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November 1977 Daily Egyptian 1977

11-4-1977 The aiD ly Egyptian, November 04, 1977 Daily Egyptian Staff

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This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1977 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in November 1977 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. 'Daily 'Egyptian Gus says if they keep delaying the dental program, the students who Friday. November 4. 1977-VoI59. No. 54 started it will need a dentures ser­ Southern Dlinois University vice. Dental program opening delayed till after Nov. 7

By Claris Moenic:. wiD be hired through the parsonneI of- Staff Wrher fke at STC. The student dental program wiD not The purpose of the program will be to opeD until at least Nov. 7, three days provide emergency dental care that later than had been planned. requires no immediate external follow- The reason for the delay is that the up. Permanent fillings will be provided dentist hired for the program Dr. in cases that require no follow-up. Dominic Cittadino. wiD continue his job Dallman said.' "It wiD be up to Dr as a dentist at the Eurma Hayes Center Cittadino bow neeessary any permanent until Nov. 7, M.H. Dallman. an associate treatment is." dean in the School of Ter.lmical Careen As stated. in its operating papen, the ",~ (S'!'C). said lbursday. IJI"OII1UD will also provide after hours DaD."1laD said the drJltal unit, which is care thnIugb Carbondale's Memorial !AI. _... c\. being ...~ up a~ the STC complex In HospitaJ's ernergency room. CBrt.-ville, IS already furnished, except Sam McVay, Health Service ad­ for the supplies Cittadino will order ministrative director, said after hours when he begins his job lODletime next emelJency work, other than in a trauma week. situation, has not yet been developed. The dental program was aPlJl'Oftd in a McVay said the after hours work will student referendum last spring. de~nd on resou.rces and personnel Students have beea paying S2 a M!mester available. He sat<1 the specifics of the in medical benefit fees since the sum- aft8' hours serviee will be determined mer to lund the program. after the pr..-m begins. The program has been funded •.000 Dallman said an order has been set for to operate from faU um to summer 1978. a toll-free telepbone line from car· -----'. That money wiD cover operational costs. bo~dale to STC for .tudent ap- including the salaries of a dentist ~=:'wiU be limited to five free receptionist, dental assistant and visits a year for dental work. An~ad- student workers. di .~ ... - Dallman said that Ci'.adino is the omy ~:-e!..Visits wiD result in a fee ''1t ';:'-;'1 persoa hired thus far to work in the McVay said the fee wiD be determined prcJCI'1UD. He said remaining pec'SOIInt!l after the program begins. -...... '.~

-'?---?.. ~,., " .. " Fire marshal claims arson .,':'i.. Ii!"!01 ...... ".,.$<;'i'<.": _ :c-'~ - -

# "... .ePinlil with the plan. fees, room and board than &-e students at most ~ogram quality were two of the most common "I think ~ !!:"re5 woOJd indicate that lancJ.grant and state universities, a study in­ reasons Cited by the survey participants in becaU!le c.i innation," B~ ;:!oard member, Merle i'onu;, said The study conducted by the National Median costs fnr tuition over a 12-year period Tuesday he wtlUld also support a tuition inc:rease Association of State Universities and Land­ have risen for s:m to the present 1694. becaU!le of in!lation. cost of living inc:reases and Grant Colleges and which ~lIed 20% of the . While these costs have rJSeD 123 percent, the the IS",g-s plan to make tuition equal to one­ nation's major public UniVersities, showed that amount universities pay for goods and services. third of the cost of education. 130 schools charged less thaD SIU for in-state measured by the Higher Education Price cHEP) "Teachers want an increase, utilities want an ftIJIidents' tuition and fees. index. bas only risen II. percent. increase, f!verybody wants an increase, but Currently sutdeDta ray $742 m tuitiOll and fees Lack of additional revenue soun:es, nobody wants to pay for it,"Yontz said for the they frOID academic: year if are IlliPois­ inadequate state appropriatiOh.s and thfo need to Finally, the study demonstrates that it is Out-of-state residetUpay 11,m. increase faculty and staff salaries tun-e caU!le becoming to be About 60 sdIoo!s who more costly an out«-sLRte pereent .of the polled the burden of paying for educatkln to sMt to the student at a Iand-grant unhrer.tity. offered room and board charged less thaD Ibe studenL Sl.470 sm assesses. For Instance, the Dlinois Board of Higher Land-gnmt universities aM Uk.w established Charges for tuition, fees. room and board aiso Education (IBHE) bas called for students to pay when states were Iiv-'n grant, of fe....-tenallanct (0 cost more .t SIU t"n the average of the In­ for one-third of the cost of their education by the build colleges on the condition that agncultural stitutions c:o.abinM. The median paid for tuition ,..,1980. and mechanical ar1a CGUI'IM!S 'mIU1d be offered and fees was 1694 for the 202 uni\"ersities while At least two IBRE Daemhers say they would along with courses in otbP\" scieatific and room and board averaged about Sl.410. 'aWl" recommending a tuition increase if the dassical "'bjeda. The study also predicts that the student bill for figures indicated It wuuld be necasary in In an eight'yMr period, the total charge for thfte c:G8ts will go up t.7 petftRt this academic keel"rw with the plan. educatvAi of an out«state student has risen year reflecting the U percent rise in the Coo· Jos~ph Block, IBHE vice cbairman. said from '1.910 per academic year to $3.158. Plan would hike faculty and staff take-holDe pay lIy J ...D Ness non-laxabie. percent salary increase. MCClusky said he r~ SUff Wri&er Tbe retirt"ment fund amount is currently paid by only a 4.5 to 5 percent raise in January from the Take horne pay for faculty and staff members could deducting it from an employee's groa Income. Under nlinois Board of Higher Education (IBHE,. iocrease 2 or 3 percent lDIder a tax shelter plan ex· the proposed plan. the Board of Trustees would d£-duct McClusky said he hoped the Board or Trustees will plained by John McClusky. illinoIs Education the amount from the entire amount of money ap­ see the IRS tax shelter as a way to make up for what Association (lEA) coordinator for higher education. propriated by the state legislatt.Te for Mlaries before he considers a Jow salary incrt>ase. The program. presented to members of the Civil the money is broken down into !.-:-Gov. James R. Thompson suffered a defeat by the Affairs committee (CIA) will conduct a Curtiss said his subsequent in· Winois House as it overrode his veto of the anti-cancer substance Laetrile. hearing at 7:30 p.m. Nov 8 into alleged ftStigatioo revealed that a University Lawmakers argued that terminal cancer patients should have the right to inappropriate use of student funds vehicle used by the BAC for a trip to choose what anti-c:ancer tnlatment ~ wanl Thom~ said he had vetoed allocated ~ the Black Affairr. Council Marion-IS miles from CarbondaJe-was the measure legalizing the use of Laetrile because it IS "totally ineffective in (BAC). returned with 236 miles registered on the treating cancer." Interstate shipment of the substance, produced primarily DI.nng the hearing. representatives of odometer. from cruahed apricot kerne", currently is banned by the Food and Drug the BAC and two senators who have In another case cited by Curtiss, a Administratioo. Veto of the measure must still be considered by the Senate. corlduded a two-week investigation into University vehicle was checked out to the charges win each be allowed to BAC for a trip to Giant City State Park- present their sides of the case. 15 mils from '!3mpus-and was retmned Group seek. end ojSoviet death penalty CIA will then determine if any charges with 110 miles driven. against BAC should be brought before MOSCOW (AP)-RWlSian members 01 Amnesty International. !!77 Nobel the campus Judicial Roard. BAC coordinator Austin Randolpb said bis organization's case will be Peace prize winner, opened • campaign to eJiminate the penalt:;. a The investigation into BAC's travel punishment seldom publicized but ~edJy often impo5f":1 in the Soviet and food expenditures has been con­ presented by John Wesley. comptroller. Randolph said be wouJd testify at the Union. Soviet law aIl~!!If' capital punishment in cases of treason, murder. ducted by east side senators Mike .bearing if necessary. hijacking. attempted escape across Soviet borden and serious economic Curtiss and David Adamczvk. crimes, such as bribe-taking and large-scale em~ement. The Soviet Adamczyk has removed himself as "As it stands now," Ranaolp'h said Union publishes no crime 1itatistics. but Western diplomats here say they chairperson of the CIA. and that position Thursday. ". have not been notified by beiieve several dozen citi::;ens art> executed each year. The usual method is has been temporarily filled by east side either John Wayne Ander!~n (BAC firing squad. senator Mike Hamptoo. ftscaJ officer). Nancy H&tTis 'assistant Cindy Michaelson. proxy senator and dean (if student activities) or Dean J-Board secretary, wilJ act as CIA Harvey Welch ferred to the J. of Trustees poliCies with student fees SPRINGFIELD (APl-Le.(lsJation which the ~tate Departmen~ of Public Board. MichaeJson could be prevented allocated to the BAC. Aid fears ~Id provide amnesty to fraudulent Medicare pnmden was from participating on the board if "As far as I am concerned. an ac· approved by two committeell 01 the nlinois General Assembly. The Senate requested by the BAC. cusations and allegatioDs made by Welfare Committee also rejected a mf'.asure supported by Gov. James R. The investigation was started by David Adamczyk and Michael Curtiss Tbompson to crack down 0'.1 i'ealth cart> providers who ~mmit fraud. All CUrtiss after the senate allocated S659.SO are all lies." Randolph said. the bills would give the dP-.... ~nt the pow~ to stop Medicaid paY'!'ents to to the Blacks Doen Laboratory Theater BAC was allocated 122.908 for rlSCal health oroviders who '4Igage In fraud or vtolate department poliCIes. But Group on Oct. 12. The group had asked 11m to provide ftmding for black and 'JbompSoo':! legislation would have allowed the department to ~ct ~ the senate for money to produce thP play minority programs. violabons thai ~curred prior to the effective date of the act. PublIC AId "The River Niger" after BAC told the Cindy Crites, secretary to Anderson. fears that without trus authority. they -:;in in effect provide amnelty for group it did not have enough funds to said Thursday that as of Nov. 1 the tbose accused earlier of fraud. support the venture. balance of tbe BAC's account was Dennis AdamCZYk. student president. 114,&47 .39. 11l.uling .ought on Lobbyist spendilllJ discloure.

SPRINGFIELD (AP)-8en. Don Wooten. chairman of the Senate SW-E coach inJ)estigat,~d Executive Commit:ee. said he wants an opinion from Attorney General William Scott on whether powerful lobbyists should teD the public more about what they spend. The committee is considering legislation to expand l'eljuirements for lobbyists to diselose what ~ spend to infJuet"" for alleged fund mislU~e govemment decisions. Wooten asked Scott. the state s high..ast legal officer. for an advisory opinion on the matter and uiSlead received an opinion from As S:iU·Edwardsvire continues an ;rregu1arities. 0lIe 01 his advisors. The letter indicated the present law could be interpreted investil"atioo of its ba.;ketbaJI coach's He also said basketbaU players t.ere to require man! extensive di8CJ08ure. But the secretary 01 state's office all~ed misuse of team meal money. are allowed. by ~;oce ~ ... !~ per day for indicated it needs an official attorney general's opinion tp more strictly offiCials here say departmental review meals. interpret the law. or athletics ~ent receipts would Dudley's admissiGn that he spent part catcb any falsification of records. 01 the money that was supposed to be Tbe SIU·E probe was ordered after the used for food to send players home Acquit battered wije by reason ojituanity University newspaper, the Daily Alestle. violates National Collegiate Athletic Tuesdar published a copyrighted story AssociatMn (NCAA' rules. LANSING, Mich. (AP)-A cin:uit eoart jury acquitted Francine Hughes that :slId basketball coach Jim Dudley "Every once in a while you11 have • padded the team's food bilis and . by reason of insanity on first-degree murder cnarges that she killed her ex­ kid that has to go home 'or somethi~ husband y'ho had beat beat her. Hughes testified during the trial that she div~~ the money for recruitment and and you give him train fare," Dudley is other. pdrJ)OSeS. suffered years 01 beating lDItil one night last March when she JIOUI'!!d quoted as saying. i"soline on the floor around the bed where her ex-husbancl slept. Fenlillist Dudley l'eportedJy claimed 112 a day He also is reported as saying. "111 for each player's meals on tri.. , but he groups had raUied to Hughes defense, hoping to make her cafe a landmark admit it. I KTeWed up." He said for the rights of battered women. Mkhigan law require that • penon actually spent considerably less, ac­ Thursday that he is cooperating fully cording to the paper. found innocent by rea!MI of insanity must undergo psychiatric testing to with the investigation and expects to be determine whether treatmftlt is needed. She can be held at a state DudJey told the paper that the excess cleared of any wrongdoing. psychiatric center while dDdergoing the testa. ~ nwney obtained in this manner. about The NCAA is currently gathering L--.______$583 in lW6-TT. was used for the information on the Incident to determi:oe basketball program and but wbethev it should begin iIJl iJh'~tiOD. added that he had no receipts 01 bow the funds had been !!per.t. 'Daily Fgyptian Former assistant basketball coach 3311. JoMpt. M. w.IIIt. '1tc:0I crfficw. ""...... in .... 100ft-'-' ..... ~ SulMcrittIioft __ '12 _ ,.. of 17.50 lot Dan 1llOmton said he did most or SIU­ Weather UiIon.-wy ...... , ...... ~ ...... ~ ... _ .... In .kIcIo_ and ___...... __. E's recruiting but Dever knew or any Cloudy weatber continues Friday: .. .,. _.-:. w...... , -.... ~1J wocetiOn petiot.III..w;1h .... _ ...... of • _ SIS,... ,.. Of II 50 lew .... __ w;...... -ecruiting fund. with a 40 percent chance 01 __ ...... ta-.d ...... of ...... ,.. The investigatiGn. ordered by SIU·E precipitation, highs ranging from the UftiMd s_. ondl2O,...... ,11 lew ... _ "esident Kenneth Shaw. sbould be lower to mid .... Mostly cloudy Friday and ..... ~ •..., Southem "'100M ~". .... lnoll ...... -... c~ ...... 1vlJdint. ~. IIhftois ..1Or ..... chtef. S.... lfllRbett: ~Io.. Editor. ~ompleted in several weeks, official. night, wdth a CI'.lIlCe 01 sbowera. Highs 62'0'. s.cancI doss poatage po;d Of CottIondcoIo. S- G_, Edi-'ol PlOp Editor. "- 1aiJer; .. y. Frid:::;- ~ e-:pected to be ill the micf or Hionola. A ..ie_ Edi ....001 "~EdIIOr. lIndo """-- At SIU·C. ret'eipts for food. Jodging iow!r ...... ,:tly cloudy Satw-dsy with PoIic:ift of .... DaIJor E9nt1len - .... ~ 0., ..... EdiIOn. 00...... 'onr .,.".~. and tran-I are reviewed by three the bighs e",«~ to be t"l the mid 50s to ,11M".,. of .... _IOn. s_.. pubI...... do not N ....' ..... EdiIOr. __ tro.hl-. Nifh' ..... lPparlmf'flts. a preventive measure that 10...... Funday dear to partly cloudy ,.,Iect ...... 01 ...... ~ eM' .., AI.ieIClft'. "Of ...JaIl: PNro EdiIOr. ~ \'ou\d ht>ad off any miawle 01 funds. says and cooimg. highs , ~pected to be in the ...... -.of .... U..-.l.,. GoIos..... , I'Ictvre EdtfOt. P_ ..tat.aclt. ._ Ithlt"ti('s director and disbursements mi d to uppt!I' 50s • Editoriof and "'"_ offic. IocatM III c_ toi_.EdiIOr. k ...... FIen ...., Spotts Ed!_ Iiftt 'h"t'kll the vou(.'hers and receipts fOF 1IIUftiCOt_ Ivl\dint. Not'" w...... -- 5»- M_.P....,,'...... ~~. .~ f." Ddil; f"g;pfi6n.'''bW~("l977 nl· · 11.,lnOIS nOuseu ot"erides t'elo Of abortion bill SPRI~GFTI-:LQ cAP."-The illinOIS House overrode a veto of a bill cuthOjol off welfare funds to pay for abortion.~ handing Gov. James R Thompson hi~ ftrst .maJor .Ieglsla!i\'(' defeat The ovemde earned b~ a 17,vote margm On a 126 to 42 roll call. the HotJ.<;t' agreed t9 cut off the authoritv of the Depar:lrr,ent c' Public Aid to' pay (or abortIons except when t'ley art' necessary to save the lire of the mother. Th't me~m:e now goes to the Senate. wh~re. If :It also is overridden. it ~ec~mt'!l law despite Thompson·s ob. jeCtlons. "I would like to respond to some of the members w~o, I'ro sure, very sincere Iv. opposed thIS legislation." said Rep Gerald A. Bradley. D·Bloomington one of the. biD's COSporuiOrs. "It doeS 110t prohibIt anybody hav:ng an abortion It prohibi~ the people wno are on welfare from having an abortion.'· Supporters of the aoortion me~sUI'E argued that the weight of public OPlDiOll in Illinois supports a ban on the use 01 public funds for abortions. ~ts. for the most part. contended that thE measure discnminates a"ainst the poor by denying them a COnstlLUtional right tc an abortion. "We are witnesses to one mOrE The ultimate 8trip example where government l5 cornu" Faced With the usua: roar of traffic on Southern down on the poor," argued Rep. Roben Illinois Avenue, many students wish the two sides of senior Ir. cinema and PhOtographv, by masking off E. Mann. a liberal Democrat from tm really this close together. But is half of .!he Image with a piece of cardboard and afOuent Hyde Park section of Chicago the "strip" were it "Here we sit, over 150 men. voting on tht only an optical effect produced bV Brad Brailsford, shooting two different exposures on the same frame. lhe camera was hand held. live:' and. bodies ~ wornen ... I hopt you 11 weIgh this ~ue in Your con sciences, and then vote." • During a 3().minute debatt' fiVE ABC, Eastgate may lose license for 5 days persons spoke in favor of the funds'cutofl and eight legislators sided witi' By ...... Last week Jackson Coun~ Circuit dinanee (suspencting the licenses) is Thompson's VelD of the measure. Bul &&aft Writer when the c!lec~tronic tally boarc Court Judge William "Bill' Green valid and to opeD up tM liquor package Mayor Neal Eckert wiD recommend upheld the state ruling. Green ex_ iIMhIstry." registered 1he 'otes. more than thr~ ~onday night that tM Carbondale p'lained that his ruling means that fifths of tr.e House snubbed thE Liquor Control Commissioa IICCe1Jl a 'They (Ca.·bondale) have the power t to "We've accomplished that." be said. F.epublicarl governor and voted to bar Judicial decision --ling a n~,. lral~ tM .:uspenstons.) but tMState "I don't !lee spending $5,000 more to­ tM futKbo. peal." -,.. "MiUioa.. oi ~ ia uu. .tate .ad liquor Iicetae ...... 100 for two local :::-rca ~ ~ power 10 IIlOdif)' tbeir eI_ben .cr-'.'y ,.... tit., ...... liquor stores. In ~ ... --.ct-..... w ~ two Eckert's action will, if accepted by ~I"eSpOIIded !hat the aim 01 the mare liquor stores haft' opened in c.r­"i::~Zndn:..::? the commission members. end the 15- commission. wbidl Is comprised 01 City bondale. brinBm8 the tDC.a1 number to argued Rep. Harry D. Leinenweber'. R month legal dispute between Car· Council members, "was to show tM or- five. Jofiet, the measure's other co-sponsor bondale and tM nwrs of ABC Liquors "The issue is. what should the publi( and the Eastgate Liquor Mart. Despite shortages, water use rising; policy be with regard to the use 01 The problem orif:inat.ed in July of taxpayer funds." urns when informalon relating to tM The measure was the object of int~ operation of Eastgate Liquors, 172 gallons daily for at"erage user lobbying during the last few Wft'ks b) Eastgate Shoppin~ Center, ABC pro-and antiabortion forell!S. iJlcludi~ Liquors. 1. N. Waslung... " St. and WASHINGTON (APl-You probably So where did all the water go" d!t"gvmen. Pro-abortion forel'"" pieke< Leo's LiqUOl'S-DOW cloled-m tM Mur­ didn't notice it, but you used about 172 Fo.' starters, a bath would ha\'e up thr.?(" votes over the 121 to 41 margir dale ~ing Center. was withheld gallons of water around your home consumed 30 to 40 gallons while a shOWt'r b) which the bill passed tht' House las yesterday And you'lI do it again today. would have taken 20 to 30 gallons. Every spring. f~r~1e~us~a~~=. of The U.S. Geological Survey also nush of the toilet consumes four to six: Tht' focus of lobbying now moves t. Eastgate Liquor ~rt for 3O-days and reports that the average use of water gallons and it takes 20 to 30 gallons to do ~rom public supplies is continuing to a load of laundry. Washing dishll!S takes ~t:';:trn j~~ :~~r~t~ ~::~ of ABC Liquors for 2O-days. u)Crease. The city had contended that it has the eight to 10 gallons of water while a I9kv override the govt'rnor and wake tho Almost all of this vater is used by faucet can waste 10 gallons an bour. - measurt' law. right to know tM exact relationships indIviduals for home use althougi \Fage between liquor license holders. Running tap water for the garbage The bill allows abortion!' to bP paid fo; by some industrH!s and comm~rcial get hot by ph~'Siciar At that time Stephen and Thomas disposal or to it or while shaving the state if the attending establishments is included in the uses about gallons of water per feels "such procedures are neces...'18~ Hoffman were the owners of Eastgate two category. minute. for the preservation ~! the lile of tho Liquor Mart and Philip Hoffman was In 1970. the Survey reported. the use of Actually. the home use category Is woman seeking such treatment ... " the owner of ABC !..iquors. water from public supplies amounted to Opponents pointed out that it wool, The Hoffman brothers appealed the 166 gallons per person. In 1975, the figure ~~I g:~::. th.!:a:::'st:v;~ not allow an abortion to be paid for b: decision to the Illinois Liquor Control =re: had grown to 168 ganODS per person. gallons per person this year, but was not tht' slate in cases of rape or incest. Commission, which upheld Car­ Since then, water usage has gone up bondale's right to suspend licenses, but about two pefC(:nt per year, the Survey ~:: :!Jast as in previous years esi~at~et~~t~~ wO:lfa~~~rti~ reduced the suspensions to five days. estimates. are periormed annually in Illinois DeKalh attorney will run for contptroller position BJ,...... c..,. 8Iaft Writei' Comptroller urged lawmakers to spend payroll checks, and informs the Republican leaders. Saying that he wants to restore public Sl00 million more than was avaliable... legislature and other government of­ '''The government had a lot to do with trust in the state's fISCal management, Castle said. fICials of the state's fISCal condition in my deeision," castle said. "He and John w. caste announced Thursday Bakalis. who is running for governc:t Ill' Althly reports. other Republican leaders were con· that he will seek the Republican in 1971. said in an interview last month CastJe admitted that there is little cerned that too many other candidates :ination for Illinois Comptroller in that the state's fmanei&! problems have public i!!terest in the Comptrollers of­ were running for TreasureI' and that been caused by mismanagement on the fice. but ..lid that if the lIffice is run not enough interest was b

