Eastern Illinois University The Keep

April 1981

4-8-1981 Daily Eastern News: April 08, 1981 Eastern Illinois University

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This is brought to you for free and open access by the 1981 at The Keep. It has been accepted for inclusion in April by an authorized administrator of The Keep. For more information, please contact [email protected]. The Dally Wednesday, April 8, 1981

will be partly sunny and warm with a chance of showers or thunderstorms in the afternoon or Eastern News evening. Highs in the mid to upper 70s. Cooler Wednesday night, Eastern Illinois University I Charleston, Ill./ Vol. 66, No.133 /Two Sections, 20 Pages with lows in the lower 40s.

ight turnout, no surprises in local election ownship seats . Low percentage eclaimed !�:!��:<���;��." There were no big surprises in the (:a.u�11w� township election results Tuesday received JOO percent of the vote in his night. unopposed race for mayor, on.iy 21 �!), . Tom Morgan, running unopposed, C percent of the voters who participated was re-elected as township supervisor, in Tuesday's elections cast ballots in 1'C� � gathering a 2,036 unofficial vote total 'f()ll�ll1'11;il� the mayoral election. countywide. Bl Hickman received only 1, 730 votes For township road commissioner, out of 8, 130 ballots cast for the Elmer Lee, who was also unopposed, elections. was re-elected with 2,013 votes. The mayoral race received more By a slim margin of 405 votes, Town attention from the predominant Clerk Bill Hall was re-elected with student precincts, 15, 16 and 17, as 68 1,584 votes, over opponent Mike percent of the voters participating in Weaver, an Eastern faculty member, the election from those precincts voted with I, 179 votes. for mayor. Jn the race for township trustee, four Hickman, whose mayoral duties candidates were chosen from a ballot include overseeing the Police and of eight. Liquor License Commissions, Irma Justice was the top .vote-getter, presiding over city council meetings gathering 1,600 countywide, while. and preparing the city budget, will now. part-time Eastern student Jerry begin his third term in the part-time Myerscough was second with 1, 502 office. votes. Overall, 33 percent of the registered Jim Hill was third in the race with voters participated in the combined

1,347, and Jack Mcclanahan "as city-township elections. · fourth with 1,336. However, only 5 percent of the Justice and Hill- we.re both registered voters in the student incumbents for the office of trustee. precincts participatt;d in the elections. In the assessor race, James Spence Only 165 voters of a total 3 ,496 was re-elected with 1,738 votes. His registered voters in the student opponent, Mike Toothman, drC\\ precincts participated. 1,135 votes. Besides the mayoral race, the four Confusion surrounded the counting incumbent Charleston city councilmen of final election totals in the to'hnship were easily re-elected in Tuesday's races. elections. Judge Bill Paris said the con fusion The unofficial election results at 9:30 resulted from the election computer's p.m. showed Wayne Lanman as the failure to distinguish between straight Mike Weaver (left) checks out vote totals in the Charleston township election. front-runner, polling 24 percent of the and split-ticket ballots. However, the Weaver, a member of Eastern's management and marketing department, was vote. final election totals were presumed to defeated in his bid for the office of Charleston town clerk. Incumbent Bill Hall Other winners in the council race be correct. was re-elected with 57 percent of the votes. (News photo by Wendell Gamble) were Clancy Pfeiffer, polling 22 percent of the vote, John Beusch with Large c,rowdattends 21 percent of the vote and Olga Durham polling 19 percent. From the student precincts, Lanman received 21 percent of the vote, Debate· ends as informal session Pfeiffer received-- 20 percent, Beusch polled 22 percent, Durham polled 22 by Crystal Schrof and Cathy Crist In a .less controversial race for collective bargaining, percent and Winnett gathered 15 Although publicized as a debate for student government representative, candidates Marilyn Kludas _smd Tony percent of the total vote. executive officer candidates, Tuesday's forum resulted in an Parascandola stressed the challenge of representing the Lanman will now begin serving his informal presentation to a "large audience," Student students in faculty contract negotiations. fifth term on the city council, while Awareness Committee Chairman Joel Storm, said. "In order to maintain the quality of education we have to Pfeiffer, Beusch and Durham will start Storm said he was surprised and pleased with the student work for the faculty as well as the students," Kludas said. their second terms. turn out, since past forums were not as well attended. Parascandola said he wants to represent the students' Newly re-elected Town Clerk Bill Student body presidential candidate Jeff Francione, the concerns and said -he can accomplfsh this through the Hall said the voting totals for the only candidate not running on a slate, received a number of contract negotiations: council race wijl be official when the questions regarding his ·qualifications for the position. Although Cindy Rozmin, executive vice presidential Democratic and Republican county "Obviously the most experienced candidate for president candidate, said she hopes to get more students on student­ chairmen sign the winner's names to a is Bob Glover, but I feel we need a more responsible student faculty boards, opponent Natalie Scott said higher quality voting canvas, which will take place in government that knows how to get things done,'' Francione student members are needed. a few days. said. Rozmin said projects such as changing the grade �ppeals Hall also said the top vote-getter in -.-1;,..." "lro "l.mnno hPr nn�lc Student body president Bob Glover, runn-ing fe>r re­ l-'Vll\..] a.1 '- u.111v115 '"''"' 0'-'"4'"" the council race will be able to ('boo�� election, said the numerous duties of the position require an In addition to changing the grade appeals policy, Scott which council position he wishe, to experienced and knowledgeable leader. said she also wants to develop a foreign studies program and hold. The third presidential candidate, Terry Teele, emphasized improve new student orientation. Co uncil posi tions includ e a number of goals and projects he said he would work on if While Dan Hunnicutt, Board of Governors representative commissioner of Public Property. elected. He said an escort service, a student-tenant union candidate, was unable to attend, opponent Russ Robb said Public Health and Safety, Account' and class syllabus file in the library are some of his proposed his foremost goal if elected is to make the student and Finances and Streets and Public undertakings. representative a voting member of the BOG. Improvements. In the financial vice president race, experience as opposed Upon questioning from the audience, Robb said he favors ·Jn the past, Lanman has ser\'ed a' to "getting along with people" was an emphasized issue. the Students Coordinating Optional Referendum Efforts Streets and Public lmprO\emenh Mike Nowak said his involvement on various boards, because the university president should be forced to commissioner, Pfeiffer has headed the including the Apportionment Board, is invaluable to the represent the students' views. department of Accounts and Finances. financial vice president position. Due to an unexpected number of questions from the Durham has been in charge of Public However, Ed "Whitey" Marsch, said he can learn the audience, Storm said he decided to close the open question Health and Safety and Beusch has hcen responsibilities involved in the position and said his session and instead allow audience members to talk Public Property Commissioner. willingness to help people is more important than individually with the candidates. experience. 2 Wednesday, April 8, 1 981 The Dally Eastern News

·future "hold" in the countdown-a period when no U.S. breathes easier �ednesday's activity is scheduled-and added to the planned eight­ hour hold on Tuesday. This would provide a total 14 after signs of Soviet restraint hours to clear the back-up and put the countdown back on schedule. WASHINGTON-Four days after warning that a {AP) News shorts To get accustomed to an early wake-up on launch Soviet invasion of Poland might be imminent, day, astronauts John Young and Robert Crippen Reagan administration officials breathed easier M. Haig Jr. on Tuesday that "Israeli agression" have been gradually adjusting their sleeping cycles Tuesday following signs that the Kremlin was poses the prime danger in the region. and will be getting up earlier each day. Last prepared to let Poland work out its problems on its Haig, who U.S. officials said hoped to build a Saturday, wakeup was 4:45 a.m. On Sunday it was own. "strategic consensus" in the area against Soviet 4:45 a.m. On Monday 3:45. On Thursday and launch Responding to a speech in Czecholslovakia by intentions, was expected to hear the same strong anti­ day the call will come at 2:05 a.m. Soviet President Leonid Brezhnev, under secretary of Isreali message from officials from Saudi Arabia. The Columbia is the first spaceship designed to. state for political affairs Walter Stoessel said the The secretary of state flew here on the last leg of a make repeated trips into space, using replenishable Poles now '"'have some more time to put their house four-nation Mideast tour after a 24-hour stop in · booster rockets and an expendable external fuel tank. in order, according to Soviet lights." Amman, Jordon,· where he confered with King The boosters drop away after two minutes of flight Stoessel, appearing on NBC TV's "Today" show, Hussein. He leaves Riyadh for West Europe on and are recovered; the external tank breaks up in the was responding to a speech by Brezhnev in Prague in Wednesday. atmosphere when it is released after eight and one which he said the Polish Communist Party and other While in Amman, the Haig party issued an urgent half minutes. "true Polish patriots" would be able to manage the appeal for an end to the fighting in Lebanon between country's problems by themselves. Syrian troops and Lebanese Christian militias. Brady� s mother At the state department, spokesman William Dyess With Haig by his side at an airport departure believes respondeq more cautiously to Brezhnev's speech, ceremony in Amman, Jordan's foreign minister, recovery will be 'long_ haul' delivered at the Czecholslovakian Communist Party Marwan al Kassem, said the U.S. secretary of state Congress. had been told in "a clear, direct and amicable CENTRALIA, Ill.-The mother of White House "If he meant to say that the Poles should be manner'' that a Mideast peace depends on a total Press Secretary James Brady has returned to her allowed to solve their own problems without outside lsreali withdrawal from occupied Arab lands. home in this Southern Illinois community after interference, we will welcome this,�' Dyess said. spending a week at his bedside in Washington, D.C. "That's been our consistent position." Space shuttle launch crews "It's going to be a long haul," said Dorthy Brady, Other officials, speaking privately, said they were 74, of her son, who was wounded March 30 in an encouraged by other developments. They noted that prepare for Friday blast-off assassination attempt on President Ronald Reagan hours after Brezhnev's speech, East European news CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla.- Launch crews outside a Washington hotel. agencies announced Warsaw Pact military sacrificed a full-shift rest period Tuesday as back-to­ She was critical of news reports which have maneuvers were completed Tuesday and that back problems created a 10-hour logjam pf work to indicated only minor problems in the 40-year-old's "participating forces were returning to the places of · prepare the new space shuttle Columbia for lift-off at recovery._ "He has little movement on his left sider their permenant stationing." · dawn on Friday. has troble opening his left eye and is unable to hold ' "We're taking a little longer to make sure it's his head erect because of a lack of muscle control," Jordan tells Haig Israel right,'.'said test director Bill Schick., "At this time she said. there is no trouble meeting launch at ():50 a.m. EST But, Brady is talking more, has good vision in his is threat to Mideast peace right eye and has displayed his customary sense of r Friday.'' humor. She said she asked him if he was hungry, and RIYADH, Saudi Arabia-Jordanian leaders, Problems put preparations 10 hours behind in the when he replied he was, she asked him what he'd like unresponsive to U.S. warnings of a Soviet threat in finely tuned countdown launch. to eat. the Middle East, told Secretary of State Alexander Schick said six hours would be borrowed from a ,MATH-SCIENCE 30( Miller

