February 2020 What’s on in the Heart of Eden?

?What’s On? What’s On? What’s On? What’s On? What’s On? What’s On? What’s On? What’s On? What’s On? What’s On? What’s On? What’s On? What’s On? What’s On?What’s On? What’s On? What’s On?What’s On? What’s On? What’s On?What’s On? What’s On? What’s On?What’s On? What’s On? What’s On?What’s On? What’s On Date Time Where?? What?? January 27th 7pm St. Lawrence’s Church Reconciliation and Compline 30th 7:30pm Public Hall Supper Room Appleby-in-Westmorland Society – David Cross on Percy Kelly February 1st 9:30 – 11:30 Appleby Public Hall Coffee morning in aid of Seedlings Nursery 1st 10:30 Milburn Village Hall Coffee Morning in aid of village hall funds 2nd 6:30pm St. Lawrence’s, Appleby Candlemas 2nd (KO) 3pm Dufton Village Hall 6 Nations Rugby: v France 2nd 4pm Kirkby Thore Memorial Hall Messy Church 3rd 10 – 12 Appleby Health Centre Cancer Info. Drop-in with Coffee 4th 2 – 4pm The Hub Bereavement Support Group 4th 7 – 9 pm Guide Hut Textile Group – Annual General Meeting 4th 7:30 pm Village Hall Ormside WI – Lesley Rowe – Artist 4th 2 – 4pm Long Marton Village Hall Carpet Bowls 5th 7:30pm The Hollies, Asby Asby Fellowship: Clive Hicks - Haggai 6th 2 – 4pm Public Hall Supper Room Inner Wheel Whist and Dominoes 6th 7:30pm Dufton Village Hall Book Club 7th 11:45 Sands Methodist Church Come 4 Lunch 7th 7 – 9 pm Guide Hut Friday Club Dominoes 7th 7:30pm Ormside Village Hall Country Dancing Class 8th 9:30 – 11:30 Appleby Public Hall Coffee morning in aid of Rainbows 8th (KO) 4pm Dufton Village Hall 6 Nations Rugby: England v Scotland 9th 5pm (meet at) St. Peter's, Asby Moonlight Walk – soup in St. Peter's on return 9th 10 - 12:30 Dufton Village Hall Big Breakfast 9th 7:30pm Appleby Public Hall North Westmorland Arts: - Jamal Aliyev (Cello) 11th 7:30pm Asby Village Hall Asby WI: "Bee keeping & Honey" 11th 10:30 – 12:15 Long Marton Village Hall Coffee Morning 12th 11am Market Hall The Arts Society – Jonathan Foyle on “Tudor Hampton Court” 12th 10am – 12 Ormside Village Hall Coffee Morning 12th Noon Long Marton Village Hall Lunch Club 13th 12.30 pm Eden River Café Asby Diners: 2 course meal + drink for £7.50 13th 1 – 3 pm Appleby Health Centre Eden Hearing Services – help, advice and batteries 13th Dufton Village Hall Village Hall Committee Meeting 15th 9:30 – 11:30 Appleby Public Hall Coffee morning in aid of Appleby Fire Service 15th 6 for 7pm Appleby Public Hall Lights, Camera Appleby – “Pond Life” 15th 9 - 12 Dufton Village Hall PCC Coffee Morning 15th 10:30 Milburn Village Hall Coffee Morning in aid of church funds 16th 12:15pm Sands Methodist Church Bring and Share Meal 17th 10 – noon St. Peter's Church Asby Messy Church – all ages welcome 17th 10 – 12 Appleby Health Centre Cancer Info. Drop-in with Coffee 18th 7:30 Dallison House Asby Asby MU 18th 2 – 4pm Long Marton Village Hall Carpet Bowls 19th 7.30 pm The Hollies, Asby Asby Fellowship: Donlad marston - Zephanaiah 19th 2pm Public Hall Supper Room Appleby Gardeners – Pat Dawson on flower arrangement 19th 9:30 am Pennine Room, Riverside Textile Group 19th 7:30pm Ormside Village Hall Craft Evening 19th 7:30pm Long Marton Village Hall Local History Grouup 20th 2 – 4pm Public Hall Supper Room Inner Wheel Whist and Dominoes 21st 7 – 9 pm Sands Methodist Friday Club – Sports with Rainbow Club 21st 7:30pm Appleby Hub Appleby Highlights “The Marriage of Figaro” 21st 7:30pm Ormside Village Hall Country Dancing Class 21st Long Marton Village Hall Pie Night 22nd 9:30 – 11:30 Appleby Public Hall Coffee morning in aid of Appleby Carnival Committee 22nd Dufton Village Hall High Cup Nick Fell Race: 23rd 2:15pm see article Nichiren Buddhism Discussion Meeting 23rd (KO) 3pm Dufton Village Hall 6 Nations Rugby: England v Ireland 26th 7:30pm St. Lawrence’s, Appleby Ash Wednesday communion with ashing 27th 7.30 pm The Hollies, Asby Asby PCC (for APCM) 28th 12:30pm Royal Oak Probus Club 28th 7:30 Milburn Village Hall Film Club – “The Affair of the Necklace” 29th 10:30 – 12:30 St. Peter's Church Asby Coffee, Cake and Chat in aid of Church Funds 29th 9:30 – 11:30 Appleby Public Hall Coffee morning in aid of Stepping Stones School of Dance 29th 7:30pm Appleby Public Hall Appleby Highlights “Nearly There Yet” 29th 7:30 pm Ormside Village Hall Quiz Night 29th 10 – noon Knock Mission Jumble Sale / Coffee Morning

