July 2021

CURRICULUM VITAE Ahmed M. Abdulla Alabbasi, PhD Head, Department of Gifted Education Co-Founder, Medical Students Gifted and Talented Program Arabian Gulf University


Gifted Education Department, College of Graduate Studies, Arabian Gulf University Medical Students Gifted and Talented Program, College of & Medical Sciences P.O BOX: 26671, , Email: [email protected] Mobile: (+973) 38814414 Office: (+973) 17239414 Website: www.dralabbasi.com


2019 Leading and Building A Culture of Innovation, Harvard Business School, Harvard University. 2016 Ph.D., Educational Psychology, University of Georgia (GPA 3.95). Major: Gifted and Creative Education; Minor: Creativity Dissertation: A Systematic Review and A Meta-Analysis of the Relationship Between Problem Finding and Creativity Committee: Bonnie Cramond (chair) Mark A. Runco Martha M. Carr Rodney K. Dishman Significant Coursework: Creativity Theories; Creativity: Instructional Procedures and Problem-Solving Processes; Creativity and Diversity; The Social Context of Creativity; Creativity: What It Is and What It Is Not; Educating and Enhancing Creativity. 2016 Leadership Development, Harvard Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University. 2011 MA with first class honors, Gifted Education, Arabian Gulf University (GPA 3.97). Thesis: The effectiveness of the Master Thinker Program in developing critical thinking skills of 11th grade students in Bahrain 2006 BA, , University of Jordan (GPA 3.22).

July 2021


2019- Head, Department of Gifted Education, Arabian Gulf University, Manama, Bahrain.

2018- Head, Medical Students Gifted and Talented Program (MGTP) 2017- Assistant Professor, Department of Gifted Education, Arabian Gulf University, Manama, Bahrain.

2016-2017 Lecturer, Department of Gifted Education, Arabian Gulf University, Manama, Bahrain.

2012-2016 Demonstrator, Department of Gifted Education, Arabian Gulf University, Manama, Bahrain. 2011-2012 Educational Specialist, Gifted Students Center, Muharraq, Bahrain.

2008-2011 Gifted & Talented Specialist, The Ministry of Education, Bahrain.

2006-2008 Special Education Specialist, The Ministry of Education, Bahrain.


2020- EPP Unit Leader Reporter (CAEP). Arabian Gulf University, Manama, Bahrain.

2019-2020 Member, Academic Committee of the Department of Technology Management, and Innovation. Arabian Gulf University, Manama, Bahrain.

2019-2020 Member, Research Ethics Committee. Arabian Gulf University, Manama, Bahrain.

2019 Reviewer, The National Policy for Gifted and Talented Students, Ministry of Education, United Arab Emirates.

2019 Scientific Committee, International Conference of Innovation in Gifted Education, Manama, Bahrain.

2018 Co-Founder, Medical Students Gifted and Talented Program, Arabian Gulf University, Manama, Bahrain.

July 2021

2018 Member, Intellectual Property Policy and Procedures Committee. Arabian Gulf University, Manama, Bahrain.

2018- Coordinator, Department of Gifted Education, Arabian Gulf University, Manama, Bahrain.

2018-2019 Assistance Professors’ Representative, College of Graduate Studies, Arabian Gulf University, Manama, Bahrain.

2018-2019 Member, Quality Assurance Committee. Arabian Gulf University, Manama, Bahrain.

2017-2019 Member, Theses and Dissertations Audit Committee. Arabian Gulf University, Manama, Bahrain.

2017-2018 Member, Climate Change Committee (Educational Group), Arabian Gulf University, Manama, Bahrain.

2017 Reviewer, The 64th National Association for Gifted Children Convention. 2014 Monitor, Georgia Future Problem Solving Bowl, Athens, GA.


Abdulla, A. M., & Peak, S. (in press). Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking: Past, present,

and future. In B. Cramond & S. Sumners (Eds.), The Torrance Reader.

Abdulla Alabbasi, A. M., Reiter-Palmon, R., & Sultan, Z. (accepted). Which Divergent

Thinking Index is more associated with problem finding ability? The role of

flexibility and task nature. Frontiers in Psychology.

Paek, S., Abdulla Alabbasi, A. M., Acar, S., & Runco, M. A. (accepted). A Meta-analysis of

the time-on-task effect on divergent thinking. Thinking Skills and Creativity.

Abdulla Alabbasi, A. M., Runco, M. A., Sayed Mohammad, A. (accepted). Problem finding,

divergent thinking and evaluative thinking in gifted and nongifted students. Journal

for the Education of the Gifted.

July 2021

Ayoub, A., Abdulla Alabbasi, A. M., Al-Subaie, A., Runco, M. A., & Acar, S. (in press).

