/.' " -\ .. ''. !-v^'--l.;M53 U .'** «&'. '#-:.' > .>£i -. -'*-; *>.., -. 1Kb.* ,755.]•'" A R Y-L A N D A SS.E..T T E;

F, R Y, SfePtKMAfcRlj

0 N D O N, Jfevt. foluuon of the proteftant aflbciatlonl a number polled down a boufe belonging to the Roman [N Friday, in the lower aflerably, ot perfons met in tt. George's belds, where lyd cathouc Ichoolmafter, in-Mourficldi, in abbut 1 general Conway roie, and after a George""" Gordon" joined' them' aoout eleven o'clock.' one hour yerittday, which, whenwlien done.done, fome long introduction, moved to bring Between eleven and twelve they fet out (lix a- thoulands went to the Roman catholic Ichool in in bill for quieting the troubles breaft) over London bridge, through Cornhill, Charles fquare, Huxton, where they behaved iia that have for fome time fubufted be- and tbe city; to tbe amount of aoout 50,00* a very riotous manner. Oiurds *ie placed at 'Jrtat-lkitun atul America, aud enabling men, to the houfe of commons, with tne pro- the Sardinian and Bavarian anibaifcdori chapels, to lend out commilfioners with full teftant petition, agaihft the bill pafled laft lelfion sight and day. . . rt'j treat *ilji America tor tliat purpose, in favour of the R«mau catholics^ which was . Laft night a Urge mob of riotoui perfons fad. candour, b« faid, be would read tbe bill carried «n a man'* head, %to*fe lord dtnly attacked the boule of Sir George Savilte adtd to bring uftif leave uould be given prelented it:' ° in Lticelier fields, made » torcible entry, and gut-. i"br tie houfe) Irora which they would be I he number oj perfons Vrho hid put bltte ted it of belt part of the lurniture, which they y sble to tee at one view what his intention cockades in their hats, no looser reached the piled up in the hreet, and fct fire to ; a party of tbau they could learn it from all he had aveuuea to the two -huufts ot parliament than the horde-guardi being lent tor, the mob dil* i U)iag. He U*n read tbe bill. In the -they begad la exerdle the molt arbitrary and perfed, b«t the lurniture was confbmed. M ic reminded America of tlie nature of dictatorial—"" ——— •""• powerr~ " —— over' both—-....-. lord*—— and—«— commons.——^»« H. V ..*. The« MW houfe»IWUI^ ofv« Mr.ATAI . fV»IU4VIkainfoith, III, ta iho 4 enlarging further on the lubject till he fo filled with them from the outer door, up to unexpected change in his fituation, that he taint* d bring M the bill, &c. the very door of the houfe, (which latter they ed away wliillt hi* friend* were knocking off hit He wu Icconded by Mr. Dempfter, who, a- twice attempted to force open) that it «a* with irons. From hence they went to tne pub ic oltuo ij othei topics, pointed out tbe ai.kward fi. the utmolt difticu.ty the member* got in or out in Bow ftrett, tbe inlide of which they p'Clemly K>n cl conducting lo great a war, inAvliicli of the houle. '1 hey attempted, in Tike manner, deftroyed, and burnt the contents, with the oHi.o ?tilon could enter the ifland to prdf£fe or to lorcc their way into the houfe of peers i but books, cVc. in the middle of the llieet. Thela 'lull upon terms of peace, without being lia- by the good management of Sir Francis Moly triumphs were lucceeded by a general illumina. 10 bt icned as t criminal. neux, and the properroper exertion of the door keep- tion, which they compelled tlie affiijhted inha. The fpeakcr then put the quellion, which en, under hi* direction, all the paflages trom bitant* 10 make through the cities of London and td likely to pa(« without any dulcnt, the ftrtct door, and round' the' houle,' ' were kept' ' Vfeftminfter. Mr. Eden interrupted it. clear. Lord Petre's houfe in Park lane was gutted tftUtttrJrm Rub/trl, Mqy 16. Juat 6. Yefterday the mob which take part laft night by the mob j as wns jultice Hyde's in Mr. Adami, who is deputedted bv congrcf*cong to whh the protcitants, -continued veiy riotous in Bt. Martin's lane. Mr. Cox, tlie brewer, in it any conferences that May tat*t\e P*»*p** e foe Rope maker* alley, Moorfields ^ thty continued Great Queen itreet, Lincoln's.Inn fields, and porpoic o( bringing about a peac\ ha*ha bjeeii »~to -burn .....,..,._..-. every thing they -,--_.-- could rind ijOtoe chapel three other* in that neighbourhood. Mr. Ktm. « wne time, and has had the honour of be Ichool.boufe, and dwelling houlet BBWging t« ford's country houle at Hampltead was introduced to their majeftiet and tbe royal tbe Roman catholic people i they tuck every totally deltruyed. i'j." piece of wood they could find, and burned it. It was reportid lait night that more than three Yefttrday rhoraing purfuint to art- tbe roe/ of the biddings not efcaping. They thoufand of the mob wire gone down to lord

._,...._•» V*.

fome of our (hips had been feroewriat damaged Lift week a party from Staten-iflancl took off in their mtft* and rigging, but tmuch lef* than doctor Bloomftdd, of Woodbridge. TWO THOUSAND DOLLAKf thole of the enemy, and efpecially, thofe which Laft week a party of our troop* took, near Pot apprehending two MULATTO UDL put in the carnage t>f St. Lucia to refit. No ,-tht Englrdv^neighbourhood, four of the enemy's ' one named D 1 C K, and the other I AI A Ihip of our,* ha* received any damage in tha light hopfe,-and killed tone of their riders, SMITH. . .* ttran of trie i crocks trait r t j treat « fentiments, have all equally contributed to the ah old fdt hat, and a pair 01 old toes « , cindour, glory ot the king'* arm* : there i* no one but M L X N D, buckle* , he i* the property of Janus H ItoW has niled the dutie* of hi* (tation a* become* »n Faffed laft SistiON of ASSEMBLY A* they are artful chap*, it u mutt than the boa excellent officer j the (o'.dicr* and Tailors, filled ble that they will change their clo, boail. much of hi* thtre >• no doubt but ihty will exert jmurcourfe »( family in hi* own country, it being a culty that they are poffcUed of, to induce icomplaiaedi ttnant of the royal navy, and the comte de laying with hirt, toat he is po common negro, that they cormrfe with to believe that i*y, to*y Seguin, colonel ot the regimentut" Martinique \ and is a very remarkable mimic ; h* has been not laves. Whoever will apprehend t :r«iiured, fro thole two officer* poflclt in an eminent degree lodge .hem in any gaol, fo that they «u» the Virtue* and the talent* of their profeffion. Rccuftomed to go by water, and will perhaps endeavour to get on board lomc Veflel i has no. got, ihatl have one thoofand debars for aad cone Although we regret them in a particular man­ thing OB but a jacket and bretclie* of country and it brought to their matters Ju the tied hi* m ner, we are not inlenfibie to the (of* of the land cloth kerfey wove, very much wore, the brerche* part of Auiie-Arundel county. The atw iut 1 read i know of. Any perfbn bringing the laid negro CHnRLEk ALEX/iNDbK W u«r lo i French flag i it amountsauiuujii* toiv ij13 menmcu in theui« tna-iA4- . . . . f ..- - - . - f. „ — JuMtS HOWARD. £ . rine,=*nd ',0 in the land force* , the number cf £ »ne ^^J'J't*™™* hlm $L,th,al l *? \ling ot the the woundeS is about joo. hlra .'K*1"*.**11 *^andlowljr rewarded for , heir , of lo any If the Knglifh were really poffeft of that fince- trouble. All matters ol veiled are rcquettcd to Frederick county, Maryland, j r *ordi or rity which they affcft, they would frankly ac. Ibp li tm jf be offer* himleli to them. HEREAS the lut.l.riucr obtsoud !th<: knowledge that in the only aftion of the ijth of W RALPH FURSTER. W warrant out of the land-office in i to rexi April, they have loft more men than we have in He * wort pinched up feet, as if his toes had year 1763, which warrant was executed, u u, ne\» certificate returned to the land-office, by name of Hill in- the Middle, agreeable to _ i with it intrepid' and active adverfary, they would ac. rule and practice of bid office, and all oitur «J Jco lomcti knowledge that the king'* flee.t was always dif- O«i I HOUSAHD DOLLARS REWARD. quifite* coniplied with j. but before tbe i nt Itcondc jioled to fight them, and that notwithstanding Prince-George's county, Aug. i», 1780. a patent, be wai under the necefGty of bnot |Mr. Men ex the movements which they have made to fave A N away fiom the iubfcriber, living near an a&ion of trefpais and ejcSment, which i uon, and the honour of the Brit>fh flag ; they have in fa£t R Rock-Creek church, a negro man named is now depending in the general court i ' , for ol-j never accepted our gaJluft invitationi, but when C Y R U b, about 14 years of age, rather flow, are therefore to give public notice, that atvri ion* anc they have been forced to it by their portion and both in his fpeech and walk, though very a£Hve ihail have been adf crtifed eight weeks, IK to.] kinit>y knc the fuperiority of our manoeuvres, they would when he chooics to exert nimficll j be it a ftout tends to apply to the general ailcmbly for t» 4 i were now above all things do juftice to tbe fuperior talents likely fellow, near fix te«t high, was born in to pais, to direct the regilUr of the Und-ofccti " The bal ot our commander. But thefe acknowledgments Talbot county, and may attempt to travel thi­ iffue a. patent, or to enable him to profec'uts tk would coil their priJt too deari it is enough that ther { it i* allo highly probable he may try to faid fuit, in «tco«d and ample a manner a* i they be ttitftuni of what they have not the gene, pals tor a tree man, and get on board tome vtffel tli« faid paten^ad iflued. at Baltimore or Annapolis. He had on and tw rofity to own. took with him, when he went aw.y, a blue JOHN TRAMMELL CHATHAM, A*I. 9. broad-doth coat which had been formerly an Certain intelligence having been received, uniform, lined and laced with buff, but the buff OTICE is hereby given, that the L that sir Henry Clinton had embarked the prin. facing has been taken off, and blue fubiUtuted, N fcnuer intend* to apply to tbe geatnl i cipaJ part of his force, and had proceeded to (which may readily be reen by a little examina­ lembly of the ftate of Maryland, to pafcal Huntington bay, on hi* way to Rhode-luand, tion) bat infiue pockets and yellow button*, a for recording and. enrolling a deed of twj to make a combined attack upon the fleet and fcarlet wailtcoat with gold biucct buttons, one and tale from John Starkey, lately decsaM,C army of our alliet now there, his excellency ge­ brown frize wailtcoat with a tult, a Itraw hat, jolhua Donoho.^for conveying and affUrUf *l| neral Walhington marched from hi* camp at an old white fhirt, and a black ulk nock, btfidc* that trait or parcel of land lying in Csccil com Pracknef* the »gth of July, and crofled the his other coarfo cioathing. called Worth Little which laid, det^i.ba* North river the jift, where a junction Was form­ Whoever takes up and fecures the (aid negro, been recorded and^ enrolled, agrteablt t* i ed with the troops under the command of major* fo that 1 gtt him again, (hall, if taken wit hiu so lawsofthistUte./ general Howe. Hi* excellency had refolved, in miles from home, receive (50 dollar*, if 40 wt fa JONATHAN BOOT* cale i he enemy (hould continue their courfe to miles 400 dollar*, if 6p mile* £00 dollars, if So Khode-lfland, to march immediately to New- miles too dollars, and if 100 mile*, or upwards, the above reward, bcfidurcafonable expenccs if Charles county, April 17, 17 Yoik and attack it. Ajl the neccflary prepara­ 11 A V K in my cuftody, committed ass tion i were made for thi* purpofc, when intelli. brought home. / ^^± 6w JOHN/TH|ffInl*BOUCHER. away, a negro man who call* himfclf gence arrived, that the enemy had put back the 1and lay* he belong* to Mr. Jamc* Lt, 3i(t inftant. It it to be regretted, that they did N. B. All matters or vellcls are ibrwarned from taking him off at their p«ril. James river | he fay* he i* about iwe»ty-( not go on with their intended expedition, as onr year* of age, he i* a middle fired fell*v,**l allies were well prepared to receive them, and markably black, and fpeak* good Bnxliikt M| they could have met with nothing but difgrace LL officers of the Maryland line, and all toldieri belonging to tb« continental army, on, when delivered to me, a ftripcJ CM and defeat in that quarter | while in this we had A cloth jacket and .breeches, country line* i every reafon to expeCt, Iroro the number and who arc within this Hate, are ordered to repair immediately to the places herein mentioned; one pair white yarn hole, and one pair bia 1 fpirit of our troops, the mod deciuve and glori­ coloured mixed yarn ditto, a pair of old ous fuccefs. Sir Henry no doubt relinquiQied thole on the caller* Ihore to (Jhefter-town, and thofe on the weftern to this city. ' - and an old country cotton cap. Hii.matei bit projeft, in confequence of thi* movement of dcfircd tp pajfcharges and take him away. ,«ur armys and it mud be confefled, that he S TJ. FORREST, Lienf. col. TENJAMIN CAWOOD, abandoned it with much more prudence than he fm , And commanding oificer. undertook it. The pbjedt for which the army crofled the river having ceafed, the whale re. HEREAS I made over a tract of land, Annapolii, July »7, i; crofled the 4th inltant, and are marching to­ W lying in Little Cboptank river,' in Dor- LOST, about the ninth inftant, ward* Dobb'* ferry, in profecution of the origi­ ehettercounty, to William bteele,forwKtch I re. WATCH, the outfide cale filver, t»| nal plan formed fov the campaign. ceived his bond, which he never difcbargcd', and jnfide pinchbeck, maker's name The following, we are told, are the veflel* who fince died infolvent { 1 therefore do give (abridged)A Beake. A reward of 100 ti>at eompofed admiral Grave*'* fquadron, vie. this public notice, that I intend to petition the will be given to any perfon who'will bring the London, Bedford, Royal Oak, Prudent, general affembly for an a& to pals, confirming watfh to the fublcriber. If offered to IN/ America, and Shrcwfbury, with, tbe Amphetrite my title to thc/(Vid tract of land. it i* rc

