ujm0p il iggEa3Bafa i ViSfc JJSSt 1 - - JgtfLaag vv Xt AMZBS OJ1 Jf ASsVIJH iawaiianaJDttjC pnarHasar4ia - c c a Sanparill Tjp fa w t m la s s rl Jl o ri CLlMIKD IiT uLian nach so J oo sin tee HE HAWAIIAN GAZETTE CO Limited SlUaei 2loehes sea tv n rw itmnvc aUUues Steches ass aee tm Ioi its W Every Tuesday Morning 4S leches tteel m Uoerl ieo se siset Quarter t Col eani em t9e itoe is M FI DOLLARS PER ANNUM Thifaoruoiama see t iae see as cl tl r Ilalfer Ones tiMi u e i nsr PATAIirFIX ADrAXCB TWTllvt ClBmn IS MM MoafTtorfwe One Celcma I Wtff 0 am SCPofloeoCTI I orris Mtlrorriliera SGU3 In Atltatuv nailnB rarda vtfi srrrmM A es flu incloeespostagesprfrald ariowedadlseeestfreitttfcertrateswhIeilawSsr MnsrrsimsestsT MAXAGEll vij a8reTTsinniTwiwrs7CTjsr R Atiraraleaadnrtissstsnta sottstbeeee ITl la BO wfH T-- ATKINSON I ROBERT CRIEVE withthe say whan ordered ef setlee W A them TheratefeharssaTectratttthabrcsIestst VOL XXI No 51 1886 mniiunf1 far Eaitani Amerleae adrerllaeneetsjer Off iueW lltaltlmgMeritalStvpirSi HONOLULU TUESDAY FEBRUARY 2 WHOLE No 1099 crivtum may be mada by bank tUelo er Ire seel Mad age stamps Only a Sons position and get back to nature again tlio bel- ¬ Srtsincss ter American Quick farts iUccIjamcal axis Ulctljnnitnl Cnrts Jnsttrawt JToticr3 3nsuroiue STotitts Xortign It waiotilya ttniple ballad rtrtisnntnts sour to a can lew throne Ttirrr were none hal fciiewbe anjrer Tho Sovoroicns or Christendom BISHOP CO CD C ROVE TELEPHONE 55 Boston Board of Underwriters F A SCIIAllFHR WXLLIAM O SMTXH And few thai Itwdcd Ibe eonc Honso Sicji o waa BANKERS and Painter Paper Hanger for tho IIlOTKlUn DoKTdofUntlervnrllers Y i tl Blncris toIct lender There aro at tho present moment U AGENTS Islands AGEXTofnremen ATTORNEY AT LAW And wrrt at with loi c BBloW thirty lIONOLfl IIAWAlIAMMlMM lu Jlly No 107 King Street Honolulu S C BREWER CO of Underwriters tstirelr ibeir iieaif Laraened six reigning sovereigns in Christendom DRAWlitEXCHAKGE OX A entof Vienna Board or Underwriters So 191 California Street Sib Ftinetseo Cat ItfltopmadantlcflWt JOHN NOTT Philadelphia Board of Underwriters Claims asilnst Insurance Companies within the Tliat it from the Queen of England to whom 1HEBINX OF CALIFORNIA SAN FRANCISCO juris 10t glreeaansrttndIasCoBalalns3 tf Importer Dealer Stores ENTERPRISEE diction of the abore Boards of Underwriters will hare MinsnftheirwidfOflplor7 237000000 of human owe allegi- ¬ asd Tnun aGEra ix and in Ranees for the Hawaiian Islands to be certUed to by Wftoda lieings Metals House Furnishing Goods Crockery Glass and AGENTS C BREWER CO tho abore Aienl to make them V71XLIAlttS D1H0HD C0 Tt at toocbe the in rprtiic Vork ralld lBWly Of thr tranjru wml rttrrlnj toIcm ance to tho Princo of Monaco whom 5742 er China Ware Practical Mechanics Honolulu II I h n the hU break forth and sine subjects acknowledge as their liege lord Ilnflou 1033 ly Insurance Notice Sbipplns and Comsiisslon Merdriit Of tli Tiapy Wnla low warbinj Purls PLAWI1TG MILL u or Of theso princes ten aro nominally M MRS M MELLIS Hartford Fire Ins Co ton 3H Callfersla Street Sto 1rantscoJy 1 rrqoiera the day Roman MESSRS H ROTHSCHILD fsOKSLONOON A ALAKE NEAIl QUEEN STREET AGENT FOR THE BRITISH For ¬ The And thf qalrt