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TheALUMNI official message board of the University of Texas NROTC Alumni Foundation

Volume 12, Issue 4 December 2007


The 2007 UT NROTC Alumni Reunion was once again a wonderful experience for all who attended - one of several special events, some with very special remembrances. On Thursday and Friday, 13 WWII Alumni and one alum's widow gathered at the Drury Inn & Suites to participate in an oral histories recording program being conducted by the Institute in American Mili tary Histories of the UT Center for American History and work on an update to their annual of 1943.

Friday began with our annual Navy-Marine golf tournament - Bob Brown shot a hole in one. Best of all, the players contributed $240 to 's Foundation Fund. That evening, over 60 alumni and guests, from the WWII era up to present day, gath ered at the Austin Country for a wonderful dinner with our host, Rusty Allman. A number of WWII Alumni and two Alumni widows honored those others attending with their presence.

The following morning, the Alumni Foundation Board met followed by the General Business Meeting kicking off at 1000 in Welch Hall 2.304 (see the Alumni Foundation Board Meeting Highlights on page 4). The highlights of the General Business Meeting were the thoughts shared by UT President, William Powers (a former Navy line officer), the status of the Battalion presented by the PNS CAPT Salazar and MIDN 1/C Barber, and the presentation of 10 scholarships totaling $13,000 and two swords to members of the Battalion as follows:

SSgt David Snipes $2000 Fleet Chester W. Nimitz Scholarship MIDN 2/C Drew Anderson $2000 Fleet Admiral Ernest King Scholarship MIDN 1/C Claudia Alday $2000 Admiral David Glasgow Farragut Scholarship GySgt Chris Reithmann $1000 LtGen D'Wayne Gray/MajGen Fred Haynes/Class of '52 Scholarship MIDN 3/C Karin Pooser $1000 H. Malcolm MacDonald Scholarship MIDN 2/C Byrne Martin $1000 UT NROTC Alumni Foundation Scholarship MIDN Martin Scales $1000 UT NROTC Alumni Foundation Scholarship MIDN 1/C Danielle Stone $1000 UT NROTC Alumni Foundation Scholarship ( MIDN 3/C Andrew Lewis $1000 UT NROTC Alumni Foundation Scholarship MIDN Andrew Warner $1000 UT NROTC Alumni Foundation Scholarship MIDN 1/C Patrick Barber LtGen D'Wayne Gray & Class of '52 Sword MIDN 1/C Nick Moreno RADM John Hubbard Alvis Sword

The meeting concluded with the announcement of the 2008 Reunion date (8 Nov), and all adjourned to the loading docks area (continued on page 2)

Corner Quote

Have a Wonderful "I never trust a fighting man Holiday Season who doesn't smoke or drink." and New Year! -ADM William F ■■Bull" Halsey, Jr. Volume 12, Issue 4 December 2007

