Item no.

Extension: Revised 4 February 2021 expiry date ‘Hold Date’ City Council Development Management

Delegated Report and Decision

Application No: 20/05736/F Registered: 7 December 2020

Type of Application: Full Planning Case Officer: Amy Prendergast Expiry Date: 1 February 2021

Site Address: Description of Development:

Fry Building Installation and replacement of roof-level edge protection. Woodland Road Bristol BS8 1UG

Ward: Central

Site Visit Date: Date Photos Taken:

Consultation Expiry Dates:

Advert 27 Jan 2021 Neighbour: and/or Site 27 Jan 2021 Notice:


This application relates to the roof of the Grade II Listed Frys building. Frys building is part of a group of Bristol University campus buildings and located east of Woodland Road within the Tyndall's Park Conservation Area.

The building lies within the setting of a number of other listed buildings, including (Grade II*), Browns Restaurant (Grade II) and 66 Queens Road (Grade II) (Grade I), and the Physics Building (Grade II).


The site has a long planning history.

Of relevance, this application is being assessed alongside:

20/05737/LA Installation and replacement of roof-level edge protection. Date Closed PCO

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DEVELOPMENT CONTROL () DELEGATED University Of Bristol Woodland Road Bristol BS8 1UG

Other recent applications at the same address include:

20/05734/F Replacement of curtain walling surrounding a lift overrun and associated works. Date Closed

20/05735/LA Replacement of curtain walling surrounding a lift overrun and associated works. Date Closed


The proposed development seeks new and replacement black painted guardrails at 1.1 metres high fixed to the inner side of the crenelated parapet. As well as new freestanding guardrails fixed around the cruciform extension and painted black and set 1 metre back from the roof edge.


The application was advertised via a site and press notice with an expiry date of 27.01.2021. No representations have been received to date.


Bristol City Councils Conservation Officer was consulted as part of the assessment of the application and raised concerns at how the railings would be attached to the stonework.

Case Officer Response: On receipt of a revised plan which ensures that and potential for damage to the listed building is mitigated, the conservation officer has withdrawn his objection. Please see Key Issue B of this delegated report.


PAN 2 Conservation Area Enhancement Statements (November 1993)

Planning (Listed Buildings & Conservation Areas) Act 1990

National Planning Policy Framework – February 2019 Bristol Local Plan comprising Core Strategy (Adopted June 2011), Site Allocations and Development Management Policies (Adopted July 2014) and (as appropriate) the Bristol Central Area Plan (Adopted March 2015) and (as appropriate) the Old Market Quarter Neighbourhood Development Plan 2016 and Lawrence Weston Neighbourhood Development Plan 2017 and the Hengrove and Whitchurch Park Neighbourhood Development Plan 2019.

In determining this application, the Local Planning Authority has had regard to all relevant policies of the Bristol Local Plan and relevant guidance.



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DEVELOPMENT CONTROL () DELEGATED Fry Building University Of Bristol Woodland Road Bristol BS8 1UG

The installation and replacement of roof-top edge protection is required to ensure the proper maintenance of this listed building can continue safely. The requirement/need for the works is therefore clear and the principle of development is therefore welcomed.


The Authority is required (under Sections 66 and 72 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990) to pay special attention to the desirability of preserving or enhancing the character or appearance of the conservation area as well as the setting and significance of Listed buildings or structures. The case of R (Forge Field Society) v Sevenoaks DC [2014] EWHC 1895 (Admin) ("Forge Field") has made it clear where there is harm to a listed building or a conservation area the decision maker ''must give that harm considerable importance and weight".

Section 12 of the NPPF also states that "Permission should be refused for development of poor design that fails to take the opportunities available for improving the character and quality of an area and the way it functions, taking into account any local design standards or style guides in plans or supplementary planning documents".

Section 16 (Conserving and enhancing the historic environment) of the NPPF outlines that heritage assets "are an irreplaceable resource, and should be conserved in a manner appropriate to their significance, so that they can be enjoyed for their contribution to the quality of life of existing and future generations.

Policy BCS21 (Quality Urban Design) of the Core Strategy advocates that new development should deliver high quality urban design that contributes positively to an area's character and identity, whilst safeguarding the amenity of existing development.

Policy BCS22 (Conservation and the Historic Environment) of the Core Strategy states that new development will safeguard or enhance heritage assets and the character and setting of areas of acknowledged importance

Policy DM30 (Alterations to Existing Buildings) of the SADMP states that extensions and alterations to existing buildings will be expected to respect the siting, scale, form, proportions, materials, detail s and the overall design and character of the host building, its curtilage and the broader street scene; and

Policy DM31 (Heritage Assets) of the SADMP outlines that where development has an impact upon a heritage asset, it will be expected to conserve and, where appropriate, enhance the asset or its setting.

