— The Clinton Republican.


LOCAL MATTERS E. 8. King, of Lapeer, was the guest Meeting of tbe Genesee Asaoeintlon of announcements . BUSINESS LOCALS. the Oongregmtionnl Churches aud The Republican. of friends in St. Johns Monday. A splendid line of spring and summer All Watches, Clocks and Jewelery Ministers. Regular review of St. Johns hive No, 397, Adams & Church have practically ladies of the Maccabees, Friday evening, April dress goods at K endrick ’s. G. C. VAUGHAN, Publish *!. bought of C. 8. Allison, the old reliable completed their load of horses, and will Prices always the lowest. Jeweler, are warranted. tf The Genesee Association of the Con ­ 27. A full attendance is desired. ship Friday evening. Horses are very gregational churches and ministers The Woman ’s Association of the Congrega­ Mrs. Bruce Watson, Cedar Springs, Get oar prices before you trade a dol low. Mich., says: “Whenever I am real tired Strietly in Advance, •1.00 held its 49th annual meeting in St. tional church will meet with Mrs. H. M. Per­ lar anywhere, we can save you money Charles B. Ingersoll, recently engaged Johns Tuesday and Wednesday, April rin next Tuesday afternoon at 2 o’clock. and nervous I take about seven drops of All Settlements of Past Due Subsorlp 4tf K repps, D eWitt A Co. The ladies ’ aid society, of West Bingham, “Adironda ” and I always obtain instant in the hotel business at Belding, has 24th and 25th. relief.” 8old by Fildew & Millman . tioas will be made at tbe rate purchased the West Walker Street The Ladies Home Missionary society will meet with Mrs. Simeon Gage instead of BBITITI KB. Mrs. Horace Gage on Thursday, May 3d, at Prices always the lowest of HJiO Per Tear. saloon of Joe Kasper and will begin held a session Tuesday forenoon, in one o'clock. All invited. which Mrs. D. H. Hunt and Mrs. Lovell 1______At K en drick ’s. Our advertising rates are 1100 per column per Howard Turner was in Detroit this businees May 1st. There will be a hard times social at the annum. Business notices live cents per line foi of Flint, gave a few very instructive grange hall, in DeWitt, Friday evening, April Bargains in Spectacles. Eyes tested each Insertion. Editorial notices, ten cents. week. The State Bank. 27th, under the auspices of the ladies' aid free. 4tf K repps. D eWitt & Co. Business cards, $1 per line per year. remarks regarding home missions. The Marriage, birth ana death notices Inserted free Miss Nettie Conn is visiting friends Foreign Missionary society held its society. The proceeds to go for repairing the Everyone Say*. Obituary comments, resolutions, cards of thanks, in Detroit. The State Bank of St. Johns is now parsonage. Refreshments will be served. The finest line of wash goods ever etc., will be charged for at the rate of five cents located in its own building No. 27 meeting in the Baptist church Tuesday Bill, 10 cents. shown in St. Johns is At John Hicks . per line. M. V. Brown returned from Mt. Dora Correspondence containing local news IssoUC Clinton avenue, which is being fitted afternoon. The meeting was called to last Saturday. United Friends. We do the best watch repairing. ted from all parts of the county. handsomely for banking purposes. order by Mrs. A. J. Baldwin. Opening Warranted. 4tf K repps, D eWitt & Co. Anonymous communications not Inserted under Fowler , Mich ., Apr. 21,1894. any circumstances. The state fair will be held in Detroit The building is 22 x 80 feet, the office song, followed by Bible selections and prayer by Mrs. Ellsworth, state secretary We wish to call the attention of the public to You can save money bv buying yoiur Sept. 10 to 21st. room being about 22 x 40. The counters few facta concerning our lodge of United Wall Paper. Oui tains, Faints and Oils at JOB PRINTING. Misses Mary Hunt and Alice Malthouse Friends at Fowler. Henry Havens. « Travis & Baker’s. They always make Gar material Is new and of the latest styles, and O. T. Place and wife, of Owosso, spent are of walnut, with oxidized copper wo guarantee satisfacUon, both In prices Sunday in St. Johns. trimmings, the walls terra cotta, and sang a duet. Mrs. H. E. Butler delivered known rill* 00 av »*4 memner of this lodge, died you the Lowest Prices. and onalltv of work. January 19, 1894. On the 9th of March hi8 wainscoatmg of quartered oak. Cashier an address of welcome. It wee very We would like to show you our black Tux Republican is 39 years old, and cordial and earnest. This was followed sons, Edgar and William Havens, received enjoying fairly good health. J. W. Fitzgerald will occupy the first $3,000, the full amount Insured, just 44 days dress goods, we keep a fine line always BUSINESS DIRECTORY window with tbe discounts, Assistant by remarks by the president, Mrs. Lovell. from the time the death notice was sent to our in stock H. L. K endrick . Dr. Travis, village health officer, re­ supreme secretary. We do not think any lodge Prices al wayB the lowest. ATTORNEYS. Cashier II. H. Fitzgerald, the second, The minutes of the last meeting were ports two mild cases of scarlet fever in has surpassed this promptness of payment, and Book-keeper H. A. Dodge the third. read by Mrs. H. M. Perrin, and approved. Prime Western Timothy seed and LEWIS SEVERANCE, A. B. the family of Alonzo Dunn. Greeting from the Baptist ladies by considering the large amount of insurance. June clover for sale ^TTORNEY, OPERA HOUSE BLOCK. There is ample room outside the Our assessments are graded according to age, At John Hick ’s Elevator. $ Wilbur Church, of St. Johns, and J. counters for the public. In the center Mrs. Vosburg, and from the M. E. ladies and the lodge extends only over the state of H. Adams, of Lake Waccabuc, N. Y., by Mrs. C. G. Thomas, followed. Mrs. Michigan. Consequently we are not continu ­ The Butterlck Pattern*. WM. N. STOCKER, of the building on the north side, in the ally paying death rates from more unhealthy Are sold only by John Hicks . oldiers and comrades , i being one have been buying horses the past week rear of the office is a large fireproof A. J. Baldwin, Mrs. H. E. Butler and of your number, therefore know your wants for the eastern market. Miss Caddie Shaver were appointed sections of the United States. For this season Use Fildew & Millman ’s Winter Fluid andS also your rights by law, therfore respectfully so­ vault described heretofore. The vault our assessments are less than in other lodges. for chapped hands, there is nothing licit vour patronage in the prosecution of claims for nominationg committee. Mrs. Lovell, All those who are contemplating joining any nsiona, back pay, bounty or rations. Also Notary Mrs. George A. Estes has her green­ consumed about 30,000 brick, a large better. ______whose daughter is a missionary in Tur­ life insurance company, we would kindly *1 Kibllc. Enquire at Putt’s grocery. house well stocked with choice plants for number of cords of stone, and it took For Sale. 28tf WM. N. STOCKER. key, made a brief address regarding the request them to examine the truth of the potting and solicits an inspection. several weeks to construct it. In the above mentioned facts, and if any do so we are A half blood Red Polled bull calf two f. H. FBDBWA. - H. K. WALBRIDOK Orders taken for anything notin stock. rear of the vault, aud connected with the work there. A report from Linden was sure they will avail themselves of the benefits months old, half shorthorn. FEDEWA * WALBRIDGE, read, and Mrs Ellsworth, of Greenville, derived from this lodge and become one of us. • T. H. Cox, Essex, ttorneys at law , st. joiins , mich . O. P. DeWitt, M. A. Hulse, Sears corridor of the front room is a large Over Travis A Baker's. Clark, Mr. Heller, F. A. Travis and director ’s room. Large plate glass delivered an able address. After a gong FREDRICK MYRES. 46tf ______St. Johns P. O. A the nominating committee reported offi­ Commander of Fowler lodge, No. 19. Dreg* Good*. H. M. PKBRIN. r. X. FKR&IN. A. J. BALDWIN. Walter Ferguson secured $175 diamond windows have replaced tbe smaller ones Our dress goods stock is most com­ PERRINS A BALDWIN, on some sort of a ticket scheme offered in front, adding greatly to the general cers for the ensuing year as follows: REAL ESTATE. A TTPRNEY8 AT LAW, MONEY LOANERS President —Mrs. Lovell, of Flint. plete. Call and examine the spring JTX and Real state Agents. Office over by Kreppe, DeWitt & Co. appearance. Tbe interior wood work is Vice-President —Mrs. Perkins, Owosso. Edward Brown and wife to Peter Clavey, novelties. John Hicks . Wickes’grocery, Clinton Ave., St. Johns, Mich. being done by the St. Johns Manufacture Letters advertised April 25, 1894: Secretary —Mrs. H. M. Perrin, St. Johns. 100 acres sec 21, Olive, $4800. Ground Oyster 8hell and Pratt’s Poul­ Emily J Teachout et nl to Elizabeth Hatley EDWIN H. LYON. JOHN C. POOLING. Mrs. Maria Eddy, Geo. Gardner, Alfred ng Company, which is a guarantee of a The ministers opened their meeting try Food At Travis A Baker ’s. LTON A DOOLING, Hurst, J. A. Huntey, A. W. Morton, good job. Tuesday afternoon at the Congregational S % lots ,1 2, and 8, block 52, St Johns, TTORNEYS AT LA W, ST. JOHN8, MICH. $140 q c. The State Bank people now have a was Post hole augers, post hole diggers, A Office over Kendrick ’s store. 35tf George Maplen, T. H. Richmond, M. E. church, and as the meeting delayed Byron Brown and wife to Stephen D Rowell and post mauls, all sizes and styles Reid, H. J. Wells, Samuel Weatherbee. yery commodious and comfortable place they adjourned after the business was 12 acres, sec 36, Greenbush, $440 q c. At Spaulding & Co. NORTON A WEI HER, in which to continue their career of John Fields and wife to Perry Teed, 40 ttorneys at law . office in oourt Friday evening there will be a meet­ transacted, leaving the welcome address, House, upstairs, St. Johns, Mich. prosperity. which was to have been given by Rev. acres sec 85, Bingham, $1700. Don ’t buy carpets without looking at A ing in the A. O. U. W. hall to institute Byron Brown to Sarah A Brown, 14V4 our stock. Prices always the lowest. H. E. Butler, pastor of tbe Congrega­ WALBRIDGE A OSBORN, lodge of the Knights of Pythias. A N»w Law Firm. acres sec 81, Duplaln, $600. K endrick . ^TTORNEYS at LAW, ST. JOHNS, MICH tional church, until evening. The fol­ Enos May et al to Charles A Cole, EVi ol lot Members of the order from Owosso> Remember that I carry the finest Ionia and Lansing will be in attendance; General O. L. Spaulding and Nor- lowing from abroad were present: Rev. 874 and all oflots 401, 402, 408, 404, block PKV8IOIAN8. Jamee Turner, Ashley ; Rev. F. W. Bush, 48, and lots 428, 429, 440, 481, block 56, and largest stock of Undertaking |goods also officers of the grand lodge of Mich­ ton & Weimer have formed a co­ DeWitt, $500. in the county. E. I. Hull , HENRY PALMER, M. D. igan. partnership, and will soon be at Bancroft ; Rev. Allworth, Ovid ; Rev. C. Joseph Snltgen and wife to John Bleder- Undertaker. eneral practicioner and practi - W. Haynes, Highland ; Rev. T. A. Mof­ home in rooms over the St. Johns stadt, lot 9, block 5, Westphalia, $219. Wall Paper and Window Shades. cal Occullst. Office over Hunt ’s Drug Store, Gratiot Journal: “Rowland Chaffe N II Geller and wife to Geo E Bliss and wife GOffice hours 2 to 5 r. M. 49tf National Bank which are being nicely fat, Laingsburg; Sherburne Gunn, Clio ; We are now ready to invite the pub­ left Thursday of this week for 8t. Johns Mr. Pool and Mr. 8tichler, Perry ; Mr. J- lot 18 and 14, block 19. Fowler, $100. J. J. TRAVIS, M. D-, where he takes the position of private fitted up for their use. None of the Henry W Tuttle et al to Daniel Terklns. 15 ic to examine the most complete line FFICE OVER FILDEW A MILLMAN’S. Dis­ gentlbmen need any introduction to the H. Lewis, East Fulton ; G. D. Perry acres sec 5. Duplaln, $800. of Wall Paper ever offered for sale in O eases oi Women and Children s specialty. secretary to George A. Steel. Rowland Tyrone. * St. Johns. These goods are the product is a most estimable young man and will people of Clinton county. The long and Robert Hazle and wife to Edward Hazle, There were also present on Wednes ­ 145 acres, sec, 28, Duplaln, and sec 9, Ovid, of M. A. Birge & Sons, the largest man ­ S. E. GILL AM, M. D„ make a deeirable addition to the young honorable career of the General as a ufacturers of Wall Paper in the country, HT8ICIAN AND SURGEON. OFFICE AND day Rev. W. H. Broadhead and D. P. $2000 q c. residence west of Court House. Office hours people of that town. ” citizen, a lawer, a congressman, secre­ The Mich. Mortgage Co. Ltd., by Receivers who are noted the world over for the P11« 4 r. m„ except Wednesdays from 7 to 9 p m. tary of state, and assistant secretary of Halsey, Flint; Rev. M. S. Duryea, Lin ­ to Chas L Clark, lots 11 and 12, block 70> originality of their patterns, which in Mrs. Emilie Longcor, wife of Timothy den ; Rev. G. E. Bwarthout, Perry ; Rev. St. Johns, $150. coloring and designs are marvels of art. C. E. KNAPP, M. D., Longcor, of Vernon, Shiawassee county, the United States treasury, is familiar These goods are not in the “pool” which HYSICIAN AND 8UKGEON. OFFICE ON to all at home, and he has a good E. S. Shaw, editor Michigan Congrega- Mich. Mort. Co., Ltd., by Receivers, to Geo. Court House square—east of Court House, came M Petrie, lots 3 and 12, block 24, St Johns, enables us to give the benefit of the low P to 8t. Johns about two weeks ago tionalist, Benzonia ; Rev. Wm. Ewing prices to our customers. Call early and St. Johns. to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. G. reputation in the state and nation. $888. Mr. Norton has been located in St. and state superintendent home missons, Mich. Mort. Co. Ltd. by Receivers, to Clar­ make your selection —a large assortment DR. R. G. MORRISON. Stutson. She died of pnemnnia on Sun ­ W. H. Warren, Lansing. ence A Wilcox,"lot 4 and part of lot 8, block of Window Shades at reduced prices. HYSICIAN AND SURGEON. OFFICE ON day, aged 42 years, and the remains were Johns about four years, first in the firm M. McD onald & Co. P Clinton Avenue, no^th of .railroad. Office of Norton & Brunson, and later associated The nominating committee reported 80, St Johns, $700. hours from 9 to 12]a . m., and 1 to 6 P. u., and 6 to taken8 to Vernon on Tuesday for inter ­ Mich. Mort. Co. Ltd., by Receivers, to Felix Moire Trimming*. evening. Sunday 2 to 6 p. m . officers for the ensuing year : ment. with Mr. Fred Weimer, the firm hav ­ Hensler, W% lot 4 and lots 5 and 6, block 13 Moderator —Rev. John Allworth, Ovid. St Johns, $200. The latest At John Hicks . FRANK C. DUNN, M. D. ing a good business. He was elected Scribe—Mr. Pool, of Perry. HYSICIAN AND SURGEON. OFFICE OVER Chas. H. Luscomb, of New York, prosecuting attorney two years ago, and Farmers, read the letter in the Mer­ New firm, new stock, low prices, No. Gruler's Store, Fowler, Mich. 6tf president of the National League of Registrar—Rev. F. W. Bush, Bancroft. P has filled the office with signal ability. The principal paper Wednesday fore­ cantile Company ’s advertisement on Clinton avenue. Boucher & Petsch . American Wheelemen, notified Rob. G. 'MISCELLANEOUS. He is a very happy and effective speaker, noon was “Church Entertainments for last page. Steel, under date of April 21st, of the The celebrated Rock Wall Plaster is and strong trial lawyer. He is popular Revenue, ” by Rev. F. W. Bush, who ohn ick s XL L HULL, latter’s election as chief consul Michigan sold At J H ’ Elevator. TTNPKRTAKKR, NO. 16 CLINTON AVENUE in the county, and has made a state took strong grounds against socials, Tbe most valuable and interesting U Residence 404 Higham street east. division, and instructed him to take Buy your carpets, oil cloths, curtains reputation as a campaign speaker grab-hags and entertainments, as a illustrations of Harper’s Weekly during immediate steps to secure the books and shades from Kendrick. Prices H. M. GOHN, Mr. Weimer is a hard working young means of raising money for church pur­ the war can now be obtained in 26 parts ETERINARY SURGEON, GOLD MEDAL- from the hang-on officers. always the lowest. Ist of the Ontario Veterinary College Office attorney who has grown up in this poses. He favored social gatherings for at 10c each. At Hunt ’s D bug Stobe . VMcDonald ’s Drug Store, night calls at Farmers’ F. M. Milliken, formerly landlord of Laeen! Lace*! Hotel, St. Johns, Mich. 3-18 county and a ready and forcible speaker. social purposes, but not for revenue. lest A great demand for laces, as usual we The Steel, St. Johns, is just starting at It goes without saying that the firm is a The Republican went to press too have them, all the latest, in black, S. W. INGRAHAM, Flint, what he calls “The Flint Poultry strong one. The prosecuting attorney ’s early to give anything of the Wednes ­ white, cream and tan. John Hicks . TTNDERTAKER. OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE Yard, ” and what is soon to become the To my old customers and others I LJ Square, St. Johns, Mich. office in the court house will be con ­ day afternoon work. will furnish ice as cheap as my com­ We have infants ’ bonnets made in most famous collection of high-bred hens tinued. LUNKETT, LEADING PHOTOGRAPHER. petitors. Iw2 H. A. Sage . silk, mull and crepes, also the white Weat side Clinton Avenue, St. Johns, Mich. in Michigan. He has a building nearly and colored crocbed silk bonnets. The PAll work guaranteed first class. 26tf completed 15x150 feet, divided into ten The Sheep Sheering. Grand Rapids Members Pleased. largest and best assortment in tbe city pens 15x15 each, in which are housed Don ’t fail to see the Mercantile Com­ from which to select. Our prices are From the Daily Heral April 19: S'TATE BANK OF ST. JOHNS. ten varieties of fowls. The stockbreeders and woolgrowers pany ’s big advertisement on last page. always the lowest. Bring the baby for COMMERCIAL AND SAVINGS. annual sheep shearing at Miller’s barn Local members of the Michigan L. A a nice outfit J. T. Cole & Co. On Friday last, at 11 o’clock, Pearl, W. were jubilant yesterday over the Orders for ice can be left at Sage’s CAPITAL, 150,000. only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Saturday was poorly attended, the drench ­ office, Walker Street West, nearly op­ Horse* Wanted. ing rain prevented the attendance of result of the special election that had NET ASSET8 OF STOCKHOLDERS; 9900,000.00. Ring, of the Farmer’s Hotel, was united posite Republican office. Good, sound, young horses. been in progress for the past two weeks. Wilbur Church , in marriage with Ezra R. Averill. Rev. sheep men with their herds. Horace PORTER K. PERRIN, President. Gage, of Bingham, braved the elements, The contest over tbe regular election St. Johns. H. E. Butler preformed tbe ceremony. BUSINESS LOCALS. GEO. F. MARVIN, Vice-President. and brought his world ’s fair prize winner last fall is well known and the subse­ Only relatives were present. The bride I have filled the first and second floors Oriental Easter Egg Dyt*. at J. W. FITZGERALD, Cashier. Lincoln ram. twoewes and one yearling. quent movements are familiar to all Fildew ^ Millman ’s. is an accomplished and estimable young of No. 16 Clinton Ave. with a large stock H. H. FITZGERALD, Asst.Cash. Tbe ram was sheared in March, the clip wheelmen. What is known as the Steel lady, and ifl said to be worthily matched. of Furniture and Undertaking goods. We are sole agents for the German weighing 16} pounds, tbe animal weigh­ ticket was supported by the Grand Rap­ Come in and see me. E. I. Hull . DIRECTORS: They will reside in Muskegon, where Household Dyes, the best in the world, F.K. Perrin, O. W. Munger, Geo. F. Marvin, J. H ing 240 pounds after the wool was taken ids members and the result of the special will color Silk, Woolen, Cotton or linen. Mr. Averill will open a law office. election is practically a victory for Artistic millinery always delights the Corblt, J. H. Fedewa, J. W. Fitzgerald, Mich­ off. The yearling ram was sheared wearer. For such you never make a M. M. D onald & Co. ael Spltzley, Jesse 8ulllvan, C. 8. Allison, the Grand Rapids faction of the L. A. W. James Richardson, G. E. Corhtn. The twenty-ninth annual meeting of April 1st; weight of clip 14 pounds! mistake when you patronize Wash Goods. the Michigan state medical society will weight of animal 128 pounds. The ewes The election of Steel restores interest J. T. Cole A Co. An elegant line of wash goods 4 Per Cent. Interest Paid on Time Deposits. among Grand Rapids wheelmen and be held in Lansing May 3 and 4. Gov ­ were also sheared April 1st one clip “Clinton ” wire doth and poultry At John Hicks . ernor Rich is to deliver the address of cycling in this city will be revived and netting are the best, and can be found IJIHE CLINTON COUNTY SAVINGS BANK. weighing 17 pounds and the other 16} Farmer* 11 welcome. It is expected that there pounds. The animals weighed 218 and increased during the summer. The At Spauldino & Cc. Do you plant pumpkin seeds with ST. JOHNS, MICH. trouble, however, is not yet settled. will bean animated discussion on the 209 pounds respectively after being Beautiful Rugs at the lowest prices your corn, if you do you should use the V, PAY8 4 PER CENT. INTEREST ON DEPOSITS necessary treatment of tuberculosis, in shorn. Young lambs were shown with The vote was canvassed by a special At K endrick ’s. Chautauqua corn planter. For Bale by Spaulding A Cc. AND LOANS MONEY ON APPROVED view of the recent recommendations of the ewes. committee named by the national Carpet Department. i the state board of health for the iso­ Port & Bigford, at Ovid, exhibited executive committee aud it had been BONDS AND REAL ESTATE SECURITY. rumored that tbe canvassers would ask Night calls answered from residence at New Black Bourdon Laces lation of patients affected with the two Lincoln ewes, which sheared 20 and K endrick ’s. ALBERT J. BALDWIN, President. 404 Higham St. east. E. I. Hull , At disease. 21 pounds respectively. A sample of Messrs. Beesler and Noack for their 'Undertaker. Prices always the lowest. G. PENNELL, Vice-President. books, but that was beyond their power, The tenth annual meeting of the their wool measured 19 inches in-length. Spaulding & Co. sell the Celebrated Kendrick. P. E. WALSWORTH, Treasurer. These were the only sheep shown. The as they are merely detailed to count the Shows the largest and finest assort­ Michigan Equal Suffrage Association votes and report to the executive com­ “Ward A Paine ” 8heep Shear. will be held in Grand Rapids May 8th, Lincoln'breeders showed commendable ment of spring capes and jackets in the BORN. , enterprize, considering the weather. mittee. As soon as Mr. Steel is recog­ Elegant patterns in new embroideries city. Prices always the lowest' 9th and 10. Entertainment is promised nized by the committee he may demand At K endrick ’s. In Essex, April 22d, to Mr. aud Mrs. Walter to all delegatee and visitors. Those Prices always the lowest. An elegant assortment , of infante Britton, a daughter. Marriage License*. tbe books of the retiring officials, but cloaks, in white and colored, from $1.00 expecting to attend and desiring enter ­ Mr. Bresler will not give them up, be­ to $6.00. Just received at DATE. NAME AND RESIDENCE. AGE If you want a stylish hat, for little tainment will please notifiy, as early as lw J. T. Colx &Co . BIRD. April 21—Herbert N. Swaney, Grand Ledge.85 cause his attorney has advised him that money, call on Boucher & Petsch, No. 1 possible. Mrs. Downs, No. 339 Jefferson Nettie Blizzard, Eagle...... 20 he is personally responsible for them. Clinton avenue. One Faet In Riley, April 18th, Maude, daughter of Mr. April 19- -Ezra R. Averill.Coopersville ...... 24 Ave., Grand Rapids, Mich., who will If a court orders him to turn them over Carpet* 1 Carpet* I in and Mrs. LeRoy S. Bennett, aged 11 mouths. Pearl Ring, St. Johns ...... 21 Is worth a thousand theories and it give address of entertainer. All who he will do so at once, but he does not Call on us when in need of Carpets, a fact that the finest art work in the The infant son of George Huston of Olive, are interested, though not members of ( Card of Thanks. recognize in the league power to take Rugs, Curtains and etc. John Hicks , city is done At Hamilton ’s Studio , died with the spinal fever, on the 21st, funeral the association, will be cordially wel­ N o . 5, Clinton Ave. field at the South Bingham Church. We desire to thank the neighbors and them from him. The matter will get Have you been in to look at my Bed Christan Jacob aged 80 years, a resident of comed. Organizations of men and friends, also the choir of the Evangelical into the courts shortly, as that is the Spring Jacket# and Cape*. church, for their kind assistance during the Room Suits?its? E. I.Hull . Riley, died on the 21«t of old age. he was born women believing in the enfranchise ­ sickness and death of our beloved husband only way the new officers can get the Our line of Spring Jackets and Capet Germany and lived In this country 37 years, ment of women are invited to send and father. books or the thousand and odd dollars Do you want cash or trade for your is most complete. John Hicks . the funeral was held at the Jasor schol house MRS. W. P. BOWLES, Butter and Eggs. Decide by voting cou­ fraternal delegates. Emily B. K atcii - MRS. JOHN PRICE, now in bank to the credit of the di ­ and interment in the Boughton cemetery. He MRS. SILAS TURNER. pon in Mercantile Co.’s Add on last page A fine line of Parlor goods leaves three children. am , President Mich. E. 8. A. MRS. AMELIA WELL1NGS. vision. do not fail to read it. At E. I. Hull ’s.