Alumni Foundation Officers SEPTEMBER 2007 UT NROTC ALUMNI REUNION Fred Moon (1970) (continued from page 1) President Edwin W. "Ed" Mergele (1975) Vice President for BBQ with all the fixin's and beverage of choice being provided by Smokey Joe's. At the Spencer Smith (1973) end of the BBQ, Bob Brown (who shot a hole in one Fri at the golf tournament), conducted a Secretary Dan O'Neil (1980) silent auction of some very nice memorabilia. Two footballs, one autographed by Mack Brown, Treasurer and one by Colt McCoy & Mack Brown, brought in $8,000. Several other items, including an Robert W. "Bob" Looney (1962) old Crows Nest sign and a number of historical photographs of University past, brought in Editor/Publisher James D. Brotherton (1968) another approximately $4,000. With other contributions/pledges, the total contributions Historian brought in during the weekend for the Midshipman's Foundation was over $23,000. Later, over Alumni Foundation 40 Alumni and family gathered together at Memorial Stadium to watch the Longhorns play Board of Directors Kansas State. James D. Brotherton (1968) W. Robert Brown (1952) R.Glenn Looney (1961) Turn to the center section of this month's newsletter to see photographs of this year's Reunion Robert W. "Bob" Looney (1962) activities. Want to see more? Go to our website at utnrotcalum.org. Edwin W. "Ed" Mergele (1975) Fred Moon (1970) Dennis Olson (1969) Dan O'Neil (1980) September Reunion General Business Meeting Highlights Spencer Smith (Secretary) (1973) Michael Waldron (1967) David Wells (1969) The meeting was called to order in Welch Hall 2.304. The color guard presented the colors and the assemblage recited the pledge of allegiance. Ex-Officio Members 1 The meeting opened with the introduction of UT President, William Powers. A former line CAPT Gabriel R. Salazar, USN (1979) officer in the U.S. Navy, President Powers spoke about how his time in the service trans Professor of Naval Science formed his life - he got to see the world and see the importance of leadership and ethics. Jack Ritter (1955) Navy League Liaison President Powers gave a brief overview of the main initiatives in process at UT. He closed by affirming his support for the UT NROTC and the men and women in the armed services. Regional Directors ■ Introductions included the World War II Alumni, Class of '57 attendees, and attending flag Ray Adams (1980) DFW (H) 972-596-7188 officers, LtGen Howell and RADM Koenig. Keys Curry (1958) ■ The Alumni Foundation Board members, the Midshipman's Foundation Board members Houston (H) 713-783-8185 Robert Hancock (1967) and their Advisory Directors, and Gifts Committee Chairman were recognized by the West (H) 619-586-0036 Alumni Foundation President for their dedicated service. K.J. Moore (1964) ■ Alumni Foundation Board members Bob Brown, Jim Brotherton, Glenn Looney, and Ed Eastern (H) 703-759-3327 Rudy Kruger (1963) Mergele were approved by the general membership for another term of continued service. Central (H) 402-331-6557 1 The Alumni in attendance individually recounted their UT NROTC experiences, military Henry Harper (1965) Mountain (H) 208-522-7776 service, subsequent civilian life careers and provided lessons learned for all to consider. ■■Following an overview of the planned reunion activities, the following reports were Midshipman Foundation Directors presented: Clay W.G. Fulcher (1955) - Dan O'Neil provided the Treasurer's Report. Robert L.Gartner (1965) - Max Miller and Weldon Koenig presented the Midshipman's Foundation Report. John Hitchcock (1965) J. Weldon Koenig (1958) - Bob Brown provided the Gifts Committee report. Max Miller (1957) - Ed Mergele provided an update on the Active Membership Campaign. - Dave Wells provided an update on the Crow's Nest Initiative. Midshipman Foundation Advisory Directors - Fred Moon gave an update on the Unit History Project and the ongoing effort by Donald S. Inbody the UT Center for American History Institute for Military History to capture the Jefferson D. Howell (1961) stories of our World War II Alumni. Chairman, Gifts Committee ■ CAPT Salazar and Midshipman Barber gave a status report on the UT NROTC program and W. Robert Brown (1952) Battalion activities. 1 The presentation of 10 scholarships and 2 swords to members of the Battalion was made by

Printing of the UT NROTC various individuals. Alumni Log generously donated 1 The date for next year's Reunion was announced - 8 November 2008 (Baylor game) by Raytheon Company McKinney, Texas V o l u m e 1 2 , I s s u e 4 D e c e m b e r 2 0 0 7

President's Corner Fred Moon (1970)

If you didn't make the Reunion this year, you missed a great one! Well, except for the game... but a number of us die-hard fans did weather the storm to the end! The Reunion article provides a good recap of all of the activities that took place during the Reunion. We were very fortunate to have the President of the University, Bill Powers, speak to us at the General Membership Business meeting. We plan to continue to frequently provide an opportunity for him to get together with fellow former naval service officers. Class of '58 - now is the time to start planning your 50th Reunion activities. Contact Ed Mergele or myself for any assistance.

I can't tell you how rewarding it has been working with the WWII Alumni/widows and Dr, Tom Hatfield, Echo Uribe, and David Zepeda of the Institute for Military History Studies of the UT Center for American History on the oral histories project. Check out their new website feature "The University of Texas Naval ROTC Oral History Collection, Navy Veterans in World War II" at http://www.cah.utexas.edu/museums/military_reference.php?ref=navalrotc_intro. The best part is we're not done yet - the Institute and your Alumni Foundation are endeavoring to continue the project by building on the interviews in Austin and other major locations. But we will need some financial support. If you can contribute to this great effort, please, contact me at [email protected] or if you don't have email, call and leave a message at 817-681-1471. If you are interested in working on the project, please, contact me also.

