PROCEEDING International Conference of Library, Archives, and Information Sciences (ICOLAIS) 2017

Faculty of Humanities, Universitas October 24 – 25, 2017 Editor: Muhamad Prabu Wibowo

Reviewer: Laksmi; Ike Iswary Lawanda; Yeni Budi Rahman

Supported and Sponsored by:



Proceeding International Conference on Library, Archives, and Information Sciences 2017 Faculty of Humanities, Universitas Indonesia, October 24 – 25, 2017

Editor: Muhamad Prabu Wibowo

Reviewer: Laksmi Ike Iswary Lawanda Yeni Budi Rachman

Departemen Ilmu Perpustakaan dan Informasi Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan Budaya Universitas Indonesia


THE FACETS OF KNOWLEDGE, TOWARDS SYNERGY OF MULTIDISCIPLINARY STUDIES Editor: Muhamad Prabu Wibowo Reviewer: Laksmi; Ike Iswary Lawanda; Yeni Budi Rahman Design and Layout: M. Hanif Inamullah, Wiwit Ratnasari, & Muhamad Prabu Wibowo COMMITTEE SPEAKERS Person in Charge: Dr. Tamara Adriani Susetyo- Salim, S.S, M.A (Head of DIPI FIB UI) KEYNOTE SPEAKERS Conference Director: Muhamad Prabu Dr. Shamila Mohamed Shuhidan, Senior Lecturer of Wibowo, M.S. (Head of Laboratorium of DIPI FIB UI) UiTM Mara, Malaysia, ORGANIZING COMMITTEE: Prof. drh. K.J.P.F.M. Charles Jeurgens, Professor of Administration Archival Science, University of Amsterdam, Margareta Aulia Rahman, M.Hum. (Coordinator) Publication Yeni Budi Rachman, M.Hum. (Coordinator) PLENARY SPEAKERS Logistic Luc Haas, the ICRC Deputy Head of Regional Kiki Fauziah, M.Hum. (Coordinator) Delegation for Indonesia and Timor Leste; Program Dra. Woro Titi Haryanti, MA., Deputy of Library Hanif Inamullah, M.Si. (Coordinator) Resources, National Library RI; Riva Delviatma, M.Hum. Wiwit R. Professors and Senior Lecturers of Department of Secretariat Library and Information Science, Faculty of Nurul Janah (Coordinator) Humanities, Universitas Indonesia: Documentation Fuad Gani, M.A; Bachrul Ilmi (Coordinator) Utami B.R. Hariyadi, M.Lib. M.Si.; Farhan Bukhori Luki Wijayanti, M.Hum.; Silmi Morita Dr. Ike Iswary Lawanda, M.S.; Nurlaila Dr. Laksmi, M.A.; Transportation Dr. Yohanes Sumaryanto, M.Hum.; Afryna Veronica (Coordinator) Taufik Asmiyanto, M.Si. Khaerun Nisa Zulfatun Sofiyani

ISBN 978-602-60333-2-1

Diterbitkan oleh: Departemen Ilmu Perpustakaan dan Informasi Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan Budaya Universitas Indonesia 2018

Sanksi Pelanggaran Pasal 72 Undang-Undang Nomor 19 Tahun 2002 Tentang HAK CIPTA 1. Barangsiapa dengan sengaja dan tanpa hak melakukan perbuatan sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 2 ayat (1) atau Pasal 49 ayat (1) dan ayat (2) dipidana dengan pidana penjara masing-masing paling singkat 1 (satu) bulan dan/atau denda paling sedikit Rp 1.000.000,00 (satu juta rupiah), atau pidana penjara paling lama 7 (tujuh) tahun dan/atau denda paling banyak Rp,00 (lima miliar rupiah).

2. Barangsiapa dengan sengaja menyiarkan, memamerkan, mengedarkan, atau menjual kepada umum suatu Ciptaan atau barang hasil pelanggaran Hak Cipta atau Hak Terkai t sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (1) dipidana dengan pidana penjara paling lama 5 (lima) tahun dan/atau denda paling banyak Rp 500.000.000,00 (lima ratus juta rupiah).

Dilarang mengutip, memperbanyak, dan menerjemahkan sebagian atau seluruh isi buku ini tanpa izin tertulis dari Penerbit, kecuali kutipan kecil dengan menyebutkan sumbernya dengan layak.

The 65th Anniversary of Department of Library and Information Science Faculty of Humanities, Universitas Indonesia The Facets of Knowledge, Towards Synergy& of Multidisciplinary Studies iii International Conference of Library, Archives, and Information Science (ICOLAIS) Secretariat: Lab DIPI FIB UI, Gedung 8 • Faculty of Humanities, Universitas Indonesia, Depok, Indonesia 16424 Website: • Event Website: • email: [email protected] • Telp./Fax.: +62217863528-29/+62217270038




The Facets of Knowledge, Towards Synergy of Multidisciplinary Studies v


Department of Library and Information Science, Faculty of Humanities, Universitas Indonesia (hereinafter reffered to as the DIPI FIB UI) is one of the oldest higher education institution that provides Education program in the field of Library, Information, and Archives Science in Indonesia, since 1952. Until now, Department of Library and Information Science FIB UI has initiated many innovations and novelty studies that are produced by Professors and Lecturers of DIPI FIB UI. Each year of its anniversary, as a pioneer in the field of Library and Information Science, DIPI FIB UI always introduces and brings new ideas in the field. Those new ideas are brought through scientific events, such as international conferences and seminars. In prior years, DIPI FIB UI held Seminars, Discussion, Colloquium in the fields, such as: RDA, Social Media Mining, Library School, Sustainable Development Goals, etc. Library and information science is considered interdisciplinary in nature because it closely relates to other fields such as computer science, information systems, communications, management, documentation, archival science, library science, and social science as well. Library and Information science makes information as the core of the discussion that could be viewed from many different angles. To realize that, this year of 2017, in concordance of the 65th Anniversary of DIPI FIB UI, we would like to initiate international conference, (International Conference on Library, Archives, and Information Sciences (ICOLAIS)), in the multidiscipline that invite scientists from various fields related to library and information science. The theme coined in this international conference is “The Facets of knowledge: Towards synergy of multidisciplinary studies,” that will act as a medium to discuss multidisciplinary topics in the field of library and information science. Through this theme, it is hoped that we can involve many professionals that have indirect roles in the related field of library and information science, such as architecture, information systems, computer science, data analytics, etc. Besides, this anniversary event is also an event for homecoming for the alumni to contribute to the development of the DIPI FIB UI, which could strengthen the bond and network between department and its alumni and related parties.

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2 International Conference of Library, Archives, and Information Science (ICOLAIS) 2017


Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb.

All praise and thanks be to God, the Lord of the Worlds for giving us the chance to held the first International Conference of Library, Archives, and Information Science (ICOLAIS) 2017.

It is my pleasure and privilege to welcome all of you to this event. This event is held in accordance with the 65th Anniversary of the Department of Library and Information Science, Faculty of Humanities, Universitas Indonesia.

I would like to extend a warm welcome to our honorable speakers: Dr. Shamila Mohamed Shuhidan, Senior Lecturer of UiTM Mara, Malaysia, Prof. drh. K.J.P.F.M. Charles Jeurgens, Professor of Archival Science, University of Amsterdam, Luc Haas, the ICRC Deputy Head of Regional Delegation for Indonesia and Timor Leste; Drs. Muhammad Syarif Bando, M.M., Head of National Library of Republic of Indonesia; Professors and Senior Lecturers of Department of Library and Information Science, Faculty of Humanities, Universitas Indonesia: Fuad Gani, M.A; Utami B.R. Hariyadi, M.Lib. M.Si.; Luki Wijayanti, M.Hum.; Dr. Ike Iswary Lawanda, M.S.; Dr. Laksmi, M.A.; Dr. Yohanes Sumaryanto, M.Hum.; and Taufik Asmiyanto, M.Si.

On behalf of the Conference Committee, I wish to thank Bapak Adrianus Waworuntu, the Dean of the Faculty of Humanities, Ibu Tamara Adriani Susetyo-Salim, the Head of the Department of Library and Information Science, for the initiative and support. I also wish to express our deep gratitude to our sponsors: Library of Universitas Indonesia, Tata Solusi, Tourism Office (Dinas Pariwisata) of DKI Jakarta, and the National Library of Republic of Indonesia by helping us realizing this event.

I wish to thank the alumni of the Department of Library and Information Science helping to shape the field. This event is also serve as a homecoming event for the alumni to strengthen the bond and to understand the latest issues in the field of library and information science.

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This international conference aims to be a platform for everyone, including scientists and practicioners that have interests in the development of library, archives, and information sciences to respond to the vigorous transformation of the field that are towards multidisciplinary in nature. Not only, we will get insights from speakers, participants will also be presenting their ideas and findings related to the the core of the field: information, documents, and archives. Selected papers will be published in a Nationally accredited proceeding and special issues of national journals (Jurnal Wacana, Jurnal Ilmu Informasi, Perpustakaan, dan Kearsipan, and Jurnal Paradigma) and the goal is to have it published in early 2018 (at the latest).

Last but not least, I want to thank my fellow committee members for their commitment and dedication. ICOLAIS 2017 is truly an inspiring collaborative project and we are also very grateful to have the support of the staff and students from the Department of Library and Information Science, Faculty of Humanities who have worked hard in preparation of this conference. Thank you for all of your hard work.

I would also like to apologize for any flaws during the conference. Hope all the good intentions from the implementation of this conference are achieved. Amen.

Finally, I hope that all of you will enjoy the enriching presentations, Thank you!

Muhamad Prabu Wibowo, M.S.

4 International Conference of Library, Archives, and Information Science (ICOLAIS) 2017


Distinguished Speakers and Participants of the first International Conference of Library, Archives, and Information Science 2017.

On behalf of the Department of Library and Information Science, FIB UI, I would like to welcome you to the Conference of ICOLAIS 2017. I would also like to convey our gratitude to all of you for helping make this Conference a success as well. Without your participation, support, and enthusiasm, it would not be possible in the first place.

This event is held in concordance with the 65th Anniversary of the Department of Library and Information Science, Faculty of Humanities, Univeresitas Indonesia.

In every year of its anniversary, as a pioneer in the field of Library and Information Science, DIPI FIB UI always introduces and brings new ideas in the field. Those new ideas are brought through scientific events, such as international conferences and seminars. In prior years, DIPI FIB UI held Seminars, Discussion, Colloquium in the fields.

This year, we organize the ICOLAIS 2017, with the theme of The Facets of Knowledge: Towards Synergy of Multidisciplinary Studies. We know that there are a lot to discuss in the field of Library, Archives, and Information Science. It is no longer merely about books, but also about information that could be form in the digital formats. It can be viewed from many different angle of studies: Historical Sciences, Philosophy, Information Technology, Cultural Science, and so on. There are so many potentials in this field that could be discussed in this event. I hope that you could gain so many things though ICOLAIS 2017.

Thank you very much.

Dr. Tamara Adriani Susetyo-Salim, M.A.

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6 International Conference of Library, Archives, and Information Science (ICOLAIS) 2017


Ladies and gentlemen, distinguished speakers and participants of the Conference,

On behalf of the Faculty of Humanities Universitas Indonesia, allow me to welcome you all to our campus, and to the ICOLAIS 2017. Universitas Indonesia is home to the oldest Library and Information Science Program in Indonesia, and since its inception in the 1952, we continue conducting teaching and research in multidisciplinary areas that are related to library and information science.

I, therefore, hope that the Conference will be able to provide a clear mapping of knowledge that will help us envision and conceptualize a closer integration of the knowledge, studies and practices, while at the same time acknowledging that Library and Information Science is an emerging studies and still an interesting subject to discuss.

At the very least, I hope that we will be able to start a continuous dialogue to discuss possibilities, opportunities, and new avenues to bring our teaching and research together towards the production of new knowledge about Library and Information Science.

I would like to thank all of the speakers and participants, the organizing committee, and to the Rector of Universitas Indonesia, for their enthusiasm, support, and hard work to make the Conference possible.

Have a productive and enjoyable conference. Please spare some time to also enjoy the beauty of our campus while you are here.

Dr. Adrianus Laurens Gerung Waworuntu Dean, Faculty of Humanities

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Laksmi dEPARTMENT OF Library and Information Science Faculty of Humanities Universitas Indonesia [email protected]

Abstract This article discusses the position of the information institution as a learning organization in the lifestyle changes of society. Information institutions, such as libraries, archival centers, information centers, museums, have a key role in knowledge management, both in content and information technology. The concept of a learning organization is intended to create highly skilled staff and managers, the ability to work independently and work in teams, and the ability to translate the vision into performance. In the dynamics of people's lifestyles, the institution works to build public awareness of the importance of knowledge gained from the ongoing learning process. People's lifestyles consume abundant information, ranging from neutral or siding with one particular interest, to news and information with fake information. Gramsci declare that hegemony is a practice of oppression by the dominant class to the lower classes by using intellectual capital. Information institutions have the power to resist intellectual hegemony, namely with information literacy programs and lifelong learning, and increased reading interest; apply knowledge management; apply sensors; organize education and training to build information literacy capabilities. Information institutions apply the five dimensions of learning organizations from Peter Senge, namely 1) personal mastery; 2) mental model; 3) shared vision; 4) team learning; 5) system thinking. It can be concluded that the position of the information institution as a learning organization in the midst of the lifestyle dynamics of society is determined by the strongest support lies in human capital, on an individual level, namely on personal mastery and mental models.

Information institutions as learning professionals, who are not only organizations concerned to the form or means of Information institutions, such as information, such as information libraries, archival centers, information technology and communication, but centers, museums, can be referred to also to the contents. In general, this as learning organizations (Rubin, 2016, profession has a great responsibility in p.16). Based on its main function, which the provision and management of is to manage knowledge, both in printed information, and distributes it to the and electronic form, such as archives, community as knowledge. This requires documents, leaflets, as well as other information professionals to forms of information, including continuously have learning behavior, preserving intangible knowledge not only to achieve organizational (knowledge contained in human goals, but also to shape the society in cognition). Organizers of information order to educate themselves (Carroll, agencies are referred to as information 2012).

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Meanwhile, the learning Toit, 2009, pp. 121, 126). The organization concept is now an intellectual capital expressed in the important topic in all organizations, both knowledge of each individual and for profit and non-profit organizations. organization will build the ability to The term is defined as a place where adapt to environmental change and individuals continually develop their produce innovative products and ability to create desirable outcomes, services, in an effective and efficient develop thinking patterns, and each manner. individual continues to learn to see Learning organizations are reality altogether (Senge 1992, cited by interpreted as an organization that Stueart & Moran 2002). conducts independent learning process The characteristics of a learning in a sustainable manner, so that the organization declare that the organization has members who are organization has a culture that able to respond to various changes that encourages and supports ongoing arise. Learning organizations are employee learning, to think critically, different to conventional organizations. and to take risks with new ideas. The In conventional organizations, next characters are the managers individuals are required to do the job allowing mistakes, and respecting properly (Susanto, 2008, p 277). If employees' contributions. The next every employee does it correctly, then character is that the managers the organization can achieve its goals. encourage each individual to be In that context, employees tend to hide proactive and create an atmosphere in mistakes, because mistakes are such a way that they are not afraid to considered to be personal make mistakes. The next character is responsibility. The regulation causes that the individual learns from employees to only focus on their experience and experimentation. respective tasks, and ignore errors that Members of the organization are given might affects other units or even the opportunities to engage in activities organization as a whole. Meanwhile, both within the organization and outside learning organizations are regarded as the organization, as well as carrying out modern organizations, emphasizing the activities that are routinely performed. existence of cooperation among The last characteristic is that every individuals to achieve organizational member of the organization needs to goals. Any errors, problems, and share information so that they have the conflicts, are not merely regarded as a ability to solve and overcome every personal mistake of employees or a problem encountered in daily work. unit, but are regarded as learning. The learning process is intended Lessons learnt are used for to create highly skilled staff and improvement that must be known and managers, the ability to work learned by all employees. independently and work in teams, and Like the other learning the ability to translate the vision into organizations, information agencies performance. All these capabilities are apply the five dimensions of learning referred to as intellectual capital. In a organizations from Peter Senge, 1999 global setting with open markets, (Stueart & Moran, 2002). These five sustainable and sustainable living dimensions allow members of the organizations must have intellectual organization to evolve and innovate: capital as the ultimate organizational 1. Personal mastery: a dimension that asset, beating economic assets and refers to an individual's ability to physical facilities assets (Pienaar & develop knowledge, so as to be able

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to interpret reality objectively. This information professionals in information dimension allows individuals to be institutions are required to continuously able to adapt to changing demands, improve their knowledge to be able to especially changes in technology provide information, knowledge, and knowledge-based society resources and tools for the learning change. process, and learning methods that 2. The mental model: a dimension that inspire users to educate themselves. In refers to the ability to assess oneself order to serve the information needs of in understanding a phenomenon. knowledge-based communities, they The mental model allows the also need to continually innovate and individual to work more quickly and update their knowledge as information with the mindset according to the professionals, as well as enhance their context of the phenomenon, ability to work together to create a including communicating and network of knowledge (Yingqin & building certain values. In an ever- Heeks, 2008; Laksmi & Fauziah, 2016; changing organization, mental Nonanka & Takeuchi, 1995). It can be models at the individual, group, or concluded that the information organization level should institution is considered as learning periodically be reviewed and organization. revised. 3. Shared vision: a dimension that The shifting functions of information refers to the ability to share vision in institutions achieving organizational goals In the context of today's together. Individuals who knowledge-based society, information understand the vision of the institutions play a significant role in the organization, able to organize every dynamics of people's lifestyles. step taken in an integrated way to Although there are still many libraries, achieve organizational goals that archives, information centers, and have been set together. museums in Indonesia that are 4. Team learning: a dimension that considered to be merely a collection of refers to the ability to work in teams libraries, archives and artifacts, they synergistically and harmoniously. build public awareness of the Team learning allows more importance of knowledge gained from conducive, open-minded, mutually- the ongoing learning process . beneficial, and trusting behaviors to Knowledge-based information accomplish tasks. Institution can be considered as 5. System thinking: a dimension that modern organizations, because they refers to the ability to understand don’t only manage physical collection, critically the workflow between as in conventional information units, as well as the network, and organizations. The institution is also understand the consequences required to manage the information that arise when some units are not content or knowledge contained in the functioning. Besides that, the collection it has. Borrowing the concept individual is also able to link it with of a library function that has four basic the organization’s vision and policy functions, the information agency has in the work mechanism within the educational, informational, cultural, and organization. recreational functions (Rubin, 2016, p.1; Stueart & Moran, 2002). In Based on the above addition, the information agency should characteristics and five dimensions, be open to accept new ideas and not

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limit the information to the interests of increase the number of users, they certain parties. Based on the must also play a role in improving the information culture production process, intellectual quality of the user. They the first step to be taken is to build become the axis of moving the understanding and awareness of the application of learning organizations to importance of information and create intellectual capital. The capital is knowledge. Such understanding and the provision of an organization to build awareness need to be reminded at all a knowledge-based society or often times, either verbally, in writing, or referred to as the information society. through symbols. The term information society is Information institutions interpreted as a condition of society managed by information professionals where the production, distribution, and who apply the information agency manipulation of information become the dimension seriously, will create main activity. In this modern civilization intellectual capital. Every individual in with increasingly sophisticated the organization carries out various information technology is known as learning activities, such as training, knowledge society (Kornienko, 2014, seminars, etc., and completes it with p.378; Cortada, 2002; Sugihartati, various facilities and infrastructure, 2014; Mursito, 2012). such as buildings and special places for Information professionals need learning process (Su, 2006). All such to understand the characteristics of knowledge-centered activities require knowledge-based society. the support of structures, such as the Understanding the community means existence of policies, guidelines, clear not only understanding the information division of labor, and also leadership behavior, information seeking behavior, that is capable of mobilizing all the dominant need of information, elements. Information agencies also habits, beliefs, but also understand the need to work with external parties or lifestyle of society related to information among themselves work together. (Case, 2002). Knowledge-based Creating intellectual capital requires communities are the impact of a professional management. For knowledge-focused society (Choo, et example, library collaborations, archive al., 2008). Globalization, which centers, and museums where libraries emerged in the early 1990s, has and archive centers provide data and opened up market expansion, so information about the past, both in the capitalist power becomes dominant. form of collective memory to strengthen Capitalist power creates the identity of a nation, as well as materialization, by pushing things into connecting the past, the present, and commodity material (Abdullah, 2006, p. the future, so that the individual can 111, 179). The market distribution analyze data and information when network affects the values and social dealing with artifacts in museum relationships. (Widiati, 2002). The result of the Communication and information analysis becomes knowledge. technology support is one of the biggest Therefore, information change contributors in people's professionals, in addition to carrying out lifestyles. The technology is an management functions and providing information distribution medium, such information services based on the as mass media, television, portable needs of the user, they take part in the computers, gadgets, smart phones. learning process. In addition, The interaction between humans and information professionals not only information creates knowledge. The

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technology of knowledge processing is (Dahlan, 2013; Laksmi & Fauziah, not only an economic source; it has also 2016; Mursito, 2012). been consumed as a tool for self- identification (Friedman, 1991 cited by Efforts to build the intellectual Abdullah, 2008, p. 113). From various capital information institution media, the public consume an Information institutions as abundant amount of information, learning organizations efforts aimed at especially from the content. The building intellectual capital. The capital choices of information content, ranging is the most important asset in an from neutral, aligned to a particular organization, beyond the economic interest, to news until fake information. assets and the various facilities If people do not have intellectual available within the organization capital, they may not be able to (Pienaar & Toit, 2009, p. 121, 126). The distinguish between news, information, capital consists of three components, speculation, and rumors (Sudibyo, namely human capital, structural 2017). capital, and relational capital (Pienaar & The ability of information Toit, 2009, p.122; Bontis, 1999). professionals lies in managing Human capital includes cognitive information, mastering the language to knowledge and skills in every member understand text, mastering of the organization, including behavior communication techniques in order to in organizing. Structural capital is a kind receive and obtain information, and of power in the structure and master technology. In addition, they mechanism of work, such as also have to be honest and open, able procedures, information systems, to cooperate, and critical of the various networking strategies, team work, knowledge circulating. Increasingly organizational culture, and the like. critical societies cannot only create and Meanwhile relational capital is more manage information well, but they can likely to external relationships, such as also manipulate information for a relationships with other organizations, particular interest. Therefore, knowledge of market orientation, information professionals need to be knowledge of consumers, and the like. equipped with the ability to analyze the The following table illustrates the three information and commodity practices factors that build intellectual capital: with the various interests behind them

Table 1. Intellectual capital in information institutions Intellectual Dimension Details capital Human Knowledge, Skills, a) Professional competence capital Individual experience b) Language skills c) Computer literacy skills d) Knowledge in a specific context e) Managerial skills

Structural Knowledge of institutions, a) Vision, mission, value, strategic capital experiences, procedures, plan organizational culture b) Programs, facilities, information systems c) How to work together

The Facets of Knowledge, Towards Synergy of Multidisciplinary Studies 15

d) Routines

Relational Knowledge through a) External cooperation capital network of internal and b) The image and reputation of the external relations institution c) Markets

Table 1 above shows the room in a work unit of a parent body that formation of intellectual capital in manages library materials, archives, information institutions. Human capital artifacts, documents, organized requires that information professionals systematically according to certain have professional competence as the rules so that it can be used as a source person managing data and information; of information by the public. Before language skills are utilized for communication and information understanding and repackaging technologies emerge, the functionality information, and communicating with is limited to storing and managing users and stakeholders; computer knowledge in printed form. However, skills, such as databases for collection with the support of today's repositories; knowledge in the context sophisticated technology, the definition of the specific field in accordance with of information institutions is the workplace environment; and transformed into a center of intellectual managerial skills, such as planning, life, linking past, present, and future coordinating, moving, and monitoring. (Wilkin, 2015, p 249). Figure 1 below In structural capital, information shows the order in which the institution institutions have a vision and mission processes information in creating embodied into the organizational intellectual capital. strategic plan, as well as having a host of values; have programs, facilities, and information systems; how to work together; and routine work (Stueart & Moran, 2002). In relational capital, information agencies establish cooperation with external agencies; have a good image and reputation to the community; have a defined market or target. The development of an information society which focus on knowledge, leads to the information institution to be one of the significant institutions in knowledge management. The concept of a learner organization becomes one-on-one in the concept of libraries, archival centers, information centers, and museums. The definition of information institutions in general is a

16 International Conference of Library, Archives, and Information Science (ICOLAIS) 2017

Dimension of Component of learning intellectual Efforts to be The final ressort organization capital conducted

Share Vision a) Master knowledge & skills Apply ing b) Master vision & mission Human Capital information c) Innovation creation System d) High commitment Thinking literacy

Personal Structural a) Mutual trust between superior & subordinate Mastery Capital b) Communication system Applying c) Vision mission, SOP knowledge policy Mental Model Relational management

Capital a) Cooperate with other network institutions Team Learning b) Improve institution image in society

Figure 1. The process of creating intellectual capital in information institutions In the figure above, the chart shows that and openly transfer their intangible in its effort to create intellectual capital, knowledge. the information agency fosters In an effort to create intellectual information literacy, both to staff and to capital, information institutions also the public. The term information literacy apply knowledge management is defined as a set of a person's ability internally and externally, by spreading to interact with information, including the skills to staff and the wider the ability to recognize or be aware for community. Knowledge management is the need of information and to be able done personally by individuals in to find, evaluate, and use information everyday life or individually or effectively (ALA, American Librarian collectively in the workplace. Association, 1989). The ability which is Knowledge management is the also part of the independent learning behavior of information in managing process is not only to understand information, which starts from the information, but also develop new creation of knowledge; management; meanings as a result of individual storage; to knowledge transfer. In the interpretation (ACRL, 2006; Su, 2006). information culture, knowledge transfer The concept of information literacy is is one of the most important aspects. It different from information skills. is defined as an activity of exchanging Information skills are a part of literacy. ideas, research results, experiences, In addition, the ability is also closely and skills among individuals within an related to the ability of interpersonal organization, business, public sector or (interpersonal skills), is the ability to the vast community, to enable new approach other individuals and product development and innovative persuade them to be willing to honestly policies (Dhiman & Sharma, 2009, p. 123, Muzakki, 2016). Such activities

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are carried out so that the knowledge such a way that they are unwittingly led can be exploited further. Generally, and willing to support the dominant knowledge transfer is a two-way class. process between agents, both the Information institution itself also knowledgeable and the uninformed. practices intellectual hegemony. With The involved agents express, the support of intellectual capital understand, and interpret knowledge. ownership, the institute creates The end result of the learning information literacy programs, such as process at an information institution, it making the library a space for lifelong is expected to create human capital, ie learning, compiling activities to individuals who master knowledge and increase reading interest, operate have the skills in information and mobile libraries and reading parks, and knowledge management, who can similar activities (Widyastuti, 2017; inspire and commit to the institution Wahyuni & Uki, 2016; Laksmi, 2012; (Stueart & Moran, 2002; Laksmi, 2012). Su, 2006). Those programs are aimed In addition, it is also expected to build at children in reading parks, public structural capital, namely the mutual libraries, and school libraries. The trust between superiors and public library manifesto issued by subordinates, build communication UNESCO in 1994, called on libraries systems between individuals, and worldwide to prioritize services to create appropriate SOP to achieve children, particularly reading interests organizational goals. The final result is (UNESCO 1994, Rubin, 2016). also expected to build relational capital, Children are the main target, because in the form of cooperation and brain development of children aged 0 to networking with other institutions, as 5 years is in the golden age. In addition, well as improving the image of the there are countless reading movements institution in the community’s eyes. in Indonesia, organized by 1001 books community, TBM Kelana, various shelter houses and smart vehicle, both The power of information initiated by individuals, communities, institutions amid the dynamics of and governments, and much more. people's lifestyles In relations to literacy program, In this change of social order, an association called Asis & T mass media is one of the means in the (Association for Information Science process of production and construction and Technology) creates an Interest of knowledge, the global society Group for Education (SIG ED) that lifestyle makes information and focuses on education for every age knowledge the center of everyday life level, which relates to handling (Su, 2006, p 247). This shows that information process. It is a forum that every individual’s life is controlled by coordinates educators from various information and knowledge. The fields, including computer science, intellectual capital in society, as communications, library science, and portrayed by Antonio Gramsci, is used management. They are equipped with as a tool for hegemonic practices knowledge about the profession, (Ruber, 2003, 2010). The meaning of education and training, and hegemony is the practice of oppression professional education. by the dominant class towards lower The association also issued classes. Through the mass media, the guidelines for the general public in dominant class creates the facing with information (ALA, 2017). consciousness of the lower classes in Here are some tips, such as: consider

18 International Conference of Library, Archives, and Information Science (ICOLAIS) 2017

the source of information, the credibility awareness-raising tool used to create of the author, also check the links and filter systems on certain issues, such as support on the article, date of sex, violence, inappropriate language publication, note the purpose of the use, including formats and access article, as a promotion or other (faster audiovisual format and more interests. Other guidelines on providing pervasive affecting a person, than in information literacy to the wider the form of writing / books, as well as community suggest that rather than ease of access through the form of focusing on identifying false news, it is CDs, televisions, and cinema). better to teach people how to recognize It is based on concerns about good journalism by recognizing the the future of young people (Rubin, quality of information content (Benjes- 2016, p.499-500). Several efforts have Small, 2017). Here are the guidelines been made by information agencies, provided: such as blocking harmful information 1. Avoid judgments based solely on sources on the internet. One of the the source Check with trusted links. facts, the Ministry of Communications 2. Based on the Journalist Code of and Information blocked the site Ethics, note whether the author on Saturday 23 verifies the facts; note also whether September 2017. Some countries the writing is really news or just a already have Children's Internet sensation. Protection Act, and the American library 3. Distinguish between perspective Association has a policy on intellectual and bias. Someone writing the freedom (ALA Library Bill of Rights), same news with a different Freedom of Information Act, and more. perspective or point of view, is The attitudes of information understandable. But when the professionals sometimes appear to be writer does the bias, the facts will contradictory, on the one hand taking change. an attitude of obeying the rules, but on 4. Find the original news source. Many the other hand, it violates other rules. sites repackage news without Information agencies become verification, research or additional government extensions when book news. censorship occurs, although not all 5. Check back the oblique news, which information agencies have the same only cornered a certain person or attitude. The library obeys government party because of a particular regulations by withdrawing the interest. censored book, as well as depriving the public of the right to information (Rubin, By having intellectual capital, 2016, p. 415; Budihandayani, 2000). information institutions apply Another case, a public library knowledge management, which addressing issues they consider being includes the creation, use, processing, pornographic in violation of copyright. and dissemination of knowledge Japanese manga comics are famous (Laksmi, 2012; Dhiman & Sharma, for presenting comics with vivid 2013). Various informations spread in cartoons. The pictures range from the community through social media, images of a woman's body, such as a neither neutral information nor false woman in a naked bath, a woman with informations, they can not possibly be minimal clothing, or an intimate entirely filtered by the information physical relationship between a man agency. Therefore, information and a woman. The sensor is done by agencies utilize censorship as an adding a picture of 'clothing images' on

The Facets of Knowledge, Towards Synergy of Multidisciplinary Studies 19

the bodies or disguise the image by Lontar Library located in Buleleng, , blackening the image with ink. The best not only preserves the physical Lontar perceived action infringe the author’s leaf form, but also preserves intangible copyright. That action is a collection knowledge. Information professionals management that is considered there can also understand the meaning optimal. People can still enjoy the work, of the information contained in the rather than the comics stored so that Lontar, as well as learn how to write and the reader cannot read it at all. sing the Lontar. Figure 2 below shows In contrast to the above the Lontar Library or Gedong Kirtya mentioned information institute, the Singaraja:

Source; Retrieved 20 October 2017, from x- b&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjMiN_T2ZPXAhVCro8KHUF GBLYQ7AkIMg&biw=1025&bih=476

Figure 2. Library of Lontar, Buleleng, Bali

Furthermore, as shown in the figure have been done, such as creating above, information professionals also information literacy programs or learn a foreign language to be able to providing education and training for communicate with foreign national information professionals, information visitors, resulting in a process of institutions are able to create sharing and transfer of knowledge intellectual capital, both at the individual about the palm in Indonesia. and organizational levels. The intellectual capital tends to rely on Conclusion human capital, and is less able to The position of the information create on structural and relational institution as a learner organization in capital. Therefore, the most powerful the midst of the lifestyle dynamics of efforts to support a learner's society can be regarded as organization are at the individual level, professionalism of information namely in personal mastery and mental professionals. With various efforts that models.

20 International Conference of Library, Archives, and Information Science (ICOLAIS) 2017

REFERENCES Abdullah, Irwan. (2006). Konstruksi dan reproduksi kebudayaan. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar. ACRL (a division of the American Library Association). (2006). Information Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education. 17 November 2006. Diakses dari Benjes-Small, Candice. (2017). Information Literacy and Fake News. Retrieved 22 Oct 2017, from Budihandayani, Dini. (2000). “Masyarakat berhak mendapatkan informasi.” Republika, 5 Juni. Carroll, Bonnie C. (2012). From knowledge navigator and Watson to Star Trek: the role of the information professional. Retrieved 1 October 2017,, pp. 79-83. Case, Donald O. (2002). Looking for information: a survey of research on information seeking needs, and behavior. California (USA): Elsevier Science. Choo, Chun Wei; Pierrette Bergeron; Brian Detlor; Lorna Heaton. (March 2008). Information Culture and Information Use: an Exploratory Study of Three Organizations. Journal of The American Society For Information Science And Technology, 59(5):792–804. Cortada, James W. (2002). Making the information society: experience, consequences, and possibilities. New Jersey: Prentice Hall. Dahlan, Muhidin M. (2013). Politik dan arsip. Kompas, 28 April 2013. Dhiman, Anil Kumar & Hemant Sharma. (2009). Knowledge management for librarians. New Delhi: Ess Ess Publications. Kornienko, Anna A. (2015). “The concept of knowledge society in the ontology of modern society.” Internatonal Conference on Research Paradigms Transformation in Social Sciences 2014. Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, 166, pp. 378-386. Retrieved on 29 June 2017 at [ELSEVIER] Laksmi dan Kiki Fauziah. (2016). Budaya informasi. Jakarta: ISIPII Press. Laksmi. (2012). Mencerahkan karakter bangsa di Lembaga Informasi. Buletin Mantap, Memasyarakatkan Arsip dan Perpustakaan, First edition, p. 18-21. Mursito, BM. (2012). Konstruksi dan Pemalsuan dokumen. Jurnal Komunikasi Massa, Vol. 5 No 1 Januari 2012. Muzakki, Akh. (2016). Mengelola pengetahuan. Kompas, Sabtu, 26 Maret 2016. Nonaka, Ikujior & Hirotaka Takeuchi. (1995). The Knowledge-Creating Company: How Japanese Comapnies Create the Dynamics of Innovation. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Raber, Douglas. (2010). “Hegemony, Historic blocs, and capitalism: Antonio Gramsci in Library and Information Sience.” In Leckie, Gloria J., Lisa M. Given, and John E. Buschman (eds.). (2010). Critical theory for Library and Information Science. Santa Barbara, California: Libraries Unlimitied, pp. 143-160. Raber, Douglas. (2003). Librarians as organic intellectuals: a Gramscian approach to blind spots and tunnel vision. The Library Quarterly: Information, Community, Policy, Vol. 73. No. 1 (Jan., 2003), pp. 33-53. JSTOR Pienaar, JJ and ASA du Toit. (2009). Role of the learning organisation paradigm in improving intellectual capital. Journal of Contemporary Management. Vol. 6, pp. 121- 137.

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Rubin, Richard E. (2016). Foundations of library and information science. Fourth edition. Chicago: The American Library Association. Su, Sherry Shiuan. (2006). Individual learning and organizational learning in academic libraries. In C. Khoo, D. Singh & A.S Chaudhry (eds.), Proceeding of the Asia-Pacific Conference on Library and Information Education & Practice 2006. (A-LIEP 2006), Singapore, 3-6 April 2006 (pp. 247-251). Singapore: School of Communication & Information, Nanyang Technology University. Stueart, Robert D. dan Barbara B. Moran. (2002). Library and information center management. Sixth ed. Westport: Libraries Unlimited. Sudibyo, Agus. (2017). Tanpa pandang bulu menghadapi fabrikator hoaks. Media Indonesia, Kamis, 31 Agustus 2017. Sugihartati, Rahma. (2014). Perkembangan masyarakat informasi dan teori sosial kontemporer. Jakarta: Prenadamedia Group. Susanto, A.B. (ed). (2008). A Strategic management approach: corporate culture & organization culture. Jakarta: The Jakarta Consulting Group. Unesco. (1994). Manifesto perpustakaan umum. Wahyuni, Nur Cahyati dan Martina Uki. (2016). Perpuastakaan sebagai organisasi pembelajar: studi perpustakaan Universitas Gadjah Mada. Berkala Ilmu Perpustakaan dan Informasi, Vol. XII Nomor 2, pp. 136-143. Widiati, Harfiyah. (2002) Regulasi memori dalam pengarsipan: rekonstruksi sejarah. Wacana, Vol. 4(2), Oktober 2001, p. 162-172. Widyastuti, Dewi. (2017). Perpustakaan di tengah hegemoni intelektual. Diunduh tanggal 21 Oktober 2017 dari hegemoni-intelektual/ Yingqin, Zheng & Richard Heeks. (2008). Conceptualising Information Culture in Developing Countries. Development Informatcs, Working Paper Series. Paper No. 34. 19 Juli 2014.

22 International Conference of Library, Archives, and Information Science (ICOLAIS) 2017


Taufik Asmiyanto [email protected] Library and Information Science Department Faculty of Humanities, University of Indonesia Akhyar Yusuf Lubis [email protected] Philosophy Department Faculty of Humanities, University of Indonesia

ABSTRACT This article discusses the concept of information metaphysics, a study in the growing and emerging information philosophy, with particular focus on physical information (environment information) and tracing some metaphysical ideas to explain the nature of physical information. In this context, information is not viewed as semantic, but rather seen as an ontic. This research aimed to reflect upon the concept of information metaphysics that view information as a reality (ecological information) in an attempt to make it an ontological footing for library and information science. The method used was critical hermeneutics. The findings showed that information metaphysics can extend the ontological status of libraries and information science in which information is no longer seen as simply semantic but also ontical (metaphysical). Thus, information is interpreted as information, a metaphysical concept initiated by Norbert Wiener who negates matter and energy. This view is expected to build and strengthen the ontological status of Library and Information Science.

Keywords: Information Metaphysics, Library and Information Science, Information Ecology, Information Philosophy, Information Structural Realism

BACKGROUND has changed human relationships with The information revolution, the the universe and human relationships rapid ICT growth effect, has changed with human beings in both individual the face of the world rapidly and in a and community contexts. Information scope that has never been touched has changed the way humans exist in before. This revolution has moved the the world and simultaneously altering world and its inhabitants to live in an human consciousness. atmosphere full of information and The fundamental change behind dabbling in the information lifecycle this revolution is that information process. Every day information is determines human relations. created, processed, managed, and Information then becomes our utilized in an effort to fulfill human ecosystem and we simultaneously needs of information. The world of interact with other information objects human life becomes a world that is that subsequently transform us into surrounded and constructed by information organisms (inforg) information. Information becomes an integrated with information or integral part and painting the human information organism (connected life. Human life has completely informational organisms). We become mediated by information and they can more sensitive to our status as inforg. not live without information. Information The inforg terminology is a neologism

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presented by Luciano Floridi that be explained again in more depth. The describing humans and other first thing to note is that information information entities as information includes not only “data.” In contrast, beings that inhabit the information information, according to Floridi, also environment. In this position human includes truth; meaning, information has lost their privileged place in the has its own semantic dimension. anthropocentric world, and slowly realizes and accepts that we are the FOCUS OF PROBLEMS object of information. Being an So far the field of Library and information beings means we are not Information Science put the recorded too different from other information information as the object of study. objects where we have one thing in Recorded information is the work of common, living in an informative human knowledge stored in a certain environment, or what Floridi called as medium. The main task of the library infosphere. Infosphere is the neologism and information science is to manage that Floridi presented in 1999 and is the recorded information based on based on the term of biosphere. This certain procedures and standards with term refers to the limited space within the purpose of generating information our planet that supports life. An representation (metadata) for the ease information environment supported by of rediscovering the information. In this all information entities (including context it is clear that library and information agents), properties, information science ontology is interactions, processes, and mutual recorded (bermedia) information relations. An environment that is almost (knowledge). This scholarly explanation comparable to cyberspace, but this of recorded information per se has cyberspace is only one of the sub- greatly inhibited the development and regions, while the infosphere includes progress both in scholarship and also in both the offline and analog information axiology. The Library and Information space (2013: 6). In an ontology sciences are like confined and can not perspective, the infosphere is a concept escape from the cage of reality that limit that can be likened to Being (reality). them. Infosphere is a global space of The interpretation of information information, which includes cyberspace as something recorded in certain media as well as classic mass media such as has obviously restricted and limited the libraries and archives. Thus, the movement of this science. Moreover, infosphere is the whole space that today the development of information in encompasses all available information, the digital and electronic contexts is including nature that can be said to be increasingly overflowing our part of the infosphere. Therefore, information ecosystem, the infosphere. recognizing that intelligent human The evidence is that many social beings are in the same position as problems that occur as a result of the artificial intelligence artifacts, the need information revolution leaving the arises to reinterpret the human position answer to be resolved because the in reality, namely the human position in library and information science has not the infosphere. been able to answer the problem. In that context, information is the Therefore, it is necessary to re- key to understanding ourselves, the ontologize, a term suggested by world, and ourselves-in-relation-to-the- Luciano Floridi in depicting the big world. In Floridian philosophy, the changes (ontological) he undertakes meaning of the term “information” can mainly related to the development of

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information ethics (2013: 6). This of obtaining proper interpretation of the means that the foundations of the meaning of the nature of information. Library and Information science need to The interpretation results serve as a be reviewed again with a deep, serious fundamental step in positioning and certainly scientific review to then information as the reality of library and re-establish its scientific foundation information science. either ontologically, epistemically and axiologically. This means, does the ANALYSIS ontological foundations that are Communities present today can presented today can answer the be categorized as part of the challenges of the times? Is it not information society. A society that necessary to present another ontology grows through the massive use of ICT class? and life surrounded by information. Answering the question above is Society that create, store, manage, and of course not as easy as turning the disseminate information daily. The hand. It takes hard work, discipline and present information includes: seriousness of all scientists in this field information as reality (information to strengthen the foundation of their ecology), information about reality science. This article is just a trivial (semantics) and information for reality paper that only aimed to ‘tease’ the (algorithm). This means that zealotry of some experts of their views information is not just interpreted as a over the years and also at the same semantic thing, as the interpretation so time initiate a long and tedious far. However, information has a broad discussion in order to realize the meaning framework. This obviously science that has a strong theoretical requires a 'new' way of thinking in foundation. Do not let this field of interpreting and using information. A science to be said as only a field of way that can treat the world of data, science that has no theoretical information, and knowledge in the narrative of “their own”, only borrow and information life cycle (including pinch the theoretical narratives of creation, elaboration, distribution, others. communication, storage, protection, In this paper, the reflection is usage, and possible damage), as a new directed at the effort of making ecosystem, infosphere, where information as a metaphysical problem humanity is expected to flourish (Floridi, which is used as the theoretical 2008: 3). The next task is to put a new foundation for library and information position of information as a foundation science. This means information is in developing and expanding the library understood in terms of metaphysical and information science. Here is an (ontical) as a natural (ecological explanation of the argument above. information) not as a semantic (man- made) thing. Information as Polymorphic and Polysemantic Phenomena METHODOLOGY Information is a polymorphic In this paper, the author phenomenon and a polysemantic performed reading, meaning, and concept, therefore, as an explicandum interpretation activities on various texts (something or phenomenon that needs related to information metaphysics, to be explained) it is generally especially the texts of Norbert Wiener associated with some explanation, and Luciano Floridi by using critical depending on the level of abstraction hermeneutic methods with the purpose adopted and the needs oriented by a

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theory. Further, Floridi argues that provides a different starting point information includes not only “data.” On (Floridi, 2011: 29-30). the contrary, information, according to So far, an investigation of the Floridi, also includes truth; meaning nature of information tends to focus on that, information has its own semantic its semantic features. Thus, in the dimension (2011, 33). In other words, information philosophy many analyzes semantic information (truth-constituted) and discussions lead to emerging is an information that at least have issues related to semantic information. characteristic, well-formed, meaningful Information as semantic thing, in and veridical. Distinguish if from general, is seen as well-formed, semantic content that contains only meaningful, and true data. In this logical data. article, an explanation of semantic Meanwhile, Shannon (1993) information will not be described states that the word ‘information’ has further. given different meanings by some The conception of information, authors in the area of information according to Floridi is very broad. theory. According to him, it never According to Floridi, with abstraction occurred to that an information concept level (2004), everything can be would be responsible for the various presented as information system, from applications of this field. Based on the building to volcano, from forest to dining variation of the meaning of this word of table, from brain to factory, and all information, Weaver (1949) underlines processes can be simulated in that the limits of information can be a information. Barwise and Seligman tripartite analysis of information in [1997] have shown that “If the world is terms of (1) technical issues concerning a chaotic and unpredictable problem, quantification of information and related then no information will be processed. to Shannon's theory; (2) semantic But still, the place for information in the issues related to meaning and truth; world of biological and physical and (3) the so-called “influential” systems is far from clear.” (Page. xi). problem associated with the influence This lack of explanation causes and effectiveness of information on problems. human behavior, which he considers to Often it is considered that there play an important role (Floridi, 2004: is no information without representation 40-1). Therefore, it can be concluded (data). According to Landauer and that the meaning of information Bennett (1985); Landauer (1987, 1991, depends on the context in which this 1996), this principle is usually information is used. interpreted materialistically, as it Information is often approached suggests the impossibility of with three points of view: information as information to be physically separated, reality (eg as a pattern of physical throught the formula “representation = signals either true or false), also known physical implementation”. The view that as ecological information; information no information without physical about reality (semantic information, implementation is an inevitable which is qualified and become the assumption when working with material of knowledge formation); and computational physics, because information for reality (instructions, computer science must take into such as genetic information, account physical and limit information. algorithms, and recipes.) Many Also the ontological assumptions Extensionalist thinkers approached the behind the Hypothesis of Physical definition of information as a reality that System of Symbols on AI and cognitive

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science [Newell and Simon, 1976]. that information can survive until now” However, the fact that information [Wiener, 1948, p.132]. requires representation does not If informational is not an require it to be implemented physically. independent ontology category, then in An environment where there are only what category can it derived to? If it is noetic entities, properties and an independent ontology category, how processes, or where the material or can it be related to physical/material universe has an noetic matrix as its and mental? The answer to that ontological foundation (eg Pythagoras, question determines the orientation of Plato, Leibniz, Hegel) seems able to the theory by considering this problem. uphold the principle of Floridi interpreted the concept of representationalism without the information back to the core concept of involvement of materialist interpretation Western philosophy in Ancient Greece, (Floridi 2004a). Relata lifts information namely ideas, eidos, morphe and that could be a monad, for example. So typos. This concept is then translated the problem is: is informational an into Latin into forma, which is the origin independent ontology category, of the term information. The main different from physical/material and meaning is: “giving form to something” mental? Wiener, for example, thinks and “mind mold” or “communicating that “information is information, not an something to someone.” [Capurro element or energy. There is no 2008: 168] materialism that does not recognize

RPT Model as Human Relations affect his information environment Model with Information (information as target). This Floridian Luciano Floridi developed an model is named as RPT Model integrated model as a human reference (Resource, Product, and Target). This framework related to information. It model is useful for explaining why any means that every human being will be technology that changes the ‘life of interested in pursuing whatever he information’ epistemologically or thinks is best for him. Therefore, ontologically will certainly have intuitively, agent can meet his own implications for human life (2013: 20-1). information needs (information as a The role of information as a resource) to produce other information resource places information as (information as product), and thus valuable to human evaluation and

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action. The information of a resource about information-as-source must be managed efficiently, effectively management as performed by and fairly. Every human being is likely information professionals such as to expect to get ‘the best information’, librarians, journalists, academics, get whatever information he can get, in scientists, TI experts, etc., but also order to get a better conclusion of what about creation, consumption, sharing, can and should be done under certain and control of all types of information conditions. In line with Socrates's that is widely distributed, with a very opinion that humans are naturally large and rapid population and interested in getting as much increasing the number of online information as a condition needed, and population, which usually struggles with that well-informed humans tend to do a variety of digital tools (games, mobile the right thing. Therefore, it can be said phones, email, web, etc.). that the lack of information can lead to So in the context of the RPT bad actions. model, humman is not only an However, in certain information consumer, but also an circumstances, having many information producer, that can be information do not always bring subject to a limit when they can actually goodness. The more the better is not take advantage of the existing the only, also not the best rule, because opportunities in carrying out their information retrieval (which is activities. Some of the emerging issues sometimes explicit and conscious) associated with information relation as often makes a significant difference. a product are accountability, liability, We may need to reduce (or withdraw testimony, plagiarism, advertising, from accessing) some information in propaganda, misinformation, order to obtain more desirable goals, disinformation, and others. for example protecting anonymity, The emergence of the increasing fairness, or applying information society has expanded the unbiased evaluations. Rawls's “Veil of action of information as an information ignorance” uses precisely this aspect of object in the information ecosystem. information-as-sources, to develop an The more people who are used to living impartial approach to justice (Rawls, and working in the information 1999). Knowing information is not environment, the more problems arise always a gift and may be wrong or that involve the realities of information. morally dangerous. In the context of Information as a Target emphasizes the information as resource then the three focus of information relation that can things that become the focus, namely: affect the information environment. For availability, accessibility, and accuracy. example, a privacy violation activity of Issues that often arise in the context of hacking someone's information. information as a source of digital gap, Previously, hacking activities were infoglut problems, and reliability associated with information relation as analysis and trustworthiness of source. However, today, hacking has information sources found the correct position in which In the context of information as a hacking is understood as unauthorized product, positioning us not only as a access to information systems (usually connoisseur of information but also at computerized). So, hacking is a the same time acts as a producer of violation of privacy. In this context, the information. The widespread submission of a question related to a development of ICTs and the Internet violation of information, is not what A creates new problems that are not only does with information that has been

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accessed without permission, but the transforming physical entities at the question is focused on what happens in deepest level in their existence. the information environment after A Wiener realizes that information accesses the information without is physical because it is governed by permission. Therefore, hacking is the second law of thermodynamics. In categorized in the Target Information- this context, information plays a as-Ethics relation. Other issues that significant role in every entity and become the focus on the role of physical process. The second law of information include: security (including thermodynamics applies to every issues related to digital war and physical change in the universe, and terrorism), vandalism (library burning Wiener realizes that an increase in and books to remove viruses), piracy, “entropy” equals to the loss of physical intellectual property, open source, information. Thus, all physical objects freedom of expression, sensors, filters, and processes can be viewed as and content control. information patterns (data structures) contained in an ever-changing energy- Wiener Initiation in the Concept of material flow. Every physical object and Information Metaphysics process are part of the thing-to-come, Norbert Wiener is a materialist creative and gradually-lost-things, philosopher who discovered the destructively, because the current concept of entropy used to measure information patterns – data structures – missing information and simultaneously are eroded and new patterns emerge. provide new ways to understand the The “Wienerian” view of the nature of nature and process of physical objects the universe makes the physical entity (1965: 11). a combination of material-energy and Entropy here appears as physical information. the negative of the amount Even living things, according to of information contained in Wiener, are the object of information. the message. . . In fact, it is They store and process the physical not surprising that entropy information in their genes and use that and information are information to create life-building negatives of one another. blocks, such as amino acids, proteins Information measures and genes. Of course, they even use order and entropy the stored information to create new measures disorder. living things; that is, their own offspring. (Wiener, 1965: 58) Animal nervous systems store and Wiener's view is a new way to process physical information, and understand the supreme nature of the therefore activity, perception, and universe. That is, Wiener's findings emotion can occur. And, like other reveal that all physical entities in the physical entities in the Wiener universe, world are “information objects” or even humans can be viewed as “information processes”. The nature of information entities. Thus, human this universe which then explains why beings are essentially information the “Information Revolution” has patterns that survive in the middle of enabled humans to change the world continuous energy-material more rapidly, and in more depth, than exchanges. previous technological revolutions. The information revolution provides scientific theories and tools for analyzing, manipulating, creating and

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Floridian Information Structural informative. Thus, Floridi has Realism succeeded in defending Information Floridi developed the concept of Structural Realism, including its Information Structural Realism in an transcendental assumptions which effort to support ontological conclude that every possible world commitments that see the universe as must include dedomena within its basic a whole of information objects that reality. interact dynamically (2008, 219). This It can be concluded that the concept tells us that the final nature of concept of Information Structural reality is information. Realism is the concept of information In this concept Floridi sees metaphysics that makes dedomena as “structural objects” as dedomena, pure an ontological requirement in data or proto-epistemic data, ie data understanding the world seen as an before being interpreted epistemically. information object. This data can only be placed as an external anchor of our information, Level of Abstraction as since dedomena is never accessed or Epistemological Description described independently of the Level of Abstraction (LoA) is one [epistemic model of reality]. Dedomena of Luciano Floridi's profound can be reconstructed as an ontological philosophical work and the result of an requirement, such as Kant's noumena innovation. One of the most important or Locke’s substance. Thus, this type of works in the field of information data is not epistemically experienced, philosophy and information ethics. The but their empirical presence can be LoA is an epistemic description concept inferred from and required by, created by Floridi to go beyond looking experience. It is difficult to explain this at classical reality based on a single term, but we can conclude that level of abstraction or description level. dedomena is data in the wild nature that For example, when we use a can not be seen directly, can not be microscope as a tool in understanding detected by any scientific instrument. the apparent reality is only an However, dedomena must exist to abstraction of atomic structure. allow any structured entity to exist Meanwhile, when we use the telescope (Bynum, 2016: 214). to observe a reality, all we can see are In this context, Floridi (2011, 86) only astronomical objects. This way of holds that the supreme nature of any seeing clearly limits our epistemological universe must include at least some efforts in understanding reality. We can dedomena, since the relationship of not see a different reality by using a difference is a prerequisite for other single level of abstraction. Floridi saw relationships. Thus, there can be no that to observe a reality can use universe without relationship; and multiple levels of description at once, therefore dedomena is a prerequisite starting with the most basic for any relationship, then every organizational level continues to all universe must be made of at least some levels even to the macroscopic level. dedomena. For each level, the arising Therefore, it makes sense to characteristics are the result of a choose a level of abstraction (LoA) that systemically processed phenomenon. helps our theory to see the angle of The difference between information reality as independent thinking and is and knowledge is not the difference in performed with structured objects and the object but the organization is not real and material but at least (structure). Looking at knowledge with

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good resolution, we get information. tradition of building knowledge based While looking at the world through the on poiesis, interactive and practical lenses of information will only see activities not mimetic, passive and information on other constellations. declarative. The Aristotelian-Scholastic Looking at people with good resolution, tradition that says knowing something we only find atoms, which once again means having full understanding of the we know as information. (Dodig- cause of it. Meaning that the epistemic Crnkovic, 2012) process of developing knowledge is LoA is teleological or goal- based on the process of accumulation oriented. So, each effort conducted in of trial and error and time consuming, observing reality epistemologically so knowledge becomes a collaborative depends on the purpose adopted effort for the growth and refinement of (Floridi, 2008b: 320). In other words, multi-agent, cross-generational when we investigate a reality eg., a (human) systems (Floridi, 2011: 290-1). building by adopting the LoA, our In an effort to develop the Library observations may include aspects of: and Information Science in Indonesia architecture, emotional, financial, which makes information metaphysics historical, law, utility and so on, as its science foundation in expanding depending on the purpose of the the scope of discussion and analysis. Floridi stated that there is no investigation, Maker's Knowledge ‘right’ LoA independently separated of tradition can be used as a foundation the purpose it adopted. In other for this effort to produce and establish languages it can be said that there is no its own home. We know that so far the good tool independently regardless of libraries and information science, when the work done.1 Epistemologically, LoA using negative lenses, based its depends on the type of interaction epistemic tradition on the science of between its identifier and the object of others and applied rigidly in view of its study. This type of information is then ontological reality. With the approach of defined as the teleological nature of constructionist information philosophy, knowledge production or acquisition. we are expected to become epistemic Thus, the level of abstraction as agents, as Bacon says in Novum an epistemological approach is Organum “Vere scire, esse per causes possible to be used as part of the scire”, to be really know is to know the development process of the cause. Constructionism argues that knowledge. knowledge is acquired through the creation of appropriate types of The Philosophy of Constructionist semantic artifacts, or in other words Information as the Way to Own information modeling. We are the ‘Home’ Buildings builders of the infosphere we live in, The philosophy of the Bacon's “intellectual world” (Floridi, constructionist information is the path of 2011: 291). information philosophy initiated by Luciano Floridi which departs from CONCLUSION Maker's Knowledge tradition and is The path of constructionist rooted in Aristotelian-Scholastic information philosophy seems to be philosophy (2011, 290). An epistemic passed through by the Library and

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Information science especially in The philosophy of Indonesia which will develop and constructionist information makes this strengthen the science of information development of science not based on by expanding the scope of its analysis mimesis praxis, but rather based on and scientific discussion. This poiesis activity, meaning, the epistemic expansion is expected to no longer process of developing knowledge is make the field of information science based on the process of trial and error trapped, as it has been so far, only accumulation and time consuming, so concerned with ‘trivial’ ontological knowledge becomes a collaborative issues in which other information is only effort for growth and refinement of the seen as recorded knowledge. multi-agent and cross-generation Metaphysical information is expected to system (humanity). be a strong enough ontological With collaboration, there is foundation and justified in shaping the nothing we can not do. Therefore, our ‘new’ information science that will energy should not be spent on change the face of the field of library examining trivial things that are not and information science in totality. substance. Energy and mind-bending Therefore, the investigation and must be directed to the development of discussion related to information information science substance by metaphysics as one of the focus of building own ‘home’. information philosophy should be rampantly conducted.

References Bynum, Terrel Ward. (2016). “Informational Metaphysics: The Informational Nature of Realty”. In The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Information, ed. Luciano Floridi. London: Routledge. p. 203-218. Dodig-Crnkovic, Gordana. (2012). “Floridi’s Information Ethics as Macro-ethics and Info-computational Agent-Based Model. In Hilmi Demir. (ed.), Luciano Floridi’s Philosophy of Technology: Critical Reflections. New York: Springer. p. 3-22. Floridi, Luciano. (2008a). “Foundations of Information Ethics”. In The Handbook of Information and Computer Ethics, ed. Kenneth Einar Himma and Herman T. Tavani. New Jersey: John Wiley and Sons. p. 3-23 Floridi, Luciano. (2008b). “The Method of Level Abstraction”. Minds and Machines, 18: p. 303-329 . (2011a). The Philosophy of Information. Oxford: Oxford University Press. (2011b). “A Defence of Constructionism: Philosophy as Conceptual Engineering”. Metaphilosophy, 42 (3), p. 282-304.

. (2013). The Ethics of Information. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Phyllis Illari and Luciano Floridi. (2014). “Information Quality, Data dan Philosophy”. Dalam Luciano Floridi dan Phyllis Illari (ed). The Philosophy of Information Quality. New York: Springer. p. 5-23 Wiener, Norbert. (1954). The Human Use of Human Beings: Cybernetics and Society. Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin). (1965). Cybernetics: or Control and Communication in the Animal and the Machine. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press.

