leybus Szlamowicz (wyrobnik ) 32 Ryflca z Herszkowiczôw 26 #48 Jan 1 1 14 [GOLDBERG1 Cerla Leybus Eliaszowicz (szynkarz ) 35 Rayzla z Staronôw 35 #92 Jan 1 2 15 GERTLER Anna Dwora Wolf (kupiec ) 47 Tauba z MoskiÔW Izraelowna 38 #180 Oct21, 181 8 17 [ZYTOJ Sora Jasek Lewkowicz (piekarz ) 30 Laja z Wygdor 30 #18 Jan 1 7 20 IBECA/BOSZEZ?] Icek Fysiel Dawidowicz (piekarz ) 28 Rochla z Ickôw 24 #83 Jan 23 21 - Haja Leybus Jaskowicz (handlarz ) 25 Zysla z Moszkôw 24 #88 Jan 25 30 - Ryflca Mosiek Szymcha (handlarz ) 24 Haja z Jakiom? 22 #61 Feb5 34 [ROZENKRANC1 Abraham Bendent Jonasowicz (kramarz ) 26 Fremeia z Hylehnôw 24 #77 Feb 1 0 38 |GOLDBERG| Mosiek Leybus Leyzerowicz (bakalarz) 26 Faygela z Eliaszôw 24 #103 Feb 1 8 [1824 D#87J 40 BYDERMAN Ruchla Michel (handlar z so taiy) 32 Sora z Dawidôw 33 #108 Feb 20 41 [NOZYAJ Boruch Jachim Abrahamowicz (krawiec) 30 Szandla z Jaskôw 28 #19 Marl 43 GNAT Haiym Nuta [Szymonowicz](handlararoznych ) 40 Go Ida z Lewkôw 40 #80 Feb 1 5 44 ILAYCHTERJ Szmol Fyszel Jakubowicz (krawiec ) 31 Eydla z Nachmôw 26 #6 Mar 6 49 LANDAU Mosiek Szaj a Szmulka [Eyzykowicz] (kupiec ) 26 Myrka z Leybusiôw 28 #176 Mar 1 9 51 - Abraham Mendel Dawid (wyrobnik ) 30 Leja z Lewkôw 30 #60 Aprl 52 - Sora Lewek Ickowicz (kramarz ) 24 Haja z Herszkôw 25 #21 Mar 30 65 - Rayzla Majorek Haymowicz(wyrobnik ) 24 Go Ida z Salomonôw 30 #68 Apr 8 77 [WILKI Hynda Dydka Wolfowicz (kramarz ) 48 Etka z Chilebnôw 30 #60 Apr 12 79 SYLBERBERG Moysce Haim (handlar z sobiy) 34 Rochla z Judkôw 38 #90 May 1 89 - Dawid Eliasz Jakubowicz (bakalarz ) 25 Feygela z Jaskomowiczôw 21 #69 Junl 91 MANELA Herszel Szyia [Szlamowicz] (kupiec) 30 ZeldazJudkôw 27 #18 Jun6 93 - Sifra Icek Jasklowicz (krawiec ) 38 Rachla z Zelikow 37 #55 - 95 - Esterka Abraham Mejerowicz (kusznierz) 60 Wita z Wohvowiczôw 27 #78 Jun7 97 - Hersiel Jakob Nuska (krawiec ) 46 Chaia z Snopkowicz 24 #100 Jun4 98 - Chersiel Abraham Herszlowicz (kupiec) 25 Perla z Janosôw 24 #95 Jun8 104 - Abel Chersiel Szymkowicz (piekarz) 28 Itel z Majerowiczôw 24 #174 Jun 20 [1823 D#196J 105 - Szmelke Pinkas Jakobowicz (kramarz ) 22 Seindla z Majerowiczôw 30 #105 Jun 15 107 IGALA) Leybus Mosiek Joskowicz (piekarz ) 30 Brand la z Kikôw 32 #119 Jun 1 5 [1825 D»7] 110 - Szaja Lemel Chaymowicz (kupiec) 32 Odla z Leyzerôw 30 #5 Jun 18 117 - Wolf Chercyk Moskowicz 22 Fajgela z Moskowiczôw 22 Zawadzie #2 Jun 25 126 - Aaron Chil Salomonowicz (szynkarz) 32 Fayala z Kyikôw 30 #55 Jul24 130 SILBERBERG Sifra Josek (kramarz ) 24 Frayda z Lewkowicz 20 #90 Jul22 138 GOLDBEREK Faygela Leyzor (bakalarz ) 50 Fremeta z Szymowicz6w 30 #87 Aug8 139 [ZVXBERBERGI Sora Zelik Moskowicz (handlarz ) 22 Faygela z Jakubowicz 19 #130 Aug 18 142 FINKIELSTEIN Abraham* Szyia (handlarz ) 32 Sora z Cherkowiczôw 27 #177 Aug 17 Chersiel* 143 FUX Gierson Bendet (kramarz ) 44 Faygela z Cherszkowiczôw 40 #91 Aug 1 8 144 FINKIELSTEIN Sora* Chersiel 22 Laja z Berkowiczôw 24 #108 Aug 18 Ester* 147 - Aha Mortek Leyzorowicz (krawiec ) 42 Sora z Jakubowicz 38 #177 Aug 20 150 - Rubin Mortek Rubinowicz (garbarz ) 27 Edla z Ickow 20 #62 Aug 27 155 MANELE Abraham Bcynlsch Szlama [Dawidowicz] (szynkarz) 26 Haya z Michlôw 24 #121 Aug 13 161 IFINKIELSTEIN1 Szaya Jaskel Dawid Berkowicz (kupiec ) 39 Faygel z Leybusiôw 37 #108 Sep4 172 RYBINSZTEIN Israel Herszel (palacz ) 36 Gitla z Moszkôw 18 Podzamczu #2 Sep20 180 - Mordek WolfBerkowicz (palacz ) 36 Cyrla z Abrahamôw 30 #78 Octl 185 JROZENWALDI Jakub Josek Majorkôw (handlarz ) 36 Frayndla z Wolf 34 #192 Oct8 [1820 msij 90 |RAYZ| Mayer Szlama Joskowicz (handlarz ) 33 Udla z Herszkôw 32 #86 Oct29 192 [HOROWICZ1 Szaja Mortek Hersz (kupiec) 20 Rykela z Ferensow 20 #7 Oct 30 194 IWUELC1 Chawa Merla Dawid Wygerowicz(in1roligator) 20 Hana z Szlamôw 24 #174 Nov 1 196 JGOTTFRYDJ Jakob Leybus Chaymowicz (bakalarz) 30 Brayndla z Jakob 28 #69 Novl 199 - Mortek Juda Lewkowicz (wyrobnik ) 33 Zlota z Boruchowiczôw 30 #80 Nov 7 203 IWAYSBROD] Herszel Jakob Szmulowicz (piekarz ) 24 Golda z Ickôw 20 #88 Nov 1 3 [l823Dtt210] 204 - H ana Szaja Herszkowicz (wyrobnik) 24 Faygela z Anklow 22 #147 Nov 1 3

1820 2 (ORZUK) Cyrla H ana Abel Haiymowicz (bakalarz ) 22 Rachel z Bendetôw 20 #91 Jan 2 6 - Groyna Moszek Jolowicz (wyrobnik ) 40 Gitta z Moszkowiczôw 30 #86 Jan 1 2 21 - Jadrys?1 Mortek Chaymowicz (wyrobnik) 42 Hana z Jakubowicz 36 #174 Jan 30 [1821 D#64] 29 - Mortek Icek Szapszowicz (bakalarz ) 40 Rywka z Mortkowiczôw 40 #44 Feb6 36 - Mirka Berek Majorowicz (handlarz ) 27 Haia z Michlowiczôw 23 #23 Feb 15 37 - Malka Szlama Izraelowicz (piekarz) 28 Ruchel z Dawidowicz 20 #101 Feb 15 42 - Szymcha Bendet Jakubowicz (handlarz ) 23 Laja z Perencôw 24 #123 Feb 24 45 - Izyk Lazer Granowicz (handlarz ) 25 Perla z Herszk6w 26 #108 Feb 28 s 52 [GOTFREITI Szmul Hersz Abram Szlamowicz (piekarz ) 30 Szeyndla z Szmuléw 26 #69 Mar 2 [1822 D#61] 2 54 - Zysma Elia Majorkowicz 19 Dobka z Jaskow 19 #179 Mar 4 57 (ROSENBERG) Esterka Icek Joskowicz (cyrulik) 53 Brayndla z Wolowowiczôw 36 #57 Mar 3 64 - Szmul Abel Laywe Mosiek Nuta 24 Gittela z Isserôw 