Договор № 28 От 05.03.2019 Г. По Оп „Предоставяне На

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Договор № 28 От 05.03.2019 Г. По Оп „Предоставяне На Y)cuutfA4rialuu 30161-a,f, C wr,e w,c,e 4,t t,t4-6 Giuo Co u.RtyTe,/, nz f-(a oci_wee(/61, ,-() airf. Peu0.44( Ecp,o(6) goroBoP No AHec, 5.‘ "2. • 2019 r., B rpag COCID1451, meAgy: HALIMOHATIHA ArEHLU15l 3A npkixogliTE (HAIL), CbC ceganmwe in agpec Ha ynpasneHme: rp. Corimm, 6yn. „KH513 AneKcaHgbp AoHgyKos" N952, BYPCTAT 131063188, npegcrasnpsaHa OT raspavin 3a6ypros - rnasem ceKpeTap Ha HAn, onpaBOmoweH 3a Bb3.110)104Tail CbC 3anosez N931V-01-1P-2/22.05.2017 r. Ha 14311bIIHMTellHt4A gmperrop Ha HAn H C gmpeKrop Ha gmpeKwis „StomKeT H atviHaHcm", HapmHaHo no-gony 3a KpaTKOCT "B1,3110)KIITEIlif, OT e,O,Ha cTpaHa, 14 61,,IWAPCKA TEJlEKOMYHMKAL(VIOHHA KOMT1AHVIA EA/4, sruncaHo B TbprOBCKMA perticrbp npw AreHwici no snmcsammia c EAK 831642181, cbc ceganmate H agpec Ha ynpasneHme: rp. Cochtimi 1784, pa'tloH Mnagocr, 6yn. IlapmrpagcKo woce N9 115 I/1, noe,gcTaBnABaHO OT H ynbIlHOMOLLteH npe,acTastiren Ha VI3F1b11H14TailHilA AmpeKTop Ha 6TK EAg - C 11-651HOMOLLWO ("1013rnouiTen"), OT Apyra crpaHa ce CKI11041/1Hacrosluom gorosop 3a C.FleAHOTO: I. PIPE/MET 1.1. B1,3/10)K101TEJ1511T sb3nara, a 1.13ffb)1l-11MTEMIT ce 3a,q-bmKasa kta npegocrasm, cpew,y 3ag-bn>KeHme-ro Ha 13133J10)KPITET151 ga 3annawa Ha 113n-briHNTE/151 CbOTBeTH14Te I4eHw, Tenesm3tioHHil ycnyrm 3a Y4e6eHLAeH-rbp Ha HAIL BaHKA, c napameTpm CbrilaCHO lipmno>KeHme N9 1 KbM T031/1gorosop. 1.2. 3a non3saHe Ha ycnyrvrre 14311-17J1HVITEI151T ftOCTaBA npmemHm1.11/1, Kaprw, aKcecoapw KbM TAX, K014TO ocraBaT HeroBa CO6CTBeHOCT H cneg npeKpaTsisaHe Ha gorosopa cnegsa ga my 6bgaT BbpHaT14 OT crpaHa Ha Bb3/10)K14TeflA. 1.3. OCBeH nporpamoTe, sKi-moLleHm B flKTMT no ripmno)KeHme N9 1, 1/1311b/1HATE.I11T npegocrassi pa3nto-leH 6poil ,q011bIIHVITenHil nporpamw spemeHHo - 3a CpOKa, npe3 KoViTo vima npasa 3a TAXHOTO pa3npocrpaHeHme. 1/13111D/IHMTEf131T tima npaso ga npomeHst nporpamtirre, BK/110,-leHll B naKermre, npw npeKpaTswaHe Ha manbLisaHeTo vim 14./11 npegocrassmeTo wM OT cTpama Ha c-boTseTHaTa Tenesm3woHHa opraHm3aw15L flew oTnagaHe Ha nporpama OT HAKOA OT naKeTwre, Bb3110>KOTETISIT mma npaso ga npeKpaTm gorosopa. 1/13171b/11HMTEIWIT npegocrasst Ha Bb3110>KVITE11P npasa 3a npmemaHe Ha nporpammTe Ha mecra c ny6nmHeH ,cpc-rbn, egvwcTseHo 3a 1,43p1441-10 nocoLieHmTe nporpamm no lipmno)KeHme N9 2. OcraHanwre nporpamm gocrbnHm npegocraswHwre naKerm cnegsa ga ce non3saT B nomew,eHmm C orpaHmLieH gocrbn, 3a KOHKpeTH1/1 Iwo, OCBaH aKO E313.110)Kti1TE/15:1T He ypegm camocrosTenHo npasaTa 3a non3BaHero MM C gpyro npegHa3HaHeHme. 