Environmental Monitoring Report

Semi-annual Report January 2018

People’s Republic of : Sustainable Urban Transport Project

Prepared by the Lanzhou Project Management Office for the Anning Government and the Asian Development Bank.

This environmental monitoring report is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB's Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature. In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area.

Environmental Monitoring Report

Project Number: 40625-013 Environmental Monitoring Report covering July 2017 to December 2017 June 2018

People’s Republic of China: Lanzhou Sustainable Urban Transport Project

Prepared by Lanzhou Project Management Office for the Anning District Government and the Asian Development Bank

Disclaimer: This environmental monitoring report is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB's Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature. In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area.



1. INTRODUCTION ...... 1

1.1 Background...... 4

1.2 Brief Description of the Project ...... 4

1.3 Brief Description of The Environment ...... 7

1.4 Purpose of this Report ...... 9

1.5 Report Format ...... 9

1.6 Report Preparation ...... 9


2.1 Project Implementation Organization...... 12

2.2 Project Implementation Progress ...... 14


3.1 Institutional Responsibilities ...... 27

3.2 Incorporation of Environmental Requirements into Project Contracts 29



5.1 EMP Objectives ...... 35

5.2 Environmental Monitoring Records and Reporting ...... 35

5.3 EMP and Monitoring Implementation Progress ...... 43


6.1 Compliance with EMP Requirements ...... 84

6.2 Corrective Action Needs to be Taken...... 84





ADB Asian Development ANDG Anning District Government BRT bus rapid transit CNY Chinese (Renminbi) Ruan CSC construction supervision company EA executing agency EIA environmental impact assessment EMC environmental monitoring consultant EMP environmental management plan EPB environmental protection bureau GDP Gross Domestic Product GPG Provincial Government GRM Grievance Redress Mechanism IA implementing agency LEPB Lanzhou Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau LEMS Lanzhou Environmental Monitoring Station LMG Lanzhou Municipal Government NMT non-motorized transport PMO ADB Loan Project Management Office PRC People’s Republic of China SEIA Summary environmental impact assessment

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY {The borrower/client is required to prepare semi-annual environment monitoring and progress reports that describe progress with implementation of the project EMP and compliance issues and corrective actions. This report will cover all environmental management activities in the previous 6 months.}

1. This environmental monitoring report (EMR), as the ninth environmental monitoring report for the Lanzhou Sustainable Urban Transport Project (the Project) covering the period of 1 July 2017 to 31 December 2017, presents the background information of the project, the project progress, the implementation of the environmental management plan (EMP) and monitoring plan and conclusion and recommendations for the Project. The EMR has been prepared in accordance with the requirements of the Safeguard Policy Statement (2009) of the Asian Development Bank, and the latest environmental laws and regulations of the People‘s Republic of China (PRC); and is based on the domestic environmental impact assessment(EIA) report, SEIA, site inspections, technical reports, and community consultations.

2. As of December 2017, the Project is assessed to be roughly 98.8%1 complete overall. In this reporting period, the mitigation measures and monitoring program were generally carried out satisfactorily, mainly as shown below:

(i) Establishment and improvement of the Project Environmental Management System (EMS). The PMO under the assistance from the LIEC (loan implementation Environmental Consultant) has established a Project-specific EMS, including IAs(implementing agency), all contractors and construction supervision companies (CSCs), municipal/local environmental protection bureaus and environmental monitoring agencies. The relevant environmental responsibilities in different stages of the Project have been delegated to each institution for EMP implementation. Each institution involved has nominated dedicated, trained, and qualified environment staffs to undertake environmental management activities and ensure effective EMP implementation.

(ii) Effective implementation of training has been centered on the implementation of EMP, in good construction and operation environmental management practices.

(iii) Meaningful public consultations have been undertaken during project implementation, mainly through questionnaires surveys, public workshops and informal discussions during site visits. The residents near project sites were also interviewed to seek for their comments on the project implementation (BRT system operation). All of the consulted people supported the project construction and generally satisfy with the environmental mitigation measures taken by the contractors/operators. During the reporting period, PMO has not received any formal complaints from project Grievance Redress Mechanism (GRM), both of the government hotline and EPB hotline about the project.

(iv) Sufficient attention has been paid on water, air quality and noise control, soil erosion prevention, etc.

(v) Through the implementation of these measures, the destruction to the environment has been lowered to a minimum level possible during construction and

1 Weighted by contract award and disbursement progress. For details see Chapter 2.2.


operation. However, to some certain extent there were still unavoidable impacts on the environment. Some recommendations are put forward to make enhancement on environmental protection in future. Particularly, more efforts are required on enhancing dust control.

3. In this report, some aspects are highlighted including the following:

(i) Implementation status of the environmental requirements in the loan covenants and special environmental safeguards required by ADB loan review missions, see Section 4;

(ii) Implementation status of EMP during construction and operation, see Section 5; including due diligence on the potential impacts to class II drinking water source protection zone, see Section 5.3.2; impacts to trees protection, see Section 5.3.3;

(iii) Environmental monitoring data trend analysis, including environmental monitoring during construction, please see Section 5.2;

(iv) Institutional strengthening and training please see Section 5.3.4;

(v) Public consultation, please see Section 5.3.5; and

(vi) Updates on the due diligence review on the BRT realignment, please see Section 2.2.



{The section provides general project summary – location plan showing project components, brief summary of each project component funded by ADB, project cost and counterpart funding ADB requirements, loan covenants, time period report covers, previous environmental reports, identify any missing information/gaps, who prepared this Report, who else was involved/consulted during preparation, who has reviewed and approved prior to submission to ADB}


1.1 Background

1. Lanzhou, the capital of Gansu Province, is a regional hub between the eastern and western regions of the PRC. Home to 3.732 million inhabitants, it is the economic, political, and cultural center of Gansu. The city has four distinct development zones, three of which are on the south bank of the Yellow River, where the business, commerce, and government centers are located. The fourth zone is on the north bank of the river at Anning. The Lanzhou municipal government (LMG) has adopted a strategy of "one river, two centers, seven groups" as a key concept of its urban master plan to optimize land use and the economic and social functions of the city. It has decided to develop a second city center in Anning. As Anning will become the new political, administrative, economic, and cultural center of the city, there will be a significant increase in demand for transport to, from, and within Anning. The Project will contribute to realizing the urban master plan by supporting the development of the urban road network and the urban mass transport system serving the new city center. It will focus on providing a sustainable urban transport system in Lanzhou.

2. The Lanzhou Sustainable Urban Transport Project (the Project) is ADB's first project to support bus rapid transit (BRT) in the PRC. BRT is an efficient public transport system that provides major benefits for passengers and bus operators and reduces fuel consumption and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The Project is part of ADB's initiative to support greener, more sustainable transport in the PRC and includes support for an application to use the Clean Development Mechanism of the Kyoto Protocol.

3. The basic information about the loan Project is provided in Table 1.

Table 1: Basic Project Information ADB Loan No. 2601-PRC Project Title Lanzhou Sustainable Urban Transport Project Borrower People’s Republic of China Executing Agency Lanzhou Municipal Government(The EA was changed from LMG to Anning District Government (ANDG) in 2014) Total Estimated Cost $480.27 million ADB Loan $150.00 million Counterpart Financing $330.27 million Type of This report 9th Environmental Monitoring Report Period Covered by This Report 1 July 2017 to 31 December 2017

1.2 Brief Description of the Project

4. Project Approval, Signing, Effectiveness, and Closing. ADB approved a loan of $150 million from ADB’s ordinary capital resources for the Project on 11 December 2009. The Loan and Project Agreements were signed on 30 March 2010, and became effective on 14 July 2010. In June 2012, ADB approved an extension of the loan closing date by 1 year to 30 June 2016; and in July 2017, ADB approved further extension of the project completion date to 31 December 2018.

2 2017 Lanzhou City Economy and Social Development Statement, issued by LMG, http://tjj.lanzhou.gov.cn


5. Impact and Outcome. The impacts of the Project will be sustainable economic growth, effective environmental improvement, and improved quality of urban life in Anning District. The Project will (i) generate certified emission reductions, (ii) increase average bus speed in the BRT corridor, (iii) increase the share of public transport, (iv) shorten the average travel time, and (v) lower accident rates for vehicles and non-motorized transport (NMT).

6. Project Scope. The Project consists of four components under ADB financing:

(i) Lanzhou Road Network and Related Infrastructure. Under this component, the Project will build a comprehensive urban road network of about 33.8 kilometers (km) in length together with the related municipal infrastructures including drainage pipelines, sewers, public green areas, lighting and traffic management facilities to promote and facilitate the urban expansion into the urban fringe area in Anning district. The project also includes a BRT facility and NMT lanes, details comprising:

a) about 21.4 km of new road construction(including two canceled roads at implementation- # 510 at a length of 3,200m and #574 at a length of 800m); b) about 12.4 km of reconstruction of existing roads; c) about 13.0 km of BRT lanes and 22 BRT stations in the middle of the road sections(At implementation, about 8.5 km including 15 BRT stations and bike lanes have been already completed and operational since December 2012. Additional 2.45km including four BRT stations including one terminal will be built. For details please see the Chapter 2.2.); and d) dedicated access for bicycles for the 3.5 m to 5.0 m wide NMT lanes between sidewalks and carriage ways;

(ii) Introduction and application of advanced traffic management, including: a) advanced traffic control system (signal control), b) TDM3 strategy and policy reform, and c) NMT development plan;

(iii) Install and application of advanced environmental monitoring system, including air quality sensors, with such advanced environmental monitoring system consisting of monitoring stations and a data processing center that will monitor air pollution, such as nitrogen dioxide, sulfur dioxide and suspended particulate matter; and

(iv) Capacity building and Institutional Building.

7. The components (ii), (iii) and (iv) are non-structural in nature to support project implementation and training of the implementing agencies (IAs). The purpose of the capacity building component is to build up the capacity of the PMO, IAs and

 Transportation demand management, traffic demand management or travel demand management (all TDM) is the application of strategies and policies to reduce travel demand, or to redistribute this demand in space or in time.In transport, as in any network, managing demand can be a cost-effective alternative to increasing capacity. A demand management approach to transport also has the potential to deliver better environmental outcomes, improved public health, stronger communities, and more prosperous cities. TDM techniques link with and support community movements for sustainable transport.


contractors so that they are more capable in project management, such as implementing the EMP and environmental monitoring.

8. Anning District Government (ANDG), changed from the Lanzhou Municipal Government (LMG) in 2014, is the Executing Agency (EA) for the Project. Lanzhou Sustainable Urban Transport Project– Project Management Office (PMO) is the Implementing Agency (IA). Here below is information of the new office of the PMO.

The PMO’s new office (coordinates: E103.695491,N36.13054)

9. The investment cost of the Project is estimated at $480.27 million, including taxes and duties of $21.42 million (Table 2).

Table 2: Project Investment Plan a ($ million) Item Amount a A. Base Cost b 1. Civil Works Components 151.66 a. New Roads 96.44 b. Reconstructed Roads 55.22 2. Equipment 58.27 a. Bus Rapid Transit 11.10 b. Advanced Traffic Signal System 18.18 c. Environment monitoring system 0.74


Item Amount a d. Utility equipment 28.25 3. Consulting Services for Implementation 13.93 a. Design, Supervision, Monitoring 12.93 b. Technical Advisory Services 1.00 4. Capacity Building 0.50 5. Taxes and Duties 21.42 6. Resettlement and Compensation 138.32 7. Project Administration Cost 0.47 Subtotal (A) 384.57 B. Contingencies c 46.26

C. Financing Charges During Implementation d 49.44

Total (A+B+C) 480.27 a Includes taxes and duties of $21.42 million. b In early 2009 prices. Base cost includes taxes and duties estimated at $21.42 million. c Physical contingencies are computed at 10% for civil works, equipment, and land acquisition and resettlement. Price contingencies are computed at 1.9% for 2009, 1.0% for 2010, 0.0% for 2011, 0.3% for 2012, and 0.5% thereafter for foreign exchange costs and at 0.8% for 2009, 1.0% for 2010, 1.5% for 2011, and 2.0% thereafter for local currency costs. d Includes interest and commitment charges. Interest during construction has been computed at the 5-year fixed swap rate plus a spread of 0.2%. Source: Asian Development Bank estimates.

1.3 Brief Description of The Environment

10. Location. As the capital of Gansu Province, Lanzhou is one of the important cities in , and is the Province’s main political, economic, trade, information and cultural center. As of the end 2017, the Lanzhou residential population is 3.73 million4.

11. Lanzhou city is located on the in northwest PRC, in the upper middle reaches of the Yellow River. The city lies in a valley between two mountains with the river passing through it. This project construction is sited on smooth and flat terrain with elevations from 1,572 to 1,576 meters (m) above sea level.

12. Climate. The project area is characterized by a semi-arid, continental climate. It features dry, cold, and long winters; sandstorms in the early spring; and rains in the transition from summer to autumn. The average temperature is −6.8°C in January and 22.6°C in July. The average wind speed is 0.6 meters per second (m/s) in January and 1 m/s in July. Annual average precipitation is 327.7mm. Annual average sunshine is 2,520 hours.

