ujm0p il iggEa3Bafa i ViSfc JJSSt 1 - - JgtfLaag vv

Xt AMZBS OJ1 Jf ASsVIJH iawaiianaJDttjC pnarHasar4ia - c c a Sanparill Tjp fa w t m la s s rl Jl o ri CLlMIKD IiT uLian nach so J oo sin tee HE HAWAIIAN GAZETTE CO Limited SlUaei 2loehes sea tv n rw itmnvc aUUues Steches ass aee tm Ioi its W Every Tuesday Morning 4S leches tteel m Uoerl ieo se siset Quarter t Col eani em t9e itoe is M FI PER ANNUM Thifaoruoiama see t iae see as cl tl r Ilalfer Ones tiMi u e i nsr PATAIirFIX ADrAXCB TWTllvt ClBmn IS MM MoafTtorfwe One Celcma I Wtff 0 am SCPofloeoCTI I orris Mtlrorriliera SGU3 In Atltatuv nailnB rarda vtfi srrrmM A es flu incloeespostagesprfrald ariowedadlseeestfreitttfcertrateswhIeilawSsr MnsrrsimsestsT MAXAGEll vij a8reTTsinniTwiwrs7CTjsr R Atiraraleaadnrtissstsnta sottstbeeee ITl la BO wfH T-- ATKINSON I ROBERT CRIEVE withthe say whan ordered ef setlee W A them TheratefeharssaTectratttthabrcsIestst VOL XXI No 51 1886 mniiunf1 far Eaitani Amerleae adrerllaeneetsjer Off iueW lltaltlmgMeritalStvpirSi HONOLULU TUESDAY FEBRUARY 2 WHOLE No 1099 crivtum may be mada by bank tUelo er Ire seel Mad age stamps Only a Sons position and get back to nature again tlio bel- ¬ Srtsincss ter American Quick farts iUccIjamcal axis Ulctljnnitnl Cnrts Jnsttrawt JToticr3 3nsuroiue STotitts Xortign It waiotilya ttniple ballad rtrtisnntnts sour to a can lew throne Ttirrr were none hal fciiewbe anjrer Tho Sovoroicns or Christendom BISHOP CO CD C ROVE TELEPHONE 55 Boston Board of Underwriters F A SCIIAllFHR WXLLIAM O SMTXH And few thai Itwdcd Ibe eonc Honso Sicji o waa BANKERS and Painter Paper Hanger for tho IIlOTKlUn DoKTdofUntlervnrllers Y i tl Blncris toIct lender There aro at tho present moment U AGENTS Islands AGEXTofnremen ATTORNEY AT LAW And wrrt at with loi c BBloW thirty lIONOLfl IIAWAlIAMMlMM lu Jlly No 107 King Street Honolulu S C BREWER CO of Underwriters tstirelr ibeir iieaif Laraened six reigning sovereigns in Christendom DRAWlitEXCHAKGE OX A entof Vienna Board or Underwriters So 191 California Street Sib Ftinetseo Cat ItfltopmadantlcflWt JOHN NOTT Philadelphia Board of Underwriters Claims asilnst Insurance Companies within the Tliat it from the Queen of England to whom 1HEBINX OF CALIFORNIA SAN FRANCISCO juris 10t glreeaansrttndIasCoBalalns3 tf Importer Dealer Stores ENTERPRISEE diction of the abore Boards of Underwriters will hare MinsnftheirwidfOflplor7 237000000 of human owe allegi- ¬ asd Tnun aGEra ix and in Ranees for the Hawaiian Islands to be certUed to by Wftoda lieings Metals House Furnishing Goods Crockery Glass and AGENTS C BREWER CO tho abore Aienl to make them V71XLIAlttS D1H0HD C0 Tt at toocbe the in rprtiic Vork ralld lBWly Of thr tranjru wml rttrrlnj toIcm ance to tho Princo of Monaco whom 5742 er China Ware Practical Mechanics Honolulu II I h n the hU break forth and sine subjects acknowledge as their liege lord Ilnflou 1033 ly Insurance Notice Sbipplns and Comsiisslon Merdriit Of tli Tiapy Wnla low warbinj Purls PLAWI1TG MILL u or Of theso princes ten aro nominally M MRS M MELLIS Hartford Fire Ins Co ton 3H Callfersla Street Sto 1rantscoJy 1 rrqoiera the day Roman MESSRS H ROTHSCHILD fsOKSLONOON A ALAKE NEAIl QUEEN STREET AGENT FOR THE BRITISH For ¬ The And thf qalrt of the valleys Catholic namely Fathionahle Dress and Cloak Maker 1iitbe gray tho emperors of Austria THE Msrlne Insurance Company Limited has W-- CH0SSMAN Ii ib cos of Kta taltij C J HARDEE ¬ HARTFORD H EB0 and Brazil tho Kingsof Italy Spain The Commercial Hanking Co of Sydney London 101 Fort street Honolulu n I Proprietor receired Inilructlons to Berinee tbe Bnt or In CONNECTICUT a one in a corner 1091 ly surance between Honolulu and Forts in iho FscIScand t dUiH Portugal Belirinm- - Bavaria Saxonv The Commercial Banking Co of Sydney Sydney Is now COMMISSION MERCHANTS A v oman worn with ttrlfe the prepared to lssna Tolictea at the lowest rales Assets January 1 1885 a tbfttMD asneesacc Princes of Litchtenstein and Monico Of The Bank of Xew Zealand Auckland and its PIONEER STEAM with a special reduction on freieht per steamers 440183001 77 nml 73 jlrmtil fttreet 3ew Terk artln Contracting and Building TIIEO DAVIES From the tyrlng timc of tier life 2G Branches in Chrittchurch Donedln and Wellington II Cooke and 1 T Watethsar roae up before tho remaining two belong to tho Greek Candy Manufactory and Bakery 1031 ly AgentBrltrorMarInsCoLlmlted AST fair formi her The Bank of British Colombia Portland Oregon Finish always ou EUTArtLISIini AGIUUCT AT KB lyr Krom the mtt pf vanished year Church though tho Czar and tho King of ST3Iouldlng and handCa HAVING for the Hawaiian Islands the nnder In The Islands lir Mt a btindnecs Azore and Madeira ConfectionerFrcoruvrPastry Cook and Baker FOR SALE IIA3iniRGII BRKHEn slgnrd Is prepared to accept risks stains are en Dulkl it susour Sajrrosfc eye werebjyycIIM tears tho Hellenes belong to different branches Practical Hard ana Soft Stovowood Cat Merchandise Tazat sartss Her in Stockholm Sweden 1077 Ti Jtnoann g ly 1 3m inits Furniture Machinery on the meat xno other m aro Protestants 1C notelalrcetbetwecn and Fort and Split FIEE INSUBANCIi COMPANY farorable terms Hi on when he oue was ended otu The Chartered Bank of London Australia aud China THED H DAVIES S CO And liabel the t rwett lone being called Xuthcrans 4 including tho Hongkong Yokohama Japan i aviiiaamn raiHE UNDOlSIUNEn HAT I SO BEEN at- - tosses Ironlptlr AtljnstedanilPajalilellcrc Tin- - lurtetterropcnp roftly JL German Emperor belonging to tho 10IS ly IMPORTER MANTFACTURER TJPH0I5TEREK pointed Acents of the abore Company are pre V And went ou her way alone AndtransaclaOeneralCankincBnslness GEO LUCAS pared to insure risks aralnst Are on and O HEltUEIt ¬ AND DEALER IN Stone Brick Oir rnorc to her life of labor Evangelical confession 3 to tho re- - Ilnllilinc and on Sxerehancllse stored therein oc HCT6m Agent for the Hawaiian Islands Commission Merchants Mir paered bo I hnr heart fctrocc W- R CASTLE u formed church and ono being tho su ¬ FURNITURE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION the most faroraole terms For particulars apply at the ndfrhe prayed Ood blcaa thet lncr ATTOXUtBY JrC XAW CONTRACTOR BUILDER office of IQSHy F A SC11 AEFBR CO NORTH BRITISH AHD HEBCAJfTILE 12 13 Tits Albany And oli1 tbanL God premo head on earth of tho Church of and NoUry rnhllc Attends ail the Courts of the Fornltnre Ware Rooms Xo 61 Fort St Work Shop at fortlicfonI the old stand on Hotel Street Chamltcf Journal England bntthoTastmaioritv of Onecn 1W1 Kingdom y HAMBURC MACDEBURC IOS8 LIVSRPOOL ly Orders from the other Islands promptly attended to Insuranoo Oompanjr ENT Victoria subjects 130000000 aro ROSA 1008 ly or vitn EiiiNnunmt neither A FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY lotmiv ESTABLISHMENT All tho World Akin nor aHORNEY AT UW AND HOTARY PUBLIC ONLY PEBBLE i roresianis uauiolics Dut Hindoos HONOLULU CO OF HAMBURG Established 1809 The number of a mans ancestors dou whilo the Mohammedans 40000000 in Office tcilh the AUornev Central AUMani Halt IRON W0BKS Honolulu bteam Planing Mills BDjXIUXGS JIEItCnANDISE rCRML CAPITAL je lilcs id every generation as his descent is number aro themselves moro numerous 1035 IIonoMu 11 1 ly TJW STEAM KSGISES SUGAR HULLS Insured soilnst Fire on the 3000000 than tho Protestants of all denominations rJfi UolIeraCoolersrIron Brass and Lead Cutioca most faronble terms Accumulated and Inrested Fund 109721 u traced upward In tho first generation ho ic A Jf in tho empire ii iiAcuriii cu Machtnory of Evory Doscrlptlon Esplanade Honolulu IK I AEOEIt Acent for the Hawaiian Islands reckons only two ancestors Ins father nnd C 0 N AGEN TS -- IKO ly VXnGIMIGMEn HAVE BEES GENERAL MMISSI0 - Mads to Order S appointed second generation tbo two ly tt- AOKNTS fur the Sandwich Islands lot mother In the TTncomfortahlo 1015 Queen Street Honolulu II I Ship Blackimlthing Manufactures all kinds of and are authorised to Insure azainst Bre on Farorable People Particular attention paid to ORIENT - Terms are converted into four since ho had two 1076 y scullers Optical Depot Wo V A KCHAUrXK A CO aa JOfl WORKeiecnledonthcihorlestnotlce Mouldings Brackets 3 Risks taken in any pari of the Islands on Stone grandfathers and two grandmothcrb But all know them they aro in overy Insuranoo Company and Wooden Buildings and Merchandise stored there I Importors-Jt-Commlssl- on - OP CONNEgTICPT S cli of tneso lonr una two parents and community in every church in many Merchants NFBURaESS Window Frames HARTFORD in Dwelllnff Houses snd Furniture Umber Coals lt1 Montpimery St near Bush F Cat IWJ Honolulu Hawaiian Islands ly cu Ships In harbor with orwlthout cargoes repair tuo generation tnero aro families They aro always uncomfortable o oxtxxrjrTi3x isTJiijDBn Blinds Sashes Doors CASH ASSETS JJIHUJIRT 1ST I8 SUUS944I or nnder in tmrd Shop on King Street opposite Roses E IIOFFSCIILAEUEK A rsrspocialty 3D Years themselves co And all kinds of Woodwork Finish tO ik oflnd to bo ciirht ancestors that is cicht and they inlhct discomfort on iaim buildings When re ¬ Takes risks against Loss Damage by Flro on 1MT Acrnta for the Hawaiian Islands Estimates given on all kinds of or The most complieateil eases of defective elsfesi grcat grandparcnls In tho fourth gSne everybody else A really aggressive and COMMISSION MERCHANTS quired Offices and Stores fitted up in the latest East Buildings Merchandise Machinery and Furniture on Importers of and Bcalcars in Hay Grain and Repairing every description done Turning Scroll and Band Sawing favorable terms A JAEOER tnoroagaiy aiaenesea ur iiakus uroere tho number of ancestors is sixteen woll dovelopcd specimen will overshadow And ern styles of in THE PACIFIC MUTUAL by mall or express promptlyrataattended to i rntion lOio General Produce Honolulu U 1 ly the best possible manner and at reasonable rales IKS Arcnt for Hawaiian Islands m tho fifth thirty two in tho sixth sixly a town like a banyan tree yielding tho 107J ly ALL Hiann or Wsdts FRANCIS M HATCH Compound Astlsmatio Ienses Slonnted ta gl ir fonr in tho seventh 128 In tho tenth it wholo year through all manner of fruit Planing and Sawing WASHINGTON LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY T -- vm Order at Z Hours fletles has risen to 1024 in tho twentieth it be bitter to tho taste and not to bo digested jO Xjv ov A BOWER Morticing and Tenanting FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY ttornoy at J Of CALirtlltMA U comes 1018570 in tho thirtieth no fewer without serious injury Theso peonlo 1013 No 11 Kaahnmann btrcct lyr H Ship Carpenter and Boat Builder ORDERS PROMPTLY A TTENDED TO OF BOSTON MASSACHUSETTS GRIESSELiCH CO than 1073711KU To ascond no higher supply an amplo stock of friction they WILLIAM AULD Desire to cell the particular attention of ereryhody NCE than tho twenty fourth generation wo bring out tho latent possibilities of general lurYAIlD AT THE ENTERPRISE MILL S Anil Work CStinrantceil Cash Assets January lit 1881 - 159555034 Agontto take Acknowledgments to Con- ¬ TO THEIR HALL unpleasantness Mntual Telephone 325 P9 Orders from tho other Islands solicited WEAVERS WOOUEXCHAMCEi roach tuo sum ol llwUo wlncn is a in a locality they bow tracts forLahor Honolulu May S18SI IKIilyr Takes Risks against Loss or Damage by Fire on Trent deal moro than all iho inhabitants seeds of discord not only m tho fallow In the District of Kona Island of Oahuat the Office of Buildlnzs Merchandise Machinery and Furnltnro on I LONDON tsT Partles on the other islands requiring Materials favorable terms A-- JAEOER Tontine Investment Policies if ¬ the Hunolnln Water Works footof Nuuanu btrcct to com ireat Dritain when that generation was pound but by tho wayside and aro fol- ty a Boat or bcow built or repaired would do well lMU Azcnt for Hawaiian Islands anis 1UT5 municalc with J A DOWER Which contain thslndlepuUtUIue in existence For if wo reckon n genera-ti-i- u lowed by abundant harvests of tho kind Shipping Commission Merchants li7 ly Honolulu CRYSTAL SODA WORKS No Restriction on Trarel or ResMeace at thirty three years thirty four of that aro sown with joy but reaped with J W GIIVII Dntler CASTLE COOKE Free from Danger of Forfeltete ejicli will carry us back 792 years or to A tears Commission ilcrcltant and General ESTABLISHED 1855 Ceati-- Hardware btationery Onr Goods are Acknowledged thelBest eleeted J 1093 when William tho Conqueror had in Dry Goods Grocuics ALEX FXIOHR ALSO snia ts ohst any aesenpuea er iimisa snd ttmtrt w m Medicines Perfumery and w Patent LIFE FIRE AND MARINE nental Goods snem VA ner eent Commission selected vL- - Un hleepingin his grave at Caen only Sustncss TaiUs Glassware NO CORKS Tito Deposit Knilo Tiircnt Iollrjr fliid the by buyers with Celeaiai experience and attend tatae mpaasWii M j jears and his son William IL sur-- 1033 WAILUKU MA1JIJ ly realisation e t roaece at airiest pricee eaws - linn Mutual Iiticstmcnl lolkjr oer ceeL Commlssfeca Orders tA be rAnMatrf Z named Hulas wiis reigning over tho land K I AIK13IS iO 1WBT LEWEBS C M COOKE T We Use Patent Stoppers by Letters of Credit or parwemitUnce la jrasJtlrraft At tiiat limo uio total number oi the in¬ Auctioneers and Commissiont Merchants v or Prodore Open Follem of Insaranee far fleatleaT luimcs ooki - INSURANCE AGENTS This Is one tho careoes to corer risks habitants of England could havo been lit- ¬ Successors lo Lewers Dicesoh In all oar Uoltle Vainilts Veo no of most reliable Companies extant tor 112 Ojiccu fetrcct Honolulu lj Practical Gun Lock Smith has no superior and few equals Settles all Claims tle uioro than two millions tho amount at IMP0RTEES DEALERS IN LUMBER promptly seta honestly snd fairly by all REFERENUE8 Auu Bis a Loscor and asatolV -- auE5Ts roi the Colonial Hanks which it is estimated during tho reign of And all kinds of Building Materials Bethel Street nut to Post Office tSr For furtktr information write to or call oo ivrucTzns ami healee ii Fort btreet lObl ly llonolnln the I onquoror It was only ono eighth of Ginger Ale but ours R W LVIVK tXTCsrrent Price Lists Prodeee Reperls and say SEWING MACHINES OF ALL KINDS REPAIRED lOGo General Ajenl for the Hawaiian necessary on a Nmelecnth coulury ancestors Gonornl aiorclxandiao W AUSTIN WHITING The New England Mutual life Ins Co Islands ssmples of isrermstlen appisestren mans if Comer Qacm fliid Kahoinna bttfCtB CI11LDUEN CIIY FOlt - ITO lyl ihi normal ratio of progression as Attorney and Counsellor At Law ALL KINDS OF LIGHT E2 just L A umwd by n simxlo process of nnthinetic THURSTON Agent to take Acknowledgements of Inslrumenls for OF BOSTON the Island of Oahu Machinery Repaired on Short Notice 3Z3Et IssII3NmIE3 bait received no chock and if had not Stock and Real Estate Broker 1030 Kaahnmann btrcct Honolulu it 1M7 H03S Merchant bt Uonolalp II NoO Ijr OUR I If Good Workmanship and Charges Strictly SODAWATER Manila TBS SPECIALIST been bounded by tho limits of tho popula- S3rXII THEErNAFIREINSURANCE COMPANY Cigars CaL ting f tho country Since tho result of if v iticuxinuc J ArOA Moderate lOBOtfo ov We deliver oar Uovdt Tree of Charge to all parts iiiciivrvKi Wholesale and Dealer of the City No 11 Kearney St San rosclico Cals law of progression had there been GE0CEEY FEED ST0EE and BAKERY Importer Retail OF HARTFORD CareTnl attcutlon pild to Is laud Ordcu Address ALL SriCUL ASD rUTlTS DtSIASIS I Corner Kinj and Tort fctrccte Jlonolaln in General Merchandise BROWN PHILLIPS TUSTS t nuosic room mi lis expansion wouiu uavo ooen llrjj wtrn Wojmstil Scccxas eight limes tho actual population by so lj And China Goods in the Fire proof Store corner King KEDY 1073 and Knnann btreels ly THe Crystal Soda Worlrs The mueh the moro is it certain that tho lines v co PRACTICAL PLUMBERS Union Fire Marine Insurance Co THECREAT ENCLISH REMEDY IMFOETEESii iiojiciiiaiiiAND COMMISSION ILEBCHANTS E S CUNHA of eery Englishmans ancestry ran up to r O BOX a07 llONOLtLU ii I ti ft ccruin cor for 7iaTi 1017 HonolDlQOabu H I 1 OF SAN FRANCISCO tsssssRliifaflssH DiBJLITT Vort man and cery woman in tho reign Xlotoll Orixio Doalor GASFITTERS AND COPPERSMITHS - iy sssssRtSSCVxR Vasuooo oerj UNION SALOON C- IS NO 298 IBa rnotTATuKaort and all ig of t v OUEiTELEPHONE IN BOND OB DUTY PAID it effect of youth fa llham I from tho King and Quoen joiia Ariinoijfi In the rear of the Hawaiian Gazette building No 71 King Street Honolulu n I in loffta downward IMP0EIEK AND DEAtEE IK GENEEAL who left descendants in the 1033 Xo S3 Merchant Street Il C Order left ith lie u son Mnltli X Co Noll ix IsTazirATUtti uqoft9 island and whose progeny has not died MEBCHANDISE ortbtrcetwillrcccivcd oniptaltentlon 1W5 A- CO out Popular Sctcncc 1WI Oaccn btrcet Honolulu I lr - W FEIRCE House and Ship Job Work nbyiii taa txratloAlo ot tU theie SHIP CHANDLERS COMMISSION MERCHANTS tolvfrtitj of PsTsniyrffaaia win 10 a JNO AHASSINGER AGET8 roc GST PROMITLY ATTENDED TO a51 rrf roTfritufoT How MarcLod Against Mark MRS THOMAS LACK case f ic kind taovira U Grant Agont to taho AcUnowlctlmncnts to Con Brands Guns and Bomb Lances - tCErrOaUTiTE aadcr bla dsfc- - Twain Perry DaTia Tain Killer tracts for Iauor Bath Tubs Water Closets Wash Bowls INo 19 Fort St Honolulu iia advice atl irratmeat wilt IQrr Intirior Office llonulnln lj low Xo 40 Queen St Honolulu ly nutciirr 1 wa oouir or ionr iimei ia qvaantya The New York Sun calls attention to tho And all Kinds Plumbing Goods A Tit 10 anyaiidrfinoii c iptof price orCU0fa S M CARTER CMCII IIKUUn Choice Iiot prlTiit naim tf dlred hy Ua MiSTiJt It Kbakvst cunmm fact that Mark Twains article in IMPORTER and DEALER k F Scod for Uiof urirtknaXpamp4Jt Agent to Acknowledgments to Con AND AT LAW 1013 ON St tin December Century entitled ThoPri take ATTORNEY C00NSELL0B ALWAYS HAND IN ul tracts for Xjahor XOTAIIY PUBLIC UNSURANCc0MRSr SAMPI4X BOTTLE TREE vau History of a Campaign that railed w C Office Uh E Fiebbourne A Co corner ot Ivaah u And AgcutforiakingAcknowlcdcmcntsof Instruments Sowing Genuine Will be wot to anj tue appljlDR by lctlr UUat Buea is bj coincidence contemporano mann and qcen suect Honolulu II 1 ItflG ly the Island of Oahu A H RASEMAN Machines and TFtjoHoaw7raLANa T anodd a for j 0OBW BCX aod Strict aecrrey regaH stnpti atfe la to - i ou Mipploinent to chapter 18 Uio first 1017 Campbell Block Merchant St Honolulu ly Parts Attachments Oil baatftM tratiMsCtlona in G w oaToN c 20BTOX Ulflt ilumi of Gen Grants Memoirs Book Binder Paper Ruler JUST RECEIVED It XII II HAVIKS Co and Accessories BROWNES CHLORODYNES ipnoars Uial tho only tiino that Gen Grant Slorc Oroe lUncli Dealer in Choice Uro i0 DR JCOLLIS Ilantatlon Late JiMo- - GrEEH Co AND alfJiwx rnu l9tSOimttOCM was really tcarod was when ho had to ccrlce and 1rontionF nnd General McrcliandiBe 5on THE OIUUIKAL aod OSLT UEtflSE lora lj IMP0BTEBS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS HliANK U00K MANUFACTUltEK White New Home ion A JAECERAsentforthellawnla inedtho litUo army in which his futuro AXD AGEITB 70B Adrlce to lnrallds ff jou wlsb to oetaui qilH pnblisher was At Palmyra II 1ATV Lloyds and the Liverpool Underwriters Davis Crown Howe and trcsttlas sleep free from besitscbe relief from pais aad a private JUtirt asaeage weary then to move K0TAEY PUBLIC and C0MKISSI0KER of DEEDS British and Foreign Marino Insurance Company JLANK BOOKS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS anenlah to calm and the acMess or Grant a colonel was ordered And Northern Assurance Company lost 1 Florence Machines LIVERPOOL and LONDON and GLOBE Very protracted disease Inrifrorste tbe ntrroos mrjla and For the blatcs of California and New York OfUcc at Fresh and Full systems of tke body ngainst Col Thomas Harris who was said 1UW rtnbkte Ike clrcalallH ron the Hank of nltbop 1 Co Honolulu lr C HUSTACE to Howards Machine Needles provide yourself with tbat marveltosa remedy dHcftreer to be encamped at tho littlo town of Flo- ¬ Ruled and Bound Order CO DP CLKrTOErJEOOXr Formerly with B F Bollca t Co INSURANCE cdbyDr J Colli Browne late Army Medical eiAjLto rida bomo twenty fivo miles away In his IZOTXSXi Willi Ncatncea and Dispatch all kinds sizes lll k m the name of CIlLOItOD TXE and wajck aji us nnriD I sdmltteii prof esslea to be meet wendetf j 1itoiiiiirroH Wholesale and Retail Grocer S- Assets 31161000 s by ike tbe H Memoirs Gen Grant tolls how his heart rriRNCR nr Nn HnNfiitiiti C- IlatiL Books Magazines Legal and Xewepaperi remeoy errr ftoeks rnRr mm strffts 111 King btrcct under Harmony Hall Cooud in rarlous Mjles and at Reasonable rricea SO Corticalli Silk and rentable aiacorrrra rtkiept getting higher andhighcr ashoap hc bct Ale Wines and Liqnors constantly on hand Family Plantation and Ships Stores supplied at Net Income 9000000 CHLORODTNE Is lk beat remedy fcitpws for Cosga lUBi in all colors jiruucueu uju uueiuy uuiu un icii il in ills iivcrr olaolcg aiiacnca to tnc lioici ly short notice New Goods by cury steamer Orders 27 Merchant St Gazette Building Consempuoo IJroachltls Asthma rom the other Islands faithfully executed Claims 88714000 The Best in the Market CIILOUODYNE aetslikr a charm in Dlanbo a sad throat but when ho reached a point where ALFRED MAGOON 1011 Honolulu II Paid J TELEMOXE Xo IIP 1033 ly I CliAItKS ailLE kmmachim cottov Is the only speciie in bnlera snd Ilysr stery he expected to 600 them and found thoy 1ST IATAIJIISHEI ATI AUENVT IN ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW agent ron Honolulu for tho Hawaiian Islands and the nn CHLOKODYNE tdectoally nil short all attacks of had tied his heart resumed its place E P ADAMS REMOVED TO 103 FORT STREET dcrslncd arc prepared to write risks against Epilepsy Hysteria Pslpltatlve asd Hpasmr erslels OFFICE II Merchant Mrcct Honolulu SI I No Queen Street Honolulu HI I Madame Dcmorcsta llcllablc Jul Taper Patterns U SEC Mark Twain was ono of tho enemy and 46 ON BUILDINGS MERCHANDISE A CIILOIIOOYNE is ike only paUlatlre In KeeralsJ and rnblicatlons Dealer in FIUi Oont Cancer Teotbecbe Meningitis that he and his fellow soldiers were equ- ¬ Rheomatlsm itj cu STOCK REAL ESTATE BROKER DWELLINGS ¬ Illflcs Pistols Onus and Sporting Goods ally frightened appears in his frank con- ofiviiiikCuccn btccte Honolulu VEHBER Or TUE Prom SrBtes Co Phsrmacritlcal Cb mills Xtdl Corner Fort and Od favorable terms January 5 To fession tho December Century Tho dif- ¬ HONOLULU STOCK BOXD EXCHAKGE Shot Fuiidcr Caps Moulic Cartridges Iircllliilll4kanlHiccinIUjr cal Hall Simla lwa J T Irsrrnpoct verstnlat in amber Paints Oils Nails Salt and Building i Detached ctwrllUiKB and contents insured for period h s treat unseen treci utoomsoery Londosu aU lastly ference kinds Bought and of three yearn for two premlnms In adrahec We opHortanlty between tho two soldiors was that 1U13 ly Materials of every kind Stocks and Bonds of all Frank Certs Iones Ilrar Sir embrace this of ceDgralalat Iirniuptly niljustcil i m tbe wlde sbreM reoetarfeB lwttv Mark Twain wras thrown into such trepid- ¬ Sold on Commission KKROSEPiE STOVES nml iinrnblo Iierc nH thi EMPIRE HOUSE 1077 ly 1073 fern HISHOrACO esteemed nedllni Ilr 1 Collla Drownea CblornOTBe ation that fJcT Telephone Xo 72 In all btzes HOLLISTER CO Itself not only la all ho thon and there abandoned J OLDS Trorrlctor Importer Dealer in baa tamed for Illodwun bat forever tho profession LYONS COHEN fl iliaKul Aa a remedv for eenrral BtlHtr uul of arms whereas UIIUEII ULAMJAXIHOTi bTKEETb tSTIIaYinfT secured the fiervlccs of n I tret Class Gan GERMAN LLOYD qsestion whether s better Is Imported into laeeestttry COMMISSION MERCHANTS and Locksmith and thorough Mechanic I am now pre-¬ Gen Grant niado on that occasion the dis- ¬ AUCTIONEERS CENL AND arssW ALL sad we shall be glad to bear of Its Hedteg place In pared to do work in that line with promptness and Marine borne The other brsnds we srel covery that tho enemy wero as much CHOICE ALES WINES AND LIQUORS Bearer Block Queen Street Honolulu golielted IQiO Insurance Company of Berlin tBll erery Angblndlan 1U5U ly DESCRIPTIONS OF di patch Island ordcra tn ui are use relented to tbe natlre baaarsand afraid of him as ho had been of them SALES OF FURXITURE STOCK REAL ESTATE iuusring from their sale we fancy their soeni there This savs Gon Grant was view DR A MoWAYNE and General Merchandise properly attended to F O 11 T U N A will be tmt evanescent We could meltlpfr loetssces i - - - a i of- D or tbe extraordinary efllesey t Dr CoJKs rfw- Lalc of Xcw York Ophthalmic Hospital American European Ladies Misses Gents J LANES oil renifVN luestlon 1 uaa nover taken before but Sole Agents for and General liisuranceCompany of Berlin Brownes Chlorodrue In Dlarrhrca and Uyeeatrrr SiCTivl 31 Metropolitan Market NfaralKiatheYemltlgof PrrgnancT tTM ono a nover lorgot altcrward a rom OFFICE AiKESIDEKCE Alakea btreet 1033 MERCIIAXDIbE AND YOUTHS FINE HMsmsCramps i and as a general sedallre that hare oeeaiM under our thai to closo TO EAR AKD aihivi cosiPAjriEM during many eent tho of tho war I never SPECIAL ATTENTION DISEASES OF THE ETC JAMES JI aiONSAltllAT miir innvraxckAgency obeerration yeaia lo Choleraic experienced X hare established a General here and the arrhera and even In the more terrible forma ef ChoH trepidation upon confronting And Correction of Faulty YiElon Attornoy Counsellor nt Law undersign cd General Agents are authotized to take witnessed sarprklwly eeatroif an and Boots era Itself we here tu though C Special attention paid negotiation Shoes any enoiny I always felt more or 37- - OFFICE IIOUHS 3 to 11 a m and to S ii rn to the of Loans IltsUt itfraiuslfficDnnKerool lliefteasnt the lag power We here nervr used other fenvtet tkfs matters appertaining to firm Ceuitcsren less anxiety tlOCJlyll i Conveyancing and all Real r OF THE HEST AND Host nensonnblo Rittes and on tho medicine then Colli Urownes front a Eslatc J LATEbT MAKE thsl It Is deeldrly the best snd also rem a sense oriely 3fol FrtTornblo Terras sjmI peihisc as we 11 WJllTAEY 31 IKS Notary Has removed to centrally located prcmiectf we owe tothcyrofceslea the areol An TJnoxpoctod Koply J Public and Commissioner of Deeds tlicabcnc lora ly SCHAEFER A CO Oenersl Agents -- the substitution of say other than Coma lately occupied FA -1 opinion that Dental Booms on Foit Street For the States of California s nd XcwYork by Mrs Wilkinson where he has Jntt Is a Basactt op on ran RecciTed an inoicc of New iooda in his line ex S S re g IrowneTs osubeiutk rina Tlie superintendont asked mo last Sun- ¬ Office in DrCMrcrf Dlock corner Hotcland Fcrt streets RT Officc No 3 Merchant St Honolulu II I PRUSSIAN NATIONAL stroot ranr op rut cusmist to pbsscmskbi air panzer 107 1071 MARirOSA1makint7liia Mock one of the most com Symes day to tako charge of a class ly Entrance Hotel blreet lr plcte and aricd to be fonnd in llonolnln mu We sre Sir faithfully roots A O- o- Fine Members of the Pharm Society of Great Brttlan UI Youll find them bad lot said U KAWAINUI These Goods will be told at prices to salt the EuelleBcy the Viceroys Chemists Wood rather a J JAMES BRODIE tlmcst Alltho c dcsirin first class and serriccablc Iiisiixinice Comiiiy fcrdlytM hi Agent to tnho Acknowledgments to Eahor articles the Boot and bhoe line will do OI STETTIN They nil went fishing last Snnday in well to civc G CAUTION VJce CbsBceller Sir W Page Wood at HsrfnK him a call jay No ironblc to show Goods 11W6 J WALLER Proprietor bm littlo Johnny Hand Ho is roallya Contracts VETERINAEY SURGEON jnnrrjnuiMni AaiMt tlMt Ti 3 Colli ltrowne was BndeebtHrtk abkfc a For the Dlflricl of Kona OBlcc Jlcrchsnt btrcct - loio Inrealoc of Chlorodyne that thestery of laedtfe BTTuea good boy and 1 hope his 1076 RESIDENCE 100 KING STREET t D example may opposite bailors Home ly niillnl IUIclismnrks 000000 dast rreesssn was ueneersieir autre Bjess St yet redeem Office 7 9 2 Office Box WttgtKS sey hsd bees sworn to See The Times 3 tho others I wish youd talk CLAUS tirnECEELfl at Hours from to Uio Post MARBLE rscretted to ia4 II omwiif Telephone C31 UKDEKSIGNKD HAVING em a littlo XXX Mutual Beaver Saloon 130 AKABHIirLLkT THE appointed agent of tho abovo Company for Jaiyt3li IK1VW A CO rOKTTiElT M- Jcc HI may be the Pantheon the Hawaiian Islands Is prepared to accept risks Held In bottles st Is 3s M U - snrl Its bt 4asi I told him would- - ffiTOrdcrs left at Staulcs5A Is IU trerds Or slea cat I Sugar Factors and Commission Agents J- against Fire on Uuildlngs Furniture Merchandise each Sone gennlne without the JOoT They wero a rather hard looking bet 1033 lyo H - NO TE Proprietor rrodueebngar 3lillsdcon Iho most farnrable terms It Browaee Cbloroilyue on the Oovernmraf suubpa Honolulu HI 1003 MANOFACTHRER OF MONUMENTS Choicest Meats Finest Herds Orerwhelmlng tsstlmoay accompasles I LOSSES PROMPTLY ADJUSTED AND PA1A31E HERE from medical cata dont think I ever witnessed a moro ele- S H HITCHCOCK bottle BICKEKTOA II RIEMENSC1INEIDEK gant assortment of black eyes in my life ICICIIAICIt r Attornoy at Law and Notary Fuhlic Begs 10 announce to his friend and the Headstones Tomts Caatlon Beware ef Plraey and ImltalHma C AT lyo At Wilder Cos Little ATT0BHEY AK3 0UNSEL0B LAV Hasopcncdan Orcein HIlo where he will promptly public In general Tablets Marble Mantels Hi LiAVESPOIrT 3 Johnny Hand tho good boy was in CourU the other Islands attend to all business entrusted to him Sole Manofscture J T Grttl hi place Will attend the Terms of on nasMll Street Bloomsbury London ta and I smiled on him approvingly Money to lend on Mortgages of Freeholds JC3 OFK10E Will attend all the Terms of the