Student handbook Class of 2013 If you need part or all of this publication in an alternative format, such as in Braille, in larger print or on tape, please contact: Academic Registry Senate House, Tyndall Avenue, Bristol BS8 1TH Tel: (0117) 33 14223 Email:
[email protected] Internal telephone system All parts of the University are linked by an internal telephone system, and calls made on the internal system are free. All internal numbers have five digits (the final five digits of the relevant seven-digit external number). For example, the internal number for 9281234 would be 81234. In this handbook telephone numbers are expressed in the form 92 81234, to make clear the distinction between external and internal numbers. Emergencies If you need to call the emergency services (Fire, Police, Ambulance) while on University premises, please alert Security Services, as security staff are likely to have resources nearby and can ensure a coordinated response to an incident. In some circumstances you may be asked to call the emergency services direct on 999. The University’s security control room operates 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Tel: (0117) 331 1223 or internal 112233 Feedback If you have any comments on this publication or suggestions for topics for inclusion in future editions, please email:
[email protected]. Welcome from the Vice-Chancellor Dear Student After all the studying, examinations and hard work, here you are at one of the UK’s most prestigious institutions, described by The Sunday Times as ‘an academic powerhouse’ with ‘a worldwide reputation for excellence’.