2006: Celebrating 75 years of AI - History and Outlook: the Next 25 Years∗ J¨urgen Schmidhuber TU Munich, Boltzmannstr. 3, 85748 Garching bei M¨unchen, Germany & IDSIA, Galleria 2, 6928 Manno (Lugano), Switzerland
[email protected] - http://www.idsia.ch/∼juergen Abstract When Kurt G¨odel layed the foundations of theoretical computer science in 1931, he also introduced essential concepts of the theory of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Although much of subsequent AI research has focused on heuristics, which still play a major role in many practical AI applications, in the new millennium AI theory has finally become a full-fledged formal science, with important optimality results for embodied agents living in unknown environments, obtained through a combination of theory `ala G¨odel and probability theory. Here we look back at important milestones of AI history, mention essential recent results, and speculate about what we may expect from the next 25 years, emphasizing the significance of the ongoing dramatic hardware speedups, and discussing G¨odel-inspired, self- referential, self-improving universal problem solvers. 1 Highlights of AI History—From Godel¨ to 2006 Godel¨ and Lilienfeld. In 1931, 75 years ago and just a few years after Julius Lilien- feld patented the transistor, Kurt G¨odel layed the foundations of theoretical computer science (CS) with his work on universal formal languages and the limits of proof and computation [5]. He constructed formal systems allowing for self-referential state- arXiv:0708.4311v1 [cs.AI] 31 Aug 2007 ments that talk about themselves, in particular, about whether they can be derived from a set of given axioms through a computational theorem proving procedure.