The climate of Gansu Province in 20175. Compared with previous years, the annual precipitation in Gansu Province in 2017 was 20%-50% more, excluding the western part of City and Linxia Prefecture 20%-30% less. The annual average temperature was about 1°C higher in most of the province. The winter temperature was 2.3°C higher than normal, and was the highest in the past 60 years. In the late winter (February 21-22), there were strong snowfall, strong colding, and cold waves, and the impact scope was the widest since 2000. In the spring, the number of

4 Source: 2017 Lanzhou City Economy and Social Development Statement, issued by LMG, http://tjj.lanzhou.gov.cn. 5 http://www.gsma.gov.cn/content/2018-02/44284.html


sandstorm days in the province was the least since 1961, and no regional dust storms occurred; the first rainstorm in Hedong region (east of Yellow River) was unusually early, 50 days ahead of normal. In summer, there were six large-scale stormy weather in the whole province, which caused serious losses to agricultural crops, forestry and fruit industry, and infrastructure. In summer, continuous rain made sunshine hours the least since 1961. In the autumn from October 8 to October 10, the first strong cooling rain and snow weather in the province welcomed. The snowfall was 10 to 15 days earlier than usual, and Lanzhou was 25 days ahead of schedule, the earliest since 1981. Most of the province's precipitation was unusually low in December, less than 1 mm or no precipitation.

13. Air. Data for annual average concentrations of Sulphur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and particulate matters (PM10 and PM2.5) for Lanzhou are available, levels for 2009-17 were:

Table 3: Air Quality in Lanzhou City during 2009~20176 Periods Sulphur Nitrogen Particulate Particulate Days when air quality is dioxide dioxide (NO2) matter matter equal to or better than (SO2) (PM10) (PM2.5) Class II 2009 0.059 mg/m3 0.042 mg/m3 0.150 mg/m3 236 (GB 3095-1996) 2010 0.057 mg/m3 0.048 mg/m3 0.157 mg/m3 223 (GB 3095-1996) 2011: 0.048 mg/m3 0.042 mg/m3 0.138 mg/m3 242 (GB 3095-1996) 2012 0.041 mg/m3 0.039 mg/m3 0.136 mg/m3 270 (GB 3095-1996) 2013 0.033 mg/m3 0.035 mg/m3 0.153 mg/m3 299 (GB 3095-1996) 2014 0.029 mg/m3 0.048 mg/m3 0.126 mg/m3 313 (GB 3095-1996) 250 (GB 3095-2012) 2015 0.023 mg/m3 0.053 mg/m3 0.120 mg/m3 0.052 mg/m3 252 (GB 3095-2012) 2016 0.019 mg/m3 0.057 mg/m3 0.132 mg/m3 0.054 mg/m3 243 days (GB 3095-2012) 2017 0.019 mg/m3 0.049 mg/m3 0.125 mg/m3 0.050 mg/m3 220 days (GB 3095-2012) (daily average see the below diagram) GB 0.060 mg/m3 0.080 mg/m3 0.100 mg/m3 Ambient air quality 3095-1996 standard issued in 1996 GB 0.060 mg/m3 0.040 mg/m3 0.070 mg/m3 0.035 mg/m3 Ambient air quality 3095-2012 standard updated in 2012

14. Water. The Yellow River dominates the hydrology of Anning District. The river is regulated by the Liujiaxia , located 70 km upstream from Lanzhou city. The width of the rivers ranges from 200 m to 500 m and depth from 1.5 to 3.0 m. The average river gradient is more than 1%, and flow speed in a dry season is over 0.5 m/s. It is reported that from 1986 to 1999 the average annual flow rate was 894 m3/s, and average amount of sand in the river was 1.57 kg/m3. According to the 2017 Annual

6 Source: 2009~2016 Annual Environmental Statements of Lanzhou city, http://hbj.lanzhou.gov.cn/index.html and Independent data source: https://www.aqistudy.cn/


Environmental Statements of Lanzhou city7, out of the six monitoring sections of Lanzhou stretch of the Yellow River, five sections complied with Class II of Environmental quality standards for surface water GB 3838—2002 and the remaining section Class III. There are four debris flow channels (sloots) in the project area: Da Sha (Qing Shi) Sloot, Lou Ti Sloot, Shen Sloot, and Jiandi Sloot. The groundwater table in the project area ranges from 5 m to 15 m. A class II drinking water source protection area was originally located in the southwest part of the project area, and rezoned respectively in 2009 and 2011 so the rezoning of the drinking water protection zone excludes the project area (for details see Section 5.3.2).

15. Flora. Semiarid grassland is dominant in the project area. Some 18 families, 27 genera and 43 species of flora are reported, with mostly shrubs and sub-shrubs scattered in the hilly area. Herbaceous plants are mainly xerophyte, including wormwood, camel thorn, crested wheatgrass, Asiatic plantain, yellow wormwood, and Russian wormwood. Planted vegetation is mainly larch, Chinese pine, spruce, arborvitae, poplar, willows, acacia and sophora.

16. Old Trees. An environmentally sensitive area involves a community of old fruit trees growing in Majiazhuang village (7 ha, 80 Ruanerli pears), Zoujiazhuang village (4 ha, 50 Ruanerli pears), Cuijiazhuang village (5 ha, 40 Ruanerli pears), and Anningbu village (47 ha, 900 jujubes). According to the survey made by the during the domestic EIA stage, in total there are 343 trees of different species including 336 jujubes, 6 Ruanerli pear trees, and 1 paulownia within the RoWs of the planned roads. (for details see Section 5.3.3)

1.4 Purpose of this Report

17. According to the Project Agreement between the ADB and the LMG8, LMG shall ensure that regular environmental monitoring reports be submitted to the PMO, who shall prepare and submit to ADB semiannual environment report in a format acceptable to ADB, until the closing of the Loan Account. This report is the ninth environmental monitoring report for the Lanzhou Sustainable Urban Transport Project (the Project) covering the period of July 2017 to December 2017.

1.5 Report Format

18. The report described the background information of the project, the project progress, the implementation of the EMP and monitoring plan and conclusion and recommendations.

1.6 Report Preparation

19. The Project Administration Manual of Loan Number of 2601-PRC requested monitoring of the EMP implementation will be executed by a specially contracted environmental monitoring agency. Environmental Monitoring Center of Lanzhou Jiaotong University and Lanzhou Xingda Environmental Monitoring Company, as non-government agencies, were hired by the PMO to monitor mitigation of

7 Source: http://hbj.lanzhou.gov.cn/art/2018/1/26/art_5812_443750.html

8 The EA was changed from LMG to Anning District Government (ANDG) in 2014.


environmental impacts in the field and process monitoring data. The Lanzhou Jiaotong University/Lanzhou Xingda Environmental Monitoring Company conducted baseline monitoring at the preconstruction stage and routine sampling/testing during construction, and submits monitoring reports to the PMO regularly.

20. The Project Administration Manual of Loan Number of 2601-PRC requested an environmental management consultant recruited to provide services on environmental issues. A LIEC had been hired by the PMO since September 2010, however, resigned due to personal reasons in October 2016. A new LIEC, Mr. Nie was engaged instead in November 2016. During this reporting period, the new project LIEC visited the project sites and main tasks undertaken by the new LIEC include:

l Reviewed the project documentation on environmental matters, with particular reference to the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), the Summary EIA (SEIA) as part of the loan negotiations, the design documents and contract documents;

l Reviewed the current situation regarding the environmental monitoring program, based on results and discussion with the Environmental Monitoring Center of Lanzhou Jiaotong University/Lanzhou Xingda Environmental Monitoring Company and the Anning Environmental Protection Bureau.

l Paid field visit to all of the construction sites in July 2017 and review the implementation of environmental mitigation measures along the construction sites, and advise on improvements in environmental management and monitoring.

l Conducted environmental training focusing on project environmental management and the EMP implementation via various (almost monthly) phone calls to the PMO/contractors/CSCs. Attendances include environmental staff of the Lanzhou PMO, designated environmental staff from all contractors and supervision companies.

21. This report is prepared by the Lanzhou Project Management Office (LPMO) with the assistance of the construction supervision companies (CSCs) and Mr. Nie, the new LIEC based on site visits, public consultation, field sampling and laboratory test data provided by the Lanzhou Jiaotong University/Lanzhou Xingda Environmental Monitoring Company.



{This section describes Institutional responsibilities for EMP implementation, monitoring, and reporting. Refer to “Environmental Responsibility Matrix” defined in the SEIA-EMP, and justify deviations from that matrix if necessary; overall project progress - contract award and engineering works in relation to project schedule, projections for next 6 months, updated project schedule – document any reasons for change}


2.1 Project Implementation Organization

22. Anning District Government (ANDG), changed from the Lanzhou Municipal Government (LMG) in 2014, is the Executing Agency (EA) for the Project.

23. LMG established and staffed the Implementing Agency (IA), Lanzhou Sustainable Urban Transport Project - Project Management Office (PMO) which has been delegated to ANDG since 2014. The PMO is responsible to coordinate: a) project management; b) supervise the procurement of works, goods, and services financed under the Project; c) monitor the utilization of the ADB loan, domestic bank funding; and Government funding; and d) prepare and review the reports to be submitted to ADB and the Government. The Project Manager at the PMO has been changed from Mr. LIU Jiaxing to Mr. FENG Ning ( (Contact phone number is +86- 0931-7684838) at end of 2017 for the day-to-day management of project implementation.

24. The PMO corporate and operations offices are located in Anning District, Lanzhou City except for the Traffic Signal Control and BRT/Transport Management Departments which are located in the Lanzhou Traffic Control Center in Chengguan District, Lanzhou City.

25. Design liaison representatives and the international consultants are collocated with PMO offices. Also, the Domestic Supervision Consultants (Also known as Resident Engineers) responsible for construction supervision are quartered nearby and all are within easy reach of the construction contractors’ site offices.

26. The collocation and proximity of the various principals fosters effective and constant communication between all project functionaries as well as with local government. Local leader coordination teams, formed by local government officials in districts and neighborhoods along the corridor facilitate land acquisition, resettlement, environmental protection and monitoring, and coordination of relationships between local government bodies and the project associated bodies.

27. Apart from the CSCs, the International Supervision Consultant under the loan, Mr. Carl Shaflik of Carl Shaflik Engineering Services, acts as Deputy Chief Supervision Engineer and works with the PMO and the Resident Engineers to provide contract management, construction management, quality management, material inspection, and health and safety monitoring for both the civil works construction and the ITS implementation.

28. A LIEC had been hired by the PMO since September 2010, however, resigned due to personal reasons in October 2016. A new LIEC, Mr. NIE Mingtao was engaged instead in November 2016. The LIEC provide technical assistance to the PMO with environmental training, field inspection, public consultation, and semi-annual environmental monitoring reports to the ADB.



2.2 Project Implementation Progress

29. The progress of respective components/outputs is as follows. The detailed physical progress is also in below Table 4.

30. Output 1: BRT Construction, Construction and Reconstruction of Urban Roads. Of 13 km BRT lanes, about 8.5 km including the BRT stations and bike lanes were already completed and operational since December 2012. The remaining 3.8 km is proposed to be realigned to a new corridor9 which is ready to install BRT facilities. Of the 21.42 km of new road construction, 0.8 km was removed from the project scope, around 11.86 km have been completed, and the remaining 8.76 km are yet to be completed. For roads reconstruction, 12.4 km or 100% of the target were completed by September 2015. A total of 19.16 km of NMT lanes were constructed along with the completed roads.

Road # 11 10 7 10 1 4 2 3 1 5 8 9 6 12 13/14 11 16 15

Project Map (with roads #)

9 The new corridor is located 500 m from the original corridor to the East.


PHOTOS OF PROJECT SITE (By December 2017, all the works completed excluding the below 2 to 5) 1. Project Road #502 (Completed and Open to Traffic); 2. Project Road #511 under Construction (Partially Completed and Open to Traffic) 3. Project Road #516 (under construction); 4. Project Road #530 (under construction) 5. Project Road #580 under construction (Partially Completed and Open to Traffic).

PMO’s office 1. Road #502 (operation)

4. Road #530 (north sect. pending)

2. Road #511 (east sect. pending) 6. BRT realignment 3.Road #516 (east (to be constructed) sect. pending)

5.Road #580(south sect. pending)


1. Project Road #502 (Completed and Open to Traffic)

#502 road (nearby PMO office) under operation

End of #502 road End of #502 road (some construction vehicles for final completion)

Road alignment of #502 road


2.Project Road #511 Under Construction (Partially Completed and Open to Traffic)

#511 road (western section completed and open to traffic)

Drainage ditch ( Da Qing Sloot ) alongside #511 #511 road, east section remained to construct road, and construction waste covered by black due to resettlement issue(in the area circled mesh blue above, and the red line below)


3-1. Project Road #516 (under construction)

Signboards on contract profiles including Environmental GRM signboard contacts of IA/contractor/construction supervisor/DI, safety and fire prevention

Signboards on sanitation, safety and site layout Safety awareness signboard at construction site access gate


3-2.Project Road #516 (under construction)-continued

Pavement done(west section of road alignment) East section of road alignment under construction

East section of road alignment under East section of road alignment (northern half construction, with green mesh covered for pending due to a hospital resettlement, shown exposed subgrade (southern half underway) above and the red line below)


4.Project Road #530 Under Construction

#530 road (southern section 700m completed #530 road, northern section remained to and open to traffic) construct due to resettlement issue(in the area circled blue shown above and the red line below)


5.Project Road #580 Under Construction (Partially Completed and Open to Traffic)

#580 road or Xuefu road (north section completed and open to traffic)

Southern section delayed due to resettlement issue(in the area circled blue shown above and the red line below)), close to Diwu(the 5th) Ave. (Taohaishichang) BRT station


31. BRT proposed realignment (2.45km, four stations including one terminal) 10. The ADB Review Mission in December 2015 agreed to the realignment of the BRT corridor. (i) Domestic procedures: The preliminary design of BRT realignment was completed and approved by the planning bureau. The Gardening Bureau already approved the relocation of the small plantations. Lanzhou Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau (EPB) confirmed no updated domestic environmental impact assessment (EIA) document or approval is required according to PRC’s environmental requirements, and the proposed realignment will be reviewed at project completion stage as part of domestic completion check and acceptance. Although, an updated domestic environmental document was prepared by the PMO in February 2017; and (ii) ADB due diligence: An environmental due diligence was prepared and submitted to ADB on 30 April 2017. BRT realignment was approved by ADB in December 2017. So far, the BRT realignment has competed re-design and procurement, and the construction will commence in June or July 2018. The site statuses please see the next page.