Amplified sound performances, including rock concerts, should be allowed OIl the grounds near on­ campus durmitories. In a referendum held last week, 74 pereent of East Campus voters indicatell they wanted amplified sound performances to be permitted outside their dorms. Joe Sobczyk. chairman of the East campus Residents Affairs Council (ECRAC), said voter turnout for the • !~!.tTOW may not come.•• referendunl was the "highest ever for any eJection or referendum held on East Campus." But University Housing has banned such per. ~ 8&aIF Writer formances 011 dormit.ory gI'OUIlds sintt the faIl of 19?6 Dying is aD IICt of know reminds us of our own mortality, because, as M~ Sailly, assistant director for as old as the history wen Uni versity !{uusing Programming has said, "they mankind. Yet. each occurrence of death is as And even more important, it cruelly points out might disrupt the living and learning environment painful and as new an experience as the farst. It the need for each of us to occasionallY teU each guarantud to University Housing residmts." IS something to which man has yet to adapt other, "~'re OK." or "I love you. if However, anyone who lives iD the OII-campua dorms himself. Death, like life, is unpredictable. But, unbke knows that the "living and Jeamia-g" conditions in the And although death is as ~"asive a l~ as life, it is also irreversible. Where there's life, it dorms during the weekerKb, are anything but con­ the oxygen we need to exist. bke oxygen. It s not is said that there's al

Referring to James Kilpatrick's article 011 South plate like a piece 01 cake. It was people just like come help clean up mess Africa in the D.E. on Wed., Nov. Z. I don't belaeve Young and other Americans who were concerned Kilpatrick knows what he is talking about. He just about their freedom wtlo paved the way for it. At that Have you taken a good loot at where 1,OU a.; most seemed to want to be one of the crowd that's com' time, it wasn't considered a revolution-1t was a of your j>8rtying lately! If you haven't I U fill you in menti~ on the South African issue, But it is a pi~y right for human rights. So, also, is the struggle in on what It looks like. A pit. A real big pit. that be was free with his comments without giving South Africa; It is not a fllht for anything but human I'm writing this to suggest we do something about the consequence another thought. rights. Kilpatrick ahould understand that the blacks it. On Sunday. Nov. 6, atll a.m., I'm going to start at I belit've the people who are concerned about apar­ in South Africa are not asking for kindly gestures the railroad tracks at Grand Awnue and work my theid S)Uth Africa would appreciate it if Kilpatrick from the whites or an ordinary re-opening of the way down to Main Street and lry to clean this part of would .. to" comparing South African blacks cDed newspapers. but br freedom from the town up a little. As you can see, ifs aim... ! an im­ to American blacks. They have both been exposed to hyporritieal whites who went to South Mrica. preten­ possible job for one person to do in one day. S: .his is racial discrimination, tvJt the c . '''Itions are dif­ ding to be missionaries .and then stole the land from your personal invitation to join me. fprent. Black Americans were brought to America. the blacks. Come on folks, It's got to be done. It's obvi,'US the However, in the case of South African blacks, it is • want to remind Kilpatrick that if America or any city isn't going to do anvthing about it. Irs been like thPir land. their sweat alld their blood. The blacks other Western country rails to help 800th African this for the ~wo years ('ve been here and it doesn't wt'rf' not taken to South Alrica, they were born there. blacks. the world's blacks will hel.p and that's what se-t'm to be lletting any better by 1tSl'lf. It ti the land of their ancestors. Nigeria and all the other A:fr1C8I! nations are To the city of Carbondale. I'd like to suggest the preparing to do, It is the hyporrltJcal mterf~ of placing of a few more garbage cans in the downtown time I'. Kilpatrick would give himllelf to think of the whites in the Western world that's malting things area-possibly bf'tween Heavy Equipment and hr'" it hurts to be cht,4:(ed of one's own land. to be more difficult for bJac:k independence in South Grand Avenue and a few at aU railroad crossinp. one's

By IWIen Geld ii~.,...... ,. The evolution .r psyclJoloO and psychiatry presidency? Some historians claim that the as professIons that offer important social ser­ ~t he was honest and apparently not involved controversial Yalta agreemenl emerged from In Watergate. VICeS to thIS country is a major accomplishment the conferences in its criticized form as a con· of ~ 3lt~ century. Almost every aspect of Carter, a relatively unknown southern gover' sequence of the president's failing health. Such nor, became presIdent malnlv because of his American bfe has t...-en affected in some way by charges, of course, are conjectural, but the the d~verles of these disciplines and the use physical decline of FDR was well·known to p:imary victJries, a campaign aimed against ~ashmgton waste and corruption, and a very of theIr e,per.ISe. Business. education. in­ man~ intimates and party members prier to the dustry, "nd even government employ eJection of 1944. What about the Harding close nallonal election. Now, earlv in the new psychologic:a! techniques and tests to appraise presidency? Did he possess the necessary ~dministratiOll~ his critics ch,:irge him with personne! and the operation of systems. capabilities to be president of the United States'! mexperlence, mflexibtlity a,~ incompetence. Our chIldren. throughout 12 years of public Political observers still question his com­ On a recent cove." o! Newswt'ek (Oct. 24. 19T7l school and furth« years spent in coUeges and petence. tbe question: "<:I.r. Carter Cope" .. was posE'd. umversllJes. graduate schools and professional Unfortunately. Americans can onlv answer' F~Uy, m the very recent past we have ex­ "We don't know," Yet, the American'public, schools, a.lI submit ro a variety of psyehologjeal perienced the Nixon presidency and the in­ ob. exam~ a'l5eSSing aptitude. in!elligence credible series of events now known as VIOUSIy dependent upon presidt-nti.oI leadership. and emotional sta.bility. Many of the highly­ of should koow.-;t MUsr know-the competence "Watergate." Many those who hate 'iixon and capability of Its presidt-nts. And, in the educated. and skilled profe.lSionals in this say that the scandals of 1972·1974 concluded the technological soctety are required to take tests, c~t age of psychological and aptitude fmal c~r of a psychotic story begun in his testang, such kno1Mlt'dge could be made often on a contmumg·schedule. Applicant~ for early political career in California. Even those available. the space ~am, for example, mIL'll con­ who still support Nixon confess that something 'The political beft'SSitit'S of the present and stantly suffer lICrutinizin8 ~ bappened to him in urn and _nder if the friIrtIten .... prob...... Yf't, _ significant profession senns to be ruu-, _ -'I _ .... Wiltenlate - ... a crisis 01 a eanfUlM!d per­ 01 1M pasC. _It in the IoIJowinlr recom­ exempt. from. psyChologicai anc iiptitude _Itty. CJparty, the WlUte H_ lmighU 01 mendation: Presidents 01 the Vnik'd SLltes analysls-1lolltlcs! Why not require Ricbard "iKon cannot be hlamed ror must be examined by psychiatrists and examinations for the people who become can­ everything; the so~alled "smoting-pistol physicians and tate psychoJogicaJ exams on • didates for public office? In particular, why not tapes" showed us Nixon's tragic relationship to perennial schedule. In tho! same routine manner make psychological tests mandatory for that current press seer.etaries announce the presidential and vice presidential aspirants? reports of their preSident's annual physical Why not require periodic, rigorous exam, future sec::retdries could announce the examinations of the president of the United "We should know reports of both physical and psychological States? euminations. And, future records of the In this age of psychology and psychiatry, why pruldent·s mental and physical health would are our presidents not examined to ascertain before the election result from tests made by an impartial board of aptitude, ~otiooal stability and intelligence? medical examiners. The "king '5 physician·' Presidential candIdates should be initially if candidates can would not be lX!fIIlitted to exist. tested to determine if they are able to do the Presidential examinations made by unbiased job. Why should such ~tem~ts iiS "the men will probably save the United Stales a lot presidency makes the man" .'leeome the function in offICe. " of misery, mistakes and possible catastrophes pr«edent we follow to fmd &eac.'ership? We in the future. In the modern world. with the ob· shouIcl !mow before the eiectiOd If candibtes vious proliferation of nuclear power in can function in the off"lCe. In 19''2, Senator nwnerous nations, we cannot afford serious ~"'taomas Eagleton kist his vice presklential can­ Watergate. Nor can anyone deny that Nixon psychological problems in the presidency. di6acy because be consulted a psycl! ialrist. ItA:­ publicly lied to the American people despite Periodic examinations probably cannot predict tual.,. he was the only cancfjI'..ate whose contradictory tapes which he preserved. These sudden personality collapsE'S, but pesonalities pt'yc~'lIogical capabiJjt~ were mown and he tapes later exposed his lying and caused the with those proclivities can be detected, 0b­ resigne.... f:-tJIIl the race under pressure. In collap. of his presidency. Can that behaviol' be served periodically or prevented from oc­ retrospect, we regret that we did not know the considered rational? cupying the presidential off"JCe. What woufQ psychological health of the other candidates in We also now know from various accounts that happen if an incumbent president should be that eledion. Alexander Haig actually acted as ~ident for analyzed to be unstable? He .auld be removed A psychological test feM' the presidency is months as Nixon struggled to survIve in offICe; from office quickly and quiet;y employing the neither insulting nor UDredS0R8ble. There are let us never forget that the general was not, present COMtitutional proct>.lUl"e or by amen' various tests for virtually every other im­ elected to that presidency! In the summer of ding the Constitution to act'alerate the process. portant profasion. so we similarly should 1974, Secretary of Defense James Schlesinger Skeptics of psychology or psychiatry will examine the ~"'litabmty of our leaders prier to was sufficiently suspiciOla of the president'S argue that \.'le American presidency should not the campaigns and eJections and even after the stability toC"der the military dliefs not to follow be limited .• submitted to the questionable occupancy of the office bas oc:eurred. Once any Wfute House command unless it was per­ scrUtiny of s.JCh pseudo"5Ciences. Yet, we seem tested, the future presideDt and vice president sonally approved by the secretary. The com­ to trust those professions to test our children. should be examinN periodically. at least nery mander-in-ehief of the anneel fon:s no long~ evaluate people ID other employment and coun· year durillll their elected term, Such an served the United States in that capacity. Why? sel millions ..«h year. Why not trust them to examination eouId eoiDcide with the president's Because the secretary of defense l.ipparently examine the future men and women who physaJ survey. considered the president to be Itr.stallie! Con­ become our presidents? I would rather limit the All presidents halve a, their disposal the ser­ jectures of wbat ca~ eoukl have 0c­ presidency than leave it in the power of an un­ vices of ph1,sieians. but they are the "Iting's curred if the Waterpte eOnruet bad continued stable personality. physicians.' protecting the president and limply k!lTify any tiw*ing penon wbGee -..und In addition. the same testing procedure is shieldiag his physical problems from the ~ to that memerable period. recommended for senators, Congressmen, "lblic, Historically. presidential physicians What do we Imow 111 the eurrent chief Supreme CGurt justice6 and other signifICant p."Obably have knowa of JIeI'ioUs physical exeeutive. Jimmy Car'M. er former Presideat national, state and 1oca11eade.-s. We all know of disabilities., but have never rnealed them Gerald Ford? Selecte<. by his predecessot, Ford unstable politicians and senile old men who publicly. 1beIr loyalty never exteftdecl Ie !he faced oal, poli'.lcal serutiny by his remain in ofTace far beyond their abilit.v or UnitM Stats or itll citwnl. aaIy to the Congressional Cf1 .leagues to become vice utility; some stiD hold ofTlCe! Finally, such presidents who employed tbem. Since his president of the Vnited States. Er.tering the suggestions are appropriate for all other physicians remained silent. we en onl, executive office following U... "forced" Ital10nS in the world. friend and foe alike, since speculate about the psychological and pbysical resignatieJo of Richard M, NixOll. Mr. Ford we share the same concerns. While we proc:eoed state of Woodrow Wilson in the fiDaI_Ibsof lnaugunted his "uneJected" presidency by par­ toward the stars using the new space his presic:lency. Similarly, what was the real doninf the previow- oceupant of the offICe. The technology we should employ the estahl~ condition of Franklin D. Roosevelt In bitt last American people accepted the new presUlebt psychological tec:hnology to ~J!pervj!'ie term'? Wu be fully fit mentally fa fuaeticd iD !be without an electian and with only the assurances . politicians and poIitic'$ on this pl6~ NOW SERVING u.s. grain exports may rise in '78 HoMade SOUPS ...... 504 WASHINGTON (API-A SUrp.-;R • nnounc~m~nt that thE' Sovi~ Delicious CHILI ...... 65 • Union's !(Tain harvest is smallft­ than had brea n~t~ rouId lead 10 Gorden SAlADS ...... • 5. additional US. grain exports. Agriculhlr?SKretary Bob Bergland Super SANDWvCHES ...... • 5c & 95c says. But AgriculturE' DE'partmE'nt plus DANNON FROZEN YOGURT f'XIIl'rts say ~ United Stales, with To eot in .... or corry out its largest price.dtopl'E'SSing surplus DANNON YOGURT STORE :1e=:;-~oar:tE'Ir.b;:aaE'a~th:: c.MNSSHOPPINOaNTltt"'JrTJOou.~ ,...... 11 triggerilll a RYe!'e CGIISWII~ food pricE' spral al homE'. Initially, the ~I Union set its urn Fain production IOai at 213.3 million mE'Cric tonB. Until _ the AnybodJ who could Agriculture ~parlment had turn Lot's wife Into a ~I:a~~=t~e:.t e~ on recant. A metric: tall is z..m pillar of , Inclnente pog1ds. Bul SoYi~ Preside-nt Leonid Sodom and Gomorrah 8rezhne~ allllOUllCed that this year's Faill output is _ estimat«l at 194 miU10ll u-. about 10 pm:elt below and make It rain for ~a~=.!:ITa~:=- ~~ forty days and forty million tons. "II's a signilkaDl development 10 which _ attach a lIftat deal 01 nights has got to be Importance." BE'rgiand said in an 3 fun guy. =':~he~~~e;t~tu;':: ~ ::~ ~~c:.u.~ward Impact on our HugE' FS illlI'VE'St! thE' past thl'M YE'ar5 h"".. rebuilt grain Rlockpiles Central Plinois gas customers ' bills to decline PEORIA IAI') - Wint~ hNting bills will bE' going down this wintE'r for natural gas customers 01 Central lIIinois Light Co. Mosl of thE' deocf'E'age win come in ~mbE'r, January and FE'bruary becauR ~~i~":l:: a~~sC1~1Pt,:~ .:: phasing out lE'mporary incHa_ causf'd by E'mergE'ucy au pur­ chases. oIF;;~~c!t~~':~he= from US.74 in October and November to SII3.tIS ID ~bE'r. 161.49 in January and as8.92 in FE'brury. Tbe September pr'ift fw 300 therma was $67.64, largely ~use~ ~~r,.~~ue. at Pa~:~'~;t.t::b,~ N\im- Dally 7:00 9:00 ~!:-~~=~~~ Cl ..CO 10 follow witlt iu =own ~~!9 Sunclay 1:303:15 :!itians. a I:OIIl pany spokesman 5:00 7:00 9:00 ------FRI-SAT LNrE------SHOW II:" '.M. All •••" I,.S'

aD the boiled or fried shrimp you can eat $8.95 Nitely Vegetarian DInner Spedals 0nJy$1.7S Complete DInner Menus AvaiJabie NItefy NEW HOURS!! Q:m~at2p.m s~ &Sm. at 3o.m. DonOt Mia the Live Entt:rtainment Fri. & Sat. nita teatun'lg The Oritinal Chestnut Street JU% Band. 8pm·12pm Private Party Rooms Available CaJJ us! The Bench ~ Across from M~ ""',.r.$_ ...... ""_ "' .. - ,..____ _"_· _... _1 'WeekendGMusic EAZ~ ------COFFEEHOUSE 816 10. IIlinoif Ave. Qg IIfUS;C,; ,. i8M 4rl.& lJII;u f-ll ~ --12. Gi.Ws '''''.'''s S#.lIIMIkt!:lS J2-f r.., s~ 1-1 ",RIM'! ~~'f pen 9pm-)am ~ FRIDAY & IATUADAY welle", communit", ho • • VARSITY I LATE SHOW • • • • • [!iD.l!!] • FRIDA Y AND SATURDAY ~~Starbll:l1 ______A...... ~n lon.l ••

••••~::=I~~=Ic •••••••••••••••••• •• tI • VARSITY 2 OO~TOW"" 4576100 • • • • • • • SUNDAY ONLYI 5 ...... 11:11 A ...... S1 CLAU~!A CAROiNlil MARCEllO MASTROIANNI ~I~~