-/•..-• '•,.-','-:,,-•''• '...... '...% ;::.^S'?.^*.----...--: .____. J^.. >,- '. t/^^'• ' ^ i, ., ______,.,..•,.."-•..•. ;«... 153 i Tut.] , ,755.3 A R Yi; AN 0 E .'f >****«• ^w^t "< ?, R I D AY;

O N D O N, Jfevt. folution of the proteftant aflbciation', a nftttber pulled down a houle belonging to the Roman [N Friday, in the lower alterably. of perfons met in bt. George's hcldi, where Ivd catholic f'choolnnfier, in Mourfields, in about general Conway rate, and alter a George Gordon joined them about eleven o'clock. one hour yelterday, which, when done, /bme 1 lon^ introduction, moved to bring Between eleven and twelve they let out (fix a- thoulandt went to tbe Roman catholic Ichool in. in a bill for quieting the trouble* breait) over Londoh bridge, through CornhUI, Charles fquare, Hoxton, where they behaved u> _ _ that have for fome time fubfifted be. and tbe city; to tbe amount of about 50,00* a very riotous manner. Osurdt are placed at rorcat-Urilain amd America, aud enabling men, to the hOufe of common*, with tne pro- the Sardinian and Bavarian ajubafladors chapeU,, 1 out commilhonera with fuu tettant petitioa, agaihft the bill paffed laft iei&oti.._... might and day. , , , . '"'*' r to treat with America lor that purpole* in favour of the Reman catholic*} whichicb. waa , Laft ai|M a large mob of riotous perfon* fnd- i candour, ha faid, he would read the bill carried en a man.'* head) >fr£.__ Aveuue«-to the two nvufca ot parliament-than the horfe>guardt being feht for, the iriob dif* than they could learn it from all he had * W)iog. H« tbea rtad tbe bill. In the they begaa to* extrale ihe molt arbitrary and perfed, bsu the furniture was contained. >,c it rtminded America of the nature of dictatorial power ovet both lords and cotnoioni. The houfe of Mr. Kainforth, ta'ilow-clandler, tuliancet, by mentioning delpotic and popifh Some of the mtmbcrs they obliged to take oaths in Stanhope itieet, Clare market, wai allo laft It then proceeded to enaft, that the that they would vote for the repeal of the aft nigh't let fire to by fome evil dil'polcd perloiu, I tfl, the Boitou port aft, tbe tonnage acl, paired lalt year, for granting liberty of con- and was burning furioufly when thi* paper went courfe act, and every other ad America fcieace to tbe Roman caUtolict) and almoll to prefs . (complained of, louuld be repealed, and trial every one they obliged to put blue cockades in 'Je motion. them to delitt. The duke ot' Nortbumberlahd |Mr. turn cxprelled his lenrimcflts againft the Mr. Burke in his defence faid he cerraiuly le- waa much ill treated, and had hi* pocket picked cooded the motion for th* bill, and. thought «a, and gave tbe frlluwirW, among other of hi* watch. 1 he bjthop of Litcbfield bad hif for objecting to it. That the generou* himfelf jultified In lo doing J faid he undcrltood gown torn, toe bifiiop oflLincolu's wheels ot his he waa a marked rrtaa on whom the petitioner*) suiontana affections of Great-Britain were carriage wetc taken off, and his lotdlhip aim oft known to ail Die world. The cvlo- meant to wreak their vengeance } aud thertl-j.ei by miracle efcaped any peribnal damage. 1 he he walked out nngly amorigft them, cont'cioua wcre now in the very moment ol recollcc- earl of HilUborough and lord Tuwnfhcnd came of having done nothing that deferved their cen- , " The balance of dcfperate rebellion, and down together in the carriage of tlie former, fure in me Qighteit degree, having alway* bcctt tting loyalty is now, be laid, equally pdiied j who wa* known by the mob, and moil groffly the Advocate tor the people, and meaning td I urrobiet on it* center i at fuch a moment intuited. Hit lordlhip would have ftlt their fury continue fo. rr confidence, wildom, moderation, and Ihe more, had not lord 1'ownfhend whom lome of Mr. BurKe at lalt got rid oF thefe troublefome MELL. _ of untoward events, might decide in them recollected, and profcfled a frieodfhif for, interrogater*. The mob, lome thoulahdt of brour, but precipitation in our council!, been with him ( as it was, they we** both great­ whom were arrdctt with poleaxei, cutlauei, blud­ fluoui diliiHiions, domeftic divifions, uii- ly pulhcd about, and fent into thelioule with* geon*, Sec. now attacked leveral of the peer*; jfuleil tnd premature overtures, might turn the out their bags, and with their hair hanging loole on their way to the houle, whom they roughly lor ever againtt us." tie deprecated the on their ihouldert. Lord Willougbby de treated, particularly lord sandwich, whole cha­ "on t be wtlhed to difmif* the bufincft with Brookc, lord Boftoii, and lord Afhburuham, riot they broke, and who wa* obliged to return (kjJikl* refpecfc to its mover, and therefore were extremely roughly handled) the- two Utltr to the admiralty, having hit face much cut with ntd tbe order of the dsy . were in the hand* ot tbe; mob, aad were buffct- the broken glal*. | imral other gentlemen ipoke. to the queftion, teH about, not only with an indecent aud un­ About (even o'clock, a large party went to it quarter pait twelve the houfe divided on warrantable freedom, but with a niercilel* and Newgate, and demanded the perlon* of tbe four «d hat t motion for the order of the d*y being put, unmanly ftvcrity for a confidence time. Lord men committed tor fetting tire to'*he Romifti tblt to d Kb »ticarried by lajagminft St. Thehoule St. John, lord Dudley, and many other lords chapelt, bnt they were told it wa* not in the i it half patt twelve. were iniulled and ptrfonally ill treated. We do power of tbe keeper to comply with their re- Boon. [Hq ij. Governor Pownall in the houfe of not hear tbat any of t'.e membeit of the hoale quefl i they then broke into Mr. Akertnan't IXMIH, moved for leavj to bring in a bill, of commons received much intuit, further than houle, and fet it on tire, which wa* done fo ef» |t» tn»ole the king to make a convention of verbal abufe, excepting only Wellbore EHU, Elqt fectually that in a little time the whole ol that 17. »7* or to conclude a peace with tbe colonies tJ Ul II whom the mob purlucd to the Guildhall, Weft, valt building was one continued flame i in the rat convenient aad necefl'ary, tec. He ramltcr, the windows of which building they mean time they broke in and relealcd every pri- ifclf itnl previoufly hi* onwillingnefs to offer fuch t« Uejec broke all tw pieces, and when they lound Mr. Ibner, a.nonglt whom were leveral perfons under otion, unlelt a poo reading it to the houle he Ellit, handled him v«ry roughly. They bioke fcnteuce of death) fo deliberately did the pri- ;wtat»-( tid ooferve a difpofition to receive and adopt felisv.1 the front glaf* of lord Trentham's vix a-vir, and lontfn make their efcape, that (hey took time He wok notice allo, of the rnilchitf attend- were extremely intuiting to hi* lordlhip, whom to carry off their bedding, and fticn atcnult as on lucb topic*, unleft they tended they detained ui hi* carnage a confideuu>le time. they had in priCdn. A man who wa. to have | fcmetmg certainly ufeful, and therefore de- line* i The avenue* of tb« houfe of commons were been executed to morrow, was Co affected at the enlarging further on the lubjeft till be fo filled with them from the outer door, up to unexpected change in hit fituation, that he faint* pur 1 > bring i» the bill, tec. of old the very door of the houfe, (which latter they ed away_whillt hit triendt were knocking off hia [He *u leconded by Mr. Dempftrr, who, a- twice attempted to force open) that it »at with iron*. From bence they went to the pub ic office i'u. mute i »i oshei topic*, pointed out the aukward ft. awa the utraolt dirHcu.ty the member* got ini or out in Bow flreet, tbe inlide of which they pielently Mm cl conducting perfon could enter the ifland to profile or to* force their way into the houle of peerti but bookt, &c. in the middle of the Itieet. Theia "It upon term* ol peace, witkout being lia- by the good management of Sir Francis Moly triumph! were lucceeded by a general illumina. i lo be iciztd a* a criminal. ers,oeux, , andan thete...... proper exertionexer ... ofo tke door- keep., tion, which they compelled the affiichtcd )uh»." |tailt, iThc fpeakrr then put the queflion, which under hi* direction, all the pafTage* from biunt* 10 make through the cities of London and filler, Paid IjUly to paU without any dillent, the'ftreet door, and round (he bouie, were kept Vfdtminfter. He Joaijl I *» D Mr. Eden interrupted it. clear. Lord Pctre's honfe in Park lane was gutted 100 1MB) run KnbJm-1, My 16. JuMt 6. Ycfttrday the mob which take part laft night by the mob ( a* wa* juttice Hyde's in. I bring 1 " Mr, Adamt, who it deputed bjc congrefs to with the protcftants, continued very riotous in Bt. Martin's lane. Mr. Cox, the brewer, irt toUt/ t n any coafVrrencet that saay tike prtfe for Rope makers alley, Moorfields \ they continued Great Queen ftreet, Lincolu't-lnn field*, and Smrpoie of bringing about a pc*C\ naa laeeii to burn evtry thing they could find |A*e chaptl three othen in that neighbourhood. Mr. Ri^n- D BH. ' tome time, and ha* kad tbe .honour of be fchool-houfr, and dwelling houles BRooging te ford's country houle at Hamplteod wat likevtifo : introduced to their majcftie* and tbe royal tbe Roman catholic people i they toek every totally deltruyed. piece of wood they could find, and burned it, It wat reoorttd lalt night that snore than three tbe roe/ of toe beddings not efcaping. They tbontand of the mob were gone down to lord Yefterday morning purfuant to a rt- iv-- 154 Fetifs fe«f /x.'Hiorndon-hall in feltcx, with an OTICE is hereby giwn, that the SLIT- intent to cteilroy that beautitul ftrufture. N TING-MILL oii Vatapfco rails is now Two THOUSAND The *ew pruon and Clerkenwell Bridewell in by. detei ring it tp i>e turjiiflieU with &t iron at this mill, twelve Irifh linen fhirt, with a large patch on uS, i a future day., lo have rejectee. it; might "hart TJinietrtd''arftl nfrf. rtoundj. pef tton cheipfer. thitt P»rt. » pair of cowrtry made breeches ^W) p.TRd.ucUve ot d,ila|pTCJbl(,C9OK^uenccs in it could be; procured in Baltimore-town before umilar to* Ruffia drab, a pair of counti tlfe then tentper of the petiplei to haVe afpTdTed re-girt t»' work Tiey (tkcwile wajr.bi Applied trouArs, /pair of Qjors'wiOi bWiW' it at the mandate*"of a tumultuous allth*.^ttru£Mon Pf the. (lock in tade of Mr. let)ik«ty fellow, v*e»t« Wj fair matry c« KtiafurttU;e tallow-chandler on Monday, night, . "" A^KEN.upa* a ftray by the fublcribcr, up } hod »ri and Htx* With hhn in ajellQ* w|.o ,»a» very bufj}y employed in throw. living in Prince-Oeorge*s county, a broa^*clotti cott very-'dirty, * :r»g the taxes. of candle* i«p our belt (riendsr* As they are artful chaji», A b mbr« thft Tt bs StJJ ft At ?ri«/Mg-< ble that they will ehanoc tfteir ch»Aa.' B A-L rr rwr o R «j yf;^»V- Conjecture root they wilt mrikt either to ' W? are rfured,_ by .gbbd 'authority, that" on . 1> A - W rrtotr-town or Arm*p\v of. Any perfori bringing the (aid negro Icmbly of the Aate of Mar>UiKl, to paiial names w« think jt'pruidervt to,qnlit for'the'piie- to the lubfcriber, or (ecuring him fo that I get for recording and enroUiog a tictd of I lent. .The enemy'.* loft ttath been m'u'fh 'more l)iin again, (hill .be hand(omJy rewarded for their and falc from John Staikey, lately confiderable. Lord jCornwaljii, or fome other tioub.le. All maAers o( veltcU are requciltdto. Jofbua Donobo, lor conveying and Jli itifh general, it is conjectured, is 'ainoogft the that tradtiir parcel «f lanJ lying in Caul c« Hap himif he offer* himfelf to them. Little whift laid drnd bsi flain.. Nocwi|hpanding this" misfortune, general . . f. RALPH FORSTBR. called Worth ift of.J^ly ta>l, by" the jnime .of tp pali, tp direct the regifter pf the land-office to tit cnutty ta tbt nmm^mtri ftr Jtutin^ tot fi& GEORGE, the property of John Nellon, {I iflue > patent, or to enable him to profeclite the tbt fuUtt ofttuMti."— nrul, whereat tlie Jutji \ia.Ke bten fiuce informed of Frederick county) laid fuit, in as good and ample a manner as if joined by law on the collected hath ioi M i» a Imall fellow, and appears to be young, the faid patent had iflued. mftancts bean totally neglected, aad in < he is a Cuinean, but 'fpeaks tolerable good Eu- »w JOHN TKAMMELL. onlv in part complied witn, tbe icveral cull., glifli, and spneajrs jiobe very anful and cunning} will therefore be pkaled to take notice oil jiad on and tqok with him when he nude his TOLN out of the ftable of the fubfcriber, ueccffity th«io \| tor making due rtturoi I «f(.ape, an old white, linen Ihirt,' a country linen ai his .quarter near the ctfy of Annapoli . on paynxenti regularly fur tbe tuture, and thtt] ditto, a pair .(hgrt'lin.en breeches, and a felt hat. the night of the twentieth day of February laft, report of tbe proceeding! on this law "ill *t ' And a negvo man named PETER, the pro­ a chelnut forrcl MARE, about thirteen hands before the honourable auembjy at their perty of Mrs. Anne Adams, committed io my lUree ir\chci high, iiglit or nine yean old this mietiny j J cuAody on the joth inll. for poiloriing, he is tyring, flaxen inane and tail, one hind foot / Signed per order ; ptuch llricken in years, and u'lks bail £ngliu i white,, branded on the ne^r buttock C D, paces ^ T. GA«8AWAY, dt] had on a country linen nirt, and old, country and. gallops, and carries her head when rode cloth bieechei. Whoever apprehends- the fajd ywy low. Any perforpwho will give informa­ A LL officers orthe Maryland line, ftnd'i 9egroes, and fecurt s them in any gaoj, fo that tion, or iecure the faid raare lo that the owner f\, loldier* belonging to the vontiAtmsl rA I gtt them again, ihall recti'v* a reward ot one may.have her again,' fh'all receive one hundred whu are -within this ttate; are -ordered to i hundred and fit ty continental dollars for eaqh, dollars, and if biought home one hundred "and immediately to the piaces hereia n»«m» «jr either, of them,, and all .rea/onable charges fifty, dohWs, and any perfon fecuring the thief, thofe on the caftes* lhore ^»BR • s; • ij«i).c y • r;*u• . :,. ' ^;; , W>*WW4W**«#««««*4MMMW«*

