Course CT4460 Polders April 2015 Dr. O.A.C. Hoes Professor N.C. van de Giesen Delft University of Technology Artikelnummer 06917300084 These lecture notes are part of the course entitled ‘Polders’ given in the academic year 2014-2015 by the Water Resources Section of the faculty of Civil Engineering, Delft University of Technology. These lecture notes may contain some mistakes. If you have any comments or suggestions that would improve a reprinted version, please send an email to
[email protected]. When writing these notes, reference was made to the lecture notes ‘Polders’ by Prof. ir. J.L. Klein (1966) and ‘Polders and flood control’ by Prof. ir. R. Brouwer (1998), and to the books ‘Polders en Dijken’ by J. van de Kley and H.J. Zuidweg (1969), ‘Water management in Dutch polder areas’ by Prof. dr. ir. B. Schulz (1992), and ‘Man-made Lowlands’ by G.P. van der Ven (2003). Moreover, many figures, photos and tables collected over the years from different reports by various water boards have been included. For several of these it was impossible to track down the original sources. Therefore, the references for these figures are missing and we apologise for this. We hope that with these lecture notes we have succeeded in producing an orderly and accessible overview about the genesis and management of polders. These notes will not be discussed page by page during the lectures, but will form part of the examination. March 2015 Olivier Hoes i Contents 1 Introduction 1 2 Geology and soils of the Netherlands 3 2.1 Geological sequence of soils