The proposed works include new and replacement black painted guardrails at 1.1 metres high fixed to the inner side of the crenelated parapet. As well as new freestanding guardrails fixed around the cruciform extension and painted black and set 1 metre back from the roof edge.

The proposed works would replace existing poor quality, or non-compliant fall arrest around the crenelated parapet of the Fry building with modern replacements of a broadly similar character. There is negligible visual change from the proposed works which as a result are not considered to result in any detrimental visual harm.

Bristol City Councils Conservation Officer did however raise concern over the proposed materials

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setting out that the use of galvanised steel and powder-coated finishes could potentially lead to rust staining and damage to the stone parapet through expansion. The Conservation Officer therefore sought reassurance that other materials would not be more suitable and prevent long-term damage to the stonework by cracking and staining, or that measures to space the wall fixings off the stone face might be considered.

Further to the Conservation Officers comments, the University and architect have undertaken a review of how the railings will attach to the stonework.

In order to avoid corrosion and damage to the stonework, the University have confirmed on a revised plan that they will use stainless-steel threaded rods capped with domed stainless-steel nuts, resin anchored into the stonework. The galvanised railing will then be fixed to the stonework but separated from both the stonework and the stainless-steel elements by a high-density nylon packer and nylon top hat washer. This arrangement will create a barrier between the two metals and prevent any galvanic reaction which in turn will protect the stonework from damage and cracking caused by corrosion.

On receipt of these revised plans the Conservation Officer has confirmed his support for the proposed woks.

Overall the proposed works would not result in any detrimental visual harm to the host building or the wider conservation area and would enable a safe means of access to the roof for maintenance staff.

Officers have undertaken the assessment required under Sections 66 and 72 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 and have given special regard to the desirability of preserving or enhancing the character or appearance of the area, the building, its setting and its features of special architectural or historic interest which it possesses. They have given the harm caused considerable importance and weight in reaching this conclusion. There are no other material considerations that warrant refusal of the scheme.


It is recommended that planning permission is granted for the proposed works


How much Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) will this development be required to pay?

Development of less than 100 square metres of new build that does not result in the creation of a new dwelling; development of buildings that people do not normally go into, and conversions of buildings in lawful use, are exempt from CIL. This application falls into one of these categories and therefore no CIL is payable.


During the determination of this application due regard has been given to the impact of this scheme in relation to the Equalities Act 2010 in terms of its impact upon key equalities protected characteristics. These characteristics are age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex and sexual orientation. There is no indication or

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evidence (including from consultation with relevant groups) that different groups have or would have different needs, experiences, issues and priorities in relation this particular proposed development. Overall, it is considered that this application would not have any significant adverse impact upon different groups or implications for the Equalities Act 2010.

RECOMMENDED GRANTED subject to condition(s)

Time limit for commencement of development

1. Full Planning Permission

The development hereby permitted shall begin before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission.

Reason: As required by Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, as amended by Section 51 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.

List of approved plans

2. List of approved plans and drawings

The development shall conform in all aspects with the plans and details shown in the application as listed below, unless variations are agreed by the Local Planning Authority in order to discharge other conditions attached to this decision.

FRY-APG-XX-ZZ-DR-A-0001 P01 Site Location Plan, received FRY-APG-XX-ZZ-DR-A-0100 P02 Roof Edge Protection - Location Plan, received 7 December 2020 FRY-APG-XX-ZZ-DR-A-0101 P04 Roof Edge Protection- Fixed Guarding Details, received 22 January 2021 FRY-APG-XX-ZZ-DR-A-0102 P01 Roof Edge Protection - Free Standing Guarding Details, received 7 December 2020 FRY-APG-XX-ZZ-DR-A-0103 P03 Roof Edge Protection - Existing North Elevation, received 7 December 2020 FRY-APG-XX-ZZ-DR-A-0104 P03 Roof Edge Protection - Existing East Elevation, received 7 December 2020 FRY-APG-XX-ZZ-DR-A-0105 P03 Roof Edge Protection - Existing South Elevation, received 7 December 2020 FRY-APG-XX-ZZ-DR-A-0106 P01 Roof Edge Protection - Existing West Elevation, received 7 December 2020 FRY-APG-XX-ZZ-DR-A-0107 P01 Roof Edge Protection - Proposed North Elevation, received 7 December 2020 FRY-APG-XX-ZZ-DR-A-0108 P01 Roof Edge Protection - Proposed East Elevation, received 7 December 2020 FRY-APG-XX-ZZ-DR-A-0109 P01 Roof Edge Protection - Proposed South Elevation, received 7 December 2020 FRY-APG-XX-ZZ-DR-A-0110 P01 Roof Edge Protection - Proposed West Elevation, received 7 December 2020

Existing roof plan, received 7 December 2020

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Proposed roof plan, received 7 December 2020

Reason: For the avoidance of doubt.


Case Officer: Amy Prendergast

Authorisation: Paul Chick commdelgranted V1.0211

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