The effect of robotics on problem finding and active-openminded thinking. Roeper


Aljasim, F. A., Alhamdan, N. S., Al-Hindal, H. S., Al-Sherawi, M. I., Abdulla Alabbasi, A.

M, & Sanad, F. (in press). The effect of implementing enrichment activities on

developing awareness of climate change among elementary students in Bahrain.

Journal of Arab Children [In Arabic].

Ayoub, A., Abdulla Alabbasi, A. M., Plucker, J. (2021). Closing poverty-based excellence

gaps: supports for low-income gifted students as correlates of academic achievement.

Journal for the Education of the Gifted (online first), 1-14.


Ayoub, A., Abdulla Alabbasi, A. M., Plucker, J. (2021). Social, Psychological, Academic,

Environmental, and Cognitive Supports for Gifted Students’ Scale. Journal for the

Education of the Gifted (Suppl. 1). https://doi.org/10.1177/01623532211023598

Abdulla Alabbasi, A. M., Acar, S. Tadik, H., & Runco, M. (2021). Birth order and divergent

thinking: A meta-analysis. Creativity Research Journal (online first), 1-16.


AlSaleh, A., Abdulla Alabbasi, A.M., Ayoub, A., & Hafsyan, A.S.M. (2021). The effects of

birth order and family size on academic achievement, divergent thinking, and problem

finding among gifted students. Journal for the Education of Gifted Young Scientists,

9(1), 67-75. http://dx.doi.org/10.17478/jegys.864399

Aljasim, F. A., Alhamdan, N. S., & Abdulla Alabbasi, A. M. (2020). Styles of learning and

thinking among gifted and ordinary elementary school students in the Kingdom of

Bahrain. The Arab Journal of Educational and Psychological Sciences, 18, 531-554

[In Arabic].

July 2021

Abdulla Alabbasi A. M., Sumners, S., Paek, S., & Runco, M. A. (2020). Association,

overlap, and inhibition: A study of implicit theories of creativity. Creativity. Theories-

Research-Applications, 7(2), 251-283. https://doi.org/10.2478/ctra-2020-0014

Abdulla Alabbasi, A. M., Ayoub, A., & Ziegler, A. (2020). Are gifted students more

emotionally intelligent than their non-gifted peers? A meta-analysis. High Ability

Studies (online first), 1-29. https://doi.org/10.1080/13598139.2020.1770704

Abdulla, A. M., Paek, S., Cramond, B., & Runco, M. A. (2020). Problem finding and

creativity: A meta-analytic review. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts,

14(1), 3-14. https://doi.org/10.1037/aca0000194

Abdulla Alabbasi, A. M. (2020). Disruptive innovation. In M. A. Runco & S. R. Pritzker

(Eds.), Encyclopedia of creativity (3rd ed., pp. 350-335). San Diego, CA: Elsevier.


Abdulla Alabbasi A. M. (2020). Government. In M. A. Runco & S. R. Pritzker (Eds.),

Encyclopedia of creativity (3rd ed., pp. 555-561). San Diego, CA: Elsevier.


Abdulla Alabbasi, A. M. (2020). Multiple discovery. In M. A. Runco & S. R. Pritzker

(Eds.), Encyclopedia of creativity (3rd ed., pp. 190-195). San Diego, CA: Elsevier.


Abdulla Alabbasi, A. M. (2020). Voting. In M. A. Runco & S. R. Pritzker (Eds.),

Encyclopedia of creativity (3rd ed., pp. 697-700). San Diego, CA: Elsevier.


Richard, V., Yang, Y., Runco, M., Abdulla, A. M., & Tenenbaum, G. (2019). Does engaging

in creative activities influence the use of coping skills and perception of challenge-

July 2021

skill balance in elite athletes? IAFOR Journal of Psychology & the Behavioral

Sciences, 5(special issue), 3-20. doi.org/10.22492/ijpbs.5.si.01

Acar, S., Abdulla Alabbasi, A. M., Runco, M. A., & Beketayev, K. (2019). Latency as a

predictor of originality in divergent thinking. Thinking Skills and Creativity. Advance

online publication. doi.org/10.1016/j.tsc.2019.100574

Alhindal, H. S., Al-Sherawi, M. I., & Abdulla Alabbasi A. M. (2019). Climate change in

elementary social studies’ books in the Kingdom of Bahrain: A content analysis

study. Arab Journal of Quality in Education, 6(1), 69-85. [in Arabic].

Abdulla, A. M., & Cramond, B. (2018). The creative problem finding hierarchy: A

suggested model for understanding problem finding. Creativity. Theories-Research-

Applications, 5, 197-229.

