Introduction to Computers and How to Purchase Computers and Mobile Devices
Introduction to Computers and How to Purchase Computers and Mobile Devices ObjectivesObjectives After completing this chapter, you will be able to: 1 Define the term computer and discuss the four basic 6 Discuss computer software and explain the difference computer operations: input, process, output, and storage between system software and application software 2 Define data and information 7 Identify several types of application software 3 Identify the differences among desktop computers, notebook 8 Discuss the Internet and World Wide Web computers, and mobile devices 9 Describe various types of Internet and network attacks 4 Explain the primary components of the computer and how to protect against them and their use 10 Explain how to purchase computers and mobile 5 Describe the use of hard disks, flash memory, optical discs, devices and other storage media Property of Cengage Learning 143908131X_Ch1_FINAL.indd 1 6/1/10 2:59:16 PM COM 2 Introduction to Computers What Is a Computer? Computers are everywhere: at work, at school, and at home. In the workplace, employees use computers to create correspondence such as e-mail messages, memos, and letters; manage calendars; calculate payroll; track inventory; and generate invoices. At school, teachers use computers to assist with classroom instruction. Students use computers to complete assignments and research. People also spend hours of leisure time using a computer. They play games, communicate with friends and relatives online and using e-mail, purchase goods online, converse in chat rooms, listen to music or radio broadcasts, watch or create videos and movies, read books and magazines, share stories, research genealogy, retouch photos, and plan vacations.
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