Beatification Cause Well Advanced in 16 Years Since Death Tb« Resistcr Has tht International News Service (Wire and Mail), the N. C. W. C. News Service (Including Radios and Cables). . Its Own Special Service. Lumen Service of China. International Illustrated News, and N. C. W. C, Picture Service. Apostolic Delegate Foundress Had Medieval Local Local Edition Edition Spirit, Modern Methods THE Erects Province, St. Louis, Mo.— (Special)— She Catholic missions in Africa. And Seats Archbishop might well have lived in the Mid­ as her work progresses, so does the cause for her beatification, al­ dle Ages, y) medieval was her ready far advanced at Rome. spirit, but she was a rhodem of More interested perhaps than any Camden Rites May 4 Will Raise Ecclesias­ the moderns, this Maria Teresa other in this woman’s beatifica­ REGISTER(Name Registered in the U. S. Patent Office) tical Territories in U. S. Christopher Hollis, famous Countess Ledochowska. And some tion is the Very Rev. Vlodimir Catholic writer, convert, son day, almost certainly, she will be Ledochowski, master general of To 116 of an Anglican Bishop, told a canonized saint. Maria Teresa the Society of Jesus, her brother. VOL. XIV. No. 18 DENVER, COLO., SUNDAY, MAY 1, 1938 TW O CENTS was medieval in the way she aban­ Most interested in the cause in us, a few days ago, that Prime doned a brilliant court career to America are members of the So­ Newark, N. J.— Growth of New Jersey’s Catholic Minister Neville Chamberlain devote herself to charity and re­ dality of St. Peter Claver in St. population from 50,000 in 1853, when the Diocese of New­ ligion. She was ultra-modern in Louis, headquarters of the organ­ Notable New U* S* Buildins •i.‘> church of st.Hugo.of-Ae-Hiiis at Bioomfm^^ of Great Britain is working _ ...... ___ ® Hills, near Detroit. It was chosen by tbe American ark was established, to more than 1,000,000 in 1938 is a out a long-range program for ization in the-United States. Institute of Architects as one of tlie 100 outstanding new buildings in America. It was built by Mr. real moral miracle, the Most Rev. Amleto Giovanni Cicog- the protection of Europe. An Ornament of the Court and Mrs. Theodore F. MacManus on their suburban estate and given to the Archdiocese of Detroit. The nani, Apostolic Delegate to the United States,-said in his Born Afiril 29, 1863, of a noble Rev. Daniel Wholihan is pastor.— (Cut, courtesy o f Detroit Free Press.) Chamberlain realizes that the Polish family at Loosdorf, Maria sermon at the erection of the new Province of Newark and deadliest foe' of civilization is Teresa was given all the careful the elevation of the Most Rev. Thomas J. Walsh to the Sovietism. It is for this rea­ training that went to form the rank of Archbishop. Officiating in Sacred Heart Cathe- son that he has entered into polished ladies of the last cen­ dral April 27, Archbishop Cicog' tury. At 22, she became lady-in- i pact with the Italian govern- nani conferred on Archbishop ! waitiijg to the Grand Duchess Walsh the sacred pallium, symbol iient. Mollis contends that it Alice of . Her rare intel­ of his new office. ligence and her high talents made was through Chamlterlain that >7/ The ecclesiastical organization Daladier's cabinet, which -V*' her a favorite, at court. She was a gifted artist, a musician, a of the new province will be com­ tends considerably towards clever conversationalist, a cultured pleted May 4, when the Most Rev. the Right, was set uft in and promising woman. Batholomew J. Eustace is installed France. Blum had proved While she was serving at court, m i as first Ordinary of the new Dio­ PLIEHT CAUSES cese of Camden. This ceremony (Turn to Page S — Colum n 1) himself too uncertain to be will be carried out in the newly trustworthy. It is believed designated Immaculate Conception that England, France, and Cathedral by Archbishop Walsh, who will also officate at the con­ IN U. S. may now be found secration of his new Auxiliary united as a barrier against Bishop, the Most Rev. William A. New York.— The plight of So\iet aggression. Germany Griffin, in Newark on May 1. The 4,000 German Sisters of the Insti­ may easily fall into line, for Maria Ledochowska at About 30 form er' Newark Auxiliary, the tute of the Virgin Mary, also the Nazis have always been Most Rev. Thomas M. McLaughlin, kqown as the “ English Ladies,” the way she threw aside the strict was installed as first Bishop of is so serious that it is a principal anti-Bolshevist. Anthony conventions that bound the lady Paterson on April. 28. concern of the Bishop’s Commit,- Eden’s policies, Hollis asserts, of the 19th century to her rock­ The ceremonies in Camden May tee for Catholic Refugees from were neither so far-seeing nor ing chair, modern in the methods 4 will raise to 116 the number of (jermany with headquarters at 123 she used to promote the work of 2nd street here. The committee is , so practical as Chamberlain’s. ! ecclesiastical territories under the her Sodality of St. Peter Claver— jurisdiction of Archbishop Cicog- seeking actual help and employ- y propaganda and publicity. She nani as Apostolic Delegate in ment in this country for the nuns. Asked how it is that the was saintly in everything. Milwaukee. — Democracy im­ This institute has been educat­ plies tolerance, but even a democ­ Washington. Of the 116, 112 are Labor party in England is Maria Teresa Ledochowska has separate sees in continental United ing the youth of Germany for racy cannot afford to tolerate more than 300 years. Since 1935 definitely anti-Franco in the been dead for 16 years, but her false prophets, and American States, one is an Abbey Nullius, work goes on throughout the two are Vicariates Apbstolic, and the nuns’ work has been curtailed. , Hollis de­ schools are filled with false proph­ Their elementary ' schools were world—the work of supporting ets who would tear down democ­ one is a Prefecture Apostolic. clared that the party, al­ taken away from them in _ 1937. racy and religion with it. Speaker Early Opposition Recalled though shrewd enough at after speaker drove home these In his sermon at Newark, the A decree of the Bavarian ministry home, is notoriously weak in ideas at the 35th annual meeting Apostolic Delegate recalled the un­ of education now has closed all the Bishop-Elect Is high schools conducted by the its grasp of foreign affairs of the National Catholic Educa­ friendly feeling toward Catholics tion association, attended by 4,000 in the early years of New Jersey’s order. The sisters are entirely He does not think that Eng­ To Be Consecrated without means of support. persons here. history. “ In some localities lib­ land is in internal danger Bishop John B. Peterson of Man­ erty of conscience was denied, or from the Reds. There are At Detroit May 17 chester, N, H., general president, Only Deaths Fully Verified Included; Real Total Far Greater at least there was no tolerance for COMMITTEE SET UP more Reds in Scotland, Ire­ and other officers of the associa­ Catholics. Looked upon with preju­ IN LONDON Detroit.— (Special)— The con­ tion were re-elected. Brother Eu­ dice, with suspicion, and with hos­ London.— To care for refugees land, and Wales than in Eng­ from the persecution of religion secration of the Most Rev. W’illiam gene A. Paulin, S.M., of Kirk­ 1)324 Religious Killed by Leftists tility, they had to avoid every land proper, he believes. The wood, Mo., was named a vice pres­ manifestation of public worship.” in all countries, but notably from English habit of giving a pub­ D. Murphy, Bishop-elect of Sagi­ ident. The Apostolate Delegate told of Germany, a committee has been lic voice to all types of naw, Mich., will take place at the The Rev. Dr. George Johnson, the itinerant missionaries among set up here, at the instance of thought works ivell in the is­ ^lessed Sacrament Cathedral, De­ secretary general, said at the con­ In Listed by Vatican Paper the scattered Catholics of New Cardinal Hinsley, who is himself troit, May 17 at 10 o’clock. The vention banquet that “ if freedom Jersey in Colonial times. Famous president. Lord Sempill, noted land, he thinks, although it is is to remain the permanent herit­ among these hard-riding priests airman, is the treasurer and the Most Rev. Edward A. Mooney, Vatican City.— A list of 1,324 been murdered by the Reds. Only feared elsewhere. He does age of the American people . . . Other news of the Spanish war: was the Jesuit Father Theodore chairman is the Rev. Joseph religious' whose deaths at the hands those male religious whose deaths Archbishop of Detroit, will be the our American schools from kinder­ The Vatican charge d’affaires in Schneider, who passed everywhere Geraerts. not agree with H. R. Knicker­ of the Spanish Leftists have been are fully verified are included. consecrator, assisted by the Most garten to university must dedicate Nationalist Spain, Archbishop Ilde- as a physician. A skilled medical The Catholic Committee for bocker’s opinion that France established beyond any doubt has The report gives the martyrs brando Antoniutti, has gpven 5,000 Rev. John A. Duffy, Bishop of themselves anew to the quest for man. Dr. Schneider cared for both Refugees from Germany will co­ will be reduced to a status truth.” been published by Oaservatore Ro- as followsClaretians, 237; Chris­ pesetas toward the rebuilding of bodies and souls of bis poor peo- operate on all suitable occasions tnawii 'ifumberea .among the mar- no more powerful than that::^uffalo, and the Most Rev. Joseph It is the job of Amerie»n educa­ tian Brothers, ISfrj -MaristB, 109; Catalonian towns ruined by the ‘ple. The Mass prayers he had with other recognized organiza­ Tlagens, Bishop of Marquette, tyfs are the Bishops of Cadiz, Franciscans, 104; Augustinians, Reds beforinheTr retreat . . . To copied by hand so that he could tions already at work in this coun­ of Sweden. Such a fate has tion, said Bishop Peterson, to de­ Lerida, Almeria, Barbastro, Jaca, as co-consecrators. His installa­ feat the propaganda of the false 101; Jesuits, 100; Capuchins, 89; Pedro Cardinal Segura y Saenz, (Turn to Page t — Colum n 7) try for the relief of refugees. been pronounced innumera- tion at Saginaw will be held on Guenca, Segorbe, and Ciudad Real, Clerks Regular of the Pious who has returned to Spain as prophets who seek to overthrow and the Auxiliary Bishop of Tar­ (Tum to Page 4 — Column 1) June 1. both democracy and religion. “ The Schools, 84; Salesians, 67; Lazar- Archbishop of Seville, have been ragona. Not listed are the 6,000 ists, 56; Discalced Carmelites, 42; restored all honors taken, from him Loss of Faith in Church of England Charged American school must surely have diocesan priests, the hundreds of among its aims the preparation Carmelites of the Early Observ­ by the Republican government . . . Register Story Starts Movement in U. S. religious women, the Dominicans, ance, 42; Brothers Hospitalers of The Catholic Herald of London of the pupil to live the American and the Franciscans who have democracy . . . must surely be ani­ St. John of God, 42; Trinitarians, has furnished proof that the Papal ANGLICANS ARE FORCED mated by the spiri' of the Ameri­ 20; Redemptorists, 19; Benedic­ encyclical on the Church in Ger­ LEGION CAN BRING WORLD can constitution . . .must hold to tines, 18; Congregation of the many was widely published in this spirit, and the more tenacious­ N. C. W. C. Is Holy Family, 16; Mercedarians, Nationalist Spain, where it had ly in this day when world figures 16; Missionaries of the Sacred been charged the document was TOWARD CATHOLICISM are deriding democracy and reli­ Heart, ten; Brothers of St. Gab­ suppressed through the influence TO FEET OF CHRIST gion and boasting of their purpose riel, three; Holy Cross congrega­ of the Nazi regime . . . Com­ to destroy both. Be it said in Deep Joy to tion, two, and Friars of St. Fran­ mander A, W. H. James, a mem­ London.