Abdulla, A. M., Runco, M. A., AlSuwaidi, H.N., & Alhindal, H. S. (2018). Obstacles to

personal creativity among Arab women from the GCC countries. Creativity. Theories-

Research-Applications, 5, 41-54. DOI: 10.1515/ctra-2018-0003

Abdulla, A. M., & Runco, M. A. (2018). Who funds the future? Federal funding support for

21st century learning research. Business Creativity and the Creative Economy, 4(1), 1-

7. DOI: 10.18536/bcce.2018.

Richard, V., Abdulla, A. M., & Runco, M. A. (2017). Influence of skill level, experience,

hours of training, and other sport participation on the creativity of elite athletes.

Journal of Genius and Eminence, 2(1), 65-76. DOI: 10.18536/jge.2017.

Alhamdan, N. S., Aljasim, F. A., & Abdulla, A. M. (2017). Assessing the emotional

intelligence of gifted and talented adolescent students in the Kingdom of Bahrain.

Roeper Review, 39, 132-142. DOI: 10.1080/02783193.2017.1289462

July 2021

Abdulla, A. M. & Cramond, B. (2017). After six decades of systematic study of creativity:

What do teachers need to know about what it is and how it is measured? Roeper

Review, 39, 9-23. DOI: 10.1080/02783193.2016.1247398

Runco, M. A., Abdulla, A. M., Peak, S., Aljasim, F. A., & AlSuwaidi, H. N. (2016). Which

test of divergent thinking is best? Creativity. Theories-Research-Applications, 3, 4-18.

DOI: 10.1515/ctra-2016-0001

Peak, S., Abdulla, A. M., & Cramond, B. (2016). A meta-analysis of the relationship

between three common psychopathologies---ADHD, anxiety, and depression--- and

indicators of little-c creativity. Gifted Child Quarterly, 60, 134-154. DOI:


Alnabhan, M., Alhamdan, N. & Darwish, A. (2014). The effectiveness of the Master Thinker

Program in developing critical thinking skills of 11th grade students in Bahrain.

Gifted and Talented International, 29(1/2), 15-19.

Runco, M. A., & Abdulla, A. M. (2014). Why isn’t creativity being supported? Distressing

analyses of grants and awards for creativity research–or lack thereof. Creativity

Research Journal, 26, 248-250. DOI: 10.1080/10400419.2014.901100


Runco, M. A., Abdulla Alabbasi, A. M., Acar, S., & Ayoub, A. (under review). Creative

potential is differentially expressed in school, home, and the natural environment.

Abdulla Alabbasi, A. M., Runco, M. A., Acar, S., & Al-Jasim, F. (manuscript in

preparation). Assessing an Arabic version of the Runco Ideational Behavior Scale.

July 2021


• Creativity (GED GE 533) • Diploma Project (GED GE 540). • Introduction to Educational Statistics (GE GS 520) • Practicum in Gifted Education (GED GE 521) • Theories of Learning (GED GE 529) • Seminar in Gifted Education (GED GE 622) • Contemporary Issues of Giftedness (GED GED 722) • Theories of Creativity and Applications (GED GED 736)


2018 2nd Placing Certificate, Poster Contest, American Psychological Association, Division 52 (International Psychology).

2016 Doctoral Student Award, The National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC), Orlando, FL, The United States of America.

2016 Completed Research at the Doctoral Level, Graduate Student Research Gala, The National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC), Orlando, FL, The United States of America.

2011 Academic Excellence Award. Arabian Gulf University.


Abdulla, A. M. (July 2021). Birth order and divergent thinking: A meta-analysis. Presented at Creativity Conference, Southern Oregon University, Ashland, OR., The United States of America. Abdulla, A. M. (July 2021). Which divergent thinking index is more associated with problem finding ability? The role of flexibility and task nature. Presented at Creativity Conference, Southern Oregon University, Ashland, OR., The United States of America. Abdulla Alabbasi, A. M. (May 2021). Gender differences in creativity. Presented at Scientific day, College of Graduate Studies, Arabian Gulf University.

July 2021

Abdulla Alabbasi, A. M. (September 2019). From Terman’s giftedness to the 21st century conceptions of giftedness. Presented in Hamdan Bin Rashid Al Maktoum Forum for Excellence and Giftedness, Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Acar, S., Abdulla Alabbasi, A. M., & Runco, M. A. (August 2019). Latency as a predictor of originality in divergent thinking. Presented at the 127th American Psychological Association Convention, Chicago, IL, The United States of America.

