Data Caches for Superscalar Processors* Toni Juan Juan J. Navarro Olivier Temam
[email protected] Dept. Arquitectura de Computadors - Barcelona PRiSM [Jniversitat Politecnica de Catalunya Versailles University Spain FlWlCe Abstract are more difficult to design because load/store requests sent in parallel share no obvious locality properties. The diffi- As the number of instructions executed in parallel increases, culty is to propose a design that can cope with increasing superscalar processors will require higher bandwidth from degree of instruction parallelism. The solutions presently data caches. Because of the high cost of true multi-ported implemented in processors can be classified as: caches, alternative cache designs must be evaluated. The l True multi-porting. With respect to performance true purpose of this study is to examine the data cache band- multi-porting is clearly an ideal solution, but its chip area width requirements of high-degree superscalar processors, cost is high. Cost can be partly reduced by accepting a and investigate alternative solutions. The designs studied certain degradation of cache access time that would reduce range from classic solutions like multi-banked caches to more the performance. complex solutions recently proposed in the literature. The . Multiple Cache Copies. For n accesses, the cache must performance tradeoffs of these different cache designs are be replicated n times with no benefit to storage space. More- examined in details. Then, using a chip area cost model, over, store requests are sent simultaneously to all cache all solutions are compared with respect to both cost and copies for coherence and thus no other cache request can performance.