SALUKI 1· 605 . GRAND 549·5 2

The Best Selling Novel Is Now ATriumphant New Film

,...,0tAWIUf' ...... ~ ...... _ ,lfNlU'IiU No Klng_Ta RUOOJ NUREYEV 'VALENTIN(] . RogerConnan ~ Home Cooking LESUE CARON· MIOIBlE PHIWPS _r.AROl.:\ANE _~_tN ..~·_ .. filIi'IlMEIL ... _.~rlN Like Mom's ,...... U:NIUi!lJL·_.... IIftiIIWNUI...... rlItUIUff : ...... a.y ~ ...... ~J ...... ,".H ...... DI ...... 1211OO1t4 ...... 'rWIIy& .....l:IIk ••• 11:1' Featurin, turltey ...... n.w.lllyl:ll~ •• ham. /rifIJd chlcJEen •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• olB 0/ "e,etab!es. t • ChicJEen &- dumplings SALUKI 2 ,.os E. GRAN' S49·5622 iscuilB &- gravy. an ~",t,':i'~11: ~ the ".argest salad ba ..... !IMw,".2I '~I ~':Mt:tI ~ ~\"":1.t:. Iii\ in the area. ~ ...... -.IIty .. ~ All Y_ Can ... tI.ts ~J.~ Beveroae and deaa"rt extra. I:JII:II ,,11 ';;:9 , ...... '".21 2:l...... 1:11 t:tI ...... I11III ...... IIt ..... Good 'Medicine'mxUlab1e 10tXJIly ., ...... " CcJmediM...... Slew ..... lit _ poiIIt 011 bill _ album may mock· ~~I~USly .. abo~ toh~:! IJYUW... IJYUW ...... J!!:. u...... audience. but for .ever.. other c:omedy'1lliDded prople ia Car· bondale the sometimes-seriollS hard won of being tunny is a realilY· "Brooklyn Bob's Trayel:inl IJI'OUPMedicine of smw"_ a hard-'illl _ ex· tapeslitter fran a IDeal pIaIIt. and _ _iStaDt orofessor fram the Speeeb COllUllllllicat~ Depart. DN!III .,... are dedic:ated to the art 01 Imprvrilatioul comedy. "We're totetber beec_ we IiIIe thl. kind of tbeater," .aid "Brooklyn" Bob Fisb. the aforemelltioaed iastrudGr, who ad­ ded. "it mallei for. mucb more ex- ci~ft~~=~-=~ --..d perfGr'llUUlCel at La Bistro may iaclude a lift, ir:IproYiRd J • .,.- m_ter mOYie or • hilarious country.. nd-western lament about birth c:eatroI wrillm and IUI18 by &a.- HeiM. a senior ill Englilb. I...iR the oW .,. 01 TV, the IIJ'OUP wriIa ~ and performs I'OUIhIY • millulel 01

MMIC Members of Brooklyn Bob', Ti'8vetlng IMdklne Show, (sitting) Rex Ray, Joel DraIner (standing) ChrIs Weckler, SUmnne Heims. Duo to appear King. Tabl. M.rtili 1Ind ·raylor. club Home Cooking musicians who combine acoustic: like Mom's. luit~: 8IIId de-:tric ba .., for tbeir performancH, will appear at tbe Senrl...... t [)Power! PJa~...... Su.... y .~~~~~.I:~~:~~ 1IIOmI.. , ...... 11 ...... ~ent ... Ballroom B. will feature Featuring fresh fruit, Michelle Martia OD .oeal. aad lukes. s"',.., rolls, ::::.c=.~ot:~r!ii.. ::,:. cereals. biSCUits. Indian. aDd Mlellilaa ITaYettal gravy. bcJco,., 4tggs. perfurmerI. MRSlERPIECE MaTtia _ railed Ia OJiIIois. the JouJoge,pon~kes. l All You Cen I~" ::e :!.,::{ ~b=:O,:= only 12.., lHEATRE 8:00 SUNDAY 'lbeir material IDc:Iudes jazz. folk 22M & ••1 ..... In blum. COWItry. radI. "'-_" aDd" M'--. qiDall...... 0.---.... I. 'D!f.f!!!!!IIM+OiIOiANNEL 8 00 Quasar. 7 N •• 11IIN.S.N AM••• CAN MIDIA

a week long symposium IPp of films, lectures, discussions designed to increase your awareness • 1~ Solid Slate "SeMce u-" C~ • In-llne Matrix PIctute of media and 1he trends it's taking ••• .,..Ioc:usTUlle W'Itl ....8dditlonal • lou-w_ • ~on".1bI. $275 •• November 7 thru 11 (Mod., WP3420PH SIU Student Center white plastiC cabinet) ..,...... *Monclay- for more information Michael O'Donoghue call 536-3393 of "Saturday Night Live" 'BoboIvAND APPLIANCI IlUlDAd ...... CIImI SGAC Lectures 1 p.m. Ballrooms C & D c,.a...... 1UMOIt 'River Nigc;r' opens

with special gueStSI THE DOOGAN BROTHERS

:::;. U;~~~tIIea:. __ fa away wIleD IeWI'aI ~:~=-~~ ..,.,.n.ecr' ~. CIIIP1 01 It iDto little e:;-G!: ~ "The DON'TEAY THE DAFFODILS WASHINGTON cAP-Eatin. daffodils may be huan.'ous to your he-altho These .nd man! popular OOWft"S. omameonlal shrubs and cuIorM 1rftds are poiIoDOUa. _ys Naiianal ~phic:. YOUfIlII children are ..rtkularly ,,,lne-rat,le. but "en adults often Mcome unl hiokin. nibblers of poNonous plants.

715 S. Iliinoll PRESENTS A PRE CONCERT TURN-ON: LOGGINS. MASON AND HEARTSFIELD ON SALE TODA Y rtlRU NOV. 9 ~------~ ~ .. .,...... ~IIASON Let ...... CStn=B) &NIl .....-.:::%..- ...... _--.".JM-..1IIe-o.or ___-. '_ "" ....IAI. __·_,...·- ....0.._ ...... -- .' 0.- ---- ( , ,~. i Y '4"~'~ $3.89 $3.89 Now you can enlo 1 the convenience and comfort of a camper top at the low price of $216.00 plus tax.

Now we hove available for y~ to rent or buy. thot new camper top y",,'..,. been waiting for. In sturdy, long-lasting olumi"um ... a great WC'f to save. Also, see our selection of auto repoir tools. Why buy wtMtn you can rentf Derek Jac:obt plays the title role In the ;~ ~ "ytes. Everything for your auto from hitches to "I Claudius" presented Slniays an Channel 8. battery charges. Phone us for our rentol "I Claudilll," the British Broad- prices.




••, ......

'. .... • ~ ,l".' l ~~ .. ~.\ " •• " ~ .... """"'"",".'II"I'",I'I~"""""",t.... Jt.ttttt ••• ~.mtt""'t""mttftttHtft"-""",,",","""m"t""'d~"""h , ...... \oO ..~~""' ...... ~t Man, convicted of tax fraud in '50s, (9ampus Briefs sought by FBI after disappearance

David M. Vieth.l"'rfessor or English. delivered a John C. ANCl.JRAGE. Alaska IAPI _ amllftlia" about how Lorton was out 01 sequellce and 12 diff~r("r Hodges memorial r.. :lure. "'Pleased with the CWt!'8diction ~r Lorton. a 6S-yt'ar-01d t!'lI. elected 10 lhe board and ma" banll at't'Ounts-some 01 which ')\. and CJe Sin:' The pr;nerse Artistry of Rochester's Lyrics," 8t't'OWItanl. must ha~ !IeftIIed lhe fmane;') oIficer. ml been balanc:ed since ~mllf' at the University of Tennessee in K'1OXVille. Vieth also perfect choic:e 10 straighten out lhe "He was always prayi,. ... one 1m. talked to a gracfuate seminar on the subject 01 Jonathan ta,.1ed financial affairs allM Oldrr member 01 the DrlalP.zation n!alila. An FBI spoIIesman said "We ha\ Swift's poetry and read a paper on ''The Mystery 01 Per­ soaaIltientity: Swift's Verses on His Own DeatJi" Pe~no!c:t~n::: disappeered ~'!:tu:~ to pray al Rotary :,=';n":'e~= :e~s: I~ .nth 1M group's finandal ret'OI'd5. "Hew.. reallll'lOOth. but !Ie was a records are so t'Onfus~d_ Tht' In A Teen ChaDenge rally will be held at 7 p.m. Stmday at and 1M FBI says it·.looki,. for h:m real bard worller," laid another temaJ Revenue Service also is ID the F.piphany Lutheran Church, 1505 Chautauqua. '''J'he - .. it did more than a decade allO leni« cilizen at a federal hearin, ftSliIalirl«. New Creations," a choir group from the Mid-America Teen when he fled afta- bei. t'OIIvicted 01 ealled this w~k to d~lermine Lorton left town in Ot'tober on tho> O1aIlenge Training Center 01 Cape Girardeau. Mo., will ta~ fraud. whether the group's fundil1l sboulcI eve of a m~lIn, with officla)~ sing at the rally. mi~onNa~c:t!~Ia'f:s.n: a~ be~ ~~~~rn;=a::fl:;~' the looking into the orllaniulion, Carol Jacko. assistant professor in cuniculum. in­ lifted oublic at't'OUlltant. was named federal Community Se"It'e Ad· =~,::~~~~r::~~%~ stnJction and media, and Michael Jackson, aSSOCUlte flll'l'1dalllffieer for the orpniaUon ministration. the lIIeDeY that funds m April II IUmI aut he had been a the Action Group. Since 1988 It bas kcountanl James Pendtor. hin-d proI5SOr in curriculum instruction and media, served on CPA. but 1M FBI says bis lice_ proVided program. for senior to try to piece the group's booIts the North Central Association visitation team at Vienna .. revolled 22 yean 1110 and 11!' eitizens and legislative advoc:ae, back tOlether. said Lorton ap Township High School earlier this week. also was t'OIIvtctN 01 eif!bt counts 01 P"'fP'lIrns. A dt'cision OIl !1IIKIiI18 is ..rentJy did not 1eaY!' on the spur of tax fraud .,. 01110 in 195;.1. expected WIthin IWO _D. the momenl becat8e lhe bulk of t~ Rit-hard J. Baker, asaociate professor of rehabilitation, One investi,alor uyl Ibe teltimony indieated finandal rerordl Ire miuin, tie dP!ICrt~ I assumed the presidency of the Vocational Evaluation and _Ianluliol". mem~'n bave irrer:laritiel laeludlnl Lorton u"an Individual thai kllP,.. Work Adjustment Association (VEWAA. 01 the National Rehabilitation Association at the annual meeting in ...., .... "0 e" U"'~ ~ai! I. ~rt'" "" "m'··1 Washington D.C. Frances M. p,ker. instructor 01

rehabl!itation. was named secretary c ~ the VEWAA and will also ~e as CCH!ditor 01 the VEW AA CM.:!-tin. FrJdQ SatIJnIQ C15uDday David Farley, senior in physical education. has organiJll!cl a 50 mile run-a-thoa for muscular dystrophy at t a.m. on Nov H at Rend Lake. AU runners need a sponsor who will donate an amount of money per mile. Runners can run from one to 50 mile!! and the money wiJI be dcnated to the Muscular Dystrophy Fund. Th~ run-a-thon is being spon­ Steak l1 Shrimp sored by the Benton High School c:t'Ca country team. Tbo£e interested can call 439-3103 or 453-2456. Patricia Carrel. chairperson of the Department 01 Linguistics. at~ded the Mid-America Linguistics QJn.. Dinner! ference at Columbia. M... Carrel presented two ..pen: "Metalinguistic Awareness and Ctilmiti\le Development" Come on in any week-end and "Lexical Expansion and the AcqUISition 01 Language." from 5 P.M. A weekend workshop on sexual and aensual enrichment Friday th.ough SUMay for couples wiD be held from Nov. 11 tbrougb Nov. 13 at the night...for this exceptionaJ Counseling Center in Woody HaU. C~1es may register DO fleW value at later than WedDesda,. _:! the DiVISion of Continuing Sirfoin Stockade. Education OffiCe, Wasbingtoo Square C. Beverly K'lIlIU!Iter and Raymord Silverstein. assistant ~~ in linguistics, recently atteDded a Phonological . Conference in Bloomington, Ind. Students petition ..-==----1Ift lor program funds Friday ill the .. clay to sip the petitioa ill ....,...-t of CCIIItiDu!d fua­ dins for Humaa Sexuality Semca. The petitioa call be sigDed IIDliI I p.m ... We Seieace n. ~ .se lAurII Dr-. DaistaDt prot_ in ~ PsydIoIogy ~ sai:! 1bunday u.t tile two-week oId __ ~ ...... by eiflht femiJIiIU iD thebeen PsyeboIogyRped by about~ __ "­ (l,," ~to-:-..U:C~~ ~,-v-'-Fl"1iT' Sft-riee administntift dlJ'eCtor, FrAiay I'.ftemooa - _ elIIftSIioD ..,1.1111•• ~forHumaa ~..,...... WlDB The r"'I0.... Pf'OII'aDUI are sdIeduied for Frida, OIl WlDB Radio-4III All ill tile donna, 1M cable FM ill stereo: 1\lbum1llieated rock 11 buun • clay: \f"U>B News--=. a.m.... -. 1:. IIId i: 40 p.m. Dasrass 517 So. Illinois WIDe Sporu--= G ... t:. a.m., ~r-:m With Lew Irtria-I8: II a.m .... 4 p.m. A WEEKEND LIKE THIS KlngsT• .,I. YOU WON'T 'WANT TO MISS! Home Cooking Like Mom's. fRIDAY s-we ...... '.'JDAY NIGHT: SATURD ..Y NIGHT: ' AND SATURDAY ...... PIIOM ...... '. .IIOM ...... ': ...... " ...... Rock-N-RoIl With In the keller: (.. turing fresh fruit. lulCtlS. sweet rolls...... The F.ltulous cet'«Jls. biscuits. JENNIE gravy. bocott. eggs. THE sousoge. pancakes. VISION All You CenI.1I I BUSTER ROLL onlyS2." 22_ & w.1nvt Itt M'''' .--...... oA B~I

PIitit'ft·f;:jtW~~;· t,- iW·... • ...... ···~·· .. ••••· ...... Ii •• , :.. •• ' • i.i.- -i.t ... Sorority registration up; more women pledging Enjoy We <:J\1ovies if IIyJaIR ...... each semester by the Panllellenic: a..r,,~'."" Council. the governmg body 01 Sororities registered more than SOI"OnUes. C~osby ''The 'typieal-ooty girt' image ,_ 50 JIft'CftII more p~ this Bing durin8 year's PluIhelleDie formal rush iI ebanlPlIg from being a rich girl than .... year's. wbo IIlIpIftd to get m8l'1Vd to mOl'@ Last falL • girls signed up for oIa worldly sophIsticaboa. a eareet' !JirtL agaIn

Police investigating autn Atore burglary You'll find low distortion and high quality in all of Yamaha's new receivers. Carbondale police are in­ ~igating. a burglary at the E. ~y h!o:!!~~= ~h:e.::-t! Baankenshlp and Co. auln sU.lp.,ly work. store, 2t2 N. illinois Ave., involvmg CR.. 620 Police said entry was made by S284 fil \vortfJ of tools and IIl'"S. FEATURE St;M~{ARY, \"afl .• "k L,,~;dnt"" Ed Aikman. an employee. told breakia& • Window. _. ... c..,nlr.,1. TWill H... adr~.>n'· \,kk,. In,!t-~""'n,kn! R... · ; f ,... ; £ CI.,rJinl( _..,.; LI"' ... ntlll! :-:""!"d. ,r·. Tw, T ur-m\! ~I ... !t"r' -:!. ..••~ <3. 1":.a.,,~ 11 hr~ Fundl"O -- S,;; Qu .. lttv. S,qnal Srrenl1:th C ... ntC'r Ch.anndl. F~I MUlln\!. B.... vlr.:hl .. T, .. ne 3S Watts per channel C\,ntr\ll. 'W/Hl\:h Filtt·r ... ~rl~;;l\t\~r ~t"lt."l:"ft"r 0.05'1. THO and 0.05'1. 1M Swllch.,.s. MNiC' ~I ..<; ...... nd 1.-100. funcrioG 92 dB PhonoSIN Indicattlft. N.,. ""'1ft" ...... ,-1 t-:. '"1.1fn~ IkIfW' .ttd dtuAtftJI-n I'n'" l .."'ff: Ii-" !\ .m., r''''1."' ,rutrJf",-om 1/k."" 'r.1" It.. ft.U-f'..IflJ rt~r CR.. 820 I:'llCLUDES ALL FEATURES OF CR-6!O. TROPICAL fiSH SPECIAL PLlJS: M-~Itirl ... Ph"r., 3d«wr. Pre'n hvom fl· 1M"'" . ,...... ,... I fndudeI • ~ ~p m.~ o:~..."hrrwJ Jf~1" :\"'H: oGlaIs.... ,~ -0-.. Top ~ 95 dB Phono SIN .!\".H: .It .In,. pr...... f' ,ourJ"U' ft.1ft'l 11 .,'rh W~" fl' iult·.. "tI"'J f'~f UgItf • DrrtofIo",.., 'lIM CR.. WW S,NGING ,.::!.A~1Itw INCLUDES ALL FEATUkES OF CR·l'-'20. ~.,, .... CANARIES .~.: 15" L t PLUS: :-:""1C"Ctable Turnls. TW(l-P(",itk>n L.)w/Hu;:h Filten.. S5."-. .Mc*Im 2.... ~ .. Twin Phon<> Inpu~ IMMI. buut-ln Me rkad Amp, < ~s:" .=-z.: 27; Pre.Out Sdect\lF. ~nJ Two-P0511Wn FM Muting. 100 Watts per channel ~~ ""lit: .han ~ t"" ,~,","'ocd "'.... Ad JMlC'ta'n "'.,., 2\'H: .. ~ 2l"ktb .. am ~,..C'r '-lUtf'l1 tn... lil\'rh .. .an k~ tIJU·r.m.oJ I"'_i" Ii 0.05% THD and 0.05% 1M CANINE HEADQUARTERS 95 dB Phone SIN .SM'i...~ SheepdorPoodle Sf. Iemord·Lnaso Apso Cocll ... SpoIl"" Pomeronlon Pelc/nges ..Foa Temer Catch Up with the rest of Yamaha\ new line at,our Mel/'ese.AIas,""" Malamute • Yamaha Audio Specialty Dealer. OIDEI EARLY FOIl CHI'STMAS USE OUR tA Y·AWAY ~DIENER OJ STEREO n5LU...... ty Mon."t ' ..5 •\" Scientist says cities' resegregation caused b,· urban renewal success '11f!r.~11 CHICAGO I API-Thirty years of : ... said tonight Isat urban n!'lIf'lul an!' beginning to pay :~~n«~:'~~ :::::i~~P: b. 'he earl.. 1970!l. the movf'JR!'nt off. but the pri«- ill "~ret(ation Alon« With this. memJxors of the was .. -~ple;.aled b~' the en .. r!{y Chicc.go·s Foremost Country Rockers of the cltil'5." says a 1't1l1adl'lphia white middle class an!' mnvin« inlo erisis. the rapId riSE' in the ('01 t of politieal seimtisl. older neighbot'hoods near downtown suburban housinlt. Ihp '-dlva 'ce While Ihlll' has oot bet>n the l't'Sult an!'85. rehabilitating the hnusinll. revolution." thP ('(l(!;! of ('()fT'Imut!lll Plwisioned by urban plalll1t'r"S. thiS is and this is displacing the r~ldPots and othE'r fador5. 1M' !IBId ""hal has hapJ)t'ned as the "n!'tum to 1111)0 live tMre. WE'ilpr ,aid Ihat whJlp "the: ~ the ("it)' movetnl"1t" has grown. he As the neighborhoods bpcnme said more dE'sirable. rE'nts f.nd laxes rn11~:::-ar''::.':'~~i::til:.~.::. The politieal scipnlis,. Conrad group so those who haw liwd Ihf'n' movE'~t1enl ha.. dt.plaeeti Itwo ;o>r Weller. Ph D. of Temple University haVE' to move out. W!"tler poinlt'd w~ no lonllE'r ,.lIn _ "ord 10 Jive ;.~ spoke at a "ational Urban Lt>3g~ out. C!lflfel't'nN' on black famihes and the ThE' movement spems 10 have ;::;~..:.;,::~e...~~('~ ::~rb;;~~;: ~~I~~ protection of baldl children. starlee 15 or 20 yE'8r5 all" ""hE'D altract them The probip.n affects lower inrome Blacks an!' mo~;nll to 'lUburlls .,- • ~~:":Jr;:J~on~~a:~~a~~ timp wht"ll CflSts are rising. he sai, :~~~f'S::t ",,~:&a:lt~a~krs~ ~ft':::~ such all' Society Hill in Fniladl'lptua H~1I1j1 hllI!t just after World War dlsproportionatel . II 15 nn! enf'~' "'ficipnt and costs In the pru., dJrff or four ypars. an:.. ~:::~~. V~~~~I~ple more 10 hE'Bt and mall1tain. two said Weller said .. ·there has bepn a bo.o~n to fil\pr ba .... into the citips in And man\' 01 these suburbs are 01 Irf.nendous upsurge in rein- an alte -in .. n seWE'r linps and :=~on~"::;~n~n! ;~Ii~! laxt'S mUll'I be (alSE'd to pay for vt'~::'I! ~f 4:~rr ::d~~~;ack and show places" Cl't'ated by the l'Iitists. them. he addt>-J Doctors discover \.est to find if unborn babies are crippled 80ST{)!Ii I AP) -Doctors sa,' thev mU5('u/ar dy~trophy. ThL~ accounlS haw found a wav to dl'tef.mme for 20-50 pe~nt of all cases of bE'fore birth whetlWr a baby Will be 1lI""""W dvstroph .. <'rIppled by a usually fatal, Ctuldren born With Duchenne's JnhO'Tlt ..t' (orm of muscular dystrophy disease usually die in their latE' teens or early :Ill. Trw l't'Sf'archers said thaI with tt results of Irwir test, mothers Thr doctors found that blood ma~' ~ide !o have abortions from fE'luses that will cteYelp rather than bE'ar .:hlidren afflicted muscular dystrophy contains WIth the ill!lf'SS. unusually tu(Ih levels 01 an enzyme Doctors say their method. a kind called creatane pbosp!InIur.ase. of prenat'd blood test. can idl'nllfy Duehenne s muscular dystrophy. Using a fane. lighted tube. doctors can draw a Imy amOlalt of blood TIus IS a form of the diseasE' that from the placenta that connects the strikE's only boys. bU1 It IS p8!~ on fPlus with ps mother. 1l1en they to them bv their mothers. who do not Suff!'f -its symptoms. examine the blood to fand the ~~l 0( the lE'lItale enzyme An lICcounl of the research, pt'I'­ formE'd at Yale MPdicaJ Srhool alld In recent years. women who .... 0l.'IE'r collejles. was published I{; suspected carnen 0( DuchenDe's Thursday's edition of the Sew muscular dystrophy have un­ EllI!:ano Journal of Medicine. dergone amnioc:etltesis. a sampling t1ealth offiCIals say ~700 babies of the amniotic nmd which tells are born each year with D:1clIerIne's doctan &he .. 01 the fetua-


