Locum Clerk: Rachael Kelly, 29 Greystoke Park Avenue, Penrith, , CA11 9DB. Tel: 01768 863900

Ormside Ward Meeting – Monday 25 February 2019 at 7.30pm at Village Hall


Attendees: 11 members of the public, including Stuart Marston, Raymond Colbear, Ian Sowerby (Chairman)

Election of Chairman for the meeting Ian Sowerby was proposed by Linda Longley, to be chairman of the meeting, and seconded by Dale Williams. This was agreed.

Apologies Alan Scott, Rachel Robinson & Sue Wigley

Minutes The minutes of the Ormside Ward meeting held 26 February 2018 were agreed and signed as a true record.

Maters arising from the minutes Highways issues all reported and the majority have been actioned.

Planning Applications The planning applications received since the 2017 Ormside Parish meeting were noted. Council: Date valid Application Address & proposal Decision no. 18/12/2018 18/0992 Harrison Leisure UK Ltd, Wild Rose Park, Full Approval Ormside, Appleby-In- Erection of leisure, service and amenity building. 16/11/2018 18/0919 Former Methodist Chapel, Great Asby, Full Approval Appleby-In-Westmorland Variation of condition 2 (plans compliance) to amend window and railings and remove gable attached to approval 14/0769. 09/11/2018 18/0906 Old Methodist Chapel, Great Asby, Reserved by Appleby-In-Westmorland Cond Approved Discharge of condition 5 (layby parking) attached to approval 14/0769. 05/09/2018 18/0735 Helm Farm, Ormside, Appleby-In- NOI Approve Westmorland Proposed roofing over of existing slurry store. 28/07/2018 18/0589 Ormside Education Centre, Ormside, Decision not Appleby-In-Westmorland made Variation of condition 2 (plans compliance) (20/02/2019) and condition 3 (foul water drainage) attached to approval 17/0748. 26/06/2018 18/0516 Terrys Farm, Ormside, Appleby-In- Full Approval Westmorland Proposed cattle housing portal building. 16/07/2018 18/0506 Helm Farm, Ormside, Appleby-In- Full Approval Westmorland Proposed roofing over of existing silage clamp. 16/01/2018 18/0044 Hadderdale, Great Asby, Appleby-In- Full Approval Westmorland Agricultural building - dry cow housing. 16/01/2018 18/0046 Hadderdale, Great Asby, Appleby-In- Full Approval Westmorland Agricultural building - cubicle housing. 16/01/2018 18/0047 Hadderdale, Great Asby, Appleby-In- Full Approval Westmorland Agricultural - slurry lagoon. 15/01/2018 18/0026 Helm Farm, Ormside, Appleby-In- Full Approval Westmorland Proposed open space store.

Reports An update/report from Burtons & Poor Stock: Burtons Charity and Ormside Poor Stock Annual Report to the Ormside Ward Annual Parish Meeting on 25th February 2019

Assets held by the two charities as at 22nd Feb 2019 are: Investment in the COIF Ethical Investment Fund (Held by Burtons Charity on behalf of both charities)

497.33 Units @ £2.30 = £ 1,144 (2018 - £1,129)

Burtons Charity – 69.5% - £795.08 plus cash in Barclays account of £67.72 = Total of £863 Ormside Poor Stock – 30.5% - £349 - plus cash in Barclays account of £6.81 = Total of £356

Income in 2018 from the COIF Investment = £40 Spilt – Burtons Charity - £27.80 Ormside Poor Stock - £12.20

There was 4 Xmas gifts of £5 in 2018 distributed from Ormside Poor Stock There was no grants awarded from Burtons Charity.

The Charity Commissions information was updated on their website in January 2019

The Secretary / Treasurer advised that he would be asking the trustees to change banking arrangements from Barclays to Cumberland Building Society.

The Secretary / Treasurer also advised that he would be standing down from the position at the next Annual Parish Meeting in 2020.

Chris Pearson Secretary / Treasurer

An update/report from Ormside Village Hall Dale gave a verbal update, including: • Village hall renovations complete, under budget • Limited improvements are being carried out to the car park area • It was agreed for Ian Sowerby & Stuart Marston to continue as BPC representatives on the village hall committee. • Report attached.

Village projects for consideration None

Any other matters / Public Forum Pothole at Ormside dip – has been repaired but has since reappeared and needs repairs again The proposed closure of the road in to Ormside was discussed, and it was agreed that this was not acceptable, as it is the only access in to the village. There were questions regarding consultation as BPC were not informed of the road closure. Stepping stones & Ford – The email from Cumbria County Council was discussed, and its contents noted: There is no PROW at the Mill either over the stepping stones or over the footbridge. The nearest is bridleway 354008 to the south. I attach correspondence from March 2016 to Barbara outlining maintenance liability of the stones (letter should also have noted if not adjacent landowner whomever historically placed the stones in the watercourse) [The Highway Authority is only responsible for the maintenance of the concrete ford not the river bed and stepping stones. This is the responsibility of the adjacent landowner.]