24 #6 Mar 1 1 66 (WAYSBROD) Mortek Hersz Abram Wolowowicz (wyrobnik) 26 Hena z Szlamôw 22 #71 Mar 1 1 75 - Juda Chonin Cherszel (handlarz ) 26 Mindla z Zehnanowiczow 22 #235 Mar 23 87 IBAYZENI Rywka Boruch Michlowicz (muzykant) 40 Faygel z Majorkôw 40 #62 Apr 1 6 90 ISILBERBERG1 Haja Mosiek Kiwe 24 Golda z Joskow 26 #9 Apr 21 91 ILANDAU] Zainwel Szmulka [Eyzykowicz] (kupiec ) 36 Mirka z Ferencôw 34 #178 Apr 21 94 HELEMAN [cfHOLCMAN ] Maiya Zyska (handlarz) 40 Fromet z Ickôw 40 #94 Apr 23 97 [GOTFRITI Jakob Josek Szlamowicz (czapnik ) 30 Rysa z Mosk6w 24 #181 Apr 25 99 - Brayndla Ester Zysman Choymowicz (garbarz ) 26 Bayla Gittel z Szymchéw 20 #160 Apr 29 r 115 - Laja Mosiek Szymchowicz (handlarz) 26 Chaja z Jeruchymowiczow 24 #61 May 20 3 126 - Sora Szolem Abel 40 Hana z Abramowicz 28 #119 May 29 ÊL 130 MANELA Szymcha Boruch [Dawidowicz] (kupiec) 28 Bluma z Welwowiczôw 28 #109 Jun5 [1822 mi36] s, 131 - Herszel Ura Rubinowicz 34 Brayndla z Ick6w 25 #89 Jun5 132 - Herszel Leybus Berek Herszkowicz (krawiec ) 24 Rywka z Ayzykowicz 24 #88 Jun5 6? 133 WANKRANZ? Sender Abram 36 Faygel 24 #106 Jun8 g 137 - Lewek Icek Lewkowicz 20 Dwiera z Nut6w 21 #6 Jun 1 5 138 [LANGWANDJ Herszel Wolf Joskowicz (handlarz ) 21 Maryam z Maiorkôw 20 #172 Jun 1 2 145 - Saucl Jakob Abramowicz (furman ) 25 Faygel z Saulôw 22 #122 Jun 20 [1821 D#97J 146 - Mosiek Lewek Ickowic z 24 Haia z Herszlowicz? 26 #20 Jun 20 148 - Herszel Wolf Dawidowicz 55 Dwoira z Herszkowiczéw 40 #19 Jun 27 150 [MYDLOJ Rywka Hinda Zysman Jolowicz (szpitabiik ) 31 Marya z Haymowiczôw 28 #84 Jul 1 [1821IW149] 156 IMYDLO1 Syfra IcekJolowicz (krawiec ) 20 Touba z Abramôw (PASTERNAK] 18 #119 Jul 7 [1820 mi40] 159 WAINGARTEN Chaia Szmul (szynkarz ) 22 Praywa z Brandlowiczôw 21 #58 Jul 8 166 JLAYCHTER1 Rayz la Fiszel Jakubowicz (krawiec ) 36 Aidla z Notkymôw 30 #6 Jul 1 8 r 168 IGOTFRYTJ Szaindla Leybus Szlamowic z (wyrobnik ) 30 Ryflca z Herszkôw 26 #69 Jul 23 Q 174 - - Josek Hayzykowicz 45 Rychla z Szlamowicz 40 #181 Aug4 177 ZAIAK Juda Marek (handlarz) 40 Szymcha z Gold6w 28 #67 Aug4 180 - Mosiek - Ickowicz (wyrobnik ) 44 Faygel z Skadorkowic z 35 #184 Aug6 190 - Ryflca Leyzor Jakobowicz (handlarz ) 46 Haia z Herszkowicz 40 #102 Aug27 202 - Ruchla Herszel Zamdlowicz (czapnik ) 41 Hana z Zand lowicz 36 #236 Sep 18 203 - Jochwet Herszel Dawidowicz (handlarz) 26 Laia z Ayzykôw 25 #110 Sep 18 in 205 - Ester Mosiek Ayzykowicz (handlarz) 20 Dwoyra z Leyzorôw 20 #104 Sep 22 206 - - Oren Boruchowicz (wyrobnik ) 28 Jen ta z Herszkôw 25 #65 Sep 24 8 208 [LOKIEC1 Szymcha Mortek Berkowicz (krawiec ) 20 Sora z Lewkowiczôw 18 #101 Oct 1 213 [WAXMANJ Icek Herszel Maiorowicz (szpitabiik) 29 Marya z Ickowicz 26 #85 Oct 11 [1823 DU12] 214 KONIGSTEIN Fraydla Mendel 45 Hana Feyga 40 #115 Oct 1 1 218 [BRAUM] Certla Szmul Szlamowicz (wyrobnik) 28 Ryflca z Moskowicz 26 m Oct 1 2 223 - Domin Zelik Szmul (handlarz ) 27 Chaja z Ickowiczôw 30 #ii Oct 20 225 - Mosiek Jakob Chaimowicz 36 Cerlla z Chaimowicz 32 #86 Oct 22 227 [AURBACHI Gitla Abraham Leyzorowicz (handlarz) 20 Gitla z Leybusiôw 20 #92 Oct 20 228 - Reyza Szyia Wolf (kantor ) 36 Cisa z Idzkowicz 32 #121 Oct24 229 - Jakob Mosiek Chaimowicz (handlarz) 42 Ryfka z Ickowiczôw 30 #231 Oct26 232 - Icyk Leybus Dawidowicz (furman ) 24 Gitla z Moskôw 24 #225 Oct29 235 WOSER Kasryel Leybus (przemysl) 24 Reyzla z Izraelôw 24 #26 Nov6 237 - Fiszel HillelJakubowicz (handlarz ) 22 Gitla z Fiszlôw 20 #66 Nov8 243 MANEL Zysla Szlama [Lukowicz]2 (handlarz) 23 Gitla z Janklowicz 20 #107 Nov21 [1821LW69] [cfGOLDRAT/KWARTl 250 - Sima Josek Zelhnanek 30 Freydla z Lewkowicz 24 #90 Dec 7 251 - Ryfka Froim Herszlowicz (wyrobnik ) 36 Sora z Ickowiczow 30 #135 Dec 10 255 - Ryfka Lipman Ickowicz (krawiec ) 41 Malka z Lewkowicz 34 #116 Dec 18 256 [ZAKERI Mosiek Abell Wolfowicz (piekarz ) 24 Malka z Paulowiczow 22 #89 Dec 19 257 - Perec Bendet Joskowicz (handlarz ) 42 Fraydla z Haimowiczôw 38 #71 Dec 19

1821 4 MAJERKOWICZ Rochla Boruch3 [Szaulowicz] (krawiec) 32 Malka z Janasôw 21 [1824 DUl44] 10 [ROZENWALD] Izrael Josek Majerkowicz (handlarz ) 41 Freinda z Wolfowiczdw 36 40 - Gerszyn Szymcha Jakubowicz(handlarz) 70 Haia z Faywlôw 36 45 ICYMER1 Szlama Beinut Abramowicz (handlarz) 22 Gela z Herszlôw [DZIADEK] 20 46 IRAYZMANJ Ryfka Szlama Zysmanowicz(handlarz) 30 Sora z Symchowiczôw - 47 [GNAT1 Sora Dydka Manelowicz (handlarz) 35 Faigella z Lefkowiczôw 30 67 - Leyzor Leybus Majerwicz (handlarz ) 44 Laia z Joskowiczôw 20 71 - Ezre Dydka Wolwowicz (handlarz) 36 Etel z Hilerowiczôw 30 72 [EDIELKEI IzraelIcek Szeia Ickowicz (wyrobnik) 40 Brand la z Abrahamôw 36 $ 74 - Nosen Zendel Neftolowicz (wyrobnik ) 22 Szandla z Leyzerowiczôw - n 75 [MANELAJ Moysiek Aaron Herszel Dawidowicz (kominiarz) 20 Haia z Eliasôw 20 [1822 D#20] 79 BRZYSKA G impel Kahna (miyharz) 45 Zlota z Mauscôw - I 85 - Estera Haron Moskowicz (handlarz) 37 Hana z Zysmowicz6w 25 91 - Haia Estera Mortek Herszel (handlarz) 26 Ryfka z Leybusiôw - —. 