MA R Y,L A H D 6 A i* * T T B. few ralaufeJ before the rio^r* "broke the hou6 A confiderable number of perfon. haVe been *M o M • i i Kill. ' ojpen. ' .taken up t>yjh<; military, having been concern, ,. , , . . . The datntte don* b> th> populace fince laft eu in the burning of tbe priton* and orber riov* fCS"* O AIN S 7 f*/ E*glifi, at my Hgna* Friday climated at upward* of a,ooo,oo«,l. tout aa». > hey are confiued in the ^avoy pri., j^^^a, ture fl'.-wrt1*.*' M* pleaud when I fterling,»k- ' «*-' ir-i.--.-v.--," ',.,. , ,(aB« ,1 wo perfoiw were alwdtteelied hi de.iven. T fii.d.teoimonietoi tMeirown writer* About fif^ of fhe noten were lulled on Wed. ug billt, appointww plKei lor the poonla^e to W representing them .a* they jeally are, TH,* night . ! ;ui'n ...n« doei inherit f (nob applied to people in coafherpafling through wa* held, by wb»nv loid Ueoige Gordon WM d to hini in malice and in force, .... Fleet roarkeL a»d all* it levtral private hoUle*, examined. . 'I hi*, cxanunauon tatted till paft devil Without, and all within him worfe. - »br money, wTfftn- wu gcneiitlyeouij.lied with nine, when lord Gordon wai committed to the Tlie l*l)*ring poor, in fpight of double pay, through fear of th* cctaltqucaee*. ' J Tower. Tw« of hi* iervantt were alfo apprei Uii.y, mutinoui, and beggarly t An encampment h made to ftyde Park of bended, aad hi* paper*. &:. ftcured. He wat jiitilh of ibeir 'money andd thiritthelt tune, fevea battalion* of mjlilii, and at leall ij.ooo carried to the Tower in 10 }udiuou* a. nsuMt^ ft want of lorecatt ii'the nation'* crime* troop* are *)re*ajv employed to quell the tumult*.. that uo accident happened* ' . ' I drunken company it their delight^ A la^g* quiiftity'DUllftit'*" of chain mot anJ Cannon 1 he guard whicu accompanied hi* lor dibit) hat tney get riy uay they fpe'nd by 'night. hmir wai ftnt for froni Woolwich, to put the wai one of the largelt ever known to be employ, MfrB leldom do t their head* engage, Tower in potture of defence. A afinlbtct* ed ou the tike octafion. A very large body of . their youth away, juid hurry.on.old - merit of titopt hai alfo bten lent there lor it« witautiy preceded and followed hi* loroanip'* fccuritjr. At the queen'i paJace, WhltthaUr St. coach very dole. Tntle were preceded by ««i j oi a'l good hu&andry and fenfoi Jamet'i, Kew and Windior, the guardi a e or­ neral Carpenter'* regiment oi drauoon*, .heir 1 toid ot manner* mult, when void ol peace. dered to.b« doubled. 1 wenty.nme roand* of which carat a colonel'* guard o{ loot, with A ' r llro. g JV rfion to bcr-avipur'* luch, . powder and ball were fcrved .to the foldtert on party bflile gutrd*. In the whole, *h» «!ct*t (way* talk coo little or too much. , Tuetday, for the defence ot both honiei ot' par. amounted to tWclye t>r fiiteea buudie>l men. ill, hey never take the pain* to think, liamMt.. Mr. Filter, lecretaty. tu the proteitapa Affotia. ) telJom are ^ood natur'a, but in drink. Ord«rt wtrc fvnt down Jt^niglit to idmiral tion, and Mr, Hopkmi, one of their .principal An Englifhta-in will tairly drink at muck, Geary, a.t Bai tfmou^ V> put to ka irnmediate- manager*, are alfo committed tu.thc : ower. . limitt uia-utaiu two faiuiiie* of Dutch." 4y, for fear the enemy flnrold nice sdfandge of At the meeting of pariiaaveot, lord tvpttb la AN Auri-AMeuoiM. oacintetfiiMi tomiiiononi, and attempt to land 4 to de.iver a medage trom.hi* rn»jtU> to the cum, body ot troopt-on tljii idaail. *Bion«, informing them ofi>i» having given or­ Jornt 10. I hh nigiit't Oaxette conraini tw6 der* to (cite a mepvoer pf their boule, iuul IpecU ION DO N, proclamationi for tlie liipprellion ol tlie rioti j' fying the charge* againlt him, alter. wh>U> aj 'HE popula e from about fix oHJock on one ordering tbe mi itiry force to' be exerted for (pecial cum Million wi,l uc appouattd lor ha trial. Toeiday 1alt were peaceable, and when th« itt (uppretfion, and the other offering a reward 1 be comm (Ron to try.the riottii waa cxpt-Aed Meat cumniunt broke up, loid Gtorg*. Oor> of 50!. for apprehending the per/on i "concerned to be out tin* day. We bear Mr. Wed er-i rtmc t>> the corner of ajjlge ttri«t, and. in Uie demolition of Newgate, tlie King'* Bench burne, and lord nmherlt are named a* two oi tajnted the peop.e wiln the proceeding* of and the Fleet prilon. the comraiuloncr*. ' . ' ' t'aoult, advifing tutin to depart quieliy. j'hc All the ju.ige* were fumaionf4 to attend at Amongtt the riotcii tak-n ytfterday i* a capii '" um bitcnarri.t weie »m;> edi* eiy takep the grind coun.il held at ^r.' Jamel'* on Wed. tal tradelman, whoabioluity UemAndtd admit­ he wat drawn aw-y in triumph aia>dlt u«iuay-««eningt fodthrtf their* opinionronrhe tance «1 the lower,. in.or Jtr to act arm*. . v iiiiatioii* oi a numerou* multitude. rclolution at the cabinet, relative to the pub- Tliurlday admiiat Ge.iry UiUu.from Bptthead. tike made oi' tht public office ol Sir John Itihmg martial lawj and it i* f*U there wa* only with too grutjil fleet under h » command, con. in bow-ltrett, wa* dtllroycil, and itt one dUlent,ient among thai learned body, includ- filling of twenty.- thret (hip* of the line, five tri- _ nit burnt. J b: remain* ol Sir .George ing tbe attorney and folicitor geatral, who wit gatcj, a fire (hip and (cveral cutter*. l ttia (aid thlt*! and Mr. Maberley't Uutiie* were ailo againlt the temporary expedient ol military law they are to be joined, by five more (hips ol the' Wjtd. 1 he Ship ale.houfe, in Gate.-ltiect, at tbit very important and interesting- crifis. line at Plymouth. . Admiral Barnn6t,n ! . le- .ilh fchbol iu Aufiel-lir«. lj and • home in Moll ot the lord* iu'oppofitio i were req .efted to cond, admiral .Darby thiid, admii»i Digby. (juten ftiett, were %jlo levelled by the attend at tbit grand couiuil of the nation. 1 he fourth, and a Imiial Ko(* fifth in cominmd. »iice. 'ihc^lret prilon, after the pri onrr* loid* who attended in conlequence of thi* ap- The dellruclion of lord Manificld't hvule may 1 1 tin .fed their good* out of it, wa» let vn piicatiua wire, the duke of Portland and the be considered a* a.public lo(*. Tlircc. hundrid deino!i(hcd | a* wat aiio the Kuig** ruarqui* of Kockingham. manulcript volume* Ql note*, aud. otbcr valua­ |ritnpiiion, the, txew tfriJewell and other ad. Tue gentlemen of the law for their fecurity ble proleJfional pipcrt .of (hi* gre»t law Imvin-try, mni bunding*,huiidingi, audand the lojilot* gjnuerug*tiierei'» » homeoou:c anQcd tnemlelvet, «nd troop* were introduced were deltroyed. One ol tliem was a. Urge q urto i RtjiiiTnai1 ikfriai** uiiJ/ce,midge. The Poultry CompilerComber into the 1 cmple and Lincoln'* Inn. .The inhi- on the (hltinci uriviU-ge* ol bofi boule* ot parti, have (ha ed the lame Me, it the loid biUni* of the Borough allo excned themlelve* anient, which,, after the utraoft pctluifion, hi* i)or;.ail not ordered the rioter* confined there very laud«b y for the I'uppreffion of the tumult* j lordlhip had contented to give Iw th* world im­ [the duty i TCealed. and, in conjunction with the aUiftance of the mediately, . .... tth wilmot'i houfe and office, a«d ahoufe.. military, prevented the dellruition of the Mar. A letter dated the^rft tnftatu at Guernfey, I in weie burnt, and leveral otner fhaliea, which wa* attempted to be let on fire, fay*, " A king'* cutuci juit artived, give* an Iral culle > pillaged and all ti.cgootl* buiut. L4F4> bevcral oi the fiotert were killed and wounded account that Uuec 74, French IIMII ol war, about ioiice oi < rth'i houle wa* allo ahou.t to be attacked, but in the tkirmilh. One meant tiled, namely, that 70 tranfportt and flac-lxittomed boat*, with Iri. | rcturru bi-) oi burle prcven su iw demolition. Juftice of forcing every porCon, even ladica, to take gate*, wrre *ll in aud about Coacal* t>a^'. I he and Ihvj i taken out of hi* toacii by the mob their blue cockade* out of their hat*, wai at­ people at GuernCty ace all uudec >im*, and M Ih wiilk 1 in the dirt , on account of (one of. tended with a very happy cfFeft. The military tor the.r appeaiancc. I here it a cannonading Ulcir : liven by hi* coauhman to them while on kflbciation in London bad a very confiderable whi.h We hear, but whether at Jeuey1 or at iea ir*,itn- ..._ Wellmiiiltei...... _.....-.. Between.-,- twelve----- and - fharein reltoring peace. They had a Ikirmim CituUot d;termine." . (o'clock on \\ednciday morning they attack* with the populace in ttroid-ft eet, in which le- B O S .TY;O N* -Jug. i«~ ;-/ / .V.Ofc] |Wii Minificl.!'* boule HI Bloomfbury (quare, \eral of the rioter* were killed. it ill In* lordOtin't elegant fumiture, hu.law The attack on the bank the night before laft By captain Fellow*, who arr vtd hve laft St* J, confiding oflowe ihouiaiidi of volume*, wat made in the following manner i a brewer'* tUrday in >i day* fioiu i ort-^u-Liince, »e are mtny capital mannlcqiptt, deed*, mort- man, mounted on a horle nung round with the iniOi'ined, that a fleet ol »j tail frea.h and ,bu warJiolie, piciure*. tec. '1 hey took Newgale chain*, had the audacity to proceed to bpanilh, intended to to i mcnce their; atuvk on, . i of hi* wine cellars, and gave tbe wine the very gate*. 'I lie guard full uled perlualivei, Jamaica, on or about the tiilt iuttant. ituully to the populace. A /mall purty of but tbcd proving ineffectual, the fireioLkt were Ihurl'day evening lalt a number of prToner* ^» an i vine, the liot ait wat read and the levelled, and two men dropping, one ol whom' on bo.ird the guard (hi(i mutiuied (ciaved aud) ni orilcrcu to fire, by which five pcrlout iiillantly expired, the mob delilted. 'I he guaid tliiarmed the gu,ird, conCfting oi eifchi |n Uj. su^ Li«ut. col. | ''" I and fevcn or eight wounded. '1 he alterwardt Kept dp a funning fire for (ome time. the cable, and (he drove aQioreVar Ce Inner- 't I officer. F however were not intimidated .. • j ..j ....but ._-proceed, -.1 In (eyeral p.rt* of London the ,opula<:e wen| point, leidlng up C-« >nd^«--«ivcr. On tb« attempt, and would not dcfiit till the about, from hpufe to houle, e»j£ting tontribu* nUrrn being given, tbe town m )or (John K <<:, lUblei, Sec. were all coiilumcd. Loid tion», and demanding money Irom "every b dy Jun. Hqj) attempting logo on uoaid wiitr *u ; lo|t i* eftimited at 30,000!, rKoth. that paflcd.- rtll' th«' fli pt'w«r» fhui up oo atlditiona. girard to qd^ll the "mutinyi w.i* hied F >oj hit lady elicapcd by a back door but a 'J^hurlday, and no bufinvi* wa* done. on from the guard (hip, wheu the