32 International Conference of Library, Archives, and Information Science (ICOLAIS) 2017


Berlian Eka Kurnia [email protected] Universitas Gadjah Mada

Bunga Anindita [email protected] Universitas Gadjah Mada

Rahmat Fadhli [email protected] Universitas Gadjah Mada

Moh Very Setiawan [email protected] Universitas Gadjah Mada

ABSTRACT As getting older, conventional archives will be damaged. It is important for archive institution to keep their archives in use for longer periods of time. Digitizing activities are not only to functioning for conservation and preservation, but also required to be able to provide archive services to the wider user. Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) Archives Institute as the university archive institution has responsibility to organize archival activities in its environment. The purpose of this study is to examine how the digitizing activities and archive services conducted at the UGM Archives Institute. This research uses descriptive qualitative method. Sampling system in this research using purposive sampling, the informants in this research are the parties who have responsibility for digitizing activities and archive services. Data are obtained by interviewing informants and observation. The priority of archives digitization due to consideration of archival conditions or information value. Access to archives at UGM is open to all people. However, some archives have limited access only to internal universities because it contains important or confidential information. Other archives are openly served with procedures supervised by the archivist. The user may only access the reading room, while the archives retrieval is executed by the officer or archivist. Archive retrieval is also done by using Archive Records List (DKA) manually or using an online static archive information system (SiKS) provided by the UGM Archives Institute.

Keywords: archive digitizing, archive service, archive management, record management

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INTRODUCTION they may inhibit the dissemination of Law No. 43 of 2009 on Archives information from an archive owned by explains that archives are records of an institution (Conwaym, 2014:2). The activities or events in various forms and existence of digitizing activities as an media in accordance with the important matter becomes a priority development of information and after the archive service activities. So communication technology created and that an information that becomes the accepted by state institutions, local essence of an archive can be served government, educational institutions, either directly or online (Blais, 1995:4) enterprises, political organizations, The UGM Archives Institute as societies, and individuals in the the archive institution of the university implementation of social life, nation, has the responsibility to organize and state (Law No. 43, 2009:3). archival activities in its environment Archives are categorized in two (Law No. 43, 2009: 7). In the institute of forms, paper archives or commonly higher education they organize archival known as conventional archives and activities in terms of archive electronic archives. Conventional reproduction is done by way of archive of the type of archive created or digitizing and perform archive service basic paper (Perka ANRI, 2010:3). activities (ANRI, 2011: 31). Both Electronic archives are archives that activities are a priority for archival can only be read by using machines, in institutions in the university this case electronic equipment environment because the archives are especially computers (Budiman, managed closely related to academic 2014:1). activities or historical activities As getting older, conventional associated with the university as the archives will be damaged. It is parent institution. The availability of important for the archival institution to access to the archives to the academic keep their archives in use for a longer community can support educational period of time. Efforts that can be done and research activities within the archival institutions such as through the university. digitizing archive. Transfer media that On this basis the authors are we also know the term digitizing can be interested in reviewing how the done by transferring media images, digitizing activities and archive services paper archives, manuscripts, maps and conducted in the UGM Archives books that became the cultural heritage Institute. Consider research on of an organization (Conwaym, 2014:2). digitizing and services as part of The National Archive of the Republic of archival science is still very limited. This Indonesia (ANRI) explains that article contributes in the field of archival digitizing activities are the provision of science to become a big science. archival copies from the original archives, by transferring the information RESEARCH METHODS contents, from one form of media into This research uses descriptive another (Perka ANRI, 2011:24). qualitative method which is to analyze Digitizing activities in addition to and describe the activity of digitizing serving as preservation and and archive service at the UGM conservation activities, also aims to Archives Institute. Describes events as provide archive services to the wider they are, so these findings are not user. Conwaym explains that if necessarily applicable for a long period conventional archival information of time as continues to grow archive source are not available in digital form, management. Sampling system in this

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research using purposive sampling, be accessed through the website by the data gathered from selected people general public having an address at who are considered most know what will be asked (Sugiyono, 2013). In this Digitizing archives case, the informants in this study are The UGM Archives Institute the parties responsible for digitizing developed the digitizing activities of activities and archival services. Data archive into digital form. collection techniques were obtained by Implementation of the archive digitizing interviewing informants and activities in digital form is done in space observations directly at the UGM digitizing. Digitizing textual archive in Archives Institute. the process flow is done by acquisition, grouping, arrangement, verification, RESEARCH RESULT numbering, and coding of archives Based on the Decree of the according to the guidance of UGM Rector No.249 / P / SK / HT / 2004 Archives Institute, and data entry into dated September 11, 2004, the UGM Sistem Informasi Kearsipan Statis Archives Institute was established with (SiKS). The process of digitizing a vision to be a development and through the scanning process is done in archival information service center in the storage folder based on the archive support of world-class research creator unit at UGM, individuals, and universities and good governance. The other institutions that hold textual files mission of the UGM Archives Institute related to UGM. Once saved, the digital (1) stores the archives of the university archive is transferred to an external as a source of information and hard drive by the Information collective memory of UGM; (2) carry out Technology (IT) section. The digitizing the management of the archives, the section has a fundamental task to management of the inactive archives process transformation of the archive and the development of Records into digital form. In general, digitizing Center, and the development of activities aim to simplify services when information technology archives; (3) requiring archives in digital form can Implement and optimize the internal process through IT departments not and external services of archival necessarily to ‘depo’ archive space to information. UGM Archives Institute search for archives manually. can be utilized by the academicians Implementation of digitizing and the general public to obtain activities is done temporary, where archival-based information about UGM there is no special schedule within a for administrative, research, and certain time. The large number of publication. archives that have not been digitized Management of archive at the yet required the archivists to be UGM Archives Institute is based on its multitasking. There is no particular form includes textual archive, section that manages the digitizing cartographic archive, photo archive, activities, but in each section has the cassette archive of sound recording staff who responsible for it. Digitizing and video archive in the form of Video activities of archive became the main Compact Disc (VCD), Digital Versatile task of all staff of UGM Archives Disc (DVD), Video Home System Institute assisted by internship diploma (VHS), Betamax. Archives in textual student in archives and records form served in the form of static management of UGM. archives such as Decree, such as The service and digitizing Rector's Decree. This static archive can activities of UGM Archives Institute

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have their own guidance, consisting of website. Reason whether there is a several reference sources referring to concern to be misused? UGM Archives ANRI and other sources which are Institute overcame the problem by considered good to be combined and limiting the resolution to be uploaded adapted to the needs. The process of into the website. So the resolution of the digitizing at UGM Archives Institute is digital archive documents will break still new in standard operating when enlarged. This will be procedures that are still in preparation reconsidered by them to protect the stage. archive documents. The process of digitizing textual Archive Service archives is sorted by priority, where the Reading room service is open most urgent archives will be stored first. every Monday to Friday. Opening All archives will be digitized, although hours for Monday - Thursday is 08.00- currently, the new focuses on handling 15.30 WIB, and for Friday starts at student registration files due to the 08.00-16.00 WIB. The service is only growing number of archives. But for the focused on archive which is related to future not only the textual archives that UGM. Based on the international were digitized by them, didn’t rule out convention, they limit the access for other types of archives such as sound several reasons by dividing the recordings, video and more. archives type based on the information The tools used in the process of contained, including open access, digitizing the archives using multiple semi-open access, semi-closed access scanning tools in various sizes, such as and closed access. quarto and folio. As for the scanning of Open access, archives can be cartographic type archives, they have read in the reading room and can be no means of reproduce cartographic duplicated. Semi-open access, archives, so they are still in the process archives can only be read in the of procuring a scanner tool for reading room and can’t be duplicated. cartographic archives. Due to the Semi-closed access where the archive unique and authentic nature of the can only be read in the reading room archive, in handling the archives with permission  the written require special treatment. With permission from one of the university's consideration by the UGM Archives leaders, may only be accessed by Institute if in the process of Archive Institute of UGM internally. reproduction of archives outside the Closed archives can’t be read by institution it is feared that the archive anyone, except for court evidence and will be damaged due to the treatment there must be a written permission from such as how to open archives and even the rector. rolled up the archives. Procedures and services of the Digitalization policy in UGM UGM Archives Institute, the users Archives Institute is still not so long ago, search the archives with the help of so it has not in the stage yet of reading room staff. Users only mention uploading the results of digitizing into what they need and will be assisted by search engines of their site. The site archive officer. The users can access already has information about archive the archives through the website before code used in archiving. But users still they come to the archive building, so cannot access the archive documents when they come, they already have a in digital form. Plan ahead of them, picture of the archive to be searched archived documents that have been in through the call number in DKA. digital form will be uploaded to the Archives Institute of UGM developed

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their own search engine called SiKS cartographic archives. Some very (Sistem Informasi Kearsipan Statis) fragile archives will be given more which can be accessed anywhere by attention in the service process. For typing a keyword. No restrictions on fragile archives, UGM Archive Institute archival users, it can be accessed by all will lend the master of reproduction, people. which is a duplication of the original The user who comes to UGM archive. If the original archive is Archives Institute will be directed to fill needed, for evidence in the court (for out the archive service form by example), it will be indicated by special searching through the archive’s call treatment to keep the archive safe. In number registered in DKA. Available some cases for damaged archives, it forms include access form for archive will be digitized before served, so they access, loan form for archive lending can access it in digital form. services, and duplication form for In the future, UGM Archives archive duplication. The UGM Archives Institute will provide archive booking Institute determines the expense of via email or via telephone, the users archival services based on UGM usually have accessing the archive’s Rector Decree No. call number through the website. They 448/UN.1P/SK/HUKOR/2016 with a will send through the delivery service term of UGM users are UGM with term the user has to transfer the academicians consisting of lecturers, fee charged first, then the ordered students and employees. The Services archive will be sent. The archives that for UGM’s Leader in the framework of are accessed directly at the UGM “tri dharma” is free of charge. Archive Institute and don’t require The service model used is duplication can be accessed for free. If closed access, the users just waiting in the users want to duplicate the archive, the reading room then searching the they have to pay the amount charged, required archives via DKA or through and each archive has a different price. SiKS online with assisted by the officer. The service of the UGM Archives The users have to fill out the archive Institute is open to public, all elements form, and then the reading room staff of society can access their services for will ask the archive officer’s help to get research purposes by showing valid ID. the required archives. The archive storage is using roll o'pact which is DISCUSSION marked with code based on the Digitizing guidance of UGM Archive Institute. The According to Government users are not allowed to take a picture Regulation No.88/1999 explained that and scan archives. All activities in the digitizing is transferring archives into reading room is recorded with closed other non-paper media with high circuit television (CCTV) camera to security, such as CD-ROM and Worm. monitor the use of archives. Thus digitizing in questioning is the Based on the rules of the transfer of information from paper- reading room, users are prohibited based recordings into other media for from giving notes or any streaks on the the purpose of efficiency (Fitri, 2015: archive, folding the archives, altering 3). Zulhalim argued that digitizing is an the arrangement of the archives activity to duplicate media to another according to the original rules. As well form of media. Duplication of the media as the prohibition to use archives as a can retain the content of the media, so base for writing is an attempt to it becomes long-lasting media with maintain both textual archives and another form and can be more useful

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for its users. For example, paper (as archivist in Universitas Gadjah Mada medium) can be duplicated by copying named the archives digitizing or scanning into digital file, so it can be guidebook. Whereas they don’t have stored on a computer and shared by SOP (Standard Operation Procedure) the user (Zulhalim, 2013:1). in digitizing activities because the Digitizing conducted by UGM activity is quite new. Archives institute are part of their According to expert opinion, activities to maximize service to the Budiman, said that before doing the users. The existence of digitizing aims archives digitizing there are some in order to follow the development of material must be provided, such as information technology which is technical guidance of implementation, adapted to the user’s conditions of digitizing procedure, list of equipment, archive institutions. In addition, software, and electronic archive digitizing activities also become a part management, reporting, compilation of of archives preservation. Digitized archives list, and the selection of archives in digital form can be a electronic archives storage media substitute for the original archive for (Budiman, 2009:2) users to access, thus helping the Basically, according to ANRI preservation of the original archive. (The National Archives of The Republic Similar with archives that are difficult to of Indonesia), digitizing can be done access because of its physical, such as such as photographs digitizing and cartographic archives that are too paper archives into digital using flatbad large, or archives in small size or scanner, photographs and paper fragile, will be more easily accessed in digitizing using camera, map digitizing digital form. using map scanner, archives of voice Digitizing activities are focused recording into digital form, film digitizing on archives which are served to users. into video and digitizing into microfilm In addition, digitizing activities are (ANRI, 2011:3). However, this is not urgent to several archives with fully done by UGM Archives Institute consideration of archival conditions or because the digitizing activities more information value. Digitizing activities focused on the paper archives into that they conducted is in accordance digital using flatbad scanner tool with Government Regulation No. considering the higher education 28/2012 on Implementation of Law No. institutions archives in textual form. 43 of 2009 about archives which Digitizing become not maximal explains that archives digitizing due to several aspects. First, they don’t implemented depend on the condition have Digitizing Archive’s Standard of archives and information value. Operation Procedure. The importance Dureau and Clements said that of this will determine the planning of there are two purposes for digitizing operational activities on archives activities, namely: (1) preserving the digitizing. Without Standard Operation information content recorded and Procedure made the digitizing activities transferred to other media; (2) has not been maximized. Digitizing preserving the original physical form of activities are conducted only library and archive material so that it temporarily or there is no specific can be used in the form as complete schedule yet. (Fitri, 2015:3). In digitizing activities, Second, the aspect of human their archivist did in accordance to the resources (HR). The lack of archivist existing procedure. The procedure staff in UGM Archives Institute is follows some guidelines that made by considered to be one of the main

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factors inhibiting the digitizing digitizing activities is infrastructure that activities. Currently, the digitizing supports it activities. (3). Policies and activities are done by all archivists who guidelines, other factors that must be work there assisted by internship considered is the existence of student with Diploma archival guidelines that can be used in digitizing background. This caused digitizing activities to digital form. With the activities cannot be done regularly or guideline, it is expected that the scheduled by still depend on archivist activities carried out can be in work. The lack of human resources in accordance with the existing digitizing activities causes the standards, so that will be obtained archivists to be able to perform uniformity and standardization in activities outside their own field. digitizing process; (4) funding, another Third, infrastructure aspect. factor that is not less important to Facility is one of main elements in support digitizing activities is the digitizing activities. Lack of activities budget that will be allocated by its especially tools for support the institution. activities cause this activity does not Some process of transferring work well in UGM Archives Institute. the paper archive to digital form by Currently, the tools available there are UGM Archives Institute has many sore scanner tools that are enable to benefits. Lee (2001: 4) argues that performing digitizing in paper form. some advantages of digitizing is that it While the archive in cartography form can improve access, so it will give still done in third party outside the wider access impact to every circle and institutions. Obstacles faced by the can maintain the original collection archivist when digitizing cartographical material. So the original collection can archives with third party is the lack of be stored to reduce quickly damage of supervision to archives. Supervision in archive. The purpose of the the form of archives treatment (such as transferring archive media to digital archives should not be folded, form according to the National ordinances of opening old files, etc.) Archives and Records Administration that digitizing have been correct or not (2014: 2), namely: (1) can provide because the activities carried out by online access, so the number of users non-archivist. In addition, the software can increase; (2) may be a metadata acquisition also important in the material to be supplied to an online development of archives digitizing to catalog; (3) preserving the original improve the quality of the digitalized archive and reducing the original asript archives. damage; (4) may reduce the costs The Obstacles faced by UGM required to access the original archive; Archives Institute is same with the (5) can improve the service; (6) may factors that explained by National become a promotional facility to the Archives and Records Administration public. (2014: 4-5) which explains several factors : (1) human resources, the Services and access to archive human resources who will carry out Service activities and archival digitizing activities is important factor access is one of the activities in the because the success or failure of this dissemination aspect of information activity is determined by their conducted by UGM Archives Institute. knowledge as executor of digitizing This activity is conducted to meet the activities; (2) infrastructure, in addition needs of public information archives or to staff, other important factor in people who have the concern and need

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for information on the archives. right to access the archives of public Basically archive services and access bodies, both public and private are not much different from library agencies should open their files to the services and access, the difference lies maximum extent possible; (2) the in the form of packaged information archiving body notifies the existence of presented. The archive access at the the archive, including the existence of a UGM Archives Institute is basically closed archive, and discloses any open to the environment of UGM restrictions affecting access to the including the general public on archives; (3) the archiving agency has condition of showing an identity card. the responsibility to promote access to However, some archives have limited the archives; (4) the archiving agency access only to internal universities ensures clear access restrictions, because the information contained in based on the relevant legislation, the archive is important or confidential. recognizes the right of privacy and Other archives that are served are open respects the rights of the owner of the to procedures supervised by archives secret collection; (5) the archivist or archivists including user access in provides fair and timely access to the the archive institution as the user may user without discrimination; (6) the only access the reading room only, record holder ensures that victims of while the archives retrieval activity is serious crimes under international law performed directly by the officer or have access to archives providing archivist. Archive search is also done proofs needed to assert human rights; using DKA (Archive Records List) (7) the user has the right to appeal manually or using a static archive (against explanation or appeal) of the information system (SiKS) online denial of access, therefore each provided by them. archive institution shall have clear The thing done by UGM policies and procedures for the denial Archives Institute aims to create a of access; (8) the institution holding the managed archive to be safe including archive ensures that operational its archive institutions. This is in constraints do not prevent access to the accordance with the aspects that archives; (9) the archivist has access to should be considered archival all well-covered archives and does the institutions according to The National necessary archival work on them; (10) Archives UK (2011: 12) namely: (1) the archivists participate in the always keep an eye on anyone who decision-making process of access, sees the archives; (2) has a specific establish access policies and area where the archive is produced for procedures and review the archives to viewing; (3) the area should be clean, be administered with access and neat and well presented; (4) the area guidance (ICA, 2012: 8-11). should be easy to monitor while not The UGM Archives Institute has deterring the researcher; (5) a good management and retrieval researchers should not be allowed into system in archive services. Search storage areas; (6) keep the record of archives can be done manually using researchers and archives they have DKA and online through SiKS. Online seen. search can be done anywhere by International Council on connecting to their website. Direct Archives explains that in the archive archive services will also be access activities there are 10 principles accompanied by the archivist that must be considered. These responsible for the archive reading principles are: (1) the public has the room. Users can ask and consult the

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archivist freely about the archives he only by having established activities, needs. This provides many benefits to but also having to find the latest users, especially users who want to innovations related to the process of access archives that contain certain transferring archive media. The archive information values. Users who want to service system is considered to be get archive copies can also do the good by making it easier for users to doubling by paying some of the fees access. Open access to the public charged. UGM Archives Institute does provides added value to the usefulness not restrict access to certain circles, of the archive. The archive service meaning that everyone can use the procedure adopted from various archive service here. sources by filtering out the most In relation to the types of archive appropriate and best to apply in the services that archive agencies may institution. Therefore, this service provide according to ANRI include: (1) system can be a reference for other the use and use of statistical aids or archive institutions who want to expand electronic reinvention tools; (2) the reach of its services by providing providing consultation services of optimal service. archives; (3) the use and lending of archives of staits in the reading room in various forms and media; (4) providing references or readings that may support the study of static archive users; (5) the use or utilization of all static archive service facilities available both paper and non-paper; (6) providing archive reproduction services in both paper and non paper archives; (7) provision of transliteration services, transcription, transfer of language in Indonesian, regional and foreign languages (ANRI, 2011: 16).

CONCLUSION UGM Archive Institute performs digitizing activities as a form of service improvement in order to keep abreast of technological developments and as a strategy of preservation or conservation of archives. Digitizing activities is still focused on textual archives being digital. This activity has not run maximally because it faced several factors namely policy and guidance factors such as SOP, human resource factor and infrastructure. However, UGM Archive Institute is still trying to develop a system of digitizing archive, either procedures, human resources, and infrastructure. Each archivist is also required to develop, not

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REFERENCES Arsip Nasional Republik Indonesia. ( 2011). Pedoman akses dan layanan arsip statis. Jakarta: Arsip nasional Republik Indonesia. Arsip Nasional Republik Indonesia. (2011). Tata cara pemeliharaan, perawatan dan reproduksi arsip statis. Jakarta: Arsip nasional Republik Indonesia. Blais, G. (1995). Access to archival records: a review of current issues: a RAMP study. Paris: General Information Programme and UNISIST. Budiman, M. R. (2009). Dasar pengelolaan arsip elektronik. Yogyakarta: Badan Perpustakaan Dan Arsip Daerah. Conwaym, P. (2014). Digital transformations and the archival nature of surrogates. archive science. Springer. Fitri, S. & Marlini. (2015). Alih media arsip dinamis inaktif ke Cd-Rom di Kasubag Hukum Pengadilan Tinggi Padang. Jurnal Ilmu Informasi Perpustakaan dan Kearsipan. 4(1) ICA. (2012). Principles of access to archives. Paris: International Council on Archives. Downloaded from: Lee, Stuart D. (2001). Digital imaging: a practical handbook. London: Facet Publishing. National Archives and Records Administration. ( 2014). Strategy for d igitizing a rchival materials for Public Access, Downloaded from: Republik Indonesia. (2009). Undang-Undang nomor 43 tahun 2009 tentang Kearsipan. Jakarta: Sekertariat Negara. Sugiyono. (2013). Metode penelitian kombinasi (Mixed Methods). Bandung: Alfabeta. The National Archives UK. (2011). Archive principles and practice: an introduction to archives for nonarchivists. London: The National Archives United Kingdom. Downloaded from: Zulhalim. (2013). Desain dan implementasi aplikasi alih media arsip statis menggunakan Visual Basic.Net, Sql Server dan Crystal Report. Studi kasus: sistem informasi manajemen arsip plus di Badan Perpustakaan Arsip Daerah Propinsi DKI Jakarta. Manajemen Informatika. 4(4)

42 International Conference of Library, Archives, and Information Science (ICOLAIS) 2017


Deka Anggawira Library Science Program, Department of Library and Information Science, Faculty of Humanities, Universitas Indonesia [email protected]

Kiki Fauziah Library Science Program, Department of Library and Information Science, Faculty of Humanities, Universitas Indonesia [email protected]


Nowadays society has entered an era called the information age. In that context, libraries play a significant role in the management and fulfillment of public information needs. However, lack of visibility or inadequacy of library often becomes an obstacle. This research discusses the promotion done using the Library Corner (LC) with case studies of South Jakarta Public Library. This study aims to understand the contribution of the existence and utilization of LC collections and services to increase of promotion in that library. This study used a qualitative approach with techniques of collection of data through observation and interviews directly at the location of the research targets. The results showed that the South Jakarta Public Library has 5 LCs namely Betawi Corner, iJakarta, BI Corner, BNN Corner, Research Corner. Then, the LC in the public library has not been used as a promotional strategy, but there are plans to be promotional materials when it is ready. In this research, it is expected that South Jakarta Public Library can make LC and develop it as a library media promotion and not only limited to service diversification. Hence, it might improve the image and visibility of libraries in the public eye.

Keywords: library corner, public library, promotion, librarianship, South Jakarta

Theme: The Facets of Knowledge Towards Synergy of Multidisciplinary Studies

Author Biographies

Deka Anggawira is an undergraduate student in Library and Information Science Program, Department of Library and Information Science, Faculty of Humanities, Universitas Indonesia. He has done several researches regarding Library and Information Science (LIS) which are related to Digital Libraries, Knowledge and Information Preservation, Information Literacy, Marketing in the Library, Indigenous Knowledge, and some topics in organization of information arena. Besides, he joins also joins some projects with LIS lectures for community service through Information Literacy and a research program about Bibliometrics. He is currently take an archives internship program in Sub-Directorate Student Welfare, Universitas Indonesia.

Kiki Fauziah is a lecturer in Library and Information Department, Faculty of Humanities, Universitas Indonesia. She has done several researches regarding

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Library and Information Science (LIS) and currently she gives a lecture on Library Management, Information Institute Administration, Classification, Organization of Information, and other LIS subject.

A. INTRODUCTION arguments, there are some formulation of the problem include: Today, society has entered the a. How is the development and information age with conditions of utilization of the collections of the abundant information but not LC? necessarily a valid and legal. Related to b. Does the presence of LC in the this, there are institutions that have a Library of South Jakarta big hand in managing the information contributed to increased that is increasingly rapidly. One of the promotion of the library? institution is library. This study is expected to provide utility to Libraries often just regarded as a the relevant parties, such as the Public "warehouse of books" and less Library in general to apply the LC as a recognizable in society. In other words, promotion, and can also provide input to the library has low visibility. In fact, the the South Jakarta Public Library to library provides many positive expand the collection and LC services implications for the development of oriented towards the public. In addition to society. Based on these problems, in be used as a benchmark in terms of the the context of this study will be promotion of the public library. Other discussed one of the promotion benefits for the academics to be able to strategy studies at the public library. study further this research. The public library is a repository of knowledge that is available to the public. In the Public Library Manifesto 2. Literature Review issued by the United Nations 2.1 Library Corner Education, Scientific, and Cultural LC is a special service provided by the Organization (UNESCO) in 1950 stated library in an effort to provide the that the public library should provide information or reference in particular to services and resources, and is a the surrounding community. LC is also gateway to knowledge for all people, used as a tool to put the media especially those who are marginalized. information that provides selected In this study, public libraries studied is information for the needs of users(Elfia, the South Jakarta Public Library also 2010). LC is usually applied in the known as Gandaria Library. This library school library or public library that has a strategy to improve the visibility provides child services. Indeed it can and the existence of library through be said there must be integration promotion media namely as Library between children's services and LC, Corner (abbreviated LC) or a corner of and usually there are a variety of the library to facilitate the users in terms programs such as book, as well as of access to information or specific literary activities related to the LC. The subjects required by users. LC should also be designed so that LC in South Jakarta Public Library is convenient to use by users. seen by researchers have the potential Some of the design criteria LC includes to promote the library by means of the the availability of seat / sofa, pillows, development and utilization of work desk, library materials in a variety collections and services that can be of formats, supporting facilities such as provided from the LC. Based on these devices, rugs, coolers and other

44 International Conference of Library, Archives, and Information Science (ICOLAIS) 2017

supporting facilities (Morrow, (Sutarno, 2006). The promotion can be Relationships between Literature done in various ways include Programs, Library Corner Designs, and socialization, publication through a Children's Use of Literature, 1982). variety of devices, both traditional and LC is very closely with children and can modern. be applied in the classroom, as well as In this case, the current information public spaces such as public libraries. age, public libraries actually have to Facts about LC is as follows: take seriously the urgency of marketing 1. When LC exist in the library, children and promotion in the library and adults tend to want to read a (McMenemy, 2009). The image of a book; library services can be developed in a 2. Users feel comfortable because it way to provide excellent service and has a special room or a private room renewable for consumer society to read and make use of libraries; (Schmidt, 2007). This can be achieved 3. Good LC provides convenient either by way of packaging programs amenities such as the availability of and services delivered as LC program, air conditioners, sofas, cushions, because it is basically a library unique and facilities devices. program that can increase user 4. Good LC also providing an attractive awareness of the benefits and services display, multimedia facilities and provided by the library. In the support facilities storytelling development of these programs should program; be involved to improve the usefulness 5. In LC, there are various formats of of the program (Doney, 2006). library materials (not only in books In Chapter 6 IFLA Public Liibrary 2001 and magazines); Guidelines explain that the public 6. Basically, there should be a special library should be able to promote their program in the LC as multimedia libraries through collaboration with setup, service referral, storytelling, government agencies, as well as competitions, writing, literature and participate and attract support from others. other community agencies as well as (Morrow, Facts about Corners Library the LC program that usually shaded by in the Classroom, 1984). a particular institution. There are also other LC which refers to the function selected Information 2.3 Public Library (Selective Dissemination of According to Law No. 43 Year 2007 on Information), i.e. selecting and marking the Library of article 1, paragraph 1 the selected information from existing states that the library is an institution digital resources for display on digital managing the collection of paper, libraries. So, every month, there is printing paper, and / or professionally always a theme for the LC (Wendell, recorded works with a standard system 2008). to meet the needs of education, research, preservation, information and recreation of the users. 2.2 Promotion in Libraries In the implementation, there are several Promotion or advertisement is part of types of libraries include national the managerial activities undertaken to libraries, public libraries, special attract the library users or community libraries, college libraries, and school members to know and understand libraries (Sutarno, 2006). about the library in terms of both In this study, researchers focused more collections and services rendered on one of the above types of libraries in

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public libraries. Public libraries are (IFLA / UNESCO Public Library libraries that are intended for the public Manifesto, 2001) as a means of lifelong learning In line with the IFLA / UNESCO Public regardless of age, gender, ethnicity, Library Manifesto, in Act No. 43 of 2007 race, religion, and socio-economic article 22 stated that the mission of the status. (Indonesia, Act No. 43 2007). public library is to facilitate the Public libraries are essentially as a local surrounding communities for lifelong gateway in getting knowledge and learning. In support of this mission, develop a culture such as that public libraries actually have to develop contained in the IFLA / UNESCO Public facilities and infrastructure, including Library Manifesto which states that the the development of collections, public library is the local gateway to services, and promotion of libraries obtain knowledge, making all kinds of (Sutarno, 2006). information and knowledge widely available to users. According to the Implementation Guidelines Public B. RESEARCH METHODS Library City / Regency, it can be said local public library has a collection that This study used a qualitative approach supports the preservation of cultural with data collection through observation products of each area and to facilitate and interviews directly at the target lifelong learning. location research. Observations made Public libraries provide services on the directly at the South Jakarta Public basis of equality of access for all users Library. Observation was performed th or known as equity of access, that three times, namely on 10 February th th regardless of age, race, sex, religion, 7 and 13 March 2017. Interviews nationality, language, or social and were conducted to various informants economic status (McMenemy, 2009). include Mr. Saptadi as Head of Library Library collections and services Administrative Unit (Daily executor), Ibu provided should reflect the trends and Sri as Head of the Library, and some developments surrounding community pemustaka from various circles needs to support the development of (students, workers vendors, individuals and society. employees, students, and others). The In implementation, the public library has interviews made with library managers a variety of missions include: to obtain information about the history 1. Creating and strengthening reading and development of LC in South habits in children at an early age; Jakarta Public Library while interviews 2. Supports all types of education in with users to know the views of users both formal, non-formal and informal; regarding the use and perception of the 3. Provide opportunities for creative existence of the LC in the library. Direct self-development; observations conducted to obtain data 4. Stimulate the children and youth and information on the comparison imagination and creativity; between LC and the percentage of 5. Promoting public awareness of library materials subject in each LC. cultural heritage, appreciation of the arts, and scientific innovation; 6. Providing access to cultural C. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION expressions in any kind of South Jakarta Library was built in 1986. performance art; In the further development, based on 7. Ensuring people have access to Jakarta Governor Decree No. 155 of information needed. 2009, the agency merged with the

46 International Conference of Library, Archives, and Information Science (ICOLAIS) 2017

Office of the Regional Archive and the Public Library was established, namely name / nomenclature turned into the in 1984. At first established, Betawi Office of Library and Regional Archives Corner goals is to separate special South Jakarta Administration City collections (Betawi) so the users easier (Gandaria). to get the collection. Betawi corner has an area of approximately 2.5 × 3 m. Development and Utilization of Collections at the Betawi Corner Collection at LC as Media Promotion numbered about 73 copies were mostly LC is a special service provided by the obtained from donations and purchases Library of South Jakarta where its by South Jakarta Public Library itself. collections are focused in accordance Collections are at the Betawi Corner with the theme of every corner in the focus on the subject such as Jakarta, library. LC at the library was originally Betawi, Dictionary, Encyclopedia, intended to make it easier to obtain a Music, Culinary, Tourism, novels, and collection that suits user needs and is magazines about Jakarta with the part of the development or largest percentage in the Jakarta diversification of library services. LC will collection (44%) generally to the format be used as a media campaign if of the collection in the form of facilities and infrastructure is ready. publications printed as a book, LC in this library are under the encyclopedias and magazines. Unlike management and supervision of Mr. other LC, betawi corner not under the Harinto. Mr. Harinto responsible as a auspices of a institution. For betawi mediator between the institutions and corner is one part of the diversification libraries and not at the level of help of library services. This betawi corner is answers user question and guiding designed so that resemble miniature researchers (in short give referral custom home of Betawi and supports to service), so it can be said there is Betawi aura, and it also draws attention currently no librarian or a subject matter users to read or just look around any expert who performed the task. collection contained in betawi corner. There are 5 LC in the Public Library of Collection development done in South Jakarta where the four of them, accordance with the purchase of a Betawi Corner, iJakarta Corner, BI special budget from the Regional Corner and BNN Corner which has Budget (APBD) which is conducted been in operation in advance and once a year. and it also draws attention Research Corner but still in a users to read or just look around any development stage where the collection contained in betawi corner. development of the library in Jakarta Touris Novel, Culiner, m, 7, 4, 5% Magazi Jakarta cooperation with Indonesian institute of 3, 4% 10% ne, 2, Sciences (LIPI). Encyclo 3% pedia, In increasing the diversity of its 1, 1% Jakarta services, the public library in South City, Jakarta implement the LC service. On 32, the second floor of the library building Jakarta 44% History, which has an area of 800 square 14, meters there are 5 LC as follows: 19% Jakarta Betawi,

Jakarta Diction 6, 8% 1. Betawi Corner Music, ary, 2, 2, 3% 3% Betawi Cornenr have become part of BETAWI CORNER COLLECTIONS the service since the South Jakarta

The Facets of Knowledge, Towards Synergy of Multidisciplinary Studies 47

Diagram 1: Collections of Betawi Diagram 2. Collections of BI Corner, Corner, the number and percentage of the number and percentage of subjects subjects

2. iJakarta BI Corner takes 2.5 × 3 m. As the name implies BI corner collaboration with one iJakarta Corner is LC which provides of the institutions engaged in the the facility to access iJakarta. iJakarta banking sector, Bank Indonesia. Library itself is an application that provides a collection contained in BI Corner as digital reading books that can be many as 124 copies and the format in borrowed online. This application was the form of a printed book. Collections launched by the Agency and the at BI Corner focused on the subject, Regional Archive Center (BPAD) Auditing, Business, Management, Jakarta, which is a means of Finance, Islamic (Sharia) Economics, cooperation throughout BPAD located and Taxes and the largest percentage in Jakarta. There are more than 6000 goes to Business subject (45%). BI collections in the format of e-books in Corner has been established since the this application. Due to the end of 2016 and it was inaugurated in implementation of iJakarta itself in April 2017. Indeed there is a special cooperation with the central program created from a collaboration government, so the library in Jakarta between the library and the central interconnected and share collections. bank itself, but if the libraries do a At the corner iJakarta there is a set of certain event, the central bank is ready computers that support userts to to become a sponsor. Likewise, if the access iJakarta web pages, in addition central bank wants to hold socialization, the users can also download the such as the socialization of new application on his smartphone iJakarta currency issued by Bank Indonesia, the respectively. With the iJakarta the library can be used where the users do not require a long time to organizers of these activities because it access the book. Because iJakarta is the location of the library is located in Corner is located near the entrance to the community, especially primary the collection chamber and with the school students who can be targeted ease of access granted, though not for socialization. BI Corner can be used many, but some users often use the as a promotion media. facilities iJakarta corner. 4. BNN Corner 3. BI Corner BNN Corner is also working with an Financi BI CORNER COLLETIONS Sharia agency engaged in the management al, 21, Econo and supervision of the narcotics that the 17% mics, 8, National Narcotics Agency (BNN) Since 6% the LC was established under the Manage Tax, 7, auspices of the BNN agency then a ment, 6% collection of libraries was focused 23, 19% about drugs, medicine, prevention and treatment of drug and largest Busines percentage goes to the collection of the Audit, s, 56, drug (37%). The role of BNN in the 9, 7% 45% cooperation has not been seen in programs that are directly created by

48 International Conference of Library, Archives, and Information Science (ICOLAIS) 2017

BNN to the library, but the BNN and the utilization can be felt significantly by the South Public Library Jakarta in surrounding community. cooperation particularly in the examination of the candidate's “Abang LC as Media Promotion Public None Buku” in which the finalists must Library, South Jakarta follow a series of tests to certify that they are free from drugs. Unlike Betawi Promotion is one component of Corner and BI Corner which provide a marketing, by promoting institutional special space to support the collections, systems and types of sustainability of the LC, The BNN service, then there was a process Corner utility is lacking, it is due to lack approach to the user. According to Mr. of strategic places such BNN Corner Saptadi as Head of Library and decorations are less obtrusive and Administrative Unit (daily executor) in entice users to visit. BNN Corner just a South Jakarta Public Library, for the shelf that contains a collection of books moment, LC in this library has not made related to the BNN institutions and a promotional strategy to attract users marked with a label and BNN Corner coming. But in the future if it is adopted stand banner. and prepared in such a way, can be used as one of the media promotion of the Library for the original purpose of BNN CORNER COLLECTIONS the LC is just as diversity of services. 32, 19% Based on interviews with several 44, 25% informants can be concluded that many of users who do not know what it is LC. But their enthusiasm for LC in BPAD including South Jakarta Public Library is very high, especially with the facilities 33, 19% 63, 37% that support users feel comfortable to come and read collections of the LC. Drugs Handling Narcotics D. CONCLUSIONS AND Prevention of Drugs Drugs RECOMMENDATIONS

Visibility and branding of the library is Diagram 3. BNN Corner Collections, still low; hence the solution is to the number and percentage of encourage libraries to increase its subjects promotional strategy. This is also done by the Public Library that in fact as one 5. Research Corner of the existing public service agencies Research Corner itself is new and in the in the government. In the context of this process of development in South study, South Jakarta Public Library has Jakarta Public Library. Research unique facilities that makes users enjoy Corner made cooperation with LIPI, reading. In the library there are few which LIPI gives 90 titles of research infrastructures that have aesthetic and the number of 150 copies. And for value, so that library users are very the moment, research is in the process keen to make the LC as one of their of corner room rearrangement so that promotional media. There is a wide utilization can not be felt. Hopefully, range of LC available include: Betawi Research Corner will be further Corner, iJakarta, BI Corner, BNN developed in such a way, so that Corner, and Research Corner. The role of LC in the beginning is to meet the

The Facets of Knowledge, Towards Synergy of Multidisciplinary Studies 49

information needs or specific subjects people of Jakarta both in terms for the local population and as an effort of diversification of library to the development and diversification services as well as promotional of services in South Jakarta Public strategy. It expected also to Library. develop the LCs collection in Gradually, LC is not only a terms of both form and content diversification of services but is factual and actual. South Jakarta optimized as a promotion media to Public Library can also develop support the institution of the library itself referral services of any existing and can also promote the institute in LC. This will accommodate the cooperation with the library that is by needs of researchers and users improving the branding of LC itself, who want to know more about such as to list their photos, create the the subjects contained in the LC LC-related programs such as book, material. Libraries can also fairytale race and so on, and introduce facilitate an expert on the it to the public. subject, for example for BI LC in South Jakarta Public Library still Corner, may be facilitated fairly new so still need a variety of subject specialist in Finance and suggestions for its development. Banking; Some suggestions include: c. To the academia of this research a. To the government, pay is expected to be a reference for attention to the facilities and researchers who want to study infrastructure that can supports the LC issue in more depth; user appeal to come to the To employees is expected to increase library, by making the LC across the understanding of the function and Public Library; benefits of LC. In general, all parties b. South Jakarta Public Library, the involved in the development and expectation is can significantly utilization of the existing LC especially perceived the benefits from LC in South Jakarta Public Library should for the surrounding perform their respective roles and work communities, especially the together for the common good.

Bibliography Alfatih, M. I., & Wuryani, I. (2013). Pedoman perpustakaan umum Kabupaten/Kota. Jakarta: Perpustakaan Nasional RI. Doney, L. (2006). Evaluating the impact of a project promoting library and information services to ... UK. Health Information and Libraries Journal Vol. 23, 60-68. Elfia, D. (2010). Persepsi pemustaka terhadap pelayanan Library Corner di Perpustakaan UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta. Jurnal Ilmu Perpustakaan dan Informasi. Indonesia. (2007). Undang-Undang No.43 tentang Perpustakaan. Jakarta. International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA). (2001). The IFLA/UNESCO Public Library Manifesto. IFLA. International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA). (2001). The Public Library Service: IFLA/UNESCO Guidelenes for Development. The Hague, Netherlands: IFLA. McMenemy, D. (2009). The Public Library. London: Facet Publishing. Morrow, L. M. (1982). Relationships between Literature Programs, Library Corner

50 International Conference of Library, Archives, and Information Science (ICOLAIS) 2017

Designs, and Children's Use of Literature. The Journal of Educational Research, Vol. 75, No. 6, 339-344. Morrow, L. M. (1984). Facts about Library Corners in the Classroom. The Reading Teacher, Vol. 38, No. 2, 247. Schmidt, J. (2007). Promoting library services in a Google world. Library Management Vol. 28 Iss 6/7, 337-346. Sejarah Kantor Perpustakaan dan Arsip Kota Administrasi Jakarta Selatan. Ditelusur - pada Hari Rabu/15 Maret 2017 pukul 19.00 WIB melalui pemetaan- 1803 Sulistyo-Basuki. (1993). Pengantar Ilmu Perpustakaan. Jakarta: PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama. Sutarno. (2006). Manajemen Perpustakaan. Jakarta: Sagung Seto. Wendell. (2008). Library Corner. Journal of Environmental Health Vol.23, 65-67.

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52 International Conference of Library, Archives, and Information Science (ICOLAIS) 2017


Dwi Fitrina Cahyaningtyas Student Of Post Graduate Of Management and Library Information Gadjah Mada University [email protected]

Diana Maulida Zakiah Student Of Post Graduate Of Management and Library Information Gadjah Mada University [email protected]

ABSTRACT The concept of GLAM is a unity of four agencies which stand for Gallery, Library, Archive, Museum. Galery, library, archive and museum (GLAM). The relationships of them are often separated. In Indonesia the four agencies are running independently. It is because those have differences in policies, vision and mission as well as agencies which become a shelter as well as differences perspectives of the society which considers the four agencies have no relationship each other. Meanwhile, when gallery, library, archive, museum can be united or collaborated and will be interesting especially for the wider community and can be expected to add interest to the society to visit. In addition to the place of learning, visitors will also be served with various collections of photographs and historical relics. Therefore, in this study, the authors use literature review method by using various sources of scientific reference such as printed books, electronic books and articles. Furthermore, to describe the definition of GLAM, authors use case study at the Bung Karno library. The Library Bung Karno already applied the concept of GLAM. It is expected Bung Karno Library can be a reference for other agencies in developing the concept of GLAM in Indonesia. Therefore, through this paper, the authors provide an overview of the role of GLAM strategy itself as an effort to transfer information.

Keywords: information transfer , GLAM, , role, strategy, visitors.

A. INTRODUCTION arrival of technology and information can be easily received its existence in the center of the community because of Information technology phenomenon consideration of ease insearching for nowadays demands all organizations to the information by using search engine. be able to provide the needed So far, the role of education is to convey information for visitors. No boundary of the mission of education on the the space and time also gives impact on community, but with a change of visitor’s behavior and pattern of paradigm which start to be searching information. The result is to marginalized. Education is not only to make visitors tend to want to get be obtained in the formal public information as fast as possible. The schools, but also the government has

The Facets of Knowledge, Towards Synergy of Multidisciplinary Studies 53

prepared agencies which must be able educational agencies and individuals, if to convey the mission of education on they were seen further, many benefits all levels of society. Nevertheless, could be obtained if GLAM combined. Gallery, Library, Archive, and Museum (GLAM) is the first agencies that is exist B. METHODS as the provider of the information which "less felt its benefit directly" by the The method which is used in this paper society. By taking a single concept is the study of literature using various GLAM is expected to be more useful as sources of scientific references such as well as more "felt" its presence. scientific articles, news and websites that contain the study of The Roles and In the concept of GLAM, Australia was Strategy of Gallery, Library, Archive one of the countries that have applied and Museum. GLAM as collaboration of one agency and another. Meanwhile in Indonesia, GLAM has not been united entirely, but C. LITERATUR REVIEW there are several libraries that already become one with archive or museum. 1. Gallery GLAM can collaborate because they are in non-profit agency with similar Gallery and art are two things that objective which is to transfer cannotbe separated. So many of arts information to the visitors. GLAM is are generally exhibited in the gallery. collective memory of a nation, this may Generally, defined as a building or be a culture heritage. The book in space for art exhibition. There are also Gallery, Library, Archive, and sites in other works of art such as sculpture, the Museum could tell the history that decoration, furniture, textile, costume, was not known by future generations. painting, and photography. Even in GLAM visibly have different collection, generally more focused on the but with further investigation the presentation of space for artwork, the existing collection in GLAM is gallery is often used for other activities continuous. It is surely that GLAM can such as performing arts, as well as be combined to make it easier for poetry reading art.A gallery is often visitors recognizinginheritance in their referred to an art museum. The culture. The combination of GLAM meaning of the gallery can be explained could be the solutions of the less funds as: problem which so far complained a. National Educational about. Department of Language

Center, (2003): The gallery is a In the world there wasorganization who hallway or a place that can also handles GLAM. That is Memory of the be interpreted as a place that World (MOW) which was built by exhibits 3D artwork by UNESCO in 1992, then also formed anindividual or group of artists MOW for Indonesia legitimated with SK or can be also defined as a LIPI No: 1422/A/2006, in 2 November room or building to show objects 2006. The MOW existence was very or artwork. helpful to preserve and save sites of b. Encyclopedia of American history which is belonged and admitted Architecture (1975) : The gallery in the world. The Indonesian MOW means as a container to hold establishmenthas not been able to works of art. Gallery can also be make GLAM combined as one both in interpreted as a place to

54 International Conference of Library, Archives, and Information Science (ICOLAIS) 2017

accommodate visual always up to date, renewal of interior communication activities in a design library so that visitors always room between collectors or feel comfortable, safe, fresh and not artists with the public through boredom. Todays library administration the exhibition have applied how to access the library c. A space used to present works from their homes, so no need to come of art, an area displaying public physically to the library and it’s so easy. activities, public areas or sometimes used for special Life long learning was captured of event (Dictionary of Architecture library. it is based on the article written and Construction, 2005). by Wardhani: 2007, she explaned that the process of learning autodidactly (life long learning) is done individually and is supported by the available information sources in library. The mission of library 2. Library as the life long learning place does not only with for the visitors but also have a The experts are aware that education, role in motivating the visitorss and especially school (formal) is less able to creating service innovation. meet the demands of life. Therefore, an international meeting initiated by the As a center of knowledge, the library United Nations Educational and always provides a source and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), they information. Although the visitorss are agree of library as life long learning. alternated, varied and used That is why, education is not only being continously. Even it will incease able to got in school, but also library. accoding to the pattern of collection Many people misunderstand about the development conducted by the library, the library that has the potential manager. According to (Ranganathan, as a facilitator of education sometimes 1993) which reveals the Five Basic considered as oblique and negative by Laws of the Library. This basic law has considering the library as a warehouse been accepted by librarians as a library or book storage and librarian’s guide “A library is a growing organism”. strereotype which is nerd and as we all know the visitors who come to library 3. Archive has no limitation, it means from the kids till the adult can join to study here. The archive are all books, papers, maps, photographs, or other It slowly began to be indisputable, the documentary material, irrespective of library start to fix itself by starting to their physical form and characteristics, follow the development of technology created and accepted by a and information. governmental or private agency under Changes are made for optimizing the legal obligations or in the improvement steps and achievement of relationship of its principal, to be results. As a provider of library services maintained by that agency or by its should always experience changes in legitimate successor as evidence of input, process, and output. work or other activities or due to the value of the data information contained Innovations to develop in the library therein (Schellenberg, 1975). such as the renewal of the library collection. The information presented is

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The archive is a recording of activities in various forms and media in The museum is still regarded as a accordance with the development of conservative-minded agency, taking information and communication care of ancient objects among the elite technology, companies, political for pride and admiration. The museum's organizations, community buildings do seem creepy because they organizations and individuals in the are identical with ancient, silent, implementation of community life, majestic, and under-appreciated items. nation and state ( Zaenudin, 2013). Behind the point of view of citizen, the According to Indonesian Law No. 43 museum as a permanent agency in Year 2009 on Archive states that terms of serving and developing the archival agencies in their respective community, open public for study, jurisdictions are obliged to carry out the preserve, conduct research, to deliver management of the static archive the community and exhibition for the received from the archive authors (state purpose of learning, and education.The agencies, corporations, political museum also serves to build a society organizations, community that has a history and to be exhibited to organizations, and individuals). the general public through permanent According to that (Indonesian Law No. and temporary exhibitions. Most of 43 Year 2009, 2009) Archive are museum offer programs and activities divided into two: for visitors. Public programs consist of a. Dynamic archive is archive that lectures An earlier definition by the are used directly by the archive Association of Museum "Museum is an authors and stored for a certain organization that collects, documents, period of time. Dynamic archive protects, exhibits and shows material are categorized into 3 namely: evidence and provides information in vital archive, active and inactive the public. b. Static archive is archive generated by the archive authors as they have historical use values, have Etymologically the word of museum exhausted their retention and comes from the Latin word "museum" have been authenticated which ("musea"). The original from the Greek have been verified either directly mouseion which is a temple dedicated or indirectly by ANRI and / or to Muses (the god of art in Greek archive. mythology), and is a building of education and art, especially the 4. Museum institute for philosophy and research at libraries in Alexandria founded by In the era of globalization, the Ptolomy I Soter 280 BC. In the development of technology and congress of the information increasingly occupied its ICOM (International Council of peak. The Role of Museum is still Museum), an international organization expected as a place to gather, nurture, under UNESCO, defines the museum and communicate based on research of definition as follows: "The museum is a objects and past relics that are concrete permanent agency. proof of the process of cultural In the congress of the International development. Generally, people may Council of Museum (ICOM) assembly think the museum is only a "part" of the of an international organization under past. UNESCO, the definition of a museum is

56 International Conference of Library, Archives, and Information Science (ICOLAIS) 2017

defined as "the Museum is a permanent Based on those strategies, then GLAM agency, not seeking profit in serving the could use active learning strategy to public, open to the public, obtaining, involve all the senses and experience preserving, human and environmental of visitors through the concept of goods for educational, assessment and edutainment. In the implementation, in entertainment purposes. "The position order to extending the community of museum in Indonesia is under the access, GLAM can apply educational Ministry of Education and Culture. strategy inside or even outside the location, or even combination of both. C. DISCUSSION With this way, hopefully GLAM can make a strategy in the education and to In previous study which was done by deliver the information properly, which Yudhawati, 2014 entitled the could reaching all levels of society. collaboration of library agency archive and museum: As the efforts to build the 2. Information Transfer memorable and experience information agency, in the article is more focused on how to effort to collaborare among To implementing GLAM, there is an three agencies, library, archive, and indispensable role between one role museum and the profit and demerit and other. The roles GLAM is one a from the collaboration. whole that cannot be separated. Those rolesare (1). As published primer management information. (2) Secondary management information. (3) Tertiary producers and 1. Strategy and Role of GLAM management information. (4) As a

bridge to connected to visitors The Change of stigma and (community). (5) As recreation and development of the role of education study location. The essence of the has been aware of the importance to above are a source of information give attention to what the visitors which is for its visitors and public. required in those four agencies. Therefore it is important to apply In addition to the strategy and role of strategy and role in the management of GLAM implementation in the effort of GLAM. To achieve the objective information transfer, it is important to arranged strategies are needed. note more about it’s cultural heritage and it’s history. Cultural and historical In the GLAM strategy an effort to heritage became a prominent source of transfer information is to be able to attraction in any society. The cultural provide information, listen to what the and historical heritage include visitors or the community need and why monumens, museum, entertainment, GLAM become something important centers and historic sites. In the journal and relevant to them. Those strategies of "Should museum and art galleries be considered to be one of the solutions for just "for arts' sake" or should they suit the problem that related to an effort the needs of tourists?" is explained that about opening an access to the vast museum and gallery are often note in community to get knowledge and accoredance with the needs and experience, as well as meet the needs expectations of visitors. While the role of visitors. of museum and galleries are very vital, which can be used to deal with issues

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and mans of decision making in the public space as concrete shape to future. "release" the content of the collections.

In the same way memory inside mind is Those three of the agencies were tool memory of the past (history), which to find information, manage and share used to face problem or make the future information, and therefore the owned decision. This is in accordance with the collections must be accessibleand phrase from the president complete to accustom the community to Soekarno“jangansekali kali always connect to the information. melupakansejarah” (jasmerah) "don't Those cannot be separated from the ever forget the history" which is still three agencies before.Gallery used to often quoted by scholars to remind how be a place to transfer information. It is important is history to face the future. proven with gallery used to United Nations Educational, Scientific accommodate visual communication and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), activities inside a room between is UN organization which is rode for the collector and artist with public through field of education, science, and cultural. the exhibition activities. Inside room It has introduced the project of the world which used to presenting masterpiece, security inheritance documentation in an area that display public activity, and the Memory of The World program. public area often used to special needs. UNESCO vision, world memory is (Dictionary of Architecture and saved documentation in the library, Construction, 2005). archive, and museum all over the world, and that is world inheritance which is Public, these days, increasingly have to be protected its existence. reluctant to buy books as reading materials, because every information Therefore, (Bucklan, 1991) the now is served as e-book whichcould be information is distinguishedin three downloaded from the internet. Public types(information as process – the act now being pampered with the advent of of informing), (information acknowledge technology that eases GLAM to – fact) and (information as thing – exchange data. From the research object, data, document). To get titled“From coexistence convergence: information isn't only done by studying partnerships and collaboration communicating, but instead could get among libraries, archive and museum” from any source, object and place. If it from Information Research vol. 18 No is connected with statement above, 3, September 2013, said if library, library, archive, and museumwere 3 archive, and museum could important agencies in protecting that cooperate/collaborate on six aspects. world memory inheritance. Therefore, their existence becomes strategic This supported by studies conducted in center of providing information for its Canada and New Zealand which visitorss. Furthermore, invisible connected with archive and museum: information is the property of library, 1. To serve visitorss better archive and museum which could be 2. To support science activity used as research center, education, 3. To gain the benefit of technology and recreation. Meanwhile, those three development aspects library, archive, and museum 4. Efficiency budget and have to be able to provide space to the administrative community to be informative by giving 5. Adaptation with the digital object and

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6. Comprehensive vision towards collection

Then, what is exactly the final objective of this GLAM collaboration? which developscooperative pattern between cultural center with synchronized vision and mission about conservation effort of the culture source, moreover the purpose of unify the GLAM itself is to transfer knowledge which eases Pict: GLAM in Bung Karno’s Library information access the culture that has not been coordinated and exploited 6. CONCLUSION maximum. While released in there are five international organizations for The development of information culture inheritance, IFLA (library), ICA technology, causing the explosion of (archive), ICOM (museum), ICOMOS information. It had an impact on library (monument & sites) and CCAAA to be able to innovate in the service to (archive audiovisual), which already the visitors which need information and have a long cooperative relationship demand various information in quickly now agreed to increase cooperation and precisely. Information should be between organization with library, processed so that can be used by archive, museum, monument, and sites visitors maximally. Term of GLAM has an interest and same activity. All (Gallery, Library, Archive, and those parties were recognizing the Museum) in Indonesia now, is not too importance of moving toward the familiar. Each agenciestandalone agenda together to strengthen separately, this is because those four advocacy role and position of library, agencies have difference policy and archive, museum, monument, and agency who handle it. Bung Karno location in the public knowledge today library in Blitar, has implemented GLAM and tomorrow, and to protecting culture in it, but public just said and think that it writing, visual, and world culture. is just ordinary library. It is supposed to be paid more attention, because when The application of GLAM in Indonesia those four agenciescollaborate then it actually can be seen in the Bung Karno would be special attraction for general library in Blitar. public. In an effort of transfer information, GLAM could use (active learning) strategy which involves senses and experience of the visitors through the edutainment concept. In its application, and in an effort to extending public access, GLAM can apply education strategy inside or outside the location, or even combination of both. In this way, hopefully GLAM could make a strategy in education and conveying information Pict: GLAM in Bung Karno’s Library quickly and precisely, which could As the chart below: access all levels of society.

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Bucklan, M. K. (1991). Information As Thing. Eghbal, Azar, et all. (2016). Use of digital guides in museum galleries: Determinants of information selection. Computers in Human Behavior. Vol 57. Journal Elsevier Ltd Muchyidin, S., Mihardja, &Sasmita, I. D. (2008). Perpustakaan. Bandung: PT Puri Pustaka. Neufert, E. (1996). Data Arsitek. Jakarta: Erlangga. Paidjo, Y., &Yulianti, N. (2014). Menuju Perpustakaan Digital. Media Informasi, XXIII, 43. Putranto, Widiatmoko (2017). Lectures of Management Record and Archive. Postgraduate of Gadjah Mada University. R., J., & Matthews, D. (Eds.). (2016). Adding Value To Libraries, Archives, And Museum: Harnessing The Force That Drives Your Organization’s Future,. Libraries Unlimited. Ranganathan, S. R. Amamrit. (1993). The Five Laws Of Library Science. London: Edward Goldston, Ltd. Schellenberg, T. R. (1975). Modern Archives, Principle And Techniques. Chicago: The University Of Chicago Press. Tutt, P., &Adler, D. (1979). The Architectural Press. New York: Princeton Architectural Press. Undang-Undang No 43 Tahun 2009. Undang-Undang No 43 Tahun 2009, Pub. L. No. 43 (2009). Indonesia. Wardhani, Eka. (2007). Perpustakaan Sebagai Tempat Pembelajaran Seumur Hidup (“Life Long Learning”). Visi Pustaka. Perpustakaan Nasional. Vol 9 No 1 April. Online Magazine / Williams, D. A., Wavell, C., Baxter, G., Maclennan, A., &Jobson, D. (2005). Implementing Impact Evaluation In Professional Practice: A Study Of Support Needs Within The Museum, Archive And Library Sector. International Journal Of Information Management. Yudhawasti, Eka. (2014). Kolaborasi Perpustakaan, Lembaga Arsip Dan Museum : Sebuah Upaya Membangun Lembaga Informasi Yang Memorable & Experince. Jurnal Seminar Nasional: Informasi Sebagai Aset Bangsa. _Museum_Sebuah_Upaya_Membangun_Lembaga_Informasi_yang_Memorable_an d_Experience / Retrieved at 15 Oktober 2017. Zaenudin. (2013). Lembaga Kearsipan Perguruan Tinggi Di Indonesia: Bentuk, Tugas Dan Kelengkapannya. Archive Journal, 8.

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Elok Rizki Khusnul Khotimah State University of Malang [email protected]

Siti Fatmawati State University of Malang [email protected]

ABSTRAK . This paper discusses how the role of village libraries as the spearhead of improving the quality of education and gender equality in accordance with one of the goals of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This study will only focus on how village libraries can improve the quality of education and gender equality issues focused on women's empowerment. In this study we use a qualitative approach and the results obtained are the role of village libraries in improving the quality of education such as providing and developing the source of information, as a container source of learning and lifelong education, and improve the culture of literacy in the community. While the role of village libraries in gender equality that is as a forum for women in the village to access free information sources, develop the procurement of women's collections by the village library, and the village library can also be used as a discussion forum.

Keywords: Village Library, Education, Gender Equality, Literacy.