97 [ZYTO1 Wolf Josek Lewkowicz (piekarz) 30 Leîa z Wigdorôw 30 [1822 D»62J 100 [CUKIERMAN] Mindla Herszel Moskowicz (handlarz) 19 Haia z Leyzorow 23 103 - Szyfra Herszel Ickowicz (wyrobnik) 38 Basia z Mendlowiczôw 21 104 [GLAS| Rochla Josek Zalmanowicz (piekarz) 27 Liba z Beniamow - 105 fROZMARYN] Taubula Mosiek Majerkowicz (ztotnik ) 26 Bayla z Ickowiczàw 21 107 [KRAKOWSKI] Bornch Janas Fiszlowicz (kramarz) 35 Rachel z Israelowiczôw 35 en [cfCYTRON] 109 CHMIELNICKI Faygela Fiszel (wyrobnik) 38 Rochel z Herszlôw 30 [1822 Dtt53] a HI ROZENWALD Haia Laia Icek [Maiorowicz] (kramarz) 30 Szandla z [Lukôw] MANELA [1822 D»50] [cfKWART/GOLDRAT] . 112 - Szmul Herszel Maier Moskowicz (handlarz) 56 Faygela z Solowiczôw 38 118 (BECA/BOSZEZI Szymcha Fisiel Dawidowicz (piekarz) 27 Rochla z Ickôw 25 119 ROZENKRANC Lewek Bendet Janasowicz 27 Frymet z Ferenscôw 27 [1822 DU 52] 124 IBRANTMAN] Wolf Majer Wolfowicz (komamik) 40 Kaila z Zendlowiczôw 40 v 126 ISZYDLOWSK1I Szymcha Lipma Wolf (piekarz) 30 Malka z Szymkowiczôw 30 [1828 Dtt78] Ta 129, JHANOFF] Dawid Pinkus Jakubowicz (handlarz) 30 Szandla z Dawidôw 32 n 130 CYTRYN [c f KRAKOWSKl] Mortek Mosiek Beniamin [Fiszelowicz ] 32 Estera z Zelm6w - [1822 EM44] 132 1WUELCI Izrael Zyzman Dawid Wigdorowicz(iniroligator) 20 Hanna z Szlamowiczow 21 142 [GERTLERI Mir la Abraham Wolfowicz (kramarz) 22 Szaidla [z Dawidôw] MANEL A - 148 - Laja Berek Wigdorowicz (handlarz) 28 Zysla z Mortkowiczow 24 [1822 D»73] 151 (MANELAl Gitla Szlama Joskowicz (szynkarz) 20 Haia z Izraelôw 18 161 IGLAYT) Juda* Zeylik Wolfowicz (cyrulik ) 38 Faygela z Manel6w 38 [1823 mi 31] Icek» 165 FACTOR Faygela Abraham 62 Gitla z Wolfowiczôw - 170 - Haja Jakob Szymkowicz (piekarz) 36 Golda z Dawidôw 36 172 IWOLSZTATJ Abraham Josek Wolf Judkowicz (rzeznik) 24 Laia z Wigdorôw - [1822 DU49] > 175 ZILBERBERG Herszel Moysiek [Kiwa] (handlarz) 26 Golda z Joskowiczôw - [1822DU33J 6-1 177 IHAYRUTMAN] Hawa Zanwel Moskowicz (handlarz) 24 Basia z Leybusiôw 24 182 WAYNKRANC Abraham Pentel (handlarz) 30 Jentla z Leybusiôw - [1825 mi 21] 186 - Aaron Perens David (kupiec) 46 Faygela z Leybusôw 40 190 - Symon Icek Abrahamowicz (handlarz ) 24 Marya z Berkôw 23 192 MANELA Rabin Szlama (szynkarz) 32 Frandla z Rabinôw 18 193 - Leybus Haim Szmulowic z 20 liana z Lipmôw 20 [1821 D#208J 198 WALDMAN Herszel Leybus Efroym 30 Ryfka z Gierszonôw - 201 - Mortek Herszel Szymchowicz (piekarz) 30 Itla z Moskowiczôw 20 202 ZAYTMAN Pesla Rochla Towia (handlarz) 22 Sora z Herszelôw - 206 - Szmul Mortek Rabinowicz (garbarz) 26 Aidla z Leybusiôw 22 210 - Sora Leybus Joskowicz (handlarz) 30 Zyzla z Moskowiczôw 28 215 GLAS Zebnan Jankiel (piekarz) 34 Fraydla z Moskowiczôw 34 216 IBIDNYJ Gitla Leybus Neftolowicz (krawiec ) 21 Rochla z Ayzykowiczôw 21 220 - Haia Sora Ayzyk Berek (handlarz) 20 Brandla z Jaskôw 19 221 - H ana Szlama Ezrowicz(piekarz) 31 Rochla z Davidowiczôw 20 226 FINKELSZTAYN Abela Herszel 20 Laia z Eyzykôw 20 230 ILANDAUJ Pesla Szmelka Hayzykowicz(krawiec ) 28 Mirla z Leybusiôw 28 231 GALA MaDca Moysiek [Joskowicz ] (piekarz) 36 Brandla z Kiwôw 40

1822 1 |BRAUM| Mortek Szmul Szlamowicz (handlarz) 22 Ryfka z Moskôw 28 6 - Mendel Mortek Herszlowicz (handlarz) 30 Itla z Ickowiczôw 28 7 GNAT Abraam Nuta [Szymanowicz] (handlarz) 50 Golda z Lewkowiczôw 40 8 MORGENSTERN Dawid Israel 40 Dwora z Herszlôw 36 9 |ROZENWALD| Szymcha Jasek Maiorkowicz (handlarz) 46 Frandla z Wolfôw 42 o 10 [WAYSBROD1 Dawid Majer Abram Wolfowicz (furman ) 26 Hana z Szlamowiczow 22 [1822 DU97J 11 - Laibus Laibus Joskowicz (handlarz) 20 Dwoira z Nutôw 20 18 - Laizur Hercig Moskowicz 26 Faygla z Habrahamôw 24 19 - Sora Szyia Herszlowicz (wyrobnik ) 24 Faygla z Janklôw 24 [1822 D»83] 24 - Itla Leybus Sandlowicz (wyrobnik) 24 Sora z Faywlowiczow 22 25 - Brand la Dawid Wigdorowicz (handlarz) 20 Brandla z Szmulôw 20 I 32 Haim Lemel Osiurowicz (handlarz) 37 - - 33 [BAYZEN1 Berek Boruch [Michlowicz] (muzykant) 40 Faygla z Szymôw 30 [1822 DU63] 36 GAVBUN? Abram Perens Herszlowicz (piekaiz) 30 Czama z Szlamowiczôw 40 45 1LUFTJ Estera Maier Haymowicz (bandlaiz) 68 Golda z Herszlowiczôw 38 49 NAYFELD Szlama* Herszel Zendlowicz (piekarz) 44 Udla z Laybusôw 36 Nefhila» SI - Nicha Hilel Salomonowicz(wyrobnik) 47 Faygella z Kiwôw 38 57 SALCER Liba Szlama (handlarz) 27 Ester z Judkowiczôw 26 61 CETEL Fraidta Mendel (krawiec) 43 Ryfka z Jaskowiczôw 39 [1827 DU49J 62 FURMAN Baila Jankiel (handlarz) 38 Faygla z Szmulôw 24 63 WAYL Mortek Laybus (szkobiik) 28 Cieywa z Zelmanow 24 66 - Szaindla Mortek Haymowicz (wyrobnik ) 40 Hanna z Boruchôw 28 79 - Maria Raizel Berek HerszJowicz4 (krawiec) 27 Ryfka z Ayzykowiczôw 25 [182 S Dit 278] 80 - Mindla Abram Herszel Layzerowicz (krawiec ) 20 Gitla z Laybusôw 20 6L 96 - Jasek Szyia Wolfowicz 36 Ceza z Mortkôw 36 99 GOLA Laizur Icek (czapnik) 36 Czarka z Haymowiczôw 36 2, 107 MANELA Izrael Boruch [Dawidowicz] (kupiec) 32 Bhima z Wolfowiczôw 30 [182$ DU156] 115 ROIZENBAUM Fiszel Hilel (wyrobnik) 24 Gitla z Fiszelôw 24 117 - Cerla Zeylik Szmulowicz (wyrobnik) 33 Haja z Jaskôw 28 - 121 MANELA Sora Laybus [Szlamowicz] (handlarz) 36 Faygela zRafalowiczôwlFAKTOR J 37 122 