J ruiii.isiir.il J J IIIIWIiH J jB J i:Vi!itv aktkii.noon J t' J T n MWifi . MONTH ifl J li.XCKI'T MJMIAY. J THE HAWAIIAN STAR J ' I.V AliVA.Ntlll. VOL 111. HONOLULU HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, TUESDAY EVENING AIMUL io, i8g, NO. u tlie slope l7md, tlia emniy'a work same J. S. EMERSON, & CO., c, & CO,, LTD Into lew. The Fort) ninth haltol nnilw BISHOP Ore to better POPULAJt ELECTIONS. The Hawaiian Star. OFFICIAL DIllKOTOttY. Established ill 18M. 0IU0ANS IX BATTLE. form Its ranks, then moved ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR, tirwnnl nt double quick, bayonet In hand, orriCK lo within an average distance of 10 paces Qncon Si., Honolulu, H, I., desperate THE STEADY GROWTH OF INTEREST PUBLISHED EVERY AFTERNOON With W. E. Howell, BANKERS. chances taken dvthe from tlie Confederate parapet. Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands. forty-nint- h regiment. Atsome pultit. the Ohio I mys crossed bay- IN STATE ELECTIONS. EXCEPT SUNDAY At Office of Public Works. AGP.NTS TOR onet with tlie enemy oer lhebrentwork, THE MOriSOXAL OOVKt-VJfB.- OF 2U-- tf DRAW EXCHANGE ON nnd man fi dead In the ditch beneath. UY THE HAWAIIAN STAR NEWSPA. Hawaiian Aurlcultiui I Co., Onninea It t.rd All Ilia Itr.t In I'rmcrylf Ilullct It wns 1 eat ng dark, and there were no Leiion. That May lln Ilruwn r rom tl a New THE BANK OF CnLIFORMn, SAN FRANCISCO. Sujriir Co., Wni-hik- u PER ASSOCIATION, Ltd. LUIVUI.1.V 1SLASDS Ilonomu &u?ar Co., Srarn Any supimrts or telp In sight, the York Mat and National Tlltl Co., vo Arr C'rltrtlon of What n Hudy but brave Ulretlont & CO. ANB TI1F.III AOKNTS IN Sugar Wail Sugar Co., fellows c.uu, M. S. GUINBAUM of Trnoi4 To ' Call. p. to such cover as theyoould nr Voter, to Itie ropitlalloa Mnlteo Sugar Co., ll.ileaU.il.i Ranch lln llarrd the find behl ,d Limited. Hew York, Chicago, Boston, Parli, Co., ICnmpala Ranch, limps and trirs, and In place flrratrr In tho Country. RUIWCHIIHON HATES. tCopyrlnht, 1W0, by Amirlc ,n Pres. Aesocla. 1 icnij's breastworks, nt arm's HONOLULU, It, I. M, BOTHCtlllO & SONS, LONUOM. Plantetn' Lino Snn Frnt cisco PncktlK. Pel Voir In Advance, - K00 MESSRS. N. lion. Book rig) 1. Mervcd.l length fn m the foe Darkness, tho most A Clia. Ilruwer & Co.'s Lino of Dobtt ti coimrion of tba election returns FRANKFORT-ON-THK-MAI- F KENTUCKY welcome frl, id of en- For Mouth In Advance, - .78 Commission MercliantB and Importers Packets. a discomfited army, nt tho cud of the last century, nbo it tlia Bank of Chicago. di ea not fill her abled tlem to retreat, carrying - 12.00 of General Merchandise. The Union National AgentR Iloston Board of Underwriter!!. their time of tlie ndoptl iti of the consti' ntion f'oiclirn. per Year in Advance.- - Oounciu Tin) Bnuklng Co. of Sydney, rp ota, Ohio will wounded bni 't to places safe- Executive Commercial Agents Pliiladelphla Hoard of Under- 0 of succor nnd of the United States, Snn Francisco Office, 215 Front St. London. di It for her," do-- ty. Tie cos mhlcsin brief sundown with the n .urns II. Dole, of tho provisional Oov- - write! n. that for S. President Tim Cninmcrclnl BniiWiiR Co. of Sydney, .red the litick-e- j charge w re more half the the last presidential election, hows AUVKUTISINO HATES! Drnin.nl (if !lii llnwnllAM Islands. of New .cnliind, ier !), than Svdnoy. Tho Hank : 1 11 e. Forty-nin- e how wldoly the suffrage has extern ed In Chilit-church- , List or Okkict.hu war governor, uiimber of tho victims ml vcrtlslng T. M. Hatch, Minister of ForcUn AfTnlrri. II. W. SCHMIDT & SONS. Auckland, nnd its branches In till pi lor transient mid rogulnr P. C. w icn tho north werokillt.lnid.lldlfdor their wounds on tho United .States. In Mnssnchi letts. olllco. J. A. Klntt, Minister of thn Interior. Diintilln nnd Wellington. Joxks can liu obtained nt llio publication Uolumliin, Portland, Or, Heo. H. ltoliKUTsoN Man w 1 called toartnn the field. TI edeatli list was 83, tlie high- between 177S nnd 104, the projiort on of4 H. Tim Hank of Itrltlsli igr prompt Insertion all advertise- M. Damon, Minister nf Finance. K. In -- 1 1 Tosoeuro IMPORTERS ANU COMMISSION Tho Azores nnd Madeira Islands. F. Bishop. Trcas. and Se y. HOI. Ho kept est suffer any regiment In thnt battle. votes cast to the iwpulntron varied must bo delivered ntllio Business W, O. Smith, Attorncy-tlenern- l. I'OL. W. V. Al.LEV hi tta ments MERCHANTS. Stockholm, Sweden. Auditor word after Resides th four Kittles named. Shlloh. a to o pe cenL in several count of oillco beforo 1 p. m. Bank of India, Australia and C SI. Cooke ) 111 inths of patient Stone Rl.