% 4


MICHIGAN NEWS. MINOR MICHIGAN NEWS. RIOT AT DETROIT. CONGRESSIONAL NEWS. MINERS OUT. * .7A2ILIAN AND REBELLION. 130,000 A^inifU h* th* liras!! Rabfll, Negaunec has reduced the salaries of Senate .—KX id day. —Mr. Mltchc l sr>tgh to have the Chinese tioaty considered In opfln ses­ Furred to Give Vp. all its city officers. sion instead of executive session. He was uu- MEWS IN BRIEF FROM THE TWO TWO MEN KILLED AND A LARGE tuccct-sful. senator Lodge offeiel a proposed GREAT COAL MINERS’ STRIKE Specials from Montevideo, Bueno* Mint roots are said to be frozen in rimonduicnt to the pending tariff bill lor the im­ PENINSULAS. the vicinity of Vicksburg. NUMBER INJURED. position of ictallatory rates of duty against TAKES EFFECT. j Ayres and RD Do Janeiro tell of the Ureal Britain. providing that when not in con ­ The Chicago, Milwaukee A St. Paul travention of existing treaty, any article not disastrous ending of the Brazilian re­ will build from Sidnaw to Calumet. admitted free, if It is the manufacture of Ureut bellion. » Court Decision Itemltn the Striking Pollan Laborer* and a Sheri fT* Hrituln or any of its colonies, should pay double 11m Work In the Bituminous Coal Reg on Nellie Dailey was badly burned in a the duty heretofore imposed, and if admltte I Montev ’deo: The rebellion of Ad ­ lekrrt i««o Tax Law Illegal.—Secre­ fire in the Campbell house, Day City. Ponce Have a Short but Hiomljr Con ­ fiee a duty of 35 per cent be imposed, except on at • Stand Still, and Strlk* Lender* miral de Mell*> against the government wool which should he admitted under the duties flict— Sheriff Collin* Very Seriously In ­ of President Pwtoto has completely tary of State Gardner Send* O.it Some There is talk of adding a third course of the act of )b-. poses as the legislature shall by law to those responding, to make a quorum. Tf a present. in leg just above ankle caused by a quorum does not respond on the roil call. 4hcn an adjustment of the differences at any ­ board the Rcpublica. That warship* direct. time. I believe that 132,000 miners i The opinion says: “Our constitution A new bank will soon be opened at blow from a pickax; two cuts in back, the names of these so noted as present shall afterwards wont to the province of Rio- one on left shoulder and many small be reported to the .speaker, who shall cause are out, nnd that by May L that num ­ Grande De Sul, and attempted to make provides that every law which imposes Ubly, Huron county, to be known as the list to ho called from the clerk’s desk and ber will be increased to> 150,000. In the Citizen's bank, with a capital of bruises and cuts about the body. An- recorded in the journal, and In determining the a landing. But the rebels were driven • tax must state the object to which it reference to the 135,000 anthracite back to their boats by the forces of" h to tx» applloJ. u ti»is law the ob­ $50,000. thody Gulxdiowich, laborer, aged 40; presence of a quorum to do business, those ject was stated, and it is found that gunshot wound in right thigh. Law­ voted, those who unswernd present and those miners, I cannot say whether they President Peixotoand the whereabouts- Tfco iWwi River Mill company has rence Kulzki, aged 43; shot in left so reported present shall bo considered. Mem­ will strike or not. They may, however, of the Rcpublica is now unknown. within the express terms of the consti ­ started up its mill at Mu< q-uotto The bers uoted may. when their names are called, tution the moneys arising from it can ­ thigh. William IS. Burch, policeman, record their votes notwithstanding the pro­ as that question is being agitated in Buenos Ayres: The officials of the- scale of wages is a little below that of aged 3a; two rihs fractured and re­ visions of clause 1 of this rule.' Amend clause the anthracite fields. ” Brazilian legation have received a dis ­ not be so applied. This must defeat of last year. 1 of rule 8 by adding this to the following the whole act, for it is impossible for ceived two blows on head from Rhovel. words: ‘And on a roli-call should ho not vote There seems to be no doubt but the patch saying that the rebel warship- this court to say that any part of the The remains of Frank Jackson, a Joe Kobaski, aged 36; Polish laborer, he shall answer present, ’ so as to read ‘every suspension in Ohio and western Penn ­ Aquidabun. formerly the flagship of shot between the ninth and tenth ribs member shall be present within the hull of the sylvania is about complete. The organ­ Admiral de Mello, has been sunk off net would have met the approval of the 19-year-old youth, were found beside House during its sittings, uniess excused or legislature hud the moneys arising the C. & G. T. tracks at Pottervillc. on the right side: ball entered liver: necessarily pi evented, and shall vote oueoch izers are most active in West. Virginia the island of >anta Catharina by the Probably struck by a train. will die. Tony Cowski, bullet wound question put. unless he has a direct personal or and Illinois. In Illinois, he states, Brazilian torpedo boats. from the tax been appropriated in the pecuniary interest in the events of such ques­ net, as provided by the constitution. It just above the right knee. John Kop- there are 24,000 out of 35,000 miners The remains erf the Brazilian rebel Ben Cole, a farmer and old pioneer perschmidt, aged 41; one bullet wound tions. and on a roll-call should he not vote ho idle; in Indiana, 6,000 out of about fleet commanded by Admiral de Mello, is safe to say that if the legislature had living east of Carleton. from (>ie effects shall answer present. ’ ” There was intense in ­ % aupposed these moneys arising from in little part of left arm; ball came out terest on the Uoor, but no undue excitement. 8,000, and in West Virginia, about 2,000 arrived off Buenos Ayre3. The rebel of crushing his legs a few days before at neck, grazing jugular vein; another When the vote was taken forty-seven Demo­ out of 9,000. ships arc- the Rcpublica, Meteoro, Iris, the tax could not be appropriated to between some logs. He leaves a wife. crats voted against it, but it secured every the general state fund and made ap­ bullet wound in fleshy part of left Kepubdcju vote an 1 carried by a vote of 212 to The advices from states west of the Urano and Ksperanza. They are in a plicable to the general expenses of the Honorable Harrison Geer, the well thigh; both bullets came out; will 47. The Populists did not vote on the proposi­ Mississippi are net so encouraging. very dilapidated condition and the probably die. George Cathey, aged tion. The adoption of this rule, taken in con ­ During the winter but little work has rebels on hoard of them are suffering «tate government, the uct would not known politician and lawyer of La­ junction with the decision to euforcc the old tiave met with the legislature's ap­ peer, has decided to remove to Detroit, 35; foreman in employ of water board; luw of 184 ‘i to dock the salaries of members ab­ been done in the coal mines of Iowa. from sickness, wounds und lack of where he will engage in corporation three severe scalp wounds in back sent. save on account of sickness, will, it is Kansas and Colorado, and now the proper food supplies. Their temporary proval. ” The whole act is declared thought, put un end to parliamentary obstruc­ Unconstitutional. The opinion was practice. part of head; two contused wouuds in workers, being deeply in debt and with j wants were supplied, with the consent back and one in left shoulder. Andrew tion. a good chance to starve if they refuse ‘ of the Brazilian minister, who has re­ Written by J udge Long. Mrs. Ursula Burpee, of New Lothrop, Senate .—1»Uh dny. —Senator Morrill, of Ver­ i Senator Doran, of Grand Rapids, is who is charged with shocking cruelty Eski, aged about 40; one gunshot mont. spoke for 85 minutes on the tariff bill, in work, are not anxious to quit work. ceived advices from Rio de Janeiro, say­ wound in right side of neck and one in opposition. Senator Turpie. of Indtuna. sup­ However, as these localities arc re­ ing that a general, amnesty will be wondering how it alt happened, as his to her step-son. Ira, is pining away in ported the tariff bill. Seuutors Cameron and, ■act was modeled closely after the New jail and showing unmistakable evi ­ right jaw; a third bullet penetrated garded as “Outlying” aud not “com­ granted to the insurgent rank and file, v^uay. of Pennsylvania, also opyosed the bill.' petitive ” the officers of the organiza­ York law ou the subject, which lias dences of insanity. the left breast about two inches above House .—The d?bate on the consular and diplo ­ and that the lirazilinu government will the nipple; ball took a downward matic appropriation hill occupied the larger tion are not worried, but will look to pay the quarantine expenses of the been held constitutional, and the Peter Elandson, a Swede of Cadillac, portion of tho day. Michigan and New York state consti ­ course and entered the liver; will die. those districts- ’when the more import­ ships if thej' are surrendered to the- was instantly killed by a falling tree Joseph Kubiak, two bullet wounds Senate .—105th day. —Senator Perkins.of Cal., ant are thoroughly under control. Brazilian minister. Consequently the- tutions are almost identical. The sen ­ at Cummer & Di^gin’s lumber camp. made an address in opposition to the tariff bill. in thigh. Unknown Pole, abdomen The Peffer reso.ution for the appointment of Argentine government, with the con ­ ator declares that the same bill will be He leaves a wife and three small chil­ I yncliert Three, presented to the next legislature so grazed by bullet. Anton Powasky, u committee on '-ommunlcations for the pur­ sent of the rebel leaders, superintended- dren in destitute circumstances. pose of hearing the grievances of Coxcv's army At Tuscombia, Ala., Tom Blhek. the delivery of the fixe war vessels to- modified as to avoid the defects pointed shot in left leg, above the knee, was defeated by senators Spooner and Allen, out by the supreme court. Fred Graham, section foreman for by someone unknown in front of jail. both of whom favored it. but it went over with­ John Willis and Tony Johnson, all the Brazilian minister. When the men the Grand Rapids & Indiana railroad, William Frise, policeman; hurt about out action. Eulogies were pronounced on tho Negroes, were lynched. About a week aud ships are in a proper condition- the arm and head. John Russell late Representative W. H. Enochs, of Ohio. before these men were arrested for they will rejoin the Brazilian vessels, at Pellston, was struck by an extra House .—The diplomatic and consular appro­ THE STATE CENSUS. freight while working on the track. Fisher, Evening News reporter; bruised priation bill occupied the largorportion of the burning the barns of Claude King. A under government officers and return He lived only about four hours. on back and shoulder. Michael Kanof- day. Over half the raembersuip slipped out to masked mob of 200 men went to the to Rio de Janeiro. teeietary of Slit* Imiim Information Re­ uttend the opculng base ball game and left the jail and called the jailer out on the garding Appointments, Ktc. ski, seriously wounded. Andrew House without a quorum. The fourth annual meeting of the Boersig, not seriously hurt. Fred pretext that they had a prisoner. TILE MARKETS. Michigan Conference association of the Senate .—107th day. —Senator Carey, of Wy­ The following information regarding Alfred, Michael Barka, missing; may oming. cnllcd up the House bill for the protec­ When he came out the mob took him the appointment of census enumerators Women ’s Foreign Missionary society be unknown dead man. tion of the birds und animals in Yellowstone in hand and carried him away. They New York. of the M. E. church for the western and assistants has been sent out by Sec- Tli« Chum —The Fight. National park, but it went over. A large num ­ then entered the place, and took the Cattle—Natives ...... 3 4 15 • ei 73 •retary of State Gardner in response to district oi Michigan, was held at Kala­ ber of workmen's delegates were in the galler­ three incendiaries out and led them to Hogs...... —------. 5 30 (A 5 80 mazoo. The events which lead up to the ies and closely followed every word anu move sheep—Good to choice...... 3 00 H 400 requests: The state census is to be taken trouble are these: When the Detroit on the floor of the senate und had the p.easure the Tennessee river bridge. Ropes Lambs...... 3 50 H 5 50 in June of this year. The law seems to Prof. A. Wellenstein, a well known of hearing Senator K'uay read their petitions were placed about each ox the Negroes's Wheat—No. 2 red ...... O.’!40 «•-’* Driving club built their new track and and memorials in the .Senate and plead the Corn —No. 2...... 44 ■ 4.5 be very explicit, but as it is not in the musician of Grand Rapids und organist club houses at Grosse l’oiute, about cause of protection. Senator Doiph obtained necks and with the end tied to the Oats—No. 2 white...... 41 0 41 hands of everyone, there is much in ­ of the Westminster Presbyterian three miles east of the city limits of ihc floor and resumed his speech of the previ ­ bridge timbers they were compelled to Cincinnati. quiry as to its provisions. The inquiries ous day. House —The session was exceed ­ jump off. The fall broke their necks, church, is missing. He resigned as Detroit, the water board of Detroit ingly dull. The only feature was the unrionuce- Cattle—Good to Prime...... 3 3 6.5 0 4 09 relate mainly to the appointment of organist, but left a large class of pupils agreed to extend a water main from ment of Mr. Hepburn, of Iowa, that he pro­ and the bodies, after being rilled with Lower grades...... 2 6.5 on 3 50 enumerators, and are al 1 answered by without notice. posed in tho future to retaliate upon the Demo­ bullets, were le't hanging until morn ­ Hogs...... 4 60 4 95 the water works to the club grounds. crats for blocking pension legislation at tho Sheep and Lambs...... 2 50 s 4 25 the fir.it section of the census law, As soon as weather permitted about ing. ______Wheat—No. 2 red...... 57)4 which is uct 178 of 1893. It provides: Philo Scofield, a well known promi­ Friday night sessions by refusing all requests Corn —No2 mixed...... 41 41* 300 Polisli laborers, who had been liv ­ in the Douse for the passage of bills by unani ­ South Carolina Dispensary Law No Good. 0 1st. That the enumerators ami assistants nent citizen of Grand Traverse county, mous consent. As all the members have a Oats-r-No. 3 white...... 36 0 36)4 shall he appointed after the annual township dropped dead in his barnyard at his ing on the city ’s charity all winter, greater or less number of small bills to pass in The Tillman state dispensary liquor Cleveland. •meeting, and on or before the first Monday in home in Willinmsburg. lie was ap­ were hired to do the work. The water this way Mr. Hepburn's announcement caused law hasl>een declared unconstitutional Cattlo—Best...... 9 4 10 0 34 50 Mar. parently perfectly well up to the mo­ board decided to do the work by the quite a Slurry. About an hour was spent in toe by the supreme court of South Caro­ Common ...... 3 00 3 70 Ho. That they are to lie appointed by town ­ piece in six-hour shifts, to give all a further consideration of tho diplomatic and Hog*...... 4 75 (r± 5 00 ship boards in townships and common councils ment of his death. consular bill. The remainder of ::i■ ■q.iv was lina, two .justices coueurring and one bheep and Lambs...... 3 00 0 4 50 •In cities. chance —17 cents per cubic yard of s The Niles Wool Boot company is the devoted to eulogies on the lute senator Wilson, (Tillmanite) member of the supreme Wheat—No. 2 red ...... 58 50 Id. That if not appointed before the first Mon ­ clay and 15 cents for sand. The men of Louisiana. bench dissenting from the opinion. Corn —No. 2...... 41 (t 42 day In May. the appointment is to be made by name of a new business venture at reported for work, but several objected Senate .—locth day. —'The resolution intro ­ Oats—No. 2 white...... 30 0 37 •Che governor. And Niles, employing about 30 hands. The duced recently by Senator Allen calling on the The ground on which tho court has Pitt>bur(. 4th. That enumerators are to bo appointed because piece work was a new thing, secretary of the treasurer for the amount of declared the dispensary liquor law un ­ •for each assessment district. manufactured goods are the product of Cattle—High grade...... 9 4 00 0 4 50 and soon the rest were talked into appropriations inude und expended fur tho im­ constitutional is that it creates a mon ­ Hogs...... 4 SO (Si 5 15 It is clear from the above, but one other firm in the United States, striking. The first day those who provements of rivers and harbors from March and ultimately the firm will employ 3. 1837, to date was passed. Tho Peffer resolu­ opoly for the state. Justice Mclvers ’ Sheep an'l Lambs_____ !...... 3 00 0 4 50 1st That appointments made before the an- would work were intimidated by the tion for the appoiutmeat of a reception com­ decision declares the law unconstitu ­ Wheat^No. 2 red ...... M 0 58 wol township meeting are illegal. 100 men. strikers. Before 6 o'clock on the Corn. —Mixed ...... 39140 40 2nd. Appointments by any other than town ­ mittee for Coxey's army of commonweal tional in nearly every respect, and. Oats—No. - white...... 3a q) 36 Asa result of the recent medical re­ morning of the second day over 400 same up und received some very rough ship boards in townships and common councils handling from Senator Hawley. Tno reso­ practically holds that it cannot be up­ Toledo —Grain. la cities are iUeg.iL examination, 40 inmates of the Sol­ Poles with picks and shovels had lution went over without action and the held on any vital point. The profit to Wheat—No. 2 spot.... 68)40 68* Srd. Appointments after the first Monday in diers ’ home at Grand Rapids have been gathered at the scene and by 7 o’clock tariff bill being laid before the Senate, the state feature is declared vicious. No. 2 July...... 6140 61)4 May can be made by the governor only. Mr. OaUinger. of New Hampshire, spoke Corn —No. 2...... 40 0 40 Enumerators ami assistants are to bo ap­ discharged as able-bodied. The in ­ fully 200 more had congregated. The (tov . Tillman says he is not talking; pointed before the first Monday in May. In scenes of the first day were repeated, against the bill. Mr. McMillan, of Michigan, Oafs—No. 2 white...... 30 0 30)4 mates now number 502, which is 100 tollowed. also in opposition to the bill. House that it is time only for action. 11 u ratio—LI vo Stock. «ase a sufficient number of assistants are not less thau in January, and about 100 and Sheriff Collins was called upon for —The consular aud diplomatic appropriation ■appointed before that date, the additional bill was considered but no action taken. No Cattle—Mixed shipments ...... 9 8 50 0 I •tumber required must be appointed by the more will leave before June. assistance and protection for those A Koval Wedding. Sheep...... 3 50 0 governor. willing to Work. other business of importance Lambs...... 5 00 0 4th. Knumerators and assistants arc to be Marshal Hare, of Kalamazoo, caused Her royal highness. Princess Vic­ Hogs—Choice weights...... & 50 0 The foreman tried to get them to try toria Melita of Saxe- Coburg and Gotha,, appointed for each assessment district. If a the arrest of Maud Monroe, May Earl, the new scale. Deputy Steyskal spoke THE NEWS RESUME. Common and rough...... 5 40 0 township, a city, or a ward is divided into moro Maud Berry and Nettie Warner on a granddaughter of Queen Victoria, was Chicago. than one assessment district, each district is to in Polish to the crowd, but they would non. Chattncey M. Depew denies the have one chief enumerator, and such number of charge of selling liquor without state only listen to the incendiary harangue married in the chapel of the ducaL Cottle—Best Steers...... f 4 50 0 I assist tuts as may be necess iry to comp etc the license. They keep questionable re­ report that he is in the race for the palace at Coburg to Grand Duke Ernest Common ...... 3 90 0 census within the time presoril od by law. of their own leaders. Nothing had Sheep and Lambs...... 4 25 0 sorts and have always been allowed to been done except a few slight skir­ presidential nomination. Louis Charles Albert William of Hesse, Hogs—Mixed ...... 5 15 0 Neither an incorporated, nor an unincorporated conduct business on a government grandson of Queen Victoria. The- Wheat—No. 2 red ...... 59*0 village, cid have an emins-rator unless it con- mishes until noon, when Engineer Will­ No further trouble has occurred in Corn No. 2...... 39 0 utUnlc-i a distinct and entire assessment dis ­ license. iams received orders from the water the Conncllsville coke country, and the weather was splendid, and the city trict. In other words, where the township was packed with royal and imperial Oats...... 34)40 forms one assessment district, thero will be Charles B. Otlimer, who has leased board to discontinue work for the time strike is nov/ regarded as a failure. Mess pork per lb...... 12 05 0 ooe chief enumerator for the entire township, guests, foreign visitors and German Lard per cwt...... 7 80 0 400 acres of land near Corunna, has being in hopes that in a few days the Ex-President Harrison has finished including the villages within such township. work eould be resumed without trouble. sight-seers. Among the royal guests Detroit. Aa assistant may be appointed to ta''0 the cen ­ found a four foot vein of very good coal his law lectures at Stanford university, Foreman Cathey at once began to take were Queen Victoria. Emperor Will­ Cattle—Good to choice...... 9 3 75 01 sus of the village or villages under the super­ on the property at a depth of 80 feet. California and returned to Indian ­ iam, Empress Frederick, Prince of Lower grades...... 3 00 0 vision of the chief enumerator, or the chief A shaft will be sunk in May, and hoist­ up the pump and hose used in the Hogs...... 4 90 0 apolis. Wales, Duke of Edinburgh, Duchess enumerator may take the census of the village ing operations commenced as soon as work, when one of the Poles shouted Sheep...... 2 75 0 fluid the assistant the census of the country. B-< the explosion of a boiler at the of Saxe-Coburg-Gotlia and the azure- Lambs. 3 59 possible. A stock company is to be something and a rush was made for Wheat—Ked spot No. 2...... The division of territory in town ­ formed. him with upraised shovels and picks. Huntchinson (Iowa) electric light witch. White spot No. 1...... 68)40 ships may be made by the township Cathey pulled his revolver to defend plant, three men were instantly killed Corn —No. 2 spot. 39*0 board, and in cities by the common Engineers and assistants arrived at and one fatally injured. The Injured Wif* H«*dM the Mob. Oats—No. 2 white spot.... Cheboygan to run lines through the himself. .Sheriff Collins and two depu ­ Hay-Timothy ...... 11 00 council, but in case it is not so made ties, besides four city policemen sworn The fugitive Louis F. Menage, A mob of infuriated men, woman, Potatoes, old ...... 65 then it is the duty of the chief enumer ­ town for a new railroad and to locate a in as deputies, went to Cathey ’s assist­ charged with embezzling 81,000,000 at and children nearly killed Florence- New, Bermudas per bu...... 2 90 ator to make such assignment of ter­ depot. Reports have it that the Grand Stevenson, who had been living with Butter—Dairy per lb...... 19 ance. The Poles rushed on with angry Minneapolis, expresses a willingness to • Creamery...... 22 ritory. _ Trunk will build at once from Kaw- yells and the little band of officers return home and face the music. George Keim, a prominent business Eggs, fresh, per doz ...... 11 kawlin to Tawas and control the new man at Deshler, O. Keim’s wife led. Live Poultry —Chickens ...... 8 State Fair, Detroit. Sept. 10 to 21. opened fire. Cathey was beaten down On May 1 the state of Massachusetts Ducks...... —...... 9 road giving Cheboygan the best ship­ and his head pounded into the mud. the mob, and the Stevenson woman The Detroit exposition grounds will ping facilities. will pay off the last of its war loans. was held under the spout of a railway Turkeys ...... 9 •resume the appearance of their gala Sheriff Collins fell while trying to es­ The entire loan, known as the bounty Martha McMillan, a 17-year-old De­ cape after emptying his revolver. Each water tank until she was nearly djtys from Sept. I(>to 21 while the state loan and dated May li, 1864, amounts to WEEKLY REVIEW OF TRADE. troit girl, shot and killed herself. She officer fired every shot he had and then drowned. She was then put on a C., Can* Is on, and the work, which has left no letter assigning the cause for $8,402,143. H. & D. train and sent out of town. been begun in earnest, will be pushed retreated, using his club on the blood ­ Bradstreets ’ review of trado says: With ttaw the deed, but it is believed that she thirsty rioters. The light lasted 10 Atty.-Gen. Olney lias approved the Keim barely escaped hanging and was exception of the prospect for a still further ex­ with a view of making it the most recommendations of Richard L. New­ stoned out of town. lie caught a tension of strike* and other labor disturbances became despondent because some of minutes. no plainly retarding Influence is manifesting guocessful fair ever held on the grounds. her family were not in favor of having ham, of Allegan, to be assistant United freight and joined the Stevenson The special committee of the State Within 24 hours three ringleaders of itself. So far ae. knowa there are about 23 ad ­ her keep company with a man she the rioters were locked up together with States district attorney for the western woman at Lima. Ihey were arrested ditional strikes., involving 21.000 people. This Agricultural society met at Detroit and liked. The man is 33 years old. district of Michigan. there. brings the total number of those now on strike completed all the preliminary details. 20 others identified as being foremost or idle because of strikes up toDO.OOO. The week in the battle. No blame is attached to The czarewitch is said to be disin ­ also furnishes eleven shut-downs of important This committee consists of President A. B. Wood was found dead in his Congressman Jason 11. Brown, of the Industrial establishments, more than offset by William Dali, of Hamburg; Vice-Presi­ barn at Saginaw, having hanged him­ the officers for shooting, as they had clined to marry and wants to renounce to do so to protect their own lives. third Indiana district, is very sick from resumptions of :L‘ others, which furnish em­ dent G. W. Bennett, of Lansing; self. He would have been 70 years old the succession to the throne in favor nicotine poisoning, smokers’ caneer, ployment to 5.(MO operatives, although no Im­ Treasurer C. W. Yonng, of Paw l’aw; in a few days. Mr. Wood was at one The following day a gang of Poles of his youngest brother, the Grand portant establishment announces reduction ot went out Woodward avenue and made from which he has suffered for months. wages. The widely heralded news that 209,000 Secretary f. H. Butterfield, of Lansing; time state senator and has been prom­ Duke Michael. He is very greatly prostrated. coal miners would strike occasioned uneasiness inent for many years in other direc ­ a gang of 40 pavers stop work under among manufacturers at many central western B- H. H ines, of Stanton, a member of Fully 8,000 miners struck in the Bir­ Lloyd Rodabaugh, a prosperous the business committee. II. li. Darned, tions. For some time he has been de ­ threat of rough treatment. There was and western cities, ow'ng to the iwospectlv* no fighting. mingham, Ala., district, and it is said farmer living on Yellow Creek, Cal­ scarcity ot fnoL Cities along the lin» of th* w of Lansing, superintendent of privi ­ spondent over financial reverses. Great Northern railroad, wh'ch road la now st that Negroes will be put at work in the houn county, W. Va.. hanged his two leges; Eugene Fifielrf. of Day City, While drawing a load of wood from a standstill because of slime of employes, sr* strikers' places. If they are there is a | children, aged 3 and 5 years respec- tindlng their reduced volumes of business still Oaperintendent of the seed depart ­ the country, L. L. Rowley stopped his Three thousand Italian street clean ­ strong probability of a bloody race war, tively, and — then took... his own life. further curtailed, and at Chicago la bog trouble* ment. Same of the members vis ­ team near his house at Lapeer. His ers went out on a strike at Philadel ­ seriously affect the building trades. Cincin ­ ited the exposition grounds and 3-year-old son climbed upon the wheel. phia. The trouble arises through a At Lafayette. Ind., in the trial of Isaac Bassett, assistant door-keeper nati. Louisville. Duluth. Minneapolis, and SL Paul report hardly as favorable trade condi ­ found everything satisfactory. Work Mr. Rowley, not seeing him, started demand for an increase of wages. Th« Edward Rudsnll, the A. P. A. who of the senate for the past forty years, tions as In the preceding week. On the otter was begun on the premium list. This his horses, and the boy fell under the men have been working 10 hours a day killed Michael Iloran on the 6th of was taken suddenly ill and is unable to hand. Cleveland. Detroit, Milwaukee and Kan ­ will aggregate (12,000, exclusive of the wagon, a wheel passing over his body at the rate of 111 cents an hour and December, the jury returned a verdict be at his post of duty. He is past 60 sas City announce considerable Improvement In the jobbing demand, and in s-ovflral lastanooa racing. The list will be ready for dis ­ near the hips. The child will scarcely they demand the same hours of work of acquittal, holding that the killing years of age, and it is doubtful if he ajBOng manufacturing Industrie.-*. tribution by May 15. recover. and 15 cents an hour pay. was done in self-defense. will ever recover. A Nllwr’l Awful Crime. The tenth annual equal suffrage con ­ The illness of Mrs. Gov. McKinley, Telegrams reached Benton Harbor Wm. E. Haine, olias Robert P. Lord, Fifteen millions of dollars wrei* spent vention for Michigan will be held in at Columbus, occasioned some disap ­ that Lew R*bb, the fugitive from jus­ who escaped from the state prison at in New York city for the support of Trank it Smith was arrested near Grand Rapids May 8, 9 and 10. Dis­ Besson CSity, after a day ’s chase. He pointment at Canton, O., on the eighty- tice for shooting at Mayor Hobbs in Michigan City, Ind., on March 5, has the poor during the year ending Feb. tinguished speakers and representative fifth birthday of the governor ’s mother January, 1892, is lying in jail at San been arrested in Mauch Chunk. Pa. 28, 1SW, 83,000,000 more than In any 4s charged with ravishing his daughter women and men will take part. En ­ (Lillie at Fife Lake. The citizens took which was to have been celebrated by Quentin, Cal., on a ^hree years ’ sen ­ The publishing firm of Charles L. previous year. tertainment is promised to all delegates one of the reunions characteristic of tence for stage robbery, having given At Honolulu Admlrol Irwin hauled >«tp the case and would have done and visitors. Those expecting to go Webster & Co., of New York City, of the McKinley family. But the gover­ his name as James D. Morgan. His which Mark Twain is the principal, has down his flag and transferred the com­ fhnith bodily harm but far timely in ­ and desiring entertainment will pleos& bondsmen forfeited the bonds and their terference. The girl is reported to be nor remained with his wife at Colum­ failed. Twain is worth $300,600 or mand of the vessels at the station t

\ w * ' aWi: * •. ST. JOHNS REPUBLICAN. THURSDAY, APRIL 26, 1894.