Please, pay particular attention to your Vice-President's column. He's working hard to get our membership better networked - both to reconnect Alumni to revive social and professional friendships, and to collectively and individually support the Battalion. We've made big steps under his leadership of the Membership Campaign - it's your opportunity now to join the party. To those who have benefited from the Foundations in the past - all we ask is for you to help get your classmates get reconnected with the alumni membership. It's always a great time catching up with fellow UT NROTC Alumni.

A big thank you to contributors to the Alumni Foundation and Midshipman's Foundation funds this past year. Your generosity enabled your Alumni Foundation Operating Fund to support key Battalion fall semester activities and is in good position to support participation in other activities this spring semester such as leadership seminars and a drill competition. And your support of the Midshipman's Foundation fund enables continued increase in the number and amount of scholarships provided. Please, contribute to both of these funds that provide invaluable assistance to the Battalion members.

Last chance for changes in address or other data for the Directory - I'll be putting that together over the holidays. If you know of any new addresses/telephone numbers, please, go to the website and update the form or pass them on to me at [email protected].

Have a wonderful holiday season and New Year!

Spread The Word

The UT Center for American History Institute for Military History Studies website feature on "UT NROTC Oral History Collection, Navy Veterans in WWII" is up and running!

Go to: http://www.cah.utexas.edu/museums/military_reference.php?ref=navalrotc_intro to enjoy the fabulous work of the Institute's Dr. Tom Hatfield (Director), Echo Uribe (Programs Director), and David Zepeda (Graduate Assistant) in creating this oral histories feature.

This is just the start - we have more WWII Alumni histories to add - but we need assistance to continue to conduct and edit interviews for the site, and hopefully to eventually publish these histories in a book. Please, let me know if you know of any potential sponsors that would be interested in supporting this effort to keep this history alive. - Thanks, Fred V o l u m e 1 2 , I s s u e 4 D e c e m b e r 2 0 0 7

Highlights of the September 29, 2007 UT NROTC Alumni Foundation Board Meeting

Treasurer's Report-Dan O'Neil indicated that there is a current balance of $11,162 in the checking account before reunion liabilities. The Battalion 's Request for Financial Support for academic year 2007-2008 was presented - a motion was approved to provide $750 for the Pistol Team travel to the University of Colorado Pistol Team Competition and $500 for the orientation social to welcome the new freshman class with parents.

The Foundation Report was given by Max Miller. At the end of 2006 the account had $546,000 for a 9.0% return. $32,000 has been received in gifts thus far in 2007. The current balance is $648,000 for an annual return of 9.8% thus far in 2007. The foundation will award scholarships and swords in the amount of $24,117 this academic year.

Gifts Committee Report - Bob Brown stated that CAPT Salazar and two midshipmen would be traveling to Houston on October 18, 2007 to meet with Larry Faulkner of the Houston Endowment to express their gratitude for past support and to present a token of appreciation. Bob Brown emphasized the importance of momentum and solicited volunteers to assist him with the work of the Gifts Committee.

The PNS, CAPT Salazar - Reported there are 97 midshipmen in the battalion, the quality is superb and the incoming fresh man class is outstanding. He is looking forward to a great year.

Directory - A new directory will be published after the reunion.

Newsletter - The Raytheon team was recognized for their publishing of a quality product.

Future Board Meeting Date - January 26, 2008.

Active Membership Campaign Status - Ed Mergele reported 10 of 29 regions have representatives assigned and 35 of the 64 class years are covered. CAPT Salazar added that each graduate is encouraged to stay connected and bonded with the battalion alumni.

2007 Reunion -A brief overview of the day's activities was discussed. After a discussion of alternative dates, November 8, 2008 was selected for the next reunion. Texas will host Baylor that weekend.

Nominating Committee - Bob Collins reported that the four incumbents on the Alumni Foundation Board had agreed to serve for another term. The motion to accept the nominations was approved unanimously. The slate was to be presented to the general membership for approval.

» - S p e n c e r H . S m i t h Secretary

'Tis the Season for Giving

As we approach the end of the year and the holiday season, please give some thought to a tax-deductible year-end contribu tion to the Midshipmans Foundation. Last year the Foundation, your Foundation, contributed approximately $25,000 in scholarship aid to Midshipmen and officer candidates. In 2008 that amount will be increased, hopefully, to about $30,000. Your contribution will make a huge difference to a young officer candidate and will be your personal acknowledgment of the positive influence the UT NROTC program played in your life. Send your check to Bob Gartner, Treasurer, 6908 Bayridge Terrace, Austin, Texas, 78759. - Bob Brown, Class of 1952 V o l u m e 1 2 , I s s u e 4 D e c e m b e r 2 0 0 7

Vice President's Corner Ed Mergele (1975)

Help us spread the word and keep in contact!