Added Section (Blue dots)

Canceled section Operated (green dots) Section (brown dot)

10 The proposed realignment will start from Anningpu, pass through Liusha (provincial 201) Highway-Mogao Avenue and Fuxing Road, then connect with the Liujiapu Square Station of the existing BRT corridor, with a total length of 2.85km. Central island type platform will be adopted for three BRT stations, i.e. Zhongbang Avenue North Station, Chenglin Station and Mogao Avenue Station, with an average interval of 950m. The proposed realignment will be all located within existing RoWs for Liusha (provincial 201) Highway, Mogao Avenue and Fuxing Road with widths of 36m, 32m and 40m, respectively.


Proposed three new stops of Lanzhou BRT re-alignment(August 2017, sourced from the PMO)

Lanzhou BRT- Proposed new stop 4-Mogao Ave. , near Dayan hotel, to connect with existing Liujiabu station

Renshoushan stop as ending point Renshoushan stop as ending point, BRT terminal location


Table 4 PROJECT PHYSICAL AND FINANCIAL PROGRESS (according to information from the PMO, by 31 December 2017) Physical Description Progress Completion New Contractor Commencement Date Packag Old Road Date Road Road Name (%) e No. No. No. A01 S554 (Sec 1) 571# Taolin Lu No. 7 Construction Group Share Ltd. Gansu 10-Mar-2010 31-Dec-2011 100% T583 518# Jianning Xilu Kongtongsh Wuxi Municipal Engineering Construction Group 5-Mar-2010 31-Dec-2010 100% A02 T550 570# an Lu S583 (Middle) 518# Jianning Lu Gansu 6th Construction Group Co., Ltd. 2-Nov-2010 30-Sep-2011 100% Liusha A03 T571 (Sec 1) 502# Wuxi Municipal Engineering Construction Group Co., Ltd. 2-Mar-2012 31-Jul-2014 100% Gonglu A041 T560 574# Shiji Dadao CANCELLED A05 T577 516# Fuxing Lu Luoyang Municipal Construction Group Co., Ltd. 25-Aug-2011 31-Dec-2018 32% Zhongbang A06 T532 530# Gansu 2nd Construction and Engineering Co., Ltd. 25-Sep-2011 31-Dec-2018 45% Dadao A07 T571 (sec2) 511# Jian’an Lu 26-Apr-2011 31-Dec-2018 91% Gansu No. 4 Construction Group Co., Ltd. A08 T580 580# Xuefu Lu 10-Apr-2011 31-Dec-2018 65% S556 572# Yuanlin Lu A09 8th Metallurgy Construction Group Co. 20-Sep-2010 31-Dec-2011 100% S568 576# Yintan Lu A102 S569 510# CANCELLED B01 T514 514# Anning Xilu No. 5 Engineering Co., Ltd. of China Railway No. 13 15-Mar-2011 31-Dec-2011 100% T514-1, Anning B02 514-1-2 Yuandong Urban Construction Investment Group Co. 8-Mar-2011 31-May-2012 100% T514-2 Donglu B03 S554 571# Taolin Lu No.7 Construction Group Share Ltd. Gansu 5-Mar-2011 30-Jun-2011 100% B04 T112 112# Gansu 2nd Construction and Engineering Co., Ltd. 14-Mar-2011 31-Dec-2011 100% Lu Wanxin B05 S578 578# Hubei Yitong Construction and Engineering Co. 30-Sep-2011 30-Sep-2015 100% Beilu C01 BRT station and onboard equipment China MCC17 Group Co., Ltd. 1-Feb-2012 30-Sep-2012 100% JV of Qingdao Hisense Trans Tech Co Ltd. and Shenzhen Unihz C02 Advanced Traffic Control System 18-Aug-2015 31-July-2017 100% Technologies Corp C033 Environmental Monitoring System CANCELLED 1 This road section overlapped with the central plaza. 2 This road section will be financed by the Government. 3 This component was already covered by the Central Government’s environmental monitoring initiatives led and financed by the Environmental Protection Bureau.


32. Output 2: Advanced Traffic Management. ADB approved the contract in November 2014. Installation of the equipment started in August 2015, and was completed by end of July 2017.

33. Contract Awards and Disbursement. By far, of the $150 million ADB financing, $146.48 million has been awarded (about 97.6% of the total loan amount), and appropriately $139.00 million had been disbursed (about 94.9% of the total contracts awarded).



{This section defines manner by which EMP requirements are incorporated into contractual arrangements, such as with contractors or other parties; lists environmental clauses defined in contractual agreements, appointed and designated environmental management and monitoring staff for each component, term of contracts, allocated person days on site/off-site, roles and responsibilities, lines of communication, reporting structure and frequency (communication flow chart for management of environmental incidents), training and institutional capacity building requirements, including a small version of organization chart showing institutional structure}


3.1 Institutional Responsibilities

3.1.1 Environmental Unit Established in PMO

1. The implementation agency (IA) for Road Construction Components is the Lanzhou Sustainable Urban Transport Project - Project Management Office (PMO). The PMO has established an environmental department to deal with environmental issues. Mr. Nan Jialiang is designated as EMP coordinator and environmental GRM focal person of PMO. He takes charge of (i) coordinating the implementation of the EMP and developing implementation details; (ii) supervising the implementation of mitigation measures during project construction and operation; (iii) ensuring that environmental management, monitoring, and mitigation measures are incorporated into bidding documents, construction contracts and operation management plans; (iv) submitting semi-annual EMP monitoring and progress reports to the ADB; (v) coordinating the local grievance redress mechanism (GRM). (See the below Table 5)

Table 5: Appointed IA’s Environmental Personnel

IA Chief Person Contact Lanzhou Implementation Office of Director of Admin Office +86-0931-7684838 ADB Loan for Lanzhou Urban Traffic Mr. FENG Ning Project 13919873225 Eenvironmental officer of Admin Office Mr. Nan Jialiang DUTIES: Ÿ to refine and implement the EMP; Ÿ to ensure the mitigation and monitoring measures recommended in the EMP and EIA are incorporated into the design and bidding documents; Ÿ to supervise and coordinate implementation of mitigation measures and environmental monitoring in construction phase; Ÿ to analyze environmental monitoring reports; Ÿ to organize environmental compliance monitoring; Ÿ to monitor and coordinate environmental supervision; Ÿ to establish, organize and carry out training plan; Ÿ to establish and implement publish consultation plan; Ÿ to prepare semi-annual progress report and annual environmental report with assistance of the Consultant; and Ÿ to undertake other related work as required. PERFORMANCE: Implemented the EMPs; supervised and coordinated the Contractors and Supervision Company’s environmental work; dealing with environmental grievance issues; and assisted in preparation of this Semi-Annual Environmental Report.


3.1.2 Environmental Monitoring

2. The EMP requested the PMO to hire a licensed environmental monitoring station to conduct the environmental monitoring program. Environmental Engineering and Monitoring Center of the Lanzhou Jiaotong University/Lanzhou Xingda Environmental Monitoring Company, which have acquired certifications from Gansu Provincial EPB, are engaged and conducted environmental monitoring including environmental surveys ,monitoring and reporting of environmental impact of the Project including monthly air quality and noise levels monitoring and semi-annual water quality monitoring. The approved scope of service include water quality monitoring, air quality monitoring and noise monitoring. The environmental monitoring certifications of the Lanzhou Jiaotong University/Lanzhou Xingda Environmental Monitoring Company and certification of the Chief of the environmental monitoring team for the project are shown in Error! Reference source not found..

3. Construction contractors and the Construction Supervision Companies (CSCs) contracted by PMO are responsible for the daily inspection, monitoring, and evaluation of mitigation measures’ implementation. Construction contractors are responsible for implementing the mitigation measures during construction under supervision of the PMO. Each contractor or CSC has assigned a person responsible for environment, health and safety, also as environmental GRM focal person (See the below Table 6 and Table 7).

Table 6 Appointed Contractors’ Environmental Personnel No. Contract Road Contractors Environmental Contact Package section Person 1 A05 516# Luoyang Municipal Mr. Si Kefeng 13639365693 Construction Group Co., Ltd. 2 A06 530# Gansu No.2 Mr. Zhao 13893484762 Construction Company 3 A07 511# Gansu No.4 Tang Jingli 13909448135 Construction Company 4 A08 580# Gansu No.4 Mr.Xu 13609392392 Construction Company DUTIES: Ÿ to implement mitigation measures during construction phase; Ÿ to establish environmental monitoring plan and detailed action plan as needed; Ÿ to carry out environmental monitoring, maintain relevant records, produce weekly reports, and submit to the relevant CSC and IA; Ÿ to participate relevant environmental training; Ÿ to assist with public consultation; Ÿ to assist with resolving environmental problems during construction; Ÿ to coordinate with the project-specific grievance redress mechanism (GRM); and Ÿ to provide information and undertake other work as required.


Table 7: Appointed CSCs’ Environmental Personnel

No. Contract Road Supervision firm Environment Contact package person 1 A05 516# Gansu Jingcheng Chen Deli 13919017192 Supervision Company 2 A06 530# Lanzhou Kaitai Mr. Zhi 15095398537 Supervision Company 3 A07 511# Lanzhou Jiande Chen Ximing 13993187767 Supervision Company 4 A08 580# Lanzhou Huatie Mr. Zhang 13893671168 Supervision Company DUTIES: Ÿ to participate various review meetings and recommend environmental improvement to construction arrangements, technical issues, progress etc.; Ÿ to review environmental performance of construction equipment; Ÿ to supervise the implementation and any changes of mitigation measures; Ÿ to inspect ambient environment and impacts; Ÿ to report and help to deal with any environmental problems or accidents encountered; Ÿ to coordinate with the project-specific GRM; Ÿ to prepare monthly environmental supervision report and submit to PMO; Ÿ to participate in construction completion audit in terms of environmental aspects, and submit related reports or certification as needed.

4. An environmental specialist is contracted as LIEC to assist PMO in conducting environment monitoring. He is responsible for advising the PMO, contractors and CSCs on all aspects of environmental management and monitoring for the project; supervising the implementation of the mitigation measures specified in the EMP; assisting PMO in preparing semi-annual EMP monitoring reports; and providing training to the PMO, CSCs, on the PRC’s environmental laws, regulations and policies, ADB SPS 2009, EMP implementation, and GRM. A LIEC had been hired by the PMO since September 2010, however, resigned due to personal reasons in October 2016. A new LIEC, Mr. Mingtao Nie was engaged instead in November 2016.

3.2 Incorporation of Environmental Requirements into Project Contracts

5. To ensure that Contractors are aware of and committed to implementing environmental requirements associated with the works, environmental clauses have been incorporated in specific conditions of civil works contracts Section D and F (See Error! Reference source not found. of No. 7 EMR11 dated February 2017). The EMP is attached to the civil work contract to ensure the contractors aware what mitigation measures should be taken. The clauses include not only environmental protection measures needed to be taken, but also health and safety measures, guarantee measures of worker’s wage, civilized construction, traffic management of existing roads. Requirement on implementation of mitigation measures listed in the EMP is also a specific condition of the civil work contracts, eg. ‘The Contractor shall (a) establish an operational system for managing environmental impacts, (b) carry out

11 Available from the ADB project website: https://www.adb.org/projects/documents/prc-lsutp-jul-2015-to-dec-2016-emr


all the monitoring and mitigation measures set forth in the attached Environmental Management Plan (EMP attached)’.

6. To better implementing the environmental mitigation measures, each contractor nominated one environmental staff to carry out monitoring, maintain relevant records, produce weekly reports, and submit to the relevant CSC and PMO; to participate relevant environmental training; to assist with public consultation; to assist with resolving environmental problems during construction; and to provide information and undertake other work as required. (See Table 6 and the below figures from the contractor for road 516#-contractor name: Luoyang Municipal Construction Group Co., Ltd. )

Dust control plan (road 516#) Risk management plan (road 516#)

Safety education brochures(road 516#) Sign-in sheet of safety education(road 516#)

Distribution records of personal protective Safety training records equipment



{This section lists all environment related loan covenants, and assesses project’s compliance with the covenants (Table format)}


7. The PMO, under assistance from the LIEC, regularly checks up the implementation status of environmental covenants and environmental safeguard requirements of ADB loan review missions. During this reporting period, all provisions in loan agreement and project agreement and special environmental safeguard requirements raised in July 2017 ADB loan review mission have been complied with or are being implemented with. Relevant environmental impact related provisions and compliance status can be found in the following tables.