Abdulla Alabbasi, A. M. & Alhindal, H. S. (January 2019). Creativity and women in Bahrain: Promise and pitfalls. Awal Women Society: Kingdom of Bahrain. Abdulla, A. M., Runco, M. A., AlSuwaidi, H. N., & Alhindal, H. S. (August 2018). Obstacles to personal creativity among Arab women from the GCC countries. Presented at Creativity Conference, Southern Oregon University, Ashland, OR., The United States of America. Abdulla, A. M., & Cramond, B. (August 2018). The creative problem finding hierarchy: A suggested model for understanding problem finding. Presented at Creativity Conference, Southern Oregon University, Ashland, OR., The United States of America.

Sumners, S., Abdulla, A. M., Paek, S., & Runco, M. A. (August 2018). Implicit theories of creativity: How experience shapes out definitions? Presented at Creativity Conference, Southern Oregon University, Ashland, OR., The United States of America.

Abdulla, A. M., & Cramond, B. (August 2018). The creative problem finding hierarchy: A suggested model for understanding problem finding. Presented at the 126th American Psychological Association Convention, San Francisco, CA., The United States of America.

Abdulla, A. M., Runco, M. A., & Beketayev, K. (August 2018). Divergent thinking and time-on-task: Is there an optimal time? Presented at the 126th American Psychological Association Convention, San Francisco, CA., The United States of America.

Abdulla, A. M. (March 2018). New Issues in Gifted Education: Gifted from Poverty, STEAM, and Sternberg’s Model on Active Concerned Citizenship and Ethical Leadership. Presented in the First Forum on Gifted Education, Ministry of Education, Manama: Kingdom of Bahrain.

July 2021

Abdulla, A. M. (September 2017). Identifying gifted students: A practical workshop. Ministry of Education, Manama: Kingdom of Bahrain. Abdulla, A. M., Paek, S., Cramond, B., & Runco, M. A. (August 2017). A systematic review and a meta-analysis of the relationship between problem finding and creativity. Presented at the 125th American Psychological Association Convention, Washington, D.C., The United States of America. Abdulla, A. M. (March 2017). Latest issues in gifted education? Presented at the 3rd GCC Giftedness Day, Arabian Gulf University, Manama: Kingdom of Bahrain. Aljasim, F. A., & Abdulla, A. M. (January 2017). Scoring the figural and verbal forms of the Torrance Test of Creative Thinking. Arabian Gulf University, Manama: Kingdom of Bahrain. Abdulla, A. M. (November 2016). After six decades of systematic study of creativity: What do teachers need to know about what it is and how it is measured? Presented at the 63rd National Association for Gifted Children Conference, Orlando, FL, The United States of America. Richard, V., Runco, M. A., & Abdulla, A. M. (September 2016). Task-oriented coping mediates the relation between creativity and challenge-skill balance of Flow. Presented at the 31st Annual Conference, Association for Applied Sport Psychology, Phoenix, AZ, The United States of America. Aljasim, F. A., Alhamdan, N. S., & Abdulla, A. M. (August 2015). Styles of learning and thinking: A comparison between elementary gifted and non-gifted students in the Kingdom of Bahrain. Presented at the 2015 World Council for Gifted and Talented Children Conference, Odense, Denmark. Cramond, B., & Abdulla, A. M. (July 2015). The Torrance legacy. Torrance Center Summer Institute, University of Georgia, Athens, GA, The United States of America. Sumners, S., Paek, S., Abdulla, A. M., & Runco, M. A. (February 2015). Creativity, what it is and what it is not: A study of implicit theories. Presented at the 2015 UGA College of Education Graduate Student & Faculty Research Conference, Athens, GA, The United States of America. Abdulla, A. M. (December 2014). Writing literature reviews in the social and behavioral sciences. Arabian Gulf University, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain. Cramond, B., & Abdulla, A. M. (November 2014). The Torrance Incubation Model of teaching. Arabian Gulf University, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain.

July 2021

Abdulla, A. M., & Ramey, C. (March 2014). Master thinking. A workshop presented at the Georgia Association for Gifted Children Convention, Athens, GA, The United States of America. Abdulla, A. M. (March 2013). Scoring the figural and verbal forms of the Torrance Test of Creative Thinking. Jeddah: The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Aljasim, F. A., & Abdulla, A. M. (December 2012). Scoring the figural and verbal forms of the Torrance Test of Creative Thinking. Arabian Gulf University, Manama: Kingdom of Bahrain. Abdulla, A. M. (July 2011). The Effectiveness of the Master Thinker program in developing critical thinking skills of 11th grade students in the Kingdom of Bahrain. Paper presented at the Second Gulf Conference of Giftedness, Salalah: Sultanate of Oman.


Editorial Board: Journal of Creative Thinking (http://www.kreaturk.com/ojs/index.php/jct)


Alhanoof S. Altassan: Developing an assessment for identifying talented students in the


Shayma Aba Alquloob: The relationship between problem finding and analytical thinking

among gifted and non-gifted intermediate school students.