Circuit Court and That he has opened tiio above Saloon Washstand Tops and General Insurance Compy ll As soon as tho lessons woro over said KoSl Merchant St S doors from Dr blauxcnw aids will also attend the Local Circnlt Courts In Kau Sen I 103j Sm 1080 SURVEYING DONE PROMPTLY ly where first class Refreshments Tiling in Black and White Marble For River and Land Transport Boys your superintendent tells mo you of DRESDEN Central SDocrtisnnnib W A A 1 G nt fishing last Sunday all but Johnny K1MET Peteksos CLABENCE WILDEB OU ET TAILLANCOUBT will be nerved from a id till 10 pm nndcrthc FAMILIES AND SHIPPING re You KINNEY PETERSON Asurono Asnronb Immediate supervision of a Competent ChJ tie Cuitint MARBLE WORK OF EVERY DESCRIPTION HAVENG ESTABIiISIIKD AN did not go did you Johnny Xj VIT Honolulu for tho Hawaiian Islands JVM JJ THE FINEST GRADE 3 OF MADE TO OKDER the undersigned General Agents arc authotized to said ATTOnWETSOFFICE Ko 15 KAATIU3IAKU STKEET ASHFORTJ ASHFORD take No sir IKS Honolulu II I ly Tobaccos AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE EATES Risks against tho Danger of tho Seas at the JM0ATJRG0i That was boy is ATTORNEYS COUNSELLORS SOLICITORS A0V0 right Though this HOJLXISTER CO Most Reasonable Rates and on tho Supplied on Short Notice the youngest CATES PROCTORS CONVEYANCERS JC Cigars Pipes and AXonttnieulJi I among you I continued and Jlcnilslwitci rtcaiicil ami Most Favorablo Terms you will learn Irom Ins bps words of good Drug gists Tobacconists Smokers Sundries rtcicl mi WHOLESALE ASD RETAIL CD OFFICE Honolulu Hale adjoining Postofflcc prompt F A SCHAEFER CO touncil which hopo you will bo profited - Orders from the other Islands attended to ASD AT THE- - I 100 Fort Street and cor Fort Merchant Sts 1073 10a- Uion bra personal selection from first class mann ICTS Wn ly Agentfor the Hawaiian Islands falers In i factories hae been obtained and will be added to from I lifted him THE WESTERH HAWAIIAN time to time n Stationers and Novs Dealers nxxm tho scat bosido mo L A THURSTON SOUTH BRITISH AND NATIONAL Kant St and smoothed his auburn ringlets After AT LAW INVESTMENT COMPANY Urcof Brnnewfcktt BalkeM a ATTORNEY Lowest Market - thort pause I continued 1019 No S3 Merchant bl Honolulu II I tf JjIMITED FIIIE AND MAItlNJK INSURANCE Prices Jlanallati Unaelle- Rloeb37 Merelunl Hi Xow Johnny want you to loll your Money Loaned for Long or Short Periods Celebrated Billiard Tables Ilsre J I Beeerred ex Jlarlpeea m Tint I M S GKINBAUM CO COMPANIES OF NEW ZEALAND Aesettmeat ef teacher and theso wicked boys why you or didnt ixroBTEns ON APPROVED SECURITY Is connected with the establishment where lovers CAPITAL go a fishing with thorn last Sunday General Merchandise and Mcr of the cdc can participate WIG 20000000 MY Speak Commission Z3T Apply to W L GREEN Unlimited Liability of shareholder Issuing Joint 57AliMcaUiIHiFerrd roto Lbii Market are tbor 3ST up loud now It was because it Q02 chant9 Honolulu H ly MANAUEn EGtAJFXO was I 1ollcy cullletl iriiDiedUtelr after by of a BEYf wicked and ou had como to OFFICE Bcarcr Block Vort Street lur9 Harfog established an ouhj Ulliox j rather KEN LUNG CHONG Co Agenc at Honolulu for the ttu WHICH MAY UE tho Sunday school Was it not M S GRINBAUM CO Hawaiian Islands the undersigned Is prepared to ao Beli Coleman Talent Iry Air ncfrlfrnlor Meat ao ASOHa fOCSU C BEEWEBT COMPANY cipt rLa against rlre on Buildings Merchandise treated retains all Ita Jairypropeftlvaaadlasiuraa Letter Paper Xo sir it iras cos couldnt find no Furniture I Commission Merchants LIMITED Machineryconlbemost farorable terms teed to keep longer alter deliver frthtr bllletl set Psner worms for bait St 61 Nuuanu Street tho Foots Can BUI No 121 California San Francisco Cal Commission Agents Losses Promptly Adjusted and Pay- ¬ meat Xtffl sl ltllJ ly icncral Mercantile Bee to notify their en tamers and the public generally f Legal Cap rialr Beaten hy rt Carrier Pijcou QUEEr bTKJT iiu II 1 bat Ihcy bare mened to the above commodious fire-¬ Bill Cap ciiiiu proof premises lately ocenpied by able Here J E WISEMAN Uoo Kim I Uroad aed oarrew by the ream blXcl or by Jitrr where they now for Sale tome of the REMOVED TO 82 KING ST Blocks Some years ago there was a race be¬ RealEvtato Broker OwEruploymont Bureau list or crnCEBs bao Marino Risks on Meronandiso Freights Meaaorandnm Ae Ac Ac Kent Koome Cotuei Hon es and tell and leabes P CJONES jn President and Manager tween a carrier pigeon and tho Continen ¬ JObEPH O CAltTEh Treasurer and becntary and Treasure Current Rates IIL HC HOOIlH Ileal Estate iu all parts o the Kingdom Employ Finest Goods to be Found in Honolulu at Foil Baud IlskT Bound tal mail train from Dover to London tho ment found for those seeLinz work InallthCTarious HENRY MAY Auditor c 0 BEROEit branches of business connected wtlh these Islands tilBECTons 1056 Agent for Islands pgeon carrying n document of an urgont R BISHOP Hox II A P Embracing alt grades of llswsilan T7tlirAVllMl tls for al a J2r- - N U Lepil Documents drawn Dills Collected HoKCIIAS CAHTEC Bonkers Large Beakers Smslf nature from tho French Accounts jreucraloGlce 10131 A as- - ATLANTIC police Tho bird Hoots and VpL and work trans Silks Satins Dress Goods Etc Til In fact we hate IakiUnd tn sR LXe4 was tossed through tho railway carriage acted Patronage OlTcited Commissious moderate v FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY ILRAiPT 11 1 A Honolulu lies c iv ALSO A FULL LINE OF 1OST OFFICE JsliTTKIl window by a French official as tho train IMPORTERS ANDuAiviriAiCOMMISSION MERCHANTS OF IIAmiUIlU SOAXESfl Willi O A Capital of the Company A 151 US I i pml nuned from tho Admiralty Pier tho wind l IIAIl ov BEAVER BLOCK ReserreRelchsmarLc0UtJO OPTICIAN WtWagi Broadcloths Cassimeres their lle Icsursnce Companies lJlSOUOO tARTEirs CbmMnelt A being west and tho atmosphere hazy but LIMITED Corner of Fort and Queen btrcets Honolulu II I Watchmaker and Jeweler lo oaarls pints sad H ptstsf with the sun shining Ivor upward of a IMPOETERS AND DEALERS IK HABDWABE agents ron TWEEDS ETC Suitable lot GcntlMnena Wear Total Reichsmark 107KXO CAKTMUt WttlTIXO LIIID nurs Plows Paints Oils and General Merchandise la sjaarss piste M prat and one srsortc uunnto tho carrier pigeon circled round The Glasgow and Honolulu Line of Packets A5D DEALEK IN OFF1CEKS siojes tax nts pw n piate ceees at an allitudo of about a mile and thon Juhn Hay Cos Liverpool and London Packets TAILORING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES It bnpcrccdlns otucr Uollcra NORTH GERMAN IsxIeBbI ssseftedwi R Acearj WmWHall President and Manager The Walkapn Plantation Mast i all aicai Ift a sailed away Plantation Hllo Musical straight toward London By Pccreiary ana rreasnrcr The Spencer Carried on under the euprrrlston of a UECAUUE IT IS JI0KE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Instruments fa riaarfs pints M pints A eoacav famed Is WmFAlleniiAie Aadltnr Hakalan PlanUtlon Hllo this time tho train which carried tho Sugar Machinery OF IIAIIItimU Kotlfiea be pnblk tbat be ban rrmored from Camp Thos May and EO White Directors MlrrleesTalt Watson FIRST CIlASS COTTER AND FITTER bejra adjofaiax tore Egyptian Perf amed 11 Bettl European mails and which was timed not The rnttloa bheep Ranch Company - loofi Economical of Fncl Capitalof the Company J ReserreRelchsmark800 Block tn M KIMJ STREET lae ly HbS Corner Fort and King Stf A Hood and Satisfaction Ooaraplccd 1038 Re Insurance Companies M 35uuouoa of ilrJ T Vaterboe wbee he has opeaftd out a niCILAUCt la its puript and tones to stop betw eon Dovpr and Cannon street Fit lfll Less Liable to Explode their large and Etgaot Aaaortraeot of Wrfeet iteeilage Bettsee X CISTLE u ATnEETOIC hyjia i iinoM had got up to full speed and was procee- 8 v J Total Reichsmark 0100000 JIA3VS COPT BtlOUH I nd ding tho CASTiii Importers of General Merchandise HAWAIIAN SOAP W0EKS Easier of TransportaUon loxlS fall bwtad and half bound Hnj Pip at rate of sixty miles an hour SH1PPIN0 AND COMMISSIONcuouiMERCHANTS GOLD SILVER WATCHES ltfrt f bnand and half boS nd Tho FROM rBIIIU IJNllirtHfClNEOOENlnAIAUENTH rtl pigeon took a direct line saving itself IMrOIiTErb AXJ AND COSTS riO MORE il of the abore three companies for the Hawaiian Hanas Copyluat Pspert ins seven miles of distance and arrived at FKA2TCE ENGLAND GERMA HY AND Islands are prepared to Insure Ilaltdlngs Furniture IK1siiuiuiiiii in great rsrutics Prueite Doalcrs In Ccncral tssr Fall description and ptice can K olBilncd by Merchandise and Produce 31achlnery Ac alto Mogax Cannon street twenty minutes Merchandise UNITED STATES GREY CO OlOCEJS EStc Pencils IJIxoa Ptneils It Pap before tho Ko 60 King Street Honolulu It I application to and Rice Mills and reiscls lo the harbor sgalnst loss From Celebrsled takers rabers tail train Xo S8 Queen Street Honolulu H I Manufacturer and Dealers or damage by lire on tho most farorable terms OOAWISO 1AlfUtI plalBandmeeated In W E 1033 Jf jnlla Oeull Piper per JbpU AQESTS FOR ROWELL Honolulu ly II HACEFELD CO A A Spjencid Assortment of Fine tuwsssoieu C Bodily Attitude nnd Health The Kohala Sugar Co R orWaralua iixmax 1033 ly Sole tnt IlanrallaD la lands SVEUlllllPLAYIXOCARDtJ round corner A feara uioei lialstcad linos ALL KINDS OF SOAPS large The Haiku Sugar Co riantaUon ZjcJco JtKJlOnAt II 111 Boon a rarirtj arlitTa A writer on health very justly condemns The Alexander a Dald A II Smith 4 Co Ko COMMISSION MERCHANTS King Slrcctf llonolnln Jewelry in Gold Silver TIslE HOOA9 assortea uummea urns lounging wln PlautaUons toa Kanal Beef Mutton and Goat Tallow trantrd Orders left s SUppln Tags Tourist Taj BtZvtl in which a largo number of persons 300 FRONT STREET LAINE CO fit Hamakua PlanUtlon J MAlcxandcrUaikn EollesJb CoQneen Street will meet with promptat JUST H3CE3IVSD Blchly monnlrd with Prwlira rjloius All he bejt indulge as injnrioas to health Ho says An tention lthO ly maAnK The Hitchcock iCos Manl SAM FKAXCISCO BY HAVE A LAllGE STOCK OF TUB makes of MUSICAL IKSTKUHENTS on hud InylUtion Paper Etrrclopea lo crcctboJily allitudo is of vastly more impor- ¬ Plantatiom Um ALSO tance to health than generally imagined The Union Insurahce Comiiany of San Francisco EST Particularattention paid to MlUngand shipping PATENT NOTICE BslI Programme Cards Pencils and Tassels is The Newngland Life Insurance Company Boston ord era 10E ly cf island ¬ CONOHEEAHUISFG Vory Crooked bodily positions maintained for any The Blake ManrrTactsring Co of Boston a Latent was is Boot A Great Variety Curios HT23U CABDS1 length of time aro always injurious whether D M W eston a Patent Centrifugal Machines cfc sued to KlngsburjrXJarrlsontlieSOth Janu FORT STIiEET A DOVE KINU of rheNetr York and ITnnolnln Packet 31ne BHOVVjV oo irylaat or the Minister of the Interior under the lairs 1ETTEB PEI3SES 1A20E SKAIi I W a Billing Btandingorljing posture whethor Importers and Dealers in f Kingdom for s Oss and Cane Trash Consuming fcc ThcaltcuUonof tnteudlajr parcaaaera aad the ThtMerchanta Line Honolulu and San Francisco this Hay ty all i New Goods of Various Descriptions Grain f iiA Slock ear- - Babber Bands tlaet sleeping or waking To with the body vt jayner A bon s celebrated Alcdldnes Furnace this Is to warn all persons against an Infrlnz Iadle In DtiUcalir called lo tefora Boo sit the said Fatent cJmlag tltewhere J9H ly UAStX IHXJAWl f leaning forx ard on the stomach or to ono side WHcox A OlbVs Singer Mannfactaring Company and Ales Wines and Spirits aentof IN WUICH IS OFFERED AT THE I 10M Wheeler Wilsons SewlnE Machines AT WHOLESALE C BUEWER COMPASr UV1DZ3 andSCWE BOOMKfe i tIVI with the heels clcvaled level It Amenta of the Jarrls FnrnaceCo BIBTHDAT CABOT to a with the 14 Merchant Street opposite Office CENTKJiX od head not only in bad the Post TerJO CacricSccT Chinese and Japanese Ware THE POCHEX KJUVJ jmee is taste but exceedingly flonoluInEcrinisrTJ 188 1103 Lowest Prices The Fisher Cider Company 1017 llonolnln II I lyo Market And many articles Itrri a detrimental to health It cramps the stomach ALSO LATEST feTTLE or otier footruarTetiMt4MLJ A ASD DEUVERED fflEE TO PART OF THE CtT CigarS Tobacco Emporium UI presses tho vital organs interrupts the free FACTORY- - 13 LILIUA STREET m Q7 KtBSCBEFTlowi receired ferenyl U 2 Surburban Cottages EUROPEAN NOVELTIES IN JEWELRY ssper Of Magaxine puenueowasaaj trarv Canfs cj motion of tho chest and enfeebles the functions I B Are now prepared to fnrniah this Ridge House Camptiells Blocb Itrrcaaut Street u fh ris I PO aSfd Tiagsafase saell of the abdominal and Ihcoric organs and in INCLUDING HOME sides Fsrally Library elc always os haad and XTXJ TO LET I a ssiirssarai - fact unbalances tho SOUTH KONA jests ran tue Ueuolnlo II I aaul fnrfn nrtfil wholo Oiuscalar system Celebrated ChampagneCidcratshortNolice BOOB m - ear 81BCIAL Orders Betelred for IW jiaij- ciururcn uccoino enguiiy Humpbacked cot- - FINE SETS OF TIGER CLAWS Padflc Mutual Tjiib Insoxanco Company m And in Quantities to Suit IjinsT thatoccupied bjelraktthe owDfr Jno Robello or severely round shouldered by - ALSO sleeping with TJlVDEUSIGirED DKGS TO llU Sue Hover and fruit garden stablea etc Rent Silk Handkerchiefs hemstitched OF CALIFORNIA THE CBSTILIL hxs beat opeaerf lor tie aecunoda- Exn the head All ordcrawil meet prompt attention oy addressing THE Ms wen known Hoosc sit- raised on a big pillow When any the rnbliefhat JWaraonth All colore snd qualities e person Ends easier The Fisher Cider Company uated two miles front Kcalakektta Bay at an cleralloi Intend la Jleep at the CENTHAL a In rarirtr RED KUBBEJl STUtl A6JBSCY I sz a it lo sit or stand of walk of MOO rent Is again ready lo receive visitors SECOND The two sWry Cottsie two doors matil A FINE ASSORTMENT OF Agents for the HOOVES TZ1EPH0HE CIGAES and TOBACCO soil tare mads rpeclsl or sleep in a crooked position than iott straight ST T DONXELb Manager Horses will be readyat the landingOT xhoscwho of the abore latelr oecnpf ed by the late AT Baker arransemenu wttft Importers frtm abroad Trmtinr for and Ageats fortteXstycJopedltBrlbui iea rSX ono order then BATH HOUSE In connection with the fcsrtns garden stable etc Bent about 31 COMMISSIONER OF DEEDS a liberal snare of paus Inmtaln rejpeetfrilr Proraptly such person may be saro his muscular EP MaUa Telephone S3S 1CS2 ty establishment Japanese Lacquered Ware scan J B WISKKAS BT All Isisjid etderstUitd system Is badly deranged and Iho more care -- CaTBolb premises are connected with the cltrwater FOR - DRESS ASD ElMXlSS CARDS SEAT 3VodJjL Apply Also Ho 1 B For Sale CALIFOKJflA AnMLM HASBEKS M OAT Jr CO carofolhe is lo preserve a straight upright 3Booirci 7 serrice to UYMaH BROS sssui IKllfII J OsMTMBloellSSsttrriiinviil or A ttly dou atlhe Gazette once iwrtra roiA A TODD n0S7 tieeoEUeet itoiir WTZLEPIIOXB XO 147 WW U Ac EipkltlOTSly XiecaUd at tie UszetK OB e 10KU

WKK SKI 1 rp-- WZIZJS tojtrtisnucnts So The Rcjponao and the Logomachy The RccipVocltyTroaty tal 33b Jluiljoriti Iiootcs hen every ono wlto is a friend ol was obliged to publicly confess it 3ftro 2luwrrtstmtnts good government and of independence to Lord Beaconsfield acted when ho bought Thejoytrsone laz altas raw rOTJUT OF TUJC 17 and moved the l ne same wno nr a itounu mnrm nnx aircam rtimnrarR In voto t no Independent ticket totid Potter the Suez canal shares a yawn dream Tbe AUa California of January 16th contains O wallas Islands In Prtbate thematter e4tfce Then care and iraked him from his Estate of MARIA ox JESV S late of Hoiojala Oiaa mc with the ticket will mean so mucTi Indian troopsto Malta Bet he raid rerered head tbe following article upon the Ileciprocity Treaty before MrCdJly -- To be yonr rlclnc nn and Hawaiian Trade will be read in THE MILLINERY HQU8E deceased At Chamber j to party which is using every means The great cnmo ot tno present aamm f which with POPULAR On readlns and tun tile petition andaecoaaue gain a The trio that hare cone to yonder Isle tcrest by both our planters and merchants It alias Perry executor of office was tho loaning a private firm 111 a eood account of bnt meanwhile Manuel Souxa Perelrt tho w5U nt its command to maintain itself in istralion sire says or Jlsria de Jesus late or said Hosolnla SftOKt and fifty thousand dollars He cautious bow yon tread be allowed S26355 and riict every voter then to morrow make np two hundred I am athlrst brln- - water or I bnrtt The Hawaiian are n rich prize They are the 104 Honolulu H wherein he aski to chim this transaction is meat nnd milk of tlio cocoanut while tbe Samoans Tovt Street himself with JMOTu and ask that the same may bo Ins mind to voto Etraignt ana to count Tho true statement of Should It diluted be Ill not complain a I think a smile would ease my burning pain and the Carolines are the husk and shell Our examined and approred and tbat final order may be ono for tlio party that has tho good of ot easy of access lying in old reports so made of distribution of the property temalnln lahis - Johnny the cheeriest soul in all the town Consul at Apia has protested as was his duty O has been n Comroistlontd ttm- day a ¬ to persons thereto entitled and J ltoinu lxth uativo and foreigner at heart Shoul- o condense for the benefit of those who Then took a pull and barlne eulped it down against tbe absorption of Samoa but except in a N S SACHS PEOPRIETOR hand the dlscnanins Jndne of North Kona Hawaii And quenched his drouth ana wiped his mouth Mm and ht sureties from all farther responsibility as Ittict der to hhoulder hand in hand let tho Ha- do not havo such pamphlets by them diplomatic sense and to savo a point in interna- ¬ POOMAIKELANI tlarc a terrfic frown protest was powerless waiian and Anglo Saxon cast their votes Tho country was upon tho verge of a He then at once care spurs to bis Beet steed tional law bis as as if made Whero you can alvravs find tho Latest Styles nnd Shades of it ordered that WKDJiBSDAr the loth a of Govern nf Hawaii panic money was not to bo had And hurried offto show be had no greed against the tides If a fleet of German iron clads March A D ItM at 10 oclock a a before llllo Hanall January 1st IKfi for Henbt Watetjiouse J O Carter H financial But only nuaffd his cup when be had need should anchor off Honolulu Minister Merrill would said Justice at Chamber In the Court House same I t tho best of securities it was still powerlessly protest absorp- ¬ UNTBIMMED Honolulu be and the hereby appointed SwrsTos and Katolexa upon just as against German LADIES CHILDRENS HATS TRIMIiIED AND hearing said J- - W KniAnnA liar been Commlsffontsl Ibis day He hied him forthwith to the trystin place Kingdom 6000 lime and place for account and tbat all somo months to grinding season and unless meet his fierce opponents tion of that The Samoans are u th- - To face to face person inicrreicu wmj wT rc appear and Bit Met Judge lllrltt ot I1rnJIaali planters thoy doubt not said make them all quail miles away Tbe Hawaiian Islands are only a tho Fall Lino anr iinhave why tbe Ir Tire Government organ is always happy assistance was given many I be III They At Very Lowest Prices Also a km finite if ther um roOMAIKELANI wall The Treasury held His teeth ere hard set but his cheeks were pale weeks sail ore the only shelter this coast not be approred And tbat IM order In the Snelish llorcrneM or Hiwnft about its facts In 18S0 tho system of mnst go to tho In the market place of Lahalna has at sea Put them under European domina and Hawaiian lansuases be published in the HjVUux to nearly pay tho national Instead of the three be met with a score and wo arewithout n coaling an -- 4 cu Illlo lIwIljAnurylet IS transfer a system frecmcntly denounced coin enough tion station UAZXTTB UU A 800 Bah ¬ Of stout opponents who tronblcd him sore anchorage or a foothold for commerce between Wool Mixed Goods Flannels Hosiery Ilshed In Honolulu fdr lhree soceesalre week prerioe legal wbs spe- debt and tho sum was each month grow- said Johnny say any more and Dress appointed for said hearlop W A in these columns was It Oh dont dont California and Africa We owe unr influence un to the time therein IlAAuohtft been Uoramlseronerl M Deputy Tho Model Administration Till Ive said my say after taking the floor 11 1 day Jan cially allowed by n clanso in tho Appro- ing larger ion these islands now not to our army nor navy C Dated at Honolulu thlacth A D District Jndge for tbe Wtctrttt of llamal Hawaii ¬ 111 chirrup as loud as a mynah Indies Laco Goods Kmbroideries Laces tic vc is n decided that could a portion of tho sur- nor diplomacy nor polities our commer- Underwear 4K MWU HIVII11 rOOMAIKELANI priation Bill In 1882 tho transfer clanso He called on the crowd to listen his eyca then ocean but to Attest Justice Supreme Court plus bo put in circulation it might to glisten cial enterprise which urged tho Keciprocity Treaty HZ3KT Sxmf Depniy Clerk 1039 j Governes of Hawaii was struck out of tho Appropriation Bill were I tho failure of many Tho Govern- ¬ But his words few and his voice was sad which is its shelter With a shortness of sight nilo Hawaii Jennary let 1SC IKR St and though Mr Gibj3n andliis friends savo His bean was stout but his cause was bad which is phenomenal tbe abrogation ot that treaty The Gents Furnishing Department COURT OF THE Government was so nc maa HA tried to smuggle it in again their attempt ment advertised to redeem lie unci mai icunaii has been urged when tho moment it is accom- ¬ wallan Islands In Probate In the matter of h Bonds and pay interest to date of delivery 1 Oh dear thought Johnny I shoo Id be glad plished wo may be tbe unwilling spectators of the Is complete nnd aro novr slioivin tho latest patterns in Gents Neckwear Estate of rKTKlt POnTEB KAtHEMA or Honolulu was a failure When jlr Baker talks of Were I only a venny a liner deceased Order appointing time being scene just enacted in Samoa but upon a scale that Oabu for Probate making transfers in 18SG ho is advocating ana z per premium ivm uiu But a grandee what can Idol Linen Collars Etc of Will and direcllos publication of notice of tbe same - I must strongly put down this motley crew pinches our commerce and our pride Just what aljsolutely illegal Wo redeemed bond holders of that day pro- A document purportinrj to be tbe last Will and tcafc something which is Ill treat bim at once to strategy hlh this treaty has done for our commerce may be ment of Peter Porter hauhrma deceased ferred 0 per cent on bonds to 10 per cent Twould be diq for me to fly by harlnz on trust the penicious system of transfers infra judged thesecomparisons Our trade with the OF DESCRIPTIONS tne mho j v v hot uic ii fifroenrea to ebt ik itrnus mortgage They only get So be shouted out roundly Thats a lie Sindwicb Islands in I83t was eleven millions with UNDERWEAB AND SOCKS ALL Trobate Courtuh7and a petition for the uotti may never again bo known in Hawaiian on could that Oread silence fell on Lahalna said Probate Japan thirteen millions with the Central Ameri- ¬ thereof and for issuance or letter of administration TUESDAY FEimrXAllY 2 I860 finance With such half truths tho or-¬ interest if they gave up bonds At last when after the scrimmage men began totake will annexed to Hon C P laubr their breath can States nino millions We sent fleets and took th th h4 gan tries to run its campaign But tho This plan ol putting money anoat laueu oslly political measures to open Japan thirty been filed by lira- - Cwlnt Johnson Tho Independent Tlcliet for 188G Alt eyes were turned on plucky Johnny but be was pale n nereoy oraw m Bishop Co had amplo securities but as death years ago yet our empire It 19iiiiiuisiiQeHii dar peoplo easily seo through it It is not by and trade witu mat ol THE LATEST AMERICAN INVENTION of February A D ISM at oclock a ra of aahl da ¬ Good people gasped be I am bound oye sec over thirty peoplo exceeds HAWAII administra- not coin They had faith in tho securi- millons of that with Court Koom of said Conrt at Alliolanl Hale In attempting to blackon former To clear my fair fame so madly assailed 1 ¬ at the I JosNawnUi fc Hawaii by only two millions We have been trad- Honolulu be and the roe hereby appointed the Hilo present to ties of tho planters Bishop Co offered By these horrid men who have prevailed 111 I H Hitchcock tions that tho ono can bo raado ing with China for a century and yet that Empire time for prorlne said and bearing said applica- loan bonds for security On you to listen but who have quite failed and where any person Interested Hitrnakca W A Kinney appear clean Besides comparisons are for a temporary In showing that I in aught have blackmailed - gives us less than twice the commerco we get from tion ben mayap they failed Hawaii 1 From nil British Australasia we get only and contest the said Will end the ffrsnlineor KobaU Ir Wight odious still for tho benefit of tho organ and 7 per cent interest U Lahalna Oh my Lahalna Kar Administration M But men so stern backs turn two millions more than from Hawaii f These of ana - J Kauwila to pay the Government had tho bonds tbese their did facts Victory of Electricity ordered that notice thereof be glyen by we would compare tuo administration ol The is further vigilance It Kan J Kaobane On Johnny and his faint plcadlngl exhort to in guarding tho foothold we nnhitrstlrm for three succeMTe weeks In the lliw Knlaukon Mr Wilder with that of Mr Gibson and tho debt of iho country was reduced so he left the track and to home crept back have gained in these islandsThe Ileciprocity Treaty liajr newspaper rkraUi Konn AT Pown hearted and Inwardly bleediog OaKTT and Knoko printed and North Kona G W lilipo When 3Ir Wilder reported to the Houso tho amount of tho bonds held If they was made to secure trade and our own merchants published in Honolnlu TnocniriocB ¬ havo made profit out of that trade and by a sin- 1 1 Honolulu II I January atb 19M MAUL there was n cash balance in tho treasury did pay tho Treasury secured interest Since Electricity has been applied for I IhUmr pur 1 Small size Height of complete Lamp Inches Dated gular inversion and perversion this fact is offered poses alt efforts of Inventors hare been directed to weight about 5 pounds for lighting rooms cellars JSUV AIU lJtiSSTUS lahaina J WKalna of 33S8S044 Tho Government rent roll upon tho loan The Waimea Election argument Attest Jnstlce Sopreme Court J Iflcliardson to tbe Government as an for abrogation construct a lamp for general domestic use Thereanon storage bouses powder magazine or similar places Kuraapali carlessly attended to was Thoy paid tho loan and 2000 interest Per contra we suppose if our merchants bad why this problem has till now not been solred is where explosive are kept coaches illuminations Unar Sunru Deputy Clerk hot Wailnkn W 1L Castle which had been Editob Gizette In Waimea Kauai there aro thai put in proper shatx and back rents and and saved tho country from a panic and lost In that commeice if for their risk and tbeir cone of tne iaTcntors eoald rid themselves of the Idea gardcus mines or any other Industrial purpose Trice fsTMM UWrKanealii three candidates for the parliamentary honors tbey bad reaped insolvency the treaty of gas lighting and that all hire adhered to the sys¬ Xt Mnknwao Chan Dickey unpaid collected books of many business men from failure Not tho Clarence W Asbford Judgo Kabale and enterprise tem of prodacine the Electricity in tome central place Tec Lamp delivered free to any pari ot the world T THE SUPKKMJS COniT OF licenses Tho District would have been called by these critics a success W H Halsleod Kauai seller Wai ¬ or by large machinery Instead of first laying down the Jl Medium size Serve all domestic purposes for X liana Office were overhauled and first time nor was it tho last Uiat tho E I the licensed liquor of trade with up- ¬ Hod or the Interior To sustain this those islands and principle that a Lamp which should ever brcome gen ¬ lighting rooms bocc etc This Lamp Is elegantly KALAKADAbr the Oraee of the Hawaii MOIXKAI A LAKAI Co havo held mea Judge Kahale is on alleged candidate Mr hold tho conditions by which only can a Islands Kno lack of system replaced by system Tho banking houso of Bishop Ashford is in the field to uphold the motto meas it exist is erally useful and popular mast be portable like m OU decorated and has rcnovabi white ground Ulass Iwrrin A Thurston awl A 1 laobaolo with out a helping hand to business men and national interest and is of primary and iptense Lamp and contain the generator of Electtleity la Glob To the Slarshal of the Kingdom or his Dcpnly Kulaokahna plains were opened np cars kot mex and is untrammelled by pledges importance to this city and coast Let us bo Itself i In the foot of the Lamp Trice per Lamp inclusive of Brome Foot and Globe OkieTISO KAUAI ¬ to nu advantago to tlio public mcomoot more not only men in business but to tho Gov- to either political party whilo tho whiskey seller warned by Samoa and iucrenso the vigilance which The Norman Electrlct Light Co-- has at lats ucceeded richly and elegantly constructed 5 delivered Yon are hereoy commanded summon CATHERINE IiUueA Koloa Jiaiidforil IS Dole is the straight ont government candidate This in completely realizing this Ideal or Electric Lishtinst fre to any part of the world EDELIM1 Defendant In cue she shall file written V per annum ernment has bo far yielded great returns We call the at- ¬ Hanaiei Knwailinu 1 II Knunena tuan TIUUW derived irom in gentleman Honolulu on and there is no dooht that this moat important Inven ¬ V trand tlie for Parlor Hall Saloon