GOLDBERG Maier» Laybus (szpekulant) 40 Razla z Horynôw 36 Sznrol* 123 PRZENICZNY? Munes Abram (wyrobnik) 30 Perla z Janusôw 30 B 130 OZECH Herszel Aron Abram Aronowicz (nauczyait) 28 Rochla z Bendetôw - 3- 138 ROZENBERG Wolf Icek Joskowicz (cyrulik) 55 Brandla z Wolfôw 38 140 WAINBERK Bhima Perec Joskowicz (krawiec ) 35 [Aidla z Janusôw] - [1822 mi63] 141 EISENBERG Szmul Wolf (wyrobnik) 40 Cerla z Mend 16w 36 143 GERTLER Zysma Herszel Wolfowicz (krawiec ) 30 Ester z Zyslôw [AURBACH] 18 [1825JM99J 144 WA1SBROT Hendla Szymcha Wolfowicz (handlarz ) 18 Zlata z Mendlôw 18 — 145 - Brandla Eliasz Maiorkowicz (piekarz) 20 Dobra z Jaskôw 19 - g 149 ZYLBERBERG Abraam Zelik (handlarz) 22 Faygla z Jakobowiczôw - 150 GOTFRIED Faigella Abram (piekarz) 24 Szandla z Szmulô w 24 151 [MYDLOI Dawid Zysman [Jolowicz] 30 Marya z Herszôw 28 O 152 FUX Sora Bendet (handlarz) 45 Faygella z Herszlôw 37 163 ROZENWALD Dwoira Lewek Boruchowicz (kramarz ) 27 Haia z Lipkôw 27 167 (KIERSZI Icek Mosiek Mendel (krawiec) 24 Rochla z Ickôw 24 [1822 W147] 168 ZYLBERBERK Laja Pinckas Mendlowicz (handluz, szpekulmt) 37 Ruchla z Beniaminôw 30 175 - Hanna Lewek Berkowicz (wyrobnik ) 30 Cyrla z Abellôw 24 178 OSIEK Jakub Hercyk (szynkarz) 26 Malka z Janisôw 26 186 (CYMERI Fawel BainuS Abramowicz (wyiobnikspitatnik) 26 Gella z Cherszlôw [DZIADEK ] 24 187 - Maria Josek JakuboWtCZ (pkknz/hœdlaiz) 24 Mindla z Szymchowiczô w 22 188 LIPKA Mindla Dawid (krawiec) 24 Dwoyra z Izraelôw 24 190 GLAS Szlama Zetman H aim (kramarz) 30 BasiazBAKALARZ 24 v»a 195 MIERNIK Mosiek Judah (wyrobnik) 36 Zlota z Boruchôw 32 [1825 D#21] m 200 DLUGA H anna Mosiek Mortkowicz (wyrobnik) 26 Liba z Aronôw 20 Os 204 - Dwoyra Mosiek Haimowicz (krawiec) 22 Rochla z Zaiscôw 28 205 (GOLDBERG] Laizur Leibus Leyzurowicz (tundtaz solny) 23 Faygela z Eliaszôw 23 206 - Szapsza Maier Szmul (wyrobnik) 22 Perla z Ickôw 20 207 - Perla Eliasz Ickowicz (wyrobnik) 30 Hendla z Ayzykowiczôw 32 208 GOLDRAD Szmul Szlama5 [Lukowicz] (kupiec solny) 24 Gitla z Janklowiczôw 20 [cfMANELA/KWART] 221 [WINTERI Brandla Mendel Herszlowicz (krawiec ) 29 Rasa z Janklow 30 240 - Laibus HersielWolf(rzeznik) 24 Tauba z Moskowiczôw 20 249 MALA Faigella Aron Boruchowicz (handlarz ) 30 Jentel z Herszlowiczôw 25 252 ORBUCH Janas Josiek Janasowicz(szpekulant ) 24 Faygella z Salamonow 16 i 255 |WUELC| Szmul Dawid Wigdorowicz(introligator ) 22 Hana z Slamôw 24 260 GLAC Rywka Josek [Zehnowicz] (piekarz ) 32 Liba z Beniaminôw 26 274 LUBKA Mosiek Abraham (kapeluznik) 31 Szayndla z Zelmanôw 27 279 TENENBAUM Maria Dwoira Mosiek (handlarz) 30 Gitla z Szmulowiczôw 25 282 [SZREK] Mauka Maier Moskowicz (czapnik ) 18 Rochla z Szmulowiczô w 22 283 GOTFRYD Ruchla Icek (handlarz) 22 Brandla z Abramowiczôw 22 284 [GOTFRYDJ Izrael Abram Mayorkowicz (handlarz ) 30 Zlota z Fiszlôw 30 289 - Lewek Szmul Ickowicz 40 Udla z Szymchowiczôw 30 290 PASTERNAK Hawa Szulim (handlarz) 32 Hana z Szajo w 24 291 ZYLBERBERK Mindla Mosiek (kupiec) 27 Golda z Joskôw 27 [1S23 D#49J 294 WOLFSZTAT Zlata Leybus Herszlowicz (krawiec) 25 Laia z Lib6w 25 299 LANGWART Baila Wolf (handlarz) 22 Marya z Moskôw 26 300 GOTTFRYD Braina Eliasz (bakalarz) 24 Faygella z Chaymowiczôw 26 I 301 K3ERSZ Faigella Mendel (krawiec) 48 Chana z Fratkôw 40 n 303 FUX Perla Bendet (kramarz) 40 Faygla z Cherzlowiczôw 40 304 FUX Maichel? Bendet (kramarz) 41 Faygla z Cherzlowiczôw 40 305 KONIGSZTAYN May lech Mendel 48 Chàna z Eyzykôw Layzerôw 44 306 KONIGSTAYN Laja Mendel 48 Chana z Eyzykôw Layzerôw 44 308 HANDFELD Estera Ruchla - (chandlarz) 34 Pesa 30 310 FINKELSTAYN Icek Szyia (handlarz) 40 Sara z Cherskowiczôw 30 311 GOTTFRYD Ryflca Laybus (bakalarz) 50 Brandla z Jaskéw 41 312 MAKA Faigiella Icek (handlarz) 30 Ruchla z WEISBRAD 30 [1S25IM18J 313 - Spiynca Haym Szmulowicz (krawiec) 21 Channa 19 314 - Icek Szlama Ayzykowicz (piekarz) 30 - 315 [LOKIEC] Ruchla Mortek Berkowicz (krawiec) 24 Sora z Lewkôw - 316 [RAYZI Mosiek Szlama Joskowicz (chandlarz ) 34 Udla z Cherzlôw 36 318 DZIADEK Rubin Haim (faktor) 32 [Mindla] z Zebnanôw - [1827 DU66J

1823 1 IWOLSZTATI Rochla Wolf Judkowicz (rzeznik) 27 Liba z Wigdorowiczô w 20 11 HOLTZMAN Laybus Zyska (handlarz) 37 Frymet z Ickowiczow 29 12 - Dawid Zysma Mayrowicz (garbarz ) 27 Bayla Gis la 22 13 - Sora Haym Szmulowicz (kupiec) 22 Hanna z Symano w 23 19 FRAYDMAN Lipka Gersen (handlarz) 30 Bina z Mendlow 24 24 TIAS? Hawa Mortek (krawiec) 45 Sora z Pinkusôw 36 27 EYCHLER Joel* Hayzyk [Joskowicz] (wyrobnik ) 42 Rucha z Jaskowiczow 23 [1823 D#64] [cfRYCKLER] Jasek» [1827IM23] 31 - Mosiek Jakob Pinkus (krawiec) 34 Leia z Majorôw 27 33 CIAPA Haym Josek Dyda (rozney szpekulant) 24 Marya z Wotfbw 20 39 SAX Herszel Eyzyk (kramarz) 40 Saywa z Zalmowiczôw 34 40 - Ruchla Bendet Janusowicz (handlarz) 44 Frayda z Chekôw 30 50 WILK Berek Dyda (kupiec) 35 Edla z WAYSKOP 30 51 MARMUR H ana Mosiek (handlarz) 37 Haja z Gierszkow 27 [1824 m 141] 56 KINSTAYN Mortek Jankiel 32 Rochla z Mortkôw 24 59 LANDA Ester Szmelka (kupiec) 38 Mirla z Perensôw 68 GOTFRAYT Szlama Szmul 26 ? Jaskowiczow 24 78 GITLER [GERTLER] Henda Laia Mortek Eliasz (szynkarz) 33 Pesza z GITLER 32 - 80 MARYMUNT Ryflca Berek (wyrobnik) 32 Haia z Wigdorôw 27 83 BLAIER Peszla Jakob Laib (miynarz) 30 Frayda z Herszelowiczôw 32 84 KINSZTAYN Hayzyk Mosiek (tokarz) 22 Ester z Mendlow 27 85 GODFRID Ruchla Jasek (czapnik) 18 Ruchla z Moskow 25 86 RAYSMAN Szymka Slama (handlarz) 40 Sora z Israelôw 39 87 FINKSZTAYN Rywka Kala Herszel (kupiec) 31 Laia z Hayzykow 26 [1824 DU7] 91 SUBINSKA Faygela Dawid (mrynarz) 42 Szandla z Manela 29 95 WAXMAN Eliasz Herszel [Majorowicz] (szpitabiik) 31 Marya z Ickôw 26 99 HSZMAN Ita Laybus (kupiec) 46 Cerla z Herczlôw 36 [1828 D#71] 108 KAMER Faygla Szlama (krawiec) 37 Estera z Kiwôw 30 [1824DU197] 112 HANOFF Laybus Pinkus (kupiec) 34 Szandla z Dawidôw 37 [1824DU137/, 116 ROZENWALD Wulf Icek [Maierowicz] (handlarz) 36 Szandla z Lukôw 2 8 [1827 D#28] . [MANELA/KWART/GOLDRAT] 122 JGNATJ BlumaSora Szmul Harenowicz ([rjzeznik ) - Lija z Abramowiczôw 24 [1824 D#26] 123 ZAIAC Wolf Marcus (faktor so toy) 39 Golda z Simchyzôw 25 [1823 DU149] 124 LANGWIL (c f LANGWAND] Jankiel Leyzer 45 Sora z Herszlowiczôw 38 126 - Moysiek Andzel Boruchowicz (krawiec) 23 Rochel z Wigdorowiczôw 22 128 WAYSBROD Mendel Abram [Wolfowicz] (furman ) 23 Chaia z Szlamôw 27 130 WUELC Judah Berek (solarz) 30 Zysia z Osierôw 20 131 - Simcha Laybus Simchowicz (piekarz) 25 Rayzyla z Izraelôw 21 132 - Zyska Jasek Hayzykowicz (handlarz ) 46 Ryflca z Szlamôw 40 133 GOTTSZTAYN Izak Laybus (furman ) 30 Malka z Szmulowiczôw 28 139 HAYRUTMAN Kabna Laybus Zanwel (handlarz) 27 Basia z Laybusôw - 144 FINKELSZTAYN Szauel Izrael Dawid (kupiec) 40 Faygela z Ferensôw 39 [1823DU246] 146 HOLCMAN Peszla Ferenc (krawiec) 42 Cylka z Berkôw - [I825DUI08] 150 - Faygela Laybus Jakubowicz (krawiec) 37 Estera z Cherszlôw 38 155 RYMENCH Laja Laybus (szynkaiz) 40 Ryfka z Zysmanowiczôw 34 160 [TEPERI Josek Mortek Moskowicz (krawiec) 24 Malka z Jaskowiczow - 166 MANBAN? Laybus Hilel (kramaiz) 38 Peszla z Lewkôw 36 167 LANGWAR Dawid Michel (solaiz) 32 Sora z Dawid6w 30 188 ZILBERBERG Blima Haym (handlaiz) 41 Ruchla z Judkowiczow - 190 LAYCHTER Rywka Fiszel [Jakubowicz] (krawiec) 38 Aidla z Nachemowiczôw - 193 ZAKER Rucha Abel (piekaiz) 40 Malka z Ezonowiczôw 30 203 B1DERMAN Bay la Abel (handlaiz) 30 Sprenca z Majorow 30 207 NO2YA Leybus Jachytn (krawiec) 40 Szaydla z Jaskôw 30 210 WAYSBROD Rucha Faygela Jakob (maczarz) 22 Golda z Jaslowiczôw 30 213 CYTRON6 [cf KREMER] Abtam Izrael Lewek [Abramowicz] 20 Frayda z [Janusôw] CYTRON - 221 - Simcha Jakob Simchowicz (piekaiz) 40 Golda z Dawidôw 39 223 - Gimpel Abel Jakub Wulfowicz (zolnik) 26 Nacha z ZYLBERBERG 20 227 KERCZ Wulf Meyer (krawiec) 24 Ruchla z Herszlowiezôw 24 229 RABSZTAIN Sifra Jakob (drukaiz) 40 Rachla z Szmulowiczôw 36 231 - Handla Herszel Simchowicz (piekaiz) 36 Ita z Moskôw 24 232 MANELA Ester Szlama (kupiec) 25 Chaia Laia z Simchowiczôw 24 235 [PROBSZTAIN] Chana Dobra Jasek Lewkowicz (wyrobnik) 44 Frymet z Symanôw 40 236 RUBINSZTAJN Herszel Herszel (pacheiaiz) 36 Itla z Moskôw 36 240 - Cyrla Major Moskowicz (solarz) 32 Fay gel z Szmulowiczôw 25 245 MANELA Ruchla Szlama [Dawidowicz] (szynkaiz) 30 Fraydla z Szymonôw 24 [1823 DU2 73/ 246 LUFT - Fiszel (handlaiz) 42 Ruchla z Cherszlôw 44 247 BEKA - Mortek (czapnik) 28 Faygela z Moskôw 26 254 - Icyk Herszel Ickowicz (szkolnik) 36 Basza z Simchôw 24 260 ORZUK Judah Abram (bakalatz) 27 Ruchla z Bendytôw 25 262 KINKSZTAYN Haia Ryfka Mendel (szkolnik) 45 H ana z Eyzykôw 45 [18224 D»181]

1824 10 - Szymka Izrael [Jakubowicz] (wyrobnik) 20 Mindla z Szymanôw 24 12 ROZMARYN Icek Laybus Maysiek (ztotnik) 37 Bayla z Ickôw 28 15 MAJORKOWICZ Hindla Boruch [Szaulowicz] (krawiec) 42 Malka z Janesôw 44 [1825 DU145] 24 ROYTAPL Perenc (handlarz) 22 Gitla 21 31 BLUMENSZTAYN Mendel Hemie (szkolnik) 40 Nechka z Meydmanôw 40 [1824 Dttl 57] 35 (WALSTADJ Abraam Laybus Herszlowicz 24 Laia Liba [ z Judk6w]WALSZTET 20 39 MEIER Faywel Hertz (piekaiz) 28 Faygela z Abrachamôw 26 40 SZWARCZBRAYT Rachel Mortek (kurkcz) 30 Kala z Ickôw 29 41 MANELA Ester Malka Boruch [Dawidowicz] (kupiec) 34 Blutna z Lewkôw 31 43 BIDNY Mindla Leybus [Naftulowicz] (krawiec) 26 Rochla z Chazekôw 30 46 WAYS Bayla Ruchel Mortek (bakalarz) 33 Fionya z Mayrôw 30 48 WAS Moysiek Herszel (szpitalnik ) 32 Brandla (deceased?) 