As you can see from our newsletter sidebar, we have four Regional Directors for the UTNROTC Alumni Foundation. We have subdivided those regions into smaller areas that are centered around a major city and extending out from there roughly 200 miles in all directions.

The West Coast Region is divided into five areas centered around San Diego, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle, and Hawaii. The Mountain Region is divided into five areas centered around El Paso, Albuquerque, Phoenix, Denver, and Salt Lake City. The Central Region is divided into 12 areas centered around Austin, San Antonio, Houston, Dallas-Ft. Worth, Lubbock, Wichita, Memphis, New Orleans, Birmingham, Cincinnati, Minneapolis-St. Paul, and Chicago. The Eastern Region is divided into seven areas centered around Charlotte, Jacksonville, Miami, Washington D.C., Norfolk, New York City, and Boston.

We have nine alumni who have volunteered to be reps for their respective areas, out of the 29 areas identified; 20 areas need someone to step up to the plate and serve. The idea for creating this system of regions and areas is simple. We hope to orga nize in a similar fashion as do the Texas Exes. This decentralized system helps promote local activities and regular get- togethers to keep the camaraderie alive.

We encourage these regional and area reps to actively engage in planning and hosting local activities, especially in the Spring which is right between annual reunions in Austin. If activities are planned in these regions and areas, let us know so we can announce it on the website and in our newsletter. This will help get the word out.

For Class Reps we have nearly every year covered between 1951 and 1981. As one might expect, the active membership from before then has been declining, making it harder to find class reps; and after 1981 we expect that many are still actively pursu ing their careers in the Navy or Marine Corps, also making active membership somewhat of a challenge. We've been working with Capt. Salazar to promote graduating classes organizing themselves into a network before they depart Austin on their careers so that we might stay in better touch with them. The idea is to appoint one of their own to serve as class liaison for all the class to stay in touch with the Alumni Foundation. Since many graduates have, in recent years, been beneficiaries of our scholarship program and realize the importance of our existence and mission, they should be far more likely to stay in touch with us. We have high hopes that this program will work successfully to fill in the ranks of our more recent graduating classes.

i If you move, notify the UTNOTC Alumni Foundation. We don't always get forwarding information from the post office. Just log onto our website (www.utnrotcalum.org), click on "Update Forms" on the left, click on "Mail Address and Information Update" and fill in the fields.

If you know members who have moved don't assume we know. Pass the word down the line. Help keep our membership roles current and as accurate as possible.

Thanks for your help. Volume 12, Issue 4 December 2007

September 200'

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From the Desk of the President of the Midshipmans Foundation J. Weldon Koenig

For those of you who did not have the opportunity to attend the reunion this year, it was a great success. Bob Brown continued his campaign and raised a significant amount of funds that will go to your Foundation. We continue to support the young men and women of the Naval Reserve Officers Training Corps at the University of Texas and as we near year end, I encourage you to contribute and move us closer to our goal of reaching the $1 Million dollars available to provide scholarships. Your endow ment fund now stands at approximately $670,000.

More detailed information was provided as to the specific investments and current value of the endowment at the reunion. Again, for those of you who are donors, information we must provide to the IRS at the end of each year is available for review at Alumni Director's meetings when the Treasurer remembers to bring the forms. I will remind him to do so.

I ask that you continue to keep Rear Admiral Clay Fulcher in your thoughts and prayers as he continues his battle with cancer.

As we mentioned earlier, we are preparing a new brochure for use in fund raising and information dispersal. We will be listing the most significant donors on that brochure, so I again ask each of you to look at your current level of contribution and if you are able and willing to increase your contribution to the next level please do so.

May you all have a Merry Christmas, a joyous holiday season, and a prosperous and Happy New Year. Have a great holiday season.