— Disintegratibn of real such fundamental matters as the passing that they are at least cis of Paula, two. ber of the British parliament, re­ Christian faith among leaders of Virgin birth, Christ’s Resurrec­ St. Louis, Mo.— (Special)— “ A Paul society president for four logical. Our fathers’ God and our Buried Alive for 19 Months ports after a tour of Spain that the Church of England is driving tion, Holy Communion, and Matri­ means of bringing the world to the years. The girls outlined a pro­ democracy stand or fall together. After being buried alive for 19 the number of foreign troops in Anglo-Catholics in that body closer mony. The manifesto says that' feet of Christ in a generation” — gram of personal sanctification For if there b» neither God 'nor Holy Father months, a young priest at Oliete Franco’s army has been grossly and closer to reunion with the “ the current easy rejection by that is what a missionary in India and of Apostolic activity. Prayer the freedom of will, democracy is has been released by Nationalist exaggerated . . . Owen B. McGuire Papal Church. The manifesto is­ some accredited' teachers of the has called the Legion of Mary, was the foundation of their whole but a delusion and human rights soldiers. When the Civil war in writes in Sign magazine that there sued by the “ Catholic Advisory plain testimonials of Holy Scrip­ whose apostolite is now spreading program— both an end and a are a dream. Less logical are some Washington.— The work of the Spain started, there were three is uerfect unity in Nationalist council”— an Anglo-Catholic group tures— e.g., to the occurrence of ’round the world. By training lay means. Jails, Jiospitals, aind city educational forces* which would National Catholic Welfare Con­ priests at Oliete. The Reds killed Spain today. not in union with the Papacy miracles, the existence of an order persons to be “ lay .priests,” the institutions were visited. Night drive God from education and pre­ ference in the United States is a two; the third fled to the moun­ — in . reply to the doctrinal of spiritual beings both good and Legion, founded in the back room shelters and clubs for the unem­ tend to protect democracy.” matter of “ deep satisfaction dnd tains. After being pursued for report of the Anglican Bishops’ evil, and the eternal punishment of a Dublin bacon factory in 1921, ployed were established. Within Bishop A. J. Muench of Fargo spiritual joy” to Pope Pius XI, days, he returned to the home of commission charges the Bishops of the finally impenitent— is clear­ is bringing the laity into its own a year, the Legion had brought told the educators that training Eugenio Cardinal Pacelli, Papal his parents, who ■ labored ■ id ; furiously ‘ ■ with violation of unchangeable ly inconsistent with the Scriptural as an effective missionary army. more than 1,000 lapsed Catholics in social thought and action is an Secretary of State, says in a letter through a night of terror, build­ principles of faith and morals. and historic Christianity to which From all over America come re­ back to their religious duties. absolute necessity for seminarians to Archbishop Edward Mooney of ing a stone wall around their son. “ If the doctrinal standards of the Church of England is irrevo­ ports of the success of the Legion In 1928, the Legion first went today. “ The priest would be ill Detroit, who is chairman of the While the Reds held the town, the the Church of England and its cably committed.” in reclaiming lost sheep for Christ. beyond the shores of Eire— first equipped to meet the needs of the N. C. W. C. A.dministrative board. prisoner remained in his tonib, established order in regard to the The manifesto complains against Members of the Legion at its to Glasgow and then to London. times if his training in social prob­ Cardinal Pacelli writes that the fed through a small opening. ministry continue to be set aside,” the “ admission to Holy Commun- organization on Sept. 7, 1921, In 1931, Father Nicholas Schaal, say the Anglo-Catholics, “ the (Tum to Page S — C olum n if lems is neglected . . . It is highly Holy Father is highly pleased with Divorce Ruled Out were 15 Dublin working girls, who pastor of St. Patrick’s parish in desirable that a special text be past accomplishments of the Na­ Bishops will eventually force upon had been laboring under the direc­ Raton, N. Mex., read of the or­ The Spanish Nationalist min­ many loyal and devoted Church­ written for seminarists that will tional Catholic Welfare Confer­ ister of justice has declared void tion of a young St. Vincent de ganization in the Register. He de­ men a most painful conflict be­ give proper place to the socio-reli­ ence and that “ he counts on the the 1932 law legalizing divorce cided immediately that his “ spirit­ tween their attachment to the New Edition gious ‘ and socio-moral principles continuance of its highly useful and outlawing religious marriage ual wilderness” had need of this and ideals of Catholic thought . . . Church of England and the al­ functions in co-ordinating and uni­ ceremonies. MAIL CACHET Legion and wrote to Dublin for in­ The fundamentals of social eco­ fying the activities of the Bishops London.— The disappearance .of legiance they owe to that One Holy formation. A year later, he re­ nomics should be imparted in the in their efforts to meet the prob­ San Diegfo Diocese Tops as an independent state Catholic and Apostolic Church in Of Index Is ported that a miracle of grace had first year; the groundwork of so­ lems which face the Church as a will accentuate the de-Christiani­ which they daily profess their be­ IS HONOR TO taken place in Raton. Today, the cial studies should follow in the whole in youi* country.” Quota in Funds Drive zation of Catholic Germany, de­ lief.” Legion is flourishing in America, second year qf philosophy. The San Diego.— Complete reports clares Hilaire .Belloc, famous Eng­ The manifesto says that the with three full-time organizers at ultimate mission of the priest of the amounts pledged from 55 lish Catholic writer and historian. Anglo-Catholics are “ determined should be kept in mind through­ $72,500 Is Contributed Published work in the United States and parishes in the Diocese of San Nearly half the German-speak­ to resist to the utmost this threat­ 2 COLLEGES Canada. Miss Mary Duffy is the out the whole course.” By England for Missions Diego in the campaign for funds ing people are Catholic in origin, ened disintegration of the Church organizer in Western states; John London. — England’s contribu­ for the needs and development of he writes. “ The Catholic provinces of England” as shown in the doc­ Vatican City.— A new edition of J. Murray is working in the East. tion to the Socie^ for the the diocese show that the aggre­ trinal commission’s attitude on Emmitsburg, Md.— (Special)— Msgr. Quinn Dies of Germany, saw a wide expansion the Index of Prohibited Books) Remarkable Work in Brooklyn Propagation 'of the Faith in the gate is $311,232, or $111,232 in A special cachet memorializing of life, of Catholic faith, despite including works banned up to Feb­ Typical of the results obtained year just closed was $72,500, excess of the quota. Of the total, ruary, 1938, and an authentic col­ Mt. St. Mary’s and St. Joseph’s s ' V Vvs the triumph of Prussia and thanks To Become Bishop by praesidia of the Legion of Mary which is $5,000 more than last $65,700 in cash for special pur­ colleges, both more than 125 to the German Center party. The lection of indulgenced prayers and are the accomplishments in Our year’s total and is a record for the poses was sent directly to Bishop years old, will be used by the agricultural regions of the Mo- pious works have been published Lady of Perpetual Help parish in country. Charles F. Buddy. Emmitsburg post office in mark­ shlle, Rhine, and Danube valleys by the Roman Curia. Brooklyn, N. Y. Writing in Our have known a magnificent flower­ The new Index brings up to date ing all air mail sent out frpm here Lady of Perpetual Help magazine. in National Air Mail week. May ing of Catholicism. The moun­ the one published in 1929, in­ Father Maurice J. McDonald, C. Faith in Future Lies in God tainous sections of the South, es­ cludes the preface written for the 15 to 21. (Turn to Page S’— Colum n 3) The two Emmitsburg colleges %i pecially the Tyrol, became, and 1929 edition by Cardinal Merry del Val, outlines canon law’s pre- are rich in the traditions of Cath- ^ it still are, numbered among the WAR AND ITS MAKERS most profoundly Catholic centers regarding the readingdiiscriptions EDICT ISSUED of all Europe. But in the great of books, and contains the most re­ population centers and in the cent decrees of the Congregation • NATIONAL • breast of the industrial proletar­ of the Holy Office in regard to -AD. MAIL WEEkL ON ERECTION CONDEMNED BY PONTIFF iate the practice of religion has prohibited rooks. Emmitsburg Maryland. weakened and even the memory The other new publication is a , Home o-f I ,of the ancestral faith tends to complete rearrangement of indul- I MOUNT SAINT M Am C0LLE6I | Vatican City. — (INS) — War 1,000 other pilgrims, but, said the give way and to disappear. This geneed prayers and works. and. OF STATIONS and the makers of war were vigor­ Holy Father: “ I have immense Seminary. was the case \yith Munich as with Prayers and pious exercises in ously condemned by Pope Pius as faith in the future, for that is not all the great European cities. honor of the Blessed Trinity, of Pounded-1606 he addressed 2,000 newlyweds and in the hands of man, but in the Home of Vatican City.,— The Tribunal of “ But Austria was considered Our Lord, und of Our Lady are Saint Joseph's C olle^ hands of God, and it will be as God the essential hearth of Catholic more indulgenced than prayers the Sacred Apostolic Penitentiary wills.” and has issued a decree wherein con­ influence with the German family. and pious exercises in honor of Seminary. Legion of Decency In this domain the autonomy of other saints. Acts of public de­ Founded by MothcrSeten sideration is taken of the fact that CATHOLICS CAN GIVE some omissions, mostly involun­ Austria was found to be the votion are more indulgenced than 1809 Joins World Body IMPETUS TO PEACE (Turn to Page S — Column S) private devotions. Liturgical tary, may occur in the conditions Washington.