MOTHER SON Q. •T will go b.-ielc to the great sweet mother, a Ml o' bread au* fish t’ ono sido, fra’ Mother un t lover of mon, the set!" HE FIXED THE CLOCK. Soft Bleeps the e\r;h In moonlit blest; seen arter, us locked th’ door ahind I exclaimed aloud, and the loneli ­ Soft sleo■'•» tho boiuh above toe nett; as, an ’ war gono for iver, so Steve ness and majesty of the scone did not O'er lonely dept'-s tu.j whippoorwill s’posed, fro’ th’ place whar I’d bin TOOK PAYMENT FOR HIS PRO­ lire itun-t ono loint note am all Is still appall me, or, at least, not yet Sleep, little darltuv nl«hi Is 1 >ng — th’ miserablest an ’ th’ happiest The landlord evidently did not FESSIONAL LABOR. The Evening News, Sleep wbllo I ata,- thy oradle son.;. > woman upo* airth. share in my admiration for rvhat was About thv dreams the drooplnr flower ••But so soon as wo’m got a bit common to him as daily broad, and He Waa a Member of an Old-TImo Order The Great Daily of Michigan.' Blows her sweet breath from hour lo hoar. forrards, ses I t’ Steve. ‘Fve forgot­ and That Gave Him the Mean* of Do­ And white the ere.tt moon spretds her wings. having recommended Jake as a gen­ Walle low, while far, tne dear earth awln.s. ten somethin ’, an ’ must rin back an ’ eral factotum, who would bring me ing the Farmer a Good Turn, as It Sleep, little darlln :: all nUht lonr for sure I did rin, and catohed up th’ supplies from tho village, and volun ­ Happened —A Successful Job. The winds shall stag thy slumber son t key fra th’ bush, opod.th ’ house place, CRA 000 000 00 &t * east is sPent tor Wng expenses every year teered to sond him over to the hotel, by subscribers of The Detroit Evening N ew a Power* of the oatth *n-l of tie air an ’ puts th* plate o’ victuals side o’ half a dozen miles away for my be­ Shall hive thee In their mother earn, th* trap-door, au’ opons ’t an ’ sees It was half an hour before dinner The shrewd advertiser knows this, and by using the advertising columns AnJ hosts of heaven, to tether pre.t, longings, he, with his usual Cornish time. Farmer Brown was sitting on Ben t ov r laoe, thou last, thel best th’ rope handin ’ to a staple as th’ of The N ews secures his share of this enormous sum. 60,000 subecribcrs courtesy, took himself and his pleas­ his high porch inhaling the odor of Hu>h. llttlo darlln,' fr >m tae deep men used t’ climb up by. probably means soo.ooo readers, and instead of the sum above, we should &«KLe mighty wm; sh ill fan thy sloepi ant sing-song voice away, evidently roasting chicken and baking mince An ’ thin I looks at Seth, relieved to turn his back on tho ill- pies, indicative of tho coming meal. have said $200,000,000.00. lyin ’ as th’ dead, an ’ all to wance omened abodo. The old gentleman was too portly to Advertise in The Evening News if you wmat Results. it corned upo’ me tho sinfu ’ thing I’d BLIND JUSTICE. Unutterably dreary in the chilliness longer follow tho plow, but ho loved Read The Evening News if you want News. adone. an ’ I ses to mysel. * ’Sposin ’ of the spring evening looked the to watch the ploasant farm life all BY If]?;LEX B. MATHERS. him war niver to wake up? Or if cento PEN COPY. squalid room, and I shivered as I sat around him. t THE EVENING NEWS, ’un do, ’t ’ull be dead dark, an ’ him by the tireless hearth, in the chair “Pa, pa. hero's a tramp,” shrilly 10 CENTS A WEEK. CHAPTER IV—Continued . war alius a coward, like t’ most IU8 PON 9 MONTH* BY MAIL. DETROIT. that Seth Treloar had occupied not called out his daughter Sally from “Fo’ thar, rolght a facin' mo war bullies, au”sposin ’ ’un dies o’ fright?’ so very long ago. the front yard. Farmer Brown arose Agencies in every village, town and city in the State of Michigan. th’ bottle o' 8lcapin* stuff as ’ud “Someway 8 1 felt as if 1 war loavin ’ But as my bodily discomfort grew, slowly, and shuffled around the cor­ stood all them soven year; I'd kep it ’un to his death, au’ yet I hadna got my min 1 concentrated itself the more ner. The person who had excited t' mind mo o’ th’ hell I'd lived in w’ th’ spernt t’ go to Steve ’ an ’ say ‘Go intensely on Judith ’s story, till I Sally ’s cry was standing by tho well- Seth, an ’ side o’ the 6tuff war the yer ways, an ’ leave tne an ’ th’ child seemed to see her coming and going sweep expostulating with tne fair milk, an ’ the cup out o’ which Steve as is cornin', t’ th’ marcy o’ Seth Tro- about her night’s work, exactly as one. had drunk that day. loar!’ So I jes stole away, but I left she had told me. and if she were “You should not eall me a tramp,” my innicenco ahind me, an ’ I niver ••Th’ devil ses ‘Pit some o’ th’ stuff making the one great and fatal blun ­ he was saying, “my namo is Jonas i’ his drink, an ’ he'll niver knuw. an ’ knawed a moment more o’ peace fro’ der of her life, me-thought she com­ Jackson. I'm a pilgrim, a knight of git him out o’ th’ way afore Steve that day ’t this. mitted it magnificently welL the Order of the Sons of Rest. ” “Wa-al, you was i’ th* train, ’eo be corned in. ’ Thar war na taste to And yet, what could my presence “Well, a pilgrim’s a tramp, ain ’t knaws how I looked, an ’ ’ee saw th’ BfhlHMMIBj ’t. nor more nor watter, nor na color, here avail her, her whom 1 had he?” queried the old man jovially. th’ gipsies knawed thar work too box o’ poison skip out o’ my pocket. caught in the toils, with no power, The stranger looked up and bowed I’d niver gi’en ’t a thought since I well fo’ that, an ’ wi’my back t’ Seth, to undo the thing that I had done, deferentially. “No, sir. A pilgrim I jest poured th* stuff into th’ cup. picked ’un up when ’t failed out o’ out of idleness, vanity and curiosity? is quite different from a tramp. In an ’ th’ milk to top o’ un, an ’ 1 ups an ’ Seth’s bosom. An ’ naw I’ve told ’ee What is There was only one chanco, one these days pilgrims are few, but they gies’t to ’un d ’reckly.” th’ truth, an ’ nuthin ’ but th’ wan hope,that if justified could furnish me trace their lineage back to bible “There was no water in the cup­ truth, but ’eo ’ll niver make anythin ’ with even the faintest ground for ap­ days." board ?” I said. o’ ’t Nicht an ’ day I’ve toiled t’ plying to the home secretary. “Hey?” “Watter?” said Judith, staring at puzzle ’t out, but no wan ’ull iver I should know what that chance “In the book of Genesis wo read me, “what for should I keep watter knaw th’ truth ’bout Seth Treloar’s and hope wero worth soon ani by a there? Wa al, him tossod ’t off to death, ’ceptin ’ Seth Treloar hisself.” how Abraham wont into Egypt. He simple experiment that I meant to was tho first pilgrim." wunce, au’ afore ’eo could count ten. “He tiled of a dose of arsenic, suf­ try the moment Jake appeared. him war asleep an ’ snorin ’, and out ficient to kill three men.” I said, “as “Do pilgrims work?” asked the Meanwhile. I lit my pipe, and smoked farmer, seating himself. he slips fro" th’ chair to th’ groan’ the post-mortem proved, also that it for an hour or so, and finally fell “Not if they know it—I mean they an ’ a box falls out o’ his bosom, an ’ I there was no bruise upon him, or any asleep. picks ’t up (listenin ’ the whiles disease whatever to cause death. ” do not stay long enough in any I was awakened by a loud knock ­ ono place to have constant employ­ fo’ Stove ’s step) an ’ puts it i’ my “Iss.” said Judith, looking at mo ing at the door, and for a moment, C&storia is Dr. Samncl Pitcher’s prescription for Infants pocket, an ’ thin, knawin ’ ho war from beneath those grand bent brows ment, ” responded the nowcomer and in the half darkness, could not politely. and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor safo naw for twenty-four hour, I looks of hers, and with the divine stamp of remember where I was. at un and ses, Where iver num I truth on her lips and in her eyes, “Then they’re just plain tramps," other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substituto ••Come in, ” I shouted, but tho ejaculated Miss Sally. hide un? ’ “’tis that boats me. Him war alive door did not unclose, and, though I for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil. “No, no, you misunderstand mo,” ‘•There war th’ secret bit room, an ’ well when I put ’un in th’cellar, called out again, nobody replied. At It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years* use by on ’y Steve alius went thar, when he him war found jest as I’d left ’un, said Jackson deprecatingly, “they last I lifted the latch myself, and do not work at hard labor it is true, millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays corned in, an ’ I daurna pit him on bound safe ’nuff. an ’ dead three days there Btood Jake verily laden like th’ clig. Just thin my eye catched arter. But what for did ’un carry a but they do exercise their ingenuity feverishness. Castoria prevents vomiting Soar Card, any boast of burden. to secure food and clothes.” th’ ring on th’ trapdoor, an ’ th’ devil box o’ poison? Furrin ’ folks has out­ “I have been shouting to you to cares Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria relieves flashed it up t’ me, ‘Put un down i’ landish ways, ’sposin ’ him used tn ’ “Sort of bunco chaps,” suggested come in. ” I said, “didn ’t you hear?” the farmer, thinking of a certain ex­ teething troubles, cures constipation aud flatulency. th’ cellar! ’Ee’ll bo gone in twelve stuff as a medicine like, summit as ••I’se bin a bit hard o’ hearin ’ late­ hour, an ’ nuthin ’ ’ull waken he fur I’vo heerd tell doctors gives poison t’ perience of his own. Castoria assimilates tho food, regulates tho stomach ly, mister,” he said. •*Oh. no. indeed. ” replied Jackson, twenty-four, put un down i’ th’ sick folk t’ make ’un woll?” “How long?” I said sharply. and bowels, giving healthy and natnral sleep. Cas­ cellar.’ ••Doctors only give very small “nothing like that I mean by fair, “I doant know, it’s jest growed honorable methods. Now my forte toria is tho Children’s Panacea—tho Mother’s Friend. “If th’ devil war quick, I war doses, ” said I, “besides, if Seth Tro- upo’ me, so my missus says. is—is”—thinking rapidly of his ac­ quicker. I catched up a coil o’ ropo loar had been in the habit of taking “Come out on tho cliff,”! said “and near by, an ’ I had Seth Trcloar roun ’ it, why should he die of a dose of it complishments —“putting in time.” Castoria. just where you stood on the night “Be you a clock maker?” queried Castoria. the shoulders i’ a second, an ’ tied a then? He had no desire whatever to you saw Seth Treloar come home.” knot ahind him. an ’ then I dragged Sally with renewed interest. ** Castoria Is an excellent medicine for chil­ “ Castoria is so we 11 adapted to children tbak die, he was prosperous, healthy, he He went obediently enough, won ­ dren. Mothers have repeatedly told mo of its un along th’ floor till I’d got un to th* “Something that way,” answered I recommend it os superior loony prescription possessed money, was engaged in dering. It was a wild evening, and good effect upon ibeir children." known to me." trap-door, an ’ opened un. but t’warnt schemes to make himself richer, and Jackson, gladly availing himself of H. A. Amn, N. D., the magnificent Lizard coast was the loophole. Da. a. C. O sgood , so easy to let down; an ’ when I'd you may take it for granted that he fast being shrouded in the sea-mist Lowell, Mass. lit So. Oxford St, Brooklyn, N. Y. pushed his feet over, I knewed I’d did not die of his own free will. “Just the feller I’ve been lookin ’ that crept insidiously inward. Jake's •• Castoria Is the best remedy for children of “ Our physicians In the children ’s depart ­ got so difficult a job as air a woman Witness his attitude when found, the for,” ejaculated the farmer; “come figure looked dim. and tall, and lone ­ right in. I’ve got a job for you. ” which I am acquainted. I hope tho day is not ment have spoken highly of their experi­ had. agony of his face, the evidence of ly outlined against tho sad grey sky, far distant when mothers will consider tho real ence in their outside practice with Castoria, “I was boun ’ to take time, if I’d his struggles, ignorant in tho dark of Jackson reluotantly followed the old and although we only have among our and far below him the monotonous man into the best room, where a interest of their children, and use Castoria in ­ pushed un too quick, him ud ha’ bin the moans of life and escape close to stead of the various quack nostrums which are medical supplies what is known os regular rushing of tho sea was broken by tho great-grandfather’s clock stood si­ killed to wance (an ’ a’ th’ time I his hand. ” booming of the waves, as they rushed destroying their loved ones, by rorcing opium, products, yet we are free to confess that the lently in one corner. merits of Castoria bos won na to look with, war listenin ’ fer Steve's step! so I “I canna argify ’t,” said Judith into the little cave with a 6ullen morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful giv’ un a bit push, then rinnedback wearily, “ tis all dark t’ me, on ’y I “It uin ’t run for nigh onto twenty agents down their throats, thereby sending favor upon it.” roar. years, I reckon, ” he explained, “and them to premature graves.” Unites Hospital akd D ibpenoary , an ’ jest dug my feet i’ th’ floor an ’ knaws I’se as innocent o’ his death ••Kindly stay where yoil are,” I Boston, thrawed myself till I war slantin ’ as far as I’m concerned I don ’t give D r. J. F. KixcnxLoa, ns you be, but I’ll die fo t all th’ said, “for live minutes until I come Conway, Ark. Au.ru C. Smith , JVe*., like a tree i’ a storm, but th’ dead same.” a durn if it don ’t run for twenty to you.” years more, but Sally's got the idee weight o’ un's body as him slipped “Could ho have had an enemy? ” I He promised, and when I returned The Centaur Company, TT Murray Street, Now York City. thro’ th’ trap door nigh pulled me said as one thinking aloud, “some in her head it ought to bo fixed. If to the cottage, and one who had seen you git her startod I’ll give you a arter un, but I jest held on, an ’ lot- one who followed him here, and gave my conduct there would never ques­ square meal.” tin ’ un down a inch at a time.bimeby him tho poison? ” tion my right to Bedlam. I felt un touch th’ groun’, thin I Judith shook her head. “Oh, mister, do fix it, and I ll be Standing by the fireplace I gave awful much obliged,” interjected dashes th’ rope in arter un and ••It arn ’t possible," she said; “by utterance to sh&rp, spasmodic cries, Sally, poking her head in the open bangs down th’ door je9t at th’ very th’ doctor ’s ’count ho died somo- gradually ascending till they reached doorway. moment as Stove lifts th’ latch, an ’ wheres i’ th’ night arter I corned tho point of shrieks, into which I “Go ’way, Sally, and lot us alone, ” corned in. away, an ’ th’ locks an ’ window put ray whole vigor, and my lungs commanded her father. Tho hoad “I thrawed ray apron over ray war safo, an ’ nobody knawed were those of a normally vigorous disappeared. head so as un couldna^ee my face, whar we'd put th’ key. man. Jackson ’s heart was full of dismay, jjRESS UP! an ’ thinkin ’ I war frettin ’anent leav ­ M'appen you ’m none so much t’ Having pretty well exhausted my­ but his countenance was unmoved. SPRING and in ’, he lets me alone, an ’ bimoby us blame fo’ yer thoughts o’ mo, tbar’s self, I went out to the cliff, and “Bring mo the oil can from the has supper the gither an ’ so th but wnn i’ th1 wido warld (she kissed foiMid Jako precisely where I had sowing machine, a feather and a GET A STYLISH evenin ’ passed. ” Stephen ’s brown hand) as knaw I left him, and with all a fisherman's cloth,” he ordored in a business-like “And you could eat. drink and speak the truth.” contentedness at doing nothing. SUMMER... tone. The articles were forthcom­ sleep with that drugged man lying “No. I believe you too.” I said, “Well, .Jake,” I cried, “I have * SPRING ing. and the farmer left the stranger near in the vault at your feet?” I but without hope, for there was no boon hearing some queer noises — SUITINGS and to his task. Slowly ho removed the cried. hope in me. what did you hear?” * SUIT hands and opened the dial. He “Iss,” said Judith, whose homely And then I turned my back on the Tho man looked tft me with igno­ OVERCOATINGS! peerei in at the works with horror. words and accent afforded the pair, bidding them make their fare­ rant. candid eyoa Such a complicated mass of machin ­ or OVERCOAT strongest contrast to the grandeur wells, and presently I called the “Nothing, eir,” ho said, “but the ery he had never before seen. Con ­ of her looks and gestures, “what turnkey, and soon found myself in water pouring down the cliff yonder scious that Sally was probably watch­ harm had I done ’un? Him ’ud ha’ the fresh air with leisure in which —it makes a power of noise —you AT____ ing him, he began dusting the wheels woke up none th’ wurso for what I’d to ponder over those things that I can hear it right out at sea.” STYLES and and oiling the pivots. The ontlre gived ’un. as him had niver been th’ had heard. [TO UK CONTINUED.] JACKSON’S wurse afore (often as he’d to*>ked ’t half pint of oil was distributed im­ PRICES unbeknown &’ hisself), an ’ thar war CHAPTER V. i uKiiutlo item. partially over the works, and tho no ra.s below, an ’ th’ place war dry Smuggler’s Hole was empty, as it Ambitious Sport—Could you take tusty weightswound up. Then with TAILORING an ’ sandy, an ’ I knawed he’d come to had been ever since its landlord dis ­ me und put me in training and make fearful heart he gave the pendulum WILL SUIT na harm. Yet I seemed feared like covered an un-looked for tenant, and a prize-fighter out of me? a gentle push. ESTABLISHMENT* to rejoice too much, to git safe away when I told tho worthy man I would Great Pugilist—Ain ’t you able to Heaven be praised, it swung stead ­ YOU. . . ST. JOHNS. wi’ Steve ’ud be too much joy, an ’ as take it for three months at a liberal work? ily and smoothly. things corned out.” she added bit­ rent, he scratched his head, and ••No, sir.” The job was done and the dinner terly, •• ’t war well I didna count my clearly thought mo mad. “Have you got an education? ” was ready. Fair Sally herself helped SATISFACTION IN chickens too soon; I warnt t*j knaw The place seemed to have been “Yes, sir.” him to the drumstick and great EVERY CA8E. as there war a fule wanderin ’ about built out of uneven lengths of tim­ “Well, I’ll see. If yer able to slices of white meat, with plenty of A PIT. . ith* w&rld meddlin' wi’ things as God ber, cross-wise, any-wise, so that tho write sportin ’ stuff about yourself the “fixins, ” a quarter section of the A’mighty didna mean to meddle in. existence of a socret door in the sit­ and hain ’t strong enough to do hard great mince pie completing the re­ IN EVERY He’d jest hev let ’em ravel themseies ting-room wall would never have work, guess we kin make a fighter past. out, but you be wiser nor he. tho’ been discovered by any stranger save of yer. We’s kind of careful, dough, When departing Sally followed CASE. FRED. F. MURDOCK^ naw you ’d like t’ undo the piece o’ by accident When my new landlord not. to let fellows into the ^erfesh him to the gate. “I'm awful sorry I avark you ’m made.” touched a spring, and showed a small what kin make a livin ’ by workin * called you a tramp,” she said, “and ST. JOHNS. MICH., .She paused a moment, and a rush shed or lean-to. containing a second See?”—Texas Siftings. I think it was nice of you to fix the clock. It was worth more than a of pain swept over her face as If some door, and a grating about the height GEO. H. JUDD, DRALES m AU KINDS OP physical agony pressed her hard. of my head, I was astonished, but The Wee* of This World. dinner. ” -• Eb. my lad (she put her hand on easily understood that it had been The professional pessimist came “Do you think so?” queried Jack- Merchant Tailor, into the office looking absolutely son, smiling down upon the plump, Stove's), an ’ us waited so lang, and devised as a means of escape for the ST. JOHNS, - - MICH. •o’ .our bit o’ happiness wi’ wan smugglers when surprised by the cheerful. rosy face, and knowing full well, the anither, we luv ’* f»’ money a year, excise officers. “Well,” they asked him. “what is rogue, that no one was in sight, afore .us iver spoke but wi’ our eyes, Then he lifted the trap-door, and the new cause of complaint this “then this more than repays me,” ay, ?eo luv ’d mo when I war the sport striking a match we both peered morning?" and, says the Philadelphia Times, ©’•that ne ’er-do-well, Seth Treloar. down at if half expecting to see iSeth “I was thinking how unjustly before she could remonstrate if she CLEVELAND an ’I war iver comparin ’ the twa o’ Treloar stariug up at us, and gave it things were arranged for a man who would he slippod an arm around her • •TO • • ’•ee i’ my mind. An ’t’ see ’ee war as his opinion that, but for this ono has a corn. It gets its worst mash­ waist, gave her a vigorous hug, $2.50 CEMETERY WORK. like a blink o’ heaven, us niver got little mistake of Judith ’s, she would ing from the man who is too heavy kissed her cherry lips once, twice, BUFFALO no nearer, but us war heartened up have been an out and-out good wo­ to knock down. ” thrice and sauntered off. t’ walk th’ stony road apart, an ’ ’ee man. I got but little comfort from VIA “C. A B. LINE.” It Might Work. He Knew the Game. pasoed a’ ifV lasses bj. but when th’ him, and yet my spirits rose as I Briggs—I think I have evolved a Commencing with opening of Navigation (about aeven yoar war up, ’ee jest sed t’ me. Deacon Heavyweight —And so you April I at.) Magnificent aide-wheel Heel ateamer* Cat Stone for Biilili&i Pnrposet turned my back to the hovel, and scheme for stopping the tipping •Yon ’m mine naw, Judith, ’ au’ I went are going to leave us. parson? standing on the towering cliff, along nuisance that will prove a success, if to ’ee like a .bird. ” the precipitous edge of which a nar ­ Rev. Mr. Thankful —Yes; I have State of Ohio and State of New York. OPPOSITE POSTOFFICE. I can only get others to follow it had a call to another parish where, The helpless love, the profound de ­ row path wound sinuously to the lit­ Braggs—Tell it, quick. DAILY TIME TABLE. by the way. the salary is considera ­ SUNDAY INCLUDED. ‘ pendence on him that spoke in her tle cove below, gazed out at sea to Briggs—Oh, it is simple enough. voice, moved me deeply. bly larger. 1 am sorry to leave my Lv. Cleveland, 6:1ft P. M. I Lv. Buffalo, - 6:16 p. m where the orange line of sky just Whenever I give the waiter a tip I A r. Buffalo, • 7:60*. M. | Ar. Cleveland, 7:80 r. M. She left her arm on Stephen ’s touchod It, while betwixt them shone flock, but 1 must obey the call. explain to tho cashier that it has Deacon Heavyweight, dryly —Wal, CKNTRAL STANDARD TIME. neck, then pulled herself together, a single silvery sail. left mo short and ask him to stand THE ART ANATEUR. and went on wittr her story. it. may be what you call a call, but Taka tho ”C. A B. Line" (teamen and enjoy a ■oot naff Largo*! Practical Art Bags ala a. From that wonderful orange the me off for the meal. refreshing night’s rest when enronte to Buffalo, (The only Art Periodical awarded a Medal “When morn in' corned, Steve an ’ •kr melted by imperceptible tints to it seems to mo a good deal more like Niagara Falla, Toronto, Now York. Boston, Albany, a raise. —Life. 1,000 Inlands, or any Eastern or CauaUisu point. at The World’s Pair.) me war stirrin ’ early, an ’ whiles I the translucent green that is never Educational Item. Invaluable lo all artiste, art atud ante and other* got th’ breakfast, him put up our matched by any earthly tint of grass “Which of your lessons dp you who with to wake their boasorarraeadiags boaaliM Still Won*. Cheap Excursions Weekly to Nia­ A specimen copy, with ruperb color plates bits o’ things, an ’ ’ui* couldna guess or flower, and the quick dancing like the most, Johnnie? ” asked Mr. (sultan)* for framing or copying) sad supple- f IL. wheriver th’ coil o’ rope war got­ lights and shadows, on the waters Harlem of his son Johnnie, who is a Kingly—I don ’t think there is any ­ gara Fails, meats of foll alse working designs seat on | (JD seemed to laugh in the sunshine, and Columbia college student thing more disagreeable than a cold mealiMlag this mega aloe sad one losing ten to. Writ* for Tourist Pamphlet. (regular price 86e., ft 00 a year.) f#r jflCte “Whiles I war satin ’, ses to my- to touch here and there the sea-gulls “The singing lesson. That's the in the head. I net nirtiv* manual. “Pal at lag for Beat an eta/’ stag sel’. •Both Trelopr ’ull i* hungry resting upon the bold, dark head ­ one I’m excused from,” replied Bingly—Well, you just wait till 9. B. ROGERS, T. F. NEWMAN, in addlttoa to the above. Oar ISM iOuatrated aota- Goal Paw. Aft. Ueu’l Manager. logue of about M0.color etadieo aad pictures son# when ‘un comes t’ hisself/ • I set lands farther away. Johnnie. jour wife gets a cold in her head. lor 2-cent stamp CLEVELAND, O. M0NTABUE MARKS, ft Uaioa Ignore, 9tm York. 4 the wise men ofthe city said unto them: Haw Rathla Worried Grarer. Not this season! someother season. The Republican. From State Republican. Yea Grover is great. lie is all wool It was evening at the white house, W. L. DOUGLAS Thursday, April 26,1894. and a yard wide, but the slump in woo) and all was quiet. The head of the GENUINE is several cubits wider. great nation was reading beside a table; WELT. Senator McMillan spoke against the And the shepherds marveled exceed­ $3 SHOE the powerful body of the great head Squcu kies a, Bottom Waterproof. Best Shoe sold at the price. Wilson bill in the United States senate ing, and some of them, yea even they rested in easy negligee in a comfortable $6, 84 and 83.50 Dress Shoe. last week. He believes that Michigan which had hearkened unto the voice of . J.qoal custom work, costing lYom $o to chair. He was reading the editorials in .50 Police Shoe farmers would suffer from the free in ­ Grover, smote their breasts and went the Squawkinville Statesman. In glow­ Best Walking Shoe ever troduction of Canadian farm products. up and down with bent heads crying to ing terms and incontrovertible logic 82.50 , and 82 Shoes, There is no doubt about it. Canadian one another, “Behold if thou wilt kick they upheld the policy of the adminis ­ Unequalled at the price. * farms are choaper than Michigan farms; me I will do even so unto thee.” Boys 82 & 81.75 School Shoes Absolutely tration. It was evening at the white a