Chinese New Acquisitions List (2014) 澳大利亞國家圖書館中文新書簡報 (2014 年 5 月)

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Chinese New Acquisitions List (2014) 澳大利亞國家圖書館中文新書簡報 (2014 年 5 月) Chinese New Acquisitions List (2014) 澳大利亞國家圖書館中文新書簡報 (2014 年 5 月) MONOGRAPHS (圖書), SERIALS (期刊), e-RESOURCES (電子刊物), MAPS (地圖) e-RESOURCES (電子刊物)Links to full-text e-books online: 書 名 Titles 索 書 號 Call numbers FULL CATALOGUE DESCRIPTION AUSTRALIANA in Chinese Language 澳大利亞館藏 – Books & Serials about Australia or by Australians 書 名 Titles 索 書 號 Call numbers FULL CATALOGUE DESCRIPTION Shi yong fu z CHN 004.6 M533 load balancing : ride the performance tiger / Peter Membrey, David Hows, Eelco Plugge zhu ; Wu Haifeng, Chen Xiaoliang yi. 实用负载均衡技术 : 网站性能优化攻略 = Practical load balancing : ride the performance tiger / Peter Membrey, David Hows, Eelco Plugge 著 ; 武海峰, 陈晓亮 译. Yun ji suan yuan li yu fan shi = Cloud computing principles and paradigms / CHN 004.678 Y95 Rajkumar Buyya, James Broberg, Andrzej Goscinski ; Li Hongjun ... [et al.] yi. 云计算原理与范式 = Cloud computing principles and paradigms / Rajkumar Buyya, James Broberg, Andrzej Goscinski ; 李红军 ... [et al.]译. 1 JavaScript jing cui = The JavaScript anthology ; 101 essential tips, tricks & hacks / CHN 005.133 E26 James Edwards, Cameron Adams zhu ; Gao Tiejun yi. JavaScript 精粹 / James Edwards, Cameron Adams 著 ; 高铁军译. OS X yu iOS nei he bian cheng = OS X and iOS kernel programming / Ole Henry CHN 005.446 H197 Halvorsen, Douglas Clarke Zhu ; Jia Wei yi. OS X 与 iOS 内核编程 = OS X and iOS kernel programming / Ole Henry Halvorsen, Douglas Clarke 著 ; 贾伟译. Ai de neng liang : ru he yong neng liang ping heng fa zhao dao ni de zhen ai = You CHN 128.46 M153 can find your true love / Gaiyi Maikanna, Kelisiteng Maikanna zhu ; Guo Jing yi. 爱的能量 : 如何用能量平衡法找到你的真爱 = You can find your true love / 盖伊・麦 坎纳, 克丽丝滕・麦坎纳著 ; 郭静译. Niu zhuan qing xu wei ji / Beifu Aisibeite (Bev Aisbett) zhu ; Zhou Yiling yi. CHN 158.1 A299B 扭转情绪危机 / 贝芙·艾斯贝特著 (Bev Aisbett) ; 周一玲译. Sheng huo chan = The alphabet of the human heart / Maxiu Yuehansitong, CHN 158.1 J73 Zhanmusi Ke’er zhu ; Han Yan yi. 生活禅 = The alphabet of the human heart / 马修・约翰斯通, 詹姆斯・柯尔著 ; 韩焱 译. Cheng jiu geng hao de zi ji : cong ping fan dao zhuo yue de zheng neng liang fa ze CHN 158.1 M478 = Play a bigger game : how to achieve more, be more, do more, have more / Luodi Maikelin (Rowdy McLean) zhu ; Qiao Haodong yi. 成就更好的自己 : 从平凡到卓越的正能量法则 = Play a bigger game : how to achieve more, be more, do more, have more / 罗迪・麦克林(Rowdy McLean)著 ; 乔浩栋译. Ao gu : “Yuebo ji” xin shi / Chen Tingzhong zhu = Courage under fire : a fresh CHN 223.106 C518T 2 interpretation of the Book of Job / Justin T.T. Tan. 