J ruiii.isiir.il J J IIIIWIiH J jB J i:Vi!itv aktkii.noon J t' J T n MWifi . MONTH ifl J li.XCKI'T MJMIAY. J THE HAWAIIAN STAR J ' I.V AliVA.Ntlll.


tlie slope l7md, tlia emniy'a work same J. S. EMERSON, & CO., c, & CO,, LTD Into lew. The Fort) ninth haltol nnilw BISHOP Ore to better POPULAJt ELECTIONS. The Hawaiian Star. OFFICIAL DIllKOTOttY. Established ill 18M. 0IU0ANS IX BATTLE. form Its ranks, then moved ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR, tirwnnl nt double quick, bayonet In hand, orriCK lo within an average distance of 10 paces Qncon Si., Honolulu, H, I., desperate THE STEADY GROWTH OF INTEREST PUBLISHED EVERY AFTERNOON With W. E. Howell, BANKERS. chances taken dvthe from tlie Confederate parapet. Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands. forty-nint- h regiment. Atsome pultit. the Ohio I mys crossed bay- IN STATE ELECTIONS. EXCEPT SUNDAY At Office of Public Works. AGP.NTS TOR onet with tlie enemy oer lhebrentwork, THE MOriSOXAL OOVKt-VJfB.- OF 2U-- tf DRAW EXCHANGE ON nnd man fi dead In the ditch beneath. UY THE HAWAIIAN STAR NEWSPA. Hawaiian Aurlcultiui I Co., Onninea It t.rd All Ilia Itr.t In I'rmcrylf Ilullct It wns 1 eat ng dark, and there were no Leiion. That May lln Ilruwn r rom tl a New THE BANK OF CnLIFORMn, SAN FRANCISCO. Sujriir Co., Wni-hik- u PER ASSOCIATION, Ltd. LUIVUI.1.V 1SLASDS Ilonomu &u?ar Co., Srarn Any supimrts or telp In sight, the York Mat and National Tlltl Co., vo Arr C'rltrtlon of What n Hudy but brave Ulretlont & CO. ANB TI1F.III AOKNTS IN Sugar Wail Sugar Co., fellows c.uu, M. S. GUINBAUM of Trnoi4 To ' Call. p. to such cover as theyoould nr Voter, to Itie ropitlalloa Mnlteo Sugar Co., ll.ileaU.il.i Ranch lln llarrd the find behl ,d Limited. Hew York, Chicago, Boston, Parli, Co., ICnmpala Ranch, limps and trirs, and In place flrratrr In tho Country. RUIWCHIIHON HATES. tCopyrlnht, 1W0, by Amirlc ,n Pres. Aesocla. 1 icnij's breastworks, nt arm's HONOLULU, It, I. M, BOTHCtlllO & SONS, LONUOM. Plantetn' Lino Snn Frnt cisco PncktlK. Pel Voir In Advance, - K00 MESSRS. N. lion. Book rig) 1. Mervcd.l length fn m the foe Darkness, tho most A Clia. Ilruwer & Co.'s Lino of Dobtt ti coimrion of tba election returns FRANKFORT-ON-THK-MAI- F KENTUCKY welcome frl, id of en- For Mouth In Advance, - .78 Commission MercliantB and Importers Packets. a discomfited army, nt tho cud of the last century, nbo it tlia Bank of Chicago. di ea not fill her abled tlem to retreat, carrying - 12.00 of General Merchandise. The Union National AgentR Iloston Board of Underwriter!!. their time of tlie ndoptl iti of the consti' ntion f'oiclirn. per Year in Advance.- - Oounciu Tin) Bnuklng Co. of Sydney, rp ota, Ohio will wounded bni 't to places safe- Executive Commercial Agents Pliiladelphla Hoard of Under- 0 of succor nnd of the United States, Snn Francisco Office, 215 Front St. London. di It for her," do-- ty. Tie cos mhlcsin brief sundown with the n .urns II. Dole, of tho provisional Oov- - write! n. that for S. President Tim Cninmcrclnl BniiWiiR Co. of Sydney, .red the litick-e- j charge w re more half the the last presidential election, hows AUVKUTISINO HATES! Drnin.nl (if !lii llnwnllAM Islands. of New .cnliind, ier !), than Svdnoy. Tho Hank : 1 11 e. Forty-nin- e how wldoly the suffrage has extern ed In Chilit-church- , List or Okkict.hu war governor, uiimber of tho victims ml vcrtlslng T. M. Hatch, Minister of ForcUn AfTnlrri. II. W. SCHMIDT & SONS. Auckland, nnd its branches In till pi lor transient mid rogulnr P. C. w icn tho north werokillt.lnid.lldlfdor their wounds on tho United .States. In Mnssnchi letts. olllco. J. A. Klntt, Minister of thn Interior. Diintilln nnd Wellington. Joxks can liu obtained nt llio publication Uolumliin, Portland, Or, Heo. H. ltoliKUTsoN Man w 1 called toartnn the field. TI edeatli list was 83, tlie high- between 177S nnd 104, the projiort on of4 H. Tim Hank of Itrltlsli igr prompt Insertion all advertise- M. Damon, Minister nf Finance. K. In -- 1 1 Tosoeuro IMPORTERS ANU COMMISSION Tho Azores nnd Madeira Islands. F. Bishop. . . Trcas. and Se y. HOI. Ho kept est suffer any regiment In thnt battle. votes cast to the iwpulntron varied must bo delivered ntllio Business W, O. Smith, Attorncy-tlenern- l. I'OL. W. V. Al.LEV hi tta ments MERCHANTS. Stockholm, Sweden. Auditor word after Resides th four Kittles named. Shlloh. a to o pe cenL in several count of oillco beforo 1 p. m. Bank of India, Australia and C SI. Cooke ) 111 inths of patient Stone Rl.-c-r The Chartered Chlckamauga nnd Pickett's the stftto of New ork there wero c et at Alivisnnv Coukcii China. H. WATEmiousK. . Directors w Itlng, when the Mills, the ngiment left Its dead on the HIX'KUI). Fort Street, Honolulu. trons-n- C. L. I tho election of FM3 almost one-t- h' d as MiniMtltOLOCllCAI. Hongkong, Yokohama, Japan. And Cahteii CO itlllllOtl llgllt- - fields ot Lib rty Gap, Mission Ridge, Mor-- STO.iy 1 n Oencral Banking Business. -- tunny votes i there were Inhabi- j. W. C. Wilder, of the rro Islon In in Virginia and rlstown, liocl y ace Itldge, Kenesaw Jloun-taln- , t- Sultry, 1'uMUlied Ji It is the habit of many people U lly tlto Oorniiient al (luvernmentof tho Hawaiian Islands MAGOON. Missouri slioncd the fc'ly if longer delay. Atl tuti, Jonesboro, Nashville and ,ko Monday. J. ALFRED 1 It t.tu-tlon- s Kcry Cecil Ilrown, E. I). Tcnney, Robert Anderson, the 1. to of Sumter, had Columbia. . lost SWJ men killed In action, for granted that the earlier Li John Nott, C. Holle, ATTORNEY- and COUNSELOR-AT-LA- been Installed n Unitei! St del commander 14 of them co jmlssloucd ollicers. Thetotnl of tlio United States were aoro & 1 John Ena. W. F. Allen, CASTLE &4COOKE, WILDER CO. In Kentucky, with onl;. a ng nnd a band number I jrn on tho regimental rolls was democratic than tho present ones and SOS Olllco, 42 James F. Morgan, Henry Watcrhousc, .Merchant Street, of music to represent tLo n ijcsty and iww-e- r l,4flS, and tin nercentnee of killed was in.7. that tho tendency of these times to of Hie government. Tho total of kilted and wounded, Mt the Ed.Suhr, A. Younir, Honolulu, II. X. LIFE AND FIRE (Established In 18?).) pnt tho iiolitlcnl power in tho hand of a be?: The first regiment to Tin' ch was numlar dlschargeil by reason of disabil- 5s i J. 1. Mcndonca, D. II. Smith, the few men and to take it nwny fron' tlvo Iki 010. S, C, Ohio, nnd, as mi y Imagined, ity from wounds nnd other causes, (.7 0.01 os r John Kinmeluth. Estate WILDER WILDER. multitude. No such thcor" Ixirrj out Miri.l :7 hk I Its reception 011 rencliln't I. mlsvllle was an Tho deaths, aside from those caused by ' .'Moil 01 71 o.ou 61 r C. T. Itodgers, Secretary Executive and Ad :).lsi:lll -- M. by the election returns. At ono o. tho Ho.in! on s nu ' J. MONSARRAT. ovation of the kind tliut 1 nthusinstio and Tue. I:in.i7.lcuii in, visory Councils. Insurance most hotly In Virgin-la- , TO I or, Apnts. .1tLI4itU.il B.V .01 2 ms half scared people tender to thelrclinmploiis contested elections WM Impohikks rim :m.12 ao.m 03 HI 6i a hk and Dhalbm in and deliverers. The regiment was escorted when Chief Justice Jlnrshall's f ither ;o '2 Frl. KiMzsuurj 7IIIMHI HK HlTlirMB Couni. ATTORNEY AT LAW AND NOTARY through the streets by vast wns a cundldato for membership in Hat. ao.islw.in 03 7110.02 70 3 S a concoitrso of the Han. A. F. .7 mid, Chief Justice. PUBLIC. representative, citizens nnd then regaled liouso of burgesses, or what would Parameter corrected for temperatuio and Hon. It. F. Hlckerton, First Associate Justice. Lumber and Coal with a holldny banquet at the Louisville to assemblyman hero, wan elevHtlou but not Tor latitude. Cartwright Block, Merchant St., Honolulu. AOENT8 FOH thero Hon. W. E. Frear, Second Associate JuBtlce. hotel. Such experiences are bright spots only 0110 voto cast to every 10 inhabit- Henry Smith, Chief Clerk. In the life of a soldier, nnd fortunately the ants, a than KXOLAXD MUTUAL scroll ot the cannot bo ratio smaller that cast in Tide. Sun and Moon. UcorKe Lucas, First Deputv Clerk. F. M. WAKEFIELD. XKir future unrolled any county in Building' Materials nhove scenes llko that to lu.ir the joy of the thU state for n great many C. V. Peterson, Second Deputy Clerk. years. Thcro was a property qualifica a a e J, Walter Jones, Stenographer. ATTORNEY and COUNSELOR-AT-LA- hour. D tion for electors contest, nnd 5 Jj B Life Insurance Co. SUCH AS A thousand men shouted responses to the in tlds it Day. TEMPOiiAur orncE: city's wild liuzzahs, a thousand men sat was frequently the case that the voting. a. g ClIlCUIT JUIIQE9. With C. W. Ashford, Merchant St., a. ISA c OF BOSTON. down to her loaded banquet tnbles. What instead of being by secret ballot, was i E : ? Honolulu, II. I. DOORS, 1 Cooper, W. A. Whiting, SASH, BLINDS, must have been the feelings of thoso proud viva voce. wcro so ? r r i First Circuit! II. E. There few electors hosts and grateful guests had it been pot-stol-e they come together p.m. a.m. Uahu. that would all on (Second Circuit : Maul, A. N. Keimlkal. M. PHILLIPS & CO. to foresee that ranks which might Mon.... 0.3J 6.10 10.4 8.4tS 0.17 -i election day, and their names would bo BJW 11.30 0 S.43 S.L.Austin. never carry above a thousand muskets nil FIOHTIXO ACROS3 THE niiKASTWOnKS. Tues.... 7.35 3. CIS llJtl Third and Fourth Circuit!. Wholesale Imiiortoi a and. Jobbers of called, every man naming his choice. p.m. Fifth Circuit: Kauai, J. Hardy. iETNA Builders' Hardware, told Into battle would beforu tho end of the wounds, were 101, nnd 17 of those died as Wed S.4) 7.20 3.20 O.mi 5.41 8 18 vt un all tho talk about tho large vote .... Court-roo- conflict suffer quite a thousand battle prisoners of war. of 11.4) 10. 0 4.HI S.4) 0.18 0.32 Unices and In Government AMERICAN & EUROPEAN DRY GOODS, File the surviving Thur.... 1.8J wounds; over 700 individual los of the city of New York and tho power Frl 11.10 11 90 5.3J 4. 0 5.12 6. Ill llulldlnir, Kin? Street. Sitting in Honolulu: 011, that soldiers wounded suffered the of an arm and FIRE Paints, Glass. In- of its majorities to pettlo p.m. First Monday in February, May, August and Corner Fort and Queen Sts., Honolulu. would be hit, over 200 receiving mortal two the loss of a leg. The ranks of the regi- the result in the Sat . n.33 5.2. 5.43 O.lil B7tf juries, while upward of IKO more would die ment suffered 1M2 gunshot Hounds. sLtto, it is Bomowhat contradictory that .301 0 5.41 0.19 8. 0 November. Hun.. 0. INSURANCE CO. WALL PAPER, ETC. from exposure and disease; that the final It is possible by analysis of these flcures tho election figures should show that First quarter of the moon on the 12tli, at 2h, record would show for every seven men to tell approximately how many Individ- New York has the smallest ratio of voters Dr.i'AiiTMK.vr of Foheion ArrAius. Forty-nint- M. OF HARTFORD, CONN enrolled under the banner of the h uals who bore the brunt of hardsldp mid to Inhabitants less than half ns large aa "I'lineHs'lilslle Illowsntlb., 28m., 34s. p.m. of one killed In action, for every fighting suffered Honolulu time, which Is the same as lih.,0in.. JfTlce in Government Building, King Streot. four for the cause. Tho num- the ratio in many of the rural counties. M. ot SIGN mid ORNAMENTAL PAINTER. one cut off by bullets or disease, for every ber of deaths by wound nnd disease footed 0s. of Urecnlch time. Ills Excellency Francis Hatch, Minister Urooklyn comes next and HufTnlo third. Kor every 1000 feet of distance of the ob- Foreign Affairs. BELL TELEPHONE 157. Cor, Fort and two one struck by the enemy's fire. So up 803, the ntiniLcr discharged for dis- server (from thu Custom House) allow one Queen Streets, rends the record of the regiment, and It abling wounds or disease In Throughout tho statu It is general that second transmission ot sound, or 5 seconds Geo. C. l'otlcr. Chief Clerk. to. contracted for t5?"AU Orders Promptly Attended ATLAS stands at the head of tho Ohio troops ill service was 010, making 1)79 tho Democratic counties enst fewer votes to n statute mile. W. Horace Wright, Clerk. 021 permanent f point of losses. to tho Lionel Hart, Clerk. COMPANY, HONOLULU, II. I. battle casualties. Tlie total enrollment was number of their Inhabitants than I . ASSURANCE Forty-nint- P. O. Box 2117. Telephone 2 10. The h was a Seneca county but It would la) unfair to deduct the casii-sltle- s tho Republican counties. In Now York ! t & LAND CO.'I regiment. Four hundred nnd forty of Its from that numlier because SO tho OAHD RAILWAY Dbpaiitment or Iktkiiioii. KOUXDKD about number of inhabitants to eacli voter the LEWIS & CO. 1808. members were born in that county nnd 700 nercentuf thcenrollmeiitshould bethrown is O.bU, in Kings 5.05 nnd In Erio fi.00, were native Ol, loans. first ene- out thoso who da """x&j&i Ofllce In Government Building, King Street. IMPORTERS. - - It met the for uot follow thu colors. while in Cortlandt nud Otsego the ratio Ill Capital, $6,000,000 Do You Use my at Shlloh on tko second day. losses ISomo of tho number may figure In His Excellency J. A. King, Minister of the Its with the Is . 11 1; a. 10 Navnl Supplies. Wholesale and Retail there ucro not heavy, twice, during (teams to in Yates, 3.35 in Gene- Interior. - but tho by disease and the discharged, jet see, Assets, - $9,000,000 battle may lie 1,200 8.33 in Delaware, 3.35 in Allegany, Chief Clerk, John A. Hasslngcr. Dealers in Groceries, Provisions, etc. Any of the It executed tho trying movement of tho basis reduced to as a fair changing front under fire. long computation suf- 3.20 in --Madison, 3.37 In Ontario, 3.22 in Assistant Clerks, Jamea II. Boyd, M. K. Ill Fort St., Honolulu, II. I. So as raw for the real soldiers who iS-- soldiers can keep the enemy In view they fered 070 permanent casualties. St. Lawrence. This 6hows n ratio twice Keohokalole, James Aholo, Stephen Maha-ul- Having hecn nppnlnted agents of the nhove Following That leaves will usually remain cool, onco they survivors who followed the ns largo in New York nnd George C. Hoss, Edward S. Itoyd. Company wo nro now ready to ellect Insur- but til colors. Hut nlmost twice ances at tho lowest rales ot premium. turn their backs for n moment it takes the there are 7M wounded men to 1m accounted as largo tu Urooklyn aud lluffalo ns in TIME TABLE. P. O'SULLIYAN. Articles ? nerve of n veteran to face about again. for, of which S03 nppear to a certainty II. W. SCHMIDT & SONS. tlie rural counties. From and After June 1st, 1803 CllIKTO OF liUllEAUK, DEPAI1TMENT OF Stone River was the first great battle among thu 070 casualties, and among the Thero aro two main reasons to ncconnt INTKKIOII. where tho regiment 010 dlschargeil T11A1NS If yoit do, call on us had n chince to prove men thereinay have hvcu 330 for this. Ono is the dlfferenco in tho its mettle. It was In the portion of tho of the wounded, making, with theSOS killed, Survej W. H. Alexander. CARPENTER BUILDER, nnd examine same, election laws in tho cities and in tho TO UWA JIII.L. and HAWAIIAN Union Hue of battle, which wns surprised Ki accounted for out of the 751, Supt. Publio Works, W. E. Howell. THE by morning counties, and tho other is the dl!Icr II. 11. A. and we know quality an early lutailc and driven Tho fatal d, eaes doubtless carried oil ice Supt. Water Works, Andrew Ilrown. many In tho character of tho population. It A.M. I.M. l'.M. ! fiom point to polut not wit istandlng the who ha been wounded, but of the Inspector Electric Lights, John Cassldy. and prices will suit you. 1 I.eavo Honolulu 8:45 1:45 4:35 5:10 A SPECIALTY. rrost stubborn and herolo ri listance. The 101 deaths run causes other than wounds cannot bo a difference in politics, fir Heglstrar of Conveyances, T. G. Thrnm, JOBBING $ field O Lp.avo City.. 0.30 2.30 5:10 Safu Dejosil two officers present ant nil the not more than would fall upon men pre- Schohurio, ono of tho fuw rural Di u Pearl Koad Suiiorvisor, Honolulu, W. H. s. Paints and Oil. y the mim 10 viously may 11 Arrlvu Kwa 5II11 0:57 2:57 5:30 0:22 Shop on Bethel Street, lictween King tho couipanhs ere killed or wound d. Thus tho wounded cratic counties, shows ratio of 3.1ft, ird "Nautilus" we have added to wounded ticforo the gallan ranks aban- be account! I ns follows: Two hundred TO HONOLULU. and Hotel streets. 