Are the Best lor Service Canadian labor is also much cheaper. And when the diggers of the earth house, and all waa quiet. But while he LADIES’ The opening of Michigan markets to Pure went up with their silver and lead and read his wife and two children entered I, $2.60 $2, $1.75 Canadian produce and live stock cannot precions stones and said to the money Beat Dongola, Stylish, Perfect A cream of Tartar Baking Powder. the room. The great man gave them a Fitting and Serviceable. B«st help resulting in lower prices and les­ —Latest United States Govemmemt Food changers, “Give us food that we may ‘n the world. All Styles. pleasant smile and continued reading. Insist upon having W.L. sened demand for Michigan produce Report. eat, and clothing that we may “dress- It was a pleasant scene ; the great man, Douglas hhoeH. Naina and stock. up,” the money-changers laughed little Mi price stamped on Royal Baking Powder Company the beautiful woman and the happy bottom. Brockton 100 Wall st., N. T. cold, hard laughs and sang songs of children ; the beautiful woman busied Mass. The South Carolina liquor law, known great sacrilege, saying: with some handiwork and the children as the “state dispensary ” system, lias “Grover, Grover, four more years of playing near by on the floor. Then the been declaired unconstitutional by the Book of Urover. Grover ; we would -buy your lead, but little girl commenced to sing nursery e DEALERS who push the sale of W. L. Douglas Shoes gain customers, supreme court of that state. Tna R ­ (BY HEZEKIAH.THE scribe.) times are dead, till four more years are songs in a low tone. She sang: which helps to increase the sales on their full line of goods. They can publican gave the main features of the CHAPTER I. over, ” and other psalms. “Monkey, monkey, barrel of beer, law some time ago, but will again refer And when they beard the psalmists afford to sell at a leaa profit, and we believe____ /e youyon cancan savesave mowmogpy by baying all your Now it came to pass in the last days How many monkeys are there here? footwear of the dealer advertised below. Catalogue free upon application, to them briefly. By this law the state many hired kickers and others tore One, two, three, out goeshe.” that the followers of Groyer, the great, undertook to control and handle the their hair, and all the inhabitants of As she sang the words she pointed to surnamed the goldite, the same which Fildew & Millman—Drugs, and School Supplies. liquor traffic. State dispensaries were the nation said damn. the persons in the room and ended with begat Ruth and Esther, and the panic, opened in counties where a sufficient And it came to pass that the storms Grover. He heard her, and frowning and the Hawaiian trouble, were vexed number of the inhabitants petitioned came and the panic decended and the slightly, stirred in his chair. exceedingly, inasmuch as they listeth “That’s not pretty to sing to papa; for one; the dispensaries were closed at 6 not to the locality where they abideth at. children of darkness lifted up theii o’clock, liquor was sold in sealed bottles hands and wrung them in great lamen ­ Ruthie must sing something else,” said Now is the Time For behold in the beginning they tation, saying. the beautiful lady. Then after a little only, and could not be opened on the girded up their loins and went before “Wherefore art thou, Grover, our de ­ silence the childish voice trilled out premises. The buyer was required to the people, crying with a loud voice, sign an application for the kind and liverer, and wherfore art the good times again: verily we say unto all men that we are "Wire, briar, limber lock, amount of liquor wanted, and receipt at?” and a mighty voice came back Three geese in a Hock. TO BUY WALL PAPER. Groverites from exceeding far back and One flew east and one flew west, therefor. Treating was thus prohibit­ woe unto you who forget it. from the wilderness, saying: The Presi­ And one flew over the cuckoo’s ne9t." ed, lounging about saloons, and the sale And verily, we hold in exceeding great dent is fishing and must not be dis ­ The last word was drowned in a groan turbed. ” in brothels and gambling places done detestation that which the children of as the great man rose from his chair We have a splendid-stock to select from. Our prices away with. It was an entire new plan chapter v. and fled hastily from the room. The men call tariff, for is it not a thing lady followed him. He left one of his were never lower, The designs were never more beautiful for America, and we believe a good one, And it came to pass that the children fashioned by our enemies, the same slippers on the way. The little child than they are this spring. Best paper hangers furnished on but it conflicted with the “personal ” which hath licked the everylasting of the desert, yea even the remnant of went and looked at it in wonder. Then she dragged it after her parents. It was short notice. rights of the aristocratic desciples stuffing out of us from generation to the tribe of Grover which dwelleth in of Calhoun and secession, and a power­ the valley of the Jordan, the same evening at the white house and all was generation ? which fioweth from Lehi round about quiet. A ndy N ame . ful sentiment was against it, and Gov ­ Yea, verily, this same little protective Bluff Dale unto to the Dead Sea, they ernor Tillman who championed it, from tariff it buildeth furnaces in the valley buckleth on their armor and cutteth a The Vale of Mlnnekaeta. the start. The court was divided, one and smokestacks on the mountain top; wide swath. Is the title of a beautifully illustrated A full stock of Boydell Bro’s Mixed Paints (all shades), White member favoring the law, and two And they lifted up their voices, cry­ booklet recently issued, descriptive of it Jturneth the wheels of progress, and ing : “Behold a mighty tribe are we, a the Hot Springs, South Dakota, and the Lead, Linseed Oil, Paint Brushes, White Wash Brushes, etc. deciding against it. causeth the desert to blossom like unto mighty man is Grover, yea a mighty efficacy of their waters for the cure of a green bay tree. prophet, and he hath promised us migh- rheumatism, neuralgia and kindred dis ­ Peter D oran , “the Duke of Kent, ” Wherefore do we of the tribe of tygood ti mes if we but remain faith­ eases. Copy of this pamphlet will be ful and uncomplaining and busted to mailed free by W. A. Thrall. General has a great head. He is, or was, a Grover the great despise the same as a the end. Passenger Agent Chicago & North- statesman. He represented the demo­ curse and an abomination in the sight “And behold we are his children and Western Railway, Chicago, III., upon We allow no one to leave our establishment dissatisfied. To crats and l’efferites of Grand Rapids in receipt of request, enclosing two-cent of men. it behooveth us to obey our great father, give satisfaction to our customers is our greatest aim. Try the last legislature. One night the Yea, as a stench that offendeth our for is it not writ that obedience is better stamp. than sacrifice, and to hearken than the a bottle of our Lemon Bitters, the finest Spring Medicine, and Duke lay awake thinking what he could nostrils, the same which we smelleth fat of rams? do to engrave his name upon the hearts from afar off. “Wherefore will we cleave unto if you are not satisfied with its results we will refund your of the peasantry of his dukedom, to the And behold, in the great and terrible Grover and his great notions through money. thick and thin, through weal and woe, When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. end that he might sit upon Olympus day of the ballot, when the armies of When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. with Don, Grover and the other demo ­ through poverty and distress and finan ­ voters be gathered together, shall we cial ruin even unto death, for ever and When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. cratic gods and sip the nectar of high arise in our might and smite our ever, amen. 'Ten she had Children, she gave them Castoria. office. It was not in vain that the enemies into mincemeat. And it came to pass that they gath­ FILDEW * MILLMAN, Duke’s brain labored. It gave birth to Yea, we shall lay them out cold on a ered together the warriors of their ST. JOHNS. FOWLER tribes, yea, even Orlando, the Michi­ a great idea. “I have it,” said the Duke, platiorm of free trade, and cover them ganite, of the tribe of the Tuscaroras, “the dead do not vote; the dead cannot over with planks of tariff reform. and Joshua, the Loganite of the tribe of Children Cry for Pitcher’s kick ; I will draft a bill to plunder the And our enemies shall be scattered tariff reformers, and Hegney, the Rochester Clothing Company. estates of the dead, that taxation may like the leaves of the forest, for Grover Gettite, of the tribe of the Riproras, and Castoria. Faust, lhe Goshite, of the lost tribes, Children Cry for Pitcher’s be lighter upon the living, and the toil­ shall rend them into fragments like and ail the Groverites and blatherskites ing millions will rise up and call me unto potter’s vessel, that which hath from far and near. Castoria. blessed and make me a congreisman or been smitten by the flipper of a youth, And when they had gathered together Children Cry for Pitcher’s a governor. ” Then the Duke thought and then shall the end come. they looked terrible as an army with THE SPRING banners, and they cried: “Behold, we Castoria. again. “The dead have heirs and the For in that day shall our banner be will smite our enemies, yea even the heirs may kick; but I can fix that. planted on the outer wall of the great Vananites, hip and thigh, and our Billy There are a hundred times more poor citadel of the nation, and we shall bow shall be beard in the councils of the people than lich people so I will plunder down unto Grover, our deliverer, who nation. ” . . OF 1894 And the Varianites arose in their only the estates of the rich, and thus shall henceforth be known as our wrath and said Billy, go to. save the votes of the poor.” So Peter, prophet on Mount Buzzard. And the next day it anew. —Utah the Duke of Kent, introduced his bill to And he Bhall reign for four years, and Exchange______Is here, and so is our immense stock of tax inheritances, and the anarchists in shall shower good times and fat offices Those Who Are Posted. his dukedom applauded and his name and special messengers and free raw Will tell you that the finest and was spoken with reverence among the materials upon us in rich abundance healthiest summer resorts in the north ­ Spring Suits, Hats and Caps, followers of Coxey. But the supreme forever. west are located along the Wisconsin Foal WRITE court swiped the Duke’s inheritance tax Central Lines, among which are Lake Sherwood Marne** Co., auburn , n /Y, AND GENTS FURNISHING GOODS. And the black smoke of industry shall Villa, Fox Lake, Antioch, Burlington, bill last week and it is now in the hands no longer obscure the noonday sun and Mukwonago, Waukesha, Neenah, Wau­ cured In 10 to 20 Our stock is complete in each department, and embraces all of the undertaker, and Peter mourns. paca, Fiheld, Ashland and Duluth. days. 30.000 cuses the farmer shall wear pants woven in cured. Hook of tes­ the latest designs in patterns and shades. Call early, But the great piinciple for which Peter foreign parts, and socks from the isles of Tourists and pleasure seekers figuring timonials free. Ko on their next summer’s vacation should ______Pny till ( tired. fought and blod still lives in the income the sea. I.OPIUM I.. NTEPHZ.MS, M. ■>.. Lrbsnwn. Ohio. examine our stock and make your selections, as the most bear this in mind and before selecting a tax feature of the Wilson bill, and until And it was even so. And after the route drop a line to Jas. C. Pond, desirable patterns go first. The low prices will be the that is killed Peter should not mourn as space of a time, Grover who was a General Passenger Agent of the Wiscon ­ object. Thanking the public for the liberal patronage one who hath no hope. mighty fisher, girded up his loins and sin Central Lines, at Mil wan kee, Wis. received during the past year, we promise to merit a his chattels and his cabinet and went and he will send you maps, time tables Adiroxd A and guide books containing valuable kB* TRAD! MARK continuance of the same by keeping Best Goods at the up and pitched his tent over against the A hcrd of polish cattle—human cattle information, which are mailed free upon L.owest Prices. Yours Respectfully, —ran amuck in Detroit oueday last week Capitol, which is in the land of application. Wheeler ’s and nearly killed Sheriff Collins and Columbia, and the band played be-hold, “What They Say.” some of his deputies. In this conne c- the cat hath come back. Is the title of a little booklet issued Heart tion it is refreshing to note that the CHAPTER II. by the Queen & Crescent Route. <> AND Detroit press, with one voice, condemns Now, when Grover was crowned king It is devoted to the interests of immi­ Rochester Clothing Company, of the Nation, it came to pass that he gration to, And the development of, Nerve not only the ignorant rioters but also lands along its lines in the South, and the blattant demagogues who incited was puffed up in the pride of his heart contains letters from Northern farmers POSITIVELY CURES the murderous riot by their talk about and his other viscera, inasmuch as his who have made new homes in the Heart Disease, Epilepsy, Nerv- EAGLE SULKY HARROW. raiment became several cubits too small South, telling how they live ; how they “grinding corporations ” and the wrongs ous Prostration, Constructed of Steel 1 No Loading I No to contain his joblots. prosper; and in how much they ate Sleepletsness and all Derangements of the Nervous Unloading! of labor. It ought not to be a matter pleased with the new home. System, for public congratulation that the And he shook himself by the hand, Easily raised from the seat to clear it of ob­ Send a postal to the undersigned for a Unexcelled for Restless Babies. Pure­ structions and for transporting. Any child Detroit press condemns anarchy, riot which is after the manner of his tribe, copy of the little book. ly Vegetable, guaranteed free from capable of driving a team can handle it. and spake unto himself, saying, ha, ha. W. W. Jones, Immigration Agent, Grain and Grass Seeder Attachment not and murder. But during the street car opiates. 100 full size doses, 50c. shown in cut. For testimonials and par­ Behold, I am monarch of all I can get. Port Huron, Mich,; C. A. Baird, T. P. M. D. Bailey, receiving teller Grand Rapids ticulars write to the manufacturers. riots the swaggering labor agitator A., 155 Jefferson 8t., Detroit; A. J. Lytle, (Mich.) Havings Bank, says he cannot say too much strutted around with a club in one hand Four more years.of Grover; four more N. P. A., 193 Clark St., Chicago ; W. P. in favor of “Adironda, ” Wheeler’s Hear and Nerve years in clover. O, America, America, Cure. Prepared liy Wheeler A Puller Mediciue Co., and a gag in the other. The club was Cooley, T. P. A., Cleveland, O.; Cha^ Cedar Springs, Mich. Smalley Bros., & Co.. the vote of organized labor and the gag bow often would I have gathered ye W. Zell, D. P. A., Cincinnati. O., or to Sold by FILDEW A MILLMAN, W. C. Rinearson, G. P. A., Cincinnati. St.Johns and Fowler. BAY CITY, MICH. was the boycott. The sightof the club under my wing, but ye would not. But now I have ye on the hip, and and the gag seemed to paralyze the mri.ATE8T IMPROVED INC ye are confronted with a condition not THE SPRING CURRY COMB. St?D& 8£?at a Detroit press, and the union brutes who Brush. Fits every curve. Used by U. S. Army. If not sold by your assaulted the non-union men and de ­ a theory, for behold, I will rule or ruin Sample mailed, postpaid, 95c. .. STRING CORBY COMB CO.v 7 Lafayette.. St.,— “South Be:Bend, Ind. , .. stroyed the property of the street car ye. HORSE POWER (The excellence of this Comb is guaranteed by the Editor of this paper.) Yea, verily, to commence with, I will IVORY Marhines for THRESHING A CLEANING company were treated, not as the Grain, also Machines for HAWING WOOD ------BBS with Circular and Cross- criminals they were, but as gentlemen. brandish my great silver sword, and Acknowlsdgad CM Drag Haws, JAPANBSB It is, therefore, not surprising that the who believe on me and do my will shall by all to bn Afl.* be saved, and all who don ’t shall be THE Fruit and Ornamental Detroit pross should feel called upon to HARDY ROSES define its position upon the question of broke. TREES labor riots and murders. It was almost And I will call my soothsayers to­ ragardin*BEST ( ______AND SHRUBS—37th YEAR. EASTDRAFT, DURABILITY t QUANTITY OF WOM _ A New and Complete Treatment, consisting of as necessary as it was for a leading gether and they shall tinker at the RUPPOSITORUas, Capsule* of Ointment and two tariff, and when they have finished GREENING BROS., Monroe, Mich. Boxnsof Ointment. A never-falling Cure for Piles democratic editor of Michigan to do so A.W. GRAY’S SONS, of every nature and degree. It make* on operation their tinkering, McKinley, the father of rumui amd Sou MairuvAOTDnaa, 400 ACKRS. LOW PRICES. with the knife or Injection* of cerbotlo acid, which when he heard of the assassination of ■1DDU.T0WN 8PB1NUS, Tfc Instructive Catalogue Free. 39-18 are pain ful and seldom a permanent cure, and often Garfield. The opening words of his the factory, will not recognize the same. meaning In death, nnneoeesai “Why“ endure* this terrible dieeaee? 1 ’• guarantee 0 speech were, “Ladies and Gentlemen ! And it shall come to pass that all ye boxes to oure env oaee. Tots only pay for [chronic diseases] benefits reoetved. *1 a box, 0 for *s*5 by 1men. cample although a democrat I am opposed to who hearken unto the sound of my free. Guarantees issued by our agents. voice, shall have sewing machines from OOAP 'private diseases assassination. ” And Diseases of the Skin. ? CONSTIPATION Glasgow at cost and ten off, and corru­ 2S years continuous hospital and sanitarium ex- ? B. F. MILLER, lhe great LIVER and 8 TOM AC H REGULATOR and gated copper gaskets from the ends of perienre. Thousands of napvy, grateful cures ex- ? HI OOD PURIFIER. Small, mUd and pletwyt to My wife was confined to her bed for tending Into every State In the Union. The confw PROPRIETOR OF take, especially adapted tor child ren s oae» OODoeeg dence of Hi. multltudeof anxious but silent suffer-) K> cents. over two months with a very severe the earth. era, and of the unhappy and discouraged victim.) attack of rheumatism. We could get And when Grover had spake these of Ignorant and fraudulent pretenders is honestly ) C. E. VAN SICKUE. 8t. Johns. Mich. and earnestly invited. A valuable treatise onf Livery, Feed and Sale Stable! nothing that would afford her any relief, words he crew thrice, and the people DISEASES OF A PRIVATE NATURE free. Ad-( dress or call on _ _ ...... ( In the Old Rink,8t. Johns, Mich. GIVEN AWAY. and as a last resort gave Chamberlain ’s went out and wept bitterly. DR. O. J. R. HANNA, Jackson, Mich, ? Pain Balm a trial. To our great sur­ President Jackson City Hoard of Health? A $60 Singer Sewing Machine to the prise she began to improve after the CHAPTER III. We commend to tlie acquaintance and confl-( person holding the moet tickets from dence of the afflicted public the high personal? BOARDING A SPECIALTY! the following business firms: John first application, and by using it regnlarly And after the space of a time it came character and professional worth and work of Dr. ) she was soon able to get tip and attend to pass that when the shepherds took of O. J. R. HANNA ofthlsdty. (Jackson. Mich.) ) Hicks, Fowler & Ball, O. P. DeWitt, Rev. B It. Bigler, Pastor First Preshy. Church ) First-class turnout* at reasonable rate*. My Place & Roberts, F. E. Aldrich, Roches­ to her house work. E. H. Johnson, of the firstlings of their flock and sheared Austin Blair, -ex Governor. James O’Donnell, ( O. J. Knutson A Co., Kensington, Minn. . Merrier nffongrew. Clarence H. Bennett, Mayor. ( Hack can be found daily on the street for the con­ ter Clothing Company, Fildew

\ butter made at the college which nets the Low California Rato a. Legal. Legal. college 20 cents per pound. He also showed The Republican. The Queen & Crescent Route is selling ORTUAUE SALK—DEFAULT HAVING In a glass jar a sample of butter in its granular First Class Continuous Passage Tickets M been made In the condition* of a uior’gage TEACHERS’ EXAMINATIONS form. The professor is an enthusiast on dairy ­ made by Alvlu C. Staples and Patience Staples to FOR 1893-4. ing being left when a young man with a Cincinnati to 8an Francisco one way at William F. Moore, dated December 18th. 1890, sod Thursday, April 26,1894. $30 50, and (611)0 for the round trip, recorded December 18tb, 1890, in the office of the Ovid. Friday, April 27, 1894. legacy of debts, and cleared the mortgage, Register of Deeds for Clinton County, in the State At the Regular Examinations, examinations will himself and his brother, by dairying; often good sixty days to return. (91.90 round of Michigan, lo Liber 74 of Mortgages, on page 401 commence at 9 o’clock A. M. All other examina ­ HOARD Or TRUSTEES. tions will begin at 8 o’clock a . m. milking 20 cows twice a day. trip Mid-Winter Fair tickets, and (105.30 on which mortgage there is claimed to be due at the Adjourned Kct-ulnr Meeting AprllSS. for round trip, good nine months to date of this notice the sum of one hundred and nine R. M. WINSTON, Query, when a professor from our Agricul­ return. sud 94-100 dollars,besides and attorney fse of fifteen 12tf County CommUsioner of Schools. The meeting was called to order by Pres. tural-College comes to St. Johns and gives a dollars; and said Moore having died on October, lecture to the farmers of Clinton county with­ The only through cars that are run by 1991, leaving a last will sud testament, which will ortgage sale .-whereas default Vaughan. any line, through frotn Cincinnati to was duly proved on November, 1891, by the Probate has been made in tbe payment of the money Present Trustees Kendrick Kenyon, Kniffin, out cost, why are there so few to listen to San Francisco, are the tourist sleepers Court or Isabella County, in the State of Michigan, securedM by a mortgage bearing date the 8 tb day of Palmer and Wolcott. him. DECATUR BROSS, and Henry M. Perrin was duly appointed by auid December, A. D., 1879, executed by John Gallagher Reporter. leaving every Thursday evening via the Court executor of said will, which executorship he and Margaret Gallagher, bis wife, to Charles M. The minutes of April 10, 1804, were read Queen & Crescent, going south to New still bolds; and no suit or proceedings having been Dayton, aud recorded in tbe office of the Register and approved. Orleans and over the Southern Pacific instituted to recover any part of the de(|t secured ol Deeds for tbe County of Clinton, Michlguu, in The following claims were presented and Literary Notes. by said mortgage, therefore, by virtue of the power liber 46 of Mortgages, on page 465, on tbe 11 tit day Railway toCalifornia. Solid Vestibuled or sale in said mortgage contained, and of the of December, A. D„ 1879; aud which said mortgage referred to the committee on claims: In the May number of The Forum, Edward Trains to New Orleans every day, make statute in such case made aud provided, notice is was duly asslgued by Charles M. Dayton, to the Win. Crtch...... -.....-...... -...... $3 06 Atkinson writes “The True Iuterpietation of close connection with through sleepers hereby given that on May 19tb, 1894, at one o’clock Central Michigan Savings Bank, of Lansing, Mich., W. W. Btainard ...... — 5 00 in the afternoon, at the west front door of the on tbe 1st day of March, A. D., 1880, aud recorded Farm-Mortgage Statistics," explaining in full to New Orleans and San Francisco. Clinton County Court House, in the Village of St. in the office of the Register of Deeds for Clinton -Total allowed April 23, 1804 ...... $7 05 for the first time the results of the census in ­ Don ’t fail to take advantage of these Johns, in Clinton County, in Michigan, there will County, Michigan, on the 5lh day March, A !>., vestigation. So far from proving disaster, these low rates and admirable train service be sold at public vendue, to the highest bidder, the 1880, in liber 44 01 Mortgages on page 344, and by The retail liquor dealer's bond of Alfred J. premises in said mortgage described, viz: The said Central Michigan Havings Bank assigutd 10 Vauconsant. Charles B. Ingersoll, Frank Vau- statistics show great thrift and prosperity. The by making the California Trip at once. north half of the southwest quarter of section two, George W. Stone, as receiver of the said Bank, on consant and Frank Waters were presented and remarkable fact i® broughtout that twenty-one Any of the undersigned will be glad to in township seven north of rauge two west. Id the tbe 4th day of August. A. D., 1893, aDd recorded in per cent, of mortgages on real estate in the State of Michigan. Such sale will be uisde subject tbe office of the Register of Deeds, for tbe County referred to the committee on petitions and send literature aad full particulars on to the remainder of said mortgage not yet due, of Clinton, Michigan, in liber 80 of Mortgages, on the village attorney. whole Union is on property in and adjacent to application. being 8440 and interest on it at seven per cent, per page 100. And whereas tbe amount claimed to be The committee on claims reported the claims New York City. iDDum since December lHth, 1893. due on said mortgage at the date of ibis notice is Dated, February 21st, 1894. the sum of two thousand seven hundred aud fifty referred to them correct at the footings, and That $50,000 color press of the Chicago The more Chamberlain ’s Cough HENRY M. PERRIN, seveu aud 50-100 (82,757.50) dollars besides an recommended that they be allowed and orders Inter Ocean is being utilized in a unique and Remedy is used the better it is liked. Executor of the Last W 111 and Testament of Wil­ attorney fee of fifty dollars as provided by drawn on the proper funds for the amounts. We know of no other remedy that liam F. Moore. Deceased, Mortgagee. said mortgage and all other legal coal instructive manner by that great newspaper. Pkrrins A Baldwin , of foreclosure; aud no suit at law or proceed* The report was adopted on motion. It is being used to print a “Little Paper for always gives satisfaction. It is good Attorneys tor Said Executor. 