Tsbllc Itatld answer within twenty day after service hereor to be - last named roturned from tention of tho East to tho tbat thoso islands anoear before WAirno4ANiiliu C WAshfitd terest taxes and sales ot water llio iua- Tho whole transaction from tho action tbe 20tb from an interview with bis masters fact tion wilt bring about a complete revolution In all in Jte The Lamp gives a most brilliant and steady ami tee booreme Court jt lbe Jiimrv int wcro commercially dormant until American enter ¬ lighting Hirht white Globe decorated Term thereof to beholden at tbe Court Itoom of the OVHU res- ¬ of tho King in Council to tho payment by capitol and 100 in gold which branches ot ha large removcable kiki reservoir and the upper ISuuanu at the displayed prise roused it True that enterprise centered in Out Electric Lamp n wJ ntithtr JfacAtrwry Coudue mot tastefully and the workmanshlpls both first class court House llonoinia in me island or Oabu OX Kwa Wnianae A Kaolii ervoir were erected Tho road question Bishop Co was honorablo and honest be said was placed in bis bands by members of tbe this city but out of it has grown manufactures fori nor any expensive Outlay and neither compli- andclegaat TnccJKIW MONDAY the ttb day of January next at 10 oclock a Waialna WKKoell Cabinet for purposes of election Whilo iu fleets steamers vessels cated disagreeable In manipulation all that la neces- Foot Laeip In cither Bronze Japanese Faience or m to snow cause wuy ine claim or williaji JSUEL was grappled with and had Mr Wilder and was dono without any risk whatsoover ¬ of iron and sail tbat cirry not be m Koolanloa Cecil llrown Honolulu be introduced to a member of the Gov- our flag and dignity tho American name Tbo sary is to refill it every fonr or fire days with aeiL Th SilT r Oxide INO Plaintiff should awardeil hioi nnrsuant to KoolaDioko Frank llrovin office the whole country would to Government funds ernment agenteman from Waimea who wastbere cml of lighting be at cheap at tjat Scents per Any special size or design made to order Estimates the tenor of hi annexed petition remained in Eastern press may bo inclined to put a vulgar esti ¬ iri4 yon Cabi ¬ hour ana It has before the latter tbo immense advan furnWml And bare then there this Writ with foil return noNomut havo been satisfied llio Iortngiieso Im Thoro are many instances on record of at the same time on private business This mate upon its importance but is as great of your proceeding thereon 7 net Minister subsequently offered tbo gentleman it of tage of neither producing heat smoke nor carbonic All Lamps are ready for immediate ue and will be J U UarUr Henry WalerlniHS migration was moreover Mr Wildcrs tho United States Government having value and its results aro relatively important as acid owing to which the air Is not impored aiul re- ¬ sent soenrely picked In strong wooden box with Mrracis iiui a nunuia ji nu i hir r Jnetlea Henry Sainton Kapolena f 100 in cash if he would uso his influence for those born of the vim of Chicago and mains at the same degree of temperature It frfnr printed directions for use a quantity of chemicals bf onrTinpremo Court al Honolulu tbis zlst was tho Marino Bailway como to tho relief of Wall Street and by the other 15S5 work ami so tbo government and told him at the same time busy centers of the East thcr absolutely inodorous and does not need to be sufficient for several months lighting and one extra Seal dar ot October A U has tho other side to snow against selling gold for bonds stopped a panic to incur any candidate expense necessary to in- kindled by match or otherwise bnt simply by tnrnlng A and two for sizes II and C The Hknut r Poon 2nd Deputy Clerk bo well to remember to morrow hat lunierforize Tine and search fn It tonLn treasury greatpublic improvements and saved citizens from loss This is just fluence native votes such as direct payment of A lionislana Sugar Plantation the key Ihus aroi iiny alt Uangtr ofJlrr vxploAou r neceary chemicals enn be purchased In any Drug dlllsent halnr been mule ih Jlinihtcr of Finance at a public a full feasting plying liquor etc nnd suffocation as In the case of ga If the key is left opcu Store In even the smallest village within mentioned Catherine Kbellng she cannot be that tho did with money with guarantee i return me summons advo- an aufy conducted administration what tho Model Government promised that he the said Cabinet Minister would Dr J Mott Smith forwards tbe following account and It mast be conceded ihat this advantage alone is Every Lamp is accompanied by a written loonu in ini Ainutiu orreoj meeting on tho Island of Moiokai doing any party any wrong invaluable It ts farther preferable to any known for one year and will be exchanged or money refunded not tetred this nd day of October A D INK well the present Cabinet cansuow a out reconD all such exrjenditnres Such outspoken of A Louisiana Sogar Plantation which lias been MUlJSK Marshal tho Bank Act an Act which - kind of lighting for the following reasons If the fctme should not givo complete satisfaction M it cated Charter Min- ¬ recently I bare treasury a heavy public debt men in Ono thing is certain tho present confession of bribery and debauchery dismayed visited Is On all oaters for six Limps and above a discount of I certify that the foregoing a true copy of the sum passed would have handed tho country de- conceded by thoso who 11 Its manipulation so simple that any child can mon cause ana tne rearn or if ositions unfit their work istry never will bo accused of having any and disgusted tbe gentleman in question He The Magnolia cstato is keep it In order six iHT cfntwtll be allowed No orders from abroad In said the Marshal body and to San Francisco bubordinato for clined the offer and is now working actively for havo seen it to be in all that the term implies a filled utile accompanied by a remittance to cover the thereon and that said Court at the January Term over lwnes a 2 3 That the Lamp Is portable aud can be removed the case castmir tho bunion on their abler chiels surplus or offering per cent premium Mr Asbford who is daily adding to bis adberen ts model sugar plantation It comprises several like any Oil Lamp from one placi to another amount or first class references on a New York or 19oorder3d that sund continued until tho syndicate This is tho kind of finance that Thiladelphia house next April Term and that an attested copy of said who comiilain Public improvements at a to redeem Government Bonds Jndge KnhAlos affected independenco is a myth thousand acres of which 1000 aro in cultivation 3 That It neither requires the disagreeable fixing published tho Government proposes Independent cylinder as Tho best method of sending money Is by draft on summons be as required by law ¬ be being merely a catspaw though as somoof bis It produces on an average of from 1500000 to 2 of the wick or the cleaning of the In tho sianu- - uus wjiia a com- Nejr Vrk uichcau lm procured at any Banker and witness my nanu ami tne seal or aani court at ilonu- - nuance will bo devoted to assisting our bun aim grcuusi mu 000000 pounds nf sngar per season equaled in case of Oil Lamps lulu or tstw ueiBuuai incuuB ueucYe ujuuoeuuy buj iu 1 light Is steady everywhere orncloie the amount In Bank notes cold Seal this Sth dar January mand of money than any previous admin ZIP only by the refined goods That the produced a soft and most KM 6t WILLIAM KOSTEIt own people not foreign hyudicates bands of tbe government party to try and draw quality best one that It never flickers and the flame though Wing coins or potajre stamp of any country of theworld Ilerk istration Discontent and distrust among A recent paper on tho Coast calls attention from Mr Ashford a few votes of electors who are Since ex Gov Hnrmoths proprietorship some equal in power of lighting to gas can be regulated to All order iho smallest as well as ths most Impor dissatisfied with tho government or who do not ten years since he has expended not less than on decree taut will riTfivL the same pjrtlcnjtr attention and COURT OF TirE jrA A of ICings visit to all classes native and foreign Truly tho to tbo silver question in tho following terms The delay SUPREME In Probate In the matter graceful notice tho tuo idea sending a whiskey to make 200000 upon it in substantial and permanent im- ¬ 5 That ettry danger ofJlrtUabaotutljtxtUUd will be forwarded without nf the r comparison is not a pleasing ono for tho recent circular of the Treasury Department ostab lavor oi seller Estate of CHAI1LES llltEWSK deceased Order ap- Hilo will be found in our Hilo letter His their laws Iho fear of tho government provements Magnolia is most highly cultivated as the light will extinguish Immediately If by any ac- ivyOur Electric Lamps are pfeectcd by law and present holdors and of power lisbing tbe values of coins lor the Custom House cident th glass surrounding the burner should be pointing time for Probate of Will and directing pnhfl Majesty was evidently caref nl of his words misusers a blow Sjilveritcs tbey cannot meet is evidenced by their thus making a catspaw and the eplcndid results uocruing therefrom are all imitations and infringements will be prosecuted cation of notice of the same is for tho It chiefly tho judicious nso broken and in private His absence Tho polls will decide whether tho present is a simplo fact which no fopliistry can disturb of ono whose commission they hold in their bonds attributable to liberal but It will burn even In the strongest wind Agents Snlpsmcn oa Commission and Con ¬ A document purporting to be the last Will and Tes both in public be-¬ properly compounded high grade 6i That 3T tament of Charles Ilrewer deceased hMvmjron which will coun- ¬ by allowing him to descend from the Bench to of fertilizers In completely onaflected thus being Invaluable for ilium the capital during tho election is an- Uovernineut are to bo retained m omco Tbe Btato of affairs exist in this signees for ouc Lamps wanted everywhere No of February ArD 1 beeu presented lt from tho ¬ come a decoy duck to fellow countrymen whoso dar to said try if we get to a silver basis is plainly foreshad bis atlons lighting of gardens corridors etc Court a petition for the mature consideration whether tho progressivenessof bucha man ne snoum me man De- ¬ with the latest appliances in machinery thereby special knowledge or capital required Probate and Probate tltercot other sign that on owed in this circular Tbo value of tho coins of cause tie last in naimea to This Lamp Is constructed for the present in three barln been filed by 1 U Jones may bo or Dis- ¬ saving labor and the loss usually attending ho has decided to havo nothing to do with is Mr llder nirain available tho countries which adhere to a silver standard is fray It is matter of comment thonghoat the fuel different elics A fortune to bo mado by nctivo persons It t hereby ordered tbat TUESDAY the Oar - once oreed infenorly constructed establishments II is entire aid the election That the Government worked whether tho country is to retrOKrado un- a constantly diminishing one The Mexican trict that Mr Ashfords candidature at f of March A D 1S6 at oclock a m of said m which last ear was estimated nt SGG 10 cents is tho government to take steps to rebuild tbo Wai plant comprises all the latest improvements for day at the Court Itoom of said Conrt at Uonolulo in to try and tho as their tool klcr the rule of a vain and selfish man like tho successful sugar Every device CO Island of Oahn be and the same is hard use King now rated at 81 4 10 cents A year has reductd the mea Bridge though tbey positively and repeatedly manufacture of Address THE NOEMAN ELECTRIC LIGHT the hcres ap Mr Gibson there can bo ono an ¬ pointed the time for proving said Will and is undoubted bntthey have failed signally but value of a South America leso or Sol from 79 5 10 refused to do so previously And in this connex- which human ingenuity has constructed for the hetrtns Leg- will some tho come to tho aid of an improvement of the old methods found in sugar 1003 Sm said application when and where any person Interested in their effort swer sond tho Independents to tho cents to 75 1 10 cents Japan sees its Yen fall ion of Cabinet PHILADELPHIA IT S OF AMERICA mayappear and contest said Will and Al- ¬ olden been at once ap¬ the the frrantinn islature and got rid of tho ring from 85 S 10 cents to 81 cents It is the London inquisitive public and solve this paradox houses of the day has folly of letters Testamentary though such sums gold plied and operated by this eminent Im ¬ The loss of tho JlaiUer suggests an idea market for silver bullion which determines this they can turn out of for the planter Itls further ordered that notice thereof be given by commodity and like all commodities avowed purpose of a criminal traffic in tho fran- ¬ proved railways extending over tho plantation and publication for three successive weeks in the Hxwa m Vo Silver is a convey tho cane believe that tho Intor lslatid Steam To iionnow will bo a decis ivo day in tho of fluctuating value It cant bo made anything chise yet tbey cannot redeem a dollarof tbe silver to its uttermost limits directly to iias Oaxzttb a newspaper printed and published in Navigation Company insuro with thom Ha- else Tho Hawaiian dollar has suffered a like certificates as required by Law and though they tno earner upon wmen it is uumpca wuuoui tue Honolulu annals of Hawaii Tho two parties in usually to feed CO Dated Honolulu II I febrnary 1st IS8S can find money enough to bribe and debauch interrnntion of tho labor rennired SUBTrl E 3 solvcs loss of value and yet the government orgau has BENSON A and that though this disaster has waiian politics meet at tho polls aud a thereby dispensing with service P JLDD the audacity to crack up the mess and muddle into tbe electorate at the rato of 100 spot cash the carrier tho of Attest Chief Justice of the Snpreme corno upon them sd boon they are in a strong bo to yet tbey so completely twenty fivo to thirty men nnd thus enabling Court effort will mado get honest which the Cabinet havo cot tho Hawaiian per elector are bankrupt from HxanT F Poon Snd Deputy Clerk low It position to pay for tho vessel out of their and independent men into tho Legislature that tho Waimea Bridge has to be rebuilt and paid four men to sapply the mill with 275 tons in each tc Ii Tho Catholic voters Wailukn havo in- for by private citizens tbe government guarantee ¬ twenty four hours lach car holds about one ton COURT OF THE TS insurance fund An enormous amount of Tlio two parties What aro they Ono a of been two draw twelve SUPREME HA structed to vote the Government ticket pre- ing reimbursement in tho uncertain future and of cane and mules from ten to of DRUGGISTS In Probate Ia the matter of tbe money gees out of tho country for premi- on the KXNOA narrow ring whoso thoughts aro hrst text that unless the present Cabinet are sustained tbo said citizens taking the risk of such recoup- ¬ tnese loaded cars xrom tneneiu to tne sugar nonsc Estate of PAUL of Honoluln Oahu de- Why not Insurance Com- transporting cane field ceased Order to show eaase on application ot Admin- ums start an self second self iind third self Who and kept in office tho Independents will drive ment rather than longer remain without the This method of from the safe bridge But the conditions which could suggest to the housd supplants tho old cane cart with its Nos 113 and 115 Fort Street Honolulu istrator for order of of Ileal Estate pany of our own There is really a field caro no more for the good of tho country away tbe Sisters of Charity who are blessing the On reading and filing tbe petition cf Paul P Kouoa undignified ¬ numerous mules nnd attendants for enterprise of this sort- - Tho capital of country with their sweet presence They the such an confession of political bank and Kahanaauwal w Administrators of the property than a highwayman cares tor tho rmrsy ¬ conveys cauo voters aro receiving further instructions this ruptcy aud poltroonery on tho part of any govern- The crrier tho to a Kewells uni and Estate of Paul Kanoa deceased praying for an such a company might bo used the every versal which longitudinally divides A XiXJNJKi OIF citizen whoso money bags ho appropriates time from the rostrum that just as soon as Gib- ¬ ment should be sufficient warning to citizen shredder the OOMPXiETE order of sale of cettaln real property belonging to the country instead of going abroad as now Tbe friends of political bonesty and Ismrra cane and thus moro efficiently prepares it for the Estate of said deceased silnate on King Merthaat Such is tho Government party Shamo son gets all be wants from them and tho tool is and Richards streets in dulled it will bo thrown contemptuously aside as tjence should notbe deceived by Judge Kahales excellent fivo roller mill through which it next Honoluln and settlag forth less aud brazen forchcaded to tho end device UQt passes To witness the action of this shredder and certain le al reasons why snch real property houl lie The groat Postoffico robbery caso was ho did with the Mormons once on a time should at once drop all ministerial sold they havo dared to como before tho voters henchman whether they be in the guise of li- ¬ the niter presses to bo hereinafter described was Drugs I Chemicals It hereby ordered that the next of tried on tho last day of term and as the censed object visit of the party of gentlemen kin aud hir nt of this country with a list of candidates George llicbardbon feels weak kneed and that rum sellers or in that of officials whose the of this the said deceased and all person Interested In loosad jury could not agree thoy had to bo dis twenty six of whom aro directly depend his chances of election aro not eure in spite of tennro of office depends on the Cabinet of tbe day whoso names appeared at tho head of tbis report estate appear before this Conrt oa TUESDAY the Waikapn Waihee at whose dictation they would place Hawaii in the From actual tests recently made Gov Warmoth 21d day of February A D 1866 at 10 oclock a m at charged at midnight Tho law reads Tho cut upon tho Government for tho bread tho able assistance of and large Medicines tbe Court Room of thl Court in grasp foreign states that there has been a increase of juice Patent Honolnlu then and n Sprcckolsvilie plantations 5 a vote is tho amount of bondholders and utterly destroy soveral terms mrty bo continued and held tho feeds there to show cause why an order should not be granted they cat whilo their othor two candidates offered on behalf of this sweet scented combina- ¬ her national autonomy and a perfect safety from dander of large cane which sometimes unavoidably find for the sale of socb estate from the commencement thereof until and aro dependent men AVhat a ticket this tion Tho joke of tbe wholo business however Every elector of Waimea who values tho Inde of tbeir And It Is farther that notice His way unprovided with this attachment of this order he pub iucluding tho fourth Saturday after tho who lies in tho fact that thoso several plantations are rEXDESCE of bis country should cast ballot for to rollers Trusses Etc Etc Ilshed at least three successive weeks before the said is a herd of dependents if oiico in W Ashford who Uy the perfect operation of this shredder the commencement of each term Tho pres- superintended by men who bolievo that the princi- ¬ Clarence although attached to day of hcarlnj In the IUwaimx Uaxitti and Kuokoa the Lsgislatnre will become tho mero ples represented by the Opposition aro correct neither of the recognized political parties is in Governor says he has been enabled to obtain on newspaper published In said Honornin ent term commenced January lth Tlio tools of their masters With Such men in Tbey lend their support otherwise under the favor of economical and honest government with- ¬ liis tbis year s run np to tne present time an in-¬ Dated Honolulu January OUtb lr out regard to party who will upon crease of thirty three pounds to the ton of cane HniJMEtlY a r fourth Saturday expired January 30th It the Legislature tho session will degener ¬ delusion that Bomebow it is proposed to injure faction insist HICKSECKEIlS PEI iwa expenditure over last year This machine is as simple as is Chief Justice Mnprcme Court is impossible to comment on this case as CobSprcckels personally the of a fair proportion of tho public it HtMnrSunu Dennlr Clerk ate into a mero farco a mutual admira- revenue on public worka and improvements in tho effective it consists ox two nonzomai snatts on Universally Acknowledged to bo tho Best lorn it it will havo to be tried over again and is ad- two corrugated diaphragms tion socictj Investigation which tho When tbo valiant Minister Finance country districts who will resist the granting of which are or cutters l JSKAlrJ cjuURT V of landed at by reversed OF THE II I therefore still tii Jutliet When tho proper ministration dreads woidd bo smothered Lahaina last Tuesday night be received a stunning blood money licenses permitting Mongolians to possibly best illustrated plates The SU Islands In the nutter ot K J IIJUlilNs traffic who will op- ¬ diaphragm ot tho one shaft fit tbe oavity of the 5J tinio comes wo proKso to speak at length blow ou tho bead so scvero ns to send a resound ¬ in deadly drugs strenuously i Measures for private ends would bo passed pose the introduction other and tho enno is fed botween tho cutters and Boreicke Schrecks Homoeopathic Medicines Ftfii1 somo ing and hollow note booming through the town nnd encroachment of Asiatic UponriLirn upon of the salient features aud instead of our legislation being for coolies places ¬ one shaft revolves 100 revelations to the left reading and filing tbe petition or Iho blow was news that James Campbell came to usurp the properties and emolu- the thl filed alleging Igi while other revolves SOO to tho right thus giv ¬ dy that more than six month biv tho good of tho greatest number it would nn with him to run as candidate fcr Lahalna with ments of Hawaiians who will fight agaiust tbo the elapsed since be wa adjudicated a tearing tho liter- ¬ THE ONLY RELIABLE bankrupt and urat Vote tho Indopondont Ticket Solid bo narrowed down to hnlua contesting Aholoa seat in opposition to villainous and stupendous swindle of a 10000000 ing it the shredding action cane HOMEOPATHIC MEDICINE Ing for a discharge front all hi debts supplying tho greed whioh designed individ- ally into pieces That is tho resolution that every man who tho present fia7 administration It was too much loan is as a bribe to a few It is hereby ordered that TIlVlUDA Y the ltu hr of a rapacious few wronged longed uals composing the present dominant party to Iho cano thus sbrcddod gvrca to tbo tbrce roller of February be and the same Is herrby aptxiit cares for Hawaii should make to morrow Tbo and friendless Minister for upon rr a Tho Independent party on tho other consolation Ho sought it ho found it up at place this fair land in tho bands of foreign bond- ¬ mill in a compact mast from whenco it passes tq hearing said petition notice thereof l be tnb ¬ llthed for two weeks in Somo of the gentlemen may bo perbonally Jiand offer men who not represent any house and there in tho stilly hours of night holders and for their own base uses to sell our na- ¬ the two roller mill The resulting bagaeao ad Maile Cologne Cologne the Hawaiui iAittrra and do Kias Haile by Independence wbo witnessed ns first also sent mall to all creditor who may have pre t not agroablo to somo voters but their in tbe company of loving and sympathizing kind tional by making a second Egvpt mitted by all it yesterday their claims against narrow taction or clique They aro men of Hawaii who finally will resist tho monopolies class was conveyed immediately to tho furnaces aid bankrnpt that thev auv ii principles are sound thoir ability is un ¬ red spirits somo in bottles others not bo soothed pear and show cause if any tbey have why the prarer ol wide views who when in tho House and rested his wounded soul ns the of whatever naturo and from whatever source aris- where it was readily consumed in making steam The Delightful Hawaiian Cologne of said bankrnpt shouM not be granted doubted and if they aro elected as a body will bo truo representatives not mero dawn stole softly over the slumbering town and ing firmly endorsing nil policy and legislation thus economizing largely on fuel and reducing the Dated Honolulu January 2Kb iwe insuring Hawaii ¬ amount of coal necessary to produce 1000 pounds EDWARD wo may look for the amelioration of many nominees of aring not eager for tho loaves tho Ministerial spirit revived bo began the As- ¬ tbo perpetuity of as an Indepen of PRESTON ills semblys ShoJter Catechism at least he thought dent Nation under the King and bis successors sugar to six barrels Uy tbfs improved method AttCiU Hunnm Conn of tho from which Hawaii is suffering and fishes of official life Men will 1IKXBT V Puotl 8nd DepntyJC 1099 who it was He addressed one at a time Who are and supporting all measures tending to tho great- ¬ Gov Warmoth says he is obtaining from 75 to 80 l Clerk St Tho Indopondont Ticket is representative keenly exec- est good to greatest eman- ¬ pounds of juico to tho 100 pounds of cane investigate tho financial and you working for Ahoio and Kia Thus with tbe number whether OUFKEME COURT OP TirK II A takes in every clas9 and color Hawai- utive tho present administration several but finally ono replied Kalua and Aholo ating from the Government or their opponents Tho escaping juice instoa as is usually tho wallan Island In Probate It actsot custom of going fettling Links conveyed J In the matu r nf the ian and foreigner Professional man and who will fearlessly expose anything that This was a sort of red rag to tho bull and ho was INDEPENDENT into is kb Prlco List Furnished on Application Estate of EMMA KALELKONALAil deceased te sternly ordered to drop Kalua If I dron ono through pipes heated by exhaust steam to the clari ow cause on application of Executor merchant are all to bo found in its ranks has tended to injure cither tho crenit or Mr James fier reaching tho latter at a temperature of about anduf Trustee for order of salr of Ileal Estate name Ill drop Aholo camo the quick response CampbelL On reading and filing Tho Government Ticket is composed of honor of Hawaii liut tho reply was no quickor than a blow from 178 The skimming nnd scums usually thrown the petition of Alexander Liruixt Maui Jan SOtb 18G away in sugar houses are urged by a force pump WEST DOW CO Sr-- h Entor and Truateo of the Ian a little ring of professonial politicians and It cannot bo difficult for voters to decido one of tho worshipful Fpirila at band and Kalua Cffwill and testament or Emma Kaleleonalanl praylii office and Aholo or halua alone was knocked out in Editob Gazette Tbe present crisis in political through n series of filter pipes thereby separating for an order or ale of certain holders Tho Independents will which way thoir ballots bhould bo cast insoluble sediment from tno juice real estate belonging to legislate on broad bases for tho benefit of ouo round Ho jumped to his feet and being a affairs in Hawaiinei hns hrnnMittntlinfrnntsnmn the tho latter Have Just Received a Large Invoice of Furniture the estate of the said Emm Kaleleonalanl and m Even friends of tho Government must see smallish man fled to tho other side of tho room facts which the King and those who ought to havo i escaping iu a clear and transparent stream forth certain legal reason why soeli real esttc shnnlH all tho must per The action of tbese presses was witnessed with CunsUtin of Tartar and Bedroom Sell UnrL ane Wardrobe- - be sold which said estate Is as Government candidates tho grave error tho administration has pursued br tho wholo maiestr of tbo Execntivo tne wciiaro ot tue country at ueart would do well - Withstands Sideboard SIn lc and rel follows force legislate for themselves leaving tho Department in the person of a stnggcriug Minister to ponder Amongst others thoro is none more great delight aud satisfaction by the witnesses Doable IlcdetcadaItockcrs Cliair- Loansc xtenmon and Center Tables larC and IJ 7Ahnpnaa of Walahal situate in Kona mado in putting forward such men as they who testified to tbo immense aggregate loss email Hard Soft Wood ATMJEIMtOCK TKICES land of Hawaii of Finance A row followed and tho Kalua and prominent than tho fact that bucb men as Mr to the The land known a gonoral interests of tho country to chance realized loss --pa-- -- pnd Koleakiu nimait- in Wiiptu ibh havo upon their ticket That tho Cabinet Aholo man was shoved outside when friends Campbell should so much feel tho urgency of the sugar industry of Ixmisiana as in tho KT t it s i- vn-r District of Hamakua They aro leeches they resemblo by treatment A TVTCJS mT a - Island of Hawaii or rather should wish to have supporters in the joined in and the others wcro severely punished situation that be would bo willing to offer himself sustained the usual of this heretofore FT Ill a jru ina tana situate at riulabuhn Lahalna Island matter Tho savings from SrKnrnltnre repaired and rcmo ed at eliort notice No trouble to r how iood or answerttnncttons br letter Maul more closoly those celebrated daughters Tbe Minister escaped without to tbo peoplo of Lahaina as a caudidate to tho refuse these filters of df House is but natural but their supporters much damage Uia uaiu- u uvvue of tho horso leech whose constant cry