Women in Ecclesiastical Authority Position Paper

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Women in Ecclesiastical Authority Position Paper Women in Ecclesiastical Authority Position Paper Prepared for the Elders of City Church Canton by Christopher Dewar and Jacob Shar. November 28, 2017 Purpose ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 2 Word of Caution .................................................................................................................................................................................. 2 Synopsis of Findings ............................................................................................................................................................................ 2 Why is our Position Changing? ........................................................................................................................................................... 3 What is our Rationale? ........................................................................................................................................................................ 3 Creation Account ........................................................................................................................................................................... 3 Prophesy as Authority .................................................................................................................................................................... 4 Biblical Church Structure ................................................................................................................................................................ 5 Types of Ecclesiastical Leadership outlined in Scripture .......................................................................................................... 5 Are Elder and Overseer Synonymous? ...................................................................................................................................... 6 Acts 20:17-28 ........................................................................................................................................................................ 6 Phil 1:1 .................................................................................................................................................................................. 7 1 Tim 3:1-5, Titus 1:5-10....................................................................................................................................................... 7 NT on Female Eldership ............................................................................................................................................................ 7 1 Peter 5:1: ........................................................................................................................................................................... 7 1 Peter 5:5 ............................................................................................................................................................................ 8 1 Tim 5:1 ............................................................................................................................................................................... 8 Titus 2:2-3 ............................................................................................................................................................................. 8 Examples of OT Women who Exercise Authority .......................................................................................................................... 9 Examples of NT Women who Exercise Authority .......................................................................................................................... 9 Answering Problematic Passages ....................................................................................................................................................... 9 Household Codes | Eph 5:21-6:9; Col 3:18-41; 1 Tim 2:8-15, 1 Pet 3:1-7, etc. ............................................................................. 9 1 Cor 11:7-12 ................................................................................................................................................................................ 10 1 Cor 14:34-35 .............................................................................................................................................................................. 10 1 Tim 2:12 ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 11 Implications ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 12 Ecclesiastical Authority Structure ................................................................................................................................................ 12 Women in Eldership ..................................................................................................................................................................... 12 Can Women be Overseers?.......................................................................................................................................................... 12 PURPOSE The purpose of this work is to outline the official position of City Church Canton concerning the topic of Women in Ecclesiastical Authority. It will present our position, a brief hermeneutical discussion concerning our scriptural rational concerning this position, an examination of passages that appear problematic to our position, and concluding thoughts and implications. WORD OF CAUTION As a body of believers, City Church strives to maintain a firm adherence to those beliefs essential to our faith (dogma, as expressed in the Apostle’s Creed and Nicene Creed). We recognize truth exists, and is knowable. However, we also acknowledge that, due to our sinful nature, we cannot always perfectly agree on the ways in which we are to interpret every nuance of Christ’s revelation in scripture. Accordingly, there are numerous opinions concerning the proper interpretation of countless theological, ecclesiastical, and practical matter that often contradict each other. City strives to ensure our people maintain a theologically and methodologically consistent practice of personal scriptural interpretation, instead of requiring our people to adhere to a ridged doctrinal structure outlined by our community. In other words, in matters that don’t rise to the level of salvific import (such as this issue), City usually would not take an official position, because both sides of the debate interpret the relatively scarce discussion of such topics within scripture in a reasonable manner. This is not to say both sides are right; in fact, both sides are likely at least partially right and partially wrong. We are simply saying that we will not (and cannot) positively know which side is right until Christ returns, or we go to Him. Accordingly, please don’t excommunicate each other for disagreeing on this issue. City will be presenting our current position below, but accepting this position is not a requirement for Stewardship, Leadership, or Service within City. SYNOPSIS OF FINDINGS FINDING ONE: WOMEN CAN SERVE AS ELDERS, DEACONS, PASTORS, TEACHERS, AND OTHER LEADERS AT CITY CHURCH. FINDING TWO: WE NOW RECOGNIZE THREE ECCLESIASTICAL OFFICES (ELDER, DEACON, AND OVERSEER) THAT SERVE DIFFERENT FUNCTIONS WITHIN THE CHURCH. WHY IS OUR POSITION CHANGING? While discussing the topic of Women in Authority this past summer, Pastor Chris noticed an area of inconsistency in his interpretation of the qualifications of overseers in 1st Timothy and Titus. Note: Up to this point, City has been operating under the assumption that “Overseer” is synonymous with “Elder” in Scripture. The inconsistency: Why do we allow unmarried, young, and fatherless men to be elders based on these passages, while disqualifying women? After months of study and prayer, the elders have determined that it appears the office of Overseer is a distinct office different from but related to “Elder” in the early church (this office likely was draw from the body of elders in an established congregation). This distinction is backed up by numerous references in the writings of the Early Church Fathers, including Ignatius, Clement, Hippolytus, and the Didache and Apostolic Constitutions.1 Accordingly, the qualifications for “overseer” Listed in 1st Tim and Titus do not apply to elders in general. Additionally, 1st Tim and Titus both briefly discuss “Elder” or “Older” women in their later chapters, within the context of respect for ecclesiastical leadership (and, in the case of Titus, Elders in general). Finally, Scripture is replete with examples of women exercising authority appropriately in a favorable manner over men, women, and children (See: Lists of OT and NT Women Exercising Authority, below). WHAT IS OUR RATIONALE? CREATION ACCOUNT In Hebrew culture, to give a name is to imply the giver’s authority over the one named.2 Prior to the fall, Man and Woman were unnamed (called, not named), and their descriptors -ish and ishah - were intrinsically tied (Gen 2:23). Both Men and Women were created in God’s Image (Gen 1:27) The Word “Helper” does not automatically
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