Theme: Library and Sustainable Development Goals

A. INTRODUCTION cooperation with the community, as well as international relations to Background implement policies that have been Sustainable development goals made by the government to realize the (SDGs) The 17-goal sustainable SDGs. This collaboration with the development objective is now a UN community is the main and important program as a comprehensive, factor and difficult to achieve except universal-scale framework that covers with the right strategy for example by countries around the world, aiming to changing the mindset or the worldview change the face of the world and set to of the community that has been be achieved by 2030. Improving the embedded in education and the role of quality of education ) and gender women in community life. equality, which focuses more on In order to Change people's women's empowerment, into two of the perspective and mindset better done 17 goals in SDGs. Given education and from small units in the community to women are the pillars of the progress of facilitate the achievement of goals in a nation. improving the quality of education and In an effort to improve the quality of gender equality. Village libraries can be education and gender equality, the small units that contribute to improving government should intensify the quality of education and women's

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empowerment. Village libraries act as personality, intelligence, noble information providers, user education character, and skills needed him, providers in order to be able to find society, nation, and state. (Law No. 20 information independently and as a Year 2003 on National Education forum or place of organizing programs System, article 1). to improve the education and According to RI Law no. 20 In 2003, empowerment of women. the educational path is divided into: 1. Formal Path B. LITERATURE REVIEW a. basic education Primary education in the form of 1. Village Library Elementary School (SD) and Madrasah Definition of Village Library in the Ibtidaiyah or other similar forms as well Manual of Village Library as Junior High School and Madrasah Implementation (2001) is "People's Tsanawiyah (MTs) or other similar Library as one aspect of public forms education affairs as referred to in Law Number 24 Year 1956 (Number 64 b. Middle education Year 1956) Juncto Government Secondary education consists of senior Regulation Number 65 Year 1951 (LN secondary education and secondary Number 110 Year 1951) as the Central education, such as SMA, MA, SMK, Government affairs which have been MAK or another equivalent form submitted to the regions. Meanwhile, according to c. higher education Sulistyo Basuki Library village is Higher education can take the form of located in the village library and academy, polytechnic, high school, managed by village officials. Typically, institute and university village libraries are established on the initiative of the villagers or instructions 2. Nonformal Path from superiors (Sulistyo-Basuki, 1994: the Non-formal path is an educational 42). path outside formal education that can be implemented in a structured and 2. Education tiered manner. In a large Indonesian dictionary, In the RI Law no. 20 of 2003 Article 26 education comes from the basic word paragraph 1 and 2 mentioned that: "educate", which is to nurture and give (1) Non-formal education shall be held training (the teachings of leadership) for citizens who need education about morals and intelligence of the services that serve as substitutes, mind. enhancers, and/or complementary Ki Hajar Dewantara defines formal education in order to support education as an effort to promote the lifelong education. (2) Nonformal character of mind, mind and body of education serves to develop the children, in order to promote the potential of learners with an emphasis perfection of life and children who live on mastery of knowledge and functional in harmony with nature and society. skills as well as the development of Meanwhile, according to UU RI, professional attitudes and No 20 Tahuan 2003 is a conscious and personalities. planned effort to create an atmosphere of learning and learning process so that 3. Informal Strip learners actively develop their potential Informal education is the path of family to have spiritual strength, self-control, and environmental education.

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In the RI Law no. 20 of 2003 Article 27 then be regarded as research using a states that: qualitative approach or qualitative (1) Informal education activities research term. undertaken by the family and environment in the form of independent D. DISCUSSION learning activities. (2) The educational outcomes referred Characteristics of Village Villagers to in paragraph (1) shall be recognized Search behavior in the same way as formal and non- In village life, information can formal education after the learner pass play an important role to support rural the test in accordance with the national development activities, with key standard of education. activities, including natural resource (3) The provisions on the recognition of management, government services, informal educational outcomes as social services, and commercial referred to in paragraph (2) shall be activities. Therefore, the availability of further regulated under a Government information access becomes one of the Regulation. important factors of success of rural 3. Gender Equality community development. So they can Understanding gender equality find information to improve the soft skill in (Harien, 2013) is the condition of (ability/communication, ethics, women and men enjoying equal status leadership, willingness to learn, and having equal conditions to fully commitment, etc.) and hard skills (in the realize their human rights and potential form of mastery of knowledge and for development in all spheres of life. special skill) in various fields that they The USAID definition states that are struggling to develop their society. "Gender Equality permits women and This includes improving the quality of equal enjoyment of human rights, education and gender equality that socially valued goods, opportunities, focuses on women's empowerment. resources and benefits" (gender But to get the information needed, the equality provides opportunities for both media dissemination of information women and men to equally / used in the village is still in the form of comparable enjoys his rights as a television, radio, internet, and library. human being, socially has the objects, But the information obtained from opportunities, resources and enjoys the television and radio is mostly still below benefits of development). the established standards. This is indicated by the results of a survey C. RESEARCH METHODS conducted by the Indonesian Broadcasting Commission (KPI) and In this paper, we use qualitative the Association of Indonesian research methods. The term qualitative Communication Graduates (ISKI) and by Kirk and Miller (1986) in (Nurul, Nine colleges in Sembilan city, showing 2015) originally stemmed from the quality index of 15 television qualitative observations that are programs only 3.27 or still below the contrasted with quantitative standards of KPI 4.0. and according to observations. To find something in the Badri (2014) existing radio broadcasts observation of an issue, the researcher are difficult to access due to the limited must look at the naturalistic or frequency range. This is exacerbated naturalistic nature of the symbolic, by the lack of content development of ethnographic, case studies, and most of the mass media. describe qualitative qualities, which can

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The Internet as one of the providers of education according to IFLA (2016) information resources in rural includes the provision of Access to communities is also experiencing information and research for all difficulties in network deployment. students everywhere, Staff dedicated to Difficult Internet networks are a major support early childhood literacy obstacle to the limited access of village programs and lifelong learning information. For that needed the role of providing an inclusive space where the library as one of the providers of costs are not a barrier to (adding) new reliable information sources. This is knowledge and skills. The village library because the library provides becomes one of the closest kind of information that has been through the libraries because it is one of the selection and evaluation process smallest units of the public library. before reaching the community. The According to Khumairo (2013) the main function of the village library is to village library is a community-owned serve the information needs of the library, for the community, from the village community by providing community to meet the information literature/reading materials in needs of the surrounding community by accordance with the needs of the knowing the will and the willingness of people served. the community and developing initiative The function of Village Library / and creativity. It is, therefore possible Village according to (Guidelines of for village libraries to contribute to Implementation of Village Library RI, improving the quality of education. 2001) are as follows: The role of village libraries in 1.Collecting, organizing, and utilizing improving the quality of education is to printed and recorded library materials. provide and develop information 2. Socializing the benefits of library resources. services. The village library plays a role to 3. Approach books and library materials provide the resources needed by the to society. community. Based on research by 4. Providing Village Library / Village as shofiyyah (2017), the village library a center of communication and collects references and reading books information. about activities that become routine for 5. Providing Village Library / Village as agriculture, livestock, and cultivation. It a place of recreation by providing also shows that the library must healthy entertainment readings. analyze the information needs of its Judging from the above users to be well targeted and well functions, it can be concluded that the utilized. The development of available main role of the village library is indeed collections is equally important to do as in the provision of collections for the the nature of the ever-evolving community. However, other programs information keeps the information are also needed, especially those updated. In the library collection aimed at improving the quality of development, analysis of the education and gender equality that are characteristics of the population and focused on women's empowerment. the purpose of the holding should be taken into account. If the purpose of the The Role of Village Libraries in village library is to improve the quality Improving the Quality of Education of education, the village library can provide educational-themed collections In general, the role of village and provide insight into specific skills libraries in improving the quality of and educate.

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Places owned by village libraries and potential for development in all and available can be utilized by areas of life. The definition of USAID surrounding communities to learn states that "Gender Equality permits outside of formal education. This shows women and men equal enjoyment of that the library can serve as a place of human rights, socially valued goods, lifelong learning and education for the opportunities, resources and the community. Programs implemented by benefits from development results." libraries and local village government Gender equality gives women and men can be done in village libraries. For equal opportunities to equal / example, training and socialization proportionally enjoy his rights as a activities can be concentrated in village human being, socially possessed libraries. To that end, village libraries objects, opportunities, resources and should be designed as comfortable as enjoy the benefits of development possible to support non-formal learning outcomes). activities. In addition to meeting the In this case the library acts as: information needs and resources of the 1. Society empowerment basin village community, village libraries can (especially women), in this case that also organize programs that demand women can easily access/utilize all the the activity of the community in meeting resources available in the village library their own information needs and also free of charge to increase knowledge produce information products useful to and wellknown information. Village other information users. libraries can also engage in skills The real role of the library is to training such as: entrepreneurship improve the culture of literacy in assistance by bringing in resource society. Literacy Information is the experts in the field so that women in the ability to search, evaluate, and use village can obtain or even create jobs to information that is needed effectively assist the role of husband as head of (Hasugian: 2008). For independent household (breadwinner) or at least to information search, libraries facilitate increased individual knowledge the public in the search for information privacy, especially womens. and provide user education seek 2. Developing the Procurement of information independently and process Women's Collection Materials as well as criticize the information Village libraries can re-develop obtained. Even higher levels, in the collections especially in the category of literacy of village communities, can be women, given the inadequate demonstrated by a society capable of information accessible / accessible to communicating information that it can women in the village due to several get through the work of information related factors, such as inadequate products. internet networks, radio frequencies, The Role of Village Libraries in and so forth. The categories commonly Gender Equality (Women's used in selecting women's collections Empowerment) are Fashion, Beauty, Health, Cooking, Before knowing how the role of Life sytle, education, and so forth. village libraries in gender equality we 3. Village library can be used as a need to know also what is the definition discussion forum of gender equality. The definition of Village libraries can also gender equality in (Harien, 2013) is a contribute to providing a convenient condition of women and men enjoying place in community gatherings (forums) equal status and having the same to discuss various issues. In this case conditions to fully realize their rights of course women as the main focus,

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such as among mothers, young addition, village libraries close to the women, and the elderly. In the forum daily life of the community especially they can exchange ideas, exchange when viewed from the location factor. information and also tighten harmony An approach is needed between the among the people so that the village village library and the community so library can be said as the center of that village libraries can be close to the information sharing in the village. community and become the main reference in community information From various things above the search activities. The real role of village role of village library is very large for the libraries in improving the quality of empowerment of women in the village, education as a forum for the community It is one of them because the role of a to obtain information resources, to woman herself. Women are one of the provide access to information and important controllers in national research of students, to collect development, especially the education information sources in accordance with of children who will bencana next the characteristics of the community in generation of the nation. a village, village library as a driver of programs that can improve the E. CONCLUSION information literacy of the community. While in gender equality that focuses Village libraries are at the forefront on women empowerment role of the of improving the quality of education village library is as contained woman and gender equality in rural empowerment, developer of a communities this is because village collection to enrich information for the libraries are the smallest unit of woman, and village library can be made information provision in Indonesia that as a discussion forum. is close to the community, from the community and to the community. In


Amin.2009.Fenomena Kemiskinan Di Indonesia ( Akar Masalah Dan Alternatif Solusinya.Jurnal FKIP : region. Http://www.ejournal- diakses pada 30 September 2017

Badri, M. Pentingnya Sistem Informasi Pembangunan Desa. Diakses melalui informasi-pembangunan-desa.html Hasugian, Jonner.2008.Urgensi Literasi Informasi dalam kurikulum Berbasis Kompetensi di Perguruan Tinggi.Pustaha: Jurnal Studi Ilmu Perpustakaan dan Informasi Vol.4, 2:3 IFLA. (2016) .17 Tujuan Pembangunan Berkelanjutan diakses dalam berkelanjutan-tpb/ Jaelani,deny.2017.Tujuan dan Fungsi Perpustakaan Sekolah. diakses dalam perpustakaan-sekolah.html?ttc=ypxcj4y9rc Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia. (1996). Jakarta : Balai Pustaka

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Sulistyo-Basuki. (1994). Pengantar Ilmu Perpustakaan. Jakarta : Gramedia Pustaka Utama Puspitawati, H. (2012). Gender dan Keluarga: Konsep dan Realita di Indonesia. Bogor: PT IPB Press. Perpustakaan Nasional. (2001). Pedoman Penyelenggaraan Perpustakaan Desa. Jakarta: Perpustakaan Nasional.

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Emir Faizal Rifqi; & Muhamad Prabu Wibowo

Departmment of Library and Information Science, Faculty of Humanities Universitas Indonesia Email: [email protected]; [email protected]

ABSTRACT This research discusses the information seeking behavior by employees working at insurance industry using internet at PT. Asuransi Kredit Indonesia, which includes the barriers of doing information searching and the things that drive them using internet tools to fulfill their information needs. This research used qualitative approach through observation and interview of 6 informants. The Kulthau’s Model of Information seeking behavior is used as a framework research questions in this research. The results show that the information needs by the employees are related to their profession, such as the information needs related to the networks and links of employees and clients. In overall of the process of information searching behavior, it is closely related to Kulthau’s process, started by initiation, selection, exploration, formulation, acquisition, and finished by presentation. The main barriers occurred is related to the problem of the internet speed, which is slow. The main reason why they use internet as the medium of information searching is that it is considered the fastest method to search information.

Keywords: information needs, information searching behavior, Internet searching, insurance employees

1. INTRODUCTION lack of knowledge, someone will try to In this era, information is find information that suites the important to support daily activities. information needs they wanted. Started with the needs of information, Pannen (1996) explained that someone will find that information in information seeking behavior is various ways, including searching someone behavior that keeps moving through search engine or visiting the based on time and space, finding and libraries in order to find the needed information to answer the challenge information. According to Taylor (2004), they’re facing, determine the fact, and information needs is an information that answer the question and understanding needed in the aspect of life starting from a problem. Information seeking or daily activity, academic necessity, and searching is an activity that many the necessity in spreading the people do in many ways to find their knowledge. Someone information information needed. However, when needs usually appears when people search for information, usually someone’s lack of knowledge or there are barriers that are related to information about something. With that difficulties and problem of

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understanding the nature of information needs, its seeking information, the tools, and the strategies, and its implementation by techniques to find information. the workers and employees working at With the development of insurance company. The company we technology in these days, most people observed is PT. ASKRINDO (Asuransi using faster-technology-assisted ways Kredit Indonesia). to find the information they needed, which one of them is using the internet. 2. LITERATURE REVIEW With the internet, they can find every information they needed by put the Information Needs keywords in the search box in the Many people need an internet. When they using the internet, information in their daily activities, some users use their gadgets which is various and for different (Personal Computer, Laptop or purposes from one to another. smartphone) to surf in the internet or According to Kuhlthau (1993) look for information they need. information needs is appears in a vary With the growing expansion of situation that not sure and companies running in the insurance understandable as the situation that not field in Indonesia, have made growing sure and understandable as something interests and awareness of any that gives a contribution by information related to them. By understanding to someone. In the other understanding the information flow hand, other experts likes Taylor (2004) (seeking – implementation) could help declare that information is needed in us understand how information related every aspect of life, starts from undergo to insurance is searched and applied in everyday life, academic necessities, that could help insurance industries to and the requirement of spreading the expand bigger with the right decision science. and direction. The lack of study in this sector have made unable to understand Information Search what happened in the environment of In information search, someone insurance companies. All of the who needs an information will try to find involved parties have their own the information by finding the information needs regarding the information through some sources they insurance products that could be can get. Someone who needs the studied. However, for this research we information will find a barrier when they limit the scope within the employees trying to search the information. Some and workers in the insurance of the things that have been said before companies. will be tried to discussed below. Insurance is a form of risk management when the client divert the Information Searching Behaviour risk cost to other entity by paying the Definition of information compensation that knows as insurance searching behavior according to Wilson premium (Pareto, 2010, 1). It is often for (2000) is an effort to find an information these companies for not having in certain purpose as the effect from the workers that suites to supporting the needs to accomplish the certain activities in their company and did not purpose. In the other hand, Pannen match with their education background (1990) declare that information that suitable with the company workers searching behavior is someone need. Therefore, the researcher would behavior that keeps moving based on like to understand deeper about time and space, finding and information

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to answer the challenge they’re facing, with they wanted, so that make determine the fact, and answer the someone worried and lack of question and understanding a problem. confident in finding the information. Other definition that explain (4) Formulation, in these phase about information searching behavior is someone point of view will be from Wilson (2000), as shown below. focused to the problem that occur (1) Information behaviour is people and their confident starts again. behaviour related to the source and (5) Collection, information that related information line, including the to the problem that occur starts to finding behaviour and information gathered. use both actively and passively. (6) Presentation, when the searching (2) Information seeking behaviour is an is complete, someone will be able effort to find a certain purpose as the to express the understanding they effect of fulfill certain purpose. In can get in the information and these effort, someone can interact share their knowledge to others. with the printed system information (such as newspaper, magazine, Barriers in Information Seeking library), or computer basis. Wilson (2000) declare some (3) Information searching behaviour is occur to someone in information an action in in micro level, be in term seeking as shown below. of search behaviour that point to (1) Internal Barriers someone that can interact well with • Cognitive Dissonance the system, both on the interaction Cognitive Dissonance is a barriers level with the computer, or in the that a person feel in individual level of intellectual and mental. motivation in behaving. This (4) Information user behaviour concept declare that there is a including with the physic or mental conflict in the cognitive that makes action that people do when they these person doesn’t feel form and information they found and comfortable, as the result they will basic knowledge that they have trying to break the conflict with one before. or other way. • Selective Pressure Information Seeking Pattern A person tend to have an open Information search is an activity mind with their interest, their that can be use to fulfill someone needs and character. Consciously information needs. In the or not, a person will avoid the implementation, the step on information message that opposite with their seeking according to Kuhlthau (2004, p. perspective and principal. 165-166) declare the six step in • Emotional Characteristic information seeking as shown below. This barrier is related to their (1) Initiation, is when someone aware emotional condition and mental the lack of knowledge or when finding an information. understanding in something. (2) Demographic Barriers (2) Selection, in these phase a topic • Level of Education and start to identified and gives some Knowledge Base optimistic to find a searching. A barriers in language is usually (3) Exploration, in these phase, can be find in some information someone will start to be seeking behaviours research. The inconsistent and information they lower someone level of education get will be considered not suitable

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will make someone finding Internet as Information Sources information skill low as well. Internet is a computer network • Demographic Variable that gives access to the users. Information seeking behaviour is Chowdhury (!999, p. 395) explain that affected by social attributes of the internet is a form of computer network, group (characteristic and or network service provider, that socioeconomic status). This manage globally. In the other hand, attributes will take effect to the according to the Bahasa Indonesia methods that used in information Book Dictionary, internet is a electronic finding. network communication that connect • Gender the computer network and computer Gender usually effect the barriers facility that organize around the world in information searching by using telephone or satellite. Today, behaviour. Between man and the internet usage is becoming more women have different searching various, starts from amusement, method. communicating and to find an (3) Interpersonal Barriers, some information. According to Proboyekti research said that college student (Nd. P. 2) internet is a media that use to usually gives a reason that distributes information about anything librarian does not understanding by anyone dan to anywhere in a digital the user’s wishes. These gaps form that the availability does not have between knowledge and specific limits. communicator can be one barriers in interpersonal communication. Information Sources in Internet (4) Physiological Barriers, these When we find an information barriers can be on physical and source that we want in the internet, mental disabilities, either due to there will be have too many information congenital or other factor. sources. According to Sahin (2010) (5) External Barriers some of the information sources that • Deadline available in the internet is. Deadlines can be a barrier on • Database of Academic Journals, information seeking, too much this information sources is activity can reduced time on serving the special information finding and information we need. sources that trusted and being • Geographic Barriers used by academics and students. Information source that far from This information sources is one the location also can be the reference tools to the people who barriers in information finding. start a detailed research about • Barriers that Related to different field of study, and Characteristic Information Source categorized into a subject in New technology like internet, to many disciplines. some people is still have some • Search Engine, is an open sites negativity like gives to much that become the most information information but not relevant. It sources being used by many does not rule out the possibility to people. The search result from other people that frequently using this information sources can be the internet having the same arrange like using a finding filter obstacles. like pdf, power point, and doc extension. This will allowed a user to access to their information

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needs or information that they Benefits on Internet don’t need. In implementation, internet have • E-Library, this information many benefits gives to their users. sources is divided into two types, Quarterman and Mitchell in Novianto which is open and close access. (Nd, p. 24) gives an explanation about Close access like the E-Library in benefits internet gives to user, such as. University have a collection in (1) Internet as communication academic books, trusted journal. media, is one of the internet In the other hand to an E-Library benefits that has been used by that have an open access, the the internet users where the journals is considered less users can communicate with reliable because everybody can other user around the world. access to the E-Library. (2) Internet for exchange • Blog/Forum, this type of information media, by using e- information sources is usually mail, newsgroup, FTP, and www have link sites that have been (World Wide Web) other users visited to other members that can exchange information with joined in. This information fast and cheap way. sources sites usually is a form of (3) Internet for information finding people that have the same media, the fast internet interest. development, make www as one • Long Distance Education, with of the important and accurate the development of technology, information source. now many student can study (4) Community benefit, internet anywhere, and anytime, that is make a new society that have a this long distance education a member around the world. student and their teacher will not have to face to face. Insurance Infrastructure of long distance In Indonesia, according to education is based on training on paragraph 1 line 1 in UU no. 40 at year website. The information 2014 insurance is an agreement management system in long between two sides, which is insurance distance education have to be company and the policy holder, that flexible, understandable, became the basic to premium dynamic, easy to organize, acceptance to insurance company as a respected by the community, and payment for: with a culture that supports the a. Gives a replacement to the learning. insured or policy holder because • Related Software, this software is of deprivation, damage, cost includes all the information that incurred, loss profit, or needs in business and project responsibility law to the third life. Many computers program side that suffered by the insured that have been used as a or policy holder because of an commercial purpose, but there is unsure incident; or some software that needs license b. Gives payment according to the and have limitation usage for death of the insured or a education purpose. payment according to the life of the insured with some big benefit that had been ruled before

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and/or according to the result of When they’re finding and price management. information in the internet, usually they In other way, more definition will get some answers in different way. about insurance company is explained Khare (2007, p. 204) said that in the Otoritas Jasa Keuangan website information finding in the internet is one has declared that insurance is an of the fast and easy method by using agreement between the the insurance different search engine to find any service provider as the insurer and information they need. Next, the people who got the policy known as the internet starting to be used in insured that needs to pay some information finding because of some premium in order to exchange for easiness that has been given and the deprivation, damage, death, and some internet also gives a fast respond in loss benefit that might happens for accomplish someone’s needs. something unexpected event. 3. RESEARCH METHODS Insurance Workers This research is using the An insurance company have descriptive qualitative. In this some characteristic for some insurance information finding research, the worker that arranged in paragraph 55 researcher chose the workers at PT. line 1 UU No.40 at year 2014 that Asuransi Kredit Indonesia in the explaining about the service provider marketing division as the informant. PT. profession to insurance company that Asuransi Kredit Indonesia is a company composed of: that runs in insurance service that a. Actuary consultant; owned by the states. In this information b. Public accountant; finding research, the researcher have c. Evaluator; and chosen six informant. These informant d. Other profession that has been is chosen by some criteria that have set by the rule of Otoritas Jasa researcher specify, including the Keuangan. worker who have abilities using internet When the insurance company and its related tools, workers that run their business, must register the require them to work with clients, and company to Otoritas Jasa Keuangan. workers that do not have any ranks or This has been set in the Law No.40 in sit in the managerial seats of the 2014 line 2. company. This research has been done in Information Finding using the PT. Asuransi Kredit Indonesia in Internet Angkasa Street Blok B-9, Kav No. 8 on Internet comes with some 2nd floor, Bandar Kemayoran City, easiness to someone in their life. This North Jakarta. Data collecting that also included in someone information researcher use in this research is needs. When someone needs an through the deep interview of 6 people, information, these people start to using where there are face to face between internet as their information source that the interviewer and the person who is they can use to complete their being interviewed with or without the information needs. Khontim (2016) in interview guide, so that the interviewer Khare (2007, p. 202) claim that some and the informant both involved in long user is able to get the information they social life. need in the internet, but some user still In addition of collecting data by needs some help and training when doing an interview, researcher also use they’re using the internet. observation method. The researcher

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also collecting the data by doing data support the company activity and analytic for finding a data that can be expanding the network outside the used as a result from a research. company and communication between Bogdan explain (in Sugiyono, 2013, p. clients. In accordance with the results 244) that data analytics is a process of interview that researcher had been which finding and compose the data done, it can be said that every workers systematically that have been obtained in PT. Asuransi Kredit Indonesia needs through the interview, field report, and various of information that related to the other material, so it will be division where they’re working in. understandable and the finding can be informed to others. The transcript is Information Seeking Pattern then coded and triangulated between informants to ensure the validity of the Task Initiation answers. Information needs from In this research, the information interviewees that had been interviewed seeking pattern that researcher used is is having some similarity seen from the the Information Search Process (ISP) part or division where they work. The model put forward by Kuhlthau (2004). compatibility with the theory that Kuhlthau (2004) explain that this ISP researcher used, the researcher can model is giving more understanding conclude that the every insurance about information seeking from the user worker in PT. Asuransi Kredit Indonesia perspective that divided into six step have a different information needs. This such as task initiation, selection, compatibility between the interview exploration, formulation, collection, and results with the theory that put forward presentation. by Kuhlthau (2004), is seen from the insurance workers that had been 4. DISCUSSION realized about their information needs where they work, with the lack of Information Need for Insurance knowledge they have, they will start to Worker at PT. Asuransi Kredit do the information seeking by using Indonesia internet. According to the interview that had been held by the researcher, some Selection of the workers said that information The next step is selection. In this they really need is the information that step, some interviewees explained arerelated to the making of program or about what are they doing in this step application that can support their when they’re finding an information in insurance products. Afterwards, some the internet. If we correlate it with the of the workers also said that they need information seeking process put some information about decree that forward by Kuhlthau (2004), the had been given by the government that interviewees who find their information arrange the activity for insurance throughout the internet is using many company in Indonesia, and some ways to chose the information sources information about decree that arrange they would think the right one. This about employee welfare. show us that some of the interviewees Furthermore, the results from is starting to think over about the the interview that researcher had been information source that related to their held, one of the workers also need an needs, and related to their personal information about business strategy interests. According to the interview that can be done in their company to results, the researcher find a similarity

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between the information seeking using are doing the other way by putting the internet that the insurance workers do keyword they already know about a with the selection step on ISP method topic then they skimming to make sure put forward by Kuhlthau (2004). They which of information they will use decided the information that related to related with their needs. their criteria and their personal interests. Furthermore, in this step, Collecting some of the interviewees had reviewed In this step, every interviewees some of the results they have to decide explain each of their own way of which information is related to their choosing the information they will use needs. to relate it with their needs. Related with the theory that has been explained by Exploration the researcher, in this step, the The third step in the ISP model interviewees have to start collecting the is exploration, which is marked by the information they had found in the feelings of confusion or unsure that internet by choosing the information started to rise. People who is find an that related to their needs. When information will get some trouble in collecting the information, they choose correlate the information they have just some of the information by considering get and correlate it with the information some thing that can be the reference to they already have. In this step, do the next information searching. incompatibility is visible with the theory According to the theory, the insurance that put forward by Kuhlthau (2004) in worker in PT. Asuransi Kredit Indonesia the ISP method. It is marked by some has apply the collecting step that of the interviewees who does not feel related to their needs. any confusion or unsure when they finding an information because of the Presentation vast amount of information in the From the interview result, some internet, so they have to chose wisely of the interviewee said that they’re with their information needs. really satisfied if their searching has produce something or the information Formulation they get is related with their needs. The fourth step from the Furthermore, one of the interviewee Information Search Process is said that their information they get has formulation. This fourth step is the to be suitable with the real situation. turning point in information seeking According to the theory of information from the step before. The main task in search process, a person who have formulation is forming a focus from the done an information seeking will feel information they have. According to the relieved if the information seeking is interview results that researcher had, going really well or disappointment if it some of the interviewees said that they became the other way. Some of the immediately find the information in the interviewees said that they’re feel really internet by putting some keywords they satisfied that they have got the usually understand to get the result in information they want in the internet. their computer screen. One of the interviewee also said, to In this step, some of the determine the information is suitable or interviewees start by formulate the topic not is must be confirmed first by their so they can get more comprehension manager, because in this step the on the information they would like to person who have done an information search. But some other interviewees

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seeking must be able to explain the When someone is doing an information information they got to other person. seeking in the internet, sometimes these people will get the same Barriers in Information Seeking explanation, like you will get lot of When someone is having an information when you’re searching for information seeking, sometimes these an information in the internet. Some of peoples is having some barriers. These the interviewees said that the search barriers can cause the someone’s result that the internet is making is fast information seeking is delayed or and some of the result is suitable with disturbed and make the information their needs. In the research that they needed can’t they get. In these Omidian (2008, p. 172) do is said that case, Wilson (2000) said some barriers the findings that they found is, Google that happen to somebody when they’re and Yahoo is becoming the most visited having an information seeking which is sites by the respondent when they’re the external barriers that consist of time doing an information seeking. One of limitation which is a barrier that can the informants said that the lack of cause someone information seeking is database or information system that not having enough time to complete provide them with related with their jobs someone’s information seeking; then in the PT. Asuransi Kredit Indonesia there’s geographic barriers, which is could be culpable that he needs to use the length of information source from other resources, such as the Internet. the location can cause a barriers in There are also informants that seeking activity; and the last one is a explained that since there is no library barrier that related to the characteristic division in PT. Asuransi Kredit of information source such as new Indonesia is making other employee technology, like the internet that some confuse when they want to find the of people think has some shortage for information they needed. not showing too much information that relevant, it does not rule out the 5. CONCLUSIONS possibility with some people that using According to the research, we the internet frequently is having the can conclude that the insurance worker same issue. at PT. Asuransi Kredit Indonesia has From the interview results, most some different in information needs by of all the informants agrees that most of looking at the division they are working the employees of PT. Asuransi Kredit at. Most of their information needs are Indonesia often get problems when often not related to their job accessing the company’s internet. The descriptions given to them. weak internet network at PT. Asuransi Furthermore, the information seeking Kredit Indonesia is becoming one of the behavior by using the internet that barriers that happens when the insurance worker at PT. Asuransi Kredit interviewees is doing an information Indonesia do has some similarity in the seeking using the internet. ISP method that put forward by Carol Kuhlthau. The barriers that the Information Seeking using Internet insurance worker at PT. Asuransi Kredit When doing an Indonesia is having in information information seeking, some people will seeking using the internet is the come to the library to get the sluggish and crippled internet network information they needed. But, some of in their office so they can not fulfill the these people is starting to use the information needs instantly. The lack of internet in the information seeking. availability of database and information

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system that manage information have information in the internet or in the force employees at PT. Asuransi Kredit library. Indonesia using external tools and b. Make an information center that systems available through the Internet. contain any information about their At the time of this research done, PT. job description or anything that Asuransi Kredit Indonesia is not having related to their task in the company. a library division, which could be the c. The company should make a better important factor why employees of PT. system that can be used by the Asuransi Kredit Indonesia did not get insurance employee to fulfill their any support or assistance when information needs. seeking for the right information d. The company can make a library effectively and efficiently.. division to fulfill the information From the conclusions, we would needs from their employee. To do give some recommendation to make this, the library division can the information flow and sharing in PT. subscribe some electronic journal Asuransi Kredit Indonesia to become that can be used by the insurance better: company to fulfill their information a. The company can make some needs in PT. Asuransi Kredit training about information seeking Indonesia. to their employee so it will make an e. Increasing the bandwidth to improvement on the employee improve the internet network at PT. when they’re searching for Asuransi Kredit Indonesia.


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Kuhlthau, Carol. Nd. Information Search Process. School of Communication and Information. Rutgers Lawal, Ibironke O. 2009. Library and Information Science Research in the 21st Century: A Guide for Practising Librarians and Students. Oxford. Chandos Publishing. Maisyaroh, Siti. 2015. Fenomenologi Dalam Penelitian Kualitatif. Malang. Novianto, Iik. Nd. Perilaku Penggunaan Internet di Kalangan Mahasiswa (Studi Deskriptif tentang Perilaku Penggunaan Internet Di Kalangan Mahasiswa Perguruan Tinggi Negeri (FISIP UNAIR) dengan Perguruan Tinggi Swasta (FISIP UPN) untuk Memenuhi Kebutuhan Informasinya). Diakses pada tanggal 3 Juli 2017, tersedia pada Omidian, Faranak. 2013. Information-Seeking Behaviour on Internet: A Comparison between Arts and Science Undergraduate Students in Iran. Diakses pada tanggal 3 Juli 2017, tersedia pada Pannen, Paulina. 1996. Pendekatan Kognitif dalam Perancangan dan Pemanfaatan Jasa Pusdokinfo. Depok. Proboyekti, Umi. 2008. Internet Sebagai Pendukung Literasi Informasi. Diakses pada tanggal 3 Juli 2017, tersedia pada Rahmat, Pupu Saeful. 2009. Penelitian Kualitatif. Rizal, Ahmad. Tt. Perilaku Pencarian Informasi dengan Menggunakan Media Internet pada Remaja Awal (Studi Deskriptif Perilaku Pencarian Informasi dengan Menggunakan Media Internet pada SMPN 32 Surabaya). Surabaya Sahin, Yasar Guneri. 2010. The Use of Internet Resources by University Students During Their Course Project Elicitation: A Case Study. Diakses pada tanggal 5 Juli 2017, tersedia pada Semiawan, Conny R. Tt. Metode Penelitian Kualitatif: Jenis, Karakteristik dan Keunggulannya. Jakarta. Grasindo Sejarah Perusahaan PT. Asuransi Kredit Indoneisa. 2015. PT. Askrindo. Jakarta. Diakses pada tanggal 18 April 2017, tersedia pada Sugiyono. 2013. Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif, Kualitatif dan R&D. Bandung. Alfabeta. Sturges, Paul. 2002. Public Internet Access: in libraries and information services. Facet Publishing. London Visi & Misi PT. Asuransi Kredit Indonesia. 2015. PT. Asuransi Kredit Indonesia. Jakarta. Diakses pada tanggal 18 Aril 2017, tersedia pada Wang, Peiling. 2007. Information-seeking Behaviours of Academic Researchers in the Internet Age: A User Study in The United States, China and Greece. Diakses pada tanggal 5 Juli 2017, tersedia pada 273_ftp.pdf;jsessionid=D469D189B71935198FF4B2C97D12A9D2.f04t02?v=1 &t=j4qrnj8n&s=450060a19a6926ffd506b7149ad89495dec7182a&systemMes sage=Wiley+Online+Library+%27Journal+Subscribe+%2F+Renew%27+page +will+be+down+on+Wednesday+05th+July+starting+at+08.00+EDT+%2F+13 .00+BST+%2F+17.30+IST+for+up+to+75+minutes+due+to+essential+mainte nance.

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Esti P. Anugrah Management of Information and Library, Gadjah Mada University [email protected]

Brilian D. Nabila STIE Mahardhika [email protected]


Librarians need new knowledge and skills to work optimally. This is due to the development of the times with sophisticated information and communication technology, where the knowledge and skills possessed by the librarians are not sufficient to deal with a changing work environment. Not only that but there are many novelties in the field of libraries that must be known by librarians. Continuing professional development (CPD) can be used as a way to gain new knowledge and skills, as well as a form of education for librarians. This study aims to draw the CPD activity followed by the librarian. CPD is researched by using descriptive quantitative approach, sampling technique using total sampling that is as much as 71 librarians with the background of library science in seven libraries of state universities in Surabaya. The results of this study indicate that librarians follow CPD activities whether conducted within the institution or outside the library. CPD activities that followed there are several forms of activities, namely seminars, workshops, conferences, training and various forms of CPD activities, but CPD activities are often followed by librarians there are seminars. The form of CPD activity is also adjusted to the fields of librarian duty in the library, so that according to the needs of each librarian. The number of librarians involved in CPD activities varies, some once, twice, three times, even more than three times. Looking at the results of these studies CPD activity is important to do and followed by librarians.

Keywords: CPD, Librarians, Library, Education,

Theme: Education, School, and Academic Library

A. INTRODUCTION for the development of new knowledge Library as a place that becomes they have (Hayward, 2006). Through a reference in meeting the information librarians library collections and needs of users who are credible, services will arrive at users. However, accurate and accountable for the truth. along with the times when information It made the general public to be and communication technologies have dependent on the library in meeting its also developed very sophisticated, the information needs. Just as sciences is delivery of collections and library heavily dependent on library collections services has changed, all materials that and services where it is a college library are printed materials, are now replaced

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by digital materials. It's all in order to what about the old librarian, whether achieve library user satisfaction. It is no graduated from diploma or strata one longer the net generation that became (Maesyaroh & Genoni, 2013). the user, but it has been millennium Developing the skills, skills and generation (Pacios, 2007). Not only is knowledge has to be done and this is the system changing, librarians who not just in the library field, but all areas have an important role in libraries will of work (Sobiechowska & Maisch, inevitably have to change over the 2007). times, by improving their skills and In fact librarians have a need for skills. education or education for self- In fact librarians must strive on development as librarians, and this is in their own in the skills and abilities the interest of achieving the goal of the needed today. Because the librarians library as an information institution. The themselves lacked their skills, skills and learning method is oriented to the knowledge did not adequately meet growth and improvement of these 21 centuries (Corcoran & professional skills and for individuals to McGuinnes, 2014). The rate of change succeed in a changing work in the workplace environment is environment. Of all this must be a accelerating because of the rapid and concern by the library leaders rapid rate of absorption of new (Maesyaroh & Genoni, 2010). This is technologies, the countries of the world something the librarians must pay to close the existing gap by improving attention to. Continuing Professional the quality of the human resources it Development (CPD) can be an contains (Maesyaroh & Genoni, 2010). alternative to all that problems, CDP is This also becomes the task of librarians a growth-oriented and professional- to always develop themselves, in enhanced learning method that enables addition to doing daily tasks as a individuals to be capable and qualified librarian. in a changing work environment, the Not only information and purpose of the CPD is to fill in communication technology is the only knowledge about formal education and library automation system that professional practice needs (Fleming develops but also the sciences and, 2017). From this definition, CPD is knowledge that also develop. Lots of done to meet the standards of newness in the library field. And all that professionalism, and becomes very must be known by the librarians, important in a cultivation behind it. knowledge of the latest trends in the The research related to CPD is rarely field of libraries, how the location of done in Indonesia, but it has been done libraries in the era of information society abroad with the object of library as it is today, how different libraries and research (Adanu, 2007; Majid, 2004; the Internet as a provider of information Anasi & Ali, 2014) so the researchers for the general public, and still a lot of are interested to take this topic. A knowledge in the field of libraries. By research in a special field to describe looking at it all surely the librarian just CPD activities for librarians as stays in the library without doing educational facilities, see if CPD has an anything. Whether the librarians have important role to improve knowledge of librarianship, they can survive today, without developing and B. RESEARCH METHOD upgrading new ones. For the most This research uses quantitative recent library graduates, it still has an approach. The quantitative approach obligation to develop his knowledge, used is descriptive. According Bungin

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(2001) descriptive quantitative research institutions. Also taken from previous aims to describe the conditions, studies that discuss the topic of CPD in situations and various factors that arise the library. in the community that became the Data analysis techniques in this object of research. In this case the study were conducted by describing research will describe the CPD and explaining the findings of field activities that are followed by the research and mangalisanya using a pusrakawan. particular conceptual framework. The the researcher will describe the process of analysis is done to the data location of this research is selected in that has been processed and presented seven libraries of state universities in in the form of frequency table. Where Surabaya with the consideration the results of the data are compared because of the 7 libraries of universities with the conceptual framework that are incorporated in several professional corresponds to the research topic or associations of libraries in which in the data obtained from the study compared professional association library held with previous research results. CPD activities aimed at increasing the Qualitative data obtained through the ability of librarians. The seven libraries probing results of the respondents is include libraries at Airlangga University also used to sharpen and enrich the (UNAIR), Sepuluh november Institute analysis. of Technology (ITS) Universitas Negeri Surabaya (UNESA), Sunan Ampel C. RESULT State Islamic University (UINSA) Continuing Profesional Veteran National Development Development University (UPN), Surabaya State CPD can be translated as Shipping Polytechnic (PPNS). Professional Development, Politeknik Elektronika Negeri Surabaya Sustainable Professional Development (PENS). Activities or more accurately translated Sampling technique used is total into Sustainable Professional sampling or saturated samples, where Development The term Professional all librarians in each library of Development in functional functional educational background of library rules of librarians, with the limitation science is a sample of this research. So that librarian activities in the framework the number of respondents in this study of science and technology practices amounted to 71 respondents. and skills to improve the quality and Data collection techniques professionalism of the field of conducted in this study are: a) primary librarianship as well as in order to data collection, which is collected by produce something useful for improving the author directly through a structured the quality of library services. interview to the respondents by The concept of CPD is defined referring to the questionnaire. In as additional development activities addition to questionnaires, data and the like, whether done formally or collection in this study was also informally, in this case by professionals conducted by probing methods used to in order to improve their skills, find out more about the unique knowledge, and personal qualities, to (considered) trends expressed by the understand new techniques, and to respondents; b) secondary data refine their existing knowledge ( Ukachi collection, which is obtained in a form & Onuoha, 2014). that has been processed by certain parties, such as data from relevant

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Recognition of the importance of that the quality of the bridge will affect Continuing Professional Development the smooth flow of information and (CPD) activities is increasing knowledge. The ability of the bridge among professional institutions, must be maintained and developed in they make sure their members remain accordance with the demands of the in an up to date position on something development of circumstances new with respect to their line of work (Sudarsono, 2010). and continue to strive to maintain their IFLA as an international professional competence. So it can be federation of library organizations firmly seen the number of professional outlines two basic principles of CPD, institutions that have a CPD policy is that: increasing (Chipcase, Johnston, Long, 1. Continuing education and 2016). professional development are Before discussing more about shared responsibilities between the definition of CPD, it is necessary to individuals, employing institutions, know in advance the meaning of the professional associations of word profession and professional. librarians, and educational Profession is a classical term used to institutions of libraries and describe service-oriented work having information; a theoretical knowledge base, requiring 2. All initiatives concerning human formal post-secondary education, resources and professional ethics association associations, and always to shall endeavor to ensure the develop internally the codes of ethics or access of librarians to opportunities other principled statements (Case, for sustainable professional 2007). While the professional according development. to a large dictionary of Indonesian language is a person who holds a The concept of CPD activities position or work done with skill or high has also long been presented by the skills. It also influences the appearance Library Information Science (LIS), so it or performance of a person in doing the is not a new thing in the library as a form work in his profession. Judging from the of LIS concern on CPD activities, LIS notion of profession and professional offers short courses available through "librarian" can be said that already groups and branches Library includes in both. Asociation (LA) , such as the Task The concept of CPD is also Force Pro Libra (TFPL), the Association presented by IFLA (International for Information Management (ASLIB) Federation Library Association) as the and the Institute of Information largest library association in the world. Scientists (IIS) and others (Elkin, 1994) CPD based on the concept developed Continuous professional by IFLA, is a reflection on the development of the librarian's circumstances of the librarian himself. profession is a shared responsibility The basic principle of IFLA formulates between the person, the hiring the CPD starting from the UNESCO institution, the librarian's professional Public Library Manifesto document in association, and the library and 1994. The document states that information education institutions. To Librarians are an active link between enhance these activities all initiatives users and information resources as well concerning human resources and as knowledge. Thus the existence of professional ethics must seek to ensure librarians becomes very important the access of librarians to opportunities because it serves as a bridge. It is clear

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for sustainable professional In contrast to two previous development. studies, a study conducted by Maesyaroh and Genoni (2010) which examines the CPD activities on PREVIOUS RESEARCH leadership and implementation policies Research on CPD activities in in state high libraries in Indonesia, then librarians is still rare in the State of from the results found dibangdingkan Indonesia, only a few who examine with policy leadership and implementation of the topic. But if we look at other CPD activities at the library of public countries, it has been done among universities in Country of Australia. The librarians. Actually the concept of CPD findings will be used for implications on is not only used in the librarian the planning and implementation of profession, but in other fields can also CPD activities in the academic libraries use the concept of CPD, in Indonesia of Indonesia. the concept of CPD is more widely used Looking at the publication year of three in other professions. studies on CPD activities in librarians There are only three studies in that have been described previously, Indonesia that discuss the activities of shows that the CPD research on CPD in the library profession. The first librarians is still relatively new. In research on CPD in librarians at private contrast to abroad, research on CPD in universities Malang City (Mufid & librarians has been done first, with a Zuntriana, 2015). The results of this more mature concept and supported study explain that 61% of the from the library that implements CPD participation level of librarians in the activities on human resource CPD program. This shows that the level development. of participation of librarians is still low to As the research conducted by Majeed follow the CPD program activities. In (2004) noticed that new competencies addition, the results of the study found required by information professionals that the highest skills required by for strength librarians before joining the CPD competitiveness and work effectively in program are the ability to use OPAC, a rapidly changing library environment. information tracking capabilities, media The results show that the CPD of 13 and social networking capabilities, the studied libraries has implemented 185 ability to digitize, the ability to perform CPD activities in the 1998-2000 range, real-time reference assignments, with one year on average performing uploading and download capabilities do three CPD activities. Therefore, this research. research recommends coordination Research conducted by between public libraries, special, Handoyo (2016) about CPD in schools and universities, professional librarians at Semarang State University associations, national libraries, other (Unnes). The results of this study information institutions, and library explain that the librarian Unnes not so entrepreneurs to participate in the much familiar with the concept of CPD development of comprehensive CPD as a reference in developing their plan activities. professionalism. So in developing the professionalism of librarians has not been referring to the concept of DISCUSSION Continuing Professional Development In this research has succeeded (CPD). in collecting data by distributing questionnaires to 71 librarians in 7

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libraries of state universities in have attended the conference means Surabaya City related to the there are 30 librarian who has produced implementation of CPD for librarians. scientific papers and presented which CPD activities have been conducted then published in proceedings. In and followed by librarians as they contrast to seminars and workshops become librarians in the college library that come to gain new knowledge from of the country. CPD activities followed the presenters. Giving this guidance is by librarians and as a form of CPD one form of personal service from execution that is there as shown in the libraries to users, Librarians who following table: provide this guidance are librarians who master the field, so they can provide Table 1. Professional guidance to users. Development Activities OF Librarian Not all librarians follow the CPD Professional Ya Tidak of the same amount, the number of Development F % f % CPD activities they participate in is Activities OF different. The following is a table of the Librarian number of CPD activities. Seminar 71 100 0 0 Workshop 68 95.8 3 4.2 Table 2. Quantity of CPD Activities conference 30 42.3 41 57.7 Followed by Librarian External 22 31.0 49 69.0 Quantity of CPD F % Training 1 time of CPD 31 43.7 Training in the 37 52.1 34 47.9 2 time of CPD 29 40.8 workplace 3 time of CPD 6 8.5 Independent 7 9.9 64 90.1 Lainnya 5 7.0 study program Total 100. 71 Giving 5 7.0 66 93.0 0 guidance Etc 0 0 0 0 Based on the above table can be seen the results of processed Based on the above table it can questionnaires show that, of 71 be seen the results of processed respondents librarians in the library of questionnaires showed that, of 71 state universities in Surabaya who respondents librarians in the library of follow the activities of librarians who universities in Surabaya who follow the follow the CPD with the amount of 1 job training activities in the professional time amounted to 43.7%. Librarians development of librarians as much as who follow CPD twice as much as 100% following the seminar. As many 40.8%. Librarians who follow CPD as as 95.8% follow the workshop. 42.3% much as 3 times by 8.5% While more participated in the conference. A total of than 3 times follow the CPD activities by 31.0% attend external training. 52.1% 7%. attend workplace training. As many as According to the results of 9.9% follow the self-study program. As probing, the difference of the number of many as 7.0% follow the guidance activities that followed by the librarian is activities. a form of policy from the leadership of Many CPD activities have been the library. Because leaders prioritize followed by librarians although not all which is more needed to support the librarians follow the CPD activities. development of the library. For example There are interesting from these there are librarians who have difficulty results, there are 30 librarians who in developing the library system, then

86 International Conference of Library, Archives, and Information Science (ICOLAIS) 2017

the librarian who will follow the training Total 71 100.0 first. So the priority of CPD activities is tailored to the needs of library Based on the above table can be development and also adjust the seen the results of processed existing budget. questionnaires indicate that librarians in The execution time of the librarian the library of state universities in CPD activity is shown by the following Surabaya as many as 93.0% of table: respondents follow the field of activities of the type of job training in accordance Table 3. Timing of Work Training with work tasks. As many as 7.0% have Activities for CPD attended information technology skills Period F % training. 1 day 71 100.0 Field work in the library that 1 week 0 0 includes the field of processing, field 1 mont 0 0 services, technology and field related to Lainnya 0 0 the managerial library. If the CPD activities are adjusted to the work tasks Based on the above table can be of each librarian, then the areas that seen the results of processed exist in the library will follow questionnaires show that, from 71 berkembangan with existing novelty, so respondents librarians in libraries in that user satisfaction will also be Surabaya college who participated in achieved. job training activities in the There are still few librarians who development of librarian profession follow CPD activities in the field of with a period of 1 day activities as much information technology. The libraries as 100.0% with a frequency of 71 are more appointing IT staff who are people with seminar activities. While educational background in IT science other activities are followed by rather than library science, who follow librarians whose period of more than 1 CPD activities in IT field. So in this case day is an external training activity. as there is a separation between the It is rare for seminars, field of IT and the field that is from the workshops or conferences to be held library, and many librarians who over a day, mostly in one day from understand the problems of automation morning to evening. If it is more than 1 systems in the library. day they also have to leave their work much longer. The table below shows the fields of CPD activity that are followed. D. CONCLUSION Continuing professional Table 4. CPD Activity field develop-ment or commonly known as CPD, from the results of this research is CPD Activity field f % used as a form of educational facilities In accordance with 66 93.0 for librarians, by participating in CPD work tasks activities they will gain new knowledge Information 5 7.0 and novelty-existing in the field of Technology library science, which will be useful for Training related to 0 0 the development of library institutions the Service for the better. Management 0 0 This study gives the results of training the description that of 71 librarians who

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became respondents follow the CPD activities, it is the right of each librarian activities either conducted within the to gain new knowledge and skills, so library or outside institutions. CPD from this the authors provide activities that followed there are several recommendations for the library forms of activities, namely seminars, institutions to more equalize the workshops, conferences, training and participation librarian-wan , because it various forms of CPD activities, but is also useful for the benefit of the CPD activities are often followed by library itself. And for further research librarians there are seminars. The form the authors provide suggestions to of CPD activities is also adapted to the examine CPD more deeply, librarian tasks in the library, so that it fits considering the theme of this CPD the needs of each library. each of the few who do research, can What needs to be observed from the examine from the perspective of results of this study is the number of leaders in providing policy librarians participation in different CPD implementation of CPD activities for librarians

.REFERENCES Anasi, S.N., Ali, H. (2014). Academic librarians’ perceptions of the benefits and challenges of adopting e-learning for continuing professional development in Lagos state, Nigeria. New Library World, 115(7/8), pp.340-354. 10.1108/NLW-01-2014-0016 Bungin, Burhan (2005)Metodologi Penelitian Kuantitatif. Jakarta : Kencana. Case, D., O. (2007) Looking for Information: a Survey of Research on information seeking,needs, and behavior. Oxford: Elsevier. Chipcase, L.S., Johnston, V., Long, P.D. (2016) Continuing professional development: The missing link. Manual Therapy, 17, pp 89-91. 10.1016/j.math.2011.09.004 Corcoran, M & McGuinnes, C. (2014). Keeping a head of the curve: Academic librarians and continuing professional development in Ireland. Library Management. 36(3), pp. 175-198. 10.1108/LM-06-2013-0048 Fleming (2017). Impact of a Continuing professional development intervention on midfery academic awareness of cultutal safety. Woment and Birth, 30 pp. 245-252. Handoyo, M.Z.E. (2016) Konsep Continuing Professional Development (CPD) dalam Pengembangan Profesionalisme Pustakawan Universitas Negeri Semarang. Berkala Ilmu Perpustakaan dan Informasi, 12(1) pp. 31-42. Hayward, F.M. (2006). Accreditation and Quality Assurance in University Education in Developing Countries: Insigh and Lesson from Experience, First International Conference on Assessing Quality in Higher Education (ICAQHE) 20016: Prosperity Through Quality Education, Lahore. Elkin, J. (1994) "The Role of LIS Schools and Departments in Continuing Professional Development". Librarian Career Development, 2(4), pp.19-23, Maesyaroh, I. & Genoni, P. (2010). An Investigation of the Continuing Professional Development Practices of Indonesia Academic Library. Library Management, 31(8/9), pp.621-634. 10.1108/01435121011093397 Maesyaroh, I. & Genoni, P. (2013). Future Direction for Indonesian academic Library Education. New Library World. 114(5/6), pp. 228-241. 10.1108/03074801311326858

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Majid, Shaheen. (2004). Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Activities Organized by Library and Information Study Programs in Southeast Asia. Journal of Education for Library and Information Science, 45(1), pp. 58-70. Mufid & Zuntriana, A. (2015) Pengembangan Keprofesian Berkelanjutan (Continuing Professional Development) Di Kalangan Pustakawan: Studi Analisis Deskriptif Pada Pustakawan Perguruan Tinggi Swasta Di Kota Malang. Dapat diakses pada Pacios, A.R. (2007). The Priotities of Public Libraries at the Onset Of the Third Millenium. Library Management, 2(6/7), pp. 416-427. 10.1108/01435120710774549 Sobiechowska, P. & Maisch, M. (2007). Work-based Learning and Contining Professional Development. Education+Training, 49(3), pp. 182-192. 10.1108/00400910710749314 Sudarsono, B. (2010) Pengembangan Profesi Pustakawan. Media Pustakawan, 17(3), pp. 47-52. Tersedia pada pustakawan.pdf Theodosia S.A. Adanu. 2007. Continuing professional development (CPD) in state‐ owned university libraries in Ghana. Library Management, 28(6/7), pp. 292- 305. Ukachi, N. B., & Onuoha, U. D. (2014). Continuing professional development and innovative information service delivery in Nigerian libraries:Inhibitors and the way out. Annals of Library and Information Studies (ALIS), 60(4) , 269–275.

