Australasian Good Health for 1903
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CONTENTS. Exercise, Its Importance. Physical Exercise For Brain Workers. Effects of Alcohol on the Brain. Dangers Lurking in Milk. That Third Meal. Correct Sitting Position. Parlor Lecture to the Patients at the Wahroonga Sanitarium. The Highway to Health. Chloroform Anesthesia Dangerous to Meat-eaters. T Are tlie—Americans Dying Out ? Good Health Tit Bits. Home "Department. Seasonable Recipes. R Vegetarianism. A ND The Physician in the Home. r D. H. KRESS, M. D., 0 EDITOR. Single Copy, 3d. Yearly Subscription, 2s. 6d. Registered at the G. P. 0., Sydney, for Transmission by Post as a Newspaper. I,- APRIL, I, 19(33. [GOOD HEALTH. J 94 Per Cent. Nutrition. ( Eat GRANnLA Granola eAs n34. and Live. !teat tt TOO itg_en ...' CY' Live Well, and he Well While You Live. NOLA is a tried and true combination ul the !nest nutritive and delicate portions .4 stweral stuff grains. It is not harsh liL snit: foods. - mushy like others: but crisp like a relined biscuit 1)] laa In ;t pahruttlysiie, and without the pasty after-taste of the biscuit. GI::\NO L.\ is partly digested, all the wheat starch having been turned toward sugar. When taken into the stomach, GRANOLA is instantly assimi- lated and transl'orined to blood, then bone, muscle, nerve, and tissue. "Fell your friends about GRANOLA. Sanitarium Health Food Co., 283 Pitt St., SYDNEY. ' - • r ,4r <• - ma y IL 11 11, -.. .:_ An Outdoor Gymnasium. AUSTRALASIAN Good health Vol. 6. Sydney, N. S. W., April 1, 1903. No. 4. Exercise, Its importance. Physical Exercise For Brain Workers. ABUNDANT exercise in the open air DAVID PAULSON, M. D. should be taken every day, regardless of IT is difficult to lay down exact rules, the weather. Just as truly as "he that but it is a pretty safe rule that all, espe- regardeth the clouds shall not sow," shall cially those who do much mental work, he also not be free from colds. If one has shall take sufficient exercise each day to no manual labor that can be performed make them perspire. The original curse out of doors, then walking and cycling are pronounced upon man after his fall was the best things. One should walk rapidly, that he should earn his bread by the sweat until the whole body is in a delightful of his brow. Some sweat by means of glow. Deep, regular breathing should be sweating-baths, etc., without work, but it kept up during the exercise. In many is better to do work enough to make one cases, influenza may be kept off by vigor- sweat. So, practically, a person who is ous exercise just as it is coming on, if one taking four hours' mental taxation should has the will to resist the disinclination to take at least an hour's vigorous exercise move, which is one of the first symptoms. to balance it—for instance, such exercise Sweating from bodily exercise is much as brisk walking, a vigorous ride on the better than sweating artificially produced. bicycle, or work in a gymnasium. But Often a busy person will say, " I have not don't raise a twenty-five pound dumb-bell time to take exercise." Nobody has any a few times until you get red in the face, right to be so busy. To take all the pre- and then lay it down and call that exercise. cautions necessary to keep the body in a Do some vigorous work, and continue it healthful condition is a religious duty. until you feel a glow all over your body. " The efficacy of moderate exercise in A little of this kind of exercise will balance airing the bodily system is realised when a good deal of mental work. we learn that it is computed that when at Now this story is often told me by busi- rest we consume only 50o cubic inches of ness men : " I have to be very bilsy, as air in a minute. If we walk at the rate of there is such strong competition, and I one mile an hour, we use 800 ; at two don't feel like exercising." After a man miles, r,000 ; at three miles, 1,600 ; at has worked hard all day in his office, it four miles, 2,300 cubic inches. If we run somehow requires a good deal of deter- at the rate of six miles an hour, we con- mination for him to take hard physical ex- sume 3,000 cubic inches of air during every ercise by way of walking or work in the minute of the time so spent." garden, but such need to train themselves until it becomes a part of their life, as much SHE will not let him in the house as common honesty ; for if those in seden- Until he wipes his feet ; Then she sails out in her long-trained gown, tary life do not accustom themselves to a And wipes up all the street. certain amount of hard physical work daily, —Exchange. they will lie down in early graves. 