The Southern Illinois Uf'iversity at Carbondol. Faculty Sena1e will meet in regular _tcm at 1:30 p.m. on Tuesday. Nov. I. 1977 In the Ag Seminor RIX'm (Room 209. located on tM Now. MCond floor of the South Wing in the Agric\lltvr. luilding_)

11Iot'C." --.. ~ .. fidelity for nCaMltI.,...... Oct. n."" InA...... CI c."t.(willlncludePf'_tation of e.rtif1ca1es ta .-ton .a.ct.d the R~ce ofmediocre Spring 1977}

1V .....ljiiIOi_ ...... CoIt.cthre~I ..... fidP1~~ If you love the sound and feeling Y ...... Prac.tI.'.... '-AI"']. of good music but thought youDents.. for A) Health Education Admissions Policy about the same prire as one of those mediocre 8) PropoMd Revilion of Undergraduate Grading System alI-in-one oompacts you thought you(J have to buy. q Pass foil System The heart of the S)stem is the new Pioneer D) Paid Advertisements In Spring Schedu.. M. Lionellendet' SX-450. quite possibly the best f'e('eiver \'a!ue E) c.-aI Education Review ever offered. Its a perfect match for it pair of YII'-"-eo..e.... 1Iepon Pioneer HPM-in speakers. which sound loud and A) Instttvtionot Research clear in an:' normaI-size room. For your records. " Budget Hearingt-3-5 p.m. Tuesday Dec_ 6, 1977 turntable, Stud.nt Center Ballroom C we recommend the Pioneer Plr112D a Yin c-a...... c-a..... 1Iepon professional-type belt-drive design. ~ith A) 8udget Comml .... ad hac nMmben performance equal to units selling for St'veral 8} Student Conduct Review 8aanf appts. times C) Nomlnotiona feor JudIdalReview Baarcf as much. ballots The only similarity between this SYstem D) Review of Commi.... appointments I ...... c-a...... ~da~one GDPION~~"" A, Amendment of old' 'GrieYance Procedur.. ~ )s the pnre. ~, to hold JR8.lectlons 8) Special -'ection for School of Law • 'tLCU'ty ...... WolfweC I ...... A) Tenur. Document Comml.... 8) library Circulation Policy .,Go ...... eo-t...... r'4 A4tour_· ~,Center. '14 .. '...... Best Liquor Buys In Southern Illinois

GoGel thru Sunday W.,....". the to limit Cluentlty

~.. E El\lF8bJ AlART Cans Visit Our Fast -_ ..... , Busch Drive-Up Window ~ Jim Beam '" SourbOl1 '-- __ ~ --'-$1 6 pok39 Can 19 • '0:: ...• BUSCH. ~ $4 75Om. Kentucky Tavern ;;;:, ' 5 99ea Bourbon ~i Or3for 3 . $ 3 9 9 Fifth Walker's Don CQrl~ .$~~~ Deluxe RUM ~J299 99 Light .. Daric Flth $4 75Oml 76 WINE TASTING or3 for54 ea. Gamay Ro"'76 by Mondavi Semi-Dry, balanced. •i~ Canadian l. ord fruity res' wine from the Napa Valley, California Tasting Saturday Calvert A Special PrIce Is • ...,.". 89 for'...... Special Export :a $ 3 7SOml Sefut'1llly: 11 ...... to' p ..... ,:. p.m.-7:. p.nt. 73 After the Game S or3far $3 80. Riunite Highland Light $ Scotch 1. 1 ~~? &41 lambrusco 91 ~~; Rosato t$31~9 $3 '''- -...- Bianco or3for $ 3 66 ea. Wlnel of Hungary It 750ml [! Egri Bikaver Gallo Red Szeksardi Voros Ros6 Nemes Kadar RizHng i7~~A~~1 ~ . Q ~~$111JJ fifth Kr61y Le6nyka Badacsonyi KeknyelU CASATA 99 r SANGRIA . ,. SHASTA SODA Extra Value Import Fifth All flavors 24-12 oz. $ 5 The Famous Greek Rase ' Cons 3 Roditis 112 oz. CHAt PEPPERMINT $ 7 9 9 (equivalent to SCHNAPPS $ 2 !! $1.71 for 2-4 OL)

D.iI~.~~.~..'fi-.~.l~.... I \~ " Contact Lenses' s... us n Infcrmatlon on contact a.'IlSeS including the Bausch & Lomb SofIens. We also CMty a c:ompIete line of t-JII19 aids and supplin. ; .. s.lmnol.~--_, CorIIonHI•• "/~ .IUI~_----"!!H;"ou---olrs:~.~ illinois neLS~~r Thurs., 9-4 p.m. OPTICAL CO Fri. 9-4 p.m. Phone 549·7345 Sat 9-4 p.m. J!4 -SPmAL EXPORT &?-. . IIIII .. CIIlrINI • ...w "'r ...... ~_.

R.~ ....t "Special r' Now Available This fall's weather is good for leaf pigment In the leaves Is responsible for in Carbondale coloration, according to John Yopp, an their brilliant color display. aSKC~re~~in~ny.~He~~M~ys~the~ ______~!!~!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!~ Warmer fall makes leaves more colorful By'llinlaa­ sialf Writer If it wasn·t for this Indian 5WTImer Wert$J." extra. H .... & w ...... IftM'..., ecra.fram ...... 1G 'i~ ...... "'·~" ... ·~'If'.·-(·;"'- .... .f:t .. ~~.' ... '.'I·\''f ••• 7J .... .r .... , .~ ...... ~It; ...... ~,.~~."!'.~ COST PLUS AUDIO THE FINEST STEREO CENTER IN THE TRI-STA TE AREA --KENWOOD-

. .-- " ...... ::" ~ rail ."~ ii!iI . '.' -- :. . _.==a • - ..... ,----- ____-. - --....-0;- i __e_ ffi

(fJKENWDDD CAN BE FOUND ONLY AT 210 S. ILLINOIS AVE. Carbondale STOP BY FOR A FREE, 12 PAGE STEREO BUYING GUIDE FOR CI-IRISTMAS NOW THRU DECEMBER 24th (9ampus 'Briefs Cjobs on Campus For Early Santas.. The followtlll Jobs for student worten luive been lilted by the Layaway Now Office of St"dent Worll and fblanei&l AlelalMDCe. The Missouri Board 01 Probation and Parole will in­ To be elI8ible. a studfnt must be for Christmas terview P1"08pective employees on Monday In the Depart· enrolled fuD.time and mlBt ""e a ment 01 Sodology office. lDterview appomtments c.a be current ACT Family Financial made by calling 1.53-3494. Statement OIl rue with the Office tIl Student Work and Financial ·lncolay Gifts The Student Center "'ne Am Committee will spoasor a A...:a~t 1l:1~=:lw'::l :::. fall arts and crafts fair from 10a.m. to6 p.m. Friday IX! t ...e r:. Woody Han·B. third floor. • Hand-carved Christmas first Door of the Student Center. Jolla available. tIl New. 3, 1m: Clerieal-typill, ~d; five Pyramids The Student Bible Fellowship will meet at 6:30 p.m. openings, morning wark 0JGe; two Friday at 1101 W. Sycamore. Anyone needing a ride or opening. aftemooa wurk bloc:; one • Oriental & Rugs additional information can call S49-189t. opening. time 10 be arranged. Milcl!Ua:leCJus-four C>pI!nings. • Decorative Mirrors The Womt' j'S Club will sponsor a bus trip to Sl Louis. Mo. morning .....k bloc:; one Clpl!lling. on Saturday. Nov. 12. Reservations for Women's Club aftl!mOOll work bloo: ; lhrl!e members can be made by calling S49-2683 after:; p.m. openinp. time 10 be UT'~ed; nude ~in& severaJ opo:dinp. time 10 be arranged; cafe-ma work. one The Jackson County Homemakers EXU!IISion Association male and _ fl!lNle nef!IIed. 10:30 ~Q will 5pCn'IOI" a demonstration 00 "Holiday Breads" from 10 ( ZDU.!I.. •. m. to 1:30 p.m. or 2 p.m.; one University Man a.m. t03 p.m. Frida}' at the MUJ1)hysboro United Methodist ~ning. advancl!d photo major ~LDlJ~ ". Church, 15th and Pine streets. Murphysboro. mlat have k_l~e in .'Wing. 457·1731 ~

Telpro. SIU's radio ~nd television produc:tion company • • will hold its weeki, m~ting at 6 p.m. Friday in the Com· munications BuildIng Room 104f;' After the meeting there will be a television production 01 scenes two and five of Special Seafood Menu friday Nightl "Sojourn." The Saluki Saddle Club will meet at 7:45 a.m. Saturday in front of the Student Center. t~~~:c~!~?,:.,ttr~~~ogL,=~ ...... $6.50 The Ujlma-Saadyette Social Club will present an art exposition "contempora~ Art by Today's Black Students" ~!~!~u~~~rllo~*a,»x""X'i¥;;xx'i*s;" stewardship director. will be guesi. director of the church's stewardship program. Harry T. Moore. retired research prnfessor in English. and Ian MacNivan. a fonner graduate student, have collaborated on a book "Lifeline: The Letters of Richard Aldington and Lawrenfe Durre!." 'l'bo! book has been ac­ cepted for publicP.:JOD by a London publishing firm.

wmB win P,Ublish • new monthly' rock guide entitled "Stay Tuned.' The rock guide will include the wmB p1aylis~. featured artists. current concert news. ticket in. tormallon and reviews. The guide will be available at businesses throug.'Iout Carbondale .\ ~~4~ 'r",0+0 Friday Night 5·11 p.m. 100z. Prime Rib Dinner Includ9S salad. potato or vegetable $695 I lBJ's will be open for after church Li,"e Folk ~Iusl«~ luncheons in the· restaurant 12-3 p.m. FrW.,. hery SuItcIIIy ..... wll...... 4·7 'll,~erslde h ....,. t LBJ Bur"undy Steak Hous,. 8-. 11' N. W=-~I.. tOft FI)~ b)~ Ni"llt I .57-2915 Misinterpretation of copyr~ght law could be expensive, lawyer 'warns

By !;«-ou Ellis Sta"Wrll.r lR" gUidelinl'S prescribed 1»' tilt> colk>o:hve work or p«-.iodit"aJ IlISUf" law," mort· than three timt'S a term The lega counst'l for the The --fair USt''' prOVision states - "'l'acht'rs m3\' not makl' American Llbl.sry Association has thai "rtprodudl',111 In c<>pies fnr mult irt.e copies of consumable warned teachers. resE'arctlPrs and purptJSt'S such as critiCism, l'om, mal.~rials, s'.ll'h as workbooks. Lbrariaft!; th'lt thev cannOl alford to men!. nl''''5 report mg. 'eal'hin~ "olalt' the lIt'W COpyright I! evision. D;ovlS said hff department would I including multiple ("oples for 00 longer make photocoPIes nf Act beca~ of hIgh It'gal costs In classroom lR". scholarship, or matmals over·the-counter at Ihl' wived rl'Warch is nol an infrmgemen: of Spt'akillll! at a St'minar Wedllt'sdav cirC'Jlation desk unless thl' person in the Morris Ubrarv AlI.ntorium, "-'Stinll tht> photocopies has an ~~~~"!he lluidl'lint'S undt'r tilt> 8C(""unl numht-r With a l'nivel"'Htv :~d leri~lescm;~~I;nt:~~e~~~~rt~i --f~'A ~~g~:;;~~ ~~e~l' a singll' dt'plrtmt'nl The t"lrculalion desk 110" COPI~ matl'nals al a price of 10 copyright l"OOld run 85 hIgh as $"..511 ("opy of 'I chapter from a book. an for elk'h iniringl'fTlent wht'n tllt> law article from a pt'rhxlic-al or Cf'n:s per copy IlOf'S inlo efff'rt Jan. 1 lIt'wspaper. a shurt ,,'ory ur ptlt'm, a Howt'ver. Davi~ and ~;r"ulalion "!\ misinterpretation of thill la", chart. graph. diagram, drawlnll or ""11; still makl' ('opit'S of microfilm 0 could hl!Vt' ;voriOWl implicatioll!l for cartoon or picture from a book, mall'riais --becalR' ",'e're thl' on 1; librarit'S bt'caUSt' tht> It'IIal co: law" . 10 pt'rcent of tllt> IIi'ark. wn:cllt>ver is ~n:r: : It~: ~;~~~~?r~~! 1('55 Howt'Ver, Sht>lton said ttIPre wa. ruJalion and reserve room c rt!85. as -A teacher rnav not mak .. 00 specihc refl>renC't'!' in .lIt> law a rt'Sult of the n_ law, Wl're also mult :pll' (,,,ptt'S (II' a work for '" '1ich applied to poot ...... op:--,"'! In , announced at the ~mmar, rf'!ll'rvp rnum area~ of hhraries and clas..,room US(' If It has alream bN'n Linda Davis. circulation COPied fur anothl'J" class In!tW r In~lltuhon, of a short pot'm. arlit'll', \\ !luld affe.." her department ... area would cha~e SIt: departmt'nts or slon' lrom th" saml' author m"rt' "Tht' pltght of tilt> rest'n'l' room ",,' royallift If "hotocopyillll orders than OOCl' JO a da..... ~ tl'rm. ur ,,'ak.­ h.lll not l"'l'n bet'n ~'Onllidered on thIS Wl'f't' received "in l'lIce5S of the 'fair • WUliam multip'~ l~)Ptt'S from the ""1T1t' I~w," said Shelton ISSC may gIve funds for 8ummer For the flnl lim~ in th~ y... rs. tlI~ Diinois Stat~ Sholar!lhip Com· mission I (SSe I may be abl~ to award morw:y during ItIP summer It'rtl'l of 1m. according 10 Jim EaMS, director of scholarshlpll and grants for the ISSC ,\I 8 work.odIop for finanC:-<'l1 aid and high school counseiorl! at SIU tlIlS w~k. F.anes said a \.T/tlbinatioo t! m~ :nd~hein !::.. ~~~~ app~atiortS for a;d might produce a surpl... of funds which the L<;"<;C then could mak~ aY8ilabl~ to college students auendilll summer IIChool. The decision about summer Here's a choice oHer money won't bP IIUI~ unW March. Eanes laid. But he sai~, "We're from Ponderosa: eonficlent 01 "villll InCIIIeY for Three coupons. eB ch good for a baaed on wbal we lee dollar off the prICe of your ChoIce of three de, iClOUS S'eak dInners So cl ip a coupon, zip down to Ponderosa, and save.

