The Law Rentian

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The Law Rentian .1 16 Fob. T h e La w r e n t ia n 1. 54. No. 1. LAWRENCE COLLEGE, APPLETON, WIS. Friday, Sept. 25, 1936 Gordon Clapp 1» hree Leading London Train to Beta Sigma Phi Improved Vike Arrive in Appleton Appointed to New At 7:28 P. M. Tonite To Affiliate With Deal Committee aiths Confer Mr. Gordon R. Clapp, a former Team to Meet resident of Appleton and a gradu­ Yesterday the ten car sunflower Beta Theta Pi ate of Lawrence College, has been special carrying the Rerublican’s appointed by President RooseVelt On Relations presidential hope, Governor Alf M. Will Join Beta Thela Pi; to serve on his newly created com­ Chicago There mittee, headed by Dr. Floyd Reeves Landon of Kansas, entered Wiscon­ 87 Active Chapters of the University of Chicago, to jitliolici, Jew», and Prot­ sin for a two-day series of rear study the new for an "expanded Twelve Lettermen Return; estants Meet on Law* platform appearances in eleven ci­ In U. S. program” of federal aid for voca­ Two Backfields May tional education. ties. The train will arrive in Ap­ Beta Sigma Phi, Lawrence local rence Campus pleton tonight at 7:28 P. M. for a Mr. Clapp, after his graduation B e Used three minute stop. The climax of fraternity, will become affiliated from Lawrence, was a member of I S C U S S PROBLEMS the present swing will be a speech with the national fraternity Beta the admiinstrative staff of the col­ GERLACH INELIGIBLE lege for about five years before in Milwaukee tomorrow night. Theta Pi. The installation is sched­ ■ With religious intolerance ram- becoming connected with the TV A. For the first time since 1931 when L uled to take place November tenth. He served as personnel officer and 3 n t in • strife torn world, lead* a powerful Wisconsin eleven rolled The affiliation was acceptcd by the assistant to the dean of Lawrence over them 53-7, Lawrence tomorrow * g representatives of America’s Freshman Class national Beta Theta Pi hold this and then was given a Uave of ab­ meets a big ten team. From one end ,free great religions gathered on sence to do graduate work at the to another and through the back- summer at Edgewater Park, Miss. University of Chicago. While on ae campus of Lawrence College for field the Vikes appear to have a Shows Increase The Lawrence local received per­ leave he was named assistant to six day conference from Aug 31 better outfit than last year to pit mission to petition a year ago. the personnel director of the TVA against Chicago, but the work of • September 4 to discass common Frank W. Clippinger, professor of and assistant in the division of edu­ the veterans has been little soggy roblems facing Protestant, Cathol- Over Last Year English at th e college and E. H. cation and planning. Later he be­ and the line-up is not too certain. Jennings of Appleton assisted the came personnel director. Only Gerlach, a guard who won and Jew . The Institute of Hu- Fraternity in preparing their peti­ The action on the part of Presi­ l Relations was sponsored by Twenty Seven Additional his emblem, is ineligible for active tion to the national group. A com­ dent Roosevelt in forming this play this year while Hallquist, No- Chicago Round Table of Jews mittee of active members, Donald committee followed the president’s Christians, Students to Attend vakofski, Haak, and about ten good à MacDonald, Merrill; Donald Schalk, moves to formulate legislation on sophomores are available for fairly rrominent speakers, including Dr. Lawrence Neenah; Herbert Coller, De Pere; crop insurance, more efficient use t R. Clinchy, Preston Brad- tegular play. and Walter Scheuss, Racine, pre­ of “dust bowl" natural resources, Two Backfields to Use ; the very Rev. Michael J. O’Con- The class of 1040 showed a dis­ sented the petition at the examina­ and farm tenant aid. Rabbi Louis L. Mahn, Rabbi Weidman and the veteran Kennie tinct gain in number over last tion. Mr. Clippinger and Mr. Jen­ Walker will probably alternate at J. Feldman presented ths year’s freshman class, when on Sep­ nings accompanied the group. Mr. ts of view of their respective quarter with Weidman still hold­ tember seventeenth two hundred Clippinger is a member of Beta ing the edge as far as tossing pass­ eligions and further discussed the and forty five first year students Theta Pi. of difficulty between the Wriston Urges es goes; Vande Walle and Nova- enrolled. The enrollment figures for Foundation In 1139 kofski are out to rob one half-back ps in dealing with one another, freshmen registration in 1035 listed Beta Theta Pi is one of three fra­ al scientists Harold D, Lass- job of ball taking while Joe