1.4. HaLianHaTa gaTa Ha npegocrasstHe Ha scsma OT ycnyrwre no T. 1.1 ce ygocrosepAsa c nognmcsaHe Ha KOHCTaTI4BaH npoToKon OT npegcrasm-renm Ha crpaHm-re. 1 OT 6 B Lie lima -rexHmLiecKa Bb3MO)KHOCT 3a npeAoc-raBRHe Ha ycnyrwre npeAnoxeHwre 3a TOBa cpoKOBe ca npmemnmEill 3a B133/10MITE1151, ci-paHwre nopyRiceaT npoToKon, B KOCITO ce onpegenA 3aiBeHaTa ycnyra I1 HaLianHaTa xiaTa 3a npeAoc-raesme-ro M. geilcrBviTerwara Hat-IanHa Aa-ra 3a npeAoc-raBAHe Ha 3a5BeHa-ra ycnyra ce yAoc-roBepgsa no peAa Ha T. 1.4. IL I1PABA 11 3A/41,11)KEHH51 HA ii3n-bnramTEn5i 2.1. I1PABA HA 11311bIlHHTEI151 2.1.1. 1.13111bIlHHTEMIT Lima npaBo Aa nonyciaBa 3annawaHe 3a ycnyrwre, npeAmei Ha TD314 Aorosop, CbrIlaCHO rip11/10)KeHlie N91 KbM HaCTOALIMA AoroBop. V131113/1HPITE1151T 11Ma npaBo, cneA HaAlle>KHO nmcmeHo yBeAomq8aHe Ha Ei173/10)KVITE1151, ,Lta cnpe BpemeHHo npeAoc-raBRHero ma HAK051 OT yCllyrIlTe, B cnyLiail Le Blb3110)101TEFISIT HapyWaBa HaCTOALIA14A AoroBop P11114 pa3nopeA6m Ha Aei7lorBaw,o-ro EbnrapcKo 3aKOHOilaTefiCTBO, KaCaeL1114 113n0/13BaHeTO Ha yCflyraTaf yCIlyrATe Will 3aCTpaWaBa 4pe3 CB0e 06013Y,O,BaHe ATM nO KaKbBTO H Aa e Apyr HaLmm, mpexca-ra KRA C6opyitBaHe-ro Ha 1,13171)11HIAITE/151. 3Agb/1)KEHMA HA 11311b/IHMTE1151 2.1. 143111bAHHTEllAT ce 3aAbnwasa Aa ocmrypm nOegOCTaBAHe I1 no„AApbx<Ka Ha )cnyrwre nO T. 1.1, CbrnaCHO TO311 ,q01-0B00 H 11011110>KPIM11Te HOpMaTABH11 113frICKBaHl1n H (TaHgapric 11311blIHVITEIMT ockirypsiBa o6cny)kBaHe Ha B1331101101TEI151 24 Liaca B /IeHoHoukmero, 7 grim B CeAMALlaTa. 2.2.3. 14311b.11HVITE1151T ce 3aAbl3Kasa Aa na3m TbPrOBCKaTa Tac111a Ha 111,3/10)16/1TE/151, Karo ce BbaLlibP>Ka OT BCSIKaKB14 AeVic-rsmn, KOHTO moral- Aa „AoBeAai AO 'Bpe)K,1aHe Ha nocneAHm51. rIPABA 11 3AgbinKEHIA51 HA Bb3.110)KVITEI151 3.1. I1PABA HA Bb3110)101TE1151 :3.1.1. Bb3/10)K14TEMIT Lima npaso Aa nonyLmi ycnyrwre no T. 1.1, c KaLleCTBOTO H B cpoKoBeTe, onpeAenemm B HaCTOALLIVISI ,E1OrOBOO b1 np14110)KeH1151Ta KbM Hero. 3..1.2. Bb3110WMTETISIT mma npaBo Aa aApecmpa Ao 1111LtaTa 3a KOHTaKT Ha A31111bnHMTEI151, mcKaHm51 3a o-rc-rpaHRBaHe Ha no6peAm no mpexara, o6opyAsaHeTo ,Apyrm -rexHmLieckm cpeAcTsa Ha H3F11:1TIHMTE/151, KOI.ITO npenF1TCTBaT Ka4eCTBeHOTO iipeAoc-raBsiHe Ha ycnyrm-re, npeAmeT Ha TO311 AoroBop. 