Table 7 Initial Check on Environmental Related Project Covenants Compliance Status Provisions Compliance LA-Section 4.01. (a) The Borrower shall through GPG Being cause LMG to carry out the Project with due diligence and implemented(note: efficiency and in conformity with sound administrative, The EA was changed financial, engineering, environmental and urban transport from LMG to Anning practices. District Government (ANDG) in 2014. Same for the below)

PA-Section 2.01. (a) GPG shall cause LMG to, and LMG Being implemented shall, carry out the Project with due diligence and efficiency, and in conformity with sound administrative, financial, engineering, environmental and urban transport practices.

PA-SCHEDULE Execution of Project – Environment: Being implemented LMG through PMO shall ensure that All of the construction and operation (partly) (i) Construction, operation, maintenance, and activities are in strict monitoring of the Project facilities be in strict conformity with PRC conformity with (a) all the Borrower's applicable environmental laws national and provincial environmental laws and and ADB regulations, ADB’s Environment Policy (2002), and environmental policy, other national, provincial, and local laws and and mitigation regulations and standards on environmental measures listed in the protection, health, labor, and occupational safety; EMP. and (b) all environmental mitigation and monitoring measures detailed in the design and construction contracts, the operational guidelines, and the approved EIAs, SEIA, and EMP for the Project;

(ii) Lanzhou Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau Implemented and PMO review any changes to the Project design that may have a potential for causing negative The BRT realignment environmental impacts, so that environmental has competed monitoring and mitigation measures are adjusted re-design and accordingly in consultation with ADB; and procurement, and the construction will commence in June or July 2018. For details please see paragraph 31 in Section 2.2.


Provisions Compliance (iii) An adequate number of full-time personnel and Being implemented sufficient resources be provided to monitor the implementation of the environmental monitoring Environmental program, under the guidance of the Gansu Provincial monitoring has been Environmental Protection Bureau, Lanzhou conducted regularly Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau or other and reported. environmental monitoring stations. LMG shall ensure that regular environmental monitoring reports be submitted to the PMO, who shall prepare and submit to ADB semiannual environment report in a format acceptable to ADB, until the closing of the Loan Account. The semiannual environment reports shall describe and assess compliance with the EMP and any supplementary environmental requirements prescribed in the covenants of this Project Agreement.

Table 8 Initial Check on Environment Safeguards in July 2017 ADB Loan Review Mission Relevant Provisions Compliance Paragraph 20 - EMR No. 8 (due July 2017). ... The PMO Complied with. agreed to submit the EMR No.8 by 31 July 2017. The EMR No. 8 was submitted to ADB in July 2017. This is the EMR No. 9 covering July to December 2017. The next EMR No. 10 covering January to June 2018 will be submitted by 31 July 2018.



Section Contents 5.1 EMP Objectives 5.2 Environmental Monitoring Records and Reporting 5.3 EMP and Monitoring Implementation Progress 5.3.1 Implementation of Mitigation Measures 5.3.2 Due Diligence on drinking water source protection 5.3.3 Due Diligence of tree protection 5.3.4 Institutional Capacity Building and Training 5.3.5 Public Consultation and GRM


5.1 EMP Objectives

8. The objective of establishing an EMP is not only to propose appropriate mitigation measures, but also to recommend establishment of institutions or mechanisms to monitor and ensure compliance with environmental regulations and implementation of the proposed mitigation measures. Such institutions and mechanisms will seek to ensure continuously improving environmental protection activities during preconstruction, construction, and operation in order to prevent, reduce, or mitigate adverse impacts. The EMP drew on the individual domestic EIA reports and on the PPTA discussions and agreements with the relevant government agencies.

5.2 Environmental Monitoring Records and Reporting

9. The environmental monitoring includes visual inspections of such things as dust suppression, soil erosion, restoration of vegetation, solid waste disposal and so on. Field inspections have been undertaken by the on-site environmental engineer (OEE) of the contractor, environmental engineer of construction supervision companies (CSCs), PMO officers and Mr. Nie, the LIEC on a regular basis. All CSCs have construction site environment, health and safety expertise; (ii) inspection and monitoring is conducted on a daily basis; (iii) monitoring results are documented daily in the CSCs logbooks, and in monthly reports submitted to the PMO. There is no key environmental issue identified during the reporting period.

10. The environmental monitoring also includes field sampling and lab analysis. It has been conducted, according to the environmental monitoring program as stipulated in the EMP, by the Lanzhou Jiaotong University/Lanzhou Xingda Environmental Monitoring Company under contract to the PMO, including monthly ambient air and noise monitoring at construction site and nearby sensitive sites, and semi-annual water quality monitoring at Yellow River.

11. The environmental monitoring results have been submitted to PMO environmental department monthly. The environmental personnel, Mr. Nan Jialiang from the PMO has recorded and filed all of the environmental monitoring data, as shown below. The results showed that the water quality, air quality and noise level can generally meet the relevant standards. Minor (0%~17%)exceedances of TSP levels at most monitoring points occurred during July to December 2017, consistent with the baseline of 2007 and the monitoring results (0%~29% exceedances) in the last monitoring period (January to June 2017) in the project area. Hence, the negative impacts from the project are slight.

(1) Brief Summary of Field Environmental Sampling and Test

Objectives Environmental monitoring on construction and operation impacts Monitoring date 2017.07—2017.12 Monitoring Water Quality, Air quality and Noise content


Parameters and pH GB 6920-1986, methodology SS GB 11901-1989, NH3-N HJ 536—2009, COD GB 11914-1989, BOD5 GB 7488-1987, DO GB 7489-1987, Petroleum HJ 637-2012, SO2 HJ 483-2009, TSP GB/T 15432-1995, Noise, GB3096-2008

(2) Water Quality Monitoring 12. In accordance with the domestic EIA report, the class III standards under the Surface Water Environmental Quality Standards (GB3838-2002) are adopted in the domestic EIA for Yellow River (Lanzhou section).

13. During the semi-annual report preparation, water quality data for the year of 2009 and first year of 2010 was collected from the LEMS. This water quality data will be used as baseline data. The water quality monitoring data is presented in Table 9.

Table 9 Water Quality Standards for Basic Parameters- Class III Unitmg/L( except for pH)

CODcr NH3-N BOD5 pH SS DO Petroleum <=20 <=1.0 <=4 6-9 N/A >=5 <=0.05 Note: Class III of Surface Water Environmental Quality Standards (GB3838-2002). No SS indicator is included in the GB3838-2002. As references, SS <=30 is included in the Quality standards for surface water resources(SL63-94) Grade III issued by Ministry of Water Resource; whilst SS <=100 is for vegetable in the Standards for irrigation water quality (Standards for irrigation water quality) issued by Ministry of Environmental Protection.

14. Specific water quality monitoring for the project was conducted in December 2017 (once per half year) and the results are presented in Table 10.


Yellow River

Project area W1 (upstream, inlet of drinking water source)


W3 (downstream)

Locations of Water Quality Monitoring Sections


Table 10-1 Water Quality of Yellow River (Lanzhou Section) parameters CODcr NH3-N BOD5 pH SS DO Petroleum location and time 12 Dec left 7.72 0.296 2.0 8.76 229 11.5 L 2017 middle 7.71 0.295 2.1 8.76 231 11.7 L (9:00) right 7.63 0.296 2.2 8.76 228 11.5 L W1-Anmen left 7.80 0.298 2.3 8.75 229 11.8 L bridge, Yellow 12 Dec middle 7.84 0.299 2.2 8.77 230 11.9 L River12 2017 right 7.81 0.298 2.1 8.77 230 11.7 L (21:00) middle 7.70 0.293 2.1 8.75 230 11.7 L right 7.66 0.296 2.1 8.74 225 11.6 L 12 Dec left 7.68 0.294 2.2 8.73 226 11.6 L 2017 Middle 7.90 0.299 2.1 8.73 228 11.5 L W2-Yintan (9:30) Right 7.82 0.292 2.2 8.74 230 11.8 L bridge, Yellow 12 Dec Left 7.91 0.293 2.0 8.76 233 11.7 L River 2017 Middle 7.72 0.296 2.0 8.76 229 11.5 L (21:30) Right 7.71 0.295 2.1 8.76 231 11.7 L 12 Dec Left 7.69 0.293 2.2 8.76 230 11.7 L 2017 Middle 7.92 0.296 2.1 8.75 234 11.8 L W3-Zhongshan (10:00) Right 8.10 0.299 2.0 8.76 229 11.8 L bridge, Yellow 12 Dec Left 7.85 0.296 2.2 8.77 229 11.8 L River 2017 Middle 7.93 0.299 2.1 8.77 233 11.7 L (22:00) Right 7.92 0.295 2.1 8.77 232 11.9 L Standard (Class III) <=20 <=1.0 <=4 6-9 N/A >=5 <=0.05 Compliance status Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Mean values 7.80 0.296 2.1 8.76 230 11.7 Note“L” means do not detectable; N/A means not applicable.

Table 10-2 Water Quality Baseline (unit: mg/L)

CODcr NH3-N BOD5 pH SS DO Unavail- 2009 15.96 0.54 1.78 8.30 7.38 able Standard <=20 <=1.0 <=4 6-9 N/A >=5 Note: Monitored at Yintan Bridge located at downstream of the project area by Lanzhou Environmental Monitoring Center during preparation of the domestic EIA.

15. It can be seen from the above tables that the water quality is better (excluding BOD5 slightly higher) comparing that in 2009 at the project section of the Yellow river. It can meet the class III standard.

(3) Applicable air quality standards

16. The PRC ranks air quality into two classes according to its Ambient Air Quality Standard (GB 3095-2012). Class I standard applies to nature reserves, scenic areas, and regions requiring special protection. Class II standard applies to residential areas, mixed residential/commercial areas, cultural areas, industrial zones, and rural areas. The ambient air quality in the assessment area of this project has been assigned to meet GB 3095-2012 Class II standards. The World Bank Group adopted

12 According to 2016 Annual Environmental Statement of Lanzhou city (http://hbj.lanzhou.gov.cn/index.html) and monthly monitoring reports through January to June 2017 by Lanzhou EPB (http://hbj.lanzhou.gov.cn/col/col5624/index.html), the water quality at this section complied with Class II (better than Class III) or Class III of Environmental quality standards for surface water GB 3838—2002.


the World Health Organization (WHO) standards for its EHS (environmental, health and safety) standards for air quality.

17. The WHO established air quality guideline (AQG) standards for various air quality parameters for the protection of public health. Yet recognizing that progressive actions are needed to achieve these standards and the financial and technological limitations of some countries, cities or localities especially in developing countries, the WHO also established interim targets as intermediate milestones towards achieving the AQG. Table 11 compares PRC’s GB 3095–2012 Ambient Air Quality Standards and the World Bank Group’s EHS standard which has adopted the WHO AQG. The longer averaging period such as 1 year is more applicable to assessing impacts from multiple as well as regional sources; while shorter averaging periods such as 24 hours and 1 hour are more applicable to assessing short-term impacts from project-related activities, such as from peak hour traffic or daily or peak construction activities.

Table 11: Comparison of PRC and WBG Ambient Air Quality Standards WHO/World Bank Group EHS13 Air PRC GB 3095-2012 (μg/m3) Averaging (μg/m3) Quality Period Parameter Class I Class II Interim Targets AQG 1-year 20 60 n/a n/a SO2 24-hour 50 150 50 - 125 20 1-hour 150 500 n/a n/a 1-year 80 200 n/a n/a TSP 24-hour 120 300 n/a n/a 1-year 40 40 n/a 40 NO2 24-hour 80 80 n/a n/a 1-hour 200 200 n/a 200 Note: n/a = not available

18. The following observations are made comparing PRC and WBG ambient air quality standards as shown in Table 11, showing that WBG interim targets are comparable to PRC’s GB 3095–2012 Class II standards:

3 (i) 24-hour SO2: upper limit of EHS interim target (125 μg/m ) is more stringent than GB Class II standard (150 μg/m3);

(4) Air Quality Monitoring 19. Monthly Air Quality Monitoring for the project area has been conducted by Lanzhou Jiaotong University/Lanzhou Xingda Environmental Monitoring Company. The daily average and hourly average data are presented in Table 12.

13 World Bank Group 2007, ibid.



3 1 2 1

Locations of Air Quality and Noise Monitoring Points


Table 12 Air Quality Monitoring Results Data (unit: mg/m3)

Results N Time Monitoring Monitoring TSP SO2 o. location Location Hourly Daily Hourly Daily average average average average 11 to 13 Northern section of N36  06  24  1 Dec. 572# E1034144 0.392 0.35 0.02 0.02 2017 11 to 13 Middle section of N36  06  09  2 Dec. 518# E1034157 0.392 0.35 0.02 0.01 2017 11 to 13 Intersection (north) N36°06'04" 3 Dec. of 576-518# E103°42'18" 0.351 0.34 0.02 0.01 2017 Class II standard of the Ambient Air Quality Standard n/a 0.30 0.50 0.15 (GB 3095-2012) WHO/World Bank Group EHS- Interim Targets n/a n/a n/a 0.05~ 0.125 WHO/World Bank Group EHS- AQG n/a n/a n/a 0.02

20. It can be seen from the above table that the levels of SO2 and NO2 at all sampling locations are in compliance- with the Class II standard of the Ambient Air Quality Standard (GB 3095-2012). The TSP levels exceeded Class II standard by 0%~17% at most monitoring points monitored (grey cells above), consistent with the baseline in 2007 and the monitoring results (0%~29% exceedances) in the last monitoring period (January to June 2017) at the project area, which concluded the baseline considerable TSP exceedances14. The Appendix 2 provides the historical monthly statistical data on air quality in Lanzhou city and Anning District, as background data in the project area, which indicates that the PM10 (no regular TSP monitoring) exceedances were at 0%~38% of Class II standard limit (150 μg/m3) through July to December 2017, which indicates improvement compared against the results in the same period of 2016 when the PM10 exceedances were at 0%~76% of Class II standard limit (150μg/m3). So the minor exceedance of TSP may not be contributed by this project. Follow-up monitoring will be undertaken in the following reporting periods.