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NewsSuiff Editor in chief...... Ted Gregory ldentif ication Statement \lews editor ...... Marsha Hausser Melinda DeVries Assistant news editor ...... The Daily Eastern News is published daily, Monday through Friday, at Night Staff Managing editor ...... Andy Savoie Charleston. Illinois during the fall and spring semesters and twice weekly Editor ...... Jane Meyer Consulting editor ...... Laura Fraembs during the summer term, except during school vacations or examinations. Assistant editpr ..... Lola Burnham Editorial page editor ...... Herb Meeker, University. Subscription price: $1 O per Administration editor ...... Jane Meyer by the students of Eastern Illinois Wire editor ...... ScottFishel semester, $2 for summer only, $20 for all year. The Daily Eastern News is Campus editor...... •....Linda Charnesky Sports editor ...... Steve Binder Govemment editor ...... Jerry Fallstrom a member of the Associated Press, which is entitled to exclusive use of all City editor...... Sandy Young articles appearing in this paper. The opinions expressed on the editorial Lab technician ...... Wayne Purdy Activities editor ...... Sue Ann Rentfrow and op-ed pages are not necessarily those of the administration, faculty or Copy editors ..... Keith Palmgren, ...... Dave Claypool Sports editor . . . . student body. Phone 581-2812, Advertising phone 581-2813. The Daily Joe Starzynski, Fran Bralley, Tim Verge editor ...... Betsey Guzior Eastern News editorial and business offices are located in the East Wing of Photo editor ...... Robin Scholz Broderick, Andy Robeznieks the Student Services Building, Eastern Illinois University. Second class Advertising manager . . . • ...... Chris Goerlich Charleston. IL Printed by Eastern Illinois Circulation manager ...... Scott Moyer postage paid at 61920. Business manager ...... Tony Dardano University, Charleston, IL 61920. Adviser ...... Dave Reed · e Dally Eastern News Wednesday, April 8, 1981 3 UPB to review NEIPRs· 1983 fiscal budget by Melinda DeVries academic affairs said Tuesday. · instruction which in their original The academic equipment NEIPR The Council on University Planning The CUPB will meet at 3 p.m. in the request totaled $1.5 million. "was not changed much" from the and Budgeting will review Wednesday University Union addition Casey Soderberg said the original NEIPRs original request according to e university's revised New and Room. were sent to the Board of Governors Soderberg, but she said the Expanded or Improved Program Soderberg said the council will for its review. She added that the improvement of instruction NEIPR Requests for fiscal year 1983, Margaret review two revised NEIPRs-academic university's request were sent back to "had many more changes." Soderberg, assistant vice president for and improveme12t of Eastern for revisions. "One reason the (improvement of) instruction request had to be changed so much was when the governor (James k. __ Thompson) announced his budget, all .,, ..i. academic program money for fiscal year 1982 was cut," Soderberg said. She added that in order to make up for those cuts, and NEIPRs for fiscal year 1983 had to be changed to incorporate the cuts. The improvement of instruction program requests resources to support and improve the instruction at Eastern. According to the original request, the quality of instruction at Eastern could be improved by providing additional funds for indirect support of instruction. The original request states that additional instructional money is needed at Eastern because the university is currently $1.3 million underfunded in instn1ctional cost. The request would provide money for three areas-instructional program support, indirect instruction and department research. In instructional program support, money would be provided for additional university employees; in indirect instruction, money would be provided for additional faculty Brush off members; and in department research, These students took to the outdoors Tuesday to rest Pictured left to right are Cathy Hamilton, Denise Kunz and money would be provided for and paint when spring finally moved into Charleston. Marie Schrecengost. (News photo by Marcia Steele) academic research. The academic equipment NEIPR requests money to replace obsolete equ�pment and to up-grade laboratory Faculty Senate okays revisions equipment. by Lola Burnham Marvin will draft the .committee's purpose, Senate The Faculty Senate Tuesday approved rev1s10ns to its Chairman Leonard Wood will appoint members and the constitution and made plans for the faculty ratification Senate will approve the appointments. process. Rogers said Marvin also cleared up mistaken ideas about Student S�nate The revised constitution must be approved by the faculty the funding switch-over of several "academic laboratories" before it can go into effect. The revision was needed because from student fees to auxiliary enterprise money. to hear bin plan Eastern changed to collective bargaining for contract According to Wood, Marvin said the auxiliary enterprise negotiations. money will become a part of the permanent budget and is Collective Bargaining Representative Senate Secretary Dick Rogers will send a cover letter not a "one-shot thing." Tom Lamczyk will present a proposal explaining the revisions, a copy of the constitution app,roved Rogers said the academic laboratories will be funded after to set up permanent paper recycling by the faculty in 1979 and a copy of the approved revised the switch-over period by increased funding to departments. bins on campus to the Student Senate constitution to every faculty member. Also, Rogers said that Marvin . told the executive Wednesday night, Speaker Natalie Rogers said he hopes to have the materials distributed by committee there had been input from the departments Scott said. next week. concerned with the proposed television-ra'dio station when Lamczyk and Senator R. W. Monroe Senators also decided to hold informational sessions April deciding to renovate the Buzzard auditorium stage to house have been working since last year to 21, 22 and 23 following Eastern President Daniel E. the facility. implement the recycling service on a Marvin's addresses to the faculty about budgeting. The Senate recently expressed concern about the lack of permanent basis on campus. The sessions will be at 1:30 p.m. April 21 in the Library faculty awareness and involvement in the decision to In addition, John Rose of the Lecture Hall, and at 3:30 p.m. April 22 and 23 in the Phipps renovate the stage. Council of Exceptional Children will Lecture Hall. Rogers said Marvin wants the Senate to study the problem outline the council's purpose to the Members of the Senate constitution committee will be of informing faculty and make recommendations to him to Senate, Scott said. present to answer questions from faculty members try to clear up the problem. Scott said the only other business the concerning the revisions. The Senate also set a Friday deadline for faculty petitions Senate will hear will be routine ' · In a report of the executive committee's recent meeting seeking inquiry and review of the renovation before it takes committee and executive officer with Marvin, Rogers said Marvin was enthusiastic about the place. reports. Senate's proposed committee to study problems facing the Senator Sue Stoner said no one refused to sign her The meeting will begin at 7 p.m. in textbook library, but wanted to know the purpose of the petition when asked. "I had one person say, 'I'm glad to see the University Union addition Arcola­ committee. this,'" she added. Tuscola Room. Finally; Marvin and the executive committee decided that "The Edge"

Keep that Spring break tan come in for a visit. Beer - Hot Dogs - Popcorn r------COUPON·------:. , pm Mon. -Sat. 12-8 I University and Li ncoln Get in for only 50( with .-...... ,... 345-7220 I: � �LS (No appointment needed) . I this coupon from 8-1 1 �Jlllll : I ------�- ______couroN .J ..._._.-� L 0 I'', I' page. F 0 u rEd itorials represent the majority opinion of our editorial board . Opinion/Commentary The Dally Eastern News Wednesday, April 8, 1 981

• .Based on election coverage; Endorsements '81 • to inform student voters On Page Four today we have made our We decided this approach was the fair�st editorial board based on our background as endorsements for student government way to decide on each candidate because observers of campus affairs. executive offices. We offer these many of them have similar qualifications and We recommend input from readers to endorsemen!s as a guide to our readers views. Only through direct contact with present opposing and favorable points of someone can we or you determine if the view concerning these endorsements. - when they go to the polls on April 15. Through _the past few weeks, our news candidates are knowledgeable and sincere Write your letters to the News as soon as coverage has provided the facts concerning in their campaign statements·. possible. the candidates. Through these Of ·course, their are drawbacks to this Page Four will be open to election letters endorsments the editorial board has taken method of "interviewing" student for the next few days prior to the election these facts and determined which government candidates. One interview may next Wednesday. We remind readers to candidates are best qualified for the not show how hard someone worked in turn in letters early to assure publication positions to be filled. student government, or how they can since no such letters will be printed on The editorial board also interviewed each reason with other students and Wednesday, April· 15. Due to space of the candidates. Each candidate w_as administrators. It would be ideal to shadow a limitations, some letters may be omitted. asked a specific series of questions student government candidate for an - Shorter letters will have a better chance of concerning issues such mass transit, extended period of time to see if they do being published. will use these SCORE II and their main goals if elected.· merit being elected (or re-elected) to office. We hope our readers The board also directed questions about But as an editorial board, we are limited in endorsements to form their opinions when general subjects to each candidate that respect. So we present these they vote on April 15. Read these opinions according to what office he or she was endorsements as a majority opinion of the and tell us what you think. seeking.


We'd like to sta�t our endorsements Board of Governor's representative, has familiarized himself with inany of for a BOG representative because that person needs to have an extremely by saying that we were extremely Teele. adamantly opposed tuition the problems and issues that arise in impressed with this semester's increases but offered no compromise the office of financial vice president. good rapport with administrators from candidates. Unlike several past solutions as did other student BOG Ed Marsch, Nowak's opponent, has several schools. We are confident that elections in which one candidate stood representatives. Francione, although also gained valuable experience in HunniCutt can establish such an head and shoulders above his or her deeply concerned with many issues, is dealing with budgets as a member of effective relationship, opponent, all of this semester's just too inexperienced and the Sports and Recreation Board. candidates demonstrated a sincere, consequently, his ideas are a bit Marsch's double major of marketing Collective Bargaining Rep. conscientious auitude about their work unrealistic. and personnel management also have and a genuine concern about students' However, we do not mean to imply prepared him for the position of Tony �arascandola interests. Regardless of the election's that Teele and Francione should not financial vice president. However, by owcom�. the candidates set an continue their involvement iq student serving on the AB, Nowak has dealt In our most difficult decision,. the encouraging example that all students government. Both challengers can and with several different budgets while News decided that Tony Parascandola · can follow. should play valuable roles in student Marsch's experience has been limited would be the best choice for Collective Board's Bargaining Representative. government. Their· input could only to the Sports and Recreation Parascandola and his opponent, help. budget. . President . Also, Marsch does not seem well­ Marilyn Kludas, seemed well-prepared · for the job, but we felt that Executive-Vice President versed on issues and consequently, Bob Glover could not take firm stands on several Parascandola was the stronger of the Natalie Scott issues such as the budgetary problems two based primarily on his past For the office of student body of WELH and th� feasibility of a mass performance. president we endorse incumbent Bob We favor Natalie Scott over Cindy transit system at Eastern. The major Although both seemed equally Glover. Although some may feel that a Rozmin for executive vice president. reason behind our choosing Nowak qualified in ·terms of experience, change in the office of president is Scott, in her current position as over Marsch was based . on Parascandola has been more active in needed, we believe that, based on his speaker of the student senate, has experience-Nowak has more. several areas, such as the food service experience, record and stand on _the demonstrated an assertive outlook sµrvey which he was very instrumental issues, Glover is the best choice for the about her job. Student Senate meetings in organizing. ' job. are usually orderly mainly because BOG Representative However, we were concerned with Glover's two-year involvement in Scott has made them that way. Parascandola's lack of independent many facets of student government Scott's stand on the required grade Dan Hunnicutt ideas during our meeting with the made him a solid choice for president point for student senators also was candidates. He appeared very during the last election. And, after solid. She felt that to require a senator Our choice for Board of Governors' conscientious but did not offer the serving as student body president for to ha'(e a certain grade point would be representative is Dan Hunnicutt. ideas that Kludas did. one semester, Glover is now able to unreasonable. Simply because a person Hunnicutt and his opponent, Russ This development brings up another fully understand his position and the is a senator should not require that he Robb, both voiced the importance of important issue: the position of workings of the office. In the past, or she have a higher grade point than gaining a student vote on the BOG, bl.it collective bargaining representative Glover has demonstrated his ability to other students on campus. Rozmin, on Hunnicutt was more specific on what needs to be analyzed to better define it work well with the administration, the other hand, said she favored the efforts he would take to accomplish it. or possibly even to decide that it may which, although some may disagree, is grade point requirement. Hunnicutt realized the importance not be necessary. an integral part of the student body Although Rozmin seemed to fully of the Illinois Student Association in We suggest that whoever gets elected job. president's understand the position of executive lobbying for a student vote on the pursue this end so that this issue can be Also, activities such as the recent vice president and all the issues BOG and stated that he would pursue resolved. higher education conference that involved, she did not specify her goals his goal by working as closely as Glover organized show that · he if she is elected. However, Rozmin, as possible with the ISA. Robb was a bit posse.,ses the ability to coordinate and Letter Polley a member of the Council on Academic more unsure on how he would attain a execute activities-a function that the Affairs, has had a good deal of studenrvote. >tudent body president must involvement with faculty. This Another factor in Hunnicutt's favor The name and phone number of at admini>ter effectively. expyrience is vital to effectively is his experience. Although Robb is least one author must be submitted Glover's opponents, Terry Teele and function as executive vice president. now chairman of the Student Senate with lhe letter. Letters submitted both showed that they Jeff Francione, But, we feel that Scott would better Academic Affairs Committee and a without a name (or with a pseudonym) under>�and major problem'> facing serve the students. member of the Council on Academic will not be published. Names 8Jl Teele >eem'> particularly >tudent>. Affairs, he does not have a great deal withheld upon request. aware of the danger'> of continued Financial Vice President of experience in ·dealing with Letters should be typewritten a which at this >tudent fee increa>e.,, Mike Nowak administrators. not exceed 250 words. Letters long of all East time, i> a major concern ern As . executive vice president this than the 250-word limit will be cut wi he ha> >tudent>. But, balked at Mike Nowak is our choice for semester, Hunnicutt has dealt with the writer's permission. Handwrit p cJ l m> he has attackirig r b e once Financial Vice President. As a member administrators on a regular basis. This letters will be accepted but must - v i g identified them. Ser n a> Ea>tern's of the Apportionment Board, Nowak characteristic is especially important legible. Wednesday, April 8, 1981