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Fadjrin Ashari Zihni & Nina Mayesti Program Studi Ilmu Perpustakaan, Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, Depok, 16425, Indonesia Email: [email protected] / [email protected]

Abstract This thesis discussed about the utilizing games to create lifelong learning at Goethe- Institut Library Jakarta. Game collections are seldom in the library, mostly in Indonesia. That’s because the negative effects from the games. Besides negative effects, it must be also positive effects from games. There are games in a certain genre, which are challenging to the player, so they have to think critically. They also have to plan and manage their strategy so they could win the game. To assest their behavior and to know if they’re a lifelong learner, I’m using a concept from Candy about profile of lifelong learner. This research uses quantitative methods. Keywords: lifelong learning, public library, games, Jakarta, Goethe-Institut

INTRODUCTION assessment and evaluation. Assessment is addressed to how well a Collection is an important things collection can help a library fulfill goals, at library. According to Sulistya-Basuki needs, and library mission. While (2013) collection may be varied like evaluation is used to check or explain books, video, audio recording, and description of the collection itself or other electronics media. Aside from that relation between the collection and the there’s also map, picture, game and other collection. Through assessment realia collection. All existing collection and evaluation, can help to determine will increase as the time goes on. With collection and readers need of a the increase number of collection, it collection. Such as evaluating games need result from the increase of the collection to create lifelong learning collection. To find out result of the According to Adams (2010) increase collection analysis need to be games is a thing that liked by all done. Analysis about collection is a part generation, from children to adults. of effectiveness and efficiency in Games is a playing activity, which in managing resource that library have context of pretend, where the player is In short, Amy Hart (Johnson, try to accomplish one goal, but still 2009, p. 225) said that “ the base abide the rule. Prensky (2001) describe question that exist when performing six element structure that persist on analysis of collection, “what is the game: rules, goals, result, mutual, benefit and weakness of the competition or challenge, interaction, collection?”. In the other words analysis and representation or story. of collection is to measure performance This research is done at Goethe- of the existing collection. Librarian in Institute library Jakarta. This library is in collection analysis frequently use word scope of German language study at

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Indonesia. This library is categorized as is determined using Slovin formula. public library, but looking at the Based on Goethe-institute data, collection its categorized as specialized readers that used game collection library. This library is located at Dr. Sam reached 80-100 person per month. Ratulangi Street Number 9-15, Data that chosen to be population is RT.2/RW.3, Gondangdia, Menteng, add up 100 people. Choosing Central Jakarta, postal code 10350. population is intended so sample more The reason this research is done at this represent of population. The following library, is because Goethe-Institute is result of sampling library have a game collection 100 n = available. (1 + 100.10% ) Based on description above, this 100 = 2 writing will discuss utilization game as (1 + 100. (0,1) tool to create lifelong learning at 100 2 = Goethe-Institute Jakarta. As for (1 + 100 (0,01)) problem limitation is how utilization of

game collection at Goethe-Institute 100 Jakarta as tools for lifelong learning and n = = 50 orang 2 what obstacle that user have for using game collection. The purpose of this research discuss game as tool for Based on result of calculation creating lifelong learning is to acquire above, obtain total sample that will idea utilization of game collection at represent this research is 50 people Goethe-Institute Jakarta, also to On this research questioner identify any problem that reader have acting as a tool to gather main data for the game that they play. from respondents. Choosing questioner RESEARCH METHODOLOGY as main gathering data tool because This research, will use the needed respondent is a lot, quantitative research method. meanwhile time to perform research is Quantitative focused attention at limited. So questioner is the best something that more realistic, that can gathering data tool. However, beside be measured by number (Sulistyo- questioner there will be analysis Basuki, 2006). The reason of choosing document that contain usage of game this method is to find out evaluation of collection and brief interview with utilization of game as tool to create respondent and librarian (about game lifelong learning using number to collection in the library), to obtain valid analyze. Besides that, this research is data to measure reader behavior which have

played game collection on Goethe- LITERATURE REVIEW institute library with lifelong learning. Game is a thing that exist in The research thesis will be done human life. Through game, human can at Goethe-Institute Jakarta library, relax their mind, train their mind, and choosing population using purposive even find some information. This sampling. Chosen population is a activity can be done by almost every reader that already used game age starting from kids to adults. Game collection at Goethe-Institute library is a playing activities, in context of and then from that population, is pretend, where the participant try to required sample to represent the achieve at least one goal, but still act by population. Sample is a part of the rule (Adams, 2010). Game genre population (Supranto, 2007). Sampling according to (Oxland, 2004), there 9

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genre that is sports, adventure, action, achieve lifelong learning motivation is simulation, strategy, role-play, needed, according to Croos (2014) management, etc quotes from his article “Lifelong Support by gaming industry Learning and Library Programming for progress that will always growing and Third Ages”, “lifelong learning is came innovating, current game is adopting from motivation specifically mental word education on its game. Usually intellectual desire. Other reason that is these kind game is known as to include living in society and self Edugames. Player not only playing in pride”. context of having fun, but there a Lifelong learning was tried to relation with studying. Example is game implement in outside of Indonesia in a AKAL INTERAKTIF. Basically game longtime. As an example Australia have that included in teaching and study a standard to know people that can be category is have 3 aspect, that is player said as lifelong learner. Standard is interested to try, even when they according to Candy and the others, a don’t want to or afraid to try, then player lifelong learner have wide curiosity, so need a lot of effort even they start with that he always think and always want to a little motivation. Lastly, player is need ask. Then have a wide vision. A lifelong to achieve meaning of success when learning is someone that information they use all the effort. oriented because he have one field Public library is a library that knowledge. Beside that lifelong learner serve people freely or with a minimal have a positive concept of himself and payment. Public library management is have a studying strategy for any funded by government or by private context. company (Sulistyo-Basuki, 2013). Library before it collection Based upon its purpose, public library is growth, need to evaluate first about is in charge in information service, the current collection is according to its education, recreation, preservation in reader or not. Beside that to find out order to educate society extensively weakness of the current collection, and (Sutarno NS, 2003). Library that to determine is it necessary to add new function as recreational place that collection. This is done to adjust the means the collection in library is doesn’t collection when adding new collection always a scientific collection. Fiction later. To determine the collection, need books and novel, is a light reading is an some guidance. The determination of a entertaining reading material. Even to collection is divided into 2 that is facilitate reader recreative, they not physically and usage of a collection by mistaken to provide watching material the readers. There two ways to how to or game material (Zulfikar Zen, 2005) determined collection that is by quality Public library exist as a place to or by quantity. perform lifelong learning. Public library When doing evaluation there’s a can perform its education function as guidance to do selection when to add lifelong learning because this library is collection of a video game. This was put open to public, so anyone can access forward by Elizabeth (2008) in her this library. Lifelong learning according journal, that is based on physical to Royce (1999, P.149), “the purpose is characteristic and tool usage, teaching to give student experience to learn and learning, content, and history and through life and behave positively about values that exist inside a video game. knowledge along accepting changes Beside that on a different journal, and new knowledge”. Lifelong learning Baauw, Bekker, and Barendreqt (2005) is part of information literacy. To claim there’s 2 type of approach to

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determine interactive product: empirical between branch of knowledge, knowing evaluation and predictive evaluation or how a knowledge is created and its anilities evaluation. The advantage of limitation, and have wide vision of using empirical evaluation it allow user things. to find real problem. Meanwhile on Third point, that is capable of predictive evaluation still developing to information literacy is includes 6 determine usage and enjoyment of indicator, that is to have understanding video game (especially on children). about field of study, capable of Evaluating game itself can be arranging question frame of research done by looking at the purpose of the from one of field of study, capable to game, the rule of the game, how the allocate, evaluate, arrange, and use game emotionally effect the player information in different context, capable when playing it, is it balanced between finding information from different strategy and the deal that game is media, capable to read information made, is the cooperative, competitive, code from the form of writing, statistic, or both, and then how the player feel graphic, maps, diagram, and table, and when they lost in this game, is there any capable of evaluate and criticize certain desire to try again, and if this a digital information. Fourth point, is to have a game, is it easy to use. consciousness to give something Higher Education in Australia is different to itself is included 2 indicator, one of the research focus by Philip C, that is to have positive concept in it self Candy, because according to him a and to have ability to self-organize. Fifth bachelor is not competent enough to point, is capable of showing studying compete at working world if he only expertise is include 3 indicator, that is depends on what he get when studying to have ability to choose studying at college. Based on report from method, capable to create strategy in Developing Lifelong Learners through studying, and have ability to understand Undergraduate Education wrote by difference between intensive study and Candy et al (1995), he said that there is not intensive a few criteria that needed to have by a DISCUSSION person so that he can understand Goethe-Institute library only learning context and the challenge. have collection that have a connection Though he’s research he acquire 5 with Germany and 90% of it collection main point that needed to be main is in German language, for the class criteria of a lifelong learner, that is to there are class 000-900. Collection in have mindset of always want to ask, Goethe-Institute doesn’t only contain have a widespread vision, capable of books and audio visual. There are few information literacy, have a game collection that can be play single- consciousness to give something player or multi-player. Since 2015 different to itself, and capability to prove Goethe-Institute library have game studying expertise. collection. The reason to add game First point, that is to have a collection is to people can learn about a mindset that always want to ask is other country and its language better. includes 2 indicator, that is fondness to Game collection that exist at Goethe- study, full of curiousness and always institute library consisting of PS4,Xbox, want to ask, and have spirit when give and Nintendo-Wii. Other than console criticism; understanding and self game, there also game for PC, board evaluating. Second point, that is to game, card game and mobile game on have a wide spread vision that includes iPad. 3 indicator, that is have a linkages

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Based on data on assessment on the first point, can be concluded that respondent have fulfill first point, that is have a mindset always want to ask. On this point game have a role to create someone mindset to be something more critical. This was put forward by Fig. Board Gee(inside Whitton, 2010, p. 65), that game collection video game can teach new way about at Goethe-Institute Library literacy, it made user more active and The utilization of game that have a critical mind while building available at Goethe-institute itself, the identity, experience, culture, and social most common game that played here is relation. Other than that, Whitton (2010) video game called FIFA (football video also conclude that guidance that exist game). Almost every day this game on game to support learning, on of it played by reader that also take an game world need to rouse curiosity. Germany language course at Goethe- Second point, to determine Institute. They usually played as group someone a lifelong learner is to have where 2 player play the game and the widespread vision. The meaning of this other watches and gives commentary point is a lifelong learner must have a of the game. mindset that not based on one At Goethe-Institute library, every information instead a lifelong learner Friday 12.30 to 19.00 Spieltag is held. need to be open minded based on the This event is commonly called as game information he acquired. To determine day at library, so every reader can play a person is a lifelong learner it need to game collection that Goethe-institute fulfill 2 indicator, that is understanding have. This event is open to anyone that between field of knowledge and have interested to learn a new game, study widespread of vision German language or just want to play a game. The rules for the game using Based on data assessment of simple German language and will be second point, can be concluded that explained and translated, so the reader respondent is already have a can apply their knowledge of German widespread of vision. At this point a language into the game. The total of strategy game is train a lifelong learner game collection is 33 pieces of analog to fulfill this point, when they formulate and 17 pieces of board game a strategy they will have to look their On this essay, to determined surrounding to determine what is next someone is it already fulfill the move that needed to take. This was put requirement of lifelong learner, use forward by McGregor (1999) about how standard of lifelong learner that been a human thinks and a variety of used on Australia and put forward by thoughts that used on learning. One of Candy et al. First point to determined a it is creative thinking by Cave (1996) person to be a lifelong learner is to have said ability to see a thing from different mindset always want to ask. The angle, from a real and clear or meaning of this point is someone who traditionaly. is a lifelong learner should have a joy Meanwhile to see a linkages feeling when studying and have a lot of between field of knowledge, Scrabble question that want to ask, also a lifelong game is fully support first indicator of learner is to have a desire to criticize an the second point. When a group of information he acquire people playing a scrabble, they will

The Facets of Knowledge, Towards Synergy of Multidisciplinary Studies 95

learn about language because the goal that contain lot of information either its of the game is to arrange words with good or bad information. So to have block of letter that available. Based of ability to allocate information from observation of player that played game, according to Gee (2015) there is scrabble, they interact with other player needed some guidance and interaction to discuss a word meaning when a new from adults to explain what is good to word was discovered by someone in learn from game. the middle of game. Game relation with fourth Third Point to determine indicator that is to re-find information someone a lifelong learner, is to have from all kind of media can be done ability of information literacy. In the last when someone play a game. When few year information is a hot topic, player never played the game they will literacy means ability to read and write. find review of the from all kinds of Quote from blog of Prof. Sulistyo media. This also can be done when Basuki about literacy “information player [lay the game and having some literacy itself just find its definition on difficulties from the game, he will find a 2005 at IFLA, UNESCO and NFIL tutorial how to solve the problem. Egypt. Definition of Information Literacy According to Horton (2004) there is 2 is a knowledge about a specific type of literacy, that is computer literacy information that need and focused on and media literacy. Media literacy is a ability to identify, placement, evaluate, knowledge and skill to understand arrange and effectively made, use, and information that made, save, give information to solve problems.” communicate and shared on Assessments of lifelong learner newspaper and journal, magazine, that have information literacy there is 6 radio, DVD, PDF and the other. indicator included, that is have one field Fifth indicator, game that contain of knowledge, have ability to arrange a lot of table element, graph and maps question framework, have the ability to is Tomb Raider. Through this game a allocate information, ability to re-find lifelong learner can train their ability to hidden information, have ability to read read information from table, maps, information with the shape of writing, diagram and the other. Sixth indicator is graphics, maps, and ability to evaluate to have ability to evaluate and criticize or criticize an information. information. like explained on third Third point is to have influence to indicator, that needed a guidance from first indicator us game Endless Ocean. adults so information is not process as Through this game, player can learn it is. This was put forward by variety of fish and its relation to science. Byerly/Brodie (1999) that every user Like Gee (2013) said game that contain need to have information, formulate world of animal, plant, cell can give a strategy and can think critically in better understanding. A student cant choosing, remove, collect and give understand a biology without clear information in new way to solve picture about what is that he learn. problem in real life. Based on 6 table On second indicator, game above, can be concluded that Taboo can allow lifelong learner to think respondent si have the ability of in choice of word to guest a picture. If information literacy. connected to arrangement of question Fourth point to determine frame work used in research, lifelong someone as lifelong learner is to have learner can adjust question that they conscience to give positive impact to made to research that they are self. It means that lifelong learner conducting. On third indicator game should known what good for him. This

96 International Conference of Library, Archives, and Information Science (ICOLAIS) 2017

assessment for fourth point is based on On this indicator, game is 2 indicator, that is have positive needed for 4 studying method above, concept inside and have ability to self- even though in one game not entirely organize fulfill the need of studying method. Fourth point to determine Example in adventure video game, someone as lifelong learner is to have surely theres a lot of picture, graphics positive concept inside like standard and maps that will help study using that IFLA have, that is to have a good visual and kinesthetic. Meanwhile behavior that followed by positive match the picture game can help thinking. A desire to improve also can listening studying method to increase help to create a lifelong learner. memory. Indicator have ability to self-organize, Second indicator is to have can be train using strategy game. This studying strategy in any context. This was put forward by Whitton (2010) that can be linked to how to self-control strategy game can be used to plan when studying is mentioned by Cardiff learning, create decision, test a University. There is 4 way to self control hypothesis, think strategically , skill in that is, physically, emotionally, organizing, and see consequence from environmentally, physiologically and action they taken, based on those 2 supporting network. Emotionally table can be concluded that positive or negative can influence how respondent have a conscience to give we study. Light game of UNO for positive impact to self. instance, can be used as entertainment Fifth point to determine to fix emotional condition. But, the someone as lifelong learner is to have player is depend to what category he is. ability to show studying expertise. It As said by Oxland (2004) that casual means that lifelong learner determine player or regular player used game as how he gain knowledge. The source of fun, entertainment the same assessment for the fifth point is way as they watching movie or listening included 3 indicator, that is ability to a music. Hardcore gamer or game lover choose study method, have a strategy is using game as their source of on study method on any context, and entertainment, but according to them have ability to understand between game is a hobby, and make game a intensive learn and not intensive learn. part of his life. Based on 3 table above First indicator on the fifth point is can be concluded that respondent have ability to choosing study method. fulfill criteria in showing studying Actually everyone have different expertise. studying method, there some like to Based on average point that read and there some like to be calculated based on respondent explained. According to Fleming (2001) answer, acquire result using game as VARK system determine number of toll to create lifelong learner is very people based on studying method influencing at fifth point, that is ability to using visual, listening, reading, and show studying expertise. That is kinesthetic (using medium or tools to achived based on average point on fifth demonstrate). Visual and kinesthetic point that total 4,07. As for indicator method need tools like picture, from that point is to have ability to chose graphics, and maps. And listening need studying method, have strategy in study a memorize to help memory and for any context, and have ability to reading need a list to help access understand difference between information intensive studyng or not, all the ability

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on this point can be train with playing a and graphic that help the visitor train game that suitable for the player. their mind to understand the information that come in a form beside CONCLUSION text. According to the result of the When using the game collection, research, the utilization of game the visitor feels the difficulty in using collection in Goethe-Institut library as a them. There are two difficulty that the medium to create a life long learning visitor feels : medium and hard. The experience is corresponding with the medium difficulty comes from the lifelong learner guide created by Candy language used in game. The hard etc. The effect can be seen from the difficulty comes from the scrabble game game collection that has been used because the visitors must have a lot of almost everyday by the library visitors. word knowledge to play this game. The The range of visitors age that used the other difficulty is the visitor still learning game collection is 21 to 25 years old. about german language. Digital game collection is the most used collection, such as console game Xbox SUGGESTION and Playstation 4. The game that Here are suggestion in development of always played everyday is soccer game collection at Goethe-Institute game, FIFA. For the board game, library that suits for creating tools for library visitors usually played Scrabble. lifelong learning: Visitors that using the game collection 1. Goethe-Institute library need to in Goethe-Institut Library has fulfilled make more game collection that the lifelong learner criteria. can be played by group. Based on Most of the game collection in game that used by reader, a lot of Goethe-Institut Library are adventure game that by more than one games. The benefit from an Adventure people interested in. game genre is when the players play it, 2. Game collection for iPad need to they can train their mind to think outside be added, with game for iPad, the box, how to clear the challenge in reader doesn’t need to use every level. Adventure game is also console that on multimedia room. more challenging so the visitor is motivated to clear the challenge in a Information about game collection at level then proceed to the next level. Goethe-Institute library is need more Adventure game support the lifelong advertising so more reader can use the learning concept because adventure game collection. Because now they go game contains challenging puzzle that to library and doesn’t know that game visitors must solve in every level, collection exist at Goethe-Institute thinking process the players do, library Jakarta. interactive story that comes with the challenge, and there are many tables

REFERENCES Adams, Ernest. (2010). Fundamental of Games Design. United States of America: Pearson Education. Alain d'Astous, Karine Gagnon. "An inquiry into the factors that impact on consumer appreciation of a board games." Journal of Consumer Marketing, Vol. 24 Issue: 2 (2007):80-89. Baauw E., Bekker M.M., Barendregt W. “A Structured Expert Evaluation Method for the Evaluation of Children’s Computer Games.” In: Costabile M.F., Paternò F.

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(eds) Human-Computer Interaction - INTERACT 2005. INTERACT 2005. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 3585. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg (2005). Broussard, Mary J. Snyder. “Digital Games in Academic Libraries: A Review of Permainan and Suggested Best Practices.” Reference Services Review (2012): 75 – 89. Brown, Stacey. “Play Is Not Just for PE”, The English Journal, Vol. 96, No. 3 (Jan., 2007), pp. 46-50. Candy, P. C. “Developing lifelong learners through undergraduate education”. In Summers, L. (Ed), A Focus on Learning, p ii-viii. Proceedings of the 4th Annual Teaching Learning Forum, Perth, Edith Cowan University, February 1995. Cardiff Centre for Lifelong Learning. The Learning Guide. United Kingdom: Cardiff University. Elizabeth Tappeiner Catherine Lyons."Selection criteria for academic video games collections", Collection Building Vol.27 Iss 3 (2008): 121 – 125. Eustatia, Liesbeth, et al. Developing Knowledge: Leiden University in 2008. Leiden : Leiden University, 2009. Forsell, Philip. “During Online Gaming and in the Classroom.” (2017): 1–21. Gee, James Paul. “Digital Games and Libraries.” American Library Association (2012): 61 – 64. - - - . “Games for learning”. Educational Horizons (2013) 91: 17-20.

- - -. (2003). What Video Games Have To Teach Us About Learning and Literacy. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. Irawan, Ayu Satyari. “Pemanfaatan E-Learning Sebagai Media Pembelajaran di Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia.” Skripsi, Universitas Indonesia, 2007. Ismail, Adang. (2006). Education Permainan: Menjadi Cerdas dan Ceria dengan Permainan Edukatif. Yogyakarta: Pilar Media. Jim Agee. “Literacy, aliteracy, and lifelong learning", New Library World, Vol. 106 Iss 5/6 (2005): 244 – 252. Johnson, Peggy. (2009). Fundamentals of Collection Development and Management. United States of America: American Library Association. Lau, Jesús. “Guidelines on Information Literacy for Lifelong Learning”. International Federations of Library Association (2006): 1 – 60. Longworth, Norman. (2003). Lifelong Learning in Action: Transforming Education in the 21st Century. United Kingdom: Kogan Page Limited. Novriando, Hotman. “Tingkat Kepuasan Pengguna Terhadap Kualitas Layanan Perpustakaan PSJ UI.” Skripsi, Universitas Indonesia, 2011. NS, Sutarno. (2006). Mengenal Perpustakaan. Jakarta: Jala Permata. Oktaviono. “Evaluasi pemanfaatan pangkalan data jurnal elektronik Proquest, Elsevier, Science Direct, dan Jstor di Perpustakaan Magister Manajemen Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Indonesia (MM-FEUI).” Skripsi, Universitas Indonesia, 2008. Oxland, Kevin. (2004). Gameplay and Design. Great Britain: Pearson Education Limited. Prajitno, Subagio Budi. “Metodologi Penelitian Kuantitatif”. Komunikasi UIN Bandung (2013). 13 Feb.2017 .

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Slowey, Maria dan Hans Schuetze. (2012). Global Perspective on Higher Education and Lifelong Learners. New York: Routledge. Sulistyo-Basuki. (2006). Metode Penelitian. Jakarta: Wedatama Widya Sastra. - - -. (2013). Pengantar Ilmu Perpustakaan. Tangerang Selatan: Universitas Terbuka. Supranto, J. (2007). Teknik Sampling Untuk Survey & Eksperimen. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta. Watson, Louise. (2003). Lifelong Learning in Australia. Australia: Commonwealth of Australia. Whitton, Nicola. (2010). Learning with Digital Games: A Practical Guide to Engaging Students in Higher Education. New York: Routledge. Zen, Zulfikar. “Perpustakaan Umum Sebagai Sumber Belajar”. Makalah pada Seminar Sehari Membangun Budaya Baca Melalui Perpustakaan, Forum Perpustakaan Umum Indonesia & Kantor Perpustakaan Umum Kotamadya Jakarta Selatan, Jakarta, Desember 2005.

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Febriyanto Master’s Student of Library and Information Science, Universitas Indonesia [email protected]

Mohammad Aufar Sadikin Alumnus of Library and Information Science, Universitas Indonesia [email protected]


Maritime is a topic that has been heard frequently in Indonesia for the past few years. Starting from the will of the 7th President of the Republic of Indonesia Joko Widodo who committed to advancing the maritime sector of Indonesia, many people are starting to show their interest and begin to help advance this potential sector. The academics also help develop Indonesia’s maritime sector by writing scientific articles. Since 2002 until 2017, there are 75 articles about maritime of Indonesia. By using bibliometrics studies, writers found that the publication of articles related to the topic of maritime of Indonesia were increasing the most in 2015. Indonesian writers are also actively writing about that topic. This can be seen from Indonesian writers who participate in article writing about maritime of Indonesia.

Keywords: Bibliometrics, Maritime, Marine, Indonesia Theme: Open Access, Open Data, and Research Data Management

been united economically by the INTRODUCTION Sriwijaya Kingdom since the VII century, controlling trade traffic from the The concept of maritime initiated west and east, from the north and south internationally by the United Nations of the Malacca Strait, the China Sea, Convention on the Law of the Sea in and the Sea. The Coordinating Jamaica, known as UNCLOS. This Ministry of Maritime Affairs of Indonesia convention presented the word of in their 2017 National Coordination “archipelagic states” in their law. An Meeting, states that the development of archipelagic state is any internationally Indonesia as a maritime nation has recognized state or country that started from the Sumpah Palapa, comprises a series of islands that form Sumpah Pemuda, the proclamation of an archipelago. UNCLOS also added independence, Deklarasi Djoeanda, the definition of “archipelago” as a National Maritime Convention I, group of islands, including parts of the Wawasan Nusantara 1982, UNCLOS island, the waters, and other natural 1982, Maritime Continent Convention, interconnected entities that constitute establishment of Marine and Fisheries an essential geographical, economic Exploration Department, to cabotage and political entity, or historically principle in 2015. These events are claimed. These two definition by proof that Indonesia’s maritime sector UNCLOS, can be found in Indonesia. always develops from time to time. Indonesia has long been known as Awareness for the importance of a maritime nation. Wahyono (2009) maritime sector in Indonesia re- said the Indonesian archipelago has emerged when Nawa Cita, which one of

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its most important part is about the maritime (Republika, 2017). The policy development of maritime sector, made a significant effect on the announced by President Jokowi. publication about maritime in Jokowi in October 2014, states as Indonesia, especially the scientific maritime nation, ocean, sea, strait, and publications produced by many people bay, are the future of our civilization. He from various backgrounds. These also mentioned the old term “Jalesveva publications contribute to Indonesia's Jayamahe” means “in the sea we are progress in facing new challenges as a victorious”. Indonesia’s position as maritime nation strengthened by world maritime axis is also reinforced various scientific fields, from natural by the issuance of Presidential sciences to social and humanities. The Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia results of the research are very diverse, number 16 of 2017 on maritime policy and some of these scientific articles are of Indonesia. published in international journals. Maritime is a multidisciplinary Science Direct is one big database subject. Marine Legal Expert Hasjim where we can find scientific articles Djalal argued that the maritime nation is about maritime of Indonesia. Science not the same as the island nation Direct is a reputable scientific (Simela, 2014). Simela also added that publishing house owned by Elsevier maritime country is a country capable of (Himawanto, 2016). The scientific utilizing the sea, although the country articles about Indonesian maritime may not have much sea, but has found in Science Direct are highly enough technology, science, and reputable articles, so they can be equipment to manage and utilize the accessed and used by anyone who has sea, both the sea itself and its natural interest on this field. Himawanto (2016), wealth, and its strategic location. also said most of the Science Direct’s According to KBBI online (2017), published article have been maritime is a noun which means internationally indexed by Scopus and matters concerning maritime issues, Thomson Reuters. Based on the while the word maritime is defined with information above, this study is using things related to the sea, associated blibiometrics analysis, aims to measure with sea voyages and trade. This can the performance of Indonesian authors be interpreted that the coverage of and contribution level of various maritime as a subject is very vast. institutions in Indonesia with maritime Wahyono (2009) also states that the of Indonesia as their writing subject maritime nation stands on the maritime published in Science Direct. natural and cultural foundations that form maritime civilization, which is LITERATURE REVIEW reflected in the political, economic, social and cultural system as well as Bibliometrics is the use of defense and security. mathematical and statistical methods to The reinforcement of the maritime study documents and publication field in Indonesia also affects the patterns. This is in accordance with publication about the maritime of quotations from the International Indonesia. Lembaga Pengelola Dana Encyclopedia of Information and Pendidikan (LPDP) budgeted 22.5 Library Science (2003) which states trillion rupiah for Indonesia's that bibliometrics is "the use of scholarship and Indonesia's research mathematical and statistical methods to development with 17 priority themes, study documents and patterns of with the top priority theme being publication”. The term bibliometrics

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itself was first used by Alan Pritchard in very suitable for one of the areas that 1969 to refer to the use of mathematical become the main focus in the progress and statistical methods on book and of Indonesia as a nation, the maritime other media phenomena (mainly sector, so that the results obtained can printed), and later this old term replaced be used as a reference. with statistical bibliography that has The use of international digital been used since the 1920s (Putu, journals using bibliometric method has 2003). Since then bibliometrics has been done by many Indonesian been used in research in the field of researchers. The implementation is library science and information, integrated with other fields of science, including many other interdisciplinary both social and humanities or natural research field. sciences. One of the previous research Putu (2013) states, with the is article titled “Bibliometric Analysis of emergence of electronic publications Small and Medium Enterprises Field in and e-journals that have different Indonesia” in 2016, published in the characteristics than printed proceeding of the “Lokakarya Nasional publications, bibliometrics are like Dokumentasi dan Informasi”, which getting new fuel to evolve as a method. used bibliometric method for This paper also uses electronic community needs area. Aris Yaman journals, a non-printed publication that and Harini Yaniar from Lembaga Ilmu famously and widely used by Pengetahuan Indonesia (LIPI) use researchers to publish their research, bibliometrics to determine the extent of as research object. Furthermore, contributors to the development of Sulistyo-Basuki (2002) adds 5 Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) parameters in the journal that should be in Indonesia. The analysis was used as bibliometrics research object: conducted on 166 articles in the past 24 1) author; 2) title of article; 3) journal years that indexed in SCOPUS, using title; 4) year of publication; 5) reference specific keyword and search strategy. or bibliography list, usually printed on They conclude that the number of the bottom of page, often called writings on SMEs has risen positively. footnotes or at the end of an article; 6) In the same proceeding and year, citation, literature information contained Himawanto from the Ministry of Energy in references; and 7) descriptor, is a and Mineral Resources uses term used to examine the contents of bibliometrics to diagnose the topics of scientific articles. biofuels in his article titled The benefit of using bibliometrics “Performance of Indonesian Authors on according to Sitti (2013) is data The International Scientific Publications obtained by bibliometrics method could of Biofuels: A Bibliometric Diagnosis”. become the scientific basis for library In contrast to previous one that using staff in making decision. Siti also states articles on Scopus, this research took bibliometric studies are considered to articles published in Science Direct be very useful for curriculum analysis journals within the last ten years, with and to assess the quality of research total of 170 articles. This research by results. Sitti’s statement is in line with Himawanto is a proof that bibliometric Putu’s (2013), he said bibliometric studies can also be used for articles in research and testing aims to find the field of natural sciences. From universal truth about the production and these two studies, we can conclude that development of science through the bibliometric is able to analyze articles study of authors, articles, and citation of from many issues or field, including articles in scientific writing. This study is maritime, the topic that oftenly

The Facets of Knowledge, Towards Synergy of Multidisciplinary Studies 103

discussed in Indonesia in recent times. RESULT Based on author’s observation on internet, research with bibliometrics Article Publication Rate by Year method has never been done to articles The search performed using the on maritime in Indonesia topic. keyword "ttl (maritime), aff (indonesia) OR key (maritime), aff (indonesia) OR METHOD abs (maritime), aff (indonesia)" resulted 8 articles, while search by keyword "ttl The data used for this study was (marine), aff (indonesia) OR key taken from Science Direct (marine), aff (indonesia) OR abs (, searched using (marine), aff (indonesia)" produced 67 search technique called "Expert articles, bringing a total of 75 articles to Search", an available feature in have been obtained. The change of Science Direct. The article search is article publication level from year to using these two keywords "ttl year can be viewed in more detail in the (maritime), aff (indonesia) OR key following figure. (maritime), aff (indonesia) OR abs (maritime), aff (indonesia)" and "ttl (marine), aff (indonesia) OR key (marine), aff (indonesia) OR abs (marine), aff (indonesia) ". The search process also limited by time, into articles published from the Year 2002 to 2017. In the article that has been collected, validation is performed to prevent any inconsistent or unsuitable data. The next step is listing the bibliographic description area, but Figure 1: Publication Rate of Article limited to those related for the need for about Maritime research: title, author, year of issue, Source: affiliation, and subject. The analysis used in this study is bibliometric Based on the obtained data, the approach. According to Himawanto number of publications available in the (2015), bibliometric analysis should Year 2002 to 2009 only ranged from 0 begin with: 1) investigating the to 3 articles. While in 2014 the number capabilities of the article and author of articles related to maritime of annually; (2) analyze the distribution of Indonesia began to rise, and reached scientific papers based on the scientific its peak in 2015 with a total of 19 publication of the publisher; (3) articles. This indicates the interest of observation of authorship architecture the authors of the maritime field which including determining index and level of is being supported by the government collaboration; (4) investigating the level under the leadership of President Joko of partnership; and (5) studying Widodo who has been active since research institutes and research zones 2014 is increasing positively. In 2016 in the domestic level. The data that has until now, the publication level is been collected then compiled and decreasing, with 12 publications in analyzed, and the results are displayed 2016 and 8 publications in 2017. This either descriptively, using table, or declining might be caused by the using figure. saturation of the maritime field, which

104 International Conference of Library, Archives, and Information Science (ICOLAIS) 2017

has no major events that can attract the Source: researchers in these past few times. Maritime is a topic that is related to As can be seen in the figure above, other fields of science, making articles biology is the most popular subject for on maritime are written with different maritime in Indonesia related articles, subjects, as seen in the following figure. with total of 12 articles. While in the second position there is marine policy subject with 9 articles, followed by environmental science subject with 7 articles. This variety of subjects shows that maritime is an interesting topic that can be developed by any fields of science. To be noted, the subject of natural sciences and technology is more dominant than the social sciences and humanities. This lacks of subjects side deserves special attention, because the development will be maximized if built upon many perspectives.

Article Publication Rate by Author Collaboration

Figure 2: Subject of Article about Maritime Table 1: Author Collaboration Source:

Author Year Total 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 15 16 17 2003 1 1 2 2004 1 1 2 2005 1 1 2006 1 1 2 2007 1 1 1 3 2008 1 1 2 2009 1 1 2 2010 2 1 1 1 1 6 2011 1 1 2 2012 1 1 1 3 2013 2 1 1 2 6 2014 2 1 1 1 5 2015 2 2 2 5 3 2 1 1 1 19 2016 1 3 3 1 1 1 2 12 2017 1 2 2 1 1 1 8 Jumlah 2 11 6 12 13 7 2 7 3 2 6 1 1 1 1 75

The Facets of Knowledge, Towards Synergy of Multidisciplinary Studies 105

% 2,66 14,66 8 16 17,33 9,33 2,66 9,33 4 2,66 8 1,33 1,33 1,33 1,33

Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB) with 10 articles, followed by Universitas Sam The pattern of collaborative Ratulangi with total of 6 articles. The authors (more than one authoring rest positions are filled by universities pattern) in the Indonesian maritime like Universitas Indonesia, Institut article is more dominant than single Teknologi Bandung, and Universitas author pattern, which only found in two Diponegoro. articles. While the article with the most number of collaborative writer pattern found in collaboration of five and four people, with 13 and 12 articles for each. This dominant collaborative pattern with many authors indicates that maritime is a quite complex field that requires multiple points of view in research. Based on the level of collaboration by year, it can be seen almost every year has a 100% collaboration rate. The decline happened only in 2015, where the level of collaboration decreased to 89.47%. The collaboration rose again to 100% in 2016 to the present. The high level of collaboration demonstrates good cooperation among Figure 3: Publication Rate by authors interested in topics about Institution maritime in Indonesia. Source:

Table 2: Author Collaboration Rate by There are also two non-profit Year institutions that contribute in the writing Source: of Indonesian maritime article, named Indonesia Marine Program and The Nature Conservancy. LIPI as the institution with responsibility for national research and also universities are to be expected at the top ranking in the number of articles published. But with non-profit organizations that also contributing, it is a good signal that shows not only the academics are Article Publication Rate by interested in writing and donating their Institution knowledge to this field. In Figure 4 can be seen the Based on the data, Lembaga Ilmu countries that have become partners of Pengetahuan Indonesia (LIPI) has the Indonesian writers in the writing of highest number of publication about Indonesian maritime articles The first maritime of Indonesia, with total of 15 position is occupied by Japan, which articles. In the second position there is

106 International Conference of Library, Archives, and Information Science (ICOLAIS) 2017

has collaborated with Indonesian the scholar to conduct research on this writers in 21 articles. field or insufficient facilities.

Figure 4: Collaborating Partner Countries for Indonesian Writers Source:

The next position is Australia with 12 articles, and the third position is filled by Figure 5: Author’s Productivity Rate Germany with 9 articles. This high Source: number of collaboration is a good signal, as it indicates that other CONCLUSION countries see this topic as an interesting and potential topic for further Based on the bibliometric studies development. The perspective of conducted on the publication of the foreign writers can be used as potential Indonesian maritime, it can be reference for maritime development of concluded several things: 1) the Indonesia. significant number increase of from 2014 to 2015 is an evidence of good Productivity of Author response to government program in advancing the maritime field. Based on gained data, writer with Unfortunately such high numbers do highest productivity is Sebastian C.A. not survive and tend to decline from Ferse, who is a foreign writer, with a 2016 to the present. From subject side, total of five articles. In the second the big numbers come from the group position there are several authors who of natural sciences, while only a few produce four articles each, namely articles that use social science and Shunji Aoki, Motomasa Kobayashi, humanities as their main subject. This Hikaru Kato, Remy E.P. Mangindaan, could be a trigger for social science Nicole J. de Voogd, Sachiko writers to write more for this topic; 2) Tsukamoto, Wasistini Baitoningsih, and The dominant pattern of collaboration Joanne Wilson, who are also writers from the Indonesian maritime’s writers from other countries. While the authors is a great thing that presents their good from Indonesia can only produce one to collaboration in writing. This three articles per person. This collaboration pattern can also last for unproductivity of Indonesian author many years, making this topic might be caused by the lack of potentially written by more authors; 3) encouragement from the government to The institution that produces the most

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articles are LIPI, which is followed by The research result will certainly have a various Indonesian universities. These good impact on maritime advancement, results indicate that Indonesian which might become the main sector of academics have a lot of interest in this Indonesia in the future. Positive support topic; 4) High ranked authors, or the from the government will also greatly authors with high productivity, are help development of maritime research, occupied by many authors who come such as by providing facilities or easy from other country. This is a good news access to information for researchers in that this topic is highly demanded by this field. international scholar, but it is also a bad sign for Indonesian writers, who have ACKNOWLEDGEMENT not contribute much to the writing of this topic. This research was supported by Suggestion from the author, it would be Indonesia Endowment Fund for better if more Indonesian authors from Education, Ministry of Finance. various fields of science start to write about the maritime of Indonesia, considering how potential this field is. REFERENCES

Anonim. (2017). Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia Online. Jakarta. (Diakses 26 Agustus 2017). Drake, Miriam A. (2003). Encyclopedia of Library and Information Science, Second Edition. CRS Press: USA. Feather, Jhon. (1997). International Encyclopedia of Information and Library Science. London and New York: Routledge. Himawanto, (2015). Kajian Bibliometrik terhadap Artikel Bidang Teknologi Minyak dan Gas Bumi di Indonesia. BACA: Jurnal Dokumentasi dan Informasi, 11-30. Himawanto. (2016). Kinerja Penulis Indonesia Pada Publikasi Ilmiah Internasional Topik Bahan Bakar Nabati: Diagnosis Bibliometrik. Prosiding Lokakarya Nasional Dokumentasi dan Informasi LIPI, 25 -38. Konvensi Perserikatan Bangsa-bangsa tentang Hukum Laut (UNCLOS) Tahun 1982. (Diakses 26 Agustus 2017). Muhamad, Simela Victor. (2014). Indonesia Menuju Poros Maritim Dunia. Info Singkat Hubungan International, 6(21), 5-8. November-2014-7.pdf (Diakses 26 Agustus 2017). Pattah, Sitti Husaebah. (2013). Pemanfaatan Kajian Bibliometrika Sebagai Metode Evaluasi Dan Kajian Dalam Ilmu Perpustakaan dan Informasi. Khizanah Al- Hikmah, 1(1), 47 - 57. (Diakses 26 Agustus 2017) Pendit, Putu Laxman. (2003). Penelitian Ilmu Perpustakaan dan Informasi: Sebuah Pengantan Diskusi Epistomologi dan Metodologi. Jakarta: Fakultas Sastra Universitas Indonesia. Pratiwi, Intan. (2017). Kemenkeu Anggarkan Rp 22,5 Triliun untuk Beasiswa LPDP. Republika Online. Jakarta. kemenkeu-anggarakan-rp-225-triliun-untuk-beasiswa-lpdp (Diakses tanggal 26

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Agustus 2017). Republik Indonesia. (2014). Pidato Pelantikan Presiden Jokowo pada 20 Oktober 2014. Jakarta. Republik Indonesia. (2017). Peraturan Presiden Republik Indonesia No 16 Tahun 2017 tentang kebijakan kelautan Indonesia. Jakarta. Republik Indonesia. (2017). Rapat Koordinasi Nasional Bidang Kemaritiman. Jakarta. (Diakses 26 Agustus 2017). S.K., Wahyono. (2009). Indonesia Negara Maritim. Jakarta : Penerbit Teraju. Sulistyo-Basuki. (2002). Bibliometrika, sainsmetrika dan informetrika. Dalam Makalah Kursus Bibliometrika. Pusat Studi Jepang UI Depok, 20-23 Mei 2002.

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Gresia Bernika Br Sembiring Library Science Program, Department of Library and Information Science, Faculty of Humanities, Universitas Indonesia [email protected]

Tamara Adriani Susetyo-Salim Department of Library and Information Science, Universitas Indonesia, Depok 16424, Indonesia [email protected]


Everyone needs information, to get information then people need information center. What kind of information center? Namely the information center that provides a fast and reliable means to find their information needs. That purpose of this study is to explore how the marketing and promotion that is in museum applied to the library. Research method used to reach the purpose of the research is qualitative approach with case study method. From this research can be concluded that marketing and promotion methods in museum can be applied to the library with a little modification. To implement this marketing method required the creativity and hard work of information managers and librarians.

Keyword : culturall event, marketing, public relation, technology., museum

graphics, text, audio, video, animation INTRODUCTION and images.

The purpose of marketing activities that Because of these technological exist within an organization especially developments, there are several the information center is to encourage aspects in society that change, the achievement of target participants especially lifestyle and the need to who have been set. To conduct obtain information quickly and marketing activities of an event then practically. But not all sources of required a medium as a means of information that there is trustworthy delivering such information to the truth. We as information professionals public, both printed and digital media. In need to pay attention to this case, the development of science then we namely the truth of information and cannot be separated from multimedia changes in user behavior. In addition technology. Before that we need to we also need to improve the quality of know what multimedia technology is. our service as the guardian of Multimedia technology is a blend of knowledge. software and hardware with other media interactively. Interactive means To keep pace with rapid technological here is a mix of various media such as developments we need marketing

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activities for our information center. Why? Because lately the community began to leave the name of a LITERATURE REVIEW conventional information center. Actually we as a manager of Cultural program is a program information is also being process implemented by the information center toward digital where all our collections to educate, entertain & provide learning can be accessed globally without space independently with the target and time limitation. participants in various age groups (Robertson, 2005). Cultural program is Nevertheless we still need a done as an alternative to promote an conventional information center that will information center. In doing the keep us in real communication with the program we need to find events or people around us. According Sulistyo activities that describe the state of your (1991) we can not leave absolutely our information center. conventional library, but we can combine it with modern or digital library. In planning and implementing cultural programs we need to be dynamic, to This study will discuss about an grow with the change of society. If you information center that packs its are static, just focus on learning a collection in a fun and very interesting science that developed a few centuries way with marketing that uses the or decades ago then you will only run development of multimedia technology on the spot and not produce anything. that is being loved by young people. One is to organize cultural programs to The success of the introduction a promote our information center. cultural program is determined by 4 (four) factors such as: This research use a qualitative approach with case study analysis 1. Planning methods. From this case study can be Planning is the process of assessing examine the problems and solutions and determining the desired goals in that exist within a community so that it the future and developing and selecting will produce new science and solutions alternative activities to achieve them In balancing technological (Stueart,2002, as cited in Laksmi, developments in society. From this 2011). In performing an event or activity study it is also expected that we get an then this planning is very necessary. information center marketing method When we start planning well then that will have a major impact on library, actually our event has been half archive, and museum development. successful. In organizations, communities, institutions and From this work it is also hoped that a information centers desperately need conscious information center with their good quality planning. identity is not something dead but something that is alive, moving, and 2. Budgeting dynamic. With this awareness then the The library's information center does user will be greatly helped by your not have its own funding. Usually existence as the guardian of information agencies get funding from knowledge. Finally the information individuals or other institutions that care center is not a dead book, file, or statue about the library. We need to attract but a living information. sponsors by building and developing

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what material we want to do in a mouth promotion is one of the most convincing information center. Thus we effective promotional methods. Public will get sponsorship to hold our event. relations is a continuation of the According to White (1997), to remind marketing process. We can roughly say that to implement the service we need that public relations is more towards a budget, so he thinks the budget introducing who we are to the user or determines what programs will run in a customer. “public relation is saying this library. "Libraries do not market; is who we are, this is what we do, for occasionally advertise what they whom and when” (idem). already provide. However, increasingly we now anti-advertise, when budget RESEARCH METHODOLOGY cuts have made it difficult to maintain levels of service. (we allow) the budget This research uses qualitative research to define the program rather than have approach, with online interview method the program define the budget "(as to resource person. Qualitative cited in Siess, 2003). research is inductive that specific case study. Why choose this method? 3. Marketing Because this study want to explores, understands, and compares between In an information center that uses a theories with existing practices in the cultural program as a regular activity field. So before the interview, a (periodical) then the information center literature review was conducted to needs to have a marketing team. support field facts. The way of Marketing is a way or method that is communication with resource persons done to determine the needs of users of is done with the help of social media information as well as introduce and facebook, which is obtained from the attract users into our cultural program. official website of the community. In this digital age we also need Previously informants have been marketing automation by using the contacted via line and email but have technology used by most humans. not responded to several days. After “Marketing automation is the use of contacted via new facebook there is a software to automate marketing response from the manager so that the processes such as customer interview can be implemented. This segmentation, customer data method is used to explain and analyze integration, and campaign cases in society with theories that have management” (Dania, 2016). So, it can been developed so that the existence of be conclued that marketing is more these relations is expected to provide a toward finding out who and what the solution to the case. user needs. "Marketing is asking who is you, what do you want, how can you tell RESULTS AND ANALYSIS me about what price" (Cavill, 2001, as cited in Siess, 2003). This research is a case study on the marketing of information centers, museums, in Yogya as the "Night at 4. Public Relation Museum" community. This community Once we build a good marketing with helps the museum to attract many the user then we still need to maintain people love the museum as a cultural a professional relationship with them so heritage that has value for history, indirectly they will become "media" of culture and also the identity of the our campaign. For example, word of nation. Here I will describe my interview

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with community managers to know cagar budaya dan situs bersejarah” he about matters relating to this said. community. Community participation around First we will discuss and explain the Yogyakarta can not be separated from history and the beginning of the publicity or marketing activities formation of this community, conducted by the manager. Publication “Komunitas ini awalnya ada program of this community activity is done by kreativitas mahasiswa yang digagas various media such as, brochures, oleh lima orang mahasiswa dari jurusan social media, etc .. According to Erwin sejarah dan pariwisata UGM. (Erwin, this marketing activity is done Tantri, Yayum, Ody dan Bahtiar. dynamically following the development Kemudian lolos didanai dikti. Setelah of technology, ”Publikasi kami awalnya satu tahun pendampingan dikti, maka lewat poster-poster yang dicetak dan kami memutuskan untuk lanjut dgn ditempel di ruang publik yang platform komunitas. Sejak tahun 2012 disediakan untuk penempelan poster sampai sekarang. Ide awalnya adalah kegiatan. Saat itu juga menggunakan wisata edukasi kunjungan museum di media facebook. Sekarang kami lebih malam hari. Inspirasinya adalah film banyak promosi lewat media sosial Night at the museum, ternyata respon seperti facebook, twitter dan instagram. masyarakat bagus dan akhirnya terus Kami juga sering mengundang teman- berlanjut. Kini sudah ada sekitar tujuh teman blogger untuk ikut serta meliput museum yang mau buka malam di kegiatan kami sehingga bisa Jogja. Vredeburg, Monjali, Sudirman, membantu kami dalam promosi Dirgantara Mandala, Dharma program”. Wiratama, Sonobudoyo dan museum Sandi”, said Erwin Djunaedi as founder To support weekly activities and of Night Museum Community promotions, the manager also usually raises funds from the participants to Apparently the activities offered by this smooth the activities to be performed community is a museum roaming at and returned by providing facilities that night. This is an activity that can be support participants in following a spelled out new because usually series of events, “Sumber dana kami people explore the museum is in the berasal dari donasi para peserta yang daytime. However, the society is very kemudian diolah dan dikembalikan appreciative of this activity. As dalam.bentuk fasilitas yang disediakan described by this community manager, saat kegiatan. Selain itu beberapa “Reaksinya sangat baik dengan bantuan juga berasal dari instansi banyaknya masyarakat yang pemerintah yang bergerak dibidang berpartisipasi. Awalnya hanya kebudayaan”, Erwin said. kunjungan malam hari di museum, atas saran dari masyarakat maka kami For activities such as the Heritage class membuka kegiatan jelajah museum di and others certainly require careful pagi hari juga. Selain itu kegiatan untuk preparation so that this activity anak-anak juga dilakukan lewat becomes a fun recreation facility for the program ‘kids in museum’. Akhirnya participants, “Kami biasanya dalam tidak hanya museum, kami juga promosi kegiatan sekitar 1-2 minggu merambah ke cagar budaya dengan sebelum kegiatan. Namun riset program #KelasHeritage yg mengajak biasanya sudah berlangsung sebulan masyarakat mengunjungi bangunan sebelum kegiatan. Pilihan lokasi

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kegiatan saat ini masih lebih banyak di 2. Game kota Jogja dan beberapa tempat di For games we need to have time jawa tengah”. Dan juga “Sebelum preparation to find suitable kegiatan biasanya kami melakukan themes and information for the riset sejarah terkait objek yang akan community. An example in mid- dikunjungi. Riset sejarah serta riset April in Indonesia is celebrating games yang pas untuk museum. Jika women's emancipation day riset dirasa sudah memadai, maka remembering R.A Kartini. So kami akan mengunggah poster when we implement the game kegiatan dan membuka pendaftaran we need to understand the peserta. existing information about Kartini, and we make the game The last thing that we can not forget in in accordance with the theme of managing a community to channel women's emancipation. knowledge to the community is cooperation and collaboration with 3. Group other communities also receive every We need to identify who will be input and idea that is growing in the our event participants. If children community, “Kreativitas masyarakat then the theme of women's Jogja sangat mendukung program emancipation should be in komunitas. Beberapa kolaborasi accordance with the capacity of dengan komunitas lain juga menjadi the small children to receive it. If nilai penting dalam keberlangsungan our participants are teenagers, komunitas ini”. then we give them more knowledge about women's From the results of the interview can be emancipation. So tailored to the seen that the existing programs in the participants need for museum can also be applied to other information. information centers, especially libraries. However, there needs to be some Thus the results of case studies modifications due to the different in this study were conducted to systems in libraries and museums. find out how much influence of Here are 3 modifications that can be marketing and public relations done for the program run in the library. perceived by communities both large and small in developing its 1. Time activities. If inside the museum is done in the evening, then it should be in CONCLUSION the library done during the day. After studying the theories about But adapted to the marketing and public relations as well circumstances and culture in the as the searching of case studies in the local community. If the local community, it can be concluded that the people work during the day then information centers that implement and we need to adjust the way to manage their marketing or marketing create events in the afternoon achieve greater success than those and is recommended to be who do not harness the marketing consistent weekly or bi-weekly to power for their events and activities. maximize the preparation of the

information center manager. Although the case study is a museum,

but based on the understanding and

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learning of information sources that be applied to the marketing library with have been read about marketing and a little modification that has been case study results it can be concluded described previously. that the marketing in the museum can


Balu. (2015). Digital Marketing Using Google Services. Tamil: LocSea Software Development Private Limited. Basuki, S. (1997). Pengantar Ilmu Perpustakaan. Jakarta: Gramedia Pustaka Utama. Dania, R. (2016). Marketing automation. Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Brasov. Economic Sciences. Series V, 87. John Willey and sons. (2012). Digital Futures for Cultural and Media Studies. West Sussex: Willey Blackwell. Kelly, K. (2016). A different type of lighting research - A qualitative methodology . Lighting research & technology (London, England : 2001) , 1. Laksmi, Tamara Adriani Sosetyo-Salim, Ari Irmansyah. (2011). Manajemen Lembaga Informasi. Jakarta: Penaku. Luther, W. M. (2011). The Marketing Plan : How to Prepare and Implement It. USA: American Management Association. Robertson, D. A. (2005). Cultural Programming for Libraries : Linking Libraries, Communities and Culture. Chicago: American Library Association. Siess, J. A. (2003). The Visible Librarian : Asserting Your Value with Marketing and Advocacy. Chicago: American Library Association.

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Hefifa Rhesa Yuniar Library University of Widyagama Malang [email protected]


The presence of new technology called digital media as a form of media convergence makes people more multitasking because they can perform various digital activities by using only one device. The connectivity channel owned by this digital media feels more important and shows how useful a digital media is so that people rely heavily especially for those youth. The development of media convergence that gave birth to this digital media has various impacts. Rather as a double-edged blade this development can cause many benefits and also cause harm if not able to utilize wsely. The behavior of teens who are fixated on digital media in all activities is hyperconnected behavior. This hyperconnected behavior is done any time and anywhere. Yet the stunned activity to see the screen for hours will have a negative impact on their health and social relationships with the surrounding environment. Understanding the use of digital media as a positive or negative thing is very dependent on where they are located. The increasing of using the digital media today is changing people's habits in everyday life and how they connect and collaborate in a wider social context. Many opportunities of increased use are beneficial for both individually and socially. Seeing that makes the youth should have an ability that can be used as life skill in the use of digital media, the ability is media literacy. Therefore required the cooperation of mutual support either from educational institution, family, the government and the private to jointly create a literate society against the media.

Keywords: youth, hyperconnected, digital media, media literacy, impact of media

Theme: Information Literacy

only. Innovation in technology, INTRODUCTION particularly digital media, are The convergence of technology increasingly changing the way people creates a diversity of media, format of use the media, looking for information and communication entertainment and information. A channels and offers more options. The survey conducted by APJII on 2016 technology was invented, are expected indicate that in Indonesia there are to simplify human daily activities. The about 132 million internet users from a presence of a new technology called variety of ages. The survey also digital media as a form of media showed that 95% of the respondents convergence makes the community have a Facebook account as a medium more connected and multitasking for interacting with others digitally because they can perform various (APJII, 2016). digital activities by using one device

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The results of the survey may literature REVIEW represent that the gadget has an Digital media is defined as the internet connectivity that makes it feel products and services that come from very important. This shows just how the media, entertainment and beneficial a gadget as one form of information industries and the scope of digital media so that the public is so its sector. Including digital platform dependent on the device. Often even (e.g., web sites and applications), when someone met directly with others digital content (e.g. text, audio, video who are just known they always ask and images) and services (e.g. about Facebook account after his information, entertainment and acquaintance. So that they can communication) that can be accessed establish further social interaction and consumed through a variety of through social media accounts. There digital devices. The people online are many things about the reason behavior shaping their digital identity. people accessing the internet. Further, People can show different behavior the survey on the penetration of internet patterns in different contexts and can users in Indonesia on 2016 showed be described as a digital personality. some of the reasons people access the (World Economics Forum, 2016). internet, i.e.: Digital media is viewed as a a. Information Update (25,3 %) device or tool that is rich with b. Related work (20,8 %) opportunities and risks, especially for c. Leisure (13,5 %) the youth. Through digital technology, d. Dissemination (10,3 %) young people are participating in e. Related education (9,2 %) various activities, including social f. Entertainment (8,8 %) network, blogging, vlogging, games, g. Business/online shopping (8,5 %) instant messaging, downloading music From the results of the survey show and other content, upload and share that both digital and media content are their own creations, and collaborate both like a two-sided blade that has a with others in a variety of ways. Internet benefit and can also cause any harm if penetration globally increasingly more we are not able to use it wisely. Digital than 3 billion internet users on 2015. media has the online channels that are Global Social Media trends on 2015, is always connected to the internet which a report from the European Publishers makes people become Council, which noted that there are over hyperconnected. The behavior of the 2 billion active social media accounts hyperconnected, often we see on most and more than 1.6 billion account social of the youth who are always glued with mobile (World Economic Forum, 2016). their digital media in any activity they People are spending more time online do, be it at home, in school, in College, activities, extensively using social as well as in other public places, and media and access digital media through even when they drive on the highway. mobile device. This activities that The behavior occurs because the became known as the hyperconnected. development of new technology is The term hyperconnected when always promising potential construed according to language then communication "anywhere, anytime". is the situation where someone who But today the reality seems to be the wants to always connect with phrase that has changed i.e. technology devices. But the origins of communication "everywhere, all the the hyperconnected certainly cannot be time" (Aducci, 2008). separated from the history of human evolution. Human evolution can be

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visualized as the three main rocket Emerald, Springer Link, repository, as stages, this is : (1) Prehistory Age is well as scientific journals. The carefully where the lack of information and searching chosen to take as far as communication technology (ICT); (2) possible sources of data and the History Age is began the presence of relevant literature. As for the search ICT, they record and transmit data, but term and keyword combinations are human society still rely on other type of used, this is: technology particularly technology on energy and primary resource; (3) Hyperconnected + digital media + Hyperhistory Age is where ICT began literacy + information technology, etc. to be utilized in massive, they note, transmits and, above all, the process Limitation applied in publication data is increasingly self-sufficient, and over the year of 2000. This is due to a human society being highly dependent wide range of applications and digital on technology and information as media platforms popping up in massive fundamental source. Added value be after years of 2000 so that the the original switch from ICT-related ICT publication is published about related become co-dependent. (Floridi, 2015). topics more after that year. In addition The hyperhistory this is creating to using the methods of the review of a society that is increasingly connected literature, the observations are also and always even rely heavily against carried out to get the facts on the information and communication ground. The observation is done in technology. Information and some places like in the work communication technology has now environment, home environment, switched functions and entering the environmental education, and also in sectors of the economy, education, public places. transport, construction and even been entered in the entire realm of human life. Almost no sector of human life that DISCUSSION escape the reach of information technology devices. Data from The Impact of Digital Media "Hyperconnectivity 2014 Survey" The presence of digital media is shows that Indonesia is at the 5th a form of media convergence that once position with the most number of were separate in conventional forms of communities using the moblie phone to media, now a new technology in one conduct transactions online purchases device. Development and use of the (Euromonitor International, 2015). media as part of the information and communication technologies/ICT RESEARCH METHOD extensively against radicals have The method that used is the impact the human condition. If the view study of literature, i.e., using secondary on the reality of everyday life seem resources that exist about phenomena obvious that the media is not a mere in digital media, starting with problems tool, but rather the strength of that show up to the opportunities that environment which is increasingly could be explored more deeply from affecting some of the stuff of human life, digital media, so it brings the best this is: solutions to address the problems that 1. the conception of self (who we are going on. To achieve these goals, are); topics pertaining to look for in online 2. social interaction (how we database like Google Scholar/Books, socialize);

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3. conception of reality used, but the mobile (metaphysics); and phone/smartphone device is the 4. Our interaction with real life easiest to use and quickly acquired by The fourth is really going along with the the community. This led to significant change of the form of media is changes in the relationship of the becoming increasingly complex and community with digital media. The interconnected with each other which is growth in the use of mobile phone fairly then referred to as media convergence. strong especially in developing According to Jenkins, the countries, where consumers in this convergence of media is happening by community is experiencing a shift from looking at how individuals interact with "no digital use" to "mobile use" (World others on a social level and use a Economics Forum, 2016). variety of media platforms to create The survey about the behavior of new experiences, new forms of media internet users in Indonesia shows that and content that connects us, socially, users who access social media, and not just to consumers, but to the entertainment and news that is reach producers of media companies. around 96% to every media platform, (Jenkins, 2006). So the convergence of while for content that is accessible to media is created as the flow of content reach 92% for each content regarding in multiple media platforms, as well as the education, commercial, and other industrial cooperation between multiple (APJII, 2016). From the survey media, and migration behavior of media explains that digital media is connected audiences. This media convergence is with the internet channel offers a variety a process that occurs in accordance of convenience. It is shown through the with the development of the culture of behavior of users who access the community in using the technology. everything they need via the internet. In The development of new addition, digital media will also cause a technologies as a result of the media negative effect when we are not able to convergence offers a range of use it wisely. Such negative impacts convenience. People active to access become dependency, disparity of the social media networks to socialize, interaction, and the creation of a fake business activities, or showing their relationship that is a reality we can see expression through online channels are visible in our environment as the which now exist in one device. But the impact of media user behavior. presence of digital media provide ease for conducting various activities in one Hyperconnected of these devices make people became The activity who want to always increasingly multitasking, and spend a connect with digital media or lot of time with digital media devices. hyperconnected experienced by people Digital media and people seems to that are included in the group of net have become the two things cannot be generation. Where they impressed very separated again. Digital media has gluttonous in technology so that gave become a part and was able to rise to the term "Technology Is Like The dominate human life are massive. A Air" (Sugihartati, 2012). The term is variety of devices that are commonly considered not excessive because it is used to access the digital media reality now demonstrates that the including i.e. laptops, PC'S, mobile technology is already like the air in phones (HP), as well as which humans need to breathe. That is notebook/tablet. While the laptop and the function of the technology in the the desktop is a device most commonly hyperconnected era, it can no longer be

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separated from human life. Even to say of its utility is not all young people are that man cannot live by technology able to utilize productively. Inability to because it's so strong dominance of the utilize productively technology devices role of technology for the survival of the makes them forget and become fixated human race. with staring at the gadget screen all day There are several without any productive activity. Even characteristics that marked to the net often the activity of glued to the screen generation that cannot be separated that they do put them in danger, such from the device technology, that is: (1) as when on the road, and when the freedom; (2) customization; (3) driving. investigation; (4) the integrity; (5) Length of screen stared collaboration; (6) entertainment; (7) transfixed conducted by the speed; and (8) Innovation (Tapscott, hyperconnected community raises a 2009). The character also formed variety of negative impact especially on because they are accustomed to health. A number of studies show a getting the convenience of the negative impact due to too long staring technology they use everyday. So the at the screen. A study conducted in net generation become happy in a long Norway shows that wearing the gadget time playing with digital media. for a long time led the teens However, the activity of the sleeplessness. They need about 60 hyperconnected often not coupled with minutes longer to fall asleep than usual a wisely of using media. Often the use (Huda, 2015). Similar results also of digital media is precisely even bring revealed in the study in JAMA harm to the actors who unwisely in Ophtyhalmology showing that spent using of media especially in developing more than seven hours a day in front of countries such as in Indonesia. The a computer can cause a syndrome community can be said to be not yet resembling drying eyes and may ready to accept new technologies, in damage eyesight, as well as to result in particular the youth might be less ' headache (Ananda, 2014). In addition literacy ' in using digital media. The to the negative impact on health, the media literacy among our youth is still negative impact also appears on the low. social field. The results of the research Low levels of media literacy is done at the student shows a wide range evidenced by data on the results of a of sophistication and simplicity founded survey conducted by Brown in early in the smartphone turns to negative 2014 regarding the length of time using impact for students and get them the gadget as a device that connects hooked on with the smartphone. They them on digital media. The survey are the easier it is to access showed that of as many as 30 countries pornography, enlarge and facilitate the surveyed, Indonesia was in the top occurrence of fraud, the use of which position with a time of interaction as does not comply with the time because much as 9 hours per day. Whereas the they often use digital media in particular global average user only 6 hours per smartphone in class and exams, a day. Of all the devices, Indonesia most waste of time and make them lazy to spend time in front of the smartphone study, triggered the promiscuity, isolate screen, with the average duration of themselves, personal data becomes the interaction as 181 minutes per day blurred, and the lack of attention to (Alia, 2014). The ability of net family (Ukisnawati, 2014). generation in using technology is Impacts as noted in the results of indeed very sophisticated, but in terms the research is an example of the using

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media that is not productive. The between work and personal activities. unproductively because they are not The activity of content sharing has literate with the media so they just do become a very important element in less monotonous and no significant using digital media, users are likely to activity for their exploration. The share the content that is entertaining, activities are largely just to find inform or inspire. Digital media also entertainment that is continuously done have potential that billions of online everywhere and anytime without paying media consumers have participate in attention to the situations and content creation. The larger of using conditions are what and where they are digital media today is changing the located. They fall asleep and forgot that habits of people in everyday life and the internet channel are without limit, so way they connect and collaborate in a they drifted to hunt down informations broader social context, in the workplace for the sake of his personal satisfaction. and in civil society. Many opportunities When the first achieved has done then from increased use of this beneficial for will appear the second demands that both individual and society. Digital exceed the first demands, and so on media has empowered the people so until the youth accomplish greater that they are no longer a passive viewer extent addict or hyperconnected. or receiver in the transformation Moreover, for children need for mentors performed by the digital revolution, but to navigate in the use of digital media actively shaping the digital media and as well as directing the use of digital its meaning for the community itself. media to develop his skills. According to the survey conducted by the World Economics Digital Media Opportunities Forum (2016) there are some Understanding the use of digital opportunities that could be explored in media as a positive or negative thing of the use of social media that is: course rely heavily on the environment 1. Social interaction and help where they are. The implications of empower individuals, as well as Digital Media Survey shows that only a connecting individuals who have quarter of respondents from Germany similar thoughts, across a great and the United States think that digital distance, as well as connecting media has increased the quality of them are usually separated by social life, professional and overall social conditions, economic, aspects of them. However, despite cultural, political, religious and believing that digital media has ideological boundaries. Digital improved their lives, a higher media with unlimited channels percentage of respondents in Brazil have able to connect individuals and China also believed that they who if seen from the condition should reduce the use of digital media and location of its existence is (World Economics Forum, 2016). difficult even impossible to meet Increasing online connection directly to interact and time is driven primarily by the interests communicate intensively of a job or search for information, 2. Digital media give the opinion in followed by social interaction and people, giving the means to entertainment. The communication of increase the participation of the digital media over motive of personal community and facilitate that and professional shows increased created of a society with the more and more integrated, practical same interests or cause. use of these runs by together in Emergence of the wide range of

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digital media community is a productive. See it that making the youth form of online communities in particular and society in general must created on the basis of specific have an ability that can be used as a life interests such as fans, skill in using digital media, this is the participants, hobbies, and more. ability of media literacy ability. The 3. Increase flexibility for workers media literacy is the ability to access, and employers, increases analyze, and evaluate the meaning of productivity and allows for a images, sounds, messages that are better work-life and integrated. encountered every day and is an Can not be denied that digital important part of contemporary culture media has changed the in the media that available, by production process as well as personally (Buckingham, 2004 ). the administration of Communities that have the capability conventionally became a more will be able to use media wisely, legally integrated process. Marketing and ethically. The ability of media activities can be done in various literacy not intentionally owned by the ways that more effectively youth, there need special efforts in through the digital media. Digital fostering media literacy ability among marketing activity that in fact the users of internet. Cultivation of the more easily accessible by ability of media literacy can be done in consumers and can provide various ways, for example through improved means for the media literacy education in the company and the employees. curriculum of learning. 4. Digital media can facilitate The pepople ability of media education and longlife learning literacy can be measured using and to build the skills and individual comptence framework (the resources of the future. Various European Commission, 2009), so that models of learning is currently the form can be distinguished, whether expanding in accordance with basic, medium or advance. Individual media used. Digital media comptence framework is the ability to supports the existence of use media, and utilize the views of 3 distance learning or e-learning. things that is, the first is technical skill is Digital media are not limited to the ability to operate in media also become a means of longlife techniques correctly, the second is learning that is accessible by all critical understanding is the ability of circles without limited by certain cognitive in using media such as the educational institutions or ability to understand, analyze, and agencies. evaluate media content in a comprehensive manner, the third is CONCLUSION social skill is the ability to build social The Digital media phenomena relationships as well as participate in which occur, such as the nature of society through the media. The ability of wanting to always be connected to the media literacy is a life skill that must be internet can result in negative on each nurtured as early as possible, given that individual that not being able to control the young generation is currently wisely. But on the other, digital media included in the net generation the provides a very big positive to whom be intensity of interaction with digital media able to put to good use. So the youth is very high. behavior towards digital media will be Given that the issue is very complex, more productive, is not counter- so it is better if there is cooperation

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and collabortion of several stakeholder parents as family, civic organiation, the to support the realization of media government and the private to literacy in the community. Because it is collaborate create a literate society quite difficult to cultivate media literacy against the media. So the people have if the environment does not support a self control in using of digital media the created of it. Therefore required to the more discerning and productive. the cooperation of mutual support either from educational institution,


Aducci, dkk (2008). The Hyperconnected:Here They Come!. Available in . Accessed on March, 28th 2015

Alia, Siti Sarifah (2014). Pengguna Indonesia 'Melototin' Layar Gadget 9 Jam. Available in indonesia--melototin--layar-gadget-9-jam . Accessed on March, 28th 2015

Ananda, Kun Sila (2014). Ini akibat terlalu lama melihat layar komputer!. Available in komputer.html. Accessed on March, 28th 2015

Asosiasi Penyelenggara Jasa Internet Indonesia (2016). Infografis Penetrasi dan Perilaku Pengguna Internet Indonesia. Available in 2016. Accessed on October, 6th 2017 Buckingham, David. (2004) The Media Literacy of Children and Young People: A review of the research literature on behalf of Ofcom. London: University of London. Available in Accessed on September, 26th 2017 Euromonitor International (2015). Consumers In The Digital World: Hyperconnectivity And Technology Trends. Available at consumers-digital-world-hyperconnectivity-technology-trends.html. Accessed on September, 22nd 2017 European Commission (2009). Study on assessment Criteria for Media Literacy levels, brussels. Available at report_en.pdf. Accessed on September, 26th 2017 Floridi, Luciano (ed.) (2015) The Onlife Manifesto: Being Human in Hyperconnected Era. Springer International Publishing. Available at Accessed on September, 2nd 2017

Huda, Larissa (2015). Gadget Mengganggu Waktu tidur remaja. Available at tidur-remaja-1423461782 . Accessed on March, 28th 2015

Jenkins, Henry (2006). Covergence Culture : Where Old and New Media Collide. New York : New York University Press.