The Ford crossing is part of an unclassified road, the stones are positioned off the ford and deemed out with the public highway.

With regard to Barbara knowing the right person to ask – All correspondence was via me – I believe they may be referring to Barbara indicating the stones were not placed in quite the right location following the ford construction works indicating some stones had moved – tenuous observation really following the flood events Eden has undergone since but as I had a machine in the vicinity at the time I got it to nudge them back in line on a strictly without prejudice basis.

I covered the difficulty with making the ford safe to walk across in the last email. [Don’t know who is responsible for the stones – presumably whoever historically placed them in that location – (Previous owners of The Mill or the PC perhaps) No record of CCC historically placing them We did move and replace them to undertake the ford works years ago and perhaps this is why there is a conception they are our maintenance liability. They are not something we would maintain – deemed unsafe form of crossing and potential for third party claim if someone fell or slipped off] I have checked with Legal Services and nothing has been found to suggest we maintain a pedestrian crossing across a ford – as the definition of a ford is that it can be used by people wading on foot or crossing in a vehicle which may get wet. Further - I have found the attached useful comparator case of Rollinson –v- Dudley Metropolitan Borough Council (2015), which, in a nutshell, found that the scope of a highway authority’s absolute duty under S.41 did not extend to the removal of moss or algae – and also referred to the claimant in that case had been aware of the moss before the accident and considered it to be dangerous – something which would have held him responsible in contributory negligence

I will look into the possibility if suitable locations can be found to erect signage to the effect that users should proceed with caution as the surface of the ford may be slippery and that users use the stepping stones at their own risk or words to that effect. The Clerk to ask CCC to write to the owners of the adjacent land regarding the stepping stones.

The meeting was closed at 20.10

Report from Ormside Village Hall


Registered charity number 523074

Names of Trustees

Name Elected Members Representative Members Co-Opted 2018 (x6) 2018 Members 2018 Carolyn Davidson Treasurer Peter Fielder Bev Lewis Secretary Jane Morris St James PCC Margaret Parry St James PCC Rachel Robinson Women’s Institute Alan Scott Vice Chair Vivianne Simpson Women’s Institute Steve Taylor Co-opted Sue Wigley Chair Dale Williams X2 Bandleyside Parish Council

Governance and Objectives of the Charity

Ormside Village Hall is an unincorporated Charity registered at the Charity Commission under no. 523074. The Object (or the purpose) of the Charity is to:

“be held upon trust for the purpose of a Village Hall for the use of the inhabitants of the parish of Ormside in the county of Westmorland without distinction, political, religious or other opinions, including use for meetings, lectures and classes, and for other forms of recreation and leisure-time occupation with the object of improving the conditions of life for the said inhabitants.”

Appointment of Trustees

Clause 2 of the governing document, states that the “Committee of Management” (“the Committee”) are the Trustees of the Charity as understood within the meaning of the Charities Act. Clause 3 provides that the Committee shall consist of:- • Six elected members; • Eight representative members; and • No more than two co-opted members. The elected members shall be elected at an Annual General Meeting. Two representative members shall be appointed by each of the following organisations:- the Parish Church of St. James Ormside or by the Parochial Church Council of the Parish Church; (the Methodist Chapel at Great Ormside or the trustees of the Methodist Chapel;) the Women’s Institute at Great Ormside; the Parish Meeting for the Parish of Ormside. The names of such representative members shall be notified by the organisations listed above to the Secretary of the Committee. The co-opted members shall be appointed at a duly constituted meeting of the Committee. Clause 3(6) requires that all members of the Committee shall retire from office at the end of the Annual General Meeting after the one which they were appointed, but they may be re-elected or re-appointed (so they are appointed for one year terms). Policies and Procedures

To guide the Committee in exercising its duty of care to members and users of the hall, the following policy and procedures have been adopted and are reviewed annually:

• Children and Vulnerable Adults Safeguarding • Complaints • Environmental • Equality & Diversity • Finance • Hall Booking • Health & Safety • Village Website

Use of the Hall

The use of the hall and the hosting of events and activities help the charity to meet its objectives.


