THE TWENTIETH CENTURY, 1900-45 by Owen HEATHCOTE and DAVID Loose LEY, Lecturersinfrenchstudiesat the University Ofbradford
French Studies THE TWENTIETH CENTURY, 1900-45 By OwEN HEATHCOTE and DAVID LoosE LEY, LecturersinFrenchStudiesat the University ofBradford I. EssAYs, STUDIES Angles, Circumnavigations, posthumously reprints articles on, among others, Alain, Aragon, Claudel, Copeau, Drieu la Rochelle, Du Bos, Fernandez, Gide, Giono, Larbaud, Paulhan, Riviere, Supervielle, Valery. Shari Benstock, Women of the Left Bank: Paris, rgoo-1940, Austin, Texas U.P., 5I8 pp., is an original study which, though chiefly concerned with the lives and works of American expatriates (Colette is an exception), sheds light on the modernist culture of literary Paris by investigating the contribution of women to it and the specificity of their experience within it. Claudel Studies, I 3, no. 2, I I I pp., subtitled 'Satan, Devil, or Mephistopheles?', addresses the problem of evil conceived as existing independently of the individual: A. Espiau de la Maestre on Satan in Claudel's theatre, S. Maddux on Bernanos, M. M. Nagy on Valery, C. S. Brosman on Gide, L. M. Porter on Mauriac's Les Anges noirs, P. Brady on Proust and Des vignes, M.G. Rose on Green, and B. Stiglitz on Malraux. Hommage Dicaudin is a rich volume focusing on the birth of the modern and straddling I 9th and 20th cs. Of relevance to our period are the third section, 'de !'esprit nouveau', the fourth, devoted naturally to Apollinaire, and the fifth, 'derives de l'esprit nouveau', containing pieces on the unconscious in Soupault, and on Apollinaire andjouve. Others figuring here arejammes, Cendrars, Reverdy, and Aragon. Hommages Petit•contains inidits by Green, Claude!, and Mauriac and eight articles on C.
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