Amal M. Al-Subaie: The effect of an enrichment programs based on robotics in developing

active open-minded thinking and problem-solving among gifted intermediate students.

Hanouf A. Al-Waheeb: Competitive behavior and its relationship to moral intelligence among

athletically gifted students in higher education.

Methael F. Al-Ajmi: The effect of a Jacob's Ladder program on developing critical reading and

reading motivation among gifted intermediate female students.

Hasna A. Alghamdi: Kinesthetic intelligence and its relationship to independent behavior

and divergent thinking among the athletically gifted.

July 2021

Zainab H. Alrashed: Emotional intelligence and its relationship to problem finding and solving

among gifted and non-gifted intermediate female students.


Doaa Malek: The role of shadow teacher in promoting a gifted autistic child's skills.

Maryam M. Alghath: A Meta-analysis of the factor identifying the gifted with dyslexia.

Amthal Alaifan: Contribution of the creative environment, social media, and openness to

experience in shaping creativity in specific-general domain.

Mutlaq K. Abuhadida: Differentiation in problem finding and solving in view of thinking

styles, openness to experience, individual and collective creativity.

Zainab A. Albannai: A multidimensional model for identifying the performance of

elementary stage gifted students with learning difficulties: A meta-analytic structural

equation modeling study.


Fatema B. M. Alabdullah (June 2019): The creative environment and its correlation with

moral intelligence among faculty members in public and private universities in

Kuwait (unpublished master’s thesis), Arabian Gulf University, Manama, Bahrain.

Hissah S. M. ALamri (May 2019): The effect of academic acceleration on the cognitive

flexibility and social and emotional adaptation of gifted students: An evaluative study

(unpublished master’s thesis), Arabian Gulf University, Manama, Bahrain.

Sarah O. A. Al-Shehri (January 2019): The reality and constrains of using teaching

strategies based on differential instruction of gifted students as perceived by teachers

and supervisors (unpublished master’s thesis), Arabian Gulf University, Manama,


July 2021

Fatima S. Sanad (June 2018): The effect on an enrichment unit in climate change on basic

science skills and performance among gifted female primary school students

(unpublished master’s thesis), Arabian Gulf University, Manama, Bahrain.

Mashael M. H. Al-Shammari (March 2018): The effect of an enrichment program using

daily newspaper on developing critical thinking skills of female gifted students in the

State of Kuwait (unpublished master’s thesis), Arabian Gulf University, Manama,



• Medical Students Gifted and Talented Program, Arabian Gulf University (2018)


• Figural Divergent Thinking Test, Runco Creativity Assessment Battery (rCAB), Creativity Testing Services. • Divergent Thinking: Title Game Test, Runco Creativity Assessment Battery (rCAB), Creativity Testing Services. • Divergent Thinking: Realistic Presented Problems Test, Runco Creativity Assessment Battery (rCAB), Creativity Testing Services. • Divergent Thinking: Realistic Problem Generation Test, Runco Creativity Assessment Battery (rCAB), Creativity Testing Services. • Runco Ideational Behavior Scale (RIBS), Runco Creativity Assessment Battery (rCAB), Creativity Testing Services. • Creative Activity and Accomplishment Checklist (CAAC), Runco Creativity Assessment Battery (rCAB), Creativity Testing Services. • Attitudes and Values (A&V), Runco Creativity Assessment Battery (rCAB), Creativity Testing Services.

*For original works, contact Mark A. Runco: http://www.markrunco.com.

July 2021


• The National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC) • The American Psychological Association (APA) • The American Psychological Association, Division 10: Society for the Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity and the Arts. • The World Council for Gifted and Talented Children (WCGTC) • The American Educational Research Association (AERA) • The Gulf Achievement Center for Training and Consultation

MEDIA INTERVIEWS Ahmed M. Abdulla Alabbasi (2019, December. 2nd). Supporting gifted and creative

students in Bahrain. Interviewed by Sara AlBuraik. Bahrain Radio & TV Corporation.

Ahmed M. Abdulla Alabbasi (2017, Jan. 28th). Creativity and Creative Problem Solving.

Interviewed by Suhier Almohandi. Bahrain Radio & TV Corporation.


• Creativity Conference, Southern Oregon University Ashland, OR., the United States of America, July 2021. • American Psychological Association (APA) Convention, Chicago, IL., August 2019. • Educational Policy Dialog: The Policies of Identification and Nurturing Gifted Students. Regional Center for Educational Planning, United Arab Emirates, June 2019. • Responsible Conduct of Research Conference: The Importance of Integrity to Research Success, Royal University for Women, Bahrain, March 2019. • Creativity Conference, Southern Oregon University Ashland, OR., the United States of America, August 2018. • American Psychological Association (APA) Convention, San Francisco, CA., August 2018. • Bett Show, Excel, London, January 2018. • American Psychological Association (APA) Convention, Washington, D.C., August 2017.