-•*•. i -'-^- •' . - -. • -^ *j_' Bickford, wa* killed , on wHch, the lawtre brigade* i they killed and wounded QB. own lonfeffion, eleven pr ncipal* and accompli­ wu taken priloner and came out on paroie, O TIC E i* hereby giten, thm th ce*, acccff^ry to the murder, who are now in gi|x* tbe following lift i ' . ' TING-MILL (aoJ waiting lor trial. in complete order, and at work, where Baron de Kalb. dead of hii wound* i lint. fixe, equal, il not In CONGRESS, jfay »t, 17(0. col*. Wool ford, Vanghan, and.de Bufon, were had nail rod* «f any Winder to any Ait on the coeuiaent. -The pj . W UB«& AS Hi* of tht utrooft importance \vonndeo and taken prifonen ', rtiajon the gre.t utility tht* mill it to the »L-. effectu lly to prevent the deltrucbon, wafte, and Patton piliontri j capt». t)oriey and Smith, prifoner* lantf, and what they have luKVred by ' cmtHxUetntnt and mifapp icatwn ol ttoe public and Item*. Hanlmab ami ShoeraHur, kept idle tkefe two yean palt, a»ibe/~mtr fturta and pfoviGons, upon which the exiftence and wounded & lieut. Donovan dead 01 hi* HanIon priloner and wtmndod. be farflUhexl with flit iron at thii ti.iU, [\ «l tut artnic* ol tbtte United State* may depend, wound* } . r hundred and fifty pound* per ton cheaper and no adequate provi£on bath been made for five, captain*, J fubatttrn*. j>r\Jbner», and and a it could be procured in Baltimore town the jult pun>lhment ol deiinquenlt in the depart* fcrveral n.UTing s gtntral Rutherford Die got to work. They likewile may be I menu ot quarrcr-maltcr-gtiienl, comniifiary- number of North-Carolina militia prifonerk. but luppoftd with (hect iron of any thkkneb, by th ' fieneral of purchaict, commiflary-general of Our loli iinot certainly known humble lervant*, ( of to be about 500 killed, wounded and miffing. t nf bri-f illuet, clothier-^cnej-al, comm ffny-kenei'al WHE rCROPT aad M'F j,dje., and inUitary ftoies, purve>or of the nofpitira and to < tiac dcpartn^nt ^ thereiore, Baltimore, Sept. i, ivto. of the fdd AKEN Up a* a flray by the fuhfcri TWO . JtywW, That cveiy p rfon in'any np HIS i* to give notice to all perlcm* whom counif, , deptrnntou. intrutted with the care ot pruvi- it m»y 'concern, that the inhabitant* of T living in Princt-Oeorge'i £o»«,«.——9 or— wiliury—• — -•— j or-• holpital----|—— ftotc*,——-•-p or-- other- — — jwiimuiciltitnore countyLuuniy intendIIKCUU toIM petitionLI«I«IIVU the*««> nextu«*t 7i u u LI* i_ T!"I ' 9t property c tnele Un.teo bttie*. who wall be gener.,, tuembly for leave to bring in a hill to >**" °"«.h*» * b]t*e« han,?in* «""« «*>l fccote court ttiartUl of having \^moomcr ... iuftke. of fiid count* to lewlevy mo-rno- **.'> ** »».b«nded on the nrarnri bunock U viaed at a ueneral of having '^fnpo^e, tBe juftite* of fiid county to owfter » *ietr **) fold without a pioper order for that' purpofe, uir~*r- i^fy on the inhabitant^ thereof, in order to finifh The to uk« him a war damaged or "A lit mbexi ed or wilfully niifappiied, tt;e court-boufe, repair (^public gaol,>nd to **. Spoiled any of the provision*) he-Tie* forage, buiid a gaol yard. ./, (ft f v[ btlim i military 1 ^______f '______t mrm», c oathing, ammunition, or other forlcatiiai< or Koipital itoiet, or property belonging to the To'be bOLD at PUBLIC VENDUE, Tt 4* StU at lit Pri*ti*fJ&a, United state* of nmeiio, (hall (uffer death; or on.Saturday the i6tB.infant, agreeable to the : B rtuvh oil er \>un>(hinent at (ha>l be directed by a laft will of John M^rrtotrv uicfpk Anap- genual court .martial^ according to tue nature Arundel county, dectaled./ y[ £?^l/*? fat- ol the offence, at the dtlcretion of and decree \V O NEGKO M £ 11, Ca part of hi* M « w i If 'A N «itk a taib. couit t and every perloo in any ot the faid other pcrfbnal etfatr. The tale to begia department* intiutttd as alorciaid, who (h.>ll be Tby ti o'clocK, at hi* late dwelling plantation. , d laft Simon of ASSEMBLY, convicted at a gener >1 court mania! of having XDWAHO'GAITHLR, juii. executor. I . article* through ncgUct luffcrtd any of tbe Charlet countv, Angufi »j, afoieUid to be watted, (polled or damaged, (halt H E R t i, at the plantation ol John Mer- TJ R O K. E gaol yefttroiy even1DB'.od iuffer inch punithment a* the (aid court (hall in cer onthehea4etSouth.r.ver, in^Anne. JB_their efo»pe, the three following M, th tr dilcrctutn direct, -ccording to the degree of Arundci county, tAcn up a* ftray, a large to wit i A a>egro man who wat com ceitificatc* iflued in the to prore property, l >d>aTgctnd kc her wa» tire property of Mr. Jaae* Lloyd w and commifiarie* department! away. ' rmr, but on the iithihft. being eunti after the i5th day of September next, afford any man who laid fee knew him, heeonMMt claim 'upon the United State*, unicit ilTued un­ OTICE a hereby given, that tbe fnb- naaM to be lialc, and that be w.,* the [ der tne following rcgulationi. . , fcnber inrvndi to appiy to the general al- of Methish Jone», of bt. N.ary'* «. fiij/l, That they be tor fervicet performed or UmblyN of the (late of Mar; land, to pal* a law Point- Lookoat, he (ay* he 4* boat »3 artvcltt purcbaied, within their rclpectivc de­ for recording and enrolling a deed of bargain age, be ii « midd'e fixed fejow, rrin partment*. and fale from John Starkcy, lately deceafcd, to blatk, and Ipcakfgood Enghlh, kii . SiwuUf, 1 heouarter-mafter-general and coro- JoUiua Donoho, for conveying and affuhng all very bad, fee ha* a imail nkk »A the toft p"n inrfiary -general nail thetaielve* fign all luch cer. that tractor parcel of l*no lying in C«al county, hit riglit ear, winch wa* unknown tj ate i " tificatrt *» ate iflued in their reipc&ive depart­ called Worth. Little which laid deed haa noi I firli advertifitd him » a runaway, /i i ment!. been recorded and enrolled, agreeable to the man cgtomirted to rny cuito< y a* i Tbtritlj, All fuch certificate* uall be given for law* of thi* Kate, t way. oa the sift O4 July UH, oythti Specie, or other current money equivalent. *t (0 ySJONATHAN BOOTH. GKOKGE, tbe ^frjpetty of Jobh .Ntlk«,j fnrtklj, All oontrafl* or puuhale* made, for hav* heen fmce inlorrrted of Prrfltndt I ' which certificate*"(hall be given, (hall be made July ii, 1710. he U a (mall fellow, and appear* to «yot| for tpe-cie value. Ofrce for ftating and fenHng the public account*. he it a Guinian, but Ipvakt toler ,bie 1 he article* fo porchaCed, (hall be lifti, and appear* to be vtryaftfut and be m- ad on and took with b.ra when be nude I and price* thereof, and the price* (ball that tue honourable aflemtily, at ti.eir March eftape, an otd white linen thin, a touutijf I ibnahre when the prefent circumttance* of bur, fcflion, 17*0, enacted a law, entitled " A (upple- ditto, a pair (hort linen breech'*, anJ affair* are comparej with the colt of artidei the ail fur rtxc aiieflment of property, the year01 ment to And a negro man named PB 1 tR, ratj Ii>e quality, or fervicet perfoimcd in the iVth Telhun wrtercof i* a* follow* t « And peny ol Mr*. Anna Adajn*,' commiittJ tti 1775, or w'ltn compared with the allowance by collector*, at the in bi it tMmOid, That the leveral cuftody on tbe loth intt. lor poiiouiaf, bti coitgrcit to the United Hate* a* exprcfled tube of fettlement of their account* with, the mucii itmken in yean, and talk* bail i ^^W"fh2 wAVto 'under and """M""" o» th. tax for their county rOiall had on a country linm (but, and old srr **?** ^*™"*< *!«<«* cloth bVetcaet. Wnoever upf.ehendt tbt ^^.2ftH^?g«t±?ffijefat interrti ot fix pefcent. peV annum froniTrre 1'A *?* ft l™ I" th?r,. COUn.Uuet rtfr*ttwelj' nvgroc*. and fe.ure* them tn any gaol, fa t ulc time ftipulated for payment^ti, p,,a. "* fhl c±fl C? h*h h^ the, Uehle U. x ** I get them again, thai! rectiv* a rtwartt whlcbr^ T they o^ht lo hundred and fitly continental donarr iori R.fitLd. That tr,e 7.u»rter.malter.general and ^Acollect, ^to ^i the :trealuter , of jut wore, at the t.ne ' • . . ^ . .hereby . 6are ."'_". or either of them, and alt reafonablc i be, and appointed by law (or the payment of the public paid, and it brought home to roe, one doUll enjoined, to mike monthly return* of ihiirpur*- and in cafe ot ueUua they (hall be tf and proceeding;* to the board of war and aiieflment, every muc a'xive thirty. chatc* anlwerable for and liable to pay an intcreft of »o BbNJAMlN CAWOQP, jun therif. make monthly return*, to wit, on the la:; day per c-ent on the faid lum* i t*d tvtry tttUStr, of every month to the Hoard of trtaiury, < if all (tlbaid ibi trtttlt Hut, out tmitttJ It certificate* lo ifl'ned at aforeUid. < ' . •uibt halb Klarch 4, fdy ibl Jinmt Intt tbl Irtofgrj, m*d tlltrj (tUt&tr TOLEN out of tbe ftab'.e of the idofenti Extr*MjroM tbfminntttf • ttllt&td :bt tftbU tut, THOMSON. Src. tub* bj law ngbi u b*vt at hi* quarter near the city 01 /\noapoii, CHARLES JbaU bi *(tt*ntut>te l»r tbt trtUt tux dm by law in theS night ofcthe twentieth day of FV>nuiy K. B. TlHffimitrt n tbt diffirni ftatu »irt rt- bu anntj It ibr nmM^uirj ftr fitting and ftttttng a chetaut lomt MARK, a-.ont thirteen tfntftd HfmbHJb ibtftr/gtuf nftbttttnt in (bur t'tf Ibi fnbttt fiituMlj."—nnd, wlurea* the duty en­ three inchet high, e;gbt r nine yeari old joined by law on the colleclou hath in many fpring, thxen mane and t il, one hind WILLIAMSBURG, Stft.t. inlUnce* been totally neglcded, and in other* white, i r*nded on the ne r )>ut ock C U, only in part complied with, tbe leveral colleAor* / bttir frtm a gntltna* at Ricbmand, and gallop*, and canie* her head when Ex1r*B will therefore be pleaied to take notice ot the very low. Any per.on wbo will give in dnlld Jl*X*fl JO, 17 to. necellity thcie i* for making due return* and tiori) or kcnre the Uiil mare Ib that tb* o«« " Since my laft, advire u received from gene- payment* rcguhrjy for the tuture, and that may ha*e her again, lhall receive one Imn rat.., Gate*, -, intorming -, that , cur lol* ofofticeni*-- .-- '«iwt ot the "proceeding* on thi* taw will be laid dollar*, ann if hrou^lit home one nam'r.d butfmall, and upward*ol.oo men ta.dethefr beiwe the honourable affembly at their mext tiii.l mettin*. ntty dollar*, and any iWrfon fecunnn thf rtcape. Very lew of b*mp tt't p^rty have iuf~ io-aahe tnty be biouxntto julticc, (nail hmt, our greateltlofii. the bagg,ge wdllorci. g/ Signed per order •K' De- "ifL.,. T. GAS6AWAY Clk ~ Kitward of one hundrxd Uol.ar*, paid »y Eternal honour it due to the Maryland and tf - WILLIAM

jtNmPOLlS: Printed bf and SAMUEL GREEN, at ti« Poir-O/nc* i*. \- ... •• ,'.- ; ... : .

