111:11.11111 - ifm uminoi TERMS: KXCKPT Ht'NDAT, ex KV1 M.l I II 4 THE HAWAIIAN I AIIVAISCK. STAR. 4


DIRECTORY. THOMAS BROS., EUROPEAN RESTAURANT ot - The Hawaiian OFFICIAL BISHOP CO., bible and HAWAIIAN Star. MAsiiMc TBMPLR, MB Hotel street, EHtnlilislidl in IMS, babcock test. 8TAE meals 5 cents. Bftag ii Ulne Ilie Kantrfactiirern and DbbJbi'i in ileal tickets, mollis, A4.MI ..I.. ioooa BUSINESS DIRECTORY PUHLISHKD EVERV AFTERNOON all kinds of CHUCK sMi, BANKERS. I nm iiTy faBroBje. EXCEPT SUNDAY rroprietor. BoMOUnvOf Hawaiian Islands. Tiill.i; : nUmt tdo Balicook test an HoKoLtxi-- . J0-- 9L or UV OF REPUBLIC 14 fellow oald, "Thai BOtboaok tool oa THE HAWAIIAN STAR NEWSPA- THE DRAW EXCHANGE ON Bamboo Furniture. Biblfl m. hnn-0- PER ASSOCIATION, Ltd. OOMSOUDaTBD lentil. in iking people THE BUNK OF CALIFORNIA. SAN FRANCISCO, " AQtNTS We offi r (..the paopwof lb lulu a Hll- - I bora tried both. It BBXaej man pvjHor ai'tiole DBinboo I J. A MAH.TIN, OF . ot furaltun at SODA WATER WORKS AND THKtR AOKNTH IN In hfcf his in .. , mid it innki s th? UlTHI'll JOHNSTON IC, - KDITOli. lllallllfatllrers, prices, (.'nil and ss us. Boston, Paris, Agent, Hilo. tW-fl- COMI'ANY, LTD. New York, Chicago, man BoneM tOWertd the cow a id honest Stk MESSRS. N, M. ROTHCHILO SONS, LONDON, toward bimsell it makis Una fe d like Esplanuile, coruar Allan BUd I'urt streets. I AGbNlS AND COLLECTORS. iboUtlng, 1 H SOI III 1 H HATKH. THE FUANKF KM A IN. What s'nill do lu lie DAVID DAYTON, HOLLISTER & oavedf1 Matin,! Tel ftp, WO, ftp Vcnr lu Advance.. - Ss.00 Y.XYA TIVK OOtmOtti CO.. Agents. The Oommercla Banking Co. "f Bydnay, and bebegins to place the dairy N... Merchant .St. ICE CREAM PARLORS N. M. POI Month 111 Advance, - ..ft ELITE W. busim M in the tine of Intclltgl nee, and J'.. Msjk rrenidt-n- t if the IU public of 1'. ii. iio :.".c. Telephone NO, The Hank f New Zealand, Aueklaiid. and P iBretgn, Year In AdVUnOB, - - llJ.on tool Moult lo v, e nre doing WobU I never AK1 ISIS ler Hawaii. Candy Factors. Cake Bakery. itH hranciieH in ( Ihristohnroh, Dunedin & It B0WAB0 K. M. Hatch, Minister of Foreiun AtTairs. LEWIS CO. and VTelUnflton, eve tin. nice of before. The Baboook test Hitchcock V Muidt Columbia, victoria, Jolt Ht of British and Minister of Ihe FINE The Ih simply tlii-- . Msrohosl A11VKHT1RINO HATKS: J. A. Kin. iitertor. VhonolulJ hot IMl'OKTKKS. its lirBn'hes, Vancouver, Nannimn, Both tlio motltocl ami results when M. Datimii, ItinlstSTOf Finance. 5 17.(1 Kins, lor transient and regular advertising ICE OREAM8, OOFFEE, Naval Supplies. Wholesale Mini Retail B. 0 , and Porilandj Oregon, vrup of Fi's is taken j it pleasant Wo tulie o htimet m of milk iu W, O. Hmith. Attorney-ttenera- l ie- AR11STS I ran be obtained lit I lie publication office. Dealers; ( ncm-s- Azores and Madeira Islands. a email s.; d foe mails ALS. CAKES, CANDitS TtA. CH0C0LM1 in ir Provisional etc. Bwatlan. mil rerVMhing to the taste, ami aets bottle ipi iiio purpooOi n L'OBBGUrO Fori . Honolulu, H. I. Stockholm, PACIFIC prompt InSBftlon nil :nl vert Ill pertain tramber of - HARDWARE 00 tf ' I he reH Hank oi ntnl j yet promptly on tlic Kidneys, Boutimeten of sni- bo MUM Adviokv (ouncii.. ISLAND CURIOS. Charts in.iia. Anstralui Kort St. must delivered Htislnes China. i Ivei bhUric OCid llnep before to a. m. Our Establishment is the Finest Resort in the ami BowihjL eleMsei the gyg-- i end torn it into the milk. Open p. m. Tha HongkonK tind Shanghai, China: and City. Call end see us. till li 11 m edectoally, nepela onloN, head. this is a mclrio portion of loo pounds V. F. Allen. of the AdVltOTf M. PHILLIPS & CO. Yokohama, bcn and Wagasakj. Japati. S Cbainnan nf milk. This is put into n vvhivlir mid AITORNtV Al LAW Tides, Sun Hlld Moon. Council of the Heptiblic of Hawaii. And transact a tleneral Banking: Biiine. I ami fevers ami t un s liahitual w. wbotontfl Inporton and Jobbati of whirled ahum a tbonaoat) revolutions. c PABJCB Holte, nstlpatioa. Syrup of Figs is the Jolui Noit, a The Is.l lie Ins a little nook to it, and Mm Ifl Kaaluimnnu St. John Kna. L& D. 1 enney, :ily remedy of its kind ever WILLIAM POSTER . c- brewer co whtrier ' Derates the t. it from th,, oaoeia i. 7 r, James F. Morgan, A. Voumr. - 4 ltd pttaiing to the taste ami ac- - Merchant St. & G(K)keJTOIBSMaLi!?s and leav, - tin fat on top. a little hot i bay. .1. F. Mendonca, D. B. Snmli, Castle to the Itonutch, prompt in water is I iiiiied into it, and the fut John Kmnieluth. i action and truly beneficial its CARKIAGfc Oi T. Kodners, secretary Kxecutive and Ad- - Qaeen st,, HoioIdId, h, i. in Dome Into the neck of tho bottle, when MANUFAtTURLRS dieots, prepared only from the W. W. rTRIURT, ( 'oiincils. IMPORTERS, M. MONSAREAT, most it is measured iii leutlis by a scale on it, ii in ii in .1111 J. K..rt st oapooNoOmh in ::; altliy ana agreeable tubetoncea, Hnd Booloka Men ... .i :, a tu s an '.i 1 r, in s lu S AC.KNTS VOX its ami you in li.il eentimeteis of Itlse curiiT. i ij exeetlent qualitiee oonunead it milk ymi h .v. so mnnv tenths of butter Tues... 1:1 :i.40 :i in ii 10 : n m ' 1" ' i" rumimi Hardware ATTUHNUY AT I. AW AND NOTARY Hawaiian Augrioaltunl Co.. ' Hiorocta It1 4 :i :i0 li :iii 11 In ii II S.18 lo all and have niailc it tho most, fnt. Thai Imlicaft s the per cetil of but- Wed ... lu Co., HonodlU SiiL,oir Wni-Itik- URKSSMAKkRS. 15 I 1 o u- ii ' - 7 Sitnr Co.. Thur... M ai id. nil 3 A. PUBLIC. 1 ipnlar remedy known. ter fats In every 100 ponnds of milk, Hon. F. Judd, chief Justice. and SuKar Co., Wniht'o Sugar Co., if Miss ii ii. OREBRWELL, " r, 8 Hon. It. F. First AiwKfate Justh e. h'iga gale ii man btiugt me 100 pounds Frl lit lO .ri 1.0 12 s.m' Bl Hickerton. CnitwriRht Block, Merclinnt, St., Honolulu. Mnkce Sugar Co.. Halcakala Kat?"h Byrnp of ii for in 50 of milk, Ml Fort St. Hat .... i; 6 i li.iuii-a- i 18 t.u i w Hon. W. K. Frear, Baoottd Associate Justice. Co.. Ka papain Kanch. bottlcn by drtio-- with 4 per cent Of fats, nil light, gr if Sun.... is o 8.18 ft a Commission all Iwdins isn Henry niilh. Chief Clerk. ; only per e. lit all ju-- Planters' Line Ban Francisco Packcta. ts. Any who t right be getj t V DspUtV M. II. L0HEIDI reliable druggnt FURNITURE AND U HOLST LR RS. Full moot) 011 Ihe ill hr 18 tn p. in. Ueorire Lucas, First Clerk. ( 'has. Brewer it Co.'s L.in of Boston that much lo bis credit, and no DJOTe, t i v not, have it on hand will pro- 0BDWAT .v Time Whittle Blows at II,., K8m,, His. ji.ni. of C. F. Peterson, Heeond Deputy Clerk. Merchants, Paoketa, no lose, If ho PORTER time, which in the MUM as SKIN and ORNAMENTAL PAINTER, one, rh wains his milk, he wa- lioiiulillu j. Waiter Jones, Itanograpnar. Age&tl Boston Board of Umlerwritc-rH- . cure it promptly for any Hotel St. Oh. of (ireeuwieh 181. ters himself, and h, .1 time. BELL TELKPHONK v doesn't water his BOPPB 100U ob- Dnder-writri- hei to try it. Do not accept any 00 For every feet of dUtanee of the Agents Philadelphia Board of ueigbbor at nil, as by the old server (from Ihe Custom House) allow one JtTOOM, General Merchandise, IVA1I OnlerH Promptlj Attended to, Bubrtltute. 74 King St. sooond for transmission ot sound, or 8 sseondl Circuit proceaa The system li delight to a statute mile. : List of Offk f.hs CALIFORNIA F G SYRUP CO. lu!. ami the i iVe, t npou the Intelligi ace HOKStSHOtKS. First Circuit : U.K. Cooper, W. A. Wliltfnu. Agricultural II. W. SCHMIDT & SONS P. C. Jonrh President JAIt WMC.BQe pi, of tiie people is grand. Plenty of farm. J W. Mi ll, IN AI.Il. 0al ni. OaO, RoHKRTHON L0UMILU, Kr HEW N.Y. ,. MKTIMIIKII.OCK l. I. 1: 1. li. Manager tVM. ere1 boys use It, Tin y gooronnd testing hurt St.. I'ulithisin Ktabies. Second Circuit Maui, J W. Kalua. K. F. Bishop Treas. and Becy, Implements oows for so ranch a head, one boy Third and FourthCircuits: Hawaii S.L. Austin. cm., w. K. A cckn Auditor CO. of I ; y the QoVBMMaOat Survey, Published IMPORTERS AND COMMISSION HOBRON DRUG lb years tests any number of cows for ii INSURANCE, Fifth Circuit : Kauai, J. Ilardv. and L:. Al. IIMIKK FIRE AND MARINE MER0HANT8. II ATI K1H M. UK, . cents a Every Monday. Ortlces Court-roo- in Judiciary It. Directors VrkolooMlc head. And now ihey ure begin. BBsBOP .V: co. and 0. L. Ifetiit. Bulldtntf, Bitting in Honolulu: Plantation Fort Htvet't, Umi'iluln. Cartkr Oing tOCUl the boy down loo. The milk Firemen's Fund, I Imi BMohs TIIKIU Kinn Street. 'JT'.t- - y nod ,x - T. Is- - ut First Monday in February, May, Auust and Supplies. SPECIMEN PRECIOUS STONES, 'an tested any time. CAS ILK A; co, IKK. 3 We a' HI November. 4.,:itr M.S. (i 1!I M A I'M & CO. had a great deal ,,f BifSoulty In Aetna. A Blanco, New England Mutual riivy Ave Obbai r ih HIbbbbI Pavlestlea itortiug acertain number of our patrons, Limit,1,!. V.-- HsfB, i-L- DKI'AKTMKST OF FllHKION AFFAI K8. ntnl Are There ure always a set of kickers, you NOTARIES PUBLIC LLpi!! L & H. 1. WILDER BissM I HONOLULU, CO. Before thetqisttaftn of "specimen know. These K M. U W 0 NF.-- 1 it objected so strongly NAKCINA, 01. 11. l :mot; st'.': l Hi fllfe in Executive BttlHUng, KitiK Htreet that 1 Space Dii'omes, the dr.iin of to t;.( Hi h l This throuuh them Ore thifl them! I .in Bat Francis M. Hatch; Minister of Foreign Affairs CoramiaBlon Merchants ami Imported laid scheme before We o" KsrabaM Ht. Tue.l ft ) till 0.U) 71 :i J (F.st.ibhshcd in t8?a.) Amerloa. a taiag of tMPpasl forus.it may h id two vats one 7 ,;" Ha u.uj! vr a 0, Ot'ni Merc hand se, nailed the Jersey W.l rto.i 2 lien. I'otter, ecretiny. of nil be well to say n few Words alsiut tliiiics F1.UM11ERS h on ri o.to 77 .vo a vut, into whieli vn put AND TIN SMITHS. Tim ;u Lionel It. A.Hlart, Clerk. S, G, C, iM'ople nil milk having Kw.( w mi a.m 74 a is Sun Francisco Dlllcc. SIS Front St. Estate WILDER W. WILDER, whiell very few have ever seen and Frl . VV. ad percent .1, rsev blood w tit, 81 O.UOi 71 J. Qlrvin, Secretarj Chiiuse Bureau, henceforward have little ehaliee of seeinj.. fof old BmtBLUTB B co., Snl - IU0.I never 'the word "ipsniniBii stone" sxplalns that have got the Jersey herds an- II Nuiianu St liHroirieter COrTSCtsd tor Lt'init;raiure ami C. B. RIPLEY. ises wo elevation but imt for latitude. Deiaht.ment ok the i.ntekioh. Reserved lllsagsm of the utniosi perfection, bat had done this. Finally we Mid: Dralriis in few know how rare and preeioim it 1h and Here is a system of fsdrneas TUNI-R- Office In Kxccutlve Boildlng, Kinn: Htreet ARTHUR REYNOLDS, and absolute PIANO AND REPAIRERS. how little it. differs to the eye of any but All yon klckors Who rOBBlOM MAIL KBTIOB J. A. Klutf, Minister of Ihe Interior. don't want Mai w. M OBBORR, sn expert from 111, ordinary esamploof this ii, ilk vo Chief Clerk, John A. Hasslngar. for the tested will pool together, and Hot Tel. will kind. Bpecinen stones ere msoBuline lux- in. Arlingtao Black, Boost 8t leave for and arrive from Assistant Clerks, James H. Hoyd, M. K. Architect s. Lumber and Coal all those who want theirs tested we wil I PnUloiaOO 011 the following ilales, till the DsposB uries. They are never set. heeause even Hun Keohokalole, ius Kose, Stephen Maha OfTKm Msw Safa Building. pool in n separate vat. Tims you who close of L8M : Life Assurance Society Honolulu, II. I. themoet delicate Bsttlag night hide RESl AURANT S. ulu, (ieorice C. Boss, Kdward S. Boyd. EpitaMe don't want your milk tested can pi,.,', Ai.i-.i- v. Honolulu whieh would make them compara- 1.1 at UVluluiLkavk for your us you CHAS. Mi BOM Wan Plans, bpeoifloatlont and Superintendence tively possess milk did the old way. Wl San K'cihuo Kkanuihcoor given every Building. valueless. The desire to ANUOUVKK. BCRBAra, Department or tor description of will have Bseokdor, Baaaaa st. or Vancouver CvtBM OIjbj of tlie United. States. old Buiniings successfully remodeled and Building Materials them constitutes the last luliruiityuf 00 two vabt one tho tust vut, iNTEKIOR. Hie On About or About enlarged. bleinen, for not only are they the most other tho pool vut and all tltoee or t pMigiii for Decorations. .. v 2S 18 Interior ted possibls form of pruperty, hut v ho are snsiieious of eaeli In SALOONS. Ariiwa Oct Alameda ...Oct Surveyor-tJenera- l, W. D. Alexander. Maps or Mechanical Drawing, Tracing and SUCH AS other Will Ot t ia the appreeUM ion of them la a nostesolttBlve iMoiiowai Warrimoo.. W. BE. Howell. Blueprinting. put iu the pool vat, and all men win HBRCRAKTH a 111 Supt. Public Works, A.iHtralia.. Nov Australia... ..Nov BRUCE & A, CARTWRIGHT, l:iPr' Drawings for Books or Newjpaver lllus- - form of cull ore. K. ( 15 Hupt. Water Works, Andrew llrown. J, arc willing to be judged by the deed J. Shaw, Proprietor, hina ..Nov ia Mariposa...... Nov DOORS, SASH, BLINDS, It may seem strange, hut, it is true, that Alameda ...NOV Ml i'ern ..Nov U Inspector Electric LIkIUh, John Casstdy. done in th, body shall go in ihe t, si . Nov S3 Dec there an- prohahly not fiO persons In Eng- Miuwera Arawa ... Kegistrar of Conveyances, T. ti. Thrum. It would have t, VETERINARY ubiralia...... Dec 1 Australia...... Dec 8 General Managers for the Hawaiian land wlio can tell a iliamond worth B100 rat." moused yon SURGEONS. U Dec 11 Deputy lU'Kiatrar of Couvejaneus, K. W. have II. Ot'Hmc...... Dec Monowai... Pacific Brass Foundry a carat from one worth L'jo, and 01 these sis.n thme meu balked out of thai BOHREIDER, D. V. s., ...Dec M Miowi ia Andrews ... 23 (.'hina .Dec ill Islands. 5u not a do.eii are jeweler.--. The trade In vat. Tiny didn't want to pool with on Club Htablee, Fort St .' :iw ...Dec W. II . Builders' Hardware, AuHtralia Dec 29 Koad Hupervisor, Honolulu, specimen stones is wholly iu the hands of other, and so the orgament em qnioklj STKAM AND (IALVANI.KI) PIPE, EL 1HU5. Warrimoo ....Jar.l four or live great firms, and minor dealers, lurned on them. They didn't believe ii, China Jan U (iaelic ...Feb in Chief Kngineer Fire Dept., J. H. Hunt. UN, GIiisn. WHOLESALE LIQUORS. bVh in Peru ...Mary BOWS, GLOBE-VALVE- S, Paints, who have no custom for t his class of gems, own honesty, Ooeanio Asylum. Dr. Herbert. linir W. S. LI CK, ''Mna April y (iaelic...... Apr 28 Supt. Insane tieo. know almost as little aiiout them as the Hoard. 17 jfcSTEAM COL ICS, 20ti Moiinwai Jan Australia Jan r CASTLE & COOKE, and all other littingfl laity. It takes years of practice, wit, such Merchant St. Ian ai1 A lameda Jan lu Australia for pipe on linnd. WALL PAPER, i Alameda feu It Anstrallt Feb 2 Bureau ok aduicultuhb. ETC. rarii y of oppi ri unit y as lie markebaffords, Cbeess WlsUott, Mariposa Feb 7 LIFE AND FIRE eye 10 reoognlBB exactly -- Anatnula Feb't president J. A. King, Minister to train the the It is hi l ining well understood that Alaiipoaa Mar 14 Australia .Mar - orthodox color of the ruhy, emerald or sai-- Fur Sale. Auitralia Mar :; Blonowal Mar 7 of the Interior. Honolulu Steam Rice Mill, it is the fat in the food that has tit, Monowal Apr 11 Australia Ma '.i'i pblre, and io distingnUh .1 bSlliaal of tim Members: W. Irwin, A. Jaeger, A. Her- most value in the nutrition of animals Ctorosr lot at Pooahouiuubj 030 feet. Reuse, Australia Apr Aluneda Apr 4 ii. llrst waler from an ordinary "line stoae" pOrkir, dililiing Agents. FreBh IHce ,or in tjuanllt las to suit of all Linus, in-t- , r.sim, Ihree 27 Insurance milled sale Cor, Fort and thus it Ixsmiics -, AumMA MHS Australia Apr bert and John Fua. and Queen Streets, demands a delicacy of vudon which most an Ini risiiii- liHth nsmi hoi m ml cold Maj U Ifaripoaa May to, . u.ttr Australia Commissioner of Agriculture and ex officio persons eon Id never acijuire. resting matter closely related to tin Mal.le and st riMS.