Aalost Aardvark Aardwolf Aarhus Abadan Abampere Abandon

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Aalost Aardvark Aardwolf Aarhus Abadan Abampere Abandon 优质域名注册参考:热门单词 aalost abelia ableism abreast abstract acaridae accusing achiever aconitum actinal aardvark abelmosk ablism abridge abstruse acarina accusive achillea acorea acting aardwolf aberdare abloom abridged absurd acarine acedia aching acores actinia aarhus aberrant ablution abridger absurdly acarpous acentric achira acousma actinian abadan aberrate abnaki abroach abukir acarus acephaly acholia acoustic actinic abampere abetment abnegate abrocoma abulia acaryote acerate achomawi acquire actinide abandon abetter abnormal abrocome abulic acaudal acerbate achras acquired actinism abashed abettor aboard abrogate abundant acaudate acerbic achromia acquirer actinium abasia abeyance abolish abronia abused accede acerbity achromic acquit actinoid abasic abeyant abomasal abrupt abuser accented acerola achylia acragas actinon abatable abfarad abomasum abruptly abusive accentor acerose acicula acreage actitis abatic abhenry aborad abruzzi abutilon accepted acervate acicular acridid actium abating abhorrer aboral abscess abutment acceptor acetal acidemia acridity activase abatis abidance aborning abscise abutter acclaim acetate acidic acrilan actively abattis abiding abortion abscissa abutting accolade acetic acidify acrimony activism abattoir abience abortive abscond abvolt accost acetify acidity acrocarp activist abaxial abient abortus abseil abwatt accouter acetone acidosis acrodont actress abbacy abject aboulia abseiler abydos accoutre acetonic acidotic acrogen actually abbatial abjectly aboulic absentee abysmal accredit acetose aciduric acrolein actuary abbess abjure abrachia absently abyssal accrete acetous acinar acromion actuate abdias abkhas abradant absinth acacia accrual acetum acinic acronym actuated abdicate abkhaz abrade absinthe academe accrue acetyl acinonyx acropora actuator abduce abkhazia abraded absolve acadian accrued acetylic acinos acrosome acuate abducens ablate abrader absolved acalypha accurate achaean acinose acrostic acuity abducent ablated abramis absolver acapnia accursed achaian acinous acrylate aculea abduct ablation abrase absorb acapnial accurst achene acinus acrylic aculeate abducted ablative abrasion absorbed acapnic accusal achenial aclant actable aculeus abductor ablaut abrasive absorber acardia accused acheson acolyte actaea acumen abelard ablaze abreact abstain acarid accuser acheta aconite actias acutely 1 / 83 优质域名注册参考:热门单词 acyclic adenine adjuvant adulate aengus affable aflaxen agerasia agonised aiglet adactyly adenitis adlumia adulator aeolia affably aflutter ageratum agonist aigret adalia adenium admass adultery aeolian affaire afrasian aggeus agonize aigrette adamance adenoid admired advanced aeolic affairs afresh aggrade agonized aikido adapid adenoma admirer advancer aeolis affected african aggress agonus aileron adapin adenosis admiring advect aeonian afferent afropavo aggrieve agouti ailment adapted adenota admonish adverb aeonium affiance afters aggroup agrapha ailurus adapter adequacy adnate adverse aerate affiant agalinis agilely agraphia aimless adaptor adequate adnexa advert aerated affinal agamic agiotage agraphic airbrake adaxial adermin adnexal advised aeration affine agamid agitate agrarian airburst addable adhere adnoun advisee aerator affined agamidae agitated agreed aircraft addend adherent adolesce advisory aerially affirmed agamous agitator agrestic aircrew addendum adhesion adonic advocacy aerides affirmer agaric agitprop agricola airdock addible adhesive adopted advocate aeriform affixal agaricus aglaia agrimony airdrome addict adiantum adoptee advowson aerify affixed agathis agleam agrippa airdrop addicted adience adopter adynamia aerobe affixial agdestis agnail agrology airedale addition adient adoption adynamic aerobic afflatus agdistis agnate