Asne Seierstad,Sarah Death | 544 pages | 03 May 2015 | Little, Brown Book Group | 9781844089208 | English | London, United Kingdom One of Us: The Story of a Massacre and its Aftermath PDF Book

The New York Times. From then on, he lived almost entirely in his imagination, but his fantasies were still linked to the real world of politics and ideology. This is a hard book to review. View 1 comment. The facts are presented in dispassionate detail, based entirely on personal testimony, court and police records. Others looked down or widened their eyes in disbelief. It was not immersive enough. Besides the fact of its excellent reviews, I was first drawn to this book by its poignant title, One of Us. Beirik believed in a three step plan, the bombing, the massacre at the island, and a trial that would serve as his platform for his ideas. The author realises that nothing can ever really make sense of this awful tragedy, but gives us the details that allow us to ponder. Even the indigent and refugee communities can do that now with government help. At all costs we want to stir up some sort of feeling in others. Tsarnaev acted out of an ideology that was the antithesis of , the self-proclaimed commander of the Norwegian anti-communist resistance movement who in July, sought to rid Europe of what he perceived to be its Islamization and, secondly to make a statement about what cultural diversity, and the feminist mo On May 15, the jury in the Boston bombing case voted the death penalty for Dzhokhar Tsarnaev for his role in the massacre at the April 15, Boston Marathon. A world where a bunch of idealistic and ambitious kids go to a political camp because they want to shape things; a world where one twisted soul can shoot them to bring attention to his own warped cause. Seierstad's approach to the subject matter is a journalistic one, the story - of the perpetrator as well as some of his victims - is reported in a narrating, very approachable way. Since Breveik surrendered with a confession, all that was left to decide was if he were sane and therefore responsible for his actions. It is a ghastly story of family dysfunction, professional and sexual failure, grotesque narcissism and the temptation of apocalyptic delusions. The second is due to Seierstad's choice to write in a sensationalist novel format. It wasn't a wise choice, I ended up wiping the tears running down my face in a fully booked airplane. Included are a young woman of Kurdish descent who fled from Iraq as a child in the 's and whose idol was 's first female Prime Minister, as well as a young man who helped teenage asylum seekers with their homework alongside football practice and his budding political activism, and who died saving others. Whenever I read op-eds that blame feminism for "emasculating" men by attempting to make them irrelevant I think of cases like this one. The lack of equipment, poor communication, and overall weak preparation for a disaster of this kind probably substantially increased the death and wounded totals. Detailed, fascinating and distressing in equal measure. Most popular. His mother was odd, but functionally odd. It was and right-wing terrorist Anders Breivik was on trial for having murdered 77 people and wounding dozens of others on July 22nd of the previous year. Utoya is a small island, so every pathway and park on it had dead bodies that day. The young people are loved, and the reader wants to protect them. They, also, were "one of us", each on their own, and their lifes and hopes ended or were crushed on that fateful day. Facebook Twitter Pinterest. Meaning : he was sane! This is also a book about looking for a way to belong and not finding it. But this path may suppose those family or community members to have a well- developed sense of self, and right and wrong. A second report was commissioned. The use of hindsight as a lens to dissect human tragedy is very common. Why did it happen? The book is a powerful story of how the development of hatred in one person can expose an entire society to his violent agenda. I will say, this cannot dethrone Columbine as the best true crime novel I've ever read, but it does hit a close second. She allowed you to get to know the kids, then you watched them die. Given his poor social skills and utter lack of empathy it came as no surprise to me that one of the psychiatrists who testified at his trial diagnosed him as likely being somewhere on the autism spectrum. A picture emerges of a killer - isolated, awkward, with a strange and troubled childhood. I was also impressed that Asne Seierstad donated all proceeds from the sales to a charity. Instead they went on with business as usual with the annual youth festivities. View all 11 comments. After September 11th she went to Afghanistan, reporting for a number of major Scandinavian newspapers. Why should this be the line I draw in my mental sand? One therefore has to get the message out by other means. The guy was a sicko, which is expected and basically unexplainable, so there's not much interesting to say. From his sad childhood until his total break with reality Anders Breivik devised a terrible plot against his country because he opposed the immigration happening in Norway. One of Us: The Story of a Massacre and its Aftermath Writer