— “ If we live up to imposed in the erection of the Sta­ prayers are more indulgenced than New York.— The Legion of De­ the teachings'of the Church and Church Is Dedicated non-liturgical. No devotion o f a olic education in America. Mt. tions of the Cross. These omis­ cency of the United StatOs has read the encyclicals of the Pope, sions might prevent the faithful private nature is more indulgenced St. Mary’s was founded in 1808 become, with the approval dj the" we will lend great impetus to the To St. Andrew Bobola than the general devotion of the by Father John DuBois, who friJm gaining the indulgences con­ The Rt. Rev. William Quinn, Episcopal Committee on Motion efforts toward peace,” Mrs. Mary nected with this pious practice. Church. later became Bishop of New York. who resigned as national di­ Pictures and that of the general T. Norton, New Jersey representa­ Cleveland.— The first church in It is the second oldest Catholic The Pope, confirming indul­ rector of the Society for the council in Belgium, a member of tive in congress, told 300 dele­ the United States to be dedicated Cardinal Calls Modern college in the country. St. Jos­ gences granted Oct. 30, 1931, has Propagation of the Faith in 1936 L’Oee CathoHque International du gates to the second annual con­ to St. Andrew Bobola, one of the eph’s was established in 1809 by decreed that, to render the erec­ after a long illness, died April 23. Cinematographe. Twelve coun­ ference of the Catholic Student three saints canonized Eastpr Sun­ Fashions Silly, Pagan Mother Seton, saintly foundress tion of Stations of the Cross valid, He was buried April 26 after fu­ tries have already affiliated them­ Peace federation. The place of day, is at Sheffield, in the Cleve­ Boston. — Cardinal O’Connell of the Sisters of Charity in it is sufficient for the priest to be neral services at St. Gabriel’s selves with this international o^ economics in any effort to build a land diocese. spoke against modern fashions, America. Mother Seton, whose furnished with the required' fac­ church, New Rochelle, N. Y. Mon­ ganization, which serves as a great lasting peace was discussed at ^The dedication services were The Most Rev. William .A. Grif­ dances,' and songs, and charged beatification cause is now far ad­ ulty, but that it is highly advisable signor Quinn was ordained for the clearing house of information on length in meetings of the Catholic held Easter Sunday. Following fin, .Auxiliary Bishop-elect of some persons were making “ mil­ vanced, is considered the found­ that he should ask the consent of Diocese of Lincoln, Nebr., and be­ film developments in the various A ss o cia tio n for International High Mass in his honor, a relic of Newark, N.- J., will be consecrated lions in the corruption of our ress o f the parochial school system the Ordinary. The Franciscan came national director of the countries and as an international Peace. Dr. Charles G. Fenwick of the patron saint was venerated, May 1 by liis superior, the Most young people.” In a sermoh at a of the United States. Friars have this faculty of erect­ Propagation of the Faith society instrument to put into world-wide Bryn Mawr college was re-elected and a shrine of honor was blessed. Rev. Thomas J. Walsh, newly in­ Communion Mass of the New Eng­ Cachet collectors may secure ing the stations'as a privilege of in 1924, the appointment being effect the suggestion, counsel, Jtresident of the C.A.I.P. for his St. Andrew Bobola, Polish Jes­ stalled Archbishop of Newark. This land province, Federation of Cath­ copies of the Emmitsburg seal by their order, but they cannot pass renewed in 1930. He was named and direction of His Holiness, tlird term, and Bishop Edwin V. uit, born in 1591, after six years is the first picture of the Bishop- olic College Clubs, he described sending covers to Lewis H. it on to others. a Protonotary*Apostolic March 9, Pope Pius XI, as expressed in his OUiara of - Great~ -Falls, - --Mont., was in plague-ridden Vilna, went to elect in his Episcopal robes.— modern fashions as “ silly and Stoner, postmaster here. (Turn to P aget — Column 9) 1932. encyclical Vigilanti Cura. re-elected honorary president. (Turn to Page t — Column 3) (Bachrach photo.) ’ pagan.

A PAGE TWO T H E REGISTER Sunday, May 1, 1938 FOUNDRESS HAD MODERN [[5|0|| CMI E[T T<»ambassadoro More is gathering Kenn«lys together again. Shown below, left SSSS to right, CHURCH GROWTH CALLED are Eunice and Rosemary Kennedy at they embarked from New York. There are two more of the family of nine children in the United States, WAYS, MEDIEVAL SPIRIT but they will leave as soon as their college terms are over. Papa REAL ‘MORAL MIRACLE’ Kennedy made his initial bow as a diplomat when he suggested that I B I D TO FEET President Roosevelt commend the peace pact between Great Britain (Continued From Fage One) zines in nine European languages and Italy. The action was very favorably received. (Continued From Page One) ever renewing itself, in the mis­ Maria Teresa read an account of —the \Eeho From Africa for conceal them on his person. He sions, in various centers, in the adults, the Negro Child for chil­ celebrated Mass whenever and parishes, and wherever there is the the African missions by Charles dren. OF wherever he could, even at the fervor of faith. And all this is Cardinal Lavigerie. That and a By the time of her death on iron furnaces. Several attempts true because Christ lives in the chance meeting with two mission­ July 6, 1922, Maria Teresa had on his life were made by bigots midst of His faithful followers, . ( Continued From Page One) ary sisters inspired her to begin collected more than $1,300,000 for (Continued From Page One) who discovered that his real mis­ the Teacher of Truth, 'the Physi­ The indulgences granted for the a life work of devotion to the the missions in Africa, her sodal- SS.R., gives these figures fo r sion was to save souls first and cian of Souls, the Father of His Way of the Cross are: A plenary spread of the Church in the Dark ity had enrolled followers through­ three years’ labor by the Legion bodies second. People, the Redeemer, and the Continent. out the world, there were more in the Brooklyn parish: Four hun­ indulgence every time the pious In Revolutionary war days, Savior.” Her first mission-aid project was than 100 women following her rule dred and forty-eight returned to exercise is made; a plenary indul­ many Catholics came into New the writing of a play, Zaida. Then of life. There were, besides, thou­ Confession and Communion, some gence if, on the day when the Jersey with Washington’s army, she began to write newspaper ar­ sands of promoters of the sodal­ after an absence of 30 years; 469 exercise is finished or within the and some remained. But progress ticles, to make public addresses. ity’s work and members of the Mis­ brought to regular Mass attend­ space of a month in which it has of the Church remained alow for PRIEST-CHEMIST She left the gay life of the court sion fiCague for Africa. ance, 56 Baptisms, 10,140 visits been made ten times, the faithful many years. “ There is a great and took up a career of writing 2,000,000 Pooks Printed made, 18 marriages validated, 12 approach Holy Communion; an in­ contrast between conditions of a GROWS HAIR and speaking not at all in keeping The Auxiliary Missionaries of converts made. dulgence of ten years and ten century ago and those of today. A UnlTcrtltf prictt-cbemlrt'* treitlM on times 40 days, for every station, . . . When the Holy See decided CARK OF THE HAIR li no« being lent tree with her position as a “ lady.” In the sodality, who were approved Similar reports are being made to ecalp euflertn. It dncrlbee how to nee tbe 1894 she established the Sodality by Pope Pius X in 1910, devote by Legion branches in all parts of should the faithful have begun in 1853 to form a diocese in this remarkehle compound miied b; Ft. Jemei of St. Peter Claver. To make her their energies exclusively to mis­ America, in India, in Africa, in the pious exercise and owing to state, the Catholics were not much Gilmore which ^ w perfect heir on heed of missions more widely known she sionary work. They are aided by Australia— all over the world. A some reasonable cause have had more than 50,000. They were held etudenL Since then more than 60,000 to interrupt it. notUee here been need, royalttee going to began publication of two maga- other associates of the sodality. Vicar Apostolic in Nigeria* West served by 25 priests. There were eherlf* (Inert teetif]' to wonderful retulti for Means recommended by Maria Te­ Africa, hopes to reach all the 20,- three churches in the city of felling heir end dtndnilT. Write (or (ret Newark and 30 In the rest of the treatise to R. H Gilmore. Dept. 1, 3810 lltb resa for assisting the missions in­ 000,000 pagans in his territory in Reactionaries Advised Are No.. Seattle. Waih cluded prayer, material aid, do­ ten years through the' Legion of In Speech by Priest state; but no other inititutions at nation ^ f the necessities of life, Mary. An Italian Salesian work­ all except some small orphanages. contribution of religious articles, ing in India says: “ Here is a Schenectady, N. Y.— Recation- . . . The number of Catholics in­ aries should not bring about the and, most important of all, pub- means of bringing the world to the creased and now there are at least St. Jude Thaddeus licatioh of periodicals and book’s— feet of Christ in a generation; just abandonment of “ the gains of de­ a million more. . . . A state instructive works for the Africans, multiply your praesidia of the cency, justice, and security made which can advance so notably informative works for those who in the past few years,” the Rev. merits the high recognition ac­ Solemn Novena Legion of Mary in every parish May 9th to May 17th might aid in the apostolate. Ma­ and quasi-parish and within 25 Charles Owen Rice of the Catholic corded it today by the Holy See.” ria Teresa’s sodality has printed years the world will be converted.” Radical alliance of Pittsburgh told Credit for this progress must go DOMINICAN FATHERS almost 2,000,000 books in 200 dif­ a meeting here. “ The recession,” to the Bishops who have served the Rev. Leo Lome Farrell, O.P., Snperler. The secret of the Legion of Oomlniean Miaaionarlea, Chicago, til. ferent languages. Today 50,000 Mary’s success is its system of he said, “ comes not from too many Church in New Jersey, to their labor unions and too much pro­ faithful priests and people. But Rer. Arthnr Pine McEror, O.P., TD CITBOIICISM promoters carry on her work. training members in the spiritual Dominican Miaelonary, LouiiriUc, Kr. Since the death of Maria Te­ life. Each weekly meeting in­ gressive legislation, but from too “ without Providence human forces Ht St. Piue Church resa 16 years ago, ecclesiastical cludes spiritual reading, recita­ little. We must serve notice that cannot build so solidly nor so well. Shrine of St. Jude Thaddeut (Continued From Page One) courts of inquiry into her sanctity tion of the Rosary, a spiritual- vre who are enrolled in the holy This is a moral miracle . . . the 1909 S. Ashland Awe. ion” of persons who, by “ adhering have been held in the Dioceses of talk, and promotion of the “ True cause of Christian social justice miracle of the propagation of Chicago, Illinoia have just begun to fight.” to dissenting bodies, repudiate, at Rome, Albano, and Salzburg. On Devotion” to Mary propagated by Christianity, which from its dawn­ Petitions may be tent In before or least implicity, the faith of the Oct. 23, 1934, her remains were Blessed Grignon de Montfort. ing till our own day has gone on during the Norena Church.” It also protests against transferred from the Campo Santo Fortified and emboldened by their RtT. V. R. Burnell. O.P., Director the admittance of women to “ Holy to the sodality’s ce.ntral house near spiritual exercises, the members Woman Conducts Private Orders.” St. Mary Major in Rome. Her go out to win souls for Christ. brother. Father Ledochowski; her LATE U. S. NEWS FLASHES War Against Indecency Stating that the Church of Eng­ Those who are familiar with the Providence, R. I.