Treasurer's Report Crows Nest Plans Alumni Operating Fund Deep Sixed Income and Expense Statement (as of 12/06/2007) Plans to reestablish the Crows Nest CoOp in August 2008 have been shelved. Beginning Balance (7/21/07) $11,162.41 Income The core group of Midshipmen who originally showed Member Checks (Operating Fund) $865.00 interest in restarting the Crows Nest have decided, at least Member Checks (BBQ) $500.00 for the time being, to discontinue efforts to reopen the Member Checks (Friday Dinner) $455.00 Crows Nest in August. Total Income $1,820.00 A lot of work was put in by the core group of Midshipmen, Expenses the staff of the NROTC Unit and by the Alumni Foundation Member Refunds $895.00 Crows Nest Committee to reestablish the legendary CoOp, Poke Joes BBQ $1,421.87 but the Core Group decided there was not sufficient interest Bob Looney (Newsletter Mailing) $580.00 to go forward at this time. Navy League $50.00 John Allman (Fri Dinner) $1,890.00 The seed has been planted but the time is not right. Stay Total Expenses $4,836.87 tuned for future developments.

Current Balance $8,145.54 - Bob Brown, Class of 1952

Current Liabilities Fall Battalion Expenses $1,250.00 Total Liabilities $1,250.00

Balance End of Year $6,895.54 V o l u m e 1 2 , I s s u e 4 D e c e m b e r 2 0 0 7

Scholarship/Award Recipients Thank You for your Support! Excerpts from their thank-you letters to our contributors...

"I would like to extend my thanks... I commute daily from Fort Hood.. .this scholarship has provided me with the funds to pay for my nursing equipment, as well as help with paying for gas to get me to and from school."

"I am very honored and appreciative.. .With your contribution, I will be able to focus more on my chemical engineering studies and stress less about the financial aspects of college."

".. .my deepest thanks.. .your scholarship will greatly help my family with the costs of putting both my sister and me through college...the money will help pay for textbooks and living costs in the coming semester."

".. .your generosity is appreciated by my family and me.. .receiving the LtGen Gray/MajGen Haynes Scholarship has allowed me to further my education and better prepare for my future as a commissioned officer in the Marine Corps."

"I appreciate the help.. .With this scholarship, an additional loan to pay for uniforms for Dec commissioning is no longer necessary.. .moreover, your will be used for bills and family living expenses, allowing me to concentrate on my studies in Latin American Studies and Government."

"Thank you...I believe that one of the greatest experiences is the giving and receiving of a sword...My May commission ing brings many financial strains... this gift of an $800 sword really helps out."

"This award could not have come in a better time.. .recently lost my car in an accident .. .Transportation is vital because I attend the crossroad university and commute daily.. .my deepest gratitude for your generous contribution."

"...1 want to express my deepest gratitude.. .By giving me this scholarship, you have reaffirmed my drive to excel in all of my activities at the University. Attending school and being a member of the NROTC can be very difficult."

"I would like to convey my deepest gratitude for helping to ease the burden of paying for college.. .it is hard to find time to work off some of the debt I have accrued attending the University... This scholarship helps to alleviate my worries and allows me to continue to concentrate on my studies."

".. .tremendously honored .. .express my deepest gratitude.. .the RADM Alvis sword is a symbol of the many years of tradition behind the Navy as well as . I will proudly carry it with me throughout my time in service."

"I am very grateful... .The ROTC scholarship helps tremendously, but it does not pay for every thing...your gift will greatly help.. .for bills and living expenses." Volume 12, Issue 4 December 2007

SecNav VIP Cruise Aboard the USS Abraham Lincoln

Two members of the University of Texas faculty ROTC Liaison Committee, Dr. Eli Cox and Dr. Tom Hatfield, recently made a SecNav VIP Cruise aboard the USS Abraham Lincoln (CVN 72). The USS Abraham Lincoln was operating in the Pacific, training for a deployment. As you recall, Dr. Hatfield was instrumental in conducting the interviews of the WWII UT NROTC Alumni at our reunion last fall. Dr. Thomas Hatfield is a Senior Research Fellow in the Center for American History at the University of Texas at Austin. His specialty is American Military History. Dr. Eli Cox is La Quinta Motor Inns, Inc. Centen nial Professor in Business. The Navy League was instrumental in obtaining the VIP Cruise for them. This was an opportunity of a life time for them and they reportedly had a great time.

Both the Commanding Officer and the Executive Officer of the Abraham Lincoln are University of Texas Graduates and the CO, CAPT Patrick D. Hall, was a UT NROTC graduate, receiving his commission in 1982. The XO, CAPT Thomas E. Nosenzo, was graduated from UT in 1981 with a BS degree from UT Austin. He worked as a professional Architectural Engi neer prior to joining the Navy in 1985.