is that a broken pair of Fuspcndcrs compelled Legislature Mr Campbell is an old man and ono alone were estimated Ly some present to be amply 4wuaMuwu iu 1LiUIL yilj lUUJlU ISVlTlitTF 1U1 OHIO 4th The Ahnpaaa of Itoino situate In the Di tilei should havo been men untrammelled by sufficient to pay the current expenses of the sugar - of Koolau Island of llisi him to nso both hands for once in bis lifo for a whoso business can ill sparobim from its watchful olh That give give office A house Tho other attachments usually found in Piano and Organ Tuning- and Repairing a certain piece or land situate at Pnlwa m holding They havo overreached useful purpose solicitude man whoso life has been passed in Speciality Honolulu Island of Oahn There is and can bo only ouo solution to by yet will the field and amongst the people A man unac-¬ first class sugar bouse wero on tbo MagiMlia t3r7Iartlcs on the other Islands will please commnnicate with West Dow X Co themselves by wishing to havo a Houso of This is the report an onlooker it who will attend to all orders 6lh That certain land situate at Kahulul Kona I customed to meddling who place successfully operated nnd in some instances of Hawaiis present difficulties aud dangers dependents instead of a Legislatum of probably appear in tho PCAaa another in in political strife and land Hawaii and described In Royal Patent A stance of the suppression of Opposition lies by has never asked a favor of any cabinet Ono who in nroatly improved form L I A iIjo B e7 and that is tho return to tho Houso of Re ¬ ItErrXSENTATlVEs tho majesty of immortal truth from the lips of tbe has nothing to gain from a seat in tbo Legislative Mr Spencer assistant cbemist of tho Depart Jljippiug Tlh Those certain two piece of land situate at Iua presentatives of an overwhelming majority It needed but this ticket to be put forth Miuister of Finance balls of tbe country other than tho welfare of tbo ment of Agricnlture nt Washington was found IMPORTANT independents nvo tho Jlnde whole people A man who has made a fortune by busily engaged in his laboratory making analysis ol iong and btrongly suxported ayo even by tho Sth That certain land situate at Puehmliu m clanso persevering indostry economy be indepen- ¬ of tho juices sugars molasses and bagasse He aid pondont Party ¬ Iho to facilitate ofScial embezzlement and is Lahalna most corrupt moans to show to tho Ha- fibre Louisi- ¬ was very dear to tho head of the present Adminis- ¬ dent of tbe thraldom of the cabinet and its satel- ¬ informed tbo reporter that tbe in the 0th The Ahnpaaa of cane varied from 11 per cent in the to WIIiBffiirs Kaaaiuir situate in Kona t waiian born and tho foreign resident that tration for bo tried to get it smuggled through the lites and can act according to the dictdtosof bis ana stubble 15 vrI1Jwij htB Royal Pan nt The treaty danjror was tho subject XIA1 Pn3of in tho charges brought against tho Cabinet House but failed conscience Wc hare causo to feel assured that CX per cent in the plant Heretofore this fibre Real Estate Sale IGvJ 1st Is A 831 S of n letter from a San Francisco merchant solid foundation they dare bis election will be certain as bo is a man of the has been reckoned nt 10 per cent in nil canes Ktaroa situate ire Kona - rest on a that KUU havo been itnblishino- people and well beloved bv Steamship Company i W Apanalof Royal Tali nl which appoared in our columns last week The Booms to a bonus tho residents of Laha 1643i L C AwJJdoMG not meet free and full investigation list of subscribers to tho Hilo campaign fund Dr ina whero be has lived for the past thirty years D Tho treaty in dancer is indeed an alarm Sttiucrtiscnuuts - Ilth Tbe Ahnptlaa of Iahoehoe situate Iu Konj It is not difficult to judgo what kind of jumnau nna Air ucckwitn nave not subscriuo a and to each of whom his honesty of purpose and ciu a ai j a j j xi Island of Hawaii ing cry Tnko away tho treaty and adieu unflinching influence would bo brought to boar upon dollar This is tho way nows u manufactured independence is well known WaUk situate at Waimi i to tho prosiicrity of Hawaii Tho loss of by tbo Government Formerly Lahaina was the scene of much strifo HONOJjULUylLUVAIIANlSLANDS DistrictrIeAnI9of South houil Island of Hawaii and being tho members of tho Government ticket if 1 tho treaty though it would be felt by all on account of conflicting rights to the use of water Hawaiian Livery Stable STEAMER KINAU APjnx ol Royal Patiutt IS L C A Bin D elected to tho Legislature when wo know for irrigating purposes but owing to his infiueuco KIXO STREET LELEO llth That certain piece ot land situate at PakaU n would bo folt first by tho mechanic class described In patent 87S L tho methods by which their election is at NOTES by laws were passed making a fair satisfactory A 6319 if lty Works of improvement woidd conio to a division of tho water which has continued to the vro KING Commander templed to bo compassed Corruption statistics place tho length JLl whenixtjaordering CarriagesciiaiiokTelephoneis madefrom ith P l situate at pkaj m Kecfni total oftho present time On his retnrn lately to tbo place br the GOOD Ii nvi Honolulu as per the followlnc chrfnle touch- - J1crtllBmI dead stop and they would havo to seek railways in Brazil nt 00G English miles which Hawaiian Lircrjr btables First class Carriages and PARTIES DES1IUNG A 1CTm n J1 t ii i i has bcen freely used fraudistoborcsortd of whero so much of bis life had been passed be found in tbo Hawaiian Inlands will harr n r nt iiuaina uaaiaca Jilsaena JlaQQLOOa naval Aiorr work in places where there is much keener 3802 miles are in operation miles are Horses Fares at Lowest llatcs C9Itlnz np Tele rare tbe pnrcfiaeeof lito Laapalioclioc JUloand Keaaboo to but intimidation of ovcry voter who andlJJH that the manager of tbe plantation was involved No 195 1IIKAM opportnnitjln tbe IIoe inn rnat certain land situate at Maklla In still in process milcogo phone CIIAKLES proptrty lately M iUpimi competition than here Tho natives mil of construction Of this in nn embrogilo and lawsuit with tho peoplo on 1IXIJ 3t Manager owned by Captiln James on Coinmciicine oa MONDAY October 12tli and thence Lahaina and described In Royal patent 113 L may hold a little twopenny halfpenny bil IWl jnilcs belong government tbe Island or Maoi on the Hrst Monday following to the lirazillion and account rights Calling to- ¬ the antral of the rjtmri suffer thoir produce which now com cor- of water tbe peoplo Alameda and Mariposa on Kllh That let is ono of tho strongest cards A are valued at 111110000 ThelCingest railway in gether be told them that bo live ANNUAL the Sth andZM of each certain land situate at Maklla in mands a high prico will fall in value as had returned to ELECTION This Ef Late orcrcICTCn thonsaml II JM month n1 d In I7 respondent on Kauai furnishes tho fol- the government system is the Dom Pedro whoso among them and bo wonld comprises wfii Koyai Patent L length 43 that have tbe lawsuit ASSTNUAIi acres of Land bcld In fee simple and abuat ten thous The Stcanif r Klnaa wlllmakc tbe soon as thoro is an exodus Tho retail is miles and which is valued at about cancelled and would defray TIIK MEETING OF and lOUWj VOLCANO THII ITth lowing 8000000 their exnenca and AT EAST JIACI bTOOK CO held this day the held nnder Jcaac to ran tlx year longer The Ahnpaaa of Maunnlel titujl- - u tv dealers will suffer and tho revenue will that hereafter tbey would adhere to tho former Tbe Stock on tbe Estate comprises abont 3iK bead of Tourists land of Ltnai A Government cmployoo ua this Island 6 in following oRIccrs were elected for the cnaains year twodajs and to nljhtsat the Volcano House to iid just division ot tbo water pleased them and well bred Cattle Including 100 yoke working Iattlf ISth Tbat certain piece of land with th buiM shrink Wo cannot afford havo tho conversation with the writer Kaalrrr S It Dole A cossiDEnxriLE portion of tho city of London U Ibis WP A Brewer President and 3UU Milch Cows W Horses When the 8th and 2hid of the month fall on Mondar thereon if possible made him moro popular than ever and and Mule the Kinau oa situate on Hotel street In the city of IIr treaty endangered has been ono of i my choice Tor Ilcpresentativo and would voto to be favored with tbo electric light he commis- ¬ rc Jones Secretary and Trcasnrcr trill leare that dar I It I Tho Minister of Finance went to Lahaina last G t f JS01 described In Rural Patent foe liini but I ahonld lose xnv rlace I mnst voto sioners of sewers having entered into an arrange ¬ JKois Auditor The Buildings consist of a main dwelling hont c TICKETS FOUTIIB HOUND TRIP TO THE VOL n V A 113 J the foolish ideas of tho present Minister week to endeavor by his influence to beat the J O Carter a II Itobcrteon Directors ArW- - h That for tho man thatlnliialar 1 Kanoa tells mo ment with tho Angle American Brush Electric Eoects cottages office billiard room cbipcl dairy and WHICH IAYS ALL certain pieee of land with th bin Mm of Foreign Affairs that tho country can Independent Candidates at the polls Little did I C JONES HiftrrV OB to voto for or lie will turn mo ont mid rrat come Light Company to light an area bounded on tbe imagine Sctretirr store orcrsccra honec tenants quarters iV 5 ttueen street In said llonolnln ai get on without tho treaty Ho has used my place by he that the same steamer which carried Honolulu February 1st i5SC ion ti etc etc The Klnan will arrlre In Honolulu Susdar momlnjj r L c A SIS oue in north Fleet street Ludgate Hill and St Pauls him and Mr Campbell on tJJlh That rsiniBHpiece church yard and on tho south by Queen Victoria carried ono whom his olcano Trips On Hilo Trips will leare HonolnTu lSi cerulu uf land with bmld tuo argument iu conversation and has also wo havo baro faced intimidation out money and smooth promises conld not beat We There are between three and four hundred thousand on Tnesdars and return Saturdar morning therepn ettnatyon said Queen atreet and deserlb l m If street and the Victoria Embankment This is by Royal 35W permitted to bo used in ins organ can imagino tho sickly hue which came over tho Trees on tbe Estate of rarietlcs of eucalyptus acacia IASSEXOEU THAl connect Patent L C A M3J U it of tho House what shall wo havo in it far the largest installation ever undertaken at tbo cypress pride of India cedar and cinchona Sii wltt the Kinau at hereby oidered that all person inlerrslid Now any sensible man knows that wo can- countenance oi Kapcna when oe landed on Laha ¬ Twn Foes to Life 3ahukona said estate But wo havo no fears Tho feeling J instance of any corporalo body ina appear before tout Court nn TlBSim beach and learned that his fellow traveler was 12 The Kinau WILLTOUCII at Honokala and Paanhao jr A D 13 o a n not do without it and continuo prosper ¬ Indigestion and Tbe CMrrns for water are In number the largest on IS at clock throughout tho Islands is with tho Inde there for the purpose of contesting tho election Arc Constipation capable of holding 10WO barrels dote trips from Hilo for Iasseue If alsual Is of that Vfday at the Court Room of this Conn at A ous Voters must consider what thoy are The crop of tea in Ceylon is now variously esti and of beating tbe family of the premier Their primary symptoms aro among the t lanl Hale In Honolulu then ther- - t how pendents Tho number of voters who can in their any and jw dome tomorrow Iho present adminis mated at between 7000000 to 8500000 pounds for mug attempt to carry xjauama independent mort distressing of minor bamon ailments Steamers from Honolulu top at tbe landing of the If they hare why an order shonM not be mi bo dragooned into supporting a greedy G Strentlng the tration is not only unpopular in Hawaii 18S5 This is a marvelous increase when it is and a host ot diseases speedily resultant Estate once a week Tbe passage from Honolulu sale of such real utile ring are few and it is safo to predict that considered that the cultivation only dates back to tbe landing is made In VI hours by steamer JIund STEAMER LIKEUKE 1r fnrher ordered tbat notice at thls nraer is unpopular nt tho Coast Without tho Fatcfnl Augury from tbcm mutually aggravate crack oilier reds of citizens California and the Eastern States publishedii at least three succcmIvc week before tt it nest Saturday and Sunday will bring tho about four years And why cannot tbe experiment of said day of hearing in we nnd assail at once the irholc machinery hare experienced the hospitality of the late Captain the English snd Uswillan ln assistance of tho peojdoat tho Coast ac nows of nn Independent victory in be trid in Hawaii want to get out of tho too WAiLoan Maoi Jan 23 1SS0 WO In almost eggs of life Xausea Foul Urcatli Sour Makee whowlll bearwllllng testimony to the natnra LOR5NZEN Commander PllshedandprlnlM cannot hopo to sotfuro our treaty a con- - every district in tho group Tho reign of many in one basket system Kelalive to Editoh Gazette It is on dit that iho mi beauties of the Estate and to the salubrity of the Uonol W this it is interesting to note that while tho con- ¬ eminent candidate at Wailnku amongst other de-¬ Stomach Dizziness Ileadacuc s climate Dated Honolulu Jannary 13th A D few --tinuanco m office of a Minister who has Dillons Dyspepsia naltakai Kabul a I heanae Mokttlaa and Kna ring and corruption is tottering to its fall sumption of tea in the United States is nt a stand vices to secure tbe election of himself to tho com- ¬ Ievcr Jaundice ALStf TO BE SOLD crerr ArJVDD insulted a largo portion of the San Fran- still iu volume but decreasing per capita that of ing legislature called in tho services a Kidney Diseases Piles Rheumatism Attest Chief Johlce Supreme lonil of noted various will slop at the nboTe ports arrlTlna back Satorday Ilixnr Sierra Depnty Clerk nor t merchants Greatllritain shows a marked increase Tbe con- ¬ Lauuua Tne old witch requested usual offer Neuralgia Dropsy and Skin The Fine Residence In the city of IloooloJn belonging innrnirifa cisco Opposition finance is peculiar When its model the Disorders are among he fymptoim wns office sumption for tbo past eleven months amounted ing of gin a red fish a black pig and a whilo to tlie Makee Estate together with the Furniture be For 1 Our trndo with San Fransisco is most Administration in by resolution of Cab and maladies caused by derangement of longing to the house- malls and passerieis only SUPREME COURT OF THE UA inet 250000 was issued from tbo Treasury to a to ltJ35SGG pounds against 20311000 pounds chicken which being secured she required tho can¬ In Probate la lb matter of the important a showing of it was mado in fur the corresponding months last year and 197 didates to select live two of the stomach and bowel Estate of BENJAMIN P of private banking firm the bead of which bad been froma lot of shrimps to The sale of the aboYe named properties will be held BOLLES late Honolulu AUa G20 1SS3 per Sbo Oahn deceased At - tho California of Jan lGth which is a Cabinet officer to be loaned by at high rates for Tbe consumption capita nt this represent bis party then selected two to rep- - In the city of Honolulu 3UUUII IS36 Chambers befon bif Jistlec it rato for tho year win bo over five pounds wbilo A Thorough Purgative 1st STW1R KILAUEA Judd most instructive AVo aro glad to soo that of interest upon security which tho firm in ques- ¬ luacub tuo vyjjgajuuu patty ilia natural CUUnlUg H0b On reading that for the united States is only 118 pounds did not fail him so ho chose two of the lamest nnd and filing tbe petition ami account of a paper of tho importance of tho AUa takes tion under iu own hand pronounced to bo so medicine Is the first necessity for cure CFor further particulars apply to Mr Elizabeth CISolle and Charles Uatace Eiecn- - she two smaller ones Then she instructed him to effect be main- ¬ tor spcculaUve that it would not advance any of its - Then tho cathartic must WEISBARTH Commander of tbe will of the above named derrased wherein up our cause so strongly But wo need Boston- place ms on a mat on a JOILV V SPRECKELS DROS -- own money upon it But tbe model Administra- ¬ is in favor of reciprocity with Canada line wila those she held tained in a mild degree just Minicieiit Uill Lt fu n r tbey ask to be allowed nS3ln and charge them rroper and to cive them a fair start in a Arm tlm aan r rancisco ln selves with may be as was shown in last GaieVte ovcry friend tion bad no objection to its speculating with the and under conditions California is strongly run to prevent a recurrence of crxlivrao And to Kukaiau Ilonohina Laopahochoe Hakalah and Ono-- aTJ13 and ask that tbe same public in favor of recinrocitv withtheso Islands lbe mat Unfortunately be held his too light in his and at the same time the liver liclneyn examined and approved and that a final order may b wo can get and wo cannot afford to keep funds this is the kind of finance the - VM O IRWIN A CO made of m Boston Chamber of Commerce has unanimously warm nanus ana wncn iney were auoweu to start and rtomach be tlniiiiatcd 1033 ailatilbutlon of the property remaining whoso our Opposition would inaugurate if it got hold of ths nuht and Honolulu their hand to person in power those presonco in auopieu a wmen cnaorses most empna his fell behind and the representatives of the op-¬ strengthened the thereto entitled andill - Treasury again If the Gibson Administration resoiuuon charging them and their sureties from ail forth r Government is inimical to our treaty pros- were to do such an illegal and indefeusible act licaly President Clevelands suggestion of reci- ¬ position party won the race easily much to the iponslbDlty a execators procity between chagrin of the government STEAMER LEHUA inch pects Ipt alone inimical to tho progress of what a howl the Opposition wonld raise lut cir- of trade the United States and candidate Then be BISHOP It la ordered that TUESDAY lbe 23rd y ol lie shown to believe COS D 1389 It ¬ cumstances alter cisoi What was entirely right Canada It is that the volume and profits refnsed in the shnmpauguiy She then aryA at 10 oclock AM before the said Chi- - Hawaii and likely to bo fatal to her inde oay anomer Ayers Pills DA VIES Jnstlce Uoqsov set a by In la 1SS0 would bo entirely wrong in lbSC of commerce between the eastern States and the lor trial another means Accomplish tills rwtontirc work bcttcr Commandor at Chambers lbe Court a pendence Tho vote to morrow t go Dominion and Newfoundland bare been reduced which hod proven infallible and be was to furnish Will leare Honololu be and the Xmt hereby Is appointed a tb Hi Achangcof ucminil mrkes chance of condition than any other medicine Thoy nrc reznijrir for same porta as Kllaara Hon time and place hearing said petition and hampered by the duties on food products the tlctUra requisite for a feast as well as tbe cus- ¬ for and account against tho administration Anil creryUtlnsa nothing except by position scordiinaDd thorough Mt mild in llirir Savings and that al person Interests d mar tfaen and ap by body tomary offering black pig Bank thee exacted the several by of white chicken 1RSG conntriss This is red action They llo not pear and show cause tf anr bare why Ailrrrtitr Jan SIth tbe most important fish awa etc purptiro rie tbe JJ tcy the isa far commercial organization luiicnt and do not induce n coMhc re-¬ STEAMER MOKOLII should not be granted ana may present evidence Gbxat is tho feeling of uneasiness in This extract shows in what a manner the in New England and its opinion should have Attempting to find out tbe results of tbe election action effect as to who are entitled to said property And tbis from aiU the of other cathartfc The Undersigned will Receive Money at that Government circles Tlio hand writing is tho unfortunate writers for tho Govern- weight It is noteworthy also that at tbe annual another kahuna of divinity ho was requested IVitbal they pote l pecial prtfiMTtios order in the English language be published lo tb meeting of the New Englftnd Farniluro Exchange to procure two white chicleus one represent each hepatic MCGREGOR Hawauax Uaxxttk newspaper printed and U3 on tho wall tho hand of Nemesis is begin- ment organ aro instructed Half a diuretic and touic of the uighett Itieir Savings Bank upon the Commander Ilshed In Uonolulnfor three sneccsetve on Tuesday an appeal for reciprocity with tho party Taking tho opposition chicken in bis medicinal value and week previous those whoso official tho J - to tbe time therein appointed for aid hearing ning to overshadow truth is told them and then they arc told Dominion met with a most favorable response right band strongest and tho government Following Terms Ktt Dated at Honolulu I investigation Wc want action in California chicken in bis left be wrung tbeir necks as JVSVtz Ii tils mil day uf Jan A 0 1 nrts will not boar Even in to fire away and off thoy go at a tangent similar to that of directed loew- - a r JUDD Vo Boston Mr Severance when bo was Consul was and threw them on tho ground The trovernment Absolutely Cure On sums of Fire Hundred Dollars or nnder from one - tur iioboidd mmjiDz satnr Chief Justice ggpreutc H Honolulu where tho Government ticket propose to give a full explanation of USj lilVlUIU Court indefatigable in his efforts to assist tho Treaty chicken was dead but the opposition chicken af ¬ person they will pay Interest at tbe rate of Fire per Mil V IIRII II P so sale where thoy tho above matter before doing so ter few got diseases proceeding thought themselves iut a struggles np and crew for the edifica All from disorder cent per annum from date of receipt nn all sams that CB Tlie Company overything - ox me asscmoiy of the digestive and asMmtlatorv organs will not be responsible for any COURT OF havo worked so hard and had must call tho attention of our readers to IStnuuxo to consular reports Bradstreets tion shall hare remained on deposit three months or hare freight or paehe unless receipted for nor for per-- SUPREME TUB HA says At another seance where he bad been directed The prompt ue of Ayebs to e - In the matter of th arranged as they thought to sweep all tho fact that tho Finance Comniitteo for Her Britannic Majestys consuls have of lo tills been deposit three uazza unless puinir marked Xotrcrponsiblt Tn 1t-EOSO been to through bring tho usual fish etc he was compelled to ad- correct the first indications of ccMlvc os months at the time of mating for msney or Jewelry onlcss placed fSSfJ AiSA FAT riO of Wstaloa is beginning to 1SS0 had VV 31 Gibson late given understand not the In charze of tbe 0rtPoiBtlng time for Probate before them their power for its chairman medium of tho foreign office but through the mit that a member of his familvcomiuirinlataaml ncss averts the serious illncsm which np the yearly accounts No interest will be computed Purser - ifii and directing publication neglect condition would Inevitably All possible care wilt be of notice of tbe same away Tho canvass or tuo independ Looking over his report we find that this pages of certain jpnmals and newspapers that seeing the fish had eaten tbe caudal halves of tbe of that on fractions oi Dollars or for fractions of a month taken of Lire Stock bat tne Adoenment purporting to be tbe te melt Induce irregularities In action OI last will and remarkably successful matter of 250000 occupies considerable they arc not doing their duty to tho Trading com two which were kept lor the purpose of divuutv All the of Jfo Interest will be Allowed on money withdrawn vuuyjuj nnf iiviMfciaesDj rife Bcciaent lament or the above named deceased bavng on th ent ticket has been bowels looseness well ¬ mnnity of tho United Kingdom Good consular notwithstanding the assertion of that party that the as a consti within three months from date of deposit SAH L O WILDrSn President v m b Presented o a d and tho eyes of tho electors havo been attention Tho report says It is proper was tbe cat pation arc hcneficially controlled by a B KOSE secretary w5friiarfand a petition for the probate thereof rep its from all parts of tbe world are useful to it Thirty days notice must begireaat the Bank of an nd for thoroughly opened by the speeches of to state hero that the securities for this people When he gets into the legislature he will be able Amis Fills and for the simulation OFFICE CarnerFortandQueen Street Issuance ot letter testamentary haTlaz been business at all times but especially in these digestive Intention to withdraw any money and the Depositor Honolulu letters ¬ days fierce to ny with the man whohad built a large houso of organs weakened by long SeptIO168t 1033 JJiprlDst11 temporary J O Carter Henry Vvaterhouse loan laid before tho Committee for inspec- of international competition Serious - administration be Issued to Jfgcf 8 Hells iTors inroads been foreign who would have thought it gin bought continued dyspepsia one or tivo of rasa book mnst be produced at the same time Tat and 5arrv and Kapoiena The two tion seemed fully adequate And again have made ia the trade of it daily ordered that TUESDAY the ISIb dar Swinton many were VnrDEx Altais Pills after dinner will do yo money will be paid except upon the Draft of the Jlortsagee Sotlec of VFebruaryt BTA D lSe every Co Great Britain and markets that once good of Sale at oclock c m ot a4 fnmw rmOcmon have visited dis Tho loan to Bishop was no doubt monopolized by the British have been encroached more than anything else Depositor accompanied by the proper Pass book day t the Court noom of Mir Court at Alliolant JiniECTIO OF M HOBClBlo and Jbave clearly shown a rescue to an important interest and on by foreigners hut British industries or at On the first day of September of each year the ac¬ TT TinWAIHEE Sle be and the same Is heTtrrrrrP trict of the city 2fnu SUrorrttsnitrnts Leading V morrzaree namea pointedi the time for proving ¬ least those who write and speak on their behalf Physicians Concede op Tr Indenture offwjwemortgage inacer said Will and bearing aid to llio voters the difference botweenn de yet again Tour Committee recognizo that counts will be made and Interest on all earns that tain dated January 7tn lgst application when and where any person Interested complain that in this their hour of need they are shall hare remained on deposit three months or more ulu v w juuoDvr ana aw made br mar appear atd contest pendent and an independent candidate there was an imminence of danger to tho xaach Thit Amis Fills arc the best of all and nn paid will be credited the depositors and from Akl Chnanau of Waihee Island the said will and tbe grammas noieceiviug assistance from the consular medicines ¬ to of 3Unl 01 Leltera Testamenlary fully appreciate candidates business interests of tho country which service country Bull cathartic and many practition- that date form part of tbe principal The HuVaiians of their lieports such as the Holstein Pollux ers of the highest standing customarily nkrhv E5 PWle Wtlm3 A rlber ordered Unr notice thereof be given by American get up Sums of more than Fire Hundred Dollars will te VFt5LtrlJ publication fur - who ccme round and talk w them as men roquired tho aid of tho public treasure as consuls regularly for the benefit prescribe them receired subject to special agreement three successive week In tbe Ham- i of the merchants of the Great Republic are ur I Kooko newspapers orlnfsd nd Hinv jim dismsted with tho methods nsed neither domestic or foreign capital was TheBankwIIlbcopen ererrdayln the week except The property to be sold Is that piece of Land SiSiSpublished gently demanded while it is pomted oat that the Sundays and Holidays rertd to KaaaiaW situate in Honolulu Government available Thoy admit that the Gov ¬ SOME In Wathe Maul d raoni of to force them to roto the representatives of America do a great deal of use KECEXT ADJJI AVERS PILLS tOSTgm BISHOP Cp K 45rmlel ti temporarytelter answering lion to mj Stock etttbte to offer the ffti wlth Yhe buiidlni - - AiSn lmed to ald Tat Sra nd s Sella Ka il Thev see clearly that where coor ernment exercised a judicious discretion fat work in business inquiries Tbe for le at PREPARED BY there nSlC0filing an of plain English of this particular British growl sbore UevM tlrrdla Uldra Pccds at the expense ot purchaser JpOTtbeir ipproied bond n the nn fraud abound there must bo n in this instance as a greatly improved bnnr br the Diize m istertd hnll Pol In x For particulars cion and seen s to be that the consuls of the United Kingdom Sim Dr C Ajer Co Lowell Mass SATiE turther Inquire ot Traled Uonoluja they aro determined to etato of business has justified tho expedi- Dim Unroashbrtd lloliteiii Cow Elma which J FOH JI I January nth SW Bcrow looser and are slightly above doing their work and those of took three prize n Oldentmrr for lTe beef ud milk Analytical Chemist ONE 125x40 SIDE VALVE ENGINE A V JUDD Bupport independence as opposed to de-- ency Thus said Mr Gibson in 1SS0 Bnt America are not Certainly the American consu cnIUle rULUji Jr wti caTedatriwuDIrT Au Chief Jnsllr Hrtireme tourt April Plfc ISS3 trliMn ft week sale by oil Druggists iVJi Sstrm IW7S tho Eamo man supplying campaign infor- ¬ lar reports that from time to time find their way after the laodlb here of For IS GOOD ORDEIL utnr Deputy Clerk models m iioincins ma umm rpcnaia conaiuon in 18SG calls this an indofensiblo into British newspapers are of what sacir Thi Ball fas been cmrefnlljimnnJa Annual llcetlm Tfntirn t Still there are a number of voters in tuis mation documents ought to be nlted sod used lie Is noxoixLu mos tvoeks make ¬ eridenUyof a larpe beefrlirrrd 1II prosenjvriH pro HOLLISTER CO ttLVNTEII who controlled by the Govern act and a speculating in the public be roll JOTaiTTAI MEETING OF TITE city arc hahlj aIo rood km The few calrea from him Cor Merchant aud Fort Sis Honolulu Just tho Thing for JIasccration Hill TUB 7 GOV- - f men havo been frightened funds Mr Wilder the Minister of In- alrtaOir drooped are natfonnlj- lars Tloron etoek 103T ly Sole Agents for Hawaiian Islands r OS1TION AS KEKUJrairr 4 ment Many When tbe brain is wearied tbe serves unstrung the pmKKJitaJlrir u Frtnwry 9th 1S8S at Wt net DT Of o oMecllim to v e tSTAptty tor parUcnlarttrtc to m Uien Th - lad nrteMee dismissal should the Got terior mot a serious crisis in nbojd man- the muscles weak use Hop Bitters as made by ru It will be held as arual at the offlce c Messrs the- her t9- - with threats of tSSct ind enqtureat k IlRESSADIllSISnSS CAITDS 3EAT-- J JC VTDOXZB f stands ptuSit ai reutt r get in ie-- ner and even opponent Mr Gibson American Co Head advertisement ww PAWAADAIEY ly done attas Gazette 02ee Laupanotliw Hawaii mrnl tlalyetc jOYBHSEtiS eriment candidates not It lis A HSui lw8t 8eerrtrrKSGo 10 - fSESMabadBa4 sVnt U M