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t*******3******************************************� ····�- · _ ! lntromurol/Recreotionol News � * .,,,,,·i. DIRECTOR: Dave Outler * * l.M. OFFICE: Lantz Building Room 147 * DEADLINES: 5 81 2 8 21 CO-REC Racquetball Doubles ...... - � : TODAY!! l} Free Throws ...... TODAY!! * Table Tennis ...... l} ·. Thurs. April 9 l} ;·-· .. Skee� Shoot ...... : ...... Thurs. Apr�I 16 _ l} l} ,! f:'.v!4 Tennis Doubles...... Thurs. April 16 ..••.. .J l} l} ·,jJ,·, * * FREE THROW CONTEST will be held to p.m. Wednesday and Thursday April ENTER �, 6 9 8 & 9. l} l} : ,,. , ON THE SPOT at Lantz Gym M n Floor, Northwest corner. for Co-Rec must i � Team affiliation & partner l} -� be indicated prior to shooting. Each person shoots 50 shots in two 25 shot "sets." Separate men's and l} l} women s team champions determined by 10 highest "sets" of 25 shots made by 5 to 1 O shooters. l} On ' l} e man and one woman for Co-Rec partners. l}

l} TABLE TENNIS TOURNAMENTS will be held on Lantz South Deck on Thursday, April 9. ENTER ON THE SPOT. Men's and women's singles, doubles and mixed doubles tourneys. Best 2 out of 3 � �"<" 21 point games. Must be there by 7 p.m. to enter competition. - l} * * l} CONGRATULATIONS TO THE ALL-UNIVERSITY BASKETBALL CHAMPIONSHIP TEAMS l} • Women's "A" Leagues: l} ThTh • Men's "B" Leagues: Hole in the Wall Gang * Roster: Cindy Maher, Holly Button, Kathy Trinka, Gigi Mcintosh, Cathy l} Roster: John Kemp, Paul James, Tom Washer, Tom Akers. Steve Nprth. l} Richards, Cindy Dietrich, Karen Mullen, Susan Statts. Bob Feller, Pat Coughlin. l} l} • Women's "B" Leagues: love Goddesses • Men's "C" Leagues: Jam l} Angie Poppe, Lauri Cross, Allison l} Roster: Marcia Jones, Laura Rockon, Roster: Kevin Strothmann, Jay Justice, Scott Wagner. Blake Smith. Alan l} Miller, Sandi Hodges and Rita Miller. Stoltz, John Garrison, T_om Deaton. l} l} l} •Men's "A" Leagues: Draft Dodgers Also, congratulations to CINDY MAHER and CHRIS BOLDUC . members l} l} Roster: Bob Harris, Jim Tilbury, Barry Price, ,Mi ke Keller, Rich Stoecker, of the Women's lnnertube All-University Champions, * the Scrubs. Sorry l} "<" Jay Rector, Chris Delay, Dave Lyshla, Tony Weber. your names were omitted from roster. Computer foul-up. � CONGRATULATIONS to CHRIS PERRY and DWIGHT HEBERER, winners of Racquetball Singles. -� l} SKEET SHOOT will be held on Monday and Wednesday, April 20 and 22 between 2 and 4 p.m. at the Charleston Gun I}. l} Club. Participants must reserve a shooting time at the 1-M Office. Singles & Doubles competition for both Men & Women. I} Mixed Doubles also. l} I} � LANTZ BUILDING CLOSES AT 9:00 P.M. DAILY. McAFEE GYM & WEIGHTROOM ARE CLOSED. � l} SOFTBALL OFFICIALS ARE NEEDED. $3.35 per hour. Games at 4 & 5 p.m. Monday through Thursday. See Deb or I} Hick at 1-M Office between 3:00 and 4:30 p.m. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ l} - I} . * *********************************'*********** ******* Wednesday.April 6 8, 1981 Senate candidates for five Executive VP Major campus electio (The foil owing is an explanation of and binding and would hav current · campus issues of which Marvin to present the res candidates running for _student BOG. Jim Kaestner, who · government offices were questioned.) ' Student senators have been required SCORE II, said the major to show their opinions recently on the new proposal was to three proposals-Students words "legal and binding.'' Coordinating Optibnal Referendum SCORE II would also allow Efforts (SCORE), mass transit and a express his views on a refere . Student Senate cutback ammendment. he presented the referend The revised Students Coordinating BOG. Optional:Refe rendu" m Efforts The implementation of proposal-SCORE II-would require transit system at Eastern is Eastern President Daniel E. Marvin hold. take the results of student referendums A consultant from for University will visit the to the. Board of Governors . consideration. April to. study what type Rozmin Scott Although the proposal has been would best meet Eastern's · Junior Cindy Rozmin, candidate for Natalie Scott said she believes she is approved by the Student Senate, it Students approved a Executive Vice President, said she feels qualified for the · Executive Vice must be approved by Marvin and the system in a referendum he her involvement with the faculty and President pos1t10n because of her BOG before it is implemented. 1980. But Eastern Presiden students would benefit the job, if she is experience this year as Speaker of the SCORE II is a compromise proposal Marvin vetoed the proposal. elected. Student Senate. from the first SCORE proposal, which Student Body President Rozmin, who has served on the "All appointments for Senate come was vetoed by Marvin. said a transit system consis Academic Affairs Committee, the through me and tbis role goes with the The original SCORE would have may be the most viable Council on Academic Affairs sub­ Executive Vice President position," she made the results of referendums legal transport students. He sai committee and Communications Board, said. · said she would be able to deal effectively Scott said she favors SCORE II with both student and faculty. because it is a "strong compromise" and "It's important to maintain a balance favors mass transit if it is "reasonably Presidential of int erest with the students and priced." faculty," Rozmin said. However, she said she is opposed to

One . of the goals Rozmin · said she any moves to cut back the membership of hopes to ac complish is to get student the Student Senate because it woµld government more involved with the eliminate good senators. academic areas of Eastern. Scott said she is also opposed · to a "Students are more concerned about separate publications board "because their grades," Rozmin said. student fees must remain under the · Rozmin supports SCORE II, saying it Apportionment Board.'' would give more voice to the students. She said her goals include making She said she believes that the Board of students more aware of services and Governors should know of the student positions available through student o that SCORE II government. support f -the issues and - would provide for this. Collective Barga ining R ep.

Glover I Junior Bob Glover said experience Junior Terry Teele said gained iri his first year as student body for the position of s president makes him the most qualified president because he has candidate for the position again next state officials as Board _ year. . representative for the past "The job is so tremendous, it takes so Teele said if he is elect . much time to get into it and I feel "intends to be a fighter." qualified since I have been in the job for ''I am tired of stude l a year," Glover said. raising fees in order to say Parascandola Kludas Glover said if he is re-elected to the something for the students,' post he plans to solve a number of Teele said he thinks the Sophomore Tony Parascandola said With two years of experience as a problems in areas such as mass transit, representative can bring one of his major goals in running for the student representative on the Faculty grade appeals, leadership . problems at results directly to the boar office of collective bargaining Senate, junior Marilyn Kludas, a student . radio station WELH and that he still favors th representative is to push for a consistent candidate for collective bargaining establishing an auxiliary enterprise proposal . form of teacher evaluations. representative, said she understands student-faculty board. "I think it will make Parascandola said· there should. be faculty members' problems. As for his stand on campus issues, more aware of what is go' university-wide teacher evaluation She said she has studied labor Glover said he is in fa vor of the SCORE university campus," he said inst eaa of individual departmental economics and has served for two II because "it will make students' vote .Teele said he �'has rese evaluation forms. semesters on the Student Senate. more viable.'' _ Parascandola said his experience for Kludas said she plans to do more with In addition, Glover said he is in favor campus. the position includes serving as a member her position than be a collective of a mass trgnsit system "if it could be "I would like to talk to of the Student Senate for two years and bargaining representative. . feasible:'' from .Kent State and if three semesters as chairman on the She said she will advocate establishing Glover added that if another mas_s campus needs a transpor housing committee. He is a member of a student tenant union for off-campus transit proposal is developed, students all I think we definitely the Illinois Student Association and the students to seek advice and file should again.be given the chance to vote referendum,'' he said . .Housing Board. . grievances about landlords. Off-campus on the proposal instead of using the last He said he disagrees wi Parascandola said he supports the students now have no organization to referendum results . In the last mass amendment to cut the size revised Students Coordinating Optional represent them concerning housing, she transit referendum, students voted by a senate. Referendum Efforts proposal . said. . . slim margin to accept the proposal. "I'm afraid with a sm He said the proposed senate cutback She said she favors a campus mass Glover also said he is in favor of senators it would be easier amendment would tend to make the transit system utilizing buses, vans or cutting the size of the student senate sort of control over the (st Senate more accountable· and therefore cars and added that she favors a user fee whether it be to 20 .or 24. he said. force its members to work harder. method of paying for the service. Dally Eastern News 7 ive posts discuss 'platforms Financial VP Nowak, a junior, has been active in opm1on and not -just get the results as owntown Charleston d student government for three years. He is presented by Eastern President Daniel E. uded. also vice president of the Illinois Student Marvin. to cut the size of the Association, a coalition of .state Robb is in favor of a mass transit te were introduced by university students whose goal is to lobby system and said "with the energy Mueller and Mike Nowak for students' interests. shortage you can't ignore it." . He said he has worked with the current He said although the original mass proposal called for a financial vice president, Todd Daniels, transit proposal was too large, a system is e size of the Senate from which he said has helped him gain the definitely needed in Charleston and to bers, but the Senate voted knowledge he needs for the job. Mattoon. it on the ballot for a The financial vice president · is the He said student government needs to chairman of the AB. The AB is in charge work more closely with the two cities to proposal, this one to trim of allocating all fees which go for student develop a workable plan. 24, was also proposed by activities. He is not in favor of cutting the size of Senate would not allow As an original member of the Students the Student Senate, but said if executive in a meeting. be brought up Coordinating Optional Referendum officers put in the time to work with gathered the necessary 500 Efforts proposal which was vetoed by senators, the problems in the Senate use the initiative method Eastern President Daniel E. Marvin, could be solved. question to students in a Nowak said he continues to support the "Cutting the Senate would bring -in on the April 15 ballot. revised SCORE II proposal. that many less ideas," R9bb said. and Nowak said they . He said he would support a mass He noted that some senators work the cutback issue because transit system at Eastern, as long as it is hard in their committees, while they ight" on the Senate. They ''financially feasible.'' might not work as hard in the Senate t reducing the size would Nowak also said he agrees with the itself. mpetition for seats and Marsch current funding method of student ult in harder working Senior Ed ''Whitey'' Marsch, a publications by the AB. candidate for financial vice president, Student publications has sought to said a strong point in his favor for change its budgetary process from AB election is that he is a marketing and control to control by a separate board personnel management major, which has which would work with a fixed amount offered him the chance to take many of student fees. business courses. Nowak also said as part of his job, he The financial vice president is the feels it is important to let students know chairman of the Apportionment Board, where their money is going. He noted which is in charge of allocating student that as AB chairman, he would have all