44-12 Ings in equity having been instituted to recover Yeas—5; nays —0. Little People” with four full pages in colors, when you first catch cold. It is good the debt now remaining secured by 'said mortgage A communication from W. L. Stebbings was when your cough is seated and your jvbib hu , i nun my ieg, me injury leaving or any part thereof, whereby the power ol sale and beginning with Sunday, April 29th, this a sore which led to erysipelas. My sufferings dministrators sale .--notice is contained in said mortgage has become operative; read and on motion ordered filed with the paper will contain the first installment of a lungs are sore. It is good in any k;nd were extreme, my leg, from the knee to the A hereby given that by virtue and in pur­ therefore notice Is hereby given that by virtue of clerk. children ’s story, written especially for It by a of a cough. We have sold twenty five ankle, being a solid sore, which began to ex­ suance of license and authority grauted to me. the said power of sale and in pursuance of the statute The committee on grades and walks reported, dozen of it and every bottle has given tend to other parts of the body. After trying undersigned, by the Probate Court of Clinton in such case made and provided the said mortgage Chicago newspaper man, Sam Clover. A various remedies, I began taking Ayer ’s county, Michigan, on the 22d day of March, 1894, will be foreclosed by a sale of the premises therein recomending that a cross walk be constructed unique feature of this story is that it is to be satisfaction. Stedman & Friedman, Sarsaparilla, and, before I had finished the to sell real estate belonging to LEONARD GALE, described, at public auction, to the highest bidder, across Swegles street on the south side of named by Chicago school childiren after read ­ druggists, Minnesota Lake, Minn. 50 first bottle, I experienced great relief: the -* ceased, I will Bell at public auction to the high­ st the west front door of the Court House, in the McConnell street. second bottle effected a complete cure.” f est bidder on THE 14th DAY OF MAY, A. D., Village of Ht. Johns, in said County of ing. cent bottles for sale by Travis & Baker, 1894, at two o’clock p. at tbe dwelling house on Clinton, Michigan, (that being the place for On motion the report was accepted and This with the “Musical Supplement." a new Druggists. 50-4 Ayer’s Sarsaparilla the premises for sale the following described pre­ tbe holding of the Circuit Cburt for said adopted. art featule, makes The Sunday Inter Ocean a mises to-wit: Tbe northeast quarter of tbe south­ county) on MONDAY, THE 14th DAY OF MAY- Answer® to Correspondent. Prepared by Dr. J. O. Ayer A Oo., Lowell, Mass. east quarter of the southeast quarter of section 1894, at 12 o’clock noon of said day, which said The committee on petitions reported that most interesting and welcome vistitor for number thirty-four (84) in Township of DeWltt, Farmer —Yes, South Dakota furnishes premises are described in said mortgage as: tto they found the liquor bonds of Chas. B. Inger­ every member of the family. Cures others,will cur© you Clinton County, 8 tate of Michigan. north half of the south east quarter and tbe norta soll, Alfred J. Vauconsant. Frank Vauconsant an excellent field for diversified farm­ Dated, March 22d. 1894. east quarter of the south west quartri of section and Frank Waters correct in form, the sureties A color study of “By the Bay Shore.” a full- ing. Wheat, corn, barley and flax are JAMES CORTBIGHT, eighteen (18), town six (6' north of raDge three £3) page wood-engraving of “Vis First Catch," a produced in abundant quantities and Administrator, with the will annexed, of tbe west, containing one hundred and twenty (i£6) sufficient and recommended their approval. California In Sjj Days. estate of Leonard Gall, deceaaed. 49-7 acres ofland. according to the United States survey, On motion the report was accepted. number of "Sea-Coast Sketches,” some draw ­ find a ready market at good prices, County of Clinton, Michigan. ings of “Goldfish." and a group of oysters while the cost of production is much From the snow-clad regions of the Dated, February 8 , 1894. On resolutions the liquor dealer's bonds of ortgage sale —default having Frank Waters, Frank Vauconsant, Alfred J. arranged as “A Study of Still Life,” give rather less than in Eastern States. Stock rais­ East to the delightful semi-tropical GEORGE W. STONE, Receiver, climate of California is a matter of only been made in the conditions of a certain A. F. Rouse . Assignee. Vauconsant and Clias. B. Ingersoll were a marine flavor to the April issue of The Art ing and wool growing have become suc­ Mmortgage, made by James Sweeney and Maiy A. Attorney for Assigneee, 43-18 Amateur. The number is by no means all cessful industries in South Dakota, a few days ’journey if the North-Western Sweeney, and Elmer C. Brown ami Ida U. Brown approved. to Frances E. Grisson, dated November 5th, 1890, Trustee Palmer moved that the president "water," however —The Art Amateur never where thousands of acres of the finest Line is used for the trip. Palace Draw­ ing Room Sleeping Cars leave Chicago and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds ortgage sale .—default having appoint a committee of one to purchase a suffers one branch of art to dominate others in land in the United States can be secured for Clinton County, in Michigan, on November tith, been made in the cenditions of a certain small table for the use of the marshall. its columns. “Easter Lilies” make a double ­ at reasonable figures and upon long daily and run through to California 1890, in liber 72 of mortgages, on pago 503; on mortgage,M executed by Polly Ann Darla (formerly page illustration. "La France Roses” form one time for deferred payments. Further without change, covering the distance which mortgage there is claimed to be due at the Sbulters.) of Clinton County , Michigan, to Samuel The motion carried. in the marvelously short time of 3} date of this notice, fifteen hundred and seventy- 8 . Walker and Edwin E. White, comprising tha The president appointed the marshall as of the color supplements, and there Is “A information will be cheerfully furnished seven dollars and thirty-nine ceuts, besides an firm of Walker A White, of St. Jobes. Michigan, such committee. Study of Narcissus,” besides articles on Flower free of expense by addressing Harry days, and all meals enroute are served attorney fee of thirty-live dollars ^stipulated in said dated the twenty-fifth day of June, eighteen hun ­ Trustee Wolcott moved that the janitor be Painting, Landscape Painting, Hints on Mercer, Michigan Passenger Agent, 82 in dining cars. Daily Tourist Sleeping mortgage to be paid should auy proceedings be dred and eighty-nine, and recorded in the office of Car service is also maintained by this taken to foreclose said mortgage; and no suit or the Register of Deeds for the County of Clinton, in Instructed to purchase one dozen spittoons Sketching, etc., etc. All of the regular depart ­ Griswold Street, Detroit, Mich. proceeding at law or in equity having been insti ­ the State of Michigan, in Liber 71 of Mortgages, on for board room and firemen ’s hall. ments are, as usual, more than abundantly line between Chicago and San Francisro tuted to recover any part ot tbe debt secured by and Los Angeles, and every Thursday said moitgage ; therefore, by virtue of the power of page 332 on the twenty-fifth day of June, A. D. The motion carried. represented: Painting from Still Life and on All coins minted at Charlotte, N. C., sale in said mortgage contained, and of the statute eighteen hundred and eighty-nine ; upon which Trustee Palmer offered the following resolu­ Tapestry, China and Glass, in Oil, Water- the party is personally conducted by an mortgage, as part of the principal sum thereof, and bear in addition to all other marks the in such case made and provided, notice Is hereby for tne interest over due on a certain other mort­ tion; it was supported by Trustee Kniffin: Color and Pastel, Modelling in Clay, Pyro- letter C; those at Dahlonega the letter experienced excursion manager. Com given that on JUNE 30th, 1891, at one o'clock in gage therein mentioned, paid under tbe terms of pletely equipped berths in Touris-t tbe afternoon, at the west front door of the Court Resolved, that whereas in a communication graphy, Embroidery, etc., etc., and thg large D; those at New Orleans the letter O; House, for Clinton County, in Michigan, in the this mortgage by the mortgagee hereof, there is size Supplements of Practical Working Sleepers are furnished at a cost of only due, at the date of this notice, the sum of fifty- from the A. P. Cook Co. (Limited), per those at Carson City, C C; those at San Village of St. Jobns, in said county, there will be eight dollars and fifty-one cents ($58.51,) and no Percy T. Cook to the Village of St. Johns, Designs in pretty nearly every department of (6.00 each from Chicago to the Pacific Bold at public vendue, to tbe highest bidder, the Francisco, S. Coast, thus affording a most favorable premises described in said mortgage, viz : Tbe suit or proceedings at law or in equity having been there was offered the w M of the s e H, section applied art. The pungent comments on the east half of (he northeast quarter of section fifteen, instituted to recover any part thereof; notice is 4, township 7 n of range 2 w, in Michigan, for art-interests of the moment make the "Note opportunity for making the journey in a therefore hereby given, that tbe said mortgage will A western geologist states after care­ and the northwest quarter of the northwest quarter be foreclosed by a sale of the premises contained the consideration of three thousand five hun ­ Book” as entertaining as ever. (35 cents.) comfortable and at the same time of section fourteen, all in township five north, of in such mortgage, or so much thereof as shall be ful observation that rich beds of gold, economical manner. Variable route range one west, in Michigan. necessary to satisfy the amount due on such mort­ dred dollars ($3,500) by the said A. P. Cook Montague Marks, Publisher, 23 Union Square, Dated, April 5th, 1892. New York. copper, coal, cement, marble, aluminium excursion tickets, taking in all principal gage, with ten per cent, interest, and legal costa, Co.(Limited), per Percey T. Cook, that this FRANCES E. GRISSON, together with an attorney fee of fifteen dollars, Board hereby accepts said offer of the above and silicate clay abound in large quan­ oints of interest, are sold at exceeding- Perrins A Baldwin , Mortgagee. convenanted for therein ; that is to say, the follow, described land for the sum above named, upon School Exhibit at the St. John ’s Fair. tities in Wyoming Rj low rates. Illustrated pamphlets Attorneys for Mortgagee. 50-12 ing piece or parcel of land situate in Clinton Coun ­ descriptive of the Mid-Winter Fair and ty, Michigan, viz : all of that part of the west half the company's furnishing a good and sufficient (wte) of the west half (w}..j) of the northwest quarter title free from all encumbrance and upon the At the St. Johns fair, in 1802, a fine exhibit By using Hall’s Hair Renewer, gray, full information concerning rates, dministration sale .—notice is faded, or discolored hair assumes the routes, etc., will be mailed free upon hereby given that In pursuance and by 4) of section thirty-two (32) in township eight cancelling and surrender of the contract now of school work was presented for inspection virtueA of license and authority granted to me, the (8 ),north of range oue(l) west and containing thirty*- existing between the Village of St. Johns and natural color of youth, and grows luxu­ application to W. A. Thrall, General one and one-halt (31%) acres of laud, be tbe same and I believe it created a great interest in undersigned, by tbe Probate Court for the County more or less. The same lyir g north of the center the A. P. Cook Co. (Limited), and upon the educational work, and the Agricultural Society riant and strong, pi easing everybody. Passenger and Ticket Agent Chicago & of Clinton, Stale of Michigan, on tbe 5th day of North-Western R’y, Chicago, Ill., if you April, A. D., 1894, to sell real estate belonging to of Maple River. The said sale at Public Vendue, presentation of an abstract of title. will be pleased to again give us space for an JESSE M. STICKLES, deceased, I will sell at to tbe highest bidder, will take place at the west Resolved, That the president and clerk be mention this publication. front entrance to the Court House in the Village of educational exhibit in 1804. The plan is to public auction to the highest bidder on THE 26th St. Jonns, in Clinton County, Mich., (said place instructed to draw an order in favor of the place before the people specimens of the work AINT cracks.—It DAY OF MAY, A. D., 1894, at one o’clock p. m., Persons who are subject to attacks of at tbe dwelling house on the premises to be sold being the place of holdiDg the Circuit Court for president for thirty-five hundred dollars to pay done in the school rooms to stimulate an often costs more to prepare a and hereafter described, tbe following described said county), on tbe 28th DAY OF APRIL, A. D. for the said land, above mentioned, in accor­ interest in our rural schools. bilious colic can almost invariably tell 1894, at ten o’clock in tbe forenoon. This sale will premises, viz., the undivided one half of lands be made subject to the balance'yet to come due dance with the above resolution. The first division of work for exhibit may be houseP for repainting that has been by tbeir feelings, when to expect an situated on the south fraction of the northeast attack. If Chamberlain ’s Colic, Cholera quarter of section eight in township of DeWltt, upon the said mortgage or which may by the terms The resolution prevailed. made by any school, rural or village, and may painted in the first place with cheap and Diarrhoea Remedy is taken as soon County of Clinton, State of Michigan, and com­ thereof come due thereunder. Yeas—Trustees Kendrick, Kenyon, Kniffin consist of photographs of school buildings and mencing four rods north and twelve rods west from Dated St. Johns, Mich., January 23, A. D. 1894. and Palmer and President Vaughan—5; nays graduating class. ready-mixed paints, than it would as these symptoms appear, they can the northwest corner of the DeWltt grist mill, and WALKER A WHITE, ward off the disease. Such persons running thence north eight rods, thence west two Edwin E. White, Mortgagees. —Trustee Wolcott—1. Second division, for rural^and village schools to have painted it twice with strict­ should always keep the Remedy at rods, thence north ten rods, thence weet aix rods, Attorney for Mortgagee. On motion the Board adjourned. of two teachers: ly pure white lead, ground in pure hand, ready for immediate use when thence south eighteen rods, thence east te place or D ewitt ii. hunt . 1 Map of Michigan, locating mountains, beginning. ortgage sale —default having production and cities. linseed oiL needed. Two or three doses of it at the Dated, April 5th. 1894. been made in th* conditions of that mort­ Village Clerk. right time will save them mnch Buffer­ ALBERT ROUSE gageM made by Emma E. Clark to Miner R. Frink, 2. Map of United States, locating as in map ing. For sale by Travis & Baker 50-4 Administrator of the estate of Jesse M. Stickles, dated January 7tb, 1891, and recorded in the offica How to Make Dairying Pay. of Michigan. deceased. 51-7 of tbe registerof deeds for Clinton county, in Mich, 3. Maps of Clinton county, locating town ­ Pure Office of igan, on January 7th, 1891, In liber 72, of mort* Strictly gages, on page 592: on which mortgage there 1* J. F. GREER, A very small but attentive audience gathered ships, lakes, rivers, towns and writing a short County Judo *. ROBATE ORDER.-STATE OF MICHIGAN claimed to be due at tbe date of this notice, one description on| paper, which may be attached Clinton County, ss. At a session of the Pro­ hundred and thirty dollars and twenty-five cents, at the Court House, last month, to Grkkn Cove Springs . Clay Co., Pbate Court for the County of Clinton bolden at to the map. Fla ., Msy 23d, 1891. besides an attorney fee of thirty-five dollars, stip­ listen to Professor Clinton B. Smith, of the M. Lead Gentlemen ; the Probate Office, in the village of St. Johns, on ulated in said mortgage to be paid should any 4. Maps illustrating historical epochs. White Saturday, the 7th day of April, in the year A. C., on "Dairying for Profit.” The professor Twenty-three years ago I was attacked with in- proceedings be taken to foreclose said mortgage; forms a permanent base for repaint ­ one thousand eight hundred and ninety-four. and no suit or proceeding at law or in equity hav ­ was introduced by Mr. E. P. Waldron, of St. 5. Complete set of examination papers of flamatory rheumatism, I waa attended by the most Present, Charles M. Merrill, Judge of Probate. any grade above the third. eminent physicians in the lend, I visited the great ing been instituted to recover any part of the debt Johns, by a few well chosen remarks. Gen ing and never has to be burned or Saratoga Springs, N. Y., end the noted Hot Springs In the matter of the Estate of GERTIE BAKER secured by aaid mortgage,therefore, by virtue of erally speaking, the professor said, the place to 6. Five sentence diagrams. scraped off on account of scaling of Arkansas, and many other watering places, and AND LUELLA BAKER, minors. On reading and the power of sale in said mortgage contained, and Primary work— filing the petition duly veritind, of William H. of the statute in such case made and provided, make butter is in a factory, but, in as much as or cracking. It is always smooth always consulting with the local physician for di ­ Raker, guardian of said minora, praying that he 7. Samples of kindergarten work, rections; finally came to Florida ten years ago. notice is hereby given that on MAY 5th, 1894, at all farmers cannot sell to factories, I will give and clean. To be sure of getting About two years ago I had s severe attack ot may be licensed to sell the real estate of his said one o’clock in the afternoon, at the west front door formula for making butter in private daries: 8. Samples of busy work. rheumatism, waa confined to my room for twelve wards. of the oourt bouse, for Clinton county, in Michi­ 9. Five samples of language work. strictly pure white lead, purchase Thereupon it is ordered, that Thursday, the 3d gan, in the Village of St. Jobns. in said county, From one to three cows would set in shallow week* and during the time I waa induced to try day of May, A. D., 1894. at one o’clock in the 10. Five samples of number work. P. P. P., [Prickly Ash, Poke Root sod Potassium, J there will be sola at public vendue to the highest pans; four to six, cold, deep setting; ten to any of the following brands: knowing that each ingredient was good for lm- afternoon, be assigned for the hearing of said bidder, the premises in said mortgage described, fifteen, a baby seperator, No. 3. Always set All work must be marked with the name of “Aaohor,” “Morley,” purities of the blood, after using two small bottles I petition, and that tne next of kin of said wards viz : The west half of the northeast quarter of township, number of district and name of “ Eckstein," ** Shipman,” was relieved ; at four different tin. »s since I have and all other persons Interested in said estate, are section thirteen, in township six north, of range milk as quickly as possible, after milking, in had slight attacks and I have each time taken two requlri J to appear at a session of said court then to two west, in Michigan. Said sale will be made water below 40° In summer and 45° in winter teacher, and written with pen. “ Armstrong * McKelvy,” “ Southern," be ho* Jen at tne Probate Office, in the Village of subject to the payment of the remainder of said small bottles of P. P. P., and been relieved, and I St. Joans and show cause, if any there be, why the Let it stand 12 hours if below 40° and 24 hours Village schools of more than two depart ­ “ Beymer-Baaman,” “ Bad Baal,” consider it the best medicine of its kind. mortgage not yet due. ments will be invited to make special exhibits Respectlully, prayer of tbe petitioner should not be granted. Dated February 7th, 1894. if above 45®. All the butter fat will seperate “ Davis-Chambers,” “Collier,” And it is further ordered, that notice be give a to Examination work and diagrams should be “ Fahnestock." J. F. GREER. MINER R. FRINK, from the milk by cold, deep setting for four or RHEUMATISM the persons interested in said estate, of tbe pendency Pberins A Baldwin , Mortgagee. upon paper 10x12 inches. All maps should For Colors .—N ational Lead Co.’s Pure of said petition and the hearing thereof by caus­ five months after cows calve ; but as a general White Lead Tinting Colors, a one-ponnd can Is emphatically a blood disorder caused by In ­ Attorneys fot Mortgagee. 42-12 be upon bristol board, size 11x14 inches or ing a copy of this order to be published in Tint thing, after that it is impossible to get the to a a5-pound keg of Lead and mix your own ability of the kidneys to throw off certain poisons Clinton Republican , a newspaper printed and paints. Saves time and annoyance in matching butter fat without the use of a seperator. 22x28 inches. Each school should present which accumulate In the tissues about the joints circulating in said County of Clinton, for three the work of each group complete if possible. shades, and insures the best paint that it Is pos­ and muscles. successive weeks previous to said day of hearing. ortgage sale .—default having Keep the cream below 60° until you have sible to put on wood. . . . P. P. P., very simple, quickly and surely cures 61 3 CHARLES M. MERRILL, been made In the conditions of a certain enongh for churning, then warm up to 85°, Uniform paper will be provided at cost. If Send us a postal card and get our book on this disease neutralising impurities in the blood. mortgageM made by Henry W. Clark and Ann Clark paints und color-card, free; it will probably save (A true copy.) Judge of Probate. add one quart of starter to 25 quarts of cream; any school has difficulty in obtaining the Experfcnoe and science both endorse P. P. P., as to Uemy B. Lowrey, dated October 28, 1885, and paper specified they may use cheaper paper. you a good many dollars. the only infallible blood purifier known. Sold by recoided in the office of the Register of Deeds for stir thoroughly. To prepare a fresh starter NATIONAL LEADICO. M. McDonald A Co. 50-4 T>ROBATE ORDER -STATE OF MICHIGAN, Clinton County, in Michigan, on October 30, 1885, take sweet skim milk from a cow recently We shall expect some work from each school Chicago Branch, . County of Clinton, ss. At a session of the in liber 49 of mortgages, on page 639; on which in Clinton county and we desire this work by Probate Court for the County of Clinton, holden at calved, if possible, beat to 00° and keep in an State and Fifteenth Streets, Chicago. mortgage there Is claimed to be due at tbe date of the last of May. the Probate Office, in the Village of St.Johns, on this notice, thirteen hundred and eighteen dollar* airtight vessel for 24 hours at that temperature. Friday, tho 20th day of April, in the year and sixty-three cents, besides an attorney fee of Churn the cream when ripe, using your own Lord Byron said: “Whatmen want is not one thousand eight hundred nnd ninety-four. twenty-five dollars, stipulated in said mortgage to talent, it is purpose; in other words, not the Preeent, Charles M. Merrill, Judge of Probate. lodgment as to that stage. Cream is ripe when be paid should any proceedings be taken to fore­ power to achieve, but the will to labor.” In the matter of the estate of ERN8 T F. close said mortgage; and no suit or proceeding at it has a velvety appearance, but do not let it MAIER, deceased. On reading and filing the Teachers, if I may have your earnest efforts law or in equity having been instituted to recover get loppered. Be sure to have temperature petition duly verified of Roee E. M. Maler praying any part of tbe debt secured by said mortgage: in this matter, I shall have no doubts as to the that she, or some other suitable person may be therefore, by virtue of tbe power of sale In said right when churn is started and never try to appointed administratrix of said estate. mortgage contained, and of tbe statute in such case results. R. M. WINSTON, Thereupon it Is ordered, that Thursday, the 17th churn without a thermometer. Churn at 80° Commissioner of Schools. made and provided, notice is hereby given that on or below even if it takes longer; churning day of May, A. D. 1894, at ene o’clock in tbe JUNE 2nd, 1894, at one o'clock in the afternoon, efternoou, be assigned for the heariDg of aid at the west front door of the Court House for Clin- above 80° means a loss of fat in the butter­ Kler Hardle. etition, at the Probate Office, In the Village of St. ton County, in Michigan, in the Village of SC. ohns. . milk. Be sure to stop the churn when the Kier Hardie, the labor unionist mem* PALAOB 8TBAMBR9. LOW RATS*. S Johns, in said County, there will be sold at publie granules are no larger than half kernels of And it Is ftirther ordered, that notice be given to vendue to the highest bidder, tbe premises in said ber of parliament, is no fool despite his CLEVELAND, the persons interested in said estate, of the time mortgage described, viz: Tbe east half of the south­ wheat ;draw off the butter-milk through a and place of said bearing by causing a copy of east quarter of section twenty-five, in township hair sieve over which is spread a piece of sartorial eccentricities and his dia­ _ 1 IQ PITTSBURG, _ this order to be published in the Clinton Repub - five north, of range one west, in Michigan. tribes against constituted society. His lican , a newspaper printed and circulating in said Dated, March 6th, 1894. cheese cloth; wash in water at 65° or below, ■ If BUFFALO and MARCADO! Connty of Clinton, for three successive weeks pre­ ■ \/ ALL POINTS EAST HENRY R. LOWREY, using plenty of water and allowing the butter enemies tried to deposit him in a cavity (Standard No. 13133) vious to said day of hearing. Pekrins A Baldwin . Mortgagee. to stand five or six minutes in the last wash not long ago by procuring a firm of 1-3 CHARLES M. MERRILL, Atty ’s. for Mortgagee. 