- BBOts. Bte BlartDOM June ii Aufetralia Way J. A. HOPPER, Prop'r. Tlie griuimis Hie well lanl out iu fruit and :( making ami 00 ting of cheese, AiiHtraliaw I'me Id Monowai Ma Secretary of the Uoara: Joseph Marsden. i'ort Btraat. Honolntn. HONOLULU, H. I. Stones may bedlvided into four distinct for dices, nriuiiiietitul tree-- . Mnnowal uly 4 Australia line a.' glasses Poor itoaes, obviously had In color is 1'HHontially a food rich in fat, ami For iuirtlcidai. nldressA. H.. his itfllee. July IS June a.' OBJ Australia Alameda BJld more tf Alameda .Aim Australia July lit) Department ok Financk. AOKNTH KOIl full of "elnildV "Haws' and "feath so as the fatty bodies in cheese an AilMntlia Aug 10, Mariposa duly ' ers" may Is- - boughi (one marvels whohuya considerably increased by tin. curing. Mariposa Aug Jfli Auitralia Aug 17 Miniwtcr of Finance, B M. Damon. FOR SALE. them) comparatively exeeeilinitly low at In Which process some II . !"ept Monowai Auk W Audilor-tienera- of the it. ill Australia l, II. Laws. JVA'H' BJfOLAJfD MUTUAL Viavi Testimonial. prices. Tim value of two rohies of the PAINTING. M nowal Bept M A Ott ralla Hept 14 matters are changed into fully sub- - 1'J Begistrarof W. (i. Ashley. AUbiraiia uci i Alanntla ... Sept Accounts, The Lute Itcsideiice of Having received ho iii tienetit from same size, for example, might ho severally Oct 21 imt U Collcctor-ljener- of B. ' itanoes that have a most Important In all its branches. Alameila. ralla ...Oci Customs, J. Castle. 1 1 111 V 1 I II X IOI1H 1 1)0 ill! gl OUd ,000 per carets Then oome ordi- 17 Co. , TT" 0 m' fill li(' Australia Nov Mariposa ...Oct Life Insurance value of So dairyman I Tax Assuhbor, Oahu, Jonathan Shaw. HtOllSS a nutrition. tho WALL PAPERING, Austrlia ...Nov A. UAK1 i know what a blessing has oome nary stones which lady may wear Elf. am pre. Deputj Assessor, W. i . eedon, J. WxvlunJ, should have a clear uiideistamliiig ot OK BOSTON. AT IWVKIKI. to - Willi the iuyi UeinoilieH without dlscredil their Haws and the pared to contract work, and will bid Postmaster-tienera- l, cse in both J. M. Oat. I nave suffered withi ootnptioatiou of not bslog suoh as to be iu thaw relations and undo on any slued job. UAHU RAILWAY & LAND CO.'S 1 uiBeassB inri-i- years, nave neon in tin tray them in Ihe wearing except to a prac- as much us he can of it fur his own us. Price. S 2.000. ticed iii such sio, ics consist 00 per more UPHOLSTERING in Customs Bureau. . in si mill i ii no n r iiim out iiii r mmiu ie. nul fur sale, and all interested ill all ns brai ches, all rhe prem sei may be Inspected by ini cent of by women, nothing that has benefited me so much tho..c worn even rich the welfare nf this grout interest iu o work gnorantoed Brotohtoo, w ill make Office, House, St. .ETNA applying to the on grounds, Custom Esplanade, Fort Janitor the M Viayl "fine stones," bslogof thrice ihe value, aru that of the coiiiiiiunity as well should Collector-tieuera- be lowest pneeH, l. J. b. Castle. nd mil partleuUrs may obtained at j wouideoommend It to the suffering only to he seen on t he persons of t hose w ho t)eputy-Colleuto- do nil that may be possible to eUCOOTngl r, F. B. McStocker. FIRE Ineollieeol u, , gonouu are fastidious as well as rich, for though o. BENBRY, good the making of the w idest Variety ol Harbor Master, Captain A. Fuller. RR F, f' ARTVRmHT Any one wishing to ask me In regard a commonly judge can del sol the dif- Corner Fort ami Btretania streets. ,u t ohOOBO and the large sale ami use of it. Fort Surveyor, M. N.Sanders. INSURANCE CO. (o it inn.v call at my liuinc mi Herelumn ference unci, lu re is too great a tempta- Mutual Telephone No. IM. Storekeeper, C. EHratomcyer. Trustee- tion wit i most women to put uucoiisplcu-011- s For domestic use as well us for sab Geo. near IVuuanu strcot. IM tmo. TIME TABLE. OK HAHTKOKD, CONN MBS. BCHBADBR quantity before anoonsnionous quali- there ore many kinds of small oheeso Hun, iiinl After June Department or Attorney Oenehai.. Tliesn rcnu'ilii'H fur iilt at tlie oltice, ty for the latter to prevail - l'all Mall Bud- Unit may bo made of both full and Tit A IN H. MAY & CO. 109 King street. get. skimmed milk with advantage by these Office lu Building, King St. 177-80- Executive )0 d t& w. who have tin, milk. In EuropeaU conn Attomey-Cieiiera- l, ltoynl rer,iil.iteH. TO EWA MILL. W. O. Smith. Wholesale and Retail tries, wliero To Rent.. Attoruey-Oeuera- cheese forms a more tie U. B. A. Deputy l, A. (i. M. Robert A reniarkahle lisi of royal penpiisiteB quent article of dim than meat, A.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. sou. BEAYER 8ALOON. might he made out, and it is very evident tberi re- .in- considerably more Leave Honolulu 8:48 1:4S 4:86 8:10 Clerk, J. M. Kea. that our gracious sovereign .docs not than a hundred That OOmmodioUS building formerly Port Stieet. - Opposite Wilder & Co. In- - porietiea , Leavo Pearl I'lty V:0 2:81) 6:10 6:58 Marshal. K. (i. Hitchcock. PACIFIC QROCERS ceive in annual course of events one- ol ibis kind of heeoo mede, of w - occupied by the lee Work-- , nd-- , Arrive Kwa Mill 8:67 2:57 6:88 6:22 Clerk to Marshal, H. M. Dow. Hi tenth of the articles to hich shs Is soti- such sizes as may bo eaten at one ine.il Union I J. NOLTK, lW't. might not know to TO HONOLULU. Deputy Marshal, Arthur M. Brown. 98 tort street. lied. She what do try 0 family or by one hungry person n Liicns' Flailing Mill. Plrst-Cis- Lunehes lerved with r,n, CoiTe with them, hoi that is another matter. C. B. B. Jailor Oahu Prison, James A. Low. And as We consider Ibis subject it Both Telephones 22. Box BoaaWoesi Qlsgw Ale ox Milk. There should he, t.n example, coming in Terms moderate. A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. Prison Fhybiciau, Dr. C. B. Coopur. P.O. 470 should be with the knowledge thai one tVSmokerB Rrquisites Specialty every tear a tObleolOtfa worth 3 shillings, Apply to Leave F.wa Mill 10:48 3:43 5:42 two white doves, two white hares, a cat peondof cheese has far more imminent Leave Pearl City 8:66 11:15 4:16 6:10 Boaru or Immiuhaiion. a pound of oumin seed, a horse and in it than a pound of meal. There is no HAWAIIAN ELECTRIC CO., .7:80 11:55 4:66 (1:45 va.-l- Arrive Honolulu curry-Bom- as of bone, - Office, Department of Interior, Judiciarj halter, one pair of scarlet hose, a iu it, as there in 1TB A only. -, flmn Saturday's O Suudaj 's excepted. COMMERCIAL a ton-- a orOSSboW, of meat, and it is more B Daily 1Haturuay'a excepted Building, King Street. paired a coal digestible, ami at President, J. A. King. gra fur. a nightcap worth a halfis-noy- a ihe sumo time it acts as an aid to the Members of the Board of Immigration: KIM lance worth J shillings, a falcon, a silver digestion of oilier food. As compared GOO royal very needle from the tailor and one J. B. Atherton, Jas. A. Kennedy, Joseph 111 X .vith the liost beef free from bones and FOR Marsden, Jaiuex fjL Speucer, J. Ctirden. I.. Mtroet. gin nl and one vcr) had knife. Other waste, a full REMOVAL few of Ihe numerous and milk cheese bar PINB Secretary, Wray Taylor. Such are a 1,070 units nf whimsical psMBjlsiBSS. once claimed by the nutritive mine again! 11. ii.ii an l leolet in WATCH iu sovereign, another curious one mentioned 1.110 in a sirloin steak, while a skim Boaho or Health. I milk chcoHo CO by ancient w riten being hat 01000 a w hule has 1,105 units, thus REPAIRING -- HUSTACE & -- - d Office iu grouuds of Judi(iary Building ADVERTISER. was captured on the coasts it was to bs di- bowing that evun at tho same prices and only such, take your time- corner Ljueen European Dry and vided the king Ihe km, milk in have moved to ol Mllllanl and .streets. Fancy Goods. between and ijucetl, the cle.se .if considerably piece Members: Dr. Day, Dr. Wood, Dr. Andrews, former taking the head and Ihe latter Ihe more value Ihe lo Ladies' Wares of every description. Also fresh lino of t'hincue Hoods. than best of beef, tak J. T. Wuterhouse, Jr., John Kna, Ihotalort tail. The reason oi I his division wa. slat- ing into account the umoiuil of Morgan's Auction Rooin F. Lansing Best Blaek and (ireen Chinese Tea. Crepe Shawls, etc. ed to lie that Ihe tp. ecu's wardrobe might and Attoruej Ueiieral Smith. in the beat In uddition. tfai WlCHMAN, ure President. Hon. W. o. be furniahsd with Vhelsbccts for the due H. F. for a short time. We still Helling Smith. I'll, e e, containing as il d.s-- the ex- Secretary, Chas. Wilcox. BtitTcning of the rot id garuients. slill 76 cents Per Month. isting influence of the rennet in it, and Lxecutive Officer, C. B. Reynolds. Whales do not Ireipieul these partn to We do good work only. Cheap Departure Bay Coal, this being a digestive agent, even Agent Board of Health. J. D. McVeitfh. Merchant Tailoring. auy great extent nun aday, hul every stur- a in- work must necessarily inspector and Manager oi Oarhage Service, Kit Onoronte d, Prlues Model geon linn, glit to land belongs by right to Bkimmilk cheeec well cured will not be poor CHARCOAL, $2 Per Quarter, boa one of royal floe, caught Only L. L. La Pierre. MCTUAI. TELEIMIONB Hi. teVWIni. queen, these intrinsically more nutritious than work; ii you value your timepiece in the Thames, tlgurtd ber wedding liau- the be- -i of Inspector, il. W. C. Jones. al pari beef, but Indirectly ia lu-r- ALGEKOBA and Tit-Blt-a, at all, take it u it will lie treat- Port Physician, Dr. F. It. Day, quet. Ijoodoa its effect on the digestion of other fo.nl Dlsieusary, Dr. Henry W. Howard. it ed well, repaired well, gtvg KINDLING WOOD I lie II, a l.lrl. will have a considerable additional and the Leper Hettleiiient, Dr. B. K. Oliver. value. This thing for the in any quantity. Subscriptions He said that he led he get mull wit h a farmer utmost satisfaction. Boston girl BOOS, and she asked hint what n, think about, and especially for those Both 414. 8Mti Payable Complicated work our Ttltithtnw Board or Education. he thought about "esoteric lltldllhi-m- " who are employed wholly or even in specialty; MAWS watches demagniti.ed: key Office, Judiciary Building, King Strictly audi! he boUeved in ihe "transtiiigraliou part iu the dairy, fur BOSS enormous B winders Street. II, President, W. K. Castle. Warranted of souls." He told her al hie thnUghtO inaulity of skin, milk goes to waste changed to stem winders; charges In subject were dis-- BISMARK Clerk, J. F. Scoti. Upon the former loo for jvery day that might turned to good as moderate as good work will per- Inspector of Advance, TOOTH adeipiale expression, but le assured her use us oho,- -, Schools, A. T. Atkinson. Perfect. mod in the form of mit. II. P. that lie Is'licved 111 till ion of WlCHMAN. M. i, tn ul 11, raid. FEED and LIVERY STABLES, souls, if ohO would 1,1 him opOll it sole, ss Sdtf s 7 Fort Street Boakd asj Cihiwn Land Commissionekh. lie liad nel had a new pair of 000001 leather Hawaiian Gazette Co. in the best managed is J. A. King, of W. BRUSHES pumps stolen and would like very much creameries it Minister the Interior; O. The Steamship WAILUKU. MAUI. il, mi- .aid that two or three pounds of Smitii, Attoriiey-tiener- and C. t, laukea. to know which direction the. had butter iii i very WILLIAM COODNESS, Prop. Office In Judiciary Building. grated. Afler that his partner toOM thc hand rod era lost m tin, batte. hardly dotgusol Moaoak to him, mi milk More W - "Hub" than that is lost in the prl AIM AN ALO . disgusted was she by Ihi. Hippaiicy, her rOO dairies, b. Dimtimct it is cause of impelled will boVMSj Oovar. pun-we- run rt'ulurtv tins mri Carriages to meet every steamer at only rejoinder Is ing "Ihal not horning, Bosoe betoM of goMing Polios Bulhling, colisidcr.-- a VON elevaled kind ot in Wtf Bad NVaialuti, U himiihi', Kawaihnpui, Station Merc hant Street. Large Lubin's wit ihe butter from the milk must be ta- Kahului M iknlt-i.i- and Maalaea Hay. AntOOkl I'erry, Magistrate. CHAS. HUSTACE, Boston.'' Moot York Tribune. lented. Kt'MWt htii ami Kuiki on the . James Taoasnaoa, t 'lerk. ti-- Horses lor Iialeakala or any part Lincoln Block, Kino BTJUMT, Assortment iinlof Oahu. Kr fri'icht. t T..H in I BOS, 4dooxo Pee BaslUag, ajsgBBjea nod to tlu- ( aptaiu. of the island, at reasonable prices PosTorrics Bureau. Nel AiukeaHts. Perfumes. The weight of expert irnialen is wholly A certain thin man s, ni a ohilllng in set DEALKK IN agauisi she notion tin- ass of age otaaxoaM an sdvatUaet who peooaood W. QOOUNBSS, , tool isaoaoooi PostmaHter Hem-rat- J. Moil Oat. Groceries and kasaoything to do with oko osedosaag of forlhal BUM B0 Impost trustworthy uifor WM. DAVIES, 37tf l'roprietur. Secretary, W. O. Alwah r. Provisions. MOOer. From liiue links the notion Uodi, iii.ition how to gei fut. ami resolved the to Bigger, si, ,. lore Sup't Postal Sav ings Bank, E. H. Wixlehouse. OOsWBSBiOa, to lie c.noUil led h the Is slof uw.sage on a postal card, "lluyllal Ihe and Wrecker. Eeli-- Money Department. K. B. Direct Iniii In -: lmdon T it Hits ami For Order Oat. Fresh California Roll Butter and Island tootllHioi) and professional Judgment. The contracts on all kinds of Oeneral iHtliverx, I.. T. Keliake. Butter always on hand. Importation BENSON eulUvatien of oke ioiinuoba,pr,sluesi hue A llri... 1.4, It. work. Fine Printing ItegUtry Department, Q, L. Duoha. roristlrs. ood they err uoi oMyavsjlooskoi Mm I'arvt-n- Do ou enjoy operat OlafkSI J.D.Holt, It. A. ifexier, s. L. Fresh (iiwdi ; by etety BOsRslOO delicacies, bin BBJfOfM (Orke Im.x Keku. Strainer to table 0 Mrs OTeriok has n by the sen Inquiic l BjkM Of .1. g Try the "8tnr's" K. Just al Walker, mer uuino, H. Angus, J. II. Nul, Henry Kala MSB .Si l uimiseo. SMITH & CO. dlotloot Modlataal ooYeo.asMOg soBjoofoUlj solo N'er) lu ilch if it wereii'l for the bur Eleotrlo Work. John Hiram. K. Narila. J T. f iguerwia. W Hatihkaution in .11.Mk.11 jfX Received by Slid bvllellciidl upon the liter- .- New Vork rid rtnyitg ami siugmg okoj soap sgi on Spni k, Is' Bank. OHVtf. rime.. the OUBJS I'lilcatfo itword. rHE HAWAIIAN STAR. WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 14, 1804