A '

s A. I.

T H M A R Y L AND G A Z E T T E. ,M«*M»«*M«MMMM*M«MiM«««M^^^

F R I D A Y* SiFTBMBBft'< *«** 15, 1780.v

ft L I M. whh 4 pieces of cannon, aad a troop of Aawog theft, I (hall ever feel a I N order af the cabinet couadi of the . bode. During their encampment they tachiacat to yon, gentlemen, who, on every ac. king of Prama, ka* appeared. It ia d*jlv pra&led the maaoravre* and duaptiac in- count, both public «nd private, merit my wamU addreoed to the grand chancellor, troanced into tbe continental army by baron eft acknowledgmtatt. and U dated Apnl 14, lyt*, and Steubcn, and made a very great progrele. The J03KPH REED, prefident, and, dircS* that henceforth evenr plain. prcaUtt harmony and good order prevailed. A eoauaaader in chief of the Pean>, A w hi* complaint in perton before the market wa* cftablKhed, which the inhabitant* of fyivaau militia. ^ Itdrei, and plead hi* own caufe, without beiag the neighbourhood regularly attended, and the It it laid that a proposal will be made to coni .Lowed to employ an hired advocate | but if the rtipeft paid to private property waa fttcb, that greft for the flap Confederacy, on the tollowing TIM faing, be incapable, in that ceJe be (hall all tbe damage done ia three mdri, did-aet temut the contraAora.to furnUh three or four ! {(granted at the cxpeace of tbc taw, the a£ft- amount to more than fifty pound fpecie, agree. thousand men for the war, to b« (ant immedi­ '. (act of a lawyer, who (hall be obliged to pro- able to an appraiCtmcm made by two freeholder* ately to the fouthward. 1 hii will Tecrult the grata*). It i* hoped that theu irange- of New-Jerky. They were well ,-..-.-_....provided with army in that quarter, without any new charge will Idea the number of law-faiu, pro- tent*, and aft other acccfarie* for actual field to the public, aad the (hip will be of twice to*. fjttt raxly decifioa*, aad prevent high y him to muft nave been confidtrably augmented, which, (bail mod cheerfully afford yea every fnpdart in would have enabled u* to have harralTed the ene­ fcctbad, aad tntereepted by mbiftry. Greit our power to promote the general wail of Ame­ avafiadk, however, continued in Bngland. my, and in a great meafure cut off their re- rica, aad the particular inter eft of the ftaa* over fourct*} thi* muft have effected oar purpofe in Ha Raaeini aad DfcVtaHed determined to carry wliich you fo honourably prefidc. ,* fata c* good*, witkoat, occpaan of any, the event; without rifking a genera, engage­ cover of tMriaea of wart end would To which hi* excellency returned the following ment, the iaft ftep, in my opinion, to be taken, anlwer. where fo much wa* to be nflced. We were of. into a war wka Britain' to rapport thi* 1 font, if the laner did not cede to fa. No pro(- Qeatlemen, dered down on the etening of the 151(1 to attack the . |eft el peace, boi Britain till appaantd bent on T H K obliging fentiment* you have juft ex- enemy, and general Surapter wa* to proceed r rrjtaf oa the war. The French and Sptoifh preded, cannot but give roe a very fincere plea- down to the frrry oppofitc to Camden, to cre.te1 lure. The rcquiCiiun of our fervice upon thi* a diverfion ill that quarter, to facilitate our mak­ •t ata of war at Cadia making upward* of 40 fail n »f the liaet wW every moment expected to join oceaion, wa* founded on tbe moR apparent pro­ ing an impreflion on Camden. Here the Britifc H- « Bret ftm lot channel and other teracc*. priety, and wa* too explicit to admit of doubt had collected their whole force, and (aiding in­ 1 or delay. We have (hewn our illuftrioiu allita, telligence of oar view*, moved out at 9 o'clock t\ • ' ,TW Britili k*aiH a»et wa* (aid to cooat of lef* ,i our excellent commander in chief, and the whole in the evening to meet ui, and forming an am- * '] in e kwanky of remark <«y* a comlpondent, *«W, that when our country call., it U our bufcade on tb* road, furprifctl u* about one o'­ Kit there kaa ant been an inftance thiiwar, of V^Stn to obey. 1 h* alacnty with which fo clock in the morning on our march. Our ad. r aumeroui and well appointed a body of troop* vanced and flanking partie* endeavoured to rtfift (htriff. anericaa prifcnm txperieacing fuch extreme eaaae tray*»ajt and potitenet* from *ny Bri- have appeared in arm*, the improvement in dif- the fhock, but were broke, and threw the conti­ cipliae, »nd the chattily of conduct, with refpeft nental brigade* in diforder ( but they rallying , (ahrftht foonaamUy. an----- tboi* who Ml into (he hand* N tat geayaoa admiral Bdward*. on tbe New- to private property, rcficft the highcft honour immediately advanced, engaged, and forced the fktadlaiM l||ioa j d* conduct of a fupercilioui upoo the officers and men, r>nd hti made my enemy to give way in turn ; tliii g.ive refpiie to o»po.i , command not only honourable, but plealant. the troop* to form, and fo we remained in anxi- .y |«rt- KtppeU latapreaW the AaMnraa boy* I RV

Er line of regular troop* being far more extenfive ' Prifoaert. Lieut. col. Woolford 5th wound. AUDITOR's-OFFICE, Annapolis, Stp. 4.,... t>n their right than ours on the left, after the ed. Mafor Winder ift. Captains Bride jd, EVERAL of the c«ntric\or* for the fur' militia had given way, exuofed the left flank and Hoops--- -. 4111,-,-,-,-.,--- Lynch yth. Hamilton jtb,* ... . _S niflyng .-_. waggon's,ow . and,horfes,...--.....,f having p^ re. r of. the nrft brigade, which, notwithltaading, idVoundud, Ijnith 3d do. Shoemaker 4th do. duced fccounta fet this once, without. maintained.:_,;... -. ...-:_their ground,', .-JJ..HI till -L-i-..the left Hanfonu < __ 4th..i.j_ do. Readu j 5th-.u do.j«- M,,,-:.Norris i*,6th. A~do; frora,thjlfe of whom they purchafed, and u \' ving *: *. ordered tor. treat to a point of view a- Wounded. Captains Somervell 6th, Gibfon from thofe to whom they were delivered, bout eighty yards in the rear, to the extremity jth^ Lieuts. Duvall jd, Sears ad. Enfign Fif- prevented their fettling, and rendered it u ot the Hanking party, where it inftantly formed, «h«r7th. fcrjL.for them to attena a fecond rime, at 11 ' renewed, and continued the attack, with great vi- Miffing. Captains_. _.--... Morris 710 wounded,. Gaf- vy expcnce,, to prevent which in future, I bin gourj but .leing a^ain hard prcffed in front, faway »d. Lieuts,Lieut G a Da way ad, Harris 510. thought it advileable to inform all thole whafc lank, and rear, retreated a lecond time, formed, Enfign Malonin >d. _ Recounts are yet unfettled, that fuch vouchcn and dilputed the ground with great obftjnatj, Delaware regt. Lieut. col. Vaughan, major .will, be required,, n nd a* many of_. the._. i_lltnil till bovne down >>y numbers, they were obliged Patton, capts. Rhoadi, Larmoutb, Duff, ShiU fi oners tor fazing flour and other provifioru fi generally to retreat) at this time thejecond bri­ lington, Purvis, enfign Roach, priloners. -the army have, from the lame caufes, met with »l gade, which before had not been to hard prefled, /artillery. Capt. Meredith milling, Capt. the fume difappointments, thofc gentlemr* »,, was allo borne down by (uperior numbers, after Dorfey pnlbner and wounded, capt. lieut. Wa> hereby advertifed, that receipts wHI bt behaving with the grwtcft firmnels and bravery. UTS prh. capt. luut. Blair miffing, lieut. i.nd adj. for the delivery of, their purcnafes, as well The reirrat now became general, -and the militia 'Cblejnanv-1 *killed, " "* l:lieut*.""- ' "V* -"allate - and" J MofleyM-rt -'"pril,. the expences attending the tame. by this time had got fix or eight miles in th« capt. Koan, Virg. artil. wounded. - ~J iFfrHAs URIAH tear, tome o* wlu m, together with our camp- Hon. ma). g«n de K.alb died of eight bayonet' women, waggoners, and fame icattenng light, wounds, sot ) days alter the a&ion of the iftb. September 14, horle, plundered all ouV baggage. We have loft Lieot. col. de Bulon, his aid >'.e tamp, prilouer ToB be SOLD by public VENLiUE, «, all our artillery, ammunit.on, and ftores, and antS wounded. Lieut. col. Porte, fidd, Virg. (late, Monday the »5th inftant, ofrthe premifes, our flight has been fo precipitate, that 1 know do. Major finkney, aid de camp to gen Gatei, "" N E moiety of a tract of land called flealfs not wheie it will end. do. Capt. La iirune, legion, do. Lieut Foot, Relerve, confining 116 acres, lyint a " (general Small wood endeavoured to cover ditto. Pr.nce-Giorge's county, about 3 mLcsfiontfc the tetieat, and )i LOlltfting the remains; of our By hi* EXCELLEHCY tt-wn oi Quten- Anne, on Patuxent river, lubitft Entered troops, for wnith purpole he has efta. THOMAS biM LEE, Kfquire, to a dower of £. 4 fpecie annually i there art b ;lhed pofts at balilbury ana Charlotte, and has , Govumoa ot MAB.YI.AND, . forae improvements, with an orchard of ibott pi- va l.d on A confi ierahle body (not lets thin a 100 bearing ap/le trees, and fun. ry other Intt'l the foil is well adapted to makingcw* tn Jiii..nd) of volunteers, to make a ftand at Char­ H £ K fc A 8 foil power and authority is tiees, lotte } hut 1 tear they will fhortly dilptrle, as and tobacco. given to me, by and with the «uvue of A_nd on the following Tnefday the *6th bl,> then .ie i.o .eaders with t ;e militia to head them. the acl, entitled, An «' Captain I.ami.ion, who w.is tak;n prilonei, the council, to continue will' he told by public ven..ut, on the prtroilo, act to-prohibit for a limited time the exporta­ one olh< r moie y of \ tra^t of land tailed Scortaa ' it juit arrv.d with a flj^; he informs, that the tion ot wheat, flour, rye, Indian corn, rice, Biitith .,«.kiowtei»ge ti.ey na.l upwards of 500 and i^ergt, lyfa^ in Anne- Aiuiidcl county, v. bread, beef, pork, bacon, live fto,.k, pcai, beaus, bout a miles nom London town, cunumi»' men kiil.v, and wounded ; tin. is aiio confirmed and for othci purpoles, by other prrlont and fcveral dcfei tcrs who have oa s, and other victual, 115 anes, fuijeil to a dow'rr of £.6 13 4 tioiniiom and»nu alterauer theme tenthicmn nay of01 thisinu iiuUnt,iiuiaiu, ,, .,.,n» »,...... ,.. ,H i ..TV come out. until the end of the next fe.l?ono, the genual «*aid. '" '*;ol ^^^^300 bearing apple ^i*"!^'"trees,1 with mitt " 'i'o add to our misfortunes, grneral Sump- my proclamation accord- tei, with Ins i',ct««.hment on the* lo..th fide the allembly, arid to ilfuc other valuaiilr truit tref» t a vety exietleht no.' ly, provided the embargo be contmuca ill the with but little trouble C:ua»ba river, had been very luccefsful in fur- and Delaware, lo that ttie dow may be made prifing and taking near 100 Hrit.fh and tory pri- Itatcs of Penniylvania the Und very (uitaMe for farnunr trade of Delaware bay be not open tor the emo­ to the pur hafcti liy (oners, with 50 waggons loaded with.baggage, lument of the people rcfiding on the waters, or rum, and provifions, among whuh was all iurd in tne vicinity thereof. And, thereat it ap- MUOR. Cornwillit'* baggage, but on the iSth were lur- pe.iri, that the embargo hath been continued in prilud by the memy, and Ink all he had cap. the Itate of Penniylvania until the thirtieth day tured, with his artilieiy, baggage, and near aoo taken pri(uner*. I he Muy land and Virginia ol this month, and in the ttate of Delaware un­ HlTrt L H T ftrong nej well \ we loft 8 pxce* til the twtntieth day of October next. J do (liny-five year* cj^gc) \f\\ \ ^oud t»rtt< | artillery bcha\edexlienu:ly therefore, by and with the advice of the council, ol c nnon ami aumpter a. anJ pioughraan. and'undeiftanils all loili i " All ti.e ofHcers are really in a diftrefled fitu- hereby continue the fiid acl, entitled, nn act plantation ' uliiieis, he ha* been lereral ation, having not a ftitch of cloaths but what are to prohibit for a limited time tne exportation of to fea, anil wujh1 make a Tailor. For not a (hilling in their poik- oi,tts." t eir" oacki, and pork, bacon, live ftock, peas, other vittual, and for otncr purpoles, made at a ExiraS »J a ItlUr, daiid HiUJbtrtugb, Jugitfl 30, /inne-AiiMidel toui/'y, sept; n, i;|«, leflioa of afKrnbly, begun and hetd at the city O ! ICE is heieSy given, that the foKi I 1780. of Annapalu, on JVjoiuiay the eighth day of " The two armies met about fix miles from _ . fcnbers inttjirt to pieJer a petition totkj November, levent.en hundred and Icventy-nuie, 61 this (Ute, prajtoz « sfi CumU.n at one o'clock A. M. ot the i6th, a until tue laU day ol this month. next general aflriuhly lm..it fkirm ft between the auvanced troops a- may pali to confifrn the laft will of Jolt ph W*U GIVEN at Annapolis, this ninth day of Sep. county, planter, & lairnec. uui ainsy, and it Mas with lome ditfi. teinucr, in the year of our Lord, leveateen fon, late pJ,/vnue-Kiunflc; limy we mi nicd the line ol battle ; we had fume dred and eighty. HN PuLlON. popp ng through the night, aid every prcpara- T H O. SIM, LEE. i.v^ tui actioi. wat complete by day-liglit wiun the enemy a,> e.ued in front ; our lines wete pa- i EXCELLENCY'S command, SIXTEEN HUNDRED DOLLAlH ZT. JOHNSON, junior, fee. REWARD. r-ut., a cacti ft n>>cd '>y a morals on right and ' Icit. ;in»itOu!C'y aftei tor morning gun which GOD SAVE THE STATE. E8ERTK D at Yoton^*.ferry, on K, I W.T. tiled at canidrii, gen. Mepbenj, who was at D towmsck, fruni^j dctachi^tnt o't troopiM'l t!i. Ucsiloith. Virgmi.> militia, and who istiuly their march' to the fouthern army, about fowl a biuvf '.ffitti, wo* ordered to advance ami at­ TREASURY-OFFICE, week* paft) fejjArit'JoHK CHIJHiH, ' ofj> tack tbr n^ht ol tbi. Umifh line, which ho did Annapolis, Sept. 13, 17(0. 7th Maiyland 'rt^iment, a likely roune tclfiy, i in r*ftutifui oriicri hut the fir ft fire, the br.tilh OTICE is hereby given, that bills of about 5.feft 10 or 11 inches lii.,h, lijhthiir;! a>4vun>.ii>p with charged bayonets, the mili ia N credit are now in the office for exchanging and fair 1km, was born in Moot jom^iy countjJ gave way, anil flew in comulion | the Nortb- the quota of this Uate of the bills of credit emit­ to which place it is prnhanie he hai^jone. Froif I C riM.ua miiitiaj except a pai t of Gregory's bri- ted by «ongreis,, agreeable to^aft of the ge- the iame. detachment,, at the mouUI of Pito*. | g:.u', toilbwcd their inglorious example, and in neral aflcmbiy. 4 mick, Jd0« SriCBR, GABAI^L SALII, ihtir reticat thiew the iorps de reurve (which WILLI'AU NOBLE, all qf The »y Marylandtt; I \v<» compofcd oi i he tirlk Maryiand brigade) into counvy, Sept. 4, 1780. giment. From Annapolis, on the 4t[i infant,] fortK diloidci j but the omciit excited them- OTICE is hereby given, that the veftry the folloiring foldkr* Jrom the recruits l«ftl§l Icivts, iiiJ the nun loon recovered their order, N of bt. Mary Anne's parifh, do intend to levied in Wafliington tounfy ^ PAT KICK LOE-I and maintained the fi^ht with great oblhnacy. petition the next general aflcmbly of this (late, LIMS, bornr in Ireland. abcAil * feet high, wtll As the ..chon ijcgan on the lelt, the fecond Ma- to pals an aft to enable them to (ell and convey made, (andy hair, and blue eves, h* I o*> 11 rv.aiand brigade, which was on the ri^ht, was the glebe land in fakl pariih, and to put the hunting mirt and overalls. KEltX 5Ni»it,| the c"g;ige| you a lilt oi killed, wounded, and miffing. T the general aflcmbly of Maryland lor a law foil's regiment of artillery, JAMES NEAI., alfr " Col. Wil.iams, whoufted a* adjutant general, to remedy fome deiefts in his title to the water PATRICK MOLroaT, born in Ireland, 5 fen* ha* Vis coat perforated in tmxe placet, butie- Ixt No. it, and part of the water lot No. 13, or 7 inches high, ' ' -has a fiekty (warthv ceived no wound but a (mall contufion in the fituate in Chelter-town, on Chefter river, in the plexion j kad on a mixed cloth coat, ana^ faid ftate, hereby gives public notice (agreeable trouferst it is probable he will forge li to an order of that honourable houlc) that he pafs and lhange his name, having oa 11 6T of officers of thr Maryland line, killed, inUnd, to apply to the next general altembly at the like. Wnoever fecures the above defal«J «.• ti taptuied.wounue.l, and mifling, in the action. tVlr firft lelbon, to have tf,e prayer of hit Jaid . -,.... r / in any gaol, or delivers thera in Annapolii, W*! of the i6lh and iSthol Hugult, 17(0. petition granted, of which all concerned are de- be «ntltl*d to the above reward, or »oo <+* / for each, btfides reafonabl* charge*. fieut. Dunovajp frth. L U. FORMK3 i , lieut. col. coat Printed by F R £ D E 11 C t and SAMUEL fi R E E N, at the Po.»T.OrFic». in a-rtM*'* '.^Br-^/f'