July 2021

• IREG Observatory on Academic Ranking and Excellence: Excellence as the University Driving Force. Doha, March 2017. • The National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC) Convention, Orlando, FL, November 2016. • The Association for Applied Sport Psychology, Phoenix, AZ, September 2016. • The World Council for Gifted and Talented Children, Odense, Denmark, August 2015. • The University of Georgia, College of Education Graduate Student & Faculty Research Conference, Athens, GA, The United States of America, February 2015. • The National Association of Gifted Children (NAGC) Convention, Baltimore, MD, November 2014. • The Annual International Creativity Collaborative (ICC), Athens, GA, October 2014. • The Georgia Association for Gifted Children (GAGC) Convention, Athens, GA, March 2014. • The National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC) Convention, Indianapolis, IN, November 2013. • The Second Gulf Conference of Giftedness, Oman, July 2011.


• Advanced Meta-Analysis, Biostat, Inc (2021). • Unpacking Bibliometrics & Boosting Citations, Higher Education Council and Knowledge E, Kingdom of Bahrain (2020). • Advanced Researcher Connect: Professional Development for Researchers, Higher Education Council and the British Council, Kingdom of Bahrain (2018). • Research Connect: Professional Development for Researchers. United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization- Regional Center for Information and Communication Technology, Kingdom of Bahrain (2018). • Training of Trainers on the Enterprise Development & Investment Promotion Program (EDIP). The United Nations Industrial Development Organization, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain (2017). • Bringing UnCommon Thinking to Common Core. The Torrance Center Summer Institute – The Torrance Center for Creativity and Talent Development, University of Georgia, Athens, GA, The United States of America (2014).

July 2021

• Future Problem Solving for Beginners. The Torrance Center Summer Institute – the Torrance Center for Creativity and Talent Development, University of Georgia, Athens, GA, The United States of America (2014). • Scoring the Torrance Test of Creative Thinking - Verbal Form A & B. The Torrance Center for Creativity and Talent Development, University of Georgia, Athens, GA, The United States of America (2012). • Scoring the Torrance Test of Creative Thinking - Figural Forms A & B. The Torrance Center for Creativity and Talent Development, University of Georgia, Athens, GA, The United States of America (2012). • Designing Curriculum for Gifted Students. The Second Gulf Conference of Giftedness, Salalah, Oman (2011). • Certified trainer in Measurement and Diagnosis of Gifted and Talent Students. De Bono Center for Teaching Thinking, Amman, Jordan (2010). • Measurement and Diagnosis of the Gifted and Talented. De Bono Center for Teaching Thinking, Amman, Jordan (2010). • Developing Reading Skills for Students with Learning Disabilities. The Ministry of Education, Manama: Kingdom of Bahrain (2008). • Unconscious Mind in the Classroom. The Ministry of Education, Manama: Kingdom of Bahrain (2008). • Methods of Teaching Mathematic Skills for Special Education Specialists. The Ministry of Education, Manama: Kingdom of Bahrain (2008). • Methods of Teaching Arabic Language Skills for Special Education Specialists. The Ministry of Education, Manama: Kingdom of Bahrain (2007). • Identifying Gifted Students and Methods of Dealing with Them. The Ministry of Education, Manama: Kingdom of Bahrain (2007). • The Theory of Inventive Problem Solving Program (TRIZ). De Bono Center for Teaching Thinking, Amman, Jordan (2006). • Cognitive Research Trust Program for Teaching Thinking (CORT). De Bono Center for Teaching Thinking, Amman: Jordan (2006). • Neuro linguistic programming (NLP). The Canadian Center of Human Development, Manama: Kingdom of Bahrain (2003).

July 2021


• Creativity • Giftedness • Divergent Thinking • Problem Finding and Solving • Convergent Thinking • Emotional Intelligence

July 2021


Ahmed M. Abdulla Alabbasi is the Head of the Department of Gifted Education at the

Arabian Gulf University, Manama, Bahrain. Dr. Ahmed earned his PhD. in Gifted and

Creative Education from the University of Georgia in 2016. He also earned a professional certificate in Leadership Development from Harvard Kennedy School of Executive

Education, Harvard University, and a professional certificate in Leading and Building a

Culture of Innovation from Harvard Business School, Harvard University. Dr. Ahmed is the co-founder of the Medical Students Gifted and Talented Program in the Arabian Gulf

University. His research interests include creativity, giftedness, divergent thinking, problem finding, and emotional intelligence. He received several awards including the Doctoral

Student Award from the National Association for Gifted Children in 2016, the Doctoral

Level Completed Research Award from the National Association for Gifted Children in

2016, and the 2nd placing certificate from the American Psychological Association (Division

52) in 2018. Dr. Ahmed is a member in several committees including the Quality Assurance committee and Research Ethics committee at the Arabian Gulf University. Dr. Ahmed translated a number of creativity tests from the Runco Creativity Assessment Battery (r-

CAB) into Arabic. He is an active member in a number of professional organizations including the American Psychological Association (APA), The World Council for Gifted and

Talented Children (WCGTC), and the American Educational Research Association.

