150 Ukraine–Europe–World UDC 930.85(477) DOI 10.25128/2225-3165.19.01.17 Volodymyr Okarynskyi PhD (History), Associate professor, Department of History of Ukraine, Archaeology and Special Historical Studies, Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University (Ukraine)
[email protected] ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6119-0678 H T P ' , , P ''( Y ( , '( ' ' , X' ' ' ' '' H I ( Y ( ) MUSIC THAT ROCKED THE SOVIETS: ROCK ’N’ ROLL IN DAILY LIFE OF YOUTH IN WESTERN UKRAINE DURING THE 1960S – EARLY 1980S Summary. The article covers the phenomenon of rock music in the lives of young residents of the western regions of Soviet Ukraine, which differed significantly from the rest of the territory of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic and the entire USSR. The article demonstrates the peculiarities among which this music was mastered, its existence in the youth society – from fashionable dance music to the core of nonconformitsm to the Soviet system. It was reflected in the names officially and unofficially used for rock music and its performers (Big beat, vocal-instrumental ensemble, etc.), as well as in relation to official factors (from tolerance to the prohibition). Consumers of rock music did not necessarily have to be opposed to the Soviet regime. However, the active “immersion” in rock music, and the related counterculture spheres (from the late 1960s onwards, and more and more), contributed to the formation of an alternative life style, which manifested itself in particular: listening to banned radio stations, the style of clothing that was associated with rock music, space for free performance / listening to rock music and exchanging information and impressions (“tusovka”).