Nile Special Sb.95 oz. Sbioin Sl.95 Nitely Vegetarian DInner Specials Sl.75 Complete Dinner Menua Anllable Niahtly. NEW HOURS!! Open Mon.·Frl at 2 p,rn. Sat. Be Sun. at 3 p,rn. Uve Entertainment Toniaht! featurtng The Oripnal (;hesmut Srreet Jan Band Raqa,..:.. " 0bdaIIInd MusIc. P\a. tng 8 pm-12 pm SQUARE MEAL-SuGARE DEAL AcMM Frani 1M M1ao j, .W _i.. ~. ,j Chicago mother of 10 receives award for frghting street crime

~':f~ ~t;;riter to ~t:=:::;~=~ u~~~: ~:'~ti:~.:~m~v'ii CHICAGO CAP) - Leddy r~tJer. sam~ day her husband was beaten. =libtorties .... ·C"I!e suH was dlsmu.s.d. parttime nurw and motht>r .,f 1~. is Two ~sidents ..ent 10 the polic~ Sh~ Miff \.~ entl~ exppn~ has th~ aticaflO Crime Commisson's station to PT'E'!lll chal"ll ..... against a left her "",ill milled feehngs about lop gangbuster of the yt'8r. gang member they said was trying ~ cnmlllal jusllce system. But before brillllinli! peace !lJ their to steal parts from a molon-yd~. ""'"hen we startEd, I dldn't I!VI!'fI :'':i'~~:~~ts'h!dt=':: in'=:':N:::~=~~~~n :::-~~tl~: ~:a~a~i:~ Ihe "bewilderml!'flt. raro; lind kindsoftauntsal!done ..oman.Mrs. !dowmovin!lpl"Oct'Sll ... A.. "!~ ..lIy,rm t ~:~~~';'r: ~~~a:.;,:~ :~ l.=:r through heU." be,~~':!s on the wrong side of the "al an e~e disadvantage." Gang members stood outsidto her Jaw a~ very knowlEdpble about Mrs. Coopft' recfived the Crime ..indow and lh~atl!'fled that Ihey ho.. th~ criminal justice sytsem Commission's Citizen A ..ard of would kill her relarded lOll, works and puts those on the oIher Merit for her efforts iD organizing .. ~ chanted, 'Send your itly. side at aD extfl'ln~ disadvantage liiiiiiiiiiiii.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiill. neigilbon in ridding their Tha.'IJdaI~ bitly rellU'd nut ~nd ...·U cut his itly. 'JbI!V knew what Ibn were !loing to ~_'C~~~~<>~~~~~~~ ~munily of a gang that started bltly throat', .. Mrs. Cooper said, puU' and we didn't;' she Mid. Thl) Kings Table :~~:u; ':::~i~.'=i:::~· = "In tennJ of harrMSmetlt and in ~o:r~!~ ~::ha~~c~:em:: mlB'derillfl ==~~ ~n ~nyM.:J~In ".hi! !qIporl it .... often either continue'll It took nearly four yean. but the community, Her .. indo.. , were or mllved to another courthouse Attention Duck eDg's overt criminal activities broken _eral times, once by a.32 without prior notice. sa!.J~ ~=:t C:~in:' ~ caliber 51 ...... Mrs. Cooper said, fr:::.'~~D~~~::'~::~ c~ w.·!!g:,!f!..slll ~ and convictions were won ill 31 aI 42 Despite st~ intimidation UnuaDCes c:onlinuances. con...... kfast .. a.lft. _~ d!- ~t!y citizeDt! "'b;':,ere =r:::~ ~:mthei; !'rro~,gh~ tinuances:" she said. "We would rorn~.,!uor~i~:::::':·~said: Cooper .. as choaell head of a =,~ different prosecutor each Saturclay & Sunday Iftom•• · an intervi_. . ~~ngnC~tmun'it~~and~~atsliaansond What fina"y hel~ the All You Can Eat Duck Hunters Special She lind neIghbors began to ..., ....,.. .~ ....,.. .cwuo:>. .ning of a state 5 allorney'l orgJ,nize after her husband. Bill. ~ police dis.';cl Neighbonl met neighbctrbood alfice. Ilscults & ,rovy ...... _on ...... wa~ knock~d do .. n, beaten and every ..eek in small groups and Ray Gnl8lIman the alsistant aM pancak... ONt Y $2. 50 kick~ when he at templed to tell the l!Very month a general mming... lblte'l attamey ..ho handled many gan~·s. l~ad~r, Gary K~II8!l, h~ held. "Every tim~ "*' had a big aI the caleS. described Mrs. Cooprr La.tchanceforb~kta.tbafo~ dtdn t Itke obSCftIlbes ~ In front meetIng it endf'd up with broke:! _ "juJt a labulous penon wbo was aI nt"lghhorhood children windows." sh~ !!aid not out for hft-self bUl jll!lt had a Oakwood Bottoms. Kings Tabl_11 Cooper, .. carpent~r for th~ Resid~nt!o ..ere t'n("Durag~ to home. a husband. a familv and a Iocar.d Of 22nd I W. Walnut in M'80ro. Across from Green' I OllCallO Transit was follow up ..ith neghhorhood she wan'ted to Authont~. ~ ~ I~~::':vand IGA. West end of Walnut. (The main Itr_t in M'OOro.) :s~!~sl~~a!nf~ethree ays an "'~'n ap~arant'e!l of lIallg proleCt," ~heen~~mm~~~~ m~beBw~d~~~m~.a ~ ______~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ thIS gang lIettmli! worse 'and worse bus wf,uld take residents to th~ .. very da~." saId Mrs Cooper t"OUrtJ'Oom to lend support !o the Running Dog Records ·'P":lple wert' getting more up tight. ~m::~~~~~d W!~BI:o~~::~ ;.~ :: ltvt 3~t.'::o:-V u:~~~ Ifttified agaiMt Kellas GIl achafli!e welcomes wu knocked down and there was 01 8J!gravated bat·.ery. Kellas was -:Iat ugly mCldenl at the con· convicted. domllll1.'Il. It was Just like an atoollc "The gang had grown up under Dave Mason and Kenny Loggins f!lIploslOn The cammunity our noses and lIlot away _ith 50 responded beautdully. mllC."h. Final'", we jll!ll got off our So students, why don't you welcome them "Wewenl from IlOU5e to hoose and big. fat apathy. and .... e lestif;ed ~,,"d that we wen goi~ 10 have a and t",,:i:ierl and te!ltified." Mrs. ml!'etl~ We got about 200 pt'Opie at Cooppr :01.1 :. hmc-heon audil!'flCe. into your record collection! the church and it just .....1!'fI1 from when she ret"eiv...:i her award. '.berl''' "We even testified in federal -For One Week and One Week Only- Police search for .stolen car All Dave Mason and Kenny Logins LP's will be on sale for $3.79 Sll' police r?pOrted Thursdav that lot near Un; Ilers.'Y Park, T.aesday the\'//ff' loolunll for a 1969 Ford auto afternoon . except Dave Mason's "Certified Uve" - $4.89 .... tUc-h the owner sayS .... as removed Powell told police lhe ~.. r has a .rom a campus parking lot dent in tM rear bumper Kathryn L Powell, sophomore in Large selection btological 5C."ienc-es. informed police Th~ car's li«,~ plate. according Tuesdav that her venicl... had bet!fI to Powell. is EVA 945. at the letl unlocked In a rest~Icted parlunil Police My they have 110 ~ads. New releases lowest prices at the Police report trailer theft Hours Moo-Sat lowest prices Carbondale police reported R_IIWintlerter.l1>eowner.tctld 10-8 ~~: ~~:r:: ~'tr! t.e:=YI':''!~!1f= ~= &"'~12-5 549-9553 tedly removoed from the Wink" lilt dlring the previous rqhl. Radiator Ahoo. _ N, Illinois Ave. ~, Police inve~tigating car theft JiL Carbondale polic~ are i~· Julie Gaerig. a junior in ad· ...stigat~ t~.e disappearance of I ministratiw sciences. told police business student's aulo from the 200 Wednesday af~moon that her car bktd: of West Monroe Street. bad disappeared after she ..ned it. • ~ 1nmIS"iffnence!!,~E '-~ ~@~.. ,~~inV~~ll The TAP has PREPARE FOR: ~-~F ·"lltheNFLand I'WJPI·"':·-~:-, . ': College Football ! ill~l·5::Il- ~J , ,h '\~:, Games on the Big Tube I' I GMAT·~ -OCAT I Watch the Gal\"e. , CPAT - VAT - SAT and relax with an O~r ll,oed ,_ of fJ'09'- _Id_ .. _0,.,. 0' ".'­ IC8 '"9 .110.·"". /fief ..,ebI.. ... 10 01/., ,,.. ".., _,eflOn Cold Miller Dr'aft. ...,1.".. ItO m.n., whtClt eou". _ ret.", Over 38 v• .,. 0' •• pe

...... "' ...... -.~ ...... ,. # .....-- •.•••• - -_...... -_ ...... - Senate criticized for showing 'irresponsibility' toward WIDB

By Blew KnfIa Another amendment of the ~solution eneoura"in, the In· ternationa' EdueatioD Offiee to .,.... ilia,•• 8IaIf WrIIer .or~.pers whiell wa. to be Student Vlee-Presic!ent Sam review tuitton policies for foreign ...*' TI#,•• Dunnin, eritieiaed the Student ;-the ~~=tili ~lat!':: students and to be m~ responsive to tI>e needs 01 U- IIw:1enlS. Sen.te at itl meeting Wednesday lidded _ oft~pIII student who • , ••*'.# .... ,.. ~:rn~;~.itl:' a "de_rei! Iltbecrlbel &0 Carbondale -dI!f.. ted in a .ole a biD th! CableYiaioa t. tbe board of ",I-• workiIC papers for wTsr:L. cIireetGrI. ."'-' 'M~ • ,~• .,." ftHl. ". bill _ tabled becawe the =:~ "Tu!.7. ~nt f~ Dunnin, first ,aid he felt a. "cndilable writteD notice" with the ...... ,.. .. a board 01 dlrec:­ _te one week prior to the ecD­ ,." ...... ,.,. ",." A,..., ~~or.:-.=r.,~IDT:,n= tors. aDd It • .. the board', IidI:rat ion 01 tile recpst. mtirea suqestiCJa .,.te. byLater, East ~ Side a,reed __ witll tor cIec:iIAoa ID add ... IIMIIlber. In oUler bulineaa Wednesday 606 S. '.ef. Mike CUr'ta that apolOli. 011 tt. JIiIbt. die _te: part of individu.1 senators who -unanimoualy !*Mel a lftOlution delayed the bill would be more supportin, tbe CarboDdale Town Ceotral Project. a plan wblcb in­ ~~i erltleism ItemlDed cludes tbe propoMd railroad rr- tile _te', tabling 011 Oet. IJ depreuioa project and the FlneF~ 01 an amendment whld! would bhe ..-..... 01 ~enI. ~ _ added WlDB's IIKal officer to Itl FJ.'!t.. South IlIiaMI Avmue. • Steaks III Direeton. Board ~ by a Yale 01 17-1-1 • f· ..k .... -Fish The bill was _t to die c.unp. _IUUOD that requests the Car- ~.., eSpegetti .... ntern.1 Affain eolDmlttee for ... -Salads further c:onaidentioD. =~:e~i~~O::~~dt:I;::~ar~ Oeese Kosher' Salami A ietterwritten to DmDinIIlI! Oc:t. • SandwIch! ~~:';:: Onion HwIe Spadal ~ldt!~:h=a:~1: fa': fit U- who baYe YloIated bic:Jde Green PeIlPer Becan thaI dIlIlimpie bill w.. cltlayed .,. ,.... ;;I UIe nNI41" Nushroom ~I .IIa indieatiYe 01 the of ineffect'- -bJ • woce of 11-7-1. ~ a Jim', SpecIal Sausage SIU'I Stw:lent GoYernmer..... Cocktail Day-Night Dunning said the statioa'i board Anchcwies Olive of direc:torl had planned to meet Kings Tabla Shrimp Ham Pub Special-Me during the weH Ihe bill wal Vegetarian SpecIal originaUy to be consideI"ed. Home Cooking GoIdbera's letter said It. cltlay 01 Our Pub ""d't Day-Night the biU also delay4!'d the meetUl,. Like Mom's. IW: and w.. ill efl~t ". hilldrance to t~ SenrI.. ltuffet Bec::ardI Rum Glass-SOc I'ffieil'DeY 01 the radio station's Gordon'sGin managemmt." ...... " ...... ncIay 1ftOf'ft1 ...... Smimoff Vodka Dunning said the senators decided ,1 •. _ Orlsttan Bros. .Brandy to delay 50 that they eould further examine the station'. If'IIgthy featuring frl/tSh fruit. Jtm Beam ~DaY-Night wortilll papers. of wbieh only four Juices. sweet rolls, Passport Scotch Glass-31/4Oc repie. were made for Student G9vernment _. cereals, biscuits & GanIIdfan lord calvert Pitcher Sl.50 The papers were Ill! file in tile gravy, bacon, eggs, Student Government offiee for sousage, pancakes. senators to review, Dunning uid. ."'fI.,.,•••• " HIuIc 549-3324 but added that ~ could recall CIIlIy All You Can §fI"'W Ex".rf &un." ~-t ... three III!II8torI who bad ~ on'yt2.ts 1Ian.-11u& 11 am-t ... a'.s.n".. .. them. ",." M-8II. 11 ....a ... til...... ftnII& ...... lit ...... _n:..;:,~~..rJ:".:.~c=...... tre...... eo. 19.IT.dIIIlIIIluid. r rliJi$ KICK OFF YOUR WEEKEND WITH A FABUI.OUS VISIT TO MERLINS DISCO Stop in for the PRE VICTORY PARTY featuring Ice Cold Oly and Stroh's drafts In Merlin's Courtyard Tonight and Sattlrday in Our Special Happ.y the Small Bar-Back Ho,ur Prices are in by popular demand/rom Effect. 25~ Oly Drafts St. Louis- and NICKELS 504SPEEDRAIL THE HOTTEST ROCK-N-ROLL GROUP DRINKS TO HIT SOUTHERN ILLINOIS This weeke'ld enjoy live Olice. propose get- tough potiey entertainment while you dine. - Lat drinking len streets Featur'lflg The Original Chestnut Street eoIllU Jazz Band. Playing Ragtime ~.· .. he --. id. .. N.!. ..' .... by m' '1" he ...... tem H The & Dixieland Favorites Fri. & Sat. nites. IIWIIpt-.. - UUlI.... •• ev,atlB§ t I" - • . agan smuatlOll or wntten order SIIYS we ~~be L~~_ted.the •• POSSlblllty i attlCQ Don't Miss Them! can enforce one part of the ..wand...... u ..__ ..... 11 Open Mon. ·Frt at ;2 pm Iet~~~::t ~ who rail ~:.!!:t:~·::::. Sat & Sun at 3 pm

::z:m~ ~ :e-.=.~~: ~c!;'ttlleba~en:;' man- b I I II III I~C:;::'~ ..... M'boro...... ~.... Court~~hou~ ... se~684~~~3~4~7~O~~ =~blY violating the ~~he.:!~ ·~~ •.geL··O~': ._~_____ ... __.. ______..

.. .. II II ..---~'=Hopat_act.tbU:Sllidis.Cf!thatU:::undrr';"~·tlusl~::r ~.,..b =~~:=r~problems which confront 'he uil'l-t,-CJIl police." ~~E= ~r~~i I . JIeudlfuGPten I Noting the possibility of ~ beer police. I I .... or bottle beinI t.ect to cauae "It comes doWIl to the fact that I ~ ~ complete stock d natural ~~emto ~ed ~. property.... tlle Impreuioft made by students 011 I foad.~ and ~ltamins '"~ Southern Illinois ;;:t om;-* to.. ~.~. =::;»J! ~-=--~ 101l West Jackson SL. I 'WS/U-FM "We're trJIaI," he'~ "to them." be said. I (~ Nar1tI illinois ..... ratlrWdl I exhibit - -s-- for the ~'1!:~. direetGr of the I HaurI '00 to 5 3D Ncn.-Set ract that tbere's • miuimlUll SlU . Office..;a ~ or SAIrGtIy: 12: to 5 ~ s.9-1741 I sc~U:::'U;og~!':c·:;: E::.1.-r:t~~::::~:' threeSiUpatroImeabFAlbeeDset.-t I. SOFT FROZEN YOGURT I ~IU Radio. stereo IZ nc, ~ =:~toaDd~ 7 p.m.-'·Y, FnOrite 'nap." ... hope tile sl1Ideat. body wiD haIIdIe traffIC. In a cup or cor. DiDetJ IIlintIla of ja:a and bits of have - m~ ClilDpass_ ~ the I All the f\In of lot cnem--pIuS .. gocId thfngs of yogurt I hiIWIrY widI baR a- Neff. I: 3D problems we re ~. With • 1'nImmer. who WI. DOt pMIeIIl at I H..... In tasIe. IcJw In fat. Natural fruit fIa\ICII"S I •__ ·to '- Ali-" ...... Joe - line lor them. he said. the itreet cloJsinl. I&lcI be IuId DOt ... . p.m .. - - nu..... WI~ ~ • dopa said the police wiD be ived .. .• Famous Daman ~lIty. WiJ1iaIM All~ Eddie LodE tollSicaUJ ...... ~ with ;: the ~~ts..:-o.=..::.. I . I This coupon and lOe.mitt. beorr I ~~;= ~~~ .. ~ already GIl. the ~.. that he bad beeD infOl'Ded by an of· 11 tv- Speclc toG reg. cup fI' cone of DANNY·O. Venuti. 10 p.m.-"Jazz Eacore."U.respoMe t;o a questioD. con- !~,:~... ~,!.aidlotC1of·t)~~~ VY Coupon good thrun/Min jazz IIUIIic the the IenIIIC the musicmore library. 14k.foml p.m.-WSlUSWSIU Slude.,.",cer:uc CeaIer - of •akoboIlII m ... of -""II...... ~ =-~ "'-.....,.,.~_ ••______.... ______- .• Ne.s. 11 p.m ..... NI.hlSOU.,'· _-.------~~~~~~...;;;::;:;,;;;;;;.;;;;;,;;=~;.;;;;;;.;;;;;;;,;;;;;;.;;;;;=.;;;;.;;.;;;;;;.;;;;-..;;----..... --o....;., beaUtilul. .~ millie. I a.m.-.. N~" modI!rD j*D and ja:a1'OdL u"rwo"y l p.m.-I·Collep Fight Scmt. U.s.A.," fNturinC IICbool filht IOI1P frvm around the COWIb')'. 1: :IIp.m.-6aII.*i FoatbaU:rc r:rn:-In!.! ~t::...0; to CarboIIdaIe to taR GIl the SaIuIIis; WSlU carrieI pIay-by1JlaY from McAndftw SladiIaD. 4 p.m.­ "AU 'nunp CoaIidered." I: 3D p.m.' ·WSIU New. 'lp.m.-"A c.e fIl ~ . Jazz • A PiIIt of BI.-.... GIl " ~s ~=-~J-:.~WSI~ Yow c:IuIIteftge .. liD ..,.. • word, or __ the ...... shown below. Ne.~. ~~ de~-~:::~':i IEactI word __ COIMin the ....., theilldic:*d fIUIIIber of ttmee. r.=It~ts. compoeen. and 8ITlIJII'!I'S. SUNDAY 1 p.m.-"Voica In tlle Wind," 08car Brand aDd ~ reporters talk to artists. critics, and pera formers. I p.m.-"NPR Recital HaIl," The W-'Y Caa80rt widI tlle mlaic of MoIIIe¥mI. CacciDi. CaIestani. De .)laale, and Verdelot. 2. It word cont.inlng 5 ...... : :.:.~;.~~~~ro:r! ..rt public affairs 1JI"IIIInIIl. I: • 3. Three words containing 5 ...... : P.:e'et!!:U.. 7iD~; ... and f __=:;. of iaIenIIt ... ta our

::::; .. ~!.t:.u::c: C!e:r:; 4. Four words containing 4 ..0· ... : ;=-l';'mt.~~ :: muaie from tbe WSIU musie Iibraly. 10: 31 p.m.-WSW Newa­ II p.m.-"Jazz ~... FouriIour marriIIIe of tnditional and modem jaB.