countrymen then lor no other crime RmmI, trill be toM In their retpeetirp in - dm.-- . such hour ire you search of limn that rebelled agalnel a Got- Hetrlotaon the above at DRESS GOODS! K 11 STAK. tiy II UVAIIAN .. 1.;.. 1. .,t wnul.1 sub. place aa aball be designated bj- the vniuieiii nuivii mn - and CASTLE COOKE mil to tor a moment, and toatht to eareral shsrifTs oribeir deputies. Snouia I THERE'S Hag) H fa ba too ml necet-- 0RrET ho h&M itn im the blaaatnn of oor orf reaiuna A N. S. 1'JU1.IM1M KVbKY AFItKNOON SACHS, tiir Intrimea, the deceit that went on in i" change ihe day of sale due notice IMPORTER8 OF KXCKFT SUNDAY will he given by poeten in the said . vnnt i.iii it 1. mine, and iiiM.uvd the DIFFERENCE has just opened an immense of m THE HAWAIIAN SIAK NKW.-.P- assortment .lei in imi-- sovereign to datnend the HKR ASSOCIATION. Ltd. and those who prepare blood (il tb peers of any in our land. i psei prioei 1100.00 (or each License, Hardware latest FALL WOOL foods for Infanta it. DRESS COOPS To wboaa aatiafaettotr waa thto Not Teraai dapoait of twenty-fiv- e pat know .lulIN-tr- i nu, EDITOR. VHTHUIt to tbe Hawatlene, thay thatnielvea cant, is required on the fall of the ham This relates to the fresh- new stripes and latest countrymen, and combination plaids; 1 win testify; not I. mi l ami forfeit of said deposit, should ness of prepared foods. An n their homes and he ROM iiiition katkm. mated outlaw, the full amount of license money not old bottle of Mellin's lfood I) by Cleveland's SOLI COLOR WORSTED DRESS -- families terroruwd paiii within ten days from the .hue of I'm Vntr In Advance. ts.00 General may be pretty I"11 -- ean no Rood. lM Month In Advance, threats, llritish pretensions sale. - pt ,v VUtetltOi per Year In AOvnnce. mora defeat the anneaathra of Hawaii Mr. Kinxte fresh food direct from the goods, in all the new shades; Silk Mixed J. A. KIMi. than can Democratic diplomacy the Wftshiiiffton, Vt factory is better. Minister of the Interior, Merchandise. aogKeetion would be abeurd. But It la and All Wool in litrht aataat Interior t ifllce, CH ALLIES and aoaaafiaiMa Hi atone, vavavavaavaaaai advartlauig ureal nam. and ureal urwain Blood Poisoning Kite lor transient end Nftular delay ill an- Ni rem bat It, ItM, For some time we MOTHERSKNOW otlW-c- . that rejotOef today at the l Oblalaad at tU publication dark grounds: N EW Stamped Goods, MB Hie and ungraci- - MMt 13 Running Sores Oave Way to New Comoon tnompi InsertloH all adverUee- - nexation, anil at tal.lv have been trying to when there's a doubt. minti man i.' dettvend st Utt Bnatneai Ions ree.iKiiiti.in we have given the new Hood's Sarsaparllla. They see these evidences IRRIGATION NOTICK. Lowell, Mass.: Ribbons; in UfHce before Id a. th rcpubl ie of the West. of "( I. Hood Co., latest designs SILKOLINES - hold kettle-littl- e get a Good lii'iitlrmen ThlrtPfll years ago I was In in the hard There la left Samoa, which, with Ha- WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 14, 18M Holders of water privileges, or those ..iir lie Atone, now oallfld Port Sherman. Mafia. masses that put a premium waii, the last island group in I In IWtflUntDI day and figured, and a good of remains pay inn water rales, are hereby notihetl Lawn Mower, SVhlto then' went "lie ... assortment solid by any KMfoptaa . i ii tugbt cold, I'lilllliiK the hone In my leg, causing on colic remedies. the Pacific unabawbad the hours for Irrigation purposes of Hawaii that one that would uo an ,, f.'ver sore on my limn. The sore continued Tin: atiiics.uionists Tower. "i iii tl colors are from 7 to 8 o'clock a. m. anil to month!, continually rotting my leg at WAY DOWN PRICES. distin-gulahin- g bout throe t have a knack of The Republican platform in tbla State seem o'clock p. iii- the work of high priced vntil it got up to my knee, when t had the limb DO YOU EVER a foe. and il declare! agalnat any surrender there. mii'iitnte.l. My leg w as so rotten that after the a friend from A. BHOWN, linil, w:n amputated the toot dropped off. and Hie morning utter the convention machines, and yet sell 1 Idood poisoning and had spend a in a drug is probably for this reason they Supt. Honolulu Waterworks. rem this slate tot 1I1,' raid -- iii.l il Hid net know thai we Running Sores store? Do vou konw where BMtUn as a sort of politi- Approved) J. a. KINO. for about TMttMfl view the I Well. One ha. anything to wrrender there. Minister of the Interior. Half on my body. These sores continued from a dollar has the largest pur- jwo fine would likely my blood being In a terrible DELIVERY dog, who may he to four years, cal stray my friende, its Ignorance Office Honolulu Water Works. We thret the Money. condition. After this I .'onun.'n.'ed taking chasing power? People the Iirst slnaa Mr. Cleveland becan his US, 1894. turn tail on annexation at Honolulu. May flood's Sarsaparilla. 1 used three bottle and nolle ..I autrandat in the Paclflo poison-- 1157 tf have succeeded in find- round It did me good, so 1 kept on until I had will tell you at the south- opportunity. ten bottles or more. My blood was com-- of used 1'ort and iv the personal liiuue Ins Secre west corner of WAGONS if he has respecled WATER NOTICE. ing just such a Lawn Spetkltor is not in tary of Stale, Hut King streets. Believe Tmc London the rights of the Senate, if be has heed- HoodVCures them. et us show you institutions and Mower and do not pletel) ohNHUed. Tbe sores stopped running favor of American ed the w arnings of the country, we have and scarcity of have just been finished by us to fill special Owing to the drought and have not troubled me any now for sli years. how its done. that I lately informed its readers .very thing to surrender in Samoa. water, the residents above Ju.ld street hesitate to recommend My appetite and digestion are good and am perfectly well. owe my cure to Hood'l Sarsa- - of We have first, and above all. our w VL "Mr. McKInley, the Governor ata requested to collect hat water they I'. S. Kinzie, Washington, HOBRON DRUG CO.. Agents Island orders. They are good specimens of national self respect to surrender, if we be- to you. It you want Ohio,'' was "detested in Europe may require for household purposes nre purely vegetable and per- to there. We Hood's Pills name. " prove false our obligations fore 8 o'clock a. m. fectly harmless. Sold by all druggists. 'J6c. what every plantation in the Republic tariff called by his - for the have all that twenty years of Bepubll- ANDREW HHOWN, a Lawn Mower meant Eng- UriiK Company The SptCtttOt probably !an diplomacy has won for us there. Supt, Honolulu Water Works. please you Holiron said these will needs. They will carry 3,000 pounds land when it inadvertently We have the formal acknowledgment Honolulu, li 1., July M, S!H. WholMftto Atrenls. Ger- f neutrality of Islinds, anil the Kurope, w hich includes the the the 404-- tf in every respect right to insist that this neutrality shall and will last 15 years. man Empire. cost you, as we say, not be violated, and a Government POUND NOTICE. instituted whose existence is security is now affirmed by some ol about one half the It affainst this violation. We have the Co the European Governments that to the moat harbor in accor.lan with Section of Hawaiian Carriage rlrht matrnificent - Mf'g I ' usual price...... V . V V . Session Laws the bicycle experiments which have tl.e Pacific Ocean, unsurpassed in the lv the of 1888, I have this day changed lately been made show the inutility i.i ur h... th. .1.1 i.v or Besides our regular the of Government 70 QUEEN STREET. of citizens there not abandoned to the location tbe of using the machine in time known of Ply discriminating laws of our commercial Pound at Kualu to the land line 3 and 4 This determination has been as Kukulula, in District of Koloa, war. rivals. We have all these to surrender the Hose, we have the largely reached through reports by loss of lives of our Kauai. sanctified the the J. A. KING, by experts upon the men who went furnished gallant officers and Minister of the Interior. Waterbury Sphincter roadways ..ill in death upon the reefs of Apia 1 Goods, probable condition of the Office, C i i New Interior z e heroically any ever ottered up in j r p G a v a n d during a period ol strife. as as Nov. 12th, 1884. SELLING buttle. AND 508 81. Spring Steel Armor- ueneral Grant Brat took us to Samoa, TBE PACIFIC ABOUT I H. is and Benjamin Harrison tin. James CORPORATION NOTICE. ed Hose, which Blaine Germany and OUT Store, secured from New Tbe II nn. Harold M. Sewall d in Great Britain an acknowledgment ol the best of the kind ILERA following remarks In RE Dissolution of the Hanalel livered the our right to be there when these . this market. Those a large audience assembled in Powers lOusht to drive us out. And in Sugar Mill Company, an Ha ALL the Music Hall in Boston, on lustlce 1 ought to say that no man ever waiian Corporation. who have used the unnaK 1 ALWAYS Cheap of these Prices. October 24th. When Mr. Sewall nade a better presentation Whereas, the Hanalel Sugar Mill Com- rights on paper than did Mr. Bayard pany, u oorporatton established under common iron armored was introduced the people in the Promptly CURED himself. And yet this man of naturally the Laws of the Hawaiian Islands, litis GOODS BY I have opened a new Grocery Store some three thou- hose will appreciate! hall, numbering high and honest purposes, whose social pursuant to the Luw in such case made an innovation him to those who Terry 3)o.vi'S' sand, met him with graces so endear and provided duly filed tit the office of the Waterbury at No 322 Nuuanu Street, and ask the which, mingled with the display of know him in private life, must be held Ihe Minister of the Interior, a petition AT COST. for a discreditable and the national colors, was clearly in- responsible for the dissolution of the said Corpora- Steel Armored PaimKjller public to call and look at my stock chapter in the history of our of the spirit of 1776, and tion, together with a certificate thereto will last; dicative foreign relations. as required by law. Hose. They on annexed YOUR SMALL BOY get prices. senerally of the United States, When Blount hauled down our flag at Now notice is hereby given and therefore, longer and are in every You can buv MAY UK the subject of the annexation of Honolulu it was not the first time it had to tiny and till persons who have been or Kicked hy a Mule, Hawaii been lowered to inaugurate a policy of tire in any manner what- way better. Bitten by n, Yellow DOfc Shot hy a Toy PiltOl, to the Pacific, where is now infamy in the Pacific. Mr. Cleveland's soever in the said Corporation, that ob Hut turn Hurl by 11 ItuHo Hull, was not a year old The Cactus or You of Beward Iirst Administration of stiid Pay prophecy to granting the Will being fulfilled the jeclions the Lawn Kail Dinvu .Stairs It its when our flag was ordered down at lie ill when he declared that its shores, petition must liled the office oi the evi- BTT TII18 to get my prices. be Spi was Jewelry call and the islands, and the vast regions beyond Apia, where it hud raised to avert undersigned on or before Saturday, the inkier Old and Reliable Remedy seizure of islands by i German j were destined "to become the chief the i9tB (Jay 0( January, 1888. and that any dently made to never! at your own p wlil make him as I will not be undersold. of events in the world's (treat nouadron, and it came down with that theatre IS POOD ASJSEW. hereafter ." Here, at least, it seemed celerity characteristic of a Cleveland thereon, rauat be in attendance at tliewtU" OUt, it S:mplej develop- Administration in the execution of such office of in Exeeu- - ' JT KILLS PAW the way was open for the the underaigned ih. , 11 . Y that lM 1( X , MOfiQSVl OCIl LL GEORGE McINTYRE. power and influence, un- all order. And Mr. Cleveland called his live Building, Honolulu, at 10 o'clock , 1 7 ment oi our i r 482-111- 1 322 NUUANU ST. MUTUAL TEL. 25;. hampered by the jealously of a neigh- conference at Washington, which met a. ra. ol said day, to show cause why It (.IOCS tllC WOTK OI HOLLISTER 1 com-grea- basis of 1 Will positively t boring rival, a development commensu- on the agreed the maintenance said petition should tint he ranln. I. . ; closing rate "''lb ",,r great coast line and the of Samoan independence. J. A. KIMi, any otner iwn mence out salt'; all my slock of promise of our early enterprise there, Minister of the Interior Sprin kler, though it DRUG enterprise in which Massachusetts took BY AUTHORITY. Interior Office. THE the lead. November 184. has no revolving parts, Watches, It was a Salem ihlp that laid our title 5041 e. w. COMPANY, Ltd. Remember we sell at $1:90 to vast Oregon territory, which the FOREIGN OFFICE Pkaki. Oil the per case C. O. D. deliver ed to any part Jewelry, NEW weakness of a Democratic President .1. K. KaupU, Eat., has this day been of the city. was afterward to compromise. The The President has received nn auto- appointed a Notary Public for the First Classes, Agents for whalers of New Bedford crowded the graph letter from the President of Judicial Circuit of the Hawaiian WAUKEGAN harbor of Honolulu as it ni ver has bean Uuateniala of which the following is a Islands. Navigation Taught will be offered to the pub- Hus- crowded since. The merchants of translation: J. A. KINO, lic at cost and below. . . . Perry ton. Forbes, Heard dt Lawrence, ltd in JOSE' MARIA REYNA BARRIOS Minister of the Interior. IN ALL ITS HltANCIIKS BARBED China, over whose coun- the trade with ConatitUtional President of the Republic Office, This is no catch advertise- b Interior WAUKEGAN CHIEF. Burlingama won for us stu SAN-FOR- I 1 1 cils your of Guatemala to liis Excellency November 18, 1MM. will take a limited number of pupils ment. mean business. Davis enviable Influence, B. DOLE of full WIRE. President the !i04-- lo teach tliem navigation. For positively intend to close But, my friends, where over all the un- of Hawaii particulars ami terms apply to the out my business. Come Made oily tiy Washburn & Moen Mf'g Co. scene of Mr. Seward's prediction can an Qrtai ttntl 1 (he dotal Frirml: had Cbiaf Justice Judd and wile and As- dersigned at Scharf & Co's. book store, and get the bargains Pain American look now w ith pride or satis- pleasure to Hotel receive the autograph letter sociate Justice Frear and wife have g.. in- Arlington lflock, street. We have heen appointed Agents for the above Company, and have just faction." Our merchant flag has ills 'of Your Excellency dated at Honolulu to Maui. The Chief Justice may visit PAUL v. PANNENBERG, received per Steamer "KEAUHOU" the first shipment of this famous barbed appeared from China, and gone long on the 7th of July OOUrant which in Hawaii before returning. Mutual Telephone Ml. P. O. Box 88. Killer. wire. We sell the " Waukegan " 4 Point with barbs 3 in. apart, and it measures since: is that prestige won for us by the me in forma that accordance with the JOSEPH M. POEPOE ESQ., has this 4M7 lino 16'n ft. to the Munil. You cannot build a fence with any other make of barbed great statesman and diplomat of your 'win of the ConatitUtional Convention day heen appointed a Notary Puhlic for J. E. GOMES. wire as cheap as you can with " Waukegan." State': That prestige in China is gone, recently convene. in Honolulu and hy 523 Fort St., the First Judicial Circuit of the Hawaii-- J Take the following makes for instance, all 4 point, barbs 3 in. apart: not to be won buck for us. as Mr. tires a resolution of the Executive and Ad- - & CO. 481-i- ST. an Islands. 