
/.' " -\ .. ''. !-v^'--l.;M53 U .'** «&'. '#-:.' > .>£i -. -'*-; *>.., -. 1Kb.* ,755.]•'" A R Y-L A N D A SS.E..T T E; F, R Y, SfePtKMAfcRlj 0 N D O N, Jfevt. foluuon of the proteftant aflbciatlonl a number polled down a boufe belonging to the Roman [N Friday, in the lower aflerably, ot perfons met in tt. George's belds, where lyd cathouc Ichoolmafter, in-Mourficldi, in abbut 1 general Conway roie, and after a George""" Gordon" joined' them' aoout eleven o'clock.' one hour yerittday, which, whenwlien done.done, fome long introduction, moved to bring Between eleven and twelve they fet out (lix a- thoulands went to the Roman catholic Ichool in in bill for quieting the troubles breaft) over London bridge, through Cornhill, Charles fquare, Huxton, where they behaved iia that have for fome time fubufted be- and tbe city; to tbe amount of aoout 50,00* a very riotous manner. Oiurds *ie placed at 'Jrtat-lkitun atul America, aud enabling men, to the houfe of commons, with tne pro- the Sardinian and Bavarian anibaifcdori chapels, to lend out commilfioners with full teftant petition, agaihft the bill pafled laft lelfion sight and day. rt'j treat *ilji America tor tliat purpose, in favour of the R«mau catholics^ which was . Laft night a Urge mob of riotoui perfons fad. candour, b« faid, be would read tbe bill carried «n a man'* head, %to*fe lord dtnly attacked the boule of Sir George Savilte adtd to bring uftif leave uould be given prelented it:' ° in Lticelier fields, made » torcible entry, and gut-. i"br tie houfe) Irora which they would be I he number oj perfons Vrho hid put bltte ted it of belt part of the lurniture, which they y sble to tee at one view what his intention cockades in their hats, no looser reached the piled up in the hreet, and fct fire to ; a party of tbau they could learn it from all he had aveuuea to the two -huufts ot parliament than the horde-guardi being lent tor, the mob dil* i U)iag. He U*n read tbe bill. In the -they begad la exerdle the molt arbitrary and perfed, b«t the lurniture was confbmed. M ic reminded America of tlie nature of dictatorial—"" ——— •""• powerr~ " —— over' both—-....-. lord*—— and—«— commons.——^»« H. V ..*. The« MW houfe»IWUI^ ofv« Mr.ATAI . kainfoith,fV»IU4VI III, ta<low-clandltr,l«VIVTT-%.lBllUIVr* tiiiiaiices, by mentioning delpotic and popifh Some of the members they obliged to take oaths in Stanhope llieet, Clare market, was allo lall It then proceeded to ena£t, that the that they would vote for the repeal of the aft night let fire to by fume evil dilpoled perlons, tin Boitou port aft, the tonnage ad), paired latt year, for granting liberty of con- and was burning furiouQy when this paper went latcrcuurfe act, and every other ait America Icieace to the Roman catholics ( ind almoit to prei't tompluned of, (hould he repealed, and trial every one they obliged to put blue cockade* in y«ju J. Yefterd'ay about noon, a confiderable pvy, the polt-vtiLe, the admiralty courts, their hats, and cry out ' no popery, no po- body ot people allcmbled again in bt. Georgeia tenured, fraoi the moment America claimed p«ry." It happened we believe rather by ac- fields, and from thence proceeded in a body to j benefit, «n tin tonclufion of a treaty of cident than delign, taat the lords Ipirittial and Palace-yard, Weltminlter, with cockades in anil conciliation with his majefty i audit temporal received molt interruption trom them. their hatsj colours flying, &c. About one led bis majelty to lend out commiiConert, They (topped the arcUbithoparchbiihop otof York, and o'clock, detachments cftne horfe, foot guards, lua powers to treat with the colonies. grouly intuited hint. I hey next feized on the and light borle, paraded the ftreets to prclerve iiui|f read ij. the general faid he was neither lord prelidcnt of the council, whom they pufhed a paflage for the meratser* carriage* to the dif­ d uor lo oVjtinata a* to be attached to the about in tbe rudeit manner, and kick** violent­ ferent houfes. Another detachment of toot tog ot the preamble, or of the reft of the ly on tne leg*. guards took pefTcflioti of Wcltminltcr-hall, the ot to any pait ot it, as to give way to bet-. Lord Mansfield vra* alfd daringly abnied and door* ol which they at laft clofed t« prevent the Wdi or wifer claule*, Ihould the huufe ei« traduced to his lice. They flopped lord ator- mob entering there t fcveral members of botli piopo.e the one or tne other ^ he only beg- mont't carriage, and great number* »f them got houfes who walked down un foot were thus pre­ Uxm to receive