Contact Information: Ahmed M. Abdulla Alabbasi Mailing Address: Road 2904, Building 293, Manama 329, Bahrain- Arabian Gulf University. Email: [email protected] Website: www.dralabbasi.com

July 2021

أﺣﻤﺪ ﻣﺤﻤﺪ دروﺶ ﺪﺒﻋ ﷲ ﺎﺒﻌﻟا ةﺬﺒﻧ( )ةﺮﺼﺘﺨﻣ ةﺬﺒﻧ(

رﺋﺲ ﻗﺴﻢ ﺗﺮﻴﺔ اﳌﻮﻮن ﺑﺠﺎﻣﻌﺔ اﻠﻴﺞ اﻟﻌﺮﻲ. ﺣﺎﺻﻞ ﻋ درﺟﺔ اﻟﺒﺎﻟﻮرﻮس اﻟﺑﻴﺔ اﺎﺻﺔ ﻣﻦ

اﺎﻣﻌﺔ اﻷردﻧﻴﺔ، ودرﺟﺔ اﳌﺎﺟﺴﺘ ﺑﺎﻣﺘﻴﺎز ﻣﻊ ﻣﺮﺗﺒﺔ اﻟﺸﺮف اﻷو ﺗﺮﻴﺔ اﳌﻮﻮن ﻣﻦ ﺎﺟ ﺔﻌﻣ ا ﻠ ﺞﻴ ﻲﺮﻌﻟا ، ودرﺟﺔ

اﻟﺪﻛﺘﻮراﻩ ﺔﻴﺮﺗ ﻮﻮﳌا ن نﻋﺪﺒﳌاو زﺎﻴﺘﻣﺎﺑ ﻦﻣ ﺟﺎﻣﻌﺔ ﺟﻮرﺟﻴﺎ University of Georgia تﺎﻳﻻﻮﻟﺎﺑ ةﺪﺤﺘﳌا ﺔﻴﻜﺮﻣﻷا

( ﺺﺼﺨﺗ ﺮﻓ - عاﺪﺑﻹا ). ﻛﺬﻟﻚ ﻳﺤﻤﻞ اﻟﺪﻛﺘﻮر أﺣﻤﺪ ﺷﺎدة ﺗﻨﻔﻴﺬﻳﺔ ﺗﻨﻤﻴﺔ اﻟﻘﻴﺎدة ﻣﻦ ﻣﺮﻛﺰ ﻛﻴﻴﺪي ﺑﺠﺎﻣﻌﺔ ﺎرﻓﺎرد

Harvard Kennedy School of Executive Education، ﺔﻓﺎﺿإ ةدﺎﺸﻟ ﺔﻳﺬﻴﻔﻨﺗ ءﺎﻨﺑ ةدﺎﻴﻗو ﺔﻓﺎﻘﺛ رﺎﺘﺑﻻا ﻦﻣ ﺔﻴﻠ ﺔﻴﻠ

ﺎرﻓﺎرد ﻹدارة اﻷﻋﻤﺎل ﺑﺠﺎﻣﻌﺔ ﺎرﻓﺎرد Harvard Business School. ﺗ ﺺﺘ ﮫﺗﺎﻣﺎﻤﺘا ا ﺔﻴﺜﺤﺒﻟ ﺔﺒﻮﳌا ، عاﺪﺑﻹا ، ً ﻜﻔﺘﻟا يﺪﻋﺎﺒﺘﻟا ، إﻳﺠﺎد اﳌﺸﻜﻼت إﺑﺪاﻋﻴﺎ، ﺑﻻا ﺎﺘ ر ، ودراﺳﺔ اﻟﻔﺮوق اﻨﺪرﺔ اﻹﺑﺪاع. ً ﺸﺮ اﻟﺪﻛﺘﻮر أﺣﻤﺪ ﻛأ ﻦﻣ ﺮﺸﻋ ﻦ ﻣﺆﻟﻔﺎ ﻣﺎ ﺑﺤﻮث ﻣﺸﻮرة ﻣﺠﻼت ﻋﻠﻤﻴﺔ ﻋﺎﳌﻴﺔ ، وﻓﺼﻮل ﻛﺘﺐ ﻣﺤﺮرة ، ،