1I.IIACOELD 409 FORT ham seems to think by attacking tbe visory Councils of the Prov'lionaJ (Juv-- i N. and M. IS. 30 ft. to 1 lb. or 7.84 per cent, in favor of Waukengan. J. A. KINO, GENERAL motives of her valorious adversary. Mr. eminent of the Hawaiian Islands the Honolulu. Haddock Wire Co., 12.02 ft. to I lb. " 3u.7! Minister of Qreaham has not only not won it hack, Republic of Hawaii was eatabliaked and the Interior. Koss, 12.44 " 1 " ' 32.64 Interior Office. Commission Merchants but he has made an enemy of Japan, proclaimed on the Fourth day of July Roebling Co., 11.21) " 1 " " 4.15 " ' " " November 18th, 1S94. ' 1 " " whom we opened up to the world. He 1804 and that Your Excellency has as- - Hawaiian Wine Co., Cleveland, 11.83 " 39.48 rm-- - MhII iii. v Co. 1 bus .lone worse, by permitting Oraat sinned hy choice of these authorities, Frank Ukuwn, Mur. Indiana Wire Fence Co., 12.87 ft. to lb. or 28.21 per cent. " to be the first to recognise the of the . nl. ul;il A Orlen liurnell, 13.77 " 1 " " 19.83 Britain the Presidency Republic Agents 28 BO H. 1. S. and Merchant tit., Honolulu, new Japan which we made possible, he I entertain the same d. sires with Your nil t. Co. Waukegan Barbed Wire is as strong as the strongest, contains just as many allowed to lias Ureal Britain supplant Excellency to maintain and secure the The Republic being secured, we are barbs to the rod, and yet weighs less per rod than any other style of barbed wire. esteem I'ower, upon ub in the of that amity and good relations which have FINE Queen St. HONOLULU. H. I. now prepared to well at This result is accomplished by using a half round wire in the barb, instead of which rests the hopes of civilization in the happily united Guatemala and the Ha- a full round wire as in all other barbed wires; then il is twisted out OHM around uud whloh henceforth contests -- Orient, waiian Islands and 1 felicitate Your Annexation Prices- - one of the main wilts, thus saving the weight of additional twists. This wire is for supremacy of Asia on the JOB WORK. WORKS. the Excellency upon the mark of confidence HONOLULOJR0N TIIK I1KST OK thoroughly galvanized, something much needed in this climate. Pacific. which you have merited of the people KOI. LBWRKS. C. M. COOKB. F. J. I.OWRBY We also sell a special wire stretcher and galvanized steel staples for points on this ocean demand K BUOAH Three of Hawaii. I avail myself of this opper- - THE bTKAH m.i.M s, Mll.l.i. Hnil.KltS, Wines, im- 1 Waukegan Wire. our attention, as of commanding tunity to offer the assurance of my high COOLKHU, Ikon, Hkasw AND Lkah LEWERS & COOKE, of "STAR'S" ELECTRIC Cabtinuh. and All orders for the above, or for plain Oalvanizi'd or Hack Fence Wire and portance the commerce the future, Domideration and esteem with which 1 of our position in all. Lumber, Buu.niiks' Hardware, Spirits, Staples will be promptly filled at lowest prices by and to tbe injury ubaoribe myself Your Excellency's PRINTINC WORKS Machinery of Every Desariiitiun Made SASH, BLINDS, At wholesule. No goods sold at retail. a Oemooralln Administration bus dealt (Jood to DOORS, Faithful and Friend MclNERNY BLOCK Order. Particular attention paid Ships ass-t- f blows that might well buve come from Signed Blaoksinithiug. Job work executed ut Short TAINTS, OILS, GLASS, E- - cSc SOIST. our bitterest enemy. ib prepared to do all kinds of not inn O. HALL JOSE MARIA REYNA BARRIOS, artlatiO Hook, J0I1 WALL PAl'ER, MATTING, There is Nicaragua, tbe gateway to the and News- JAS. F. MORGAN. IC'uunteraigned) paper printing at fair prieea. CORRUGATED IRON, pacific. Senator F.duiunds, who was JORGE MUNOZ, LI.MIC, CEMENT, ETC. No. 45 Chiecn Street, ob the Committee of Foreign Relationr, National Palace. ATLAS told you the other day bow the Rapal li Guatemala. ilOth September, ISM. ASSURANCE COMPANY, Auctioneer and Stock Broker, BtM treaty which would have insured Mammoth MAWS building of canal was defeated, Postere THE NEW tbe the of Awa KOUNDBD notwithstanding the approval oi Auction Sale Licenses. a lOt. Special attention glveu to the Warranted how, Capital, - - $6,000,000 handling of the country had gone out tothe moeeure, Specialty. JEWELRY Tlicre will lie sold Public TOOTH Perfect. Mr. Cleveland withdrew it. How the at Auction Assets, - - $9,000,000 Real Estate' Stocks, Bonds RapobUOBM got together and framed a on Thursday i the 6th day of December. STORE, I8M, il"1 l.'i lowing awa L4oanaet for the iUOK,"- rarapmeui, uemu rapers bill, bow that, too. met defeat by the 11..110 up, lAmm'iM, aim Having httu ippotnttd of the iilmve 1. IBM. di 503 FORT STREET, BRUSHES 1), term of one year from January election oi a uiocratic House. And Hill Headu, I'.umi.. and Viuiting ('omtumy we are now ready to eflt-- t lnur BEAVER 8ALOON. bow today we have only bwniUatioa OAHU. Card TickotH, Programe, tc. . . ancen ut the lnweHt raieH ot premium, 1b prepared to manufacture anything - & Co. in its line. Fort Street. Opposite Wilder and ailUfa where a glorious achieve- H. W. QHMDT SONS. Ewa ami Waianae, ...1. H. J. NOLTE, Prop'r. ment full of blessings for ail mankind Spoons a Specialty. Waialua, . .1. Souvenir Kirut-Clai- Lunelle. Hervetl with IVo, Coffee was within our country's grasp Koolaupoko, 1. PAINTING. Hodu atel Uliiger Ale or il ilk. Large Lubin's Here, too, we have struck down our Kamehameha Girls' Also on hand a Fine Stock of Jewelry everything CV Smokers' Requisites Specialty own to the satisfaction of the MAIL In all Ita hranchcH. lmjiorted interests School. in the latent deaiguu Assortment Britiab, li indeed anybody can get sutis- - WAUL l'Al'KHING, ETC. I am pre- iiUla pared to contract work, and will bid Perfumes. r. o. itoi, Ml Mul. Tel. taction from tin defeut of so lienclirciit t KAI Al. on any Bized job. The hrst term ol Kumehaim-lu- (iirlB' fa. Kurt street. eta. uu interprise. School opens w m,.y, H. MAY & CO. i:im PacKMaaii 19. Ohdkrb Promptly Attended to Qo from Nicaragua to the mi. - Liliut', in all branches, Applications 'or admission may be Island out Wainu-a- , ITIIOL.STKKING its all ad Wholesale and Retail l'acilic and there, guarding like sentinels work gUAVMtaad first claaH, will niukc draaaed i" stiii Popa, either al Kameha meba Pope u- Direct Tlie LiceUM-- lor O.iliu w ill Ik taU on Manual, or Hiaa will in the mules of the trullic to which ill loweHt pricee. the Hawaiian kiudctvartt'ii Ltonm. E. A. JACOBSON BENSON aliovc day 1J o'clock noon, Importation course will give birth, are Samoa and tlir naiiu'd at 0. HKNEKY, Queen Kntnta Hall, Saturday mornings GROCERS I at the front entrance ol the Extciitive (row 9 to 12. where she will' be lit ni Hawaii. will puss over the story of orner Kort and II. Tetania Htieeltt. pleased THIS PAPER liAKK's AdvurtMiiK io meet applioanta. The tuition u ifty MaudoP Mci-- n 98 Fort Street. Just Hawaii, the sickening story of Mr. Ch vc Building Mutuul Telephone No. IM, Ail iicv , hiiiil Kxtdmuge, Hud SMITH & CO. Hollars a year. .No applicants m i ned co4 (Jul , whvn- xurHcti for ivlver-- 1 to Banian our own iIm Ulandh of Mam nr.' Bmo, rrnoi by luud's athu.pt hot t"r and under twelve years of age. 176.101 tin iiat can it uumIv lor it. tl Both Telephones 22. P. O.Box 470 Received THE HAWAIIAN STAR. WEDNESDAY NOVEMUKK 14 1894- -

u i NKWS IN A NITSIItl.l ll if KKY ACTED l (ftXY. made tBINI Mil s. THE HAWAIIAN BLIC. ENCOURAGING REPORTS. k," h'.niesfcad'. The pn.gresx '"'v Atlvrtl,'mi- - lie nv ultimo iml uiitotb.it made in I t bsOSfll iiih Wttnsltee Dwipialal ea he li cit! j, should be l 'llg from tin The Dsitsy tonidlit. nut wire - ttlief places, was, under the eircuiii- i We Sf COtlU I I u ll irieiit soenetims ktondsj . Have r ived cargo Grand Stereopticon Exhibition THK RtaTOBl Mil. I ll Kl I I I I - III N noN snlisfHi iory. ourlirsl BngHWM M8 when the China lift Whi-luk- Ills Tltll' rtljf W. Mickey, ft. late employee of The China was delayed until after I fmni the great North WSSi . OI.ITIIINS II MV All. I'h" principle feature to be noted at In V Anicric-a- was Having ii there for the past Hi r. A. flail, plantation, arretted Tuesday ' o'clock in her soling time Tuesday Settlement w tlie progriw made in two month! we .ire satisfied thai PVMajr, BIMt 3 night upon a charge of using otflJOetM HOfMib r IM, at TiM The Hoard of Health will at e hide afternoon. is the country to gei Hsy.Grsin, fFUok I nIN'il Mul planting. The MM un fruit, o'clook afternoon. For Annexnllnn In tin' larguage. The warrant was sworn to by At Olaa "m In II n in Hk II ll PrssMtBl Feed. Iii iiii.h r Ibi f Mm this n'l 'U u I and ing si i The Mariposa will be due tomorrow Hour, etc. fact it is wmfUmti rl.'anfrn. AS Itcr.-lwi- - cnln shade nilnibei Aitvutitugpt. Thftt ffUlH bis wife. The fact of the matter. how-- llnlr by Native- - ln- hfud'jiuti tors for merchandise in I ml thousands. About fourteen nllea morning from the t l uiies en mule to Ifart Views of Mhmihiji. ami Friday next is the anniversary of the TliiTi'frnin. is Mickey has not lieen ral i in our line, tin IBS bark Oakland i. that the i. ii s in Frsnelson, nn-a- hirth of the late King Kalakaua. leiuiiiir has also been eomrnVtert lust arrived we hat me of that lecture l.y r. Hyde best of men toward his family of late. Timothy Usn there. At this settlement all of the The W.ii'lea'e will depart for such as is used in P;irl ii-- is a and PwitlWs Winier I of men His wife Portuguese Woman the Mates try a bale or two. Two natives were arrested last nlftll It may be pll to the credit Mr. Cttrttl P. Iaukea, Sgtnt of Crown natives turned otif at the court house Lahalna, ICnkuihsis ami ll !. 'U.i.i at I it is said too she is today sutTering is cheap and good, and w ill put BOMMS, Rgfpt, HikIim.i for diBtnruinfz the quiet of the night. who headed the movement to dethrone it that Lands, returned wiih to receive where the o'clock and ImmJI the President the President, this afternoon. new life in horses, und ' monarchy from abuse inflicted h her her husband jour I. iii'- l- ,i In- Hoi) I,uii.j ami Hawaii, Queen Lillaokslant, abolish Tuesday morning titer several weeks future policy of the Government in Nothing cams into port today, some Bast Washington Wheat The r gtilur business meeting of the some time ago. Me treated her er and Titiit-t- in Hawaii and substitute therefor a on Hawaii, He looks much im- - ference. to laud wan outlined to theft, Hay and fresh Alfalfa, choice M ObtMNa hfcW Y. M. Oi only one i. the Walsh lie. crossed ojtenk A. will he held this evening, badly on Maui and even woise since they und No. 1 I ced form of Oovernnient, that they proved floln hi" trip on the volcano there, as at Olaa. the same doubts e Surprise, Oats, I" V have lived in Honolulu. Mickey is said the bar outward boMBd. Barley, Rolled Barley (pure snd "Soul Winning" was the subject pre- have not up to the present time made island and bears evidence of having Uted in the minds of some to have been drinking a great deal of The reporl that Captain Christian. simple). Brsn, Middling". Wheat sented at of Y. M one false move or mistake in the taken considerable outdoor cxcrcie. of the natives as to the Intention of the mid A'oticc. today's meeting the Watchman the I. I 8, N. everything else found in a late and during the time his poor wife at wharf, has first-cla- C. A. of the enterprise they hod in He was Heen this morning and slated lovei n incut regarding their holdings. ss Keid Store, und the has suffered a great deal ills' Hide. a remedy to prevent dog- hand, after the llrst success and the that the object of his visit to Hawaii The ('resident vt ry soon dispelled these prices are away down. The Thm annual meeting of the nwiifaM (upturn I'aul iSinith and his dredger Insults and physical abUSS have not fights is denied, ! tin- establishment of the Provisional GOY was to look into the mutter of home- - erroneous ideas and wsttred them thai llimuliiln l.il.i ir K'ca.liiK are now hard at work at the Raitwa) been all, however. Of late (be hus- Captain I nootn AssoeUitlon will be Notoriety managed CroW Land-- , is the of Dni' imard liner, the California held at library eminent. seekers steads on the 8 or what "' Government required them j Hall on NovemlMT wharf. band has failed to provide for his fam- WalOMMIslo, was engaged by Wil- rri.lay, Hi. at at regular intervals to send out canards now iovernnieiit or public hit is. and to to earrv nut the CondltlOttl of th- the p. in. 7) ily. cox syndicate and left for the wreck Feed A luau was given at the residenee of regarding an uprising to reinstate the prepare a report to the Government Company iml ftUefttam nmmmH a.-- NM The Mickey family live in Punchbowl ngain today. The Captain ssys Will I ne i imparuiMa Mr. .lacoh Urown at Waikiki Tuesday Qttean! which would take place at some upon their condition, improvenicuts that 'Here the President and I parted, he, he are strictly in it. We ureal the will bt traneected, town. Last night the husband and not wave the Wteek until be lias a load, old place, fis,i of Nuuaiiu ntreet. lintlu'linK the fleition of TruHU. t(, evening. given time. have been made and whether the re- - " ompanied by Miss Clan Dole ami enra for tin- . home drunk The Wife, it come what The lur telephones are Hit atanilag 'ar these father came - " Mrs. Kvan P. Low tiny. Waiinanalo will Will The press gave to qairemmtl of the Ian have licen com- and went to f'oiicooi, M. A. I'AinU I.KK. The Dailey Company appear for seems, wanted to know if he had Pi hkeiv return Friday, snssel oiiif sp'if. ,,i;j- manufacturer's tales and I be outside ..ill uwaawaa in North Kona, ami I in -'t Becretanr, the last time in the Opera Houte this brought home the daily In for the $11.00 iwr cord, aWfversd to tad the pursuit 111 v ii - public awaited their fulfillment in vain, The ('oiimiissioner said: "We went of duties obtaintmr PC IBIOM v i s, i i , evening. family. He got mad, kicked her about XPKCTBD. asy pesri f Ms oMg frtt while the member! of the Provisional to Hilt) first. Mr. Hole and myself went I' rotation regarding the present run. f Ilk Btsinore, Newcastle, ( ii t rhiliyf. Election Officer, The H. H. China returned about 2"(l the house, abused hts child and then ditlon of homesteads, 10 Government went on with the work up to Olnn, on (he volcano road, where the bit Rotitenbsek, Liverpool, let '' and n KINQ .v port anil went over and proceeded to curse Seh Viking, Sim 11) WR1UH1 Asiatics from this to Japan the necessary to establishment of a we spent Mr. Hole's object in "Mr. Dole found his way to Miihu-- i Francis Kale N'.o At tin' r the linn twodnys. i adjoarnsd asnusi iniK-"- ( kick his sisters-ii- i law He was forth- itk soma, Portland, ireu: Not 10 Mastls! Kmpire. administration of public affairs was to meet cottee kona w here a cordial reci ptiotl awaited vv flu KohalS MgSI i "in held healthy en- going there the Itrig u Irwin, sun Preocisco, Nov U in,, iv. mi with arrested, but the wife I him Saturday, Novsrobcr 10, tin- National (lags are Hying nl half mast upon the Islands in a manner which planters of flee and to Inquire into their snd were he took the sssaiuei, Bk c li Bryant, Sun Praneisea Nov ID rollnwina treat, d and OaUSd only the charge of I I k K I' Ifithet, San Francisco, Nov 18 offlaen wsrs elected f,.r th Kin-per- Hie among t joined him for ensalnc today out of respect to the dead places thMn in first order the needs and requirements in eon nee ion hotheat Kawalhae. Am sell Puritan, Newcastle, Not ::n sr: using obscene language to be entered . diplomats of the day and has won the with the proposed new land system. "I would like to say In conclusion PU Ulenivor. Newcastle, Nov :ai s. !, iicn, president, of Kussia. against him. He was refused bail ami mnafll .,,,,1 n,l in irul inn of everv civilized He had a verv satisfactory interview that the visit or the President to Ha. bl. Paul beoosrg, Bremen, Dec in H. r. jtoblnson, Vies PissMenl. Am nek Robert Bsarls, Newcastle Dee 111 Atlicrtitii, The rement of Miss Claia Cl i.le world. Now w WMi, by dint his .i.li. 