of the valleys Catholic namely Fathionahle Dress and Cloak Maker 1iitbe gray tho emperors of Austria THE Msrlne Insurance Company Limited has W-- CH0SSMAN Ii ib cos of Kta taltij C J HARDEE ¬ HARTFORD H EB0 and Brazil tho Kingsof Italy Spain The Commercial Hanking Co of Sydney London 101 Fort street Honolulu n I Proprietor receired Inilructlons to Berinee tbe Bnt or In CONNECTICUT a one in a corner 1091 ly surance between Honolulu and Forts in iho FscIScand t dUiH Portugal Belirinm- - Bavaria Saxonv The Commercial Banking Co of Sydney Sydney Is now COMMISSION MERCHANTS A v oman worn with ttrlfe the prepared to lssna Tolictea at the lowest rales Assets January 1 1885 a tbfttMD asneesacc Princes of Litchtenstein and Monico Of The Bank of Xew Zealand Auckland and its PIONEER STEAM with a special reduction on freieht per steamers 440183001 77 nml 73 jlrmtil fttreet 3ew Terk artln Contracting and Building TIIEO DAVIES From the tyrlng timc of tier life 2G Branches in Chrittchurch Donedln and Wellington II Cooke and 1 T Watethsar roae up before tho remaining two belong to tho Greek Candy Manufactory and Bakery 1031 ly AgentBrltrorMarInsCoLlmlted AST fair formi her The Bank of British Colombia Portland Oregon Finish always ou EUTArtLISIini AGIUUCT AT KB lyr Krom the mtt pf vanished year Church though tho Czar and tho King of ST3Iouldlng and handCa HAVING for the Hawaiian Islands the nnder In The Islands lir Mt a btindnecs Azore and Madeira ConfectionerFrcoruvrPastry Cook and Baker FOR SALE IIA3iniRGII BRKHEn slgnrd Is prepared to accept risks stains are en Dulkl it susour Sajrrosfc eye werebjyycIIM tears tho Hellenes belong to different branches Practical Hard ana Soft Stovowood Cat Merchandise Tazat sartss Her in Stockholm Sweden 1077 Ti Jtnoann g ly 1 3m inits Furniture Machinery on the meat xno other m aro Protestants 1C notelalrcetbetwecn and Fort and Split FIEE INSUBANCIi COMPANY farorable terms Hi on when he oue was ended otu The Chartered Bank of London Australia aud China THED H DAVIES S CO And liabel the t rwett lone being called Xuthcrans 4 including tho Hongkong Yokohama Japan i aviiiaamn raiHE UNDOlSIUNEn HAT I SO BEEN at- - tosses Ironlptlr AtljnstedanilPajalilellcrc Tin- - lurtetterropcnp roftly JL German Emperor belonging to tho 10IS ly IMPORTER MANTFACTURER TJPH0I5TEREK pointed Acents of the abore Company are pre V And went ou her way alone AndtransaclaOeneralCankincBnslness GEO LUCAS pared to insure risks aralnst Are on and O HEltUEIt ¬ AND DEALER IN Stone Brick Oir rnorc to her life of labor Evangelical confession 3 to tho re- - Ilnllilinc and on Sxerehancllse stored therein oc HCT6m Agent for the Hawaiian Islands Commission Merchants Mir paered bo I hnr heart fctrocc W- R CASTLE u formed church and ono being tho su ¬ FURNITURE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION the most faroraole terms For particulars apply at the ndfrhe prayed Ood blcaa thet lncr ATTOXUtBY JrC XAW CONTRACTOR BUILDER office of IQSHy F A SC11 AEFBR CO NORTH BRITISH AHD HEBCAJfTILE 12 13 Tits Albany And oli1 tbanL God premo head on earth of tho Church of and NoUry rnhllc Attends ail the Courts of the Fornltnre Ware Rooms Xo 61 Fort St Work Shop at fortlicfonI the old stand on Hotel