و ﺎﺳ ﻢ ﺔﺑﺎﺘﻛ أرﻌﺔ ﻨﺼﻣ ﻔ ﺎ ت ﺔﻌﺒﻄﻟا ﺔﺜﻟﺎﺜﻟا ﻦﻣ ﺔﻋﻮﺳﻮﻣ ﺪﺑﻹا عا Encyclopedia of Creativity، ﻤﻛ ﺎ مﺎﻗ ﺑ ﺔﻤﺟ ﺔﻤﺟ

ﻋﺪد ﻣﻦ ﻣﻘﺎﻳﺲ اﻹﺑﺪاع ﻣﻦ ﺑﻄﺎرﺔ رﻧﻮ ﻟﻘﻴﺎس اﻹﺑﺪاع Runco Creativity Assessment Battery إ ﺔﻐﻠﻟا .ﺔﻴﺮﻌﻟا

ﺣﺎز اﻟﺪﻛﺘﻮر أﺣﻤﺪ ﻋ ﻋﺪد ﻣﻦ اﻮاﺋﺰ اﻟﻌﺎﳌﻴﺔ ﻣﺎ ﺟﺎﺋﺰة ﻃﺎﻟﺐ اﻟﺪﻛﺘﻮراﻩ ﻣﻦ ﺔﻴﻌﻤا ﺔﻴﻜﺮﻣﻷا لﺎﻔﻃﻸﻟ لﺎﻔﻃﻸﻟ ﺔﻴﻜﺮﻣﻷا ﺔﻴﻌﻤا

نﻮﻮﳌا (National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC، ﺟﺎﺋﺰة أﻓﻀﻞ ﺑﺤﺚ ﻣﻜﺘﻤﻞ ﻋ ﻣﺴﺘﻮى ﻃﻠﺒﺔ اﻟﺪﻛﺘﻮراﻩ

ﻦﻣ ﺔﻴﻌﻤا ﺔﻴﻜﺮﻣﻷا لﺎﻔﻃﻸﻟ نﻮﻮﳌا (NAGC)، ﺎﺟو ﺋ ﺰة ﺛﺎﻲ أﻓﻀﻞ ﺑﺤﺚ ﻋ ﻣﺴﺘﻮى اﻟﺸﺮق اﻷوﺳﻂ ﻣﻦ اﻤﻌﻴﺔ ً ﺔﻴﻜﺮﻣﻷا ﻢﻠﻌﻟ ا ﻟ ﺲﻔﻨ (American Psychological Association (APA. ﻌﻤﻞ اﻟﺪﻛﺘﻮر أﺣﻤﺪ ﺣﺎﻟﻴﺎ ﺮﻛ ﺋ ﺲ ﻟ ﻢﺴﻘ ﺗ ﺮ ﻴ ﺔ ﻢﻘﻟ ﺋﺮ

نﻮﻮﳌا و ﻤﻛ ﻖﺴ ﺞﻣﺎﻧﻟ ﺘﺴﺟﺎﳌا ﻢﺴﻘﺑ ﺔﻴﺮﺗ نﻮﻮﳌا ﺔﻌﻣﺎﺠﺑ ﺞﻴﻠا ﻲﺮﻌﻟا ، ﻮو ﻮﻀﻋ دﺪﻋ ﻦﻣ ا ﻟ نﺎ نﺎ ﻟ ا ﻦﻣ دﺪﻋ ﻮﻀﻋ ﻮو ً ﺔﻴﻌﻣﺎا . أﺧا، ﻳﺸﻂ اﻟﺪﻛﺘﻮر أﺣﻤﺪ ﻋﺪد ﻣﻦ اﻤﻌﻴﺎت اﻟﻌﺎﳌﻴﺔ ﻣﺠﺎل اﳌﻮﺒﺔ واﻹﺑﺪاع وﻮ ﻋﻀﻮ اﻤﻌﻴﺔ

ﺔﻴﻜﺮﻣﻷا ﻢﻠﻌﻟ ا ﻟ ﺲﻔﻨ (APA) ﺔﻴﻌﻤاو ﺔﻴﻜﺮﻣﻷا لﺎﻔﻃﻸﻟ نﻮﻮﳌا (NAGC)، ﺔﻴﻌﻤاو ﺔﻴﻜﺮﻣﻷا ثﻮﺤﺒﻠﻟ ﺔﻮﺑﻟا

.American Educational Research Association Contact Information: Ahmed M. Abdulla Alabbasi Mailing Address: Road 2904, Building 293, Manama 329, Bahrain- Arabian Gulf University. Email: [email protected] Website: www.dralabbasi.com