Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC November 1977 Daily Egyptian 1977 11-4-1977 The aiD ly Egyptian, November 04, 1977 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: http://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_November1977 Volume 59, Issue 54 Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian, November 04, 1977." (Nov 1977). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1977 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in November 1977 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. 'Daily 'Egyptian Gus says if they keep delaying the dental program, the students who Friday. November 4. 1977-VoI59. No. 54 started it will need a dentures ser­ Southern Dlinois University vice. Dental program opening delayed till after Nov. 7 By Claris Moenic:. wiD be hired through the parsonneI of- Staff Wrher fke at STC. The student dental program wiD not The purpose of the program will be to opeD until at least Nov. 7, three days provide emergency dental care that later than had been planned. requires no immediate external follow- The reason for the delay is that the up. Permanent fillings will be provided dentist hired for the program Dr. in cases that require no follow-up. Dominic Cittadino. wiD continue his job Dallman said.' "It wiD be up to Dr as a dentist at the Eurma Hayes Center Cittadino bow neeessary any permanent until Nov. 7, M.H. Dallman. an associate treatment is." dean in the School of Ter.lmical Careen As stated. in its operating papen, the ",~ (S'!'C). said lbursday. IJI"OII1UD will also provide after hours DaD."1laD said the drJltal unit, which is care thnIugb Carbondale's Memorial !AI. _... c\. being ...~ up a~ the STC complex In HospitaJ's ernergency room. CBrt.-ville, IS already furnished, except Sam McVay, Health Service ad­ for the supplies Cittadino will order ministrative director, said after hours when he begins his job lODletime next emelJency work, other than in a trauma week. situation, has not yet been developed. The dental program was aPlJl'Oftd in a McVay said the after hours work will student referendum last spring. de~nd on resou.rces and personnel Students have beea paying S2 a M!mester available. He sat<1 the specifics of the in medical benefit fees since the sum- aft8' hours serviee will be determined mer to lund the program. after the pr..-m begins. The program has been funded •.000 Dallman said an order has been set for to operate from faU um to summer 1978. a toll-free telepbone line from car· -----'. That money wiD cover operational costs. bo~dale to STC for .tudent ap- including the salaries of a dentist ~=:'wiU be limited to five free receptionist, dental assistant and visits a year for dental work. An~ad- student workers. di .~ ... - Dallman said that Ci'.adino is the omy ~:-e!..Visits wiD result in a fee ''1t ';:'-;'1 persoa hired thus far to work in the McVay said the fee wiD be determined prcJCI'1UD. He said remaining pec'SOIInt!l after the program begins. -....... '.~ -'?---?.. ~,., " .. " Fire marshal claims arson .,':'i.. Ii!"!01 ...... ".,.$<;'i'<.": _ :c-'~ - - # "... .<t! . ' caused adult bookstore rJre - .. '11:. ~". ~ • ;. ~ By AadIra SInu...... big ~h for a 3OOiIOUnd man to crawl ,~;.~,,..~ Staff Wrher through. ' Welt saj!l He added that A state fire marshal in Marion said someone probably threw a lighted ~ . -.: ,:~ ,. 'ntursday that anon was definitely the match through tbe hole, ingiting cause of a fiI'e which damaged two adult something in the room_ ~,~ .. ~c\j bookstores in downtown Carbondale last ''There were papers, mattresses and month. but as of yet there are no aD sorts of things there," he said. ,-- ·~t• ......,..~';c~.,.,. ~i suspects. In his investigation, West said. he Tbe fire, which occurred on the eliminated all possibl.. accidental " . ' .. i morning of Oct. 21. gutted the rear of the causes. buildina at 21. W. Main. the home of "I couldn't SloeU anyl.'ri!'f. there when ~~. ):~;:l 1'rietteEnterprises and the Private Eye processed the I fire scene, ' he said '" -:~ .... Adult Bookstore. "Robert Abplanalp, r"anager of the The booUtares sustaiood smoke and Private Eye Adult Booksto!'e. said water damage, Barney West. the fire Thursday the fire resulted in about rnanr.hal, said. M,ooo in damages to his property. Walkin' i..