Maertz- the number of freshmen at 218, a ternities fonded at Miami univer­ Understanding weiler, who was almost drafted to veil and Dr. A. R. Radcliffe-Brown gain of twenty seven students. sity, Oxford, Ohio, in 1839, the oth­ ! liscussed intergroup difficulties Marquette, and Al Haak are a cou­ The new college handbook was er two being Phi Delta Theta and ple of tough blocking halves and ' from the view o t the political sci­ distributed at ths beginning of Sigma Chi ths three societies sre entist and the Anthropologist; the Before Action will see constant action. Nobody freshmen week. Ths book includes often referred to as the "Miami Tri- looks nearly good enough to beat former is professor of political sci­ revised lists of pastors of city Ad,” and on many campuses hold ence at ths University of Chi­ College Students Must out Ken West berg and Bob Hall­ churches, fsculty snd staff mem­ an annual joint social function. quist at full. Westberg will be call­ cago and ths latter professor of bers at the college, and a new ex­ There are at present 87 active chap­ anthropology at the same institr- Think first in Pres­ ed on plenty this year. planation of student sthletics and ters in the United States. N s Question About Ends tion. Beta Sigma Phi, ths local frater­ Attack C saasa Fss organization of ths student body. ent World Crisis Co-captains Osen snd Strauble This years cover Is heavy buff nity which now becomes s chapter attended weddings and home town Though th srs w ss wide disagree* of the larger fratemMy, was found­ |,ment expressed between the groups stock with ths collsgs crest snd title The first Lawrence convocation football scraps as the team went printed in ch ocolsts brown. ed s t Lawrence in 1808. Its total liv­ *in regard to doctrine, thers w ss program opened with ths academic through its first scrimmage last In chsrgs o f freshman registra­ ing membership is slightly less thsn unsnimous accord when it csm s to parade and ths matriculation ad­ Saturday. Crawford and Laird are tion waa ths staff of ths sdmissions 385. By sgreement with Bets Ths- out for end jobs with Crawford fighting against ths common ene­ ts Pi. sll members of the local fra­ dress by President Wriston last mies of intolerance, race and class deportment of ths college: Milton s converted back, good on offense C. Towner, sssistsnt to the presi­ ternity except those who later join­ Wednesday, Sept. 2S. The students but slow on defense, and Laird hatred, atheism, fascism, and com* ed s nstionsl group st snother col­ aaunism. dent and admissions officer; Clar­ found their one opportunity of fac­ looking as though hs may come ence E. Deakina, registrar and sd­ lege wiU be inducted into member­ along. At tackle. Bridges is pretty One of ths most interesting events ship in Bets Theta Pi provided ing the assembled faculty, the cus­ Of the whole Institute wss s round missions officer; Miss Annette Mey­ sure to plsy a man-sized game and er snd Ralph Colburn, sdmissions they petition for such membership tom of seating the faculty on the Grode will carry on the other side. table discussion between Rabbi within s yesr. Louis L. Mann of Sinai Temple, assistants from the Chicago and platform with the speaker being in Arthur and Holmes will be there Milwaukee offices of the college. Chicago; ths Rev. Bsdil Reuse, pro­ DERR CHANGES RESIDENCE its third yesr of discard. just in case; McDonald has not as fessor of economics st St. Norbsrts They wars being sssisted by Miss Introducing his address with s yet reported. Marie Dohr, assistant to ths alum­ Coach Psul Derr is to move his College, West DePere; and Ever* residence nearer the Alexander declaration that he would liks this The guards are plentiful and look stt R. Clinchy, Presbyterian min­ ni secretary; Frank W. Cllpplngcr, college year to be made significant like a bunch for Line Coach Cat- professor of English; John S. Mil- Gymnasium. Lawrence College is ister and director of the nstionsl fixing the little house south of ths by the adoption of an enterprise lin to beam about. Sloan is well conference of Jews and Christians. lis, professor of physics; and Miss common to the whole institution, he improved over last season snd Is Virginia Shannon, assistant to the gym for the coach's use. He will Babbi Mann ably summarized the move upon its completion. went on to say tHht this enterprise sure of s berth. Desn is a veteran spirit of ths discussion snd ths registrar. would be one of careful apprais­ with plenty of drive, but might be whole conference ssying, “We need A freshman week committee of al and appreciation of the world moved to center.
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