.OR~CRAyONS Aecordiul \. the NatioHt Gqraphic Society. ··era,.. _ • popuIU' .. • ta'...... ,.... the p.biUiera,..,.,...... ,eat· .... illduatl'J ·" told U Ing_Tabl When there's a challenge, Home Cooking quality makes the diffeience. Like Mom's We hope you have some fun with the challenge• ...... , Pabst Blue Ribbon is the Number 1 beer In DI...... 12...... , ..... MilW"ukee. beer capital of the world. eoturin, turkey. '\ i\at's why we have the confidence to issue am. fried chicken. another challenge-the Pabst challenge. Taste and ofs of ve,etable•. compare Pabst Blue Ribbon to any other premium hicken "dumpling•. beer. You'lIlike Pabst because Blue Ribbon quality ;Scuffs .t ,..av)'. an means the be!lf-tastlng beer you can get. he "'ar,est .alad ba Since 1844 it always has. ·nthearea. All You c.n Ittt fI.tS PABSt Since 1844.The quality has always come tIvough. SeW,.. and ....rt extra. ~& ...... ",...... IGA ·...::::'!"'..:.;::r..:=·:..::::::;-~~'1"t=t ,_ ...... :L.:.~ ... :.: ...... ···:~··~iY·~~·4·im;.,..23 'l';"·,,,· \;,,\~J~l.\. r."l,.~-·l'.:~ .. ,- 4.1·: ....~ .. ., Experiment college ORIENTAL FOODS 11ft W.,...,,· e ..... education unique (jI1ct·_ ...... " ...IUdry ...... STORRS, Conn. (AP) - The Chido ...... , ...., to Mr. '.....doJ ...... m1· :.~~~:~"::..: ...... Ita ItUdeDU bow to grow IIIJIri)U8IIII, HOURS: 10 a.m.·6 p.m, Tues-Sot. Closed build arJ atomic boml7 and play • 12 noc-6 p.m. Sun onMon. be,~~ TMdIen AJIowef.!" readt Its IAUS: Nov... ,0 catalolue. 'I1Ie1'¥e beer, repIa«d by .N.k...... (...... 'ortufte (00II_ :=~: ==.~I,!~,:~ Ity...... ~11 pes. bag reg. 2'f ~." ,22413 oz. pkt. ,.... 25t ."...... CoolIe.. 'nIe eoIJetI! II l'11li by studenta It ·S6.15130pkg_ ...... fS 19.,.,501...... tile Unlftnity 01 CClllnectkut. In 8ddition to U. eontroYenlal • ...... CNdIer (10.- Calorie. crIspy~) ~jtaaa aDd .lOmic boP.:b aJUIW. 49t13.5oz. ,....,.. tile sehool te.ehes: m ....le. lJ' , RltJZIN""POOD =:..~n:u.:a~ .CutttefWI~:!· ... \ p:oductofChingtoo. China '1.751 lb. and toei.1 eh.~. euUinl, = ...... S it .~\ (Indio) '1.991 lb. ~':.::'='~~~~: .~~ -nll:l, (The Pttilflpines) S2.I6IIb. -InI and star .-m.. - ... ~. (Canada) S.UO/Ib. ''Traditianal sehoolrooma on an leYei. are impersonal and authoritarian." tile eolleae'. ortun~~1 po fBI dice r ., 3.5/oz.) :it:i~::~::li~!.r:d:.'7':"o::; wI pun haM of $7.50 or...... more w/purchaae of '10.00 or more "buJint a Big Mae." .. _ ATHECLUBA _ 401 So. illinois ., Invites All Backgammon Players to

Eugene Agee, assistant coordinator of the Black Test Your Skills On Affairs Council (BAC) was one of six speakers on hand Wednesday morning for the protest rally agaiMt SIU Foundation stock policy. Iqee urged Saturday November 12 the Foundation to sell its stock In flrms Which operate in South Afr!ca. Beginning at 10:00 A .. M.

Under.,-ado artwork exhibited will aJao be altered fur sale duriDI $50.00 1st Prize t!ie~ibon. Art vwk will be ~ by Sa Rndolph .nd J.mes W.llace. No Entry ...... _.fratlon Deadline Fri. Nov. 11 6:" ,.m. ~ S1U master of r_ arts Relax with us daily lor ~...:!. ~ to tile F_ Hall-= North -::- G.lIery at· 1aIIi_ New. Je. II and 14. Entry 25~ Drafts till 8.. p.m. ___ Mllilable at the SeJIooj of Art. Faner HaD North Gallery II ap!D New Wide Screen TV &om It a.m. 10 S p.m. wee\l'"Jays * * New Management ADd 1:. 10 4: • p.m. Suadaya. * Clean, Relaxed Atmosphere * Backgam mon Daily H.AI.R'S Beg your pardon ---ResUanII& • ..1. DODDS A Itta"J ...... Wal Thunday 6 Daily EgyptiM incorrectly repor- EXOTIC Next time yoo come to led tescmc .tes aDd ~ cIeadIa- fer tile Graduate ~ historical Grand Tower. HARDWOODS ElutmJUlions IGRE) .nd the Law come to Hale'So School'nIe CCJrTI!Ct ~ limes __ TeA follows:(LSAT). Servi.1I Family Style lvmh.r. Fumttur.saln II a.m.·7 p.Ol. The GRE will be BiYm Dee. 18, The Exciullve Dea• ., of G ..... ~.m. beautiful hardwood furniture ~:r=1 ":! ~:Wn!;. n: ell .... :a In Southem illinois. W.' reptratioD cloeed Nov. 7. F_ ..en 1&11 II 515 ... r. Ii now taking orders for gun cabinets (22 gun cap.,. W. also MIl mart_ of any KINGS TABLE length. Finished hardwoad lumber Is available. C'i1OOM from: ...... 'lyl. CooIII...... ay dteny. walnut. sycarnoN. popIor. red oaIf. wM. ooIf. hard mabIct. soh rnapI.. gum. aslt. ,-,,~ ond 1GICIIrau' ...... re41ty SMron ..rlow. Cut to your lpeCifk:atlona In 1hIck ..... & length-whether , Lunch-sOf;p & salad bar"'''' ba.d foot or 50. 'orgest sotod bar In the area." Fresh fruits. tossed salads 3 bean and macaroni salods THES= etc. Only S J.90 Hot luff.'-Home mode mashed potatoes. lots of veg- etobles. red meat dishes, $ewe energy thl. winter. w. corry 0" nome bronds of wood. h.o,.,.,. fish. casseroles. II." oufomotlc hecrters • bIoww: Fronldln. King, Arls'oaof, FI!~- Both Salad Bar & Buffet S2.9S Slop by ou,. showroom soon' " KI .... '.ltlel• ...... , T,,".-Frl. Jf:300.m."p.rrf. Saturday 5 p.m.·' p.m. • .... DcMhh botlc ...r4wa a •• I ...... Sunday 9 a. ",.·3 p.m...... Itove ltore Ioattetl Mor..-y,1'hunMIep C..... MotMIey at the comer of .pla & V ...... t ..~ ...... I ..... THE KINGS TABLE 2'lnd W. Walnut It...... North. ComIwIa frW.y ...... across 'rom Green'. IGA In Murphysboro ". ..UW ~1 ...... earh:g planned on grading system Open burinlS on propoud for .n wilhd, tJ..1WH!n th~ IIanps lit tile uedefllradul". fGultiI.nd ninth __ ~ • .e1lH!Ster. radinl .,.tem will be held to All withdnw. after t!'.e ninth WftIl tiler reactioIII from students and would result ~ ~.!: ,.. ac:atty. aaid Joha ReyaoIdI. '-I Und~r the eUITent policy. a 01 the committee which • coo­ aluIienl m.y withdraw from • d •• siderinI the proposal or sc!lool up through t~ 14 week of Hanna_ wiD be held from 10 a.m. th~ semHt~r .nd rec:eive • with· IG U p.m, on NOOI. 10 and frum 3 !o S draw passinll WPI. Students recovering from accident

A spokesman .t the FIrman po~iarly Wednesday mornina, Desloge Hospital in St. Louis said .Jtiseph Naleway, a fl'!!llhman in ea~~r.. ~edi~!:ePinlf nunda), that Evdyn A.. Tnszka. plleral ,br-" So laid the .«~ Trtszka', roomm.tes aid that . tnoshmaa 10 aeneraI 1t1IdIeI. hal oc:eurred when • e.r iabetwern Maeltianon. 21 ...... visitilll from La bo«I remOOlecf from the intensive Mackinnon', ear and the ear lie ... Gran,. for the HaU-••end, t'".e unit to • .--a1 floor:!fId ill in ID .ttempted to pa.. Maeltinnon Polic:e aid T:euka wa. pimed iD wbile ~ng sat_ac:tory eoodition. • r.iIroed trac:k. the ear f. fIIU bour aDd 20 minutes. Scott Mac:1ti1tllOll. La "'I1Ie driver of tile ....irll cat Granae, ... 80tIl Macl>innon and Trtszk. still listed iD ~ ronditioll by a kind of ,lid Into their" 1tere tr. 'lI5ferred frum the Memorial hospital "elman, MKtdItllOll .nd Tnszka :!~'\,!.'~~!t;.n: HOlIpilal of Carbondale to St. Louis, were :=r where they were placed in the ia· traJIIpG 1ed to the Firman Desloge aid M.dlimoa braked his car. but hoapital. .fter injuries they received hit aravel _r the railroad tradl, t&. ~ .:are WliL whea their ear ... foreed off the whK:II nuaed bim to slide into the Polk:e said they are c:ontimJiDl tile road OIl U.S. SI .-til ~ hit • utility pole. ilwliltipliOll,

Every Monday Nk"te SPAGHETTI(Reg .••. v~, $1.89 ~ Includes special ff"'~J 'sauce, salad & -----, .. _- choice of dressing, ~'11111 andFrench butter. bread Every Wednesday Nite PANCAKES(Reg. $1.05) 89~ Honey Golden Bear Pancakes. Mama Bears Special Recipe for 7 Years. Every friday Nite FISH FIlY (Reg. $2.60) $2.09 Includes Idaho fries or 'tato pancakes, cooic.e of soup or salad, butterld

206 Soath Wall Street. Cuboa.aI. . (;000 \'SED FURNITURF.- buy-well-trade. Cambria -:i-t"~=. Daily 10-5. Sunday B2144Af&OC I 2 BEDROOM DUPLEX available LE~ ENLARGER. FOCOMAT immtdiatell· A~imatelJ IIIX ~a:D-~c:~~e:cit~:i'~or::.I't:~ ~t. liSO. Larle! I« in town. $4&- aflft' 5 Herrin 9118-864:r1r,AIS4 24OOBb64 w..... to Rent ,.m. WE NEED A h_ 111 town. Must FANTASTIC CHINESE HAN· ~~~5'::'ev~~ DlCRAFTS for sale. Good for J40J8g56 Christmas ,ifts. Friday. November 4., SlUdent Center. HELP WANTED 2407AIS4 EIectronIca PHIlLIPS' SPEAKER KITS with inslructions. four sp418kl'rs and (T_wrs. 125 watts RMS, $99.95. LaJayPlle Radio. 213 S. nhnois. B2121AIIM WAmnll WAN1ID NALDIHII1IIIIO IIIIYICI A" Iy In person after 7p.m attheA..... that' For proteulonal wen ,~ guaram.ed-Coll this area' _. experienced 'audlo 518 So. illinois Ave. .pedallst' at ...., ... .n ...... 123110 2 bedroom furnished-no C Aa'OIIS from S.';' C. Hicllory AUDIOANALYST 100X pk. "'3079. 23IIIBc54 SPEAKERS. $175.0CH>air. C.u ~ 9105. Steft or Brad. 2328A(155 TRAILER FOR REN·r. 2 ~, P1euant Valley, sa· ZIIIBd.. CARBONDA.LE AREA. IOX~ mobi~~. Shag ca~l. window WANTED: ~. be.t. mc:e Jot. $2SOO. (AI) TRAILER, SINGLE OR dout.1e ...... to work eYening hours. Apply p«. ~e5S :.'l:~~~=-pus, ~ I,.. 2383BcS1 san at MerlI.... 3' i S. III. TRAILERS FOR RENT. loquin! Ave. (bGtwe«l2 pm- 5 pm) :::.r.alibu Village or phone 431- I ....______...... B2356Bt54 WAroiTED: FEMALE WAITRESSES aDd bartenders. FOR SALE FOR RENT: OOUBLE Insulated. ~l in person 12.7f·m. at the S.L carpeted. I.,gl' 3 bedroom.L.!!!w !JO-:;I.DeC~..!~I!.).3 eatt. Car· motillehome. Piarcampus. ~a ~ ...... ~ manlh. No peW. 5&765.38z:Js4Bc55 B2382C71C SA-NS-U-I-lNTE--R-G-RA-T-E-D- ".MP LABORATORY TECHNICIAN. Ix40·WATER FURNISHED. REGISTERED ... noD-regitlteftd. 17000 No _Ih fu.lI.time. ::m~: ~ =fk':.'~=~2436Ap! pet.. Smiles anSI. salary .,...4 an traJninl ~17I:2. and exy::rienee. Marshan 235IIBc55 :;:it~ COC:~~'A~~o!~ MODERN FURNISHED TWO Laboratory Director between' ~ trai~ for n!ftt. StIO ~ Lm. and 3 p.m. "-1(,,'" ~ Meurity deposit. (AI) ___ ... 3412BCi1 WANTED: STUDENT SALES ONE.BEDRooM TRAILER east herm~:r~:. rC:xr:=r~~:ot 01 Mall. FlWIIisbed. walei' iD- necessary: will traJn. ("~ In 00 dudt'd. V~ Dice Good locatio&- ~ .... can ~, private. Pets auO..-d. '135.00 per ilflEl' 5 p.m, for intenieW· month. Lyo. 45.l· 2... ( ..~). 23I11Ca 1971 Bl'fCK LASABRE 40.000 mllrs. S2.2OP.00. 19744 wheel DodIi:~ . AvailMlle iJiunediately. 2GOBcS7 GO GO DANCERS immediate - ~it1l. Salary ..,. Kinp Inn II' - ~~J:C~~;~~. ".000 00. 40.000 :m-~~~~ S~ E~ IRISH SETTER PUPPIES. ft.Jd. SEVERAL MOBILE HOMES ~. IIZ5 E. Main carbciodale. ....______B_2299_.A.854..... &':t~\1ari~~ lJ~ available. Carpeted, furnishl!Cl. type, AKC 16S. Cubdftl ~::1is7 B2417CS1 EPPS MOTORS INC. Saturday.l-I13-Ml. B22mAM4C ~n:~ ~f: =.,~~ AFGHAN HOUND PUPPIES. AJ(. RL 51 North. 54t-3IIOO. BARMAD>-BARTENDER lrasBdl ~"'our Dotsun decHr" i DIIIAM STATION ~~~ca~:n~tiQllaJ ~~.~n::l1.~ ~:! Hwy.13EostatLakeRood! WAtlllUDSHOP I425Ah5I 2-RDRM, 12X52. LATE MODEL. 7 p.m. 2445CSI Gas beat. Car~tinl. Town and I "Quality =t the Country Park. $165-mo.~ '7S ...... d. d aqclea PLAZA LOUNGE NEEDS daneera Has a ...spct. trans. with I lowest price" WOMENS KUOKON BICYCLE 24 inl:b. One Pl'"i- owner. Il10.00. I ~t&"Sc\:J..8IIdc.uwai~: 38.000 mi .... A Iocat one- I Coli: ,..."" eYenings I'I ExceIJeDt Caadil.JOft 457'-1. 1-7 Roome. WEEK. ALL utilities 2251C81C ~tnld.1n. ! FIREWOOD: CUT TO 1erI(t ..... p.m. 2339Ai54 f:... ~id, I ., ...-..-. \ apliHlelinred-staclled__ Pick· c:;~:rt:a.~.!!l.:~~~; SERVICES , ...... I 8oc*- Toiletries furnished. Kings IDa . Light green with vinyl roof. 1_1IP_1oIId__ : _S30_. _WI-34__1_4._ 2319AJ54 Motel, IZS E. Main. CarbOndale. OFFERED . BI5I5P.... Has a 302 with auto, pb, ps, I WE • A MARRIAGE·COUPLE COU,"-· air and radial tires. Priced ! ~~~El~E~:r:n~.. ~~dES~~:~ ! BOOKS. MAG.• COMICS to ..1I1 I I'OIld • 451·S1l3 FEMALERooi''' NEEDED .... 1'0 tIlDe _ ~~?cir~~&v~~ '!'-! Merwry .,.,.. coatrael at Lewi. Part apart- ~U, 5CS-4Ql. I use~==!C:--n: AltU meou. Imml!Cliate IICCUpaDCJ. B204!IF.5IIC ...... ~ liVht ~o~~I~eT~~~~E p:;,~~~:~: BoI* Exchange I"-oJ-. MHIOO. I.153BeIM 9',"", ..... with vinyl I roof MIricIn tEED AN MOR11ON and Iooded with equipment. ',' souna st:::.:, IICreen, ~- ".- c:iDemascope . fll" =t~lli FEMALE ROOMMATE CLEAN CAU. US A sharp one-owner car. FOR RENT house. Oakland. $100. Available And to help Y'IIU ftrcIugtI this "" 'no-.Cut"'~ DINING ROOM TABLE. six chairs i~mtdialelr Washer, dryer. perIence we give Y'IIU CIIIft'IPIetIr c..... Has auto. air, and breall front SJoo OIl, Frencb fln!place. 45 ·7527. JMSBe5S ClOUNetIng of .. duration. I Provincial couch .1 SO. 00. betcn IIId 8fter ... pnxecU'w. power and 8-track stereo. table 140.00. red ovet-Slulttd chair Extra cI __ one-owner cor TWO FEMALF. ROOMMATES $6000. marble top lable '20.00, wanteocl to are niee boule witll .. aec.-lMIc..... at a special ;.rice. ~~J:,nres':'.~it ~~~rno~~ No-:::r.~~s= per moatb. double bed and dresser $7S.00, J442Be5I c:aII CoIIict 314-8t1-G5G5 Or Toll Ftw 1972 MUSTANCo, GREAT Ibape. ~~c::cla'~=t~ ltr:.:~ ONE ROOMMATE 1'0 ahare '1300. 451-,.... $4CUO. Call611'H272 ... ~'~;17. CANCELLATIONS traila'. Two miles from auDpua. 100-327-1810 ::!'1Aa55 l:'~fSS A ...... Now ~ _tb ph. ball npeIeI. StN:Zl7. THE SPIDER WEB Used Fur· Efficiency apar1ment $115 2!l5Be54 TYPING WANTED: Experl_ and Ant~, 5 miles IOUth mobile homes $110 In typint! t'- and cfislIeiutiona. Rusonable raln··fast ,,,,d el· an 51. Buy and sen. 54t-l'§7Ant 2 FEMALES TOsilare Geora~ "2nd s.m.tter" rlcielll. Murphysboro U7·1S:i3. 1 bedroom aparflM>nts $155 r!t~k!::-="'~:: :'AIEI7C' B·'" PHOTOGRAPHIC Alt tenia" ore fvmbhed and 3619. DEVELOPIl\G .pment· with 23Ak67 Mocrome" Crodttttlt 19M OLDS "'; Power steennt. rrf.eAioaal eelarael'. 193-1311, olr·candifioMd wmdows. seats, etc; ,ood eoo­ - Knll" ditlOD; a1mc.t .. tires. ~1·71121 anoa, 23MAf!i4 no pets FEMALE ~ooMMAT!: WANTED SflfcfI " aflft' 5 p.w.. r... Lewis arll ent. Sll5l:, .opl_.... manlh.lmm.:dia:r:rt" o«\lpanc:y. Wecmtlt --_ .. --- 2102AI54 OBELISK Irs AT. steal Only sa 11163. . t'971 MG MIDGET Good COndlUOD, til Now. II. 11m. cau 453-5117, 1-6 .J1-441t For Clwfsfmas-With :c~~~~.~.I85O,OO caU .fter 5 p.m., M·F for details. B237IAiI4 "'4Be57 Supplies From... 2419Aa58 ROOMMATE NEEDED FOR MW 1973 TOYOT-A-.-~-lIc-e!-I-t.-y,I·g;; NlKON MD-2 MOTOR Drift. Fits :J~~ra~i:S~ ~~~UlI~ FIbenI PIuI • 11 F2 .nd F2 Photomie series CaD Jim at 549-Z96I . 2fJ7 S III. 9:6 ~Sat ~~lrJ;:~OO:I1~!~ ;~iUon. cam«u...... ill 8eIIt;:.A157 2415Be64 2361Aa54 \"ETNAM·ERA VETJo:RANS! FEMALE ROOMMATE WANTED '9.J IU:~At:LT • ~~R~IY FRESH TREE RIPENED FlorIda CARBONDALE, FURN~HED ~ 10 share houle! with 2 olhl'rs. ~a~~f;:' ~e:~~f=: BEDROOM.... home. miles fl'OlD order I', Woody Hall 8·330. 453-1791 .~~~ f'D1ti~. Ntow b.tttery. caD fruit arivillC -. JUUn ,:!':81~rJ~ lMIe-third 'or IIDW. se-472O."'~ HMAfS'7 campus. Call 457-5077. 23608b15 ::r.r.: informaliaa. zmAaM TTENTION: GRADt'ATE I Rl'MMAGE ASD BAKE sal~. "ft:DENTS. graphs drawings.' LOS Church lA'-wlS laM Car· num~ d~lIign andJ,hoto's Th~ bondale. Saturday I pm -5 p.m. <.lIrislmas and n_ items also. "~:~~;~: •. l:nivenily. 23871<..'\4 P'41"tF.77(' PING OF OI~.ERfAi'io.'115.

r::a~~r.~ ~Iim~. ~ FREE KITTEN: BLACK and 2187E&1 ;~UI1ll~~70:I~~ tc:J~.e. 2440NfiO ';1I'::~;;'1IMjWJI THE GREAT TRAIN robbE'rv Round·lrip to Chicallo S2SJIO'ir purchaM'CI by Wednedav. Runs "KY WHkftld. 687·35.~. 549-3467. Tlcut sale al Piau Rf'COfds. No cbE't:ks. 2045P56C RIDE "THE MR. X Exp~" 10 Chicago's suburbs. Leav" LAUNDRY SERVICE SPECiAL: Fridays. 2 p.m .• Sludtont Cenl~: ~ per load. includes &c~ n.'lO.. roun(Itrip. (SW slop .. 50&- deHVVJ· ClIO W p.m.; zs7.aEM 01'17. 2447PS4 TV RENTAL $15 A MONTH, Lafay~ue rad'i-r, 213 S. lIIinoil. Don't Repair 8eI""rice a 8e TYPING STUDENT PAPER~J t'lI~~ in "er'J format. 1B.'4 61ue ... &"fi':: =;r.I~i~ ~e~ S49-3S11.