ISLAND LOCALS to rob the safes Do cot know of any ono else Tbe exercise of the discretion whether the war-D01E3- COMMERCIAL Another Celebrated Case I besides Mr Walker In this business Left the CAUGHT IN THE TOILS SltM on Saltdf X - r rant oi a tcnuon ana extradition shall issue or not FSBRUUtV 18SC asopt TOWS safes back door and gate open The gate gave is vested in the Minister of Foreign Affairs as no ffoSOLTLr I access to backyard that to mania door Nothing we baa noUlunrrf ranch O ray Lahaina resenting the executive This Is clear by Sections By LEWIS LEVEY- - ByE-- P ABAMJB Co Bus a dorms ihi trait cje A Night Session and Hung Jury else necessary to get in With my safe I shut it 443 to 452 Civil Coda Compiled J iVti i citer altliooilJ there la arenrcof relief In TheMcCarthy Extradition Case of the Laws pags hr wont just ended haa thown no Election day tomorrow but did not lock It left my books in the safe 110 Yon emitat that the Minister will grant tbe radecir filial year were postage stamps 100 in nth t iu1i aa ni tut bcrlnnini of the There and about warrant He may find that tho crime charged saxu or ThT itimuliatliriKhtertliMitw at laat Krltinr After several nnaroidable adjournments the trial money in that safe Tbe money order safe was A against Levey onM Vote Independent ticket solid the respondent is not one of the extrditable Lewis the 11 related in the previous issue of the Oizxac J mrronxdlni bnr lnera people htrinj of Thomas Walker charged with complicity in left open tnmed the combination before Mr AY offences in lndka-iim- - I John McCarthy the alleged absconding clerk of mentioned in the treaty between the United liT jjriiiroually cleared aome alk tat tbe robbery which occurred at the General lost n mjud appar Joe Carter Henry Wnterhonsc Harry Swintoa Walker came I left everything open Mr Walker the Supreme Court of California bad been arrest States and this Kingdom and decline to surrender f inrardladt ineomo clrclcl bclnc Office in this city on tho night of January 2nd tried the drawers in the safe The inner door had the fugitive SEAL ESTATE AND In oimmcrnal circles a certain qnlrtnde exltte nnd Knpolena ed at the instanco of a requisition from Governor Or he mar as an act of comity and CalabasHesMats ui came to an issue in the Supreme Court on Satur Will- ¬ is more than probable will be bnt of a duplicate key and I opened tbe door Mr Stoneman brought by Detec- good will decide to grant the warrant Until this prcftit nhich The Gin and hnla po5iey baa injured the - day last the 30th ult before Jndge lriston nnd fong key of California hither liorl duration the movement In oar taplc prodnct Rotrrn- had the other I went home after I left tive Bee of tbe central office in an Francisco aiscreuon has been exercised by the executive and actiTC near fntnre ment a foreign Jnry Considerable interest had obtained ii in- - expected to be qnlte tn the the Anchor and then did not leave home until next Detective Bee had received immediate assistance the warrant has been issued I cannot view its GENERAL AUCTIONEER estate case wide ¬ lint httlr rom ement ia noticed a jet In real in the from the acquaintance of tbe morning at 5 Then went to Post Office dis- TT S legality sit merely IXjqH vote Icr shin platters lottery 6m iSdles end from Minister Itfftidnt Merrill whnA effort I as an examining Magistrate By erdtr of X1 CARTWRtGIIT BSQ iJthouBli prlrea are tlzain becoming itronc Thebtmr rlccuscd and the circumstances surrounding the covered the robbery Then went home incarriage had and the caso could have been brought EueBteeef from San iranclrco lor Sydney lidnc at free opium robbery and as consequence the court room was been cordially met with by the assistance of before the 40 STREET opposite M 3 Orin taeEiutoofIIcrMiJtitTiarrnxIMMAwanlM mv Zalandla a afterwards rode out to Moanalua On following tbe proper re- Police Justice or any other Magistrate im- ¬ IVE3 the aaa uport unlay with mall and ncwe datee to tbe ssth well filled by an people eager to Government officials here and as a The at Residence corner Xaasas ani Bentania SUttU Colonica en ronte The Honololn Kiflea meet for drill at the Arm- ¬ audience of listen Tuesday met Mr Walker in Anchor he told me sult pression which I suggested to counsel forrespond- - baom Co u t Tin fctmr Aoatralla from the to the developments Attorney General Neumann within a few hours after arrival Detective Bee to San Francipco is due here on the 9th inet ory this evening that be bad 1000 forme Dunn Sullivan and held possesion pro tem of his man The hearing cufc ai mo opening a now aunere to appeared as Crown prosecutor andT M listen others were there met Walker afterwards at Ifecl that must jurisdiction Given pave I on the matter of the legality of issuance of the I take of the case Personal Attention to the Sate The band a concert at Emma Square on the appeared for the prisoner his house on Jan 13 He loaned me money 400 place for the complaint charges tbe commission of On Wednesdays PORT OF HONOLULU crcninc of the At a few minutes past 9 oclock the defendant warrant took on the afternoon of the inst a Feb lfitf let inst his wife gave it to me 300 In gold 100 silver I In the Intermediary Codrt room Justice J udd crime in a foreign country The statute is general of Furniture Real Estate and was arraigned and the charge burglary was read hadspoken to Walker previously Note madeGmos for the purposes of enablrm this Kinrdom tn snr Arrived A hattjf by him sittingas committing magistrate Outside of the At to a m a Large Lot iT departore tinder a cload was made a to Ue pleaded not guilty With but little 1 p c payable to Mrs Mntilda Walker directly case render criminals of a certain class and the crimes General Merchandise sr Am wb bk nnnter Croean from crnlM resident per Mararoa on the SSth nit delay the following persons were as jury interested in tbe andmem Jan elson fm drawn a Cross examined On Jan 2nd at tbe lioyal I Krties press there wero few present which the Court can take cognizance of are not 56 Am bktne Ml Lebrnon llonskonj Messrs E A Jones 11 Gnnn S M Whitman F tbe but others AmbkSlaJcatlc Burton from port cant remember who commenced conversation Among those few however was Judge Stoney of alone those which are specified as extraditable IK Atmidnichton theSUt nlUa hsavy uind aid Eckley H WMorse Mclnernv C Hammer men- ¬ Xm bk IvtUsKfmeweattlc bW E Had very little talk before the books were San Francisco who seemed be lis-¬ offences in the American treaty and the commit- ¬ S rain squall passed over the city So damage Lecker A Mossman A U Water to nn attentive S-t- Am bktne Klla Howe from San Frand ai J J L Smith tioned Certainly my books had beenonmymind tener to tbe arguments of counsel ters of which this Government would bo bound to Calabashes bk conferance from Newcastle NSW for some My books were behind Regular Cash Sale MI5r Llyerpool In the Kobinson Schresovich civil case the jary time before that Attorney General Paul Neumann appeared for surrender SO bk Chllena JJa fica from Mr Hatch questioned each juror all bnt Mr my accounts gone in was impos-¬ As present advised lr returned a verdict for plaintiff for amount claimed - should have but it tho prosecution W Austin Whiting attending to at I think the letralitv of Waterbouse exnressini themselves as beinr- nn sible to finish them I was also not suro of all every sten in the rirocess of extradition conld ha re with interest Mr the interests of the defendant Native Kapas Sailed biased and without opinion on tbe case my entries Thero were only one or two that I The proceedings wero opened by Attorney viewed by the Court in another capacity on habeas tV S rownc Janl for San Francisco Dy ana the Jan as Am tern morrow local Celestial will nnicrnousewasexcuseu nis request air cooldnot explain I think I did not have the General reading the warrant and indictment corpus It appears that without exception the T C 21 niebop Wollers for ban Francisco To the celebrate his of Oct lk new Hatch then eiercised his richt of DcremDtorv chal amount insafo that Cash Book called short about the prisoner by the Grand Jury cases referred to by counsel on both tides have On Monday Feb 3th 7 Am wli l Hunter Cro nn for cruise national year with the nsnal privileges of fire lenge against Messrs Mcfntvre of San Francisco LeisMats Tran Hammer and 300 Been behind about threo or four months for Dublio arisen on habeas corpus I think no case can be as Am beoie W O lrwtn Tomer for San crackers etc Messrs N Bnrges3 George Lucas being the crime of embezzlement of funds F and Told Mr Walker I was behind in my work and while defendant was acting m his official capacity found where question as to the extraditable na- ¬ Atl0mtiajtroom will ImmM Vcasels in Fort The Fire Laddies hold their parade onthb 4th called in their Dlacca At 915 Attomev General cash probably short I asked him to destroy my ture of the offences have been raised before the at rablie Anctloa now made Neumann for the Crown related to tbe jary tho books was do I believe examining Small Kahilis Am bk Klslnore Jenke inst The preparations being promise that all I wanted him to sum was not mentioned but is supposed to be Magistrate on the preliminary arrest H wras bk Lovprlne Thomson an interesting show facts connected with the robbery and what my books were all right My compensation was 12000 request I am therefore of the opinion that it is not com- ¬ lirr expected proved about and also the for extradition Am bktne Jliacovery Ierriman to be against defendant and ntOtS his own proposition to rob the sifes I would signed by Governor Stopeman petent for me to pass upon the legality of the ar¬ DRY GOODS CLOTHING Lack space prevents an extended Tbef are a Hawn brlR Allle Howe llrilNn of notico of tbe first witness was called leava the cafes so that Mr Walker could have Attorney General Neumann then went on to rest for a crime not covered by tbe treaty For orer Caahaaaea midrfof a nrietv nt llr bk Lady Lampsen Marston the loss of the steamer JVfln Or which is mentioned Nathan Willfong sworn Testified to the num ¬ cccc my 500 My Question lataad wooda aach aa Koa Cocnanatand oaa ta TS J In safe I had about books state that he at tbe instance of tbe Minister of the same reasons I think the whether a different at- - Am bktne Ella ilowc in brief in nnolcer col a ran ber of the safes in the office tbo contents of tbe my would sovereign CK0CKEDT GLASSWARE and aires The Uotoaast Calataahea Mount barton Nelson were only in safe He not do the Foreign Affairs caused a warrant to beissned on State has requested the surrender of anon SUrer SUnda preaeatcd to ller 3leuajettrbr Am bktne Ia safe under his charge ho being money order clerk job gave respondent now Am bk Majestic Itarton Governor Dominis has again partially regained unless I him the combination of both which showing Jndge Jndd had issued nn order of is not reviewable The plea is mrabera otb itojal family ot Tomare Qneea ot tbfT the appearances of his safe on the morning of the been Barrels Salmon No 1 r Am bk Vlrrlfiia leltlirrew his health and although not entirely well manages safes I have called to account by tbe arrest returnable on Jan 11th The speaker closed overruled and the Attorney General may present Sacks and 2 Sugar Socitt lalanda are tttj lateralis aa entlcnUln amf llr bk Confcrance robbery the means used to unlock tbe safe and Post Master General He has made complaint by Raying that he was now prepared to proceed his evidence aJaa aa mementoes ot two Qaeeati to attend to his official duties other matters tending merely to show that a rob- ¬ - lr bk Obilena Danes about six months ago said books not written- np with the case Tho hearing of the evidence and arguments by California rotators and Onleni CatMedlra bery had been committed Stitness testified that and all in muddle Am not sure that there were any Mr Whiting for tbe defendant stated that he counsel on its admissibility took place before Bread and Soda Crackrr The stallion Sanday Jr will start the season at the amount of money in his safe amounted to Manila 09 An opportanltT fur examination of theabmr will IMPORTS Horace Crabbea riesidenco on Nnuanu wrong entries at that time might bo one tbat I had a matter of plea which he desired to present Jndge Jndd on the 1st inst At tho conclusion of Clears and Tobaecn be afforded tbe dar before tbe alo from 9 a m vntlt p Mr about 2400 The cross examination by Mr Hatch could Was the arguments ¬ t avencefrom February 1st till June 1st not explain not keeping both sets of on behalf of his client Ue contended that the Judge Jndd stated he wonld be pre From Croise per whbkllnnter Jan 20 130 bands was short and the only additional fact elicited was accounts when Post Officerobbed Hadconrersa Court had no jurisdiction in tho matter and asked pared to give a decision on tho matter at 1 pm on perm oil that only books belonging to the moncyordcr bus- ¬ my tion with Auditor General regarding books for a decision in favor of defendant on tbe follow- ¬ tho 4th inst Boofs E I ADUI3 A CO Aocta r From IIonkoncicr3Irriint Lebanon Jan Sf Caro The schools are setting to work in dead earnest iness kept by witness were stored in the safe Ho suggested separation of accounts He made ing grounds and Shoes Etc and Chinese passencers now there is much hard study nhead of tho O llerger Testified expert The Chinese mcrcliattaise C as an with regird complaints of my accounts about six months pre- ¬ 1st That the warrant issued to causo tbe apple Friend From Fort Towneend per Majestic JanUG Cargo youngsters before nid summer i3 reached to the kind of locks on the sifes and their condi ¬ viously He mo my A LIKE Of UROCERIKS ASD A Sapping has not repeatedly asked for hension of John W McCarthy sets forth no crime Tho editors have famished No 3 of Volume 44 ot Inmber tion on tbe discovery of the robbery accounts First conversation took place in small or accusation of crime 2S Carjo general Parties desiring good poi should try w OIlie Swain An employee office testified the Fritnd Tho opening article is a notice of tbe From San Francisco iertlla Jan jvee in tho room clear in my mind what took place that 2d That even the affidavit bo taken in connec- ¬ Taro Flour and make it at their own homes thus to the presence Post Office on the evening if late Dr Baldwin on another pago is reprinted Dr Lot Household Furniture merchandise at the evening Had two glasses of beer that day nntil tion with the warrant it anoears thnt the crime Hydes 3NTsrt N A V per Jan 27 Carro saving expense and feeling assured that it is clean of the robbery of himself and David Manaku an- ¬ address delivered at the funeral The Vessel From Newcastle Vlnrlnla I came down in tho oveninz then drank claret in alleged to havo been committed by John W Mc-- coal other employee They were engaged in making article is most feeling a toncbing epitaph is con- ¬ LEWIS lEVKT AkUoqimt ltoyal and Cunbas Sbarrett and Dunn wero w UJ 1U wuitu no iv ue ClUilUllCU IS words J S W San sa SN Heavy rain squalls were the order of the day on np inventory of stock from CM pm to 10 Mr unuuui tained in the CHAS BBEWEE COS From Xewcastle K iier Confcrance standing about the ltoyal when I was there that of embezzlement That embczzloraent A good chil- tous coal Sunday Occasional fallacious cleams of sunshine Peterson tbe Assistant Postmaster was in and out Nearly 1030 when I told Walker man Ieavath an inheritance to his enticed pcitple out but only to get a ducking after clerks had left committed in a foreign country viz tbo United drens children the inheritance of a good name several times during tboso hours When he left at Only waited a few minutes before Walker came States Is not an offence cr crime for which John Special alt 10 oclock Mr Manakn left with him and Mr and a well spent life This priceless legacy Dr Line of Boston Packets ur 8 EXPORTS ho only stayed about 10 minutes Ho went away W McCarthy can be extradited Baldwin Peterson remained in tbo office followed has left behind for he was in the best nnd Tho weather has been muggy during the 3 first I nothing then taken stopped at 3d Tbat the domind for extradition is made sense man- S 2fi 1251 David Manakn Another Post Office emjloeo truest a good - OF For San Francisco iter W Hownc Jan greater part of the pagt week wind south with oc- Anchor before coming home did not then stop at through the Governor of tbo State of California Questions at Issue nrraigus both political SALE HORSES Itpa snear domestic vaioe S65tVIflS corroborated tho testimony of Swain and in ad ¬ ¬ p casional rain showers Thermometer averages Cunbas to talk with any one was not at all intox- That thero is no authority in law for said Gover- ¬ aiurruRS viil easb take noticb dition stated that Mr Peterson did not appear to 1 parties for not being more definite with regard to TnATTUK For San Francisco lerC U Jllshon Jan S SOVa days 82 nigutsTG icated vns nnder mental excitement could not nor to make this demand the opium license bjt aucnr les tibia molasses 141 bgs copra domestic be under tbe influence of liquor - havo ¬ the ten million dollar loan and said bead not clear in Polico Court re 4tb Tbat the affidavit and complaint aro irmdo the lottery bill We believe One gentlemen in connection liobcrt More a practical machinist lock and Office these matters have yL FIXE nviuc SIHJV of tho mentioned turned to Post Sunday morning locked safe by the Attorney General of this Kingdom That been pretty discussed ON OR V For San Francisco per AV O lrwln Jan b 9512 hzs w ith the sccrelarj ship Legislative Assembly gun smith testified to being called to open tho because was thoroughly in tbe columns ABOUT Vtj of the door I excited bad lock struck for tho Attorney General cannot properly nnd legally of the A pen t T VnTlfATJT suxar few bra rice IS uge coffee 1Ubnche bananas of lSbC has honor in the columns of a money order safe a dent made Tiy a blow from samo reason 300 Ourrrr letter from tts of SEB tk TWaT declined tho cash only short about I might make such complaint or bo complainant herein on tbo opium traffic is very clear and decisive and II domestic value SXiajJO contemporary somo hard instrument preventing tho combination bavo very f borrowed that amount my bead was Tho nbore aDDeal was signed bv McCarthy deserves careful thought S E B can write most The 12th Day of Fehruary Ul iKi vtaloi from being worked Ho also testified to tho con- tired for a long time told the policeman about Mr Whiting stated that he took tbe above course i Order Mr Fnrncaux has just finishfd a number of dition of other Petersons as showing trencnantiy wnen neca do mo iter a uieson PASSENGERS the safe tho safe being locked by me Told the authorities in preference to asking tbo issuance a 1 Till all Boston port water colors of local views and they are on exhibi- ¬ for of writ contributes further Thoughts on Island Text am lastrictrd I ell at Public Anctloa frow fur this en or no signs of violence Blow on combination could before Walkers arrest borrowed the money on habeas extra- ¬ AV G K-G- lis pho ¬ of corpit Thought the question of Books on interesting suggestion For Windward 1orU per Hall Jan tion nt his studio Fort street near Williams not have been struck before tho safewasppened tho 13th Only had one Mrs and that Island abont April 1st next Majcetrthe Kinc nd ervaitB O W C JotiCB Jillan tograph cillery conversation with dition one of vital importance nnd required to be antiquities should be made a base for teaching litedtt nor could safe bo opened without instruments Walker borrowing 100 ¬ Mouoiml and wife Mirti L Con try Alls Jodcb 3tr S rcgardingtlho of Mrs carefully dealt with Ho claimed that the requi- Hawaiians the historyof their own group Tbe rFor fwAer parUtalln apple to J A on W II was after tbe blow was struck Walker told me it was her money and tho note is was a source C hcvrr fttnl children J Duck wife td The trial of TU Walker fur burglary the Wjm sition not from proper it should have Y M C A section has some interesting notes DRBWElt A CO qaeen SL Jolloway lhlllipIIon O W rillno For January session David Dayton in lost Office January 3d made out to her I knew of the suspicion for sev ¬ 25 HORSES llazanlV J event of the of the bapremo Court emanated from tho Federal Government and not From it wo learn that Mr Wm Noble a temper- ¬ Volcano IS hox wife illss Virginia ¬ made examination of condition of safes after Or tn lUAS BUKWEIt CO J Diet Twldie and There will now probably be a special day set be eral daysj first told this story to tbo Attorney from tbe Governor of a Stato Altboughhowonld ance will spend fortnight STox I arrived found hasp oil inauka door tbo screws General it was early in tho evening no one lecturer a here daring Broke Unbroken Wan arKllbySLHoton Vh tween terms to hear the case else not waive his right to argue on each point bo would February or March Mr Noble has been most suc- and Fur Ililo and way iHrtn per Klnaa Jan 2 Hit Ei showed tbat instrument had been used from inside present I was not charged by him with implica- ¬ confine himself to but two ¬ cessful in temperanco work in London ca Fnrthcr particular will be ihortly INCE J M IUna and dauclitcr U C Williams Mm Alex The new club rooms of tho Chiuebe Union Asso- tbo bolt in lock was back IknowwheroMr Peter- tion in the affair no promises made to me what Tbe first question he would argue is can this annoanrnS FOIt SYDNEY N S W IackJntcMli Camiibcll wife and child 31 II Jae lis will bo ed Urd which sons safe is found it with both doors open no ever I think was on or Wednesday ¬ V ciation ojien on tbe inst on it Tneday Court issue an order of arrest ou tho charge of em- LEU JS J IKVKT AmU mcct IarLcr W Kinc Mr V JIaaiInc Mlns K Makee Vr marks of violence locks in perfect order Mr relativo Tho Government museum and library rooms are J llrodic Nice U Wafcer lion J A KanUn W YJIor occasion a numerous attendance of tho title is ex that alter and I had tbe conversation to bezzlement He claimed that tho warrant was being preparatory Tne Mairnlflee pected Peterson used his keys on arrival thev worked the in tho Anchor cleared and painted to a grand ni Steamship r W V Horner Jr illtf K Horner E ran Doom invitations having been freely extended MW0 wrongly drawn and the party charged was not exhibition before the legislators of 1886 Miit J L Ward and 3 children 3Urs H Covington Ml perfectly examined other safe that was closed JiJgc Preston I let Walker in tho Post Office properly presented Tho question arises under Auction Salc3 chants lalHidcu Ukk Clark MiiCorrea J J N HipaCapt O There is some prospect of a regular meteorolog- noticed tbat tho flange over tho dial was braised by ihonide door I had to open it I never saw the treaty with tho United States made in 1S50 and W Wilfonc V Hnrchardt C Iikc W 31 CatUc and ical record being kept in the future W II Castlo by a blow from somo hard substance Saw Mr that key before to which Article XIV of the said treaty has special Jiciu SUiucrtiscmriitfl BT Glf ONS COHEN about 1 ctack having arrangements noting More open safe noticed drawer bursted Esq made for tho of Tho Defenso- - reference Mr Whiting thon read tho Article re ¬ II WKDnER Commander Malt From Ivauai per Jainc JIakce Jan 25 Col Z S wind weather and temperature daily at his resi ¬ Cross examined Door with hap oil led to back to as follows bpaldinfi an Mr Hatch for the defense stated tbat ho honed ferred and deck dence yard Hasp and screws do not indicato violenco ¬ prove in- The contracting parties mutually agrco to sur- Z For Kauai Walanae SO Hie being usea Thing hasp was to without the shadow of of a doubt the ¬ CORPORATION STOCKS Will IcaTe for tho rffooTe ou or ia ikt IJanter Jan Ex tbo taken oJ from nocence render upon official requisition to the authorities Regular Cash Sale Iort lOTlJKanaJ NS WilhanmF WItlielaiOMioHz Captain Davies Vkittnn the inside Mr Marcos I think handed me tbe of hisclient in connection with the bur Mre of the bark at this iorl of each all persons who being charged with the SHfe blaplea T KaUomie and 0 deck Liverpool hasp Screws would fit the place Had conversa- ¬ glary ue caned as the first witness about February 188G B from rcnorts that ono of tho crew Hon M crimes of murder piracy arson robbery forgery FOR SALE 4San Vran clsco W S HotTen Jan 2C W JI tion with Mr Peterson that morning lie seemed II Whitney Postmaster General who aoalls Fr named Nicholas Lambert fell oTerboard when tbe be knew or tbe utterance of forged paper coruniittod within lUcliardMin wife and cLtldtt W C Crooks and wife Mr Land to say that tbe safe was not locked J hint stated in substance that that Petersons vessel was oil the Falkland Is s and was that books wero ns the jurisdiction of either shall bo found within rAK Mollslead rtilHckan drowned lielhel street uoor was all right not as well up be desired yet they From had been examined by the Auditor General tbe territories of tbe other provided that this vaura On Friday February 5 JBHMt Of llamakna per JwalaulJaniS J Brown Kalaloa I work in Post Office left Post Office and shall only bo dono upon such evidenco of crini rcoolea lea Co Si uu FOR SAN FltANClSCO Master FLU Wallace son of Hev Grorge Wal- that officer had tnado no complaint that he knew IW rronj fcan Francisco cr Ella Jan S3 Miss B Fanning January 2nd at 320 went to Mr rclcrsons nt inality as according to tbo laws of tho place where Hawaiian Carrlgc JlTg Co i 100 lace fell from a tree last Friday Fortunately no rrSX my own m 3 d Peter OSnlliran bartender at the Anchor Sa- ¬ u e aon ltu At 10 a m at otir Salesrooms will On sold at Aue For Katial per Jatuca 3Jakec SO Glade went to house at 430 a Jan so ¬ iiaii it The ami anil anj Jan II F and were fellow loon stated that Peterson had been at tho Anchor the person charged shall bo found would just- Intcr Ialand S NCo IU 100 tlon a fall line of WeHknifu Maznidcnt Straaxhlp 20 deck bones broken but the little sustained went and harnessed horse and at 5 Mr Peterson ify his nnd commitment for trial omc severe bruises and drove four teeth tbrough went town Saloon tho entire of one day and when asked logo apprehension Bell Telephone it w to and self down got to Post Office aliout And Hawaiian Agricultural Co Ui 1UO lower homo had said tbat his wifo tbongbt ho was on if tbo crime had there been committed the U A X T Cf T 1 1 A TP his lip Cli Mr Peterson and I went in together First 101 A Total Loss or 1 1 tbo way to San Francisco respective judges nnd other magistrates of the tno Wilder Steamship Co LiW T tho SN Coa Planter lighted lamp then Mr Petereon went to telephone governments shall have authority upon complaint C Brewer Co uu icu DRY GOODS CLOTHING u aLUOJLXfcrtijjanr The Central Fark skating rink held a large au ¬ Mrs Jackson Lives next door to the Postoffico 1011 fer to ask bow far off is tbe Kinan I noticed sifo made issue n ap- - Halawa 50 IhcJamrft Halve which arrived in Honolulu dience on the evening of the SOlh ult to witness a on Bethel street had heard footsteps and tho noise nnder oath to warrant for tbo Wuotllawn Dairy W in inner room tho Magne30 Calcito opcu was of tbe person so charged that ho may Ill Sunday morning brought the news of tho total series of sports that had been advertised to take not much alarmed but looking down on tho floor of n wagon abont three oclock on tbo morning Erebension Wallukn Sugar Co on too Glassware Crockery Lamp Chimney Dajrs o OKOUOII Commander loss of llio aiffr on Thursday Jan 3th It place Tho half mile race was won by Brown and after tho robbery before such judges orotber magis Waimanalo 171 lOl I Saar IIMm Salmon Grocer lea saw money certificates sticking out of envcloe trates respectively to tho end that tbo evidenco of Star Mill aw Cat appears that tho Planter was chartered to go from tho ono hour by Camara was closed F Dunn n machinist and engineer was in the mia on Waimea to port then went to mania door It but1 criminality may be heard and considered nnd if Reciprocity iinu 100 Will Icaro for tlie nbore Port or Xiihau She left tho former at easilv pulled it open It opened easily not locked Anchor Saloon at the time Peterson and Walker Dtacaac 10JO of Wednesday evening The weather was Tho road roller is regarded as a useful machine wero there and did not hear Walker tell Peterson on such hearing