— Every week land marriage service “ requires sister, Mother Ursula, and her NEW TESTAMENT niece. Sister Ursula, were among Legion of Mary believe God has since last January a tall, dark Large print, clear type, 847 pagee, table of those who are to marry to pledge those present at the transfer of her raised it up to counteract the Priest Says Congress Prayer ■families, some of which have been ciated Church press, composed of woman whose name is unknown references to uphold Catholic stand in con­ themselves to a strict interpreta­ troversial doctrines, excellent paper, tub- body, which now rests in a little corrosive influences of atheism Washington. — T h e Rev. Dr. connected with work of the or- American Protestant religious has entered the office of the Provi­ tion of Our Lord’s teaching about itantial binding. Sent to you postpaid for chapel on the spot where she spent and indifference in the 20th cen­ Thomas E. Flynn, pastor of St phanaga for four generations, took journals, which met here for two dence Vieitor and purchased from $1.25. Send money order, check, or wrap a the indissolubility of marriage,” the last weeks of her life. Devo­ tury. Father McDonald, the Mary’s church, Chorlcy, Lanca­ part in the festivities. days. 20 to 40 copies of the paper. The quarter m a dollar bill and mail to the manifesto says: “ Hence the Brooklyn Redemptorist, wrote shire, England, recently delivered , . Crosby Gives Organ to Chareh Reid Lectures on Journalism only information she will give CONFRATERNITY OF policy adopted by many of our tion to Maria Teresa has spread these words in discussing the es­ the prayer with which the house of Los Angeles. — Bing Crosby, Notre Dame, Ind.— The power­ about her actions is that she sends CHRISTIAN DOCTRINE Bishons in their dealing with di­ rapidly, miracles have been re­ ported as a result of her interces­ tablishment of the Legion: “ Thus, representatives opened its deliber­ crooner of radio and screen fame, ful influence now wielded by edi­ the papers all over the world to 2419 East 5th Ave., Denver, Colo. vorced persons who have ‘re­ while Communism was an anar­ ations. has donated $1,600 for a new torial commentators and syndi­ persons in responsible positions married’ during the lifetime of sion, her cause is advancing stead­ ily, and all the time her work for chist’s dream, while its system of Social Justice Pamphlet Printed organ at St. Charles’ church in cated feature writers was one of to foster the drive against in­ their former partners and in their small units of enthusiastic workers New York.— A Primer of Social North Hollywood. The star will the phases of journalism Richard toleration of the use of contra­ the African missions goes on. decent literature. was a fantastic theory. Divine Justice, a pamphlet in question- also sing at a sacred concert fea­ Reid, publicist, editor, and Catholic THE PHOTO MILL ceptives is untrue to this standard Providence was preparing an or­ and-answer form by the Rev. Dr.' turing tne organ’s dedication. Action leader, covered in a series IMMEDIATE SERVICEI and derogatory to the dignity of American Youth Urged New Orleans May See ganization whose special feature Joseph F. Thorning of M t St of five lectures given at the Uni­ Roll developed, printed, end choice, marriage and endangers the sanc­ Archbishop Gets Relic two enlargements, one tinted ea- To Shun Worldly Traps is a small body of trained Mary’s college, Emmitsburg, Md., versity of Notre Dame from April Chalice of Antioch tity of Christian family life.” Portland, Ore.— A relic of the lergement, or eight reprinte, SSe workers.” (Address: 100 Mont­ has been published by the Paulist True Cross has been received here 24 to 29. New Orleans. — The famous coin. Reprint! 2e each. gomery street, San Francisco, press. by the Most Rev. Edward D. Gives Property to Nuns Milwaukee. — Speaking on “ De- Calif.) Chalice of Antioch, the earliest THE PHOTO MILL THE SISTERS OF THE mocraev and the Catholic High Nuns to Open Novitiate Howard, Archbishop of Portland, San Francisco.— Mrs. James L. known chalice in Christendom, Box S29A4 MInneapoUt, Minn. School’’ before the secondary Los Angeles.— Plans for a pro­ from Miss Winifred G. Myrick, Flood has announced the outright may be brought here as a feature DIVINE SAVIOUR school department of the annual Church is Dedicated vincial house and novitiate at great-granddaughter of Dr. John gift of her family property to the of the National Eucharistic Con­ iTivitt generous souls who with to lievote meeting of the National Catholic To St. Andrew Bobola Monrovia have been announced by McLoughlin, “ Father of the Ore­ Religious of the, Saqred Heart, gress next October. The rare New Way to Hold Looae their lives to teaebint, nurting. or domee- Educational association, the Rev. the Franciscan Sisters of Penance gon Country.” The relic will be and in 1940 the property will be­ work of art was brought to Amer­ tie duties, to eorreepond with Mother John LaFarge, S.J., associate edi­ and Christian Charity. The insti­ placed in the Church of St. John come a part of the San Francisco ica 24 years ago ana was shown Provjnetal. S516 West Center Street. MU< tor of America, declared “ the high (Continued From Page One) tution'w'ill be known a^ Mt. Al- the Baptist, beneath which Dr. Mc­ College for Women. In announc­ at the Chicago Century of Prog­ FALSE TEETH work to save Ruthenians from be­ wsukee. Wise. school is the battleground for verno. Loughlin and his wife are buried. ing the gift Mrs. Flood said she ress. It was found in Antioch by ing proselyted by Russian schis­ Firmly in Place American youth and thus for the Army Chaplain Buried Gives Statue to Church desired the property to be devoted Arab excavators. Do falsa teeth annoy and bother by future of the nation.” He urged matics. He was tortured for to "some useful and worthy pur­ three hours at Pinsk and put to Auburn, N. Y.— Funeral serv­ Milwaukee, Wise.— Members of dropping and alipping when you eat, talk, New York Doctor Lowers Catholic students to avoid the ices for the Rev. George J. Bryant, St. Jude’s league, policemen and pose. Breakdown of Morality nr laugh? .luat sprinkle a little FAS- solicitations of the worldly, and to death. His body remained intact TEETH on your piatee. This new. tasteless who died in San Francisco, were firemen of Milwaukee county, have Leftist Scores Red Propaganda alkaline powder boItU teeth Arm and com­ HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE accept the revealed doctrines of for two centuries. Bolshevists Agent of Communism captured the remains, now mum­ held here with Solemn Requiem recently donated a life-size statue New York.— Following the in­ fortable all day. No gummy, gooey, pasty the Church. Mass at Holy Family church. of Our Mother of Perpetual Help dignant denial by the Rev. George Boston.— Re-emphasizing an ap­ taste. Makes breath pleasant. Get FAS- in 22 out of 26 cases mified, and took them to Moscow, TEETH today at any good drug atora. Dr. Frederic Damreu, eminent ph^ician of where Father Edmund A. Walsh, The Very Rev. Dean John A. Con­ to St. Jude’s parish. The gift was B. Ford, Catholic chaplain at Co­ peal by William Cardinal O’Con­ Accept no aubstitute. New York City, recently lowered the blood Missioners From Lands S.J., of Washington got the body way officiated. Father Bryant was dedicated by the Rev. Joseph P. lumbia _ university here, that he nell that the Indecency abroad in pressure in, 22 out of 26 cases with Hurst, pastor of St. Jude’s church ever said he “ hoped” Jose Berga- America today be vigorously com­ ALLIMjNyEsscnce of Garlic-PanUy Tab* Far Apart at Session back in 1923 after telling the Reds an altar boy at Holy Family lets. Nmonly did the blood pressure corae that to keep it would increase' church prior to his ordination. and chaplain of the league. min, Spanish Leftist propagandist bated, the Rt. Rev. Francis F. down and stay down with the use of Polish hostility. The priest him­ While serving as pastor at Casper, Vicar General Marks Jubilee now in this country, would “ be Phelan told the Patriots’ day din­ ITCMYSKIH ALLIMIN, but diisiness and headaches New York. — Missionaries from Wyo., he became United States received and heard by Catholic ner of the Massachusetts state were completely relieved in almost every self packed the body in a way to Buffalo, N. Y.— The Rt. Rev. Gst quick, pro-^S case. To get the selfsame tablets used by China, Japan, Korea, Manchuria, evade substitution and put his own army chaplain to serve in the John J. Nash, Vicar General of audiences,” Bergamin himself has council of the K. of C. that, if longed relisf with gontls Dr. Damrau, ask your druirgist for ALLl- Nigeria, the Phillipines, the Da­ card secretly in the skull. The World war. He was chaplain of the Buffalo diocese, recently deprecated the fact that his meet­ Communism comes to America, it 'Resinol. Its oily base soothes." MIN Essence of GarHc*Parsley Tablets kotas— lands far apart— met with the Letterman General hospital marked the 60th anniversary of ing with the priest has been put to will come through a breakdown of and take no substitutee or imitations. For body was taken to Rome. FREE sample and valuable booklet by dee* the members of the Catholic An­ in the , San Francisco, at his ordination to the priesthood. propaganda uses. The statement morality. Secretary of War H. tor, address, Van Patten Co., 54 W. thropological conference at Mary- the time of his death. Hospital Haj New Service capitalizing the meeting of Father H. Woodring and Gov. C. F, Hur­ RE5INOL Illinois. Chicago. SEIZURE OF AUSTRIA knoll seminary, Maryknoll, for the N.C.C.W. Protejtt Pictures Portland, Ore.— St. Vincent’s Ford and Bergamin was issued by ley were other speakers. MAKIS'TOU COMFORTABII 13th annual convention. The sub­ IS BLOW TO CHURCH Washingiton.