275-tf- . bark fir Greene, another Democratic county, a ui Chief Engineer Fire Dept., J. H. Hnnt. doned the field, In one ra Jy Lieutenant and two fatal wounds, 350 disabling and c. n. ii. a. MoWayne. COMPANY. our large stocks in this line. Good a ratio of 3.30. Thopcrcentngoof vt..ers Supt. Insane Asylum. Dr. A. Ciloncl Levi Dnikcnnd JlaJ- - rlieiiJaniluS, leading to dls barge, 60 incurred by men A.M. A.M. P.M. is lower in tho cities than in the ral r.M. Una biiperior facilities for buying and weather will soon set in and you l'jrter went down almost toi ether, leaving who died from other causes, makini: Oft!. n 6:21 10:43 3:13 6:42 Sche- - Leave Kwa Mill I1U11EAU OF AaiUCUl.TlTItE. NICHOLAS BEEHAM, selling nnd IEoihIn and is in tie regiment without n cuini innder. nnd leaving IS. to be homo by the SSI sol- districts. Tho two counties of City. 0:55 11:15 4:15 0:10 SIocUn will house, Leave Pearl want to paint your and Drake's death wns tho idea one for a sol- diers who n tal ad their vigor and clung to aud Schohario aro Democratic 7:30 11:55 4:.W 0:45 President His Excellency J. A. soap. a uosltion to handlo largo l.locks of Arrive Honolulu Dealer in all kinds of when dier. An Ohio battery, km wn as Good-s- j the colors. A lowing a wide maridn for contiguous. Schohario is n purely n King, Minister of the Interior. stocks, paying cash for same; or will you do, use pure paints, not A Saturday's only. C Sunday's excepted. "SOFT" SOAP A SPECIALTY. ced's, became Involved .11 1 10 retreat and errors in tie so nfereuces, nevertheless the county, while n great part ef Her- fjtr some cheap article that will "pesl" II Dally D Saturday's excepted Members: W. G. Irwin, A. Jaeger, A. Highest Cash Prices Paid forTallow. sell upon Commission. hi lted on a knoll behind tin Forty-ninth- , boys of the For Ohio went through the population of Schenectady count ' '3 bert and John Ena. nnd blood ' 182 King Street. - 1'. O. llox, 34 1. can bo or "chalk" off in a few mouths. w th its guns turned town d the enemy. "fire to save the Union. in Schenectady, which Is a ilouril vg Plantation Stock Forty-nint- Commissioner of Agriculture and ex officio 315-- Colonel W. II. Gibson of th Gkoiiui: L. Kilmki:. j'oiu;iin .mail i;kvici;, tf disposed of by us in largo or small loU Ilulihucks White lead Zinc, and littlo city. Schenectady Iras 0,000 ir ro Secretary of the Hoard: Joseph Marsden. w.is acting as general of tin brigade, and liopulation at fair prices. li .i:a-tlrli- In lllnU. thnn Schohario, but it a its Steaiusbli will leave for and arrive from KODT. LEW RKS. C, M. COOKE, K. LOWKEV Pale Boiled Oil, have stood the test ordered Drnko to maich tho regiment J. Good There is d mbt several hundred fewer voters, aud thci ls San Francisco on the following dates, ti the Depahtmeiit Finance. Sale ICoxcx of vat ions btck to tho cover of ipe d's guns and 1.0 that birds takodellidit close of lb'Jl : of Dcposll in these islands for years, and the then form a new lino of batt e. The noise In tho gorgioui less of their own feathers, a difference of u third in their ratios. sizes nil 8c COOKE, for the safo keeping of sorts of y ter-ri'l-o One reason for thu high In N AnmvK at HVlulu Leave Honolulu yon Minister of Finance, His Excellency 8. M. LEWERS quality is as good as when of musketry and canuoni.dit (was so and thu mora brilliant their hues the ratios jw ritosi Sax K'cisco BaxFuanciscoob Damon. valuables, rented at reasonable rates. that commands colli 1 11 t be lienrd at greater thu vnr ty they display. Cousplc York, Urooklyn and Buffalo is tho la no '4 on Vancouveii. Vancouveu. Auditor-Genera- l, George S. Hoss. Lumber, Builders' Hardware, it was first introduced. We get tba distance of a Jew fet , r id Drake sig- nous exntuples of this lovo of udmlratlou number of aliens in those cities. hi Mlvcr AVaro nnd ' ' Heglstrar W. Ashley, Valuable naled tu wnv-i- n nud fouduets o parading finery On or lfcouf Oil or About of Accounts, G. these Paints and Oils direct from his instructions tht men by their lire aliens count iu tho liopulation, but ti.cy Collector-Gener- of Customs, II. Castle. sash, ArllflcM taken on storago for a long nnd pointing his sword. He took his tlie pencocK ail' bird ot paradise. 1 bailee-oratio- Apr 12 Monowai Apr & J. doors, blinds, do not count in tho number of vot n. Mariposa Assessor, Oahu, Hubbuck & Son, and thus know stand near Goodspeed's gum wns call- of Its loudolr by thu liower bird, China Apr 17 Australia Apr 28 Tax Jonathan Shaw. or short period. and Accordingto tho statocensus New Y01 i's Australia Apr 21 Warrimoo...... May 1 Deputy Assessor, W. C. Weedon, paints, glass, ing upon his men to rail ah .ut him when as described by Mr. Gould in his "History oils, also h 23 j Apply that they are genuine. We population is alien, aud iho Araxva Apr Alameda...... May Postmaster-Genera- l, J. M. Oat. forparticulars the fatal shot came. of tho Hlrds of .Vew South Wales," Indi- Mouowal May 10 uaelic .....May 14 WALL PAPER, MATTING, keep Hubbuck's Green, Yellow, Goodaieed's battery placed a iart In tho cates n decided ind discriminative prefer- ratio In Buffalo Is nlmost as high. Australia May 10 Australia. May'-- O THE HAWAIIAN SAFE DEPOSIT 23 31 next deed of the rvj Iment, ence for lirij lit md variegated objects, and Another tiling is tho dlfferenco in Warrimoo May Arawa.... May Customs Uuheau. AND INVESTMENT CO. Black, Oxide and Mast Color in brilliant which ela Oaellc Juneo .Mariposa..... May 111 CORRUGATED IRON, wu on Thomas' famous line o battlo nt evinces no s.uat amount of nsthetic feel tion laws. In tho cities a man has to go J 7 23 Alameda line Australia.. .. June Ofllce, Custom Houso, Esplanade, Fort St. 108 FoitT 25II) kegs. ing and artistic tnste lu selecting and ar- to the jiolliug to vote 01 Australia June 10 Monowai ,..juue28 Stkekt, Honolulu, place twice ci Collector-Genera- l, 11. Castlo. ranging 11. June 23 Warrimoo...... July 1 J, LIME, CEMENT, ETC. 181-- tf the to register and once to cast 1:1s ballot. Iu Araa r, Cartridges. you use a Mariposa July 6 City of ttiode F. B. McStocker. if Thu liou er is built of sticks and slender tho country ho has to go only onco s id Heinle Julys daueiio...... July 10 Harbor Master, Captain A. Fuller. twigs graceful' y Interwoven, so thnt the Australia.. ..July II Australia. ...iuiy'21 C. shot gun we can give you your that timo to vote. His nnuio may bo 1 ut I Port Surve) or, M. N. Sanders. B. RIl'LEY. tajierlng poinU meet nt tho top, Warrlmuo July 23 Alameda, illy 20 choice of or and on tho registration list by his friends. Motion al...... Alic.'. Arawa JulySi Storekeeper, Geo. C. Stratemeyer. black nitro powder ndorned witu tl o roso colored s Australia Aug 11 Australia Auu'18 ARTHUR REYNOLDS, of tho luca coc itt(K) and tho gay plumes A comparison of these returns with tno 31 T. Waterhouse cartridges, all carefully loaded. We Arawa.... Heinle Aus J. o-- ' Depautment Attounev-Gexeiia- u of other parro,s, tinted shells, bleached election returns nt tbo time of the Ho Alameda...... Auk 30 Mariposa. Auk 23 of a few loaded China Sciit 4 Warrilnoo ....Sept 1 have shells" with bonus, rags ot divers hues, and whatsoever lutiouary war aud tho adoption ot tno Australia... hci.t Australia Sent 15 Ofllce In Government Building, King St. Architects. Queen Street Stores, gaudy or glittering trinkets that may have constitution shows that iiolitical Inter Attorney-Genera- OrriCE New Safe Deposit Building. "Walsrode" powder, a very strong Warrimoo...... Sept 23 Monowai Sept20 l, W. O.Smith. - 27 -- 11. 1. pleased tho bird's fancy. est is Increasing ever- year, und that the Mariposa...... Sept Arawa uci i Deputy Attorney-Genera- l, G. K. Wilder. Honolulu, Oceaulc ....Ott 2 Australia Oct 3 powder that has been adopted for Sometlmeathe space in frontof tho liow- percentage of those who participate lu . Clerk.J.M.Kea. Australia. City of l'ekln Octti Plans. Specifications and Superintendence l'ULL LINKS OP er Is covered with half of Maa-chnset- ....Oct warfare by three great nations (not a bushel things elections is also iucreasing. In ts Arawa...... Oct 23 Alameda Oct 18 Marshal. E. G. Hitchcock. giveu for every description of Building. of this sort, laid out like a porterro with Mouowat -- Oct 25 Warrimoo Nov 1 Clerk to II, M. Dow. Old Buildings successfully remodeled and aunoiNO Tin: aux6. toward tho close of the last cen Nov 3 Nov 10 Marshal, enlarged. including the P. G.) It is said to winding walks, in which tho huppy pos- Australia... Australia Deputy Chlckamiiuga. The regiment was led bv tury, when discussions respecting tho China Nov 13 Mariposa Nov 15 Marshal, Arthur M. Brown. Designs for Interior Iiecoratlons. Hardware, Crockery, Saddlery be the most reliable of all smokeless sessor of thu garnered treasures struts Alameda Nov 22 Peru Iov i Jailor Oaliu Prison, Jamea A. Low. Maiisar Mechanical Drawin?. Traclnir and Major Samuel F. Gray, nnd soon after ho about with the pridu and pleasure ot a federal constitution were guing on and Warrimoo Nov 23 Arawa - Dec 1 Physician, Dr. O. B, Blueprinting. formed hi. ranks In support of Goodspeed's Intel 1 Prison Cooier. powders and very safe in any well connoisseur hi a gallery of paintings, or n when there been an actual rebellion Oceaulu Dee Australia Deo 8 rrDraw ings for BookB or Newspaper Illus- guns tno confederates opened a Uattery Australia Deo 1 Monowai. 11 tration. AND dl bibliophile who has his shelves Hied with In oue part of tbo state, uot over 0 tier ....Deo 31 made gun. The charges are in rectly in front of the Forty-nint- h with Mariposa Dec 20 China .Dec fiOAltD OF iMMIO RATION, incunabula nud other raro editions. These of tho population voted, although Aran a Deo 23 1805. grapo and canister. Goodspeed returned 1 bulk one third of any other powder, objects havo often liecn brought from a census of shows Australia Dec 20 Warrimoo Jar. Ofllce, Department of Interio, Government the lire, but could uot Bilence the enemy, nnd the those days that about 18U3. Gaelic Feb 10 FANCY GOODS and is "guaranteed good for five great distauco und are of no jiossiblo use threo times that percentage of men were China Jan Peru Alar 20 Building, King StreeL This Space the order was given thu Infantry toinovo to the bird except as they Its love tt 28 gratify entitled to vote. In Now York stato ut Oceaulc Feb 10 (iaelio....- - Apr President, His Excellency, J. A. King. of all descriptions. years in forward add attack. The men responded at of tho nud appeal to ..April 2 any climate damp or dry." beautiful what we election registra- China.. Members of the Board of Immigration: double quick, charging bayonets over the mil lu man tho irsthetlo sense. Popular tho last the census nud you hi can- J. B. Athertou, Jas. B. Castle, A. S. is If are interested the numer level ground up to the muzzles of the Science Monthly. tions lists wero almost identical in many Cleghorn, James G. Spencer, Mark P. ous Rifle Matches or enjoy largest non. The Ohio boys laid their hands 011 districts, and there were some districts Co. Robinson. two Parrott gnus and turned them over to rrejiidlced Against Lady ringer.. whero there wero more votes cat than Metropolitan Meat practice either with Rifle or Revolv- (Joodgpced prizes. they swept on Secretary, Wroy Taylor. Reserved Fort Store for Then "There Is one prejudice," says an Eng thu census showed of residents in tho dis- Street for a mile and held the ground lu spite of a lish woman now residing country, when tho 8i KING STREET, er use U.M.C., cartridges for best counter cuarge uy tue In this trict iu the spring census wua Boaiiu of Health, Confederates. "that I have had to overcome since coming taken. 'I results; 50 out of a possible 50 can On the same Held during the crisis when to America, which was my antipathy to for the Thomas proved himself tho Rock of Chick It may be that to tho rich men and & Office in grounds of Government Building, No. IO. be made iqiouge cako and lady fingers, as so often Wholesale Retail Butchers with this brand, provided Forty-nint- changed corner of Militant and (jut-e- Streets. amnuga, the front to w ico men engrossed in tho management of - erved hero lib cream. My associa ft Members: Dr. Day, nr. Miner, Dr. Andrews, IN ADDITION TO THK I.AKGU AS- the rifle, and the man are in good rear nnd attacked n Confederate force that tions tlieni are (if tbu gloomiest sort. large business affairs iiolitics and politi- EpitaMe Lire Assurance Society through the Hue of battle near witu AND J T. Waterhouse, Jr., John Eua, Theodore had broken I ndy fiiigers aru served in Eng- cal mutters aru not relatively so impor- order. We have all sizes of U.M. Its poiltlon. Goodsced's battery and the all jiarts of F, Lansing and Attorney-Gener- Smith. SOKTMKNT 01' land with light refreshments nt funerals as tUoy wero when Fifteenth OUo, lying the other side of tant the United States President, Hou. v, o. Smith. C, cartridges from 22 to. 56 cal. oil and usually go by the mimo of 'funeral began, but a of Navy Contractors. of tlie United States. the breach, the tactics of the Forty-n- comparison the election Secretary, Chat. Wilcox. imitated biscuits.' shows AND GOODS Kverything we have mentioned inth, acting In returns that aside froui tho widen- Cr. J. WALLER, Manntrcr Executive Officer, C.I). Ileynolds. MY FANCY nnd the threo concert tho Yorkshire dales If you nro asked drovo out rash assailants with heavy "In ing of tho franchise the proportion of Agent Board of Health, J. D. MoVelgh. is to be had for the asking (and a the to a funeral und are unable to attend, they - thoso who vote Is greater in Inspector Manager slaughter. usually scud you, thla state Mi'- and of Garba(i Service, HAVE JUST RECEIVED little hard coin) at the old stand on crowning day gallant flghtipg with a memorial card, a evor before. Now L. Hut the of piece of than York Sun. L. La Pierre. BRUCE & A, J, regiment was Mills, Sngo cake and several lady Co. India Linen and Persian Lawns, the corner of Port and King streets. for this at Pickett's folded pa- 4 Club Stables Inspector, G. W. C. Jones. tin., oneniug In a sheet of black bordered at tho of the Atlanta cam per and fastened big So OIIIue Mirare. Port Physician, Dr. O. P. Andrews. Embroidery. In 9 vard pieces whoso with black seals. S. P. GRAHAM, Manage. General Managers the Hawaiian paign. Meanwhile, tho veterans American hostesses, when they know tilts, your Dispensary, Dr. Henry W. Howard, for terms expired had and tue regi- If shears squeak or bind while Roman und Guipure Embroidery, must 011 Leper Settlement, Dr. It. K, Oliver. Samuel not think it bad tastu thu juirt of you are using them, run your finger Feed, Stables. ment, led by Lieutenant Colonel .heir English guests if they decllue theso Livery. anil Sale Islands, .laces, m too In- thoughtfully down tho side of your uose Oriental, Platte, and other F. Gray, mustered about soldiers, lakos." Hoaiiu or Education, cluding original members and recruits. Chlcaifi Times. and rub it over the inside of the blades, 273-- tf cream nnd black, I'ort Street, Between Hotel white, E. & Mills the old brigade, ns It tlie scissors will i. Office, Government Building, King Street. 