fees. the budget · information available for He said bis duties as chairman of the students. to see. Sports and Recreation Board has provided him with insight into the respons�bilities of the vice president position. BOG "I'm not saying I know everything," Rep. Marsch said. "But I cart go along." Marsch said he disagrees with the SCORE II proposal and said that Eastern President Daniel E. Marvin "has done a good job," and the proposal would limit Marvin's power. He said if a new mass transit proposal is developed students should be consulted by holding another informational Hunnicutt referendum. A proposal to cut the size of the Board of Governors representative Student Senate was termed a "pret� silly candidate Dan Hunnicutt said he is most idea" by Marsch, who said senators do qualified for the position because "the not make any money anyway. job takes someone who can speak his Marsch also said he does not think r Jeff Francione, a candidate for mind." student publications should be governed body president with no student Hunnicutt, current executive vice by a board separate from the AB. ent experience, presents himself president and a member of student dent who wants to "end the government-for three years, said his main in Student Senate and give goal as BOG representative would be to more control over the body work to obtain voter status on the BOG . presents them. fot a student. enfs are losing control over the "I believe that students are intelligent Senate," Francione said. enough to make decisions," he said . "I 'ted an "isolated" Senate which is will have to work with the ISA (Illinois fthe student body opposing them Student Association) to persuade the te of student fee money as - Robb board members to think my way.'' Also, Hunnicutt said he believes that oposed eliminatingthe salaries of Junior · Russ Robb, a member of the SCORE II proposal is "a good executive officers and one student government for two years, proposal because it will make students , a cutback which he said would chairman of the Student Senate feel like their vote counts more." He ,000. Academic Affairs Committee and a added that SCORE II is a "challenge to t ione criticized the SCORE II • former member of the Council on ge everyone more informed." I, saying it was worded Academic Affairs: said he has the In addition to SCORE II, Hunnicutt 'ly". necessary experience to represent the said he supports a mass transit system students' viewpoints as Board of and he said the vote taken by the students 'd he is in favor of a mass transit · Governors representative. one year ago "is still valid." although he added that it is rare His main goal if elected to the Hunnicutt said he has "mixed udent not to have access to a car position, he said, would be to obtain a feelings" concerning cutting the number us he favors a user fee for the student voting member on the BOG. of student senators.'' He said all five students representing He said he is also in favor of a separate cione said he realizes he is facing a �" BOG schools should ideally have a vote board for Student Publications but is not ility problem" with his lack of · because if only _one student could vote, it government experience, but he Nowak in support of fee separation. would be difficult for all five to agree on "I think that fees should remain under is the only candidate who has Experience in financial matters gained how to use that vote. the Apportionment Board but there t views from his opponents. as a member of the Apportionment He agrees with the concept of the needs to be more expertise on the ted, Francione said he did not Board was stressed by Mike Nowak in his ' SCORE II proposal because he said it is Publications Board-from student any problems in working with the quest for the position of financial vice important for the BOG to see student government and journalism," he said. fficers. president. Wednesday; April The Dally Eastern N 8 8, 1981 Drive nets more paper, less cash LBJ's Reedy by Sue Ann Rentfrow fall, " he said. . at previous drives, he said. Last fall

Although the spring paper drive One of the reasons that more paper 10, 735 pounds · of newsprint was to give lecture brought in $14.80 less than the · fall produced less dollars in the spring was collected · and the spring drive took in Former U.S. President Lyndon paper drive, co-coordinator Rob because IBM cards brought in $100per 14,465 pounds. B. Johnson's press secretary, Monroe said he still thought the three­ ton in the fall and only $80 per ton in The amount of mixed paper (ledger George Reedy, will present a day drive was a success . the spring. Monroe said the price per paper, magazines and books) collected lecture at 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. "It was a success in the fact that not pound fluctuates with the demand of at the spring drive decreased Thursday in Buzzard Auditorium as much money was brought in but the market for scrap paper . noticeably. Monroe said only 560 about his experiences in the field of more paper was turned in than in the More newsprint was collected than pounds of mixed paper was collected communications. this time compared to 2, 785 pounds Earl McSwain, of the speech­ director of WELH during the fall. communications department, said Former The break down of the paper was: that Reedy is also the former dean 14,465 pounds of newsprint at $20 of the School of Communications per ton-$ 144. 65 at Marquette University in says staff rehiri ng unfair 510 pounds of IBM cards at $80 per Milwaukee, Wis., and is now by Maureen Milroy Communications Soard. ton-$20.40 professor emeritus of speech at the Caroline Smith, former program Smith said she · went to the appeals 560 pounds of mixed paper at $40 university. director at campus radio station meeting to make sure that Bennett and per ton-$1 1.20 Reedy will be speaking about the WELH, said recently that she does not Banach were not reinstated. Monroe said 117 pounds of area of public relations, public think the reinstatement of assistant "I couldn't believe they got their aluminum was collected at 20 cents per affairs and media as well as his program director Barb Bennett 'and jobs back, " Smith said. "I don't think pound and brought in $23. 55. He said experiences while being Johnson 's sports director Steve Ban�ch to WELH it's fair ." it was the greatest amount of press secretary, Mcswain said . was fair. Smith resigned because of aluminum ever brought in at a drive · The lecture is being sponsored Bennett and Banach were fired personality conflicts between Banach here. by the speech-communication :\larch 4 for a dispute that arose when and Bennett that could not be worked All of the paper and aluminum was department as a part of its speech Smith was absent for a week and the out, she said. sold to Twin Cities Recycling Center in emphasis program, Floyd Merritt, two too k over operations at WELH. "I (eel that my credibjlity was ruined Urbana. chairman of the speech­ When Smith returned she said she with the station because of negative Student Senate members said they communication department: said. found that the station had not been run talk about me . I couldn't go back and hope to ·put the proceeds from the The program features lectures the way she had wanted it to be and she work with a staff that didn't want to paper drive toward the construction of annualy about the field · of resigned March 4. work with me, " Smith said . a permanent recycling center on communications, he added. Bennett and Banach were reinstated Smith said she felt she was 'forced­ campus in the fall, he said.

to their respective positions March 23 out' by Bennett and Banach because of · The recycling center would be after su bmitting appeals to the the negative talk and attitude toward "somewhere people can drop paper off her . as they accumulate it, " Monroe said. Correction "I wish the station did not have as The planned recycling center still Summer library hours were incorrect Road Ra/lye set many problems as it does, " Smith said. needs the approval of Vice President of in the Summer School '81 insert in "Working at the station has meant a Administration and Finance George Tuesday's Daily Eastern News . lot to me.'; Miller before it can be implemented, . The test driving. library will be open from 8 a.m. to to Smith said· she does not feel any . Monroe said. 9 p.m. Monday through Thursday . hatred toward anyone at the station. this weekend

by Lisa Maday Anyone who has ever dreamed of competing in a road rallye, tune up your engine and grab a navigator because the chance is coming beginning 9 a.m. Saturday . Alpha Phi Omega national service fraternity is sponsoring the road rallye and the course will run throughout ...... Coles County. The parking lot north of Lantz Gym is the starting point. Vehicles will be started at two minute intervals and must complete all three legs of the race to be eligible to win, Debby Ambrose, president of Alpha Phi Omega, said. Although contestants must have the c 0 closest time .and mileage to win,1 Ambrose said that the road rallye is not E.,, a race . .2 The road rallye is a test of precision u Q) driving that requires a two-person team u ·;::::: to follow a given route with only short 0. written directions and clues, she said . > In order to win the first place ·;;;15 trophies, the driver and navigator must c also have the most correct answers to . � the questions they are asked along the route, Ambrose said . Second and third place teams will also be awarded. In order to enter, the name , address and phone number of the driver and navigator and the make, year, color and license of the vehicle to be entered natural must be turned in by 8:30 a.m. lights ... Saturday . A $10 entry fee must also be paid at this time . woven with fashion $29.99 Natu rally light and airy for natu_ral comfort, KI natu ral fashion. Perfect OSK · for the way you love to •WE �AVE LUNCH•WE MAKE SOUP INYA •W R E BAKE T'S . OUR OWN look. OWN OUR BREAD•YOU BUILD YOUR OWN'":>ANDW ICH•11 AM·1 :30 Mon-Fri Shoe Store North Side of Square Klosk Lounge 408 8th St. Dally Eastern· News Wednesday, April 8, 1981 9 * ***·*****ELECT********** STUDENTS FOR STUDENTS : Terry TEELE for Student Body President * * Natalie SCOTT for Exec·utive Vice President * MARSCH for Financial Vice President * Whitey * Russ ROBB . for 8.0.G. Representative * * Mari lyn KLUDAS fo.r · collective Bargaining Rep * VOTE April 15 for Qualityand Experience * * Paid for by Ron Wieziak Kirk Kolansky Jack Woods Sue Mckula Kari Fisher Lisa Haneklau * ************* **********

Ski rtsets: fresh as spri ng· itself· ·

Who says there's nothing new under the sun? Spruce up your spring ward robe with a versatile, comfortable skirtset. It's an ideal dress up look for day or night! Pick your favorite from a variety of styles and floral prints in cool cotton/poly. Sizes 5-1 3. 32.00 I YOU NG CIRCLE