傲骨 : “約伯記” 新釋 / 陳廷忠著 = Courage under fire: a fresh interpretation of the Book of Job / Justin T.T. Tan. Xin yue zhong de shi zi jia = Xinyue zhong de shizijia / Lai’ang Molisi (Leon Morris) CHN 225.82323 M876 zhu ; Li Lijuan yi. 新约中的十字架 = Xinyue zhong de shizijia / 莱昂・莫里斯(Leon Morris)著 ; 李丽娟 译. N k · H W b / D F b . CHN 248.86 V986N.1 尼克・胡哲 : 我和世界不一样 / 东方晓编著. Chan yue : kuai le hu xi 16 fa / Ajiangbulamu zhu ; Lai Sayan yi = Mindfulness, CHN 294.34435 A312 bliss, and beyond. 禪悦 : 快樂呼吸 16 法 / 阿姜布拉姆 著 ; 賴隆彥 譯 = Mindfulness, bliss, and beyond. Chan yue zai dang xia / Ajiangbulamu zhu ; Lai Longyan yi = The art of CHN 294.3444 A312 disappearing : buddha’s path to lasting joy / Ajahn Brahm. 禪悦在當下 / 阿姜布拉姆 著 ; 賴隆彥 譯 = The art of disappearing : buddha’s path to lasting joy / Ajahn Brahm. Sha fo : shi shi Banchan da shi meng nan zhen xiang / Yuan Hongbing, An Leye CHN 294.3923 Y94 zhu. 殺佛 : 十世班禪大師蒙難真相 / 袁紅冰, 安樂業著. Malinnuofusiji : yi wei ren lei xue jia de Aodesai, 1884-1920 / Maike’er Yang zhu ; CHN 301.092 M251B Song Yi, Song Hongjuan, Chi Shuai yi = Malinowski : odyssey of an anthropologist, 1884-1920 / Michael Young. 马林诺夫斯基 : 一位人类学家的奥德赛, 1884-1920 / 迈克尔・扬著 ; 宋奕, 宋红娟, 迟 3 帅译 = Malinowski : odyssey of an anthropologist, 1884-1920 / Michael Young. Zhong Ao guan xi de li shi jing yan yu fa zhan xian zhuang = Historical experience CHN 303.48294051 Z63 and the latest developments of China-Australian relationships / Yu Changsen zhu bian. 中澳关系的历史经验与发展现状 = Historical experience and the latest developments of China-Australian relationships / 喻常森主编. Xin bian Ying yu guo jia gai kuang. Yingguo, Aodaliya pian / zhu bian Chen De ; CHN 306.0917521 X6 2013 bian zhe Ma Xiaoyu, Liu Siyuan, Ai Shaoliang. 新编英语国家概况. 英国, 澳大利亚篇 / 主编陈德 ; 编者马晓宇, 刘思远, 艾绍亮. Ba ba pei ni zhang da : quan qiu ding jian ke xue yan jiu, gao su ni fu qin ying xiang CHN 306.8742 F614 hai zi cheng chang de guan jian yu chu fang / Licha Folaiqie (Richard Fletcher) zhu ; Zhang Weishu yi. 爸爸陪你長大 : 全球頂尖科學研究, 告訴你父親影響孩子成長的關鍵與處方 / 理查・佛 萊契 (Richard Fletcher) 著 ; 張維書譯. Zou bu chu men de guo jia : Ma Yingjiu de Taiwan / Qiu Chuiliang zhu. CHN 320.9512490905 Q1C 走不出門的國家 : 馬英九的台灣 / 邱垂亮著. Wen shang : xiao shuo ti zi zhuan = Lamentation of literature / Yuan Hongbing zhu. CHN 323.092 Y94HB 文殤 : 小說體自傳 = Lamentation of literature / 袁紅冰著. Quan qiu zui wei xian de ren wu : Zhuli’an Asangqi : Weiji jie mi chuang ban ren CHN 323.445092 A844J.2 Asangqi, gai xie quan qiu ren min dui gong quan li de xin nian = WikiLeaks Julian Assange / Dong Niao zhu. 全球最危險的人物 : 朱利安・阿桑奇 : 維基解密創辦人阿桑奇, 改寫全球人民對公權力 的信念 = WikiLeaks Julian Assange / 東鳥著. 4 Zhongguo jue ze : Meiguo wei shen me ying yu Zhongguo fen xiang quan li = The CHN 327.73051 W584 China choice : why the United States should share power with China / Xiu Huaite zhu ; Fan Ben yi. 