— In a letter to the hospital here has announced its the radical-controlled medical bu­ ject of the symposium was “ An­ publishers of Life, Miss Agnes G. newly formed Community Nursing reau of the North American Com­ thropology and the Missions: (Continued From Page One) Regan, executive secretary of the service. Six undergraduate nurses mittee to Aid Spanish Democracy, What Each Can Give to the stumbling block to the new des­ National Council of Catholic ^and three nursing sisters under the which is sponsoring Bergamin’g SETON HILL COLLEGE Pennsylvania 300 MASSES Other.” The keynote speech was potism of Hitler and his spiritual supervision of public health nurses propaganda tour in this country. Aaaociatlen of American Ualvaraitiet Wemen from 11 Foreign Countrlea Women, strongly protests against Accredited ky end 37 American States made by the Rev. James M. lackies. The dominant force on the recent publication of pictures make up the staff. The group will Funds Sought for Rosearch ANNUALLY Drought, yicar General of Mary­ which these men and their chief­ from the film, Birth of a Baby, “ It take care of work not covered by Washington. — Inclusion of knoll. tains rely is essentially national­ is inconceivable that we are asked the Visiting Nurse association. funds for research work by volun­ Perpetual Membership in the ism or, more correctly, racism: to accept as explanation for this Famous Scientists to Meet tary hospitals and private medical REV. PASTORS- Union of Masses Charity Work Is Well The cult of Germanism for the publication the value for children, Notre Dame, Ind.— The origin schools was urged upon the house An InterHting and inatructlvr (itareoptlcon) lecture for your parish or aodal* Germans instead of that of the for adolescents, as well as adults, of mysterious rays that can. pierce committee.on interstate commerce ity or Holy Name Society (alto for High Schools, Aeadamiet or Colleges) on 2Bc for each person, living or Established in Diocese universal Catholic world, instead deceased. in an educational way,” Miss a steel wall 100 yards in thickness, by William F. Montavon at a hear- of Catholic culture. The interest the universe beyond our own gal­ The Sacrifice of the Mass Regan’s letter, addressed to Roy ing on the LaFollette bill authoriz­ Kar d^ttilfa wrtU ta* St. Peter Claver Sodality Paterson, N. J.— Catholic works of the German government of the E. Larson of Life, said. axy, and the expansion of the uni­ ing federal grants for the investi­ of charity are well established in North in the annexation of Aus­ Rev. Father Ralph, S.V.D., Techny, III., or for the African Mission* Charities’ Objective Reached verse will be among the problems gation and control of venereal dis­ the newly erected Diocese of Pat­ tria resides essentially in the blow 176'W. Adams St., Chicago, III. Buffalo.— The 1938 Catholic to be discussed by some of the eases. Mr. Montavon, who is di­ DEPARTMENT R erson. There are within this see dealt to the Catholic tradition Charities’ appeal joined the ranks world’s foremost scientists conven­ rector of the legal department of 3624 W. Pine BI., St. Louis, Mo, three hospitals— ^St. Joseph’s here, within the breast of the Ger­ ing at the University of Notre the National Catholic Welfare manic world.” of its 14 successful predecessors St. Mary’s in Passaic, and All when it reached its objective of Dame on May 2 and 3 in a physics Conference, told the committee he Souls’ in Morristown. There are The older men are true Cath­ $452,612.08 on Palm Sunday. symposium. Dr. Arthur H. Comp­ was not representing the confer­ also within the diocese three or­ olics. Youth is weakening in ton, Dr. Carl D. Anderson, Canon ence, as no attitude toward the THE REGISTER some sections, Belloc asserts. Under the patronage of St. An­ phan asylums, one home for the thony of Padua, the appeal assures Georges Lemaitre, and Dr. Harlow subject proposed in the legisla­ Published Every Week by The Catholic Press Society, Inc. aged, a day nursey, a home for care for the 28,244 clients of Shapley will participate. tion had been indicated by the 934-938 Bannock Street, Denver, Colo. Post Office Box 1497 working girls, a House of the Good Archbishop, Priest Aid Catholic Charities. With the Most Private School Aid Opposed N.C.W.C. Shepherd, the Mt. Carmel guild, In Strike Settlement Rev. John A. Duffy, Bishop of . Washington. — Opposition to Man Indicted -'or Shipping Planes President ..61 oat Rev. Bishop Urban J. Vehr, O.U., Oanvai and the St. Vincent de Paul Buffalo, as honorary chairman, federal grants to educational in­ Los Angeles.— Accused of ship­ Praaidtnt-Einarltut.._....Mott Rev Bishop J. Henry Tihen, D.O., Wichita, Kaniat society. stitutions controlled by religious Editor-in-Chie(._.„„...... „ J t t Rev. Mtgr, Matthew Smith, Ph.O., LL.D., Jour.D San Antonio.—The good offices the appeal was brought to its suc­ ping fighting planes from Cal'^or- Managing Editor ...... ^..Hubert A. Smith, Jour.D IW mIM bto (A. cessful conclusion by the tireless organizations was expressed in a nia by way of Mexico to the Reds Associate Edltora— Millard F. Everett, Jour.D.; C. J. McNeill, A.B., Jour.M.. WO.lM tl tUtOu, of the Most Rev. Arthur J. Dros- resolution adopted by the Asso- Rev. Walter Ctnavan, B.J., M.A.; Rev. John Cavanagh, M.A.; Rev, Clarence G. bT MtXMAOOS. Lodges Subscribe Funds saerts, Archbishop of San Antonio, efforts of 10,000 workers. in Spain, in violation of the Amer­ Iitcnmann, S.T.D.. Ph.L. ican neutrality act, Fritz Bieler Tfc. rtuSbr.! O m m . , . ht For Hospital Equipment and the Rev. Juan Lopez, C.SS.R., 1938 Centenary of Seminary 70 ym , AfTKMAOOS tliU I. New College Heaci was named in an indictment re­ ts. helped to bring about a-settlement New Orleans. — Marking 100 DIOCESAN EDITIONS years of effort for the establish­ turned by a federal grand jury. br..tkl.g M.UI— dim mtfd Yakima, Wash.— An iron lung, of the strike of pe.can shellers in CENTRAL CALIFORNIA REGISTER (Fresno) ment of a permanent seminary, He was described by federal Most Rev. Bishop Philip G. Schar, O.D.. Praaident tlM.-Al 11. purchased by funds raised through this region. Negotiations brought m oittu. hm. this year is the centenary of the agents as one link in a wide plot Rev. Edwatd Haakina, Editor and Manager voluntary subscription of the about an increase in w^ges for the rtc Aw Mt. to obtain American planes in Cali­ ' s u p e r io r CALIFORNIA REGISTER (Sacramento) KU shellers. founding of the first seminary in Moat Rev. Robert J. Armstrong, D.D., President Yakima Optimist club, has been the Archdiocese of New Orleans. fornia for use of the “ Loyalists.” I. KHonuNN ee. installed at St. Elizabeth’s hospital Rev. Patrick A. McHugh. S.T.O., Editor and Businese Managar After seven such institutions had He is now believed to be in NEBRASKA REGISTER (Grand Island) here. An infant respirator and Priest Appointed on successively failed, the present Mexico. Most Rev, Bishop S. V^ Bona, D.O., President; Rev, Patrick McDaid (No. Platte), an incubator were also added to $1,000,000 Notre Dame seminary Jssuit Educator Honortd Editor: Rev. Thomas J. Murray (Burwell), Business Director the institution’s equipment. All Public Welfare Board was dedicated in 1923 and placed Cleveland.-^The Rev. George EASTERN MONTANA REGISTER (Great Falls) societies, lodges, and organiza­ Baltimore. — The city service Most Rev. Bishop Edwin V. O’Hara, D.O., l L.D., President - in charge of the Marist Fathers. J. Pickel, S.J., veteran educator, tions in this area donated to the commission of Baltimore has ap­ Rev. Eugene Gergen, Editor and Businese Manager was honored at a testimonial din­ subscription. pointed the Rev. Lucian L. Lauer- YaU Gets Mora Conrad MSS. WESTERN MONTANA REGISTER (Helena) man, director of the National New Haven, Conn.— George T. ned tendered him at John Carroll Most Rev. Bishop Joseph M. Gilmore, D.O.. President Catholic School of Social Service, Keating of Plainfield, N. J., re­ university on the occasion of the Rev. Patrick Casey, M.A., Editor and Business Manager Sufferers Gamp Director Washington, D. C., to act as cently added 114 unpublished let­ 50th anniversary of his admission NEVADA REGISTER (Reno) ' Mo|t Rev. Bishop I'homas K Gorman, D.D., J.C.L., D.Sc.Hist., Preaident chairman of a special examining ters and manuscripts of Joseph into/the Society of Jesus. Guests shouw Us bettsr tnfonaW abost Rev. John T. Smith, Editor and Bueincss Manager thsir allmsnta. Father neetmtam. board for the Baltimore Depart­ Conrad to his previous gifts to included 160 priest-alumni of the SOUTHERN NEBRASKA REGISTER (Lincoln) ment of Public Welfare. the Yale university library of the institution and Auxiliary Bishop Most Rev. Louis 6 Kucera, D.D., President most complete Conrad collection in James A. McFadden. Rtv, Maurita Htlmann, M.A., Jour.D., Editor and Butinata Manager existence. The collection was Nuns Subject of Pamphlet WEST VIRGINIA REGISTER (Wboaling) CATHOLIC Honorary Degrees Given Host Rev. Bishop John J, Swint, D.D., President Prlsit, explains in hla ramout placed on exhibition in the Ster­ Baltimore.— To explain the re­ Rev. Frederick J. Sehwertt, M.A., Editor and Butineas Manager On Jubilee of College ling Memorial library. quirements demanded of an as­ PEORIA REGISTER (Peoria. Iliinoii) HEALTH BOOK New York.— At the celebration' Cardinal BlsMtt Library pirant to the religious life, in the Meat Rev. Bishop J. H. Schlarman, D.D., Ph.D.. J.C.D., President the causes and symptoms of of the diamond jubilee of Man­ New York. — The Cardinal hope that with the removal of Rev. H. H. Rota, A.B.. B.J.. Editor and Busineaa Manager SANTA FE REGISTER (Santa Fe. New Mexico) hattan college, honorary degrees Hayes library, $300,000 structure some common misconceptions erected to commemorate the 75th Most Rev. Archbishop Rudolph A. Gerken, D.D., President were conferred upon four dis­ many more Colored girls will be Very Rtv, Msgr. Philip G. hUhefnay, Editor and Butinata Manager tinguished Americans, Brother anniversary of Manhattan college led seriously to consider the life ALTOONA REGISTER (Altoona, Pa.) Patrick, F.S.C., president of the and the 50th anniversary of the of a Spouse of Christ, is the pur­ Most Rev. Bishop Richard T. Gullfoyle. President college, announced. The honors Cardinal’s graduation, was blessed pose of a pamphlet, More Colored Rev. Thomas E. Madden, Ph.D., S T.L., Editor and Uueinata Manager by Cardinal Hayes April 26 at im­ Nune! by the Rev. John T. Gillard, TEXAS PANHANDLE REGISTER (Amarillo) w’ere bestowed upon Sister M. Most Rev. Bishop Robert E. Lueey, D.D., President Constipation and other tnmhlen Madeleva, president of SL Mary’s pressive ceremonies. The build­ S.S.J. In the United States, there ing rises five stories and was built Rev. rhomas J. Drury, Editor and Business Managar college, Notre Dame, Ind., an out­ are only 450 Colored nuns an LA CROSSE REGISTER (La Croste. Wise.) batted by simple means This book ta standing poet and author; the to accommodate 4^0,000 books. average of one in every 700 per­ Most Rev. Biihop Alexander J. McGtviek, D.D., President; Most Rtv, Bishop Very Rev. Robert I. Gannon, S.J., Nuni in Archdiocese 25 Years sona among the Colored Catholics. William R. Griffin, Viet Preaident FREE president of Fordham university; Los Angeles.