/ Please report classified errors immediately at 581-2812. A correct ad Wednesday's will appear in the next edition. Unless notified, we cannot be responsible Classified ads for an incorrect ad after its first insertion. 1 0 Aprll 8, 1981 The Dally Eastern News

Services Offered Help Wanted Rides/Riders Roommates For Rent For Rent

Need two female roommates Extra clean and nicely At Jim Walker's Cycle Shop Now accepting applications 2 Girls need a ride to Purdue RENT A MINI STORAGE as for summer. Nice furnished furnished two bedroom minor tune-ups, all makes, 4 for clerk position starting April this weekend - April 10. Call low as $1 5 per month. Sizes apartment close to campus. apartment for two to sublease cyl. $4 1.95 - 2 cyl. $29.95. 20 at Eastside package. Must Beth 581 -2077. starting at 4 X 1 2 and larger. for summer. Near campus. Phone · 345-3758. Rt. 1, be 21 and if hired must be ------:--:-9 $65 a month. Phone 345-77 46. West Rte. A .C. 345-7594. Lerna. Open daily 9-5. Closed willing to work at least one Need Ride to ANY Part of the 16. ______10 Sunday . year. Chicago area for this upcoming ______00 House for rent!! Summer ______10 ______00 weekend. Will help to de-fray U-STORE WAREHOUSE Co. For Rent only. 1 blk from campus, 3 "TYPEWRITER Cooperative Education expenses. Call Cy 581 -5281 . We rent mini-storage rooms. b edrooms, clean place. PROBLEMS" repairs and position with Osco for Junior 8 JARTRAN Trucks and cartons -======House for summer, 1 block Reduced rent. Call Kevin for cleanings on most makes & Management, Marketing, Retail and equipment for the do-tt from campus 4 bedrooms. appointment. 345-9352. models - Office Machines Majors. Contact Cooperative Roommates yourself mover. S. Rt. 130 Afte'r 5 call 348-8873. ______10 Sales & Service, 720 Jackson Education Office, Room 15, across from Sister City Park 2 bedrm., furnished apt. ; 1 Y2 St., Charleston , Ph. 348- Student Services Building, entrance. Phone Charleston, Roommate needed for blks. from campus; sublease 1660. 58 1 -2424. House for Rent!! Located 345-3535. Matfoon . 234· summer. Close to campus. Call for summer. 345-2756. 13 between university & square. 2833. Nancy 348-8323. ______10 MUSICIANS-Looking for Large living-dining room, ______QO ------,- 1 1 Apartment with 4 bedrooms, Good Deals? Discounts on modern kitchen 1 Y2 baths, Two bedroom unfurnished Male roommate needed for 6 beds near EIU. Summer and Guitars, Instruments basement, off-street f'arking, house near campus, year Rides/Riders fall and spring. New fall, $520 month. Call Ray everything! Call 58 1-31 85. lots of storage. Need five lease , June 1. 345-2777. Youngstowne apt. Call 348- Allen, Robert Carlisle Realtor. tenants. For summer and/or ______00 Ride needed to Arlington 0495. 345-21 51 . 17 fall. Call Kevin for appointment. Rooms for boys. Double Heights area weekend of April ______345-9352. $75.00. Private $1 25.00. Cal Help Wanted 1 O. Call Debbie at 345-2576. Need 1 female to share nice Summer sublet: Unfurnished apartment. 348- 1282 Sherry -----�----,� 10 345-7171.· ______9 one bedroom apartment in nice Youngstown Apt. available ______00 needed to or Kathleen. Address and stuff envelopes Riders for the summer for 1 or 2 neighborhood one mile from Summer with fall option. 1 ·2· ited . weekend of 4/1 O - at home. Earnings unlim Carbondale people. 345-5258. campus. Option to take over 3 bedroom apartments $120 Offer, Send $1 .00, 4/12. Call Tom at 465-3780 1,2, or 3 female roommates lease. Call 581-61 18 days or 2 bedroom ------,-- 10 to $180. 345-2203 after 5:00 refundable, to Triple "S", (Paris) after 7 p.m. wanted for 348-0642 after 10 p.m. Keep LARGE FURNISHED ______00 furnished apartment, summer, 1643-S1 6; Cajon, Hesperia, ______9 trying! HOUSE. One block from One, two, and three · to Milw. 9th Street, air conditioning, low CA 92345. RIDERS WANTED pus. Six be1rooms. Fall rent. 345-9304. cam bedroom furnished apartments _____ 17 te or Chicago ______Wisc., Marquet lease. 348-0939. Two-Bedroom apartments for summer and/or fall. Regula ______15 Summer jobs at Girl Scout area. Friday 4/ 1 0/81 . Call 10 for rent. Summer and Fall. dog ------� rates for 9-month lease. camp. Minimum age 18. Staff 581 -5584 Mary. One female and outside 543-2408 or 348- 1 266. & · 3 very nice bedrooms for Reduced rates for 1 2 months in residence for eight weeks. need room for summer 24 rent. One block from campus. ______or summer only leases. Cal to Downers possibly fall. Call 345-931 5. Write for application Covered Ride needed Rent as low as $40/mo. for Wanted· 2 female 345-71 71 . _____ 10 Bridge Girl Scout Council, Grove Naperville area April 9 or roommates for fall, summer. Option for fall. Call ______00 for weekend. Will help Looking for a job? Check the 1100 Girl Scout Lane, Terre 1 O 345-7334. Ask for Kim. Leave Youngstowne Apt. Call 2572 Summer lease . Nice 4 Julie 3077. Help-Wanted section of the Haute, IN 47802. w/gas. Call message or number. or 3775. bedroom house for 4-6 Classified Ads! students . Some furnishings, 9entral air, right across from Buzzard . 581-31 34 or 581· . 2703.

______10 TV listings, campus clips Wednesday's P Nice one-bedroom tpo apartment, range, refrig, water, o urri and crossword puzzle trash furnished. A·C, low utilities. Available August. References, lease, $230/mo. 345-4220 after 5.

6:00 p.m. 6:30 p.m 3, 1 0-Enos as a rookie fireman trying to 10:30 p.m. ______16 2-MASH 2-Happy Days Again 9-A look at the Cubs '81 cross the color line in an all­ 2, 1 5,20-Tonight Apartments and houses for 3,20-'-News 3-PM Magazine 11-Gunsmoke white fire company. Vince 3-MASH rent for summer at $60/mo. per person; $100/mo. per 9-Barney Miller 9-Carol Burnett and Friends 1 ?-Over Easy Edwards, Andrew Duggan. 9-0dd Couple person for fall. Call 345-4010 1 0-PM Magazine 10, 1 7-Tic Tac Dough 1 7 ,38-Greatest American 1 2-Superstar Profile 1 0-NBA Playoff after 11:0 0 a.m. 1 1-All in the Family 1 1-Hogan's Heroes Hero 8:00 p.m. 1 1-Prisoner: Cell Block H 1 2-Dick Cavett 1 2-MacNeil/Lehrer Report 7:30 p.m. 2, 1 5,20-Diff'rent Strokes 1 2-Captioned ABC News Furnished apartments, 15-NBC News 1 5,20-Family Fued 9-Movie-"Firehouse." 3, 10-Movie-"Hardhat and 1 7,38-ABC News furnished and unfurnished 1 7-Joker's Wild 7:00 p.m. ( 1973) Pilot film for the TV Legs." ( 1 980) charts the 11:00 p.m. houses - half price summer or 38-Let's Make a Deal , 2, 1 5,20-Real People series, with Richard Roundtree rocky romance between a New 3-NBA Playoff 9 or 12-month leases. York construction worker 9-Movie: "Carousel" (1956) Availabilities starting now · in town and edge of town • (Kevin Dobson) and a Gordon MacRae and Shirley PUZZLE singles, groups, families. Gal CROSSWORD. divorced, socialite (Sharon Jones in a fine adaptation of Edited by EUGENE T. MALESKA 345-4336. , Gless). Rodgers and Hammerstein's 14 56 Mental 8 Levin or Allen aforethought," ______ACROSS 1 1-Tic Tac Dough stage hit. For Rent in Charleston two­ deficiency 9 Fix over croquet l Pull Pauline 1 2-National Geographic 11-Movie: "Big Rose" bedroom furnished mobile 58 Enclosed 10 Bulldog, for shark's off the tracks 17, 38-Masada ( 1 9 7 4) Shelley Winters as the home $1 60/month. Call 345- 61- Marsh one slogan? 7 Ancient galley 8:30 p.m. owner of a detective agency 9529 after 4:00. 62 Not so refined 11 Composite 39 Friendly 13 Small spaces 1 1-Face the Music hired to expose a team of con ______9 63 Dinsmore and picture - 40 Egypt 's Very nice 2 bedroom house 15 Andiron Janis 12 Shampoo 9:00 artists. Barry Primus, Joan Van Church furnished or unfurnished 1 16 " --,the 2, 1 5,20-Quincy Ark. 64 Angus and additive 41 Deadlock block from EIU. Large living Light 9-News 1 7 ,38-Love Boat Hereford 14 Infers 42 Shore sight· room, dining room and kitchen, Brigade !" 15 Censured 43 Pronoun 1 1-Joker's Wild 11:30 p.m. enclosed front porch, fenced 17 Like some DOWN severely 46 Looby- -, 1 2-Soundstage 2, 15,20-Tomorrow Coast-to­ back yard. Lots of storage lights ' l Few who did 20 Nursery­ children's 9:30 p.m. Coast space. 348-8981 . 18 Tic- -- -toe rhyme name much for many game 11-News 12:10 a.m. ---�----- 8 19 Largest land in 22 -- Jam, 2 Some Ovidian rock 52 Prefix for body 10:00 p.m. 17,3 8-Police Story House for· summer, double Africa group room, full basement $85 works or type ,20,38-News. 21 Mel or Ed of 2,3, 10, 15, 17 12:30 a.m. 3 Sonorans' 25 Was winning 53 Journalist monthly including utilities. baseball 9-Prisoner of Cell Block H 3-News shawls 27 Office copies, Jacob August : 345-9271. 22 Bank of the 1 1-Benny Hill 1:00 a.m. 4 Brief TV plug for short 1849-1914 ______9 Tiberis 1 2-Twilight Zone 2-News for a minor 28 "Paradise 54 One with a . Sublease for summer: 3 23 Part of an sponsor Lost" figure nose in the air bedroom luxury Duplex archipelago apartment, furnished, central 5 Gums, to an 29 Goodly part 56 -- in the hole 24 Suffix with air, near campus. Great for IOU' M.D. 31 Have president 57 To, in Dundee people, $325. 58 1 ·3556 or 6 What walls 33 Pro Campus clips 26 Vinegar: 59 Lucrative 581 -5826. have, 36 Bleat The Black Student Union Prefix Japanese will meet in the Afro American ______10 proverbially 37 Most 27 Did feather- product Cultural Center (Black House) Wednesday, April 8 at 7:00 p.m. One male needed to rent Old 7 Tres -- satisfactory stitching Attendance is vital. Towne Apt. for summer. 345- 38 "With -- 60 G.P.'s 29 Theater part SCEC will hold a program meeting Wednesday, April 8 at 6:00 5262 - leave message. 30 Bat boys p.m. in the Buzzard Education Building. Melanie Rawlins is -----��--13 Townhouses for three or 32 Did a scheduled to speak about neurolinguistic programming - a four, furnished. 9 or 12 month lexicogra­ method for teachers and parents to communicate. lease. 345-61 15. pher's jOb The Newman Community will show a film Wednesday, April 8 ______15 34 Sacred at 10:30 p.m. in the Newman Center, 909 Lincoln. The film, Needed: Girls to sublease mountain of "Simple Ways to Pray" will preceed the weekly Wedn.esday Late apartment for summer. China Night Mass. Newman Community members are urged to bring a $200/mo. Good location, low 35 Alley Oop 's friend. utilities. Call 348·8260 kingdom Phi Gamma Nu sweaters are in! Contact Al"ice ______17 36 Seconds (581 -3702) or Jana (581 -3236). If you haven't paid, you must pay when picking up Group housing for summer 40 A Celtic and fall. Call 345-4878 or sweater. language 345-7993. Women in Communications, Inc. will feature guest speaker 44 Armadjllo ______15 Marie O'Connor of Bloomington Wednesday, April 8 at 7:30 p.m. Four and five bedroom 45 Lawgiver in the Union Addition Sullivan Room. Officer elections will houses available summer and 47 Widgeon immediately follow the speaker. Attendance important! fall. 'One block from campus. 48 Home of the Christian Campus Fellowship will sponsor a Bible study at 6:00 Call 348-8146 or after 5:00, ./ . Braves : Abbr. p.m. Wednesday, April 8 at the CaPlpus House on 4th Street, 348-8349. - 10 49 -· -a plea behind Lawson Hall. A fellowship meeting will follow at 7:00 p.m. 2 two-bedroom apts. Across 50 Part of a Everyone is welcome. from Douglas, on Grant. One ii schooner Circle K will feature a speaker from the Day Care Center at the old Christian Campus House 51 Org. for peers Wednesday, April 8 meeting at 7:00 p.m. in the Union Neoga newly remodeled. Call 34 on piers Room. A)so officers will be elected a,nd projects will be planned. 7860 or 345· 7886.