0. Hall Son, At Pickett's Went. and generally work oj Chiffon Lace, nil colors, was com posed at stone HUer, Cnlcka thru II. and Ileretania, President, I )n. O, It, Bishop, He hud been worshiping her for month.. easily and noiselessly ua any one could IVIn, rnauga and Mission Ridge, entered the desiro. There is always a littlo oil col- Secretary, W.James Smith, THE NEW Lnce Net, cream and black. fight as reserves to JIazen's brigade, width but had never told her, and she didn't want No, Inspector Schools, A, T. Limited. nun to. lected lu thu corners ou the outside Both Thluphonhs 477. ol Atkinson. and Check Dimity, had 1" n given the post ot honor to chargo lie luul come often und staid late, of Striped very late-- , one's n was and she could only sigh ami hoie. nostrils, and those who know it CONNKCTED WITH HACK STAND fortified position. Toe ground beat going away Hoaiiu ok Ciiown Land Cousiissionf.iis. JEWELRY Wide Japanese Creiia, whito ana rnlr'd, Hooded, und tho troops marched blindly He was the next day on his va can "oil up" squeaky shears without B. loca- cation, und he thought tho last night was or - White, Cream and llluck Surah Silk, T. MURRAY, forward many miles, not knowing tho trouble without fear of making thu Cor. Kinp; fiinl Ilethel Sts. J. A. King, Mlnlstc- of the Interior; W, O. tuuttmo to fjirlng tho momentous ques- tion or strength of thu enemy's nosttluu. solssora greasy. Another simple way 1 Smith, Attorney-ueneralau- d O. P, I&ukea. STORE, j White and Crenm Silk Crepo, llazen's attack was repul d, and tho tion. He kept It to himself, however, accomplish the same cud is to draw the BOTH TELEPHONES NO. 113 Office In Judiciary Building. Carriage and Wagon until tho lost t'uiug. It was 11:30 by thu Navy nnd Crenm SurRO, brigade, passed to the fitn.t unable, to blades of the shears 603 FORT STREET, clock, 11 over the hair, en see ( he enemy or to y p rtlculars of and it wasn't very rapid clock, MANUFACTURER. Irani ai "Miss Mollie," ho said tremulously. which, when tt is healthy, there is al Dihtiuct Counr. Is prepared to manufacture auythlng Suez nnd Tennis Flannel, his line beyond that liidlcat sl I y his steady "I am HYM1N BROS. going awny tomerrow," "Aro youf" shu ways u intlo oil, writer. in us line. Juiness-Mlllc- r lira of rifles and can,, on. C ilonel flrav Police Station Building, Merchant Street. The "Equipoise" waist ilghtlc-ssiic- . of In Forty-nint- 111C said, with tht girlhood Importers und Wholesale Dealers Repairing, forunl tho h adanml th of JV. O, M. Itoberlson, Magistrate. Prima Donna and P. D, Corsets, as she gazisl v. 1st thro igh the wisals, where 1 10 lew toward ully at the clock. "Yes," There is nn unknown quantity of cilvir BOOTS, SHOES, Jamea Thompson, Clerk, Souvenir Spons a Specialty. I he replied, "Are you MS DRY GOODS, Ladies' lllack lose. Painting, the front was .hut out 11 It) yards by sorryf" "Yes, very In tbo Isiy of Itlo de Janeiro, llrazil t sorry," nbo nurcd. thought PosTorricE Buhf.au. Also on hand a Fino Stock of litai y timber and undergrowth Ou inquir- i.iur "I jou silver mine, lu fact, ot couiparallO'lf' 1 go away CLOTHING, NOTIONS and Trimming, ing the direction of tho enemy 0111 one of might this evcuiiiK," then sho peaking unlimited dimension, and every Postinaster-Gonera- l, J, Mort Oat. Iniiorted Jewelry everything gazed tho clo-- wistfully, Hazi n's olUcers, whom be cLan ed to meet, at k and he told hip thai drops anchor there cuts Into '1 Secretary, W. 0, Atwaler, in tho latest designs Co. NltATI.Y DONlt. her good night. tlu FANCY GOODS. Hawaiian Wine ho learned that they held a strong position Detroit Tribune. bed of ore. ' Kup't Postal Salngs Bunk, E. 11. WodehoUse, All work trurraiitced of tho beat, fihe mu a on a hill beyond a ravine which lay a few Jloney Order Department, Y. B. Oat, P. O. Box, H! Mut. Tel. reg- The oldest armchair lu the world, ! A woman says a man will write 27. Fort Street. trial and bu coin Inccd, paces In advance of thu Ohio Una. Tho it that a I: " General Delivery, L. T, KenaLe, iment marched forward Into tho ravinennd reputed, Is thu throne once used by Queen book on woman'. Idiotic .lavery to tathiot , "TfiT. Oununs Pronijitly to. Mou. 1000 11. he. Iteglstry Department, O, L. Desha. Island Attended l'RANK BROWN, found that tho eueiiiy'scanisterniid bullets Ilatufu, who nourished lu Egypt but will walk through town ouaho. 08 Quoon Streot Honolulu. It, H.L. No. 44 Kins Stroot. C, It Is so with age day Clerks; J.D.Holt, A. Dexter, Keku. 28 and SO Merchant St., Honolulu, II. I. ire t It lengthwise with mi.nl reus itlect. as to appear iiimuitr with hi. troiuers turned uu mano, F, B. Angus, J, II. Nut, Heury Kala, Mutual Telctihone ICS. . P. O, llox AfttrstrUKgllngthrough thralno and up to be made of black marble, without feeling himself a tool. K. tI ill! California 6L, San Francisco, Cal. John Hiram, harlta, M. PJguereda. E. A. JACOBSON T ; j


tJM.Vdfca m 1 I MtfMM l'1' II mil feat Hawaiian llarilware 0d HY a damp ran r WEW QOODSII I ': I Wl Hfc-- I& AUTHORITY. poe, ah, GOODS! (.MM. Wal-fc- NEW .tJt.tm lit Matafti 111 HHtif tm Ik I af AlHalmla Bar Iron, rnnnd and flat, An MCI" Nf M- -V li" ' andtntItMilanA. sAl.t, Of TftNANCT Al Wll.t. 01' 1111 nd, mSSmitm Hli 1 SInLC Wawimmtdk, Mama M, Ha Inrmal CIIIHhMK THkAIKH IIUILDIHB, ON iVrileiwI OiMiiU Mr lamt. . Arttttg-Admir- FOHT HONOLULU , . . nnWr In Admiral Walar mhI l.lfvO MttMHT. HONOLULU, OAIIU narmart Onm, W toirWd. 020 KlrkhMHt wafv inah- - oat nl Red lirleha, llrMHMtirl. STREET SACHS, W tilt 4 HMrl AWIIWI n pr N. S. Admiral to-ri- , It I Iwriwrl . TVliatiAV. MtVt, nl A HAWAIIAN StAH NHWIA tv ihr Htj latirlmM Admiral 0 lelve Ilnrnaa, ir. Ai immense MtortiMat at Mil WaJka t irw ttwrUI crude of Srrfr-- UttrM Ntvlllln II. IHfM Walaar I detached frow Ilia ImpMitnu B'ctotk, imwmi. at Hie front rnlriiiice of I me, i 0Jt QSwJl. ANftMltATMM. n J lamel. and Celeted Cotton Uirla flaw ttriw-- for Irw wrvlw. Th rwa Waol In the Irwrti Ptaiih. ni White L. trr ahd MaMIIO lliMnl mi l'ie Mtt ami tin Unmillhe tlilililliiK, will he nld nt Dump miIiIIm, MrlU, Mont, ll to Mt. Brorrtur? inch. Colon m nrlif. I rmirrm. NeweM MaMrMh, 9fesf CkaR Infrml onlered to Han I ramtooo lo into llw i'tiWle Auction, Tenancy nt Will t MM rr hw of mtnm nmtiiiion i ih Ilorae mid Mitlu Oillura, nich. MttalHlt. Naw HffWTt the April Hill HonoiMllt Am Warn. Chums ih Hoiii, NrM Cref, Mimra at mi m steamer of for of tho CIlltiM Theatm lliilldhiK, rllu- - l'i.nx. Ii. Manager. unmmim i" will Admiral It Will ol Seylliwi, dowin. A Ane amonmaai at """rT rank, brn here he relieve O.ihti. ir An eteffiml MMrttntnl ol tim mnl ow, of IthjHH! Station, ntofin Iflng street, Honolulu, So the oaoh. Mlk Mftcd for thr duty, ami llwliwi the command the Handle, Pamr 11rrer1 ml MM Color Mlhti. Shot Olnfhama, Percale and Plamnlttlci, Fancy Admiral Kirkland In ntdeted til take the TUMMIi Tenancy from month lo Sledge nuil IMfM), In lt figured Intli Silk! In nmmptly wmim-- Aiimim .Stone Hammer, per initial. ltd Sn..lm. bttlncd Cotton ItlaWtc, xvir. of from Naw York tn n Mlulstei S.U., t un- - It For Ihe pn--nl Admiral Walker will Meaiuer theSth month, until such tlmo the I 'lies, nMortetl ler, per doaaii. drM prtttttM. CrrtUI Sll, India ami iroee,i Alan an tltiranl aaannaicat ot Id AaMuiM, - - - KM n.l..r hit command at Honolulu femlliampttm, then in af thn Intel lor or tlto tenant may whh tk. A fan line elSaiM mall colors fa k.. Imlrt hit flax on tile Red lauleriM, ier dwell. all Material!, - nlj ship., the l'hlladrtphlaaiKl and NW hy At fifty Yard. Dlen Tilmmirf to match Jtatttfc ih two Imn-et- l to terminate tho aauie, giving thirty Load, w ioiind. emit fa AirM, In itiipponed If tins rltiia-tlo- srk. Onlers were alxi In thu hile, per IM AilVMtW. - It that . twMlRM. r Tw a anvertil Maff i. Mice m to accompany the dvf notice. Wnnlicro, aw, let 1 per Ik it wrioua rioi1iHl site, iiackax. in Now ork city nnd tiro will to Hawaii. Tin price: ?10) jicr moiilli; Screws, per package. Theso Goods nro selectfitirperaotmlly hy Mil. HaoW eel I' rnt Walker It oxpecteil to lenve Uet ntortel size, now at Montevideo, will In Admiral monthly in nilvance. pack- of tho Very Latest, mill will be oircrea ni.price AllVRHTItINO ATI: tniarlratnii. y repair San Carriage bolls, uncoiled slr.es, per II join the Admiral's Warhlnglon nnd to nnd reiilirinlvrlalnij prolwtbllilv way J. A. KING, age. to stilt the times. HUH r Inwulenl minailroii. Very ahottly, utmll tin rinueleo by of New York. t th publication mtliv. S.' Woods, on duly iu Minister of tho Interior, ra S abtaJiMit Ici.niiilHinn of her ifinuto, im Knsiuii 8. now Axlee, 31. Si. 3 and :l. prompt nil iitlvertlw-mfi- tt unvul aid tn Tow cure lliwlon can be rllp.tcheil the Navy Detriment m Interior Olllce. Fish Oil, per gallon. hi- - itellverwl ntlho Hualnc- llerhelt, has been aelfctwl by mut Honolulu. Should It ba dunned neces-si- Seen lory April 0, I Sill. Wlh o 1 1. in. Admiral Wtlker as Kl.ig Lieutenant and Rubber Packing, per isniiiil. b.ro v. anil Monterey no t. Ulitml Nary Yiiril, oottld mIso Mill ntttmipany him tn Honolulu. Emery Cloth, per dozen. TKUSDAY, APRIL 10, 1H1H. .it M.ire Sidney A. will net ! ! Lieutenant Staunton Yard Brooms, per tlor.cn. assigned lo ilnty. Hie lat reHirts V SALB OP T13NANCY AT WILL OP TIIK tin iik Secrel.m to tho Ailmlrnl. Idle ih" Naw Demt Uncut show that OH KINO S1KEKT AND AD Sheep Skin, per piece. ono noun Admiral Walker will hoist his ting on tSTORK English only vessel ni in Volcano he the Philadelphia nnd will lie dlieelly JOINING TIIK CHlNbbU THEATKIi. All hitls lie endorsed "Tenders For inut the hihi Among other reasons ndvnlicoil chiirge of lite Ameiicnu naval fleet tit for Tools and Materials, Honolulu fiol Hum-lul- tin will bo tho responsible I ...HM.. Ailmlrnl Walker nliother tour May Rinds," mid nil supplies must bo de- - L mm so noun utter ho hail Unladed head or the entile Puclflo station. This On Tuiisiiav, 8, I8!)l, nt twelve ml sea duty will livcicd within UNI! MILE of the Post Nature's Grandest Wonder. ill crtiUe Ii tho KH't liniortuni'o of includes the naval foico that o'clock noon, nt thu front eiutrance of list tho seal waters. Olllce ot charge, nnd subject to the l'ni-M- Htntion Junt nt Hum timu iiinl patrol tho Executivo Building, will bo sold at flee lire W ullser Commodore Kirkland has cone to tholimrketl nhility of Admiral nt IVill of tho Road Supervisor's nppioval. sun-joct- Ho will proceed iu a dny or Public Auction, the Tenancy to cone with dolicute i!lloinatio Baltimore. The Minister of the Interior does not it lis M two to New York nnd Ihero receive his April .I, 1S94 tlto promises occupied as a store, on fill Tata formal orders. Be will have tho rank King street, on tho Wiilklki sitlo of nnd bind himself to accept tho lowest or the call's COltltCSrONDIJSCE. of while iu command of Uctwcen the registration and an hid. March 23. Speculation flag on adjoining tho Chinese Thentie, Honolu- Wasiiixoto.v, the station, hoiiting his the .1. A. KING, Scenic Route 9 was life at tho Navy Department tiwlay Newark, now nt Montevideo. Ills stall tho discussion of the ftanchise lu, Oahil. The Popular and Uncle - as to the leason why Commodore Kirk- will consist of Lieutenant Noell as Sec- politics arc TriiMs: Tenancy from month to Minister of tho Interior, were lor the Jauancse, land s onlers for Honolulu rovoKou retary, nnd Lieutenant J. H. Nicholls month, until such time as tho Minister Interior Olllce, IS HY THIS and Commodoro Walker appointed in Flag gettino; warm. In countries 181)1. as Lieutenant. of tho Interior or the tenant may wish 'M11'" ' command of the l'aeillc squadron. Lieutenant-Command- er SeatonSchroe- - is 81Mt WORK. re- - where advanced civilization ADMIRAL WALKER'S One htorv is that the l'resiueni tler has been ordered to duty as Recorder to terminate tho same, by giving thirty t I clcc-- Coniniiiilore Kirkland'H orders on of the Inspection Hoard of the Nuvv De- the boast of tho people an j days notice. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. tho ground that lie is not in sympathy L. S. partment, relieving Lieutenant tion campaign is the season lor Upset price: $ 10 per month, pajnblo Comiiany s with the Administration's policy of Reamy, who becomes naval aide to Sec- Willis Walim Dp 1 Britain's restoring Queen l.iliuolialaiil. Persons retary Herbert. Captain Theodore P. mud throwingtliroughtlicpress. monthly in advance. Notice is hereby given Hint tho ac fir's Steii advancing this inunry poim ouv mai Seltndgo has been ordered to asume why has never been fullv J. A. KING, counts for tho biennial fiscal period, Adinirnl hkenett was lelieved of the the duties of President of the Hoard of Just Minister of the Interior. nding March illst, 1891, and will bo Designs. and sent - coniniaud at Honolulu Survey and Inspection and of the Stabil- explained except that it is "poli- Interior Ofllco, closed promptly nt Li o'clock, noon, to China because he was nol- ity I'.iiiird In succeed Admiral Walker. Al STEAMER KINAU. indications point April 0, 1891. on Saturday April 11th 1891, nnd nil ac le veil to be in sympathy with A cablegram received at the Navy De- tics." The J he most nitwit thu annexation movement. partment to-d- announces tho sailing toward a thoroughly American counts outstanding nnd unpaid after IF re- VERY fflPORMT IBM. plausible theory is that the President of the New York, Wednesday, for San out, as mere that time1, will require a special net to original plan of naval campaign here, is; NOTICE TO Pitted with Klectric Lights and Bells. Courteous and Attentive.Service considered his Lucia, W. 1. The Chicago has sailed one VOTERS. bo passed, authorizing payment of assignments and decided to place Ad from for Alexandria. The iractlcally but Kichniond the Pa lieyrotit is same. Clcvelaiift Said ta Have MaCliaiiEC miral Walker in command of Concord arrived at Hongkong y. in the field it likely our daily The Board of Registration for the five cific station nnd transfer Commodore press will continue as good Representative Districts ol Honolulu W. G. ASHLEY, Kirkland to tho South Atlantic station, AS TO VACCINATION LAWS. Registrar of Public Accounts. of Heart. as the President proposes some radical "family journals" and the people will bo iu attendance at tho old Legis movement in Hawaii, ami preierw u Viiluc of lli I'retelilUi! to lt Tcslt'il In will not be obliged to scrape lature hall iu tho Judiciary building place its execution in the hands of Ad- political mud from the pages every day, Sundays excepted, from 10 miral Walker as an olllcer of extreme Hie Coiirtn. tr MAY COME. 111. '2 A FLEET caution and capabilities. Ti:mir. Haute (lnd.), March 2!!. before taking the papers into n. to i. 111., and on Tuesday nnd it t! !) The Kinao Leaves Honolulu Every 10 Days It may bo in connection with the Judge White iu the Circuit Court their homes. Politics make Saturday evenings from to p. in., for establishment ot a naval coaling station lively among the candidates and the purpose of receiving applications for Other News of General Interest. heard testimony offered by tho As our Piano Tuner ami Repairer has under tho Hawaiian grant or soinetning their friends but we have never registration and administering tho oath of far greater importance. Another to prove that vaccin- now arrived, wo are prepared lo take so snuill-po- x heard of a business man who required by law. All persons applying tin-- Ilnltf view of tho same theory, not quite ation is not a preventive of orders for work, which will be executed llmlKPt "f m lTolu i" for w ill be to pro- TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS, complimentary to Admiral Walker, nnd that it is ll souico of disease. Frank complained of being overworked registration required in the very best manner possible, a3 liiliiipe ainre 1" tlie ay uasu-ingto- n SluteBliit that lie is to lie tent an irom Blue naked the Court to restrain the in his store as the result ot an duce their receipts for personal taxes for without question wo have secured (in to prevent his exercising en- Next IMItlon. so a? piincipalof n public school from election 189:1, or if exempt from such taxes by any influence on naval legislation in op city boat d campaign. the person of Mr. G. H. Harrison) the forcing an order of the service in the police, certifi- Arriving at Hilo Thursday and Sunday Mornings. position to tne wisnes oi mo auiuuiif nil children to be vaccinated. There arc some things, how military or most skillful nnd finished artist in ellleacy of cates to that effect from tho Colonel of Vnnir. Alareh 20. Tho Smi'n nation. The city objected that tho ever, that people will buy before. his trade who has over visited the Vrw Chicago. March 22. The Y Isl vaccination not nn open question, hut the National Guard or tho .Marshal, us Washington correspondent telegraphs: '( is during and alter a campaign and Islands. ington special snys: Naval circles are tho JuJgo ruled tnnt he would case may he. Js'otHithstandiiig that President Cleve "order recalling of Com one of these is Haviland China. the n excited over the hear testimony. He also ruled that All work guaranteed, Tele land has withdrawn irom me cousiuur;i-tio- en Registration will cloe 011 Saturday, f3f Volcano--3- o annexa- modore Kirkland. route for Hawaii. a Board of Health ns the agent We have sold this ware ever phono us your From Hilo to the Miles of the Senate the Hawaiian anil instructing Admiral Walker to taki community, bad the April 21st. orders at once. intimated the Presi of an organized since we have been 111 business! tion treatv, it is that command of our naval forces nt Hut same inherent authority possessed by CHAS. T. R0DGERS, 31. D., dent is strongly uspo-e- u iu omj u Walker had just and it seems to be growing in If2o0,000 