3.1.3. B153.110)KIITEllAT onpeAenR CB011 cneumanmcm, KOHTO 113r1b/MPITE/111T o6y4aea 3a pa6ora c Kpa0Hwre yc-rpoiic-rBa H goo-aBeHwre OT vonbnHVITE/151 -exHmLiecicm cpegc-roa, aKo mma TaKmBa. 3.2. 3Agbi1IKEHY151 HA B123J10)KHTEJ151 3.2.1. Bb3110NOITEMIT ce 3aAbnwaBa Aa 3annau.ta LleHwre 3a ycnyrwre B cpoK w no ia411H, nOCOHeffil nO-golly B HaCTOALLIAA gOrOBOO H obrnacHo npmnoweHmsTa KbM Hero. 2 OT 6 3.2.2. Bb3110)KMTEJ1FIT ce 3amarDKaaa ga ocmrypswa Ha cneLtmanmc-rm-re Ha 1/13r11b/11HVITE1151 cBo6ogeH goc-rbn B pa6oTHo BpeMe AO nometgeHmR, KbgeTo e Heo6xogmmo mHcTanmpaHe 14/114 npoBepKa Ha (PyHKLimoi-impaHeTo Ha KpariHm-re yo-poikTBa H TexHw4ecKi4Te cpegc-rBa, npegocTaBeHm my 3a BpeMeHHO non3BaHe. 3.2.3. B133110)KVITE/IfIT ce 3a/11:01)KaBa Aa CFla3Ba BC14HK11 Hopmm Ha geOcTBaigo-ro 6-bnrapcKo 3aKoHoigarenc-mo, Kacaeui4 non3BaHeTo Ha ycnyrmTe N npenopbKm Ha 1,13rIbr1HMTEI1C1 OTHOCHO 6e3ORaCHOTO H AO6p0CbBeCTHO m3non3BaHe Ha ycnyrfriTe. 3.2.4. 13133110)KMTVISIT ce 3a,gbmKaBa ga nau TbprOBCKaTa Ta0Ha Ha von-bmiwrEnsi, KaTO ce Bb3gbpwa OT BCS1KaKBM gel7ICTB1,151, KOMTO moraT ga yBpegyn- 113111311HMTE/131. IV. CPOK 11 11PEKPATSIBAHE HA AOrOBOPA 4.1. T0314 J.1or °Bop 1111143a B cona OT kl,a-raTa Ha nognmcBaHeTo my OT gBare CTpaH14 3a CbOTBeTHWTe Ycnyrii no T. 1.1. H mma cpoK Ha gel-no-Bile 36 (TpmgeceT 14 wecT) meceLta. 4.2. norosopbT mowe Aa 6bge ripeKpareH npegm w3Tm4aHe Ha cpoK RO T. 4.1, B cnegHwTe cnyLiam: 4.2.1. 110 B3a11MHO cbrnacme Ha °Tam/11-e; 4.2.2. B pe3ynTaT Ha AeNCTBm 141114 awrone Ha KOMReTeHTH14 gbp>KaBHm opraHm, KOWTO BO,C1MT 110 orpaHmLiaBaHe npaBomoumvra 141114 cPyHKLimmTe Ha KOSITO VI P,a 614110 OT cTpaHmTe; 4.2.3. Elp11 1114KB14/1.3L11451 MI MI o69BsmaHe B HeCbCTOS1TeflHOCT Ha 1/13rIbIlHilTE1131, C414TaHO OT garara Ha BI1143aHe B CMIla Ha CbOTBeTHOTO peweHme; 4.2,4. Cneg egHocTpaHHo 30 (Tpmgece-r) 1:I,HeBHO rimcmeHo npegm3BecTme OT m3npasHara QO Hem3npaBHaTa no goroBopa cTpaHa 14 npm ycnoBme, Lie Hem3npaBHara cTpaHa He e oTurpaHmna HapyweHme-ro. B cnyLiari, Lie HapytueHoTo 3agbn>KeH14e e pa311i1LIHO OT 3agb.n>keHme 3a nnaigaHe 14 14314CKBa cpoK 3a 143nbnHeHme no-gbnbr OT 30 (Tpw,eceT) • c-rpaHm-re ce goroBapm- 3a pa3ymem cpoK 3a m3rnanHeHme, Ko'MTo He mowe ga 6b,ce no-,Lbnbr OT 2 (/.),Be) cegmintm, cLim-raHo OT nonyLiaBaHe Ha npeg143BecTme-ro. V. LAEH101101 HALII1H HA 11.11ALL(AHE 5.1. 3a npegocTaBeHm-re ycnyrm no 10314 f1,0r0B0p Blb3110)KPITETIFIT 3annaiga Ha 14311113.1111411TEM1 LteHm, nocoLieHm B ripmno>KeHme N9 1, a mmeHHo meceLmia -raKca B 200.00 (BBec-ra) nn. 6e3 ,Q,QC 141114 240,00 (gBecTa m LiempmgeceT) JIB. c BKII. AnC, 3a 34 6p. npmemHmKa. 