Cass City Chronicle
CASS CITY CHRONICLE < q ~.q, r _ ~.~--- .............. .. ......... ,, VOLUME 32, NUMBER 30. CASS CITY, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1937. EIGHT PAGES. East Central Dist. Will Speak at East Central District Meeting Fremont Twp. U. S. Senator and Circuit Judge Receive O¢~Or of r ..... ITuscda Solons E0nventon iiere Woman injured i Entertain3 o Their, on Oct. 26-27 by Two Robbers Huron Co. Brethren Sessions Will Be Held at Three Visit Farm on "Po- Boards Discuss Mutual # ,$ Presbyterian Church and taro Buying Errand and Problems and Attend a the School Auditorium. Rob Housewife of $10.00. Banquet Monday Night. _ The Tuscola County Federation Mrs. Carl Bednaryczk was knocked unconscious Wednesday Huron county supervisors were of Women's Clubs will be the host- guests of the Tuscola board of morning at her home, 7½ miles esses of the East Central district supervisors on Monday afternoon south of Care, on M-85, by two convention which will be held in and evening'. In the afternoon, at Cuss City next Tuesday and robbers who entered her home and stole $10. the court house, they discussed Wednesday, October 26 and 27. mutual problems and the method The district includes the counties Three men drove up to the Bed- naryczk home shortly before noon of solving; them in the two coun- of Genese% Gratiot, Huron, La- ,ties. Sunday hunting, hospitaliza- peer, Macomb, Saginaw, Sanilac, and asked Mrs. Bednaryczk if she had any potatoes to sell. She re- tion and welfare were the subjects St. Clair and Tuscola. that received the most attention. plied she had, and when requested The convention opens at 9:00 a.
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