station. Admiral tho individual to secure Approved: Chairman. JIUSIC DEPARTMENT. nortion of the fund of winch linished a term of sea duty and was, if popularity all the lime. It is so fia disposal to cstan tion, therefore the question there Passengers are Conveyed in Carriages, linen iilnced at lni expected to havo n long spell on was danger of smallpox becoming epi- we J. A. KING, coaling stations for the specific pur different from other ware as lish shore. The orders are uiniersioou 10 demic, and that fact established, the sell because always Minister of the Inteiior, The Hawaiian News Compauy, Ltd. pose of estauiisniiig a uuutu ouncr bo duo to a report vac- it yon can runninp; most of in Pearl har- question arose as to tho efficacy of Interior Office, Over a Splendid Macadamized Road, the naval and coaling station that tho Hawaiian Government is about is no precedent for the have a complete set. We have is conceded that the cination. There March SI, 1691, way a Dense Tropical l'orest a ride alone bor, Hawaii. It to apply to some other power either for Court s decision in any of the States ex duplicates of every piece sold so through occupation of Pearl Harbor will in If. 308-t- f '' actual protect annexation or a protectorate, and the cept in California, where the Supreme ii you any worth the trip. ..mount tn thn nssumntion of a wish to nave an oui that happen by acci Islands, and HawaiiaiiB of the President Court incidentally intimated inai vac- TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. orate over the and war-trie- d naval olllcer in command dent to break a plate or a cup .n,,i.l lmve no cause to fear cination having been accepted by the tlion inter at Hawaii should such a thing come to world of science, it was not an open you can replace it at any time. in their affairs by any other pass. curry to All sidewalk", etc., must ho weeded ference The admiral will orders question. The St ite Association of In china once a IIIIOLULU IRON WORKS, resist promptly and with all his strength other decorated kl'pt clean and In free from rubbish possibility of doing thu neeesary is lighting this cant as a of a is broken set The tno attempt ot any loreign power to an test. Dr. Gifford of Komoino, president piece set your etc., otherwise it will bo done by th work cheaply has awakened consider islands a HONOLULU 1 IAYS nex the or establish piolector y and cannot be made among naval otiicers of the association, testified as an is imperfect Road Department at the expense of the able active interest ate over them. expert, as did Professor Pickering of right except at consideiable 8ti:am Uxqincs, Scgau Mills, Uoileiis, and they have united in strong recom I1C VAS SfHIT.ISED. owners of thu property. dredge now n London, who is lecturing in this country expense. With Haviland ware COOLEllS, IllO.V, UllABS ANU LEAP that the There has been a cood deal of lnvs. Hoard of I'.y order of the Minister of the Interior. lie chartered and set to work on the biibject. The Health's a 3u tr,i,liiln tery surrounding the sudden recall of w as issued of epi- you can replace broken piece W. H. CUMMINGS. Castinqs. for preliminary investigation of the order at the time the .TICKETS tne nas arous- you pay it 'entrunce to Pearl Harlwr without Commodore Jviriiianu, and ll demic at Municu last summer. at the same rate lor Road Supervisor, Honolulu. ed an unusual inteiest in navnl circles. .you Machinery of Every Description Mndo INCLUDING ALL EXPENSES, further ilel.iv. by when buy a whole set. Our whicl The commodore arrived in this city DA (1AJIA This has resulted in instructions on Thuisday i:scai'i:s. "2icy6 pattern is considered by Order. paid to Ships won, a few weeki rail from tho East last Particular attention oeiit. to Admiral Irwin immediately engaged passage for I'ortiigul tit Surrender lliiu tu people here to be as handsome UIDS FOR ROAD carefully into the matter and MATERIAL. lilacksmithing. work nt ago to look himself and two aids in tne steam- UU Kiiemies. Job executed Shor a un unou, hl-i- as any china manufactured. and present, report ins ship to sail for Hono Ire. fnr retirement a fuw weeks hence. Australia Rio de Janeiro, March IS. Judging A stove is as necessary an atii Sealed Tenders w ill be received at the tint the islands lulu on Saturday, whither he had events hero '5 The latest advices from been ordered to command the Pacific from the couibe of it is cle as will be found in the house; otiko of the Jlinister of the Interior show that he has been pursuing theso thought by impartial observers that the 10, 189-1- , 12 his opinion will squadron. On Saturday, a few hours the days of the kerosene tin for until TUESDAY, April at For Sale Cheap. investigations, and upon does not For Further Information. Office, largely depend the prompt action of the before the Australia was to leave her Portuguese Government in baking purposes are numbered o'clock noon, for furnishing to thu Road Call at the dock, Commodore Kirkland visited tho tend to honor the request madu upon it Bureau of Honolulu, thu Tools and Corner Fort and Queen Streets. President. naval pay officii on Saiisomo street. in modern Hawaii; the advance tho use of any tho D.i Guinii. Da Foiii'-Hors- o It is pointed out that While a message was handed him, for surrender of of civilization across .Materials as per schedule for six mouths One Power Upright money for the actual improvement of there Gunin took refuge on tho Portuguese the Pacific significant which upon opening he found to be from brought us, not only from date, viz: Engine and the harbor will constitute revoking corvette Mindello when the Insurrection has the and practical notice to foreign powers Secretary Herbert, the collapsed. President Peixoto demanded American system of politics and Horse Blankets, per dozen. assiimiuir to the com Eight-Hors- o uus no imi-miu- order him officers Oo Handli'S, per dozen. Tower that tne united oiaies order- that the Admiral and the with Tammany methods, One Eoilcr abandoning its rights to Hawaii. mand of thu P.teillc squadron and him be delivered into his hands. Tho but the of ing him to report to tho depart- Fischer Steel Range. It does Pick Handles, per dozen. ALIVE AS TO ENQL1SI1 I.STLI.'ENXT.. Poitugurse Minister declined to older Fuse, per foot. Inquire nt this Office. The World's ment at once for instructions previous the comniuniler ot tho .Mimlello to sur not matter whether you use coal New Xohk, March 22. The Tribune to taking command of tho South At Wheelbarrows, iron tray, each. special says: Tiie counter- render tho lUKitives. and Peixoto ap at five or twenty a ton Washington lantio squadron, relioving Admiral pealed, it is said, to tho Poituguiso Wheelbarrows, wood bolted, each. Greatest Typewriter manding of tho orders of Commodore Ilenham. Commodore Kirkland ex- or wood at ten dollars per cord, proceed to Honolulu and Government to instruct its Minister to Wheelbarrows, wood, each. Kirkland to pressed great surpriso at the change in order the suriender of the insurgent will save money. A Fischer ! assumo command of the naval forces on ins orders, but immediately took steis 3'ou Black Blasting Powder, keg, FAILS olllcei s. Range will one-thir- d the Paciflo station and the assignment to return East. Such of his baggage aa Steel burn per pound. Walker to this duty is Whether a reply has been received to of had been placed on board the Australia renuest or not cannot ne uetimtely less fuel than any other stove of Blasting Under Competition awarded Contract Supply significant than was ut first sleeping-ca- r tho Giant Powder, boxes IB moro was brought ashore, , stated, but this afternoon the Mindello the same size. Another thing ki-g- supposed. According to tho guard- berths, were secured and that night the in or per pound. United Statei.War Department officials at tho and the Albuquerque, another Portu- its favor is the fact that it will Giant Powder Caps, per box. ed statement of commodore, accompanied by his aids, having on board Admi and Navy departments, the the guese warship, heat up quicker than for 1894. State was speeding eastward toward Da Uama ami seventy ol Ids offi any other Lard Oil, per cases. work before Admiral Walker Atlantio coast. ral style of stove. Fifteen important nature, cers, put to sen. It had been thought in minutes Black Oil, per gallon. is of a delicate nnd It is understood that a dispatch went quarters vessels is ' special ability and discre- Ad- soino that if the at alter the fire lighted your Machine Oil, per gallon. calling for out by the Australia, addressed to tempted to leavo tho bay with the tion. miral 'Irwin, directing him to turn the chops unci coiiec are ready on Cylinder Oil, per gallon. certain officials at the State fugitives on board, trouble would ensue In fact, command of the sqiiadion in Hawaiian There was not, however, the slightest the table. We have for these Rope, Manila, per pound. and Navy Departments want it to .bo waters over to Captain Barker of the the Administration has opposition to their departure, nnd as a ranges both tanks for hot water Waste, per pound. understood that Philadelphia and return to this country. matter of fact, trouble from this source last determined upon a policy with com- and charcoal broilers. The water Bars of Steel, per pound. at Captain Barker will retain the was never piokable. The destination of EXAMINE m "respect to Hawaii which will call for a mand until relieved by Admiral Walker. pipes arc already in the ranges, Spikes, galvanized, 4 to7inchi'S, per keg. Criterion Saloon of both vicor and patriotism. It tho waiships is not known. It is con dianlnv .S'un Fmncii-c- Cult. jectured they will go south to Montevi so that you have little to do with Norway Iron, per pound. is n, fact that bv the last mail steamer ..Secretary received from deo and land tho insurgent officers the plumber when you take a Nails, galvanized, 0 to 00 d, jicr keg. AGUNTS FOR MACHINES Gresham an i:noi.i.mi rnnDiCTJON. nrn landed at Mnntlvtileo Jlinister Willis some interesting there. If thee Fischer Range. Nails, iron, 0 to 00 d, per ki-g-. they can easily, if they are so disposed, The charcoal AT miition concerning tho situation at Sa In Leather, pound i- - John Wieland Co ?i Hit. "Times" the Deiiioerur) join the hifurgents in San Puulo and broilers arc attached to the harness and saddle, per Brewing Honolulu. Buckets, galvanized, 12 to 10 inche There are reports current to the effect llotimeil to Defeat. liio Grande do Sill, who are still in range, and when you wish to OUR - that Mr. Willis has finally discovered London, March 22. Tho Philadelphia armed opposition lo the Government. broil a fish or a steak you can each size, per dozen. EXTRA that England is seriously concerned as correspondent of tho Times predicts the get the food close down Sperm Oil, per gallon. of Hawaiian Islands, WANTS "LI1," TO IXOTUIti:. over the to the destiny the inevitable defeat of tho Democrats Axle Grease, Everlasting it Dicksons', nnd he has communicated his fears to at coals. OFFICE. Secretary Gresham, urging tho import- the next Presidential election, Com- Negotiation fur ll Tour ot the Deponed We have in Iron Stoves what per dozen. ance of speedy and vigorous steps to menting on this prediction the Times Queen. we consider the best cheap stove Frazier's Grease, per case. Pale Lager Beer counteract the impression that this says: if this no true ne must look fur Inuiaxai'ous, Intl., JIarch 22. Dr. in me Carbolineuni, per gallon. country is indifferent to tho affairs of J. country, we sell on an Coal Tar, per barrel. startling disclosures to beat tho record! A. Houser, of this city, announces ho is average two every day ol the Par Australia. tho Islands, Horsu Shoo Nails, Putnam, number fj According to reports Minister Willis ol the preceding Administration. The about to close negotiations with Pansy Stoves, and have yet to Ores-hu- and 8, boxes, jier box. has ofilcially informed Secretary Democrats have shown deplorable va Liliuokalani for a lecture tour of hear of a complaint from a pur-- HAWAIIAN NEWS COMPANY, that the indications are that Eng- in dealing Horse Shoes, Perkins, number 100, per A Fkf.su Invoice cillation with the tariff nnd tho United States. Mr. Houter wrote to cnascr. 1 ney are of'Califok land has designs on tin Hawaiian silver, but we should supposed economical ol box. AGENTS, Consul-Genera- hae tho Eix weeks ago offering to wood'and nia Oysters. islands, and the British that it needed much more than this to coal or are sold by us Kerosene Oil, 10 cases lot, per case. the ollicial utterances of the manage a tour for her, and thu reply in- accepting wipe out the memory of tho tiemendous at the lowest price possible. If 283-t- HAWAIIAN ISTwAXOS as expressive of the sen- dicates that she w ill accept the nronosi- - Hunt's Axes, handled per dozen. Administration Republican fiasco. If there bo reason you do not wish to go to the ex timents of tho United States, is pursuing something worse tion made. "We shall begin thu tour in Shovels, patent, long handles per dozen. to upprehend from tho ' as soon Oyster Cocktails a i a course in Honolulu tending to increase m power ot San said ho, as the pense 01 a steel Kangc, there is Shovel Handles, patent, long and Specialty continuance tne uemocratB Queen desires to comu over. I win bo short, tho prestige of Great Britain and to tno situation must indeed lie gloomy, 0 better substitute than a Pansy per dozen, each. L. lessen the influence of this country. there to meet her, and from that city H. Dun, Prop'r. Whether Mr. Cleveland yields to pres Picks, Minister Willis has even gone so far, sure nnd keeps the party together by will make a prolonged tour of tho whole Hunt's and Iron City, per dozen. it is taid, as to attach seriousness to tho n son men con country, visiting all tho cities of im .MnttocKs, Hunt s unu iron city, per giving loiue stiver In portance, I Tunes Mean Close io landing nt Honolulu of a number of nection with tho Seigniorage bill, or havo arranged for tho TIIE HAWAIIAN HARD. dozen. Hard Prices Canadians of vigorous mold and notice- Queen to near a crown on tho stage, and wneuier ne vetoes tno mil, the Demo- WARE CO., Hinges, galvanized nnd iron 8 to 12 able reticence. The only surprise is the crats can hardly escape Injury. The she will present precisely the samu uji- - Housrtccpcrs, , lateness of tho awakening of President uncertainty of the entire situation is a pearunco inai sue noes 111 iionoiiiui." inches, pur dozen pairs. Cleveland and his udvisers to the true danger which must retard the improve- 307 Fort Street. Northwest Lumber, timber, per M feet. CO situation, after one year's earnest effort, TO MAItltY l'JHNOIi.SS MAUI). 4 ment of business iu the States." Northwest Lumber, plank, per M feet. -- by act and word, to throw discredit If you are in need of any New or upon the polloy of his predecessors nnd iiLAKi; I.111-1- lloaebery Will Heroine tho Northwest Lumber, boards, per M feet. o Tin: at hi.i'i:i Second-Han- ii:lis. d fcr1 , to bring tho foVelgn policy of this Gov- - of Wales' Northwest Lumber, scantling, per Jl feet. FURNITUUK, RUGS, urmuem iiuu uisiejiuic. i:iiL-ll'l- i Siillurn Are Mill In l ull Northwest Lumber, lxll, 1x4 nnd 1x5 STOVRS, S15W1NG MACHINES, ' Cleve- - ro.c. Lo.NPON, March 31. Tho Sun corrcs Etc., S3 It is now said that President Nlon There. battens, per M feet. - land, after being condemned for his piindcut learns from an authoritative call at the :.. l.u IT.,.,.ftii,iti nt,iltor li ll,a New Orleans, March 2S. Tho condi quarter that the Queen ami the Prinro It R W Lumber, timlier, per M feet. Wales given HIIU puunu ii,!iiwi, una tion of affairs in Blueflelds isasuuscttled of have their consent to the It It W Lumber, boards, per M feet, ;eilULO marriage Rosebery 'ijiiced a change of heart, and that lie as ever. I lie Lngllsh are iu practical of Lord with tho R R W Lumber, Battens, per 51 feet. control of tho entire reservation. Last Princess Maud of Wales, nntl the ollicial 111! W Luuihv-r- , split post, each. of properly nnd faithfully protecting night thn steamship William G, Howes announcement may be expected any JL CO CD American interests in the Islands. of thu southern I'ucmu lino arrived day. Ash Planks, per feit. This was business Expressed in a few words, tho new from the Southern Paciflo seaport town tho which caused Redwood Shingles, per M. FURNITURE k COMMISSION HOUSE, policy of tho Administration, as defined with the latest news. There seems to Rosebery's urgent summons tn tho Cedar fhingli's, JI, Shy oilicials who discussed the sub- - bo no attempt whatever to bring ubout Queen's presence on Saturday before ier the Galvanized Iron Roofing, 5, 0, 7 8 fc., ,1n.;t contemplates the vigorous a peaceful government, iiiecommund-e- r tno announcement of Gladstone's retire- ami COO iViMsertioii of American rights in Hawaii, of tho Cleopatra has nseumed control ment nutl the mysterious Galvanized lion Ridging, per foot. CO f 'fhero is to be no longer any doubt leit of the Government to a certain extent. of tho Ministers 011 tho Sunday Oak Plunk 2 to 3 inches, per foot. Old Kona Collee uovern-inent- H mid is till government lurking in the minds o: foreign this the there is Aiirtraliuii Coal 2210 pouiids,'por ton, to fact that tho United Iu the city. Un Fridui last the Br it sh as the 2210 wcl-ifu- butlle-shl- p Bluku came to anchor near The German trampsti'niiier Bremerha-ve- n Doparturo Buy Coal, pounds per l'OH SALlt AT .States Is seriously interested in tho ton, CP of tho Hawaiian Islands, tno uieopatra. i no vessel is expected collided with an Icefield 011 Mnich r.iiglund, mora paitlcularly, la U ne lo remain, and the Cleopatra will leave 17th nnd was bndlv damaged, SI10 Blacksmith Coal, per ton, J. T. WATERHOUSE'S lude to understand that slit) must upt nprtuern seas. missed hitting an iceberg 800 feet high. Hubs, assorted, per dozen, Jprjup, Queen Street Stores, TUB HAWAIIAN fUDMBAV AIHIL in,