tbe evidence be deemed sufficient L A THURSTON Stock Broker Canned Coods Coils Rope Mr Peterson then took lamp from me and looked to tne cnarge ue tno uuty tno S3 Merchant Street lew about February J 1886 thick with heavy rain squalls obscuring tho land nnd one that cost considerable money Such be¬ bis own go right that he had n thousand dollars for him at any snstain it snail oi 1 at safe He did not ud to tho Examining Jndge ormagistrato to certify tbo same California Potatoes snd Onion a rariety of About a m of Thursday the vessel struck on the ing tbe case it would seem as if better caro sbould safe saw bills ou the floor Mr Peter- time thcro was no private conversation between f3y Io FftiRhl or raMagt apptylo reef was soon recognized nothing could scattered to the proper executivo nuthority that n warrant SPECIAL MEETING It that bo taken of it than leaving tho machinery exposed son went room ho got Walker and Peterson to his knowledge 1VJ7 CO bo to save vessel into another a hammer in may issue for tbo surrender of such fngitive Tho II IIACK7ELD AzrnU done tbe and the passengers and to wind and weather on Brewers wharf tho office he told me to strike on Mr Wilfongs Edward Dovle Birkcencr at Merchants Ex METIISG OF THE crew took to tbe boats and effected a landing on change Saloon Had seen Walker in tbero twice expenso of such apprehension and delivery shall ASlECIAIi safe combination sensation Tho doors of the be borne and defrayed by the party who makes tho of tho IXTE1MSLAND STEAM Saddles and Harness tbe Island Captain Cameron just as be was Tho Supreme Court has been well attended dur safe were then shut From there wo went to on night of tho robbery at 9 and near 11 Witness NAVIGATION CO will be held on MONDAY tbe 5th rcquisitiion and receives the fugitive 10 leaving tho steamer was struck by a heavy sea and ing the week past tho cases set being such ns to nitmln was positive and well withstood a rigid Inst at oclock a in at Ibeir ofUce on Enplanadc door and Mr Peterson told mo to tako oft ¬ To be wild WITHOUT IlKSKUVK to ioir was washed over board He was recovered but in command n strong hold on public curiosity Af-¬ by the Attorney General The counsel conlended that tho crimes men Per Order J ENA TIEHIDFSTilli tho hasp I struck the hasp with tbe hammer and Also a hnr of an unconscious condition Several of the crew ter many disappointments tho Extradition Libel d ocnmgoour saw xeierson ana two tioned in tho treaty clause included all for which Secretary Ul S N Co callincnl i then used the claws of the hammer to get the hasp it others a party conld bo extradited Ho submitted that llonohilu obruiry IsA Wn It OF THE also suffered from bruises nnd contusions A and Burglary cases were presented and tho public otf Mr Peterson then telephoned to tho police bilking together near tho Union Saloon nt about in MENS luUlES AND JUSSS whale boat carried tho news to Waimea and the satisfied 11 oclock Mr Peterson was argumentative WiU Section 419 of tbe Civil Code was only intonded to station After 4 or minutes Charley Akau ciinc supply tbo means to carry out the stipulations of ADHmiSTRATORS schooner IMuAiho at once left to render assistance I left hasp some or 5 from in- nes9 came from Loves ooffeo saloon nnd had not Italians Kauai At ono spot on Kauai where tho i feet tho door tho treaty and for no other crimos than thoso men- ¬ cfc S Uy a letter received from Mr V Knudsen infor- for side been drinking snoes mTEK ISLAETD ¬ Boots received a thcro nro thirty electors tbe government candi- tioned Counsel then quoted from various author- mation is that tho Planter struck on Cross ¬ Tbos B Walker Havo bcon acquainted with Jewelry and Kauey Go win date has furnished exactly seventeen of examined Have worked with Mr Peter- ities to support his argument SALE OF REAL ESTATE Waichc bnltty rock off the entrance to the harbor of Kii Kuban cises son at lost Office three years I knew I did wrong Mr Peterson about ono year am a bricklayer i will prove gin Wont tho free nnd independent havo a ¬ Tbo second question was tho source from which NAVIGATION CO t u in and a total loss The vcsael is reported but I was much excited it being earlr and wo be Iastiaht months manager ltoyal Hotel Peter- STEAM to have been at anchor and was hove in by a scries good tim There is moro Hquor in Kauai than son has been there took beer came in mavhe two the requisition came Mr Whiting considered Asianu nas ever seen ing the first there I thought the door not being tbat the document should not emiuate from the HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE of breakers inai injured we might bo blamed Mr Peterson told or three times perdar He has spoken to me he TiV Til B M ATTElt OF THE IISTATE T iTTVI I JaM TO has often spoken family Governor of California butfiom tho United States X of M Tho Building Committo St Cathe-¬ me to take off the hasp We did not talk any of tronbles he had It is J DAIOLE deceased of Andrews Bethel Government and quoted from n case that camo Hy virtue of an Order Sato by tha Hon A And - oclock noon a Kino Variety of Tho tazcttos Hllo IS soon so about six months ago met Peterson near of Francis at Letter dral held a meetinc last Saturdav Hon A about it I did it as as he said I thought before tho Supremo Court in Now York and ro Jndd Chlcr Justice of the Supreme Court alulng as Cleghorn vice president was in tho chair The it was wrong after I mutilated tho safe but I was cbnrcb ho finally told mo bad a great deal of Enrron Gazette All Uilo is reveling in these bother aud tbe cause of Never mentioned any ported in COth N Y Itenorts n 321 Snear on Law Court of Probate on the 26th da of January A U meeting was occupied with financial matters much excited and could not think clearly The it of Extradition nnd others Upon tueso grounds lWtf the undersigned irill sell at Public Auction on beautiful bunny rainless days Fornlmost one Davies money was tho floor Akau came in nn-- thing abont tbe Post Office about three months Mr T H presented his accounts nnd also left on especially counsel asked fur tho discharge of de- ¬ TREES PLANTS month no rain has fallen and a gentle south wind tendered his resignation which was not accepted swer to Petersons telephone a nativo policeman ago he spoko about condition of his books bis has been blowing At times tho whole country books wero behind On January 2nd he came in fendant Thursday tho 4th day of March 1880 i and by a unanimous voto ho was requested to re- ¬ named Jack came next Mr Eawainai came next Jupoe JcnD I would ask counsel how farnru r vm tbe Nurrorj of ANTOSB UEOKOB Steamer WG HALL jlxjut here has been veiled in a cloud of smoke tain his position as treasurer I remained tbero nearly all tho forenoon Mr first about 8 p m Mr Sharratt asked him to take ¬ I sitting simply as a committing Magistrate au K at J mown over from Kilaneo The nights ore delight tbe a drink Mr Sharratt wanted a hack I went up At the Anctlou loom of P Adams Co at - Peterson stopped nntil after policeman Jack 11 IYON8 A WUK- Aaetluamn te fully cool and on wholetourwcatnerissimply and cot De Graves homo thorized to go into tho detail considafation of ar oclock noon the follow in described E inlet the The public will bo treated to n phenomenon in came then ho went out he came back quito late Mr Peterson went with property to wit 3VEnlxiltxil Mlaaad perfect Iuconsequenccofthefno weather we I him Had no conversation with Peterson saw guments proposed Am I not sitting merely as n BATES tho shape of an honest race nt Kapiolani Park on The Attorney General and Mr Gulick came there ns were merely examino Commander Kfciai ol do not feel tho pressing need of Government ap ¬ Mr Peterson later on I was taking a glass of beer Police Judge it to the 3Tt the 12th inst Coronation Day on which occasion and asked questions I only told them what I had proofs presented whether tbo case should proceed 3iitrtistiiicnt3 propriations for our roads as tho mud has dried Mr seen not what done now he pulled my coat and walked toward back room Will re reKolJtrjIo Maalaea Maat and Konaaldl Cornwell of Maui and Mr Parker of Hawaii I had I tell for tho first Am I not within the limits of tbe the Codo in oc- - All That Tract of Land up and tho roads arc fairly good Hut oh will enter horses for n balf milo dash nnd repeat time that I struck that blow Mnvbe Mr Peterson In there he called for drink and then he told me Kan Hawaii 1 about his books wishing someonowould destroy ennvinc this position Hituatoat Kcium Kapalama Oahn UlJXL ocn wzufir fornbmall stake but princidally for blood has told before I did On Tuesday Mr Dayton Counsel I think that Yonr Honor is to certify 3HCC23Cl Where Away Besides there will bo an exhibition of privato asked mo somo questions them He would leave the door open I said O aonderfnl is it inland The last storm has bosb A man camo there then and put his head in to the commitment on tho law nnd tlie facts and It beta the parcel of land cold by Frank Sjlra to J M ¬ stock among which a colt bred for His Majesty Hy Jodgo lrcston 1 cannot tell what became banked np tho road m and around it so that pas room we agree hare that power If this caso was beforo a district ljiJp deceased and contains M l of an acre There Sfnomnr PI ANTPR I sengers and goods generally havo will show his paces in a trial trot of tho certificates I found a key on tho floor a the nnd left I did not to destroy I MConjaa to be dumped his books nor to blow up safes Ho went out of Magistrate I conld object to tbe jurisdiction As arc two onc tory houtea on laid land and tho whole WIUIIIIUI ajaiia kail on tbe bench instead of landing at the wharf sort of picklock Did not see it before Identifies caso power lot Is fenced A portion of the land Is leaved for 10 FIRE DEPARTMENT If key the Merchant street door and I went out nnd np to the ptandsnowbeforoyon yon have the 1 we conld have tho sums that havo been squandered Honolulu Koyal Arch Cliaptcr No 1 held its reg- ¬ 10 release or commit years from January 1st 18S1 Tbe rent fi 01 per year 11111300 ra and tho Merchants Exchange Did not go into the ins statute tccHJU J Stt on a fruitlesa Genealogical Board during the past ular meeting on the 23th ult when tho following liy Mr Hatch Found the key on floor near the claim intended to simplv out treaty payable In advance and Is paid up to July 1st ltS t AMEUON tieiminiler door postoffico before 1 went there When I got back I is carrv the The title to the land is feeefmple and It must be four yoats spent on a wharf we would not now officers were cu stalled for tho ensuing year by stipulations If the Court discovers that the crime m Attorney General placed key and hasp in evi- U must be closo to 11 oclock I went down Nuu said free of all Incumbrances LeaTetTirTTl BSDAYatl for NII1H bo vharfless Hut nntil there is a change for the Past High Priest E P Adams High Priest David charged warrant i3 not V Koloa KN ele and Waimea dence nnn street in the included in tho map of tbe place can be rcen at my office Kelnratns leavea Na1HS better in the administration of our country there Dayton King W C Parke Scribe E D Tcnney wero some strangers when treaty then it is bound not to tao cognizance The terms of the sale are cah and deed at the will eery SATUItDAY at I p n arrllo at Mono ftroraaia 11 Leiau an expressman testified to taking Peterson There in tbo saloon I Monday m is no need of asking for aid for public works Wo Captain of Host W Davey Prin Sojourner returned Afterward I came back and met Mr of it expense of purchaser W C PAHKE Inln ererr at 3a title Ac wont get it F J Higgins 11 A Captain J F Bowler Master homo from the Anchor Saloon abont 11 p in on Judge Jnoo I am not decided in that matter Administrator of liable Ktate with Will annexed Jan 2d Peterson Wo went into tho back room staid Honolulu Jannary JJth 1880 imii THE KXXOS VISIT 3d Vail Jas Dodd Master Sd Vail Ckas F Wall there two or three minutes we left together by the to answer instauter Hero was n pleasant one nnd to His Master 1st Vail Chas Hammer Treasurer Jno Peter OSullivan a barkeeper testified to seeing CouxsEr flow does yonr Honor obtain jarics in justice Peterson nt the Anchor Saloon on Jan 2nd and door facing on Bethel street I bid him goodnight Majesty I most say that as far as I can learn he S Walker re elected Secretary Joseph M Oat and went np to tbo Merchants Exchange Kept oxcept bylius set forth in tho Civil Code Yon Steamer IWAUNPES was very re elected Tyler Ben Whitney again on Jan 9th On tbe latter date Walker was bavo provisirns thero for special jarics then only non committal in nil his speeches to the there only tho glass in the small drawer of tbe safe gave it HENRY MAY CO omniaader public and jirivate and conld not bo charged with conversation witness heard between special crimes are set forth I claim tbat tbecrimn rUBEJN Mr Guy Wodehouso sustained an tbem there was Walker asking Petcron to bavo to him Place waH not there Took in over 200 electioneering here whatever may be said about unfortunate that day was not when mentioned in the warrant is not covered by tho Wile ran rrzalarlr to llanuu Maul anl Knaailuet tall accident on Thursday last Ho left his store on some wine and P declining Hastie tbero I counted it lloooaaa and 1aanban Hawaii him in other places Hather than injuring Pe- ¬ treaty Of conrso if yonr llonor finds on tho law enwl the few Charles Akau Am turnkey tho police station Do not know who looked into the room when cause of the Independents he helped them telling horseback nnd a minutes afterwards his bridle m at 1 and the facts it is your duty to certify it np when horse was galloping nt was at Postoffico 510 oclock Sunday morning terson and were there Peterson never told me all who asked him t voto for whom they liked broke Tho tbo time and money being me abont his it may return to you ngain for decision If your duty in to save himself Mr Wodehouso Jan 3d When I got there saw Peterson and a na- ¬ abont in there told nnd he was satisfied To many who heard him order threw books said nothing about the doors being open is simply to ascertain tho facts and for the Minis FORT STREET himself off the horse in doing so ho broke bis tivo near tho licthel street door I followed Peter- ¬ 59 C R here it seemed as though His Majesty would wel- ¬ Mr Peterson got a and me to ter of Foreign Affairs to decide that is another Stmr BISHOP left nnkle He was taken to his home in an ex- son in Mr P took mo into tho large room ho chair asked sitdown come a change For one 1 am glad that tho King beside him Wo had drinks He then said my matter and his party have visited us press and was attended by Drs McGrew and said they havo been robbing me I saw safe Judge Judd I do not dispute tbat tbo Cnnrt tlACAUIAY Commander Aming who tho now well doors open I asked him where wero the keys ho books are in such a bad state that I wish I were THE ELECTIONS set limb lie is doing wished do Mr may bavo discretion in tbe matter and may review Leave every SATURDAY at a m for V4tafta ¬ hail dead lie said be to something as though the shock and pain have given a consider- said be them in his pocket Went into back tho action of the Minister Foreign Affairs or ANNUAL PARADE and and Kilaaea Xaasl Are about on usand both parties nro hard at work room showed mo somo Whitney was coming back on Sunday morning of Watalan Oaha Hanalct re able shock to his system Ho will be laid up for drawer papers and somo any other officii I thjpk Mr Whiting that your turning ure Haaalel evory TUESDAY at i p tw One with speeches and addresses through the dis- five six weeks 10 cent pieces scattered about I asked bow could Am quito sure that be said nothing about leaving errry or open He money position is that tbo crime committed in any conn TEA DEALERS and toaching at Wataina aod Watanae WED trict tho other with the 4Jively gin bottle At a place bo robbed and tbo safe shut ho said ho shut doors borrowed tho from my wife ana arriving si uonoimn am tuy at meeting at Fahoehoe church Monday night held An attempted murder and suicide took place at not me try mu9t bo such as will buregarded ns a crime by a the safe himself I told hiiA not to touch any the laws of another country and next to tliat tbat SEVEKAI CUilPAMhS OF by Messrs Kauhtkou and 1nhiT assisted by their a small houso in Pauoa Valley a quarter of n mile thing more Was told back door open went there Mr P called at my house ono evening asked THEDepartment are hereby ren vested In aemble Mr Curumiiigs my wifo srjoko crimo to secure detention or arrest must ba cover- ¬ in the Square oppo lt the Hall of Mechanic Knjrlne runners Messrs Frank Austin and Kco Gin nbovo tbe Long premises It appears that a native saw door open ¬ for said no I to hasp on floor Dont recollect see- by treaty J0 ri ed Company No X at 9t on the tnornlftji flowed freely and some of poor were man named OUaa had been drinking heavily ¬ him ho had heard that the clerk at Waimanalo oclock of tbo victims ing key there I told them to stay there until I re- Counsel Yes your Honor that tho way Stmr JAS MAKEE unable to got to their homes took lodg ¬ His jealousy was aroused and about threo in tho wa coming up to go in Boltes office Ho wanted is about COFFEE ROASTERS but public ported to police station the matter stands ings along side of tho road Tho meeting caused afternoon he stabbed his mistress Napa a and Cross examined Did my a chanco to go over there to Waimanalo as clerk WZIK Cunnander not tell superior offi Attorney General Neumann comtneuced his ar ¬ no loss to tho Independent ticket Tho samo per ¬ then running up tho Valley tried to cut his own I knew nothing of tho matter after he got away Will ran regralarly to Kaoaa Kaaal cer what Peterson had said I did tell Mr Dayton gument for the petitioners by saying that the ob- Thursday Feb 4 1886 sons went on to day throat Ho was captured and handed over to the ¬ ho camo back and spolte of his financial affairs Laupaboehoc the next to try abont noon on Sunday saw quite a number of pa- jection of tbe regularity in the istuauco of tbo and effect a restoration to their ranks of the de¬ police authorities Dr Henri McGrew attended pers on floor saw somo 10 wanted to borrow 000 or 700 from Mr Cummins the Compan foot ot Kilaaea Street I the cent pieces on tbo warrant was settled by tho right conveyed to UnlfoVm e rOFFICKof serters caused by tho rousing speeches of Messrs the would be murderer nt tho Station House Dr floor do not remember seeing any certificates nskfdmo to aid him This conversation took AND In Full with their teren apparatnj for the nftrh f If M H Wharf I by section 8W of tho compiled laws of tho IMPORTERS OF pnrpoee of taking part In the Anneal 1arade t- - Xanahi and Kinney and Jno S McGrew was called in to dress tho wounds placo about two weeks ago did not lend him the Judges BKA vn -prffti tMlJaw ce wooda others last Thursday Left native and Peterson together when I went follows J Secretary rw tfannfl THE PUNA DOAUO OF of tho woman Tho wounds nro not dangerous money nt that time came again on tbe 13th Said as aflfw ELECTIONS away tJEGTiox 901 Tho llonolala Janoary 1 lues WBo gheaeren Froved themselves bo conld borrow somo moneyho could pay said Justices shall severally aaBIaaijiMtjaaCLiL the willing tools of that arch w H Place 1 was working for Mr Walker on if them eevtral Companlea will form loto line from the tjfl rascal Kekoa They only meoting Mr D H Hitchcock of Hilo a3 prepared n back in less than G months My wife said she had have power to issno warrants for the apprehension Tbe held one for Jan 2d nt ltoyal Hotel Was there that evening any part of tho Kingdom any person accused Square on to Hotel an d Fort Street the proccMlon Timea a the qualifying votes two ses ¬ medicine for tho digestive which ho has some money that bcldhged to the children be- ¬ in of of whereas by law orgius Mr Walker was there and Mr Peterson was there of mibdcinuauor to mo 2 alooj up Fort to IterctanI Stre rt Aw sions arc required They admitted to qualify all named Mikalinc Mr Hitchcock writes he tween 4 and 5 hundred dollars had more but Wal- ¬ under oath actimo or and Itcretanla to Nnaann down Nouaaa totjnwmahm T SPENCE that Mr Peterson was thero at 7 When ho first camo examino and commit such person to prison for J thoso who would voto the Kekoa ticket and would has been several years experimenting with it and at 7 be only staid long cnooirh to havo ker used 300 for fitting up that placo on King St facen to Fort ap Fort to IUa al Mur KIm to r a drink at I H rcV fractal aeaVt wa ras i Ci fur admit ono for Independent ¬ that ho has nt last produced a medicino v hich has Said she would lend him 100 Ho accepted and trial Choice Groceries bowl up uncli twirl to Deietula aJoos aretaala to stamp 3J the candidate re 9 only 6taid a short time at 1030 Walker and Po-- claim JffwiMKL lot fusing more than thirty names luoso whom in every fstanco it has been used dune everything he wroto a note promised her 4 per month Did Tbe is made in accord with law and that is Fort up Fort to School aloa School to doftfi eacaa of erbuu came in Logeiuer nuu went in oacK room said ou matter The main N a BojrtoeCv No I tmi4 Co ltb gm they suspected would vote Kauwila ¬ that ho claims for it It is manufactured from tbo not sav anything to rav wife about Mr Petersons all that need bs that unit toIo4cof for the Inde Was in saloon all the evening Mr SharraU was in filed horo charging drawlDZ front lino down Xanana to KJn Street IHo Co pendent CapL Eldarts to namo juice of tbo PipaiaorMikana tree This medi 7 difficulties point is whether tho affadavit Michigan Portrait asked have his tho saloon at Mr Peterson went out and homo complainant with embezzlement embodies a 5 Co withdrawing from lneaJot Klac to Fort Street lb placed on the register do been usca uamorma tuor Cross examined I called hack for Sharratt be- ¬ tbe Co 1 lloae Comp wlthormwlnf from and they refused to it cino bas airoauy in ji with him in a carriage Mr Walker did not go out ns and Iaeiife anee ureal v because he had not paid taxes HHb oughly successful a new branch of industry will tween 8 and 9 After they left I staid awhilo and crimo recognizablo acrimo in this country and line op Fort to Hotel Htrttet and back to point of oi 4 his before the then but afterwards At 1030 Mr Walker and Section 418 419 1rodcera of tne Plnet tirade of SB a of December Even when shown the bo opened here viz the cultivation of the about five minutes after left myself went to the which iscovercd by treaty and of starting decision of Peterson camo in and went together in backroom the laws were as explicit ns possible they wero not the Supreme Court on that point Enquirers nro referred to Mr D U Hitchcock ¬ Empire and other saloons and to Hasties stopped i Thus over Had drinks and then went out together Mr Pe to assist iu tho carrying out of a treaty NEW GOODS G7 A full attendance desired tbirty fivo votes have been debarred by that Hoard of Uilo Hawaii linelc at llastios I asked Hastie for thomoney be owed intended terson did not como back Mr Walker ramn which exists was in itself law and needed no Water Colors from voting Kciroa has openly bragged that ho about II I was closing np The Koyal Saloon is me lie was playing cams 1 called mm out spoke that Fer Order HENRY SMITH India Ink made to sidewalk ho spoko assisted vitality Section 4IS states tho Board do as tbey did in order that he Opium on the comer of a street Mr Hastio was there him on the then about tbe IObS Secretary II F D xnigbt win tbo election No greater lives glass Told me bis wife was going to give n show SEOTIOS418 The Minister of Foreign Affairs rascal in lie was thero twice that evening I left Mr Has ¬ lirayan it xasici iuiuiuw i Hawaii and it will bo blessing to country michtecem thai cvervthiiifzhas been said thnt went to my placo the ltoyal going down is charged with tho requisition npuit foreigu gov- CIIAMIKBUS TUUUK nn a the It tie there when I went home tbo saloon was closed then ernments for the surrender of persons charged CIKCUIT when ho goes home to his Father can be said of tho danger to tho very lifo of this no ono clso was through Bethel street I loaned him 25 on tbe BY Second Judicial District Hawaiian I find In Um OXflCE ax in there with tlie commission of crimos within this King- ¬ EACH ARRIVAL DR othe tscoAn rnosrECTS people by a license of tins drug and all must be Cross examined Hastie wasnotthcrewbcnMr glass I rented him tho place Olympic Hall at a matter of tbe UsUle of F II KMJERtf of Wil In this district nro good were aware tho tboso whouso rental of 15 per week he paid me something dom and ho is also charged with thesnrrender of Inicn Maul deceated In Irobato i fully as as they last of fearful bold it takes of Peterson was there Walker went out about 1030 he to Kiiigdom Tropet application hating Hied with tola Coort J I year Most un- ¬ 15 owed 70 fugitives from Jnstice coming this Williams Photograph Galler it not better- - of the itlantations nro it how it injures them ns laborers if it dees not Pelerson drank evory time ho camo in Mr P oned me rent me altogether nearly by Thomas W Breretl Kiccutor of the Will of the it gnndiug nnd the results show the cane is very fit its victims entirely for any physical or mental When 1 went up went the same way When I from any foreign country that drank claret first time a claret puucb in tbo room 4 IS respective JnJges mag Ute Dr F II Endraof Wailnkit deceaaed prayfM heavy and the average aero will be larger than exertion how seductive it is aud how soon it gets Ho was got there we shut up and I paid Mr Place saw Section Iho aud bla account be be b dlscliajyea ier plain claret nscd to coming in every day istrates of tho Kingdom shall have authority upon that approved that Wt ruRT STHEBT HOSOLLLf II t ever before Tho now mill and boiling house nt an unrelenting bold of those who once begin its uecn over two momus Hastie there He Wanted to obtain a glass from from farther retponeibflliy aid tbe remaining proper uhvo enjpiojeu luero mado issue ¬ Fapaikoo nro almost reSdv for grinding nnd in use And yet every two years it looms up and tbe De me belonging to a lantern of his be alio wanted complaint nnder oath to a warrant for ty in his bandi be pati d oer to the Legatee men Graves a hack diver testified to takin tho of any person charged with the tioned Will about two weeks ihe canes from Fnukau and country is threatened with a renewal of its license two bottles of liquor and promised to pay moon apprehension In the b ttiaiersf Peterson and Sharratt away in a hack between From Coast 1 Where a larire variety of efwclaMn eaa aeea country the ordered that PUIDAY Kebrnary SKh Onomoawill bo delUered at tbero were more native Hawahaus who uso so Monday I cavo him the liauor and class blowed commission of a crime in any foreign It is at that mill Flanta If it seven nnd eight oclock on Jan 2nd Came by he may ba brought before sach Judges or the Court Hoove in Walloku be set as tho Uaaea Mr T Hpeee wilt frtqaently Tltt Ui lion owners are hurrying up preparations that could moro effectively bo used as n bribe out tho lights and took my cash in the back room that 93Jamat ¬ for a it Post Office between Ion and eleven oclock thero other magistrate respectively to the cud that the time and place for healing petition and any ob eral Laud of tne k will be nleaaed totimtat larger crop of plant tlna year than ever before for their votes tho country would not probably bo was no light visible nuu counted iu aiy wile camo aown stairs jections may b made thereto and all persons zmf aha alter evidence of crimmility may be heard and con- that enetfinaeaw aad take order a for aatne 1g7o Hawaii free from an opium license longer than the next A recess was now taken it being noon tho I got through I went np stairs with my wife went interested are hereby notified to attend tow e - Court sidered and if on such hearing the evidence bo legislature Ihero are now it is said cry few setting 1 p m as the hoar for reassembling At to bed I did not leavo the house until 130 p m- - ABIC FOUNANDEU Foiled to Hawaiians who use opium and the number of on Sunday next day deemed sufficient to snstain the charge it shall bo Circuit Judge 2nd Jed Disk II 1 ACCIDENT DEPART CQ WH JLant Connect that hour all were present and the prosecution duty examining ormagistrato to ISLAND ORDERS ItftH Chinese who use it has greatly decreased since tho proceeded by calling airs vfamer xam me who oi jur J u the of the Jcue LahaInaJ dJ6 tt ANOTHEU certify the same to the Miur of Foreign Af- ¬ EXCEL SUIT rATXS law making its use and possession contraband Manuel Phillips who testified having WalkerlnHave been married over six years I ur RY to been ¬ CIIAMBKHS ¬ fairs that he may isanc warrant for the surren TV CIltC tUT JUDGK Tbo libel suit entered by Paul Neumann Attor was passed But every year teestbo number of employed by 2nd hearing remember tho night tbe Post Office was robbed 1 Jadiclal District lUwsHanletandav ney Hastie on Jan and to der of such fugitive Second latin Co u 1 General of tbe Kingdom acainst Arthur John Chinese in this country greater than before nnd Wnlkcr and Hastie in conversation thatdav That We were living over tbe ltoyal Saloon Sa my matter ol the estate or EmvAi i or Pacific Mutual Ufa Ins 1 bo wordings ot that sections mtvueluk - stone editor of tho Daily Honolulu Pirns camo up makes the possibilies of greater gain in the opium closed place np husband there about five minutes after 11 oclock both