'iVcuMiri'i eina nation in (he tht the u,. with all of lie planters ho expressed of personal contaii ship II Ptilude, UvsrpooL Jen :t W. Bowen, to Herman Tn.luy "ickey: wife appeared at the wdtli .. Beoretsnr Lieutenant Intest of the ..i f MU1. ha. to him their faith in the future of Olaa the people an, good impression ,cnonoltJla Rgsiln ' M, (Jooke, Auditor, Army is announced. station house and withdrew her com- left taken place fcud Hie Hawaiian Republic as a coffee district. They also urged everywhere, bus done a gn at deal in U . . B, it. plaint, after which the prisoner was rNilli I'oiti, Hie front!" TKNXKV, established upon a linn ami generally the President to adopt some system by of good. Everywhere Mr, Hole has Astlng Ueeretary, The variety entertainment at the discharged. NAVAL VKSHFI.S. it may be safely Blade friends for the and il'niiiliilii. ll. l.. November II Opera House comprises selertinns that natinfactory basis, which they could obtain fee simple Government II HM S llvat iiitli.'. May, BftjutniaJt IW8 l'it is In i Li h done a iseerted Unit the Island Republic win n. ii I ll.TY. ilea to their lands. They assured the is great deal to bringabouljthal MKUt HANTMKN. will please all fancies. As a promintnt fondga offi- the peaceable possession of as good and President thai if such a policy was oonfidence in public attain und men I.k Cadap Kn(.t, 00 nnil Oats I'm- ll Maw I.k .MaiitiM cial Meeting Notioe. Hatisfac on is expressed at the prices honestly administered a Government as: Dai alopted improvements would progress which is so much needed in the outer Ala. remarked last Saturday Am bktne s N Castle, Hubbard Ban Finn. PsnttaatlariN districts, I When received by Levey Tuesday for the goods anv nation on tlie face of tbctrlobe. i:ir more rapidly than under the present am inclined to believe that Am i.k Albert OriAtm. Han r'ranoleco, looking into the . . . . Tbers srlll ! n aavod from the wreck. It is to those who have been inatru- - Arthur White, the man who Bred thi leasehold system. if visits of this kind were made more Batne riiiiiisT. Dow, Uivsim island, i tiaf of Am .. ii Kvh. KUteard Baraka. Baoelsior Loigt No. I. mental In bringing about thin desirable shot into the leg of (ieorKe Woods, the "The President was very much pleased frequently by the heads of tfae Govern I, O. 0. F. tkas Oermany anil Belgium have recogn z Wfilii,.slHv,'Vt'iiiiiK, NnifiiilHT 14, stnte of affairs to say that the account baseball pitcher, during the disturbance With the improvements that had been eminent if would do much toward clear- ism, ed the Republic. JudyeWideinatin must hurt was sent HfSXfCMA CIGAXS at p, in. fur DagfM of the revolution and the Hubseouent among the nines summer, inade, ami his announcement that it was ing up misunderstandings snd cement 70 wnrk. have gone to Holland. to a term MMBbsts uf Harm. iv ,,. founding of the republi : will go dow n to prison this morning serve the Intention of the Government to ing the sentiments and piiruises of the AT NEW Ilge of twenty-fou- r hours, a part of In and viHitinK Brothers iii The monthly meeting and social of to future generations as the most unique .flop a more liberal system, so as to whole people." ststllUns am imposed bf the for this HOLLtSTBH & cas. inrtted. Y M. C. A. will be held tomorrow and remarkable in the world's history, sentence Court the coffee industry, was receiv' d Tin; II. U. y U i.. LA o'clock. in as much as it is the only one on re olfense. with general and i.k n m. Only a few of iho rear seat- in PTKBBK, evening at satisfaction applause, tie MclNERNY in., i ( w The case was called in the Ulreuit Secreisrr, cord where an existing iovernnient . Opera House are left to be s.dd at "I had not visited Olaa since the lands A leu) I Mil I I'isi u - id ii, lint .tit. the Captain Zimmerman and Lieutenant overturned mil another substituted OOOTt this morning and White pleail were first opened for settlement two door ton i eM of Army will soon Deae Jelfers the Salvation vvtihout the horrible features of war guilty. years I was For Sale. ago. astonished at the Tlx Hawaiian RepQblloan Hlub mel iii- Huii Great llrala SHOE go to join the HilO corp. and bloodshed. The Court promptly sentenced him to progress that had been made in the way 7i8t) "How do yon like ero? asked the mar: 800 twenty-fou- r it tin American I.ciiKiiu ball at A limited uf It is safe to assert that if a vote of the pay a fine of and to of general clearing and with the new elotbes, tnrntng round ww number shurrs in Knuwnina Kconi, a native man living improvements, o'clock Tueadav enfoT, Preaidant I Kous Uoffss TheOom-pan- people of the United Stales could be hours imprisonment. This will end and tfarowlna ctH btaohast Company, ) near Mormon ohurch, died yesterday planting, and the air of prosperity to he Naniie in cliair. han in iiiii,. live liunilred the - case of which so much I. the About thirty "Out of sight, old boy, out of sight. I'm aeres ul taken tomorrow on the question of an- the unfortunate I of STORE. Ooffsa land in fee xiniid.- - OTnh noted on every hand. visited all busi-nen- I at 1'apa J. in the year of his age. n. memben with pronem. The first H Bay, aren't they a trifle light for nexation of the Hawaiian Hepublic to has been said and wi t of nooth Kona, Hawaii, aboot litres jtd the holdings, with the object gefling of Importance was tin- appoint- asked the man with theoslen - nne Imlf mil. h frmu lluupulna The Government has ordered the pay- this country, it would be s i overwheiu- all of possible regarding latlng eye. landina. the information ment of an enrollment lie land i t it committee, "Yes but London goods you know. The iiiih.iih the for entree ment of August bills. Tills will put Iturly in favor of making a part of the ( J '' TI()N SOLD. heir condition, Kruwnm in Kutia, w.il whoae duty shall in to enlist as manj best In the market. Imported. Best "I ttittst cotfuratttlate you. the nf 015,000 into circulation. Nation that even Stephen CJrOVeT Cleve-- 1 rsrjp rieh a a ea.-il- v about "I found the population of Olaa to natives as possibiei "(nit for Dirt cheap, ha and is wm Wed. A land and his renegade Republican Secre- fm ?. There isn't ;i shoe store in the large nnmU-- i uf sbareH have already Dalgleisl consist of fifty bona fide settlers and BID A resolution reptidging club to I'll put you on. oh, i have a bead on mt been Mr. Miller and wife RM Kate the ' ' city (if subscribed for. tary (ireshani would recognize with laborerSi are tim y ... . i i J like a general. Vouwe, Iwnt my inrasuie Washington that pre- WAImanai.o FVBCHASBB There at the present Lit. m M Apply lo or tiiay will leave with the Dailey Com- Ulf 1TH UHSnXI (Mil .iUUHt'U over to on the side. mori i ication the nintike they had SVMIIl'ATK. SIT seres of land planted in coffee now i. a tailor other Uewa sents any neater appearance." J. If, MON8ARRAT. pany by the Mariposa tomorrow. aOOOUni or the raot that a reso- to out tin1 goods and end t hem nvi-- mn made. ranging from one to two years of age. aii ri 'iit I,.... k. U n h mi si reet, lution wan iansi'il a week or two hk . piece at a time marked Naunpla.1 Half lliiiiulnlii. John Hull, the noted land grabber has ITI-- tf Hon. Curtis 1. Iaukea returned from Besides this there are 311 acres of Several other resolutions upon various tronsers1 leg eaase first, then half a coat Yes, we are open ami prepared watched eager eyes watering Ami The sleeve, und so on, I (he from Pearl City this morning where he with and California i.ii.nt Parties splendid land newly cleared and ready were uiiiil bad whole to ttipirs offered, discussed, but I Kim it accommodate the public course oi affairs between the Bomethlng pf The 148 buslnei a Then ply took to a tailor ll had gone to escape from reporters. mouth the lor plaining. On the property unt'avor-ably- . 'anted. for t lie most part ronniilered bereand bad him sew It together, put the with shoe wear. Our long Islands and this c untry. He would Property. OOOOanut have been planted out trets One resolution was passed, how- lining in and the buttons on." A be given by congrega- foot-hol- good, The fair to the like to get a secure enough to and are doing well. "You have a large brain.' business experience ami repu- fsntl uiksh oam at a rsaaas on ever, forbidding members ui inn onl sble price. tions of St. Andrews Cathedral the give promise of future rights of posses- ''1 was very much with the "Well, I should UT, I would have been tation commends Itself with- Apply atths struck of the pub- "17-,- lie The sale of Waiinanalo Plantation to the proceedings meeting for right it it f 84th instant should not forgotten. sion and lately proposed to the Govern- buildings now being erected along the in for the last hot weather if out further mention, Btab OnV. S;in Krancisco parties on lication. had'nt taken sii long to get the whole BUll ment of Hawaii that they should dispose as reported resi- A translation of an autograph letter volcano road. Some of the new There was a tfreat deal of discussion, over, but I'll le all rlghl for a sturler Ot of an island to great Britain on which the arrival of the China Wednesday from President of Guate- dences are very handsome indeed, and but next year anyway, and there Is more coin Notioe received the hut factB could be really little accomplished. The ii the Union .lack might be hoisted and as morning, the not avail- lag too." oereby given thai all in By Authority col- no built subs' entlally. All of the 10 M. claims against mala appears the ascertained uutil in the evening. meeting adjourned shortly after began ihe man with OfJouls Mclnerny's Shoe Store, tn Criterion a remuneration for this concession the able land along volcano road is now "Siy," the Saloon, up to Sen) 18th umn. the o'clock ting eye suddenly. 1894, will be by English would lay a pacific Colonel Mncl'aihme, whom it was said "How much did the settled Mr. Jaa. r. klor- - Government taken up; and us soon us the hack lots to-- PORT nan. and .ill had negotiated the sale, was seen. taliOr here charge you for putting it BTREET. uiUMunilinn un u dim A false alarm of lire was turned in c ible. make their Island a terminal point are mode accessible byroads the Gov STKKKlH H ON BXU I HI ! ION. gether and all that soii of thing:-- ")(:( in t Iriterion Baloon ami tin- Jobbing A short Interview had with this gen. Bouse from the of Henry Smith on and thus secure to the islands all the ernment will build those lands will dso "I don't know exactly, but something of I.. H. Dee, up to the above data are tleman elicited the Information that 130 J9&, see he silk payable to Mr. I., Dee, upper Fort street about 8 o'clock Tues- benelils of modern Hiwedv communica be taken up and put in a stale ol uiatars stlfvonasla ninst rated bj like or kou put lining ll. U u. Dm arrangements had been effected for the v. ill beoaUSe the Cloth wan hi i line, Mild he day night. tion will, the nations of the world. The cultivation. Views ii si. As Hull. All bills againsl I. H. Des pleaas nr of a of the of made a regolar Poole Job of the lit.'' sent immediately reply of the Hawaiian Government was purchase majority shares The OleanerS1 Neclsty h;ia been ill the " t for payment, The civil suits brought by Caniirinos "1 have the details of the condition of And how much did he express charge 4(Ui iiiai loci coiiio not iitiii siico it la. oi the plantation owned by Mr. John A. habit of replenishing by amount l. li. Dak. Nick Brebam every holding in the new coffee distrlcti their treasury tof" and Seely Shaw against without the consent of the United Cummins at a price a little above par, "titi. not much. Nut more than at Ai. w ly giving lawn parties ami other public THE HAWAIIAN are being handled in the District Court States. F. Town Topic, and am prepared to slate that, ill largest. you driving f and that at the head of the purchasing entertainments. This year arrange- the What are at r" a few exceptions, all of the lessees have "Come in and buy me a drink," said (he this afternoon. OtTIAUrdl PROM OOUBT. syndicate was Mr. H. P. Uithct of Welch - more than fulfilled the requirements of ments have been made with the Camera! calculator. "You're the biggMt idiot I've oafeB6silHMKtiDl,MN-0- The tent for the open air religious SCo., Mr. Ii. it. Hind, the Kohola su-- ar Hub through Mr. '. Bedemann, to ive met in lOdaya You've actually hougtit a ..in.- Utility WhllH the law in the matter of Improvements. Foiintl Other urf 10. Cal- ?!." New meetings to begin Thursday evening is planter, and Mr. J. Miller of the a stereoptioon asbibitien at Y. M. suit for 'orl. Herald. W, li. UAILKY, H A N IDEM Ilinniisttetl. 