COlI! too much in ~ end to makr it _111 ~ Uouble. =tn~is ~~ha~an~ of "We'~ not going to invent any Slnt:e thl!y received the grant in ,,~elemeub here. but _.~ going late Augwt, Brower and Smith to art'lIJIge them differently in a have statred building some eqwp­ wa, that might have better ~nI ror holding and marupuJaung catalytic p:-opertielt thaD ~ sm.:­ liquid mt!t8L They said they alao FEMALE 1'0 MODEL Leotards tureI that are pn! __'Ii." he feel fortunate 10 have some melting said. equipment that was aInady at the ~= ~IF':' :,;,,~~:: "What _ might diac:over Is a Eng>.neering School. such as an In­ 50&-2739. t:Malyst that will do job that 2413F'55 a is duction heater. pn!IIeIItly being done but at a lower They also haft Itegun buying the NEED VOLKSWAGEN ,UG bodY. I COlt becawe it doea it beU~ or Ifs necessary raw materials and for '86-"118 Good fair eonrt¥Uoo. Cal , a cheaper material." the fan _ter Smith initiated a 50&-7995 alter 5 p.m. Brower has a Ph.D. in special topics course call~d metalhqy1lUW!ria1s !lCieDce from "The course involves lively the Muaac:buaetta In.atitute of A BED. OR mattress. or mattresf disclBlion by Professor Smith and TechnolotD' while Smith baa a with box~~_ Cheap. David mys~1f of recent catalytic Stuart. • t'lIL 265. 243IF55 Pb.D. ill c:hemistry and ha beeR theories." Brower said. MXtinr III the field of organic dIemiatry aiDce IB. LOST "I've newoer heard of anybody Beg your pardon that wwId be traiMd in both fieIda.. •• Brower said. it was lIIt:Or'ftctly reported in l:'ortinc with the two mea ia Thursday', Daily Egyptian all their .-.dI are ~ Raters. pmes in the ~tion of Co~ professor 01 technology. and Unione IntenYlioaal tounuunenf ,.-aduate student Madej Ma.yjaa· ac:heduIed for em. --.... !IiId' " .•iL M:atn--<:zyk"._1y beea c:anceUed. arrived PoIisb excha,. ItudenI in The cltea ~ Is still 00 tile MoJeeu.!u ScieIIce Program and wiD begin at 9a.m. Sat..-day in wbich is a part of the In- tile Mississippi Room of the Studea& CentA!r. a.ll...... 0rcW Form 53iat1

Name' Date: AmcMrt Enclosed:

Address' Pha!e'

tt.rv.t CafaIerIa CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATE: 10e per word MINIMUM first isSue, 1'1.. miles south oi Otf­ f~'!o (any lid not pceedlng 15 wards). 10% discount If ad r'W'S twice, 20% bondale :xl ROU1e 51 ditcOUnt If ad runs three or tour Issues, 30% discount for 5-9 issues, ~ for 1~191--, 50IMt for 20. ALL ClASSIFIED ADVERT1SIN~ MUST BE PAID Now Open!t IN ADVANCE UNLESS ESTABLISHED ACCOUNT HAS BEEN MA'NTAINED. P .... count wary word. Take ~late discount. DEADLINES: 2:3) p.m., dey priOr to publicaticn. F1rst 0a1e Ad To Appear: .... to: DIIIr ___ For Deily Egyptian Use Only: Receipt No-. Amount Paid c...... L I8Cn Taken By AUCTlONS ( =~ Appnwed By & sAL£S \. SpecIal Instructlcns: ANTIQUE SHOW AND 1l,le, 1WE 0' AiHBiI_--I1' Carbondale Ramada 1"'1. The D. E. _ A· F.-Sale __ F-Wented __ K - AuctkInI & Se _ NovftlliJer 5 III a.m." p.m., Nov.• Far Rd ~ p.m. ~l1t'fit UnlOll County __ e· _G-lolt ._L·~ HIStorical Sociely. 23O.1K54 _C-Help~" __ H - Fcund __ M • Bull,.. Opportunltt.. CLASSIFIfDS __ D - ~" ..'I WBmed __ I . E,"""""'.nme"t __ N • Freebies _ E • !iIIrvimS Wanted __ J • An."'-.AII'O!m1fttS __ 0 • RId!s N..ted ~~A~:.~Lfi~ ~:~Rn!:t HElP __ P • Ridets wantlld '-riday ..~ Saturday 9-3. Fur- ~~~~ftll, !~::-, =:f~:~ YOU!! .a~. bikes. toys. CI{''-iuaK54 ---. RUMM~GE SALE- Check the - t!:';~Ir-~:()~:i~'M:t~; CHECK YOUR AD AF'tE'R aT APPEARSI The DeIly E,IYPftM will be tor only _ InaImIct publlaItIcn. resporw'" 9-5. 2408K54 DE

~IIY EgypHen. NcMmber ... 1m. Page 21 ' .• • ~..... ~ .. ~ '. , ... or; ! . a: 'l'.; Restitution considered 'good tool' in juvenile cases By Stfte P.... ('MDpensate their victim.. when such Ricliinan said he (pels restitution. if Once curcuit court judge. Bill G~. Stalf Writer aetiCIII is '"relevant to the rehabilitation used frequently. would place a "burden said that only one type of juvenile Illinois Attorney General William of the minor." on the court svstem. the probation of- petitiCIII would tall for consideration of Scoi.t ruled last week that juv~ may Scott said an order for restitution ftcer and the -circuit clerk." He ell- using restitution as a provision of be ort!ered to compensate the VICtimS of could come under the Juvenile Court plaiDed that the court officers would be probation. their crimes. but several local judges Act·s provisiCIII which caIJs for "care and burdened because they would be forced Green said that petitions concemiJlf ;0 say ~t restitutioo has always been guidance-where the minor appears to to collect the restitution. juvenile can cover "claimed de- ClXISider~ in juvenile cases. take lightly the significance of the harm l.mce said one alternative to run linqurncy. minors in need of super- "Il has always been an alternative. It he has done." restitutioo is partial restitutiCIII. vision. .,.. dependent and neglected is ;1 very good tool in a juvenile case. Richard Richman, another Jason He said the court .tries to be children." Judges use it and will continue to use it." County Circuit Court ~e, said be has reasonable in asking for restitution by He added that be would consider JtJeDon COIDIty Circuit Court Judge ordered J"e!lltitutioa III JUVeDile cues taking into consideratioo the child's restitutioo only if it were in the belt PeytCIII KWICe said. before but that those cases were remote. abilil" tCl find work and his need to be in interest of the youngster. Kunce said restitution is usually "It is very rare that we can find a srt;;;;;\. John Clemons. assistant JacksoD considered in cases involving property young person who bas the flBld! to pay Kunce said he had one case whPre a County stale's attorney. said he always damage or theft. restitution. Most children involved in child paid 25 or :.0 cents a week til make asks for restitution from tbe Judges Under Scott's ruling, juveniles con- juvenile cases are pl'0l" kids," Richman a partial restitution as ordered by tIw when h@ is considering the provisions of victed 01 crimes could be forced to said. court. probatiun. ~ties ITA:LIAIl VILLAGE

-ErWay p.m.. Student Cenler Kaskaskia Rt'd Cross Blood Drive. 10 a.m .... Room. Open 24 Hours p.m. Ballrolfll D Phi 84!ta Sigma meeti~. 1-4 p.m. Art!! " ('rafts Art Sale. 10 a.m.-10 Student Cente1' Mackrnaw Ihom. pm .. S!udPnt Center. Escalator ~ Ali Alpha meeting. 2-5 pm .. An!'.a. 1st f100f. Where you car Brlng-your-own-bottlel SCPC-Cullural Affai" lOUmament. ~~7ra~:'~~Dcj) meetinl, 7·. 5 p m.-mldnighl. Ballrooms A " B. . Activity Room B Inter Varsity Christian Fellowship And It's located right off the stripl mt'f'ting. 7·10 p.m .. Student Center ch~~~':P~nl~:~t'd m~~in •. 7:» 10 p.m .. IlJ7 N. Almond :itreet. PhiI050C:Y Club ml't'ting. 7: 30-. ""cW'Met!:~ ~oo::;~:. Student Centn- Activity Room B. Communtty Development Gradlll te Sludent Assoclallon ml'etill>. noon·2:30 p.m .. ActiVity ROOfn .;. Frl'e School- BaSIC Auto !ttechanJcs. 7·10 p.m. Activity Room B Hillel-Shabbal Dinner " ~. 7 pm. 715 S Cniversity. ~ SIt: vs fillnois State. 1:30 p.m .. McAnm-- Stadium. PI Sigma Epstlioo Conference. 7:30 H~m tt!l~~~~r:;~8 B •. m _! 405 S. Washington Carry.Outs457•• 55. t~.: ~=~~ter Bal1roools C Pi SilVJla Epailion fllm: ''The Wild Bundt." 7 p.m. -I a.m.. Student Qooter Auditorium. Uniftrsity l'niversUy Housi"ll Program OfflC't' ~:::;. ~fI,:;:t~~t. Student CONGRATULATIONS TO BAC Dance. 9 p.m.·' am .• Ballroom D "BlnEFORD BRAWLERS" St~a~~~~~~~~:=,~ 10 African Student Association winners of the first annual ml't'ling. 7-9:30 p.m .. Student ....,Center Mississippi Room . Budweiser College Super Stars lola Phi TbPIa meeti.... 2-5 p.m .• Student Center OhIo Room. Kenneth Brock Eileen Grady SGAC Film: "Life of O·Haru." 7 p.m. II 9:15 p.m .• Student Center William Hogan III Karen Keegan Audi!~rium Salulr:i SW""flft"\; Dance. 7·10 p.m .• Tim Londrlgan RIchard Strange Ballroom A. BAC Play-"Rl .. '!r Niger." 7-11 Steve Klneowltz Rita Chastain t:mD: Studeut Cenwo Ballrooms B. Marq\oiRs Brotherhood Society meehl." 3-5 p.m., Student Center Best of Luck at the State Meet Activity Room B. A~::-, ~~f!:I:~~ mDeeline. 2-S We would also like to thank: Intargreek Council, Si:~a. ~~i!~'=m~tl". 7-11 Zeta Phi Bela m~.!ung, >7:30 p.m .• Activity Room A. Student Actl\fltles, Holly Hili, 8111 Wesely, Bob Delta SIgma Thela meeting. 2-' JAPANESE ART Saleg, Ron Mahoney, John Pollard, Nancy WnkU4r~'TER. MJlss. 'API-An nhib.tior. l 'tied "Ze~a and Na"-a: PamltllftS 11)' ':apanese MoolaJ and H,tlrrls. Rey Dempsey. Gale Sayers, Charlotte Scholars" il on display al the WorCf'Ster Art Museum Ihrough !lim 13 West, Jan Klrpatrlc, George Whitehead, Jim Malone, Jean Poratore. Larry Schack., Dale Carruthers. Pam Ashley. Susan Terry, Mary Wroibel. DlaneGertavlch. Judges: Steve Johnson, John Flaherty, Rita Barto, Carla June Ford, Laura Martinez, Bonita Logstan. Charlie Lehn, Julie Omahan, Scott Bogle, Kent Johnson, Pam Scarlano" Rene., Mlyauchl. ones, Stieb to represent U.S. Th. n Intercontinental Cup Games Hunter Boys Freight Salvage Store B.. V ...rnkll Stieb. a St'nior from San Jose. divided into two diviSions and each ffWrtler Calif. wtan 'IUS named to ~ all­ team wilt play every other team tournamt'nt team at the Colle~e Dog Collars SOc ~Yf ~~II~~riP tall: once. Aftt"r the round·robin com­ ..!! World Series last JUlIe. said he does petition. ont"1Iam~ playoffs bP.tween rre Haute, Ind., Oxford, ~and not anticipate any academic the top two team!! in eacb diVISion Sugar & Spice Cookies 7 oz. 4 for ftc wardsville. After tour ina sucl; wiD be played te determine which calion paradises throu!lhoul t~ ~~e;u~~:e~:'I~~W~! two teams will play for ~ title-. 100 Plastic Cups $1.00 'Of Coach Itchy Jolin Ioags for look, upon the competition as an Jones said international ruler do annua' triP to beauliful downtown opportunity loevalwlle his JrOlVHII not differ fmm rules in t~ Uniled 7 Diece Screw Driver Set $3.99 aha in "'me for t~ College World as a bitter. Slat~. He said all games will be nes. nlDe IDnlnKs and the designated Bell & Howell Overhead ProjectorS1S0. Jones and calc~ s.- Stieb will I ·~:a=:.r,1 a;. ~:bto :a~~.0D;~ hit 1ft" rule wiD !'If' used I a break from that travel routine W"I~F.Y PAINTERS 15 monlh when they will be :r.;~~~ -:rIlmllll'::t~:/: Captain Kelly Smoka Detectors $19.95 e-mbers of the United Statn Ic:hedule. n:YAl-'OGA t'ALLS. Ohio I APl­ Vodk. landscapes. martini SliD lifes tingent al the Intercontinental ". hope to find out more .bout my Travel Alarms $3.95 up Games New. 10-1$ In M_gua, hiltmglD Nicar8I\JI. "ve unproved and !tin r,ortraits are among the artislic efforts of mem~ of I~ Elvis Posters $1.25 '1~':!:Cd ::aDJ.·ofh:: ~nen~ :o.::o!t =::~~~ r:!.~ !-:'J WlI;"lIipv Painten nl AnM'rica. nd Stieb is _ of the 20 players on ~ar at the .... te. I should lIet Lee Jeans from '1.95 e roster. drafted oest IUIIImt!I'." King. Table Jones and Steib left earlier this The hesd t'OIIch of the 1m u.s. Sunglasses y~ eoell for Miami, Fla. where Ihe team that __ the Intercuttinental Home Cooking prIce eam will tr~n until its departure Cup Games w.a Bob Smith, vice w'bencf, or Nicaragua Nov. t. '11Ie leam will pr~·jdl'Dt aDd ell-coach al GI'ft'ft­ like Mom's. Lowrey E- 100 Walnut Organ .... $I9t y sill pr~ lames in an effo.:t ville Col•. Smith Will originally o lie-I ready for the internalion.' Senrl,..ltuffet petitiolt. :!~. to~:: .:.arc.~.: breakfast Su.... y Jones. who has guided the Salukis ~ause of ., 0.307-12 record .nd tIIree World Greenville. mof'ftl,...... 11 ••m. ~ie5 appearances in hi. eigbt Smith said the Inten:ontiJlental feoturlf'g fresh fruit, ,,,,ars at the beIm. is no stranger to Cup Games. wbich began in 1973. Internalional competition. He was came .bout as a result of fnctkJn in lulees, sweet rolls, ,m assistaJ>~ coach on the 1m u.s. cereals. biscuits cI tesm th3t WOII the Intercontinental ~~~~=~~=! _00 01 two international ba5l'ball grcJvy, bacon, eggs, {'u~~alI,,?:,;,.s assigned ~.,..titiona." be said. ''The World soc.-sage, pancok9S. Games .• rl' t~ other and the t_ are ~;ct ~~~ed' ~aresar'a i:it,:lt beld 011 Ii!lemate ~..... AI: You Con fedenlioncUSBFl, which .Iso "The Wo.-kI Games were started onlyat.ts Boys Freight Salvage l1li a regular basis iD 1_ and they 22_ & w.. :o;o:~ In M'-.o :..':!;':;~~::l::;:a~~= J::: continued UD'Iill972 wt -... there was North of C dale '12 mile) '" 51. Clair Community Collete and a split i~ tile structure 01 the World ~'.IO. Bob Starcher 01 Malone CoIle«e. Ha' Amateur Baseball Association. The -- '""" Sme1tdy of Flc,rid. Soulhern InUm:ontinentat Cup gamf'S .ere College is the USBF delegale wno then initialed in 1973 .nd the two will handle- '.Af-field responsibilities have beeII held OIl • rotati.."lI basis since thea." ~:.~~~::~r:,t!.!!~a:.r::u:tber The victory by the United States In factors prevenled Jones and his staff from Riecting CE'rtam pla~rs !':.I~a:e::,.:n:~~etr:.a= DOt !Pe theY would ha~ wanted The Herrin CUba did ,""d • team. Fidel ..tift said ~ and his coaches lried Castro's athl'!,,!s will be al to!!e1ect the best plavers available. Nicara«ua this y.l·r. howl'ver. and "We- tried !o get players such .s Jones said ttw Cube.m have to rate 80b Homer .nd Jaime Aller. lof 15 ~favoril5 iD t~ 'CHI.tion field. Arizona State). but they eau1dn't 10 "I heartl)f,,'IIrl'. few pla~rs"., P/Jidw ~.U!Ie of a.,ademic "'.aGn.... tile CUba Ie8m •mo rould plar in the Jones said "It·s tough 10 miss 10 major righl now.' ,Jones much school. Some of t~ pIa)'f!rs said. "Puerto Rico and Japan should PRESENTS also be good. ~ J.:'~': r: :(~~::: ''The Uniled States and Japan are thl' only c'!Unlries Ihat have LIVE ON STAGE ~~-(=~~ers~W~:'= le8itimate pnlfessional basebaU 10 ::,,£:.·~:C~t~v:r: !:~ :n;:i':ronc:~=.x:::n:.=~ ~ •. We'U have. competitive recognition. •• BROOKLYN BOB'S TRAVELlNG MEDICINE SHO\V Jones said the 10 COUIJtriee _m De IN Roggen face rival KentUcky "PARKING LOT" AND THE MUSIC OF KATE TEDDY 9:30 &'11 :30 PM FRIDAY & SATURDAY 549-4751 Admission $1.00 a ZiSSY's i Custom Prlnt~ $1 0 90 3 T·Shlrts Only • Choose From Over 400 Decals -We Also Have lang Sleeved T-Shirts'n stock- 611 S.lIlInois Insld. Ru~ng Dog Records

r.­ Owfght Thompson (left) wristwrestles Nc..--t,ar won the competition SHRIMP SPECIAL .. with warren Mohar for the heavyweight seconds. t.tle. while referee Gerry Simon looks on. 21 Pieces of Shrimp Ref shortage a pain to 81football $1.85 Reg. $2.49 "f"1a8 footbaD Is the biggest _U eDOQ(Ib to oIf"1date. Thfoy're long as he doesn't push his elbows vember30th out. A I'1lR that could ~limina~ Offer with a sport like ::':!:~f~8!: :..~c::i b:':et=~1e roughnesa says that a ddensivt! Try Our Drive Up Window Open lla.m .. 9p.m- gradual~ assll!tanl Phil Kaplan. "It Another ,_ 'or the lack 01 01- linE'man must ntaiIe an honest at­ 15 the most undrntaffed of all the ficiaJs is tho.-. W88ft per pme are tempt to ~ around the blocker in­ 311.3148. Wall St. Everydav sportS. w~ ha~ 110 cboic:e in of· only S3, the S!Ia.~ amount offlc:ials It~ad of sunply running 0vt!1" hun. (Next To Cat' Wash 457-6432 flCials" ~lVed four )'t!a-s ago. la the IaIt ':Players who complain about of­ four years Itlllie'lt -sa have ficllll5 should taU it upon them­ doubled. selves to be an offhal:' Kaplan 'IlIeft Is talk abooJt the formation saKi of an omc.'UlIs' cl1l'." With the more Sillty referees are needed ror nperienced refs I'UIIIUD(f the club. football and only 30 applied. Leanul\l sessi.- would be _ BaskE'tball, m c. mparison, IIHds 40 dueled ,"1Uch would improbe of­ SLAVE DAY rrfs and 60 apphed. fICiating. .. An offlCllll has to .,..ork IIIIdt."r '"n. offICials' club would II" wane _ather conditions in flag JII!'OPIt' invoIwd that really care," Saturday, November 5 AII-,ha football t:laII other 5pwtli, saKi saKi one otrlCaaL "W~'re PUS"III Kaplan. 'Bus problem is not a _ for it. It's up to the students and the one. Onlv four fK'1ds could be UHd ~ at the R«reation Buildtng." Kappa Psi is holding a Ia5t year because of the Jack of of· 1~ CarboadaIe Park District has flCial5.'· a flag footbaU Ieagur that iIu a few ''1be a!'lOUllI of eontact ~ ruIN ,iifiert!lll u- SlU f1aa foot­ a po-®Ien," said one omcl8l... A baU lb.. c:wId m».e an officials' ··SLAVE D,A Y" penalty could be called 011 f."IffY job e8Ste>-. I:: that Ieagw the blocller is allowed to ma.. his .. r:rU~kno"': ::: r=L'~ hands out a little from his chest as Wristwrestling titles decided Let US complete those odd jobs The finals of the ""n's and In ~ of tho, Ion;JesI matches. for you before the cold weather sets in. ... omen·s intramural wristWTeltling Phillip Hardiman held on to dd~ tf'Urnament were held Wedr../Sday in RIchard N_ ill 21U 1IeC>...... ill the Recreation Buildinll with !lilt the 17l-115 pound c .... to it- ll&­ pillS comulll in five seconds or les..... mo class Mitch Goatowsky ~. In the men's tK>\oW 125 pouncIs quirk ~ Will 0vt!1" divi!