36 52 - Kabna Leybus Rubin Lewkowicz(maczarz) 28 Rochla z HENIGMAN 22 55 - Icek Markus [Haronowicz] 28 Rifka z Ferensôw 26 56 - Saul Josek Markowicz (czapnik) 30 Kayla Shayndal z low 36 60 ZALKEMAN Bay la Hoiym [Moszkowicz] 30 Hana z Zysmanôw 30 66 KROMAN Zaywel Eliasz (handlarz) 26 Haja z Zayradôw - 67 SZAPSER Sora Icek (bakalarz) 36 Ryflca z Merkowiczow " 40 71 MANELA Szlama Herszel [Dawidowicz ] (handlarz) 27 Haia z Eliaszôw 24 72 ZYLBENBERG Herszel Jasek (wyrobnik) 40 Frayda z HERSZTAIN 24 [1825DU125] 73 HAYNWELD Judah Abel (kuénierz) 64 Ita z Wolfewiczow 40 74 CHOLTZMAN Ester Zyska (handlarz) 40 Frymet z Ick6w 43 76 BRANTMAN Szandla Majer [Wolfowicz](komamik) 40 Kayla z Zalmowiczôw 36 79 GETLER Chana7 Jasek (handlarz) 44 Perla z Abramowiczôw 40 [1825 DU137] 80 MORGEN Rachla Israel (wyrobnik) 44 Dwoyra z Ick6w 40 81 EPSTAYN Kahna Icek (wyrobnik) 26 Dwoyra z Nutôw 24 84 ROYZENBERG Abraam Lewek (handlarz) 36 Haja z Herszlô w 35 89 ZYLBENBERG Michel Perec Moysiek (handlarz) 28 Golda z Moskô w 25 90 BECA Boruch Fiszel [Dawidowicz] Boszez (piekarz ) 32 Rochla z Ickôw 25 94 GNAT Blima Leybus (rzeznik) 37 Cerkla z Abraamowiczôw 35 s. 97 GLAYT - Zelik (cyrulik) 38 Faygla z Manelôw 36 I 100 GLATRES Laia Jasek (szklarz) 50 Zylka z Jaskow 30 — 102 GOTFRYT Szlama Leybus [Szlamowicz] (wyrobnik) 36 Ryfka z Herszkowiczôw 34 108 KRUTKI Hana Fywel [Jolowicz](krawiec) 25 Frayndla z Herszlôw 24 &e [cfMYDLO/KRAKOWSKI] s 112 GERTLER Mosiek Wolf (handlarz) 40 Tauba z Moskôw 40 [1825LM150] 117 FUX Fray da Blima Eliasz (stolarz) 36 Marya z Ickôw 30 118 GOLA Chaya Jakob (czapnik) 30 Frayda z Boruchôw 30 120 - Szlama Major Jaskowicz (zlotnik) 45 Mirla z Abraamowiczô w 30 123 FRYDLAYN Jasek Jankiel Mosiek (furman) 24 Estera z Moskô w 34 125 KROWTSZTAYN Ester Hoym (bakalarz) 37 Hana z Simkôw 23 127 ZAIAC Haya Herszel (handlarz) 40 Blima z Leybusôw 30 131 GINDZBERCH Sora Majer (szynkarz) 38 Bina z Jaskôw 34 [1825 DU66] 132 - Berek Grecil? Cherszlowicz (handlarz ) 25 Malka z Berkôw 18 Q. 134 ZAIAC Chaim Mortek (faktor) 44 Golda z Mend 16w 28 13S - Eydla Szaia Cherslowicz (wyrobnik) 30 Faygla z Janklôw 24 142 HALFFMAN Chana Golda Abram (handlarz) 21 Gitla z Wolfô w 18 155 MYDLO Wulf Icek [Jolowicz] (krawiec) 24 Tauba z Lewk*w [PASTERNAK] 24 o 156 ZALTZBEREK Szapsia Zelik (stolarz) 24 Faygel z Jakubowiczôw 18 165 ZARUR Judah Szlama (szklarz) 24 Estera z Judkôw 25 O 167 GLAS Icek Jasek [Zebnanowicz] (handlarz) 35 Liba z Beniaminôw 26 170 KE.DZAREK Faygela Dawid (kapebiusik) 28 Basa z Lipkôw 24 172 - Jakob Mosiek Chanemowicz (handlarz ) 29 Liba z Szmulôw 24 176 GRYNBAYM Dobra Eliasz (komamik) 24 Perla z Dobrasiôw 24 186 LANDE Jasek Wulf Szmulka (kupiec) 40 Mirla z Ferencôw 35 187 GOLDUST Rochla Mosiek (mydlarz) 40 Itla z Fiszlôw 40 192 SCHREK Szmul Majorek (czapnik) 24 Ruchla z Sakelôw 24 193 CYTRON [cf KRAKOWSKI) Perçc* Mortek [Fiszelowicz] (kupiec) 24 Chaya Sora z Be*6w [KAMIENCZ] - [1825 mi05] n 194 SALAMON Dawid Hilel (wyrobnik) 40 Faygla z Kikcôw 34 195 SZYDLOWSKI Wulf Litma (piekarz) 38 Malka z Simchôw - 198 SZPIRA SzyiaJasek Mortek 40 Chana z Leybuséw 40 203 EDIELKE Ryfka Szyia (handlarz) 35 Brand la z Abraamôw 34 204 WAYNFELD Estera Herszel (piekarz) 42 Hana z Zayndkowiczôw 42 208 - Liba Majer Ickowicz (handlarz) 18 Bayla z Maskôw 20 215 GERTLER Izrael Zurech Abraam [Wolfowicz] (handlarz) 26 Szandla [ z D«widôw] MANELA 26 216 BASISTA Frymet Choren (krawiec) 20 Estera z Berkôw 25 220 WUELTZ Herszel Laybus (bakalarz) 30 Cyeywa z Abramôw 34 221 SZPIRA JosekWolf Dawid (kupiec) 48 Faygla z Leybusôw 45 225 FINKELSZTAYN Hinda Bayla Herszel 28 Laia z Ayzk6w 25 226 FRAYMAN Szlama Szmul (handlarz) 22 Chaia z Siapsiôw 19 227 - Israel Wolf Ber (krawiec) 40 Ryfka Chaya z Zyk6w 30 240 ZELAZO Icek Herszel Chaym (handlarz) 20 Matla z Majorkowiczôw 19 245 TENENBAUM Israel Moysiek (wyrobnik) 32 Gitla z IzraekVw 25 s. 246 ZYLBERAT Marya Leybus (wyrobnik) 30 Haya Sora z Fislôw 30 247 GOTFRIET Szlama Abraam (piekarz) 32 Szandla z Szmulôw 24 ï 250 ROYZENBAYM Herzel Hilel (handlarz) 30 Gitla z Fiszelôw 30 251 POTASNICKI [cfMYDLARZ J Estera Jasek [Moskowicz] (mydlarz) 25 Aydla z HoszeBw [DZIADEKJ 24 252 CZERWONY - Herszel (robiik) 28 Perla z Abraamowiczôw - S 261 BASISTA Hana Faygela Efroim (bakalarz) 33 Bayla z Simekôw 24 267 MALA - Chorym (handlarz) 34 Jentla z Herszlôw 27 3 269 RYNK Marya Aybus (zlotnik) 32 Hana z MAYZERZ 22 S- 271 LIMOWSKI Szlama Mosiek (handlarz) 24 Mirla z Mortkôw 22 n 272 BASERER Szandla Mosiek (krawiec) - - - 279 GLAS Ghana Perla Chaim (kramarz) 36 Basa z Sjapsiôw [BAKALARZ] 25 281 MAKA Ghana Ira (szkotnik) 42 Rachla z Wulfôw 30 n 282 IRACH1 Chaim Eliasz (bakalarz) 42 Faygela z Chajmôw 40 283 AYZEMBEREK Laia Israel (manipulant) 23 Brand la z Jaskôw 20 284 LEYTYK Laia Gitla Szachen 24 Tauba z Cçdrôw 20 285 GOTSZLAT - Wolf (handlarz) 36 Faygela z Cedrôw 24 291 RYCHLER [cf EYCHLER] Boruch Ayzyk [Joskowicz] (handlarz) 40 Rochla z Jaskôw 23 11825 m 17 3] 293 SZNELLA Kahna Jakob Joel [Kabnowicz] (krawiec) 20 Malka z Jakubowicz6w 24 [1825 D# 156] 294 GOLA Chana Icyk (czapnik) 32 Cerka z Chaymôw 34 i 295 WOLSZTAT Nisei Herszel 26 Tauba z Meylechôw 20 [1825 D#l 64] 296 ROYZENFAILD Szlama Josek (szynkarz) 40 Frandla z SaukVw? 35 8 [cfROZENWALD]