53 Events in a Campus Clips should be submitted to The Daily Eastern News Summer Housing close to mad, mad, office two days before date of publication (or date bf event). campus. 348-8408. mad world Information shouid include event, name of sponsoring 55 found in organization, date, time and place of event, plus any other a hedgerow pertinent information. Clips submitted after 9:00a.m. of deadline· day cannot be guaranteed publication. No clips will be taken by See Page 11 for Answers phone. Wednesday's Classified ads e Dally Eastern News April 8, t 98 t t t

For Rent For Sale Announcements Announcements Announcements Announcements

bedroom apartment for 77 HONDA CJ 360, Crash, Scope, Granny, Happy Birthday to our Aunty Newman Community One perfect "1 O" female, no available immediately. Call Crashbar, back rest, runs Squeegy: We DO have wings! Rooty. May we never gammon Wednesday Late night Lenten mind necessary, needed to -1 613 between 8 a.m. great, $550. Call 58 1 -2605. We CAN fly! Reunited tonight you , let your teeth shine bright, Mass will be preceded by a wed one desperate yirgin male 2 p .m. or 348-0157 ______10 at Caesar's - Aloha! Psycho and may your gargling bubbles short film "Simple Ways to age 22, 6'3", 185 - lbs., ugly ·me during the day. · Killer. Jeeps, cars, trucks available float forever. Excuse me Pray" at 10:30 pm at the but great tan . Excellent health ---- _30 ______8 � ---:-:- through government auctions please. . . your nieces Mary Newman Center. Newman only bad back. No experience summer subleasers The pledge class of Delta in your area. Many sell for and Sharon . P.S. Don't stand Community friends are also necessary but available upon ted · male or female. 2 Sigma Pi once again presents under $200. Call 602-941- so close to me. invited. request. Call Brian at 5603. oom, modern furnished, 8014 ext. no. 2135 for your Easter Bedtime Stories. April ______8 ______8 .,,.------8 condition apartment. 7-9. Call Jay 2786 or Jim directory to purchase. Hey Lauderdale Sigma's - Party in the basement of Party in the basement of ed summer rent for 2787 ______25,8, 15,22 Ever buried anyone in sand, Ike's for all "Students for Ike's for all "Students for gstown apartment, 2500 For Sale: Sony 1100 Direct pet Flamingos, hunt Jellyfish, Students" candidates at 9:00 Students" candidates at 9:00 cket. Call for Diane 345- Tri-Sigma Rush!! For Drive Semi Automatic call Jane, Gary, or Noni, drink Wednesday April 8. . Wednesday April 8. 86 . information call 345-641 3 by Turntable with Stanton 6 cases, take over a dance Sponsored by Cathy Van Sponsored by Cathy Van - ---1 0 Friday. ""=--,...--:- -:-:;- cartridge. Excellent condition: floor, eat a banana, and watch Tassell, Wendy Welsh and Tassell, Wendy Welsh and Reduced rent for summer ______9 Cheap! Call 345-6073. · the sun rise all in one night? Brian Stapleton . $1 . 00 Brian Stapleton. $1 .00 . 2 bedroom furnished Vote Marc Bruninga At Large Think about it! Thanks for a donation. donation. tment, air condition, Student Senate. ======;.9 great time it was a rocker! The =--:--:-:---:--.,..,.,--,.---c-8 Jent loca� tion. 348-0052. ______8 Lobsters from Naples. Female Vocalist Wanted for 13 Lost and Found Anne Marie Schager - Happy Black Student Union ::-:--,-----.,---,---8 local country rock band. Call 20th Birthday . You are special! Presents - "Spring Affair". This Richey Auction Service. 345-51 71 . Ask for Vern. Garn sorority pin. Lost: Alpha Love - Colleen. Route 16, Ashmore, IL. weekend. Two set. Dance . Reward! ______Call 581 -3606 8 Auction sale every Thursday contest (Semi Finals) Fri. Met, God gave the wisemen (Finals) Sat. Grandballroom . night 7 p.m. New and used Dawn in Apt. No. 9 - Give me . �----,,..----- 13 their wisdom; to the poets their ______furniture store open Monday 8 a chance to make romance. It'll Sublease now for summer. hopes and their dreams; to dad To the Smokey Mountain Announcements thru Friday 8 to 5. Saturday 8 be worth your while. Love, an furnished apartment with and mother he gave each other to 1. Phone 349-8822. crew; Wild Bill, Mike, James, Admirer. bedrooms . Walking distance not a soul was left out so it Bob, and our beloved Fast Offset Printing for - ______oo ______9 Ii)ca mpus. Call 581-3169. seems. Now I thought that I'd Hosebags Mar-Mar and Baby: Fast Resume Service James P.: You really are my 27 Tickets, Flyers, Resumes, i ------been forgotten, that life was an Seniors: What a trip! Remember: Envelopes, Forms, etc. Copy­ Your resume attracts favorite puppy!! Guess Who?!? empty affair. But when God Lebanon (whew!) fresh trout, X, 207 Lincoln Ave. 345- more interest when printed. ------,,,.....,..--,8 gave me you it was then that I Double s'uck, Vegamatic; For Sale 6313. Let us help. Make your resume Hey Ladies! "Original" knew that I'd gotten more than "Backer 'maters & beans", look professional . Low, low Easter Bedtime Stories my share!!! Thanks for a great $3.50 a six: Del Rio, Gorp price.. Wide selection of paper. presented by Delta Sigma Pi Carpet your room with a Attention Students: we buy time in Florida! Get psyched for (Mike - eat your own next Rardin Graphics. 61 7 1 8th St. pledges. April 7-9 from 10-12 remnant from Carlyle Interiors and sell furniture and Formal!! Love, Julie. time). lovers' leap was so high --:-=::=:--=--=-- pm. 2 miles -=,.----00 Only $1 .00 call 2786 or Unlimited. Located appliances, etc. daily Tuesday ______8 (or were we?) Ah Wilderness! ATTENTION: The Last 2787 for an appointment. west of Charleston on Rte. 1 6. thru Saturday 10:00 a.m. to Zeta Nu Angels invite all to a Brown House Party Ever: Love, Your tour 1 guide. PS - Open 8-6 Monday through 5:00 p.m. Bell's Bargain Barn, punk-out on Wed. April 8 at the Saturday, April 11 starting at Mar: How many fish in the Saturday. Phone 345-7746. 202 Walnut Ave. 345-7705. Colony from 10-2 am . Prize for 8:00 p.m. Across from the River??? To the Tri Studs of ______00 ______W,R,F -5/1 punkies! person. the Physical Plant at 1621 Daytona. . . thanks for all the For Sale: 1971 Buick Estate Refreshments and Alpha/ Angel Seventh Street. All You Can wild times - "Flame down" Wagon, PS, PB, AC , engine Auction. Drink. Damien: You're a good we're back in Charleston! overhauled, new tires, brakes, Announcements· ______8 friend. Even though, I'm Love, Marie ______10 not and The Ticket and exhaust linkage battery The Pledge Class of Delta renewing myself for the fall, Lady. need work. $1 200 lid b ody Birthright cares - gives free Sigma Pi would like to tell you Bill Baumann did Spring keep in touch, during the =-:-:-::--,...,,- - -8 or best offer. Call 345-6869. -,- ::--,- pregnancy tests Monday thru an Easter Bedtime Story. April Break bring you tons of sun? summer. We'll check out some Phi Kappa High's - De Ja Vu ---- 21 Friday 3:00-7:00. 348-8551 . ,.--:--::=--::---: 7-9, $1 .00 - Call 2786 or Well I'm here to bring you tons Bruce Lee movies. Your friend, Party Sat . night! 348-8351 MUST SELL 1975 Cutlass ______oo 2787 for your appointment. of fun. YSA Cy. Follow your Nose! Box :rops. Supreme. Good condition. Carman Hall is - sponsoring a. ______8 Best offer. 345- 2677. Run - Walk - Ride - A-Thon to ______8 Lincoln Log Cabin State Park Honda CL450, Excellent Sunday, April 1 2. Pick up condition, super low miles, Sponsor sheets at Carman stored, new tires, battery & Desk before Friday., Everyone tune-up for Spring. $595. can participate. The money 581 -6146. goes to the Enochs ------1 0 Scholarship Fund. --,- -=-==- 73 Kawasaki 750 H2 ______9 Custom Paint, Backrest, Hwy Black Student Union

Pegs, Windshield. New clutch Presents · "Spring Affair". This and starter. 12,000 miles. weekend. Two set. Dance 345-746.8. $875 contest (Semi Finals) Fri. -'------.,- 10 (Finals) Sat. Grandballroom. For Sale - 73 Honda 500-4 ------,.--- 10 Semi - chopped, King Queen Ryder & Sensel's Hyndman: Seat, Good Condition - $650 - Your class has been the call 348-0309. highlight of my semester. Also ______10 there is a new Karate film Audio Control equalizer coming out call ''The Equals" series A - 5 band. $60 or best with Scott ("Urban Cowboy") ofter.Call 348-8675. ·Glenn. ______10 DOONESBURY For Sale - BSR McDonald 81/T MA>ae NCW, AREYOU OKAY, RIGHT. 'TRUSTYOIJ? turntable $40. Call Laura at YOIJ CiJUW SU<& H t:NO 7HCN ff'<; llllY? IXN7 0F(WR5e, 3532. Puzzle Answers JlJ5T!NfTIAI------� 10 OFJl/l Y 1560IN6 5CTTl£IJ, ya;7l

COST PER 1 0 cents per word first day, 7 cents per word each consecutive IT YOURSELF" CLASSIFIED AD "DO . DAY : day thereafter (minimum 10 words) . Student rate: half price paid in advance. phone number are required for office TO READ Name and AO purposes.

