111:11.11111 - ifm uminoi TERMS: KXCKPT Ht'NDAT, ex KV1 M.l I II 4 THE HAWAIIAN I AIIVAISCK. STAR. 4 VOL. III. HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, WEDNESDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 14, 194 NO. 195 DIRECTORY. THOMAS BROS., EUROPEAN RESTAURANT ot - The Hawaiian OFFICIAL BISHOP CO., bible and HAWAIIAN Star. MAsiiMc TBMPLR, MB Hotel street, EHtnlilislidl in IMS, babcock test. 8TAE meals 5 cents. Bftag ii Ulne Ilie Kantrfactiirern and DbbJbi'i in ileal tickets, mollis, A4.MI ..I.. ioooa BUSINESS DIRECTORY PUHLISHKD EVERV AFTERNOON all kinds of CHUCK sMi, BANKERS. I nm iiTy faBroBje. EXCEPT SUNDAY rroprietor. BoMOUnvOf Hawaiian Islands. Tiill.i; : nUmt tdo Balicook test an HoKoLtxi-- . J0-- 9L or UV OF REPUBLIC 14 fellow oald, "Thai BOtboaok tool oa THE HAWAIIAN STAR NEWSPA- THE DRAW EXCHANGE ON Bamboo Furniture. Biblfl m. hnn-0- PER ASSOCIATION, Ltd. OOMSOUDaTBD lentil. in iking people THE BUNK OF CALIFORNIA. SAN FRANCISCO, " AQtNTS We offi r (..the paopwof lb lulu a Hll- - I bora tried both. It BBXaej man pvjHor ai'tiole DBinboo I J. A MAH.TIN, OF HAWAII. ot furaltun at SODA WATER WORKS AND THKtR AOKNTH IN In hfcf his in .. , mid it innki s th? UlTHI'll JOHNSTON IC, - KDITOli. lllallllfatllrers, prices, (.'nil and ss us. Boston, Paris, Agent, Hilo. tW-fl- COMI'ANY, LTD. New York, Chicago, man BoneM tOWertd the cow a id honest Stk MESSRS. N, M. ROTHCHILO SONS, LONDON, toward bimsell it makis Una fe d like Esplanuile, coruar Allan BUd I'urt streets. I AGbNlS AND COLLECTORS. iboUtlng, 1 H SOI III 1 H HATKH. THE FUANKF KM A IN. What s'nill do lu lie DAVID DAYTON, HOLLISTER & oavedf1 Matin,! Tel ftp, WO, ftp Vcnr lu Advance.. - Ss.00 Y.XYA TIVK OOtmOtti CO.. Agents. The Oommercla Banking Co. "f Bydnay, and bebegins to place the dairy N... Merchant .St. ICE CREAM PARLORS N. M. POI Month 111 Advance, - ..ft ELITE W. busim M in the tine of Intclltgl nee, and J'.. Msjk rrenidt-n- t if the IU public of 1'. ii. iio :.".c. Telephone NO, The Hank f New Zealand, Aueklaiid. and P iBretgn, Year In AdVUnOB, - - llJ.on tool Moult lo v, e nre doing WobU I never AK1 ISIS ler Hawaii. Candy Factors. Cake Bakery. itH hranciieH in ( Ihristohnroh, Dunedin & It B0WAB0 K. M. Hatch, Minister of Foreiun AtTairs. LEWIS CO. and VTelUnflton, eve tin. nice of before. The Baboook test Hitchcock V Muidt Columbia, victoria, Jolt Ht of British and Minister of Ihe FINE The Ih simply tlii-- . Msrohosl A11VKHT1RINO HATKS: J. A. Kin. iitertor. VhonolulJ hot IMl'OKTKKS. its lirBn'hes, Vancouver, Nannimn, Both tlio motltocl ami results when M. Datimii, ItinlstSTOf Finance. 5 17.