— The Most Rev. Datreit Will Buy Painting DULUTH REGISTER (Duluth. Minn.) John J. Cantwell, Archbishop of Moat Rev. Bishop Thomas A. Welch, Fcaeidcnt Hundreds ot thousands Dr. Alexis Carrel, Nobel prize Detroit.— The Detroit Arts com­ Rev, Joitph Hughat, Editor and Bualnesi Managar iound help br (ol)owing winner and a member of the staff Los Angeles, presided « t Benedic­ mission recently obtained permis^ his advice. Contains 136 tion, on the occasion of the silver sion from the city council fOi the CATHOLIC TELEGRAPH-REGISTER (Cincinnati) paaes, 200 lllustrationa of Rockefeller institute, and Pao- Charlat P. Williams, K.C.8.G., President of Board It will show roo tbs lino Gerli, Catholic businessman jubilee of the Carmelites in this purchase of “ The Crucifixion,” a Magr. Edward A. Ptaking, S.T.O., Editor war to better health and and philanthropist. archdiocese. Coming here 25 14th century Italian painting TENNESSEE REGISTER (Nathvilit) happiness. You can years ago from St. Louis, five Car­ valued at $5,000. The money wifl Mott Rav. Biahop W. L. Adrian, D.D., Preaidant have this book, without Rev. George J. Flanigen. S.T.O., Editor and Buaintsa Manager melite nuns, directed by Mother The Rt. Rev. Francis W. Walsh, come from a $15,000 fund estab­ cost or obliastion. Orchestra Leader Hit INTBRMOUNTAIN CATHOLIC REGISTER (Salt U ke City. Utah) Mail Coupon. NOW, Baptists, established themselves pastor of the Church of the As­ lished through the sale of four Moat Rtv. Ouant G Hunt. O.D., Bishop of Sait Lakt. Praaident Camp St. Maur at Atchison, As Assisting Leftists in a rented house, which they oc­ sumption, Peekskill, N. Y., and paintings in 1935. Rev. Robert J Dwyer, M.A., Editor Kanf., will be under the direction cupied until the present monas­ new, president of the College of NORTHWESTERN KANSAS REGISTER (Concordia) L. HEUMAN A CO., Dept. STt-CGt Mott Rtv. Francis J. Titf, D U., President 63* Draadwar. Nrw Yoik. N. T. this year of the Rev. Jerome Mer- Baltimore.— Noting the partici­ tery was completed in 1923. New Rochelle, who was recently 100.000 Catholics Are wick, O.S.B., sociology professor / Paintings Given to Orphanage insisted a Domestic Prelate, is Rtv. Cornellua J. Brown, Editor and Butinesa Manager riease sene me h'ather HenasaaB's pation of Benny Goodman and his The Danvar Catholic Rcglatar it alto a part of this newspaper ayatem. bix “ FREE” Health Book. at St. Benedict's college, there, and orchestra in an affair held in Wash­ Los Angeles.— Rare oil paint­ shswn in his preiatial robes. For- Residing in Albania aki expert in “ boyology.” Tlie ington for the benefit of the Left­ ings and historic documents were mprly a war chaplain overseas, Scutari.— There are at present Price of The Rtgittar (dated every Sunday), II a year. Canada and South Namt — America, tl.SO Foreign, 11.71 In bundle lota, one cent a copy if boughi camp was founded to continue the ists in Spain, the Catholic Review presented as gifts to the Sisters Afonsignor Walsh also served at 100.000 Catholics in Albania as regularly (or sale or distribution. Addrata wholesome moral influence of the tells that the widely advertised of Charity, who conduct the Los t)ie Cathedral in Denver, and was compared with 500,000 Mohamme­ Catholic school in the summer orchestra leader “ has been gen­ Angeles orphanage, on the occa­ pastor of St. Vincent de Paul’s dans and 300,000 members of the Entered at Saeend Claaa Matter at Post Offiae, Denver, Colorado. months and at the same time offer erous in helping the cause of those sion of the 82nd anniversary of church in that city before re­ Albanian Orthodox Church, which Uy tUment la..__—. Tha Rcglatar hta tha largaet eireulatien of any paptr In the Englltb language (Plassa aeatioii It.) aU the recreational advantages of who are enemies of the Catholic the arrival of the order’s founders turning to the New York arch­ separated from the O eek Ortho­ devoted to rellgioua news. other resorts at a low cost. Church in Spain.” here. Mambera of old California diocese in 1932- dox Church in 1929. Sunday, May 1, 1938 T H E REGISTER PAGE THREE

•^STRANGE BUT TRUE** By M. J. Murray ASK AND LEARN [ THE BOOK Pies V Is Last Addr«tt P» O. Bos 1497, OoDTor, Colo. A A ► R EG ISTER To gain indulgence! attached to kingdom or nation, but have ex­ m a y h o t W E A H a Canonized Pope ro$arie$ mutt one tay all the is t s in ghettos or Jewish colonies H A T w i t i i A. b f tity it rotary at one time? in the various cities of the world. % woul4 \mpe

(Continued from Page One) MAY 1-4 AT MILWAUKEE lile limes over France, parlicu- one Archbishop and a Bishop, on larly by people who do not under­ the charge of “ counter-revolu­ Milwaukee. — At the National Three of the special problems stand the difficult political system tionary actnities.” Anger over the Catholic Social Action conference which are to be treated in sec­ of the republic. But the French crowds that attended the belated have a tremendous rallying power Easter services of the Orthodox to be held here front May 1 to tional meetings are “ Insecurity,” and conibine as one unit when caused the new attack, which in­ May 4, 16 sectional meetings on “ Finance and Credit,’* and “ Youth their cMkntry faces danger. cluded also an onslaught by the major industries, professions, or in Industry.” These meetings will Soviet press on religion. particular problems in the eco­ bring to the speaker’s platform 12 Sixty-one American Protestant nomic field will be featured. of the country’s outstanding cleri­ Bishops a little more than a month In a radio speech. Generalissimo cal and lay leaders. Those who ago called on the Catholic Bishops These sectional meetings will con­ Franco, leader of the Spanish Na­ sider the principles of a Christian will head the meeting on “ Insecur­ and clergy to make a public pro­ tionalists, whose victory is certain social order in the light of indi­ ity” are the Most Rev. Robert E. test against Generalissimo Fran­ although it is unwise to set dates vidual industries and professions. Lucey, Bishop of Amarillo; Prof. co’s bombing of , with for its probable accomplishment, Goetz Briefs of the department of a consequent loss of life to women has announced that he intends to economics at Georgetown univer­ and children. The Pope, it will give the country a powerful army sity, Washington; Dr. Frank be remembered, was announced as and navy after the war and to O’Hara, professor of political having already urged Franco to “ return her long-lost status as a economy at the Catholic Univer­ spare cities as much as possible Glenwood Springs major power.” He accused the so- sity of America, and Henry Somer­ and had been promised that this called Loyalists of murdering 400,- ville, editor of the Catholic Reg­ would be done. Many things have 000 persons and said: “ They shall ister, Toronto. come out since the Open Letter be called to account for their long The sectional meeting on “ Fi­ of the 61 appeared. Now it is list of crimes.” Voman 1$ Burid nance and Credit” will have as its learned through the Vnirerse, speakers the Most Rev. Karl J. Ixtndon, that the main damage in Whether His Holiness and Adolf Alter, Bishop of Toledo and assist­ the heart of Barcelona was not Hitler will meet about May 5 is Glenwood Springs. — Funeral done directly by Franco bombs services for Mrs. Bertha McGuirk ant chairman of the N.C.W.C. So­ still in doubt as this is written. cial Action department; the Rev. but by the blowing up of muni were held Monday, April 11, in A dispatch from Rome asserted John F. Cronin, professor of eco­ lion dumps. “ Contrary to mili­ that a “ sudden decline in Pope St. Stephen’s church, the Rev. C. tary practice and common sense E. Kessler offering the Requiem nomics' at St. Mary’s seminary, Almost recuperated from his re­ Pius XI’s physical condition Baltimore; Malcolm Bryan, vice dumps and anti-aircraft posts were prompted his physician to order cent illness, Gen. John J. Pershing placed in the heart of the city," Albert Kessler, Reno Moscon, and governor of the federal reserve is shown in this photo taken in him to leave the Vatican for his bank at Atlanta, and R. Dana Skin­ One of these dumps was in the summer residence, Castelgandolfo, J. R. Dillon sang. Mrs. McGuirk, Chicago en route to New York to underground railway station, wife of R. W. McGuirk, died sud­ ner, vice president of Townsend- attend the wedding of his son, at the end of April.” If the news Skinner in New York. Transversal, which had been closed is authentic, he may have gone by denly at her home the preceding Warren. General Pershing lay near * to the public for some lime. Large the time many readers get this Friday. She had attended Mass in “ Youth in Industry” promises to death for days at Tucson, Ariz. holes were torn in the* street, while paper. But, although health en­ the morning and was apparently in be one of the highlights of the sec­ the Barcelona theater and the tered into the plan, continued the the best of health. She was tional meetings. Youth leaders ' Brother It Science Fellow Luna bar were destroyed, when dispatch, it was also understood Stricken while she was preparing who will address this meeting are: Philadelphia.— Brother George the noon meal. Dr. Homer P. Rainey, director of this dump exploded. “These ex­ that, if Hitler went to Rome and Lewis, F.S.C., professor of mathe­ plosions were the reason for so did not call at the Vatican, it would Mrs. McGuirk had been a resi­ the American Youth commission; matics at La Salle college, has many victims,” asserts the llni- not be so critical from a diplomatic dent of Glenwood Springs many William J. Campbell, state direc­ I standpoint if the Pope were not years and was always an ardent tor of the N.Y.A. in Illinois, and been elected a fellow of.the Amer­ The paper recalls that the there. . It was pointed out that worker in Church activities, being the Rev. Vincent Mooney, C.S.C., ican Association for the Advance­ I.eftist forces in Spain made daily nothing would interfere with Hit­ OFFICERS HOSTESSES Bulldogs, Tigers president of the Altar and Rosary director of the N.C.W.C. Catholic ment of Science by a unanimous, air raids on Seville and the open ler’s going to Castelgandolfo, if society for several years and a Youth bureau. vote of its council. cities of Castille. One Leftist he so desired, as it is only a short member of the Third Order of aviator personally told the Uni- automobile ride from Rome. No Win Loop Gaines St. Francis and of the Catholic rersc writer that he repeatedly tried definite information has been C. D. OF A. FETE APRIL 28 Daughters. In the summer months, to blow up the Basilica of Our forthcoming from the Vatican, up St. Joseph’s Bulldogs remained she kept on the altars fresh flowers Lady of the Pillar. Palma, on to the lime this is written, that in the unbeaten bracket in ' the which she cultivated and dared foi the island of Majorca, underwent Mrs. Genevieve Ulrickson, grand Ihe annual Communion is sched­ Hitler has been formally invited to parochial diamond loop after a herself. At all times she willingly 25 Leftist air raids between July meet the Pope. regent of St. Rita’s court, uled for Sunday, May 1, at the gave of the last blossoms in her 25 and Aug. 31, 1936— it then C. D. of A., made several inter­ 8:30 Mass at Holy Ghost church. free-scoring contest with Regis at yard that the children might have esting announcements at the April had no defenses of any kind. And The London Daily Herald, The same Sunday afternoon, a re­ Merchants’ park Sunday in which flowers to carry in processions business meeting. A social eve­ there were other I,eftist raids. Laborite paper, declares that 60,- ception of new members will take they took the Raiders by a score of She was never too busy to do for ning will be held April 28.' Court This writer does not like air 000 Jewish employes of Austrian place at the Park Lane hotel at 3. 