NAME: PHONE:______


Place ad and money in envelope and deposit in Daily Eastern News box in Union AD TO START �------AND AUN FOR or bring to News office in Student Services Building by 2 p.m. the day before it is to run (2 p.m. Friday for Monday 's paper) .

\ 30( Miller

Don't Forget Tonight � From 4-9 TIME JEMPERATURE �arty's Wednesday, April 12 · 8, t 98 t · The Dally Eastern News

Do SomethingWild - and Scenic - Turkey RunCanoe Rent al to Serve You

4-6 Hrs - 1 5 mile - Whitewater Trip $15p er canoe - includes transportation &.equi pment

Located 1/2 mile N. of lnter5ection 41 &.. 4 7 OpenApri l 4 - Reserve Ahead 317-569-6705 . 317-597_-2456 W. Ohio Rockville, Show your lo ve with Keepsake IN I matched wedding rings. 31 1 Come choose fr om our complete collection of 14 Karat gold Keepsake wedding rings. Keepsake rings are styled to seal your promise of lo ve beautifully. Ke epsa Traditional We ddingke® Rings

Specially Priced To May 15th Hagel 's I .· · . V!sa Open · I • L:ercard Mon Sat Laya 9:00 - 5:00 =�� . 11uou11•••w - --� --- -:- Cl i p a nd Save ------Cli p a od Save------

.· E.L. Kracker.s Entertainment Specials SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDA TURDAY nur; I o.'s laJt� Coll� rt.d-e. h.s l'"�� l!ov.t.r ��r_j_ Skow - ��k+ y_,_ i 11.... i CL. n I q 8 I Co l.e�.... � 7:o o-Cf:oo Ar l0� ska-y i C o kt. 2-fnr ,3 7sf � 7:oo-q . 4 · -- Yt\.t_Yi \I q.s Lad1"6 1 , o "'"" j_ -e.tLVl:. � � Fa..S"'- Co��v.a..r _}:r I I <9.r-� k-� ,·H. z bn o..�y w - N.ljid c.u � kd - S""o o-9 :oo I us� A �eo� HCL. � 7:o I �"; w r.1 t-<.s I��-<- CD �let- .Lr�. > Y2 C o V C)- ��· i as I "4\ 2_-ft> y f,/) .. I\ qo4 7:oo- q -6' � �!:>� B..t- tf /0 II Ill "O � N� • (.) . �S �Jirica.. 7: oo-9:co v�,�kl- Show- Co l��..Q. .1t� �s u.fl\ + Cok 2-for1- /� :.3 :J�l?.r-/ 754 /. /{, 7:o o - 9 /7 /? . � l\;tt_ Au;.llQ.s Lodies Yl� ��� � - }'- 0... & c1' i_ ...(_.(__V\. r\s tJ;t. �-\l�•s La.d\..fLb qYLLt_' �u.J.RA.Yho s .-4s . 56 9 Yz C. o VA...t'"' hsk,�L(.. N�\cl- )�Ill- yo...y Sh.cu)- -SU� ��..e.. VlJ3ld- I S:r..e..c..uJNV.Ar dt:, :2 �� �!' 7s4 c:) do 19s 1 Page Aprn s, 1 4 : Wednesday's Page 15: ­ Netters successful women boaters over break win ISU crown EasternSR Illinois Universit�lr!!y I Charleston, Ill. / Section Two,ws 8 Pages 1 3 16-0, 8-2 luggers rout Rose-HuIm an, continue streak ., Mark Rountree Gerry Schlechte hurled a three-hit shutout in the first game of a double header as the Panthers rolled on to a two-game sweep over Rose-Hulman Tuesday at Monier Field . The Panthers had little trouble with the Engineers in the opener, unleashing an aweso me display of power pounding out 14 hits · and 16 runs. Tim Pyznarski led the way for Eastern with three hits and three runs batted in while Kevin Seitzer and Jeff Lambert had two hits apiece in ' the opener . The Panthers jumped on Rose-Hulman from the outset as they rallied for four runs in the home half of the first inning . After having scored two runs on an RBI single by Pyznarsh and an error by the Engineers first baseman, Lambert clobbered a two-run double to left-center field . The Panthers then tallied two more runs in the second on Pyznarski's triple and two more in the fourth on Seitzer's double and a wild pitch making the score 8-0. But the Panthers iced the cake in the sixth inning with a flury whichproduced eight runs. Pounding out seven singles, including a triple by Seitzer, the Panthers buried Rose-Hulman with an impressive hitting barrage . Schletchte breezed through the Engineer's line up inning after inning, having his only Panther right fielder Kevin Seitzer slides into second first-game washout of Rose Hulman Tuesday at difficulty in the third frame . ahead of the throw for a stolen base in Eastern's 16-0 Monier Field. (News photo by Tom Roberts) Rose-Hulman mounted a mild attack when double header to spearhead the Panthers to a 8-2 Rose-Hulman came no closer to denting the Panther lead than they loaded the bases in the third inning . decision over the Engineers in the nightcap . in a fourth inning surge. John Barbender However, the senior right-hander struck out Eastern jumped on the Engineers f or two runs in the singled to left driving in two runs to narrow the Panther John Spengross and grounded out the next second inning, one more in the third, and two more in spread to 3-2. But the effort fizzled bl!tter to retire the side and dispell the run­ the fifth when Seitzer doubled to left-center to make the out when Law retired the next· scoring opportunity the Engineers had hoped to score 5-2. . batter to extinguish the rally . salvage . The Panther's greed for additional support came in Seitzer led the Panthers in the JO-hit attack as he Schletchte struck out eight batters and the sixth when they loaded the bases . With one out ripped three hits and collected three RBl's in the second walked only one in route to his third victory in Seitzer drilled a single up the middle, driving in two game, while Neal Bertram_ and Jim Workman knocked as many outings. more runs and upping the ·Panther lead to 7-2. two hits apiece . Bill Law padded his pitching record to 3- 1, Eastern scored another run in the sixth when a The two victories extended Eastern's winning streak firing a four hitter in the second game of the dropped third strike allowed Seitzer to score from third . to seven games, improving their season mark to 14-6. Panthers host sixth straight with St. Joseph's by Dave Claypool Eastern's red-hot baseball team will attempt to make it eight and nine straight, when they host St . Joseph's College in a double header begining at 1 p.m. at Monier Field . It will be the third straight twin bill hosted by the Panthers and it has been a homestand which had been kind to Eastern . After handling lndinana State 4-3 University-Evansville and 8-0 last Sunday, the Panthers toyed with Rose Hulman Tuesday and blistered the Engineers 16-0 and 8-2 behind combined pitching masterpieces of Gary Schlechte and Bill Law .

Eastern · head coach To m McDevitt hopes to continue his recent pitching spark when he sends to the mound Lenny Lundberg and Bill Morton to face the Pumas. Although McDevitt said he does not know much about St . Joe, he did believe that they would be a sterner test than Rose Hulman . "l really don't know anything Pather designated hitter Rich Koen ig successfully St . Joseph's Colege Wednesday for double header action about them (St. Joe), " McDevitt executes the bunt in Eastern 's 8-2 second-game beating of · slated to begin at 1 p.m. (News photo by Tom Roberts) said . Rose Hulman Tuesday at Monier Field . The Panthers will host Wednesday, April 8, 1981 14

Tonight at Mother's Paul Kanya plus $2 Pitchers of Draft

A Perfect MDTHEB�S Combination

- across from Old Main 667 Lincoln Now that Spring is here, . stop by Short Stop!

Cones • . Malts • Sundaes

Don't forget our famous ·/� sandwiches : · ··Gyros 5 singles netter E.J. Karsten swats the ball a previous Panther Panther No. •Italian Beef match. Karsten's 7-1 showing at the team's southern trip during spring break was the best of the Panther squad . (News photo by Robin Scholz) • Italian • Vienna Beef Hot Dogs Netters return home after successful southern trip by Jill Anderson year, Sexton said he thought they were Facing tough compet1t10n from going to be a stronger team and added southern teams, Eastern men's tennis that it was "a good win for the team." · squad finished with an impressive 5-3 Also at Trifton, the netters defeated win on its spring road trip . Columbus College 7-2, losing only at "We played well all through the the No . l and 2 singles positions . week and basically had an excellent Eastern was blanked 9-0 by Central trip, " Eastern coach Carl Sexton said. Florida at Ocala, a team consisting of Eastern defeated Jefferson State international players. (Ala.) twice, and Sam ford University "Central Florida was a very strong (Ala. ), Abraham Baldwin Agriculture team with two players from Sweeden College and Columbus College all and one from Canada and Pakistan, " once. Sexton said . The Panthers' only losses came at Moved up to No . l singles for the the hands of Evansville University and match, Rick Hayden was extended to twice to Central Florida Community three sets before succumbing 6-0 in the College, who is raked No. I in the third set to his Sweedish opponent . nation in junior colleges. At No. 2 doubles, Hayden and Dave In their opening match, Eastern Branding pulled out a close three set edged out Jefferson State 5-4. match, 4-6, 6-3, 7-6. Tied up at 4-4, Rob Hopkins and On their return trip home, the Tim Buwick at No. 3 doubles, pulled netters were defeated by Evansville 5-4 their match out in a third set tiebreaker in what Sexton termed a 5-4 to win the meet for the Panthers. "disappointing match ." The netters went on in their next Boasting the best record for the match to squeak by Sam ford 5-4. Panthers was Karsten who finished an Again, the winning match was in a impressive 7- 1 . third set tiebreaker. "E.J. is playing exceptionally well At �o. I doubles, Jay Johnson and and he's only lost one match the entire E.J. Karsten overcame a first set deficit season, " Sexton said . to win 4-6, 6-4, 7-6. At No . l, Johnson finished 2-5 for Traveling to Tifton, Ga ., the netters the road trip, Hayden was 4-4 and \ defeated ABAC 7-2. Branding was 2-6. \ Friday - Since Eastern lost to ABAC last 6:30 & 9:00

Grand Ballroom - . Graduating Seniors Who Are Job Hunting ... $1 2 5

Bring me your rejection slips - I'll buy you a drink for each. Extra drink for the really nasty ones!