lap H I L A P E L P H 1 A, Stpttmhr i». poflible difpatch hither, to endeavour to fall the boundary line, and called in upwards of 1000 rfr«i / a Ittltrfrom giniralGnili, t» tbt prtji- upon fome plan of defence, in conjunction with frefh men. Thefe he added to colonel Sumptcr'* fot cj co*fTiftt tiatid HiUJhrtHgt, Auyif to, the legislative body of the ftate. 1 (hall immedi- party of about 700, and gave him the command j;to. ately difpatch a flag to lord Cornwallil, to know of the whole, whilft b« came here, 1 have or. the fituation of our wounded, anil the number dered out three reglmenti from this diflrift, and 8 I Rr•_ % . ' .. ' %• j»' «• • • « and— -••—•»•—••»••••»»•• condition ofw«fcii*»|*» the prilonert • iwiiwi • in•«• hit44«« handt.UMItU*t tfsfY-jtN the deepcft diftre(* and anxiety of - , mean to put th=m under the command of gene, L Vft minj» ! am obliged to acquaint your C<*J / m ' U"'rJr<"n alllut Suafttr, It gtntrat ral Suroner, and the officer* of three regular W 1 ^excellency with the defeat of ti>« Gat"> datidWMrtt firry, A*g*fl ij, 1780. regimentt of this Bate } lo that I hope in a few day* we (hall be able to afflime a tolerable good SK --/*!rr troopt under my command. I ar- Pear General, countenance. ^L»t JtJ* lived with the Maryland line, the 1 HAVE jult time to inform you, that early titillery, and the North-Carolina militia, on the thit morning I took poiTefCon of all the pafs wayt ExtraB tf a litltrfnm gnrrtl Gatti it tbt trtS. ijih mlUnt, at Hugely, i j milet from Caraden} over th« Wateree river, from Klkiille* ford to dint o) tongnft, tUmt Umtreurb, Aue. to. iivk poft there, and wat the next day joined by Mr. Wbiteart ferry, rive milet below Camden. 1780. cnenl Steyent, with 760 militia ftotn Virginia j The enemy had guard* at many different placet SIR, atone) Sumpter, who wa* ;it the Waxawt with upon the liver, all of which wat evacuated lift 1 have the honour to enclofe to your excellen­ ^oo Souili-C^rolina ni'litia, had, the Sunday night or thit morning, and the guard* ordered cy, for the pcrulal of congrefs, my letter of thit itfwt, killed *ud, taken ne*r 300 of the enemy, into Camden, except thole at Wateree ferry, d.ite to general Wafhington. continued on both fides of the river, ibo were polled at the Hanging Kock. Thit, which wa* ExtraS Jrem tbi tndoftd lilttr It gtniral Waftutr- MJ other flrokea upon the enemy's advanced of which the guard upon the welt fide, wa* fur* HUlflartngb, Aug. 30, i;lo. oh, otcafioned their calling in all their out priled by a party of my men, who killed feven, rtn, dattd foil to Camden. The ir he fhould proceed down the Wateree, oppo- conflant fire, but 1 have received no damage __ The militia broke (bearljr in the day, and fee to Camden, intercept any ttoret coming to yet, 1 intend to keep pofll-flion, if I can, until ( fcattered in fo many directions upon their re­ Ike eotmy, and particularly the troop* from am honoured with your excellency'* further treat, that very few have fallen into the handi 6T >iutty-Se, who were likewife withdrawn from commandt. I mould nut h >ve been Ib precipi­ the enemy, by the firmneft and bravery of the tat poll. Tint wat well executeil by coionel tate in my movement*, but ibic.uw the exceflive contineni.il troops, the victory it far from blood, Sinnpter, as hit letter enckaled will (hew. difadvantage that would relult from their having left on the pajt of the foe, they having upward* Having communicated flly plan to the general the communication open, whereby they were of 500 men, with officers 1m proportion, killed ti:crt, in the nlte> noon of the 151!) inltaittr*'* conftantlv re eiving both men und provifioni. and wounded lord Cornwallil, remained with u tefolved to march at to at night, to take The furaher ot troops, regulars 1 mean, do hit army a; caraden wljen 1 received the lail ac­ in a very advantageous utuation, with a not exited iaoo, and not as^nany at 1000 of count* IIOMI -hence. Two days after the aftion Irtp creek in front, (even milet Irom Camden | the militia, who are generallyTkkiy and much p' the i6th, loitune feemed determined to con- It* heavy baggage, tic. being ordered to- march difpiriud ) there it a reinlorccmcnt laid to be tinue to itiit.eit usj co.ond Sumptcr, having mediately hy the Waxaw road. At 10 the upon the road from town, will arrive in two murched near 40 miles up the river Wateree, troy begin to march in the following pr».er. days, the numnei about five bundled. halted wi h the waggoni and prifoncn/rfe bad a V f- Colonel Armond't legion in front, fupporteO on As toon as polftblf wu) give >ou a more par­ taken on the lirtcenth. By lome indiljlretion, * v ; krxh fUnks by colonel Porterfield's regiment, ticular account ot what is palling. t.ie men were lurpnfed, cut off from their arm*, ** V ' tod the light ii.tantry of the ii.il.MA, the a^yanc. I am dear general, with the gieateli refpeft, the whole routeo and the w.iggons and prilonert Your excellency's molt obedient humble lervant, retaken. Colonel -bumpier, fince his furprile 'ft., -if-..;. tdfutid of infantry, the Maryland line^ with and defeat up the welt fide of the Wateree, hat tar artillery in fiontof the brigade*, thfSorth- THOMAS S U MP T E R. n inflated and encrealed hit corps to upwardt of Cuolina militia, the Virginia militia, the artil- Hit excellency general (jafcM. 1000 men. I have directed him to continue to Irt), &.. and the rear guard. Having marched P. S. Itm? the rriealtsrr to\V\rm your t*. liana's the enemy upon ih.it fjdej lord Corn, t five milet, the legion wat charged by the cellency, that 1 have this mftant made ai>out le- wallis will thtrerure be cautiout how he maktt iy't cavalry, and well (upported on the venty piiloneri, all Hritilb, fix waggons, ba;- any confiderable movement to the eaftward, i, as they were ordered, by colo.-.el Porter- g?ge, &c. jult from Ninety-six, many of the while this cerps remains in force upon hi* left wuo beat back the enemy's horfe, and was pnionert aie fkk. jlmkll unfortunate y wounded ^ but the enemy'* flank, arid the truin array ii in a manner can­ ExtraS tf m litnr Jrem gwtrntr Najb to ibt JiU~ toned in his front. Anxious for the puuiic good, /miry advancing w.tli a heavy fire, the tioopt my unwearied endeavours to ft p |>ifront gave way to the riilt Maryland Brigade, gatti ej North-Carolina, duttd Hitl/ttrtugt, Aug. I fliall continue aj, 1780. the progrels of the enemy, to reinllate our at. ' t coiitufi'in enfued, which took lorne time ..fairs, to re.commence an uffenfive war, and re- gultte. At length, the army wai ranged in SINCE our late deftat near Camden^ I de- recover our lofle* in thefe fouthern Hates-. of lutile, in the following order i general Inyed writing till j could give you lome ce%un Pxblifbtii bj trJtr if ftitgrtfi, htl 'i brigade upon the right,%ith his right account'of that unh.ippy arfiir. '1 he militia, t* a iVvamp, the North-Cfrwina iniliti* in except one North-Carolina regiment, commard- CHARLES THOMSON, fecr. |Ct center, and the Virginia militia, with the ed on the occafion by colonei Pixon, of th« re. A N N A P 0 L I 8, ^/.a»»__ ' 'it infiutry ami J-ortcrficld'* corps, upon the guiars, gave way on the firrt fire, and fled with Seven hundred non-commlflioned officer* and I the artillery divided to the brigades, and the utmoU precipitation. The regulars and the foldiers of the Maryland divilion htve rejoined firrt Maryland biigtdc a* a corp* U« rei«rve, regiment jult mentioned, bravely Itood and the army. to cover the cannon in the road, at a proper pufhed bayonet! to the lalt. By the defer t ion of The following are true copies from two origi­ in the rear. Colonel ArmonJ'* torpt tne militia, the enemy were able t.i turn the Irft nal letters found in a major Kugcty's h< ulc, «r jftoidmd to the left, to lupa$rt the Isit li.ink ol the ttanding troops, and to bcml their whole thirteen milei from Camden, iouth Carolina, ' oppufe tlie enemy's cav4ky, (>iid lo h> mortally woundtd. with impunity through the diltricis which are lone. I endeavoured, with general C al­ Generals Gill, bina!lwoojf>, Stcpi^s, l^uther under your direction, that I mud neccrTarily fuf- to rally the militia at fome diftanie, on ;»u ford, Hotter xnrl Gregory ^i*4J^, to it colonel peit the inhabitants to have connived at, if not itigcuui piece of ground, b*t the «nemy's Gunby, who wat faid to he knled. lo a?d to facilitated, their eftape. 11 attaX (intent to their T continuing to harrals their rear, they ran our misfortune*, colontl Sutnptcr, who the day fovereign, will not wove the country people to > torrent, and bore all before them, llop* before the aflioit had captored a party of the check a crime (o detrimental to hit lervice, it Ttt, that a few mile* in tb« rear, they might Britifh, with forty- waggoni, WM the day after mult be my care to urge them to their duty at '" ftora (heir panic, and, again be lironght the action overtaken and iorurifed near the good iubjcttt, by ufair invariable leverity to-' olii, * urder, I continued roy endeavour, but tins Hanging Rock, by a party of the Britim horfe. wardt every one who (hall (hew (o criminal a poodottn He proved in vain. I bey came oh him fo unprepared, a* to oblige neglcft «f the public intereft. I am therefore, militia having taktn loathe woods, in all him and hit men to fly to the wood", leaving Sir, to requeft of you, that you will fignity to all >ni, I concluded wilU geme*al Unlwell, to their striloner*, wflggOnt, and even their arms within the rimitt of your command, my firm c towards Chuloite. I got fiiere Ute in the behind them. General Stepitent write* to gene­ determination in thit cafe. If any perfon (hall 1)1 , but reflecting tint there wat no profpect ral Gates, that he hat collected between 7 and meet a loldier, draggling without a written paii. Electing*, force at that pUce, adequate to to* of the Virginia militia aad ftaU troop*. beyond tht plcqucts^ and (hall not do hit utmott defence of itie country, I proceeded with all General Cafwell made a Itand at Charlotte, near to lecure him, or (hall not fpread an alarm for