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Sugihartati, Rahma (2012). Masalah Minat Baca. Surabaya : Revka Petra Media

Tapscott, Don (2009). Grown Up Digital: Yang Muda Yang Mengubah Dunia. Jakarta : Gramedia

Ukisnawati, Alufi Eka (2014). Demam Gadget (Smartphone), Dalam Visualisasi Jati Diri Mahasiswa “Studi Kasus Delapan Mahasiswa Di Yogyakarta. Available at t=view&typ=html&buku_id=71973&obyek_id=4. Accessed on March, 7th 2015. World Economics Forum (2016). Digital Media and Society: Implication in a Hyperconnected Era. Available at Accessed on September, 28th 2017.

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Heri Abi Burachman Hakim Indonesian Art Institutes of Yogyakarta, FPPTI DIY [email protected]

Prima Dona Hapsari Indonesian Art Institutes of Yogyakarta [email protected]

Arif Sudharno Putro Amikom University Library, Yogyakarta, FPPTI DIY [email protected]


The library is a democratic educational institution. This institution provides equal opportunities for the community to access library services without distinguishing the status including persons with disabilities. Persons with disabilities should have equal opportunity to access information managed by the library. To provide equal access to library services for persons with disabilities the library can utilize assertive technology.In this paper the writer focus attention on the assertive technology that libraries can use. In writing this paper the writers employ qualitative methods while also applying documentation study approach. Through this paper the writers hope to be able to describe various assertive technologies that libraries can use in supporting library services for people with disabilities. Based on the discussion, it is concluded that assertive technology provides easy access to information for people with disabilities. Open sources and freeware provide ease of implementation of assistive technology in libraries and the need for hardware provision in the implementation of assertive technology.

Keywords: assertive technology, disability service, Open Source, Freeware.

create efficiency in library INTRODUCTION management. Currently information technology can A library is a democratic educational no longer be disposed of from library institution. This institution provides management. Libraries actually make equal opportunity to the public to technology as the main means to access library services regardless of support library management. The their status. Students, workers, young existence of information technology or adult can access the services the allows libraries to manage themselves library provides. effectively and efficiently. With the help To realize the library as a democratic of information technology products educational institution the library should library can cut the workflow so as to provide access to persons with disabilities. Persons with disabilities

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should have equal opportunities to Utilization of information technology in access information managed by the the library one of them is to utilize library. assistive technology. According to One effort that libraries can make to Koulikourdi (2008) assistive technology provide equal access to library services refers to the products, tools or is by applying technology in supporting equipment used to care, developed and library services. Currently many improved the capabilities of peoeple information technology products with disabilities (Gareena Sanaman provide convenience for people with and Shailendra Kumar, 2014; 3). disabilities. Libraries can utilize various Another opinion suggests that information technology products to asesthetic or adaptive technology is the support library services. development of computer-based In this paper the writers try to inventory equipment or technology that helps various technologies that libraries can people with special needs to work or use to support library services for offset disabilities with capable people with disabilities. Through this individuals (Goddard, M, 2004; 2). the author hopes to be able to share From both opinions above, to the knowledge about the application of equation of conclusion that assistive information technology in the library technology is an information technology that allows people with disabilities to or computer that helps people with access library services. disabilities in doing their activities. This technology will make it easier for RESEARCH METHOD people with disabilities to perform This paper is prepared using qualitative various activities and reduce methods and data collection is done dependence on others. through documentation study. The utilization of assistive technology in According to Bogdan and Taylor (1975) library management is a form of qualitative methods are methods which business utilizing software and in turn produce descriptive data in the hardware in supporting services for form of words, both written and oral people with disabilities. The help of (Yoman Kutha Ratna, 2016; 94). Data various hardware and software will are obtained from various documents facilitate the disabled users in collected by the writers. accessing services and information presented by the library. In order to DISCUSSION provide easy access to information A. 1. Assistive Technology in assistive technology applications in the Libraries library include: Utilization of information technology 1. Utilization of assistive technology today becomes a necessity. The software to support library services information technology products Librarians can use some assistive provide an opportunity for librarians to software such as screen reader and gather, organize and disseminate screen magnifier. Both soft wares are information to users quickly. Librarians used to read the on-screen display and as library managers can manage increase the screen size. The existence libraries effectively and efficiently. The of these soft wares can facilitate library users will be more spoiled disabled users in accessing information because the information and services owned by the library. provided by the library are more easily accessible. 2. Re-packaged Information Currently library collections are dominated by collections in printed

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formats. People with disabilities have objects inside the computer screen will difficulties in accessing information in be informed to the user in audio format. the printed media. To solve this Currently the popular screen reader problem librarians can package text- application is Jaws (Job Access With based information into information in Speech). Jaws was developed by audio format.Scanners, OCR software Freedom Scientific. However, to use and Text-to-Speech (TTS) software Jaws, the library must allocate a large enable librarians to generate audio- budget, in other words not all libraries based collections or audio books. By are able to use Jaws. using a scanner and OCR the librarian To overcome this problem, library will move the printed collection into text- managers can use NVDA. NVDA is a based data, then the text data are screen reader developed with open converted into audio collection using source concept. This open source Text-to-Speech (TTS) software concept allows library managers to use 3. Printing the Braille collection Braille NVDA without the need to purchase the collections will make it easier for blind software. Library managers can people to access information. download NVDA by accessing Librarians can take advantage of braille translator web to convert text into Library managers can also use braille. The braille can be arranged in Windows Narrator provided by such a way using software such as MS Microsoft as a Windows operating Office to facilitate the user in accessing system development. Windows information. provides Windows Narrator as a screen Utilizing assistive technology in the reader. If the library manager uses this library is an effort to train the application, the manager does not need independence of disabled persons. The to install and can immediately use this disabled user should not ask librarians application. for help in accessing information 2. Screen Magnifier managed by the library. Screen Magnifier is a type of software that can zoom in on a computer screen. This software will help people with low Software and Web disabilities in reading the information Discussing the assistive technology displayed on the screen. certainly cannot be separated from the One of the screen magnifier soft wares existence of software. This software will is Windows Magnifier. Windows be installed in a set of computers that Magnifier is a software provided by the will help the user in utilizing the facilities Windows operating system. With this and services of the library. In this software, Windows operating system section we will describe the various users can zoom in on a computer software and web that can be used in screen. Windows Magnifiers can be order to provide services to people with used by librarians to provide services to disabilities: people with low vision disabilities. This 1. Screen Reader facility will clarify the screen display for Information technology applications, in people with low vision. order to improve the quality of library services for people with disabilities, 3. Text-to-Speech (TTS) software applies the use of screen reader Text-to-Speech (TTS) software is a software. Screen reader is a software type of software that has the capability that will help blind people in operating of converting text into sound. This the computer. With this software the software is very helpful for people with

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visual disability. The librarian can move voice to text (Gareema Sanaman and his book collection and store them in Shailendra Kumar, 2015; 6) text. Once stored in text format, library managers can convert them into sound 6. WebBraille Translator or audio formats. Another form of information technology One of the software that can be used to application to support library services convert is Dspeech. The software can for people with disabilities is to utilize be downloaded on webbraille translator. By utilizing this for those in web, the user can convert text into needs. braille. This web will facilitate the library managers in providing services to the collection of braille users in need. 4. Optical Character Recognition Optical Character Recognition (OCR) is One of the web braille translators is a software that can convert scan results By into text format format (Her Abi using this website library managers can Burachman Hakim, 2017; 61). This convert text into braille. Out put file is software will make it easier for braille in image format (JPG). Once librarians to convert recorded saved in image format, library information in printed collections into managers can print it directly or use Ms digital text-based information. Office help. Librarians can convert such information The various softwares above can be by using text to speech software so that used by librarians to support services the information can be accessed by for people with disabilities. With the people with blindness disabilities. softwares users can more easily OCR is usually included as a software access the information managed by facility when using a scanner. libraries and librarians will be easier in Librarians can also use Freeware like disseminating information to users. FreeOCR as OCR software. The softwares above are those included in the category of freeware 5. Web for voice to text conversion The librarian can socialize this web to and open source. Freeware and open people with physical disabilities who source software allow libraries to take have difficulty in typing using a advantage of the software without the computer. This web allows converting need to spend budget. Libraries need to from voice to text. This web will make it allocate budget for hardware easier for people with disabilities in procurement. typing. The web will also help people with Hardware hearing disability (deaf). People with The utilization of assistive technology in hearing disabilities rely heavily on text- library management cannot be based information and images for separated from the existence of information. hardware. The above assistive The website address for converting technology software cannot be used voice to text is without hardware availability. Hardware By recording voice using the assistive technology consists of: microphone on the web then the 1. Personal computer (Komputer) disabled user can get a text file. The Computers become the main need in web will make it easier for disabled user the utilization of assistive technology. in typing activity using computer. The Software that will be used to support web works just like the Dragon Dictate services for people with disabilities will software that can be used to convert be installed in computer. The software will not work without hardware

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existence. This computer should be will produce files in text format. Files in equipped with multimedia devices, text format can be converted into audio keyboards and mouse adapted to the format so that it can be useful for users needs of people with disabilities. with blindness disabilities. 2. Voice recorder Librarians need voice recorders to record sounds from various activities Closing (learning process) that can be Based on the above explanation, the important information for disabled writers draw some conclusions which users. Voice recorder will produce a include: collection of audio that can be used by 1. Assistive technology provides users with blindness disabilities. greater access to information for people 3. Multimedia device with disabilities. Application of assistive Other hardware that libraries need to technology will facilitate people with provide in improving the quality of disabilities to access library collections service to people with disabilities is and services. Librarians will also more multimedia device. Multimedia devices easily disseminate collected that need to be prepared include LCD information collected to users. TV and CD / DVD player. Both 2. Open source and freeware assistive hardware devices are used to play the software provide easier implementation library's VCD and DVD collection. DVD opportunities.The softwares that have / VCD will help users with blindness and been inventoried by the writers above hearing disabilities in accessing are open source and freeware information. softwares. With the software 4. Braille Embosser characteristics libraries can implement Braille embosser is a printing tool to such assistive technology because they fasten the printing of braille letters on only need to allocate budget on paper media. With Braille embosser or hardwares. braille printer, librarians can print 3. Libraries need to provide hardware collections on braille. Librarians can for assistive technology applications in print converted documents from Web the library. Currently the hardware Braille Translator. This tool will make it requirements that the writers convey easier for librarians to convey above are softwares that are information to the users in need. commonly encountered in libraries. Therefore, libraries only need to 5. Scanner download various softwares above. In utilizing the assistive technology in Libraries then install and train how to library, scanners are used to scan use various assistive technology printed collections. With the help of softwares. OCR software, this scanning process


Goddard, M. “Access through technology”, Library Journal, Vol. 2, Spring, 2004.

Hakim, Heri Abi Burachman. 2017.Digitalisasi Koleksi: Panduan Membangun Perpustakaan Digital. Yogyakarta: Diandra.

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Ratna, Yoman Kutha. (2016). Metodologi Penelitian: Kajian Budaya dan llmu Sosial Humaniora pada Umumnya. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar.

Sanaman, Gareema and Kumar, Shailendra. “Assistive Technologies for People with Disabilities in National Capital Region Libraries of India”, Library Philosophy and Practice, Winter 11-24-2014

______. “User’s Perspective Towards Assistive Technologies Available in NCRLibraries of India”. Journal of Library & Information Technology, Vol. 35, No. 2, March 2015

132 International Conference of Library, Archives, and Information Science (ICOLAIS) 2017


Ika Mian Karlina Archaeological Department, Indonesia University

[email protected]


The purpose of this research is to determine the role of museum library for supporting museum work as well as synergy between library and museum to enhance museum’s value. This research method using qualitative approach through study library study some library museums in Indonesia and outside countries. The results presented in this paper are: 1). The museum library contributes greatly in providing information and knowledge needed, both by people outside museums and museum staffs for conducting research and interpret the collection comprehensively. 2). The synergy build between curator and librarian is an important key to the success of a museum in increasing the information value to the public. Through this paper, it is expected that the museums in Indonesia can be inspired to establish a museum library and optimize it for the benefit of public information and the museum itself to enhance the museum’s value

Keyword: Museum Libraries, Synergy, Information

and developmental institution open to INTRODUCTION the public whose function of acquiring, nurturing, linking and exhibiting for Museum is a place that represents the educational, learning and pleasure development of society in the past and purposes of human and environment. its culture through the displayed Understanding the museum according collections. Each museum has its own to ICOM include conservation characteristics based on the culture agencies, showrooms or galleries that presented. The establishment of are permanently held by libraries and museum is changing from time to time, archiving centers. In addition, nature initially the museum was established reserves, archaeological sites, only as a place for preservation of ethnographic sites, including cultural heritage objects in the past. archaeological or historic heritage However, as the science development (Susantio, 2012). and society demand involved in finding answers to the curiosity of cultural Meanwhile, according to the objects, the museum extends its Government of Indonesia stipulated in function into as a means that provides Government Regulation no. 19 of 1995, information and knowledge through the Museum is an institution of store, research and interpretation done by the care, security, and utilization of material museums for a particular purpose. The evidence of human culture, nature and International Council of Museum environment to support efforts to on (ICOM) defines the museum as a protect and preserve the nation's permanent, non-profit, public service cultural wealth.

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library has the same function as Based on the above definition is storage of collections, education, defined that the museum is a means of research, information and cultural education and entertainment that recreation. provides values of aspects of knowledge in the community and its Another opinion relating to the library's presence in the community that hold function is delivered by Wilkin, JP role like other non-formal education (2015), where Wilkin mentions there institutions, such as libraries, archival are 4 scopes of work from the library, in centers, and others. which the library functions are as follows: Library according to Lasa HS (as • Curation. Here the Definition of quoted Wulandari, 2007) is an curation is the selection, information system in which there are preservation, care, collection activities of collecting, managing, and archiving and also the preservating, presentating, and provision of access to objects disseminating of information. The related to cultural record, in this opinion explains that in the library there case the books, manuscripts, are series of activities or programs photographs and sound undertaken by librarians in the library recordings. so that can be used by librarian. The • Engage to research and objects in the library referred by Lasa teaching HS (as quoted Wulandari, 2007) are • Publishing, start from the printed works, such as books, production process and the most magazines, articles, newsletters and simple dissemination of writing non-print works such as, sound materials to the editorial recording and video recordings. process. Meanwhile, according to Government • Creation and management of Regulation No. 24 of 2014, the Library rooms devoted to users and is defined as an institution that is collections managing the collection of written works, printed works, and / or Viewed from its function, it is clear that professional record work applying the library has a very important role as standard system to meet the a source of knowledge and community educational, research, preservation, learning to improve the nation's information and recreation needs of the intelligence life. Similar to museums, librarian. museums provide a great knowledge of past collections that today's people Library is an important element in need to know as a form of cultural supporting educational programs, preservation. As a source of learning teaching and research for an institution and knowledge for the community, of or individual. Its role in supporting the course the functions of these two program is through the provision of both institutions are also oriented to public printed and digital information sources service. Not only useful for museum or relate to teaching and research library managers, but also for outsiders subjects. Each library is organized with who need it. Therefore, both museums a specific purpose. Therefore, there are and libraries should always develop different functions that are more themselves to meet the needs of the specific in each type of library. community and increase the value of According to some sources, generally both based on user perspective.

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• Information as a process is Libraries and museums are institutions defined when a person informed that have a stand-alone missions and what they know, changes. In this entities. Although the difference sense "information" is the act of between the two are on the practice and informing a news or knowledge standard of operations as well as the of some fact or event; acts of types of collections that tend to make telling or facts to know about libraries and museums isolated one to something. another, but both share important roles • Information as knowledge is in the preservation and dissemination defined where information is of culture and are designed to collect also used to indicate what is the body of knowledge. As Patrick Lo, considered by "information as a Kitty But and Robert Trio wrote in their process", in which knowledge is writings Link Between Libraries and communicated about certain Museum that apart from the differences facts, subjects or events that are and similarities, both museums and conveyed to a person. libraries have a strong role in • Information as objects is defined educational and recreational activities where information is also used and both are designed to provide more for objects, such as data and resources and service wider coverage documents called information to the local community. More recently because it is considered there has been a greater emphasis on informative "have the quality to inheritance and entertainment communicate knowledge or functions, both libraries and museums information that communicate to with the recognition of the common goal each other". of both as an institution that focuses on cultural heritage for the benefit of the Referring to the definition of public. "Information" above, the information submitted by the museum is information that explains a fact of a collection interpreted by a curator. PROBLEMS Information submitted by the museum to visitors should be information that Museum except as a education media can vouch for the collection and can be and research media also serves as a trusted, both the content and the medium of communication. Reviewed source. As submitted by Skorton from the point of communication, the (2017), More and more, the museum is an institution that becomes trustworthiness of information is based a means to deliver the message from on the perceived trustworthiness of the museum managers to visitors. The source ". therefore a nation places its messages conveyed by the museum trust in the museum and its libraries as are information that are embedded in a supplier of correct information and a the collections and also the museum place to discuss local issues and programs. Michael Buckland in his national interests. article Information as Thing mentions information has 3 different meanings, According to the New Museum's namely Information as process, Traditional and Ideal Museum Information as knowledge and Representation Scheme by Hauenschil Information as Thing. (quoted by Akbar, 2010) there are several orientations that can be chosen

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by the museum to become an ideal in the museum in terms of information museum. The ideal museum is an that is the weak delivery information on information oriented museum which the value and meaning of museum focuses on informing knowledge, collections serve to the public that could especially useful for education and impact to the lack of public appreciation research for the community and a of cultural heritage. visitor oriented museums which focuses on communication and The above problems are also caused entertainment so that visitors feel by limited human resources in the satisfied with the existence of the museum, especially the curator. museum. Wicaksano (2015) submits from 281 museums in Indonesia, less than 10% Its only a few of museums in Indonesia of it have curators who fit to their that can provide information widely to expertise. Some museums in Indonesia visitors. The author conducted are forced to bring in experts from observations and interviews to two outside the museum to select and sort museums located in TMII, Asmat the collection. For Examples, cases Museum and Hakka Museum. Both that happened at the Asmat Museum these museums are visited and and Hakka Museum, where both of observed to see how their collections museums are lacked of curatorial staff. and information are presented to The information presented on the visitors. Based on the observation, not collection at the Asmat Museum was all museum collections are equipped interpreted and made by The Asmat with information that can explain the Museum Chief at that time. Not too story behind the collection. In addition, different from Asmat Museum, the there are some information collected information that explains about the from the internet whether it from collection at Hakka Museum is mostly blogspot or personal opinion where the described by donors from various truth are not always accountable. backgrounds. In support of museum According to interviews conducted by work, curators or museum staff need the author to one of the museum sources of information and data that administrator, this matter happened can support their work in determining because of lack of information sources collectible objects so that information amd also data that can explain the communicated to the public is accurate collection in the museum as well as the and reliable. minimum involvement of the community/other parties, especially the Based on the above problems, the perpetrators of history in providing question arises how the museum can information. Therefore, the available enrich the value of its information to information is design based on the point meet the needs of knowledge and of view given by the manager utilizing a learning share for the public and simple source of information. This fact become the center of knowledge is reinforced by a statement submitted creation and development for public by the Directorate of Cultural Heritage curiosity? Conservation and Museum, Ministry of Education and Culture of Indonesia in The purpose of this paper is to provide 2015 that the museum as a data center an overview of the benefits of existence and information collection still not and synergy between museums and optimal in providing quality information libraries to support museum work in which consequently caused problems meeting the needs of information and

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knowledge of the public as an effort to information knowledge, the museum increase the value of the museum. has in common with other types of repositories such as libraries and LITERATURE REVIEW archives (Navarrete and Owen, 2011). Synergy represents a dynamic process, The museum curator needs a lot of involves adaptation and learning, information and knowledge about the creates an integrated solution, involves objects / collections being studied to joint action by many in which the total make the information or the meaning of effect is greater than the sum of the the collections delivered accurate and effects when acting independently, comprehensive. Curator knowledge of does not signify compromise and collections comprehensively can be facilitates the release of team energies met through media, such as the (Harris, 2004). Synergy comes from the internet, books and journals. Greek word synergos which means working together. This demands platform for participation through the development of dialogues between Values Theory disciplines and people, the very stuff of Values can be interpreted as something systems thinking. valuable, useful and beneficial to Nude et al (Benecke, 2006) in turn humans. Values are commonly used to define synergy as the ability of two or denote an abstract noun that can be more business units or companies to interpreted as worth or goodness. generate greater value working According Darmodiharjo and Shidarta together than they would working (2006) to value means to weigh, that is apart.While Damodaran (2005) state a human activity to connect something synergy is the additional value that is with something else then proceed to generated by combining two firms, giving decision. The decision states creating opportunities that would not whether something is positive or been available to these firm operating negative. A positive value is said when independently. something can be useful, beautiful, Synergy according to Big Indonesian good and vice versa for a negative Dictionary (KBBI) is a joint activity or value. operation. Stephen Covey explains the meaning of synergy in his book entitled Louis O. Katsoff in Darmodiharjo and 7 Habits, synergy means combining Shidarta (2006) differentiate values into two heads better than one's head. 2 types, namely intrinsic value and Synergy is a creative, open-minded instrumental value. The intrinsic value cooperative habit, and a challenge in is the value of something originally finding new solutions to old problems. valued, while the instrumental value is Synergy is a process and through that the value of a result that is used as a process people will bring their means to achive the goals. experience and skills together can produce much better results than by Schwartz (1992) adopts a conception of doing it on their own. values that specifies six main features that are implicit in the writing of many Museum as a place of storage from the theorists. A particular value may be collection and presentation of an object important to one person but that has historical value or art or unimportant to another. What scholarship is also a special information distinguishes one from each other is the system. From the point of view of type of goal or motivation that it

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expresses. Some important value items • Tradition have multiple manings; they express Defining goal: respect, the motivational goals of more than one commitment, and acceptance of value. the customs and ideas that one’s • Self direction culture or religion provides. Defining goal: independent thought and • Benevolence action choosing, creation, exploring. Defining goal: preserving and • Stimulation enhancing the walfare of those Defining goal: excitement, with whom is in frequent novelty, and challenge in life personal contact • Hedonism • Universalism Defining goal: pleasure or Defining goal: understanding, sensuous gratification for appreciation, tolerance, and oneself protection for the welfare of all people and for nature • Achievement

Defining goal: personal success through demonstrating RESEARCH METHODS competence according to social standards. This study uses a qualitative approach through literature review. The initial Competent performance that data of the problem was obtained from generates resources is observations and interviews with necessary for individuals to museum managers at several survive and for groups and museums located in TMII. In the institutions to reach heir discussion the authors take the sample objectives. As defined here, data library on several studies case on achievement values emphasize the object of research done before, demonstrating competences in both in Indonesia and other country. term of prevailing cultural

standard, thereby obtaining socal approval. DISCUSSION

• Power Only few museums in Indonesia have Defining goal: social status and their own libraries and also the library prestige, control or dominance utilization for the museum is still not over people and resources. maximized. Collection of books in the library of the museum are quite enough • Security but that collection of the book mostly Defining goal: safety, harmony used by researchers outside the and stability of society, of museum. Museum administrators who relationship and of self are supposed to be function as • Conformity researchers are seldom to use books in the existing libraries. One of the Defining goal: restraint of action, impacts is, that information on the inclinations, and impulses likely actual museum collections listed in old to upset or harm others and published books is not shown as a label violate social expectations or or an item in the collection information norms.

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panel. Visitors from year to year only of the past, while the library is where the see the same label without any management of books, where people additional information. Well-managed can read and even borrow it. Yet if we libraries can actually be used to support look deeper, museums and libraries visitors' understanding of a museum have the same function, namely the collection or exhibit (Akbar, 2010). activities of collecting, recording, storing care, process, present and The public visited the museum and publish or communicate to the public. majority library was dominated by the school / university / institution who work Both museums and libraries are in a for their assignment. According to unique position in providing a rich visitor survey data conducted by the experience for their visitors. Their Browse Community in 2014, it was synergy efforts aim to provide many found that 60% of visitors attended the experiences that seek to be part of the library because of the importance of the audience's lifestyle and a reliable task, 15% for research purposes and source for their culture and intellectual 10% stated deliberately came to growth for society as a whole. To increase knowledge. Similarly, the achieve this, museums need to change museum, one survey conducted in one their thinking about how to synergize museum in Jakarta, that 80% of the museum and library services in a digital museum visitors are among students context, therefore increasing the value who attend the museum in orders or of information in museums is an instruction from the school, while the important step (Lo et al, 2014). remaining 20% is a public visit that comes in person on the desire to get Museums and libraries have their knowledge. respective values since they were established so that both museums and From the data submitted that most libraries provide benefits and are useful people attend to museums and libraries to human kind. These benefits can because of 3 things, i.e: the interests of continue to be felt by people as long as task, research and gain knowledge, libraries and museums can keep Library and the museum should be themselves valuable. As stated by Lo, more open and adjust to users and the et al (2014) above that increasing the daily needs of users, therefore, value of information in the museum is museums and libraries need to provide an important step. The object of a the widest possible information to their museum was originally just a silent visitors and join hands in improving an work of matter without any meaning. An effort to communicate new research object of a museum or artifact of a past results optimally. relic has historical value that needs to be researched and interpreted in the Libraries and museums are often context of a museum curator so that the viewed by institutions that have an object can be exhibited and entirely different role. The relationship communicated to the public. between libraries and museums are often separated. This separation of Museum libraries is a type of library that views is usually seen from the activities is rarely discussed in a literature. undertaken by both and also the main Museum libraries plays an important object presented by the museum or role in running a museum function. library. People know the museum is a Museum libraries in the United States place to present artifacts from the relics began in the 19th century, where the

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library is an important part of a business history and botany, cultural museum. The Boston Museum began history, design, philately, zoology, and creating a library in 1875 and became much, much more. While sharing the an integral part of the founder of the values, methods, and efficiencies of a Metropolitan Museum in New York. unified network, each library in the Similarly in European Countries. The system supports the work of its own German National Museum created community of interest comprising libraries and archives in 1852 to specialized researchers and museum document art history in Germany. While curators, as well as visiting scholars, Victoria and Albert Museum in London educators, students, and others founded the library in 1837, where the pursuing or advancing knowledge in library was developed as "extensions" their fields (Skorton, 2017) or the addition of objects in the museum. While the museum tries to get The Hongkong Maritime Museum one or two instances of an object, the (HKMM) is also equipped with its own museum library collects books that museum library, and it is called exemplify hundreds of objects of the Maritime Heritage Resource Center same kind that are illustrated (Wateren, (MHRC). In addition to supporting 1999). various research activities carried out by the museum, MHRC also serve as a Smithsonian Institution in Washington central and yet comprehensive DC build museum libraries in the repository for different publication and National Museum of Natural History archival document on maritime heritage named Smithsonian Libraries (SL). SL and history related to Hong Kong. The provide the Smithsonian’s Museum and HKKM and MHRC on both sides are Research center with resources and actively gaining new facilities, new services that are diverse and deep as buildings, developing new collection, the collections, exhibits and scholarship launching new education programmes, they support. The collections and staff and improving acces to collections of the Libraries play a key role in through digitization. This collaboration helping the Smithsonian’s research and has made it possible to set up many curatorial staff make sense of the new education initiatives and outreach museums’ almost innumerable, often programmes, which would have been unique, objects and their cultural and made impossible without the museum historical contexts. The Smithsonian library partnership (Lo, et al, 2014). Libraries are a hidden national treasure, where experts come to test Museum libraries began to appear in and expand knowledge and where Indonesia in the 20th century. National America and the world can turn for Museum Library and Museum authentic answers. The network of Sonobudoyo became the forerunner to 21 specialized research libraries that the establishment of museum libraries make up the Smithsonian Libraries in Indonesia because they considers provide the Institution’s museums and the existence of a library in a museum research centers with resources and is very important. The synergy practice services that are as diverse and deep between museums and libraries at the as the collections, exhibits, and National Museum lies in requests for scholarship they support. They truly data from collection units to library span the range of scientific and cultural units. Librarians in MS try to meet the pursuits of humanity from aerospace, demands of information and data needs anthropology, and art history to of the collection unit to support the

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collection unit determines the collection these can be handled by librarians. object. This synergy practice also runs Librarians have an important role in in the storage of research findings, mediating and assisting curators, information dissemination, books, and especially in filtering, analyzing and other information published by the presenting information so that the collection unit. curator's identification process can run more quickly and comprehensively. In its role of supporting the museum's The skills possessed by library activity, the museum library has internal librarians as information specialists can functions and external functions. The increase the value of a museum internal function of the museum (Wateren, 1994). libraraies is more to its role in supporting the work of museum staff or The same is also conveyed by curators. As Navarrete and Owen Navarrete and Owen (2011) in his (2011) point out, museum libraries article "Museum Libraries: How support the scientific work of museum Digitization can enhance the value of staff in providing the context of a museum" that the museum library is an museum object, while external information system in an information functions, museum libraries support the system called a museum. In a museum, work of researchers outside the an object is a data that provides facts. museum and other things that attract To provide meaningful information on a museum visitors. Museums and museum object requires knowledge of libraries need to work together to create the contextual background and specific new, information-rich models by taking knowledge related to an object. Data the best aspects of museum and library descriptions are usually provided by the environments and mixing them together curator including other data bound to an to create resource integration. object. But the provision of additional knowledge in other contexts and The synergy between curators and especially knowledge of the object's librarians can build cultural heritage background is a function of the library information, that is the main task of a museum. Documents in the library museum. The information generated by provide historical, technical, the synergy between curators and biographical background information, librarians will be more holistic and information relating to the collection as comprehensive. A museum curator a whole and information relationships needs a lot of information and between objects. The specific knowledge about the background of relationship between library and objects and people who use them at museum object is what distinguishes that time so that cultural objects can be the library museum with other types of interpreted as closely as possible to the libraries. true meaning. The information required by the curator can be provided by The collections contained in the librarians who have the power to museum libraries consist of books used manage information that can not be to support research on objects in a found on the internet. Usually curators museum, such as art, iconography, expect much information to be found history. In addition to providing over the internet and ready-to-use information related to activities identification. Sometimes curators are undertaken by the museum, such as under pressure to get information as conservation, restoration and provide quickly as possible. Conditions like

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documents of research publications as a document of museum activity. CONCLUSION

In principle, the museum library was Museum libraries is a product resulting established to provide more information from synergy efforts between the value about a museum object to its museum and the library. Museum visitors and to meet the needs of the libraries have a very important role in public. The museum library provides a providing knowledge and information vast niche of an object or museum needed comprehensively, both by collection, the museum's mission will museum staff and for the community increase and the synergy between outside the museum and its visitors. museums and libraries can strengthen The synergy between the museum and and enrich the collection of a museum. the library becomes an important value The purpose and benefits of synergy in a museum trip as an information between museum library according to service institution for the public. Patrick Lo, Kitty But and Robert Trio Providing accurate and comprehensive (2014) can be summarized as follows: information makes the museum a source of reliable knowledge for 1. Attract new audiences and visitors. On the basis of that, the expand the reach of libraries and museum in Indonesia needs to change museums the idea of how to integrate the library 2. Improve public perception of museum so that the museum is more museums and libraries as useful for visitors and can attract the traditional institutions attention of new audiences. 3. Identify new ways of promoting cultural heritage and The value of a museum and library is preservation increasing and become complementary 4. Growing the best practices of when both of them merge into a whole museums and libraries organization. The cooperation between 5. Share physical resources, the curator and the synergistic librarian such as space and materials in meeting the needs of public 6. Sharing policies in information can add the value to a conservation and conservation museum. efforts 7. Sharing expertise 8. Share the training costs of museum and library staff

REFERENCES Akbar, Ali. (2010). Museum di Indonesia: Kendala dan Harapan. Papas Sinar Siananti. Jakarta American Association of Museum Curators Committee. (2009). A Code of Ethics For Curators. Diambil dari http://aam- Buckland, Michael. (1991). Information As Thing. Journal The American Society of Information Science. Diambil dari Darmodiharjo, Darji., & Shidarta. (2006). Pokok-pokok Filsafat Hukum. Cetakan ke-6. Gramedia Pustaka Utama. Jakarta. Diambil dari

142 International Conference of Library, Archives, and Information Science (ICOLAIS) 2017 #v=onepage&q&f=false Farhan, A. (2014). Mengapa Orang Indonesia Malas Pergi Ke Museum ?. Jakarta. pergi-ke-museum. Jenis-jenis Perpustakaan. Diambil dari http://sites- Lo, Patrick., Kitty But., & Robert Trio. (2014). Links Between Libraries and Museums: A Case Study of Library-Museum Collaboration at The Hongkong Maritime Museum. Vol. 5. Genaio. Diambil dari Navarrete, Trilce., & John Mackenzie Owen. (2011). Museum Libraries: How Digitization Can Enhance The Value of Museum. Palabra Clave (La Plata). Vol. 1. Diambil dari Purnama, BE. (Mei, 2017). Pertemuan Naional Museum se Indonesia Digelar di Yogyakarta. Diambil dari indonesia-digelar-di-yogyakarta/2017-05-16 Skorton, David. (March 2017). Why Museum and Libraries Are More Relevant Than Ever. Diambil dari libraries-relevant-ever/ Smithsonian Libraries. Diambil dari Synergize. Diambil dari Wateren, Jan Van Der. (1999). The Importance of Museum Libraries. Wilkin, John P. 2015. The Meaning of The Library. Princeton University Press. US. Diambil dari Yudhawasthi, Musiana. (2014). Kolaborasi Perpustakaan, Lembaga Arsip dan Museum: Sebuah Upaya Membangun Lembaga Yang Memorable dan Experience. Diambil dari m_Seb Wicaksono, AG. (Juni, 2015). Nasib Museum Indonesia: Kekurangan Kurator dan Kreativitas. Diambil dari Wulandari, VA. (2017). Pemanfaatan Perpustakaan Sebagai Sumber Belajar. Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Universitas Ahmad Dahlan. Diambil dari

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Indah Novita Sari, S.IIP., M.A. Universitas Gadjah Mada [email protected] ABSTRACT: Information managers in local studies center deal with the challenges in preserving collection both in its physical and content. Technology development and digital libraries offer opportunities to sustain them for the future generations. This study aims to find out the challenges, opportunities, strategies and implementations of digital libraries development in several local studies centers in Yogyakarta by using qualitative descriptive method. Data are obtained from direct observation and in-depth interview from librarians, archivists and museologist. It is found that digital libraries implementations is important to reduce the risk of damage and deterioration of the local studies centers’ collection. The possibility of digital libraries system is also high based on the users, managers and collection preparedness while at the same time it offers easier chance to disseminate information. Digital libraries implementation in cultural institutions are also formed in different levels with some institutions have not yet implemented digital libraries system and are in the process of developing electronic content. It is possible to develop the system by creating plan, preparing hardware, software and brainware as well as the electronic content. The network between information managers in local studies center will be necessary to build system which enables users to access books, artefacts and archives collection in the future. Keywords: digital libraries, local studies center, preservation dan information managers and service Themes: Digital Libraries and Institutional Repositories

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A. INTRODUCTION Local studies center can be used Change by change occurring in as a place to learn about the past. The many sectors since the emergence of challenges faced by the provider of the information technology. This world information related to the past is the seems without limit and the society can existence of the collection for the future. figure out information that occurred in Which mean, the collection of cultures other countries which is called “The that were once contained in the paper, Global Village” by McLuhan. Like a fabric or ejection leaves need to be double-edged blade, the presence of safeguarded for the future generations. information technology could provide Similar to the opinion expressed by ease of access as well as destructing Barnes (2004) that the librarians build the local culture. On one side, this kind collections not only for the current user, of ease becomes an opportunity for but also to users of 100 years forward, individuals to learn from other anyone-will still use the library for their countries. On the other hand, there is a research. The interest of the risk of fading local culture if someone preservation of library collections in this having no sufficient local knowledge. cultural institutions is matters that Library, archival and museum underlies the author to review the institutions can be used as an development of the digital library in the information center to learn about the local studies center in Yogyakarta. local culture. Some concepts popping The study of digital libraries has up such as local studies center or LAM actually been done a lot using diverse (libraries, archives and museums) and viewpoints and theories. Setting the it is currently developing into GLAM location of the research also varied (gallery, library, archives and museum). both in Indonesia and abroad. These terms refer to a institutions that However, studies about digital library have a museum, library and archival which is related to cultural collections institution (Perez & Templanza 2012; remain interesting to do. Cultural Sari 2017). All of this time, the library, institutions are expected to continue to archival and museum institutions are innovate in order to present the best differently understood. The authors services by involving the participation of also agree that there is a difference the user to be aware of the wealth of between the library, museum and local culture regions. archival institutions in terms of Previous research was done by collection, management, and the (Bishop, Van House, & Buttenfield, educational background of the human 2003) that developed the digital resources. But it can not be denied that libraries of Alexandria for the students there are institutions that have of the geography. Bishop's research collections of books, artifacts and focuses on the development of digital archives that need to be processed, library users. Further research was preserved and disseminated for the done by (Chen, Chen, Hong, Liao, & benefit of users. From the research that Huang, 2012) that generates a digital has been done before, the authors find library that impacted significantly that in Yogyakarta there were 5 towards the development of institutions that have collections of knowledge. A study conducted by the archives, artifacts and books such as culture associated with the (Batjargal, Puro Pakualaman, the Yogyakarta Khaltarkhuu, Kimura, & Maeda, 2012). Palace, the Sonobudoyo museum, the In the study, researchers developed a dewantara kirti griya museum and the digital library to archive the history of University of Gadjah Mada. Mongolia that is expected to be

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accessible to future generations. 1. What kind of opportunities and Previous studies of digital libraries challenges in building the digital become an important foothold for library? reviewing digital library on cultural 2. What about the implementation institutions. The phenomenon indicates of digital library on local studies that some of the institutions that have center in Yogyakarta? collections of culture (local studies 3. What kind of digital library center) have yet to develop a digital development strategies used on library. local studies center? Problems that may arise is the loss of cultural knowledge if physical C. Literature Review collections cannot be preserved as a 1. Theoritical Framework whole unity. As we all know that the majority of the cultural collections are The concept of system tens to hundreds years of old. The age development life cycle is one of the of vulnerable collections was damaged, guidelines widely used by developers of impacting also on fears of the information systems. Cervone (2007) information manager to open the later developed the concept of system access. Whereas the information development life cycle in the context of content of the collections also needs to the development of the library system. be propagated to the sustainability of The study will be based on the needs of the cultural knowledge for the society. the development of the library system, Like the tangled threads, problems by however, the concept of life cycle problems needs to be solved alternatifly systems development will be elusive by when it is associated with a rare librarians who have no educational IT collection or in terms of librarianship background. Cervone (2007) explains called the special collection. the concept of system development life The presence of information cycle with more simple in order to be technology can be an alternative for the understood by a librarian. There are 8 interests of the people or the provider of stages in the system development life the information. This study is important cycle as shown in the illustration: for several reasons. First, the development of the digital library can reduce the user's physical contact with a collection so that could minimize the risk of damage and loss of rare collection. Second, facilitate the ease of access for the user towards the collection of culture because the public already accustomed to the ease with which brought by the presence of information technology. Third, foster a sense of society’s love towards local history in Yogyakarta with its cultural relics. And the society is expected to be more conscious and willing to be together caring for cultural collections in Yogyakarta. B. Research Question

Figure 1

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System Development Life Cycle sustainability of collections from time to The author use the study of time. " Digital library became urgent to cervone (2007) to analyze the be appointed when associated with development of the digital library in the cultural and historical collections. This local studies center in Yogyakarta. is related to the continuity of access to However, not all sections can be used the collection for the next generation because some parts became the that must be planned from the domain of organizations that plan to beginning. It is important to make sure implement a digital library. Limitations the collection is accessible and of the analysis in this article range from preserved for posterity a legacy for us. the initial inspections, analysis of Therefore, local studies center which is problems and needs analysis. On the a cultural institution needs to start stage of the preliminary examination, planning and developing for digital developers need to check the library collections. availability of digital library system 3. Previous Research (Cervone, 2007). Implementation of the system, need to be reviewed for the Research related to Digital impact and benefit for the Organization library development has actually been through the problem analysis. Worthy much studied by various scientists of note, are the needs of users of digital using different perspectives. There is a libraries and then analyze the focus on the system, the metadata to possibility of a resolution that is best the user's behavior to develop a digital suited for your organization. If it is library system is best for their decided to implement a system of the respective agencies. One of them digital library, then the developer can carried out by (Bishop et al., 2003), start designing and building the system which focuses on digital library design for further implement. Lastly, the need for usability. This study sought to to ensure the operation and technical explore the behavior of users in support of the system that has been understanding and using the digital built. library. The object of study is 2. Digital Library geography students which are expected to give suggestions for the The presence of computers and Alexandria digital library system design. the internet as if it is the hope of many The results of the study is the form of a people in the past, especially if system library that can be accessed associated with ease of access and using the internet with a collection of share information. The vision of digital maps, drawings and other geography libraries is not less interesting to review collection. when expressed by Jan Olsen in Subsequent research conducted (Barnes, 2004) which imagined that the by (Chen et al., 2012) which examines University students can sit at home and the development of the digital library in access electronic information at a low Taiwan. The result of the research cost through computers and the shows that digital library provides a internet. " useful knowledge for the reader. In Conceptually, the Digital Library addition, the digital library is also Federation (Pendit et al., 2007) defines influential in the development of content "digital library is an organization that dynamically and contributed significant provides resources, including staff to knowledge value. The last study was select, providing access, interpret, done by (Batjargal et al., 2012) distribute, caring for and ensuring the regarding the development of the digital

148 International Conference of Library, Archives, and Information Science (ICOLAIS) 2017

library on the history of Mongolian research for the development of the Archives. In his studies, the authors existing system in the local studies develop that the Mongolian script is center. And expected there will be used to access the document history. solution regarding the best system to Research on Traditional Mongolian be implemented for the better Script generates Batjargal Digital dissemination of information culture Library (TMSDL), which aims at and make it easier for the user. preserving the archive of 800 years old using the traditional language in order D. METHOD to be accessed and read by the public. On the research of this time, the This study is a continuation of previous author presents the different studies research that seeks to identify local with previous research. Previous studies center in Yogyakarta. From the research focused on the user, system, obtained research results the research and usability of digital libraries, while in objects, such as Yogyakarta Palace, this study the authors focus on the Puro Pakualaman, University of Gadjah opportunities and challenges, Mada, sonobudoyo museum and strategies and anything that need to be dewantara kirti griya museum. prepared for the development of digital Advanced research developed is the library on a local studies center in development of digital library on local Yogyakarta. studies center. The selected research Studies related to local studies approach was qualitative with the center has also done by the author descriptive design. Cresswell in (Raco, before. The purpose of the research is 2010) defines qualitative research as to identify potential implications, an approach or a search to explore and knowing the presence of local studies understand a symptom. Museum center in education and provides an managers and librarians from each overview of related opportunities and object unearthed information related challenges of access and preservation digital library development. The in local studies center. The Theoretical technique of data collection is done by framework used is David Rimmer and the interview, observation, and study of Martin Julius v. Perez who built the the literature. concept of local studies center. The results of this research show that in E. DISCUSSION Yogyakarta there are 5 locations which The results from this study are divided can be used as a local studies center, into 3 parts such as the opportunities such as Yogyakarta Palace, Dewantara and challenges in the development of Kirti Griya museum, Puro Pakualaman, digital libraries, digital library system Sonobudoyo museum and University of implementation portraits on local Gadjah Mada. From the research, the studies center and the strategy of the authors also found concerns from development of digital libraries. First, managers who handle information on the author presents the interests, cultural collections to open access. This challenges, and opportunities in the is due to the age of the collection are implementation of the digital library. indeed old enough, while having to Further discussion is based on the keep the whole unity for an accessible Foundation of a theory of system for times to come. The authors propose development life cycle from (Cervone, to use the touch of technology to end 2007), the author seeks to unveil the the dilemma between access and results of the initial inspection and the preservation. This research is further problems of the present portrait digital

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library implementations on the local user pattern. Second, the digital library studies center. Lastly, in the digital allows the Manager can present a library development strategy section collection with more attractive and later served on the needs analysis of make the job more efficiently. Including the digital library system including job making usage statistics collection, networking between diverse types of once done manually and draining time, collections. can more easily by using the help of technology. Third, physical access to 1. Digital Library: Opportunities collections can be limited but access to and Challenges information content can be done by Information technology is more users. Maybe we all have massively developed in the 21st experienced if borrowed text collections century, giving aquite significant impact or books that only 1 copies, we have to in the life of society in the 21st century. wait for the other user when being Convenience to one another that borrowed. With the digital library, present in the life of society imposes access simultaneously can be done demands of users for the presentation easily. Ease of access it brings up the of the collection on cultural institutions. last opportunity, that is, the ease of Manager cultural institutions are dissemination of information to each expected to make easier access for the user. This can impact further and user to the information they need. further on increased capacity and On the other hand, the author knowledge users. had review in the paper before, there In addition to the opportunities, are symptoms of fear of cultural there are also challenges in the digital information manager for opening the library. The author has commented little collection. This is effected by age challenge in previous research that is collections obsolete so will affect the related to the provision of electronic physical collection. Whereas content, human resources, funding to information in a collection of culture support digitizing up to digital literacy needed to add to the knowledge of the users (Sari, 2017). Provision of user will be culture and local history on electronic content requires special its territory. The authors suggest adding attention because of the collection of a touch of technology to end the cultural institutions is a collection of dilemma for access and preservation. relics of the past are stored in paper Presence technology can be used to media, lontar leaf and so on that old. So restrict the use of the collection the necessary prudence in the process physically, but still allows access to control of media collections. This information from the collection of the resulted in a need for special culture. equipment over the media and HR Opportunities will be the professionals who understand about development of a digital library on local the preservation of the collection. On studies center is quite large when the side of the user, it cannot be denied viewed in terms of users, the collection, that the ability of the diverse users of the ease of dissemination of the technology, it should be anticipated information to the Manager. First, the by the information provider with fixed user is already familiar with digital provides collections manual that can be content and ease of access. As the accessed. education and the major city of 2. Implementation of a Digital Yogyakarta, allows users to have Library on Local Studies access to the internet with an educated Center

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Digital library began in Indonesia since the 1990 's, along with the idea of digital library developed in ITB. However, its implementation is currently on local studies center is quite diverse. There is already a well- established system and utilizing, and others still build a digital library system. In table 1, the author provides an overview of the related application of the system of digital library on local studies center: Table 1 An Overview Of The Development Figures 2 Of Digital Library System Homepage from rare collection in Institution Type of Collection Digital AutomationHatta CornerDigital Access the Book Archives Artefact Collection Library Collection Keraton √ √ √ Being UsersNot yet who Notrequire yet aManual rare Yogyakarta developedcollection will be owned hatta corner Kadipaten √ √ √ Beingcan downloadNot yet multipleNot parts yet of theManual book Pakualaman developedto read. However, the whole collection Universitas √ √ √ Available(full text)Available can only Availablebe accessed by Gadjah coming to hatta corner. Important Mada considerations in the open access (Hatta collection one are copyright which up to corner, now has not been set up for the benefit university of the library. Problems related archives and copyright became important to solve UGM because it feared to inhibit the flow of museum) information dissemination of culture. Sonobudoyo √ √ √ AvailableBut theAvailable most importantAvailable isIntranet the Museum willingness to share knowledge and Dewantara √ √ √ Availabledisseminate Available information Not yet in orderManual to Kirti Griya Manager by cultural institutions are not Museum left behind by the progress of the times.

The main focus in developing 3. The strategy of the electronic-based systems is access development of Digital Library and openness of information in cultural Cervone (2007) in the study had institutions. The Internet is becoming previously been explained by the an important part because it would system development life cycle that is simplify and expand the range of the initial examination, analysis of information dissemination. In fact, it is problems, needs analysis, decision one of five cultural institutions who analysis, design, construction, observed, one organization which implementation to operation and allows accessible using the internet. support. Observationally, it is found that The following is an example of there are three agencies that have yet electronic content in hatta corner can to implement a digital library that is Puro be accessed via Pakualaman, Yogyakarta Palace and Dewantara Kirti Griya Museum.

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Problems can arise at a later date if the from local studies center. This serves to collection of cultural belonging is facilitate users in accessing all missing or damaged. Therefore, the collections owned by the institutions, authors suggest to develop the digital i.e. archives, artifacts and books. library on local studies center with During this time, in Indonesia has not planning as follows: been much developed. However, we can learn a little bit of the country The information system will be developed: information system on Digital Library Local Studies Center Germany who built the site in all its The purpose of the planning system: helps the process of institutions can access the collection on management and preservation of the collection to access long- archival institutions, museums and term cultural collections. The output from the system libraries. The following is a site information can provide convenience for the user and information manager to get information of culture in developed by BSZ (Bibliotheksservice- accordance with his needs. Zentrum Baden-Württemberg): The benefits of the system: 1. Ease of access users 2. Reduce the physical contact with the collection is a collection of rare and old 3. Increase access by users to information owned by the local studies center 4. Provide cultural information to users An inventory of the required data in the information system: 1. appropriate book Data MARC 2. Electronic Content Figure 3

Planning Digital Library System Figure 4 The Display of Website The Manager information can be applied in the digital library has been The system developed by the qualified in building a system that is provider of the information in Germany hardware, software, brainware and can facilitate users in knowing the local content. Linked software, actually richness of a collection that is in the there is an alternative to the institution. This becomes interesting for development of the digital library us to learn and apply local studies system. First, developing its own center that has a diverse collection of software. This can be done if the related history and knowledge. To be Organization has a reliable human able to implement it, it takes good resources in the IT field. Second, buy communication between the provider of the software from third when a strong the information i.e., archivist, librarian system of funding organizations. Third, and museologist. Basically, the the use of open source software. There information manager capabilities to is an institution that has actually been manage and share information is going developing digital library software such to be a great power for the development as Dspace, Fedora, and Greenstone of local knowledge in Indonesia. Koha (Pendit, 2009) as well as INLISLITE 3. INLISLITE 3 is software F. Conclusion (software) developed by the National Library of INDONESIA. This software Technology and digital libraries allows information managers to perform offers possibilities of creating simpler Automation to the collection in the access, efficient information library and digital library development. management, less physical access to After developing a digital library protect collection and easier to its collection, future development information dissemination. Therefore, needs to be done is the site in General

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digial libraries system is essential for digital libraries system by creating plan local studies center. Researchers based on its needs and goals. The continuosly create inovation by needs of hardware, software, brainware developing new information system and electronic content should also be including the digital libraries. Cervone completed in order to meet the system (2007) explains that librarians should requirements and make it works be able to learn information system life successfully. Moreover, the possibilities cycle that consist several phases from to develop sites and database to that initial investigation, problem analysis enable users to access archives, books and needs formulation. and artefacts needs to be designed by Based on the early investigation, it is the information managers. found that digital libraries Communication between information implementation in local studies centers managers in local studies centers will are in different levels. Institutions such play an important role to sustain the as Universitas Gadjah Mada and collection accessibility and information Sonobudoyo Museum already dissemination towards the users. It is implement the digital libraries system. expected that local knowledge can be On the other hand, several cultural added to improve the society institutions including Keraton awareness towards its own cultural Yogyakarta, Pura Pakualaman and heritage. Dewantara Kirti Griya Museum have This study is the first step in the not implemented any digital libraries development of digital library system in system yet. cultural institutions. However, it cannot In the digital libraries implementation be denied that the author just touching process, various issues related to the some parts inside. Therefore, network of different form of collection advanced research related to digital emerge. Thus, it is imporant to integrate library system is still required. digital libraries system with online Especially things related to the collection of the artefacts and archives. development of the script and build a In the future, institutions could system that can allow interaction with experience cultural heritage collection users. In addition, other themes loss and damage if digital libraries associated preservation, collection and system is not implemented. management of promotion on local It is suggested that cultural studies center also appeals to institutions should start developing examined and reviewed further.


Barnes, S. J. (2004). Becoming a Digital Library. 7361(09)70018-4 Batjargal, B., Khaltarkhuu, G., Kimura, F., & Maeda, A. (2012). Developing a Digital Library of Historical Records in Traditional Mongolian Script. International Journal of Digital Library Systems, 3(1), 33–52. Bishop, A. P., Van House, N. A., & Buttenfield, B. P. (2003). Digital Library Use: Social practice in Design and Evaluation. Cervone, H. F. (2007). Managing Digital Libraries : The system development life cycle and digital library development. OCLC Systems & Services: International Digital Library Perspectives, 23(4), 348–352.

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Chen, C., Chen, Y.-T., Hong, C.-M., Liao, C.-W., & Huang, C.-M. (2012). Developing a Taiwan library history digital library with reader knowledge archiving and sharing mechanisms based on the DSpace platform. The Electronic Library, 30(3), 426– 442. Laugu, N. (Ed.). (2017). Curation and Management of Cultural Heritage through Libraries (1st ed.). Delhi: B.K. Books International. Pendit, P. L. (2009). Perpustakaan Digital: Kesinambungan dan Dinamika. Jakarta: Cita Karyakarsa Mandiri. Pendit, P. L., Suryandari, A., Amiprasetyo, B., Makarim, E., Aditirto, I. U., Ruldeviyani, Y., … Wijayanti, L. (2007). Perpustakaan Digital: Perspektif Perpustakaan Perguruan Tinggi Indonesia. Jakarta: Sagung Seto. Perez, M. J. V., & Templanza, M. R. (2012). Local studies centers: Transforming history, culture and heritage in the Philippines. IFLA Journal, 38(4), 297–309. Raco, J. R. (2010). Metode Penelitian Kualitatif : Jenis, Karakteristik dan Keunggulannya. Yogyakarta: Grasindo. Sari, I. N. (2017). Local Studies Center in the Dynamics of Cultural Education: Opportunities and Challenges. In N. Laugu, L. Zain, P. K. Jain, D. C. Kar, & P. Babbar (Eds.), Curation and Management of Cultural Heritage through Libraries. Delhi: B.K. Books International.

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Aina Pujiyanti Department of Library and Information Science, Faculty of Humanities, Universitas Indonesia, Depok, 16425, Indonesia Email: [email protected] Laksmi Department of Library and Information Science, Faculty of Humanities, Universitas Indonesia, Depok, 16425, Indonesia Email: [email protected]


This paper explains the representation of public libraries in Kokoro Library animated series by Takagi Nobuyuki. The purpose of this research is to understand the representation of public library in the culture of Japanese society as in Kokoro Library animated series. This study is using semiotic method with Roland Barthes’ syntagmatic-paradigmatic analysis. The result of this study is that public library is described as a very valuable part of the life of families in Japan. This is supported by the roles of the three main characters as librarians running their libraries located on the mountain, communicating with users, keeping valuable collections, promoting and finding ways to protect the library from being closed down. Not only the three main characters, but urban society also supports the existence of the library.