The VHC considered the hire rates for the use of the hall in November 2018 and decided to change current rates following our refurbishment and in comparison with other halls in the Eden valley. Therefore for 2019 the rates are: • Women’s Institute (WI) - £7.50 per session • Other users £15 per session (morning/afternoon/evening) • Exclusive use of the hall for full day and evening £100 (£50 deposit for functions) • Additional setting up and clearing up sessions £15

The WI remains our main regular user including regular meetings; guest speakers; craft evenings. Thanks to the WI for their continued support. The Village Hall continues to be used for elections and referendum for which it receives income. Eden District Council Officers have visited during 2018 and have confirmed that since we have undertaken our refurbishment they are pleased to continue to use the venue going forward. We are pleased to report that we have had hall bookings this year from individuals that have not previously hired the hall. Events

The Village Hall Trustees are pleased to report that support for events and activities remain buoyant for such a small community. The Trustees are mindful though not all events need to be income generators, providing a community facility in a very rural part of Cumbria is as important and we are always looking to welcome new people to the village hall. During 2018 we have added supper and bar to make cinema evenings more enjoyable (as well as softer chairs!). Thanks in particular to Ann and Dale Williams for hosting these.

Also thanks to Margaret Parry for introducing coffee mornings and craft evenings. Thanks to Chris Pearson for arranging the Car Treasure Hunt and Rachel Robinson and family for developing the Christmas Fayre. Particular appreciation is to be expressed for the team effort involved in putting the domino drive together. We are hoping to add further new events for 2019 but we are keen to find out from the community as to what they would like to see take place and are looking to arrange a short survey during the spring so please look out for that and get involved.

What we have planned for far:

• Cinema and Supper/Bar in January, March, June, and November • Quiz, hosted by winners, in February and September • Coffee morning ‘catch ups’ each month • Craft evenings each month • Easter Teas in April • Village Top Table in April • Spring Plant Sale in May • BBQ and bar in July • Car Treasure Hunt in August • Soup-a-Saturday in October • Christmas Domino drive in December • Christmas Fayre in December

Risk Management

• Insurance

The Management Committee recognises that it is under a legal obligation to protect the building, its users (and employees), through adequate and appropriate insurance.

• Health & Safety

The Health and Safety Checklist for Village & Community Halls template from the HSE is used on an annual basis. The Committee recognise that taking a sensible and proportionate approach is the key to making sure the Hall provides a healthy and safe place for people to use without unnecessary bureaucracy. Building Issues

VH Improvement

During 2018 we were able to use grant monies to update and modernise the hall whilst respectful of its original use and historical place within the village. The project was planned and superbly executed by Dale Williams with the help of the VHC and the wider community.

We now have hot running water, ability to provide hot food and a heating system which reduces the damage associated with the condensation and damp incurred with the previous system.

We needed to access grants from several places to acquire the required levels of funding. We are pleased to report that we are continuing to maintain and improve the VH by next looking at the car parking and surrounding grounds.

Other Building Issues

Fire fighting appliances are inspected annually under contract with the supplier. Volunteers from the Committee carry out other regular maintenance checks and annual HSE Health & Safety Checklist for Village & Community Halls. Portable Appliance Testing was carried out this year and items that were not compliant were removed from use.

Financial Report

Please see End of Year Accounts 2018/19 prepared this year by Dale Williams (Acting Treasurer) and examined by Jackie Barton. Thank you to Dale and Jackie for the work this year.

Volunteers’ Effort

Management costs are kept to a minimum through the use of volunteers. If you think you would like to volunteer some time to help with setting up events, gardening, marketing please get in touch with one of the VHC.

A heartfelt thank you to all the Trustees and volunteers who gave of their time and effort in helping Ormside Village Hall continue to be of benefit to those it serves during the last year.

Achievements this Year

• A Village Hall Improvement Plan that was delivered largely as to the original consultation, on time and within budget. A successful refurbishment of the village hall has resulted in a facility which is now more comfortable to use and more efficient to maintain. Thank you to all involved. If there is an increase in future activity there are some preliminary drawings to develop an adjoining supper room. This would require additional financing and appropriate planning permission. • Annual budgeting and quarterly financial reports enabling the VH Trustees to monitor income and expenditure. • Additional events that showcase Ormside as a beautiful and friendly place to visit.

• Village Website continues to profile the Village Hall and wider community activity. Thanks to Dale Williams for his content management and hosting arrangements. • During 2018 we launched our social media page on Facebook and recently have also joined Appleby’s Community website which distributes news of our events via Twitter to hotels and B&Bs. The aim of the website is to attract more visitors to the Eden valley.

Future Plans

• The VH Committee are looking forward to building on the improvements made to the building to widen the improvement to include the grounds. The aim is to make them more attractive for hiring potential and to enhance the hall’s capacity to be of use when the weather allows. • Licensing. Following the success of the pilot of Temporary Event Notices which have enabled us to sell alcohol and show movies, the VHC is now looking to apply for a permanent licence. • New Chair. I have had a thoroughly enjoyable and sometimes challenging period as Chair but after several years and with full-time work and family commitments, I feel it is time for another individual, from the village or local area to take on the position.

Sue WIGLEY Chair-Ormside Village Hall The Old Rectory Ormside Appleby in Westmorland Cumbria CA16 6EJ

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