We may get help eventually, perhaps, but we should take that responsibility seriously. And of the family members who had loved ones killed and will never have life as it once was. Welcome back. But this book bothered me. He called himself Andersnordic. It starts with demands for special dispensations and ends with demands for self-rule. Reading about these proceedings was like walking into Bizzaro Courtroom, where things appear familiar but are actually upside down. His insistence that his acts be declared that of a sane man, expressions of regret he says he almost cancelled his plan to commit the massacre on Utoya island and unwillingness to kill himself after committing such heinous acts deserved more analysis. These are lengthy and poorly introduced. Caffeine, ephedrine and aspirin ran in his bloodstream. I'm no masochist; I chose to read this book mostly because of its widespread acclaim. Three days ago a 19 year old guy was given 22 years in prison for wishing to cut off the head of a British soldier he was caught before he did it, unlike Michael Adebolajo and Michael Adebowale, who did behead a British soldier on the streets of London on 22 May This book is journalism, but written almost as a novel, and what unfolds is the story of a troubled boy who became a disaffected man; told alongside the stories of some of his victims. From there, Seierstad delivers the troubled life story of an infamous spree killer. While it was not as simple as that, his isolation was fundamental to his desire to do this, and his ability to carry it out. That the great number of Muslim immigrants and their much larger families would be the majority. When we walked into the restaurant we got a table and on it was the newspaper. He had a difficult, unstable mother and largely absent father. Most of the victims were teens. Anders Behring Breivik undoubtedly committed a massive heinous act in cold blood. One of those girls was killed that day. Its challenges with accommodating asylum seekers hasn't been covered as extensively as those in Britain or France. This is not problematic, as it was clearly my own choice. From his birth and early childhood, his complicated family dynamics and relations, his many failed attempts of being special, of belonging and never really achieving anything. Result : dissocial personality disorder with narcissistic traits. And it is true when they act as the suicidal hitmen for revolutionary groups. On the heels of this self-imposed seclusion, he took an extreme right-wing stance and commenced acquiring the materiel required for mass slaughter. All wrapped up in a gripping true crime narrative. Is it also in English? It is a brutally honest one in describing the failures particularly of the police. Though certain obvious details, like the layout of the island, are neglected. Goodreads Librari Seierstad has taken her subject and written about his entire life, as well as taking into account elements of his parents' lives to see what, if anything, rubbed off on Breivik and caused him to have the views which he so firmly holds. He achieved his goals as the Norwegian legal system worked to his advantage. The subject is a potentially influential terrorist who has made some grand claims for himself and the impact of his act on the future of Europe. One of Us presents a detailed account of Anders Breivik life and how he came to massacre 79 people. The shootings were only Part One. One therefore has to get the message out by other means. More filters. Asne Seierstad I think writes with some understanding and tries to get to the One of Us: The Story of a Massacre and its Aftermath Reviews