1 lie work ot cultivation is progressing' the being erected on the vacant lot mukai ifornia Ft rtilizer Company. t '. a. hall Thursday COMPANY. rapidly, anil think I have never met a evening Engineer Wi-- ..I Nwdtanml BtotbaiBsttleliMiai W. C. Achi has made a revocation of The transfer of the estate will be HAS of Union Square. more enthusiastic set "f planters in my Barimgeour of the Horning star, was Tsnsglls dlsoovsrsd lbs solution uf gnbia the order retmiring him to pay $7 per the Wednesday, Nov effected shortly, or on the arrival of very Huceessful in t a U n K photographic sansUoiis Osjrdsji smploysd toward btm 14 The case against the employee of the week almony to his wife pending the life. ON HAND FOR SALE Alameda next week, when Mr, Miller "One thing lhat impressed me during views in IlioronesiSs Mr. Hedemann nil t lit persiiaiciiif iu Ids nver to obliiin of the Honolulu Iron Works for steal- divorce suit cited some days ago on the potD raqqIpstioQ to iniiist-i- tin fjunoos (Iran Uomplimsntarjr Tastimooial arrives. Man was cordial rceep has renroduoed these ami will h tf our visit to the haf disciivt-ry- , swt-a- 50 SHARES KAHUKU STOCK ing Bix blocks of solder is repotted ground that the woman is now living This beautiful estate is most advan- 'l to VOtl mi tin hoi? lion given President Dole by native charge f the stereopticon with the pospsls, hi proQiisodi "that if ou issjoh settled out of court. with Fern, the man on whose account tageously on Island, nt a bargain. situated this twelve Hawaiian settlers, About a hundred of OXJ hydrogen light DTi Hyde will me VOtir dlSQOVsrtsS I will never pobllsli BENEFIT the cause is entered. it to- miles from Honolulu, and although ut one fTjve a description OI each view an pre thetn and u ill lifnidrs record hi'in lor my ' The date of calling the Legislature In Mrs. M. them nut the President time hstrc lauiiilaii Miiuar the case of A. Lucca, suffered somewhat in the general sented. This will hl' '" c'l,'1r Wl 1"1' 110 ,,nt' hl"dl In ahk- gether in special session has not yet ' coming in a hotly, anil expressed their constitui lie flint Lucca, A de Madeiros, J. W. Gibbet and last III ill1! MM lll Ml .11 ll .11 Coiiiiiii) Slock WILLIAM R. DAILEY will most likely drought of the two years over these aluhft and ilieat ion at meetlns him ! of the exhtbiUon following tins been decided upon. It F. Jollioar, all appeal matters under erat PJt t;u;iia, truHtina in Csrdan's fmih. islands it has, during favorable years Hawaii. Mr. Holt' Addressed in will be a dispWy ol new views recently cominnntrat. d to him his ruleK. l'I ! Miiiir' People's siock. lie, however, in December. sentence for selling liquor, nol. pros, on tin tn ii paid dividends of 4u to 50 per cent, on - received some and! Cardan, assisted by bis pupil, tferrari, HftwsJian. assuring them that tin Gov- comprising light C have been entered and defendants dis- ?, Cunli iuiil lor (inverniiit'iit IkinilH, The President will receive the auto- its capital stock, and in a period of ten dealing with land matlsts, oloud effects ... English scenery yueen charged - f rfcrfh all ISSUSS, graph letter of recognition from years paid half a million to its would ci.npifler needs require- - ' hypt and the Holy Hum,- Kaluna was found guilty of larceny their and luhed the whole in tfae ''An Magna." Tar I'll K HAWAIIAN SAFK DKI'OSl'I DAILEY Victoria at the hands of Commissioner st ckholders in dividends. new III A huli-- c - monts snd would furnish all in need of scenes Hawaii net. full tnulia Irritated at tfae aluebraist aatrolo- AMi INVESTMENT 30, tomorrow morning. in the second degree by a native jury The transfer is an Interesting one in gar's violation of bis word, fell intogrlo Secure Seai luirly. Jiatves homes with suitable sections of land. is expecteil, and tickets of admission 40X KoilT STKKKT, HdSOIAlLU, "fc Monday and sentenced to two years on lent raga. Ib- sent to his SOSmy several rm at least business circles. Waiinanalo are meeting a ready sale. 4A0-- tf if to OMmmi) "It mav be said, iii this connection. oballeugcsi, Cardan finally agreed at- A hack horse belonging a the reef. 1'lantation hau had unite a history in it to t tend a dUpUtetlOO, Vrbioh was to Im heb got his leg hung over the singletree of The Oironlt Court came to a sudden tt tin before trsreaohsd olaa, the natives Till-- COMPAMY. i linuii Hul Q0W itrt atrairs are be OOOI iiaii.kv in a t liureh in .Milan on Auk. Ift liter vehicle while going to Waikiki last dis- there bad received inatruottons from the stand still Mondav morning and - plelely changed. The transaction vvilli not appear, bul lent Ins pupil. Ferrari To Rent.. riit-t- ANNIVERSARY BALL fell broke shafts. parties in Honolulu not to meet tin Fatrwsll PeHonsuMMs Tekss Plaes Iii-- night, and both posed of hut one case, it was the chhc tlie syndicate for tfae sale of I lie pro- ETcTrari bore part in the rout est atone, of the Republic vs. Joseph I'. Silva, the President as he was there for the pur Tonight. and t lie affair would have resulted in favor nf John Slater of Knland, the architect perty will bring about 9BO,000 of Government official of Maui charged pOSS of taking their lands aw ay Iron Mr. Dailey 'a testiimmiul benefit will of Tartaglla if ths hostile attltuds of far That o nodipai building formsrly who designed St. Andrews' Cathedral, foreign capital into the country at the den's friends bad not can sort him to leave with embezzling public money. To the hem if they did ii"t lake the oath. Al! be given in the opera house thin even- OCOtiplsd by the Uninn Ice Work', League of start. Milan by a byroad. 1'opular Hfttsncf is uu uncle of Mrs. liradley this city, f the living there, A hats ar- will bt astonishment of everyone Silva plead While Colonel MaiTarlane was awav native however, ing. variety program been Monthly. Luoa1 i'lunin Mill. bald at a fact I Ins lady has just ascertained. ami met the guilty. will likely be pro- V turned cut President, ami ranged, Including Heveral excellent Sentence he made a fly ing trip to ictoria Where Thsat ir II ohig fa Tvrtni moderata, IWllllSJSIMSllHUH 1'nrk when thev were assured that the Gov Belectlons, end a tirtu-.lan- s sntertein At this afternoon's meeting of the nounced this afternoon. Mr. Kitbet resides, mid passed through The subjolm d a liti-ra- of cut, no translation Affiy to Uoard of Health the trip to Molokai w ill 1'ortlaml. Tacnma and Seattle, in all nl eminent rtaineJ such purpose men! Is assured. The program lta been a theatrical notiosol the ear 1784, pre Monday, November 19, i vi in v wait: It P1PKS, tbsj were satisfied, ii ranged to piegssi the QMsseSi served in the Urunswiek nuseumt "In HAWAIIAN ELECTBIC CO., lie discussed, it is probable the Board which places he reports a great desire Utsran SMroissa nnwninTina s "From Olaa Mr. Hole and I went ti Hale Iiuh order to wcure the comfort of the public Tfl si sbssta after--J i III,, uf iu,,.lt ,n visit ntul invest The of tit diets been quite no. t will go up on the Iwtilaui Friday No, Large I to Meet . (f t. .UK in HS" ,'- - . In every way, the mans gem of the urand nosMb at u'clook. "' I f ant the in the rasjfjV fund pofftfS lands of tbsss run way Kcaau and to Byoroft'l large, and the propehiUtieS gTS that the M8 in ii 1. in, , ml ater have decided that the spsotatotelsi i islandsi plHntHtion. We found him picking hit house will be crowtled. It iH tbe inten-tlo- n the front row should lie down on tht has been suggested (l inch Payne's busses and tranicars will be It that the nrst crop. A.rter looaing over mik sje of Mr. Dailey to leave tomorrow, ground, those in the ssoond should knee, FOR SALE. A . every fifteen to from pipe purposed to be laid west of Liilho Small Blase. while those in tin- third and fourth rOWS run minutes and tensive OOffM plantation t WS returned and this will be the last opportunity tor S should wit respect ively, BO t Iml independence l'ark on the evening of street and out toward! Kalihi is not About o.clock Tuesday evening an to Qlaij by proposed new I'm u and stand l'ln' l.iii itoidcnce of PIKE the road. theatre "goers will have to ttee the popu- all should have an equal opportunity of ball to be held there by the American ' large enough to meet the requirement alarm of fire was sent in from Henry the stopping snroute at the Oouds Brotbon lar company during thia Beanou. teeing the (tutor OU the stage. B WATCH s on street, he cause A. CART League. la that quarter. After siillicient water Smith, upier rort i who have located 1'akou, , Z, Ths audieocs an- absolutely forbidden t J. WRIGHT, lately at en AT REPAIRING has been supplied to Kaiialaina it is of tfae alarm originated in John I'tin- - ooffasj, psiSSOMAsV laugh during As performance "i MAKIKI. tfUKed in tin? cultivation of The ' iitrag Kev. Mr. feck napti.eu ine nrsi enuu w I edy London Tit Iliti. and only such, take your tiniL'- - ,hoU),lt R Qamber of people ill move ningbam's lmuse near Christly's lam are just beginning and have a very en Price, into the Honolulu M. E. church Sunday into that part of the city. At best the: where a dog had turned a lamp over,! SI 2.000. piece tn ouursging ontload. Pglrohlld ban gone botne to Thi prfmifM'H may be tiiected bf morning. It was the little daughter of is Helting floor ulire. Tbe blaze i ii. oaset small pipe decided upon hardly cap- tbe wins "After leaving the volcano and HUo Ki'itlta. ir gpplyinjg to the janitor on the groeuide, was christened - a Oaptain Scott and able of supplying present residents of Hcen by a geiitlein: n living in the two- Tho crt w of n man of war once hhw gnd "lull particulars may be obtained at WlCHMAN, the overlainl trip through Hamaktti (V H UoVeigh.hei gone to Kauai on comet werw sssnewhet surprised ami H. F. "Vulrie Edith." Palama, Htory building acrtt8 the street who and tlu- ottos of whh begun Mi . Brunntr, the civ ii en business. alaruud ut Un appearame. The haiidn who have arrived in time to Hinolber the llauieb. Professor Bradley has compowd a Disinterested persons given jineiT in charge ijf the roudt from llilo met and appointed a committee to wait BRUCE CARTWRIGHT, Wc tlo good work only. Cheap subject careful thought consider w. II. Riee end family heee returned un tin- - commauder ask bin opinion of piano forte called j the that to Uatnakua aooOmpanisd tin President tt Trustee work onopinett lor the Nt-- Hrt-H- (suuilst. to Llhue, It. They approtn bed him und said: must necessarily be poor com- - wuroo pips suuuui urn wen oi Conenih rable "Grand Valse Iirilliante." He has attention was given the to k your opinion, your work it" im Ladiett who are ill search of dr.- W. A. ('. l'Ve waul you value your timepiece .umed several nieces which be hones to UWto. They say it will require at least Presidenl to the matter of roadi and Wall and Itallantyne buvi honor." H goods ut way down prices will consult l 11 Viavi Testimonial. .it all, take it where it will treat Dublish at an early date. ""PP-- drv district. iSurelv hIho Go reminent honNtswds In HUq i;one to Kauai. WsU, my boys, whet Is it shout1 le i their oW" MsteWitl by perusing the new "WS want to iiiijuiiv sbOUl thiug Having reoeired so nttoh nsBi from ed well, the larger piping wiUcost more, but it and HSMSkUSi St veral (if tin UonUh Wiliiutu Bees is returned to KeeUg by that repaired well, ami give the adverliseinent of Mr. N. JS. Sacha Qp there." the ue ot Viav i am gnxlOU There will be a meeting of Excelsior thought a Complete job, giving by the Mikabala. I' IDII. - stead sfafi visited the President and "How, ijfforn ( anawee yon, ksggsj should kmw vh.it a has milium Lodge No. 1, 1. O. O. F. this evening for llow of will be which appears in this issue. At tit- nt adequate water, largely be was greatly with tlie V. M toiotlali' know what ai think It Is." lo US with t lie Via Ki lliedles well it a large prorea ami ars rt'liirm-- to Ootipllf stsd work our peeiKltjr; Degree work. Memliers of Harmony best fur all ami really Issi expensive in known emboriuui, there '"Well, your honor, WO havn talked it I have suffered with a eoiupileation of being msjde Hawaii by tht 1 'laudim- Turnday atti r- - iritehta deajugnitisedi key in good ai.'t varied assortment to select from, at over, ami we think It ! a Mar Hpruutf a diseesse for six yeers, have been in the winders Lodge, and visiting brethren the long run. "At f ng- the rcQueet u number of nooo n hospital in San PraOOisCO but changeil to stein winders; churges Htanding are cordially invited. pi icea w hich oei v coiniteiiiion, leak. Horn. have found lives living In Wajiueu valley beyond nr-mi- t. Asutthev I'istiii siiot. c. ll. Piskey retur ed to psjg b- the nothing thei hes benefited ne so niuoh ;is ntiMlcratc as nond work will iile-ment as Viavi. Vaaaea gtveel wintrr. Waipio the I'tt'sidcul vieited tin- 01 aftt-- A foeOg I i'IIiim In l.tiutloii. 11. p. WlCHMAN, The windmill and pump at the insane I'airoiuutu Wichsri ran against a hard tudlot a hurried visit to llk 1 wouidrooom mend it to the uffsrisui RQVfJ) wlit-r- In- found thi UEtivM all Half a i entury w hen "hubjvrls" ware 4S4tf 1 asylum are up. So far w ind has been nut on Wilder avenue Sunday night. Mr. iteted Tu Sedgy that work Honolulu. ao, people ot ioladlllu. 517 Fort Btr n ISO bought b the SU)rge00Ssg poor man (el) iti would begin ou tbe assembled to wtdeome him to tin ov one wishing to esh me in insufficient to test it. It is thought, He heard three pistol shots rapid Nuuunu Street Ised m I'leet street. Without a regerd lated couimunily. Mi. W. il Un Mil. It KKtlOVM moment' to it may at my hoUM I, is succession made for place from w hai l next week, liids for tlie work ot rail on Her. una The stssnahip however, that the gearing not of the and the pi tiL'sitat ion, a )iiuk fellow who wan pashiu stn-et-. Kauai accompanied iim to WalnianU The essent lie tori genUs notion an near Nutianu reach- - will be oponed ibU after toon. The shed threw him .elf on his knees iHttitb- t h right kind and will have lo be changed. which the reports emanated. On toothing effeots "i Bj rup of when MUs. BOHBADEB The natives gave us an excelh nt fi r'is, corp-- e, e laiiniiiK, "My father, my dea; S- - ing there the shooter turned the re- - w ill be completed as quickly ati possi- tt These remedies for ssJe et tin- ofHoe, WAIrVl ArMALO I ill need Ol a txuiive, ami if the father father!" A The Labor CommisHion is liard ul ble, Mr. Udeikirk is now on Molokai. Mr. Dole, Mr, Hi. e and gddn ised crowd K',lbeml round. Their 108 Kinn street. vlvc.r ,lilu ullll lirvd m i.... VVlohaii be OOSttvfl y pat hy wan excited, will run regularly U'tWein p 111 or mother of biliouM, the in and money wa t7-;b- tl this it work upon - l,Ka,; io a un mot A w. preliminary matters. nOWSVSjr, and landed him lie vitiitu that island to inspect Wuilua icierence nocnesieaas tulmcrilMil W got hi nan, gratifying results follow its ho the! to enable the pious youth to iml Waialua, aianae, Kawaibapai, circular letter asking for information jn ,,. bridge which in in bail repair. jsot in wbicli the wire nucfa iu u; take away his father's Ixjdy in a hackney jail His name was .Manuel it is the Ih'si family known, sTseWsnill and Kuiki ou the will be sent throughout Islands in a te P'tiled. reuifdy ami tneoh. He diil so and took it to a surgeon, the Malm,., .iUv to pistol toting, Metropolitan Co. sltsUdof Oehu. "or freixbt. etc., Of very family should huw un A e ?PH Meat apply few days. Mr. Bradford has been re- - ;WsjeS Hhi." riftSJ natives infonm tl tin- ri.-i- b nl a bottli ho tav hi in tor it. .Iiiuni l'a n. DQt wnteno WM Suspended Until moved (o tbe i 'aptaiu. tun,...... I uu ThO Igtsreetlng mel -- drama "WegSg that they bud made foi band. "III. ou. application 81 KING STREET. of Kin" wa Hucuebhfully stuged by tbe homebleudH in Waiauiea gttsd hoped tin riiHt Oenswlls Miung. dsegee Wifelef Is imuir.. Mr. S. iiit- 4 in n,i - PesasstsjesSs Company A tlrm iu taleSSUM is in supply- - WM. lieunett deHires to state that Dailey at tbe Opt ra House (iovernineut would grant their reQUSSjL Tim wan t DAVIES, reprt in ulaled ibis morn UiH water from tbe Itiver Jetdeg to Wholesale & Retail Butchers the passport of Mr. Hardin was The look cabin pattaengerw Monday evening. Tbe play They tin- STUSsVI Mgsja Eksvedes) WraeiMr, fcj,ti-a)- d W.J. not ChiM If diew the wer; aiiaured that - lag th.tt thi- Kxet ut re und Adfieotj ShlirollSS ll is put Up iu healed snd stopped. He had w Yokobania, t onsul S. imillgSt houne of sg b- t ' settled ith his cred for Japanese the UMP Snow, down an soon as the new land poUg itini iU kVOttld meet al the rt gulur aud Mold by the sees, sasiss nrsstrsc mi uii kimin nf AS' 11 itors. The only money he owed in Kujii and wile and Mr. K. Dgura uf llallet, Minn Dulgleirih, (ienevieve Nan - wau adopted. boor tomorrow. The rumor could not nrk. 11 ivui h.. Clisaiwff PataSassi nolulu was properly tax. He tele- 'Oguru A 0 puny. Die tiovernment nary and 1. A. Nannaiy, the principals Alter u brief Btay Mr. Wm is Ian uith be verilled. but it ma improbable that n Hfri- llu.ii iu i f. rlu'aiH'r iiulutnti. Navy Contractors. IssyiilSJ 'Mil nf s. phoned to ne paid OH UOUor Ol wry gootl. Mr. 1. .1 J. Walker, over and the hand pluyed im reuse! in Sfere UgUey'S CweweU lloi uerat Kukuihaele we pruo i.. Llie will l.t in .1 und llu uieel- - BwiUfrlHud flii kiiiuiust, Sfld Bt)SSS ' tl wm money. in nciit will ' USX G. J. RpSSeksSS' Hank. Ml, Kujli. take place num a and ihen uiHpecietl the luu in,; Mtst lalizt. ,ol1 '" 4lsass ul J ssSSS pr WALLER, Muifer THE HAWAIIAN .STAR. WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER .4 iQ4