1825 1 CYMER Rochla Baynisz (handlarz) 31 Gitla z Herszelôw pziADEK] 18 2 - HanaRiika Abram Lipka (kapelusznik) 26 Szandla z Zalmanôw 30 3 GNAT Rochla Szmul [Aronowicz] (zeznik) 28 Laia z Abraamowiczôw 24 8 BRAUM Szlama Szmul [Szlamowicz] (handlarz) 34 Ryfka z Moskôw 29 15 GETLER Abrarn Herszel [Wolfowicz] 25 Estera z Zysmôw [AURBACH] 34 21 EYCHLER Royza Mosiek (handlarz) 24 Faygla z Herszelôw 22 22 GOLDOWSKI Icek Jakob (pachiearz) 34 Hendla z Berkowiczôw 34 23 ZAIACZKOWSKI Nawtula Judka? (pacheiaiz) 30 Malka z Jaskow 28 [1827 Dtt58] 24 PROBSZTAYN Mosiek Wolf [Joskowicz ] (chandlarz) 20 Rochla z Leybus<5w[ROZENWALD] 20 29 GOTFRYT Szlama Jasek (czapnik) 26 Rasa z Moskôvv 33 30 SOBKOWSKI Sifra Icek (handlarz) 32 Marya z Berkôw 40 31 BLADA Rayzla Abraam (handlarz) 22 Perla z Leybusiôw 24 [1825 D»90] 33 KAMMOR Laybus Szlamma (krawiec) 30 Estera z Herszelôw 36 [1825 D#140] 34 KIERSZNER Mindla Szmul (handlarz) 29 Malka z Sazôw 26 36 AURBACH Zysma Abraam Hersz (handlarz) 26 Jentla z Leybusiôw 25 37 LOKIEC Itla Mortek (krawiec) 26 Sora z Berkôw 24 Ï 38 WAYSBROT Wolf Szimcha (introligator) 32 Zlata z Mendléw 24 3 47 HANOFF Szlama Haim Pinkus (handlarz) 40 Szandla z Dawidô w 37 e. 52 WAYSBEREK Icyk Hersz Bendet (maczarz) 36 Laia z Perencôw 26 [1825 D#l 39] s, 53 GOLDRAT Rayzla Mirla Szlama9 [Lukowicz] (solarz) 24 Gitla z Jankelôw 23 [1832 DM3] > [cfMANELA/KWART] I 54 MARMUR Szymcha Mortek (solarz) 37 Chaia z Herychomowiczôw 28 65 FRAYDMAN Herszek Gerszon (wyrobnik) 27 Mindla z Libôw 27 76 GOLDLUST Szlama Josek (solarz) 66 Gitla z Peysecôw 46 I 77 TEPER Majorek Mortek (krawiec) 26 Malka Jaskôw 26 84 MEYDMAN Machiel Perec Abraham (wyrobnik) 24 Sora z Moskôw 22 î 86 ZELAZO Ryfka Dawid (krawiec) 20 Dwoyra z Izraelô w 22 87 MANELA Wita Mirla Boruch [Dawidowicz] (kupiec) 32 Bluma z Wolfôw 36 88 KONIGSZTAIN Gitla Mosiek 31 Estera z Herszelô w 23 93 - Bayla Wolf Berek (wyrobnik) 40 Cerla z Abelôw 40 95 PRZENICA Faywel Abraham (furman) 30 Perla z Manesôw 20 104 MIERNIK Rochla Judah 40 Zlata z Bonichowiczéw 30 107 ROYTENBEREK Mortek Leybus Mosiek Chaim (kantor) 24 Dwoyra z Zarglôw 24 g 108 GOTFRYT Hana Fayga Icyk (piekarz) 20 Brandla z Lewkowiczôw 25 111 FUX Peyszek Mortek (szpekulant) 26 Perla z Ickowiczôw 25 116 MYDLO JasekWolf Zysma [Jolowicz] (spitatnik) 37 Maryen z Chaimôw 31 o 119 ZYTO Frimet Jasek (piekarz) 30 Laia z Wigdorôw 36 120 - Lipka Perla Markus Charowicz (kupiec) 26 Ryflca z Ferensôw 24 s 122 SOSNOWSKI Nawtula Judka? (komamik) 30 Sora z Szymchôw 30 22 124 WOLFSZTAT Dwojra [Wolf Judkowicz] ([r]zeznik) 29 Laia Wigdorow 26 125 EYCHLER Hana Mortek (handlarz) 44 Chana z Chaimôw 40 138 PAN Towia Judka? (wyrobnik) 24 Chana z Moskô w - 139 GERTLER Abram Mortek (handlarz mtyna) 35 Pesla z Eliaszôw 33 141 SUCHECKI Herszek Leyb Siapsia (chandlarz) 24 Eydla z Chaimôw 20 148 GOLDBERG Gitla Laybus (solarz) 30 Faygela z Eliazôw 36 150 WINTER Syfra Mendel (krawiec) 27 Rasa z Jakobôw 36 ara 153 KREMER Henna Bendet (bakalarz) 32 Frymet z Chilelôw 30 155 RAPSZTAYN Heiszel Icyk 26 Dwoyra z Nut6w 24 158 GOLDLUST Maier Laybus (handlarz) 30 Nema z Zyskindôw 32 I 166 OSUR Itla Herszek (handlarz) 26 Malka z Janasow 24 168 RAYZMAN Gnendla Szlama (solarz) 36 Sora z Szymcho w 32 170 MANELA Itla Jozef [Szlamowicz] (szynkarz) 47 Jentla z Chaimôw 30 171 RAPSZTAYN Chaim Maier Jakob (drukarz) 45 Rochla z Lewkôw 28 175 BIDNY Nawtula Boruch (krawiec) 36 Cerla z Abrachamowiczôw 44 178 BRAUM Szlama Dawid (szpekulant) 22 Nasa z Maierôw 18 181 CETEL IzraelJasek Mendel (krawiec) 46 Ryfka z Jaskôw 38 182 C1APA Nawtula Didie (kramarz) 24 Marya z Nawtulowiczo w 22 183 ROYTAPO Icek Peyrçc (handlarz) 24 Itla z Janklôw 23 199 PLOTNO Estera Chana Andzel (krawiec) 28 Machela z Moskôw 24 210 FALETANSK1 Szlama Boruch (cyrulik) 27 Braydla z Wolfôw 36 S» 217 BIDERMAN Mosiek Majchel? (szynkarz) 40 Sora z Dawidôw 47 218 WAYNGARTEN Hinda Zanwel (bakalarz) 24 Czeyza z GERTLE R 24 219 EYZENBEREK Hendla Gitla10 Maysiek [Natulowicz] (szynkarz) 22 Ruchla z Lewkâw [GOLDBERG] 27 [1827 D»} 5] 220 PIEKARZ Jankel Szlama 40 Rachla Ita 30 222 ROYZENBERG Rochla Laia Lewek (handlarz ) 32 Malka Haia z Herszelôw 35 223 RAYS Kayla Layzer (wyrobnik) 27 Ryfka z BRAUM 18 226 WAYNKRANTZ Abraham Jankel (handlarz) 28 Jentla z Cendro w 26 [1828 £#95] 227 WAYNFELD Malka Simcha (fabrykant) 24 Rachla z Mendlôw 21 236 GOLDBERG Carka Laybus (szynkarz) 41 Rayzla z Aronôw 40 243 STALOWY Moysiek Szymon (handlarz) 20 Mary en z Herszlôw 30 245 ZYLBENBERG Sora Pinkus (handlarz) 38 Rachla z GITLE R 34 247 - Icek Zysman Haymowicz (garbarz ) 36 Bayla Getla z Simcho w 27 248 MYDLO Jankel Icek [Jolowicz] (krawiec) 32 Tauba ïAbraamô w [PASTERNAK] 24 [1827 D»44] 254 FINKELSZTAYN Herszek Sziya (handlarz) 32 Sora z Herszkôw 32 261 WILK Rayzla Dydia [Wolfowicz] (kramarz) 40 Elta z Hilelôw 40 262 MEYDMAN Estera Mindla Peysec (wyrobnik ) 36 Mirla z Simchôw 17 268 BIDNY Naftula Laybus [Nafhilowicz] (krawiec) 26 Ruchla z Eyzykow 22 269 WAYSBROT Wulf Moysiek (wyrobnik) 36 Frumet z Herszlowiczôw 24 270 OSZECH Mortek Dawid Abela (bakalarz) 27 Rachla z Bendetôw 24 271 DREWNIANY Moysiek Lewek (krawiec) 48 Chaia z Ickôw 32 273 CHATMAN Laybus Pinkus (handlarz) 26 Estera z Lewkô w 25 en

' The baby's name it Jasek on death extract. O 2SeeSobk4w Marriage 1819 #19 ^Tbe parents tre Ustsd «a Major Boruchowicz and Malka on aie death extract 4The tamer Is listed aa Wolf Bcrkowlcz on the death extract 5SeeSobkéw Marriage 1819*1 9 ^Lewek (Leybus) was Kremer at hla 1822 marriage. Cytro n Is Frayda's maiden name. 'The baby's aarae Is Chawa on aie death extract 8Thc baby Is listed as Perla on the death extraction! 9See Sobkow Marriage 1819*19 '"shown as Golds Hindi» on death extract 0 Page 63 Â Journal of Information from the KIELCE and RADOM SIG Winter 1997