Somewhere along the line, he got swept up into far-right, anti-immigrant politics. . Showing Angel of Grozny: Inside Chechnya. We come out of this well written book with a deeper understanding of Norwegian life. There will be many more Breivik's in the future. It took months. Instead they went on with business as usual with the annual youth festivities. Seierstad adds stories, families, relations to this number. The facts are presented in dispassionate detail, based entirely on personal testimony, court and police records. Around , he decided to go it alone. We try to keep the animal at bay by watching Netflix series and reading dangerous novels and eating fast food. She has worked as a war correspondent across the world, including Russia, China, Iraq and Afghanistan. Were they wicked or heroic? Every moment they delayed, another child was being shot. And ultimately I wondered if I learned anything new about this kind of terrorism Breivik was a right-wing fanatic by reading this book or if I was just indulging in a prurient interest in this kind of crime. I had just This book It became an international bestseller, selling over two million copies. These changes in Europe's political landscape are largely due to the migration crisis and Angela Merkel and other western leaders' reaction to it. She then began work on One of Us , which became a European bestseller. Breivik crossed to the island where the youth wing of the labour party were having a rally, and started killing kids, unhurried and throwing in the odd snappy one-liner to boot, until the police finally managed to get to the island and arrest him. Tsarnaev acted out of an ideology that was the antithesis of Anders Behring Breivik, the self- proclaimed commander of the Norwegian anti-communist resistance movement who in July, sought to rid Europe of what he perceived to be its Islamization and, secondly to make a statement about what cultural diversity, and the feminist movement were doing to Norwegian society. He seemed socially awkward yet had friends. But it sucks even more not to act. She delves deep into Breivik's troubled childhood, showing how a hip-hop and graffiti aficionado became a right-wing activist and Internet game addict, and then an entrepreneur, Freemason, and self-styled master warrior who sought to "save Norway" from the threat of Islam and multiculturalism. When you hear him explain what he did and why, he can indeed sound reasonable, though with touches of narcissism and delusions of grandeur. In Norway suffered its worst ever terrorist attack. He later succeeded for a while by peddling fake university diplomas on the internet, but this too ran into the sand when he was in danger of being exposed. It starts with demands for special dispensations and ends with demands for self-rule. Not only because of the terrible trauma of that day, when Breivik unleashed such violence on unsuspecting and totally innocent people, but also because you do wonder at the many stages of this story where something could surely have been done to stop what happened. If I hadn't known the reality, I would have thought it was another badly written crime novel. I have read a lot of true crime in my days. The reader is given a vivid picture that will inevitably lead them to explore their own theories about how killings such as this could happen. And at least a map of the island showing the ferry landing and distance from the mainland What a tragedy that people like this exist and that they slip through the gaps as they are not insane 'enough' to warrant help, but hold such strong views that they kills people - CHILDREN - for those beliefs. It's almost like a story, like fiction. The Labour Party is left-wing and th This book is about the murderous and horrible rampage of Anders Behring Breivik who, on July 22, bombed a government building and then proceeded by car to the island of Utoya where he shot and killed sixty-nine people — most of them young teenagers. View all 4 comments. I don't need photos of dead kids, but images of them alive and smiling so I know what they look like. His love life, too, failed to take off. The Labour Party is left-wing and this raised the wrath of Breivik. One of Us was published in Norway in November by Kagge [1] : frontmatter pp. Retrieved 22 January Implicit in the reaction: why would you want to read about THAT?

One of Us: The Story of a Massacre and its Aftermath Read Online

Its challenges with accommodating asylum seekers hasn't been covered as extensively as those in Britain or France. Most of the 77 victims were teens. There are stages where it seemed that Breivik could have adjusted into society — more so in his early twenties. And of the family members who had loved ones killed and will never have life as it once was. But his narcissism took over. The book that Seierstad put together was beautiful in a horrific way. Rating details. Three days ago a 19 year old guy was given 22 years in prison for wishing to cut off the head of a British soldier he was caught before he did it, unlike Michael Adebolajo and Michael Adebowale, who did behead a British soldier on the streets of London on 22 May Isn't that hypocritical and highly racist? The facts are presented in dispassionate detail, based entirely on personal testimony, court and police records. Get A Copy. The picture we get of Breivik is of a self important, self aware individual - frustrated in life, unable to really connect with people, solitary, vein, meticulous, obsessive, an outsider and clever. I hope one day, Anders, while he sits in his cell, will realise that he has failed utterly and completely. Her research has been thorough,so far as that goes, and required a lot of travel and interviewing on her part. They, also, were "one of us", each on their own, and their lifes and hopes ended or were crushed on that fateful day. This is my memory of this event, and honestly normally I have none. I was spending the year working as an English teacher in Kharkiv, a city in eastern Ukraine. And how did he pull it off? From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. The reader is given a vivid picture that will inevitably lead them to explore their own theories about how killings such as this could happen. My biggest peeve is that there are no photos, sketches, maps A world where a bunch of idealistic and ambitious kids go to a political camp because they want to shape things; a world where one twisted soul can shoot them to bring attention to his own warped cause. There is nothing wrong with that in itself. That this was a very bad thing — cultural suicide. They showed remarkable restraint Muslims like to claim that jihadi terrorists have nothing to do with Islam. Here are some of the things he had to buy where did the money come from? I was spending the year working as an English teacher in Kharkiv, a city in eastern Uk "I consider Anders Breivik to be a hero to his country. https://files8.webydo.com/9584670/UploadedFiles/10092FFA-4358-F167-4C98-E90F43BE1473.pdf https://files8.webydo.com/9583655/UploadedFiles/46C76A94-74C7-67DC-8617-59A7101CE0D9.pdf https://files8.webydo.com/9583063/UploadedFiles/4A8DABB6-9F40-2BD4-C324-156512D2527B.pdf https://cdn.starwebserver.se/shops/ronjajohanssonhk/files/blind-spots-why-we-fail-to-do-whats-right-and-what-to-do-about-it-576.pdf