(1 Kins, lor transient and regular advertising ICE OREAM8, OOFFEE, Naval Supplies. Wholesale Mini Retail B. 0 , and Porilandj Oregon, vrup of Fi's is taken j it pleasant Wo tulie o htimet m of milk iu W, O. Hmith. Attorney-ttenera- l ie- AR11STS I ran be obtained lit I lie publication office. Dealers; ( ncm-s- Azores and Madeira Islands. a email s.; d foe mails ALS. CAKES, CANDitS TtA. CH0C0LM1 in ir Provisional etc. Bwatlan. mil rerVMhing to the taste, ami aets bottle ipi iiio purpooOi n L'OBBGUrO Fori . Honolulu, H. I. Stockholm, PACIFIC prompt InSBftlon nil :nl vert Ill pertain tramber of - HARDWARE 00 tf ' I he reH Hank oi ntnl j yet promptly on tlic Kidneys, Boutimeten of sni- bo MUM Adviokv (ouncii.. ISLAND CURIOS. Charts in.iia. Anstralui Kort St. must delivered Htislnes China. i Ivei bhUric OCid llnep before to a. m. Our Establishment is the Finest Resort in the ami BowihjL eleMsei the gyg-- i end torn it into the milk. Open p. m. Tha HongkonK tind Shanghai, China: and City. Call end see us. till li 11 m edectoally, nepela onloN, head. this is a mclrio portion of loo pounds V. F. Allen. of the AdVltOTf M. PHILLIPS & CO. Yokohama, bcn and Wagasakj. Japati. S Cbainnan nf milk. This is put into n vvhivlir mid AITORNtV Al LAW Tides, Sun Hlld Moon. Council of the Heptiblic of Hawaii. And transact a tleneral Banking: Biiine. I ami fevers ami t un s liahitual w. wbotontfl Inporton and Jobbati of whirled ahum a tbonaoat) revolutions. c PABJCB Holte, nstlpatioa. Syrup of Figs is the Jolui Noit, a The Is.l lie Ins a little nook to it, and Mm Ifl Kaaluimnnu St. John Kna. L& D. 1 enney, :ily remedy of its kind ever WILLIAM POSTER . c- brewer co whtrier ' Derates the t. it from th,, oaoeia i. 7 r, James F. Morgan, A. Voumr. - 4 ltd pttaiing to the taste ami ac- - Merchant St. & G(K)keJTOIBSMaLi!?s and leav, - tin fat on top. a little hot i bay. .1. F. Mendonca, D. B. Snmli, Castle to the Itonutch, prompt in water is I iiiiied into it, and the fut John Kmnieluth. i action and truly beneficial its CARKIAGfc Oi T. Kodners, secretary Kxecutive and Ad- - Qaeen st,, HoioIdId, h, i. in Dome Into the neck of tho bottle, when MANUFAtTURLRS dieots, prepared only from the W. W. rTRIURT, ( 'oiincils. IMPORTERS, M. MONSAREAT, most it is measured iii leutlis by a scale on it, ii in ii in .1111 J. K..rt st oapooNoOmh in ::; altliy ana agreeable tubetoncea, Hnd Booloka Men ... .i :, a tu s an '.i 1 r, in s lu S AC.KNTS VOX its ami you in li.il eentimeteis of Itlse curiiT. i ij exeetlent qualitiee oonunead it milk ymi h .v. so mnnv tenths of butter Tues... 1:1 :i.40 :i in ii 10 : n m ' 1" ' i" rumimi Hardware ATTUHNUY AT I. AW AND NOTARY Hawaiian Augrioaltunl Co.. ' Hiorocta It1 4 :i :i0 li :iii 11 In ii II S.18 lo all and have niailc it tho most, fnt. Thai Imlicaft s the per cetil of but- Wed ... lu Co., HonodlU SiiL,oir Wni-Itik- URKSSMAKkRS. 15 I 1 o u- ii ' - 7 Sitnr Co.. Thur... M ai id. nil 3 A. PUBLIC. 