Homestyle cooking freshly H.xfto prepared by Sharon BarlovII. 111 W. M4'Jnroe the tnln .teltlon Hot BuHet & "Laree.. t Salad Bar In the Area.1f Friday Saturday Tues.-Thurs. dinners $2.95 Open at 10 Featuring roast beef, meet. loaf. Start Your Weekend Pregame Specials: prime r, b. sec;food. turkey. Right With 30cshotofSchnapps chicken. lots of ,,~getab;c;~, casseo/es. etc. I Dugout Happy Hour 40c Bloody Mary's All You Can Eatl 1 pm-Ipm Postgame Specials: Beverage and dessert extra. ~ Price-Mixed Drinks FREE SHORT DRAFT Friday evening-featuring baked salmon. Quarter Drafts WITH YOUR FOOTBALL and varies seafood items plus- TICKET STUB Prime rib for '4.5' desset Included. Dlnne,•• erved 4:3' p.m.-' p.m. Pinball The Dugout Benchwarm'ars Happy Hours THE KINGS TABLE 22nd & Walnut Foosball 3-8 Mon-Thurs across from Green's IGA In Mur~t-oro Bum erPooi arecomln I 1-8 Fri. Women to run at regional meet·

., ...... the national meet in Region v, ac- SlU', ~..... ~ ~ter at Madison'• ...... EIIIIw cording to Olackman. Yahara Hills Golf Course. 5UNDI\1 i.J>R5tuP AllhoUlb the fteIion V meet at She rates MichipD and llHnois • "We're ping to go out and run Madison. Wis. fagures to be the other ~ams 1iU!r to p&.ce in the to«fther as a learn, and maybe it'U )O:'tSILJY\. swan I0I1l for the WOIMft'S cna top fave with SlU s team probIibly prodI.'<:e raster times," Blackman country runners they might fInishtd plllCing.tJout sixth. said ·~'tJey've gone out too fast the 5t. Luke. '.5 UniM ~ ChAfd. the year Ii~ the ugly d\x:kling- "If _ nID • _U • _ can. _ last f_ 'untl' and realistically, we with. surpr'M ~nc· might place in the top six teams can't stay ''0. lith the leaders after at W&sl-y eo"",nlJn<.t'f fbJse.. the fIrSt mu.. • at the top Silo. S. IIt.noiS A'I. 451·8,.,5 qua~~ ~AJ~:!.w~ ="=""0:::"~ her country m'~ Nov. 19 at AlIItiD, RIlIIIIin8 fO" ~IJ 'NIU be senior Blackman said runners would Tu. IIJId \AIacII Claudia Blackmllll Peggy Enm Jean Meehan. Linda try to run at their fIrSt mile "at I predicts SlU b8s only a slim chance Snovak, Cal"y Chiarello, Juli relaxed pace··a ad try to keep the pace rest III achieving the goal. ~ and 1rish Grandis. same for tar III the meet. The top 12 individual runners not Blackmllll sUd f\DII1in(I 10 the The 5,000 meter Yahara Hills on the top three teams in Region V !Met will be • good experience for course is l1li eMf one compared to wiU also advance to the national her Iram. stu's ~e course ol Midland HiUs. Blaclanan said. meet. B~'1111 said SaluID nID- "1t'U be a chance to nID .gaillllt ners pegy ~vallS and Jean Meehan better competition. ., &be said. "and "It·s been described as a eacb ~a'e an outside chance to that always helps. You realize how 'downhill' course. if that's possible:' &be said. CJIIlllify 8» individuals. . rar you ha". to 10 and are able to ~nbeae.. BIadan_ says ~ realistie 1OB1s. SlU.mtneed regional OFF set The payoff to the 500 :n'rare'"!eU- J:!~ may be able ::':0::.e:~ next year with :: ~~.;::;= Chicken, Shrimp •.". ilit," Blackmauaid. "Our EVRIII iI the only seuiar on the IIJId Illinois. MeehaD led SIU's= d- runners will WIIII& to sboW that they team aDd Cooover iI the only other fort with .. 11th place fmish. or Fish Platters =:::.r~,=~~ ~eaY"':::'~sbewill :~ :;ChJ::!,thi;!:. WhaI a dfJaP. Bio SMlQS on dt!Iidous~. I'd.odI1o tdm­ bonorW~Mipate.· "'~_, -' ~~iIIed...•..... ~_~ ~III wNcb fUliah!d fourth. may have • __ iehipD ...... ,.... _ w ... _~. '00'" __ .... shot' at unseatinl defendinl iII!d setYiJgs from I1e biggest. besI salad biIr "town. pl.lS ~ WesterD Illinois will probably take au year." aataonal cbamplOD Iowa State, 0\'IIIHn!sII It'll. Cf1ecII Ihese gmI the top three .,...... qualifY for A atrategy C:1Iaafe migbt beIp BIacIImaa Pftdicted. sale ~-..:es. I ... r:a;.w...... S1.7't 2 ... .,...... -, .• Spikers win; travel to Dlini tourney RIll ...... $1.11 ...... 12.. By MldleleRa...... attack. "I beJievethe momentum Is Offer e.wpfes NooIeI_ 6. 1977 8l'-'lWrher The pasalq effort. of Deven, The women's .oIleyball team sophomore Becky Tobolski and !:n~:~~::,~~.:~ p1ayt'd before • home crowd Wed- senior Sue VillConale alonl with said. "We must outsmart everyone II...., ..... _ -1IIMnIIW .... pod .election on the part III the elw. We must 116. show Iny par· dej:!~n~~I?:~i~~:~5~ setten made the attack effort ticuIar trend. but instead. we need I 16-14. IU. 19-12. 'I'1Ie win Improved PJDIbie. utilize all aspects 01 the game.·' the spikers record to 19-15. HWltersalcl, '''nIe ICOre resulls do Coach Debbie Hunter said not show a decisive Win. but at no UMLS's attack w.. cte.per than sm time w.. it on m, mind that _ \******************************* _ ..:.:Iiiilomed to wbich presented WGUId a- the match." _ problems eerly ill the match. 'I1Ie Yichlry "llows the Salukls to .. .. compete ill 'JIe !UiDi Invitational =:ti.:!ct~. problems this --"J with a winning u­ .. AN OPEN INYIT ATION : 'I1Ie SahHis' 1erVi. _ deeper titude. &ll or the ~ competinc, and more effecU •• than In an, includintl SlU, will be In the state .. ~ match this '" ar accordinl to meet Ncw. U-12. Tbe IGuI'Pmeat .. ~ Hunter. nus. CGmbiDed with pod ahouId be aD accurate preYiew or ~ blocking efforts .... more III • mid­ tbiIIgs to come IIJId will haVf" l1li im­ .. dle au.dt shown this -. ((AI". portant affect on Ieedina (01' the ~ 51 U one mere iD the victory state tournament, accordiq to .. colmnn. Hunter. Seedinc results will be ~ The Salukis' deeper reIea.ed Monday ~ .. Iefvi. _ ~ and more effective than in any DliIMU. DePaul and SIU aD have .. m.lolt this year accord I.. 10 Hunlt'r. This combined wllll pod :=;r,::. ~ :'l:.':n"'.!:: : bIoclti~ Robin Oett'fdlng. CCH:8ptaln. was H!~v:.:,.biI effect 011 seedini." .. ... effeoctive on attack. killing the ball If The playet.. are anxious to see .. times durilll the match. Saphomore tournametlt action against state .. DiDah Devers was also effective on ~ Huntf'r. .. ~ 1M Flag JootbaU ..~ . meeting scheduled ?n~~~~. .. . A captain', meellnl for team, ZORBAS . DELI [. LQ'uNGE : Student Recreation Center : ~h:~'::~~~ar:~o:!~ ~ _. __. -. _ _ t. _ _ . Satul'day in Room 158 of the Recreation BIriIdiDi. "1 I. W.I_ ••,,~,'r..tS.r_ .. ~ DEDICATION CEREMONY : Player additioaa to resten .: Soturday, November 5. 19n .. i'\ayer additioas ut roeters wiD be Happy Hour ==~mbaS::=:~~ ... p.m. Dally • '0:30 a.m. .. for any othft' flag football team ma, .. .PROGRAM • be added to a team'...... WELCOME .. .. Presid6'r1t Werren W. Brandt. Southern illinoiS Un;vers/~ : !~RALSPORTS ~ • at Carbondale. Chairman and Master of Ceremonies .. 1.t INDOOR OPEN : INVOCATION father James Genisio : * INDOOR GOLF TOURNEYS ~ FOR MEN & WOMEN U • INTRODUCTION OF SPECIAL GUESTS President Brandt ~ 111,'111.: All SIU-C Male & Female students .. .. ~ Faculty/Staff with Use Card .. INTRODUCTIONS C'f SPEAKERS President Brandt : .,,'stntlon: R.Jister at Inf~."atlon Desk .. Mr. Dennis Adamaylc ~t:Ldent Body President i' in Saudent Recreational Center .. Mr,. Ray Huebschmt. ~raduate Student Council Presidenr .. (Must show 10 and F_ Statem8l't .. Or Bruce R. Swlnbur••• · 'e President for Student Affairs .. or Use Card) ~ PRESENTATION Of KEY Mr. Dennis Adamczyk and 1C .. Mr. RaV Huebschman~ • ENIIIIIS O.QH:. Monday. NO\'::.J... 11:00 p.m Tournament Begins: wednesday. Nov. 9, 1m I iC R.llON-CUnING CEREMONY President Brandt : All participants play an Congrnaional Course, i! .. Assisted by members of the Platform Party ... Golf Room. Student Recreational Center e .. .. Homer Handicap System will be U!.d. I : BENEDICTION Rev. leonard L. Goering • Pwlrl... will ..... up lIy ...... ;nl ...... 1'IIOPHI1S: longest Drive will be Presented ~ REFRESHMENtS AND TOURS i To Winners In Both Tourneys. t******************************« Cernak to start at QB against Redbirds By G-«e Csol.. Staff Writer Wbat's a football coach to do when his team hasn't scored in three suc­ cessive gall. - J? He should go over the offeme and lind the right combination to put somf' points on the board, which l.s what SaluJti Coach Hey Dempsey has done to prepare for Saturday's 1: 30 p.m. game against IUiDois State at McAndrE>w Stadium. For the second straight game, the Salultis have a new starting quar­ terback. Freshman John Cernak from Mount Carmel will start in place of Reggie Evans. and Wash Henry, a backup fullback from New Orleans. La., will start at tailback. "Cemak has been progressing well over the past two weeks," Dempsey said. "The others seem to have a lot or confidence in him. 80th he and Gerald CarT have gotten a lot or work the past two weeks. '? CarT, a freshman has moved up to No. ~ on t'1e depth chart behind Cemak. J1M~ as Bob ".,Uins and Evans slipped to TemPle ruming back Anthony Andersen Is swarmed make the t'.tckle. Corning over to help are Marty Nos. 3 and 4- under ~'a pack of Salutel defenders as Oyd Cred- DeVolder (55), and Ron Geels (71). The Salutels won Dem~ said that Cemak wiD make dock (22), Dan Brown (54) and Billy Hadfield (31) the game, some mIStakes and be ma, even make 24020. a major mistake," but the coach said be still ~ to stick with the H, 210- "We'ft! had a lot of injuries, bu1 we weU. He can also nul welL so he's a real have to be on our guard. They've also pound signal - caDer. don'l like to put em phasis on them," threaL I don't expc!Ct to see him nul a got a few trick plays." Henry has seen limited action at Dempsey said. "We have only rour guys lot of the option, though." Dempsey said the game wiD be a fullback this season. He started against in our defensive secondary. Kev in The Redbird defense is \'ery strong, derensive battle, but there wiD be some ArIransas State when Berne., Quinn was Woods is back (after early season Dempsey said. scoring. moved to tailback. but Dempsey said shoulder surgery), but he wiD not start. "They have big tackles and ends on that Quinn knows the fullback slot bet­ He will be ready u a sub, though. "I don't see a lIClOI'e like 7-3 or the line, and thev show a pretty good anything like that. but both teams will ter, and Henry has been looking good at "We've missed a lot of tackJes on rush," be said. f'nle linebaders are put some r.?!"ts of the boerd." Demp­ tailback in practice. defense the last two games, but the rair in size but they have one in Mark guys have heeD looking sharper," he ., said. 'It depends on which team The Salultis, H on the year, have had Wallner to watch ror. He Is the team's gets hot." a week off to heal from wounds suffered added. leading tRc:kJer. Their pass defense Is The lost starting in the 2IH) loss to Northern. Oct. 22.. The Redbirds are on a par with fiioor­ stronger than Northern's 50 'hey are Salukis linebacker "I think the rest has helped our kids," them as an overall team, Demp;iey solid and steady. Ken Caithamer for the season in the o.-mpsey said. "We've oracticed pretty said. ISU beat the Huskies earlier in the NortherD game. Caithamer, a have well. especially at the end of last week., season. but Nort.hern has come alive ''nley don't anyone that I would freshman. suffered a broken leg and and I think they felt a Httle since beating SIU. Last week Northern call super, but they areo't • super Joe Barwinski, a sophomore, wiD rejuvenated. They've shown a lot or beat I

8~ 8teft wiD it's not because of one person. and stat, Writer when we De it Is not ~.ecause of one Ftw people haft! the opportunity to person." "he said. get lk."IDe pnK'~ e..~ience in the M.'\treci. whose athletic activity at field the) p'ian to go inw wbile still at­ SIU a~.... includes three years on the sot­ tending COllege. Pat Mab-eci wiD have tba!i team and a year on the basket baD had two years of experieoc:e u • t-;:am. remembers her first year on the student worker in her field -!>ports in­ field hoc&ey team, when things wereD't formation. going ~.llte as weD as this year's 13-2·3 Matreci, in her fourth year of ~~}'iog 5qW:;i. on the women's field hockey team, has "It has c:Nnged a lot over the years 1 worked as assistant sports inlonnatiar. have been here." she said. ". wasn't director for the womeD's athletics sure I was going to play at first. It was department in addition to her more of a learning experience for schoolwork. She hopes it wiD belJ.' younger players. We were 5-12-7 that prepare her for a job when she year which was Miss lOner's oaIy losing graduates in the spring. aeasoo." "Hopefully some college or university :S~ then, things have changed fOl' will ~ up a position as a sports in­ the iw.rter for the team. Her sophomore formation dtrector," Matreci said. "I'd year thft team finished with a 16-3-1 like to work at that ror four or five record and was 15-2-2 last season with a years, and then go back to school and 7.. victory over Western in the cham­ pick up my masters degree in jour­ pionship game, SIU lost in the ~onal nalism. communication 01' business ad­ competition by a 1.. score to Ohio State. ministratioo." Matreci remembers that weD. She feels that her experienee and "In aD the years. that was the har­ eredentials WIouId give her an edge dest loss I have ever been through," over the people she will be competing she said. "Everybody had totally with for a job. dedicated themselves to getting to the "U you're qualified. you're going to nationals and there was never any stick out above and beyond everybody doubt that we would make iL else," she said. "YOUi' credentials are going to make you or break you. I just don't want to be unempicyed." lFTea.her"..... causes When asked if she would like to wor'" iatukl Pat Matrecl fires a shot goalward. for StU she responded. "the area Is ha .I"fi Ids nice, the camptB Is Dice. but there are C nge OJ Ie too many cars down here." But one of the things she does like Due to the CODOIUOIl of the men's ~IU weekend slate of events about SIU is the field hockey team practiff football field. the sight and the ;--. ". . which she plays for. starting times for the field hockey state FRIDAY Stadium. Championship game im- "It has bam described before as kind tournament games have been changed. 7 a.m. , ... 4 p.m.-1llinois AlAW field mediately following footbaD game at of. family," she said. "Everybody gets All tournament games wiD be played hockey tournament at McAndrew McAndrew Stadium. aiooog well on and off the field. JI on the Astroturf in McAndrew Stadium Stadium. Cross country in MVC championships (Coach Julee IIIDer) and Sam and play will begin at 7 a.m. 00 both Volleyball in lllini Invitational at at c..,... Teua. (assistant coach Mary Samuel) are Friday and Saturday. Champatgn. Gymnastics at Indi.Da~lis ID- good COIIdles. 'L1Iey work weD together 'I11e Salukis wiu play Northwf'Stern at SATURDAY vitatloaal. bfit...a t.!1eIIISetves and within the ?a.m. Friday and Principia att:30 a.m. 1:30 p.m.-Football va. Illinois State Vol.'evhaU in Illioi InYitalioDal III ~n'. Saturday. The championship game of at McAndrew Stadium. Champia~ "We are a pc:etty close ~ group. the tournament is scheduled for 3:30 -' a.m. to noon-IUinois AlAW field Women. CI'08S country in Region V They're not quick to point • fanger when p.m. Saturday or directly followilll the not"key tou.r~~~.~~!~_~~.~~~~~!~~ __~~.9!.~_~~~~~.!~:_. __ ... _ .. ~_':~~!:!"istake. When we .. ~_I~ ..m~ St~!~.rootl>all gam•. 1j .Page 12. Deily EgyptiM, Nowwmber ~ 1977