X Ik A dbab MM iini'iinfiniifimit.UK. immmr . mr i coin Pimsr ' ewBTsotwrm aaMalHinn, tmn lw BISMARCK n AW HlMUMll I MiMrit all nni MM II W t it mf&jlm, - JUi! lmft Ntiit PACIFIC l.,ttJV .Nltjlll- .4 1 Kt ifiloVHIFWt M m IHH U.lll ItAI.I.V "ii" " Jfv mil w nwr llir nanit or n1-- 1 AlrtrilM nml Hitrw. MM Hi.i' fcr Mr' ARM A t I A I w. TV wwtlmi st lo 1mMi ail II M.r.lllUItt till II. V.mniwmm, Mnrrii l. Tim rVtmi ira mm mm, In Ibly 4mH H IBM to hit UmHimMil. OmiitHltlTC hii lVtretgu IMnlhmi hh It ttwti lit mt14 emtlit ihm mm mmim me m tnt - You may usa 1 1 WAILUKU, ib lir-f- lit Hi tl Hit a .Unit ItiilirH-.ti- t. MM HSiflU VM Ml MOItkHf lltl'll IIHlllrtllK All llllHllflllt tllltWW tfttlt iiiKHia tin nf nrttah till aflfl MAUI. " aw ubt. Tm mm atiMtaal ! OTMilNB. - wHtimtii if tire faMariw n4taHWtU. iir-- Ufl AMI lnfcm.li.KW iwirwia)- nf titw mem i i li) lliiiMlilti-i- l I'nlrlnt. treaty, iKtfnttaltil by the new tJhlHMP m. WILLIAM COOONCB51, Prop. AwcftmH, IWWgHia. nraHtL O HAY & G&AIN1 MlnUler nnJ (Irwliain. The I1''!"! hy Hie Mrtmm detiWw ndvlw Mid ottmr .nan liHlplil nml Ipilrl. In. llii) flrH draft f tliu riwolMttoM Secretary ihi ttar aMoaMMta - I ncro oaMBIpeWl-mw.- j tin Main!-.- " it. i. i tnmlt trni Kent In IhnHniintf. Mirno lline from Jliireno. He iiorniiMK imr HpfUrlnil Ihm to of i ITl-.'- COMMERCIAL OOHlMlttlt . .. .!... "LCinini,.lr..f..ni,llnthi.lWl1fii Itclfltlnn l"lt to him III (Mcrtloi "Is there ntu wlUl o on III ah fact, W I And if yon do, . - (.; TVVKISfS. Ih-- llhBI- AtltlOllMll' jy 1 . tNimm tee. Iif... It Iim ii fully .s.ii. l r IHltiiriHtnll." .(j mi Jn, Your obadl anmirtm I.irtt highl'i rHyttlrnt mil)', rwleil H.rl.. In tin. prole itrular of I aliant II dy r I I in the I ' Thu I. tro l Ar. yrm III ol "I'1""1 ami In all nejnme. nil. in "Mimei'tlnn with Mm- Amrhicak HUM the xvlitali llw Inwn linn on tm "mitl.snpi.n.," sin.t.rv th will hwul- Aildiw- -i all Uiti ! live llul Aloli Allmsald: A ll;nl IrealJ practically lhl the rts til oommunli ttl ua tn -- thp I'a- - (luen not ttitnii Tltno. V. IHrajwn, fur iIkw ii rather Inniu nltiilr. A nil lord Iim wittl thai thin In tint the set wtlde and .upmed Scott '""K i"'" politic. Til's WAILUKU btti m ring up il, iiliiii.ui A. i m,, I ili M.rwntlv all will rrelster. Tho? inland to HOTEL, I'. O. llox m. Saoretarj. Urn propd ttemonttrrition wimrepuill-nle- d iiuWi mcutlnj:, for ulio i.nneil thl (iiit mat Omry law. It is an Immigration treaty u aRltaihin to lmo all t"WlK.rB fuiiM.h aWltf. in ndrauce by I lie Itui Aloha Alnn, meetintf. Il In true Hint the queen Iim lrt rrt inH. Hail.llr UorMMol Mil and piovldc for the nilmlttance of oi me iTjiifliiitiiimini vsiiiTeini.iii oirvii-i- i Inn ...i.,.uH who Mn'i to Tim Mjnllcrwl nlmtit In 1'iit ft hand in thin incoth g, and It in in ina vMl ihr .... Tdlaphonos 121, elrrulHr thn ' Chinese lininiKriiiitn under lestrictious. nml to have a ohaugn made the iri..ii Kmht an.l t iraHr known IteKUtttitliili lll held uxlnl her will. Anhfont my c (Mill allegiance. un. afternoon and evening wm tliu cuhniim-llii- ii tlollig It nlM has fur it object the pmlectlon of hi HAI.KAKAI.A or Mie Itonnl of Ibislrrtlo i alt every ADVERTISER are till.' Who are 'we?' " II th Hun. Ii ooutiter-mnvemi'ti- t. Chine nlimdy in oountry. IikIiik thirty milm dar from 10 to I, and Tl nv and Mil. iif the It wan of tills NinVM A MlTHIIIXL In The new treaty, it is understood, runs iS uiiifarcnea, tw.. thmin iM fiwt ilp, unlay ewnlnm 0 lo 0 of mil on the from th secretary of tliK 1'nliliillc What In loft of thin Ik a fniuduhinl ten thiNMMitl fwt l.ov the ami of fim In m, ' All to vote )clegalo t IaWHtuu. In It liu rcoied tho Axlifuril meeting called by League and for twenty year, and tills resiieet is , fur Um Ihk iirlii- H HIS aaoli. ilMlrlnc fur the lllack y The 8eoond District club will mtet ,i.. a negotiati-- d by i i ConstitmlouRl Omvi ttlou must crowil n iHilti'iT. Ijmt IlilZIlt fl leader itlher WMlllliv lint irritmtia1i1i uldliHi like similar treaty nl h IneluiltM iwrriiun. far., renin Hlu.r Hijanl In IsSd, and ut tho expi- at Annexation hull this evening. bay Kahjliii Hny iiifitler. Do not fail to Hi o, aiidinnko "' a iioiEiilii(t lawyer. 1 liu . to drag tho native thorn." Mulim .,r msl nnuiotR wnn a warning Hint nintalng wns ration of twenty years If neither Gin em- rntui-i- i lo ettbrr of anlit lantliiifp. bei-- to tl our H'ronal IhisIih x nee that CALIFORNIA 7B t Hilts Pel Month. inent shall give notice to tho other of II. 1 . Dillingham has made n final re- Crnter unit Ilutnl nil ,vt mtiieli Is not to yo ir neighlsir is nlo rui rod. tf niiwivifieii; mat n run iiiiirm, iikiiii. l fr, lt Ifli..t .... ? tl ' Till! TAHITI' AMI SIKIAIt. Its to terminated, then as MilminUtrator A. t.uir ilfttn lime i imir wviv 1'iuireij RriMiiioif.ts, nn intention hive it port of the estate of H iimn it shall remain In Xorco another twenty I' Ahj (.tiritwho may .h to vMt Hiliiiinl. FEED $2 Per Quarter lliorw was not vincl tho hllchloftl An liicrmftf nr tliu Sueur lhitlU--- l L. Smith. lil'tiuiii.' lo Vnllev, tl umilt of tho Ilotllater .t Co. have re ihjvmI their to Interrupt Ilia iirocpwiliiRB. liriiclly years, Dining tho period of the life of lnlmiiK n. Nut A!iriKntril. fnillii.l wKfolxami oil cw and sales lo i he eorner of Alf the npwchen hail Imjoii carofully thotienty Chlnefo are prohibited from Appeal papers in the NorrI seditious nt the iii -t leimutmble nrlew ru and Merchant , fttr iif WasiHnmton, March 20. Tho Memo ciitcilug this country except tiiun con- W. (lOOIIXHHtl. Fo't flritt rtore COMPANY. imriarcil. The burden of wicji tnle lllielciite have been llled with the Cir- mirly iKjcupled bv Mr. lo IIkm. Hell woe whk delegate tho rratio members (if the Finance Commit ditions. Provision ia made for tho return that all the to cuit Court. teljjiboue 402. Jlultml .elt dione-18- . (Cor. yue n and Nuuanu sta.) hIioiiM bo teo lmvo completed of any Chinaman who has a lawful Subscriptions ft coirttltutloiml convuntlon consideration of the sor-t- f olwliil. All HoynlistH were to wife, child or pnrvut lu tho United The Honolulu Iron Works Company Payable uracil turilf bill, nud it wns submitted to the to" tho from nftiaterlm; or votinjr. Knob Stntes or property amount of THE The Wbisi.ia Is full committee, llepuhlicans ami Demo- 1,000, to has completed a bridge over Wailna Daii.v and Staii on 11' !,( IH.HVOI'.V, Strictly orator really funny In nil uffeiteil or debts due him that amount. aali. James A. s N vh stieotn, Kauai. at Martin iriety Stnro, Island unli-- n promptly horror of wnalbly boconiinn uinoiinble crats, Tim most important !B Walanueiiue HtriHii. iilo, where attwwlnl to. In change Is In tho sugar schedule, the to tho Milition law. The oath peenied Tin.iniitAi'iiin mitum. sulmcriptioiiK mny In) on'en I. dw-t- d Advance. to lie the tniMt tronliloDomu port of u live change being made by which an addi- Maknikii! at M.Miiui, Molokei, April FEAST thorn In the side of the hoUern. tional duty of i cent per pound is given 5, 1894. Charlus Kubio Lewis and on sugars abovo Us by Louis Kossuth's end was very ixtlnfiil. The best family mcdicini oxtnnt. I). FJJAN1C. Tho croud liegnn to Bather at (1:10. all degicro the J Handle Dudoit, J. OlXJEJf, polaritcope test, or which above No. OF H. Ilomavpathic Cougl and Croup Muto wim furiilfh'eil by tho Ilnwniinn aio Senator Colquitt of Georgia is danger- PliACTIC-1- . WATCI1M 1(1 Dutch standard In color. Synp always curra. AKI5K, band. At liigli tide the ik.thoiis in ously ill. PrejKirations are already being made Hawaiian Gazette Co. Union Square nmnliereil a few more Tho text of tho sugnr schedule as now Cummins Dloc :, Fort St., Honolulu II. I. agreed upon Is us Itlchard Croker, he Tammany chief, for celebration of the spirito sautos than 3XW. There were between fiOO follows: "All sugars, e? xx-- lank bottoms, syrups of eano juice or Is in California. feast on St. John's D.iy, SI, NATIONS Advortlne meiitw, and 700 Aniatic". Tho Chinese iKilllicnl June IMPORTER AN I DEALER WATCHES beet juice, melada, concentrated tf union was there in a body nml .hir A colony of S00 Shakers are to settle Second AND CLOO 18. m-i- were out in force. American l.eaiji.0 meljda, concrete and concentiated mo- in California. Admirul Irw in says Unit bo expects DUtr'ct. The lasses, testing bv poluriscope not abovo had adjourned Its regular meeting to kco Admliul Walker here on Thursday and 111: a t :mTMi OK 80 degrees, shrill pay a duty of 1 A general revivnl of businesihas betn To be held fit will A the tun. nud of courxe IiiidiIiimI j of loud cent lie (Irwin) will bo ablo to the T1 the Kwund District CIiiIm jf per pound, and to every additional de- noticed in Chicago. that return cn the Ameri FAT TURKEYS citizens weie nttracti il out of curiomty, the Mnripusa. can I'nloii Party at the Am nxntion Club Tho was will lighted hy lan- gree or fraction of degree above 80 and A naval training school is to be estab- platform 00 Hull 011 Tuf.sdav Kve.mnq, April lUtli, at terns ami was decorated wbh Hawaiian not abovo degrees, shown by tlui lished at Mure island, BERETANIA ST. ARMORY, LEADING polariscope test, shall pay .01 Messrs. Hamhley, ltert Peterson and nlilcli incetlng all voters of thn Kvvoii.l His- - linns. Tables weie provided for the A sovero place Wy press representatives. Verbatim of n cent per pound addi- blizzard look in other volunteers did good service nt trict are requested to l pnwnt. All the Year Hound reports IK) on ";Sd. of becured hy Interpreter1 tional, and above and not oming March Friday Evening Tlio SiHind District Inchidw nil that dis- FEATURE speeches weie above OS degrees for every additional Saturday evening's lire. Hunibley and Luther Wilcox nud Stenographer Join s. Many workmen have been frozen in n his shoes. trict luundtil by I.lliha, Kcbuol, Nunanu V, degree or fraction of a degree shown by ruined suit of clothes and Prominent on tho stage were: C. mo pay the recent Western blizzards. Saturday Afternoon stream, llervtanta, Fort and Punchbowl HENRY DAVIS & CO., F. Bowler, polariscope le6t, shall a duty ot - Asliford, J. L. Kuulokou, J. .02 of a cent per pound additional, and The Champa building in Denver lias 77ic Ilonrtl of llyintnttion nit in the tnbi. Per order. I,. .1. Levy, Phillips, F. II. lted-war- John Oil de- loss oltl LiyUlatixn Jlult. and Evening. CIIAUbES I.. CAHTKll. Antono Kosa, Edmund Norrie, upon all sugars testing above burned, involving a of $l?r,000. 505 FOHT STKEKT. grees bv the polariscope test, or Tuko. P, Kbvkiiin, PresldeiiL C. U. Wilson, T. A. Lloyd, J. K. Kahoo-knn- above Ferdinand Word has married a Ill Sivretary. :.V2t. Uoth Wt-l- No. Dutch standard in color there wealthy young woman of Staten Island. Professor Lyons will instruct men Telephones. lo. t shall ho levied and collected a duty of 31T-- At 7:15 Mr. Asliford announced that and boys in dancing at Anon hail this The nations to be represented I, of a cent tier pound in addition Tho new naval bill does not provide Kaulokou would bo chairman and L. .1. evening. Thursday nt 3 p, in. tho Ha- is such to tho duty imposed upon sugars testing for the construction of tiny moiu ships. are: Hawaii, America, Great Brit- Lory secretary. Asliford a US degrees. testing waiian class meets. Tliu charge Is 25 JAS. F. MORGAN. he sliould have added, "Now, above Molasses not Ilig game is being ruthlessly slaught- To Let or For Sale ! above AG degrees by poluriscope shall aents u lesson. ain, Germany, Portugal, gentlemen, elect your olllcers." ered in the Yellowstone National Park. No. 45 Queen Street, Kaulokou said they were assembled p.ty a uuiy ot a cents per gallon; mo- l'i:itS()NAI. Sweden and Xorway, Mexico and to consider tho situation, their property lasses testing abovi-Vi- degrees shall pay Another sea serpent is reported to THE TWO HTOHY IIOUHK No. IX Ku- - a uuty ot 4 cents a have been sighted olf Atlantic city, Spain, Greece, China, Japan and ami personal rights and everything that gallon," ltev. O. I'. Kmersou went to Nawili- - kul Htrevt, eoiitaiuhig- - twelve rouiu Auctioneer and Stock Broker. might them. All were aware i no provision abrogating mo Hawa N.J. India. interest iian reciprocity treaty was wili yesterday. klU-be- nn.l bath room; also Tho Cottagen the condition and prospects were stricken out The first of tho new that and n specillc le-- coast The Isenburgs, ct left on Sjiccial not exactly satisfactory. Tins was in- declaration inserted been ierc Jit, tho hi the yurd of cue and two iikiuimhii.I out attention c,lven to the pealing the reciprocity treaties negoti- defense cannon has successfully 1'KICI! or ADMISSION: tended to bo a peacablo assemblage. All tried. Mikahala for Kauai lint evening. hoiuu, etc., ated under the MuKinlev net. Other - liaudliug of were unarmed. They must deliberate changes agreed A ltev. and Mrs. Mackintosh left last Saturday Afternoon, 25 cents, dignified manner weie upon by the sub counterfeiter's mint near Omaha Apply at tliUolUee. Ull-l- calmly in a thusamo dol- veiling on ns people in other countries, then retire committee; nine in per cent ml valorem, has aheady coined half n million the Mikahabi to visit their Each livening, adults, 50 cents, Real Estate Stocks, Bonds instead of 10 per cent In the Wilson lars. daughter, Mrs. quietly to their homes, Let our con- Glade of Kekaha. do children under 15, 25 cents, bo whole will bill, tho duty to include the value of duct such that the world tho of Tho Delgian cabinet has resigned and C. II. Luther ami family are makingn Notice. see wo nro govern ourselves. covering or tho barrels; plaster Is worth noting. Nothing is able to Paris, which in the Wilson bill boro a the King is hurrying buck from Switzer- ainping trip aiound thu hland. They Doors open at 7:1)0 p. m.; grand march The speaker then debated upon what he - so well rate of 10 per cent on the ground article, land. at 8 Wanted- worth noting ns the called the unfairness of the convention went over the pali early this morning. o'clock. Saturday afternoon the FOR- - is taxed $1 per ton, instead of 15 per Tho Mormons have secured a grant of HILLS DUE ME FROM MY display of composition, said that to protest was a Ilazaar will bo open from two to flvo ALL ... . cent ad valorem, as in tho Wilson hill. rich laud in Mexico nnd wilt form n ubrey Gay and family, Mrs. Robin UIHU Oil HINOI.K WOMAN, OH A jiivi- num.