(5) Applicable noise standards 54 According to the Technical Specifications to Determine the Suitable Areas for Environmental Noise of Urban Area (GB/T 15190-94), the area within 200 m on both sides of road or road junction should comply with the corresponding provisions in Environmental Quality Standard for Noise (GB 3096-2008). GB 3096-2008 categorizes five functional areas based on their tolerance to noise pollution: from Category 0 to Category 4. Category 0 is for areas with convalescent facilities that are

14 According to the SEIA (paragraph 8 of page 3), in February and August 2007, Gansu Environmental Science and Design Research Institute (GESDRI) carried out a study of air quality baseline in four representative points of the project area for seven pollutants: sulfur dioxide, NO2, total suspended particles (TSP), PM10, ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, and non-methane hydrocarbons. It concluded that TSP concentrations were considerably above the standard regardless of heating or non-heating season, while PM10 exceeded the standard only during the heating season. Sulfur dioxide and carbon monoxide (CO) concentrations mostly complied with the standard, whereas NO2 concentrations were episodically exceeding the standard in several monitoring points.


the least tolerant to noisy environments and therefore have the most stringent day and night time noise standards. Category 1 is for areas predominated by residential areas, hospitals and clinics, educational institutions and research centers. Category 2 is for areas with mixed residential and commercial functions. Category 3 is for areas with industrial production and storage and logistics functions. Category 4 is for regions adjacent to traffic noise sources such as major roads and highways, and is subdivided into 4a and 4b with the former applicable to road and marine traffic noise and the latter applicable to rail noise. Standards for various functional area categories and are compared with the World Bank Group’s EHS guidelines as listed in Table 13. This shows that the World Bank Group has same noise limit for daytime and higher noise limit for night time noise near trunk roads. So here Environmental Quality Standard for Noise (GB 3096-2008) is applicable.

Table 13: Environmental quality standards for noise (Equivalent Sound Level: LAeq dB)

Noise World Bank Group GB 3096-2008 Functional EHS (World Bank Applicable Area Standards Area Group 2007) Category Day Night Day Night Areas needing extreme quiet, such as 0 50 40 convalescence areas Area mainly for residence, cultural and educational 55 45 1 55 45 institutions 2 Residential, commercial and industrial mixed area 60 50 3 Industrial area 65 55 70 70 4a Area on both sides of urban road traffic trunk line 70 55 Note: Functional Area 4 is divided into 4a for trunk roads and 4b for railway lines.

(6) Ambient Noise Monitoring and Assessment for the Project Area

55 Noise Level Monitoring has been conducted by Lanzhou Jiaotong University/Lanzhou Xingda Environmental Monitoring Company every month during construction period. The monitoring data is presented in Table 14.

Table 14 Noise Monitoring Data for the Project Areas unit: dB(A)

Monitoring Results Standards Compliance Time Monitoring location No Location Day Night Day Night status (Y/N) . Environmental quality standard for 70 55 noise (GB 30962008), Category 4a

N36  06 

11 Dec. Northern section of 24  1 55.4dB 44.7dB 70 55 Yes 2017 572# E103  41  44

11 Dec. 2 # N36  06  2017 Middle section of 518 62.3 dB 49.3dB 70 55 Yes 09 


Monitoring Results Standards Compliance Time Monitoring location No Location Day Night Day Night status (Y/N) . Environmental quality standard for 70 55 noise (GB 30962008), Category 4a E103  41  57

11 Dec. Intersection (north) of N36°06'04" 3 55.2dB 46.2dB 70 55 Yes 2017 576-518# E103°42'18"

56 It can be seen from the above table, both day time and night time noise levels in the project areas met the standards.

5.3 EMP and Monitoring Implementation Progress

5.3.1 Implementation of Mitigation Measures

57 Construction wastewater. Since the construction sites are located in urban areas, the sewage from construction camps is discharged directly into the municipal sewerage network which in turn is sent to the municipal sewage treatment plant. Tires of construction vehicles are cleaned with water sprays before they leave the construction site. At the construction sites, settlement ponds are used to retain the sediments in the construction wastewater before they are discharged into municipal storm sewers. The major pollutant in construction wastewater is suspended solids. The settlement ponds are cleaned when they are filled up with sediments.

58 Dust. The construction sites are enclosed by the appropriate walls. Water storage pools were set up on construction sites. The unpaved areas in all the road construction sites are sprayed by water trucks to suppress dust, at least twice a day and 7~8 times in windy and dry days according to a daily schedule and taking weather conditions into consideration. These roads are kept clean, solid, smooth, and clear of all dust, mud, or extraneous materials dropped from transportation vehicles. No asphalt or concrete-batching plants are installed onsite. All asphalt or concrete is supplied by the commercial vendors located at least 500m away from sensitive receptors. Materials storage sites are sited at closest 300 m away from residential areas. The materials in the storage site are organized, such as separate stone and sand materials; store concrete in separate storage place and reduce the on-site storage time of the construction. The transportation distance from the storage site to the construction site has been optimized to minimize disturbance to local communities. When construction takes places during dry and windy days, water is sprayed on earth piles and exposed surfaces to suppress dust. Construction will be stopped during strong winds and the stockpile will be covered. Noticeably, the contractors conform to the new ‘six 100% standards in construction sites’15 recently initiated by Lanzhou city government to combat dust pollution.

15 The ‘six 100% standards in construction sites’ is defined as (i) 100% fencing surrounding construction site; (ii) 100% coverage of stockpiled materials; (iii) 100% vehicles washed at access; (iv)100% pavement of construction site ground; (v) 100% operations under wet conditions for demolition sites; and (vi)100% construction waste disposed with full enclosure.


59 As indicated in the Section 5.2 of the last EMR No. 8, the TSP levels exceeded Class II standard by 0%~29% at most monitoring points, consistent with the baseline in 2007 at the project area, which concluded the baseline considerable TSP exceedances. Although, the following measures were undertaken to enhance better onsite dust control as following:

i. Avoid truck overloaded, vehicles delivering fine materials to the sites must be covered, timely clear the dust clean up the earth that drops on the road during transportation should be in a timely manner to reduce dust. ii. Contractors will be required to spray road surfaces, excavation, construction and demolition sites to keep them moist for dust control; iii. Potential significant adverse impacts to adjacent residents or site employees during construction will be mitigated by either discontinuing until favourable conditions are restored, and sites should be watered to prevent dust generation. iv. Burning waste construction materials as fuels is prohibited in the course of construction. Solvents and volatile materials will be properly used. v. Enclose the demolition sites and road construction sites with colour fencing. vi. Trucks carrying earth, sand or stone will be covered with tarps to avoid spilling. vii. Proper timetables and routes for transportation should be developed. viii. Separate stone and sand materials, store concrete in separate storage place and minimize transportation required. ix. Set up hoarding around construction site, particularly for sensitive receivers nearby roads, including school, hospital, residential areas. x. All the roads and pavements used by vehicles of the contractors or any subcontractor or supplier will be kept clean and clear of all dust, mud, or extraneous materials dropped by their construction vehicles. Such cleaning must be completed on a regular basis. xi. Pre-construction monitoring of existing ambient air quality will be undertaken to provide a baseline for the measurement of air quality impacts during the construction period.

60 Vehicle emission. The major sources of air emissions are construction equipment and construction vehicles. The vehicles delivering granular and/or fine materials to the sites are covered with tarpaulin sheets. Overloading of these vehicles has been avoided. Vehicle speeds are controlled on construction sites. Construction vehicles and machinery are certified to comply with the national emission and safety standards. Besides, proper maintenance of vehicles and diesel equipment, and avoidance of unnecessary running of vehicle and equipment engines are adopted to reduce emissions.

61 Noise. The contractor has undertaken a series of measures to reduce noise levels. Equipment that generates low levels of noise has been selected, and all machinery is properly maintained to minimize noise. Noise reduction devices or methods (e.g., hoarding) have been applied where piling equipment is operating within 500 m of sensitive sites such as schools. To reduce noise at night, the operation of machinery generating high levels of noise, such as piling, is restricted to between 6:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. in accordance with PRC regulations. The movement of heavy vehicles along urban and village roads has also been restricted to between 6:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m.

62 Solid waste. Cleaning of BRT stations is carried out on a routine basis. Small quantities of garbage from construction camps is collected by the municipal


sanitation bureau and disposed to the municipal sanitary landfills. The excessive construction waste was transported to the Delong disposal site in Shajingyi () at Binhe Road North designated by local urban sanitation department, about 8.3km drive from the closest road 511# construction site and 17.7km drive from the furthest road 514# construction site. Here below figures show the transport routes from the two road construction sites to the Delong disposal site.

Delong disposal site

Road 511# site

Delong disposal site

Road 514# site

Transport routes from the closest and furthest road construction sites to the Delong disposal site

63 Soil Erosion Control. The civil works contractors have taken measures to control soil erosion. Soil erosion measures during construction include minimizing


land surface disturbance and exposure and use of settlement ponds. Upon completion of construction, all the construction sites will be re-vegetated with trees and grasses.

64 The implementation status of the mitigation measures, as proposed in the EMP, is presented in the right column of the below Table 15. LIEC conducted site inspection and found that, in summary, the mitigation measures have to date been implemented effectively.


Table 15 Implementation Status of Mitigation Measures

Environmental Mitigation Measures Implemen Supervisi Implementation Status Impact/Issue ting ng Agency Agency Project Preparation Stage 1.1 Environmental Prepare environmental clauses in bidding documents and IA PMO Complied with. Clauses and technical specifications; reference EMP and monitoring table. Environmental clauses Specifications for have been incorporated Contractors. in bidding documents The EMP has been attached to the civil work contract. 1.2 Environmental Preparation of an environmental operation and supervision Contractor PMO Complied with. Operation and manual by the contractors as required by the contract for approval CSC Supervision manual Supervision Manual by IA was prepared by CSC and approved by PMO before construction. 1.3 Complaint and Establish a Complaint and Information Office (CIO) before starting Contractor IA. PMO Complied with. Information Office the construction s CIO was established in Ensure that staff at CIO are well trained to handle the crisis PMO environment situations or conflicts with residents due to suffering from department, and environmental impacts environmental staff was designated. The LIEC provided training to the staff to handle crisis situation 1.4 Environmental Environmental specialists will be invited to provide training on the IA PMO Complied with. Protection Training implementation of environmental mitigation measures and Environmental training supervision to relevant persons workshop on how to implement EMP was conducted by the PMO


Environmental Mitigation Measures Implemen Supervisi Implementation Status Impact/Issue ting ng Agency Agency and LIEC twice every year.

1.5 Old Trees A permanent protected area for the community of ancient trees Contractor IA, Being complied with. A Protection should be set up within the location of ancient trees to ensure the s, in Lanzhou permanent protected ancient trees within the protected area can really be protected; consultatio Forestry area for the community n with local Departme of ancient trees was forestry nts designated along the departmen road #516. ts More details see Section 5.3.3 of this report. 1.6 Utility Relocation Make full preparations before construction: make elaborate Contractor PMO and Being complied with. surveys of the roads, electricity supply and communication; s, IA, concerned RP16 was prepared. cooperation with the relevant departments in setting up demolition Anning governme Traffic management and relocation, traffic management schemes should be concerned nt schemes were established in advance; potential emergency situations related to departmen agencies established. the Project and their potential effects and mitigation should be ts Approvals were examined; acquired for utilities Relocate all utilities prior to commencement of construction on relocations any section of the project road subject to prior approval of the concerned agencies.