TALKED TFI TH AND EVES. B. A IK HE DROPPED DEAD. WITH GEMS IN VERSE. T. MURRAY, Perfect Nutriment Ton OROWINQ n njotectlea'i t Oeaeereaaleu Children. old ahiae Give Baby Con V LERCE NTS, MHJ ii ml a6on! the Itemm. Willi n Telegraph Operator. CONBUMPTIVte. WOULD RESULT IF THIS HAP- lln pnntl'T EMdltatlVl WHAT "Well, 1 bail an e pel ietice on the train Whttt nrHi tniltfiit DY8PEPTIC8, PENED TO THE SIGNALMAN. looting home from the cast on Monday Villi u'lntit ltiiiii i'.lvo to know Anil thn Aunt. ,n llnw HMrtl I In' -- Mi-' tmlwitli b'itw. In Arutp lllnfffn nnil I Dr. Is For Volcano itUtl wdl not foruet cry soon," said i the "iiti in n petit word ot ligi thimM?" Hit WaaflDC lll- -i iinrm. V,. fair to a reporter. Repairing, Thu oiM't v Dnwi Ottl m littMMtIM "As our tram was rtearlng Chillicoths AMWlffVd tlit' ktruvt' factnl nittoiikjtr wltli Vf ItM WoFfclUl t tlie Auto- m old looking man, grlitalj and unkempt. hirtcf: Painting, Nture's Grandest Wonder. THE o prnveO. an nn fully tough si raw hat, support- "Nor WOfd nor matic MgtiiiN llti Tlii-- AM OpVMtWl rrttl lit- if t pttM he lovcil, ng himself with a cane, for he had a bad iifitwrt nt Trimming, I Kor WVlftrtd the WnNh of tltillbt In ihl lliirlrm RoMl tiiint'l. (stiffened knee joint t. irlllt'f. aae of anchylosis NlCATI.Y DONK. Best Food Two fjununtttffi ooenpltd wnt tn om ame thumping along through the narrow 'Tlinuiuli tbi irk iMirlaN, wttlmut faith M and looked into fenr, for Hand-fe- d the lUbUfbgtl tr;iin "f tbl lliuhni rnnil. of the sleeper All work furrenteod of itie tiest. Olive me t The Popular and Scenic Route INFANTSINVALIDS. Infants. rl (asMigrway Pern t t'ul. llnctft niul mini, ho pMIMi WM Hp ItngttbfOUlh 'he Park avc compartment where John ta which ci- At "itcc rron cMttiFt dottM BfMMi trial and eonvlnceit. Toc'tomijkUBRypMiK. Oi l! ROOK for tb, In.trnrtlnf y nlaoaaing block Kearney anil myself sat enjoying nnr hup tunnel. Tin wm In ytiii i h hi' wiihth hoMtaCtfltll Minli'ar.' is BY THE- ef neibnv'Tke Care nnd pignut nnil the poMlWIItlfi of BCMellti gar ln nrinDintM," will lie A mo-o- No. 44 King , in Hiiitl white faced pontiff, Street. tn in. tunm-i- whlcli httamtiag tapla "The old fellow glanced but a T't Ix'ltfr," the to any iililmm, upon request. it 1 re- mild; alway.. nl and then stumped away again. Mutual Teleilinne M V. (). Hox 41S to commuter' bVM no w ord ilei lile; DOLIBCR-GOODAL- E an ODCMtnf til MM marked to John that that was a pretty "StotllM CO "WU( BOW, MppoM All heart .dm ere with liod ahtde; BOSTON, MASS U. S. A. in thin tun- lOUgh looking customer, and lie replied: WilnWc of Umm block ilgnal stations Tim tire lilt iiic nnil hiiinaii ret'tmt'llcd. SteafflsniD s lit- - w hite signal clioulcl "'Why, don't you know him That's fanic-4 nel aft. r liiiviiiKwl detective,' Nil Hard Times Moan Close Prices Coiau dfop dead, would Dot tin' MMqMNMbt John T. Norris. the BENSON, SMITH & CO., "Well, we not off tha train at Chllllootbe, Dvneon .lone Orleraase simply au ful?" x we nn-- , Housekeepers. "lilcy would iiiiUiii." unwind Mm is I wanted to send a telegram, and met Vttull etCttH Mr. I'nrsnn, Mole aki-'ii- for telegraph olllce. He stepped If BSSrS a liUlc fwrt, tlie Hawnllun Inldtida. other. . Norris nt the Bui Pre sin it: the sotuti o' Ur'ol Both men (hnddercd mm became silent. up to me and said: If ymi are in nct'il of any New or Al STEAMER KINAU. wondering doubtlCM whether, " 'How d'ye do, doctor' Fur threescore years nn inoro. Idea atfi An it fort 0 hurls my fcclliTti to take their "1 returned his greeting, and then be said i rVcotid-Hnn- rl PURNITURB, Rl'C.s, altar all. tt worth while Km1 lOSBS "em put and Hells. m me. do auy Pitted with Klectric Lights Courteous and Attentive .Service Hvm In their handi ever ilay forthsH)it " 'You don't know you' Kur these hnruni MfUJB dHtlaS BTOVR8, SKWlNC. Btc, 1 you to MACHINR8, CO. of elbow room in the country. " No.' said, 'I never saw before 'At Iscaptsnia the day. PACIFIC LT'D. an ankedol J, at HAIIffi "What would happen," if rail the manager of Mar-len- t " 'Well, you are Dr. Carr of Cincinnati,' There's amithiT little happnla B. BranHln, general the I'm should he. 'At m mention while here YIA operator road, "If a block atonal aid fast to shoe 'at my obJesUoM 402. 404 FORT STREET. drop dead t" " 'Yes,' I said. is ottered tonnd ami clear. I you for a moment ah "Nothing at all," he replied, laughing, "'Will, doctor, nut li w one day they whs tlaglag HAVE RECEIVED 1878, It at Tr. JUST "except that I be i" iperator'i place would MM 'lay In September, was An was dots "'ll BnoUtfll . Cincinnati, ami we got to ,:'mm1 it people eoui. l sing have to tic tlUi-il- niiv" Iiccausc me sig- Minor's otlice in Pliuxin Th Kinau Virginia.' n aWfUl o' "stuff - b Leaves Honolulu Every ID Days nal would return automattoallj to danger, talking about the Cam down in Sic ii mess furnitureIXLcommissioi housf Mouldings me. He was i Picture The train that next raaehed the Mock won hi Then it all came hack to When Uwohotr atee a holier. Of the Latest Patterns. top, and the engineer wouhttake itepe to right. I was astonished. An the oi'khii five n irros,o, tail out why he wan not allowed to plumed, " Why. Mr. Norris,' 1 said, 'that was U An they h it one weak rotcvd feller flagman on duty at the rignal nation years ago. 1 did Dot wear glasses I hen and there alone! Bird Cages The e. TUESDAYS FRIDAYS, now. wn-t- AND In each of the in the was not as heavy by 4 or Ml ioundsns I'.'.i he stuck righl to the PAT TURKEYS Kor Canaries and Parrots a there one at itatlofn tn as eoaM he. Laro Assortment would uiuiuestioimbly t,y the time I was n little slim fellow.' Thongti 'twas if) tunni'l 1 to help libit. " I know,' said be. 'Hut NOOg-njae- An when tried train had arrived lw poaNaeed of the 'Yes, Church SDOWled at ms Hilo Mornings. Vacuum Oilers the I in at the Why, the hall Arriving at Thursday and Sunday Inforntai ion. y when put. my head Round Por All Kinds of Machinery. Feed oil of "The block system in the tunnel." went smoking room.' Yon shv that's All the Tear " at I praise Lord thai 1 any density, automatically, by visible on Mr, Franklin, "le the beet In the world. tYell, we had some lilt le time towait Well. the drops, rapidly us, rowed up wliea wss lilies A about 470 traim a Chillicothe, and Norris made it lively for 0 fdas or slowly as may be required. Will teed from We are now reraging hynms sohlght one through the tunnel thai is, of course, " Doctor, let me have a silver dollar, will To sinir their day Oh, WO never bad Hin h tlnlrfs HENRY DAVIS & drop in ten minutes to a steady stream of oil. Oiling BOO he ached CO, Volcano--3- 0 both wars. Of these are paaeeHgrr you' In trothl nl Bethel .his, From Hilo to the Miles t l the by hand wastes enough oil to nay for all necessary trains, and the others shop trains and s "i knew he was to some rick, lint When the was nil contented ni MUeaL I a everything thai takes up space in a d to get done up and never With the simple sola 0 praise. 505 FORT STREET oilers in short time. Block oalled a train." banded over the dollar, lie took it, nnil Hoth Telephones, Mfttf !emK I tOOOpeOe no. ol does balancing it on his tongue Ix'gau to w hack Now. limy have slioke "What number passings!1! that Hwss loo bard to keep still. are Carriages, it BOalnil his upper teeth. but Passengers Conveyed in involve:" An hope you'll tell the sinners "Of course, 1 thought this was only a Mr. l'ranklin figured for a moment and 'At 1 hear Vm nn III will. esti- before Diaklng it disappear for Metropolitan Meat Co. then HiSWewdi "I should say a low prelude t they all may i;it to glory Over a SPLENDID Macadamizkd Road, running most of the KRAJEWSKTS i craay mate srould bs 00,000. it you were to seek go, and regaided the pernjruiance If my vih an my desire, li there some extry a Dense I'm est a ride alone n of the persons killed tothoseear-tiw- l vvii some interest. The oieratorsat Ilut they'll need trainiu Si KING STREET, way through Tropical ratio Fore the heavenly choir. in the history of the tunnel you WOUM loo ;iiiK at Norris, apparently as cut ions thei Je'n these, myself, though, of Paul Dunbar. worth the trip. Bad it alUOat nil. There have bUI over antics as mi anxious about the dollar. Wholesale & Retail Butchers IWO serious accidents in the tunnel. The course, uot The I'ai ting Hour. When Norris got through, heturued to the first w as before it bad any block system, There's toaiSthlng In the parting hour and the second was prior to the adoption of operator and said: Will chili the warmest hsar- t- the automatic arrangement by which the " 'What did I say' Ycl kindred, cianrades, torerSi friends, by the oper- - "And the operator replied: Art- faP d all to part; CANE in ease of any failure CRUSHER signals, Robert Can-o- f Wist Bui I've seen- - and many a pang FROM HOKOLULl; DAYS Biors, will always aetsure safety. "'Do you know tld Navy Contractors. ABSENT 7 of Virginia?1 Ha rsssed it ti my mind -- The tunnel is two miles in length and Virginia, or the t'arrs i J. Mann HI irt VW t H"' M'WIW are "Why. the old rascal was telegraphing The one who gOM is hnpp''r G WALLER, tf tt has foul tracks. The two in the center Than those he leaves behind. trains, and those on the all the while, and that Operator sat there WHE HONOLULU IRON WORKS COMPANY forfait through recovered from the rapiil transit trains to Mott reading it, After we bad No matter What the Journey sides for operator, "Watch my serous, far, NEW having secured the Exclusive Agency for the Hawaii- Haven. Incoming trains run on the two that he said to the dsn THE lie sent a message by w inking To the wild deep or black frontier. ALL eastern tracks and outgoing trains on those eyes,' nnil INCLUDINC EXPENSES, an Islands for the Krajewski Patent Sugar Cane Crush- and his eyes, anil the operator took that off, To soliiuilo or w ar to the west, lllock stations for north still onwthing eheen the heart thai .IFWFI RY er, are now prepared to receive orders (or the same, to be - We have to know all uiese nine 0 HtlllTIl UUttQU MWHg y dares eacti other in the tunnel, K.n-i- station m uiiiik in in. " V In all of humankind. delivered in time for Ihe next crop. M u away wit li his eane and atillened For the Round Fifty Dollars. operator and a (lawman There are three mped And they who STS happier store, Trip, tboM they leave This machine, which has been invented but a lew years, has force--a- t each station .ne WOrKtOg Inmi 7 u'. wiweuumn x.r.Jt.s., Thafl .1 p. 603 FORT STREET, 1 a. in. to 3 p. tn.. me initn 10 in., aim The bride sjoea to her hush hI's home For Further Information. Call AT 'l 111 r irv. been adopted by a great number of cane sugar manufacturers, I I'n-a-i 7. a. A Job or Hie her. I one from tl p. in to in. With doubting! and with mrs. U prepared to manufacture anything Corner Fort and Qui en Sire is in Cuba, it was first and where The automatic arraiuieuicnt for the re Themountain circuit rider met ine atthe Hut docs not nope her rail. how spread in Ita liny. especially where put to trial it inoun-tain- s danger bIkiuU after the of Hurricane yap in the Tine Across her cloudy fears' one-thir- turn of the red or foot became Nearly d of the whole Ala-- mother who remains. Or, 51S Port street, William's Ai t Rooms extremely popular. sugar white -- iunai ha- - been shown la the reeult and we rod: along together, and ! the - (bid Souvenir Spoons a Specialty. the replacing f short, releasing oonente nlwut a mile from where the road.- forked What comfort can she crop made in Cuba is being made with the assistance of these uf But - the is happier with rail otrotiita extending trom tower to we were stopped by a mountaineer w ith a this tfolir knew. Than one she leaves behind? Also on band a Fine Btook ol C. D. I'll ASK J. 1. WILLIAM! crushers. These crushers have also proved a great success in tower, thus providing against the possibil- Winchester whom the preaeher Imported Jewelry everything "cleiiriny" Ugnalfl at the yer, he said to the you a rieUfd a comrade dear ity of oerators "I just Stopped Bare f in the latest designi 0 other West Indian Islands, and Louisiana, as can be seen by testi entrance to any block when any portion f preacher, 'ter ax yer to come up to the An old and Valued friend' C. D. CHASE CO. Be sun- your ti rm of sweet concourse monials on hand. the preceding train remains In the block, house in the tnornin.' o. Box, Mill. Tel. inquired the preacher. At length Will have an end! m General Passenger Agents although the forward part of the latter "Anybody bick." -- Kurt ttrw NBi These crushers when attached to any cane mill will hesitated. And when you part as part you will increase traiu has passed out ami p rfortned its part "No," nnd the mountaineer (Mi, it not unkind bean svtalkin ter mo take Iklanp OltDKIts Promptly Attended to its capacity by from to 100 per cent; will improve iu 'unlocking" 'd the advance tower. "You know you bare IX he w ho kocs is happier 50 extraction, This change, it has been naid, was seen to fera long time erboOt gltttn religion an I Than you he leaves behind! Volcano House Company will regulate teed of the mill. We have three of these machines in the tunnel on account of the been hohliu off!'" be desirable it it is; in the way. For further particulars enquire at the difficulty at times tif operators seeing the The preacher nodded and looked pleased. God wills so, and so E. A. JACOBSON will call and lurnish any informal inn na-- The pilgrlmi on their way. talL lights or markers of passing trains ami for then- was a tone of penitence Ul the I Though weak and worn, more cheerful are stop over privileges, etc CO. of knowing that all the train had been tire's voice. Thau all the rest who stay. HONOLULU IRON WORKS my mind Mutual lione, 1S1 cleured. "Well, I've erbout made up And when st last