Bi-Annual Progress Report III ELENA-2012-038 December 15 Th 2015 to June 15 Th 2016
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Bi-annual Progress Report III ELENA-2012-038 December 15 th 2015 to June 15 th 2016 Table of Contents 1 Work Progress ....................................................................................... 2 1.1 Work in the Project Department ............................................................... 2 1.1.1 Progress meetings with the municipalities ................................. 2 1.1.2 Workshops ............................................................................... 2 1.1.3 Task Groups ............................................................................. 2 1.1.4 Cooperation with the other Danish ELENA projects ................... 3 1.1.5 Secondments ........................................................................... 3 1.1.6 Steering Committee .................................................................. 3 1.1.7 Advisory Group ......................................................................... 4 1.1.8 Energy Conference – Energiforum 2016 ................................... 4 1.1.9 New initiatives .......................................................................... 4 1.1.10 Energy exhibition in Bjerringbro ................................................ 5 2 Current status – implementation of the investment program .............. 6 2.1 Main tasks, according to Annex I of the EIB-contract ................................ 7 2.1.1 The leverage factor ................................................................... 7 2.1.2 Additional project achievements ................................................ 8 3 Identified Problems and Risks for Implementation .............................. 9 3.1 Reduced/increased expectations for investments ..................................... 9 3.2 Documentation of implemented investments ............................................ 9 4 Contracts for Technical Assistance .....................................................10 5 Changes in the Planned Activities .......................................................11 5.1 Reduced/increased expectations for investments ................................... 11 5.2 Updated table of expected investments for implementation .................... 12 6 Financial Statement ..............................................................................13 ANNEX A: Temporary Secondment Plan, Fall 2016 ANNEX B: Information note to the Steering Committee (in Danish only) ANNEX C: Started/planned investments ANNEX D: Project Activities in the Work Programme ANNEX E: Contracts for Technical Assistance ANNEX F: Financial Statement CeDEPI Bi-annual Progress Report III 1 Bi-annual Progress Report, CeDEPI This report has been prepared in accordance with the contract between the European Investment Bank (EIB) and the Central Denmark Region (CDR). The purpose is to summarize the six months’ project progress between Dec 15 th 2015 and June 15 th 2016. 1 WORK PROGRESS 1.1 Work in the Project Department 1.1.1 Progress meetings with the municipalities Biannual progress meetings were held in April/May. As the previous meetings 2 partners attended each meeting. The agenda had a primary focus on project progress, expectations for the final year of the investment program and potential risks for implementation of projects. Each partner has provided an assessment of expected investments to be contracted by April/May 2017 (please see section 5). Furthermore secondments and contracts with external consultants were dis- cussed. Once again the feedback on the meetings were very positive as the meetings give a sense of ownership to project for the partners, as well as enhancing net- working and cooperation between the municipalities. 1.1.2 Workshops The Secretariat has facilitated a workshop regarding professional design of street lighting projects. The workshop was scheduled as a lecture as well as hands-on work in the lighting design software Dialux. The attendance was limited to 20 people and most partners working with street lighting projects attended (including attendance from municipalities outside CeDEPI). In addition the Project Department and the partnering municipalities have been invited to and attended the following workshops and conferences. Some hosted by the other Danish ELENA projects: • Workshop – Heat pumps (hosted by EPSD) • Energy Conference – EL-teknik 2016 – new legislation regarding lighting design (public conference) • Workshop – Lighting design (CEICAD) 1.1.3 Task Groups The activities in the Task Groups have been integrated as part of the workshops described in section 1.1.2 and as part of the meetings in the Advisory Group (Section 1.1.7). Bi-annual Progress Report III CeDEPI 2 As always the Secretariat is attentive to any requests from the partners for rele- vant topics or challenges for the Task Groups to discuss and work with. 1.1.4 Cooperation with the other Danish ELENA projects In February the Secretariat hosted the biannual meeting with the other Danish ELENA-projects: EPSD, CEICAD and Aa+. The agenda was sharing of knowledge, project progress, successes and risks for implementation. The other ELENA-projects are at the final stages of their investment program and have a lot of experiences to share. The Secretariat regards the meetings as very rewarding for all parties as the challenges and opportunities the projects face are often very similar. The next meeting will be in August and hosted by EPSD. 1.1.5 Secondments Silkeborg Municipality has exchanged internal assistance from the Project De- partment to a corresponding amount of funds for external technical assistance. Hedensted and Syddjurs Municipality have taken over this amount of internal technical assistance in exchange of funds for external technical assistance. The Secretariat is very pleased with this outcome as it fulfilled a request from all three municipalities without compromising the objectives of the investment pro- gram. The new secondment plan is attached as Annex A. Table 1: Status, secondments Emil Mortensen Viborg Municipality Hedensted Municipality Peter Merrild Sørensen Viborg Municipality Norddjurs Municipality Jimmie Feldfos Randers Municipality Syddjurs Municipality Hedensted Municipality Uffe Gaardsvig Silkeborg Municipality Hedensted Municipality Jens Munch Casper Randers Municipality Norddjurs Municipality Navid K.T. Jensen Hedensted Municipality Favrskov Municipality 1.1.6 Steering Committee There have been two scheduled meetings in the Steering Committee, regarding the project progress and the project in general. The first meeting was in February and was completed without any remarks from the Committee. CeDEPI Bi-annual Progress Report III 3 The next meeting in April was not held due to cancellations. An informative note and fact sheet regarding the project progress was forwarded to the Committee. The note is attached (in Danish only) as Annex B. The Steering Committee finds the current project progress satisfactory. The next meeting will be in June 2016. 1.1.7 Advisory Group There have been two scheduled meetings in the Advisory Group. The first meet- ing was hosted by Silkeborg Municipality in January. In addition to project pro- gress, project economy etc., the agenda included: • A presentation of user involvement in building projects. • A site visit to a sport arena (regarding energy optimization of artificial lighting). • A presentation of energy investments in general in Silkeborg Municipali- ty. The presentations and site visit are part of a "merger" between the Advisory Group meeting and the meetings in the Task Forces. The attendance at the Ad- visory Group meeting are much higher and hence the work in the Task Groups will benefit by merging the meetings. The Secretariat received positive feedback on the meetings and will schedule the future meetings in a similar format. Accordingly with the meeting in the Steering Committee, the quarterly meeting in the Advisory Group in April was cancelled, also due to lack of attendance. The next meeting will be in late June 2016. They too received the informative note. 1.1.8 Energy Conference – Energiforum 2016 The Project Department repeated the success of last year and participated in the annual Energy Conference Energiforum 2016 , hosted by the Danish energy so- ciety Energiforum Danmark . As the previous year the conference is a great opportunity to gain new knowledge about energy related problems, and to connect with leading compa- nies regarding energy optimization and renewable energy. Many of the CeDEPI partnering municipalities were also participating, so net- working was also an important part of the event. The participation of the Project Department was funded by the partnering municipalities. 1.1.9 New initiatives EnergyTrim™ - a Win-Win situation All partners have been informed of a service from the Danish manufacturer of controls and components and power solutions, Danfoss A/S. They have special- Bi-annual Progress Report III CeDEPI 4 ists in many areas and over the last five years one such specialist has provided a service registered as Energy Trim™. The service consists of a contracted specialist who then evaluates a building's energy performance. The service can only be contracted if there is a gain in en- ergy performance of a minimum of 15%. If this is not the case, Danfoss will not enter into an agreement. The client must commit to changing all components that Danfoss suggest, as a requirement to improving the energy performance. In an ideal world the municipalities own people would be "the specialist", but often their scope of work is slightly different