16 https://www.adb.org/projects/documents/lanzhou-sustainable-urban-transport-project-6


Environmental Mitigation Measures Implemen Supervisi Implementation Status Impact/Issue ting ng Agency Agency 1.7 Environmental Each contractor will complete environmental screening of any new Contractor IA, Not applicable so far. Screening of New access road and provide a list of necessary mitigation measures. s with Lanzhou No new access road Construction Site Prepare a sketch map of all existing roads to be used as access assistance EPB involved. Access Road routes to construction sites from Design Institute and environme ntal specialists 1.8 Environmental In case of slight deviation of alignment (or additional physical Environme LEPB, Being complied with. Impact Analysis due to component), mitigation measures should be proposed and ntal ADB Most alignments are deviation of alignment incorporated into the detailed design drawings by the Specialists under operation. Parts or new physical environmental engineer in of BRT are realigned. component cooperatio More details see n with paragraph 31 of Design Section 2.2. Institute, IA 1.9 Information In order to minimize the Project’s impact to lives of the residents Contractor PMO Complied with. Disclosure and and urban traffic including congested traffic, special lines of city Information boards, on consultation traffic should be defined in design and divergence in the course of which included project construction; cooperation with the traffic control department of the information, Public Security Bureau should be set up, the potential of construction period, mass-media (TV, radio, and newspapers) to inform the public contact information, about road transport restrictions should be used to the full extent. were erected at project Information boards containing a short description of the Project, sites construction timetable, feedback and complaint hotlines, and asking for public understanding for the inconveniences caused by


Environmental Mitigation Measures Implemen Supervisi Implementation Status Impact/Issue ting ng Agency Agency the Project should be installed at the construction sites;

The construction activities will require large amounts of water and Contractor PMO Not applicable. electricity. Therefore, the construction unit should contact to the The project does not relevant departments to set up a pipeline connection scheme and involve large amount of organize temporary pipelines. For some areas that lack electricity water and electricity and water, installation of water supply lines and electrical lines should be completed in advance in case there are temporary cut-offs that will affect the normal supply of water and electricity to citizens, businesses, and governmental organizations located within the area. If a footpath near a construction site is closed, pedestrian traffic should be diverted to an alternative route or safe carriageway. Appropriate safety barriers and signs should be provided. Illumination lamps should be fixed at a proper height and directed Contractor PMO Complied with. in such a way not to cause any inconvenience to the nearby Lamps were installed at residents. place at area far from residents 2. Construction Phase (applicable to roads # 511, 516, 530 and 580) 2.1 Solid Waste


Environmental Mitigation Measures Implemen Supervisi Implementation Status Impact/Issue ting ng Agency Agency 2.1.1 Refuse Collect and timely cleanup the refuse and dispose of in landfill. Contractor CCE, Being complied with. generated on Sort of construction waste and recycle of reuse if possible. s external Construction waste was construction sites, Maximize the reuse of excavated soil for backfilling supervisor collected and construction & Dispose the waste to designed sites only. s, IA, transported to local demolition waste, Strip and stockpile topsoil in a protected location. Greening and LEPB landfill. excavated soil re-vegetation using topsoil originally removed. Excavated soil was reused for backfilling and additional soil was reused by other construction project. Topsoil was stockpiled for re-vegetation using. 2.1.2 Disposal sites Construct intercepting ditches and chutes to prevent outside Contractor CCE, Being complied with. runoff entering disposal sites, and divert runoff from sites to s external Extra waste was existing drainage system or ponds. supervisor backfilled to existing Rehabilitate the disposal sites into grassland, woodland or s, IA, and abandoned borrow pits farmland after closing. Local at Binhe Road North , WRBs ie, Delong disposal site in Shajingyi () designated by local urban sanitation department. For details see the paragraph 62 of Section 5.3. 2.1.3 Borrow areas Strip and stockpile the topsoil, build interception ditches and Contractor CCE, Being complied with. chutes to reduce erosion from borrow pits. Restore or re-vegetate s external Built interception the disposal sites into grassland, woodland or farmland after supervisor ditches and chutes to closing. s, IA, and reduce erosion from Local borrow pits.


Environmental Mitigation Measures Implemen Supervisi Implementation Status Impact/Issue ting ng Agency Agency WRBs

2.1.4 Construction Set up hoarding around the construction site, build temporary Contractor CCE, Being complied with. sites and temporary drainage ditch and hoarding for temporary living quarters, install s external Construction site was land use areas hoarding and drainage for temporary roads, regularly water haul supervisor fenced. road, cover the soil and aggregate materials on the truck during s, IA, and Regular watering haul transport Local road and covered the Build drainage ditch and slop protection during site formation WRBs soil and aggregate Develop rainy season construction plan to prevent surface runoff materials on the truck and soil erosion during transport. Protect farmland and channels near construction sites No farmland involved Rehabilitate the temporary sites into grass, wood and farmland on near roads # 511, 516, completion of activities 530 and 580. 2.1.5 Solid waste from Garbage bins will be provided in the camps and regularly emptied, Contractor CCE, Being complied with. work camps, canteens and the garbage disposed will be maintained in hygienic manner s external Garbage bins were in accordance with local norms. supervisor provided in the camps s and regularly emptied, and the garbage were collected and transported by sanitary worker 2.2 Water Quality


Environmental Mitigation Measures Implemen Supervisi Implementation Status Impact/Issue ting ng Agency Agency 2.2.1 Impact on Temporary irrigation and drainage systems will be built and Contractor CCE, IA, Being complied with. surface and connected before a permanent drainage system is blocked or s and Street No irrigation system sub-surface water flow removed as part of the construction process DESIGN Committee involved or drainage or If groundwater drainage or an open channel irrigation flow is cut, INSTITUT s irrigation system the flow should be re-routed by piping or leakage repaired E immediately by sealing the damaged surface area with concrete to prevent leakage or contamination. Construction materials such as asphalt should not be kept close to Contractor CCE, IA, Being complied with. construction sites for long periods of time, and if they are stored s and Street Asphalt was not stored for the short term, they should be kept away from sources of water Design Committee in the construction site or drainage channels; the erodible materials should be covered Institute s for long period, no over to prevent their scouring. erodible material Construction in erosion and flood-prone areas should be restricted involved. to the dry season. Replanting should be completed as soon as possible following fill Contractor CCE, IA, Being complied with. placement to facilitate regeneration of a stabilizing ground cover. s and Street Wasteland are used as It is strictly prohibited to discharge into water body. Design Committee temporary construction Institute s site 2.2.2 Wastewater from Strengthen management, discharge domestic wastewater to the Contractor CCE, IA, Being complied with. construction workers, nearby sewer network or have it treated by on-site package plant s, in LEPB Domestic wastewater canteens cooperatio was discharged into n with local municipal sewer communiti network. es


Environmental Mitigation Measures Implemen Supervisi Implementation Status Impact/Issue ting ng Agency Agency 2.2.4 Vehicle and The on-site fuelling area should be selected away from water Contractor CCE, Being complied with. Equipment bodies, and should be protected by a dike to prevent run-off and to s external Vehicles have been Maintenance and prevent run-off from leaving the fuelling area. The on-site fuelling supervisor repaired at the Cleaning facilities should be only used for equipment must be fuelled on s, on designated workshop. site, and all vehicles and equipment that regularly enter and leave behalf of the construction site should be fuelled offsite. IA, and LEPB The vehicle and equipment wash area must be properly identified Contractor CCE, Being complied with. by sign and located away from drainage facilities and s external Vehicles were covered. watercourses. It must be equipped with a septic tank to collect and supervisor Specific area has been disposal of wash water. s, on designated for vehicle behalf of washing IA, and LEPB All vehicles and equipment that regularly enter and leave the Contractor CCE, Being complied with. At construction site must be cleaned offsite. s external each construction site’s supervisor exit, a vehicle washing s, on pool was set up to clean behalf of up wheels before IA, and vehicles left site. LEPB The wastewater from washing watercraft will contain silts and Contractor CCE, Being complied with. smaller quantities of oil. This wastewater should be settled before s external Tires of construction being discharged into rivers. supervisor vehicles are cleaned A construction materials handling protocol (e.g., storage away s, on with water sprays before from watercourses and provision of retention areas, to contain behalf of they leave the accidental spills of toxic, hazardous, and harmful construction IA, and construction site. materials, such as caustic and acidic substances, oil and LEPB petroleum products, and asphalt materials) will be prepared and


Environmental Mitigation Measures Implemen Supervisi Implementation Status Impact/Issue ting ng Agency Agency applied.

2.3 Air Quality 2.3.1 Generation of Avoid truck overloaded, vehicles delivering fine materials to the Contractor CCE, Being complied with. dust sites must be covered, timely clear the dust clean up the earth that s external Transportation trucks drops on the road during transportation should be in a timely supervisor are covered manner to reduce dust. s, on behalf of IA, LEPB Contractors will be required to spray road surfaces, excavation, Contractor CCE, Being complied with. construction and demolition sites to keep them moist for dust s external Watering at least two to control; supervisor three times a day Potential significant adverse impacts to adjacent residents or site s, on employees during construction will be mitigated by either behalf of Construction material discontinuing until favourable conditions are restored, and sites IA, LEPB was stored at covered should be watered to prevent dust generation. place Burning waste construction materials as fuels is prohibited in the Contractor CCE, Being complied with. course of construction. Solvents and volatile materials will be s external No burning waste properly used. supervisor construction materials s, on happened behalf of IA, LEPB


Environmental Mitigation Measures Implemen Supervisi Implementation Status Impact/Issue ting ng Agency Agency Enclose the demolition sites and road construction sites with Contractor CCE, Being complied with. colour fencing. s external Demolition sites and Trucks carrying earth, sand or stone will be covered with tarps to supervisor construction sites was avoid spilling. s, on fenced behalf of IA, LEPB Proper timetables and routes for transportation should be Contractor CCE, Being complied with. developed. s external Timetable and routes for Separate stone and sand materials, store concrete in separate supervisor transportation has been storage place and minimize transportation required. s, on developed and avoid Set up hoarding around construction site, particularly for sensitive behalf of sensitive areas. receivers nearby roads, including school, hospital, residential IA, LEPB areas. All the roads and pavements used by vehicles of the contractors or any subcontractor or supplier will be kept clean and clear of all dust, mud, or extraneous materials dropped by their construction vehicles. Such cleaning must be completed on a regular basis. Pre-construction monitoring of existing ambient air quality will be undertaken to provide a baseline for the measurement of air quality impacts during the construction period. 2.3.2 Emission from Select appropriate machinery and transportation vehicles in Contractor IA, LEPB Being complied with. Vehicles and compliance with national emission standards s Drivers have been equipment Machinery and equipment will be fitted with pollution control required to conduct devices, which will be checked at regular intervals to ensure that regular machinery they are in working order. check and maintenance. 2.4 Noise


Environmental Mitigation Measures Implemen Supervisi Implementation Status Impact/Issue ting ng Agency Agency 2.4.1 Noise from At construction sites within 250 meter of the nearest habitation, contractor CCE, Being complied with. vehicles, plant, and noisy construction work will be stopped between 2300 and 0600 s external No construction at night equipment hours. supervisor time. The construction unit should contact the management in the s, LEPB Horn was prohibited at above mentioned sensitive spots in advance, and arrange the residential area. construction scheme to avoid impacts of construction noise to Has developed the residents. construction schedule If construction activities occur near schools, the construction unit base on consultation should consult with the school management about the with the local construction timetable of large machinery. In case there is still a communities. need for construction works in regular hours acoustic screens of 2.5m-4.0m in height should be set up to keep noise levels below 60dB (A). In order to effectively protect the sensitive spots, bidding documents clearly specified the noise-sensitive spots and environment protection measures mentioned in this report. Noise levels from equipment and machinery must strictly conform to PRC-GB 12523-90. Use low noise machinery Install temporary noise barrier around noisy machinery, avoid concrete mixing, use pre-mixed concrete 2.5 Impact on Flora and Fauna

2.5.1 Loss of or Relocate the trees affected by the construction, avoid trees cutting Contractor External Being complied with. damage to flora and and restore the vegetation on completion of construction. s supervisor At regular supervision fauna All works will be carried out by minimizing damage of flora and s, and meetings, workers have fauna and construction workers will be instructed to protect natural LEPB been instructed to resources, fauna and flora. protect natural resources, fauna and flora.


Environmental Mitigation Measures Implemen Supervisi Implementation Status Impact/Issue ting ng Agency Agency More details see Section 5.3.3 of this report.

2.6 Impacts on Cultural Heritage Sites 2.6.1 Cultural Heritage Should culture heritage discovered during the construction, stop IA, Provincial Not applicable. construction, protect the site and report to the Lanzhou and Gansu Lanzhou Heritage No heritage was Heritage Bureaus Cultural Bureaus, discovered. Has Heritage and PMO informed the contractors Bureaus to stop construction once any cultural heritage found. 2.7 Health and Safety Aspects 2.7.1 Loss of Access At all times during construction, the contractor will provide safe Contractor PMO Being complied with. and convenient passages for vehicles, pedestrians, and livestock s with Has provided access to and from side roads assistance roads. from Design Institute and IA


Environmental Mitigation Measures Implemen Supervisi Implementation Status Impact/Issue ting ng Agency Agency 2.7.2 Health Aspects An education program for HIV/AIDS and STDs will be IA in PMO, and Being complied with. such as illness of implemented concurrently with the project implementation. cooperatio Lanzhou Education was workers, spread of Maintain efficient sanitation in the construction area; provide n with local Health provided. HIV/AIDS and STIs health check to workers; health Authorities Safety utilities were Safety training and management should be strengthened to authorities provided ensure the safe construction Construction workers should be equipped with personnel protection utilities, such as earplug, helmet, etc when necessary 2.8 Landscape

2.8.1 visual quality of Construction sites should be well organized and the construction Contractor PMO Being complied with. landscape affected by activities should be carried out according to the schedule; s with Construction sites have construction activities For safety and visual quality reasons construction sites should be assistance been well organized and fenced; from the construction During construction sites should be cleaned up in a timely Design activities were carried manner; Institute out according to the After construction is completed the area occupied by construction and IA schedule; sites, temporarily occupied land, construction camps, should be Construction sites were restored fenced. 2.9 Social Being complied with. 2.9.1 Lives of the In order to mitigate adverse impacts associated with construction, IA PMO Consultation has been Residents further public consultations with local residents should be conducted, no conflict conducted with an aim to inform them about the intended activities happened between of the Project, and to obtain their proposals and comments about contractors and local the Project and potential mitigation measures. people. 2.10 Tourist Attractions 2.10 Botanical Garden Construction activity on the roads #T571(#502) and #T571(#511) Contractor PMO Being complied with. and Renshoushan will be executed with restricted access of the public to the s #502 road was