Street Chamltcf Journal England bntthoTastmaioritv of Onecn 1W1 Kingdom y HAMBURC MACDEBURC IOS8 LIVSRPOOL ly Orders from the other Islands promptly attended to Insuranoo Oompanjr ENT Victoria subjects 130000000 aro ROSA 1008 ly or vitn EiiiNnunmt neither A FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY lotmiv ESTABLISHMENT All tho World Akin nor aHORNEY AT UW AND HOTARY PUBLIC ONLY PEBBLE i roresianis uauiolics Dut Hindoos HONOLULU CO OF HAMBURG Established 1809 The number of a mans ancestors dou whilo the Mohammedans 40000000 in Office tcilh the AUornev Central AUMani Halt IRON W0BKS Honolulu bteam Planing Mills BDjXIUXGS JIEItCnANDISE rCRML CAPITAL je lilcs id every generation as his descent is number aro themselves moro numerous 1035 IIonoMu 11 1 ly TJW STEAM KSGISES SUGAR HULLS Insured soilnst Fire on the 3000000 than tho Protestants of all denominations rJfi UolIeraCoolersrIron Brass and Lead Cutioca most faronble terms Accumulated and Inrested Fund 109721 u traced upward In tho first generation ho ic A Jf in tho empire ii iiAcuriii cu Machtnory of Evory Doscrlptlon Esplanade Honolulu IK I AEOEIt Acent for the Hawaiian Islands reckons only two ancestors Ins father nnd C 0 N AGEN TS -- IKO ly VXnGIMIGMEn HAVE BEES GENERAL MMISSI0 - Mads to Order S appointed second generation tbo two ly tt- AOKNTS fur the Sandwich Islands lot mother In the TTncomfortahlo 1015 Queen Street Honolulu II I Ship Blackimlthing Manufactures all kinds of and are authorised to Insure azainst Bre on Farorable People Particular attention paid to ORIENT - Terms are converted into four since ho had two 1076 y scullers Optical Depot Wo V A KCHAUrXK A CO aa JOfl WORKeiecnledonthcihorlestnotlce Mouldings Brackets 3 Risks taken in any pari of the Islands on Stone grandfathers and two grandmothcrb But all know them they aro in overy Insuranoo Company and Wooden Buildings and Merchandise stored there I Importors-Jt-Commlssl- on - OP CONNEgTICPT S cli of tneso lonr una two parents and community in every church in many Merchants NFBURaESS Window Frames HARTFORD in Dwelllnff Houses snd Furniture Umber Coals lt1 Montpimery St near Bush F Cat IWJ Honolulu Hawaiian Islands ly cu Ships In harbor with orwlthout cargoes repair tuo generation tnero aro families They aro always uncomfortable o oxtxxrjrTi3x isTJiijDBn Blinds Sashes Doors CASH ASSETS JJIHUJIRT 1ST I8 SUUS944I or nnder in tmrd Shop on King Street opposite Roses E IIOFFSCIILAEUEK A rsrspocialty 3D Years themselves co And all kinds of Woodwork Finish tO ik oflnd to bo ciirht ancestors that is cicht and they inlhct discomfort on iaim buildings When re ¬ Takes risks against Loss Damage by Flro on 1MT Acrnta for the Hawaiian Islands Estimates given on all kinds of or The most complieateil eases of defective elsfesi grcat grandparcnls In tho fourth gSne everybody else A really aggressive and COMMISSION MERCHANTS quired Offices and Stores fitted up in the latest East Buildings Merchandise Machinery and Furniture on Importers of and Bcalcars in Hay Grain and Repairing every description done Turning Scroll and Band Sawing favorable terms A JAEOER tnoroagaiy aiaenesea ur iiakus uroere tho number of ancestors is
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