-t!t - ntui un !.. mt. duty that the cuse was not settled ut p. m. 318-t- d. ruittiiTt, inut Washington and that th" oath was n colony. son, Mrs. nnd Miss Gay have gone to A marrie.1 couple, for general help dur- pild to J. II. Sebiinck byApril th. All bilU - NEW PICTURES ing to Eurojie, liv a family with scheme to entrap the unwary. Do not ALTER A LOCAL I'ULITL Denver has organized a committee of their Niihau residence to spend u few vojngo not wttled bv that date will 1 vM to the register was his closing appeal. safety and order has been measurably weeks. children. Ouoil references required. Apply of tho very latest publications blghtwt g J. K. Kahookano declared that an- restored. to E. HOKF.SCIII.AEOEIt & Co,, bidder. which Kt.vo Hitos. are lle)intmlion are 10 nexation was dead, that he was oposed MCIIOI.AS AND HIS Ilountfor from NOTICE ! Cor. King nud Bethel street. SWJ2W. FRANK OERTZ. to because would place Ha- James M. McDonald has been elected m. ti 2 in. ilnilt, cvveiit tiitnilay. it it the j. Or Victoria btreet, opp. 1 hoi-ia- waiian in the political ana social status CAiti:i:it. President of the Pacific Hank in San 8iuare. If one wished to gratify Francisco. tf. irt of the negro in tho United States. The CLARENCE II. LUT1IEH. istio taste, beautify thu ho oo Provisional Government proceedings lU'ixiitLMl Jlu Ciiiiiu to Honolulu, Amer- iAHEHICAN UIIIQI1 PARTY t.i Owing to yellow fever all tho AT Tin: or make a niiitablo profce.it, were not in the line of building up n ican warships have been directed to i'Ah.si:Nn:its. After Trolllilu AVllli Ills Cliurcli, - representative form of government. leave Itio. TO LET OR L.EASE Central- I.VIeat Market, thu oportumty is luru Citizens have the right to refuse to to Keck u New Mlnlntry, AltltlVCD. ANU bTUKCT. alforded Col. lireckenridge, in his defense, To all members 5of the party FOR A TERM. OK YP.AR8. NUl register. A man binds himself by do- From San Francisco, per bark Albert. Chickens, Turk?yg, Ducka and Pigeons ing It. The Provisional Government An Examiner, which ariived on the accuses Miss Pollard of having made all and those desirous oi actmtr Call catty and ree wliat is going on in the Aprril 0 Mrs Butcher. at ibort notice has no right to move while this case is Albert, contains tho following of local advances. THE I'llEMIHES on the of KINO 13ot!i the artistic line. i)i:l'Aitli:o. witn it. forr'r Tel. 101. .MuuTcl. yet before tho Senate. Only ollice-bolde- Interest: The Itritisli have declared war on The Central Committee for and ALAPAI STREETS, oocupio.1 and natives under pressure have If Rev. W. D. Nicholas. D. D.. had King Kabaragaof Unvora. Widespread For Maul, perstmr Cluudine, April 10 this Island lias settled upon the by Dr. 0. P. An.lruns. registered. IIopo for royalty is not jet not become engaged to tho charming trouble is expected. G P Wilder and wife. U 1' Daldwin. extinguished. Do not encourage the Mrs II D llaldwin, Mr Armstiong, J M lollou'intr plan ot makintr nom The yanl Imsa frniitageof 'M feet on King KING BROS. Miss Edna Groves of Oakland, who is con-H- ii GRAND Provisional Government and its plans Twenty peoplo havo been hurt by the Oat, O Silva, G II Hose, ltev Father street nml is ."0 feet deep. Tl j liouw tho soprano of the First Presby- explosion of an anarchist bomb in a J inations lor the election at hantl: eight rooiiw, two lu 1U, nlso a largo , Sylvester, Mrs Friel and children, Mrs by registering. terian church of this city he might cliuich near Grenoble. Iiach District will select a can l.itdien, iantry, chlnn elc-- t, l.ath rcxim, HOTEL Phillips, a plumber abroad on fceggern. d John still bo otllcialing as assistant pastor to didate. ttc. etc., Iiiik--i all ng4 tliat aro without his helper, said ho had been Dr. jHciienzie in the saiu cliurcli. As On tho 10th of March sovero storms For Maui nnd Hawaii, perstmr Kinau, iieoavsary. MOONLIGHT STREET. given but two hours' notice. Ho bad it is, lioweer, ho did become engaged swept northern Texas doing much dam- April 10 Way ports: Mrs Kaleialii, This will be a total of eitrlit. POSSESSION OIVEN IHM 3DIATELY. to only on account of sweet-voice- age to llfo consented speak to the d soprano, and u body nnd property. liishop Willis, A Young unil lamlly, But 6 seats in the convention are the "good natmed simplicity" which Wo Hing, Iiuvs Sokabe nnd Sugiynmu, For pirtlculars npfly to in the church rose against him and he On tho retirement of Gen. Schoficld opportioncd to Oaliu; niter regis- bad been attributed to him. Ho could resigned from ins pastorate under pres- V H Keyworth, Mrs A J Cartwright, 31 vtf- - Chof M. Cooko. EXCURSION to complaints Gen. Miles, will take command of the closes mid uothin" the that had sure of ciicumstauces, and on Saturday United States army. Wilder Wight. Jno Trucy: Volcano: tration llie proper number already been lodged. They were met to last saueu tor Honolulu on tho steam Mr. Zoller, Mrs S G Wilder, Miss Wilder. ol nominees will be placed in the HAWAIIAN protest against tliu convention because ship Australia. Union Pacific employes aro deter field vote ol mem I. O. O. F TO TIIK tho Provisional Government mined to strike, in spite of tho injunc- AUIUVAI.". by the party llus all goes to prove that the course a it. They might as well fix it up without of truo love never does run smooth, es- tion of tho Circuit Court. bers under plan ol the Central ELECTRIC election. Provisional Govern- Tuesday, April 10. an The pecially in ecclesiastical ciicles. It fur- - Comtnitce. Mr. Gladstone will continue to reuro- - II AKJIONV LOPflK No. S. I.( ,O.F.,MEET8 ment could not be banned by making proves oven tho pastor may Am bk- Albert, Griffith, S F. - EWA ther that sent Mid.'o.hian in Parliament, appear- The City members will asscm- Klr,-.t- . PLANTATION, COMPANY. it an oiieii aluur. Tlie iiovermnent can not fall in love with the choir soprano Am schr Transit. Jorgenson, S F In iln,n,imvll.ll U'av. H.ivl. Kll.u- ing when his health permits. ble and fix upon one candi- eve-- y 7:30 V"l not be held indefinitely by tho reform with impunity; and indeed there nro Am Sob W F Witzeman, Patcreon, the Monilay, nt v.x. Unit brothers party. This protest should bo made always lieaitaches when anybody falls D. M. Smith, a merchant and trader Newcastle. date at the following meeting nre curillntiy lnvite.1 to altera. peaceably. He did not like toseo armed in love witli tho soprano and sho recip- of Defiance, N. M. bus been killed and places on Friday evening, the AUDEItT LUCAS, C. F. HKItltlCK, OVER THE OAHU RAILWAY, nuiiuc IU UUUdUIIICttla men about. Finally. "Give us a full. rocates tho gentle attachment. Tho mutilated by Navajo Indians. ii:iAitTin:i:s. Noblu Ornnd. Secretary. vote we uro 13th. r. ox free, untranmieled and with trouble increases and multiplies u thou- The President will veto tho Hland you." sand fold when, ns in the present case, Tuksuay, April 10. First District, at Government The new works of the Ha- tho band. hill but has not mado up his mind Jlusie bv the pastor is a Presbyterian whoso dock about coining tho bcignorugc. Stmr James Mukee. Haglund, for Nursery. TUES04Y EVENING, waiian Jilectric Co. being now C. W. Asliford. the flower of the ora has not-e- t become quite resigned to Kapaa, Second District, at Annc.xa- - torical liouquet of tho bolters, now madu some of the recent libera! revisions in It is believed in the United States htmr Lehue, Wye, for Hawaii. T ALE completed, notice is herebj were Itrituin carrying tion Hall, yV3I tl J, I7tll. Ills sniel. (ireat tilings exiiecteil the Westminster confession, and tliu that Great is not out Stmr Kinau. Clarke, for Maui nnd given that from of this sneaker. About all ho did was to singer in tho case is a Human Catholic. tho sealing agreement in good taitn. Hawaii. Third District, at Royal and after Jan- usen knife he bud up his slcoe for the As has been stated, ltev. W. I). Nich- An order staying tho execution of Stmr Mukolu, McGregor, for Molokai School. OF uary 1 5th the Company is pre- Attorney-Genera- l. Disclaiming any in olas left for Honolulu on Saturday. Hu the Assassin Prendergust until April Clli and linnl. Fourth District, at American A SPP.CIAL TKAIN will pared to supply incandescent tent to call names or heap abuse, .Mr. had felt obliged to resign from his charge lias been uy ot Stmr Claudine, Cameron, for Maui. Honolulu at 7:45 p.m. Return- Asliford damned, praise, issued judge unetiain - League Hall. with faint the two weeks before, but in resigning liu Uhlcago. Stmr Wnlalcale, Sniythe. for llama- Huusehold Furniture ing, will arrive in Honolulu electric lighting to customers. gentlemen of tho Provisional Govern- curried witli him the lasting esteem and Kua. Filth District, at Reform nbout 10:15 p.m. In a few days the Company ment, lie declared there was not the friendship of tho more liberal niindtxl of Oregon Democrats, in the Salem dis- Am schr Alice Cooke Penhallow. for School. color of Americanism about their course; tiict, have voted down u lesolution ap I- will also fur- his parishioners. He departed en route Sau runcisco. A. KKNNKDY, be prepared to. that he had always lived in n free coun- for tho Islunds, however, without ad- proving of uievelund s Hawaiian, finan J. to 17th of year, cial and tarilf policy. Chairman. On THURSDAY, MAY 10th, nish electric motor for power, try up January last and vertising his exit and without bidding l'ltojKCTHi) i)i:rAitn:iti:s. RouTr.dP. unit never teen anything iiko tins. everybody coodby. A lew of his nitiui While raising the wreck of tho vessel TlIHO. P, Sl'.VKUIN, Tickets, 75c. and of which due notice will just Government cannot exist without ates'knuw of his projected trip. It was Am sell Emma Chiudinn, Nielson, for at 10 o'clock a. m, at the Residence of . 3 which caused the dynamite explosion at Secretary. given. consent of tho governed, and that has partly on uud partly on luesday, noon. H. F. OLADE, Kwi., on Judd street, be u tour tor health nuntanuur, more oi me cargo blew up, runnings Island, lie on Mile the Depot liiune- - been secured in w (Jlsen, Voters in the outside Disstricts Tickets will at an- not this cne. a quest for a pastorate that he left. His Killing sovcrai workmen. Am sehr It Uartlett, for I will Bell at Public Auction (on Ulnuiy before tue uepunuru oi uie iruin. The Company further If this is to bo n popu- friend, Dr. Alexander, had told him of Laysun Island, Saturday, April 14, will meet at the call of their Club lar movement why not elect all U.S. Olcott. leader of the Theosopb account of intending departure) PartieH or C'lulnilenirlng to lutve a spueinl nounce that they are prepared a pastorlcss cliurcli in Honolulu that Officers some evening thhi.s week. ear nervMl can do mi bv notif vimr the huiier- - to be close cor- ists, charges W, Q. Judge with misusing C((NIUM:KH. 318-l- tho Household Furniture, the delegates. If it is a might suit him, and hu determined to IMI'OltTN AMI t. iiiteinlent Mor Friday utf. li.in. uud tlio to receive orders for interior wdiy naiiu-wriiin- g juaiiauuas poration, elect any? The Attorney look into tho matter, so on Friday tue oi tne and comprising pun liaiing of at linst 'M tickets. wiring and can furnish fixtures General has by an oversight failed to night liu packed his things nud took Sat pretending to work miracles. IMl'OltTS. OKO. P. DKNIBON, M K make the act of doing nothing a crime. urday's west-bou- boat without even Work on the Ksquimault fortifications From Kauai, per sclir Foster, and all fittings in connection Thoso who with Provisional 1G00 bags sugar. Elegant Parlor Furniture, SIMil. 8uierinteudent. ditfor the having his name printed oil the passen- upon whicli the linlish will expend with new service. Government propose to do nothing. ger list. Then there was great and en .VOOO,000 begun. works will has The AM) CONSKiMIKK, They will nut register, take the oath or thusiastic joy in tho camp of thosu who be made impregnable. i:rUKTN CARVED ITALIAN WALNUT BEDROOM Printed rules, regulations vote. A foreigner who takes the oath were opposed to pastors witli a weakness jeopauiises his citizenship. It Is not California Congressmen dcclaro that IMl'OltTS. HOUSEHOLD anil Company's rates can be for ltomuu Catholic sopranos, and it wns SETS, proposed to submit the constitution. Nicholas lied the proposed treaty law, by registering For San FrancUco. sclir Alolia- AND 'DINING had on application to insinuated that llev. had ) the .Su- was n crowning sin -- This means what from his acknowledged iluuce. and photographing Americans in iiina 18.2b-- bairs sueiir, IIirHackfeld & Co perintendent, on tho part of the Queen a crowning It was recalled that ho had divorced is an insult to missionaries. C,2I bags of sugar, Orinbauin & Co, CROCKERY and virtue of the Provisional Government. his first wife or had been divorced from Domestic value, iTjMl 00. FURNITURE the beauty ot holiness. Peixoto has revived the decrees of GLASSWARE, WM G. IRWIH. It illustrates her; it was pointed out that hu bad met 181 and 1651, authorizing execution l'er Alice Cooki Vi.vw Dags sugar, The Provisional Government holds C & Co lbs), the soprano outside u rear door to tliu without formal trial of prisoners who Drawer (S,i8,077 value FAMILY CARRIAGE HORSE, I'JiKSIDMT II. K. CO. everything in tho hollaw of Its hand. church instead of openly courting her in 71,S01. a; They have statesmen wiser than Ameri- nave (uxeu arms against the uoveru At if iront, anu sundry uud divers other cir ment. Etc, Eto. Auction. ca lias produced and will. They will cumstances were brought up which drag out nnd railroad a ready made when combined with bis exit. "General" Fryo's Industrial Army ouiet GOO Co. CHAS. HTJSTACE, document and say: "Hero is n con- sjioko ill uf the untold things might numbering tramps, lias arrived at Metropolitan Meat any of of God that way Parties desirous of purchasing On Wednesday, April 18, stitution that the handiwork be. ucniing, A, on its i.nst. A furniture previous lo the Hale, can an- 8 1 the Block, himself could not excel. If the "Commonwealth Army," organized on KING STREET, on application to At 10 o'clock, a. at tho resilience Lincoln Kino Strkkt, nexationists have 7000 votes out same obtain prices in., OATH ami citi.i:nsiiii'. tne lines, is lorming in unto, port and KU. of 1S1000 what do they fear? Onu Tho object is to inarch on Washington of A. J, CAUTWKiailT, Esq, corner of lMeen Alakea of Council was Wholesale & Retail Butchers Kuuinoku nnd I.uimlllo I will member the with Mr. Cunuiurro In CorreMnumlt'iice Wltl aim induce (..onu'rers to relieve tliu liar.l .TAS. F. MOllGAN, btreets, DEALER IN him, but was unable to get around and Mr. Hutch. tnncrt by nut money leeislutlon. llio sell at Public Auction tlio make n speech. "His example is good (joveruor of Iiuliana bin announced AUCTIONEER. Mr, Cunavarro, the Commissioner uf AND 317-l- w enough for me. Let us keep our bands Unit i( tho army enleru bin tutu the Groceries and Provisions. Portugal, said off nnd seo how many of tho jieoplo uro this morning that he did nulitia will drive it out, and WiiBliiiiK Navy Contractors. ticvsniioi.u with them." not caro to discuss tliu citizenship and ton troojiH uro Having riot arum. ri'it.MTi'iti:, Fresh California Roll Butter and Isbnd. Antono ltosn Rpoku in Hawaiian, and question. His is cor oath reason that a G. J. WALLER, MnnnKcr! PORTLAND GHENT. ail Butter always on band. then Hindu in English what may well bo icspoudence between himself and the Count Mull. Mr. If. II. Churchill And effects. Particulars in future described as u few rambling remarks. Provisional Government Minister of The schooner Aloha nailed yeoterday Vernoo, TVmL vertlsementii. Uosa's English reminds one of a French- is lit Goods by Foreign Alfairs pending. He expects a. Biiiull closed 1) Fresh itceived ertry Sttaiutr Cork to speak Ger-- v with mail, nhich ut THE NEW man born in trying un answer from Mr. Hatch in a few "JOSSON" fivm San Francisco. man. Ho paid they opposed tliu Provis days. Mr. Cunuvurro said he agreed o'clock, Tho next steamship mail to An Honest Mcdicino JAS. F. MORGAN, ' Hatiskactiok ional Government and would resent with Attorncy.Uencrni bmltli that the tho United btates will bo by thu Aus- BRAND. AUCTIONEER. Uuauantickd. EJ tralia on tho 2Sth, On JEWELRY 1117- taking tho oath. A native who registers oath wns not n permanent and positive Thursday of this rtbuunntlim Cured Health llullt TJp. -1 w Is a traitor and worse than tho amiexa transfer of allegiance, However, he week tho Mariposa will bring a mail that THE - in anxiously u waited. Mr. riiurclUll, formprljr of Cburclilll L J)1or, tion commissioners. The lluwnii- wished the matter settled by olllclal STORE, lurvi.) r sua civil cngun'tri. m. trrnin, mis uro passive and peaceful opinions that would go on record wnshlniloii. wrllrs. houthrrn ralltoriiU ELITE ICE