Environmental Mitigation Measures Implemen Supervisi Implementation Status Impact/Issue ting ng Agency Agency Park construction sites as during this period, the Project will affect completed in July 2014. visitors and tourist of the Lanzhou Botanical Garden and 511# road is close to the Renshoushan Park. In order to minimize adverse impacts of civil Botanic Garden of works, the construction period in vicinity to these sensitive spots Renshoushan Park, the will be reduced as much as practical. During construction, using construction sites and temporarily sound insulation facilities is justified to minimize noise road have been impacts to sensitive spots. regularly watered to reduce dust. Temporarily sound insulation facilities were installed to minimize noise impacts to sensitive spots. 2.11. Environmental Supervision 2.11.1 Environmental IA will set up an unit for environmental management (EMO) for IA PMO, Being complied with. supervision and internal supervision of implementation of the mitigation measures LEPB Each monitoring IA will contract with a professional environmental supervision IA set up an company to supervise the environmental practices externally environmental during the construction management unit PMO, Lanzhou and Anning district EPBs, local WRBs will also (EMU) for inspect implementation of mitigation measures environmental The environmental monitoring program will be implemented supervision of according to the monitoring program specified in EIA and SEIA implementation of the A monitoring and inspection report will be sent to PMO, LEPB to mitigation measure. assess the needs of further mitigation measures Each IA has contracted with construction supervision companies with


Environmental Mitigation Measures Implemen Supervisi Implementation Status Impact/Issue ting ng Agency Agency professional environmental supervision specialists for each contract, and a professional LIEC to supervise the environmental practices externally during the construction The environmental monitoring program has been implemented according to the monitoring program specified in the domestic EIA and SEIA Operations Stage (applicable for partial roads and BRT alignment under operation, referring to Table 4 of Section 2.2) ) 3.1 Project The IA will hire a licensed environmental consulting and/or Licensed LEPB Not yet due, and to be Environmental monitoring institute to conduct an environmental survey and institutes undertaken until the Acceptance Audit monitoring report for project acceptance within the first 3 months contracted whole project is of operation or, with permission from LEPB, no later than in 1 by IAs completed by end 2018. year. It will include analysis of environmental budget - actual costs of mitigation versus those estimated at SEIA. 3.2 Air Pollution Control


Environmental Mitigation Measures Implemen Supervisi Implementation Status Impact/Issue ting ng Agency Agency 3.2.1 Road Transport Traffic Management: The traffic management component of the IA ANDG Complied with for the Policies Project can cut road transport emissions by reducing traffic (The EA roads and the BRT congestion. was sections under Bus Rapid Transit: Bus rapid transit is one of the priorities and changed operation. Roads with major components of this Project. This component provides mass from LMG NMT lane and BRT are transportation in urban areas using segregated bus lanes. By to Anning under operation and using compressed natural gas buses this system minimizes District ACTS has almost been vehicle emissions (including greenhouse gas emissions) per Governme completed to promote passenger kilometer. nt (ANDG) traffic management, Non-motorized transport: NMT lanes are included in the Project as in 2014. reduce travel time and a physical component of road design. From an environmental Same for congestion, in turn, to standpoint, NMT is a perfect mode of transportation, as it the below) strengthen air pollution produces no emissions control. 3.2.2 Atmospheric The use of compressed natural gas will be encouraged and filling LEPB Gansu Complied with for the Pollution from stations established. Inspection and maintenance programs will provincial roads and the BRT Vehicles be expanded. governme sections under Intensive training programs for capacity building focusing on nt, operation. Some emission testing, data analysis, and reporting should be nongovern CNG/LNG/electric/ implemented. An annual air quality monitoring program should be ment hybrid taxis and buses introduced. Involvement of the media, nongovernment organizatio replaced the organizations, and community will be encouraged. n low-efficiency, high-pollution vehicles. Partial private petroleum-driven cars were renovated with CNG-driven devices. Accordingly, CNG filling/ electric charging stations were equipped.


Environmental Mitigation Measures Implemen Supervisi Implementation Status Impact/Issue ting ng Agency Agency Vehicle annual mandatory check and exhaust emission monitoring was implemented. Annual air quality monitoring was highlighted by local government and NGOs, and access to the public via medias (including internet, mobile phone App, TV, radio, and etc.). 3.3 Air Quality It is currently proposed that the environmental monitoring PMO, LEPB Complied with. Monitoring System component will have a number of subcomponents, including: a Lanzhou The contract for the fixed air quality monitoring station, a remote sensing system, Environme environmental electronic saturation stations, passive samplers, and design and ntal monitoring system has technology transfer. Monitoring already been covered Station by the central government’s environmental monitoring initiatives led and financed by the local Environmental Protection Bureau. ADB financing is no longer required. 3.3.1 Urban Planning Land use planning: Design and construction of the new urban Lanzhou LMG Being complied with. environmentally sensitive developments should be executed in Planning


Environmental Mitigation Measures Implemen Supervisi Implementation Status Impact/Issue ting ng Agency Agency such a way as to keep new sensitive spots away from the project Bureau roads. It is recommended to urban planning agencies that sensitive spots be at least 50 m from the roads. Air-quality sensitive receptors are presently located in the first row of buildings from the road and should be relocated wherever possible. The first row of buildings should also be located as much as practical at a certain distance from the road to minimize negative impacts of vehicle exhaust and dust. Landscaping: Planting trees on the roadsides has proven to be a reliable mitigation measure that can reduce concentrations of carbon monoxide and particulate matter. The features of these “greenbelts” that can impact their efficiency include the species of trees or shrubs, configuration of the belt (number of rows, order of trees and shrubs), and the distance from the road. Regulations of Urban Landscaping Management in Lanzhou City should be followed by planting trees on both sides of the project roads. 3.4 Noise Pollution 3.4.1 Noise-Sensitive Install soundproof windows at affected buildings, including Environme LEPB No soundproof windows Receptors residential blocks, staff residential buildings of Gansu Legal ntal have been installed so Institute, sanatorium of Honorary Militaries of Gansu Province, monitoring far. NO HORN staff residential buildings of Zhongxing Science and Technology, institutions PERMITTED signs and classroom building of Guijiazhuang Primary School (see contracted were set up on road details in EIA, table 8.4-1). Install sound barriers at Lanzhou by IA sections near schools. Electric Engineering Vocational School, Taolin village, and Xijie According to operational village (details in EIA, table 8.4-1.) NO HORN PERMITTED sign noise monitoring in will be set up on road sections near schools. February 2016, the noise levels at all representative receptors complied with national


Environmental Mitigation Measures Implemen Supervisi Implementation Status Impact/Issue ting ng Agency Agency standards in corresponding functional areas. No noise issue was raised during the formal public consultation workshop in June 2017. For details see Sections 5.2 and 5.3.6 of No. 7 EMR dated February 2017. 3.4.2 Appropriate It is recommended that such sensitive facilities as schools, Lanzhou LMG Being complied with. Urban Planning hospitals, and kindergartens should not be built in the first row of Planning Noise control has been buildings on either side of the new roads. What is more suitable Bureau incorporated into local for these locations are less such noise-sensitive facilities as government’s urban commercial buildings or multi-floored parking facilities. This will masterplan, land use not only make land use more efficient but also help to reduce planning and noise impacts to sensitive spots. Designers of residential buildings environmental are advised to design such ancillary rooms as bathrooms, protection planning. kitchens, and elevators on the side facing the road in order to further reduce noise impacts. Owners of new buildings where noise-sensitive receptors will be located are advised to incorporate such noise-mitigating measures as installing doors and windows with sufficient noise-mitigating capabilities into design and construction


Environmental Mitigation Measures Implemen Supervisi Implementation Status Impact/Issue ting ng Agency Agency 3.4.3 Landscaping Species of grass, bushes, and trees (mainly poplar, willow, and IA Lanzhou Complied with for the elm) suitable to the climate of northern PRC should be included in Forest roads and the BRT the design of road landscaping when the requirements of road Bureau sections under functions and the local master plan are met. The pavement should operation. be designed as a low-noise pavement if buildings in the first row facing the road section do not meet the requirements of a Class 4 zone. 3.4.4 Additional Vehicle technology and standards: Economic development and ANDG ANDG Complied with for the Measures progress of the automobile industry will enhance noise emission roads and the BRT standards and reduce noise levels from individual vehicles. sections under Enforcement of vehicular noise standards: implement inspection operation. and maintenance programs in regard to noise (noise tests); vehicles exceeding noise standards should be subjected to compulsory maintenance; and vehicles with excessive noise should be gradually taken out of service. Enforcement of vehicle speed control, especially at nighttime and on road sections where sensitive noise receptors are located. More forceful management of the use of horns and prohibition on the use of horns at road sections where sensitive noise receptors are located. Periodic maintenance of sound barriers. Good maintenance of pavement and timely repair of damaged pavements. 3.5 Ecological The trees and vegetation removed during the construction phase IA PMO, Complied with. The Environment should be replanted in other places. A municipal department that Lanzhou PMO has appointed four deals with tree-planting should be involved in this landscaping Forest professional work. Special efforts should be made to ensure the survivability of Bureau landscaping companies vegetation to make up the loss of flora caused by the construction to remove and replant activities. After improvement of the roads, trees and grass should the trees. All of the be planted on the separation belts and the areas outside the replanted trees are roads; flower beds or evergreen trees should be set or established survived.


Environmental Mitigation Measures Implemen Supervisi Implementation Status Impact/Issue ting ng Agency Agency in the spaces between buildings so that the decreased green area For more details please can be compensated. Greenbelts, lawns, and hedgerows should see Section 5.3.3. be designed and established on both sides of the road, while sculptures or other features should be installed at crossings and in the free space on the street or among buildings in order to improve the urban environment and beautify the view from the road. This can also showcase the style of the city and promote a sense of community. Full use will be taken of the natural conditions when carrying out landscaping works, and trees and grass will be planted wherever possible to create attractive, green areas. Attention should be given to the selection of plants and their layout. The plants selected should be pollution-tolerant, able to absorb pollutants, fireproof, dust-resistant, noise-reducing, and beautifying so as to create an unspoiled green land area. The width of the greenbelt should be 8 m or wider, mainly for the purpose of landscaping. Greenbelts should be designed along the main and secondary roads, so as to improve the roadside scenery. The greening of the road should meet the needs of modern road transportation. Types of plants that can survive easily should be chosen. The plants selected should also have a great capacity for dust absorption, dust prevention and noise reduction, so as to form a “green net” with trees and shrubs to improve the urban environment and beautify the overall image of the main streets. The green space along the road should cover between 15% and 20% of the area. In the ecological green-land construction area, the construction of a belt to prevent pollution should be a priority. It is suggested that the following kinds of trees are to be used: camphor trees, glossy privets, leaflet fig trees, oleander, ginkgo, Chinese ilex, plane trees, phoenix trees, vine


Environmental Mitigation Measures Implemen Supervisi Implementation Status Impact/Issue ting ng Agency Agency plants like honeysuckle, Boston ivy. 3.6 Hydrology The south section of #T530; east section of #T532(#516), Not applicable. #S583(#518), #T550(#550), and #S554(#571); west section of #S583(#518); and #T580(#580)(S) are located in the class II A class II drinking water drinking water source protection zone of Lanzhou city. In order to source protection area avoid contaminating water sources in the case of accidental was originally located in failure of sewage and storm water pipeline networks, these the southwest part of pipelines must be designed to higher standards and ground the project area, and sections under these pipeline networks must be insulated. Utility rezoned respectively in facilities in the Class II drinking water protection zone of Lanzhou 2009 and 2011 so the city should be designed with insulation. A roadway drainage rezoning of the drinking system should be built where the water table is expected to rise water protection zone due to potential blocks in the groundwater flow (for example, new excludes the project roads running in east–west direction in parallel and close to the area. Although, the Yellow River), such as the area to the north of road #T532(#516). water quality monitoring In those areas where the water table is expected to decrease, data indicates measures such as culverts and drainage facilities should be used compliance with to avoid sharp fluctuations. national standards. Road #T532(#530) will partly encroach into the bed of Da Sha (Qing Shi) Sloot and cause that section to move eastward. A For details please see protection wall must be built there as an engineering measure. Section 5.3.2. The inspection and maintenance program (at testing stations and during roadside checks) should carefully identify vehicles in poor technical condition, including those leaking gasoline and lubricating materials. Transportation of flammable and explosive materials should only be allowed with the approval of the Public Security Bureau. Monitoring of water quality in water bodies should be provided by LEPB


Environmental Mitigation Measures Implemen Supervisi Implementation Status Impact/Issue ting ng Agency Agency 3.6.1 Transportation of A spill contingency plan is proposed that includes an acting IA in Traffic Complied with for the Hazardous Goods agency, emergency response, monitoring, and reporting. consultatio authorities roads and the BRT n with sections under traffic operation. authorities 3.7 Monitoring and An environmental monitoring program, including soil erosion CCE, IA, PMO, Being complied with. Inspection monitoring, will be implemented according to the monitoring contracted LEPB An operational noise program specified in the EIA. A monitoring and inspection report supervisor monitoring was will be sent to the PMO, LEPB, and ADB to assess the needs for s, undertaken in February further mitigation measures monitoring 2016, indicating institutes compliance. For details see Section 5.2 of No. 7 EMR dated February 2017. ADB = Asian Development Bank, CCE = chief construction engineer, EIA = environmental impact assessment, EPB = environmental protection bureau, GESDRI = Gansu Environmental Science and Design Research Institute, HIV/AIDS = human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, IA = implementing agency, LEPB = Lanzhou Environmental Protection Bureau, LMG = Lanzhou municipal government, PMO = project management office, PRC = People’s Republic of China, ROW = right-of-way, SEIA =summary environmental impact assessment, SMEDI = Design Institute, WRB = water resource bureau. Source: Based on SEIA including EMP, May 2009.