it, to alter it* add to it, di- upon the wheels, box, ice. taking the molt im­ vented trom getting into the houle for a confi­ prudent-liberties with his lordflnp, who wu a* derable time, among which was Mr. Burke, u, new mould it, take the bad out of it, it were in their pouelfion for near half an hour, keep on y what was good in it. In fliort to who w«* prelently lurrounded by lome of the »nd would not perhaps have got to loon away, rood decent of the petitioners, who expollulited with it what they pieaied, provided they had not a gentleman jumped into his lordlhip's ' to lometiung on the tame principle. Lord with him on his conduit, in abetting sir (jeorue t feconded tlie motion. carriage, and by barranguing the mofc. pviiuded Saville'* motion tor the Roman cat nolle bi.l} them to delift. The duke of Northumberland Mr. Burke in his defetice laid he cerrumly Ic­ Jen cxpieucd his lenrimruti again ft the was much ill treated, and had his pocket picked conded the motion for th« bill, and thought n, and gave tbe fallowing, among other ot hi* watch. 1 he bithop ot Litchfield had hi* himfelf jultified In lo doing } faid he undcrUood mi, for objecting to it. ThaV the generous gown torn, the bithop of Lincoln's wheel* ot hi* he was a marked maa on whom the petitioners iisuions and affections of Great.Unum were carriage weic taken off, and hi* lotdlhip almoft meant to wreak their vengeance: aud t herd j.e t<y known to ail the world. The t slo­ by miracle efcaped any perional damage, i he he walked out fingly, amongft them, conlcioua wer* now in the very moment ot recollec- earl of Hillfborough and lord Town&end came of having done nothing that delerved their ccn- " Tlie balance of defperate rebellion, and down together in the carriage of tlie former, furc in the uightelt degree, having always been irning loyalty i* now, be laid, equally poiied j who wat known by the moo, and mod groffly the advocate tor the people, and meaning td ucrabics on its center t at fuch a moment intuited, fits lordihip would have felt their tury continue fo. ) confidence, wilUora, moderation, and the more, bad not lord 1 ownlhcnd whom lome ot Mr. BurKe at laft got rid of thefe trouble fome J.ng of untoward events, might decide in them recollected, and proftfled a frieodfhif for, interrogators. The mob, tome thoulands of (jTuur, but precipitation in .our councils, been With him i a* it was, they we** both great­ whom were arratd with poleaxes, cutlafles, blud­ luoui dilcirliioru, dometiic diviftons, un. ly pulhed about, and fent into the^houle with* geons, tec. now attacked le*eral of the peers, iitJ ind premature overtures, might turn the out their bags, and with their hair hanging loole on their way to the houle, whom they roughly n tor ever againtt us." lie deprecated the on' their moulders. Lord WiUoughby de treated, particularly lord sandwich, whole clia- itiiion | he wilhed to difmifs the buuneTs with Brooke, lord Bofton, and lord Afhburuham, riot they broke, and who was obliged to .return poihilt rel'pect to it* mover, and therefore were extremely roughly handled j the two latter to the admiralty, having hit face much cut with «d tbe order of the day. were in the hands ot the rook, and were buffet- the broken glals. jtmtil other gentlemen (poke to the queltion, ted about, not only with an imiecent and un­ About feven o'clock, a large party went to liquirter part twelve the houfe divided on warrantable freedom, but with a mercilcl* and Newgate, 'and demanded the perlons of the four i notion for the order of,the d-»y being put, unmanly fcverity for a confiderable time. Lord men committed tor letting hre to tbe Romiih ::h wai carried by isj agaiuit Si. The hOule St. John, lord Dudley, and many other lord* chapels, bat they were told It was not in the it hill patt twelve. were intuited and perfoually ill treated. We do power of the keeper to comply w:th their re. 1*7 15. Governor Pownall in the houfe of not hear that any of t'.e membeit of the houle queft i they then broke into Mr. Akerman'l m«n», moved for letv: to bring in a bill, of common* received much intuit, further than houle, and fet it on tire, which was done to ef­ it* tnnole th« king to make a convention of verbal abufe, excepting only Wellbor* Ellis, Elqi fectually that in a little time the whole ot that or to conclude a peace with the colonies whom tlie mob purlucd to the Guildhall, Welt- valt building was one continued flame | in the) lermi convenient and necefl'ary, &c.
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