CREAM PARLOHS Wbv. then, are twiico about' The is unlikely that KuluKuuu IClntf. was m y boms lor mini year.. When I ram. Tlic "Jossoii" brand ot It not the Provisional COa FORT STREET, 1 begau to bo anllcted all over wllU nntiviw has been scorned as un eater of Government will mako n formal state- Dr, O, Trousseau's llflal report on the bum Ci'ineiit lias the jarjci t sale TO OUR SUBSCRIBERS. poi ami fish and a drinker' of gin.. Yet ment on this matter. inanaKciuent of inoiiuy ami collateral Is prepared to manufacture anything Rhoumatlsm in the United States, nvim; Candi Facta OaCS Cale Baler,. in us line. baok r.d a Iliu political nssisiuui'u oi iiiu unoriginal left by the Into Kliijr Kalakaua ban been .And Mo rMni la my rnersl fellijf FINE HOT Nu l el LtlnK u.oil uii. nv uusuirs ma uui lu to its enormous stri nc th. it is now invoked, To go into move- - Iliuh Not u Lender. approved liy Cooper. Henry i unci carrier-loy- a Ibis Jiulo lllllf, HUU I IUUIII1 UIJ- The of tho Stau aro not lie iR.traynl of country, Smith was master to verify accounts, Souvenir Spoons a Specially. lilt is very finely ground, only IOE OREAMS, COFFEE, nientwill tho Kauliikou said this morning that the the pit unlit for uorli. Kdiullnn n a herliU' to collect money or r In a bo rnput ot authorized sirii You nro not required to register. Pay circular was the work of Thero now residue to paid Hood's hirsupurlll. sud leanilii( a residue of 3 to 4 oei cent, CAKES, CU0II5. TEA, CH0C0U1E no to In high places who of if .'1,218.00. Also on hand a Fine Stock of alio Hut Un me'tlcln.wai crmiioundeii la receipts, oxcep , on tlio written authority attention men Hush "who thinks himself a leader of my own ol llaiiarlit.telti, 1 roni'iu led it lu s jiassed people. Imported Jewelry ever tiling Httts existing wlien ISLAND CURIOS. now try to win Iho common the peoplo, hut will Ibid out that he is thUinnvba.n faamBMl mvillrliir. I took nicsli-c- of tlio Iiutini is Manager. From and Members I), N, (1. in thu lutest designs. so much I am out througli a sieve of x s Our Kitabllthmcnt It tht finest Kcsort la iht There being no more lawyers or in the soup," of Company II,, .... Itaudaia luiruicd tbat 9 after thin dab no receipt for subscrip-tioii- plumbers in stock the llow of oratory were out shooting Saturday. Private to the square inch. City, Call and see ui, Open till II p. m : i i ;i or Iso will be held (rood un- i.. Ull.i Tho Empresses I'. t). llox, Mut. Tel. othen lUlllll,Oll lUUt! ill lUIMIU of Germany, Iiussla scarf-pi- n sale at Vida Thrum won a beautiful !7. IcW. Hood's Cures For less Issued d rect from tho business Asliford in English u series of roso' nml 't Austiia aio visiting each other at ' ta on (Its F. wore adopted, Three a as a reward for making tho lieu t score in Oudf.us Attended ( In all wentbt-r- s and travel all day ith no oDIco, THIS PAPER. DAKK'S it a lutions which Abbazlu, lomuntio resort In ltuly on the Ihi.ami Promptly '1 any ALLEN noni ison's. Ailwrlli 11 lady-lik- fallsuo and tirrd Ircuuit. J ot.s that 6 t mild u cheers were given before Adiintic, Members tho company, excluding olllcen, It wus Kartapa-rill- a. 51 Auvner, an.l ai Mervlmnt's Kuclmnse. an of several other tent bail all ottr I nay tak" lloo ri Hole Agents for tliu Urn allau bland. OKO. ANSON. w I r rauriM'o, vni., ni'rr ronirucia lor aii r. Hoj nl families will bojourn Itbaioiiri-dino.- It. Ciiim i, ' aujoitrimiciit there, a gift of Lieutenant Oscar White, A. JACOBSON hilu aici-ti- UusinewJ Manager. llsluucttU be uiailo furit, It 'K E. Hood's Pills out. l.lr.r ills, Jtundlos, ptlieu.uoii, Sick Uejululi. aad CoiuUpaUOA, 1111 HAWAIIAN TUUBDAVi APRIL to. il--i. .-. fc3L . 4. "PC hlMM. to Mft. M IWMHNHMl II. "to 9IMI IH VftRtft. H. MAY & CO. HMfcDWARlQ, buildups & Gonenil, WMIfMla Aft Hrli.ll fftaVthmt fcftMM 0ft(B iA WNl irtrfl ' tm mm mg Ha tgj a Alway Hp Intlif Tlmfa In Viallly, Sljlo nlMl t'ltrra, in1! nfWIn Mbi4 toM mum- JU aaiA atSa M fC aad am. fNMrttfi t hf tbiM tor4miMitoNtn aaaM ant haa a Mtla M IMILLINERY Wwli jHai . aad all tataat c It GROCERS Pluntatioii Supplies, vaaan ha) aiaii, aaa iMa-- s llM HalaWl a ia4. aa ti lis Port Sliccl. 0 A full Aetwrltneiit to suit tlic.viirKius Ucnintida, kB mmr rrminej iwtdlr hark ItM abtp, ran ban I aaadaiad aat It Vaaat. M A I "A farV1 taM ha. Mi Mart Mafcttflni nnt nf ah) mmm. dartar utrT' aahV & ItiVk llaMft M batlv hail Manl Oaajan an4 )tot,iTtU-t1i-.- ; 1 O. H0X470I Inn the laaliti tha ntkar alia at aual u DEPARTMENT itnHfc. Steel Plows, M. IM, kfr Amrrlmn Ptmt nmm wet nhnat to rat him in ml a fcalrat maM. turn. MaM to m I TVrr Hnr.rM lMn ha panlrnlan av. .Hk Lw hah kaad 1Ihu Hx .re-s- y for lslnml ;work, Willi pxtrn parts. annwy mtatta. 1 fcmMI (torn taa lad. MMta iii I At Pmrnak. Ju Cafitala lrd kat tlm Tha warm, whita hllhk.aad OpiiNiti) U hrm AmHrnn hn had tana In arming a hnatkd of BMH aad acUtaf. "That la a nabla nirt fm' Pacific Brass Foundry Is Again With for 10 ho llvin ft wtth-lUf- l aakar to tnaatkjat. "Xo. 1U a . aM J UULTIVATOHK' t'AXH KNIVES. M jrrai. mll, ti Mnld th HOMlaO Milro Ha IM W limttd tba natlra rlllwaje la nH r Wa aaaim folka HajTWOr BaWBaWM anjr wiijr an olfaMb tba Man and wara STKAM ami fi U.VANlZRt) VIVK, KI, fi r K 1 1 , Mt li amlnat w.mia raanlna Tha ha i'! wlwrhaila. haws ni T MUa xivprnmmt. and ha hail nl nnt- - nlmiit, nlterlna alirlll erica, aillna mi Baav amttl ha mhaMhaM HOWS. (ll.0IHVA1A'S, ngTicuiturai implements, tUlT laiiilahrri hlnwHf that mlwrahla their limuia and "cruuajna: wtktlr, dK 1 hat la ahrd whlta h aapr O A Large and Varied Stock. Imi-Ii- STKAM COC , aaat hlnvwlf off from I ha world, ik, and I ha "pumiaan" of a 1 ha hot wi uld bf a attWft atuxrai KR. and till other IIUIurb t Horn, Rliovels, Mftttockn, etc., etc, am Wa, hlmaHf to a IItIhb daath. Rut, Brunt ilrnm mldad to lha Imbri. Caritaln A ltoffFlfe aronld bla Mat for pipe on lialiil. Manitrat of all, ha aaxtnrd toran vrrt lit ijord rorwani at a tan, and we tiru ii I CARPENTERS', BLACKSMITHS' AND MACHINISTS' TOOLS tle fx ' thf irmit poala that had baMHtwrl oeedeil iiiftmt eMitar of tka villair. (Hit Ilatililli. lanla-Ma- Mi th world atnoa hl aalf Infllrtait where we found n arait iMali iiwiiMeil. I ssenlil Ilnhbln thrmch tbefenve, llowweak Honolulu Steam nice This Dopartinent will he managed btaan. Ha waa not on frianrily with Hnan n captlra In (balrHiMat. The he luokm and oMI Screw Plates, Taps and Dies, taraoa thnw hlni, or, Iriabitmn was nisarl) frtttutanad out of tits hair ! faUliHC ixt rpotN ha feeta tlie I lice In quantities 0 frith about If frtwdly, Freth milled .or sole Insult yi Twist Drills, Paints nnd Oils, waa not familiar at laaat. bla wits, aa welt ha lalMHl and when ilanHii and cold; by MRS. McKAY, who has just l, head; bla ilrpUfViwi 'tis plain A. PropV. W 1 Mt mtaln tha man had n atar, anil he saw us he ahotttad : Hehangthlf J. HOPPER. Brushes, Glass, Asbestos Hair Felt frtoaah torn Honolulu. '"j I ranulTnd to draw It from kla llpa, If "llllp. h'yal lta ttw lwly Si. Denis, Mm rnri lret. arrived by the last Australia. . . nisthlrtr year ara laero to than fifty nr r"; M and Felt Mixture. Althounh I waa h reuntrjrnmn of It's it dead moll I'd bean In nnlKier tin to me. bli, h rvratviil me rather mtdljr, aa If he minutes"' fif..i;.;w chxtiiivuiuij. rad no tnre to look upon the fa of an The captain confronted tlie ehlff of Hie He shall not work anollifr Jot not that ho .sK.uf 1'i'urs. ivusroxif he did to aace at the and demanded to know what It w ofkl isimplaiiu alcati than illue ttila shall know the Miirm who had lawii mllail ly waa all alsiut. Tliri illnlUiry hatiiihtlly But fm.n hoar he ne'er olfended touch of whip or rein. SEWING MACHINES, tMIr Aoraniinent to that loneljr Sllwrlaii Informeil hi in that the sailor bad Of all the homa on tho farm he's lieentho 1 ViUaf 3. Kor aomv timn lie did not even nud roblasl the Mini of a dad wnrrtor by O U laat. 8c g lerr W1LC0X GtBBS. AND REMINGTON. candtrjend to atve me hi name, Imt ilur-a- natlliar from the dul laan's (mvo the I shonM have Ibouirlit of It lieforr, but now be tfj atay In Provoaka 1 urad to ao over fixsl that bad leati placeil there for the shall hale rest. nfternoon and amoke with htm, anil oonaiimptioii of sahl ilend man while he !n Matf I tny mlml coll he was, anil how I WORK fi,ulit' suri'asscd of here- call to tho JOE Oils, aiKVyT!oim.lcy C51-T- - i I gfadnallr broke down the Imrrierof lili aa on lils journey to the lanil the broke I1I111 in. Lubricating Kroo-man- l'ort Street. Itrowor'N Jtloolc, latHornlty. after. ArconlliiK to the law of the Wlienl how ho kicked and pranced anil Oftu day, aa reent aTnoklUft In f such an ntfeuse wa punishable plunaeili 'twas doubtful which wuuiii wm, Ibc poor lint that Mrveil 111 iu with death, and the executioner should lie llut 1 naoiinK as well as ho and would not THE General Merchandise, All ho,ne, lie Kiuldenly Mukixl: the dend mall's nearest relative. lie delitfd. since lie's lieen as sAfe a ting nsman would "STAR'S" ELECTRIC "Well, what do you think of me" We saw in n moment that (inttfnn's And It Is not possible to show everything wo linve; If thero Is nnylliinc startleil, Imt countered v illi peril WHSKreat, and it looked as if n bloody wish to ride. t wm I PRINTINC WORKS, you want, come nnd ask for it, youjwill lie politely treated queatimi : encounter would take place If we trliil to Then in my happy courtlnidn)s liokncwthf " hat do you meanf" reacue him, for the fiKhtiuK men of the icry iiliiht Mo trouble to show goods. JOHM MclNERNY BLOCK, NOTT. He grunted- "Iweyouliavelioen Rtmly-Ingm- e vlllace, nrmcd to the teeth, hail withered That I would swlnK tlie stable door and greet ever since you cumo here, nmt 1 about us and were aeon Unit and lnutter- - him witli delight. Is pri'pnred to do nil kinds of Per-Imp- He know girl I loved was waiting Mlppoie you have formed nn opluion. a luu In a manner that show that the woist tho far aiAy mtistio Hook, Job nnd News- passions of those usually peaceable natives And fair. you take me for u fool'" He seemed to say, " Twill not be long befofre I paper printing nt fair prices. "Not at nil." tinu lieen aroused. tnkfl jou there!" "Well, I wouldn't care If you did. Yon Cnntaln Lord was too shrewd to lluht If liaven't trtil to pry luto my busiiid, mid the sailor could lie savtsl iu any other way, Then on my wedding day ho stood with others for the Best I dou't lulml tell inn you why I nm here, anil he soon found himself face to face with nt tho church. No doubt ho thought for Just that once 1 loft Mammoth walling vioninnwho prom-Ue- d the nearest relative of the dead luiin, who y Inm fur the him In tho lurch. SUBSCRIBE Wcek-t- News- - to become my wife." proved to 1k the warrior's mnl her, u fright Posters Ono fnce, olio form, that day of days, was all 0 I did not nttempt to coneenl my surprlS ful looking olil Iiiik. At first tlie out that 1 could see. and In retpoiifco to my question ho wild: woman seemed fairly Insane with her fury I did not think of Dobbin tlien, whatfc'cr he Specialty, paper ever published in the Hawaiian Islands. "She 1 nn exile, mul she in somewhere and thirst for the blood of thu man who thought of tue. Su the valley of AlgHfitnl, or when I had desecrntiil the urave of her win and wni And when tlie ) ears had brought their grief, Imrt 1 here, robbed him of the food he required In his lieanl of her. She kuowa nm and 1 learned joj's reverse, Try it for three months. It will cost yon just a and she will couio to mo wlieu the term journey to the spirit land, lint Captain Ho drew tho little ones and mo behind the Hooks. Pamphlets, Ix'gnl Papers. of her banishment expires." Lord w as a Yankee, nud a shrewd one nt gloomy hearse. Hand Hills, Dodgers, LottPr and "How much longer will that bef" that, and he stmlahtway began to "dick- I cannot say that be divined how lonely was Hill Heads, Ilusint'ss nnd Visiting . American money taken at par. "Ten yenra more." er" with her. my lot, Cards, Tickets, Programs, etc. . . I shuddered nt the thottRlit of It. Another Twenty minutes later, the captain had But Binte ho lias not been the same: I know weary half score of years to be spent In succeeded in purchasing Grof;un'a life with that I ha e not! Unit prison land I It was horrible! The about TO cents' worth of glass binds, brass And so through gladness and through grief old a dollar you naturally expect to get a bracelets and bells that would tinkle. He Dubbin has been tie Ar. kept decorating the old hag w ith theni No wonder tliiit he looks so old when I have and holding up a cheap mirror for her to grown so sere. FOR dollars worth. Tlie Wei:kiv Star admire herself la, nud when she llnnlly I know full well IhAl fifty years Isjouth to The Central Market. gave a horrible grin of delight at her be- many men. would 'TIs not the ears, but that my heart Iias reached will give it to you. One Dollar lor three months. dizened appearancoweknew Grogan threescore and tenl Always have on hand choice Beef. Mutton, Veal be spared. Wrought Steel Ranges, Chilled We lost no time in getting him out of So while I live his failing life shall naught but and Poultry. We make Sausages a Specialty the village and down to the boat, for some comfort know. (live us a trial and be convinced. We have the Old Dobbin, as I said At first, shall ne'er feel of the natives were not at all pleased witli Our Corned Beef is the very best. rein or blow. best. question that now agitates the public the result of Captain appeal to the sw lmy, field mT"T,m Iron Cooking Stoves. The best of oats, the eetett the to cS: wronged mother's greed and vanity. As wAndcr free, WESTimooic Gauks, wo were pulling back to tho Wild Flower, Slmll all bo his a poor return for ail he's been Proprietors. mind to the exclusion of the tariff and the captain said. tome! "Hereafter, Grogan, you will know ex- --William L. Keese. Both Telephones to. 1 actly what your life is worth. It was Hawaiian affairs is how to get the worth of your HOUSEKEEPING GOODS: bought for 70 cents this time." Just lie Glad. Agate Ware (White, Gray and Nickel-plate- Pumps "Kuough to buy a square male O heart of mine, w o shouldn't money. One dollar invested in sub- moaned the Irishman, with appar Worry so! PLATFORM three month's Water and Soil Pipes, Water Closets and Urinals, Rubber ent earnestness. "An Oi didn't hev toinie What we've misled of calm we couldn't Havo you know. Hose, and Lawn Sprinklers, Bath Tubs vid Steel Sinks, to ato half there were in the pot before scription of the Weekly Star will be worth hun- grabbed neck What we'vo met of stormy pain. they luo by the scuff av th' And of sorrow's driving rain, O. S. Gutters and Leaders, Slice Iron Copper, Zinc an dragged mo intlier their ould town. Wo can better meet again Tin-io- n dreds thrown away on other publications. and Lead, Lead Pipe and Pipe Fittings. It's starviu 01 nm this blissid mlmitel" If it blow. Of the American IVliat They Ate. Wo huve erred In that dark hour Wo hare know n. "South American liiggers'U eat any' When the tears fell with tho shower Party. thing," declared the old ship steward, with All ulons "av"'c"'s Plumbing, Tin, Copper and Sheet ?Iron an expression of unfeigned disgust on his Wcro not slilno and shower blent leathery face. found out on my As tho gracious Master meant? "I that of iuler-(- st Lit us temper our l'or tho promotion tho host WEEKLY very well, but the llrst voyage to llrazil, and I've been right content With his own. of all the pcojiloof tho Hawaiian Isl- Work. "WHAT DO YOU THINK OF Mnf " careful about what I put luside of me fc. Vi. whenever wove laid to iu any boutli Amer ands and for tho organization of a party Weuki.Y is satisfied if you will pay once a man before me was least 40 years of For, we know, not ei cry morrow Stak at ican port. Tell ye what cured me: fol- - Cah bo sad; having only this object in view, the a?e, and the snows of the long Siberian "We was anchored off l'.un, and them Bo, forgetting all tho sorrow lowing is adopted as .1 declaration of the winters had begun to sprinkle his black Brazilian niggers used to come rowing out We have liAd, quarter, in adzwtcc, .of course. A common, ordinary DIMOND BLOCK, 75-- 17 KING STREET hair v. ith streaks of gray. round tho ship in search of w ork of uny Let us fold away our fears principles 11)1011 which the organization Ann the woniau or girll What must kind, while respectable folks And put by our foolish tears, to 'the white through tho coming he known as tho "American Union U. S. or Hawaiian dollar, sometimes called a cart- those terrible years mean to her! What u left us alone. Thero was one old fellow And all jcars change they would bring about In herl Just be glad. l'arty" is to ho established, and upon that could speak F.uglish, and one day ho James Whltcomb Riley, "What was her offense?" asked me did I want some eels. Ho said this platform we invito the wheel and sometimes the ''Almighty," will pay for THE "She was the sister of n man who plot- he could get me some good ones, nud I of every friend of good goernment. 