Keywords: representation of public library, public library, semiotic analysis Roland Barthes, Kokoro Library, Japanese society

INTRODUCTION store works of science. Librarians are depicted Representation is the production of meaning as professional and responsive towards and concept within mind which is manifested challenges. through language (Hall, 2013). Representation Another research is Asti Yulia Sundari titled can connect concepts in ‘real’ world, such as Representation of librarian on public library in things or events through language and Dewey novel (2012) discussing the communicate it to others. Representation is an representation of librarian as profession based important part of production and meaning on task, professionalism, as well as its relation process among members of society and within with society. The finding is the story represents particular culture. librarians who understand, perform their tasks, Generally, library is only represented as a as well as builds good relationship with local building to store books without significant role. government, thus it is necessary to add more However, library has the opportunity as the popular books such as novels which can inform main part of the story. The media is animated about librarian precisely. Description, roles, and film. Research on library representation was the meaning of public library either for families once conducted by using Roland Barthes’ or society in Japan are among those that will be syntagmatic and paradigmatic semiotic explained in this research. method. The research using this method is Mira Azzasyofia’s research titled Representation of RESEARCH PROBLEM libraries and librarians in the movie The Kokoro Library animated film is chosen Librarian: Quest for The Spear (2012). The because it displays public library as the main result is representation of libraries and part and librarian as the main character. Based librarians is reflected from the description by on the background previously presented, the characters and background. Conclusion, this problem in this research is how is the film represents libraries as place to store representation of library displayed in Kokoro valuable collections and the safest place to Library animated series?

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body’. Then, it extends when the clothes are RESEARCH PURPOSE ‘gown’ as signified which means ‘elegance’. Based on the research statement above, the This stage is signification theory as shown in purpose of this research is to understand the the following Figure 1 (Hall, 2013). representation of public library in the culture of Japanese society as in Kokoro Library animated film.

RESEARCH BENEFIT The result of this research is expected to benefit academically, that is to contribute in developing library and information science, especially about library representation in films with Roland Barthes’ semiotic method. As for practical benefit, this research can be an inspiration for next research, especially research with Figure 1. Signification Diagram semiotic analysis in animated films.

Sign in text is manifested in the relation of THEORITICAL REVIEW syntagmatic and paradigmatic (Zaimar, 2008). Representation is a method of assigning Syntagmatic relation is relation among linear meaning to things or reality described through elements in sequence, and shows unit of story words, images, media, or utterance (Hall, which has logical relation with other units of 2013). Representation is related to all types of story, called main function. Meanwhile, objects or events correlated with a set of paradigmatic relation is relation between sign concepts within each head. Meaning depends and objects it represents. Thus, it is possible to on concept system formed in mind which can analyze characters, background, and ideas in be considered as ‘representing’ description of text (Hall, 2013). world, enabling someone to refer to something inside or outside of their minds. Language is Public Library used to express and unite those different Public library is defined by IFLA as library concepts. funded by public board and open for those who Thus, representation of a reality will be use it. UNESCO Manifesto (1994) stated that interpreted differently in different culture. public library is a universal education institution Culture can be defined with a term “shared for life-long learning and aims to make all meaning” because of culture similarity owned knowledge and information accessible to the by each society. Every culture owns the same public (Laksmi et al., 2011). Five principles and set of concepts; thus, someone can share characteristics of public library (McMenemy, concepts using the same way to interpret 2009) are (1) funded by public, (2) managed by language signs effectively. Relationship public board, (3) available for public, (4) fulfil between objects, concepts and signs owns public needs and interest, (5) provide access to important position in the meaning production of collections without restraint. language. Every person or group can decide The rising development of cities turns public different representation of the same intention by library to be community center and attract new agreement. users. Library can perform as education Representation is part of semiotic, a studying of environment, including cultural, geographical analyzing sign. All that is present in social, and historical context, as well as representative cultural and natural phenomena, is seen as property as social, political and informational sign, something to be interpreted (Hoed, 2007). space (Griffis, 2013). Library provides program, Definition of sign is the encounter between form meeting space for ideas and discussion, (which is reflected in someone’s cognition), and computer access and resources fulfilling meaning (or content, which is something public’s needs. Not only do it serves as place to understood by people). Signifier is the form find books, but library also provides digital aspect of sign and signified is the meaning content. Particularly, in small towns libraries are aspect. often communities center, providing place for Barthes called the first simple descriptive level people to meet as well as study, and socializing as denotation. The second level is connotation, (Senville, 2009) (Evans, 2011). The developing which are connecting meaning to wider cultural social relation between staff and users when field and forming new signified as meaning performing library service is almost as extension. For example, ‘clothes’ as signifier important as the operational library service has simple descriptive meaning to ‘cover one’s (Johnson, 2012).

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Public library characteristic is social inclusion problems (Creswell, 2014). Qualitative focuses (Laksmi et al., 2011) (McMenemy, 2009) on flexible structure and on meaning. The value closely related to social capital, which is social of qualitative lies on the ability to understand relationship based on mutual trust. The and show the uniqueness and complexity of existence of slowly-growing, developing context under research, as well as emphasizes relationship encourages users and librarians to the importance of putting meaning about help each other thus creating social inclusion something in context (Pendit, 2003). (McMenemy, 2009) (Vårheim, 2008). This research uses Roland Barthes’ semiotic In this case, the library becomes a place for the analysis, namely syntagmatic relation and society because of the elements that make up paradigmatic relation. Analysis unit of this the community, which among other things is the research is sequence of story content units or sense of belonging. These feelings arise from sequence order (Zaimar, 2008). Sequence is the feelings of individuals who feel welcome in characterized with units of story content center a community, thus creating a society that can on a focus with the same single object within a feel the need for a library (Laksmi et al., 2011; particular coherent time and space, or a Sutarno, 2006). combination of several places and times Public library can also gather and build (Zaimar, 2008). collection specially related to local and regional As the object, its Kokoro Library animated identity of the society it serves, as well as series. Each 13 episodes’ total with 24 minutes’ continues to enhance collection about local duration’s analyzed to see the sentences or history in which it resides (McMenemy, 2009). statements along with the dialogues and In this research, public library location pictures. influences the existence of library because if the place of library resides isn’t appealing or ANALYSIS AND DATA INTERPRETATION even far from where most people live, visiting a. Syntagmatic and Paradigmatic Analysis library will require hard effort and is difficult to 1. Syntagmatic Analysis do (McMenemy, 2009). 1.1 Story flow Analysis

This analysis contains a sequence of events Animated Film which will form a story. Story sequence will be Animated film is generally a type of film created given single number. In episode 1-13, total 546 by using individual images and photographed sequences which sorted scenes for this frame by frame, resulting in illusion as if they animated series. Sequences related to public were moving when displayed rapidly, because library are 1, 8, 9, 11, 21, 22, 23, 25, 26, 28, 30, every frame is created by using diverse media, 60, 66, 67, 69, 71, 72, 75, 77, 78, 80, 81, 82, such as computer. 84, 88, 92, 108, 200, 203, 204, 207, 232, 240, Animated film originated from Japan is usually 241, 247, 248, 310, 381, 384, 385, 386, 393, known as “anime”. Anime has developed 394, 395, 396, 409, 412, 418, 419, 458, 463, culture influenced by traditional Japanese art, 465, 466, 467, 472, 502, 503, 504, 510, 511 such as kabuki, as well as complemented the with total of 60 units. use of art tradition from all over the world, such The first episode is the episode with many as movie (Napier, 2000). descriptions of library as a space, which is a particular activity, including socialization can Japanese Society take place (Evans, 2011). As a librarian, Kokoro Japanese society literacy culture has been built could build friendship with user named Kaede. since the Meiji restoration era by publishing The evidence that there is slowly-growing, diverse books from the West in bulk (Nurhadi, developing relationship which creates social 2006). In Japan, public libraries are located in inclusion (McMenemy, 2009) is Kokoro built downtown and accessible to villages in remote close relationship with users and offered library places. Libraries in Japan are very easy to find service. On the other hand, Kaede was pleased and managed by government. With the support chatting with Kokoro and didn’t hesitate to ask of institutions fostering reading activities, help. This shows that public library is a place for Japanese society grew into a nation that loves developing social relation between librarian and reading and has a high-rate of reading culture users. The interaction results in relation among (Harmawan, 2016). people, that is not only useful to obtain access to information resources, but also in emotional RESEARCH METHOD relation which can contribute to the ‘feeling of Qualitative research is explores and prosperous’ in each individual (Johnson, 2012). understands the meaning of individual and Next, library is also represented as free public group considered from social or human space and available for all. This is seen from

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the fifth episode when the thief eyed valuable However, Kokoro library is managed by a collection, which was a locked book, with the family, not by a public board. There is no reason that the thief was ‘challenged’ by the explanation in the series how library which was founder of the library so that he could take care established by Jordi, could turn into public of his three daughters. However, Kokoro library nowadays funded by tax from city. decided to lend him the precious collection. In Nevertheless, Kokoro library can be the end, the thief returned the book. Thus, categorized as public library because its funded public library is described as an open place for by public, available for public, fulfils the needs public and its collection can be borrowed by and interest of public as well as provides anyone, which one of the characteristics of access to collection without restraint. public library (McMenemy, 2009), providing For the three sisters, Kokoro library is a place access to collection without restraint. which has emotional and trust bond. Besides In addition, Kokoro library stored special that, Kokoro library also has historical relation collection related to their family history. It is and particular memory with Toaru city revealed that the locked book was diary inhabitants. It is told in Jordi’s diary that city belonged to Jordi, the father of three sisters; it inhabitants were grateful to the founder of the tells stories about their father’s past and how library because he has given courage through Kokoro library was established. Thus, it can be the books. Thus, Jordi could establish library. concluded that Kokoro library is a place to store This is also the reasons why city inhabitants special collection of important information gathered in front of the mayor’s office to reject about family history and library establishment. the closing down of the library. That makes the This is in accordance with public library function existence of Kokoro library has one of elements which collects and establish special collection which forms community, namely sense of related to local and regional identity of the belonging (Laksmi et al., 2011) and there is society it serves, as well as continues to public needs of the importance of library enhance collection about local history in which (Sutarno, 2006). Not only does it emerge from it resides (McMenemy, 2009). individual’s feeling but also the sense of belonging to a shared place. This shows that Kokoro library has emotional relation with city inhabitants and it has been a part of them. Their emotional relation is help for made the plan to close Kokoro library failed.

1.2 Plot Analysis

Plot described in Kokoro Library animated series is chronological plot and has cause- effect relation. Plot analysis uses main function in its description.

Figure 2. Special collection A. Main Function Sequence

Kokoro library has the characteristics, which 0. Story begins when a soldier named Sun can be found in public library (McMenemy, Jordi arrived in Toaru city which was 2009). First, operational activity of Kokoro raging in war. library is funded by public, which is tax from city 1. Then, he was assigned in division three inhabitants as stated in episode 10. Next, public library is available for public and provides troops whose members were Sergeant access to collection without restraint. It is seen Momochi, Uezawa, Kajihara, Kameyan in episode 5, when Kokoro decided that the Aigame, droid named July. locked book can be lent to the thief because 2. After his troops protected the city from library is a place in which collection can be enemy, they split. Jordi decided to stay. borrowed by anyone. Kokoro library is shown 3. Jordi and the nurse, Shindou, then carried providing public needs in the form of lending and membership service, as well as owning the books from ruined library, went diverse collection and available for all. Thus, it around distributing them to all citizens. can be concluded, Kokoro library fulfils the 4. Akari, Shindou’s patient, met Jordi and characteristics as public library, namely funded returned the book along with other city by public, available for public, fulfils the needs inhabitants. They all thanked him. and interest of public and provides access to collection without restraint.

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5. Jordi agreed with Shindou’s suggestion to 20. Although Kokoro and June left the build library. Thus, Jordi could lend more training, they didn’t fail and were able to books to city inhabitants. attend the next training. 6. Then, the time moves to the present time 20.1 However, on the day when when Kokoro was preparing herself on her Kokoro went, Iina was very upset, first day as librarian. However, there was although the night before Kokoro no user visiting because the library was has phoned her. located up on the mountain. 20.2 Then, Iina woke up in the middle 7. A user named Kaede came. She asked of the night and went to library. Kokoro to find the book and she managed She found the locked book has to find it. been opened. 8. A week later Kokoro waited for Kaede. 21. A little girl named Hikari came to receive However, she did not come. The next day, training. The three of them welcomed her Kokoro decided to go to downtown to find but received cold response. It was later her. revealed that Hikari’s mother was ill. 9. It turned out that Kaede had moved out. 22. Kokoro decided to invite Hikari to perform However, she returned the book via mail librarian task. When Hikari’s picture fell service. and Kokoro took it, Hikari went mad. 10. The next morning, library received new 23. At night, Hikari went out and ran to the collection. Due to little number of visitors, forest. Kokoro ran after her. Together they planned to perform promotion. they both expressed their longing for 11. Flyer was done. Although they were mother. pessimistic at the beginning, many city 24. Next, Hikari received a phone call that her inhabitants came to visit library. mother was going to undergo a surgery. 12. Kokoro and Iina talked about a book by Hikari decided to stay. Kirin enthusiastically, without know that 25. Then, a phone call rang bringing happy Aruto was Kirin. news about surgery. Hikari went home 13. Kokoro received a phone call that she was without saying goodbye, followed by chosen to join discussion with Kirin. Kokoro. 14. On summer holiday, the three of them 26. Then, Aruto received a phone call about had a vacation to a beach. Kokoro then Marie, the new mayor, will come to the helped user, Misato went to the beach. library tomorrow. Aruto and Iina were 15. After vacation, the three of them received suspicious of her arrival. notification letter from Funny Tortoise 27. The next day, Marie informed the decision thief who would steal the locked book. that library funding would be stopped and That provoked Inspector Kajihara to arrest library would be closed because of lack of him. users. 16. They all ran after the thief, except Kokoro. 28. At night, Aruto and Iina discussed how to Kokoro found the locked book which was maintain the library. Kokoro secretly once disappeared and decided to lend it listened to her sisters’ discussion to the thief. mentioning about their father’s diary. 17. The thief met Kokoro. Kokoro offered the Kokoro went to the library to read it. thief to borrow it. He agreed and escaped. 29. After reading the diary, Kokoro decided to Then, the thief unlocked of the book. keep the library running. 18. On the next day, Kokoro attended 30. The next day, Kokoro decided to go librarian training along with comparoid downtown to see Marie. named June. 31. Marie told Kokoro that city inhabitants 19. During training, Kokoro left the library to themselves rejected her decision by get the book asked by user. She got lost. gathering in front of the mayor’s office. June found Kokoro and got the book.

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32. In spring, library provided collection delivery service to users’ home. Kokoro delivery requested book to user’s home.

B. Main Function diagram

Note:  : showing cause-effect relation (logical relation) 1 – 32 : showing sequence of events chronologically. Event number 1 occurred prior to event number 2, and so forth

C. Main function Diagram Explanation However, there was no user visiting because Main function is sequence of events which has the library was located up on the mountain (6). logical relation or causality as the foundation of A user named Kaede came. She asked Kokoro the story. Based on plot analysis, there are two to find a book and she managed to find it (7). A plots in this animated series, namely Jordi’s plot week later Kokoro waited for Kaede. However, in the wartime and Kokoro’s plot who works as she did not come. The next day, Kokoro librarian. The explanation of main function decided to go to downtown to find her (8). It diagram is as the following: turned out that Kaede had moved out. Story begins when a soldier named Sun Jordi However, she returned the book via mail arrived in Toaru city which was raging in war. service (9). Then, he was assigned in division three troops The next morning, library received new whose members were Sergeant Momochi, collection. Due to little number of visitors, they Uezawa, Kajihara, Kameyan Aigame, droid planned to perform promotion (10). Flyer was named July (1). After his troops protected the done. Although they were pessimistic at the city from enemy, they split. Jordi decided to stay beginning, many city inhabitants came to visit (2). Jordi and the nurse, Shindou, then carried library (11). Kokoro and Iina talked about a the books from ruined library, went around book by Kirin enthusiastically without know that distributing them to all citizens (3). Akari, Aruto was Kirin (12). Kokoro received a phone Shindou’s patient, met Jordi and returned the call that she was chosen to join discussion with book along with other city inhabitants. They all Kirin (13). thanked him (4). Jordi agreed with Shindou’s On summer holiday, the three of them had a suggestion to build library. Thus, Jordi could vacation to a beach. Kokoro then helped user, lend more books to city inhabitants (5). Misato went to the beach (14). After vacation, Few years later they both got married and had the three of them received notification letter three daughters named Iina, Aruto and Kokoro. from Funny Tortoise thief who would steal the Both of them then died. Story continues when locked book. That provoked Inspector Kajihara Kokoro was preparing herself as librarian. to arrest him (15). They all ran after the thief,

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except Kokoro. Kokoro found the locked book a story. There is a character considered which was once disappeared and decided to important, its appearance is priority and lend it to the thief (16). The thief met Kokoro. Kokoro offered the thief to borrow it. He agreed displayed continuously in that it dominates and escaped. Then, the thief unlocked of the most of the story, which can be called as main book (17). character. On the other hand, there is a On the next day, Kokoro attended librarian character who appears once or several times in training along with comparoid named (18). During training, Kokoro left the library to get the the story in a relatively short period, which can book asked by user. She got lost. June found be called additional characters (Nurgiyantoro, Kokoro and got the book (19). Although Kokoro 2007). and June left the training, they didn’t fail and Total main characters are three characters, were able to attend the next training (20). named Kokoro, Iina and Aruto who have main However, on the day when Kokoro went, Iina roles and the most told and act as librarians. was very upset, although the night before Meanwhile, additional characters are sixteen Kokoro has phoned her (20.1). Then, Iina woke characters. up in the middle of the night and went to library. She found the locked book has been opened (20.2). A little girl named Hikari came to receive training. The three of them welcomed her but received cold response. It was later revealed that Hikari’s mother was ill (21). Kokoro decided to invite Hikari to perform librarian task. When Hikari’s picture fell and Kokoro took it, Hikari went mad (22). At night, Hikari went out and ran to the forest. Kokoro ran after her. Together they both expressed their longing for mother (23). Next, Hikari received a phone call that her Figure 3. Kokoro mother was going to undergo a surgery. Hikari decided to stay (24). Then, a phone call rang bringing happy news about surgery. Hikari went home without saying goodbye and Kokoro followed her (25). Then, Aruto received a phone call about Marie, the new mayor, will come to the library tomorrow. Aruto and Iina were suspicious of her arrival (26). The next day, Marie informed the decision that library funding would be stopped and library would be closed because of lack of users (27). At night, Aruto and Iina discussed how to maintain the library. Kokoro secretly Figure 4. Iina listened to her sisters’ discussion mentioning about their father’s diary. Kokoro went to the library to read it (28). After reading the diary, Kokoro decided to keep the library running (29). The next day, Kokoro decided to go downtown to see Marie (30). Marie told Kokoro that city inhabitants themselves rejected her decision by gathering in front of the mayor’s office (31). In spring, library provided collection delivery service to users’ home. Kokoro delivery requested book to user’s home (32).

Figure 4. Aruto 1. Paradigmatic Analysis Figure 3 shows Kokoro, the youngest child of 1.2 Characters Analysis three. She is naive, enthusiastic and always In relation with the whole story, character’s tries to satisfy users. It is seen in the first role is not going to be the same if it is seen in episode when Kokoro retrieved information terms of the importance of character’s role in enthusiastically to find books and was able to build close relation with users. Kokoro also

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made friends with fellow librarians during division three Toaru town library, and mayor’s training. office. In another sequence, Kokoro showed how to satisfy users as much as possible, such as taking the initiative to retrieve books that haven’t been returned to the user's home. Besides that, Kokoro also has simple viewpoint about library. It is seen when a thief wanted to steal valuable book, Kokoro thought that it was best to lend the book to the thief because library is a place where books are to be borrowed by anyone. When library was under the threat of being closed down, Kokoro tried to keep it open. In the whole story, Kokoro was able to perform technical activities commonly performed by librarians, such as serving at the Figure 5. Kokoro Library circulation desk. This is seen throughout the whole episode how Kokoro performing such Kokoro library is the most often appeared. tasks. Kokoro library is the place where Kokoro, Iina Figure 4 shows Iina, the eldest child in the and Aruto work as librarian, also their house. family. She took the role as mother for both of It’s European architectural design with building her sisters. Iina was also able to work as dominated by white color, purple roof, windows, librarian and to perform household chores at and it consists of two floors. The library has home. Iina understood the importance of library adequate facility appropriate to run its along with the collections contained in it as functions. source of knowledge and science. She is also In addition to physical form, the place in which depicted as librarian who is slowly experiencing public library is built also influences the story development throughout the story. It is seen flows. In figure 7 and 8, library is surrounded when Iina was very worried about Kokoro who with dense forest and located on the mountain. went to attend training and it affected her work. When visit it takes more than two-hour trip from However, when she read her father’s diary, Iina downtown. This poses difficulty to users; thus, was happy again and she could perform library only receives few visitors. Library librarian tasks well. location can affect users interest because it is Figure 5 shows Aruto as the second child of the located far from where most people live. three sisters. As a librarian, Aruto is strong- Therefore, visiting library will require hard effort willed and assertive, which is seen throughout and is difficult to do (McMenemy, 2009). the story. Aruto is also depicted as able to be realistic when she proposed the idea for library promotion. Compared to Iina who got worried easily about Kokoro, Aruto was more relaxed and believed that Kokoro was able to overcome her own problems. When the library was about to be closed, Aruto showed her determination to keep library operation although she had to use her own money. She also hid her identity as Himemiya Kirin. Figure 6. Library location 1.3 Background Analysis

Background analysis in this research is used to library show space setting used to support library description. Background or space (Zaimar, 2008) is used to give impression of reality on a story, such as physical description with detail information and other social cultural condition explanation. Background analysis generally supports meaning. Figure 6 shows main background in this animated series, which is Kokoro library. Other backgrounds are Toaru Figure 7. Toaru city city, Chuo library, Toaru station, hospital,

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1.4 Time Analysis existence of library located on the mountain and has only few users, and they look for ways to As background, time serves to make the story keep the library running although it is going to rooted in reality. Particular date, month and be closed down. year mentioned in fiction works may cause the The film, which shows that the public impression that the event told actually occurred library as a valuable asset, in addition to (Zaimar, 2008). In this animated series, only date and month are mentioned. From the representing the meaning of the library as technology, which appeared in this story, such a place to store science, this film also as the use of droid, or transportation. It is illustrates the way the three sisters build assumed that time setting is around the year experiences and deep emotional 2000s when the technology starts to develop relationships in Kokoro's library. This is but past relics are still used, like steam locomotive train. seen from how the three sisters strive to Most of the time is peaceful time, a few years defend library which was forced to closed after the war is over. Meanwhile, the time in by the major. Toaru city inhabitants also Jordi’s diary is when the war broke out between contribute in maintaining the library. This two countries, which may be inspired by World shows that Kokoro library has an War 2 in the real world. inseparable experience and has been a

CONCLUSION part of its society. This is the description Representation of public library in Kokoro that public library can build emotional Library animated series describes a public attachment thus it has been integrated library as a very valuable part of a Japanese into family or society life in Japan. family, consisting of three sisters named Kokoro, Iina and Aruto. The three of them work as librarians who strive to maintain the


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Muhammad Rasyid Ridlo1 Librarian at Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Binawan Jakarta [email protected] Rohanda2 Lecturer of Study Program Science Library University Padjadjaran Bandung [email protected] Neneng Komariah3 Lecturer of Study Program Science Library University Padjadjaran Bandung [email protected] ABSTRACT - Retention management is a way of keeping employees from moving to other organizations. Based on the authors' observations obtained in the college libraries in Pekalongan have not been maximally in applying retention management. It can be proven by many librarians left their job. This study aims to examine the phenomenon of retention, retention motives and the efforts of the head of library in maintaining staff. The research method used qualitative with phenomenology approach. Data collection techniques were conducted through observation and in- depth interviews of four informants who are the head of the library. The result of the research is retention meaning obtained from four different informants whose retention meaning is the method of detention done by the head of library and the highest leader. Motives obtained from the retention power are found in the three libraries with low retention power because of lack of coordination between the head of library and the colleges while only one library has high retention power. It has a good coordination between the head of library with the college. The efforts made from the four libraries are to create something new outside the library (development library). The above description can be concluded that the college libraries in Pekalongan more have a low retention power. This is due to the lack of sense of ownership from the college leadership of the library that it’s sheltered and poor coordination between the head of the library and college leader who shelter the library. Keywords: Retention, Librarian, and College Library

INTRODUCTION employee development and leadership The retention issue is very training (Das & Baruah, 2013) important to be discussed in the According to Kotler (2002) the management, especially for library perceived impact of the release of management, because losing the best employee is on the front office which in librarian will result in the library this section is dealing directly with management system declining. Pohan customers. In addition, retention (2010) in his book Be Smart a Leader problems will arise when the best explained that retention is an effort to employee resigns when the company prevent employees from moving to the gets a new project, while other other organizations. The right way to employees are not ready to replace the prevent the release of employees are previous employee's position or the compensation, rewards, promotion, company is not able to find a suitable participation in decision makers, new employee. balanced living, work environments, the

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Users` satisfaction is determined in Das Theory (2013) explained earlier, by how the librarians provide services the retention factor of an employee is such as hospitality librarians, provision not only from a favorable and of new books and facilities in the library. supportive environmental factor, but Therefore, the change of librarian in a also there are the other factors to be library will be directly related to the considered as well. In addition, the satisfaction of the user because the compensation from the three college new librarian is still in the training or libraries mentioned above in adjustment stage. Frequently of accordance with the minimum salary employee turnover can affect the cost obtained in the local area. of hiring administration. This is due to To convince the phenomenon of the company's lack of budget for hiring. librarian retention is increasingly The study by Fitzenz (1997) concluded widespread discussion. The author that the minimum salary and benefits in makes the observation in library of the the year is tantamount to recruitment other college in Pekalongan. The fees for some employees. Still in the author has done this observation in the research conducted by Fitzenz (1997) Academy of Midwifery Harapan Ibu in terms of the loss of the best Pekalongan. The result is much employee can be concluded that most different from the previous three of company loses one million dollars for colleges. Reviewing the environmental every 10 employees for managerial and conditions of the three previous professional levels. The recruitment libraries belongs to a good category. strategy is important but it is just as The librarians should be able to important as maintaining good staff in persistence but they choose to resign the library so that retention is needed while the conditions of the library at (Bothmer, 2004). Harapan Ibu Pekalongan Midwifery The phenomenon that occurs in Academy really supports for the the library of Pekalongan colleges are resignation. First, the environmental the occurrence of resignation from the conditions in which the library is librarian which can be said that it located. The author categorize the happened within a short time frame, so room of library is not feasible to be a it affects the library that must place of work because the size of room immediately recruit a new librarian. The is not ideal. Besides that, there is the same phenomenon occurs in the library merger of one unit work space with of STMIK Widya Pratama, namely the other units. turnover of librarians that impact on Specifically, this study is more instability library management that has focused on the meaning of retention, been applied. Judging from the field retention motives and efforts conditions of the library in STMIK undertaken by the head of library. In Widya Pratama also has a good order for the theme of research to be environment to work, both in terms of more focused and cover many aspects place and social aspect. Coupled with related to retention, the research the fact that the relationship between questions are set on the "What is the employees in STMIK Widya Pratama meaning of the retention based on the has a good quality of mutual respect. In head of the library`s experience, and addition to these two places, the same what efforts can be seek by the head of phenomenon also occurs in the Library library to establish a retention in the of STIKES Pekajangan which has a library which he/she leads" while for the good environment to work does not objective of the study describes the prevent the librarian to go in and out. As phenomenon that occurred about the

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retention of librarians in Pekalongan employees is to compensate, reward, colleges. promote, participate in decision LITERATURE REVIEW makers, a balanced life, work Discussing about retention environment, and the employee cannot be separated from human development and leadership training resource management. According to (Das & Baruah, 2013) William & Werther (1996) in Marihot RESEARCH METHODS (2002) human resource management is The method used in this the program, rules, and training within research is qualitative with the organization. Another definition said phenomenology approach which is that personnel management is the specifically used to explain the concept planning, organizing, directing and of meaning, motif, and effort of library to supervision of procurement activities, retain its employees. The author makes development, compensation, direct observations and conduct in- integration, maintenance and release of depth interviews of informants. The human resources in order to achieve object used as writing material consists organizational and community goals of four college libraries. Pekalongan (Flippo and Masud, 1998; 3). Indeed, College Library which can be human resource management abbreviated as UPK Library, STIKES objectives increase human resource Pekajangan Library abbreviated as support in order to improve STP Library, Harapan Academy organizational effectiveness. Library, abbreviated as AKH Library Related to the librarian retention and lastly STMIK WP Library theme, the author gives theory about abbreviated as SWP Library. librarian. According to Hermawan & Zen (2006) librarian is a person who RESULTS AND DISCUSSION carries out library activities by providing The Meaning of Retention for the services to the community in Head of the Library accordance with the main institution Based on existing theory, based on knowledge, documentation retention is the effort or action to and information possessed through prevent employees from moving to education. At the opening of the another organization which is Indonesian librarian's code of ethics in influenced by several factors. Research Hermawan & Zen (2006) in the first conducted by the author is shown in paragraph stated that "Indonesian retention which means the effort to Librarian is a professional worker in the maintain librarians both by the head of field of library and documentation, libraries as a leader as well as by the which is aware of the importance of college that shelters, as well as efforts socialization of the librarian profession to improve the retention of librarians to the wider community, and need to supported by several internal and develop ethics as a work guide". In this external parties from the library unit. paragraph the Indonesian librarian's The object of the research code of ethics stated or affirmed that consisted of four college libraries in librarian is a professional who works in Pekalongan. The phenomenon in UPK the field of library and documentation. library, one of them is the head of the Pohan (2010) in his book Be library which is friendly to the visitors Smart a Leader explained that retention and their staffs, not to discriminate the is an effort to prevent employees from staff from one another so as to provide moving to the other organizations. The comfort in working, and the head of right way to prevent the release of UPK library participate directly not only

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in the management but also in daily months. Then, the head of the library service. The head of library who is the resigned. Approximately two years ago informant in this study interpreted I was the only head and also employee retention as a joint effort of the supreme in this library (although I do not get the leader in each unit coordinating with head of library allowance). "- Informant each other to give satisfaction to work of AKH, 24 February 2017. towards its employees. It was similar The AKH informant`s report with another research which stated that above proves that there is a different leader was an important factor in phenomenon with other libraries. It has motivating employees so that librarians been two years running at the AKH have a sense of responsibility to library. There is only one librarian in complete the task (Puspitasari, 2015). charge of the entire library contents. In addition, the retention factor in the This is because of the resignation of UPK library is strongly supported by one of the librarian staffs. According to local college, such as regarding the information obtained that the librarian provision of compensation offered in staff who worked resigned in his first accordance with the educational year working at the AKH library. background and job descriptions. According to the informant's Another phenomenon was seen knowledge, the librarian resigned from the STP library according to the because the compensation given by the informant who is the head of the library college that sheltered the AKH library and has served for thirteen years in the was not in accordance with the library has a high awareness of the educational background held by the importance of retention. The meaning undergraduate degree. However, after of retention becomes a very priority one of its librarian staff came out, the thing by the informant who served as AKH College as in charge of the AKH the head of STP library. This is caused library did not do recruitment the by the policy rolling (turning) librarian staff even though the informant administrative personnel into the at that time as a single librarian at the library. These problems have made AKH library had applied for staff informants greatly understood the assistance to manage and give importance of retaining librarians for the services in the library. Besides that, no sake of sustainability of the allowance is given by the college as in management and advancement of charge of AKH library as a reward for libraries. The informant also said that employee loyalty. The argument above the obstacles that occur when the is able to research about librarian policy of college leaders that cannot be retention who mentioned the main circumvented by the head of the library reason in retirement are salaries and itself. So, the STP library informants allowances (Mannan, 2010). However, interpret retention as a form of effort or until the time of the research by the effort of a leader to retain employees for author, the librarian still stands to work the sake of the continuity of library on the AKH library. management. The meaning of retention When interviewed on why the who is stated by th STP informant’s has informant persisted in the library with similar with employee retention the unbalanced state of job research, that is the employee depends responsibility and compensation, he on the leader’s skill such as a strategy explained that "The previous reason for to make an training (Johnson, 2007). staying here is I do not want to be an “Just only a few months I am led by the unemployed and just stay home, but head of the library. It is about 2 to 3 now my child has been growing up. So,

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I need this job to help the family period stated by informants who economy. I'm also applying for other worked long enough for three years. colleges because I think it's time for me This was stated by two informants who to look for college that give the stated that they firstly heard the word compensation appropriate with its job retention at the time of research desk. It can be imagined when others conducted by the author. In addition, get 1.7 million rupiahs and I only get the informant who served as the head 800 thousand rupiahs. It has the same of the SWP library for the last three as having the position of a general but years also added his thoughts after earning a salary as a corporal". – being explained by the author that the Informan AKH, 24 Februari 2017. retention management should be Based on the informant's report owned by the supreme leader of the can be conclude that the core of the college, not the head of the library. He reason he still stood was the economic also mentioned the reason that the demands. Therefore, informant cannot head of library was also an employee. interpret the retention of the head of the His job just only managed the library as library, but the informant recognizes the it should, and followed the rules given importance of staff retention for the by the leadership of the college. continuity of processing and services. Retention Motives in the Library In addition, according to informant's It is undeniable that the report on February 24, 2017, justify the understanding of experience is critical case of compensation received as to influence the efforts of the head of librarian at AKH library is far below the library on the retention of his librarian UMR that should be 1.7 million rupiah staff. In this discussion, the author but the librarian only gets 800 thousand described the phenomenon that rupiahs. With such recognition it can be occurred in the library studied about the acknowledged that compensation may retention motives. The motives in this affect a person to remain employed or regard are the reasons behind the high no longer work in an institution. In level of retention in the led library. addition, the informant as the head of From the results of previous the library did not do enough retention research on retention meanings by the because according to the informant's head of STP library showed a high confession cannot offer anything to ex retention of the head of the library who librarian to be persuaded to remain served to his employees for the working in the AKH library. sustainability of the management and Furthermore, in other libraries the service libraries led. Informant tries to author finds new phenomenon, namely provide comfort which is one of the the head of the library consider factors that can retain employees by retention as something that must exist making the informant as the leader who from the leadership of the college, and can communicate with his staff. the head of the library only follow the However, in the STP library has one orders or the rules, coupled with the low factor that can weaken the high retention power owned by local college retention of the head of the library, the such as lack of facilities for policy factor of the college leadership management and library services. But that shelters the STP library. The factor behind the low retention power is a college policy that always provided by the head of library and exchanges the employees. college does not affect the intensity of Then, the informant from the recruitment due to employees who AKH library said that the AKH College resign. This is evident from the working did not provide sufficient infrastructure

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facilities for library management only one of them showed a high purposes. Lack of facilities provided by retention power in the library of UPK the college such as the building used is library while the three of them are still leased and the minimal indicated to have low retention power. infrastructure facilities are clearly The excellence of UPK library hinder the activities of library are related to research about marketing management and services that should retention management who claimed run effectively. With the factors that that the process of handling complaints have been described above shows that and documentation is a superior the retention power in the library of AKH program that can be applied in the both from the leadership of the college library (Ang & Buttle, 2006). that shelters even from the librarian The Efforts of the Head of Library in itself is very weak. Given the Librarian Retention phenomenon in the AKH library that The facts which was obtained by unpreparedness of college is the the author when interviewed STP motive of the weakness of retention in library informants is the first time the the AKH library. library held by people who are not in the "I have given the problem of my library field of science. After changing the employees to the administration. If my linear the head of library indirectly salary is raised I really feel grateful, implements the retention program. The even if my salary is not raised, there is retention program in question is to no problem for me. The important thing provide a clear job desk to its staff. It is I work to manage and give services was done by the informant so that the in the library. "- Informant of SWP, staffs who worked in the library felt February 24, 2017. strong and feel themselves are needed. It can be seen from the In addition, informant also plans new informant`s report in SWP library that is activities such as establishing a found the head of library has no development library to schools owned program in his tenure. The head of the by one foundation similar to college. library has low responsibility to his The activity is believed the informant staffs. The informant relies on the can reduce the saturation intensity in college to provide job satisfaction to all work because although they work in the the employees which he leads. That is same field but the environment is the motives of low retention power in different. Another study of management the SWP library. talent mentions that management is Another case is happened in the important to managing the human UPK library which very cooperative in resources and needs to strengthen retaining employees. According to the branding in the library to reduce the informant as the head of library who level of saturation (Chhabra & Mishra, works in the field that is controlled by 2008). the library and under the auspices of Different things happen in the UPK College is very comfortable in UPK library that implements a terms of providing compensation, structured effort and unstructured comfort work among the employees, program. Structured program is the including facilities provided by colleges division of job desk and shift which is to the library. believed to informant can trigger a Based on the phenomenon of sense of responsibility of employees retention motif in the library in according to the portion. Besides, to Pekalongan area, it can be concluded balance the pressures given such as that from the four objects of the study job desk and shift received by

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employees, informant also have not give the maximum effort to its unstructured program, one of them is employees. But with the working period the existence of meals with library staff of the informant owned by the library for to solidify the sense of solidarity. three years the authors conducted Besides that, according to the interviews about the motivation of recognition of one of the staff who informant persistence working on the became the second informant in the library. Finally, the informant explained UPK library it acknowledges that the the reason for his persistence because informant who served as the head of of the lack of other job options, while the the library greatly balances his staffs in informant planned to move the work the work so that this second informant place in the coming months because it feels comfortable working under the has been accepted in other work place. leadership of the first informant. Earlier The phenomenon found above research mentions that the character of is similar to the research that has been the leader is influenced by the work done by Jeff Luzius and Allyson Ard culture that has become routine who illustrated that there are still many (Jogulu, 2010). librarians in America left his job. At the Different place has different conclusion of the study stated that "One phenomenon that happened. The possible program is a Specialist Degree phenomenon that occurs in the SWP in library management or MBA with library obtained the lack of creativity focusing on library management." It is and the power of library in building necessary to support the development retention in the unit he leads. According and leadership training in the library so to the informant, the retention that they do not leave their jobs. management should be owned by the The phenomenon above supreme leader of the college, not the matches with earlier research, entitled head of the library. He also mentioned “Leaving The Academic Library” who the reason that the head of library was describes the reason of librarians in also an employee. His job just only America leave their jobs. At the managed the library as it should and conclusion of the study stated that "One followed the rules given by the of the possible programs is a Specialist leadership of the college. So, based on Degree in library management or an the understanding of the informant MBA with a concentration in library focused on the existing work system management." It is necessary to under his leadership and put aside the support the development and comfort and satisfaction of staff work leadership training in the library so that that is led. they do not leave their jobs (Luzius & In addition to the above Ard, 2006 ). phenomenon also found that the results are inversely proportional to the AKH CONCLUSION library where AKH library does not seek 1. The meaning of retention by the anything for the sake of retaining head of the library is an effort to employees. This is evident from the maintain the staff of the supreme lack of preparedness of facilities and leader and the head of library even infrastructure. The informant who earns though there is a sense of retention salary under the UMR and the physical must be done from the supreme building of the library is very leader. uncomfortable. With the above brief 2. The motive of an existing retention explanation can illustrate that the power in any library can be college that shelter the AKH library did influenced by various factors that

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exist in the library and the college 3. The effort of retention to the librarian that shelter. From the four research can be implied implicitly or explicitly sites, three of them have low by the head of the library. As a form retention rates. The low level of of attention to librarians and / or retention in the library is motivated participate in library services in order by two things, namely the poor to foster a sense of comfort, provide handling and management of the advice and give feedback when the head of the library and the poor librarians look saturated or resigned. facilities provided by the college that This is an implied form of retention shelter. that has been done by some high school principals in the Pekalongan area. In addition, there are the other things that can be done, such as providing job desk, providing overtime pay, providing training in the form of retention is done explicitly either by the head of the library or the college that shelter. 4. High retention power will appear in a college library with the cooperation and good coordination between the head of the library with college leader.

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Retention Theory is widely used in the field of management. Only a little library research deals with Retention. Based on the author's knowledge, the existing of library retention research in Indonesia is only 3. Because of the lack of such research, the authors developed the retention theory.

The book titled Be Smart a Leader According to Jackson & Mathis explained that retention is an effort to (2009) retention is an act of prevent employees from moving to detention which is the ability to other organizations (Pohan, 2010). continue the work of qualified individuals.

Retention Management

The Construction Meaning of Library Retention 1. Collective efforts between the head of library and the supreme leader of the collage. 2. The leader efforts retain their employees for the sake of library management. 3. The effort is not done by the head of the library but it is done by the supreme leader of the collage. 4. Lack of meaning of library retention

Library Retention is an effort by the head of library, especially the supreme leader of the collage which has purpose to retain the staff (librarian) from moving to other libraries (Rasyid, 2017)

The effort which are used to retain employees

According to Das & Baruah (2013) Rasyid (2017) the efforts undertaken for library 1. Giving a clear Jobs desk, retention are compensation, rewards, among them are: promotions, participation in 2. Giving work shift decision-makers, balanced living, 3. Provide a new working work environments, employee atmosphere (development development and leadership training. library)

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Bothmer, J. (2004). Recruitment and Retention at the Creighton University Libraries. USA: Nebraska Library Association. Das, B. L., & Baruah, M. (2013). Employee Retention: A Review of Literature. IOSR Journal of Business and Management, 08-16. Fitzenz. (1997). It's costly to lose good employees. Workforce. Hermawan, R., & Zen, Z. (2006). Etika Kepustakawanan. Jakarta: Sagung Seto. Ang, L., & Buttle, F. (2006). Customer retention management processes: A quantitative study. European Journal of Marketing, 40(1/2), 83–99. Chhabra, N. L., & Mishra, A. (2008). Talent Management and Employer Branding: Retention Battle Strategies. ICFAI Journal of Management Research, 7(11), 50– 61. Retrieved from N=35765718&site=eds-live&scope=site Jogulu, U. D. (2010). Culturally‐linked leadership styles. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 31(8), 705–719. Johnson, R. (2007). Employee Retention. Supply House Times, 50(9), 80. Luzius, J., & Ard, A. (2006). Leaving the Academic Library. Journal of Academic Librarianship, 32(6), 593–598. Mannan, E. F. (2010). Retensi pustakawan : Studi Kasus Pustakawan Sekolah di Surabaya. Universitas Indonesia. Retrieved from 27870-Retensi pustakawan- Analisis.pdf Puspitasari, R. (2015). Retensi Pustakawan: Studi Kasus Faktor Retensi Pustakawan di Kantor Perpustakaan Arsip dan Dokumentasi Kabupaten Tulungagung Tahun 2015. Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta. Retrieved from pustaka.pdf Jackson, & Mathis. (2009). Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia. Jakarta: Salemba Empat. Kotler, P. (2002). Manajemen Pemasaran. Jakarta: Prehallindo. Puspitasari, R. (2015). Retensi Pustakawa: Studi Kasus Faktor Retensi Pustakawan di Kantor Perpustakaan Arsip dan Dokumentasi Kabupaten Tulungagung Tahun 2015. Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta. Retrieved from pustaka.pdf Pohan, A. H. (2010). Be Smart Leader : Rahasia Dibalik Kesuksesan CEO dan Manajer Hebat. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Grhatama. William, & Werther. (1996). Human Resource and Personnel Management. New York: Mc Graw-Hill.

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Muhammad Rifky Nurpratama Graduates Students of Information and Library Management Gajah Mada University [email protected]

Lasenta Adriyana Graduates Students of Information and Library Management Gajah Mada University [email protected] ABSTRACT The development of Informatin Communication and Technology produces a new form of media, social media. Every social media have special characteristic. Instagram, the popular social media, is assumed to be compatible with library. By instagram, the library able to share content and information like pictures, photos or videos in describing the conditions, services, and event libraries that will or are being held to the user. The aims of this paper is descript benefits, strategies, and policy of instagram using for library. Literature study methods are used inside. Social media instagram so massive in its use, but there is no policy to strategy that guide and guard its use, especially for organizations such as library. Therefore it is necessary to do and don’t related policies in terms of use and various information or content in instagram. Also supported use strategy to optimize existing policies so as to generate real benefits for the library, especially as a media campaign. Keyword: social media, instagram, use of social media, social media policy, social media strategy, social media benefits. A. INTRODUCTION markets with 700 active users every month (Adi & Hidayat, July 26, 2017). The presence of internet and technology in the current information Instagram is massive used in age encourages not only the Indonesia. It is used by individuals and development of sophistication of tools organizations as a medium of but also the media of information. There information sharing, promotion and are many social media applications, business. Moreover, recently library is a such as facebook, twitter, and organization which aware to use of instagram. Social media applications instagram as a promotion means are popular in the community because it provides convenience for sharing According to 2014 data, 61% of information, activity, and complaints. libraries have been using social media Instagram, a popular social media for the past three years (Bell, application, offers an photos and videos December 16, 2014). Based on these sharing activity. According to data data, it can be assumed that social released by instagram that no less than media has become one of the library forty-five million Indonesians are communication container to the user or actively using social media instagram. the librarian. It is also seen by the Based on this amount, Indonesia average posting in social media per day became the largest market of instagram by the library by 30%. Instagram can in Asia and one of the world's largest very well be a social medium that fits with the library because of its

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C. USE AND BENEFITS OF SOCIAL MEDIA IN LIBRARY 1. Using Social Media Technological changes encourage libraries to be able to follow, change and adopt technological novelty to be applied in libraries. Social media is one of the communication media with technology that comes with internet characteristics that emphasizes the support. Especially with the presence of sharing of content and information in technology like a smartphone, facilitate the form of photos and videos. It is the developers to develop social media appropriate and makes it easy for applications. Various social media that libraries who want to display the exist today has its own special features conditions and excellence in the form of and functions, it is intended that users photos and video. can choose which social media that match their expression. It is also a good The use of social media instagram idea for libraries to build innovative and would have a difference if used by open libraries with the support and individuals or organizations. In other acceptance of the latest technology so words, there is a special treatment how that libraries are not considered ancient and what can be done by organizations by library users. The use of social such as libraries in menggunakam media by the library can be used as a instagram so that the purpose of means of communication and delivering information and promotion promotion to library users. effective, efficient and targeted. Therefore it is necessary to use the Its own social media in Indonesia has social media strategy of instagram for been regulated in the Regulation of the the library, which ultimately provides Minister of Administrative Reform and benefits especially for the library itself. Bureaucracy No. 83 of 2012 on Instagram usage by libraries in Utilization of Social Media Government Indonesia began to bloom, but not Institutions namely the utilization of many studies have seen how instagram social media has established and is used in libraries. Finally, this study is supports new ways of communicating, the reference about benefits, strategy, interacting and collaborating and policy of using instagram for the (Kementerian Pendayagunaan library Aparatur Negara dan Reformasi Birokrasi Republik Indonesia, 2012). B. METHODS With the regulation of social media in ministerial regulation asserted that This paper use the literature study social media has been considered as using various sources of scientific part of a recognized communication references such as scientific articles, medium. The following is a social media news and websites that contain the usage survey conducted by social study of Instagram usage. media users within a month (Vatter, 2016). Figure 1: Social Media Users Based on the above images, facebook is a social media with the most number

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of interactions, because facebook first launched and load a lot of content in it. The second diagram is instagram, Instagram itself in Indonesia has a very large followers of 45 thousand active users. Instagram is viewed as a social media that is widely used by young people because the main content of the instagram is visual or image. Libraries can choose one of the social media or

use all the existing social media as the latest means of promotion, but it should be noted which social media is the latest trend now so that our information quickly to the target. There are some examples of official instagram accounts belonging to libraries:

Figure 3: UB’s Account

Figure 4: Unair’s Account Open mind with technological developments. There are many libraries have an official account instagram, such as university libraries, public libraries and libraries from non- profit organizations. Instagram Figure 4: Unair’s Account Figure 2: UGM’s Account becomes part of the library's means of

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disseminating information to library the ins and outs of libraries, users as quickly and attractively as socializing, searching for possible, so the libraries promote itself information that is popular, indirectly. informing the latest news, where to exchange information, to keep Previous research on the use or exist, as well as looking for utilization of social media by the library information related to the hobby. is pretty much done although not yet Most users follow the library's specific about instagram. In the earlier facebook wall to read studies, Masis (2014) stated that social information shared by the library. media is effective for marketing. Masis In the research facebook can be (2014) in his research mentioned that recommended as a social media the user of the library is a force in that can develop library services effective marketing through words so that the user. spoken after the user enjoys the library. b. Damayanti (2014) utilization of These words will be spoken in their social media twitter able to fulfill social media, so that from one user can element in guidelines of social directly deliver it to hundreds of media utilization, although there followers of their social media, so the are some things that have not library is not only alone in doing the been met because the nature of marketing. Other research that is social media twitter itself is an owned by Canty (2012) mentions that informal. On the other hand in there are differences in the use of social his research, twitter itself has media in the library with one another for helped the library in distributing various purposes ranging from information so that the response marketing and promotion, open the and sharing of users to libraries, collection to the audience, and perform both virtual and real. the function of user service by responding to questions. The claim that Some of the previous studies above are any type of social media is used with still related to the use or utilization of the purpose and benefits of promotion. social media rather than instagram. King (2015) in his book titled “Managing The results also show that social Your Library of Social Media Channels” media is used as well as useful for the mantion that there are five core reasons purposes of information why libraries use social media in dissemination, service development general are to listen, make and library promotion. Previous connections, respond, take or take research on the use of social media advantage of mobile technology instagram in the library is still quite presence and expand the reach. small. The following research about the use of social media instagram in The following research about the use the library: and utilization of social media by the library in Indonesia: a. Mutia & Harisanty (2012) a. Abbot, Donaghey, Hare, mentions that an active Hopkins (2014) with the title as a facebooks followers Airlangga form of social, mobile and photo University library aged 19-21 technology convergence in the years with the majority of library that sees how instagram followers are women. The most is used in libraries as a searched information is to know technology photo. In the above

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study mentions that why use specific user to collaborate with the instagram libraries is because user. Engagement as above is the they want to target the audience basic purpose of a social media use that suits their scope. For wants to know who their library users. example public libraries tend to Furthermore, data on the number of target common readers, to tell followers and anyone who follows the how their conditions and events library account will be more useful for are for the wider community. The libraries if they can map the same with university libraries characteristics of the user and provide that tend to target the students of services in accordance with what the all departments and all levels of user wants, such as a small survey of education. what books the user wants, what to b. Hamidah (2017) states that in expect. Interaction and collaboration the scope of utilization of social with the reader in real time is media in the library showed a advantageous for the library to be able correlation between the use of to act as quickly as possible especially social media (facebook, twitter, if the nature of the complaint then can instagram) by the library that the be fixed right then and there. promotion of libraries through social media and also increased Then in the aspect of promotion and use by user, where the location awareness, the study revealed that the is in the Library Ministry Industry library uses instagram to display library RI. values, personalize the library as a c. Putranto (in Nurdin, Labibah, whole and conduct campaigns for Jain, Babbar, & Parveen, 2017: events or programs to be held. It even 217) states that to overcome the mentioned that some libraries use problems and challenges that instagram to have fun for example in an Instagram used in marketing and ongoing event. Promotion and build promotion in libraries requires a awareness in the era of technology and multidimensional approach from information today is very powerful if several aspects. Such as taken through social media. Informing, establishing a unified and informing and publishing programming progressive social media policy, events from pre to post is the most skills development, preferred part of the user, especially infrastructure and social media users. In the above communications to members research also disclosed that social like creators, managers and media also plays a role in accelerating users. the spread of information, attract visitors or visitors of an event is no Based on several studies above, one of longer as complex as before in the form the specific research on instagram in of print and disseminate it, with the help the library is owned by Abott et al. of social media, promotion is done Research Abbot et al (2014) revealed quickly and can monitor quickly also that targeting the user through enthusiastic user. instagram basically has a fairly specific purpose that is for user’s engagement Promotion of libraries through social and promotion and awareness. media can take place interactively, Beginning with engagement, where the where the responses of the visitors can library wants to connect itself with the be used to gain interest in other users. user, wants to know where their The point is through social media librarian is or connect with a more especially instagram, the library can

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provide promotions along with a participate actively in the use of social gimmick for example upload photos or media. tag friends to attend this event and if lucky it will get interesting merchandise. Judging from the use of social media Moreover, the visual characteristics of that has been regulated in ministerial instagram once, where user will get a regulations in 2012 shows that social very clear picture of images, photos, or media is one of the media that is series of places and events that will or recognized in the dissemination of have been held. information formally and informally. Social media is considered to be able to The purpose of the use of social media, disseminate information as a means of especially instagram above is promotion in accordance with the engagement, promotion, awareness needs in this case is right on the target can be concluded that one of the social is the user, both the public as a library media instagram is to connect of public libraries and students as a themselves libraries with user to more library of university libraries. Benefits of intensely communicate and interact in social media that have been included in two directions. Two-way the ministerial regulations communication can occur informally, (Kementerian Pendayagunaan rather than when in a library directly Aparatur Negara dan Reformasi where the librarian and librarian are Birokrasi Republik Indonesia, 2012) for limited to the space or social position in government agencies and social media that environment ie as workers and managers include: visitors, in short according to King (2015) call as casual conversations. a. Disseminating government This is done by the library with user information to reach people; where each other can reply to many b. Building the role of state conversations, commented to and fro to apparatus and society through like the content or talks. The most social media; important of the use of social media, c. Socializing future development especially instagram is the library can and strategies; connect with audiences outside the d. Building interaction between physical building and build connections government and society; and introduce themselves more e. Increasing public awareness promotional libraries. and participation on government work policies and programs; 2. The Benefits of Social Media in f. Explores people's aspirations, the Library opinions, and inputs on government policies and Social media is part of two-way internet programs. technology that allows users to interact and share information with each other. The categories of benefits that The existence of social media aims to governments can gain in using social bridge the interests between audiences media include: with the same interests. Social media will also create a space primarily for 3. Efficiency, that is with relatively users with the same interests, enabling few resources able to reach the rapid formation of opinion and people quickly; discussion space on the things they 4. Ease of service and enjoy, in this case the government convenience of the users, that is through public relations attention and able to provide community services online (e-Public

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service) that can be accessed 24 accounts of the organization or the hours a day, 7 days a week; formal. It begins with the assumption 5. Community involvement, that is and maindset that whatever will be greater public participation in posted, it will be public consumption so government democratic not all content can be shared especially processes (e-Democracy). with regard to confidentiality and copyright. The most content or D. POLICIES USING SOCIAL MEDIA information to be maintained is that FOR LIBRARY: INSTAGRAM which relates to the confidentiality of the institution itself or to the matter of In Indonesia, the use of social media for one's privacy within the institution. Then government agencies has been related to copyright, then can disiasati regulated in the Minister of by including references or references Administrative Reform and where the information and content was Bureaucracy No. 83 of 2012 on Social obtained or who the owner. Another Media Utilization Government thing that is not less important is the Agencies. The regulation is still the absence of content or information basis or foundation of the institution, relating to SARA, defamation and hoax, especially here is the library to design in the sense that all that is shared in the more specific social media usage social media library must be verified policies. Policies are indispensable facts and correctness. Therefore the because according to (Mulatiningsih content or information shared must be and Johnson, 2014) without any clear quality, focusing on the content related social media usage policies by libraries, to the purpose of libraries, conditions, serious errors that occur in social media services, events, learning and user will affect the image of the library. surveys. It should be applied and Therefore, the policy of using social applicable in the context of the purpose media is useful as the foundation is not of one of them for the promotion media. the limit for librarians, managers and libraries to share information in the form Especially for the use of instagram of content. According to research social media policies in which the (Mulatiningsih and Johnson, 2014), the content and information shared is visual design of a good social media use in the form of photos and videos, then policy is to provide legal protection to there is an additional policy in the the organization and to give employees context of the content policy. One of the the freedom and flexibility to use formal libraries that specify the usage policy social media. As stated in the previous every social media they like facebook, research of Putranto (in Nurdin, twitter, blog, pinterest and flickr is Labibah, Jain, Babbar, & Parveen, Thomas Crane Public Library. 2017: 217) that to overcome the Unfortunately instagram is not yet problems and challenges that available, but instagram characteristic Instagram used in marketing and is almost the same as flickr that focuses promotion in the library requires a on photo and video content. It can be multidimensional approach one of accommodated to apply to instagram, which is to establish a social media there are three policy points that the policy integrated and progressive. content or information shared by the library relates to collections, pictures or Social media policies implemented by photos of programs and events. Library libraries are still focused on do and social media accounts better follow don't in terms of content viewed in the other library accounts or other viewpoint of use and social media authorized organizations. If there are

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other parties who wish to redistribute (2015) more specifically says that the photos or images from social media most important part of building social accounts the library then needs to media channels is not just posters, include credit that it is in the name of the color schemes or images but the related library (Thomas Crane Public content of a content. Policies can be Library, 2012). In addition, to protect built more in-depth not only using the library's copyrighted content, to general generic consumer social media accommodate additional policies like policies, but can be specified on certain Ball State University's in its particular social media, one of which is instagram social media policies relating to photo that needs to be adapted to the content, the content must be characteristics of the social media. watermarked or at least divided by a Furthermore, the policy is made to maximum size of 800x600 so that it can allow for possible access and not be printed for parties (Ball State opportunity that the social media used University, 2009). can later be viewed statistically as a step of view to specify who the main It appears that the two policies above librarian is and plotting a program still focus on the technical content that oriented. In essence, the use of social is shared in the social media is the only media such as instagram is not just instagram. This is not wrong because it about how content is distributed and is a fundamental guide that what will be how much content, like and a social media manager or librarian commenting, but also must be able to social media admin has a standard inform precisely in addition to guide on the content that is allowed to promoting what is owned or what the be disseminated. The fact is also library does. evident from a survey by Abbot et al (2014) that more than half of the E. STRATEGY USING SOCIAL surveyed libraries have policies and MEDIA INSTAGRAM FOR guidelines for using instagram with LIBRARY content guides and posting schedules that are most commonly reported as The policy of using social media is one inclusion / solicitation. Abbotdkk (2014) of the instagram for libraries of content, also revealed that there are only three content and manager interaction with libraries indicating that their policies user, will not be optimal if there is no include provisions for interacting with strategy to use it. Like social media, followers and using hashtags. This instagram is also relatively easy to use indicates a policy that focuses on how as a means of sharing information and the manager or admin of social media promotions because its main focus is library accounts, especially instagram images or photos that are in fact more has not been much set up. popular by the public because of its visual nature. Although it looks as Policy settings that focus on interaction simple as that but still requires a guides can be based on the mainset strategy of use especially for that should be able to distinguish organizations such as libraries, between personal social media regardless of which tool strategy is accounts and library social media used for photographing, what needs to accounts. When the mainset has been be emphasized is how the content or agreed upon, interaction can be message reaches the user through the directed in such a way that its core can manager's interaction with the user on inform the information precisely, the instagram. The strategies and effectively, efficiently and helpfull. King benefits of using instagram social

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media in many libraries are written by emphasize the "show off" various authors on the website, as impression. follows: 2. Campaign Emphasizing Strategies When library characters are 1. Dankowski, T, published to users through photos; or videos, it is time for information or 2. Holzer, M,; content to be directed to the 3. Dowd, N,; publication of events or activities. It 4. Wetta, M,; is appropriate that a library is not 5. OEDB,; only silent but rather organizes 6. Davis, R.C, events and activities that involve the; user such as seminars, book review 7. Jones, G.A, or gallery. This is where the Based on many writings on the website promotion occurs diinstagram, regarding the use of instagram strategy which can disseminate information for the library, elaborated as follows: such as posters and content activities quickly to the community 1. Library Character Suppression indefinitely space and time so that Strategy. the range of promotion is very This is a basic strategy that can be broad. This is considered to be done by focusing on targeted users effective because it provides an around or in the circle where the overview of the content of the library is located, at least expanding activity in an interesting and popular information to the surrounding and can also provide a real time environment in advance to raise the picture so quickly attract other visits popularity of the library in the from user who want to come while environment. Information or shared the event is underway. Interesting content can start with the library's also when the content to be posted character emphasis by "show off also presents sneak peek photos or your collection or your place". This behind-the-scenes activities in an is the most basic way to describe activity or a library event. It is useful the advantages, characters or how to add a picture of excitement or at unique a library is. Highlights least how memorable the event is collections or places that are being or has been held. So that the interesting to offer to users with a impression that the event held the focus on the user's point of view and library was crowded and interesting. are good if added from a Later when there is a next event, photography point of view. Choose users do not hesitate and do not a collection or corner of a place that hesitate to participate in the event. is in fact very much utilized by the 3. Engagement and Appreciation user, to the collection, service and Reader new place in the related library so as Social media is social media, where to present the same interest it can not be separated from what tendency among users. Technically the name of interaction to followers give creative elements and of related accounts. The same with impressions to the shared library accounts, it does not mean information or content, such as in that formal organizational accounts the form of video, give the artistic should have formal activities as touch of the shared photo so as to well. Still should keep the formal rules but with a touch of interaction

