Australasian Good Health for 1903
CONTENTS. Exercise, Its Importance. Physical Exercise For Brain Workers. Effects of Alcohol on the Brain. Dangers Lurking in Milk. That Third Meal. Correct Sitting Position. Parlor Lecture to the Patients at the Wahroonga Sanitarium. The Highway to Health. Chloroform Anesthesia Dangerous to Meat-eaters. T Are tlie—Americans Dying Out ? Good Health Tit Bits. Home "Department. Seasonable Recipes. R Vegetarianism. A ND The Physician in the Home. r D. H. KRESS, M. D., 0 EDITOR. Single Copy, 3d. Yearly Subscription, 2s. 6d. Registered at the G. P. 0., Sydney, for Transmission by Post as a Newspaper. I,- APRIL, I, 19(33. [GOOD HEALTH. J 94 Per Cent. Nutrition. ( Eat GRANnLA Granola eAs n34. and Live. !teat tt TOO itg_en ...' CY' Live Well, and he Well While You Live. NOLA is a tried and true combination ul the !nest nutritive and delicate portions .4 stweral stuff grains. It is not harsh liL snit: foods. - mushy like others: but crisp like a relined biscuit 1)] laa In ;t pahruttlysiie, and without the pasty after-taste of the biscuit. GI::\NO L.\ is partly digested, all the wheat starch having been turned toward sugar. When taken into the stomach, GRANOLA is instantly assimi- lated and transl'orined to blood, then bone, muscle, nerve, and tissue. "Fell your friends about GRANOLA. Sanitarium Health Food Co., 283 Pitt St., SYDNEY. ' - • r ,4r <• - ma y IL 11 11, -.. .:_ An Outdoor Gymnasium. AUSTRALASIAN Good health Vol. 6. Sydney, N. S. W., April 1, 1903. No. 4. Exercise, Its importance. Physical Exercise For Brain Workers. ABUNDANT exercise in the open air DAVID PAULSON, M.
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