061 Lo 3a Ltenmq cpoK Ha goroBopa B133110)KIITETISIT ivbrotoi o6u.ta cyma B pa3mep Ha 7 200.00 (cegem xammm H gBecTa) JIB 6e3 ,1121C HHH 8 640.00 (oceM xpuHLIH IlleCTCTOTHH H tle-rHpH,HeceT) JB. c BKJI. MC, 3a 34 6p. ripmemHHIca. 5.2. 131,3110)KIITE/lAT He ,(111/1>K14 TaKcm 3a mHcranmpaHe. B cnyLiamTe, KoraTo nbpBmwr meceLt Ha no.n3BaHe Ha ycnyrara e HenbneH, 8133110)KVITETIFIT 3annatga cyma nponopi.AmoHanHo Ha Bpeme-ro Ha 1-10J13BaHe Ha yonyra-ra npe3 ribpBms:i meceLt Ha 6a3a 30- gtHeBeH KaneHogapeH meceLt. 5.3. MeceLiHm-re LteHm 3a pa3.nm4Hm-re ycnyro 110 T. 1.1 ce cpaKTypmpar oTgenHo m ce 3annaigaT OT B133.110)KVITE/151 no 6aHKoBa cmeTKa Ha 1,13(113111HATE/151, nocoLieHa B cbOTBeTHaTa cpaKTypa. 5.4. linatgaHeTo ce 143B-bpwBa Ei cpoK Ao 18 gH14 cneg, nonyLianaHe Ha CbOTBeTHa itiaicrypa 141114 go Kpasi Ha KaneHgapHi49 meceLt, B KOATO e nanyLieHa cloaKTypaTa, B 3aBl4CMHOCT OT TOBa Koe c-b6m-rme HacTbrisa (10-K1DCHO. CbOTBeTHaTa (pa '<Type Ta ce nom-mesa OT KOOR2:04HaTOpa no ,HoroHopa oT crpaHa Ha B'b3JIO7ICFITEASI. 3 or 6 JI. OTrOBOPHOCTVI 3A HEH311bIIHEHHE 5.1. 3a BcvNKm cnyHam Ha Hem3n-bnHeHme Ha 3agbfIXCHVIA BbB Bpla3Ka C HaCT0511.141451 ,laroBop, c-rpaHm-re HOCAT oTroBopHOCT B CbOTBeTCT1314e C geflo-Balgo-ro 6-bnrapcKo 31KomoktaTencreo. CTpaHMTe HOCAT OTFOB0pHOCT vi KoraTo Bpegm-re Ca npmkimHemm nopagm (mmc-bn Linm rpy6a He6pexthocr Ha TexHm crirKwrenm, nogm3n-bnH6Tenvi 14/114 Juno, lammpatgm ce no Texem Koh-mon. 6.2. 3a Henna-rem/1-re B cpoK 3ag-bmKeHms B-b3TIONCHTEJ151T Abil)K14 nwxBa B pa3mep Ha 33KOHHaTa n6xBa 3a 3a6aBa. B cnyHaVI Ha 3a6aBsHe Ha nnatuaHe OT c-rpaHa Ha ElpallO)KHTETIFI c noBe4e OT 30 (Tpogece-r) KaneHgapH6 41,1-114 OT cpoKa no T. 5.4, 10131113T1HPITE1151T iMa npaBo 6e3 nmcmeHo npep,m3Becrme spemeHHo ga npeKpaTw npegoc-raBsHero Ha ycnyrore AO 63ErbpwBaHe Ha nnautaHero. Flpegoc-raBsHeTo Ha ycnyrwre ce B-b3c-ramoBsua BbB Bb3M0>KHO HaVi-KparbK cpoK cneg oTcrpaHsBaHe Ha FapyweHmero, pwcKa vinm m3B-bpwsaHe Ha 3a6aBeHoro nnawaHe. C.3. 3a BCelth ,OteH, B K0171TO non3BaHeTo Ha HAKOC1 ycnyrara e 66.no HeBb3MO>KHO, nopagm rp6HviHm, 3a KOVITO V131TbilHVITETISI HOCH V13K/110414TellHa orroBopHocT, 3a Bpeme no- r pog-bmKvrenmo OT 24 (gBagecer H Herwpm) Haca, B1,3110)1(PITETIFIT frima npaBo Ha c6e3tge-reHme B pa3mep ma 1/30 or meceqHms a6oHamem-r, nocoHeH B FlpmnoxeHme N9 1 nw N9 2.
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