中国抉择 : 美国为什么应与中国分享权力 = The China choice : why the United States should share power with China / 休・怀特著 ; 樊犇译. Cong nuo jiang de zhu dao fan fu su zi de jing ji xue miu wu / Huang Youguang zhu. CHN 330.1 N576 從諾獎得主到凡夫俗子的經濟學謬誤 / 黃有光著. Aodaliya ren li zi yuan fu wu ye he gong gong jiu ye fu wu wai bao zhi du / Li CHN 331.110994 L693 Zongze, Zhang Yujie zhu. 澳大利亚人力资源服务业和公共就业服务外包制度 / 李宗泽, 张玉杰著. Jin qian chuang zao li shi : shui shi xia yi ge jin rong di guo = Geld macht geschichte CHN 332.49 J95 / Yalishanda Rong, Ditema’er Pipo, Laina Telaobu zhu ; Ge Nannan yi. 金钱创造历史 : 谁是下一个金融帝国 = Geld macht geschichte / 亚历山大・容, 迪特 马尔・皮珀, 赖纳・特劳布著 ; 葛囡囡译. Aodaliya mei ceng qi di zhi te zheng ji kan tan ji shu : yi Bowen he Sulate Pendi wei CHN 338.2728 A638 li / Yang Fuzhong, Zhu Houqin deng zhu. 澳大利亚煤层气地质特征及勘探技术 : 以博文和苏拉特盆地为例 / 杨福忠, 祝厚勤等 著. Zhonghua Renmin Gongheguo he tong fa fu zui gao ren min fa yuan guan yu shi CHN 346.51022 Z63 yong “Zhonghua Renmin Gongheguo he tong fa” si fa jie shi : shuang yu ban = Contract law of the people’s republic of China with the judicial interpretations of the supreme people’s court : bilingual version / Sun Xinqiang, M. P. Ellinghaus, E. W. Wright bian yi. 5 中华人民共和国合同法附最高人民法院关于适用《中华人民共和国合同法》司法解释 : 双语版 = Contract law of the people’s republic of China with the judicial interpretations of the supreme people’s court ; bilingual version / 孙新强, M. P. Ellinghaus, E. W. Wright 编译. Aodaliya lian bang zheng ju fa : Zhong Ying dui zhao = Australia Evidence Act 1995 CHN 347.9406 A938 / Wang Jinxi yi. 澳大利亚联邦证据法 : 中英对照 = Australia Evidence Act 1995 / 王进喜译. Guo wai zhuan jia zi xun cheng guo hui bian : Beijing Shi shi jie yin hang dai kuan CHN 368.400951156 G977 zhu fang he she hui bao zhang xiang mu cheng guo hui cui / Beijing Shi lao dong he she hui bao zhang ju bian. 国外专家咨询成果汇编 : 北京市世界银行贷款住房和社会保障项目成果荟萃 / 北京市 劳动和社会保障局编. Aozhou liu xue yi min quan gong lue / Beijing wei jiu guo ji jiao yu gong si bian zhu. CHN 370.116 A638 澳洲留学移民全攻略 / 北京威久国际教育公司编著. Chu guo liu xue zhi nan. Aodaliya / Sun Yan bian zhu. CHN 370.1160994 C559 出国留学指南. 澳大利亚 / 孙燕编著. Cong A dao C : ti yan Aozhou kuai le jiao yu / Chen Yan zhu. CHN 370.994 C518Y 从 A 到 C : 体验澳洲快乐教育 / 陈焱著. Aodaliya zheng fu you zhi jiao shi ji hua yan jiu = Research on Australian CHN 371.100994 Y94 government quality teacher program / Yu Tingjie zhu. 澳大利亚政府优质教师计划研究 = Research on Australian government quality teacher program / 俞婷婕著. Liu xue Ao Zhou : ni bu zhi dao de na xie shi / Cui Jidan zhu.
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