~ ,he rain "It had to be set by a p''!fSOIl or persons Abplanalp !!lid he Is not Insured. unknown," W~ !lBtll He SIlld ho is not discounting the """lie students trudge puddles from four straight days ,:A spcndk: rains. The fire was 1.tarted in the storage possibility of arson, adding that a fur­ Southern Illinois farmers NMt been unable to Mrvest crops and plant winter art"8 of the buik.'ift!. he said nace in the storage area also could have wheat. No relief is In sight hcJweVW. as weathermen predict a" percent chanCe "'bere's a hole in the east waD that's been the cause ill the ftre. 01 rain Friday. National study says sm fees higher than Dlost By M.'llsu MalkOYic:. sumer Price Index (CPt). a measure of the Tuesday he would favor recommending a tuition Staff "cUe.- ...bange iD cost of typical purchases. increase if the figures indicated it would be SIU students are chnrg-.--d more for tuition, Inflation and the necessity to maintain necessary in k<>ePinlil with the plan. fees, room and board than &-e students at most ~ogram quality were two of the most common "I think ~ !!:"re5 woOJd indicate that lancJ.grant and state universities, a study in­ reasons Cited by the survey participants in becaU!le c.i innation," B~ ;:!<i. dicalei' raising tuition, fees and room and board. Another l>oard member, Merle i'onu;, said The study conducted by the National Median costs fnr tuition over a 12-year period Tuesday he wtlUld also support a tuition inc:rease Association of State Universities and Land­ have risen for s:m to the present 1694. becaU!le of in!lation. cost of living inc:reases and Grant Colleges and which ~lIed 20% of the . While these costs have rJSeD 123 percent, the the IS",g-s plan to make tuition equal to one­ nation's major public UniVersities, showed that amount universities pay for goods and services. third of the cost of education. 130 schools charged less thaD SIU for in-state measured by the Higher Education Price cHEP) "Teachers want an increase, utilities want an ftIJIidents' tuition and fees. index. bas only risen II. percent. increase, f!verybody wants an increase, but Currently sutdeDta ray $742 m tuitiOll and fees Lack of additional revenue soun:es, nobody wants to pay for it,"Yontz said for the they frOID academic: year if are IlliPois­ inadequate state appropriatiOh.s and thfo need to Finally, the study demonstrates that it is Out-of-state residetUpay 11,m. increase faculty and staff salaries tun-e caU!le becoming to be About 60 sdIoo!s who more costly an out«-sLRte pereent .of the polled the burden of paying for educatkln to sMt to the student at a Iand-grant unhrer.tity. offered room and board charged less thaD Ibe studenL Sl.470 sm assesses. For Instance, the Dlinois Board of Higher Land-gnmt universities aM Uk.w established Charges for tuition, fees. room and board aiso Education (IBHE) bas called for students to pay when states were Iiv-'n grant, of fe....-tenallanct (0 cost more .t SIU t"n the average of the In­ for one-third of the cost of their education by the build colleges on the condition that agncultural stitutions c:o.abinM. The median paid for tuition ,..,1980. and mechanical ar1a CGUI'IM!S 'mIU1d be offered and fees was 1694 for the 202 uni\"ersities while At least two IBRE Daemhers say they would along with courses in otbP\" scieatific and room and board averaged about Sl.410. 'aWl" recommending a tuition increase if the dassical "'bjeda. The study also predicts that the student bill for figures indicated It wuuld be necasary in In an eight'yMr period, the total charge for thfte c:G8ts will go up t.7 petftRt this academic keel"rw with the plan. educatvAi of an out«state student has risen year reflecting the U percent rise in the Coo· Jos~ph Block, IBHE vice cbairman. said from '1.910 per academic year to $3.158. Plan would hike faculty and staff take-holDe pay lIy J ...D Ness non-laxabie. percent salary increase. MCClusky said he r~ SUff Wri&er Tbe retirt"ment fund amount is currently paid by only a 4.5 to 5 percent raise in January from the Take horne pay for faculty and staff members could deducting it from an employee's groa Income. Under nlinois Board of Higher Education (IBHE,. iocrease 2 or 3 percent lDIder a tax shelter plan ex· the proposed plan. the Board of Trustees would d£-duct McClusky said he hoped the Board or Trustees will plained by John McClusky. illinoIs Education the amount from the entire amount of money ap­ see the IRS tax shelter as a way to make up for what Association (lEA) coordinator for higher education. propriated by the state legislatt.Te for Mlaries before he considers a Jow salary incrt>ase. The program. presented to members of the Civil the money is broken down into !.-:<tividual salaries. Servic.-e Bargaining Or"anization (CSBO) and the McClusky said a petition will be cil'\,,,l1ated t~ collect "Here is a wa) f':nployees could get an I! pen:~,~ United Faculty Association of Carbondale m:'-ACI.
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