46wlS RVBRY RVRNINQ RRTWRRN Bay Stallion, black points, 16 hands. (A true copy.) Judge of Probate. water. If the butter granules are of the proper clothiers to offer him a suit of clothes Will be at Miller’s Feea Barn, St. Johns, size it is rarely necessary' to wash in more than free, calculating to expose the trans ­ Tnesday and Wednesday of each week ROBATE NOTICE.—PROBATE COURT ortgage sale —default having two or three waters. In winter have the tem­ action to Mr. Hardie ’s confusion. That DETROIT# CLEVELAND until farther notice. For pedigree, ob­ Clinton County, sa. Notice is hereby given been made in the conditions of a certain perature of your last wash waterthesameasthe Pthat all claim* and demands against the estate mortgagefoM dated December 28d, 1892. executed by gentleman, however, knew his men, and Connecting with earliest trains at Cleveland tain a card from J. Fairman, groom in PRUDENCE MOLET, deceased, will be heard by Alexander Molet and Olive Molet to John Hcriven, temperature of the room in which the butter is in reply expressed his willingness to ac­ for all points East, South and charge. Fee (10 to insnre a colt the Judge of Probate of said county at tha Probate and recorded, January 3d, 1893, in tbe office of tha to be worked. In summer, unless yon have a Southwest. O B. CAMBELL, M. D.. Office in tbe Village of St. Johns, on tne 20tb Register of Deeds, tor Clinton County, in Michigan, cool butter room, use water at least 4° cooler cept the clothes if the firm would agree Sunday Trip® June, July, August and September Only day of October, A. D. 1894, and that the In liber 83 of Mortgages, on page 113, on which to pay its employees the union rate of Owner, Ovid, Mich. creditors ot said deceased are allowed six mortgage there is claimed to be due at the date 0€ than your room. aV’Thls horse carried oft two first preminms at months from tbe date of this notice in which to this notice, one thousand and eleven dollars and The successful dairyman, like the successful wages in the future. That closed the in ­ Noun Tales pan Wsaa Bsvwssn SI. Johns and one first premium at Owtsso. Will be present their claim* for ad juatment. eleven cents, besides an attorney fee of fifteen businessman, must stand on a firm found ­ cident. —London Letter. st DeWltt Thursdays and Fridays; Ovid Saturdays Dated, April 19th, 1894. dollars stipulated in said mortgage to be paid, should * <. and Mondays. CHARLE8 M. MERRILL, any proceedings be taken to foreclose said mort­ ation. First, the man must have a good 1-4 Judge of Probate. gage; and no suit or proceeding at law or in equity business sense and have faith in his business. Corduroy Portiere*. TOLEDO, DETROIT*# MACKINAC having been instituted to recover any part of the Second, his cows must be dairy cows, not beef Corduroy promises to be a great fa­ PETOSKEY, THE “ SOO,” MARQUETTE, oTXTE OF MICHIGAN.—THE CIRCUIT debt secured by said mortgage, now therefore, by AND DULUTH. AN HONEST MAN O Court for the County of Clinton. InChancery. virtue of the power of sale in said mortgage con­ and milk combined, but strictly milk; always vorite, both for hangings and for the Cornelia Weet vs. Browning West, Clinton County tained, and of the statute In such case made and using the Babcock test to weed out the poor coverings of divans and chairs. In some Two new steel passenger steamers have just Wantrd —to sell onr STANDARD Teas. Coffees, ss. Suit pending in the Circuit Court for the provided, notice Is hereby given that on THE 12tn cows. Wonld advise dehorning the cows, and been built for our Upper Lake Route, costing Spices, etc., to consumers. These goods sell them­ County of Clinton at the Village of St. Johnson DAY OF MAY, 1894, at one o'clock in the after­ of its newest forms it is strikingly hand ­ $3«<,ooo each. Send for illustrated pamphlet. selves after one trial. Big profit to agents. Write the 24th day of April, A. D. 1894. It satisfactorily noon, at the west front door of the Court House if the heifer calves are raised, would remove some, showing figures of a lighter tone Address, for circular. IMPERIAL TEA CO., 88 Cadillac appearing to this court by affidavit on file that the for Clinton County, in Michigan, in the Village of the horns with caustic potash. Would also A. A. SOHANTZ. a. a. * ▼. a. Square, Detroit, Mich. 41-62 defendant, Browning West, is not a resident of this St. Johns, in said County, there will be sold at advise having the cows calve in the fall, from upon a ground of the same color, and in OHTROIT, MIOH. state but is a resident of Watertown in the State of iubllc vendue to tbe highest bidder the premises even the familiar plain it is both good New York. On motion of Jason E. Nichols, com- n said mortgage described, viz. :the north half of September to December. Third, feed and care THE DETROIT & CLEVELAND STEAM NAV. CO, Legal. lalnant ’s solicitor, it is ordered that the said rthe northeast quarter of section four, in town ­ of cows—For twelve or fifteen cows, would and desirable. For portieres it is espe­ Seiendant. Browning West, cause his appearance ship five, north |of range two west; also the south build a silo, which can be built for about $1.60 cially to be commended, as it takes rich, ST. JOHNS MARKETS. to be entered and within four mouths from this hair of lot four, In block two. In the VlllageofSt. ROBATE NOTICE.—PROBATE COURT, date, and In caa* of his appearance that he cause Johns, In Clinton County, all in the State of Michi­ per ton, capacity. Next to ensilage, clover- deep folds and gives just that sense of Grain quotations are furnished by the St. Johns E County of Clinton, ss. Notice is hereby given hla answer to the complainant ’s 4>ill of complaint gan. hay and corn-fodder well cured, and corn, warmth and freedom from draft that is wheat houses every Wedneedsy, end are for the that all claims and demands against the estate toof be filed and a copy thereof to be served on said Dated, February 18th, 1894. ANDREW C. McVEIOH, deceased, will be heard by JOHNSCRIVEN, oats and bran with a little oil-meal as a grain to be desired. prices paid that day. the Judge of Probate of said county at the Probate complainant ’s solicitor within 20 days alter the Wheat, white...... „...... 63 service on him, of a copy of said bill and notice of Pkbrins A Baldwin , Mortgagee. ration. In winter, keep cows in a warm place, Office in the Village of St. Johns, on THE 20th this order and that In default thereof said bill be Attorneys for Mortgagee. 4A-18 never allowing them out but few minutes at a Wheat, red ...... _...... ss1 DAY OF OCTOBER, A. D„ 1894, sad that the Too Much of a Bow. Buckwheat...... 4W creditors of said dsosased are allowed six moetbs taken aa confessed by said non-resident defendant. time. In summer prepare some green food And la is ftiither ordered that within 20 day* after SirWilliam Fraser tells a good story Oats...... -...... 84c from the date of this notice la which to present ROBATE NOTICE.—PROBATE COURT, like sweet corn in times of drought. Fourth, Beans ...... — ...... 11.00 to 11.20 per bush their claims for adjustment. the data hereof the said complainant cause a notice of this order to be published in the Clinton R e­ Clinton County, sa. Notice is hereby given of Brigham Young and “The Lady of Live Poultry —Chickens, Dueks and Gases...... 8 c Dated April 19th, a . D. 1894. P is the manufactured product. Make the butter Lyons. ” Young took his wives to see a Live Turkeys...... „.7 c CHARLES M. MERRILL, publican , a newspaper printed, published and that all claim* and demands against the estate of as the market demands it, whether with or Dressed Chickens ...... —...... 7c 1-4 Judge ef Probate. circulating in aaid county, and that such publica­ SYLVIA L. BURLESON, deceased, will be heard without salt or with or without butter color. performance of Lytton ’s play at Salt Dressed Beef...... 84.00 tion be continued therein at least once in each by the Judge of Probate of said county at tba Lake City. When the agony was piled Butter as to quality...... 10916c per week far six weeks In succession, or that ah* cause Probate Office in the Village of 8 t. Johns on th* Try and secure a good customer for your 29th 1894, ■cn ...... • lie psrdos THOS. 9. SPRAOUH * SOW, a copy of this order to be personally served on said DAY OF SEPTEMBER, A. D„ and that butter at remunerative prices. up, he rose, and, followed by his spouses, Lard ...... — — , ...... —.7008 per A ' ttovasys tad Solid tan at Pa* non-resident defendant at least 20 days before the the creditors of said deceased are allowed six •O, United States tad feraifa- above time perscribed for his appearance. months from the date of this notice in which to A good many questions were asked the left the theater, exclaiming, “I won't Potatoes...,.,,..______40080c H present thetr claim tor adjustment. I , _ ■- m warr . 8 , B. DAB0LL, professor daring his talk which he quickly stand such an infernal row being made Hav(loose)...... $7.00 per ton i CoeCowoBsaa Sraswr, DETROIT, J A SON E NICNOLS, Circuit Judge. Dated, March 29th, A. D., 1894. answered. The professor showed samples of about one woman {"—Argonaut. _____ Clover Seed ...... $5.00 MICH. Kstahtlehed Complainant ’* Solicitor, 1^7 CHARLES M. MERRILL, ______MIC 50-4 Judge of I’robste. ST. JOHNS REPUBLICAN, THURSDAY APRIL. 20, 1894. i poison, in tho way of economic and REPUBLICAN MATTERS. financial heresies, supplemented by an idiotic foreign policy, that a FREE! AMERICA’S GREATNESS. quarter of a century of purging will Glorious Victories Won Under the Policy scarcely be sufficient to enable it to of Protection. again resume its normal functions. ” DR. HOLMAN S. HUMPHREY The Associated Press dispatches The mosshack is an old man and ho brought the news from Berlin a low was making an open confession, and FREE! days since that Emperor William un open confession is always good for The Great English Physician and Surgeon, looks with anxioty upon the wonder ­ the soui. ful strides which America has mado Known to almost every household in Michigan as the D octor that Cures after all under the impulse of the protective FAITHFUL TO DEMOCRACY. Others have Failed , Examination of Patients at Hotels . policy. Tho unbounded resources of Governor Flower Ha* no Time to Devote The chronic afflicted. In order to huve tho best skill of tho Noted Specialist, must either go to tueh specialist, or the FIRST PRIZE Specialist mutt go to them. Statistics show thut, among all chronic sufferers, not more than one In live hundred ever go this country ho deems a standing to the Troy Election Murder. to the larger cities to receive treatment; tills fact is owing mainly to two reasons: First, the terrible dread tho sick have menace* to European trade and in ­ One of the least respectable Demo­ of leaving homo and going Into tho turmoil, noise and confusion of a grout city, und the worry and exhuustlon incident to travel. Kecond, the grout expense of the trip und tho unreasonable prices charged for examination and treatment by dustry. He favors a common stand crats In the United States to-day is tho city specialists. It Is a notorious fact that chronic diseases are so distinct from acute ones that the regular practi­ $60 against the McKinley policy, direct ­ Roswell P. Flower, governor of New tioner, as a rule, wants nothing to do with them, und if sutlstled with his Income, will frankly say so, hence the neces ­ sity of the specialist; and that he shall put himself where those patients uururct by their Family Yiortor may see him ed us ho says it is, against all York. This man, who once actually and receive first-class treatment, although uuublo to visit the city to secure a like 'quality of skill. The fact that a city Bedroom Europe. To bring about such a had his eye on the presidency as a specialist visits your county seat, and receives • and prescribes for patients at your best hotel does not in tho least detract combined opposition is said to be from his skill, honesty, integrity or respectability. For If a man Is a gentleman at home lie Is a gentleman every ­ possibility, has found content in where, although occasionally a hungry doctor will caution a sick man or woman to keep uway from us: that too In face of the Suit. Emperor William's ambition. sinking to the office of tool and apol­ fact that tho same sufferer 1dm been u patient of said doctor for months and often years, and paid him all the money he What is the meaning of this? says could rake and scrape and now finds himself worse off than at beginning of treatment, yet Is cautioned by this M. D. to ogist for Hill and Murphy and the look out for fraud and ignorance. Common decency would, at least, suggest silence on the part of such creatures. Does Dr. the Detroit Tribune. It is a proof other criminals of their stripe who Humphrey cure everybody? No! Does lie treat every case that goes to him? No! Most emphatically no! Hutho doescure a of what tho Republican party has greater percentage of cuses accepted for treatment than any spcc-lullst of our acquaintance. His business has assumed such SECOND PRIZE .manage the Democratic party in New gigantic proportions In Central Michigan that he hns found It an alrsoluto necessity to change his headquarters from Hills­ always claimed, that the protective York state. With a personal popu­ dale to Lansing, and to drop nil his Indluna and Ohio towns; thus in future confining his work, almost entirely to the great policy is distinctively American; larity that might have led him to State of Michigan. This enables everyone under his care to communicate with or see tho Doctor on short notice at all times. that its every end and aim is the ad ­ public honors on his own merits, $40 vancement of American interests; with every inducement to set up in ' ♦ that it asks, first what lends most to business for himself or at least to At St. Johns Thnrsdau, April 26 1894. One day only. Office —Parlors at the Hotel St. Johns Cook Stove the development of domestic re­ maintain a decent independence of D k . IIuMPiiitEY’s "G old Curb ’’ for Ca ­ earnestly requests all persons under t reat sources, possibilities and industries the bosses who have wreckod the tarrh , A sthua and all A fkkctions ok meat to write him often, us advice may . and then pursues with unliinching the Upper A ir Passages . This remedy I»e necessary week after week In order to nr With party, he deliberately chooses to do emliod!es all the “tonic" and "antiseptic ” push any given case on its rapidly as pos- determination the methods suggested the dirty work that the machine cuts properties of Gold , und Its curative pow­ sible.und a good common-sense st atement by the answer. It lays no tariff «er Is as near a “speclllc" for Catarrbul af- on the part of the patient by mail Is the out for him. This is Mr. Flower’s 4Bfc fectlons as It Is possible to produce, and next thing to a personal consultation. Jjp- Fixtures. duties simply for tho sake of a tariff, idea of fidelity to Democracy; but Tr when used In connection with the Doc- as has been often unjustly imputed tor's regular constitutional course of THOUSANDS OF MEN what tic thinks of himself as a man treatment and dietary, will cure any case All over the country are being slowly hied to it, but keeps its purpose in view ono may not inquire. of Catarrh: provided the sufferer will fol- to death year after year owing to the vl- tBJt —American advantage — and hence His latest performance in his 1 low Dr. Humphrey ’s instructions. When tal llulds passing off with tho url net water) Wp It Is understood that Catarrh in some They feel all run down, dragged out and To Be Given Away July 10 every grade of tariff is in ­ chosen role is to insult the people of T: form or of some part, is the foundation of whipped of energy and ambition, but ure Jl. cluded within its scope. If 1 Is Troy because they asked that he do four-Hfths of all chronic ailments and all unconscious of where the true cause of 3: tho failure to recognize und cure this. Is their trouble lies. Seeking relief from To the persons holding the larg­ to the advantage of America to what lay within his power to secure 4E»thu reason for so much disappointment the family doctor, they are treated for let in an article free, free it comes. the punishment of the recent elec­ 2- on the part of sufferers with long LVintl- Biliousness, Dyspepsia, Heart Troubles or 9 est number of coupons. These Ing affections fully explains why so few Rheumatism ami Kidney Disease, but to coupons are given by the follow­ Hence the McKinley tariff law con ­ tion murders in that city. In one Y are cured of their diseases. no purpose. They try patented nostrums, 9 tains the largest free list of any dis ­ sense the responsibility for that ter­ Tlio Doctor is surrounded with the fin ­ but those disappoint t hem. Those suffer­ 9 ing named firms with every 25c tinctively protective measure ever es', and most extensive collection of in ­ ers may Ik ? of all ages, from mere Iro.vs to rible crime rests directly upon Gov­ struments ever imported to this country advanced life, hut tho majority are mid ­ Cash purchase: enactea. If a low tariff is best, that ernor Flower himself. The people 9for examining and treating all forms of dle aged married men who have worked 9 is imposed. if a tari f virtually pro­ #chronic ailments of the head, face, eye. day and night, as you might say. for years of Troy had framed a law for the di ­ Car, throat, nose, chest, lungs, heart, sto­ nnd years. If such will come to me, and 9 Krepps, DeWitt & Co., Jewelers and hibitive will develop our own re­ rection of their municipal affairs and #mach. liver, spleen, kidneys, bowels, re­ bring a bottle of their urine. I will show Opticians. sources and enable our own capital­ productive organs, urinary organs, brain them the cause of their trouble. tho legislature passed it. Governor and nervous spstem, paralysis, rhunia- Clark & Ilulse, Clothiers. ists and artisans to supply our wants Flower vetoed it, presumably at the tlsin, sick headache, backache, tumors, THOUSANDS OF WOMEN X. Spaulding & Company. Hardware. in a certain line, then a prohibitive growths, joint diseases, piles, hip disease, Suffer the disappointments of a broken Tpk 4 instance of Senator “Ed ” Murphy, sciatica, skin diseases, ulcers und every down, benumbed, nervous system In their J. T. Cole plainly Judd, the Tailor. was an election contest under the felt at work in tho diseased parts very }f‘rite for TVivate Question List to j? tive system, for there is many an old system of fraud and thuggism at 9shortly after their use Is Iregun. They Lt'.yiiss, Private Question Litl to (let*- "Iff Travis A Baker, Prugs'and Wall Paper article of luxury, not produced in the polls, which ended with the mur­ are pleasant to take, mild but searching tlemen alto by request. 9 8t Johns Mercantile Co’s Shoe Dep’t 9In action, yet agree w ith the most delicate this country, on which the man of der of one Republican challenger and lady or child, do not reduce the strength, Wonderful Cures by my new Improved Heller & Spiro, Cigars. wealth can very justly be asked to 9ana can lie used while ut tlio usual occu­ method of treatment accomplished In the dangerous wounding ol another pation, as many patients still able for nervous disability, premature decline of Jjjjk F Schofield, Livery. pay a tax for the benefit of the pub­ by Murphy ’s gang. These are the bard work and close attention to business manly powers, and kindred affections, efF lic treasury. • are often slowly, surely, yet unconscious ­ which have been neglected or unskilfully Wood Bro’s, Flour. sort of occurrences that stir people ly dying, knowing themselves ill, yet de ­ treated. No experiments or failures. Pa- ™ 8 W Ingraham, Undertaker. The result of such policies in tho to action; and a citizens ’ committee ceived Into a false security, they procras­ Dr. WM S. HUMPHREY tlents treated by mall and medicines sent j|Ak past thirty years has been to show was formed to punish the criminals 9tinate und put off the matter until the Qtires ter pll Others pail. by express free from observation. ’*• E C Chadwick, Restaurant. European nations that America is case Is rendered incurable. The doctor W N Reddout, Meat Market. and restore the city to the privileges V practically independent of them for of a reign of law. These citizens FACTS foe MEN OF ALL AGES. fortunates arises not only from tho fact of the most scientific •S O G Plunkett, Photographer. subsistence and for nearly all the By reason of false-modesty the youth of our land are kept In and specific medicat ion known either In this or any other coun ­ D G Steel. Furniture. decided to implore the assistance of ♦fit ignorance of the serious results whlchcertain solltaiy and indis- try, but also to tho fact of tho direct Influence of his powerful luxuries of life: that all trade with Governor Flower. Not only did he T creet practices produce. These vices if persisted in eventually will upon the peculiar mental depressions always found In such H L Kendrick, Pry Goods. America must be conducted with ref­ W undermine the constitution, Induce nervous debility and early cases, bv which he Is enabled to infuse a part of his own energy refuse to even meet them, but they 7? decay, organic, weakness, premature loss of the manly powers, Into their hopeless lives. Were not all such cases held in tho ' I O P PeWitt, Grocer. erence to our advantage as well as were flagrantly insulted and threat­ involuntary loss of vital fluids, general prostration, and oft most sacred confidence the doctor could print letters from In addition to the above named gifts theirs; that wo have reached the * times imbecility and chronic epilepsy, of all maladies mulct­ thousands of grateful patients who have been cured, and are to­ ened with arrest and indictment for ing mankind there is probably none nlxmt which the common day perfect men, physically and mentully. Disease or debility to any other person holding 50 or more point where wo can go into the mar­ visiting his office. family doctor in general practice knows so little, yet nosufferers of tho reproductive organs of eltliersex rapidly destroys the en ­ tickets will be given a free ticket to an kets of the world with independence The whole Democratic party of 88 b need the attention of the experienced special 1st more than tli.-se, ergies of both laxly and mind, rolrs tho step of its elasticity, entertainment of high merit, about July as here we have to minister to a diseased Irody, a diseased mind, dims the bright eye, pales the cheek, dove I opes cowardice, mid and can dictate terms of mutual ad ­ this country soems to have gone mid imaginations filled with morbid desires and fearful appre­ often destroys the brightest intellect. Tho reproductive func ­ 10,1891. vantage, as is contemplated in the stark, raving mad. 6ays the St. Paul * hensions. Dr. Humphrey s unparalleled success with these un ­ tion is tho mainspring of animal life—preserve It ut ull hazards. reciprocity provisions of tho McKin­ Pioneer Press. The party is in a 3TPHYSTCAL EXAMINATION MANY BOOKS ARE WHITTEN UPON THIS SUBJECT, and thousands of bright, F ley law. Emperor William himself Itiuiuau LU\r\.l llivn 1 lUIll shilling Instruments are sold annually to Doctors for tho purpose of determining Jj TIME TABLE. sufficiently bad way in New York al­ 1 the kind and character of disease that afflict tho human family. Dr. Holman S. Humphrey hits long since passed the point ■ has felt the power of thoso provis ­ ready, as every local election shows. 88b where he has to undress the sick and thump, and stretch, pull twist, mid torment them until they are completely exhausted ii ions, and knows tneir force. Doubt­ VL in order to And a name to suit their condition, but with a power of penetration born of years of s’uily mid experience, he in- IN EFFECT.. Here was at least a chance to recover •> stiintly recognizes every phaze of disease severe enough to stamp its impress upon the face or form. Said a gentleman re- J less his imperial disposition would a little by showing an apparent sym­ 3: cently “A lady called upon Dr. Humphrey w ho only six months before was a perfect picture of henlih. The doctor lUcd up have been far better pleased with a pathy with the people and a desire •!*► kindly as the lady entered and said, 'I am sorry to tell you I do not want you for a patient.' 'Why.Vsalrt the lady, -There Is 8j NOVEMBER 19th, 1893. more one-sided arrangement of trade 3L not lIlUl'h the matter with me.’ Ah,’ says the Doctor, ‘I see an enemy in possession of the premises which I cannot dislodge. ’ ^ •af^xrairdU to help them in punishing crime. 88b After some good nutured bantering on tho part of the lady about her trifling disability she took her leave. I went the M relations and he would then have But Governor Flower, instead of ■ next week with her to tho city whore she consulted an eminent professor in a; noted mt-dlcnl college. This doctor had the ^

■£0 a •-00 ►* A P'A 2 -c ** « M been meditating loss on commercial • lady undressed to her waist nnd with a wonderful army of Instruments thumped every inch of her chest, front and rear and

