ANHOLT SCHOOL Demonstration projects according to Cradle-to-Cradle®-principles Carla K. Smink and Søren Kerndrup (ed.) - 2 - Anholt School Demonstration projects according to Cradle-to-Cradle®-principles Carla K. Smink and Søren Kerndrup (Ed.), NovemBer 2012 Aalborg University Department of Development and Planning Vestre Havnepromenade 9 9000 Aalborg Denmark Printed By: SæBy Bogtryk, Tranåsvej 8A, 9300 SæBy, E-mail:
[email protected],, CVR nr.: DK 19 49 78 79 PuBlished By: AalBorg University, Department of Development and Planning, 2012 Translated from Danish to English By: Carla K. Smink and Christina Grann Myrdal - 4 - Preface This report has Been written on the Basis of the work AalBorg University (AAU) has carried out in the Cradle-to-Cradle Islands project (C2CI-project) ( on Anholt. The C2CI-project is an Interreg IVB North Sea Region project with 22 partners from 6 countries around the North Sea. The project ran from January 2009 to summer 2012. The leading vision of the project was to see islands as innovative centres that implement Cradle-to- Cradle® solutions. The main goal was to develop innovative solutions in the field for energy, water and materials using Cradle-to-Cradle® (C2C) principles as a guide. The focus of this report is on demonstration projects using C2C principles as a guide that can Be implemented at Anholt School. Anholt is part of Norddjurs Municipality, project partner in the C2CI-project and owner of the school. The report is aimed at people connected to the school (the school’s principal, the manager of the nursery, teachers, and the parents’ committee), Norddjurs Municipality and the other partners in C2CI-project.