agronomy airfare additive adipose adoptive adzhar aerobics afflict agedness agnatha agrostis airflow addled adiposis adorable adzharia aerofoil affluent ageing agnathan aground airforce adduce aditya adored aecial aerogram afforest ageism agnatic agrypnia airgun adducent adjacent adoring aecium aerolite affray agelaius agnation aguacate airhead adducer adjoin adorned aegates aerology affright ageless agnise agueweed airily adducing adjourn adrenal aegean aerosol affront agelong agnize aguish airiness adduct adjudge adrift aegilops aesculus affusion agendum agnosia ahimsa airing adductor adjure adroit aegina aesthete afghan agenesia agnostic ahorse airless adelges adjusted adroitly aegypius aestival afghani agenesis agonadal ahpcrc airlike adelgid adjuster adscript aelfred aether afield agenise agonal ahriman airliner adelie adjustor adsorb aeneas aethusa aflame agenize agonidae aidoneus airlock adenauer adjutant adsorbed aeneid afebrile aflare agential agonise aigina airmail 2 / 83 优质域名注册参考:热门单词 airpost alated aldehyde alidad alkyne almighty alumroot amebic ammonify amperage airscrew alauda alderfly alidade allayer almoner alundum ameboid ammonite ampere airship albacore alderman alienage allege alnico alveolar amebous ammonium amphibia airsick albanian aldose alienate alleged alocasia alveolus ameiurus ammonoid amphipod airspeed alberti aleatory alienism allegory alopecia alvine amenable amnesiac amphiuma airstrip albinal alecost alienist allele alopecic alyssum amends amnesic amphoric airtight albinic alectis aliform allelic alopius alytes amenity amnestic amplify airwave albinism alectura aligned allergen alouatta amadavat amentia amnesty ampoule airwoman albino alehoof aligning allergic alpaca amaethon amerce amnion ampule akaryote albite alehouse aliment allergy alpinism amalgam american amnionic ampulla akeridae albitic alembic alimony alleyway alpinist amanita amerind amnios ampullar akhbari albizia alerting aliquant alliaria alright amarelle ametria amniota amputate akinesia albizzia alertly aliquot allice alsace amassed amhara amniote amputee akinesis alborg aletris aliyah allied alsatia amastia amharic amniotic amrinone akkadian albuca aleurone alizarin allionia alsatian amative amiable amoeba amsonia akmola albugo aleutian alkahest allmouth alsobia amatory amiably amoeban amulet akvavit albumen alewife alkali allocate alstonia amazed amicable amoebic amused alabaman albumin alexia alkalic allogamy altaic amazing amicably amoebida amusing alacrity alcaeus alexic alkalify allosaur altered amazona amidship amoebina amusive alalia alcahest alfalfa alkaline allotted altering ambage amiidae amoeboid amygdala alanine alcaic alfresco alkalise alloyed althaea ambages aminic amoebous amylase alaric alcapton algebra alkalize allspice altoist amberboa amitosis amoral amyloid alarmed alcazar algerian alkaloid allude altruism ambience amitotic amorally amylum alarming alcedo algerie alkane allusive altruist ambient ammeter amorist amytal alarmism alchemic algoid alkanet alluvial alular amboyna ammine amorous amyxia alarmist alcidae algonkin alkapton alluvion alumina ambulant ammino amorpha anabas alarum alcides algorism alkene alluvium aluminum ambulate ammobium amortise anabatic alaskan alcohol algren alkeran allylic alumna ambusher ammonia amortize anabolic alastrim alcyone alhazen alkylic almanac alumnus ameban ammoniac amoxil anabrus 3 / 83 优质域名注册参考:热门单词 anaemia anapsid andrena angina animus annulate anoxia anthrax anuran aphanite anaemic anapsida andrenid anginal anionic annulet anoxic anthus anuresis aphasia anaerobe anarchic andricus anginose aniseed annulus ansaid antiacid anuretic aphasic anagasta anasarca androgen anginous anisette annwfn anselm antibody anuria aphelion anaglyph anasazi android angioma anklet anodic anseres antido anuric aphesis anagnost anaspid andryala angled anklets anodise anserine antigen anurous aphetic anagoge anaspida andvari angler