Art, John, or Jerry - ROC'S LOUNGE 41 0 6th Dally Eastern News Wednesday, April 8, 1981 15

JANE FONDA LILY TOMLIN � rnr1 KM (he� . 9 TOd L!'.§ o..ri• Io Meep ffes @ .. ADULTS ADULTS .E 5· ··.. 1.. 0 •E1 5: 1 5 $1.50 •r . $1.s.<> •...... 7:1 5&9:20 . 7:00. & 9:00

Aouus·· ;• ••e , 5.0 . · 0· ··· $1.S.() r---� ...... -�--�----�------�--1 I Dr. AliceSchw artz I ponent .from Eastern booter Sue Bell tries to manuever around a Northern Illinois op I I during the Panthers' 2-0 win last weekend. (News photo by Marcia Steele) I Penns lvania State University t y t I will make two presentations · win tourney title I t Booters I t by Dave Claypool Panthers to a 2-0 win over Northern BLOOMINGTON-Eastern Illinois University. I Thursday, April 9 I women's soccer club captured the Solid performances were turned in "Instructional Te levision and Vi deo Art" � I Illinois State Collegiate Soccer by Susan Hubner, Sue King, Martha I Championship last weekend. McCausland and Val Barrick, Eastern I I In the first of three games, the coach Derek Hilton said. A video presentation/3:00 pm FM 203 women defeated Illinois State · "Brenda Bazan was very sharp in the I l University 1-0 on a shot from 25-yards net by shutting out all opponents ," "Kore.a Revisited" A slide presentation by Donna Macias. Hilton added. I I In the second contest, Eastern was · "The ladies were easily the class of I 8:00pm Charleston-Mattoon Room held to a scoreless tie with the the tournament ," Hilton said. "The I University of Illinois. defense put forth a strong effort and · Un iversity Un ion i In the finale, Sue Bell and Marcia were quick to dampen any offensive I Steele combined for goals to lead the threat. I am very proud of them. " I Sp onsored b.r the Art B�ai;d . . · J .-..-----...... ------...... ------...... -..--...;


Singing in theRa thskeller

TODA------Y� ------· COUPON -----� ------1 ·1:30am-1 :30pm Free beverage with the . Free Admission purchase of a deli sandwich of $1.00 or more MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR. UNIVERSITY UNION Good 4-8-8 1 ·-·t���-�-�-�----�-COU�ON ------� 16 Wednesday, April 8, 1981 The Dally Eastern News


171 oz. lLB. Ml·.Ar>OW GOLO (.HO<:OL."Tl:. HlVH. vANIU Ao.m.o��Tf.[ 2LBS. BOX m ...... 49 MINlJTLIce CiMAIDea $3 ARMOUR VERIBEST FED. INSPT. SLICED ASS'T. QTR. PORK Oranqe Juice 16 07 $ 1 39


ARMOUR VERl EST FED. INSPT. P ORK THOMAS E. WILSON � MASTERPIECE BONELESS s 2q PIZZA Sparenbs . . "? '';" �VG� LB 1 9 ARIETIE Half Hams . V ILB.S s 2 . . PK . G . . 1 9

KRAFT Grape Jelly • ..2 LBS. s129

CAMPBELL'S Cream of · Mushroom s.s oz. 3 f Soup .•••• J 89 � 49t 10.75 0Z. WITHCOUPON �!!.C4iiVai. A r.rdMM f'eTFa•fly

ARMOUR Vienna Sausage. soz. 49t

SMALL.MED . or LARGE WEIGHT WATCHER!' Luvs �',!l��cHm 9 s . 8 Mayonnaise ... s129 Diapers... 8 Flour ... LBS 9� $2

...... � GENERIC . S}39 SUGAR s 18. .... ,.� =:.�* ""'c._.,_f_.,, PlU • he Dally Eastern News Wednesday , April 8, 1981 1 7



MICHIGAN GROWN IDA RED, RED ROMF. JONATHON or RED DELICIOUS 5 / $139 a Week . .. . Apples. . ·· ""� FLORIDA 5 $ 49 Sweet Com ... � / 1 FRESH . BANKROLL LB. �- Broccoli. ""� ------· ...- SUNKIST RUNCHggc IGA TABLERITE USDA CHOICE - $600.00 BONELESS ROAST IGA T'.'8LERITE 1 LR. ¢ • G $ Lemons . :-·'... � 6/9 9 . 1 CRISP Sirloin Tip . . . Wieners .... . : 19 IGA TABLERITE FRESH BONELESS IGA TABLERITE USDA CHOICE BONELESS Celery Hearts ..PKG. 39c Complete Your Set Cube Steak ... NOT LESS THAN 83" LEAN GROUND ROUND Of Embassy Classic QUALITY $ 89 & LR. 1 G roun. d B ee f . .. GOLDEN � Tableware Cutlery

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Depice their lofcy 14-6 record, into the season." Winds may have helped, buf Each are hitting .340 or better and !\h:De\ it! has not always been pleased Despite Eastern's weak opposition, Schlechte, now 3-0, and Law, now 3-1, Pyznarski and Cimo have added the \\ ich che play of his group. the Panthers were awsome-from start have added the consistancy to the long-ball power to the Eastern line up Poor defensi\e execucion, a lack of to finish-from leadoff hitter, to No. Panther pitching rotation which will be which proves as a devistating one-two hiuing al the proper cime and sparce Panther 9. greatly needed down the stretch. punch in the middle of the pit..:hing were all troubles as far as Even the pitching of some realitively Returnees Max Weibel and Elliot ' order. . \h:Devitt was concerned . unknown hurlers like Schlechte and Skorupa were expected to carry the With this amount of optimism, the But no more. Following Eastern's Law looked impressive and McDevitt bulk of the pitching load for Eastern, future does appear to be bright for the convincing sweep of Rose Hulman was nothing but smiles to prove his and very likely will. But strong Panther baseball team. Tuesday at Monier Field, McDevitt finally began to see things beginning to cake shape. ··we played much ' better to day," I ihte' Panther mentor said. "We are really starting to come around . We're scarting to turn over the double play \\ hen we have to and we're getting some super pitching. I'm very pleased Angels Flight™ \\ ith today's showing." apace with the young man As McDevitl should have been . The on the move Panchers pounded out 24 hits and 24 runs .in the double header and used Flight updates a classic sport ..:rafcy pitching from Gary Schlechte Angel's coat and slack for the young man who Braves trounce knows what he wants, and goes for it Summer tweed poly/wool/silk blend Cardinals 11-3 jacket gets a contem porary touch (AP)-The Atlanta Braves scored six on pockets and back. Sizes first-inning runs Tuesday and went on in grey or tan. Skin Fits to an rout of the St. Louis 36-44 11-3 tches Cardinals, finishing their exhibition stretch gabardine slack ma season with the worst record in 32 your every move. Grey, black, years. navy, tan or khaki polyester, · Silvio Martinez, bothered by fi nger sizes Team with blisters, gave up five straight hits in the 29-38. fi rst inning before retiring the fi rst Bonhomme's button down Braves' batter. collar shirt for a great look. Luis Gomez, eighth in Atlanta's line Blue, white, yellow or pink up, concluded the first inning uprising with a two-run single and the ninth Oxford cloth, sizes S-XL. inning clincher with a two-run double. \tartinez, left hander Bob Sykes and S port coat, 80.00 Jim Kaat gave up 15 hits, including a run in the seventh and two more in the Slack, ninth. 23.00 Atlanta's John Montefusco gave up S hirt, 1 5.00 all eight St. Louis hits, including a first RED CARPET inning run and two more fo the sixth, before departing. The Braves concluded their season at 9- 17 15-15, compared with for St. Louis, their worst record since the 8-17 season in 1959 . White Sox nip P·irates 3-1 (APJ-The Chicago White Sox beat the Pictsburg Pirates 3-1 Tuesday in the final exhibition baseball game this year for bot:iteam s. Chicago center fielder Rusty Kuntz singled to right field in the sixth inning to scote Raymoundo To'rres and put the White Sox ahead for good, 2-1. Pitcher Rich Dotson, 3-0, logged the win for Chicago, while Pirate reliever John Candelaria, 2-2, took the loss. Chicago opened the scoring in the fi rst inning when leftfielder Bob Molinaro hit a sacrifice fly, scoring Jay Loviglio. The Pirates tied it 1-1, in the third on a triple by left fielder Lee Lacy. Lacy then scored on a double by Jason Thompson. T ;,e White Sox took the lead in the sixth and then added an insurance run ;n the ninth inning. Loviglio lined an infield single, stole -;econd and scored on a single to center by first baseman Marv Foley. The Pirate·, finished spring training f IHSr lrJ FASHl(JN IN TERRE HAUTE. DANVILLE. MATIOON. MARION AN[) C:ARBONl)/\I "'··;. a 13-13 record, while the Sox f ·:.r1rr. pi l d a 17-10 log. e ...... ' . , ; , . . . •. � ..� ....' .. ' .... . ------, ------� Eastern News vveanesaay, Apru �. 1':J�1 e Dally 19 � ... 2 n ... • \? a a a a •• a ... 2 a j>� �- � �� "'"' . Mazuma Records & Tapes 7<1 (Between Ike's & E.L. Krac�ers) Welcome Back to Charleston's Jox for Men Fun in the sun spot: Mazuma by l��cAn._ This week's "Popular Demand" special is: The Long Awaited "Face Dances" The Who Only Reg. Low Price: $7.29 $1 9.99 "Popular Demand" Sale Price: $5.99 Store Hours: Mon.-Sat. 10-5 Closed Sunday

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. (across from the auditorium) , � 20 Wednesday, April 8, 1 98 1 The Dally Eastern News Monson nabs Mr . Illinois championship by Dave Claypool CHAMPAIGN-East.ern junior Jeff Monson became the second Eastern representative in a row to capture first place at the Collegiate Mr. Illinois Championships last weekend. Last year, Eastern junior Larry Bernstein, also two-time Mr. EIU, was the state champion. The Amateur Athletic Union sponsored event featured 35 entrees from universities throughout Illinois. Monson was declared the Class AA, experienced class, champion and he said the difference was his overall symetry of development. "There were a lot of good competitors there, but when the judges start looking for a champion they want overall ' definition and I really don't have any weak points," Monson said. · MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR. "It's pretty ironic," Monson added, · UNIVERSITY UNION "because my training partner is Larry (Berstein). But he really didn't help me out all that much. Most of it was done on my own." Monson said that while the compet1t10n was tough, he · was awarded the championship by a wide margin. "It was a long grueling day, but it was a great experience,'! he said. "They started the prejudging at about 10 in the morning and I didn't find out I had won until 11 that night. "I had a good idea I was in the money all along, so I wasn't really suprised when I won," Monson said. A week earlier, Monson finished ninth at the Mr. Midwest championships in his height division. · "Next year I'll go to the state meet and guest pose , as Larry (Bernstein) did this year," Monson said. New Flames battle Hawks in playoffs (AP)-When the Flames packed up and moved their National Hockey League franchise to Calgary from Atlanta at the end of last season, they hoped they had left at least one peice of baggage behind-their abysmal playoff record. The old Flames never made it beyond the first playof f round since the club was formed in winning 1972, · only two of 17 playoff games. But the new Flames say they don't expect to be given the bum1s rush by ,the Chicago Black Hawks in the best­

of-five preliminary round that begins· here Wednesday. "We're out to prove the Atlanta syndrome is no longer with us,'' rookie center Jim Peplinski said Tuesday. Greater pressure from fans here that in Atlanta turned the Flames into a tough home-ice club this season. Calgary lost only five games in the 7 ,243-seat Stampede Corral, the best record in the NHL. . Although Chicago finished three spots and 14 points behind seventh­ place Calgary, the clubs tied in three of four games this year, with Calgary losing the other encounter. Coach Al MacNeil respects the Hawks' scoring pun ch, provided by former Flame Tom Lysiak with 21 goals and 55 assists, Dennis Savard, 28 goals, 47 assists, and Darryl Sutter, 40 goals and 22 assists. But he thinks beating veteran goaltender Tomy Esposito is the key to sinking Chicago.