1 he I'oet unit Ills lnly, IEi:riiKsi:.NTATiVK ted against the government." made a trade with him to bring me a big let. Uoveiinmba't "What shall I do for my love? Tho is unalter- three month's subscription to the Weekly Stak, "Nothing moref" mess, for 1 knew there was not a man American Union l'arty Pe- Crown her with flowers? opposed to "Nothing more. I met her in St. aboard who w ould not bo glad to get a ably any form of monarchical tersburg and fell in love with her. Float like a zephyr abovo government in the Hawaiian Islands, change from salt grub. And hours? HAEDWABE COMPAM enough, my atrectlou was recipro- around her for anil declares its full allegianco to tho PfflIC "The next day ho brought tho eels. They 1 lone- cated, and she had promised to become were all dressed, and fine looking fellows "What shall do for my dear? Provisional Government, endorsing tho This word by itself looks Shall 1 bo mute? tiy w'fe, when without warning, the they were. I cooked them, and I tell you proposal for a constitutional convention fell upon her. Her brother is in Or tuuo to her delicate ear looking to tho of rep- Havo received nn Invoice of -'- I we had a feast 011 the Sarah Gordon. I extension popular toe sb ver mines of Nertschinks, and sho Tho strings of my lute? resentation in thu Government. some. So did the "Lone Star" - uever tasted eels that were better in nil is lien.- him. His sentence Is for life." my life, nnd everybody aboard enjoyed "What eholl I do for my queen? 2d. 1'omticai. Union Wo declare DOG COLLARS, DOG CHAINS, HALTER CHAINS, and "If you will pardon me tho question, them. Het sail to ray bark? our leading principles to bo the accom- of Texas, but it got there all the same, and is now tow o!d was she when sho was Bear her awny from tho sceno STAKING-OU- T CHAINS. banished?" "The following day the sanio old fellow plishment ol n political Union with the "Twenty-three.- " O'er Iho billows so dark? ninin-tcnuur- c. turned up and asked me If we w anted some United States of America and tho 83, 10 a member ol the brightest constellation old These nro nil of tho patent "Then she is now nnd In years more eels. I wus leaning over the port "What ehall I do for my sweet? of a stable and honest govern- Mother safety link ami are very strone and more she will be 48. From the time you yclad light. Somo nro mado rail, with the skipir close at hand. I In armor ment. of tho collars of aluminum, Tho lino is now '. .? siw her last till yon seo her again she will asked him if ho could bring mo somo as Lay down my life at her ftet. lid. I'oiilic Lands We favor such Earth has ever known. The "Lone Star" of Hawaii to this market. lave changed from a, girl to n middle aged good ones tho he said he And, dying, bo glad?" legislation as will promote the occu- ...... as first lot, and womai." could. Her lover sang thusly; sho pancy of all public lands, including Ho bowed. "Yea," he said sadly, "and but will get there, and don't forget it. " 'What kind will you have, suh, land Interrupted his dreams those heretofore known as "crown you There arc a. I shali have changed as well." eels or water eels?' ho questioned. And whispered, "Just purchase for me lands," by tmall holders, and foster the iiivio rirvic o Finally, for the first time, he told mo Some chocolate creams." development of varied industries, be- Brushes, Shoe Pope's "Hooked ut the enp'n, and tho cap'n Ally Sloper. two or three kinds of "Stars" but those we are Skts, Shoe llitusinis, Dauueks, Heads his own name. It was Wallace J. Carter, looked at me. lieving it to bo of vital importance that -- and he claimed to be a native of ltahway, Iho.mng and Pasthy Hoahds. Market Baskets in various "if" " 'What kind was the others wo bad!' 1 All Old Sword. "many acres" thould bo for "many K. J. After this talk he relapsed Into taci- asked. men." looking out for Btyles, Clothes Baskets, Delivery turnity onte more, und I could not This glittering sword, this same bright blade, are the "Annexation Star" and the Baskets. draw " waa land eels, sur,' ho an- glorious ith. Citizkns' llmiiTH We declare anything from him, although I often tried. 'Them A part In history played. swered. 6ee, thero half effaced Is llrltlfih that all citizens nre equal heforo the He finally grew sullen when I reverted to the crown. Weekly The wc "In about three seconds the enp'u was And tho hilt is ablaze with jewels gay. law, and we are opposed to monopolies Stak. former are bound to have A choice the subject, which was plainly distasteful My i , selection of m leuuin over the rail, his finger grandfather found it lu lloston town 01 jii i iii'i-,- riuefi-a- li.iuiiiig participa- to him, and at last I gave it up. down his I was Join the same. Just after the British had sailed away tion in thu government byuvery loyal citi- throat, and When WAshlngton general. in time, and the latter costs just One Dollar lor three I carried a detective camera with me, We didn't stop to think the eels was pret- was our zen and declare for a liberal suffrage law ARTIST PHOOP 15KGRAVINGS, and one day I obtained a snap shot fair ty well digested by that time, nnd we both And then for )eArs, tradition sings, that will, lirst of nil, guarantee a vote Never before offered in this market. at his face without his knowing felt sick enough to die. It helped to seer tlie apron strings to every man who rendered satisfactory months. Take them both. You will have to, it, de- sooner of I preserved the plate and had it "Land eelsl Holy smokel We'd been Which bound us to Imgland across tho seas; service in. tho military or iwlico depart- veloped when I arrived at a place where it eating snakesl" GlLBKIlT PATTEN. It served to make real a hope forlorn; ments of tho 1'rovUioiial was possible. fought Government. or later. ETCHINGS, AUTOTYPES, ItOSENBAUJIS ETCHING, PIIOTOGR.AV-UltE- This picture I now have In It for tho thirteen colonics, 5th. IsiMioitATiox The evils of Asi- my possession, and last fall, with It tuck- Noah l.ert the Ark uu Aorll XII. And then in a proud sAlute was borne FLORAL STUDIES, FACSIMILE PASTELS, PANELS, When Washington was our president. atic immigration are so apparent that ed in the breast pocket of my coat, I set 29, is tho wo in favor of ' to see Saturday, April day marked declare lis prohibition by MEDALLIONS, HAKDAL AND GUEHIN'8 PHOTO- - out if I could learn anything of in This glittering sword, this sAme bright blade. jiositive and prudent Wallace Carter In Ilahway. all ancieut calendars as being tho one methods, declaring GltAI'HS, FOURTEEN NOTED HORSES. J. on In a caso for a hundred years was laid. in favor of bucIi American, 1'ortuguew I was town which Noah nnd his family quitted All unsuccessful. No one In the It made titles transparent seem or other Kuropcau as knew anything of the man or had ever the ark nfter having withstood tho Biego In the land whero men aro equal and frco immigration heard of him. of the great deluge. The day is Forever but wait, now, fAint as a dream, shall supply the necessary labor and As he had hinted that he marked furnish the country with permanent was a wealthy and tuilueutial citizen In in all ancieut calendars, especially Brit- A face and form fair and lovely I see. the United States and had fallen iu love ish, as I forgot tbAt a queen reigns over m'o. settlers. cgressus Noao de nrca; tho 17th Munsey's Magazine. (Ith. Tunuc AVoiiks We favor tho with Helen Valdon while traveling over of JIarcli, tho day upon which Noah, his the world for pleasure, it was a singular immediate establishment of a compre- WE SELL family and their great floating collec- Froutler. hensive system of public improvements ENTERPRISE PLANING MILL, thing no one should know anything of tion ot him in the town lie claimed to hall from. natural history tpecimens set When man shall sit upon Thought's farthest that shalf bo of permanent value to the Stoves, Banges, and House Often as I thought of the singular tale sail, being designated in the same class neignt, country and afford needed employment of early printed literature ns introitus Achievement's guidon, hoping thence to see, to the laboring classes, but wo tfeclaro Furnishing Goods. this self exiled man had told me I fancied last, kuow ledge lelded No.;e nrca, At all to his sight against importation of labor and ma- &. I could detect discrepancies iu It. I re- in "the day of Noah's Unveiled by m)stery. PETER HICH, CO., Proprietors. membered htm as ho bade me goodby the into tho ark," Why tlieso days terial of any kind whatsoever for use on Agatu Ikon Wark, Tin and Galvanizkd Ikon Wauk, Sanitary , vantage point w only public works can bo day my tarantass took me out of Provos-ka- wcro chosen as tho ones upon which the That ill show to him which obtained in Goods, Fresh fields beyond w bobu utmost edge appeAr the home market, und materials which Oki'icu Mili, on Alakeaand near Bath Tubs, Wash Stands, Stuul Sinks, and I was certain n look of relief rest- supposed embarkation and debarkation and Richards, Outen St., Honolulu ed on his more loiiy peaitg, wmcn, by inelr outlines mm, must bo obtained from abroad should bo Watur Closkts, NiCKiti. Platkd and Einishkd Brass Goods, face. It seemed as if lie had were made nro enigmas which the Define a new froutler. obtained through local dealers in open Galvanizkd Pipk Eittings -- feared me, although why this should be havo not yet Meredith Nicholson. Watkr and to s inch, I could not understand. sohed. St competition. 2 6 inch Cast Ikon Vitkipiud Fittings! Louis Republic, Wo hold MOULDINGS, DOORS, SASH, BLINDS, SCREENS, FRAMES, to and Soil Pint and It came about that I took a fancy u Concentration. "th. l'miuc Offices that carry his picture down to Superintendent no person should occupy any iiosition of TURNED AND SAWED WORK, ETC. The man who seeks one tiling in life, We nro equipped for work of nil kinds in the Sheet Metal ' Ilyrncs at police headquarters and ask him Meauiboutliig oil the 3IUmirl. and but trust or prolit under tho Government and Plumb- railroads of one. (Bell, 498. ing trades, mid tan guarantee thorough workmanship and llrst-clas- s what he thought of It. As the the picxent day con- May hojie who is not loyal to the same, supremacy In to achieve it before life be done. Prompt Attention to all Orders. materials In these lines. Jobbing a Specialty. Wo solicit your "Sly dear slrl" cried the superintend- test for speed ami good serv- But he who seeks all things wherever he goes 8th, 1'iusoN Lahoii Wo opjioso the Mutual, 55. ice, so did the steamboats of SO and 40 Tears """" patronage. Telephones: Bell, 481, Mutual, all ent the moment his eyes rested on the pic- Only leaps from the hopes which around him employment of prison labor in any ture, "that is n very good llkenf of Nip- ego struggle for jiositloii in the public eye. he sows mechanical pursuits. per Alike, the slickest bank burglar who The poiut In contest was always Unit of A harvest of barren regrets. 9th. Tax bvstkm Wo favor a revision ever speed. Iu those days T-- slipped through tho fingers of tha po- trade on the Missouri of tho tax system whereby nil property, KVXIVXIIyXJODII Ss CO., lice of this country. His last job was the as prosperous. At least 100 boats ascend- - Arousing a Cliapluln. improved and unimproved, shall bu A 1 v u 1 1 . robbery of the II hank in 1883, at ml the stream every season before July, It wa3 In the Kunsus legislature of 1891 taxed on an equitable basis. Perfect Nutriment 11 vi unci 1 I (i KtKrta which time he accidentally killed the cash-le- r. many of them going ns far us Fort Kenton, that Speaker Klder had trouble with the 10th. l.Aiiou Wo declaro that iu tlie Ton growing Children. 1 Is In Montana, A Alliance chaplain. Give CONVALESCENTS, hero n boat that mode this This Individual always Baby still staudlng reward for trio Constitution and in legislation there- the . biscaiture. That beard has altered his and returned to St, Louis iu two mouths opened tho work of luwmakliig with a after tho rights of tho appearance profit of $75,000 prayer. DYSPEPTICS, somewhat, but I should say it without a did a poor butt lie fully considered, and the Is One Acril,und Nipper Hike, Just tho amo. Where did ness. Those were the days when freight particular morning ho had fallen 11th. Uuccatiox Wo favor tho en- InAcuto JllncHMAnd you got thlsf" was freight. No competing vessel cut the asleep over In a corner. Klder wanted to largement of tho scope of tho ull WuHiluir Jllneaves. H. E. McSNTYRE BRO., When I had told lilm, ho said: rates. The boats ran independently, and beglu business In a hurry, but the chaplolii system to tho end that a university "Thj fellow is safe as long as ho re- whin one captain fixed the taiiif there was could not be found. courso may bo nvailahlo to tho youth of THE mains lu that part of Siberia, hut I fancy no other lxi.il to bu found that would offir "Where's that chaplain?" hegrowled. tho country, IStrORTKKS AND DKALHKS IN tho time will come when he will sneak cheaper transpoitatlou. Detroit Free Finally ho found him. He shook him 12th. Links Wo favor hack Press. vigorously nisi 11 voice iuter-islan- to America, and I shall get my exclaimed In that the establishment of an d as on Him." Metropolitan J!literrle, could bo heard 11 block, "Get up thero and well as u foreign cublo system. Best Food do your praying, you luukhead, bo ne was a forlorn stranger and VALI D S, Hand-fe- Grogait's Appetite. walktnir down quick about Tlie organization committees aro: I N FANT (or d Infants. Groceries, Provisions and Feed. Park row towurd thu Hrooklyn bridge. It too." Chicago Inter Ocean. First district J. A. Miuroon. J. II. Wo had on board the African coast trad-r- r - tABORAyMARK. 111 Second Chns, Tnt0HA.IT- linIK7or Wild nr. Isaacs, siauuing iront of Ills store, A I'lne Arrangement, Fisher, 0. II. Luther, OIIII the Instruction Flow er an Irlshmau of the name (urn 1'rnl-Iu- m laid his jeweled baud on tho man's shabby First Nurse Girl Seems to me y'r ... vtiitui jii u . ... vuiMu, U, n, odnotlierV'TUe unit of Terence Grogan, who was tho unenvled puttln F.mcr- urinuiiil,"wlll Ui uialledr4 East Coknhk King oil a heap o' style drlviu In tlie park Martin, Third Julius Asehu, Dr. - to uny upon Fout'and Streets. possessor of a most Insatiable appetite. "Come right In." said Mr. Isaacs, "uml I with a address, request. He confessed to me that ho had never been moneygranimed kerrlage, and coachman son, Jas. rsott, Jr. J'ourtJi j, Walter vlll sell you von of dose Imported Dr. W. 1'. DOLIDER-GOODAL- E able to cat all he craved, although he bad suits nnd footmen too. Does y'r missus lend yo Jones, Cooper, O'llrien. Fflh CO for V." her J. A. Low, J. Lccker, J. L. Curler. BOSTON, MASS., U.8. A. oitcn eaten until he could awallow no have no money, private rlgl 'I and am now cnlno- in Second Nurse Sho At A, W. Keech, 0 T. n.ore, his stomach being filled to its limit. commit suicide," nusw Girl sends mo to take ered the sail stranger. her pet dog fer nn Itodgers, O. IV. Smith, J. W. Pratt A. V s by every Packet from (lio The mlt food obtained aboard ship hud "Sol Mine Is out alrlu," ',?li,wl Eiitltin Slates and Euro frlent, here my card. Put "llut Where's the dog?" V. Peters. L. 0. Abies. It is exnucted BENSON, SMITH & CO., Frt'Ui Callfoiiilu Picdiico by every Hciueir. All onleis tuitlifully proved anything hut satisfactory to him, It in your iiocket. mid ven vour tmdv and gooda delivered to any uttinued t "Under th' cut."-N- ew York Weekly, that all of tho wards of tho city will bo part of the city free of charge, unit when we reached Krooman'a Land, found 1 , the popn will publish it." Club...... i.iii-cn- 4 n orguuueu uuriuj; inv oi? Pwt6I&'rNrU5'ClUxl- Satl,fact"" 6WUed. Telephone No. W, Solo Atont tlo llawullan lalandi - .AW J ... ". ' . v