£ oH •» • 25 ?- M ixed of Blaine ’s great scheme and Ameri­ N o. who are seeking to establish tho 25 ______r______hcr| au Sid 3 u Ex. cans should he tho last to find fault right of a man to go to the polls and T; home, l’oor child! In four months she was mouldering in her shroud. I)r. Humphrey saw all this at m glance many months 11 a. in. a. m. p. m p. m. with tho arrangement It is only 88» before. Health has Its features. Cl hath disease One may be known os readily as the other. The natural physician knows J ■mcruntT i.t 6 40 10 40 4 05 10 45 vote without endangering his life, 3: lH)th at sight. In alt their grades an-l appearances. Dlt. HOLMAN S. HUMPHREY possesses this pc-cullur power more ^ Milwaukee Junct 7 00 10 58 4 25 n 95 when a nation is independent that it are “dictatorial, ” and asserts that ho jb highly developed than any doctor we have ever known. m Pontiac...... 7 48 11 45 6 07 12 15 can make good trade bargains. As p. in. s. in. cannot spare time from “official bus­ «► TrOOtmont fill fYTnif flF tvnrnnn While It Is always preferable to see my patients, whero this is impossible, owing Holly...... 8 28 12 30 5 51 I 14 an individual pressod by necessities iness ” to talk with them. The next i I M R till lllflll III rXI’lfiSS to long distances, extreme weakness, or where the expenses of travel udded 9 1 12 6 30 2 13 i9 often driven to close bargains al­ election returns from Troy will be £ 11UUIU1UUI Ul| pJIUU U1 LAplUUU* to that of treatment Is an Item, I will, when requested by mall, with u stamp Durand leave ..... - 9 35 1 32 R 50 2 IS _ .... f enclosed for reply, send a printed question list concerning every condition and kind of disease which. If faithfully and correctly 10 on 2 03 7 17 2 45 together one-sided, so is a nation interesting reading. But we have not b answered, will enable mo to cure all curable diseases. Termsof treatment made known when question list Is returned. These O womo Junct. ar.. 10 at 2 05 7 20 2 50 that is a beggar unablo to hold its to wait for them. This act of the • lists must Ik ? signed, dated, post office and express office given, plainly written. Where parties art! not too far distant, six ounces Ownsso Junct. I’ve 10 15 2 15 7 30 3 95 6 95 L of urine In a clean IxUtle slriuld he sent by express, provided it can reach me within twelve hocus after being passed. Urine Ovid ...... 10 3") 2 31 7 47 3 32 6 60 own in the commercial crnflicts of governor ’s will rouse men to fury • fifteen hours old Is absolutely worthless for analysis, as It always decomposes, and those parties who ask patients to send their Sheparrfflville. 10 41 2 36 7 52 7 0.5 the world. F.ngland to-day, unable from ono end of tho state to the b water several hundred miles for .-*ni!'y>ds are either gulling themselves or someone else. Fresh urine gives the scholarly physician 8 b<» KT. JOHNS_____ 10 54 2 47 8 01 8 58 8 25 to feed herself, would be a valuable Information. Stale urlno Is worthless, except to frighten the Ignorant. The urine for analys s should bo saved during '•F Fowler—...... It 14 3 01 8 22 4 25 9 20 other, and give new weight and . the after part of the night and first l.i the morning. Tlio Ixittle should be absolutely clean, well corked, securely packed, and sent Ionia...... 11 49 3 31 8 55 5 08 11 49 beggar among nations if it velocity to tho avalanche of popular at the earliest possible moment by express to me. Express charges must ulwajrs be prepaid by the sender. p. rn p. in. was not for her colonies ENCLOSE STAMP Lowell—...... 12 17 4 00 9 24 5 46 1 25 condemnation that is getting ready FOR REPLY. Grand Rapid* ...... 12 50 4 45 10 00 6 35 2 30 and her navy. She watches her to crush the Democratic party out of Address Dr. HOW S. HUjHPHREY, 518 Grand Street, S., Lansing, mien. G. R. A I. Junct... 1 05 5 OO 10 to 7 05 commerce with a jealous eye and Ferrysburg...... 2 05 5 55 ...... 8 15 ...... existence. From President Cleve ­ 2 10 c 00 8 20 with her navy is constantly pushing land and the Democratic members of a. m. a. rn. a. m. her trade relations, for by those Chicago by Sir ar.. Durin K Na* congress down to every official in Milwaukee Sir ar.. igatloDOoly ..... — alone she survives. Free trade is every state where tho Democrats are izrmxoL. her best policy—that is free trade in the majority, each man seems to with hor—for it has never been Eng­ k, O___ s- i think that to be faithful to his party ajS’g 6 jf-e land's policy to encourago free trade is to declare war against honesty, - . 3 $SW ►> ” S X3 STATIONS. ? CM a- xo'? 2 tcO 2 ill <9 M 2 in any other directioa But America against decency in politics, against -•M X, can feed herself, and clothe herself, the business interests of tho country, 3 U a and defend herself, in fact, Amer­ D Ill a. in. p. 111. p. in. h . in. against the ordinary safeguards of Milwaukee Lr..... ijNar- icans could live without the help of life and property. Never was a party Chicago Lv —..... igalio nOulj European nations, although such has a. m. seen so terribly anxious to get a Grand Haven Lv 9 OO 2 in 7 45 never been the purpose of the Mc­ wor.-o beating than the bad one that Fer ryaburg...... 9 05 2 15 7 52 Kinley policy. Its purpose Is to put O. H. 4 I. JuncL... 10 95 8 12 9 10 is already assured. Grand Rapids ..... 6 45 10 28 8 25 9 15 u 45 the nation in a condition to do so, p. m. for then ODly can it advance its best Not Easily For rotten or Forgiven. Lowell______7 15 10 U 4 00 11 40 12 32 commercial interests, utiles* it de ­ •Mr. Cleveland is the only man Ionia...... 7 40 11 25 4 28 12 27 2 50 sires to emulate England's policy now in our public life who has made Fowler...... 8 09 11 52 5 02 1 17 4 30 p. m and contest with her thi doubtful a chapter in our political history BT. JOHNS...... 8 25 12 17 5 20 1 45 5 45 honor of being the bull-dozer of the that men of the next generation will bt»epttnli?ilie_..... 12 30 5 32 6 10 sea. recall.” writes “An Independent ” in Ovid...... „.... R 29 12 36 5 38 2 12 6 40 Owoaao Junction ... 8 57 12 .55 6 (HI 8 05 7 15 Such a scheme as Emperor Will­ the Forum. This is fundoubtedly Owosao...... 9 00 1 20 6 95 8 10 iam meditates will never materialize. true. While the henest men and Durand ar.. ____ _ 9 23 1 47 6 30 3 53 Durand leave. _ ... 9 35 European nations ’ cannot got to­ women during the last administra ­ . , . VIA ST. LOUIS . . . Molly______10 14 2 26 7 40 4 47 gether. America could not bo coerced tion of Mr. Cleveland had to submit Before Treatment. After Treatment. And oyer the following lines : Poatiac...... 10 53 8 05 8 25 5 87 Bator* Treatmant. After Treatment. Milwaukee Junct.. 11 82 8 48 9 95 « 30 in commercial warfare and any to the humiliation of being fed and Chicago A Alton from Alias DETROIT...... Ar 11 50 4 05 9 2S 7 00 other warfare would defeat the pur­ clothed by public oounty will be all Nervous Debility and Catarrh Cured. Blood Disease and Dyspepsia Cured. Thomas Minchin snys: ”1 was reduced to Major Him fie Id says: "I had Dyspepsia Iron Mountain Route ‘Chair Car. BuftefCar and Sleeping Car Service pose of the combination, intimate dead, they will certainly nave told a nervous wreck—only weighed 11H pounds. and Catarrh of the 8tomach for many . . from 8 t. LouU. Wealward —No. 11 hu Parlor Car attached (extra trade relations cannot he forced their children about it Yes, a peo­ The result of early abase was the cause. 1 years. To make matters worse I contract ­ charge 25 c to). Mo. 15 baa Parlor Buffet Car at­ upon us. In a commercial combina ­ ple remembers its misfortunes a loug had the following symptoms: Miserable ed a Constitutional Blood Direase. My Time, Schedule and Route of Through Car; tached Detroit to Grand Kapidi (extra charge 25 mentally and physically, melancholy, nerv ­ bones ached. Blotches on the skin looked eta). No. 81 haa Wasoner Steeper Detroit to tion against us wo would have an time. “An Independent ” is safely ousness, weakness, specks before the eyes, horrible. I tried sixteen doctors in all. Is. Chicago, via C A A...... 18:00 a m Grand Rapid*. dizzy, poor memory, palpitation of the A friend recommended Drs. Kennedy A Ht. Louts, via ST L, 1 M A 8 9:30 p m effective instrument of defense in within the bounds of probability when heart, flashing, cold hands and feet, weak Kergan. I began their New Method Treat­ Ar. Little Rock, via " ...... 2:T5 p m Kami ward —No, 14 haa Parlor BufTet Car attached our very reciprocity policy. We he says Mr. Cleveland's chapter will back, dreams and losses at night, tired in ment and in a few weeks was a new man Dallas, via T A P...... 7.05 a m Grand Rapid* te Detroit (extra charge 25 eta). the morning, pimples on the face, loss of with renewed life and ambition I can ­ Ft. Worth, tUT* P...... «:*>a m Ho. 18 ha* Parlor Gar attached (extra charge 25 could, if necessary, hold out to cer- ha* ^called in the next generation. ambition, burning sensation, kidneys weak not say too inach for those scientific doc ­ Peeoa City *' ...... 2:15 am eta). No. •2 haa Wagoner Sleeper Grand Rapid* taiu countries such tempting offers etc. Doctors could not care me; bat Drs. tors who hare been in Detroit for four­ Kl Paso " ...... 11:80 am te Detroit. Ko Republican Help for Kolb. Kennedy & Kergan by their New Method teen years. I conversed with hundreds of Lot Angeles, vis 80 Psc...... 4:00 p m JVO. W. LOUD, BEN FLETCHER, of trade relations as would break Treatment, cured me in a few weeks. I patients in their offices who were being TraCe Manager. Trav. Paaa. Agent the combination and set our oppo­ T*obulist Kolb of Alabama, is not weigh now 170 pounds. It is three yours cured for different diseases. I recommend . Try Tbs. jrue 50Uthern Route. THOMAS BROMLEY. Local Aeeot nents quarreling among themselves. tho right sort of a subject for North­ since I have taken their treatment. ” them as honest and reliable Physicians.” Historical, Picturesque and ladsn ern sympathy and aid. There may with the perfume of Flowers —FOR— But Emperor William’s scheme will never be tested in that way. The bo a slight excuse for Republicans in THE POPULAR and Tropical Fruit*. Northern Michigan, Ohio and all only use of his scheme is to show his state to vote for him for gover­ Winter Route to the Cosat Southern Points. haw potent has been the protective nor, or to make no nomination of Drs KENNEDY & KERGAN For maps, folder*, deacilptlvo matter, etc., apply te policy to make America the richest their own. for they have no chance The Celebrated Specialists of Detroit, Mloh. H. D. ARMSTRONG, TOLEDO to win. but there would be no excuse and most prosperous nation on the TREAT AND GUARANTEE TQ CURE R Trav. Paaa. A*ent. JACKSON, MICH| globe. It is feared, for its conquests, whatever for any Northern Republi­ Rbeumntism: Neuralgia; Nervous, niood and Bkin diseases. Stomach nnd Henrt dis ­ can to render him help of any sort eases; Tapeworm; Piles; Rupture: Impotency; Deafness; Disen>es of the Eye. Eer, not in war, but in peace. Nose and Throat; Epilepsy; Disenees of the Kidneys and Bladder; Errors of Yr uth; That project to raise money among Falling Manhood; Diseases of tho Bexuui Organs: Femalo Weakness; Diseases of Men and Women, and Chronic Diseases in general They cure when others fail1 An Open Confession. New England Republicans for Kolb’s gubernatorial canvass this year OT'ONIjY CURABI.B CA8BS ARK TAKEN FOR TREATMKXT Their V'CTO UETUfin An old mosshack Democrat in com- TKFATMFXT k°own the world over, is curing diseases of every Duff NlfiluUu montipg on the many-headed mis­ ought to fail.—St Louis Globe-Dem­ 1 HLrt I itl Lut 1 nature that has baffled heretofore the medical profession. They are not Direct Connection* at nwoaao Junction and Du­ ocrat ‘family doctors ’ — they make a specialty of Chronic and difiicnlt di rand with D O H A M K’7 . Train, takes of his party since its induction They guarantee to cure all Weakness of Men arising into office a little more than a year Clarrland ’a Precedent. DISEASES OF MEN.. from self abuse, later excesses or disease. Young TIME TABLE- man, yon need help. Dm. K. & K.1 will cure you. You mar have been treated by CAW I OBTAIN A PATENT » For • ago, "'mistakes almost as great,” he To Minister Stevens it seemed Quacks—consult Scientific Doctors. No cure, no pay. Consult them. prompt answer and an honest opinion, write te !■ effect March 25th, 1894. said, “as those committed just prior there was nothing to do, when Why suffer in silence? They can cure you. M U NN Ac CO., who have bad nearly fifty years' experience In Um patent business- Communica ­ GOING NORTH— Lr. Owoaae Jet. to tho war.” admitted a day or two American interests were in jeopardy, DISEASES OF WOMEN. ”Female Weakness. Barrenness, tions strictly confidential. A Handbook of In ­ Displacements. Irregularity, aand pairful periods cured in a short time. formation concerning I’ateeta and bow to ob­ Mi 05 A- M...... and...... f» so P. M ago that he did not expect to live to but protect those interests at any Renewed vitality given. Illustrated llook Free. Inclose stamp. tain them sent free. Also a catalogue of mechan ­ witness another national Democratic cost Had Mr. Cleveland l>eon in ical and aricnftflo book* seat free. Per Elate. Aabley, Ithaca. St. LouU. Alma, ML CPFriil MCFACFC 5permatorrh«s, Varicocele, dlest. Unnatural Pal ants taken through Munn A Co. receive Pleaaant, Clare, Cadillac and Frankfort. victory. “The Democracy has not Mr. Stevens ’ place it would have OlLUAL UIjL AdLj. Discharges, Private diseases, Stricture, Syph­ special notice in the Bctentlflc American, and ilis, and all Blood diseases guaranteed cured or no pay. 14 years in Detroit — 150,000 thus are brought widely before the public With­ GOINO SOUTH—Lv. Durand. dug its grave.” he remarked, “for the been different As long ago as 1861 cores—National reputation. Books free—Consultation free — Names confidential. If out cost to tho inventor. This splendid paper. ■ i*5 A. M...... and...... 01 50 P. If. unable to cell, writs (or a list of questions and advice free. Issued weekly, elegantly Illustrated, haa by far thw party will live along in a sickly sort Mr. Cleveland showed himself to be targsst circulation of anv scientific work IB th« Per Howell, Ann Arbor, Milan, Toledo and all- of way for years to come; but it haa exceedingly resourceful in alterna ­ DR5. KENNEDY & KERGAN, 148 Shelby St„ DETROIT, MICH. world. II • year. Fpecimen enp4aa iintma Buiidiim Bdkioetmonthly, 85 vVayear. Single Southern potato. taken into its system such a load of tives in such situationa dpplaa, cents. Every number contains beia- Wul platen ip oalora, and photograph* of MV m N. SENNCTT. 8. P. A. Toledo. Ohio. plana, enabling builders to show tho 1 and secure contracts. Address XL. N*W loug. 1U Bboa DWA*

A HfiMfl ------—------w-x------~ mamm/m OR£«|

* : ST. JOHNS REPUBLICAN, THURSDAY, APRIL 28,1894. 444- & a * forgive. Again no answer, BBRTILL0N SYSTEM. The next step was to take the weight #ER JEALOUSY alien I knew that the silenoo of death of the prisoner; then the criminal was DO YOU KEEP IT IN THE HOUSE? in life had fallen upon us two. For directed to place himself against a high “ ANP His. days I was like a mad creature. I HOW CRIMINALS ARE BEING measuring board, bearing at the side a could neither eat nor sleep. Days — IDENTIFIED. scale. This arrangement had the ap­ long days of suffering, and nights of pearance of a crucifix. It was hand ­ anguish, during which I only saw his somely made of maple wood aud was face—his grave, moble face, with the The Old Plnn of I*hotogr»pliy Being about eight feet iu height and marked UNTIE, did you proud flash in the dark eyes, and the Gradually Displaced by the Never off with Hues and figures. On the Falling Measurement Method Which PAIN-KILLER e vo r 8 c e a sweet curves of the firm lips. If I arms were a number of fine lines run ­ ghost ? ” oouid have bad him back again, bv Originated In France. ning up and down intersected with A small head the sacrifice of iny owu life, I would numerals; the upright portiou of tne is uplifted from cross had a sliding block, working in have laid that life down gladly. But HE FAMOUS Will Cure Cramps, Colic, Cholera- my ltnee, big, we were parted forever. His love was a slot and adjustable by a thumb­ brown eyes gaze Bertillon system screw. This arrangement was placed into mine, from dead, and my hand had slain, it. of measuring Morbus and all Bowel Complaints. a tiny face Years have rolled by. We have across tho top of the head and the “crooks” has now height it marked was noted. * PRICE, 25c., 50c^ and 11.00 A BOTTLE. ® framed in with never met since that night when I been sufficiently a tangle of gold­ gave him back his ring and threw into Without changing his position the en curls, and a his face words of scorn and reproach. long in operation subject was then ordered to stretch pair of soft, red We have never met—until to-day. for our police his arms out full length and another lips aro pressed coaxingly upon my Passing down tho street, on my way officials to have measurement was taken. lie was then own. “Toll me!” she ploads, in her homo from the ottlce, where, as sten- positively deter ­ requested to seat himself upon a stool tnost persuasive accents, mined that it is one and the height of his trunk followed. ongrapher, I earn my daily bread, I of the greatest i I smile in amusement. came face to face with my lost love. “Now,” said Mr. Townsend to the • “No, my dear, there aro no such Little May clung to my hand. Dear schemes of the age. prisoner, “step on that stool and things as ghosts!” child —my dead sister’s little one —left and bound to become in the course of throw back your right leg iu such a The Littlo May's curly head goes down to my care, and all I have to love and time, when thoroughly established in way that your entire weight comes open my knee and silence falls. 8ho cling to in the world —all I shall ever all the cities of this country and an upon the left foot.” drifts away into dreamland, while I have. Not for me the crown of moth­ interchange system inaugurated, a The measure of the foot then fol­ Queen and lit and think. 1 have made a mistake. erhood; not for me the love and pro­ terror of the largest magnitude to all lowed. The measurement of the No such things as ghosts? Why, only tection of one, whom I could “love, classes of criminals, says the Phila­ head, accomplished with a jointed to-day I saw one —a pale, shadowy honor and obey until death do us delphia Times. compass, furnished with a seini-circu Crescent Route kpecter—the ghost of a dead love. It Although years may pass after part.” All that is over with for me. a man ’s release from prison before ho is the direct line to the South and Southeast from Cincinnati or from Louisville. From tvas the one supreme love of my life, It is dead, for I killed it. But if ever Cincinnati it is 90 miles the shortest line to New Orleans ; 17 miles shortest to Lexington, and I shall never know another, lie- thero lived a penitent sinner on God ’s is again arrested and his criminal his­ Kv.; 33 miles shortest to Birmingham; 109 miles shortest to Chattanooga, Tcnn., and fore mo the future stretches out in earth—a bowed, heart-broken woman, tory be almost if not quite forgotten, 109 miles shortest to Jacksonville, Fla. In fact, utter darkness; my foet must tread a whoso one mad cry to heaven is, “Par­ the scientific identification of the Bnr- thorny path, which ends only in the tillon system is sure to reveal his iden ­ IT IS THE SHORTEST LINE don my sin! I knew not what I did ”— tity and give his criminal record of tho to all princip-.t southern points. In addition to this, as all travelers know, it runs the grave.* then I am that sinner. " Finest Trains in the South," arid its equipment and through car service are unexcelled. • Sitting here beside tho window, past, despite a thousand protestations From Cincinnati the Queen and Crescent runs And so, we met once more—my dead of previous good conduct and his claim gazing listlessly foith upon the pass­ love and I. I marked tho look of sur-' ing stream of human life, I go back tf> of a first offense. After a man or SOLID VEST1BULED TRAINS prise in the beautiful, dark eyes, woman once passes through the ordeal to Lexington. Chattanooga, Birmingham, Meridian, New Orleans; nnd through Chat­ the time when we lovod each other— glancing at me with a swift look; a tanooga to Rome, Atlanta. Macon, and J.orksonville, Fla. Through cars to [nckson, he and I—and was supremely happy. of M. Bertillou’s method of identifica ­ Vicksburg nnd Shreveport, and to Knoxvitfr Fcnn.. and Asheville. N. C.—See the map.’ slightrecognition, and he had passed tion they are forever spotted. They • Alas! it is all past now. on. Direct line to Texas, Mexico and California via New Orleans or ShrevcoorL • I have read my lifo’s love-story may grow old.effac;. tattooing or other Will he never forgive me? Must marks on their bodies, compress TO FLORIDA backward, and happiness is to me in his heart be harder to me than a mill­ The travel this year will be greater than ever before. Remember that the Ouccn and the past tense. their chests, dye their hair, reduce Crescent is the only line running solid vestibuled trains from Cincinnati to Florida. It stone —forever? IIow can he hope for their weight, extract their teeth, in 1 How the words of a sad little poem forgiveness, when he will not tyimself is 109 miles the shortest line. Time, *7 hours. drift through my brain to-night: fact do anything and everything they forgive? My heart contracts with a can devise to destroy their identity, FOR INFORMATION “My her.rt is chilled, and my pulse Is slow; fearful pang; for, looking into those as to routes, rates and schedules, address any Q. and C. representative. Full information But, often and oft'.in. will memory go. but all to no purpose—the record given as to excursion rates, land rates, etc. Baggage checked and sleeping-car berths re­ 2 Like a blind child lost iu a w .-to of snow, dark eyes—so calm and cold —I know against them is unfailing. They can not l Back to tho dava when 1 loved you so. served upon application. Send for printed matter. that it was only a ghost that I saw to­ pass the Bertillon examination if they • Tho beaut.ful lonj a a day. I bow my head, and weep bit­ W. C. RINEARSON, GEN. PASS. AGENT. CINCINNATI. O. **I sit here dreaming them throu;h anil live to be one hundred years old with­ throiuh, ter, blinding tears. All my life is des ­ out recognition. HEAP MEASUREMENT. The blissful moments I've spent with you olate; my own hand has slain his love Inr scale divided into milimetres. is ] The sweet, sweet days when our Ijvo was When the system was first adopted new — —his beautiful love, which once made in Philadelphia in 1392, the apparatus one of the most important of all the When 1 was trustful, and you woro true, earth heaven to me. steps In the Bertillon system. Mr. Beautiful days — bu^ lew! * * # • « required for taking the various meas­ urements of criminals was placed in a Townsend said that great care was “Blessed or wretobod, fettered or free— I open my eyes and stare vaguely always taken to have it exact. One r Why saould Icato what your life -mould bo: about me. In the rosy lamp-light a small room adjoining the cell room on ‘ Or whether you wander by land or sea? the sixth floor of the city hall. foot of the compass is braced against The Inter O cean lonly know you are dead to mo — tall form looms up against the back­ the root of the nose and the other Ever, and hcpolea.-ly. It was soon discovered, how­ ------IS THE------ground of shadows. Some one is stand ­ ever, that this space was not suffi­ moved over the back of the skull in “Summer will vanish, and years will wane ing before me, holding in his hand search of the point of greatestdepth. And bring no light to your win low pane cient, and the public building com­ MOST rOPEAR REPUBLICAN NEWSPAPER OP IRE WIST Nor dew, nor sunshine, nor sum nor ram the written lines, which I had just When this is reached, the compass is Can brine (lead love hack to life a^uiu. missioners were asked for a room on ------AND— 1 call up t-.e past in vain. penned, before consciousness had left the seventh floor, which was granted. set and again applied to see if the me. Swiftly tho dark eyes glance foot can be moved freely all over the “My heart Is weary, its ncho Isold. In order to secure a good light with HRS THE LARGEST CIRCULATION. } For that proves dross that I countod gold: over the words that I have written; which to make the photographs, a bait of the head without coming to a ; I watch no (oncer your curtains fol 1 then he turns to me and opens his point which it can not pass. If such a TERMS BY MAII__ t Your window is dark, and the nl{ht is cold. large section of tho roof was removed And my story forever told. " arms. 1 creep silently into their point is reached, evidently there is a DAILY (wllhoui Sunday), $6.00 per year. DAILY (with Sunday), $8.00 per yew. He was proud and high spirited; I, shelter, and life instantly becomes greater depth than the one before reg­ Jealous and quick temparoi, swift to paradise —no longer a howling wilder ­ istered and another trial is made. The Weekly Inter Ocean, per year, $1.00 ness, but a garden of Eden. give way to anger, but just as swift to “The measurement of the head.” ex­ Aa ■ newspaper THE INTER OCEAN keep, abreast of the times in all re• paste. forgive, lie could not understand me; Little by little, the whole truth plained Mr. Townsend, “is of great It aparea neither paint nor expense In securing ALL .THE NEWS AND THE BEST it is hard for some natures to be un ­ comes out. After our quarrel and importance, because it is one of the OT CURRENT LITERATURE. derstood. parting, he had left immediately for a surest means of identification. A It began—I hardly know how—but foreign land, llo had not received tricky criminal may shrink his stature The Weekly Inter Ocean a feeling of jealousy crept into my one line —one word from me. All or expand his chest, but it ix impossi­ heart, because of his attentions to a these years ho had remained away, ble for him to subtract from the Is edited especially for thoae who, on account of mail service or any othar reaaoB, 9m pretty cousin. I remember when I filling the position of foreign agent breadth and length of his skull.” not taka a dally paper. In Its column! are to be found tbe week’s news of all the charged him with the offense, ho only for the mercantile houso with which After the head, the right car wr.s world condensed and tho cream of the literary features of the Daily. Looked down upon mo from his su­ he was connected. All this time he measured and its length and breadth AS A FAMILY PAPER IT EXCELS ^.T^ght '“a Se? Z* perior height and smiled. It was ex- had been true to me, and the memory recorded and any peculiarity regard­ of the love of his life. Then —his ing it was noted. The nose was the A Supplement, Illustrated, in Colors, bronzed face flushes a little as he next feature demanding the examiner ’s Of EIOHT ADDITIONAL PAGES, making in ail SIXTEEN PAOE3. This Suppte. speaks of it—he had returned to his attention, no less than six different msnt, containing 8IX PAGES CP READINO MATTER and TWO FULL-PABB native land and found that I lived measurements of this organ being ILLUSTRATIONS, la alona worth tha priaa charged for the paper. still in my old home. lie saw me many taken, its length, breadth, projection THE INTER OCEAN IS PUBLISHED IN CHICAGO, the news and commer­ times—unsuspected by myself—and I from the face and width at root cud cial center of all west of tho Allegheny Mountains, and is better adapted to