are clear the Wailuka Haul deceased In FroHale J I Hastie his early to visit Walker were not enacted to carry ont the tro ity clanso flled before the Supreme Court on the 27tb ult his trade more alluring The trade lias always been and tbat he had since heard tbat Hastie had that night in the saloon I came from upstairs Proper application having been with thla Coort Of CALirORSIA Honor Judge Preston ou the bench Evidence profitable we may be Chinese who He was counting money aback room but tonfTordlawful mcaus to deal with peoplo who by Thorn w Kr freU Adninlstrator of the Estate of nnd sure the skipped the country on a table in FILLED Wallnka Maof setting t was offered by the prosecution to show the pub- ¬ well the persuasive- nature of bribes Afler he had counted the moner ho locked the micht come here nnd whoc presence wan desired PROMPTLY Edward Uatchelor of deceased understand to Captain Mehrtens a nolico officer testified to be forth that the personal property of said deceased ws Dec 31 B lication and issuance of tbe matter said to be will each session of the legislature try every means doors nnd we both went upstairs He did not got elsewhere The pealer cliimed for tbii country Asset 1884 8l2G3ODtf ing about tbe Post Office at midnight on tho 2nd right sovereignty to exclude crimin Insufficient Utt the pnrpote of paying off hit debts and J libelous in their power to Bccure tbe repeal of the prohibit- January Saw out until between 1 and 2 oclock the next day tbo entire of therefor that a Heente bo granted blm by this Dole of that Post Office light was out als and also to return tbem wheu desired The Iiaoi atklng ttjilrej MrS It for the defendant then moved for ory law There certainly is danger ahead unless told policeraatuto keep a good lookout Went to We occupied tbe same room that night I bare Court to sell tbo Ileal Estate of raid deceased with tho C- B- FoHde aealait Accident for one day a a discharge of his client on the ground 11 right to surrender escapvd crmiin tU cxiU with balldlngs Ac thereon situate on Market street la that the there should be a majority of Independents in the steamer Liltlil at SJoO Saw Hastie at midnight known Petersons daughter about 8 or years independent to om year lsd JL indictment charges upon defendant an attack upon next legislature Tbe country was never in more bnt not to sat down and converse with her Daring nation at all tunes the ohliitttion READ IT ALL Walla It u at trablic auction on tbe steamer Mararoa Jan 21lh Have not seen ¬ S C WILDER Mr Paul Neumann na nn attorney at law while revenue will came twice only nnder certain circum tiuces ai when spjsiall r Therefore It la ordered that WEDNESDAY Febru Asentj need of than no and it neglect to him since January Peterson to our house Tbe 21 Ih at 1 p m at the Court House in Wallo- ¬ mentioned in treaties Wbero there uu treaty ary 196 the publication complained of attacked Mr Neu us this means of raising it when by licensing this Am deputy postmaster was such nrsi time no came ho assea xor my tatner ana is aaad mann solely LB Peterson or no law then no right to claim exists but tho IT MAY SAVE YOUR LIFE ku be set as tho time aod placo tor hearing in his official capacity as Attorney poison it can secure in license nnd duties perhaps on January 2nd Met Mr Walker said he would like to get employment at Waima- ¬ petition and airy objections that may be mad thereto General Kingdom that afternoon moral obligation exists all tba aims and be inher- idfoeaJ of tho That nothing had been one hundred thousand dollars n year When we or rather in the evening about 7 30 oclock at the nalo He could not get along with Mr Whitney and all persons In Ureated are hereby notified to attend ¬ ent right to surrender Tho defalcation of public advanced to show any relation between Mr Neu remember how thegotemment has forced the sa¬ ltoyal before that Ho cimc afterwards and told me of his troubles AOlt FOliXASDEK IBS Oakley time had conversations about fnndv was regarded by the spoaker as one of tho Hop Bitters Judge 2nd Dist II I MUTUAL LIFE mann and as attorney and client That loon on unwilling people we have reason for tbe money in postofiioe and about taking it away when and thathc wanted to borrow soine money I let Circuit Jod C0v if he had no relation with Oakley as an attorney 400 greatest wrongs that an individa il could bo gailty tahalna Jin CM tSuc Httf St gravest fears in regard to tho opium traffic him have and he gave mo a note for six JIBE ff- and as the indictment did not idlege that be bad When opium was sold before was restricted to months with interest at one per cent Tho money of It was a direct wron r to not one nerson or set OF SBW TOIXK it three times altogether last time in the back room of persons to tbj entire of imxB Jt ntj been injured in his professional character then Chinese but Hawaiians used it and it is cstim Uoyal Saloon on oeiongeu to my cuuaren alone but community n rested by thoofConstitutiontiik autiioiutvand the Statute whole of the evening of January 2nd which tho criminal forms a part International The Bv me the case falls to the ground ated that when the prohibitory law went into effect He nroDosed and I listened It was the end of the Cross examined My husband generally get Purest and Best of thii Kluploaianddeemin It MfutiaJ to iu pro¬ Assets Dec 31st 1884 1038761783 Mr prosecution argued tbo TtOO KXK taw exists wnerever civilization cxism nnu Hatch for the that from to natives had acquired the opium quarter and my books were behind Mr Walker home about 11 oclock He never left the saloon iuau motion of jattiee ft rft ¬ says obligation 31edfcioe cTtr mad Ure Feorth specific charge of libel was made acainst Mr Neu habit and many of these wero women To my me after it was closed during the time we were at tbe cellor Kent that the moral exists I do hereby order that the regular term of aaaoTtec knew it irom ne promised me that he would on part every to criminals to held SawillwIM Kauai on the XT- - roHctee lamed o Ue Life Tem Life and mann acting in the capacity of Attorney General own knowledge white men wero using it also two books tioyai the of nation return Judicial Circuit bo at for the take of those and place them whero but tbe right to claim their return does not exist THEY ARE COMPOUNDED FROM Stat Taesday of February A D IHW be hereby pott dowmeBtltaa Government or private nttorney for the Since the passige of the prohibitory law the num they never would be found if a gave him the op-¬ 10th day of Teh cosei jaecn and that wns not to The defense rested here On tho suggestion of except by treaty The American Minister in this poned nntil WEDBHWAY tbe ald it material thalseue ber of Hawaiians who use it is not thought to be portunity He said that after taking tbe money counsel now C and Dandelion raary A D 1 10 oclock a m 10y 3 C WILDER i in which of the two was it being oclock a rece3 of an hour instanco had drawn the attcntionof the Minister Hops Bnchn Mandrake at A8t it more than fifty or one hundred and Mr Castle from the safes he would blow them up with dy-¬ and a quarter was At p court WHbs nry hand and the Sral of the Sa Alio judgment was taken 715 ni the of Foreign Affairs to this matter and ou his au The Oldest Uest most renowned at 6th day of tho Court then delivered said in his excellent article on Opium in Hawaii ho bad the charges He wocld0i reassembled Mr ¬ skjix presie Coort Honolulu this as follows namite said he and Hatch commenced his argu thority warrant was issued request lor and Valuable Medicines la IbMorM Janeary A D NOTICE US BoSJil two years ago that this decrease was vide I said 1 wished no monev was in trouble occupied tbe ine of IW 1 have considered this very careful ment fortbe defence and the attention of extradition made by Governor Stoneman was and In addition contain all the bess A F JLDD MB JOHN T indictment ue not so much to reform ns the prohibitory law about my books I said I would meet him at the jary an quarter most c pmpertie TTTIIKKKAS ILi ly and have watched evidence with view to the for hour nnd a right and proper McCarthy was answerable to and effrttlre entire Attest Chief Jubilee of the Supreme Court EJ5AiJor uiapaiaaaa ni hm the a Opium cannot be bad as it once could office at 10 30 he came I was at the ltoyal three Attorney case of all other bitten bclnz the trreatest heeond D pntT Cierk wm IT Bi ¬ General Neumann presented the people to peoplsof the Ursjrr F Poob w nn wit- J5 ascertain the application of it to tho facta charg tha of California not tbo ULOUI sirBfs eni ine BnarHrueii I- - ed From UD WUH iu1 oiuj Ulut times that evening at a little before 9 left tbero for tbo prosecution speaking for three quarters of Unitol states It was entirely unnecessary for Llrer Isolator fUMFIER her A D ISO for the benefit -- f his credHe the opening of the plaintiffs counsel became free to nil drunkenness has crcatlr in second and life and health restoring a jent on ITotice of Intention to Poreclose U J 11 MfaUUaae tl i B IiU ft until the present the time left there with Mr Sharratt in a an hour demand to be made by the 1resident of the United Mortgagee taa I have been pressed with the creased omoae Hawaiians and if opium shall bsJ carriage Mr Walker Rot the carriage After we Judge Preston then charged the jury reviowing earth the aald Join 1 Ualatead to preaent lie aaaw to Mis idea that the libel is not alleged to be against the State VfOTiCK IS UKHEinr GIVEN tkree froa UpncZa Jt licensed if only ns before to Chinese tho natives pieft went to Sharratts and then I went to Gertzs with perspicuity tbe evidence which bad been of¬ Affcd pursuant to a powr of sale cos tataed t a cer ltackfeid llonolnlo wltiln nonUu prosecutor in the practice of bis profession Coun The point is raised with referenca to my filing They Give New Life and Visor to the XI that tKretf or Ubey will be fnrefr barred uo w pn win rc it on Fort street and got some shoes went back to fered and at 935 the jury retired tain mortgage deed dated the Slat day of December A re- - Ael for tho prosecution 1 tha complaint True some one else might have Infirm- to Hal lead are berety lilSt raar admitted that the matter Why should there e what is practically special s men to tne omce wuue wiux At 1125 and D 1MI made by Susan Kealoha and Darid Kaapa her Indented aaldJohn t would not be libelous as against aoite sum uicro a the jury returned the foreman reporting been found but mnst bo filed by some officer of La Literary to maao Immediate nayment to ine aald J r Hart a privated indivi legislation for the Chinese in licensing a drug David Manaku nnd OIlie Swain from there went to his Honor that it was doubtful if they agreed it To Clcrsrnten fryers hatband of Honolulu to John Kara s worth of said 1 dual I feci no doubt that the indictment is in¬ which only they and tho few who hare learned its the government and tha Minister ot Foreign Men Labourers Ladles aud all thewe Honolulu recorded In the Registry of deeds In Mid r IIMKriUJ aerra to theKoval left the two mentioned in the office He also stated that members of the jury were in ¬ of John 1 Ualatead ot Elnpala sufficient it docs not allege that tho publication is Affairs has a perfect right to cill upon me u pre- whose cedenUrr employments eansj Honolulu tn Dock W oo pages 07 and 4W and for a Au tnee - ffifcv--- nse though them care to use When the Mormons 1 he two employees left the office at 10 p m I went doubt on points both of law and facts principally of atoms eh IlmolalnJanll of nnd concerning the prosecutor ¬ sent tbe case lrresalaiiUef the Hlood breach of tbe conditions in the said mortgage con in his profes had an interview with Eamehameha V relative- to back to the ltoyal and told Walker tbat the boys Bowel an Jnrjt Tag sion or is intended to injure him in his profession as reg irded the veracity of the principal witnesses A warm discussion of a few moments duration or Kidneys or who rrnnlre tained the said mortgaree Intend to foteeJoso the taJd a Mormon Settlement being founded here that were gone I went ¬ Appetizer aad mild Stimulant mortgaged at public whole I told him in his saloon then and also on what could be regarded as corrobora- counsel which being ar- ¬ Tonic mortgage and sell the prvprty The publication Is set out nnd is alleged to king told them they could como like other immi¬ took place between on are beloz mate back to tbe office Walker came to tbe door and tive evidence follows theee Eiders icralnable auction TANKS f be false but there is nothing in the indictment tbey could ranged Jnstice Jndd spoke as highly enrat Ire tonic and Is IRON grants but not bring their practice of knocked he saw my safe and books I pointed His Honor gave 6uch information as was within - ttlmnlattnx The property mortgaged and to be soil described p tinting out the defamatory part or any innuendo polygamy with them would be just as fair and jusoe jcdds decision- without Intoxicating as follows It them out He said be would destroy both books I his province and at 1130 tho jury again retired - XTA as to the meanings understood by the prosecutor vice which ought plea statuto Jfo matter what yonr reclines or tlal I1I Utla BACH 5H right to say the of osing opium is here showed that both safes were unlocked He opened They returned however fifteen minutes later not I think I to overrule the Tbe symptoms are or nnd it is admitted that some portion Air Neu ¬ prac-¬ txas stage what thedUeseror lnpoko Oahs demrlbed la Bojal Paleal XuUI t almost as distinctively Chinese now as the tbe door of the money order safe After opening it agreed wero discharged their final report being been complied with up to this of the ailment Is nse Hop - manns letter is true As I understand the law mc rlttri- Dont raaaccmUlnlss3apanaaaadeaBVeTedtaaid Satan tice of polygamy would havo been distinctively he looked into some of the drawers of the safe made within fifteen minutes of the legal time of case There ts before a complaint nnder oath wajt nntil you are sick bnt If yon only deed of Kekaahl recorded 1 MM KazUtre it is necessary to allege that the publication re ¬ Kealooa br Mormon it would be as right to say that vice the but took nothing from them 1 oponed the inner expiration of the January term it is sworn to by the Attorney General tbe official feel bad or miserable use tbe Bitters at Iu look at on 550 and 450 Gallc lates to tbe prosecutor in bis profession nnd al ¬ tx viu raiuanvsill Chinese mast leave behind them when they come door I had a duplicate key Some of the draw- ¬ Judge Freston in dismissing the jury thanked intrusted by law with the prosecuiion of offenses once It may save your life Ilnn pf MortjJ though I should hold that the publicAtion is libel com- ¬ dreds been sartd by so doing at a IfAolalH fitb here and they shall cot jeopardize the safety of ers were open and some locked lie said he would them their attendance facetiously The complaint charges tbat respondeat has bare Janaarr fOVl SALS I BOOK ousitthe proper averments were tnado feel that for and rather triain coKt U A Tatr HTQit Attorney tat Mrttaeee BT I other people by tempting tbem to its nse night any ¬ mitted a crime in a foreign ouatry to wit the lM4t I must order a verdict for the defendant on the be there in tbe if one interrupted remarked they would not be farther required dur- IITXIlj him he would shoot them He said he had part- ¬ State of California On the warrant issued in ground that tbe Crown has failed to prove the a ing the term He also set the bail of tbe defend- Ask yonr Druggist or Physician of Officers The Rain Record Jamftuy ner About 11 oclock he went away and I went ant in the case at 5000 with two 2 pursuance of this complaint the respondent was Election charge sureties at is brought me examin Do not suffer ronrself or let yoor out I went to the Anchor saloon had a driik 503 each Bail was promptly supplied the defend¬ arrested and he before for friends s offer bnt nse and nrje them to FOLLOWING OFFICBltS HHAOKEELDC The iurv without leaving tbo Imt returned x The record kept by T W Cartholf iaKalihi ation remains for me to find whether embez- THE wrre thl Sell day at T verdict then went home in a carriaire Mr Walker aud I ant wr s released and the large crowd slowly sep¬ it aseTIop CUters te eoeaioz sat elected tiwia jyfr of uotauittff upon which the defendant valley shows that rain fell on 15 days in tho month were tho only ones together room wo zlement of public funds is a crime and whether Remember Hop Bitters J no Tile Janaarr ilt tie annual StMUolden meetls of the ri was uiscuaigco of January in the back arated for their homes still tn a quandary with -- Tic stayed there less than half an honr It was before regird to tbe final outcome of this celebrated case there is evidence to sustain the charge Ity our drmrsad drunken nostrum bat the UAIKUBUGABCO C - miM- - t - 02ti20 UD I went home with Sharrtt Mr Place the bar- Ienal Statute embezzlement of public funds is a parert and belt medicine erer made Prwldenl A Uenrr P Caklwln CEO 3frtAltmat7aif When llis organs o tocretion becomes inactiTO T 031 2 OJS felony or crime and punishable In tha discretion and nd person or family should be VKe rrealdent fMBamml - keeper was at tbe bar at the time without ft cr- bj reason of n cold or olher crass tbe inflamma- ¬ JS 04TI31 0S3 Fust conversation with Walker was about six Some three or foar hundred peopla vera at the of tbe Court with imprisonment foi life or any Tmaarer Artistic Signs a Sj tory material should be remortu and healthy 19 DCJ Sapremo Court on Saturday cTeniru to bear the less period presumo a gr TotaL 2 01 10 inches months previously Spoke again some time after and T it is iva crime in HOP BITTERS MANUTAi U KIN G CO Sidltor EWPetweoaiS1 action restored Ajcrs Pills accomplish this conclusion of tba PostoBlca burglary case find sufficient evid- ¬ HOSOXn5 The temperature during month was wards He said that the Post Office could bo rob- ¬ tbe State of California If I MelbonrziOf 1 C ATOEEIOS 7 M5t TBXT qoicUr safely nnd sorely MocU serious sickness the ence will become my Australia RochefstarNYTJ Seoaurr bed no one injured and divide would not listen to sustain tha charge It then S London Antwerp Honolulu Jan gib tftM pioHaxaia - - n and snifcring ralsbt bo prevented by promptly ruts moncar riwssr arcaics There arc more cares mada with American Cog duty to certify the same to tbe Minister of Foreign A Toronto Paris ta 0 AJ1 I 70 1 5B 63 toil The last time I spoke to him about my pnoattxxxm m correcting sach derangements rhich often deTelop I Hop Hitters than all See flag Affairs that he may issue the warrant fpr tha Bar by aiiftrt ia M 8GM 72 TV books I knew they were behind He suggested to other medicines esTTor Sale ok job ivonurEJCEcinaJrN STrurns4c fiipedlttoaalrEVdtlioUMtte J into settled disease S PM J Wi 70 -- W rob the safe and to divide I agreed to allow him and all advertisements render of the respondent 1083 ly UOLLI3TEE COjUoooIda F tfcnealwttflccaatOAZnT15tlMCS ggrr sw- lj9g h tV - x l T

i V MrvTyarsaraemberof the Lyceum com¬ lnrelyanri through hunger Leo died in Ihe ir Dtiufdl 5tf2trti3nnrits 3 Btntral gtbutrtuKmnus pany tells me that when he was a struggling street uteelo lived a mo ot penect iranaro rnrral licrtisrmcnts Wiilrn- provincial actor no tnjcu ujd tumuj a m -- tit flAMnltfa Vim nf - mous old melodrama called The Dog ofallon field Ilrwas sold for a trifle to save him from TUESDAT FEBBPAHY 2 16S6 targis In a sensation scene a powerful Amer ¬ the grip of the law Fielding lies in tho bury¬ Line OfiDlA MILLS Lisbon Pioneer RICE ican bloodhound seized him and tore him to ing ground of the English factory at Supremo Court of the Hawaiian Inlanda tho ground at tho moment when be was without a stone to mark the spot Savago died CO - 188C- - HOLLSSTER In Banco InEqnltr- January Term to murder Ihe heroine ot tho story I hated 1U prison at JJIloul nuciu uc bjuuiluugu aui FROM LIVERPOOL lived life of vs Lio the part said tho actor and I was glad the debt of eight pounds Butler a Waixeitca when my engagement ended This blood ¬ pciSury and died poor Ohallerton tho child of hound was fierce beast lie bad been well genius and misfortune destroyed himself AND RETAIL DEALERS IN COOBZ TODD c j mcccixt akd pbzstcw j j a WHOLESALE practiced in his part having played it with 1 Opinion of Hit CohtI It J VDD C J many other actors before I undertook tbe vil- ¬ The Little Vlticulturist H This bill for partition of cerUin real A cooked was 0 c lainous role piece of liver inquired 43Miagag3arpSy estate grantedia to ono Nalaweha ly Royal Pa ¬ Tho dog was Whero did yon get it he 0 fastened round my neck kept in ¬ 1512 The doctor brought it to us the editor I tent No food for some hours until the particu- ¬ H without cautiously replied o The bill alleges that tlio premises were con¬ to upon tho vil- ¬ Chemicals Patent Medicines lar time whence bad jump pocket Drugs veyed bv Tonheana the widow of said Nala lain on the stage and seizo his supper lie In bis P 10 Lio and Kamakalubi his Yes tuo editor assented llHHfiSIIsasffliliiii wcha todefendent held the wing until tbe cue came then was at His pocket asked tho boy JMlslHJZUaC3Ht J wife and claims that Kamakaluhihavingdicd he rushed at mo with a bound fell for the vest des- ¬ I Yes intestate in 16S3 her estate in the land convenience of letting him drag away bis food ARTICLES FANCY SOAPS cended one half to her father tho plaintiff Wrapped up in a piece of paper 9 4 TOILET and the curtain went down upon what no a Lio Yes CBBBBBFBrtrS5tlsyjaaaKS Waileuna and ono half to her husband doubt was a telling situation With its name printed on it H Tho defendant demurs on tho ground that as In modern days the English stage manager tho conveyance from Panhcana was to Lio and to bo a far master in the Yes Arrival of the Iron Ships has proved greater is name Kamakalabi who were husband and wife on mechanical resources than tbe French- ¬ What its Perfumes way of onnv is that is wo have not - Atkinsons Celebrated the death of Kamakalubi tho entire cstalo and traps of Whv it Ophelia Bordeaux man Tho vatnpiro other are sit tho editor inconsistently cx 1Q9 vested in Lio Jho survivor Enirlish invention Tho Jnrnps Analaist of the tamed it yet 107 A 111 FREMONT STREET xlaimed in the diro moment ot bis surprise This principle controlling conveyances to French stago is highly esteemed abroad If and Clan Grant Lundborgs Perfumes Lubins Perfumes got tne naoics tor Seixi husband and wife was settled by this Court in the modern play wricht wcro half as clever as CWbero do the doctors Pranoisoo 3 B 725 people DIA 1UCK jrUVLS A2TFKR 22 TKAIIS OV IMJACTICAT KXPKTtt- - tho case of Bila Paaltana ilawn their French contemporaries the French stage TJIKment and with are now the nearest rtfrettfla- tt Oh they find them X lf their CaDaeltv Oreallr Enlanrrd br Iteeftn t ImnroYcairnta to Cologne Also 1S70 We see no reason for reversing it would be eclinsed bv tho Enclish but the or an Itleo Ulllstnoirn For Thoroughness and ptrfMtion of Work totr siAnd nnrltillMl Tfta jlM at thss Hoyts German Who loses thorn pa TheoHDaviesCo Mills is cs to Tt ponnds Mmhantanle IUcs lrom 100 ponnda or Paddy arcordin to qaalirj of las Paddy wMch now thcatro is moro a part of French life than of is S to 8 dis- Oh God them drop down from heaven per cent greater than that of any other Mills Br these Uto changes and Improvements the Proprietor Moreover tho titU of tho plaintiff being ¬ supported lets English and is indeed lar better and tbo doctors pick them up Have Received by these Vessels puted to this land it is not a proper subject in America than in England Josrph Hatlon ¬ awful high up to heaven il pa Is enabled to Largely Reduce the Rates for the Hulling Cleaning of Paddy of partition Tho titlo of tbo tenants in com- in the Agt Its aint And other Late Arrivals mon roust be conceded and be kt rest between Thousands of miles the Following SAX FIIASC1SCO TOBACCO CIGARS CIGARETTES tlcni or the Court has no jurisdiction to pro- ¬ Tho Pound tlon of Character And if anybody should fall down from AJtOVU TIIK MANY ADVANTAGES Ol fllUPtISU rAlllsT TO there itVould kill him wouldnt il AVD MAYIXM IT OIEANFn AT TIU SAW FltAJIClaCO JIIILK ceed lo partition tho estate It would have tho question wcro asked any mother of THE FOLUlTirlSO SAT I1C NAMED 1 If should think it would my Bon An Goods been competent for defendant tobavo answered thought and character what do you consider I Asst of Dry plaintiff was disputed and this Then why dont it kill the babies or Work at tie San Francisco th Iewr Mnbllllr to Wrosll that tho title of the most important quality to bo developed iu CONSISTING IN OP Mills Entire Freenlona from Milp Smell wr Why because on blanK it - TAUT 7th Ble would have warranted tbo Courts dismissal of vour mind the answer without doubt Umt SnYliisin ilicjleldot MerchanUbte Kice often complaraed of in clenrml childs Do thoy fall in a blanket pa Horrccks Long Cloths and other brands ot or 0 to 8 per cent stoned with sntar cargo Smokers Articles of Every Description tho bill without further discussion comer stone of char It nlwajs Mm would be truth for tbo Yes thats what keeps them from being none uoitons uuDieacneu uouons Snl KaTltic In Rates for Ilnlllnj and Cleaning AND 8ll The lieIter Half Tho bill is dismissed acter and tuerocan bo no true success Prints new styles fast colors llli nml in CJoalltjof maada orer Island Ufaan d parUettlatly la is trull killed rmhnrviTUce Kiennns 31 Thompsou for plaintiff W K Ca6tlo and Electricity cannot folldw a broken Bleached and Brown Cottons a to 10 qua Iulero Market withouf Who holds tho blanket Sth Unilurtnllf nnilClcnnllncSfsoirackagea Manufacturers of II i Avery for defendant wire nor success a lying life Without truth Brown Linen Drills Whito Linen Dock Why people cloao eeo a baby fall- ¬ Grown Canvas CId Honolulu January 23d 1SS6 development And how many ways the by Blk French Merinos all thero is no when is way up and thoy run out and Grades j Water proof Tweeds Grey Bins and without speakiug that ing il a there are of proving hold blanket Supreme Court of the Hawaiian Islands essential in the first steps a a CONSIGNMENTS OF PADDY SOLICITED absolute truth is And catch it In Banco January Term 1886 learning Give bira a box Ginger Ale baby takes towards Yes Mixed Flannel IBoda Water and and you can ehow W C IAKKE AND H It MaCTAHLAJiE of blocks to build a house find A LAEGE ASST OF DllESS GOODS SILKS Wm M GEEEJSWOOD laid on tho And 1l Assignees Bakebcptct or him that unless tbo first bockn Certainly Satins Silk Kibbons Velvet General Commlnlon Merchant and Proprietor of tha is whole structure will be Union and Cotton Listados Linen and Cotton Aun vs LaoTJxo floor aro in a line the Then how docs tho doctor find if tho INDIA RICE MILLS Son Francisco Cal CO crooked on making the lines on a slate it Handkerchiefs White and Colored Shirts HOLLISTER ir that people that held tho blanket found it Merino Undershirts and Drawers tho firBt is not straight not true the lines BErOEE 1UVO CI MCCCLLY AM PRESTON JJ if Oh you bother me Ladies Underwear Linen and Cotton Towels will follow the first or tho spaces will not bo Pa do all liars go lo bell All qualities and stiles Victoria Lawns ¬ copying any work exactness is Whito Moleskin Check Moleskin Woliavo carefully reviewed tlio testi true that in Of courso they do M MoINEUNY mony in this case and aro of tbo opinion tbo very foundation of success and but an- ¬ Imlt Lnco Edgings and Insertions Whero is hell pa Brooks M0 yds Spool Cotton Coatcs 101 yds Ol - ¬ name for Jb- JES - that tho jndgmont and decree of Mr Jus other truth Why way down under tho earth Spool Cotton Ticking Bine Donlms JKS- repeating conversation iu telling or a tice McUully appealed from should bo In a Pa how are you going to get there Mosquito Netting SO men watch carefully that tho aitual fact sustained scene to Grand tableau consisting of an editor a boy related is described as a mothers duty AVo think it nroner lo refer to the ad is and a shingle AvcXUviJ 04serrr Rubber Coats Leggings Valtham Watches Reduced Prices mission of defendant ho know of tho So often a crave fault is overlooked because at that 1 it is child and it is a pleasant fiction that debt of Aiau to AV Akau and of the a Roofs of Paper P tlo child will outgrow it Any taull that Horso 131arLlots mortgage to secure it at tho timo he took weakness of character should receive A root pronounced superior to that of slate the deed in question As this mortgage immediate and prayerful care An exaggera- ¬ becauso of its lightness and other advantages r B9L91 ex-¬ Bed Blankets was given for a debt over duo and tion lion ever anmsing should bo checked at is now made or any librous pulp rrom this All Bizoi Weicbts Qualities and Colors pressly stated in tho morlgago to bo in once Carelessness in giving accouuts of its material tiles of any shapo desired aro furmed KBKBm consideration of tho forbearance of tho own or its playmates doingsshouldboclieckcd by pressure under machinery nr by any other company which W 1 Akau represcnti d by questions so put that a child will dis- ¬ nielliod which may suggest itself Pressed Velvet Tapestry to demand and nuu Aiau for tho debt it is carclcseucbs that a niistako has into tho designs wished for tho pulp tiles aro cover if it v furnishes stronjr evidence that defendant been made and correct it at uncc itself if the partially dried previous to being subjected to Rugs and Mat was aware of tho insolvency