5.3.2 Due Diligence on drinking water source protection

65 The original SEIA (dated May 2009) mentions that a class II drinking water source protection area is located in the southwest part of the project area (paragraph 8 in page 3 of SEIA). The south section of #T530; east section of #T532(#516), #S583(#518), #T550(#550), and #S554(#571); west section of #S583(#518); and #T580(#580)(S) are located in the class II drinking water source protection zone of Lanzhou city. The below figures indicate the geographical relationships and distances among the project area, intake of drinking water source and Class II drinking water protection zone of Lanzhou city (2009).

class II water source protection zone (2009)

Geographical relationships among the project area, intake of drinking water source and Class II drinking water protection zone of Lanzhou city


Project area

Source: Baseed on Google Maps 2018 and Lanzhou Water Supply Company’s website, prepared by the LIEC

Location of the intake of drinking water source(Anmencun village, in the west) , distance from the project area to the intake of drinking water source (about 11 km at the closest along the Yellow River)

66 The No.5 EMR (dated January 2015) confirmed the rezoning of the drinking water protection zone to exclude the project area. In 2009, the Lanzhou Municipal Government revised the location of the Class 2 drinking water source protection zone and the zone is no longer in the project area and is about 4km away. In 2011, the drinking water protection areas are further revised. The revised area reduces the


Class II drinking water protection area and increases Quasi Protected Area. These areas are located at Xincheng Town of Lanzhou City which is about 4km away from the proposed project area.

67 According to 2017 Annual Environmental Statement of Lanzhou city (http://hbj.lanzhou.gov.cn/index.html) and monthly monitoring reports through July to December 2017 by Lanzhou EPB (http://hbj.lanzhou.gov.cn/) , the water quality at the intake of drinking water source (Anmeng Bridge section or Anmengcun section) complied with Class II17 (better than Class III) of Environmental quality standards for surface water GB 3838—2002 18 . This project environmental monitoring data in December 2017 also confirmed compliance both at the intake of drinking water source (Anmeng Bridge) and the closest section to the project area (Yintan Bridge section located at Class II drinking water protection zone). For details please see the paragraphs 45~48 in Section 5.2.

68 In addition, the original SEIA (dated May 2009) also mentions that road #T532(#530, see the note in the next page) will partly encroach into the bed of Da Sha (Qing Shi) Sloot and cause that section to move eastward. A protection wall will be built there as an engineering measure .

Da Sha (Qing Shi) Sloot

#530 road

Geographic relationships between road #530 and Da Sha (Qing Shi) Sloot

17 Excluding incompliance of Total Coliform Group Bacteria in September 2017. 18 The classification of water bodies by functions: The water bodies are divided into five classes according to the utilization purposes and protection objectives: l Class I is mainly applicable to the water from sources, and the national nature reserves. l Class II is mainly applicable to first class of protected areas for centralized sources of drinking water, the protected areas for rare fishes, and the spawning fields of fishes and shrimps. l Class III is mainly applicable to second class of protected areas for centralized sources of drinking water, protected areas for the common fishes and swimming areas. l Class IV is mainly applicable to the water areas for industrial use and entertainment which is not directly touched by human bodies. l Class V is mainly applicable to the water bodies for agricultural use and landscape requirement. The water bodies with various functions are classified based on the highest function, and those with seasonal functions may be classified by seasons.


Note: The road #530, starting at road #502 and ending at North Binhe Road, has a total length of 2,115m and width of 60m. The construction commenced in September 2011 and 700m in south section has been constructed. Due to the discovery of oil pipe, the construction of road 530 is on-hold and re-start date is expected in the first half of 2018. The preparation of oil-pipe deviation is listed below:

l Earthquake Safety Evaluation Report, approved by Gansu Earthquake Bureau in September 2013;

l Flood Prevention Evaluation Report, approved by Lanzhou Water Resource Bureau in September 2014;

l Safety Pre-Evaluation Report, approved by Lanzhou Administration Bureau of Work Safety in September 2014;

l Environmental Impact Assessment Report, prepared by Lanzhou Jiaotong University and submitted to Lanzhou EPB for approval in September 2014;

l April 2015, oil-pipe deviation FSR (feasibility study report) preparation

l Detail design and bidding: May 2015~ September 2016

l Start of deviation: commenced in October 2016 and expected to be completed by December 2018.

5.3.3 Due Diligence of tree protection

69 The original SEIA (dated May 2009, paragraph 13 in page 4 of the SEIA) mentions that an environmentally sensitive area involves a community of old fruit trees growing in Majiazhuang village (7 ha, 80 Ruanerli pears), Zoujiazhuang village (4 ha, 50 Ruanerli pears), Cuijiazhuang village (5 ha, 40 Ruanerli pears), and Anningbu village (47 ha, 900 jujubes). According to the survey made by the Lanzhou University, in total there are 343 trees of different species including 336 jujubes, 6 Ruanerli pear trees, and 1 paulownia within the RoWs of the planned roads. According to the field survey, the old trees19 are represented by only jujubes. The number of old trees within the ROW was assessed as 160. Besides, an estimated 2,600 trees grow on separation belts and medians of project roads, of which 640 can be affected by the proposed project (BRT component). Additionally, the BRT component can potentially affect 280 trees located at separation belts dividing motorized from non-motorized traffic on Dunhuang Road in . The number of trees located within the ROW of new and reconstructed roads was assessed as 600. Of these, around 300 were assessed as trees worth relocating.

70 The PMO has appointed four professional landscaping companies to remove and replant the other trees. About 90 cedars have been replanted in the median of the western end of the BRT corridor, 20 replanted at Anning Government

19 According to a Lanzhou Municipality’s ordinance, trees older than 100 years should be protected.


Building landscaping, the rest about 300 cedars have been used in road landscaping along Binghe Road North which runs parallel to the Yellow River. The cedars replanted in Anning Government Building have been attended to by landscape gardeners. All of the replanted cedars are survived. The cedars transplanted along BRT and North Binghe Road are attended Anning Public Landscaping Bureau. Professional gardeners have been hired to take care of these trees. The survival rate of these trees is more than 95%. Some information of civil works contract #514 road provided by the PMO in November 2016 is also shown in the paragraph 69 in the pages 53~54 of No. 7 EMR dated February 2017.


Tree area, circled in brown (near road 516#, west section almost completed and east section pending)

Road 516#

Majiazhuang village (7 ha, 80 Ruanerli pears), Zoujiazhuang village (4 ha, 50 Ruanerli pears), Cuijiazhuang village (5 ha, 40 Ruanerli pears)

Road 516#

Road 516#


Tree area (near road 516#) Majiazhuang village (7 ha, 80 Ruanerli pears)


Tree area (near road 516#) Cuijiazhuang village (5 ha, 40 Ruanerli pears)


Tree area, circled in brown (near road 530#, south section almost completed and north section pending), at Anningbu village (47 ha, 900 jujubes, )

Road 530#

# 530


# 530 Road

71 Trees protection will be closely monitored in the next reporting period and more details will be reported in future EMRs.

5.3.4 Institutional Capacity Building and Training

72 As of December 2017, a series of trainings were conducted related to ADB’s Safeguard Policy Statement and the project EMP. Every quarter, the PMO organized a training workshop with attendants from all construction companies, construction supervision companies, design institutes and the IAs. The LIEC conducted environmental training focusing on project environmental management and the EMP implementation via various (almost monthly) phone calls to the PMO/contractors/CSCs.

Table 16 Environmental Training Seminars and Workshops Attendees Topic Trainer(s) Date Organization No. 6 Implementation of EMP, good The September practice of construction site PMO/CSC/ All Contractors 16(Tot and 8 management, and GRM LIEC al) November of 2017


5.3.5 Public Consultation and GRM Public Consultation and Disclosure

73 During this reporting period, the PMO and the contractors/CSCs regularly communicated with the potential affected people (APs) who lived nearby the project alignments. The government hotline number (12345) is disclosed at the gates and highlighted at the BRT stations (as shown in the below photos, taken at BRT Liujiapu station, on 12 October 2017, sourced from the PMO) in case of any complaints. Project Grievance Records and Resolution

74 A project specific GRM has been established, including the focal point, procedures, timelines for different institutions involved, and so on (detailed information of focal points at PMO/Contractors levels please refer to Sections 2.1 and 3.1.1, the example of road #516 please see the below figure). The PMO follow the procedures as presented below.


Road #516 environmental GRM including detailed information of focal points at PMO/Contractor/CSC(on 12 October 2017, sourced from the PMO)

Note: OSE – On Site Engineer; SPCC – Subproject Public Complaints Center; AP – Affected Person; PMO – Project Management Office; PMO GO – Project Management Office Grievance Officer; PIC Project Implementation Consultant. Project Grievance Redress Mechanism.

75 Besides the project-specific GRM, there is an additional local grievance redress system. Any complaints received, can be dealt with via the municipal government (number 12345) and the EPBs’ public complaints hotlines (number 12369). The Lanzhou municipal government and the EPBs’ also have online complaints buttons in their webpages (below).


Online 12345 government complaint portal, also applicable to SMG, Weibo, Wechat by scanning QR code (http://www.lz12345.gov.cn/home/web/index.html#hjzx)


Anning District Online 12369 complaint portal (part of Ministry of Environmental Protection’s network) , also applicable to Wechat by scanning QR code

76 During the reporting period, the PMO confirmed that no formal complaint was received neither through the project-specific GRM nor the local online system.



{This section summaries the overall compliance with EMP, highlight any issues that have arisen, and required Corrective actions to comply with EMP- agreed course of action to deliver corrective actions, timescales, responsible parties, reporting requirements.}


6.1 Compliance with EMP Requirements

77 Environmental provisions have been incorporated into the civil works contracts. Field inspections by the independent construction supervision agencies, respective PMO environmental officers, and LIEC have confirmed that the civil work contractor has complied with the environmental requirements.

78 During the period of this report, civil work construction was on-going for only roads # 511, 516, and 580 . In the construction phase, the contractor has on the whole fulfilled its commitment to protect the environment. Adequate attention has been paid to the implementation of mitigation measures and environmental monitoring. Through the implementation of the mitigation measures, the environmental impacts have been prevented or reduced to the minimum level possible.

79 To date, all of the public complaints are about sanitary condition of the BRT stations, as reported in the previous EMRs. These complaints had been resolved and the solution is satisfactory. There have been no other significant public complaints about the environmental impacts of the project.

6.2 Corrective Action Needs to be Taken

80 As indicated in the Section 5.2 of this report, the TSP levels still exceeded Class II standard by 0%~17% at most monitoring points, consistent with the monitoring results in the last reporting period (January to June 2017). Although there have been some improvement, it is recommended to enhance better onsite dust control as shown in the paragraphs 58 and 59 of Section 5.3.1. The PMO and the contractors agreed to enhance these measures in order to ensure environmental compliance and minimize air pollution from this Project as possible.



[This section provides detailed results of environmental monitoring, and other supporting information that demonstrates compliance with requirements and/or corrective actions needed/taken]



Laboratory and equipment of the Environmental Monitoring Team (Dec 2017)



Non- official data source: http://www.aqistudy.cn/ unitμg/m3(except CO mg/m3) Monthly AQI and PM2.5 are based on hourly data, only for reference.

Month AQI Scope Evaluation PM2.5 PM10 SO2 CO NO2 O3

2016-07 82 34~124 Good 33 84 8 1 41 125

2016-08 71 34~129 Good 32 78 7 1 34 117

2016-09 80 56~99 Good 42 100 10 1 58 109

2016-10 83 42~159 Good 46 114 14 1 53 71

2016-11 163 70~500 Medium pollution 94 264 35 2 82 66

2016-12 148 98~199 Minor pollution 109 210 46 3 114 67

2017-07 94 50~134 Good 32 85 10 0.703 41 147

2017-08 73 38~130 Good 30 73 9 0.723 43 112

2017-09 82 61~120 Good 39 96 12 0.733 52 120

2017-10 75 34~109 Good 44 97 14 1.11 51 73 2017-11 101 73~128 Minor pollution 59 147 36 1.93 76 66 2017-12 147 68~500 Minor pollution 83 207 52 2.603 90 54

Note: As the new standard of measurement for air quality, AQI is a quantitative description of the air quality index. The major pollutants involved in the analysis including fine particulate matter

(PM2.5), inhalable particles (PM10), sulfur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), ozone (O3), carbon monoxide (CO).According to “Technical Regulation on Ambient Air Quality Index (on trial)” (HJ633-2012), AQI is divided into six levels in total, with Level one being the best and Level six being the worst.

AQI Air Quality Health Implications 0–50 Excellent No air pollution. 51–100 Good Few hypersensitive individuals should reduce the time for outdoor activities. 101– Minor Slight irritations may occur, children, and those who with breathing or heart 150 pollution problems should reduce outdoor exercise. Healthy people will be noticeably affected. People with breathing or heart 201– Heavily problems will lack exercise tolerance. Those patients, children and elders 300 Polluted should remain indoors. Even healthy people will lack endurance during activities. There may be Severely 300+ strong irritations and symptoms. So all people should avoid outdoor Polluted activities.


Monthly Historical Statistical Diagrams on Air Quality Environmental Quality in Lanzhou City through January 2014 to December 2017


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