1 ipnlar remedy known. ter fats In every 100 ponnds of milk, Hon. F. Judd, chief Justice. and SuKar Co., Wniht'o Sugar Co., if Miss ii ii. OREBRWELL, " r, 8 Hon. It. F. First AiwKfate Justh e. h'iga gale ii man btiugt me 100 pounds Frl lit lO .ri 1.0 12 s.m' Bl Hickerton. CnitwriRht Block, Merclinnt, St., Honolulu. Mnkce Sugar Co.. Halcakala Kat?"h Byrnp of ii for in 50 of milk, Ml Fort St. Hat .... i; 6 i li.iuii-a- i 18 t.u i w Hon. W. K. Frear, Baoottd Associate Justice. Co.. Ka papain Kanch. cent bottlcn by drtio-- with 4 per cent Of fats, nil light, gr if Sun.... is o 8.18 ft a Commission all Iwdins isn Henry niilh. Chief Clerk. ; only per e. lit all ju-- Planters' Line Ban Francisco Packcta. ts. Any who t right be getj t V DspUtV M. II. L0HEIDI reliable druggnt FURNITURE AND U HOLST LR RS. Full moot) 011 Ihe ill hr 18 tn p. in. Ueorire Lucas, First Clerk. ( 'has. Brewer it Co.'s L.in of Boston that much lo bis credit, and no DJOTe, t i v not, have it on hand will pro- 0BDWAT .v Time Whittle Blows at II,., K8m,, His. ji.ni. of C. F. Peterson, Heeond Deputy Clerk. Merchants, Paoketa, no lose, If ho PORTER time, which in the MUM as SKIN and ORNAMENTAL PAINTER, one, rh wains his milk, he wa- lioiiulillu j. Waiter Jones, Itanograpnar. Age&tl Boston Board of Umlerwritc-rH- . cure it promptly for any Hotel St. Oh. of (ireeuwieh 181. ters himself, and h, .1 time. BELL TELKPHONK v doesn't water his BOPPB 100U ob- Dnder-writri- hei to try it. Do not accept any 00 For every feet of dUtanee of the Agents Philadelphia Board of ueigbbor at nil, as by the old server (from Ihe Custom House) allow one JtTOOM, General Merchandise, IVA1I OnlerH Promptlj Attended to, Bubrtltute. 74 King St. sooond for transmission ot sound, or 8 sseondl Circuit proceaa The system li delight to a statute mile. : List of Offk f.hs CALIFORNIA F G SYRUP CO. lu!. ami the i iVe, t npou the Intelligi ace HOKStSHOtKS. First Circuit : U.K. Cooper, W. A. Wliltfnu. Agricultural II. W. SCHMIDT & SONS P. C. Jonrh President JAIt WMC.BQe pi, of tiie people is grand. Plenty of farm. J W. Mi ll, IN AI.Il. 0al ni. OaO, RoHKRTHON L0UMILU, Kr HEW N.Y. ,. MKTIMIIKII.OCK l. I. 1: 1. li. Manager tVM. ere1 boys use It, Tin y gooronnd testing hurt St.. I'ulithisin Ktabies. Second Circuit Maui, J W. Kalua. K. F. Bishop Treas. and Becy, Implements oows for so ranch a head, one boy Third and FourthCircuits: Hawaii S.L. Austin. cm., w. K. A cckn Auditor CO. of I ; y the QoVBMMaOat Survey, Published IMPORTERS AND COMMISSION HOBRON DRUG lb years tests any number of cows for ii INSURANCE, Fifth Circuit : Kauai, J. Ilardv. and L:. Al. IIMIKK FIRE AND MARINE MER0HANT8. II ATI K1H M. UK, . cents a Every Monday. Ortlces Court-roo- in Judiciary It. Directors VrkolooMlc head. And now ihey ure begin. BBsBOP .V: co. and 0. L. Ifetiit. Bulldtntf, Bitting in Honolulu: Plantation Fort Htvet't, Umi'iluln. Cartkr Oing tOCUl the boy down loo. The milk Firemen's Fund, I Imi BMohs TIIKIU Kinn Street. 'JT'.t- - y nod ,x - T. Is- - ut First Monday in February, May, Auust and Supplies. SPECIMEN PRECIOUS STONES, 'an tested any time.
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