tha was always accompanied by little base being among them, and besides Baade of tha people of that section than any paper farther Bast. May. With strange inward shrinking all this, a note was made of its pecu­ It la in accord with tha people of the West both in Polities and LUeratm he forbore to make inquiries, and liarities. Then the prisoner was re­ Please remember that tha price of Tha Weakly Inter Ocean IS ONLT OKI DOLLAR PER YEAR. Address fully believed me ta be another man ’s MEASVRlh'G THE RIGHT EAR. quested to stand with his forearm wife. resting on the table and its measure­ and a skylight placed in. making a per­ THE INTER OCEAN, Chicago. To-day, we had met face to face. ment was taken, also that of his left fect gallery. hand, forefinger and little finger. Something in my eyes had made him In this room closets for storing By special arrangement with tbe Publisher of The Inter Ocean we rib Delieve me true; and little Maj’’s voice, abl e to offer chemicals, drawers for keeping records Tlie Germ Theory. addressing me as auntie, hod torn and a dark room on the most improved The germ theory is largely responsi ­ aside the vail, and he had made his plan were built, the whole being ble for some of the marvels of modern The Weekly Inter Ocean way to my home and me. Soon wo placed at the disposal of John M. curgery. Out of the germ theory grew will be united, never to part in life. Townsend, who was appointed chief AND the scrupulous care of surgeons as to “Darling,” he said, in a low, trem­ clerk of the detective bureau, to en ­ the aseptic and antiseptic treatment bling voice, “I havo a confession to able him to take charge of the Bertil­ The Republican, of wounds so that the fevers and in ­ make. When I believed you tha wife lon system. Mr. Townsend still occu­ flammations that used to be the inevi ­ BOTH ONE YEAR, FOR THE 8UM OF of another man, I was madly jealous. pies this position and in the course of table consequence of surgical opera­ / “YOU AUK JKAT.OU8. ” HE REMARKED, I know now what jealously is—all the liis investigations during the last few tions are now unknown in well man ­ asperating to my wounded heart—that bitter, bitter pain we never know until years has become an enthusiastic be­ aged hospitals. Surgeons will now One Dollar and Fifty Cents smile. Of course it only added fuel to we experience it. And I forgive and liever in Bertillon's theories. chip off the top of a man's head, ex­ flame, and my wrath grew fiercer and excuse your past doubts. I know now “Would you mind giving a practical Now is the time to subscribe. Address hibit his brain to a curious class of fiercer, and overflowed all bounds; the anguish of it all. And wo will demonstration of Bertillon's method students, send him to bed with his THE REPUBLICAN, never again doubt each othor while of measuring crooks?” Mr. Townsend while he only stood and looked at mo “wound ” antiseptically dressed and we live. ” was asked. BT. JOHNS, UICHIOAJL with that odd little smile upon his bring him back a week later with “It would give me great pleasure,” perfect lips. Longevity Among the Federal Employe--. nothing to show of the operation but “Here!” I cried, angrily, tearing the The longevity statistics of govern ­ he replied. “I will see if I can secure a prisoner for the experiment. ” a slight and well healed scar. When a ring from my finger, which he had ment employes gathered by the boy ’s leg was to be removed the other placed tl>ere with loving words: “I Dockery commission are Interesting. Excusing himself, he departed in search of a subject, returning almost day, the surgeons first cut a hole in end all between us forever! ” It seems that there aro 1,416 clerks the abdomen big enough for one of The ring fell from my hand to the 60 years old and over, 741 between them to thrust in his sterilized fist and THE marble hearth, beside which he was 60 and 65 years of ago, 386 between pinch an artery that would be in ­ standing; a glittering golden circlet it 65 and 70, 182 between 70 and 75, 66 volved in the operation. But for the lay gleaming there. He turned, and, between 75 and 80. 33 between 80 and possibility of antiseptic treatment no with slow deliberation, set his boot- 85, 6 betwoon_85 and 00. and one who such operation could be performed heel upon the ring, ciushing it into an is past 90. '1’here aro 2,578 clerks with &afet3r. New York unsightly mass. between 25 and 3 J, the nuraerous-age “Yo(u ara jealous!” he coldly re­ class; 2,348 between 3) and 35, 2.033 Thread lilting. marked, but with a quiver in his voice botwoen 35 and 40. Of the 17,076 Ladies who do considerable Rewing which I knew full well. clerks in tho depa'tment service frequently suffer a great deal from “Can you wonder at it?” I cried, 8, 761 aro under 4) years of age. soreness of the mouth and lips, and are wrathfully; but bo turned coolly and Some of the older poople hare been often at a loss to ascertain the cause left me alone. many years in the government serv ­ of the trouble. Half the time it is sim­ Then I fully realized what I had ice; 5.938 clerks have served for ten ply the result of biting off thread in ­ done. In my madness, I had lost him years, 1,830 from twenty-five to forty stead of using a pair of scissors for Weekly Tribune forevef . and he was dearar to me than years and thirty for forty years or cutting. In the case of silk thread the my own life. Oh! the auguish of tho more, while ono k.as workod at hit danger is quite marked, because it is night that followed. Morning found desk sixty years.—Good Government. usual to souk the thread in acetate of me crushed and penitent, feeling as­ lead, partly to harden it and give it a -AND- Fish Mil Fowl. sured within my heart that I had good surface, aud also, perhaps, to in ­ wronged him; that there was no real At the mouth of the Colorado river and the upper end of the gulf of Cal­ crease its weight somewhat. If this foundation for jealousy in his conduct. ifornia are to bo found soa-bass that practice of biting thread is followed In a strangely anexpected way my MEASURING I.ENOTH OF ARMS, regularly, and very much silk thread assurance was confirmed. For the weigh from 250 pounds to 75C so used, the results may be quite seri- D8^C pounds eaoh. clams as large as a immediately with a short, rather stout morning paper contained the an ­ ius, and even lead to blood-poisoning. common dinner-plate, millions oi man in charge of an officer. nouncement of the marriage of his The Clinton “...... The first thing Mr. Townsend did in cousin —to another man. Full of re- sardines and smelts, oysters, small Met Him tn Thinking. taking his subject in hand was to ask mqrse—bowed to the dust with sorrow but delicious,' soft-shelled crabs and Mr. Riehfcllo (dolefully) —I hear that other shell-fish, wild geese, brants, his name, his nativity, his occupation and grief—I wrote him a piteous ap­ Miss iieauti is engaged to Mr. Good- ducks, cranes and other sea-fowl and and if he was married, to which ques­ peal for pardon. The burden of my heart. ONE YEAR birda tions the man replied without hesita­ •cry was “Forgive! Forgive! Come Miss Pretti—All nonsense! Itisi.'it tion. His answers were recorded on a back to me!” But I might as well Rough on th* Prophets. true. • slip of paper, together with his vari ­ have pleaded with a stone. He would Tommy, reading very poorly in the Mr. Bichfello (excitedly) —Are yoi ous measurements and other data re- ONE DOLLAR -never forgive me—never! bible—I/OrA, it is good for us to be sure? here. Let ua build three tabernacles. ga?4«ng him, obtained as follows: Miss Pretti—Absolutely —that is Days dragged by. My life was one “ILindly take a sent in that chair,” long pain; the end of all happiness One —for—Theo, one —for— unless Mr. Goodheart has fallen heir remarked Mr. Townsend to the pris­ had come to me. How could I live Teacher—If you don ’t read better to a fortune lately AND A HALF. I’ll give you a box on the ear— oner. “I want to take your photograph. without him? Now put your hat on. That will da The soft liberty silks are shown in And more, I crushed all pride Tommy, reading —And, one for Hold on, take your hat off, now turn beautiful shades, and will be most beneath my feet, and him, Moses, and one for Ellaa—Texet Addr — mU orders to THU REPUBLICAN, wrote your face around this way, I want to used for making the popular silk togging him, for the sake.of our de^d Sif tinge — • St. Johns, Mloh. make another photograph. ” waist. St. Johns Mercantile Company The St. Johns St. Johns Mercanti le Company Mercantile Company WHOLESALE AND MET AIL. IT’S ASTONISHING SL 9TLic&--Ai^ aoth.'|fl9 4: HESITATE And you will loose the Greatest TO OUR PATRONS & FARMERS:—No doubt you are aware that the impending war in the price of EGGS is caused by TWO of our Bargain Chance of your Life. competitors desiring to return to the practice of paying one price for How we are selling eggs in trade, and DISCOUNTING that prioe ONE CENT per dozen for CASH. When the MEROANTILB COMPANY started in business, they believed that the farmer should not be obliged to take in return Buyers searching for Goods of a reliable nature, at the for their BUTTER and EGGS their amount in trade, or, if they wished smallest possible cost, will be found for the next week in Underwear this the cash, to take ONE CENT LESS per dozen for eggs and JONB CENT LESS per pound for butter. We believe that BUTTER and EGGS are OUR SHOE DEPARTMENT. as good as GOLD, and that the farmer in all oases are lovers of INDE­ PENDENCE, and like to handle their own funds, and we fought the Royal Inauguration of a Grand Bargain Sale in week.. . battle for them onoe on this principle to its ultimate suocesa. We Spring Goods. have had a number of farmers say to us in the last few days that they Ladies gauze rib Vests...... 5cts have the MERCANTILE COMPANY to thank for being able to do as Ladies gauze rib Vests, fancy taped neck ...... iocts they wish with the proceeds of their produce. The MERCANTILE COMPANY have always been LEADERS in ^ rHE PRICE is what captures the good will of the peo- Ladies gauze rib Vests (and^silevls )...... i5 cts prices and believe that the farmers are awake to the fact that they Ladies gauze rib Vests, Lisle thread, (2?&n vS^SSfeS 5 ')25 cts purchase their goods as oheap, if not oheaper, than at any other place ± pie, and it is capacity and experience that enable a Ladies gauze rib Pants ...... 25cts in the county, quality always considered, and when the MERCANTILE merchant to get figures. There is no Royal Road to Ladies gauze rib Pants, Fancy crochet edge (So™ewing) - -50cts COMPANY make a prioe on Dry Goods, Groceries and Boots and Shoes success except by a large trade and favorable prices. Here Mens Shirts and Drawers 37^c quality...... 25cts they are getting the lowest to be had, and, that the MERCANTILE is an example of live business; example of figures that are COMPANY have no favorites, believing in ONE prioe to all. Because memorable : a particular farmer lives near some adjacent town and usually trades there, we do not make the prioe to him oheaper than to our regular Women*! Genuine Dongola Button Shoes pat. tip at$i 19 customers, whose trade and confidence we have the year round. We Women ’s Genuine Dongola Button Shoes pat. tip at 1 49 Special Sale of Silk tor ladies’ waists believe that our regular oustomers should have all there is in it, and Women ’s Tan Oxford Ties tan jips at...... 90 For 19 and 25 cents per yard. our prices are made on this basis. It becomes necessary to decide this matter again, but we propose Women's Dongola Oxford Ties pat. tips at...... 89 to take a different tact and allow the farmers to decide for themselves Women ’s Dongola Opera Toe Slippers with strap at 98 which they wish, and for this purpose we will open on THURSDAY, Women ’s Dongola Opera Toe Slippers at...... 69 I lot of Window Shades. Spring Roller the 23th of this month, a place in our store to vote upon the question, For only 19 cents. attaching herewith coupons to be out out and marked as you wish to This startling and unapproachable break in prices will be vote. This election to be held open until one o’clock of the 26th day of quoted in every business .house of this city as the May, and at the expirationof that time the votes to be counted by two lowest ever touched in the shoe trade. disinterested merchants and one farmer, one to be chosen by us, one by our competitor, and one by the farmers. The MERCANTILE COMPANY promises to abide by the result 1355 of the ballot for six months, and then if it is desired, we will again open Co.’s Shoe Department. Special for Saturday the ballot box and give the farmers a chance to re-decide the matter if they are dissatisfied with the plan, and our competitors, if disposed to be fair, will do likewise. CASH FOR- BUTTER & EGGS IN CONCLUSION: The MERCANTILE COMPANY wishes to say 100 Dozen Colored Border that they believe in Female Suffrage, and that the ladies are particular­ ly requested to vote upon this question, as they are, in most cases very We are the Leaders of LOW PRICES. Handkerchiefs IcEach. deeply interested in the prooeeds of their butter and eggs. Very Respectfully, 5 ioc plugs Tobacco...... 25c ST. JOHNS MERCANTILE COMPANY. 7 lbs Soda ...... 25c 24 boxes Matches...... 25c yyy jy qyi jy jyjyjy ayTj 3 cans Corn ...... 25c VOTING COUPON. World ’s Pair Portfolio VOTING COUPON. 7 bars Buckeye Soap...... 25c Cross out the one yon wish to vote and Cross out the one you wish to vote and cut this out and bring it to our store cut this out and bring it to our store 2 lbs Tea Dust...... 25c and place it in our ballot box. and place it in our ballot box. For cash price ■ I h or trade and For cash price I For trade and 6 lbs Raisins ...... 25c No. 6, ready Saturday. only ...... I cash only™. ■only ...... —. | cash price...... This is to decide if yon want a trade and - This is to decide if you want a trade and SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY cash price or strictly cash price cash price or strictly cash price We will discontinue giving out No. 1 for your produce. m for your produce. 23 lbs of Granulated Sugar for $i oo. ST. JOHNS MERCANTILE CO^J ST. JOHNS MERCANTILE CO. Saturday, April 28th. If you want No. IlA dV A Ailk JV jA. A dWrfh rfh Ai 1 make it known by Saturday. ALL GOODS DELIVERED FREE.

BENGAL- with friend." His funeral was held at the Olive ESSEX. Travis Sc Baker—Druggists. center school house Thursday, Rev. Bums Essex, April 24,1894. Bknual , April 23, 1894. officiating. The attendance was very large. The Republican. Mr- Winans has rented and moved on to Mrs. J. E. Plowman is now abletosftup, His body was laid to rest on the farm where after a serious illness. he settled B6 years ago. He ieaves three aged Mrs. Allle Warren ’s farm. “Thursday, April 26, 1894. Ora Travis has been home from the State sisters beside a wife, 4 children and a large Some of the farmers ate again taking their Normal school.the past week. circle of friends to mourn his loss. milk to the Maple Rapids creamery. MRS. C- L. PEARCE. Pomona grange met last Wednesday with THE COUNTY. George' Crampton reports catching an eel the Essex grange, and though the attendance Everyone says ... two feet long, in StoneV creek last week. was rather small, owing to the busy time, a R ILE Y. VICTOR. Mrs. George Swagart is improving in health. pleasant meeting was reported by all. A short Her brothers, David and Joseph Differ, of R ilkt. April 28,1894. program was given in the evening, including “How cheap and beautiful your Wall V ictor . April 16,1894. Gratiot county, visited her last week. Miss Katie Widmyre returned Jome Sun- a song by the Keystone Quartett, which was Paper is this year!” The 10 months old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Van Velsar delivered a fine stock from day, after a two weeks visit with relatives in especially worthy of mention. After the pro­ Binger, of Victor, died of brain fever, Monday, gram the young people danced until the the nursery of E. Moody & Son, Lockport, DeWitt. . April 10. N. Y., the first of last week; the finest re­ fleeting time warned them that Thursday was We bought from several different factories, paid SPOT ------4#»...... - Charles Biedsteadt is putting up a frame fast approaching. ceived in many years. house on his eighty acres, lust east of his CASH, took off all their discount and freight, so why O L I V E. mother, Mrs. Christian Biedsteadt. WAPLIRAPIPS. shouldn ’t we sell cheap. Olive , Apr. 16,1894. OL I V E. Miss Emma Martin, of Riley, and William Maple Rapids, Apr. 29,1894. Mr. J. W. Merrihew is improving the looks Olive , April 23, 1894. C. Witt, of Westphalia, were married in the Dr. Bliss has the foundaiion.of his new brick WE GUARANTEE to sell you better Paper for less money than of his houses by painting. The recent rain put farm work back among Lutheran church last week Thursday. A large office well underway. any firm in Clinton County. Our assort­ George Kipp has made quite an addition to the farmers. company awaited their return at the home of the bride ’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Martin. Levi Atwell will move with his family to ment is the largest, our prices the lowest. *ie looks of his farm by a windmill. James Smith, Mrs. Mary Becket, from Manistee, in the near future. Central Lake, Mrs. Mary Peet.from Fowler, and Mr. Charlie Silem Sr. raised the frame for a Mr. and Mrs. Gillet are going to move to The Odd Fellows’ celebrated anniversary Big stock of Curtains at lowest prices. Mr. and Mrs. A. Falor, from Lebanon, visited fine barn, thirty-six by sixty-two feet, last Eaton Rapids, and Mr. Gillet's son, who usedto day in this village last Saturday. at Mrs. Lewis Smith’s last week. week Friday. All went off very smoothly Plastico—the great wall finish —in all colors. live in Lansing, will farm the place. Chas. Hudson took a 7 pound pickerel from John Reed, an old pioneer of Riley, Clinton considering the stormy sfternoon. Nearly Charles Marsh, our supervisor, is canvesing the Maple river last Monday. county, died at the residence of his brother, in one hundred persons were present. BEST PAINTS AND OILS—Lower than the Lowest the town to see how many smiling faces he The Essex Creamery Co. have engaged the will find under the dollar wheat administration. Lansing last week. The remaing were taken Christian Jacobs, aged 80 years, and one of to South Riley for interment. the early settlers in Riley, died April 21st, of service of R. L. Johnston, of Wisconsin, as Painters and Paper Hangers furnished and delivered Where are all our brother democrats. foreman and manager of their plant here. Lewis Smith died at his home in Oliv e old age. He has been confined to hia bed any where in the County. Wednesday morning, April 18th. He had a nearly a year, being very feeble. The funeral A Prohibition league of 35 or 40 members Yours for business, C R E E JIB U 8 H . stroke of paralysis about two months agoand was held at the Jason schoolhouse Monday, has been organized here, with Lewis Bently kept gradually failing until relieved by death. and the remains Interred in the Boughton president and Chas. Whittaker secretary. G reen bush Apr. 17, 1894. I>ewis Smith was bom in the town of Dryden, cemetery. Floyd Glover, a young man highly respected Corner Drug Store Mr. John A. Walters, of Toledo, Ohio, re­ Tompkins county, N. Y., March 13th, 1824. In this community, died at his home 2)4 miles TRAVIS «c BAKER. moved his family last week to Greenbush with He died April 18th, 1894, aged 7o years 1 NORTH WATERTOWN. northwest of this villagh, on Tuesday morning entertaining hopes of an improvement of his month and five days. In 1889 he accom­ North Watertown, Apr. 28, 1894. of this week. A. E. Dutoher—Boots and Shoes.' lealth which is very much impaired by effects panied his father, Nathan Smith, to Olive, •f la grippe, and to live near his wife’s son, Andrew Chapman and wife visited in North The Good Templars have challenged the Clinton county, where he has resided ever Watertown last week. village councilman that voted for low liquor Albert Harvey, who has been in the employ since. In 1853 he married Miss Mary J. bonds, to a public debate on the question, mt H. L. Richmond for the last six months. VanDyke, who survives him. Six children LydiatTsylor, who has lived in Watertown “Resolved that the saloon business is a detri ­ Mr. Walter’s business for the past eighteen were bom to him; two daughters having the past year or so has gone to live in Genesee ment to our town." It Is safe to say that the years has been a real estate and money loan passed away; one in infancy the other Mrs. county. DO YOU KNOW negative side of that question will be very a*rent until failing health compelled him to Philip Oberry died two years ago. Mr. Smith Oat sowing has been going on with a rush cease his labors in that capacity. He is a very was a pioneer in true sense of the word, the past few days but the acreage of oats is lonesome. active energetic man and it is hoped he may coming to Michigan in such an early day about one half sown. Daily Service to Chicago. That Dutcher has the finest soon be able to resume work. when nearly the whole county was a wilder ­ Arthur Moses, who has been keeping store ness; he has witnessed the remarkahle changes at Delta for the past year or so, has moved Commencing Tuesday, April 11th, the line of Ladies ’ Oxfords in from forests, swamps and marked trees to back on his farm here. popular Goodrich line of steamerc will GREENBUSH resume their dailv seryice between St. Johns. guide one through the woods to well tilled Mrs. Blanche Garlock has moved back in farms and pleasant homes. But nothing Muskegon, Grand Haven and Chicago. GaEKBrsH, April 28,1894. North Watertown with her parents, Mr. and Steamers will run as follows: Leave pleased him better than to meet with fellow Mrs. Lewis Workman. W. T. Bair has lately purchased an organ. pioneers and rehearse the oft told stories of Muskegon 5.30 p. m. and Grand Haven ladies : shoes School commenced In district No. 10 last hardships, privations and also the Jolly times Fred Ainsley is building a largebarn with 9 p. m. dally, except Saturday, arriving Monday, April 16. which only the pioneer can appreciate. At basements. Thomas Eastwood and August at Chicago 6:00 a . m. Berths on steamers Lace, Button, Congress, in Slackman are doing the work. Loyd Devore, son of B. F. Devore, Is very the time of his advent In Clinton county, Olive will be free aa usual and in as much as all the popular styles. rick of typhoid pneumonia. only boasted of 18 houses; although a stanch August Pate had a tubular well put down the fare is as low or lower than by all last week at the depth ot 75 feet. William rail lines this will no doubt, as iu former Mr. O. A. Whitlock, who has been severely republican he was not governed by party pre- Emery, of DeWitt, done the work. years, be the favorite route to Chicago SO for some time is convalescing. dudice but always took in consideration the merits of the candidates. Lightening struck the bam on the Ingalls and the west Mens and Boys Shoes There was prayei£meeting held at the home He was a kind husband, father and neighbor. farm last Wednesday night about 8 p. M., Southern Facts Free. •f Bert Fields last Friday evening. None ever asked a favor of him in vain If In doing but little damage to the bam, but killing All of the newest things in Mr. and Mrs Frank Hyde, from near Carson hia power to grant it. II is work was never so one of Charles Ingalls’ work horses instantly. All about the south. Complete de ­ Patent Leather, Russia Tan, City, visited relatives here last week. urgent but what he could leave it if needed in The shower was nearly over when Charles scription of the soils, climate, products, Miss Minnie Jolly and Miss Anna Fleagle case of sickness and death. He was generous remarked that he guessed he would go and cheap homes and every thing you want Kangaroo, Cordovan and spent Sunday at Mrs. Tubbs in St. Johns. to a fault. He made no profession of religion walk, and getting about half way to the bam to know about the south, beautifully Calf. Prices always the but his daffy life showed, not by words, by Mr. Smith, from Bingham, who hat recently saw the manure pile on fire and after putting illustrated. Issued monthly and sent deeds, that he was a Christian. He followed purchased Mr. White’s farm, is moving his the fire out he opened the stable door where free to all applicants by £. R. Posey, lowest. the golden rule, "Do by others as you would poods. there were four horses, and on going to a General Passenger Agent, Mobile & that they should do by you and love thy double staff where there were two horses side Ohio Railroad, Mobile, Ala. . We have an assortment in that Mrs. Lon. Gilson, who has been at Kalama- neighbor as thy self.” What more can man do by side, one was killed and one was left unin ­ WORK SHOES xx) for the last month, seems at present no But he is gone; his work is left for others to jured, surely a very singular freak of nature. Don't Tobacco Spit or Smoke Your Life can not be equaled in Clinton county. Every pair just Better.* finish. He will be greatly missed by all that SAM. Away Mr. and Mm. Geo. Andrews gave a reception knew him. We trust he Is now receiving his Is tbs truthful, startling tills of a little book that as represented. tails all about No-to-bao, tbs wonderful, harmless ft>r the family of Mr. Lorenxo White, who are reward for the good deeds done here and guaranteed tobacco habit cure. The cost Is trifling, We can always give you a perfect fit and save you from about to leave for Grizzly Plains. California. enjoying the presence of loved ones gone on HkU’s Hair Renewer contains the and the man wbo wants to quit and can ’t runs no Their departure is much fregretted by their before and waiting and watching for those to natural food and color-matter for the physical or financial risk in usio M No-to-bao. Sold twenty-five to fifty cents on a pair. hair, and medicinal herbe for the scalp, by all druggists. many friends and relatives here, where they come after. Book at Drug Store* or by mall fro*. Address »nve resided most of the time for the past “Oh! these parting scenes will end, some caring grayneee, baldness, dandruff, ana The Sterling Remedy Co., Indiana Mineral Springs, twenty years. sweet day, by and by; we shall gather friend scalp sores. Dutcher’ s Cash Shoe House.