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as long as it does not exceed the love / like to post followers of similar ethical limit of organized politeness and formal organizations. Giving a and social media. The library as a response to the user will be much user oriented organization, is more if the library is conducting the entitled and needs to bring the campaign, the quiz to the book involvement of its users in the review in the content to be posted. It services or programs implemented. will be very interesting to interact Especially with the use of social with the library and give media instagram where appreciation to the users. engagement to user can be run indefinitely space and time. Do what F. CONCLUSION can attract users to view your post instagram, for example that is Social media is not only used by posting photos or pictures of a individuals or groups alone but also as person's positive activities in the a library. Social media with a variety of service, program or event that is characteristics it has, as well as being held. It can attract attention, Instagram that offers sharing of visual because not a few users or content (photos and video). Instagram followers instagram want to see the is assumed to be compatible with the individual or himself is caught library because of its visual behind the scenes camera, even the characteristics which can describe or user will be happy if he or someone represent the library to describe real they know is in the photo. Other conditions, services and programs simple examples such as postquote because the organization's social or pearls derived from books media has a tendency to be used as a owned. It is not enough to just post means of promotion and content, but also need description communication, as well as the purpose and hastag. The hastag method or and benefits of the use of social media, system can be a very appropriate especially instagram library user choice because its functions and engagement, promotion, user benefits connect and group topics awareness. with one another. The presence of Most of the use of social media hastag also useful to be access regardless of whether instagram has no point or keyword for a content to be policy and even its usage strategy easily found and searched by user especially in the area of institution or instagram and followers library organization like library. When libraries account. It would not hurt to give a have a policy on social media that is lot of hastags to a content that would used there is a tendency to still be be shared as long as it pertains to limited to content policies that may or the context, for example #library, may not be allowed to be shared, not #bukubaru, #journalbagus and the much of which focuses on usage like. To emphasize more deeply policies or interactions about what can about engagement and be done and earned even the use of appreciation to users through usage statistics and such in social instagram can be a way to spread media especially instagram. "love" and response. Treat followers as librarians by responding to To implement and maximize the policy, comments on each post or direct it is also necessary to use social media message related to library services strategy as the only instagram. Based or programs, as well as providing on many strategies written by various

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web, here elaborate and classify them share the notification about the event or into three core strategies that are first the library program that is or will be emphasized the character of the library, held. Third, emphasis emphasized and which is how to highlight the condition appreciation user, social media or collection of libraries that are treatment should social media but with considered superior, new, to unique. ethical organizational limits and ethics Secondly, promotional emphasis where politeness to organize and social socialinstagram media is really used to media. REFERENCES Abbott, W., Donaghey, J., Hare, J., & Hopkins, P. J. (2014). The perfect storm : The convergence of social , mobile and photo technologies in libraries.VALA - Libraries, Technology and the Future Inc.. Retrieved from library_pubs/34 Adi, Agni., & Hidayat Ali. (2017, July 26). 45 juta pengguna instagram, Indonesia pasar terbesar di Asia. Diambil dari instagram-indonesia-pasar-terbesar-di-asia Ball State University. (2009). Ball State University Social Media Policy, 1–3. Diambil dari ate_socialmediapolicy.pdf Bell, J. (2014, December 16). 5 ways libraries are using social media. Retrieved from Canty, N. (2012). Social Media in Libraries : It ’ s like , Complicated ., 1–13. Damayanti, T. E. (2014). Pemanfaatan twitter sebagai media information sharing di perpustakaan (Studi kasus tentang pemanfaatan media sosial twitter sebagai media information sharing di perpustakaan wilayah kota surabaya). Universitas Airlangga.Diambil dari lna3c10283b4full.pdf Dankowski, T (2013, July 16). How Libraries Are Using Social Media. Retrieved from media/ Davis, R.C (2013, September 30). Using Instagram for your library: 9 strategies. Retrieved from library/ on October 18, 2017 Dowd, N (2013, May 7). Social Media: Libraries Are Posting, but Is Anyone Listening?. Retrieved from libraries-are-posting-but-is-anyone-listening/ on October 18, 2017 Humaidah. (2017). Pengaruh promosi perpustakaan melalui media sosial terhadap pemanfaatan perpustakaan di perpustakaan kementerian perindustrian RI (skripsi). UIN Syarifhidayatullah. Retrieved from on October 18, 2017

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Holzer, M (2014, December 23). 20 Ways to Make People Fall in Love With Your Instagram: A Guide for Libraries and Other Cultural Institutions. Retrieved from instagram-guide-libraries-and-other-cultural on October 18, 2017 Jones, G.A (2017, February 23). 12 Insta Easy Instagram Library & Literacy Promotion Ideas. Retrieved from instagram-library-literacy-promotion-ideas/ on October 18, 2017 Kementerian Pendayagunaan Aparatur Negara dan Reformasi Birokrasi Republik Indonesia. (2012). Pedoman pemanfaatan media sosial instansi pemerintah. Retrieved from thn_2012_tentang-pedoman-pemanfaatan-media-sosial-instansi-pemerintah.pdf on October 18, 2017 King, D. L. (2015). Managing Your Library’s Social Media Channels. (P. Hogan, Ed.). Chicago: ALA TechSource’s Library. Retrieved from on October 18, 2017 Nurdin, L., Labibah, Z., Jain, P. K., Babbar, D. C., & Parveen, K. (Eds.). (2017). Curation and Management of Cultural Heritage through Libraries (1st ed.). Delhi: B.K. Books International. Massis, B. E. (2014). Library marketing : moving between traditional and digital strategies. New Library World, 115(7/8), 405–408. Retrieved from on October 18, 2017 Mulatiningsih, B., & Johnson, K. (2014). Usulan kerangka kebijakan penggunaan media sosial untuk perpustakaan perguruan tinggi. BACA: Jurnal Dokumentasi Dan Informasi, 35(2), 73–84. Retrieved from 361-1-SM.pdf on October 18, 2017 Mutia, F., & Harisanty, D. (2012). Pemanfaatan jejaring sosial (facebook) perpustakaan perguruan tinggi sebagai pemenuhan kebutuhan informasi mahasiswa. Retrieved from palim1fc575f651full.pdf on October 18, 2017 OEDB (2012). 9 Interesting Ways to Use Instagram for Your Library. Retrieved from on October 18, 2017 Thomas Crane Public Library. (2012). Thomas crane public library social media policy policy statement, 4–6. Retrieved from on October 18, 2017 Wetta, M (2015, January 29). Social Media and Libraries: 5 Quick Tips for Using Instagram. Retrieved from media-and-libraries-5-quick-tips-for-using-instagram/ on October 18, 2017 Z, Vatter. Using Social Media for Libraries. (2016). Retrieved from ocial%20Media%20for%20Lib on October 18, 2017

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Nabilla Ifada Maulidya Universitas Negeri Malang [email protected]

Astika Universitas Negeri Malang [email protected]

ABSTRACT Today we come to technology era, the use of social media in this era increase rapidly. Social media change the way people communicate, and for searching information. The existence of social media, followed by a different kind of social problem, one of them is hoax. This paper will describe the pattern of spreading hoax. The method that use, in this paper is a qualitative methods.Approach in inductive The rise of news about the eruption of Mount Agung became the talk of the Internet. This shows that there are three forms of hoax information dissemination, which are writings, pictures and videos that can be disseminated through social media. The pattern of hoax information spread in the form of hoax circle starts from Whatsapp -> Twitter-> Instagram-> TV-> Print Media. Distribution patterns The hoax information runs rapidly mainly on Whatsapp, Twitter and Instagram. The cause of the spread of hoax information is influenced by the low level of parental supervision, oral culture, the transition of the New Order era to the reformation order and the low literacy of the community. To reduce the impact of hoaxes that continue to spread in the community need to apply media ethics and the application of digital literacy to the society. Keywords: Hoax Information, Social Media, Digital Literacy, Spread Pattern

I. Background publicized issue, which ultimately The rise of information makes a different understanding of dissemination in cyberspace at this time what is really going on. The hoax makes people depend on information information certainly disturbs the public obtained through social media, such as and threatens a person's good name, facebook, twitter, Instagram, whatsapp, which can lead to conflict both within and others. By utilizing these the organization, the community and advantages, people can share the person concerned being informed information widely. Uncertain incorrectly. From the explanation of the information is also information arrangement in the dissemination of circulating among the public. Such information, formed a pattern centered widespread information is hoaxed or on the purpose of spreading the questionable. Some people may information lie. immediately disseminate it but others There are many types of choose to ignore it. hoaxes that are packed in such a way Ignorance in the dissemination that makes people almost believe that it of this information makes a lot of people really happened. Prof. Ida asserted believe. The hoax is indeed moving in hoax information can have a big impact the region of ignorance, and the target when it comes to larger systems, such is indeed the laity. The incorrect as countries. If only on a small level he information is sometimes a widely thinks hoax not so become a problem

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(Unair News). An example of the spread of hoaxes in Indonesia lies in III. Research methods the preaching of Mount Agung. Much of This research leads to the the news that has been confirmed by reader to know the pattern of the spread BNPB is a hoax. In this case, included of Hoax. By using a qualitative hoax is a section containing approach in inductive, survey result provocative elements and unclear based on Indonesian Telematics sources of information. Society (Mastel). The author did a Here the hoax information synthesis of various sources of blends with the formation of perception. information on the Internet related to With the availability of social media hoax which later found the theory of the certainly helps spread the hoax quickly hoax deployment. beyond expectations, it can make the hoax information multiply and continue IV. Literature review to spread easily and widely. Indeed, the A. Hoax Theory dissemination of hoax information is the Widiyanto (2017) explains that role of media actors (the community) Hoax or false news has the meaning of itself. It is said social communication news about a situation or event whose changed social customs (Taprial, contents are contrary to the facts at the 2012). The ethics of media also needs time the news is delivered. Chen in to be applied to the society, due to the Pakpahan (2017) stated that hoaxes need for knowledge to know whether are misleading and dangerous the information is true or false. information because they mislead According to a survey of the human perceptions by passing false Indonesian Telematics Society (Mastel) information as truth. The hoax is able to on February 13, 2017, the most influence many people by tarnishing an commonly accepted hoax forms are: image and credibility. 62.10%, images: 37.50%, video: The hoax is an information that 0.40%. and percentage data from hoax the situation or its existence is not news distribution channel: radio: necessarily true and accountable, with 1.20%, e-mail: 3.10%, print media: 5%, the development of the era of television: 8.70%, website: 34.90%, technology is certainly more facilitate chat app (Whatsap, Line, Telegram): information hoax spread on the internet 62.0 %, social media (Facebook, and social media that is often used by Twitter, Instagram, Path): 92.40%. the public. the presence of the internet According to the results of the and social media can make people same survey when viewed from the dependent and spoiled by the dissemination of information through information available there. social that is not necessarily the truth, The meaning of hoax or hoax the public forward the news is not sense itself is deliberately fabricated necessarily the truth, because the news falsehood made to masquerade as obtained from people who can be truth I (MacDougall Curtis D, 1995) trusted: 47.10%, think useful 32.90%, More or less the meaning of a hoax is a think 1 %, want to be the first to know: lie deliberately "disguised" as if the 3%. information is the truth. Briefly, hoax information is incorrect information. In II. Research question the Cambridge Dictionary, the word Research question in this hoax itself means a hoax or a joke. paper, discuss how the pattern of hoax Deceptive activities, fraud tricks, distribution in social media. fraudulent plans are called hoaxes. We

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describe the hoax information as a because of taking care of refugees, but misleading publicity act as a hoax. because of the many hoaxes in Therefore, in this study selected the circulation. Head of BNPB Data and term 'information hoax' as one of the Public Information Center, Sutopo concepts of research Purwo Nugroho, who has been busy B. Social media making confirmation of hoax Social Media is a medium to information related to Gunung Agung socialize with each other and done Bali for several days. Starting from hoax online that allows humans to interact eruption to serious threat due to with each other without being limited eruption. The explanation that these space and time. Social media can be photos and videos are hoaxes is grouped into several major parts important, as Balinese also receive namely: (Taprial, 2012) similar information and make them a) Social networks, social media for panic. Here is a clarification from socializing and interacting Sutopo behind the hoax coverage of (Facebook, etc.) Gunung Agung: ( b) Discuss, social media that 1. Mount Blasting Messages facilitates groups of people to chat and discussion (Yahoo !, Skype, Whatsapp, etc.) c) Share, social media that facilitate us to share files, videos, music, etc. (Youtube) d) Publish (Wordpress, Blogspot) e) Social Game, social media in the form of game (pogo, f) MMO (Online Warcraft Game) g) Virtual Worlds (Habbo, imvu) h) Livecast (blog tv, Justin tv) i) Livestream (FriendsFreed) j) Micro blog (twitter, plurk)

V. Discussion result a. Cases associated with Hoax The case in Indonesia which is being discussed today is the case of Mount Agung. Many people wonder whether Agung volcano erupted? Communities both outside the island of Bali would trace the story of Mount 2. Hoax Refugee Data Agung through both electronic and print media. Many information about Mount Agung, there confirmed that some of the information contains hoax elements. The National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) is made to deal with the condition of Mount Agung in Bali whose status is 'watch out' since Friday (22/9). Not a hassle

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On the Instagram circulated the photo emergency response on September 18, 2017. This news is disseminated by accounts that are not from clear source. Sutopo through his twitter account confirms the letter is a hoax. Because until now the status of Mount Agung is still stable.

3. Hoax which states the citizens of Bali not paid attention to the government Circulated on Twitter posts from accounts protesting the handling of refugees in Mount Agung. However, the post has been removed/missing from the main topic search.

4. Emergency Response Letter b. Knowing the information is Hoax

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The hoax is included in the average Indonesian people are very scope of social communication. There familiar with the information circulating have been many case studies focusing on the internet. Plus as much as 62.80 on the method of finding hoax percent of respondents often get information in social media. The basis hoaxes from short messaging is used to determine the existence of a applications such as Line, WhatsApp, racist perspective in a rumor or words and Telegram. that cornered the other party. The base From the hoax information in forms the known content as a keyword circulation based on the same survey in Hoax. Where a pattern is found results, respondents responded when containing positive and negative posts. they received the hoax information that Hoax can be recognized from several is 83.20 percent directly check the truth things attached to an information that is: of information, 15.9 percent (Harvard Library, 2017) immediately remove and silence it and 1) The source of the news comes from 1 percent response stated directly an unreliable party. There is no link to forward the information (Librianty, the official source. The news is from a 2017 ). The hoax information tends to site that is not clear who is responsible, be disseminated through social media individuals, institutions, or other. Or (not through press agencies as well as from a site that can not be ascertained certain information). This information whether it has credibility/reputation can not be justified because the news is good enough. information disseminator usually only 2) Images, photographs or video that is play in delivering information. Uncertain used is engineering, or even not information of this truth tends to connected with the news. For example, fluctuate in each of its spread through editing from originals originated only. social media and terms with lies due to 3) Use a provocative sentence, so it the information that has changed. easily affects the reader. 4) Contains political and SARA d. Hoax Circle elements Sumber c. Hoax Spreading Patterns Hoax The form of hoax spread is flexible following the media used. Printed Social According to data from the results of the Media Media Indonesian Telematics Society (Mastel) TV Media survey on February 13, 2017, Media Online hoax most information dissemination in Social Media is 92.40%. Source: Kominfo In this hoax circle, the hoax There are three forms of the information deployment starts from hoax spread that are often accepted by Hoax source and Media social as the the public, namely: writing, pictures, first information broker. According to and video that can be disseminated data from the results of media survey of through social media. Given the hoax information dissemination in proliferation of hoaxes and current hate Social Media 92.40%. Social media and speech, from 1,116 respondents 92.40 online media are the fastest spreaders percent of respondents met hoax type of information. Then the information information in social media. This figure spread extends to other media. Both is quite apprehensive considering the print and TV media cause the hoax

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information to reach a rapid spread. original source. Characteristics This shows the dissemination of false of spreading on video information spread and Retrieved via impressions taken from a social media like Facebook, Whatsapp, particular site. etc. 5. Printed Media Information can also be true Characteristics of its spread on spread can also be wrong, so the information that uses information spread in social media is provocative sentences, so that still doubtful because, oftthe became the top news readers information is not clear source. read a lot. The form of edits can Generally, it appears when a statement sometimes be found in the is openly spread quickly over the printed media. internet if the information is interesting. In this circle the hoax An information will automatically spread information will continue to circulate on a wide audience with its very diverse within the community for a period of spread mechanism, many comments time until the information disappears by will be given on social media. Here are itself. The characteristics of hoax the characteristics of hoax spread deployment vary widely, being flexible media: with the media that disseminate it. 1. Whatsapp Initially Whatsapp applications Whatsapp similar chat apps tend are used for the purpose of facilitating to disseminate information in communicationbut in reality, through written form. Characteristics, communication tools that can spread messages in Hoax using a false information (hoax), the public is provocative phrase, so easy to more easily affected by the information affect the reader. The goal is just disseminated. According to Deddy to make the news widespread Mulyana, a professor of communication and people trust it. science at Padjadjaran University (Ruri, 2. Twitter 2017), the main factor causing false The characteristics of hoax information (hoax) is easily spread in deployment via Twitter is by Indonesia is the character of using hasthags, the more widely Indonesian people who are considered seen there will be a number of not accustomed to thinking or retweets from certain hashtags democracy in a healthy way. that generate the same number Information slander and false of posts. information are widespread through 3. Instagram social media, which is a global threat Instagram as the second that can divide the unity and unity of contributor to hoax spread. Indonesian society. Each individual or Images, photos or videos posted group can easily disseminate on Instagram are often information that is not necessarily true, engineering, or even while the recipient of the information is incompatible with the news. For considered not critical in digesting the example, editing from originals gift of whether the information is true or originated only. not. Based on the problem, can be 4. TV determined the problem is: Media Publications such as TVs typically accept the raw Why hoax information is spread fast in information spread in social social media media without tracing further the a. Low family supervision

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In the present era where the knowledge. The average of people now communication tool can be obtained when you want to know something, anywhere at an affordable price. One is anything can be seen from the a smartphone, parents provide smartphone is no longer a book when smarphone with the aim of facilitating want to know something, this can cause communication, but what happens. the loss of a person's desire to love Most parents who are still ignorant of reading. what their children do, and do not care what their children do make children free to use the most advanced e. Dispels The Hoax Information technology they want. For example, with Media Ethics and Digital what is on the internet site they can see Literacy and they digest without the supervision Media Ethics of parents. So it can spread the Information hoax indeed can information gained to other people not be destroyed since growing of whose truth is not yet clear. communication. Various efforts have b. Cultural Society spoke been made to reduce it. By way of At first the purpose of spiritual deepening, political policy gathering together is a positive thing making, and ethical understanding in that is to establish silaturrahmi, but in exchanging information. According to the end what is discussed issues that Mark (2016) Hoax aims at intent to are negative and provocative. For deceive, on the basis of priority scale example, social networked groups such there is a way to distinguish between as telegram groups, whatshape groups, false information in clear thinking: hoax fuel groups and so forth, in that group information deliberately deceives the each individual easily share reader in search of profit. information. Lack of insight and To reduce the impact of knowledge and a sense of pride in hoaxes that continue to spread in the being the first person to disseminate community need guidance on the use of information, it is easy for the information social media and the function of social that spread the negative and media. There are some Ethics and provocative issues to be widespread. Polite Eid in social media: (Samsul, c. The transition period of the New 2017) Order era to the reformation era a) Use the correct Language, In the transition period b) Respect the privacy of others, between the New Order era and the respect its secrets and not engage in reformation era, the people are still not social media that may offend others ready to face the democratic process, c) Avoid SARA and pornography, not where every society has the same right writing/talking about SARA or even to express their opinions on their own pornography without thinking of the advantages and d) Update the status of the seat and disadvantages and ignoring the positive personal things, avoid the status of our law rules prevailing in Indonesia. own privacy, such as being sad, happy d. The Aliteret Society or taking money bank and so forth Information hoax or lie entered e) Incite people and spread hatred, easily when the level of community avoid making status or comments that literacy is less, the cause of the lack of are inciting or spreading hatred or public literacy is the lack of Indonesian hostility. people's desire to read, write, speak Digital Literacy in The Library and solve problems, this can affect their

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The introduction and application lot of public discussions. Different of digital literacy programs can also be information makes a different used to reduce hoaxes, given the understanding of what is really going rapidly growing technology of the on. Such information can be present era and is expected to build the categorized in Hoax. character of society through digital Judging from the case of the literacy. According to Gilster in Dyan- circulation the hoax on Mount Agung Herlina article. Digital literacy is the directly handled by certain parties with ability to use technology and responsiveness. Different patterns or information from digital devices forms of hoax depictions are found in effectively and efficiently in various writings, pictures, and videos spread contexts such as academic, career and widely in social media -> online media - everyday life. With digital literacy > print/tv that is not necessarily true. enables people to access, sort and With the influence of low family understand various types of information oversight, the culture an oral society in that can be used to improve the quality Indonesia, the transition era of the of life such as health, family, and reform era and the low level of participate in community life, state and community literacy. This will lead to politics by conveying their aspirations in widespread hoax information without certain ways. Digital literature grows any prior analysis. and evolves within the scope of Information hoax indeed can libraries. Through digital media and not be destroyed since growing ongoing monitoring of libraries, communication. Various efforts have communities can voice their been made to reduce it. The hoax perspectives and opinions for justice pattern can be found on the deployment without harming others. Inferred digital of the infrared via Whatsapp -> Twitter literacy allows one to properly monitor -> Instagram -> TV -> Print Media. For the environment, the library control will that start from the family, environment appear in the library. So that both to be wise in using social media. society and library can participate in Applying norms in family life and social life well. Therefore digital literacy community environment with these should be developed, introduced and habits will inculcate action based on the applied to the community through the values of religion and culture of the role of the library. It is expected that Indonesian nation. with the implementation of digital Information can be obtained through literacy program, people are able to social media, but not the basis that the analyze, sort, and understand information is true. By reading will find information, not only can search, read out more information that is a and disseminate information that is not benchmark in assessing an necessarily true or can avoid hoax information. Government cooperation information in the era of advanced with related institutions in increasing the technology. intensity of socialization to counter and combat hoax information. Providing VI. CONCLUSION understanding to the public about the Information technology has influence of false information and given modern society a tool for penalty sanctions in accordance with spreading rumors and words that applicable law. Therefore, in order to corner others. Sometimes the dispel the widespread deployment of information spread across the social hoaxes, media ethics should be media raises a pattern that generates a directed to the community.

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VII. REFERENCES Aulia Alfahmy. (2016). Tiga Cara Mengenal Barang Hoax di Jagad Dunia Maya, dan Kenapa Kamu Harus Tahu.Retrieved at 19 Agustus 2017 from Cambridge University Press. (2013). Cambridge Advanced Dictionary 4th Ed. UK: Cambridge University Press Curtis D, MacDougall. (1976). Hoaxes. Dover Pubns Fake News. (2017). Misinformation and propaganda.Retrieved on 20 September 2017 from Herlina S, Dyna. Membangun Karakter Bangsa Melalui Literasi Digital.Retrieved on 15 october 2017 from karakter-bangsa-melalui-literasi-digital.pdf

Kemp, Simon. (2017). Digital in 2017: Global Overview. Retrieved on 26 September 2017 from overview Kumparan. (2017). 6 Hoax Terkait Status Awas Gunung Agung Bali.Retrieved at 29 September 2017 from status-awas-gunung-agung-bali Librianty, A. (2017). Survey: Media Sosial Jadi Sumber Utama. Retrieved on24 September 2017 from Moch. Samsul. (2017). Etika dan Sopan Santun di Sosial Media.Retrieved at 27 Agustus 2017 from sopan-santun-di-sosial-media.html Nimda. (2012). Apa itu sosial Media. Retrieved on 25 Agustus 2017 from Pakpahan, R. (2017). Analisis Fenomena Hoax diBerbagai Media Sosial dan Cara Menanggulangi Hoax. Konferensi Nasional Ilmu Sosial & Teknologi (KNiST). Bandung: LPPM Universitas BSI.

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Nur apriyanti Department of Library and Information Science, Universitas Indonesia, Depok 16424, Indonesia [email protected]

Tamara Adriani Susetyo-Salim Department of Library and Information Science, Universitas Indonesia, Depok 16424, Indonesia [email protected]


In the making of a cultural program in the library, publication is an integral part. Nowadays, publications can be done through printed or electronic media, one of them in the form of social media. Without publication, an activity will not be optimal in achieving the target set. National Library of Indonesia as the largest information center in a country that has many activities would require publication activities as part of the program to be run. Cultural programs run by the National Library of Indonesia and require a massive publication one of which is the “Festival Naskah Nusantara”. In these activities, the library conducted publicity activities, one of them through social media owned. Through the method of literature study and evaluation of social media from the National Library of Indonesia and publications conducted by external party. This paper describes the utilization of social media as a means of publication in “Festival Naskah Nusantara” activities and the results as an evaluation of the National Library in publishing cultural programs that made.

Keywords: Peblications, Social Media, Cultural Program, Festival Naskah Nusantara, Perpustakaan Nasional social medias are created. According to INTRODUCTION statistics realeased by Association of In this globalization era, the flow of Indonesian Internet Service Organizers information is getting faster. It is (AJPII, its abbereviation in Indonesian showed by the appearance of varied language), the number of internet users electronic tools supporting human in Indonesia in 2016 is 132,7 million of lifestyle everyday. Furthermore, there 256,2 million Indonesian residents. The are abundant applications ready to number increase 44,6 million from spoil the users with a lot of 2014’s which is only 88,1 million users. sophistication in those electronic tools. Meanwhile, the most visited social Such applications are the ones able to media in Indonesia is Facebook with a connect people with others, despite the precentage of 54% followed by distance, with interactive and Instagram with a precentage of 15%, collaborative contents. Besides, Youtube with a precentage of 11%, and globalization has changed how people then Twitter with a precentage of 5,5%. do their activities in networking on From those statistics, it may be said social medias. It may be seen from the that Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, innovations arisen to make a container and Twitter are social medias which in networking on social world. Then, people or institutions used thee most

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not only as a place to socialize but also purpose of this paper I to make readers for self-development, the development know the utilization of social media as of organizations, and online promotion means of “Festival Naskah Nusantara” of goods and service. Through those activities publication held by National social medias, publication activity Library of Indonesia from 2015to 2017. becomes much easier since there are Through this paper, it is expected that many choices of contents and forms readers can understand how provided beside the minimum cost publication becomes an important thing spent. in the implementation of an activity. In The progress mentioned earlier is also addition, this article can be an utilized by one of several kinds of evaluation material for the National information centers, which is libraries. Library of Indonesia in publishing the In accordance with Library Act cultural program made. Number43 of 2007, article(3), libraries function are the rides of education, LITERATURE REVIEW research, information preservations, Social Media and recreations to improve the As an integral part of the global intelligence and empowerment. As a community, social media can be library which includes all aspects of generally understood as a means to those functions, the presence of enable people to communicate National Library of Indonesia is not only remotely, exchange information to fulfill in information needs of all levels through internet networks and in society with no age limitations, but applications to support them. Social also as a container to preserve national media has shifted the role of television, culture. Therefore, cultural-based radio, and newspaper as information programs are created. However, these providers because, in social media, programs will not reach the community people can seek information that suits if there is no adequate publication from their needs more efficiently. This the relevant agencies. That is why, in general knowledge of social media is this research, the problem of social also in line with the understanding of media utilization as an inseparable part experts. According to Weber (2009) of society is raised in the publication traditional media such as TV, radio, and process of cultural preservation newspapers facilitate one-way program made by National Library of communication while social media Indonesia. Law number 43 year 2007 communications are two-way by on Library, chapter VII, Article 21, allowing anyone to publish and paragraph 3a states that the National contribute through online Library is responsible for developing conversations. In addition, social media national collections to preserve the networks are internet-based services nation’s cultural results. The festifal that one of them allows people to was held since 2015 until 2017 connected each othe in connected system. According to Kotler (Kotler, OBJECTIVES 2012), social media is devided into Technological advances that help three types, namely Online people access information easily communities and Forums, Blog-gers, makes ways that individuals or and Social Networks. In the Merriam- organizations do to publiize their Webster soial networks dictionary is activities or programs so that people described as “an online service or site are interested and willing to follow the through which people create and activities held more diverse. The maintain interpersonal relationships”, it

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can be interpreted that, social networks a. There is a source of are online services that enable people publication as a source of to create and maintain interpersonal information relationships. Information convey a message in the form of information what is happening Publication either announced through the media Publication according to Lesly (1992) ora source of informants means of disseminating messages that b. The existence of a are planned and performed for the message that is particular interests of organizations and informative individual without payment to the There is something in the message that media. Because no need to pay, is delivered as an information material. publication can be done with massive From the material is expected to make according to the interests of the the public be aware and interested to organization until its objectives are met. follow the contents of the message As the definition has been mentioned, c. The existence of as for the functions of the publication management activities according to David R. Yale (2001: 3), atart planning, among others: organizing, moving 1. To persuading public to buy people, and evaluation products or use our services d. The existence of media in 2. Attract customers to visit the form of physical company, shop, or company spaces as a place of website information disseminated 3. Directing the public to activities, e. The existence of the as well as special activities or audience, the target increasing public presence to community of information such activities dissemination. The 4. Inform the public how to choose, audience is buy, or use our roducts and understandable the services message content of the 5. Provide feedback about disseminated information misperceptions about the f. The existence of a goal, product, service organization or namely to lead public consequently opinion o agree with what 6. Provide information to the public is delivered on issues that affect the Cultural Program company According to Robertson (Robertson, 7. Achieving public support for DA, & American Library Association, issues related to the company 2005) cultural programs can be defined 8. Create interest for stakeholders as a program and series of programs and to increase stocks presented by libraries that aim to In order to achieve the entertain enlighten, educate, and objectives of the publication, an engage families and parents as organization needs to pay spectators, especially in disciplines attention to the elements in the arts, humanties, sciene, and public publications as mentioned by policy or issues in society. Cultural Alo Liliweri in his book Programs not only display forms that Komunikasi Serba Ada Serba are compatible with existing cultural Makna (2011), namely: gifts, but can also be developed in

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accordance with the objectives of he includes society’s participation with activity and to be more readly accepted hope that it will keep growing as the by the community. national’s local wisdom. This festival In his book, Robertson (2005) identifies was held for the first time on 2015, at six library functions in fulfilling cultural The National Library’s parking lot, roles, among others (1) serving the art Jakarta. Later on September 26-29 information needs of the community, 2016 this festival was held at the same including artists and scientists; (2) place. And then, in the year of 2017, the providing artwork in the local library choose a different location that is community; (3) facilitate the in Sebelas Maret University, and will be coordination of art programs between held on September 25-29. The community organizations and groups; activities are varies, started with (4) providing a network of cultural workshop, seminar, outreach centers for the community; performance, music and dance (5)stimulating public considerations of performance, competitions and the issues with regard to humanistic main event is national’s script exhibition values, building these values into the that will be provided by the libraries that culture of everyday society; (6) provide have historical manuscripts. The theme the basic cultural literacy needed for the is different every year. art experience On 2015, the National library brought

“Mahabarata as an All time Epic REASEARCH METHODS Heroism”. And then on 2016, “Nation’s In this research, data collection strategy identify Alphabet; Strengthen the Unity utilizes and collects data by observing and Support Social Restoration”. and documentation study social media “Festival Naskah Nusantara shows that used by National Library of Indonesia the National Library has done their as a forum for publication of “Festival responsibility of conserving the Naskah Nusantara”. Social media that national’s cultures, as it is said by are observed are Facebook, Twitter, Robertson (2005). Through this event, Instagram, and Youtube channel of The National Library is not just inviting National Library. common people to participate but also the scientists and artists who care about the nation’s script to join the RESULT AND DATA event. Another function of “Festival 1. Festival Naskah Nusantara Naskah Nusantara meant to be a bridge, a media, for any organization “Festival Naskah Nusantara is an that has interest in conserving annual cultural program that is being national’s script such as Manassa held by the National Library of Republic (Masyarakat Pernaskahan Nusantara) of Indonesia. The first time “Festival to connect with the people and the Naskah Nusantara” being held was in other related communities. Therefore, th September 14-17 2105. Based on UU “Festival Naskah Nusantara is not just No.43/2007 about Library, chapter 7, held in The National Library, but also in article 31, clause 3a stated that, “A Sebelas Maret University. Lastly, the National Library has the responsibility National Library hopes that through to develop national’s collection as a “Festival Naskah Nusantara” all of the way to conserve cultural outcome.” The participants can increase there are goal of “Festival Naskah Nusantara” related experience of literary that is itself is to conserve scripts as national’s connected with National’s scripts. From treasure in any kind of activities that the purposes that has been done, we

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can say that the National Library has likes, comments or even re-share the achieved their function as a nation’s National Library's posts. The National culture conservation. Library can be called as a quite active user on facebook. There are four posts 2. Social Media On Publication about Festival Naskah Nusantara on From the explanation before, 2016, that are on September 25 and 26, publication is a series of events of and on October 4 and 19. From all of selling or spreading news about some those posts, the most liked post is being event as a kind of promotion. In the liked for 57 times and being re-shared purpose of publiv=cation, The National for one time. This fact shows that there Library will announce or notify people is an increase of the usage of Facebook what is happening on the “Festival as a media to publicize events. Naskah Nusantara” through the videos Compared to the year of 2015, when r pictures and share it on social media. the first festival was held, the National The National Library has four active Library has not optimally using the account, social medias with big Facebook as their media of publication, potentials as a media of publication in so there is no posts related to this every part of events. Those social event. Meanwhile on the third Festival medias are Naskah Nusantara in 2017, National Facebook( Library has used Facebook better than erpusnas/), Twitter before. This can be shown by the (, increasing number of posts counted Instagram (, and from September 25 until September 29, Youtube channel that can be accessed 2017. In this year, the National Library by searching the keyword not just only post pictures and further @Perpustakaan Nasional RI. explanation about the pictures, but also From using of those social medias as a video content, and usually post one media of publication, the National video including the explanation. The Library has fulfill publication aspect as posting time also affect the result of the said by Alo Liliweri (2011), “utilizing posts. If we refer to all of the posts on social medias as physical space to September 25-29, video or post that is spread information”. Aside from that, most played and liked by the followers the social media has helped The is the video that is posted on the range National Library has chance to achieve of time 11.00-14.00, by being played for their publication intention to the society. 382 times, 11 likes and 1 comments from the followers. The gap between 3. Facebook the National Library's followers and Based on statistic databases, post's responses is quite big, it is Facebook is the most used social caused by the posting timing that is not media application by Indonesian, and right. The National Library usually send this is why The National Library utilize posts on 9 o'clock and the explanation it. There are 107 remarks about part that is not really attractive, is the libraries on the National Library's reason why the followers have less facebook page. The National Library interest in commenting or responding also has 40.487 followers on this page the post. Moreover, the outcome of and 40.394 people who like the posts pictures and videos are not really good, from admin. Other than that, theor such as blur or shady, also being the rating on Facebook reached the rank factor why the followers do not really 4,6 from total 5. This shows that like to see or respond the post. After people’s response are great, by giving speaking about the use of Facebook as

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a media to publicize Festival Naskah The National Library only made one Nusantara, we can conclude that the tweet on 25th of September 2017. At the utilisation of Facebook by the National opening of the event, from all the tweets Library has fulfill the criteria of that was posted, The National Library publication purpose like what David R. always tweeted and attached a photo of Yale (2001:3) says, is to persuing the the event. This was done as an attempt public through their followers the to let their followers know bout the participate in their event. Next, by event. It was also expected that with the seeing their followers, and responses photo, the followers would be interested such as likes, comments, and the re- to participate in that event. However, it share on their posts. We can say that was really unfortunate that from all the their purpose has succeeded. From twwts about the festival. It was some of the publication that has been retweeted for only 11 times and liked for done by The National Library through 36 times on 26th September 2016. Facebook, we can conclude that social Lastly, there was one reply from media is a perfect medium to achieve follower who was replied back by the their publication function optimally. admin on the 30th of August 2015. The lack of euphoria of the publication made 4. Twitter by The National Library made them As one of the many social media in getting little attention and respons from Indonesia, Perpusnas utilize Twitter as their followers and other Twitter users. one means for publication in social media. With username @ Perpusnas1, 5. Instagram National Library first used twitter as a Placed as third most used social media means of publication in 2012. Until platformby Indonesian Instagram gives 2017, this account has accumulation of the same content as the other social 6282 followers and 588 likes. National media platforms. But, Instagram Library had also tweeted for 1533 packed the content in an interesting times. That number is low, considering way where the user can gives ‘love’ or the National Library has been using even save as many picture as one likes. twitter since six years ago. For the Differs from Twitter that only got 140 “Festival Naskah Nusantara”, character to type, Instagram does not Perpusnas also used twitter as a media give any limit. With this advantage, the for publication. If seen from all the National Library also uses Instagram as tweets that has been made by the one way for publication strategy to post library according to their activities from about activities or event and 2015-2017, there are 7 posts. The most motivational quotes. tweet by the National Library that was The National Library has two Instagram done on the “Festival Naskah accounts, and Nusantara” in 2015 was 3 tweets on the @perpusnasevents. The first account 28th of August, 30th of August, and 14th has 1712 followers, 262 following, and of September 2015. Meanwhile on 22 posts. On the other hand, the “Festival Naskah Nusantara” in 2016 second account has 1857 followers, and 2017, the use of Twitter publication only five followings, and 37 posts. The is decreasing. second posts more often than the first, It was recorded on 2016 The National but the average likes is given on the first Library posted about an event for three account. Despite having two Instagram times, 12th of August 2016 before it accounts for “Festival Naskah started and the 26th and 28th of Nusantara”, National Library hasn’t September 2016. Meanwhile in 2017, optimize the use of Instagram accounts

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as publication strategy that seen no publicate “Festival Naskah Nusantara”. post were done on the 2 accounts. The National Library did not pay any From the data given above, it can be payment . through Youtube channel, said that. The National Library succeded its National Library hasn’t optimize the use publication function good, enough. But, of Instagram as it’s publication strategy. this success only done in 2016, and for This can be seen there is no post 2017, the third “Festival Naskah reganoling “Festival Naskah Nusantara” was not being posted by Nusantara” on the to instagram The National Library and does not get accounts. Therefore, National Library that much respons from the netizen. doesn’t use Instagram as a publication Therefore, the Youtube channel can be media at it’s fullest capability. said has not been used optimally.

6. Youtube channel CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION Pepusnas has a youtube channel From the discussion described above, called @Perpustakaan Nasional RI as The National Library has choosen a publication purpose for video. The potential social media used by majority cahnnel is opened since 2009, upload of Imdomesiam people, namely 430 videos in 8 years, and has 1825 Facebook,Twitter, Instagram, and subscribers. Only 33 from 430 videos Youtube channel as a means for uploaded related to “Festival Naskah publication activities in “Festivl Naskah Nusantara” and those videos was Nusantara”. In activities that have been uploaded on27th of September and 30th ongoing since 2015-2017, The National of October 2016. The videos uploaded Library has utilized its social media as on 27th got 438 viewers, 2 likes, 1 a means of publication to inform the unlike, and a comment replied by the citizens about the activity. In addition, admin. On the other hand, videos social media is used as as means to uploaded on 30th was more into 16th persuade followers and citizens to International Symposium as a part of participate in this activity. However, the “Festival Naskah Nusantara”. From 32 data presented from the use of four videos, the most viewers is 216 and got kinds of social media owned by The no more than 8 likes . there is no National Library look less optimal in the comment given by the viewer nor the use of social media. Of the four subscribers if compared to the other categories of social media used, there videos uploaded, videos related festival are only two kinds of it that fit the did not get as much attention as the function and purpose of the publication, subscriber member. namely Facebook and Twitter. “Festival Naskah Nusantara” also Meanwhile, Youtube is still used even if publicated by the other media, such as only in 2016, but for Instagram its use MTATV channel, Netizen spot and has not been optimized. Another Wonderful Solo. These three medias problem arising from the publication of publicated only a part of the festival in this activity is the lack of massive notice 2017. The most viewed videos was given by The National Library, thus given on MTATV has the most making the “Nusantara” festival subscribers , that is 10.595 subscribe. activities get less response from the warganet followers in social media and Publication done by MTATV is relevant society at large. to the wearing of publication is done There are several factors that make without payment to the other media. each post of “Festival Naskah Even though the other channel Nusantara” less responde by the

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followers, the factor can be derived social media owned by National Library from insppropriatetiming of election, need to be optimized. The ones needed less communicative word election, and to be focused are Instagram and shooting less good; shadowy and Youtube channel because these two unclear. It also has an impact on the types of social media are the most publication conducted by external party lagging from two others pf social media in order to help expanding the owned. In addition, Instagram and publication of these activities. So, there Youtube channel is a social media that are only a few electronic media has great potential to attract followers in partners in publicizing such activities on social media. The National Library also social media. needs to pay attention to the use of Hopefully, the future of The National words to be varied and communicative Library can further optimize the use of in every publication done, so that the social media owned as one easy way to purpose of the publication can be publish activities and other notices conveyed intact easily to the public. without having to spend. All kinds of


Andreas M. Kaplan, M. (2009). Users of The World, Unite! The Challenges and opportunities of social media. Kelley Business School. Kotler, P. d. (2012). Marketing Management 14e. England: Pearson Education. Lesly, Philip, Public relations handbook, (new York: pantice hall: 1992). Hlm 257 Liliweri, A. (2011). Komunikasi serba Ada Serba Makna. jakarta: kencana. Robertson, D.A., & American Library Association. (2005). Cultural Programming for Libraries: linking libraries, communities, and culture. Chicago: American Library Association. Yale, D. R. (2001). The Publicity Handbook, New Edition. New York. Weber, L. (2009). Marketing To The Social Web. New Jersey: John Wiley and sons, inc. Laman facebook PERPUSNAS RI : []Diakses pada 16 Oktober 2017 pukul 19.47 WIB

Laman twitter PERPUSNAS RI : [] Diakses pada 16 Oktober 2017 pukul 20.00 WIB

Laman Instagram : []Diakses pada 17 Oktober 2017 pukul 21.00 WIB

Laman Laman Youtube : [] Diakses pada 17 Oktober 2017 pukul 23.00

204 International Conference of Library, Archives, and Information Science (ICOLAIS) 2017


Rahmi Yunita, Rusmiatiningsih, Yusniah Postgraduate UIN Sunan Kalijaga [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]


The purpose of Taman a Bacaan Masyarakat (lit. Reading Park for Society; further TBM) is to raise reading rate, create activity center, and to support the agenda of improving information literacy of a society. Accordingly, a TBM is expected to be the center for literation by accomplishing the needs for information of the society around it. TBM Guyub Rukun has successfully been a center for information for its society. It brilliantly analyse the need of the people around it, and creatively manage programs to accomplish them. This research is a descriptive and explorative discussion on what TBM Guyub Rukun has done for Jambon’s people. The research reveals that TBM Guyub Rukun attempts to accomplish the needs for information of Jambon’s people with the approach of solving a social problem employing the potential around it.

Keywords: TBM, Information needs, library.

INTRODUCTION recognize its people. Empowerment of people’s potential is one of the ways to Glenn Doman in his book How to Teach accomplish the needs of people for Your Baby to Read suggests that information. With this strategy, TBM at reading is a highest function of brain. least can identify the needs of its people Reading is one of the most important in order to improve their life quality. function in human life, and it is fair to After recognizing their needs, its TBM say that all of learning process is based duty to make them aware that for that on reading. For that matter, library, as needs, they need to do something on it, an institution where a reading materials and for that, what they need is are served, has a duty to improve the information. reading awareness of society, to One of the existed TBM is Teras Baca achieve a national goal as stated in the Guyub Rukun in Jambon, Sedayo, preamble of the constitution of Republic Yogyakarta. It is relatively a new TBM, of Indonesia 1945, namely yet has successfully been an mencerdaskan kehidupan bangsa (to information source for its people. Not educate the nation). However, not all only as the source of information, they people has access to library. One of the have managed several programs by solution to it is the establishment of which the society have the awareness Taman Baca Masyarakat. of information, and actualize the information they have gotten in their Taman Baca Masyarakat (TBM) is an daily agricultural activity. For that informal library which rich all layer of matter, it is important to analyse their society. Because it is situated around a approach and strategy to accomplish certain social community, TBM should their purposes.

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RESEARCH METHODS accomplish their needs for information. This is a qualitative-descriptive Indonesian people prefer watching TV research. It attempts to describe the (85.9%) and listening to the radio strategy and approach which has been (40,3%) instead of reading (23,5%) employed by TBM Guyub Rukun in (Santoso, 2008, p.10). This statistic is order to fulfill their duty in society. It will confirmed by a survey commissioned describe the social problem they faced, by UNESCO which is referred in an and how they find the strategy to solve article in Media Indonesia on Mei 17, it. To collect the data, the research 2010, revealing that Indonesian people employs two methods: observation and have the lowest reading rates amongst unstructured interview. In observation, countries in ASEN (Association of the researcher participates in the Southeast Asian Nations). This survey programs of TBM Guyub Rukun, in revealed that reading rate of order to understand the thorough Indonesian people is as low as 0,001, situation. To gain a deeper perspective, which means only one Indonesian the research employs a non-structured reads amongst one thousand people. interview both to the committees of the This number is far behind Singapore TBM and to the visitors. who has 0,45. According to Santoso, the miniscule THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK number or reading rate in Indonesia has a strong connection to inadequacy 1. TBM and Indonesian Reading Rate of people’s awareness on the importance of reading for the growth of

prosperity and welfare both in micro Taman Baca Masyarakat is an and macro level. The economic institution which provides services on situation may also plays part in here. reading material such as books, Most of Indonesian people are magazines, tabloids, newspapers, struggling to meet their primary needs, comics, and multimedia. In general, the and therefore do not allocate for purpose of Taman Baca Masyarakat is reading materials, such as books, to raise reading culture of society. To magazines, or newspapers. On the achieve its purpose, it has several other hand, electronic media (television facilities like rooms for reading, and internet) with its hedonistic discussion, writing, or any other related contents, from entertainments, activities. It works under the pornography, commercials, etc., tends supervision of certain manager and to keep people away from reading. That volunteers. The nomenclature of the is because TV provides programs Ministry of Education and Culture about treating people in a way that they TBM states that the purposes of TBM employ a low degree of reasoning, are to raise literacy of a society, to raise particularly in commercial contents. the reading awareness, to create the The other factor leads to this low awareness of being a learner for the reading rate lays in the insufficiency of whole life, to support the quality and facilities where people can get qualified independence of people with their reading materials. Apart from those knowledge, skill, and civilized values. extrinsic factors, the other reason for (Kementrian Pendidikan dan this shortcoming might also come from Kebudayaan, 2013, p.5). the oral culture of Indonesian, where Indonesian Central Bureau of Statistics people interchange information through (Badan Pusat Statistik, BPS) in 2006 oral conversation (Santoso, 2008, p. released a data revealing that reading 10). is not the activity from which Indonesian

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Beside Kats, Gurevitch, and Haas, Abraham Maslow has his own theory 2. The Need for Information on human needs, as follow: The needs for information of somebody a. Physiological need. It is also is determined by the physiological and called biological need. cognitive condition. A thinking result of Physiological needs are the basic somebody will raise a special will and and primary needs. In workspace, need based on what he thinks about. it also includes the needs for For example, when somebody thinks salary, vacation, pension, break, a about how to improve his knowledge, happy work environment, he will begin looking for information to supportive facilities, etc. achieve his goals, one of which, is by b. Safety needs. Safety is a primary searching and reading materials need of human beings. Everyone related. With regards to driving factors who does not feel safe would for the needs for information, Kats, search for stability and will attempt Gurevitch, and Hass suggest as to avoid anything he/she thinks follows: strange and unexpected. He/she a. Cognitive needs. Cognitive need is will do everything to keep a need to strengthen and add more him/herself from any danger, information, knowledge, and injury, threat, accident, and loss. understanding. This need stands In the context of organization, the on the drive to understand and to need for safety is represented in govern environment. This need will work safety, insurance, additional also satisfy the drive of curiosity allowance, pension, etc. and investigation. c. Love and belonging needs. b. Affective needs. Affective need Loving and to be loved is a nature relates to aesthetic, happiness, and of human beings. emotion. Media, both published d. Self-esteem needs. Everyone has and electronic, are commonly used the desire to be part of certain to satisfy this need. For example, community and to receive people purchase radio, television, appreciation for his/her hard magazines, newspapers or comic works. In the context of books to accomplish entertainment organization, this appears in and affective need. motivation to show competency c. Personal integrative needs. This and self-recognition, big need is related to credibility, self- responsibility, social statuses, etc. esteem, and social status. This e. Self-actualization needs. This need drives people to gain their need is represented in a self-pride. motivation in improving the d. Social integrative needs. While the potential and competency. An above needs relate to individual, organization can accommodate this needs relate to social this needs by providing interaction to families, friends, and opportunities to grow, improve society. This need come from a creativity, workshop, or work desire to engage to and be part of challenge which can emulate certain community. his/her improvement. e. Escapist needs. This is the needs David Nicholas explains factors which by which people release stress and influence the diversities in library users’ diversion. needs for information:

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a. Job defines a need for might be an integral part of information. In fact, certain job woman life to maintain their social requires more information than life. On the other hand, power is the other job. For example, the orientation of man in seeking journalism is identical to certain information. Besides, man information seeking. Beside the tends to avoid asking, and kind of job, several conditions also therefore inclined to seek determine the need for information on their own methods. information such as work f. Age. Age means seniority. The experience, seniority, and working older somebody, the lesser his in team or alone. mobility, and therefore the lesser b. Culture also shapes the need for his motivation to seek information. information. A person living in the g. Time availability also plays its part northern part of the earth needs in shaping somebodies intensity information about earning for life in searching for information. A in his environment, but not about journalist has more time to look for animal husbandry in meadow. A information than the other. person living within a community h. The availability of access towards of Christianity will look for book information might raise motivation about their own theology, not the to look for information. other religion. i. Resource and cost also determine c. Personality also has influence in the will of somebody to search the need for information. information. a. Persistence. A person with j. Overload information. In todays persistence keeps looking advanced technology, particularly for information even after he internet, there have been failed several times. overloaded information around. b. Thoroughness. This will However, this does not mean that shape the depth of all of it is useful, because there information somebody needs an investigation to judge acquires. either an information is true or c. Neatness. A person with an false. inclination to neatness will Robert J. Grover, Roger, and John order the information in a Aganda categorize 4 perspectives in very systematic way. analyzing societies need (Grover, d. Motivation and commitment 2010, p. 75): to work and finish it. a. Individual is a one of categories of e. Openness. This will perspective analysis about the determine the range of need for information. The need for information a person can information in for this category, acquire. and the service towards it, is d. Information awareness. In recent adjusted to psychological factor, advanced technology, in fact, namely how a certain individual information exists everywhere. An has an awareness on the need on awareness of somebody on the information; how he/she decide to information around him will define act to accomplish his/her need; his needs for information. how he/she decide his/her e. Gender might also play part in strategy in searching for defining the diversity in acquiring information he/she needs; how information. Sharing information he/she decide the format of

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information to take; how he/she 1. TBM Guyub Rukun understands that using Its official name is “Teras Baca Guyub information is a way of learning. Rukun”. It is situated in Jl. Jogja-Wates b. The other category is group km. 13, RT. 29 Jambon, Argosari category. The need for Sedayu, Bantul. Jambon is a village in information and service towards it the western of Yogyakarta, around its depend on the size of border to Purworejo. This is a village organization. The examples of where the villagers conserve local this category are school, tradition and collaborate it to modernity, university, private company, from which appear some creative governmental agency, etc. To youngster who care their local wisdom. identify and analyse the need for Thanks to their creativity, the aim to information within a certain group, provide a facility where villagers can there are some strategy to read and enjoy leisure time, a Taman implement: recreational, religious, Baca Masyarakat was established on cultural, school, hobbies, ethnic, Mei 17, 2015. It has about 500 age related, environmental, collections, gathered upon donations. political, project oriented, The term “Guyub Rukun” has a commercial, and philosophical meaning. It refers to a vocation/occupational. place where people can gather c. Agency category. In general, the regardless their social statuses, either agency category which is used to in economy, education, etc. In this analyse a community are place, they can get along to manage government, religious, health events they want. It is clear that the care, cultural, educational, TBM is expected to share harmonious business, and informational. life for society around. d. The needs for information based There have been so many creative on life style. Life style has a strong event managed in this TBM. To create connection to a unique way of life a happy and cheerful circumstances, in certain community of people, they created an “ingkling” in the terrace such as history, value, clothes, of the TBM building. Ingkling is a tradition, climate, topography, popular traditional game. The floor is leisure times, etc. painted with several boxes arranged in a certain way. The gamer should jump

through the boxes with one foot without Every human being needs information touching the line of the box. It has as part of his life and as a strategy to several level, based on difficulty of accomplish his needs and tackle his jump. Even though it used to be game problems. Curiosity emerges because for children, in TBM Guyub Rukun, human being tend to require either adult or children can play along. improvement on knowledge. Krech, Besides this games facility, they Crutchfield, and Ballachey expalain that applied accessories around the because of social problems and the corners. To combine this traditional needs to solve them, human being is setting with modernity, they have a motivated to look for knowledge in social media team, whose duty is to order to tackle them (Yusup, 2010, p. promote TBM and its agendas to 89). One of many ways to acquire the internet. improvement in knowledge is reading TBM Guyub Rukun define their materials most of which are serviced at purposes as follow: library. ANALYSIS

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a. To accomplish the need for On the other hand, their long term information of society, particularly agendas are: school children. a. Drawing competition for toddler b. To make society closer to books. and children, such as PAUD, TK, c. To build awareness on the and SD students. importance of reading and writing b. Writing competition for teenager, for society. such as SMP and SMA students. d. To raise reading culture within c. Computer training for parents. society. d. Blood donors. e. To raise professionality of society e. Tutor on farming and animal and so that their prosperity gets husbandry from expert. better. To support their agendas, TBM Guyub f. To improve quality of the people, Rukun raise funds from reselling both physically and second hand goods. In additions, they psychologically. also receive support donations and g. To engage people with internet charities. They have so far some and technology. people in management, and are still TBM Guyub Rukun so far have recruiting volunteers. They open daily collections including school references, from 13.00 to 19.00. On Weekend and fairy tale comic, novels, teen lit, off day, they open from 07.00 to 19.00. materials on agricultural, farming and 2. Accomplishing the need for plantation, animal husbandry, fishery, Information of Jambon people architectural, art, entrepreneurship, a. Analysis on the needs cooking, technology, internet and Analyzing the needs for computer, religions, health, etc. In information should be adjusted additions, they also have facilities to analyzing the needs of including bookshelf, tables, chairs, and certain community or society. whiteboards. TBM Guyub Rukun utilize Robert, Roger, and John terrace as an educative tool for suggest that there are four children, teenagers, even adult. perspective category to As a facility intended for reading center, analyze the needs of people, TBM Guyub Rukun commission several namely individual, group, short and long term agendas. Their agency, and life style (Grover, short term agendas are as follow: 2010, p. 87). These a. Book circulation. perspective is utilized based on b. Learning activity for elementary, the size of the community in junior, and senior school students. question. TBM Guyub Rukun is For this activity, the tutors are situated amongst villagers who recruited from volunteers. live in groups, and the category c. Producing organic fertilizer for used in this analysis is the teenagers. This agenda has so far second perspective: group. been successful in California type Triyanto, the founder of TBM of papaya plantation. Guyub Rukun, revealed in an d. Collecting secondhand goods interview, that the Jambon from society. villagers are farmers, and e. Creating wall magazines. cognitively need information f. Art activities, such as traditional related to village and dancing for children. This dancing agriculture. They need team are usually invited for events information which can be useful around the village. to increase the result of their

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farming both in quality and “tapi sebenarnya sulit juga lo nyari quantity. For that matter, what relawan di sini, kan gak dekat kampus they need are references about juga. Kalo ibu2 nganter anak2 nya the fertility of the soil or certain paud, mereka bingung mau ngapain, technique to improve their daripada bengong dan ngegosip, Ibu- harvest. Not only reading ibu jadi punya kegiatan yang materials, they also need tutor berkualitas saat nunggu anak2 nya and workshop on such topics. belajar paud dan juga butuh sosialisasi For that matter, TBM Guyub tbm agar mereka tau apa gunanya” Rukun provide sources related to agriculture. They also “It is hard to recruit volunteers here. It is commission workshop about far from campuses. When mothers take creating organic fertilizer. their children here, they do not really Triyanto explained that the have anything to do except cheat-chat. sustained use of chemical They actually have time to manage a fertilizers could harm soil. To meaningful activity in TBM and to know solve the problem, there a need more about it.” to alter fertilizers from chemical to organic. This is the example Triyanto’s explanation shows that he of how TBM Guyub Rukun has the intention to provide the need for applied an analysis on the need information of the people of Jambon. of their society. They There are many collections TBM have, encourage people to join yet is still limited, however people show creating organic fertilizer once their enthusiasm to it. It is clear that in a week. TBM Guyub Rukun has done an Nomenclature of the Ministry of analysis of the needs of the people, and Education and Culture of Republic their approach is the needs of groups of Indonesia explains that a TBM should community. They also provide services innovate. In order to innovate, an for children to support their education at analysis about the need of society is school. required. That is what TBM Guyub b. Accomplishing the Needs Rukun has done to improve the life In order to accomplish the needs of quality of the society. As majority of Jambon people, TBM Guyub Rukun Jambon people earn their life from has commissioned some agendas: agriculture, TBM Guyub Rukun provide i. Providing reading materials. TBM them with information and workshop was initially established without an which coherent to their need. Their arranged plan and purposes. It attention to children worth an attention was a proposal of its founder to as well. They provide them with collect books for a mosque in the education to support their school village. He got a hundreds book education. The collections it has have from each Asma Nadia and made it possible to the children to DivaPress publishing houses. integrate their school activity with TBM Books about Islamic teaching Guyub Rukun. were located at the mosque. However, TBM Guyub Rukun does not However, there were also many work without problem. They experience random books such as fairy tales, difficulty in recruiting proper volunteers novels, and materials on who have time and passion in this agriculture, animal husbandry, social program. That is so, as explained architectural, fishery, etc. It was by Triyanto: from those book the initiation to

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build a specific reading facility buka bersama. In those events, they emerged. promote TBM with a bicycle which is ii. TBM manages some routine customized as portable bookshelf. agendas. The basic agenda is to invite children to learn together at CONCLUSION TBM, to support their school. It is This research reveals that TBM Teras held on Monday, Wednesday, and Baca Guyub Rukun has successfully Friday, from 16.00-17.15 for been a facility for society to improve afternoon session, and 18.30-19.30 their literacy and accomplish their for evening session. Education for needs for information. The analysis for toddler (Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini, the needs of people they have PAUD) is held regularly on Saturday employed is the analysis on groups of at 16.00-17.15. people. Based on their finding on the iii. Creating events. needs of the people, they creatively Events here is meant for affective maximize the potential around the aspect of Jambon’s people. TBM society to accomplish their needs. They Guyub Rukun are involved in holding commissioned agendas in two level, a any commemorational events such routine-short term agendas and the as the independence of Republic of long term one. Those agendas are Indonesia. In cooperation with meant to intend to all of the people in Karang Taruna, they hold numbers Jambon. For school students, they of traditional games and manage an educational support, while competitions such as tarik tambang, for adult they hold workshop on making lobang gendong, mud football, etc. organic fertilizers. For children, they manage outbond activities. In Ramadhan, they hold

REFERENCES Globe, Frank G. (1989). Mahzab Ketiga, psikologi humanistik Abraham Maslow, Yogyakarta: Kanisius.

