28Th General Meeting Sydney – 1981
THE GENETICS SOCIETY OF AUSTRALIA 28th GENERAL MEETING Held in conjunction with the XIII INTERNATIONAL BOTANICAL CONGRESS THE UNIVERSITY OF SYDNEY 23- 24th August, 1981 IS ~ .A~J CONTENTS PAGE SUSTAINING MEMBERS OF THE GENETICS SOCIETY OF AUTRALIA GENERAL INFORMATION 2 PROGRAMME FOR SUNDAY AUGUST 23 4 POSTERS 8 ABSTRACTS: 9 PAPERS 10 POSTERS 38 REPORT ON BODEN CONFERENCE 43 *EXPLANATION OF I.B.C . PROGRA~~ 48 ~SUMMARY PROGRAMME 49 *GENERAL LECTURES 52 *SYMPOSIA AND CONTRIBUTED PAPERS 53 *POSTERS 64 *ABSTRACTS OF GENERAL LECTURES 67 *ABSTRACTS OF SYMPOSIA 69 *ABSTRACTS OF POSTERS 89 *I.B.C. SECTIONS INCLUDED ONLY IN MEETING PROGRAMMES Sustaining Members of Genetics Society of Australia , 1981 Blackwell Scientific Book Distributors Pty, Ltd., 214 Berkeley Street, Carlton, Victoria 3053. Calbiochem-Behring Australia Pty,Ltd., P.O. Box 37, Carlingford, N.S.W. 2118. Heatherton Laboratory Services Pty, Ltd., 155 Islington Street, Collingwood, Victoria 3066. Linbrook International Pty, Ltd., 106 Alexander Street, Crows Nest, N.S.W. 2065. John Morris Scientific Pty, Ltd., P.O. Box 80, Chatswood, N.S.W. 2067. Oxoid Australia Pty, Ltd., l04B Northern Road, West Heidelberg, Victoria 3081 Pacific Seeds, P.O. Box 337, Toowoornba, Queensland 4350. A.E. Stansen & Co. Pty, Ltd., P.O. Box 113, Mount Waverly, Victoria 3149. Arthur Yates, & Co. Pty, Ltd., 244 Horsley Road, Milperra, N.S.W. 2214. 1 GENERAL I.FORMATION RE :~: ;u: : he 2, h :ng ~ he Genetics Society of Au stralia will be held in c n;unc : t e XIIIth In ernational Botanical Cong ress. Registration :ees ~ meet:r.g w· l be$ 0, which includes the right of attendance at :.
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