16 to 15. High scores also featured others, but gave of her strength raids. He believes they should be concerns have lost their jobs since officers, with Miss Margaret Shel­ Following the ceremony, a ban­ the other tilt of the afternoon. and time in many organizations ton as chairman, will be hostesses. outlawed in modem warfare. It Germany annexed Austria and that quet will be served. Holy Family team beating Mullen and parish affairs. Her death is well, however, for us to remem­ the measures taken against Aus­ This year marks the 17th anni­ home, 17 to 11. leaves a vacancy in many circles. ber that it has not been a one­ versary of the organization of the trian Jews have exceeded any taken Regis opened the game with Father Kessler exhorted the many sided business in Spain and that so far in Germany. Cardinal Honored court. attending the funeral services to the raids for which Franco Originally it was the custom to four runs in the first frame and The Readers’ Digest for May held a two-run, advantage going be prepared for sudden death and severely criticized in this country At 75th Jubilee entertain at an annual banquet, to follow her example in doing condenses a book by Stephen H. into the fourth. In that inning had military, not civilian, objeC' following the reception of the class good for others. Roberts, a professor at Sydney St. Joseph’s attack clicked and lives, something that cannot be Of Alma Mater in May. This is the first banquet Mrs. McGuirk is survived by her s.nid of all the leftist raids. university, who spent 16 months in several years. All wishing to at­ the Bulldogs brought in eight runs. in Germany gathering data (The They were neve* headed there­ husband, A. W. McGuirk; a daugh­ tend may make reservation by call­ ter, Mrs. Mary Moriarity; a son, The selection by both parties of House That Hitler Built, Harper New Y ork.— Manhattan col­ ing Miss Mayme Garrett, chair­ after although Regis threatened in & Brothers, $3). The volume gives lege’s most distinguished gradu­ the following innings with four R. W. McGurk, Jr.; a grand Dr. DouglaV Hyde, a Protestant man, TAbor 5-694. Mrs.. Harvey daughter, Alice McGuirk; six sis­ and the son of a preacher, to be glimpses of both sides of the Jew­ ate, Patrick Cardinal Hayes, Arch­ J. Smith, who was to assist Miss runs each in the fifth and sixth ish question in Germany. The bishop of New York, was honored and a pair in the final frame. ters, and a number of nephews and the virtually uncontested ■ candi­ Garrett in arrangements, is in St. nieces. AND date in the May 31 elections as country happened to be on the at a dinner at the Hotel Biltmore. Joseph’s hospital after an automo­ Hencmann of Regis and Franks president of the new slate of Eire first stop in the perennial West­ Held under the auspices of the bile accident. Election of officers of St. Joseph’s hit circuit clouts. Tre Ore Held First Time (Ireland) was what might have ward push of the Polish Jews, and Manhattan College Alumni so­ will be held May 12. Regis hit Over, Wagner, and Rus­ Tre Ore services were held foi PICCLY been expected from the Irish. They they tended to obtain an unduly ciety, the dinner inaugurated the Fifteen Masses will be of­ sell for 11 blows, while St. Joseph’s the first time in- St. Stephen’s are almost completely foreign to large share of professional posi celebration of the diamond jubilee fered by the Rev. Hubert Newell, collected 10 from Lucari, who church Good, Friday evening from WICCLY bigotry. Only in the Orange coun­ lions. When the Nazis came into of Manhattan college, which began St. Rita’s court chaplain, for the worked the full route. Russell was 7 to 10 o’clock. ’The church was ties .of the North is it found. power, 50.2 per cent of the its work of Christian education in repose of Miss Grace Lawler’s credited with the win. filled for the devo.tions. The choir, Ever since the Free State was set lawyers were Jews and 48 per cent 1863. The dinner also marked soul. Mrs. Alice Evans, former Holy Family team took an early under the direction of Mrs. Doug­ up, a ' Protestant who was loyal of the doctors of medicine. They the 50th anniversary of the grad­ C. D.- of A. member, passed away lead against Mullen home. The las Cross, rendered special music, to Ireland could always get systematically got the principal uation of Cardinal Hayes from at the National Jewish sanitarium. Tigers scored four runs in the first and the sermons on the Seven Last political recognition in the South. hospital posts. More than two- Manhattan college. Notes of sympathy from the court inning, threa in the second, and Words were delivered by the Rev. Protestant clergymen have often thirds of the school and welfare His Eminence praised the work were sent to the families of both five each in the third and fourth. Ronan Kristoff, O.F.M. gone on record expressing their doctors in Berlin and half the of the Christian Brothers at Man­ women. The scattered their scor­ teachers in the medical faculty of hattan and the other institutions Easter Sunday the first Mass at a{fpreciation of this fact. The ing over the seven innings, making 8 o’clock was celebrated by Father Orange claim thet, if the North the University of Berlin were under their care. He recalled the greater part of their tallies Jews. They owned the largest and that among the alumni of Man­ Agnus Dei Blessed Kessler, who also delivered the entered a union with- the South, too late to do any good. Fanning, sermon. The children’s choir sang Protestants would have no chdnce most important Berlin newspapers hattan are the Cardinal Arch­ Tiger first baseman, hit the only and had made great inroads on bishops of two great cities. New By Order of Pope hymns, with Julia Frost as organ­ has been completely disproved, home run of the contest. Tiwr ist, Jeannette Blue, violinist, and is true, nevertheless, that the re­ the educational system. “ Start­ York and Chicago. batsmen worked Brown and Vellar ing from the undoubted facts that Rome.— The blessing of the Mary Guadnola, director. Four ligious test is constantly put in the Agnus Dei took j>lace recently at for 13 hits. The Mustangs gar­ hundred received Communion it North. a, Jewish minority had secured an Illin ois Catholic Union nered 10 from Jones and Somers. overlarge measure of professional the direction of the Pope in the this Mass. The 10 o’clock Mass Hyde, aged 78, the most dis­ (Jistercian monastery adjoining was a Solemn Mass, with Father tinguished Gaelic scholar of Eire, success, and that in some cases Will Hold Annual Meet the preferment was due to racial the Basilica of “ Santa Croce in Kristoff celebranL Father Kessler, is an historian, a poet, and a folk­ Gerusalemme.’’ The blessing deacon, and William Morgan, mas­ lorist. Tall and distinguished look­ influence. Hitler reached the posi Chicago.— The annual conven­ Spiritual Training DENVER BUSINESS DIRECTORY tion that ‘there can be no good tion of the Catholic Union of Illi­ ceremony dates back to the early ter of ceremonies. Six altar boys ing, he has a lion-like head and days of the Church when frag­ and six acolytes served. The choir a white moustache. He learned to Jew.’ He therefore condemned nois will be held May 29, 39, and Of Citizens Needed 600,000 human beings wholesale' 31 at St. Martin’s church, 59th ments of the Paschal candle were sang Leonard’s Mass in E flat and DRUGGISTS TOWEL & LINEN SUPPLY speak (iaelic early in life, hearing blessed and distributed to the “ Rigina Coeli.” Mrs. J. R. Dillon it in the vicinity of his' father’s —the Austrian condemnation fol­ street and Princeton avenue, Chi­ San Francisco.— “ What we need lowed some time later— “ irrespec­ cago. At a representative meet­ faithful. At the present time the was organist and Mrs. Douglas YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS MOUNTAIN TOWEL « SUPPLY CO. rectory, and he began collecting Agnus Dei is made of pure wax today more than anything else is Cross directed. will be filled correctly tt folklore not long after his gradua­ tive of the individual's characteris­ ing of the Chicago district league emphasis placed on the spiritual WASHINGTON PARK PHARMACY Service furnished for OfRces. Barberi, moulded in the shape of medal­ August Nardin, student at Reitaurnnta. Stores, end Bmnquets tion from Trinity college, Dublin. tics.” He contended that “ the and the parishioners of St. Mar­ training of our citizens,” the Ph. SP. 9765 1096 South Gaylord St. fact that a man is a Jew renders lions bearing the image of a lamb Parks Business college, Denver, Following service as a professor tin's, Michael F. Girten was named Most Rev. John J. Mitty, Arch­ 3104 Oowninf MA. 7060 him unfit to be a member of any on one side and that of the spent the past week visiting his of modern languages at the president and Anthony Brausch, bishop of San Francisco, declared Patronize' Our Advertisers B. W BGGKIUS. Manaser civilized society— one Jewish child Blessed Virgin or of some saint parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Nardin. provincial university in New Bruns­ secretary, of the convention com­ at the banquet sponsored by the can contaminate a whole school— on the other. wick, Canada, he returned to Ire­ mittee, which anticipates a suc­ Citizens’ committee in charge of Morgan Thome returned to land to leach at the new National one drop of Jewish blood taints a cessful gathering. Denver to resume his studies at Francis J. Fisher, Inc. whole lifestreara, and so on. St. Mary’s college diamond jubi­ The firms listed here de­ university. Six years ago, he re­ lee celebration. Regis college after spending the Strcicher even had the theory that, Easter vacation with his parents, TAbor 6204 serve to be remembered tired In resume his studies of Nephew of Cardinal The guest speaker of the occa­ Gaelic and folklore. His unpre­ if a woman once had a Jewish U. S. Priests Mr. and Mrs. Peter Thome. when you are distributing child, her blood would be so af­ Gets Vatican Post sion was the Very Rev. Arthur A. Cement, Plaster, Mortar tentious home is on the border of O’Leary, S.J., president of George­ Mayor and Mrs. A. W. Kendrick your patronage in the dif­ Counties Mayo and Roscommon. fected that all her later children returned to Glenwood Springs fol- would also be Jews!” Rome.