r»-;"^ ! / , ; . t..--//- --"we"' -. - ^?,f'"f1 V.'V7,*? ;>.»,<>*»i's''^iYT'. ->.* mi'- l ." : '7 160 t that purpol*- ; or if any perfon (hall give (helter A Nevr-Jerfey paper of the i jth inftant men­ TRAYED or STOLEN, jXXXVIc to foidiers ftraggling as above mentioned, or tions, That 6000 of the beft troops are embark­ S liim Watfon's, on the nth day of (hall (erve them as a guide; or (hall furnifh them ed from New.York, dcitincd, it is (aid, (or ber iiittant, a dark bay HOKSB, about » w with horlts, or any other afliltance ; the perfons Virginia. ... _ years old,- with a largt fwitch tail, has two (J fo offending may allure themfelves of rigorous Extras «fa Ittttrfrim Priaetlen, dttid Seft. 17. die fpots upon the fore part of bis back, iuouT pmijlhment; either by whipping, imprifonmenr, " A deferreV from Staten-Ifland tells me, (hod all round, one foot-lock triram'd, the ut2 or jjy being fent (o feive his majefty in tlie Welt- general Clinton is embarked and (ailed up the three not, paces only when rode, Jfldict, according as I (hall think the degrre of Sound towards New-London, \eltcrday, with delivers the faid horfe t* Willj criminality may require. I have ,ordered thnr 10,000 men. They had advice of t lie ai rival at Beale, Hammond in every loMier who palfes the gicquets Hull fubmit Newport, of the fecund divifiou of Ficnch ceive one hundred dCiiaiBitivjvu. t,, himlclf to be examined by any ol the militia, troops." who have any fulpicion of him: if a lo dier September 14, therefore attempts to eCcapr, when ordered by a By hi» ExctLLlNCY To be SOLD by public VENt>U£ militu nun to (top, he is immediately to be fiied THOMAS SIM t Et, I fquire, Monday the »jth inltant, on the premijei \i) on at a delerter. Single in.n of the light GOVERNOR of MARYLAND, N E moiety of a traft of land called Jj^.-, horfe need not bt examined, as tliry may oiten A P R O C L A M A i 1 O N. O Relerve, containing 116 acres, l»ini j» be fent .alone upon exprefles ; nor is any puty HEREAS full power an i;to. acquaintance with lome ol them, at lealt with pork, bacon, live Itock, peak, lxan>, tr.it , ainl their characters, that you may tempt them with For SALE, other victual, and for other purposes, in ide at a H E A L THY ftrong negro man, ibott propofals without fear ol their betraying you. leflion of afl:mbly, brgun and lieid at the eily The lervice which I would have them pel lorm, ihiny.five years of agej he is a good cum of Anna,-ol>&, oi> Monday the eighth day ot nnA 1 ploughman, and undu Hands all lorn of is, to advife Sumpter to advance and fix Ins en­ November, (evciit;cn hundred and leveiity-muc, plauution uuuiiels, he ba» beta leveral voppi campment behind Berkley*! creek, where thuc until the lait day or this mouth. is a very fpecious pofition. to lea, and would make a gooJ lailur. For itim I will promife five hundred guineas to any of GIVEN at Annapolis, tins ninth day of S;p- a,.ply toMefTrturs Ealtman and t»etb, merchub, them who will prevail upon him to take tlut tembci, in the year of our Lord, Icveutccn Annapolis. f ftep; will give you,notice of it; will particula- hundred ami eighty. rife the enemy's torce, and mark what detach­ T H O. SIM LEE. Crcil county, Sept. 4, i7lo, ments are made to fecure their camp from lur- By bi. EXCELLENCY'S command, OTICE is hereby given, that the rrlbj ptile. Whoever undertakes it, may depend up­ T. JuHN|f>ii, junior, lee. N of St. Mary Anne's parilh, doinicodt* on the (tritleft iecrecy being obferved : lor, up. OOD Srf^E 1HE STATE. petition tht next general aflembly of this Ibttt, on that head, -I am lure I may rely upon you. to pals an act to enable them to (ell and cootty Very plauftble arguments may he uled for coun- the glebe land in faid parilh, and to pat Us (elling Sumpter to take that pofition t it ir.ay Annapoli*, Sept. si, 1780. money arifing theielrorn to interttt, until sa*. particularly be reprefented, that be would there, To "be LET, and entered on the third ^ay of ther trad ol land more convenient for a gkst, by cover the Waxhaws from the incurfions of November next, - caa be* puichaled. our cavalry, and fecure all the grain ol that dif- HE H O U S E, G A R D E N, and S T A- Signed by order of the veftry, ".$ trift ; that Mecan's detachment, from its halting T UJ-vt b, now occupied by Mr. J OH N 1'HO. HUUHEI, rtj. at Hanging Rock, is evidently weak, and acting B A H>L, ifc thin eity. For te ms applyjq on the defenfivej and, that »s v.c can luppoit September (, i^lo. our light troops much moie readily from Hang­ H E fubfcfiker, having formerly pctkiood ing Rock, than he can lultain bis pielcnt pou- T the general affcmbly of Maryland for a In tion, his advanced parties will always be ci - >TA U £ lubl'ciibcrs rcquelt all perion*, having to remeuy fome delecls in his title to the mw cumlcribed in their range ; and mull always, lul- J. claims at ainlt E L 1 E V A L L E T T E, lot No. is, and part of the water lot No. ij, ier TV Vie n they iall in with ours. 'J o pnveiit decealed, to make them known as loon as conve­ lituate in Cheller-toivn, on Chetttr river, in 1st their having any apprehenfions lioni me, repoitj nient to Thomas Harwood, of the city of Anna­ laid itate, hcieby gives puolic notice (agrccsMi might be propagated in their tamp, that Cal'wcll polis ( and thole indebted are dtlired to n.ake to an uider ot th«t honourable hoult) tbitst had defeated M'Arthur, and was prellingforwatd payment. intends to apply to the 'next general aflsmbljr, * again It me: their credulity would ardently em. EMZ. VALLETTE, executiix, their firll lelbon, to have the prayer of hit b^ brace a tale fo confonant to their wilhes j and Til'0. HAKWOOD, ~) petition granted.! of which all concerned art fc» the aflerter might, in (pleading it, make a parade WILL. BROGDES, > executors. tired to take notice. of his z«al. The difficulty will be to procure a JOHN BROGDEN, J ELEAZER M'COMB. proper emiflary: if he conducts the bufincls well, he (hall be rewarded in proportion to the beptcmber ti, 1780. Anne-Arundcl county, kept. 11, i;!o. importance of the lervice. '1 here is in their HERE are for fate, at col. Shaipe's plan­ O T I C E is hereby given, that the lok- camp, a lieutenant-colonel Lacey, a prifoner on T tation, near Annapolis, leveral lull blood, N fcribers intend to prefer a petition to Ik parole to us, who, endeavouring to perluade ed horics, particularly a beautiful bright bay next general aflembly of this Itate, praying »n J Patten to follow his example, lias been confined, horle, five years old, filteen hands high, which may pals to confirm the lalt will of Jolcph WK- and-injurioufly treated by Sumpter j pollilny, was jot by col.-Lloyd's 1 ravcller) bis dam was fon,, late of Anne-At unde! county, planter, d(- that may be a good channel for the buiineis. by Goige's Juniper, his grand dam by Morion's ceafed. JOHN r-OLlOS, No evil can arife from a dilcovery of the propo- Traveller, and his great grand dam by the MAKY POLTON. fal i. Sumpter might, indeed, pretend to give Godolphin Aiabian. into the fnare, and might lay an ambulcade for A chelnut colt, four years old, fifteen hands Frederick county, MarylsnA us, but, as ijhould march prepned for every high, which was got by governor Eden's horfe HEREAS the fuhfaiber obliinti ll occurrence, Mfcight probubly draw as much ad. Badger; In* dam ity col. Talker's Othello, his W warrant out of the land-office la tk| vantage from^rneeting him in that manner, as if year 176], which wairant was executed, » 1 had been the aifcilant. V. e mull only take grand d.un by the Godolphin Arabian. certificate returned to the land-office, by i care not to be duped ; for if the peribn whom A chelnut colt, two years old, fourteen hands name of Hill in the Middle, agreeable to we try, reveals the ajfair to bumpier, the latter nnd a half high, got by sweeper, which was got rule and practice of faid office, and all otbtri* may go halves with him i and, to entitle him to by Dr. Hamilton's Figure j his dam was by quifites complied with j but before the tlYumg J . the money, may encamp at Berkley's creek, one Morion's '1 raveller^and his grand dam by the a patent, he was vnder the neceflity of brintii| afternoon, and go oft next morning. "I he Godolfihin jCJbiari?4\ an action of trefpals and ejectment, which acttM terms rauft be clear, and btxafdt towards us at '1LL1AM YELDELL, is now depending in the gencial coiuti Tbe* lead. Should Sumpter be lemforced, I think are therefore to give public notice, tiut afterita him likely to take the ftep without mitigation. TREASURY.OFF ICE, (bail have been advcrtifed eight weeks be is- Shew this letter to major Mecan, and believe Annapolis, Sept. 13, 1780. tends to apply tb the general idTcmbly lor an A roe. Sir, l^TOTICE is hereby given, that bills of to pats, to direct tbe regilter of the land-ofKctU I Your very humble fervant. _ credit are now in the office for exchanging ill'ue a patent, or to eniole him to profecutc tU tbe quota of this (late of the bills of credit emit. laid fuit, in as good and ample a mauuer u u R A W D O N. ted fiy «onurefs, agreeable to an aft of the ^«. ilielkid patent had iffu«d. -- -- - Major Rugely. neral alTembTy. ^ iw /j ^J/OH N T» AMMBLL.

ANNAPOLIS: Pruned by FREDERICK tnd SAMUEL GREEN, at tbe PoiT-Omc* i» •'« 'ff- 161

{XXXVlth YB^ No. 1759.] A R Y Z E T T E.