76 GOOD HE ALTH. APRIL I, 1903. Effects of Alcohol on the Brain. centres, thus giving loose reins to the D. H. KRESS, M. D. lower or animal centres. It destroys the THE circulation of the blood is under the judgment and the power to discriminate control of the nervous system. A nerve between good and evil. For this reason accompanies each vessel, no matter how the priests anciently were expressly bidden small the vessel may be. If one of these to abstain from the use of wine and strong nerves should be severed, the vessel that it drink that they might be able to discern accompanies would at once relax or dilate between clean and unclean, between the and become congested with blood. The common and the sacred. The angel's prophecy concerning John the Baptist, the paralysing effect of alcohol on the brain and nervous system is clearly seen in the greatest prophet and the forerunner of unsteady gait of the drunkard. Paralysis Christ, was, " He shall be great in the of the nerves which constrict the blood- sight of the Lord, and shall drink neither vessels regulating the circulation, results in wine nor strong drink : and he shall be dilation and congestion, especially of the filled with the Holy Ghost." The Apostle vessels which have the thinnest walls, such says, " Be not drunk with wine . but as the capillaries and the blood vessels of be filled with the Spirit." the brain. EFFECT ON OFFSPRING. The dilation of the capillaries of the skin It is a law of physiology that " like is clearly seen in the flushed face or in the begets like." It is well known that chronic red nose of the habitual drinker. drunken parents always transmit to their If we could take a look at the liver and the offspring some form of mental, moral, or brain, we should find that a similar con- nervous disorder. gested condition existed in these organs. The blood vessels of the brain are more Dangers Lurking in Milk. delicate in structure than any others ; they therefore relax more than any ethers, and IT cannot be too strongly urged that all the injury done to them is correspondingly milk used should be thoroughly sterilised. greater. The walls of these vessels become Consumption and cancer, we know, are in time so thinned by continual congestion both prevalent among dairy herds. that some very slight exertion may result ANTHRAX.—There has been an outbreak in a rupture of one of them. This is the of anthrax, a very deadly disease, recently principal cause of death in habitual users at Footscray, Victoria. Some of the cattle of drinks containing alcohol. died. A dog fed upon the flesh also died APOPLEXY in a short time. The health department is the disease that nearly always carries prohibited the sale of milk from this dairy. away the habitual drinker. The red face This action was regarded as likely to in- is no indication of health, as is usually duce the owners of cows to drive their supposed. It is rather an indication of dairy herds to a distance so that they brain congestion ; a signal that ought to might be able to sell their milk. That warn the transgressor of the structural the action of the health department should changes taking place in the blood vessels not be rendered futile, it was decided also of the brain. to quarantine the area. Butter is more Insanity and softening of the brain are dangerous than milk, since ninety per conditions which are very common among cent. of the germs contained in the milk users of alcohol. But even death and in- rise to the surface in the cream, and are sanity are as nothing when compared to incorporated in the butter. Outbreaks of the serious moral injury resulting from the anthrax among dairy herds have also been use of this drug. The brain is the only reported from New Zealand. It is sup- avenue through which the Creator can posed that the germs were imported in the communicate with man. Any injury done bone dust used for fertilising purposes. to this organ lessens its susceptibility to TYPHOID FEVER.—A severe outbreak divine and ennobling influences, and must of typhoid fever is being experienced result in moral deterioration. The grog at Coonamble, N. S. \V., 162 cases so far shop is the nursery of degenerates. Al- having been reported. Dr. Millard, assis- cohol paralyses the higher or inhibiting tant medical officer of the Government, APRIL I, 1903.