The open question-perhaps never to be definitely Letters and E-mail answered-is: are the Bluthenthals of Miinchweiler We welcome comments from readers. Send mail to related to the Bluthenthals of Opatow? There are Gene Stem, Coordinator, P.O. Box 520583, Longwood, reasonable time-period connections, and, of course, FL 32752. The E-mail address is . the name is the primary link. s y Some of what's interesting to me about this goes to an article that I've always wanted to write that FROM DOWN UNDER: 'THRILLED' might be called "Getting Creative. " How I found / was thrilled to receive news of the SIG which is someone in South Africa to help me. Also howl long overdue. Being in Australia it would be hard for tracked down a cousin in Santiago, Chile, who thought me to institute such a group, but I am joining as my she and her sister were the only Bluthenthals in the fellow committee member of the Australian JGS. world. If you send me about 10-20 forms I will distribute Bill Firestone them to our various interstate branches and to those [email protected] members who have indicated in their Australian data- base that they are researching that region. PRAISES GOLD OF JEWISH NAME FILE Mrs. Sophie Caplan, Are you aware of the library and archives of Prof. 5 Woonona Rd., DavidL. Gold, who is the founder of the Jewish Northbridge, 2063, Family Name File, the Assoc. for the Study of Jewish Sidney, N.S.W., Australia Languages, and the Jewish English Archives, was a member of the senior faculty at the Univ. of Haifa until FROM OUR SISTER SIG retiring afewyears ago, and is the editor of Jewish Congratulations! It's nice to have a "Sister Language Review and Jewish Linguistic Studies? Group. " Please enroll the Suwalk-Lomza SIG as an He also writes a weekly column on Jewish organizational member. personal names and genealogy in The National Jewish I look forward to the first issue. We can always Post and Opinion (Indianapolis), where he can be learn from each other. reached. Marlene Silvenna n Osher-Tankhem Brayne s Suwalk-Lomza SI G 2851 East Belgrade St. 3701 Connecticut Ave., NW #228 Philadelphia, PA 1913 4 Washington, DC 200o8 BELIEVES MANY PILICA EMIGRES NEEDS CYRILLIC TRANSLATO R SETTLED IN TEXAS AND LOUISIANA Where can I find a Polish and Russian translator My father came to Galveston in 1908, settled in who has experience with old handwritten birth- Texarkana. It seems like many people from the Pilica marriage-death documents in those languages from area ended up in Texas and Louisiana. 1825 to 1877? I have my father's ship papers and also a letter Jenny Schwartzberg from a rabbi who did his PhD. research on Jews who 853 W. Fullerton Ave., came to America via Galveston. Chicago, IL 60614 Annette Berman Day 4601 North Park Ave., Apt. 609 WANTS TO LINK GERMAN, POLISH FAMILIES Chevy Chase, MD 20815 My Bliithenthal family came from the town of Miinchweiler an derAlsenz, about 100 km SWof WANTS OLD POLISH JEWISH NEWSPAPERS Frankfurt am Main. The record I have is a 1799 birth Is anyone aware of any Jewish newspapers that record of my g-g-g grandfather. may have served the Przedborz, Kielce area anytime There was also a family in Opatow named prior to the Holocaust? If so, please supply details Blitenthal. IDS records quickly confirmed my such as dates, names and where old issues might be suspicion that this was a corrupted version of Bliithen- archived. thal. The ealiest record I found for Blitenthal is the Mike Meshenberg 1831 death record of Sara Bliithenthal in Opatow. 1700 E. 56th St., Chicago, IL 60637 Glossary

akta Polish vital records, often see n as a column heading in vital record indices and extracts to denote the record numbers bann document of intent to marry Cyrillic alphabet used for Russian language gubernia geographic/political subdivisio n of the Russian Empire , similar to a province, which applied to the Kingdom of Poland from 1844 until World War I landsmen people who originated in the same village prior to immigration LDS Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, commonly used to denote the Mormon Family History Library matronymic identification b y mother's name monogenetic surname from a single progenitor palatinate geographic/political subdivisio n of pre-partition Poland, similar to a province patronymic identification b y father's name polygenetic surname originating from multiple progenitors, not necessarily all in the same location powiat district, subdivision of guberni a wojewôdztwa geographical/political subdivisions of the Duchy of Warsaw, and of the Kingdom of Poland until its inclusion in Russia's gubernia system in 1844.


Polish Alphabet: aqbccdeefghijkllmnrioôprsstuwyzz z

c = ts 3 = om, on ch,h = kh Ç = em, en c, cz, ci = c h s, sz, si = s h j = y z, zi, rz = z h dz = j w w = V

THE NEXT ISSUE... is due in your mailbox about mid-April

Deadline for material: March IS, 1997