— The Marquis Carlo Pa- town university, Washington, D. He was president of the Gaelic lowng a week’s stay in Denver. Metal Lath, Stucco ferent lines of business. celli, nephew of Cardinal Pacelli, C., who felicitated St. Mary’s col­ league from its foundation in 1893 A Jew’s answer to the preponder­ Are Safe in Mrs. M. McDermott visited with 2363 BLAKE ST. DENVER Cardinal Secretary of State, has lege and the Christian Brothers to 1915. ance of the race in the learned relatives in Denver in the Easter Both parties were eager to avoid professions would naturally be recently been appointed councilor who conduct it on their faithful­ ness to the objective of true edu­ holidays. a “ political” selection for the that it has always been held up as general of Vatican City. The new cation, to produce good citizens, Miss Nora Flynn, who has been presidency, as they wanted to side­ a desirable thing to be ambitious councilor general succeeds his fa­ War District as evidenced by their many distin­ residing in Crested Butte for the step controversy. John McCormack, and well educated. ther, who held the same position The Register Shoppmg Guide up to the time of his death three guished alumni. past few^nonths, is receiving medi­ the tenor, it will be remembered, David Goldstein, noted convert cal treatments at the Hopkins hos­ MR. AND MRS. SHOPPER— Th« Raflster recommends this alphabetically* was spoken of for the post, but to Catholicity from Judaism and years ago. Techny, 111.— The safety of Brother Albert, F.S.C., presi­ iadaaad Ust of hualaess and professional petmie for jrour needs. As Lsaders was hardly available ns he is Socialism, has just issued an Open American missionaries of the So­ dent, sketched the historical oack- pital here. hi their various linos, they ars veil etiulpped to fivo you excellent service. ciety of the Divine Word in China ground of the college. Maj. Gen. August Zancanella left here to Civs them a trial and shov your appreciation, for they are co^operatln# with naturalized American citizen. The Letter protesting against anti- New Director Appointed as in vivinf rou a liner publication. selection of Hyde may hasten .Semitism. He speaks of the charge is reported by the Rt. Rev. Thomas Paul B. Malone was toastmaster. resume his studies at Colorado political union of Northern and that Karl Marx was a Jew. Marx, For Shrine at Chicago Megan, S.V.D., of Eldora, la.. Pre­ State college. Fort Collins, after GROCERY Southern Ireland. Although the he says, ought to be debunked, Chicago.— The Rev. Frederic T. fect Apostolic of Sinsiang, Honan, Ontario Catholic Pupils spending some time with his anti-Catholicism of the North hut this form of debunking will Manion, 0. Carm., has been ap­ China. mother. He recently received the The firms listed here de­ bitter, the real Irishmen consider do little good. “ Marx’s father was pointed director of the National Protecting 1,200 refugees who Total More Than 100,000 hipest scholastic average of any Westerkamp Bros. it a manufactured thing, kept up a Jew, true; but docs he still Shrine of the Little Flower, St. crowded into the mission com­ pupil in the college. ICE. 9043 5106 Wash. serve to be remembered pound at Sinsiang, Monsignor for political purposes and bound remain a Jew when, as an intense Clara’s church, Chicago, by the Toronto. — The first separate John Bershenyi, Denver univer­ Talk— Don’t W a lk - Megan, with his'two priests, the when you are distributing to disappear. Prussian patriot imbued with the Very Rev. Matthew T. O’Neill, 0. Catholic school was established sity student, visited relatives in Telephone Your Order R'ev. Andrew Raha, S.V.D., of spirit of his time and place, he Carm., provincial superior of the just Too years ago. In 1918, there Glenwood Springs last week. Everything a Good Grocery your patronage in the dif­ Mingo Junction, 0., and the Rev. A treaty signed Monday by voluntarily submits to Baptism, American Carmelites. He suc­ were 559, and in 1935 the total Miss Margaret Tawney was here Should Have Eamon De Valera, prime minister enters a Protestant Church, and Peter Heier, S.V.D., of Hague, N. was 793. Compared with 57 ferent lines of business. ceeds the Rev. Arnold H. McCar­ from Hot Sulphur Springs to spend Be«t Food* a t Lo|W9it Prica« of Eire, and Neville Chamberlain changes his name from Mordechai thy, 0. Carm., v'ho becomes direc­ Dak., met Japanese leaders, and teachers in the Catholic schools in Easter with her parents, Mr. and W« OellTtr prime minister of Great Britain, to Marx?” tor of the Eastern shrine at Engle­ received their assurances of non­ 1855 and 1,526 in 1918, there were Mrs; A. Tawney. ends the long tariff war based on Goldstein further asset-ts: “These molestation. Assurance was re­ 2,892 in 1935. The number of wood, N. J., and assistant editor Mrs. Katherine Lucas was in the Irish refusal to pay land are days when the Jews are con­ ceived by Monsipmor Megan that pupils in the schools was 4,886 in of the Carmelite magazine. Sword, Denver a few days on business. annuities, makes certain that Ire fronted with the most intense and as well as assistant director of the all the missionaries under his jur­ 1885, 71,302 in 1918, and 101,152 extensive persecution they have isdiction are safe, despite the fact Mrs. Josephine Carpenter re­ land may not be used as an enemy Carmelite press. For the last five in 1935. Catholics are legally turned recently from Los Angeles, base in a war attack on England had to encounter since the army years Father Manion had headed that certain missions lie in con­ taxed to aid their own schools. and, according to the Mail, Lon of Titus destroyed their never-to-be- quered territory. where she had spent the winter the speech department at Mt. Car­ months visiting her daughter. don, seeks to bring eventual union rcbuilded temple. Resent it as mel high school, Chicago. Other missionaries of the or­ STUDENTS BACK AT COLLEGE of the' Northern and Southern they unfortunately will, their per­ der in Yihsien, scene of recent Miss Mary Qualkenbush has re­ The annual Easter ball spon­ counties under the government of secution is traceable to their con­ battles; Esaochwang, Tsinging, turned to Loretto Heights college sored by the Knights of Columbus Annunciation St. Dominic’s Eire, this to proceed by easy tinued denial of their Messiah, Danish King Aids in Tzeyang, and Taikiachwang (all after spending the Easter vacation was well attended. stages. First steps will be a reduc­ whose arms are outstretched on the Foundation of Shrine in Shantung province); in the area with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Alma Harris, county super­ tion of tariffs between the two cross to embrace them all: ‘Re­ around Yenchowfu and Lini; as Mrs. John J. Carroll. She had as intendent of schools, returned LONDON MARKET AND divisions and a recognition of the venge is Mine, saith the Lord;’ Copenhagen. — The King and far west as Kansu province, and from Denver, where she had ac­ Queen of Denmark recently vis­ her guest Miss Nancy Gregory rights of the Catholic minority in hence, it is not within our province as far north as Peking, where the from Puerto Rico, a junior at the companied Garfield county’s en­ GROCERY L'lstcr and the Protestaitt minority to add further suffering to the ited the priory of the Benedictine society conducts the Catholic Uni­ trants in the oratorical contest. OSCAR TUNNELL, Prop. Fathers and the convent of the college. COAL in Eire. The 700-year-old fight suffering they bear by inciting versity of Peking, have been heard Quality Meats and Groceries of Erin for freedom is virtually hatred of them.” French Assumption nuns. His from, with reassuring messages as won. The world has never had a Catholics should be the last peo­ Majesty spoke in high terms of to their safety in the midst of the 3800 Walnut Street Pinon Fuel & Supply Co. Pope Pius and declared it had greater lesson in the value of per­ ple in the world to hate or perse­ current hostilities. Phonei: MA. 5239— TA. 3845 F. A. Mumford, Mgr. sistence. cute anybody. been a real joy for him to be able to contribute to the foundation of W. 25th and Decatur GA. 6126 Word from Paris April 25 de­ Dr. Karl Barth, noted German a shrine to be erected in Rome by CHINESE GRATEFUL LORETTO HEIGHTS COLLEGE DE SELLEM clared that Kurt Schuschnigg, Inst Protestant theologian, who has Danish Catholics. FOR RELIEF WORK chancellor . of Austria, has disap­ taught at the Universities of Washington.— A letter from the FUEL AND FEED CO. peared. He was taken into “ pro­ Munster, Gottingen, Bonn, and fore have to begin all over again, Rev. Adolph Kirst, O.F.M., secre­ CHARLES A. DeSELLEM tective custody” March 12. The Basle, is quoted by Time as say­ and its Efforts to recapture the tary of the Chinese Catholic War We Ship by Rail repofl's gbout him have been con­ ing that the Evangelical Church interest of the new godless Ger­ Relief, acknowledges a contribu­ Southern Dinner PHONE TA. 3205 The firms listed here de­ flicting. Representations have been was asked to proclaim the rise many will have to be those of tion from Catholics of Detroit and 35TH AND WALNUT made by the Holy See in Rome, of Naziism as a Divine revelation, the missionary.” reveals that Chinese, grateNil for RES. PHONE MA. 6544 serve to be remembered the relief work done, have paid Paris, London, and Washington “ to be taken as seriously as the This is precisely the program APRIL 27, 1938 when you are distributipg asking the great powers to pro­ revelation of God in Jesus Christ.” that the Soviets have l^ n at­ signal honor to the workers. Every DRUGS test against the Nazi trial of Dr. Barth asserted: “ It is Hitler’s tempting in Russia and the vicariate has become a hospital 5 to 9 P. M. your patronage in the dif­ Schuschnigg on a charge .of trea- intention to cut youth o ff from revolutionaries in Mexico. For­ and refugee camp. The care of the (!hurch so that it will become tunately, it is much harder to dome 20,000 war orphans sent to TWO STORES ferent lines of business. a society of old men and women, root out religion, from the hearts Hankow has been turned over to SA{4E PRICES A new “ purge” of the Orthodox which in two or three decades will of either the old or the youngi the Most Rev. Eugene Massi, O.F. PRIZES FOR ALL Church was reported Monday in die. . . . In the future, there than appears. Likewise, pendulums M., Vicar Apostolic, with Catholic Moscow, with the arrest of a group will be no Christian education in still swing. nuns in direct charge of the chil­ o f clergymen, including at least Germany. The Church will there- -<-Monsignor Matthew Smith. dren. i.‘?S7ir78^i7iSvir^ir76Nir7sSir?iSir?5i5ir/8\iifeiKfsSiiY4jir/'i^ii78tiiv#\iu4Vii/s\ii/suif*>4u»S ^ Fr*BUi|i 9k 9101 W^lMuw