R I D Y, SEPTEMBER 29, 1780. t

N E W - V O R K, Siftimbtr a. Frazer of the Britifh, one Britifh captain, and judge neccflary, l ' - J i6th tat -Mrlun on the 8th ot juiy. i he tiritilh fleet un- Charlet-town the i7th uJt. in the morning, Hay, Officert of the iiertdnmalGeary, had taken twenty-fix Out of army who fhould cuntoiiue in the prenula, I that all tiie preceding day, fignal gunt were fir­ (ervice to the end ot the war, be extended 10 ihe * fleet ot forty tail of homeward bound rich ing from fort Mouitrie, for the approach of an J'rtnth merchantmen from Martinique, "Doini- wrdowi of i hole ollicert who have ditd or tha'.l enemy'* fleet ; and that th: i;th in the. morning, hereafter die in the Irrvue, to commence from siijuc, &c. the latter iiuitook the Jintilh tor the aiarm gum were fired Irom Chariet-town up the frciKh fleet, and Icll an cafy conqucit to the the time ot fuch officer's death, and continue for country, I alia have intelligence over land from the term ot (even years, or it there he no widow, ir.jjhlb, who clolely blocked up the navy of Georgia, that in confluence of Augulime being Ji*nie m the haroour ot Brelt. A vail 'number or in cafe ot her death or intermariiage. t,.e attacked,, the, Medians in garrifon, , at Savannah,. laid halt pay be given to the orphan children of ftlnotcii, HUH and vtonien, had been tri:d and were ordered to march night and day to reinforce ,he orticer Jyin ° aforehid i, {,e (h*l. h«c >. t condemned, tome weie executed, the reit would Auguftme. 1 have allovinformation on which any , and tnut lt be rcCOIlimcnded tcithe leg.tt i. tare tbe bmc fate in Im H"THv".uon> and on dif- 1 can depend, that 148- d! our priloners, gom^ ture, of ,he reipecllTC ftatel to whichhich orn- fttent days. The trial of lord George Gordon rom Carhden to Orangeburg, have been re ccr, Mon&i to ,liake proviuon for payingp.ty.nn me u to come on at common law at it. Margaret's leafed by colonel Marian, and the guard of 40 fame,- on .ccount of- the United-- »tjtes: pi in the borough, on the isth ot July; no regulars cfcorting them, taken by our party other than his grace the duke of Gordon, his ) hat the reltricting claufe in the rcloluiiun of PHILADELPHIA, the 15th February 1778, granting hal. pay to lordlhip's brother, lord Adam Gordon, and the the rKc:r« for (even yean, exprelled in in fe till ot Aberdeen, his unclet, are permitted to In CONGRESS, Aug. 10, 1780. words, viz and not hold any olhce of profit *n, sJwtl »i4t hi* lordfhip. A great many ottendeis in Congref* took into confederation the report of under thele ttates or any of ti.ciu," DC, and is ,oodcut«| thcUtc riot* are daily apprehended, wno will be the committee on the memorial of the general hereby repealed. U foruoH tried and made proper examples of by way of officer*) whereupon, Extractfram thi minutti, irtonement to an injured nation.' Riftlvtd, '1 hat the faid general officer* be in­ A rcinlorcemenl of tire fail of the line and CHAKL.ti THoM-ON, Sec. for luai I formed, that congref* have at no time becA un­ Extra3 tfa Ittttr jrtm Hillfo>rin£l:, btrib-Cuto- merchants,) mo frigate* are ordered to Sir George Ko.uuy. mindful of the military virtue* which have clil- The new* ot general Sir Henry Clinton's UKing lina, daltd Aufujl Jl, 17*0. tinguifhcd the army of the United state* through " Since our action with lord Cui nwallis, near Charles-town and conqucit of Caioluu, wat ic. the courlc of this war, and that it ha* been con- cared on the cth of July, with meltable latil- Camdcn, am intuimcU the bntilh that day, iutt 4. »? « Itantly one of the principal objects oi their care, foui hundred ki.leo and two hundred » ouiulccl. t the rdlrr fictioo by theffebd people ot England j which not only to provide for the health and cumtort cccafioned t ..e gieatclt rejoicings over tne king­ buccels muit have attended our ailni, had not o iniiodb oi tuc army, but to gravity tluir reaionablc defirca, the militia, in a panic, threw away their am,* tfthiifbk, doms. Commodore Johnltone has taken many as tai as the public exigencies would admit. pruci, with the Frtfbcb frigate Le iridui., auj and run off. 1 he fieid wa* with ihe grcatcit and cotmj That patience and lclt-deni.il, loititude and br»very ililputcd by the Maiyland and Deiavaie to pwut it&t them to Lilbon. Jack Ketch, the common perievci..iue, and the cheerful lacrih'ce of time, cautioner of tclont, apprehended as a nolcr, continental*, about nine hundred, who charged , Until M health JitJ fortune, are ncctlFary virtue*, which the enemy three time*, and dio\e them, nut for»gk*, «ai condemned, and ordered tobjrffan^ui witn bu.h t:ic citizen and the foldier are called on to hutacinned fraternity. ^^^^ were obliged at lalt to leave the lie id, »$ our exeuile, whiltt Ittuggling for the liberties ot flanks were cxpoled to the enemy'* infantry and On board the fleet for England art embarked then cuunliy t iht light honourable lord and lady Ca'.hcart; cavahy, and moitly luno..nded by them, And that moderation, frugality and tempe­ ( .very cxcition was uled to rally the m.litia, in tlx generals I ryon, Mathew and Hattifon ; the rance, mult be among .he chief lupporti, a* totonclt Hamilton and Faucett, of the guards; hope* oi lci.ur.ng our na ks, but in vain. Had *, well a* the brighttlt ornament* of that kind of we fuccee^eU in tint, we thou.u h.tve defeated pttkkxxi toloael Macdonald, 7lit; colonel Clcik, late civil government, which i* wilely inltituted by kirnck-raaller-kcnera. ; the captaint Jacobt, the Hrit Ih, a* numbeis oi tueir mew lett tne fivld >d for a In the levcral Ikates in this union i on their leit, ciufely prellcd by the Delaware tc- o the wita Wardlow, Farnha.n and James, of the royal na. That it hat been recommended to the feveral t), major Campbell, 74th j major Sutherland, giment, wno h .d about eighty men tak n ny lot No. n ftatet, lo make compcnUtion to the officer* and purluing their enemy too >ar. His lordlh.p nny 'ver, in tit hi lad/ and family, the honourable major C'ocli- foldier* to them reflectively belonging, for the not, captain Bcauclcik, of the guarut, captain boalt on keeping the ft-ld, but confl .cut i in', (agrcntk dcpreciaiion ot their pay j and that congref* will he was lick ot ti.e aition ; fuch another would jic) tbilk Wi'.lmgton, 57th, captain Ford, of the royal take fpcecly meafuret tor liquidating and paying a/tillery j John Grant, Efqj commuTary and oblige turn to evacuate wamdeni on hit way uTtmlily, * what u due on that account, to officer* and lol- there, he was purlued by I6m« ui (he a^ntee r of hit Id p^nultcr of the royal artillery, Peter Pautnicr, dier* who do not belong to the quota of any EU)i deputy commiflary of provifiont, Meffjs. militia, they took hi* lonilh p's carriage and, ncd treiif- itatc : baggage. It it with latufaclion 1 afTuie you, Biubiuc, Gieen, Spent, and Alkinfon, raer- That from and after the firft day oi Auguft chimi, Mr. lecrenry Smith of Maryland, Mrs. upwards ot two third* of tha inha it nits of COMB. 1780, the army (hall be entitled to receive their bouth-Carolina are ready and are deteiinm.d to' Surow, re lift of the late pay.matter general, pay a* ftatedbelore the fiift day of January 1777, join our army the fint opportunity mat Jrfcr*. J*-V Mr. Hick, and bit family, with many other* it, 1710. in the new bill* emitted purluant to the'rc(olu- i hey are hijjh.y cx-ilpcrated . each retained ration : tf many piiloneisj the lalt party were retaken Iplanter, A- IxtraO if a Ittltrjnm Hil{fttrtngb, Stft. 5. 'Hut the board of war DC 4ire6tcd to repoit to from lam two days after our action. '1 he ,,a- ILJON, " Colonel William*, colonel shelby, and col. congreft, a lift of theofficeis not belonging to ron de Kalb died of bis wounds tht day after the loLTON. Clirke, with about too Soutli Carolmeans and the quota of any Itatc, with an account ol the action. Utorgians raarche.i Irom the north fide of balance due to each, to make their pay good lor " On Broa.il river, the ijth infl. co'oncl Bioad river nit the i7.th of Aiignlt, in order to paft Cervices, agreeably to the rclolutioiu of the Clark, of Georgia, with 60 men was attaek^d R*.k 100 tories at Mulgrove't mill* i but on loth day of April lalt: by joo Britifh dragoons, who-charged h in .md the night of the itth, the tot its were reinforced ThatjhJch of the (tates as have not made com- were repullcd, with tlie loll of 17 killed on the e, 1*1 • h colonel -Gunis, with too regular troop* and uenlation'to their officers and loldiers, agreeably field 1 he day following colonel Clark - was ce, by l» IM tories; our party meant to furprile them, to the recommendation of the i 7 th Augult 1779, inea b co|onej Williams, of Souih-Carolin.i able to ik«l tot w«re dilcovcred) w« lent a Anal I party of be,hr andanil theyihrv arearc herebyherebv requeltcdreouelted to do it asus 'itnd i colonel_i:_i bhelby,^u.ii... ot_> NorthM.,,.I. Carulina,/< ..u... II otbtriM the torfeto reconnoitre them, to begin to (kirmifh fuon as polfible i ' ..'r. whole too men, they were attacked by 500, |*rth them, mid lead them t<> our main body ; That the provifion for granting lands bytlie whom they defeated, killed 6"o, look 70 bri«|U| |«mj formed ncrofs the road, our line extended relulution ol the i6th September 1776, be, and nera, 10 ol them Britilh diagoons $ i Uritilh ma. hicha&N 11 leaft joo yaidt along a timUetcd ridgf, and it hereby extended to the general officers, in the jor and i captain killed. September i 175*1 mti Tkt* "horfe were ordered on each flank, waiting the following proportion, to wit . Since my letter, the above is confirmed." jt afttf ttel tntoy'i approach ^ they advanced within 100 A major general 1100 acres. eks b« A brigadier-general 850 acres. ExtraS of a Utur from' major. gentrai Gain, dattd formed a line of battle, and moved on at Hill/borough, Stftimbtr 9, 1780. tor an » 150 yards, when they began a very heavy That the officers of the army *e furnifhed as ml-oftctul liit. Colonel Williams gave orders that every foon asI pollible,ilUllllllyi withwivii twoinw monthsiiiwiitM* pay,C**ji on**•• ac*»•- " Colonel•••»».-. Marian,---.—.-.., of—. South-Carolina,» —, hit ofccute lU **n (houldL....I.J take. i_ ihit • _ tree,._-_ !.__._have i_;_his object_t_* I.L. lure,*,.,._-» count, to relieve their prefent wants, mentioned furprifcd » party of the enemy. lanuer u « Md not fire till orderi,* which would not bt till in the memorial. cl'corting 150 piiloners ot'tne Maryland divifion. '^eneaiy were within So yard*; a warm fire Auguft 14. lie took tuc party and relealed the priloners, [ELL. "t'D, which lafted about a quarter of an hour, Rtfalvftt, That the officers of the line of the who are now on their march to Croft-creek, »htn the enemy retreated, and we purfued them ai my commanding corps, when in camp, be al­ where I have lent licutenant-colo> el Ford, and «"*» twn miles. We killed on the field £o of lowed to draw fo many ot the rations of provi- proper officers, to conduct them hither." I'M enemy, the inoft of them Britifh, and took fiunt heretofore withheld, at the commander in Publifitd bj ortitr ij <>*grtfi, killed were a major chief, or the commander of a feparate army Hull CHARLES THuMdON, fexr. 1 3 ANNAPOLIS, Annapolis, Sept. 17, j;!o. Anne-Arundel county, Sept. u f,fa H E fuVifcriber, having removed from hi* OTICE is hereby given, thatuiuj " 'The honourable William Smallwood, Elqnire, late tavern in Weft-ttreet to the COFPFB fcribcrs int«nd to prefer R petition tofcf it promotid by an unanimous vote ol convicts HOUSET in this city, for the purpofe of accommo­ nexrteneralalTemblyN of this Uate, praying inu to'the raiJc ot major-general in the army ol the dating gentlemen with mure gentility and cou- may pals to confirm the lalt wiM-oi Joirpa v»iT ^United btatei. v«niemy, and^having protnled httnfetf with '-* -Lte of Anne-Arunttel cotrnty; planttr J"' A gin»uii (Ofjt / e Utter to generali Smalitveod and .cefrartes, ho*pts a continuance of the favours t.ccaled JOHN fOLiON. ,,CtJI, Jraot tte cbfvaliir ofhi< old cultbmers. All genyemcn favouring MARY POLTON. Ckarlsttt, »6, 17801 him with their cuftorn, may rely on mee.ing thn ^•^^^•^^^^^^^•^^^••^^••^••^•^^•••^•B^BWBW^K^^^^^J .Dear Generals, genteclclt treatment, troin ,•' TREASURY-OFFICE, Having leteived feveral wounds in the action their obe< ible lervant, S Annapolis, Sept. \> - of the iGih initant, I was made prifoner with the ' '*""' OTICE it hereby g.ven, that *£* honourable major-general tbe ttaron de K*lr>, credit arc now in the office for exchiaih,, with whom I lerved as aid de camp and Irund, Weltminfter church, i-ept. it, 1780. theN quota of this It.ite ot the bills ol ciedhtS. and hail an opportunity ot attending that great OTICE is hereby given, that altir aw ted i>y. congrels, ugrunhle to an aft ohhe n I and good onicer during th: (liort time he lan- _ publication of th s ailvcuilement, a peti­ neral affcmt ly. .9 p"« N A guifheii with eleven wounds, which proved mor­ tion will be prelened to the honourable the ge­ ______*^ _____ tal on the 3d day. neral afleinbiy oi tlui Uate, pr.iy.ng ttiat a law SIXTEEN HUNDRED DOLLA1 It i» with plealure I obey the Baron's lalt in y re palled, to tnx^Ute paiilhioneis ol the pa- REWARU. commands, in preienting his molt affectionate riih of at. .viargarci'4 Wuiminiur, fur the pur epternher 13, Compliments to all the officers and men ol his pole of lupport.ng .'i rainilter oi the gofpcl, rnd ES-ER TED at Young's.lerry, divilion; hr cxprefTed the gie.'telt lati&taclion in lor defraying;

ANNAPOLIS: Printed by FREDERICK and SAMUEL GR.BBfl. atthc Posr-Owici in Cl>arbi-Strn>- \ .