BOOT man, lubduoda In the present improved state of block thai I've got ter the pint whin something Lies down to death, resigned, signaling in the tunnel an operator cannot got ter ho done, dim Gullina come by my May he not still be happier far FINE the signals governing any bhtck when place this inornin an killed one uv my dogs Than those he leaves bshUldT clear Pollock. car. a single of wheels or any me- when I was away, an you're beerd me sjiy Edward tallic obstruction reaching from rail to rail what I thought of Jim GulUns muuy a is, in fact, lit r Attractions WORK. is in the bhHik. The operator time afore this," JOB JOHN NOTT. preveuted from clearing signal- - in any but The preacher nodded sorrowfully thi- - h has no liav..liim' charms, uochisic tfracti, you think, to will men's hearts the. appointed way. The whole block and time. Nothing apparatuses are so goln down to see Jim now," about her. THE Kbiftiim and lignaling "Weil, I'm Yet, luukinn at her tweet anil gentle face. should there be any failure the mountaineer, "an if I git arranged that continued 1 wonder what OUf lives would be without "STAR'S" ELECTRIC iu or fracture of either the electric or me him I'll he ready to jine the meetln house her! m m m lie W chanical parts the signals would at once whan vou come up in t lie inornin, an ef PRINTINC WORKS ami maintain tin danger position. Jim gits me you'll bare a funeral to preach, She has no wish in the great world to shine, 3 aamme Kur work oatalde a woman1! spbero no yearn" l?f8 The chance that both tin- all clear and ko'h vou wnii i not iimil; iiy 11 limiovv 1 MclNERNY BLOCK for the Best ut Goodby," and utog1 lng caution signals aid tail onoelavttrj mutt bs gittin along, Hut on the altar of home! iscred shrine if they ahoald tbangnal oper inL! bis winchestei into the boUowofhii prepared to do nil kimls of mail, but She keeps the lire of pure affection burning. - tin- Morst' ulplia-be- t Hunk, News- SUBSCRIBE Weekly News- atom, lft iiiL; fiiiuiliar with mm he harried away throogb the tbloket, artistic Job and tor telegraphing ami having wires at lenvinu the circuit rider and me Bitting O0 We tell our griefs into her patient ear; paper printing at fair prices. Hhe whispers "Hope!" when ways are dark m tbeteoomuand ordinarily ueil for annoono-iu- our horses iu the road completely knocked ii i point the of all uud the mid dreary. paper ever published in the Hawaiian Islands. f from oomparativaly dUtani out by the suddenness it The little children like to have her near approach of train, rrcoursf tonlil hv luul peculiarity. Detroit Free Press. And run Into beropBO Smut when weary. to regular tolcgrapblo commnniealiou, and by bed; Mammoth Try it for three months, It will cost you just moTad past the aigaala aat nt lnnci Iii tbfl Tropirs. Her step falls lightly the sulb ier's trains Hoof Where poverty and care abound she li agent, ial offUera. a Posters by Mp'( In the interior ot Ceylon tin natives And many a wear heart BOklttl head h s and a dollar. American money taken at par. Tin? tiinuol, in Hihlitioti to its main walls and roofi with a paste of slaked Find gifts of healing in her tender lingers. a for block signaling, is provided with lime, gluten and alum, w hich glazes end is Specialty. or- holds a helping hnnd to who fall, riecoiulary lystem, nol necessary in the no specimens three centuries She tbost durable that Which gently guides them hack to pnthsof dinary conditions Tinder which trains are old are now to be seen. n the .Malabar a dollar you naturally expect to get a tunnel conditions lend t duty. run. Hut the coast the fiat bamboo roofs are covered in- eyee, kindly looks tor Hooks. Paraphletti Legal Papera, tailUfSS in' the kindly with ail. produce someu liat frequent with a mixture of cow dung, straw and See iu oneomelieel souls mute hidden beauty. Band Bills. Dodgers, Letter and SfOrkiag of mechanical and FOR dollars worth. The Weekly proper all dec clay. This is a poor conductor of bent and Hill Hfadx, i.11 1,. anil ViHitniK Star the nveat tratric for Her charily would every need embrace; trical appliances, and not only withstand! the heavy rains ton Cards Tickets. Programs, etc. . . Wrought Steel Ranges, Chilled any delay that Ingenuity can circum- cool The shy and timid fear not to eddrsee her. hkhi remarkable degree, but keeps the hut loving place. will give it to you. One Dollar lor three months. vent. The object in providing tin hecond-ar- With tact she rightl) litis her in hot weather. In Sumatra the native While all who know her pray thut heaven Iron Cooking Stoves. circuit- - N U prevent appre-ciabl- lockt and Women braid a coarse cloth iif palm leaves may bless iier. delay to trains should the regular for the edge and top of the roof. Sharks' iu displaying clear slgniUl iu J. T. Waterhouse question that now agitates the public HOUSEKEEPING Bybteui fail skins form the roofs of fishermen in the shall I Complain? GOODS: unoccupied blocks. New York World. islands. The Malays of .Malacca, Andaman Shall I complain bseaUSS the feast Is o'er Agate V are Gray Nickel-plated- , .lava have a roofing of exclusion of tariff (White, and Pumps II. Iim UfHliou C'rtiiif. Sumatra and altaps, Ami all the ha liquet lights have ceased to shine? THE mind to the the and the Silver Queen Stores, pieces of palm leaf wickerwork, altout 8 Joy is 110 longer Street Water and Son Pipes, Water Closets and Urinals, Rubber About beginning Ibis the For that was anil mine; the ol osotorf feet by in size and an inch thick, which For love came and went and comes no I Hose, old Hank of Albany, long since defunct, that lawaiian affairs is how to get the worth oi your and Lawn Sprinklers, Bath Tubs ud Steel Sinks, i;i are laid like shingles and are practically more: then presided over by distinguished door-Sh- all O. S. Gutteis diid Leaders, Shee Iron but waterproof. The Arab-- , iif the Fast Indies For hope! arid dreams that left my Open FULL LINKS OF Copper, Zinc represent at Ives of the Fatherland, tssnsd I, In repine? invested in sub- make a durable rooting of slaked lime, who bold the past fee, money. One dollar three month's and Lead, Lean Pipe and Pipe Fittings. Its olvsulatlng notes. Almost imme- Nay! there are those who never quuffed life's flrt blond and cement. Europeans sometimes diately after tin y were received from tht wine of WEEKLY STAR will be worth hun- use old sails-ma- de proof against water scription the ' That were the uublest fate one might deplore. Hardware, Crockery, Saddlery ..' niedd by paraffin nnd ctirrosire thrown away on other publications. Plumbing, Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron t rl . l I n ir, ... .. and insects dreds sublimate for temporary roofs. Waver To sit alone and dream at set of sun. knows tn Albany for his flnsnftial sonnd vague coming ley Msgs sine When all thu world is with Work. ness. The loan was promptly "pnssed bv nlgbt-- To AND payments are all old voices whisper, sweet and low. 97 the board hear DLMOND BLOCK, - 75-- KING STREET The cashier considered whether he would Contempt or Court. And see dear faces steal buck OttS by 0110 once Wil- And thrill anew toeaeh long past delight-Kh- ali pay out the beaut if ul new currency Qfl The following took piece in WEEKLY very well, but the liamsburg township, N. 0. In justice's I eumplain, whoetUl this bliss may know? FANCY GOODS gold. He reconvened the director and Moulluu. a prisoner was charged with the lar- - Louise Chandler faithfully laid this weighty question 0t court of all descriptions. WEEKLY is satisfied if will them. ceny of a bottle of beer from a barroom. Star you pay once a fore Kespite. A Vffltg drTfltfltill tntTJtfl. Wl it seemed Be objected to being tried before the jus- Ss if no satisfactory conclusion would ever tice and asked that Ids case be beard by Drowsing, the other afternoon I lay quarter, in atfoaucc, of course. A common, ordinary be reached, until the following deep think some other J. P, The court demanded his In that sweet Interlude thut fulls between to which the prisoner Waking and sleeping when all being is seen lug speech was made by one of the num- grounds tit objection, play he did not propose to ns tried Of one complexion, and the MkgUe dreams Fort Street Store U. S. or Hawaiian dollar, sometimes called a cart- ber: replied that Among the thought, and the t hough ts go ast ray "Gentlemen of the board, these bills of for stealing beer from a barroom before A Among tho dreams. My mother, who Iiiuj ours, received today, have cost this bank a magistrate who was in the habit of dcad-bea- l been wheel and sometimes the ''Almighty," will pay for large sum of money. The engraver, the log for drinks around the barroom of Deiui ulmoAt half my life, appeared to lean No. IO. printer, the paper maker and incidental- - that township. To this the court with Above me, a boy in a house tur away three month's subscription to the WEEKLY STAR, all have to be paid, The thought of those great dignity and emphasis replied: "You That 0O0S "a home, uud ull thu troubled IN ADDITION TO THE LARGE AS- aoouse roe of doing that Then you are a roars expenses, so justly incurred, does not stag- That have been since were us if they were This word by itself looks lone- ger rue iu the least, for the bills aro very liar, and I line you $." for contempt of SORTMENT OF " Hag. not. fine and an ornament to the bank. Hut, court Greeu The volees thut are hushed were in my ears: when it is send The looks nlid UOtion! had forgot some. So did the gentlemen, proposed to .t iMiei-- Ksporlaneoi that DRY AND FANCY GOODS "Lone Star" these uew bills Into the far west, there to Were in my eyes, and they disowned the tenrs A Rockland man bad a queer be traded for cattle torn, soiled and per experience That now again beneath their ,uv hot. one evening. He - - and a friend were driv- -- W. D, Howell. RECEIVED of Texas, but it got there all the same, and is now haps utterly destroyed- for one Suisse uij lag quite rapidly along HAVE JUST protest a lonely road when the frit ml a severe blow in Ukfl uppli'H, linnl ami sour "I venture the opinion, gentlemen, that received fire India Linen anil Persian Lawns, the buck of the bead. This was followed Till Min rfnirtl I iMiwer a member ol the brightest constellation old Mother should you be so unwise us toullowthest U by another and yet another In rapid suc-- I And yield their juices, rich unit lilttiid. Kmbroiderv. in vard nieces uew bills to bv :iit north and werft Is'yond cesslou sharp, vicious blows BMdl To none but Borrow! heavy hand. lansiugbttig and Schenectady and away that -- Dr. J. i. Holland. Human and Liuinure Embroidery, Earth has ever known; The "Lone Star" of Hawaii bis load swim. The horse was stopH-d- , Otbeff side of I the I'tica. M understand and both men alighted, fighting mail, Oriental, Platte, and other lacea, in man proposes some of to A Two this to take them, trounce their assailant, but no one was Duel lielween Aeromtuti. will get there, and don't you forget it. There are you will never see again so lon a l'Yuuco-lit-riiwi- white, cream ami black, theui H'Unti. ney start eil on DuriiiK the war k Mood of Albany e their journey the Bank has an existence or again, disgusted and mad, only to discov- curdling dusl ooouretd in midair bttwttn Chiffon Lace, all colom, name." er as they put their horse In motion again two out- of whom WJU uouveying two or three kinds ol "Stars" but those we are motion gold should Imj paid 45-i- Lace Net, cream and black. Thu that that the halter, whi h bad been under the dliptcb-- from bbo governor ol Paris. The Was carried unanimously. Youth' Dee balloon ut a coiiHiilerahltj seat, was caught iu the wheel, with every aui'i'ouchinK alii Striped and Check Dimity, looking for panlon. revolution of which t he tttdfti tho onoounttr wan oooinionood with out are the "Annexation Star" and the knot ted end Wide Japanese Crepe, white and colr'd it tvu 6nslsnti thumped cheerfully nt the head of the pihtoln. Kor some time neither combatant Kock-lau- could seen re the advantage, but at In lmI, A citizen of Interioropolis, w ho had be- of that side of the wagon. d White, Cream and Itlack Surah bilk. WEEKLY Star. The former we are bound to have Courlrr-fiazette- . oue balloon mounted above the other, uud H. E. BRO., very rich in tin- soap and caudle bind (Me.) MclNTYRE come itri in up. mi bil momentary advuu White and Cream Kilk Crepe, ness, bought in Paric a picture by the gmit rtifing A Novel lMtuge niHiup. ta-- . Lhrew hui Krapplinjj IfOAl upon time, Ihe costs One iu druwmg room the Navy and Cream Serge, in and latter just Dollar lor three Kuhcus and hung it the Tht'French government has jimt created, top of the, other balloon. They tore IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN came the lady of through at home. When visitors as an experiment only, a postal service by the Milken fabric hh though so Suez Flannel. antiquity, it had been and Tennis the house would apologize for its an. express in the French territories of much paper. There waa an escapeof gas, u months. Take them both. You will have to, sooner is SJQ years old, but The Jenness-Mille- r "Kquijioise" walut and would say, "Ves,it Obock uud the .Somali count. In connec- bhriek, and tin- next minute Ixith balloon we intend to have a DOW 0M painted just Utinnaand P. O. Corsets, tion with it service a special provisional and balloonist lay battered out of recogui-tio- PrllM or Provisions Feed. t ben we up this old one later. Groceries, and like it, and can roll stamp will be issued, the value being 5 Upon the ground U.UOU feet below. hifagn Opeu Court. Ladieii' Black Hose. ami out it awav franc. The new stamp is triangular, like Loudon Tit-lil- t ii. the old Cape Of Good Hope vignette. In A ltrlght Men. the center is u "mehari," or racing camel, ii. leel ivu iF.ii.11. East Fort and Kino Stkkets. Firstnight hear yottf ntodttOtlOfl ol iu the background u desert landscape. "Tommy, " MM Mr. Kasisider to IiIh Corner "Hamlet" i a great SttOOSSB. Wny, U Around are Inscriptions in t languages BMndttolOUl son, "1 can read in your eyes Old Kona Coitee hree " seemed t' me that it was a fiat failure. Abyssinian, Arabic and French mention that you are Ijing reoelysu liy every I'm ti l In 1 Minagsr Hlnff Hn it was, Hut on the lug the year of issue and the name of the "Hut, p.," rfpUni ine youth, 'you FOR SA1.K AT New Oixids in tbt FlrtMII Ktulet. anil un j t second night I had Ophelia introduce haven't got your glasses on, and you know rremi i aiuuriiia j muw eei M.ini.t'i. oiiuii. ii inn u muii.h l a sst colony. ..ii on, if the experiment i sat- and good delivered tu any part ut the city free ot charge. nantine dance in the mitd scene, ami the isfactory, u issue of stamps will (.. you can't read worth a cent without J. T. WATERHOUSE'S further lBiaud urdern nolituted. guaranteed, 1 a Louse lias been p icked SVCT SU10e. Hlook '& glasacb." Tammauy Times. lei hoi Ne. U made, the values ranging from to 60 Box No. 146 n Kagle. francs. Queen Street Stores, l ost Offlos