ankylose anodize anshar antigone anvers aphonia anagogic anathema anecdote anglesea anlage anodonta answerer antiguan anymore aphonic anagrams anatidae anechoic anglesey annalist anodyne antabuse antihero anyplace aphorise anagyris anatolia aneides anglican annals anoint antacid antilles aorist aphorism analecta anatomic anemia angolan annamese anointer antakiya antilog aoristic aphorist analects anatomy anemic angolese annamite anolis antakya antimuon aortal aphorize analog anatoxin anemone angrecum anneal anomala antapex antinode aortic aphotic analogue ancestor anergy angrily annealed anomaly antbird antinomy aortitis aphriza analyse ancestry aneroid anguidae annelid anomia anteater antitank aoudad apiaceae analyser anchusa anesthyl anguine annelida anomic antecede antitype apadana apiarian analysis ancients anestric anguis annexa anomie antedate antivert apathy apiarist analyst ancohuma anestrum anguish annexal anopia antedon antlered apatite apiary analytic ancylose anestrus angular annexe anoplura antefix antlia apatura apical analyze ancylus anethum angulate annotate anorak antenna antlion apelike apidae analyzed andean aneurin anhima announce anorchia antennal antonius apercu apiece analyzer andelmin aneurism anhinga annoyed anorexia anterior antony aperea aplasia ananas andersen aneurysm aniline annoyer anorexic anteroom antonym aperient aplite ananias andesite angelic animalia annoying anorthic anthem antonymy aperitif aplitic anapaest andira angelim animated annual anosmia anthemis antrorse apertif aplomb anapest andiron angered animise annually anosmic anther antrum aperture aplysia anaphor andorran angevin animism annualry anouilh antheral anubis aphagia apneic anaphora andosite angevine animist annuity anoxemia anthill anulus aphakia apnoeic anaprox andreaea angiitis animize annular anoxemic anthozoa anunnaki aphakic apoapsis 4 / 83 优质域名注册参考:热门单词
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    ^ jmnJinnjiTLrifiriniin/uuinjirirLnnnjmA^^ iJTJinjinnjiruxnjiJTJTJifij^^ LIBRARY THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SANTA BARBARA FROM THE LIBRARY OF F. VON BOSCHAN X-K^IC^I Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from Microsoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/evolutionoffashiOOgardiala I Hhe Sbolution of ifashion BY FLORENCE MARY GARDINER Author of ^'Furnishings and Fittings for Every Home" ^^ About Gipsies," SIR ROBERT BRUCE COTTON. THE COTTON PRESS, Granvii^le House, Arundel Street, VV-C- TO FRANCES EVELYN, Countess of Warwick, whose enthusiastic and kindly interest in all movements calculated to benefit women is unsurpassed, This Volume, by special permission, is respectfully dedicated, BY THE AUTHOR. in the year of Her Majesty Queen Victoria's Diamond Jubilee, 1897. I I I PREFACE. T N compiling this volume on Costume (portions of which originally appeared in the Lndgate Ilhistrated Magazine, under the editorship of Mr. A. J. Bowden), I desire to acknowledge the valuable assistance I have received from sources not usually available to the public ; also my indebtedness to the following authors, from whose works I have quoted : —Mr. Beck, Mr. R. Davey, Mr. E. Rimmel, Mr. Knight, and the late Mr. J. R. Planchd. I also take this opportunity of thanking Messrs, Liberty and Co., Messrs. Jay, Messrs. E. R, Garrould, Messrs. Walery, Mr. Box, and others, who have offered me special facilities for consulting drawings, engravings, &c., in their possession, many of which they have courteously allowed me to reproduce, by the aid of Miss Juh'et Hensman, and other artists. The book lays no claim to being a technical treatise on a subject which is practically inexhaustible, but has been written with the intention of bringing before the general public in a popular manner circumstances which have influenced in a marked degree the wearing apparel of the British Nation.
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