PLANNING AND HERITAGE STATEMENT Installation and replacement of roof-level edge protection November 2020 The Fry Building Woodland Road Bristol BS8 1UG CSJ Reference JB.5738 |
[email protected] CSJ Planning Consultants Ltd, 1 Host Street, Bristol, BS1 5BU Planning and Heritage Statement – Fry Building, Woodland Road, Bristol BS8 1UG CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION 1 SUBMITTED DOCUMENTS AND PLANS 1 2. SITE DESCRIPTION 2 CONTEXT 2 SITE DESIGNATIONS 2 3. PLANNING HISTORY 4 4. PLANNING POLICY CONTEXT 6 LOCAL POLICY CONTEXT 6 SUPPLEMENTARY PLANNING DOCUMENTS 7 NATIONAL POLICY CONTEXT 7 HERITAGE LEGISLATION 7 HERITAGE POLICY GUIDANCE 7 5. THE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT 9 6. KEY PLANNING CONSIDERATIONS 10 KEY PLANNING CONSIDERATION 1 – THE PRINCIPLE OF DEVELOPMENT 10 KEY PLANNING CONSIDERATION 2 – MEETING THE UNIVERSITY’S NEEDS 10 KEY PLANNING CONSIDERATION 3 – APPROPRIATE DESIGN 11 KEY PLANNING CONSIDERATION 4 – HERITAGE IMPACT 12 7. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION 16 Planning and Heritage Statement – Fry Building, Woodland Road, Bristol BS8 1UG 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1. This Planning and Heritage Statement has been prepared by CSJ Planning on behalf of the applicant, the University of Bristol, for Planning and Listed Building Consent for the installation and replacement of roof-level edge protection / guardrailing at the Fry Building, Woodland Road. 1.2. The development is required as existing edge protection is either lacking or so substandard that it falls below the current safety requirements of Building Regulations and the University. Discussions regarding the proposed system have been undertaken with the University’s building maintenance staff to ensure the proposals meet their needs and requirements.