Grover,Robert J.; Roger C.Greer, dan John Aganda .(2010). Assesing Information Needs: managing transformative library service, (California: Library Unlimited, p.75.

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Kementrian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan. (2013). NSPK: norma, strandar, prosedur dan kriteria, petunjuk teknis pengajuan, penyaluran, dan pengelolaan bantuan sarana taman baca masyarakat berbasis elektronik, Jakarta: Kemendikbud.

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Moleong, Lexy. J. (2007). Metodologi Penelitian Kualitatif. Bandung: PT. Remaja Rosdakarya.

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Nicholas, David. (20050. Assesing Information Needs: tools, teqniques and conceps for the internet age, London: Aslib.

Santoso, Hari. (2008).Kontribusi Taman Bacaan Masyarakat Dalam Meningkatkan Minat Dan Budaya Baca Pada Masyarakat Miskin, Malang, UPT Perpustakaan Negeri Malang.

Singaribun. (2008). Metode Penelitian Survey. Jakarta: LP3ES.

Sukmadinata. (2006). Metode Penelitian Pendidikan. Bandung: Remaja Rosdakarya.

Yusup, Pawit M. (2010). Teori dan Praktik Penelusuran Informasi: information retrieval, Jakarta: Kencana.

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Rahmita Sari Manajemen Informasi dan Perpustakaan Sekolah Pascasarjana, Universitas Gadjah Mada Yogyakarta, Indonesia [email protected]

Moh Very Setiawan Manajemen Informasi dan Perpustakaan Sekolah Pascasarjana, Universitas Gadjah Mada Yogyakarta, Indonesia [email protected]


This research aims to determine how big the impact of user education activities that have been given by library to new students at FPMIPA Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia. This study uses survey method with quantitative approach. Variables of this research are user education activity which becomes independent variable (X) while the dependent variable (Y) consists of three variables, namely: 1. Knowledge of information sources, 2. Utilization of information sources, and 3. User discipline. Population of this research is FPMIPA new students of 2014 at Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia. The sampling technique uses purposive random sampling to 88 students. Data collection techniques used questionnaire with likert scale and literature review. The results of this study explain, there are significant results in user education activities conducted by library of Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia. In the knowledge of information sources, 71.59% of 88 respondents stated, the knowledge of new students on information sources is quite good. In the variable utilization of information sources, 76.02% of 88 respondents stated, with the existence of user education activities, the utilization of information resources that have been done by the new students is quite good. In the user discipline variable, 81.90% of 88 respondents have complied with the aspects of discipline.

A. INTRODUCTION As one of the supporting element of activities in university, the The library has an important role library can make various sources of to support the learning process by information and services owned can be providing some information, which can utilized to the maximum by its users. help meet the information needs of the This can be done in various ways such people in their institutions (Hermawan as introducing what services are and Zen, 2006). Like a college library provided by a library in User Education can help realize “Tri Dharma Perguruan (EU) activities (Okoye, 2013). Tinggi” activities. As a technical According to Rahayuningsih (2013) UE implementation unit, the library can activities can be a means to educate collect, select, process, treat and serve users to find out the different types of information resources to the community library information sources, the various in the university (DIKTI, 1994). sources of information held, the services provided by the library, and

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educate the library user to be an orderly such as e-journal, e-book, e-magazine user and responsible for the rules which etc., and how to use the information exists. resources that have been provided in Some other advantages of UE other UPI libraries such as Open Public activities are: 1. The librarian can know, Access Catalog (OPAC), Multy understand and use the system Puspose System (MPS), and Bookdrop imposed in the library, 2. Library users (Sari, 2015). can use information gathering facilities In a library, UE activities with available such as code/ classification lecture methods may be appropriate to number, catalog card and other introduce the sources of information instructions, 3. Users libraries can and services that provided by libraries quickly and precisely find what is to their users. However in other libraries needed, without much time wasting, no this method may be less appropriate. difficulties or obstacles, 4. Libraries can Bhatti (2010) explains, the use of expand the reach of collection by lecture methods on EU activities is visitors and library members 5. Library considered ineffective, because this can develop library image as part of method creates one-way educational institution (Sutarno NS, communication, so communication 2004). between library staff and users is very Library of Universitas limited (Bhatti, 2010). In addition to Pendidikan Indonesia is one of the Bhatti's remarks, researchers observed university libraries that have been that after the EU activities, some new conducting User Education (UE) students still can not utilize library activities every year. UE activities at information resources to the fullest. UPI are held at the beginning of each This can be seen from some of them new school year. In the academic year still feel confused in doing circulation 2014/2015 UE was held on September activities independently using Multi 18, 2014. The target in this activity is Puspose System (MPS) facility and new students of 2014/2015 at UPI bookdrop facility provided by library which comes from Faculty of Education (Sari, 2015). (FIP), Faculty of Mathematics and From some of these reasons, Natural Sciences Education (FPMIPA), this study aims to determine how big Faculty of Education Science Social the impact of UE activities that have Sciences (FPIPS), Faculty of been given by library to new students at Economics and Business Education FPMIPA Universitas Pendidikan (FPEB), Faculty of Vocational Indonesia. Technical Education (FPTK), Faculty of Sport and Health Education (FPOK) B. METHOD and Language and Literature Faculty This research uses quantitative (FPBS). The UE is implemented in a approach which is done by descriptive way that the library sends several staff correlation, with survey research to each faculty, to introduce UPI library method. According Sugiyono (2014) to new students. quantitative method is a method of UE activities held in UPI library scientific research that conduct studies are conducted using seminar method. in concrete or emiris, objective, The material presented in UE activities measurable, rational, and systematic. in UPI on regulations implemented in Uses the descriptive correlational the UPI library, 13 types of services study, it is hoped that the researcher available in the library, how to retrieve can know and prove the relationship of information, how to access facilities two variables, if the data of both

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variables have the same data source good, very good. Data interpretation is and the form of interval or ratio done by way of: "many items of (Sugiyono, 2013). While the survey questionnaire × many respondents × method is a quantitative research scores items" (Sundayana, 2014). method used to obtain data that The variables studied in this occurred in the past or current, about research are independent variable (X) beliefs, opinions, characteristics, which consist of one variable that is behavior, variable relationships and to user education activity. While the test some hypotheses about the dependent variables (Y) consist of variables of the samples taken from a three variables, namely: 1. Knowledge particular population. So that of information sources (Sutarno, 2006), researchers will be able to generalize 2. Utilization of information sources the results of data collection conducted (Soedibyo, 1987), and 3. User by interview or questionnaire discipline (Rahayuningsih, 2007). (Sugiyono, 2013). This study examines the C. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION activities of User Education (UE) that Several previous studies have has been done by the UPI library to the discussed how implementation of UE user from the Faculty of Mathematics activities conducted at libraries of and Natural Sciences Education universities. As Njoku (2016) studies (FPMIPA) at UPI Bandung in 2014. The that examine the influence of library reason for the population selection environments and UE activities on the because, the new students of FPMIPA utilization of libraries at Ibadan is the most students and the most University, Nigeria. The study was enthusiastic in following the UE conducted with a survey to 360 activities held UPI library. students. The results of this study Based on data sources from the explain that there is a significant academic section of FPMIPA, in 2014 relationship between independent FPMIPA's new student number is 725 variables (library environment and user people. On this basis the sample that education) with the dependent variable researchers set based on the formula (library usage). According to the results Taro Yamane Slovin amounted to 88 of this study, UE activities conducted people. The calculations are as follows during the orientation of students have (Riduwan, 2009): been running effectively. In relation to the library environment's influence on library usage, the results of this study explain that the library facilities n= ( , ) 725 provided are good, the availability of 2 n= 725 (0 10, ) +1 information sources has been met, but 725 there are poor results on the internet n=725, 0 01 +1 725 connection facility provided. n=7 25, + 1 Furthermore, Okoye's research 725 n=87,87 88 (2013) aims to examine how UE 8 25 Questionnaire in this study using implementation in the University of Likert scale with the value:≈ Very agree Southeast Nigeria's Federal library, and = 5, Agree = 4, Neutral = 3, Disagree = how the challenges faced by librarians 2, Very disagree = 1 (Sugiyono, 2013). in implementing UE activities are more Making interpretation of data in this effective. This study also uses survey study using the category is not very methods to librarians implementing UE good, not good enough, good enough, activities. The results of this study

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explain that the UE activities conducted activities are also conducted with direct by the library is quite effective. The UE practice such as how to search for method is a lecture. In addition, to library information resources provided provide students with a more online. comprehensive understanding, UE In this study also explains that in Nasawara has not been implemented the weakness of UE activities maximally. This is seen from the conducted at the University is only facilities and librarian staff are limited to centered on the university library, most libraries. In addition, the allocation without any help from the faculty library. of time provided for EU activities in Subsequent research was some libraries is also very limited and conducted by Abah, et al (2016) who the students feel not sure understand reviewed how the effectiveness of EU the material presented maximally activities conducted annually by The difference of this study with selected college libraries in the State of the other studies is this study tries to Nasarawa, Nigeria. This research also relate how the impact of UE activities on uses survey method to 252 students 1. Knowledge of information sources, 2. selected by stratified sampling. This Utilization of information sources, and study explains that the EU activities 3. User discipline. conducted in the library of universities undertaken ie the library will introduce 1. Results knowledge about information Implementation of User Education resources, utilization of information (UE) in the Library sources, and discipline of the user to User Education (UE) is an the new students. The hope is that after activity that can be used to help following the UE activities, they can introduce resources in the library, so know the ins and outs of the library and that can be utilized by the user (Okoye, how they can utilize the library 2013). The effectiveness of UE information resources available. With activities can be seen from the extent to the lecture method, the material given which the UE helps bring together to the user can be various, among users with libraries, so that users can others: 1. Service system, 2. make the most of the library (Njoku, Membership system, 3. Processing 2016). UE activities can be done in system, 4. Regulations and library various ways such as: 1. Lecture, 2. rules, 5. Access information / retrieval, Tourism library, 3. Audio visual (Rights, 6. Information retrieval tools (Rangkuti, 2016). In addition to these activities the 2014). In addition, the library can also UE can also be done through: 1. Library convey matters relating to: 1. The Orientation for new students, 2. Guided purpose of the library, 2. Functions of library tour (Use the library course, 4. the library, 3. Type of collection, 4. Basic bibliographic instruction, 5. Room layout, 5. How to browse Advanced bibliographic instruction 6. collections, 6. Library services One-on-one Session (Meeting one- (Trinanda and Marlini, 2015). onone with the librarian), 7. In a library, lecture methods may Compulsory use of the library course be suitable for introducing libraries to (Abah et al, 2016). their users. However, in other libraries In the UPI library, UE activities this method may be less appropriate, are conducted by lecture method because in every method used in UE conducted in each faculty during the activities of course have their student orientation period. Activities respective deficiencies and

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advantages. As explained by (Bhatti, 2010), lecture methods on UE activities are considered less effective because this method creates more one- way communication, so communication 2. Discussion between the library staff and the user is Based on the results of hypothesis very limited library staff with user was testing that has been done through limited. correlation test, shows that there is 1. Knowledge of information a relationship between variable X with sources variables Y. Based on the results of From the results of data that has been responses 88 respondents as research analyzed 71.59% of 88 respondents samples, the results of research from stated that, with the activity of User all aspects showed good enough Education knowledge of new students category until well. In more detail the about the information sources is quite components studied in this study as good. This knowledge variable consists follows: of several indicators studied, namely:

Table 1 Indicators of Knowledge of Information Resources

No Statement % 1 Knowing the type of circulation collection 69,54% 2 Knowing about the reference collection type 71,13%

3 Knowing the collection of journals 65,68% 4 Knowing about the reserved collection type 67,27% 5 I know locker facility 85,22% 6 Knowing the Bookdrop facility 76,59%

7 Knowing the facilities of Multi Puspose System (MPS) 63,40%

8 Knowing French Corner facilities 69,54% 9 Knowing the reading room service room 74,77%

10 Knowing the multimedia services 72,50% 11 Knowing the literacy service 72,72% 12 Knowing the photocopy service 75,00%

Average 71,95%

From the results of the above research Knowing the sources of information we can see the importance of the role available in libraries 2. Knowing the of User Education activities in obligations that must be met 3. improving library knowledge about Knowing the layout of the building, libraries. This is in accordance with the objectives of UE activities as described by Rangkuti (2014), namely: 1.

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collection space and services The three highest percentage of the available. new students already know the In UE activities conducted by the existence of locker facilities, bookdrop UPI library, although not all of all and photocopy services. Sutarno aspects meet 100% percentage, but (2006) states that the existence of UE the percentage of user knowledge has activities can provide understanding to met the category good enough to good. the user to know the type of library services and other According to Supriyanto (2015) things in the library. So that the UE can the purpose of UE activities certainly provide the knowledge and skills of not only provide knowledge for users users in using the library without facing about the services they many difficulties. have. UE activities can also be may be easier if UE activities are used as a means to provide knowledge conducted through practice directly. As about what collections are available in Njoku (2016) explains that, in the use of libraries, how to search collections or technology in the library, the existence how to borrow collections held by of specific training can be a more libraries. In the research results, the effective way of providing three lowest percentage of new understanding to users. students knowledge about Multi 2. Utilization of information sources Puspose System (MPS) facility, After knowing the knowledge of knowledge about journal collection, and new students about the information knowledge about the type of reserved sources, the next analysis is how collection. A lower percentage of utilization of information sources. Base knowledge indicators of reserved on the results of the study explained collection types and MPS facilities, that 76.02% of 88 respondents stated probably because the lecture method that with the UE activities, the utilization has not been able to help provide of facilities that have been done by the understanding to users. This is new students is quite good. This because to know how users can borrow utilization variable consists of several collections and use MPS facilities as a indicators studied, namely: means of independent circulation, it

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Table 2 Indicators of utilization of Information Resources No Statement % 1 utilization reference collection 75% 2 Utilizing various types of journal collections 6,63%

3 Utilizing collection type of e-Journals 65,68% 4 Utilizing OPAC facility 82,72% 5 Utilizing locker facility 84,09% 6 Utilizing Bookdrop facility 71,13% 7 Utilizing French Corner facilities 82,04% 8 Utilizing the lending service 82,95% 9 Utilizing the reading room 74,09% 10 Utilizing literacy service 76,13%

Average 76,02%

One of the goals of UE activity in terms of: 1. Use of materials or according to Suleiman (2012) is for the sources of literature as required, 2. Use library to be maximally utilized by the of information search means to easily users. The utilization according to find the book. Rangkuti, (2014) such as: 1. How Another important thing in UE facilities and infrastructure and activities according to Okoye (2013) is collections in the library can be utilized, expected to help users to be able to 2. How various sources of information take advantage of various sources of and services can be utilized. collections that are in the library in the In this study, the research result learning activities. In this study, from 10 explains that UE activities implemented indicators studied in terms of utilization by UPI library can help improve the of library information resources, there is utilization of information resources by one indicator that has only a new students. Of the indicators studied, percentage of 6.63%. That aspect is the four indicators indicate a percentage of utilization of various types of journal over 80%: utilization of locker facilities, collection. utilization of OPAC facilities, utilization On the basis of this can be of French Corner facilities, and concluded that not all collections that utilization of borrowing services. This is are in the UPI library can be utilized as stated by Ratnaningsih in (Rangkuti, optimally by the users, especially 2014) which explains that, the sources of information related to the existence of UE activities can improve collection of journals. This may be the the utilization of libraries effectively and information conveyed about the efficiently. As the user is able to trace collection of journals owned by the information through existing information library is still not clearly understood by tracking tools. Rights (2016) explains the users. So it is necessary to have a that UE activities may affect the section in UE activities that discusses utilization of library information sources the use of journals provided by the

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library. The presence of more detailed to know the rules that exist in the library. information about how to use various In addition to educating users in collections of library materials provided, upgrading their knowledge and utilizing can provide insight to the user in information resources, the UE can also utilizing information sources more be used to educate students' discipline maximally. So that UE activities can while visiting the library. help realize the purpose of the Based on the research results collection or use of the collection by obtained, it can be explained that the pemustaka, after the library introduced UE activities affect the level of the type of information sources owned discipline of the users significantly. It is (Soedibyo, 1987). evident from 81.90% of 88 respondents have complied with the disciplinary 3. User discipline indicators that become the research User discipline is also a matter that component. So in this variable is in needs to be conveyed when executed good category. Disciplinary indicators UE negotiations for prospective users consist of the following aspects:

Table 3 Indicators of User Discipline

No Pernyataan % 1 Always turn off the ringer HP when in the library 85% 2 Not ripping collection 82,04% 3 Not littering when in the library 78,40% 4 No loud voice during the library 76,36% 5 Always pay disciplinary disciplinary sanctions when 83,63% it is too late Restore collection 6 Always in queue when doing activity in library 85,90%

7 Always return locker lock after utilizing locker 82,50% facility Average 81,90% Rahayuningsih (2007) explains On this basis, UE activities that UE activities serve to educate implemented by the UPI library have a library users in order to be an orderly significant influence on the discipline of and responsible user. This is in the user. As Sutarno (2006) explains accordance with the discipline of the that UE activities can provide benefits user discussed in this study. The scope for users to understand and comply of student discipline discussed in this with the discipline of the library. research is divided into two parts: the According to Trinanda and Marlini order and sense of responsibility that is (2015) UE activities can also help users done by new students at FPMIPA UPI. to understand and adhere to the Based on the results of the above procedures and regulations that the research, we can know the role of EU user must adhere to and obey. The activities in improving the user rules are like the discipline of the reader discipline. of the several indicators in returning the literature in a timely studied, two aspects are in percentages manner. over 75% and five other aspects have a percentage of more than 80%. D. CONCLUSIONS

222 International Conference of Library, Archives, and Information Science (ICOLAIS) 2017

Conclusions of this study are: that have been done by the new 1. In the knowledge of information students is quite good. Based on sources, 71.59% of 88 respondents several aspects studied, four stated that new students' aspects show a percentage of more knowledge of information resources than 80% that is: the utilization of is quite good. This is evident from locker facilities, utilization of OPAC the percentage of opinions of users facilities, utilization of French who follow the UE activities, has Corner facilities, and utilization of met the category quite well to good. borrowing services. The research The three highest percentage of the findings also explain that, from 10 new students already know the aspects studied in utilization of existence of locker facilities, library information sources, there is bookdrop facilities and photocopy one aspect of utilization which has services. The three lowest only 6.63% percentage. That aspect percentages are new student is the utilization of various types of knowledge about Multi Puspose journal collection. To overcome this, System (MPS) facility, knowledge libraries can provide a section in UE about journal collection, and activities that discusses the use of knowledge about reserved journals provided by libraries. collection type. The existence of 3. Related to UE activities with user lower percentages on these three discipline, results of the research indicators is because the lecture explain that the UE activities method has not been able to help conducted by the interview method provide understanding to the users. by UPI library has influenced the This is because to know how users level of discipline of the users can borrow collections and use significantly. This is evident from MPS facilities as a means of 81.90% of 88 respondents have independent circulation, it is easier complied with aspects of discipline if UE activities are conducted that become component of through practice directly. research. So in this sub variable is 2. Regarding the utilization of in good category. In this section two information resources, 76.02% of 88 of the aspects studied are in the respondents stated that with the percentage of more than 75% and existence of User Education five other aspects have a activities, the utilization of facilities percentage of more than 80%.

E. DAFTAR PUSTAKA Abah, Anthonia Titi, Chorun, Matthew Terfa dan Mbatsoron, Victoria Member. (2016). Factors Affecting the Effectiveness of User Education Programme for Fresh Students in Selected Colleges in Nasarawa State, Nigeria. International Journal of Academic Library and Information Science. Vol. 4(9), pp. 249-263. Bhatti, Rubina. (2010). An Evaluation of User-Education Programmes in the University Libraries of Pakistan. Library Philosophy and Practice. Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Dirjen DIKTI. (1994). Pedoman Perpustakaan Perguruan Tinggi (PTT). Jakarta: Indonesia Hak, Ade Abdul. (2016). Pendidikan pemakai: Perubahan prilaku pada siswa madrasah dalam sistem pembelajaran berbasis perpustakaan. Jurnal Al- Maktabah. Vol. 6, No. 1, 2004;112-124.

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Hermawan, Rachman dan Zulfikar Zen. (2006). Etika kepustakawanan. Jakarta: Sagung Seto. Njoku, Oluyomı Folorunso Esther. (2016). Influence of Library Environment and User Education on Undergraduates’ Use of Library at The University of Ibadan, Nigeria. European Scientific Journal. edisi Juli 2016, vol.12, No.19. p.288. Okoye, Michael Onuchukwu. (2013). User Education in federal university libraries: a study of trends and developments in Nigeria. Jurnal : Library Philosophy and Practice. University of Nebraska – Lincoln. Rahayuningsih, F. (2007). Pengelolaan Perpustakaan.. Yogyakarta: Graha Ilmu. Rangkuti, Lailan Azizah. (2014). Pentingnya Pendidikan Pemakai (User Education) Di Perpustakaan Perguruan Tinggi. Jurnal Iqra’. Volume 08 No.01. Riduwan, dkk. (2013). Cara mudah belajar SPSS 17.0 dan aplikasi statistik penelitian. Bandung: Alfabeta. Sari, Rahmita. (2015). Keterkaitan antara kegiatan User Education dengan pemberdayaan pemustaka mengakses sumber-sumber informasi. (skripsi). Bandung: Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia. Soedibyo, Noerhayati. (1987). Pengelolaan perpustakaan. Bandung: Alumni. Sugiyono. (2013). Metode Penelitian Pendidikan. Bandung: Alfabeta. Sugiyono. (2014). Metode Penelitian Pendidikan. Bandung: Alfabeta. Suleiman, Shammasi Ali. (2012). User Education Programs in Academic Libraries: The Experience of the International Islamic University Malaysia Students. Library Philosophy and Practice. Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Sundayana, Rostina.(2013). Statistik penelitian pendidikan. Bandung: Alfabeta Supriyanto, Wahyu. (2015). Mengembangkan Pendidikan Pemakai Melalui Literasi Informasi. Diunduh dari: http://e- Pada 15 Agustus 2017. Sutarno, NS. (2004). Manajemen perpustakaan: Suatu Pendekatan Praktik. Jakarta: Samitra Media Utama. Sutarno (2006). Manajemen Perpustakaan: Suatu Pendekatan Praktik. Jakarta: CV Sagung Seto. Trinanda, Lisa dan Marlini. (2015). Pelaksanaan Pendidikan Pemakai di Perpustakaan Universitas Negeri Padang. Jurnal Ilmu Informasi Perpustakaan dan Kearsipan. Vol. 4, No. 1, September 2015, Seri A. Wismanawati, Riski Tri dan Aan Permana. (2013). Efektivitas Sanksi Administratif Keterlambatan Pengembalian Bahan Pustaka Terhadap Kedisiplinan Pemustaka di Kantor Perpustakaan dan Arsip Daerah Kabupaten Banyumas. Jurnal Ilmu Perpustakaan. Volume 2, Number 2, 2013 page 1-9.

224 International Conference of Library, Archives, and Information Science (ICOLAIS) 2017


Rina Rakhmawati Universitas Gadjah Mada [email protected]

Syahesti Nurul Fatimah Universitas Gadjah Mada [email protected]

ABSTRACT Managing archives should not be understood only by qualitative descriptive approach, especially in an era that requires high speed and accuracy. The necessity for statistical analytic is increasing in order to understand the conditions of managing archives that have been and are being implemented. Statistical analytic is also expected to predict the quality of archival management in the future. This study is limited to qualitative descriptions in challenges and opportunities of utilizing statistical analytic that can be done by archival agencies. The findings of this research about challenges and opportunities in utilizing statistical analytic at archival agencies are (1) inaccuracy of data collection methods; (2) selecting and sorting of samples not described in detail; (3) low utilization of comprehensive statistical analytic; and (4) un-uniformity in the use of units of measure and unit of numbers. The aim of this study is to provide an overview of statistical analytic to help archival agencies, especially National Archives, to improve their statistical analytic for managing archives.

Keywords: statistical analytic, managing, archives

(Supranto, 2008, 2). Data, in the INTRODUCTION context of management, are utilized as: Archives is one of the areas of 1. The basis of a planning, i.e data management. If we want to prevention of planning that is manage it, we should take a not adjusted to the reality of standardized managerial pattern. So, it the field, so that will be difficult can produce an effective and efficient of to implement; archival management. Therefore, as a 2. The tool for planning data manager, archives also need data implementation control; as an optimal support of archival 3. The basic evaluation of the management. Digitalization era is the outcome of an activity or era of data tsunami. Management of program. data for managerial prominence Data, in the era of technology, are become something that often increasing in quantity and usage. Even discussed, both by academics and the number of data spread in various practitioners in various fields. social media are growing rapidly. According to Supranto (2008, 2), data However, there is not many can provide a description of a situation communities can manage the or problem. Basically, data is used as abundance of data in appropriate the basis for decision making manner and right on target. Archival

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institutions become one of the analytic, in archival management, is organizations that have not been able necessary to describe and understand to utilize data, especially quantitative a relationship between stages of data for their managerial needs management, better decisions, and optimally. deal with changes that occur in the Managing archives that has been archival management process. This done by Indonesian archival study will describe the important role of organizations, both in the form of statistical analytic in every archival archival institutions and the community, management as the main functions of in general, using a descriptive Indonesian archival institutions. qualitative approach. The related study Statistical analytic in archival sector in of archival management stages Indonesia has been initiated by Pusat conducted intensively to produce Pengkajian dan Pengembangan qualitative data. The logical Sistem Kearsipan (Pusjibangsikar) of consequence of the qualitative National Archives of the Republic of approach assessment is not detailed Indonesia (ANRI) since 2011. and too abstract. The next effect is an Quantitative data, as a result of survey archival policy that are partial and implementation, was processed short-term. The level of effectiveness through descriptive statistics so it could and efficiency is not describing in detail. be said that the study have used Therefore, archival management quantitative data analytic. requires a quantitative approach for However, the existence of analytic. Some stages of archival statistical analytic in the field of archival management, in essence, have given is limited to the description of numbers rise to quantitative data. However, simply to reinforce the qualitative these quantitative data are incapable of analytic that has been compiled. producing proper and appropriate Quantitative data in statistical analytic targeted archival policies. The lack of has not been able to be a best tool for knowledge of archival managers on the the development of archival field in utilization of quantitative data has an Indonesia. Therefore, a more impact on the planning and evaluation comprehensive understanding of activities of archival management. The statistical analytic is needed with the management planning of the archive is improvement of the quality of archival not based on management activities fields in Indonesia. that have been done before. Complaints against the lack of budget STATISTICAL ANALYTIC BY sticking out without the basis of ARCHIVAL INSTITUTIONS quantitative data development of Statistical analytic in the field of records management annually. A archives in Indonesia has been used by solution that can be offered is to Pusjibangsikar National Archives of the cultivate an understanding of the Republic of Indonesia (ANRI) in three importance of processing and utilization studies. First, the study of archival of quantitative data generated in a human resoruce or archivists in archival series of archival management institutions. The study focused on activities. finding out the performance of human Statistical analytic needs to be resources managing archives or created and developed in an effort to archivists at archival district or support the archival management as municipality level. To find out the the ideals of Undang-undang No.43 description of human resource Tahun 2009 on Archives. Statistical performance, this study was analyzed:

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1. Working ability (formal measured the level of understanding, education, informal the measurement scale was used. education, work experience The third study was the and competency or assessment of archival institutions in certification test) order to improve the management of 2. Opportunity (role of archives. The study discussed the leadership) correlation between the organizational 3. Motivation (interest, incentive, climate of archival institutions and the reward, work environment, management of static archives. The retirement age limit, and method of data processing in the study archival credit score) was using simple linear correlation Data processing method used in statistic analytic. It was showing the the study was descriptive statistics. correlation between an event with other Descriptive statistics is a techniques for occurrence and expressed by change summarizing and descripting data of variable value (Supranto, 2008, 160). (Pangesti et al., 2004, 1). Data were Because Pusjibangsikar ANRI used collected by sampling method through simple correlation statistical analytic, questionnaire. Sampling is a way of the correlation of each dependent collecting data if the investigated is a variable was analyzed separately and sample element of a population then integrated to conclude correlation (Supranto, 2008, 23). Quantitative data strength between organizational obtained from the questionnaire climate with archive management as a processed obtained from each variable whole. on each component of performance measurement was presented through RESEARCH METHODS table and graphic of frequency This study is a type of qualitative distribution. The results of the analytic research with descriptive approach. of tables and graphic were then Primary data obtained by tracing the summarized qualitatively so as to give internal information sources of the a big picture of the performance organization in the Performance condition of archive or archivist Accountability Report of Public managers in the archive institutions at Institution (LAKIP). They compiled by the district or city level. national archival institution (ANRI) The second study used statistical because there is not yet found a LAKIP analytic was the study of archival that is comprehensive enough in the institution functions at the provincial regional level. To substantiate the level. The focus of this study was to find argument, the authors refer to the out the level of understanding of literature reviewing the themes of static archives management at the provincial archival management, basic statistical level to the function of archival studies, and tracing of previous studies institutions. The level of understanding that examine the correlation of archives was reviewed from three main functions with statistics. of archive institutions of the region, such as inactive archives managers, CHALLENGES AND archives managers and archival OPPORTUNITIES OF UTILIZATION coaching. The study also used OF STATISTICAL ANALYTIC IN descriptive statistics with data ARCHIVAL INSTITUTIONS collection techniques through sampling with questionnaire instruments. In If we look at the three studies that contrast to previous studies, because it have been done by ANRI, then there

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are some things that become functions and tasks of archival or challenges as well as opportunities in archival human resources, the degree the utilization of statistical analytic. of uniformity of the population (Mantra, First, it deals with data collection et al., 2014, 152) will be difficult to methods in the context of archival achieve. Anthropological factors also agencies. Due to time constraints, have an influence on the character of human resources, and budgetary local archives and archives human factors, ANRI uses the sampling resources. Opportunities that can be method. If the object of study is done is through an ethnographic archives and archivists, the sampling approach to complement the lack of a method finds its weak point. According statistical approach so that the results to Mantra et al. (2014, 151), the use of of the study can represent the actual the sampling method to expect the conditions. results obtained will be able to describe Challenges as well as the third the nature of the population concerned. opportunity is the use of non- In fact, as it is known that the character comprehensive statistical analytic. of archival institutions and archival Statistical analytic is not only human resources at the regional level, descriptive, but can be developed in the both provincial and district / municipal direction of inference statistics. up to colleges and university, has a high Inference statistics aim to make level of diversity. This is influenced by conclusions (drawing conclusions, many factors, such as political factors predicting, and making decisions) of local government and socio-cultural about population characteristics based society. The utilization of the sampling on information obtained from the method may negate these facts. It also sample (Pangesti et al., 2004, 1). deviates from the idealism of the Inference statistics basically have been sampling method, which can produce a utilized by Pusjibangsikar ANRI to know reliable picture of the entire population the climatic correlation of archival under study; can determine the institutions and the archival precision of the research results by management. Inference statistical determining the standard deviations analytic can also be used to determine from the estimates obtained; simple the correlation between stages of static and easy to implement; can provide as archive management. According to the much information as possible at the International Standard Archives lowest possible cost (Efendi and Description (ISAD-G), archival Tukiran, 2014, 152). The first challenge management is defined as an archival faced by ANRI is, in fact, an opportunity management process that includes for archival institutions of the region, acquisition, processing, preservation both at the provincial and district / and conservation, publishing of municipal levels up to universities, to resource documents, and reference conduct studies with similar themes. services. The management of archives, The decrease in sample precision due in the literature is understood as to limited funding, energy and time can archival programs (Sue McKemmish in be minimized (Mantra et al, 2014, 152). Ellis, 1993: 15). The series of activities The second challenge is the in archival programs were (McKemmish objective of selecting and sorting the in Ellis, 1993: 15): sample into the object of research that 1. Developing standards and is not described more comprehensive. guidelines on records creation If the selection and sorting of samples and maintenance, eg. on is based solely on the similarity of archival requirements

228 International Conference of Library, Archives, and Information Science (ICOLAIS) 2017

relationg to electronic management, preservation, utilization, recordkeeping systems, on and public service in a national archives media issues such as the use system. Archival management not only of recycled paper and archival has a qualitative dimension, but also a microfilming standards, or on quantitative dimension. The challenge storage conditions; faced, in practice, the qualitative 2. Developing and applying dimension is more dominant, seen in ambit, acquisition or collection some literature and studies that policies to define the types of emphasize the compatibility between activities and records the procedures and technical stages of program covers; records management with conditions in 3. Collection, analysis and the field. The acquisition stage, for incorporation into archival example, examines the comparison information systems of between standardized acquisition information about the records procedures and on-site and their context in order to implementation, and where procedural meet the needs associated deviations occured, influencing factors with appraising records, are qualitatively described. For managing records of example, organizational leadership continuing value, preserving factors that do not understand the their integrity and providing for urgency of the archives, lack of human their future use; resources, and the overall level of 4. Appraisal action to identify awareness of the organization about significant functions, archives. activities, and records In addition, each stages in the creators, and related records management of archives were studied of continuing value; separately or not analyzed whether 5. Disposal guidance or they affect each other or not, and how regulation, including provision much the value of its correlation. This is for transfer or deposit at one of the effects of the dominance of certain times or in specified qualitative analysis so that it is unable media; to present the fact of continuity of 6. Accessioning records, stages in the management of ie.arranging their transfer or comprehensive static archives. In deposit and formally LAKIP of ANRI, the statistical data accepting them into archival presented is a reflection of archival custody; management conditions that ANRI has 7. Arranging and describing implemented every year, i.e. archival records already in custody; processing data, preservation result 8. Storing and preserving data and archival conservation, data on records in custody; service and archival results. Some 9. Implementing access policy; results of data processing from each 10. Providing reference or user stage of archival management can not services; show the correlation between 11. Outreach and public management stages in a programs. comprehensive manner, such as data In archival laws, archival management on the number of archives stored, data is interpreted as an efficient, effective on the number of visitors with data on and systematic archives control the number of archives that have been process including acquisition, utilized by external users.

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they were not yet comprehensively describing the condition of the number of records that successfully utilized by Table 1 Number of Archived Treasures the user when compared with the Preserved in ANRI number of archives that are stored. This Amount can be observedChange on the different units No. Media Archive Unit 2008 2009of measurement∑ used in% table 1 and table 2, and this is the challenge as wellLinear 1. Textual 27.247 27.247 - - as the fourth opportunity is to agreemeter on 2. Cartographic 97.425 99.794the use of 2.369measuring yag2,43 units adjustedSheets 3. Film 70.054 70.060to field conditions.6 In order0,01 to know Reelsthe 4. Video 30.000 30.125number 125of successful0,41 archivesCassette accessed compared to the oveCassetterall 5. Sound 30.000 37.349number of7.349 records, Place24,49 and Hyslop/Open (1982: 66) put forward the followingReels formula: Sheets 6. Picture 1.663.000 1.663.000 - - (negatives + prints) Reels 7. Microfilm 9.200 13.648 4.448 48,35 𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛 𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜 𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟=𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟 𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟 (𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟%𝑟𝑟(negatives))𝑟𝑟 Source: LAKIP ANRI Year 2009 𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛 𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜 𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟 𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓 The weakness𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢 of𝑟𝑟 𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟the𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟 formula Table 2 Number of Archive Service presented above is that no standard Users in ANRI unit of measurement to declare the The origin of the Number of visitors Number of visitors No. number of archives accessed Percentageby the Visitors 2008 2009number Increase of archives Decrease stored. They were 1.720 2.437 1. Domestic only said 717that if the ratio- of use is(+) low, 41,68 People Peoplethen it can be said that the 289 231 2. Overseas management- procedure58 is not effective.(-) 20,06 People PeoplePlace and Hyslop further mention the 2.009 2.668 AMOUNT normal usage717 ratio of 20%,58 the higher(-) 32,8 People Peoplethe ratio indicates high utilization, with Source: LAKIP ANRI Year 2009 some notes: 1. The records being maintained Table 3 Number of Conventional are used in day-to-day Archives Used by Users in ANRI operations; Amount Used Change No. Archive Type 2. Unneeded records arePercentage not 2008 2009 Increasemaintained Decrease in the files; Dutch East Indies 2.660 4.121 1. 3. Filing1.461 procedures- appear to54,92 be and VOC Number Number followed. Republic of 2.447 3.869 2. The formula,1.422 though - part of 58,11the Indonesia Number Numberevaluation of the use of records, does 669 3. Cartographic - not rule out3.552 applicability -in archives. Of- Numbercourse, it should be with some 5.107 8.659 AMOUNT adjustments.3.552 - 69,55 Number Number In addition, the data has not been Source: LAKIP ANRI Year 2009 user-oriented since the user data obtained is still limited to the origin of Based on data collected in the the visitor. In user studies, user data three tables in LAKIP ANRI year 2009, can be important information for

230 International Conference of Library, Archives, and Information Science (ICOLAIS) 2017

comprehensive archival management. of measurement used, be it sheets, Therefore, it is necessary to classify reels, and so forth. But if the unit of users with a taxonomic approach. Pugh measurement is still found constraints, (in Katuu, 2015) divided two types of it can use units of numbers, for users, vocational users (archive example: tapes, sheets, numbers, and architects, professional users, so on. students, and teachers) and avocational users (genealogists and CONCLUSION non-professionals). Wilson (in Katuu, Statistical analytic, in general, 2015) classifies users in three contributes to improving the accuracy categories, primary users, secondary of managerial decision making. The users, and passive users. Some level of accuracy will increase if in the reviews of archival users, in archival process of analysis, we used scope in Indonesia, still can not be quantitative data that represents the applied comprehensively in archival real facts. Implementation of statistical institutions, either nationally or locally. analytic by archival agencies, basically Another stage that can be studied has been used by the National Archives statistically is the ratio of the retrieval of of Republic Indonesia in several studies the archive. In this case, the related to the management of archives. understanding of the needs of users However, the application of statistical and the processing of archives can be analytic has not been evaluated known statistically correlation. academically, especially from the Logically, if the archive processing is statistical method. Statistical analytic implemented according to the that has been used was limited on standards and produces a complete descriptive statistic. The logical and proper finding aids, then the needs consequence for archives in Indonesia of the users of the archive can be met. is difficult to predict its development Place and Hyslop (1982, 67) precisely in the long term. This formulated: research is still limited to the descriptions of the use of statistical methods with less quantitative data sources because they only based on 𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛 𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜 𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟= 𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟 𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓 (%) LAKIP National Archives of RI. 𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛 𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜 𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟 𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟 However, it is expected that the results If the measuring𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎 unit𝑎𝑎 𝑟𝑟 𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟used𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟 is a of this study may spark an interest in linear meter, then in the measurement developing the study of archival of the number of successfully accessed management in the framework of archives must be converted in linear quantitative research, especially with meters. Standardization of statistical approaches, both descriptive measurement units is important to and inference statistic. avoid managerial bias. For archives in special media, even adapted to the unit REFFERENCES Ellis, Judith (ed.). (1993). Keeping Archives. Port Melbourne: Thorpe Pangesti, Sri, dkk. (2004). Metode Statistika. Yogyakarta: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Gadjah Mada

Place, Irene and David J. Hyslop. (1982). Records Management: Controlling Business Information. Virginia: Reston Publishing Company, Inc

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Pusat Pengkajian dan Pengembangan Sistem Kearsipan (Pusjibangsikar). (2011). Kajian SDM Kearsipan/Arsiparis di Lembaga Kearsipan Kabupaten/Kota. Jakarta: ANRI

----. (2013). Kajian Fungsi Lembaga Kearsipan Daerah. Jakarta: ANRI

----. (2011). Laporan Pengkajian Lembaga Kearsipan Dalam Rangka Meningkatkan Pengelolaan Arsip Statis. Jakarta: ANRI

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232 International Conference of Library, Archives, and Information Science (ICOLAIS) 2017


Sofyan Aldian Rahman1, Wina Erwina2, Dian Sinaga3 1,2,3 Department of Library and Information Science, Universitas Padjadjaran [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

ABSTRACT - This research discuss about information literacy competency of Padjadjaran University`s First Year Students. This research`s goal is to determine information literacy competency of Padjadjaran University`s First Year Students after following Kemampuan Belajar dan Literasi Informasi (KBLI) course. The research method used are Quantiative Descriptive with Survey approach. This research use the Model of Literasi Informasi Ilmiah dan Pengetahuan Lokal UNPAD as an information literacy indicator. The data collection process is done by spreading Questionnaire to 95 respondents, which calculated by Proportionate Stratified Random Sampling method. The data analysis is processed by using descriptive-based data analysis technique. This research revealed that information literacy competency of Padjadjaran University`s First Year Students has been decent so far. Padjadjaran University`s First Year Students are capable to apply all the steps on the Literasi Informasi Ilmiah dan Pengetahuan Lokal UNPAD model correctly. Based on this research`s result, Padjadjaran University`s First Year Students are expected to maintain and apply information literacy knowledge in their academic activity during their study in college and also in their daily activities.

Keywords : Information Literacy, Indigenous Knowledge, Padjadjaran University

INTRODUCTION program (Joint Preparation Program) Mastering information literacy skills for devoted to new undergraduate new students in college is a very basic students (S1) in academic year capital considering the differences 2016/2017. One of the subjects given to between the learning approaches new students in this program is the between Senior High School (SMA) Learning Skills and Information Literacy and college. In Senior High School (KBLI). The course of Learning Skills (SMA), new college students used to and Information Literacy (KBLI) is part the Teacher Centered Learning of the curriculum cultivation activity of approach which focuses most of the TPB program devoted to new learning metarials to the teachers, while undergraduate students class of 2016 at the college level, the approach which is begun to be applied in the turned into Student Centered Learning. academic year 2016/2017 and taken in This requires students to independently the first semester lectures which with search for the literature and information the weight of credit semester unit (SKS) they need for the study. To assist their is one. adaptation process with a new learning The Course of Learning and system and prepare to study education Information Literacy Ability (KBLI) is in college, it takes an information held with the aim of providing direction literacy program to be given to the to new students how to search and use students especially to new students. of information in accordance with the Recognizing the needs, rules of information literacy. In this Universitas Padjadjaran organizes a course, students get material about ‘Tahap Persiapan Bersama’ TPB mastering the information literacy skills,

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including the socialization of prevention 3. How is the ability of Universitas of plagiarism in college as well as the Padjadjaran’s students of class of material about the information literacy 2016 in understanding and using model, namely model of Scientific the scientific information and local Information Literacy and Local knowledge? Knowledge of Unpad. This model is the 4. How is the ability of Universitas information literacy model developed Padjadjaran’s students of class of by the Information Literacy Committee 2016 in presenting the scientific Team of Universitas Padjadjaran. information and local knowledge? In the beginning, the subject of 5. How is the ability of Universitas Learning and Information Literacy Padjadjaran’s students of class of Abilities (KBLI) is based on information 2016 in searching the scientific literacy approach in learning. However, information and local knowledge? the facts in the ground suggest that all 6. How is the ability of Universitas faculty use a learning skills approach, Padjadjaran’s students of class of with the exception of the Faculty of 2016 in evaluating the scientific Communication Sciences. To know the information and local knowledge? impact on knowledge and literacy ability of Universitas Padjadjaran’s students class of 2016, study and research are THEORITICAL ORIENTATION needed so the problem can be solved. In general, information literacy Based on the explanation, this can be interpreted as a person's research is done to know the competency towards information. information literacy ability of Universitas Zurkowski (in Rahmat 2014, 23) in the Padjadjaran’s students class of 2016 proposal addressed to The National after following the subject of Learning Commission on Libraries Information and Information Literacy Ability (KBLI). Science (NCLIS) states that the literacy Through this research is expected to be capabilities of information are the material of evaluation and descirbed as follows: consideration for Universitas Padjadjaran to develop the subject of “People trained in application of Learning and Information Literacy the information resources into their Ability (KBLI) to be better in the future. work can be called as an The research question in this information literate. They have study is how the information literacy learned technicques and skills for ability of students class of 2016 in untiliting the wide range of Universitas Padjadjaran. While the information tools as well as primary identification of research problems can resources in molding information – be stated as follows. solution to their problem" 1. How is the ability of Universitas Padjadjaran’s students of class of From abovementioned 2016 in identifying the needs of statements, the statement is to scientific information and local describe information literacy as the knowledge? ability to utilize various tools and primary information sources to solve 2. How is the ability of Universitas the problems. The American Library Padjadjaran’s students of class of Association (ALA) seeks to define 2016 in searching the scientific information literacy as follows, information and local knowledge? “Information literacy is a set of abilities that requires individuals to

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“recognize when information is evidenced by the Regulation of the needed and have the ability to Minister of National Education Number locate, evaluate, and use effectively 17 Year 2010 on Prevention and needed information”. (American Control of Plagiarism in Higher Library Association in Rohmah Education and the policies issued by 2013, 21). DIKTI in 2014 which include the Information Literacy Program as one of Information literacy is the ability of compulsory materials in the new a person to identify, to access, to find, admissions circuit, along with other and to evaluate the information needed, basic materials (Erwina & Yulianti 2016, and use that information effectively and 119). ethically. College students are required to When being associated with a be able to fulfill the information needs, cultural context, information literacy can especially those related to the be defined as an ability to find the independent education. Students can information needs, including not only rely on the material given by understanding how to organize a the lecturer in the course, remembering library, the ability to evaluate the the small weight of the material given in content of an information and use that general. Therefore, students are information effectively. In addition, it required to have good information includes the understanding of literacy skills to support the success of technology and its social, cultural and their education studies in college. political aspects and impacts. To master the literacy skills of (Dictionary for Library and Information information, there are several models of Science in Erwina & Yulianti 2016, information literacy that can be used. 118). One of the models that can be used is The purpose of information the Model of Scientific Information literacy is to prepare individuals to be Literacy and Local Knowledge UNPAD. expected becoming lifelong learners This information literacy model was (Lifelong Learning), to improve critical developed by adopting several thinking skills, and to enhance the information literacy models such as The ability of individuals to evaluate Big 6 Skills, ALA (American Library information amid the abundance of Association), SCONUL (Standing available information sources and Conference of National and University improve the ability to use information Libraries) and 7 Step Knowledge more efficiently and effectively ethically, Management. legally, and at the same time avoiding The elements of local wisdom and plagiarism (Erwina in Mardhiyah 2016, knowledge are also included, lately 22). Indigenous Knowledge has become the Information literacy is an essential important study at national and skill for a student (Fitzgerald in Faith, international level and has become the 2013). important point in the responsibility of The development of student Universitas Padjadjaran as a University literacy capability has actually become located in the region which focus on an important agenda at the Ministry of local knowledge of Java West (Erwina Education and Culture of Republic of & Yulianti 2016, 122). This model Indonesia and the Directorate General consists of 6 stages and 31 indicators of Higher Education (DIKTI) of Ministry of information literacy capabilities, of Research and Technology of namely as follow. Republic of Indonesia. This is

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1. Identifiying the needs of scientific a) Arranging Information into information and local knowledge Scientific Writing a) Deciding the needs of b) Presenting in print and non- information print (Presentation in class) b) Finding ideas, topics, and c) Summarizing information and also problems by conducting paraphrase information brainstorming d) Understanding the value and c) Purposing 5W+1H questions legal ethics of scientific paper d) Visualizing the thought 6. Evaluating scientific information & 2. Knowing and comprehending the local knowledge source of scientific infromation a) Analyizing the work and local wisdom b) Understanding the techniques a) Identifying the information in creating and writing source Information b) Knowing the type of c) Using plagiarism checker information source software c) Comprehending the type of d) Evaluating the shortcomings information of scientific work and plan for d) Comprehending the use of improvement. information source

3. Searching the source of scientific infromation and local wisdom a) Searching the information in the Library, whether place or online b) Using BOOLEAN searching principle c) Performing online searching trough Search Engine d) Selecting and choosing Figure 1 information Model of Scientific Information Literacy and Local Knowledge of 4. Comprehending and using UNPAD scientific information and local Source: Erwina & Yulianti (2016, 122) knowledge a) Comprehending the RESEARCH METHOD techniques of listening, reading In this study, researchers use the and recording information descriptive quantitative methods. effectively and efficiently Descriptive quantitative research is a b) Using Zotero software, study aims to help explain the Endnote to create a phenomena that occur in the field using bibliographic list and footnote numbers to describe the characteristics c) Creating a frame of mind of the individual or a particular group d) Using information effectively under study (Syamsuddin et al 2011). The method or approach used in 5. Presenting scientific information & this research is survey method. local knowledge Research by survey method is a study

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that takes samples from a particular Before carrying out research with population and uses questionnaires as quantitative method, validity and a basic research instrument and data reliability test is needed to the research collection tool (Singarimbun in Rohmah instrument used. Validity test is a test of 2013, 52). the reliability and validity of the Population is an area of measuring instrument used. (Sugiyono generalization consisting of objects or 2012, 137). An instrument that is subjects which have a certain quantity considered valid has a high degree of and characteristics that have been validity, and vice versa (Arikunto 2006, determined by researchers to be 219). The Reliability test is a test studied and then drawn the conclusions performed on a measure of consistency (Sugiyono 2012, 80). The population in score achieved by the same individual this study is a student of Universitas on several different occasions to know Padjadjaran class of 2016 who have the extent to which the results of a followed the compulsory subject of measurement can be trust. Learning and Information Literacy Ability (KBLI) in the first semester. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The sample is part of the number Data of Respondents and characteristics possessed by the The number of female population (Sugiyono 2012, 81). The respondents is more than male with the number of representative sample of this number of 53 people (55.78%). The research is 95 people, which is male respondents amount to 42 people calculated by Proportionate Stratified (44.21%). Random Sampling method. This The number of respondents aged sampling method is used for research 18-20 years is higher than the populations that have members or respondents aged 15-17 year olds, that elements that are heterogeneous and is 66 people (69,48%) while the stratified proportionally (Sugiyono respondents aged 15-17 year are 29 2012, 83). people (30,52%). Number of respondents who The data were collected by graduated high school in 2016 is more distributing research questionnaires to than the number of respondents who 95 student respondents who have graduated high school in 2015 and taken the subject of Learning and 2014, which is 79 people (83.16%). Information Literacy Ability (KBLI) and Respondents who graduated high also done the literature study to find school in 2015 amount to 12 people supporting data and theory, and to find (12.63%) and respondents who information related to the research topic graduated high school in 2014 amount to support the research which is being to 4 people (4.21%) done. Faculty with the largest number of respondents came from the Faculty of Data analysis was done by using Cultural Sciences and the Faculty of the descriptive analysis technique. This Mathematics and Science, which are analytical technique is a statistical 11 people (11.57%) of each. The analysis technique used to analyze faculty with the smallest number of research data by describing data respondents came from the Faculty of collected as it is without intending to Pharmacy that is 2 people (2.10%) make general research conclusions or generalizations (Sugiyono 2012, 147). Table 1 Number of Respondents Research

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Source: Data Processing, 2017 4 9 43 37 5 1 No. Faculty Sample % 25,52 42,90 28,95 2,10 0,53 Faculty of Communication 1 10 Science Based on the table Faculty of Social and Political above, it can be seen that most 2 10 Sciences respondents have been able to identify the needs of scientific information and 3 Faculty of Cultural Sciences 11 local knowledge. It is shown from the 4 Faculty of Laws 7 percentage of respondents who Faculty of Economics and 5 7 answered "Very Appropiate" as much Business as 25.52% and "Appropriate" as much 6 Faculty of Medicine 5 as 42.90%. The rest responded 7 Faculty of Dentistry 3 "Hesitant" as much as 28.95%, 8 Faculty of Nursing 3 "Inappropiate" 2.10% and "Very 9 Faculty of Pharmacy 2 Inappropiate" as much as 0.53%. 10 Faculty of Psychology 3 In addition, the table above also Facultyof Geological shows that most respondents have 11 3 Engineering been able to perform all indicators in the Faculty of Mathematics and first phase of the Model of Scientific 12 11 Natural Sciences Information Literacy and Local Knowledge UNPAD, that is 13 Faculty of Agriculture 6 Determining Information Needs; 14 Faculty of Animal Husbandry 5 Specifying Keywords (Brainstorming): Faculty of Agricultural 15 4 Asking Questions 5W + 1H; and Industrial Technology Visualize Mind (Mind Mapping). Faculty of Fishery and Marine 16 5 Science Knowing and Comprehending TOTAL 95 Scientific Information and Local Knowlege Research Data Identifying The Needs of Scientific Information anf Local Knowledge 1. Knowing and comprehending the source of scientific infromation and 1. Determining Information Needs local wisdom 2. Specifying Keywords 2. Identifying the information source (Brainstorming) 3. Knowing the type of information 3. Asking Questions 5W + 1H source 4. Visualizing Thought (Mind 4. Comprehending the type of Mapping) information 5. Comprehending the use of Tabel 2 information source Identifying the Needs of Scientific Table 3 Information and Local Knowledge Source: Data Processing, 2017. Knowing and Comprehending Anwer Choices Scientific Information and Local No. VA A H I VI Knowlege Source: Data Processing, 2017 1 43 36 16 0 0 2 34 45 16 0 0 3 11 39 41 3 1

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Anwer Choices No. VA A H I VI 1 22 55 17 1 0 2 15 60 20 0 0 3 25 64 6 0 0 4 20 59 15 1 0 Tabel 4 Searching The Source Of % 21,58 62,63 15,26 0,53 0,00 Scientific Infromation and Local

Based on the table above, it can Wisdom Source: Data Processing, 2017 be seen that almost all respondents have know and understand scientific Anwer Choices No. information and local knowledge. VA A H I VI This is shown from the percentage of 1 8 43 33 10 1 respondents who answered "Very 2 3 23 41 27 5 Appropriate" as much as 21.58% 3 52 37 6 0 0 and "Appropriate" as much as 62.63%. The rest responded 4 40 46 9 0 0 "Hesitant" as much as 15.26% and % 27,10 39,21 23,42 9,74 1,59 "Very Inapropiate" as much as 0.53%. In addition, the table above also Based on the table shows that most respondents have above, it presents that most been able to perform all indicators in the respondents have been able to identify second stage of the Model of Scientific the needs of scientific information and Information Literacy and Local local knowledge. This is seen from the Knowledge UNPAD, which is percentage of respondents who identifying information resources; answered "Very Appropiate" as much knowing the type of information source; as 27.10% and "Appropriate" as much knowing the type of information; and as 39.21%. The rest responded understanding the use of information "Hesitant" as much as 23.42%, resources. "Inappropiate" 9.74% and "Very Inappropiate" as much as 1.59%. Searching The Source Of Scientific Besides, the table above shows Infromation and Local Wisdom that most respondents have been able to perform 3 from 4 indicators in the 1. Searching the information in the third level of model of Scientific Library, whether place or onlin Information Literacy Unpad, which is 2. Using BOOLEAN searching searching the information. As for the principle indicators Using BOOLEAN Logic 3. Performing online searching trough Search Principles, only a small Search Engine percentage of respondents use 4. Selecting and choosing information BOOLEAN Logic to facilitate information searching through the internet.

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Comprehending and Using Thought Framework; and Using Scientific Information and Local Information Effectively. As for indicators Knowledge Using the Zotero Standalone Software and Microsoft Endnote to create 1. Comprehending the techniques of bibliographic and footnote lists, it is only listening, reading and recording a small percentage of respondents use information effectively and efficiently the Zotero Standalone Software and 2. Using Zotero software, Endnote to Microsoft Endnote to create create a bibliographic list and bibliographic and footnote lists. footnote 3. Creating a frame of mind Presenting Scientific Information & 4. Using information effectively Local Knowledge

Table 5 1. Arranging Information into Comprehending and Using Scientific Writing Scientific Information and Local 2. Presenting in print and non-print Knowledge (Presentation in class) 3. Summarizing information and Anwer Choices paraphrase information No. VA A H I VI 4. Understanding the value and 1 13 68 14 0 0 legal ethics of scientific paper

2 4 21 43 20 7

3 23 46 20 5 1 4 75 16 4 0 0 Table 6 % 30,26 39,74 22,10 6,58 2,10 Presenting Scientific Information & Local Knowledge Source: Data Processing, 2017

Based on the table above, it can Anwer Choices No. be seen that most respondents have VA A H TS STS understood and used scientific 1 5 59 28 2 0 information and local knowledge. This 2 23 51 27 0 0 is seen from the percentage of 3 17 53 25 0 0 respondents who answered "Very 4 40 46 9 0 0 Appropriate" as much as 30.26% and "Appropriate" as much as 68 people % 22,37 54,86 23,42 5,26 0,00 39.74% ,. The rest chirped "Hesitate" as Source: Data Processing, 2017 much as 22.10%, "Inappropiate" 6.58%, and "Very Inappropiate" as Based on the table above, it can much as 2.10%. be seen that a small percentage of In addition, the table above also respondents have been able to present shows that most respondents have scientific information and local been able to perform 3 of the 4 knowledge. This is seen from the indicators in the fourth stage of the percentage of respondents who mostly Literacy Model of Scientific Information answered "Very Appropiate " as much and Local Knowledge UNPAD, namely as 22.37% and "Appropriate" as much Understanding Techniques Listening, as 54.86%, while the other respondents Reading & Recording Information answered "Hesitant" as much as Effectively & Efficiently; Creating a

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23.42% and " Inappropiate " as much as 5.26%. Based on the table above, it can In addition, the table above also be shown that most respondents have shows that most respondents have been able to evaluate scientific been able to perform all indicators in the information and local knowledge. This fifth stage of model of Information is shown from the percentage of Scientific Literacy and Local respondents who answered "Very Knowledge UNPAD, namely arranging Appropiate" as much as 11.58% and information into paper; presenting: "Appropriate" as much as 46.58%) printed and non-printed (presentations (48.42%). The other respondents who in class); creating summary information answered "Hesitant" as much as & paraphrasing information; and 33.42%, "Inappropiate " as many as 28 understanding the values & legal people (7.37%) and "Very Inappropiate values of scientific writing. " as much as 1 person (1.05%). In addition, the table above also Evaluating Scientific Information & shows that most respondents have Local Knowledge been able to perform all indicators in the sixth stage of the model of Scientific 1. Analyizing the work Information Literacy and Local 2. Understanding the techniques in Knowledge UNPAD, which is analyzing creating and writing Information the work; understanding techniques in 3. Using plagiarism checker software creating and writing information; using 4. Evaluate the shortcomings of plagiarism checker software; and scientific work and plan for evaluating disadvantages & failures of improvement. a scientific work and planning for improvement Table 7 Evaluating Scientific Information & CONCLUSION Local Knowledge The previous research results Source: Data Processing, 2017 that after taking subject of Learning and Information Literacy Ability (KBLI), Anwer Choices No. the information literacy ability of VA A H I VI Universitas Padjadjaran’s student 1 6 61 26 1 1 class of 2016 belongs to GOOD 2 11 54 29 1 0 category. The students have 3 10 16 46 20 3 performed the stages of information 4 17 46 26 6 0 literacy well and correctly in accordance with the model of % 11,58 46,58 33,42 7,37 1,05 Scientific Information Literacy and Local Knowledge UNPAD.

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The 65th Anniversary of Department of Library and Information Science Faculty of Humanities, Universitas Indonesia & International Conference of Library, Archives, and Information Science (ICOLAIS) Secretariat: Lab DIPI FIB UI, Gedung 8 • Faculty of Humanities, Universitas Indonesia, Depok, Indonesia 16424 Website: • Event Website: • email: The Facets of Knowledge, Towards Synergy of Multidisciplinary Studies245 [email protected] • Telp./Fax.: +62217863528-29/+62217270038