-c-r The Chartered Chlckamauga nnd Pickett's the stftto of New ork there wero c et at Alivisnnv Coukcii China. H. WATEmiousK. Directors w Itlng, when the Mills, the ngiment left Its dead on the HIX'KUI). Fort Street, Honolulu. trons-n- C. L. I tho election of FM3 almost one-t- h' d as MiniMtltOLOCllCAI. Hongkong, Yokohama, Japan. And Cahteii CO itlllllOtl llgllt- - fields ot Lib rty Gap, Mission Ridge, Mor-- STO.iy 1 n Oencral Banking Business. -- tunny votes i there were Inhabi- j. W. C. Wilder, of the rro Islon In in Virginia and rlstown, liocl y ace Itldge, Kenesaw Jloun-taln- , t- Sultry, 1'uMUlied Ji It is the habit of many people U lly tlto Oorniiient al (luvernmentof tho Hawaiian Islands MAGOON. Missouri slioncd the fc'ly if longer delay. Atl tuti, Jonesboro, Nashville and ,ko Monday. J. ALFRED 1 It t.tu-tlon- s Kcry Cecil Ilrown, E. I). Tcnney, Robert Anderson, the 1. to of Sumter, had Columbia. lost SWJ men killed In action, for granted that the earlier Li John Nott, C. Holle, ATTORNEY- and COUNSELOR-AT-LA- been Installed n Unitei! St del commander 14 of them co jmlssloucd ollicers. Thetotnl of tlio United States were aoro & 1 John Ena. W. F. Allen, CASTLE &4COOKE, WILDER CO. In Kentucky, with onl;. a ng nnd a band number I jrn on tho regimental rolls was democratic than tho present ones and SOS Olllco, 42 James F. Morgan, Henry Watcrhousc, .Merchant Street, of music to represent tLo n ijcsty and iww-e- r l,4flS, and tin nercentnee of killed was in.7. that tho tendency of these times to of Hie government. Tho total of kilted and wounded, Mt the Ed.Suhr, A. Younir, Honolulu, II. X. LIFE AND FIRE (Established In 18?).) pnt tho iiolitlcnl power in tho hand of a be?: The first regiment to Tin' ch was numlar dlschargeil by reason of disabil- 5s i J. 1. Mcndonca, D. II. Smith, the few men and to take it nwny fron' tlvo Iki 010. S, C, Ohio, nnd, as mi y Imagined, ity from wounds nnd other causes, (.7 0.01 os r John Kinmeluth. Estate WILDER WILDER. multitude. No such thcor" Ixirrj out Miri.l :7 hk I Its reception 011 rencliln't I. mlsvllle was an Tho deaths, aside from those caused by ' .'Moil 01 71 o.ou 61 r C. T. Itodgers, Secretary Executive and Ad :).lsi:lll -- M. by the election returns. At ono o. tho Ho.in! on s nu ' J. MONSARRAT. ovation of the kind tliut 1 nthusinstio and Tue. I:in.i7.lcuii in, visory Councils. Insurance most hotly In Virgin-la- , TO I or, Apnts. .1tLI4itU.il B.V .01 2 ms half scared people tender to thelrclinmploiis contested elections WM Impohikks rim :m.12 ao.m 03 HI 6i a hk and Dhalbm in and deliverers. The regiment was escorted when Chief Justice Jlnrshall's f ither ;o '2 Frl. KiMzsuurj 7IIIMHI HK HlTlirMB Couni. ATTORNEY AT LAW AND NOTARY through the streets by vast wns a cundldato for membership in Hat. ao.islw.in 03 7110.02 70 3 S a concoitrso of the Han. A. F. .7 mid, Chief Justice. PUBLIC. representative, citizens nnd then regaled liouso of burgesses, or what would Parameter corrected for temperatuio and Hon. It. F. Hlckerton, First Associate Justice. Lumber and Coal with a holldny banquet at the Louisville to assemblyman hero, wan elevHtlou but not Tor latitude. Cartwright Block, Merchant St., Honolulu. AOENT8 FOH thero Hon. W. E. Frear, Second Associate JuBtlce. hotel. Such experiences are bright spots only 0110 voto cast to every 10 inhabit- Henry Smith, Chief Clerk. In the life of a soldier, nnd fortunately the ants, a than KXOLAXD MUTUAL scroll ot the cannot bo ratio smaller that cast in Tide. Sun and Moon. UcorKe Lucas, First Deputv Clerk. F. M. WAKEFIELD. XKir future unrolled any county in Building' Materials nhove scenes llko that to lu.ir the joy of the thU state for n great many C. V. Peterson, Second Deputy Clerk. years. Thcro was a property qualifica a a e J, Walter Jones, Stenographer. ATTORNEY and COUNSELOR-AT-LA- hour. D tion for electors contest, nnd 5 Jj B Life Insurance Co. SUCH AS A thousand men shouted responses to the in tlds it Day. TEMPOiiAur orncE: city's wild liuzzahs, a thousand men sat was frequently the case that the voting. a. g ClIlCUIT JUIIQE9. With C. W. Ashford, Merchant St., a. ISA c OF BOSTON. down to her loaded banquet tnbles. What instead of being by secret ballot, was i E : ? Honolulu, II. I. DOORS, 1 Cooper, W. A. Whiting, SASH, BLINDS, must have been the feelings of thoso proud viva voce.
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