of Aiau at trouble is a want of lovo of truth the kuowl a water proof solution Thoroughly impreg ¬ A FEW OF THE NEW STYLE that time edgo that falsehood is always recognized as nated wilh the preparation to resist uioisluro Tho decree is affirmed vith costs falsehood whether intended or not will help thoy aro baked lo harden in them the water- ¬ proof mixture After tho baking the tiles aro CENTRE RTJG S V regard for truth and exactness W A Whiting lor plaintiffs It to dovclop a NAVY AND Castle and H K Avery for defendant Another great rcqnisito for teaching a child treated to a mixture imparting an enameled f for the parents to set an surface to this is added a coating of sand MOTT to regard is JOHM Honolulu January 23rd 1SSG truth cxamplo of perfect truthfulness In all tbo whereby tho pulp is rendered proof against merchant Canvas Bokind tlio Scenes intercourse of life in tho home the social life the action of heat or flame By the uso of dif- ACSr let truth in all purity be ever present and tbo ferent colored sands a variety of tints may bo T tS At the Old Stand No 8 Kaahumanu Street Tlicrc is no moro bneinces liko plico in tlio children will by instinct aud principle follow imparted to tho tiles which after tho appli- ¬ Filter Press Bags 22 x 36 ADIES AND GENTS FINE GOLD WATCHES world than licliitid the scenes of a first class tho oxamplo that commands their lovo and cation of the enameling mixture and sands aro theatre TLo idea tint tfcero Is great fun baked a second limo after which thoy aro Wo make this ono of onr Specialties and tlicro is very erroneous From tlio humblest ready for uso have a Foil Stock of lo tlie higlicst every person ia at work Fun I Horse Physiognomy- - Besides the inherent lightness of pulp tiles II OOPPEE IRON WOKKEB Elegant Sterling Silver Watches Yon would bo amused at everybodys earnest- ¬ which obviates tho necessity of a heavy framo Gents Uis well shaped delicate cars aro capablo Rice Coal Bags SHT ness Managers stars supers scene sliiftcrs of boiug moved separately in every direction to support a weighty roof tho pulp tile being Sugar fiKbtiDjr array is not sub arc with timo An and every movement is full of meaning and tough and uot hrittlo liko slate is far less Whicbrwe are selling at Bottom lricos Cjj ELey jeet to a moro rigorous discipline Tho cur liable to bo broken from blows 6lonca thrown Botlx Stem and V0rixx3is in sympathy with tbo eye The oyo is pro- ¬ I umcu or juiuuic upon or human footsteps Again PLUMBING all tain is to rise lan to a iu minent full and large and placed laterally them slate c3 SplyT in its branches variations in this respect are entered in a tiles cannot bo laid compactly together on a 3 rolne well book al EUgnitt ISooils before so that bo can sco behind him without turning ENGLISH HAWAIIAN AND ending IurrliitMrs will lo these book Tho length of scenes is recorded eomo his head his heels being his principal weapon roof on account of their brittleness which Lurrlinsins Elsewhere timcc to the second Every person has his of defence his nostrils aro large open and prevents thoir being drawn tightly together by Artesian Well Pipe all sizes placo and bis work Abovo and below the nails Through tbo fibrous pulp nails bo flexible and his lips fleshy though thin and raiy 3 C and 7 yard stago is collected a stranjro looking complica- ¬ cxnuisitely mohilo and sensitive The large driven as close home as in shingles thereby tion of machinory Go below and you might open nostril is essential to him as a horso J binding them closely lo Iho bed and together FLOOR OILCLOTHS fancy yourself between tho decks of an ocean breathes solely and entirely through it being without any possibility of lateral movement Above you would fancy yourself in Heavy AND i steamer blown away high wind slates Assorted Widths or being in a as Extra STOVES RANGES physically incapablo of breathing through his Life ship on tho scaffolding of a lew York Insurance Company tho rigging of a or mouth as a valvo in tho throat actually prev- ¬ loosely fastened on roofs so frequently aro new building On tho stage itself where- tho Nails penctrato tho pulp tiles moro easily than Undo Sam Medallion Itichmond Tip Top Palaco Flora May Contest Grand Irlzo ents him from so doing henco tho mouth of a Ladies Gents Saddles Now ItWal Opcr Derby Wren Dolly Oypsy Qneen Pansoy 4 Army ltancesMatna CnarterBnok ORGANIZED IN 1845 PURELY MUTUAL scenes arc moved a novice is in continual dan ¬ horse without a bridlo in it is opened only shingles and lio closer together boing more Superior Magnet Osceola Almeda Eclipse Charter Oak Kimble In wood and Laundry Stoves 1 being knocked down is concen- ¬ Com AND SADDLEUY i ger of It a for purposes of eating or biting but never clastic than wood Boston Jour Galvanized Iron and Copper Boilers tor Ilances Qranito Iron Ware Nickel Plated anil Plain trated world of activity You fancy it a sceno from excitement or from exhaustion like that A completo line which wo aroscllinr For Hotiseheopers Ever Company that Originated the Non Foreiture Feature of Life Insurance of confusion and chaos whero all is really most other quadrupeds except the deer Cheaper than regularity and order of Galvanized Iron Water Pipe all sizes and laid on at species The lips are perhaps even moro Never put off washing on account of rain it m llavo you seen a houso on tiro upon tbo characteristic they aro his bands as well as may bo no drier any other day of tho week Iron Bedsteads Well effect Aaaela SGUOOO000 stage done it is a very startling part of his mouth and tho horse and others of Dont w6h calicoes in soft soap and never Lowest Oast Lead Soil Pipe Surplus over 10000000 Tho lines of the rafters and windows arc dotted bis family alone uso them in this way The dry them out of doors thoy will suroly fade Galvanized Buckets Rates Iron and w ith small gas Thcso aro screened from TINNED IRON Annual Income 14000000 jets ox tho sheep tho goat the deer tho giraffe iuoir colors may bo set ly washing in sott Ineornn 1881 S28J3389 view When tho conflagration out tho lrom InUmt In bursts in fact we believe all gram- ¬ water in which beefs gall has bccndlluted Xossea abovo all and Kettles Pans -- fcdf- Death Paid In 1884 2257116 front lights on tho stago aro turned down and inivorous animals except tho horse either in the proportion of ono tablo spoonful of gall Tea Sauce all kinds - J EXCESS OF RECEIPTS lUiger than any other Company 61C213 thcso jets turned Before this however tho House Furnishing Goods bito their food directly with tho teeth or grasp to ono gallon ofVatcr Many thousands of Assorted Sizes do Fry Fans inside tho haB lurid red glaro house been and gather it with tho tongue which is pre-¬ dollars aro wasted by tho cureless washing of Knives Knives nth Losses Paid Here During Last Year 38000 made tho lime flashing through red Butcher Forks by light hensile and gifted with moro or less power of flannels Tho following receipts will infalli- ¬ 11UI115EK DOSEALL SIZES AND OIIADES tho tho sides of tho stage Tin Plate Sheet Lead urance in Force on These Islands Over - classes At widcs prolongation but tue uorse s tongue uas no bly prevent them from shrinking Mako suds Lilt and Forco Pnmps Cistern Pnraps Galvanized Iron Sheet Copper Sheet Load 1000000 Load Pipe Tin Plate Water Closets Itowls ono or two braziers are filled with a powder such function aud therefore no such powers of hard soap and boiling water lay jn the Galvanized Water Pipe to 2 in Marble Slabs and Enameled Wash Stands called lycopodium to each of which is at¬ bo these services aro all performed in Ins case flannels and loavo llicni in it till tho water is IIK 3iEV OUlC LUX lur every variety of Bound Insurance licluilin Ordinary Life Limited Pav- - tached a bellows Every timo tho bellows by tho lips anil no horseman who has let a cool enough for tho hands to bear Then rub WHITE LEAD various qualities UfeJimlowmtnt Policies Tontine liretnicnt end Xon Porlcttinj Limited Tontine Policies In all of aro worked sheet ol flame and smoko is pra- ¬ adranlaseon term arc inercd a favorite borse picE up smalt articles 01 iooa tho flannels on Iho washboard till clean wring dltt A cticed Tho fierce limo light exaggerates the BOILED OIL TURPENTINE th NonrrfeUlng Limited Tonlltic rolleif ttncd by thia Company offcrcrcatrr advantages than those from tho palm of his hand can iiavo failed to them out aud throw tlicm into a tub of boiling Cfoandeliers Lamps ianterns by I d jyiy other Company It la virtually an Endowment pftlicy at the ordinary Life rale and offers at extent of tho vapor tho jets on tho rafters aro erralnction of the respective Tontine eriodfl to follonlujoptions to such of Insured a have bo struck with tho extreme mobility and also water let them lio till the water is cool the Ihedand alight and with tile cries of alarm and possi ¬ CORRUGATED ROOFING -- kept their policies In force tho sensibility and delicacy of touch with enough for tho lunds then rinso them in it To apply the accumulated dMdend to the jntrcbac or an annuity on the person uliose life Is Insured bly tlio arrival of fire escapes and other stirring lips endowed Now alllhese thoroughly and wring thenr out Repeat tho 24 Gauge G 78 and 0 ft Lengths Galv THE EQUITABLE reoKDltr To continue tbe policy for the original amount or withdrau In cash the accumulated diridind which tho aro screws anu wosners muging rllooed by the Company to the policy incidents wobavo all theslartling and impres- ¬ physical characteristics aro patent without rinsing process with another tub of boiling uair C BREWER CO pmD To withdraw In ueh the entire equity that 1 the reserve and accumulated dividends apporUoncd sive effects of a real fire every trace of which any knowledgo of anatomy to nny ono who ap water then hang them up to dry Never rub LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY e Company to the policy is put out and removed within a few minutes Yellow Sheathing Metal and Nails otfftTH Toronrert the entire equity intoa paid up lolley nltliont patflcipaliou In pioflla nlies intelligent observation to an animal soap on flannels Never wash colored and irra --To convert the entire equity tulo a Life Annuity uiou raid pton uhof c life is ineured of tlio curtain falling which ho sees daily but in pictures both of and whito together hang tho former in the AnncaledFenco Wire Fcnco Staples The ocean of the stago is produced by a Wire Plant and Arches eroit FULL rAHTlCULAKS IlATBe ETC AITLY TO medieval and modern paicters what wonder- ¬ shade tho latter in tho sunshine Guards No ISO Broadway number of boys lying on their backs beneath ful libels on horse nature do wo perpetually OiiBIt FOR SALE Now York a dark cloth and working away with their legs see Ho is commonly represented as an ani iDriural Sttiwtiocnicnts ESTABLI8UBD IK 1U9 8j o c GcDcral Atut Xor Hawaiian Irlauds and arms Mc Tcrcy Fitzgerald mentions a mal cither with human or else with small STEEL RAILS clever iustanco of a staco illusion in a play piggy eyCK with a blunt solid nose with With Fish Plates Dolts and Spikes Iliac rolicln on all tb beat IMaa amoag tililcb called tho Tho Sea of Ice A woman with two Btnall round holes for nostrils with an ire to 00 round many new partui ea coatatalna f her child on a frozen sea is exposed to the READ THIS Portland Comont tnrcs not yet In aw In other companiee alnln w ue open foolish moult with a long body liko a X treachery of the villianof the story is a PerBarkMARTHADAVIS vwivtiaiiuaniuijDj mo 1 uijll UUUJJSIHJ It shoulders and round shapo fc Firo Clay Firo Bricks lew G bolster straight JIEE8U5E O Hall box Lixitzd Tula Company oods maj be talelj called the byXateArriTals wild Arctic picture Presently tho ico begins your Steel Breakers FIobmi la have used iMn less legs and this not only in tho case of the Uentletiitni1 Both Square and arch moat of the Important luturasce reforne and tor tbla lo break up and after a timo a woman and her for teren year and jour 16in Breakers for a year and many Italian masters who seem to havo lost with been well pleased with them They arc pood Lump rational well at otbera It now tnaaact tba infant aro floating on u block cf ico in that hare Rock Salt largest TearlrbiMlnee dona bj aor ono coBpear FROlttSANFEANCISCO tho loss of Greek tradition all sympathy with strong riows and turn tht toil belter than an other tbe world la 4 j Fishery FltOM BOSTON loliclea are both midst of a rolling sea The effect was pro- ¬ and appreciation of the horgp but also in tho plows I oyer used and I have used a pood many cince Salt duced iu tho simplest way Strips whit ¬ 162 I have nscd the Wn Steel llreaker for several of caso of English painters of eminenco of tho with only live mules and plowed from one acre English Bolting HOH weeks l to 12 inch widths FORFEITABLE AND INDISPUTABLE NEW YORK ENGLAND ened canvas representing tho ico wcro slowly present day in this horse loving country Let and a half to two acres a day 1 ustd the same num j drawn away to tho right and left revealing ber of animals for the 15 n as for the IMn Breakers AN ASSOItTlIENT OF tho reader for instance turn to the largo X plowed np a groro of sumach roots and lots of guara 31 water underneath which was represented by Aaeta Oct 1WI t illustrated edition of Tennysons pocm and this year and have broken but one Dr coulter and a pair tlabllUlca 47flWM4l sheets ol perfectly black bombazine not green books illustrated by leading of handles Every one who has used them on Hawaii JUST ARRIVED by to other artists has been well pleated with them ENGLISH GROCERIES Surplus teoeived Castle Cooke nor as migiil be expected blue llio clicct whom would bo invidious to mention and Yonrs truly Surplus audience it New York Standard ot 44 per upon tho was entirely owing to tho then let him say whether the abovo descrip- ¬ iSisned JL A Ltmax t Interest laxner than that of any ALSO TO ARRIVE BY VESSELS DUE FROM ABOVE AND tfio Paaohaa SUCH AS I t other Ins Co PORTS contrast with glaring whito ice which tho tion is an exaggeration of what ho generally artist knew caused tho waters below to look Worcestershire Sancc Fruits JimsCream Tartar VAasuianee written In 1W1 larcr finds English Art ilugazinc The above Is hot one of many letters we have tbatotany other eomnanr- - alWOCT W of an inky hue Tho result was founded on t Soda Spices Etc Etc Etc TyOntsUndln2 Assurance received irom an pans 01 me lsianus speaking in- mo Wo an asst itn 3UMm to o IOJLB and thcrcforo highest terms of bteel Breakers 157 hare also jnst reccired ofiEj lotiehievt rrcnlura loeoafta IOWJBST KATIDS occular illusion on true scenic Mrs Partington Herself Again Hairs andlIotvsof Increase or Surplus iuaTKsn at Tlicro were the boys alfsfies Franklin Stove C01l in Casks Lcal Standaid si principles at work of the Molfnc Plow IUUUBBOI Asseta ajStfttal We hare Just received direct from A CrnShcd course under 116 cloth aud tho iicbdrg on Mrs Partington sat at the refectory table large Invoice of Plows our assortment Ilbls Sugar Total amount paid Poller lloidei luce GOODS Coa making AMERICAN OOODS the or which tuo lugilivcB Boated away with a her face radiant with satisfaction her bonnet complete Including Breakers and Plows of all sizes Cases Fraicra Axlo Grease orsanlzation the Society nonm hanging by tho Btrings from the back of her and kinds Extra Shears Itolts Coulters Handles and wooden platform that was drawn oD through a Beams Among them Cases Hoc Handles Oqntostoct Olnlxtaaa XOoxxo h slit in the bombazine ocean chair and hor benevolent spectacles contcm As daring some years wc have been nnablc to sup Bbls No 1 Rosin for PlantationsCountry Stores plating the surroundings What will you be ply the demand for these jood we desire Planters to The Society Issues a plain and ample eonUael of jiitable Real water has never been found to look so may need for Bleached Brown Cases helped tor whispered a bcr car send in their orders soon forw hat the Cottons Wheelbarrows Assurance free from berdenaone anil techniaa eendl real on tho stago as its artistic imitation You voice in the comln season The llon and INCONTESTABLE Thank you dear fofyour polite attenuation 27 to 30 inches nide alter three years 5 Or FAMILIES Orders Filled remember tho story ol tho low comedian who at Shortest Xut ice and villi Saliv carried under bis a bIio replied looking bcnignantly upon tho Fancy 1rints Bine Dtnims All Pollcie as aoon as they becoene inconteaUbl anu bogus pig and Payable lUMBDIATKLYapon squeaked himself A rival charming attendant I will take if you pleaso Halls Steel Furrow Plow NESTTETJNKS J ttorecof mU tried tho real factory proofs of death and without delay of alxty iaction Jo 1urcliascrs Alteiilioii h Called lo Our a cup of oblong tea with milk and sugar not Childrens Boots and Shoes sizes and or ninety daya the thing but it was not so effective tho squeak Has never been equalled of these wo have a few Stjles adapted to usual with other companies too Bwect and if you will be sure that it is this market Hay Cutlers Flax Packing did uot seem so natural to tho audienco as tho left of improved mate WE HAVE ALSO BT For pamphlet or full 10 A LA11GE FKESII ASSORTMENT OF 1 Bbls Wilmington Tar particular uppiy imitation A manufacturer of stago proper not mado of tho eclymosynary water that the lOMo obliged ALEX J lARTWEIOUT Asenl J tics onco went to lrury Lano Theatre lo see doctor wrolo about I shall bo much Wilmington Fitcb aiproveci lTn a O n vnt1 nninrinf tlio fitr ntrul TPs Paris W v L a leal elephant coino in on an Oriental proces uun uu i KJUJi tuv uauvM Shelf HARDWIRE Bales Navy Oakum Cmiinr Tin H rnnttnrl inin nlnnrrolHaa sion coum maKO a rnucn neiicr one lim -- - ia v - - chill a Crockery and Glassware Oos Picks BhoTcIs Cs Br Lard Oil PETER DALTON i 0I to ncr 1 1 Plowannllandof Molitir IMrc l Jnhn ll said and no doubt ho could for tho pvposo somewhat surprise daro Grindstones Safes nirlVakl lr Bho Plantation and Mechanics Tools L liTA Tlaset JrCanaKnlvefinadcurieststeel loourorderir riauterHoe ul to be served His elephant uould Jlave had BaT said she as scanned Iho delicacies i Jiatha Ase and Hct Mattocta Tick Hoe Adze U o Aie and other handles S i lryb U 4 Its kVUU CO a Saddle Tl i rt aw WtUW IU OJiail 1UIUT rODEV A U 11 Baldin a man in cacli leg mo beast iivn Harness luatherCelUnca to Itch best quality India llubber Hose s LluiisM- - - ncs Jiii Z JX for and mule Tunable Vnviis n vt my tea When ono is decomposed by walking W llowa AUes hotse carls forses KaEle Canal Uairow under control and far moreiuliarmouy with FARMERS BOILERS I oanstoneandAbesto8blcamracUn llcsttlatlndlautilMrMeamlarllnr a i tho mimic than Ihjr elephant for- ¬ tlicro is noluint iiko a cup ot tea to restoro iEoirttolo 3ExisrLxioi Lace and sceno of the I and 6 H MANTJPACTTJRER M i sabbetlletal Leather Ladncs India Kabber Meant Iartlnr the cquitabrabam and hero is enough to sat¬ n P r Vabealoa Bullet CoTcrlnsandMeam ripe doMacbmr Oils lardeastoraLdcvlInde7vlihnntu est and tho jungls remember Mr Jobnlty Bbls Dairy Salt Cement fiat in urate tho appetite and give strength to tho ex dcr tcllingjc his early day ho was en ¬ ONE SPLENDID PIANO 1 ank 2 inch Ox Bows 92 King CELEBRATED gaged at rfn Kast end thcatro whero two small asperated limbs- - This is different doctor j Street Honolulu DISSTONS SAWS AND TILES ALL SIZES BV mtlNSMEAD SONS Cs A50 and- - Pick Handles cicphanta wcro introduced into one of tho from tho poor soldiers fair wiln only hard 4 Bell Tolopliono No 111 tipeir JacVsons and btubbe Fllef Hammers for Carpenters Machinists IllacVsmiths tactics and tho long roll to sustain them lo Canal Barrows Kgs Nails t and Wrowhl Klls all alact Horse and Mule shoe Kails Ualv Kails Cui t scenes Ho had nothing to do with that part in5fJi0Icm11 y Prlod aud Patron in Itono- - if uiC c say nothing of tbo avalanches and how they posted ci f Oliain lli of tho show and had thcrcforo not - Bbls Ex Prime Pork J seen tho Soap 21 Gorsages ttro boxes Bars- conld stand it is bard tot see meant by qualities in of realistic exhibition Towards the close of Ihe I ana lu lsars i- test Imprpyements in play ho wanted to cross tho stago so as lo my inquiry said he to learn how you were Shelf Hardware enjoying tho fair tlio bazar designed lo Cumberland Coal in Bulk icrttoflres supply to hi L OJ4ratf5y Low Kates sneak to a ncrsouon theolhcuidc The set Cook Ranges Best Welsh Steam Coal vhbart n Uabbucfs fhlie and lied L ads secure a homo for veterans Ah I sho re- ¬ Stoves ctoM - -- Pe eato- - Ktenl CenllfrSI was so largo and lull that his only chance of COKE FLOOKING TILES IT I KUU IkUUUU plied with a fervor that seemed to add lo tbe SiliJdBFy-Lfl LWSIJi tiiv uanauiHIi crossing was to go bencatli tbo 6tagc There OF ALL SIZESt I0SS Sx c ic Manila Cordage Sisal Cordage exhalation from the decoction now sCt boforo First Class - - is always a way to go from ono sido to tbo KTrCHEN AND HOUSEHOLD GTENSILS of Hand made 0E JLa - her it is a grand display of patriotism and Ear-G-3- U JKTJ3--s- a Oak Lumber Whito Wood do V 3D C3- other through the mechanical ntricacic9ropes all kinds llaf- 2tS- O O 33 tS and winding drums and Ihinpe and iu first donation for those who helped ns in our hour Walnut Lumber Ash Ldmbcr Harness v nfkif audSos TicUnc AC A Hand D BleacLrd snd ITnhiMfhfMirTnftAK r ti class theatres tho strange world beneath tho of need whan cotton cloth was sixty cents a PAINTS AND OILS of all kinds Eastern White Pino Lumber tW ovn and Bleached Urilli Llntn hhrctlnr ilof qalto Lace ft Elnc and Ilatiiit and sugar and has LTTnitlCATINO OILS bcst stock in tho market lrlce ne or w bite r iantJ Aiao bclct Btago is well lighted But here said tho yard thirty thtce it my Merschaum Pipes nefrigeratora Cs Tin Tomatoes yenMoalytheIJetHaurlalslR Aorunuii warm corporation Sho went out wilh Ihe KHKOSENE OIL Downers Noonday iLustral tragedian it was all dark I knew of course VLATED WAKE Barton Gold doctor and made him interest himself in many SILVER from Iked Silver Nickel and Rubber Mountings tho direction to take and could see a glimmer bui iiu siij v 11 tv Alio irom ine uornara uo Electric and Downers Kerosene Oil hFLE GROOERlliS Golden Gale Star- - Superfine of licht from tho other staircase Presently schemes for swelling the fun3 POWDEKS all kinds from Cala Powder Works Flour I CARKIAGE AND MACHINE BOLTS all sizes w as conscious of a strange crcaturo moving Pahllshen and Printers of 1780 Cigar 3Hol3ers Ighunbla Hirer Salmon Bayo Tteans Also California Lime fvrtland and Hydraulic Cement near mc a son clammy urcatuing iinng liko Ketchup and Cod Fish Balls I hate JLST ItrCEIVEn an Invoice of a tnako passed over my face I staggered Of English nowspapcre we read in the SHELF HAEDWAKE UKMIM Cases Clam Chowder bo0dboishheaitaUfl u S4SSmu F Oil We back and y clled for help At the moment a year 1780 lu London alone 03000 were printed MEitsciiatJi Fish Chowder and Gherkins Kerosene Offer THE PAIACE and Guarante A Splendid Assortment Berlr uj article doea not DleaMihet mr It ahah man appeared with a lantern lio was com- ¬ every week and wo aro told bowVoodfall Pipes and Cigar Holders Cases Sausage 3Icat be icplaeed by new sooda or IiiVh fit cannot be beat for quality or price also THE ing to feed tho two elephants which were llio nrintcr of tbo Advertiser onco tbo famous LEATHER Of All Descriptions Cs Uuckins Tomato Soup he iMrojrrn tethered beneath tho stage Ono of them had newspaper in London defeated tbo attempt dihkct And a large list ot goods lit lamp or In balk OF TUB BEST iUALITV ASD FINISH Cs do Hock Turtle Soap VUXCAIf a good oil and above test been feeling ms over lo sco what I was pos mado uy too government lo discover who Sydnoy SacacOJGiy X Bibly to help mo and show mo the way out Junius was The captain says It is not Sach as CIIAIK S LSODA Selected Kepctlallj for me br t T WATERHOBSE Cases Huckins Ox Tail Soup forget at all uncommon to sco a printer put in the INSECT rOWDER StJLVHUn Jjl In ENGLAND and all peelaliy made lo bit law lstaadl CELEBRATED I shall never tbo horror that thrilled WUITINO ALUM ETC ETC 0DWARD BROWNS PIANOS roc when tho business end of its trunk felt pillory or dragged to jail and although bv Docble Plate SprtoxSare and eeery at All or walcfa trill be sold hj the poaud or pacfcasti at Warranted to lie of Finest Juality purelaaed my face naming tbo author tbey would escape these CENTBIFTJGAL LININGfS addl or his will TrtHd New I am enabled to offer IbteCbolee ripea and Holdera ke Cheapest Good Piano Haron On an Cog Iarlor Organs torrent rolling dewn a mountain sido is indignities tuor cover did so without his con LOWEST MARKET RATES BY form Planters Teamsters and oUm 10UT A AT VEIIV UW riCICEM a liberal dlKOnn t that produced by arranging a transparent strip of sent The Eev Mr Home Tooke curate of belnjjlTea to the trade Tbl together with Buckets Lime Wash Boards a Choice Selection or Cart Wagon material cut out into the shape of a stream Brentford was so generous as lo avow him-¬ CIU AIM Cases Chairs Cotton Waste and Plow Harness D T DILLINGIIAil J Q farFSCKK self on an occuron of this kind in year r 1 lrcldcnt and Manage SccroUrr and Trcanrcr behind this is a metallic cylinder its surface the E OHall Son Cases Yellow Metal Sheathing and lighted with gas is revolved 1778 Our author once saw a printer in tho Cigarettes and Tobacco perforated Kgs TcUow M Sheathing Nails Material and sraranteed to 1 mltiMlkS thus illuminating in a fitful irregular way tho pillory surrounded and protected by a count Jlikca the SH0KER EUPOIUGM KOhS the Bbls Twine Bales Duck In onferlns to secure it t transparent strip of canvas or linen and so less raultitudo of people who cheered lura pUce for porchsging this class of Ooodj a roodat aend alae of animal PAGIFIC HARDWARE CO with garlands L Hido Poison Linseed Oils A mi suggesting tbe flash and movement of water and crowned him and flowers Mr B KERR MAECHANTS 78 rutt IUE or Thunder is often simulated by shaking a huge and gave him refreshment putting it into his HAS- - Tort Street Cases Turpentine Cases of i Whips Spurs Sponges Chamios Combs u Snccesors to DUtlnchani A Co and Samuel Kott sheet of iron or tin but the best thunder is mouth as bis bands were fastened Persons uoxounii Brwhea and erery m rnado cither by rolling a small wagon laden of rank stood by and talked familiarly with Just Received Ex Mariposa Jnt arrired Old Jadje and Durban Tobacco for ripe neeeaaary for Sum him with cheering and encouraging words and Cigarette AIo PACES BilCWZST bm always 00 hand i H I with stones across the ceiling of ihe theatre SOAP Fort Street Honolulu tho London Society SiWlut le sells he will warrant a repneeaittf aad or rolling balls over floor A cylinder EXPERT CHEWING TOBACCO c aoouerlwoneale than filled with pebbles imitates rain to realize 1081 J Bbls Mineral Paint JtST OrENED A XEW LIKE OF Ths Soiztm of Genius- - From Great Britain Cm y the whistling of a storm a wind box is Mammoth Rockers rt used It is a cylinder made to revolve rapidly Homer was a beggar Flautus turned a mill A VERY FINE Boob Cases Assorted PHOTOGRAPHIC VIEWS against a piece of silk Tho most efficient Terence was a slave Bocthius died in jail Extension Top Carriages Chandeliers Library Lamps j method of making lightning is by means of a Paul Borgheso had fourteen trades and yet GOODS Cases Curled Hair long tube with a spirit lamp at the end of it starved with them all Tasso was often dis ¬ SELECTION of Visiting san IS ItBADY i Francisco Drums Canatio Soda TtSriEnatrDi iewetari seat style of ike Photo THE LATE1T fATTEllSS JUST TUE THlIiC A chemical powder is blown through ths tube tressed for vo shillings TJcntivoglio was re- ¬ now inanaoatbomnitrtasoiiible unn esniu it igniting at the lsmp and giving out a lurid fused admittance to a hospital he had himself SUITABLE FPU CAS riND TUE - toodwork FOR HOLIDAY PRESENTS flash Forked lichtninr is produced by cnt-- erected Cetvantcs died of hunger and Vagelas r IjUudVlew roralaIAL Smiths Port SI ting out opon IhbacV cloth or sceno zig zag left his body lo ths surgeons to pay his debts GENTLEMENS WEAE Hawaiian Papers on File 11 t CIIA8E inps mane snape ol mo electric hisixw as as far as the money would gu Bacon lived a AT THE OFFICE 01 TUE UNION FEED CO S757Wlt Ibex are seen in nature tbeso orifices aro lire of meanneasand distress SirTValterBa KMBEACIXG TBI KNOWLES 3Elcvte3 DfcHEES Silver covered with thin calico and painted then Icigh died on tho scaffold Spencer tho charm- ¬ IJf STUM AHD YAGDBK POMPS the sceno being dark tho lime or electric ing died in want the death of Collins iraa S F S0VELTZESAEIU7GJXXVEKVflTAMEU Bad is Mercnant HAY light is suddenly lamed on off and tbe Ihrougb neglect first causing mental derange ¬ Latest tyles andean i1 result is something very rial especially trhen ment ilton sold bis copyright of Paradise 4 r5 Aar Turaertrom BmUOT full av ¬ 6VPanerPenaInV-- - -- u liatcn udEdlabnrb U by good supplemented in Xor Gentlemen Please Call and Ex ntv4nnHiuwMuniEa followed thnsder as Lost fifteen pounds at three payments beceperiradc ttcr thai any aur tyi of of Carriageliriiips c tho mad scene in KingLear with tho efS- - and finished his life in obscurity Drjdcn lived amine these Fine Goods C K BtTCKlAlfD Fo1o3aiozio 17B MlMin ot planter par leflntoice worlaEgofUiB and wind boxes poverty distress died Eiitor Proprietor JteularlftolhoTraeiiimrimpR5VeaiJu ci11 - -- t cient lain in and Otway preuia- - Fire Tit aad Prices to Salt alL 100 I2M XaEwdorfctt oilcite J taeasardBarajjetTteabmysia otbei pnmpa I MSPMsrciaat