Professors Hatfield and Cox spent considerable time with the XO who toured them throughout the ship. They observed daily flight operations, talked to crew members, and witnessed a floating city of over 5000 young men and women aboard the Abe Lincoln.

They flew from San Diego to the Carrier on a C-2A Greyhound logistics aircraft and spent two days and a night then flew back to San Diego. The aircraft is called a Carrier Onboard Delivery aircraft and is a tailhook aircraft, which qualifies for an excit ing landing. They are now honorary Naval Aviators.

The photo shows (from left to right) Dr. Tom Hatfield, CO, CAPT Patrick D. Hall, Dr. Eli Cox, and XO, CAPT Thomas E. Nosenzo giving the Hook 'em Horns sign.

10 V o l u m e 1 2 , I s s u e 4 D e c e m b e r 2 0 0 7

Dear Fellow Alumni ^-?°> Gabe Salazar, , USN ® (1979)

Fellow Alumni,

I hope this quick update finds everyone doing well. We have just completed a fantastic fall semester here at the unit, and by all accounts it was one of the most productive and enjoyable in recent memory. As I am writing this, the members of the battalion have just finished their last finals for the fall semester and are heading home for a well deserved Holiday break.

We started the fall semester off with an extremely successful freshman orientation conducted 24-28 August, just prior to the first day of classes. We welcomed aboard a freshman class of 24 Midshipmen, Officer Candidates, and Marine MESEPs into the unit. The highlight of the orientation was the swearing in of our new freshman as 4/C Midshipman, done this year in front of their parents prior to an informal picnic in front of Russell A. Steindam Hall. The ceremony was a big hit with the parents and something we will continue to do in the future.

For those of you that did not make our annual reunion for the Kansas State game on September 29, you missed a great event. The battalion put forth a big effort to properly host all of us, and they did a magnificent job. It was good to see so many of our WWII alumni here and many thanks to the work done by Fred to coordinate the filming of their oral histories by the University's Center of American History. This will go a long way in documenting the contributions that all NROTC commissionees have done in the service of our Nation.

Our next big event for the semester was the battalion's annual Run-to-Dallas for the Red River shootout with OU. This event marked the 25th anniversary of the unit's major charitable fund raiser for the year, and we were able to raise nearly $10,000 for the Lance Armstrong Live STRONG Foundation. The weekend started off meeting Coach Mack Brown in DKR Memorial Stadium where he tossed us the game ball, followed by a quick run to the capital and then back to the Tower before starting our 198 mile run to the Cotton Bowl. This year we received national television exposure by ESPN Gameday and ABC prior to and during the football game with OU. I have attached two TV spots for those of you getting electronic copies of the newsletter in case you did not see it during the Texas/OU game.

The battalion was honored by hosting two distinguished guests as the semester drew to a close. First, we were pleased to have as our guest of honor for the annual Navy/Marine Corps Birthday Ball the Chief of Naval Personnel, VADM John Harvey. Responsible for all officer accession training, the battalion made an extremely favorable impression on him during his visit here. Second, our December commissioning ceremony guest speaker was the Governor of Texas, the honorable Rick Perry. We held the ceremony on the floor of the Texas Senate Chambers, and it was a fantastic venue as we commis sioned four Ensigns and one Second into the Naval Service.

I hope the New Year will be a safe and prosperous one for all. Thank you for your continued support of your Longhorn NROTC battalion. Please drop by the unit if you are in Austin and I look forward to showing you around our spaces and the University. Hook 'em.

- Captain Gabe Salazar Professor of Naval Science

11 UT NROTC ALUMNI FOUNDATION P.O. Box 143562 Austin, TX 78714-3562

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In This Issue

SEPTEMBER 2007 UT NROTC ALUMNI REUNION 1 September Reunion General Business Meeting Highlights 2 P r e s i d e n t ' s C o r n e r 3 Spread the Word 3 Highlights of the Alumni Foundation Board Meeting 4 ' T i s t h e S e a s o n f o r G i v i n g 4 V i c e P r e s i d e n t ' s C o r n e r 5 A l u m n i R e u n i o n P h o t o g r a p h s 6 From the Desk of the President of the Midshipmans Foundation 8 T r e a s u r e r ' s R e p o r t 8 C r o w s N e s t P l a n s D e e p S i x e d 8 Scholarship/Award Recipients Thank You for Your Support 9 SecNav VIP Cruise Aboard the USS Abraham Lincoln 10 D e a r F e l l o w A l u m n i 1 1