29th Milburn Village Hall Spuds, Puds and Comedy Evening hat’s On? What’s On?What’s On? What’s On? What’s On?What’s On? What’s On? What’s On? What’s On? What’s On? What’s On?What’s On? What’s On? What’s On?What’s On? What’s On? What’s On What’s On? What’s On?On?What’s What’s On? What’s On?On?What’s What’s On? What’s On? What’s On? What’s On? What’s On?On?What’s What’s On? What’s On?On?What’s What’s On? hat’s W On? On?What’s What’s On? What’s On? On?What’s What’s On? What’s On? On?What’s What’s On? What’s On? On?What’s What’s ? Editorial Britain is a secular state. This means that for government and many individuals, the church and religion are only to be tolerated if they accept the politically correct mantra: that there is no objective truth, no ethical norms, individuals are free to determine their own identity and morals, particularly in the area of sexuality. Any challenge to this secular view of life can only be considered as coming from an enemy of the state. George Orwell in his famous novel Animal Farm spoke about "All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others". Whilst democracy speaks equal rights, be they religious or LGBT, some are more equal . Orwell used that as a parody of Communism and eventually he identified this as the fatal flaw which would bring about its downfall. This is because a system based not on Truth but on Power has a limited lifespan. It is built on sand, not reason. It is built on the will to power. In order to promote and assert the freedoms of certain individuals (e.g. minority rights), the state has become censorious of others. Where there is no acknowledgement of objective truth it all depends upon who shouts the loudest. The Christian church has the duty to propose the truth of the human person as revealed by Almighty God and which is consistent with human reason. The main problem is that fewer and fewer Christians believe or know what that teaching is, in order to propose it to the world. If there is going to be a new evangelisation there has also to be a new catechesis. Any renewal of the Church, the State and the World must be grounded in these two projects. G.K.Chesterton said, 'famously', that Christianity has not been tried and found wanting, but it had never seriously been tried. Most Christians gently drift away from the faith, be it thought, word or action. They are not imbued with the necessary conviction to resist and withstand the modern secular state. The outside world is very insistent on the demands it makes on people, whereas we are very light in our demands (c.f. Muslims). There are many "isms" to be found outside the church, which she supposedly opposes, but which appear within the church nowadays: secularism, relativism, materialism, consumerism. It is naïve to think that the church is a fortress against the world. There are no real walls between Church and Society. Clergy and people live in and among these "isms". Secularism in particular is about finding solely human solutions to life's problems. We see this in plans, projects and strategies. Whereas the Gospel has said, for 2000 years, that the solution is prayer, penance and the person of Jesus. Everyone seeks happiness, quite naturally, but fewer and fewer people know how to reach this state. The church sees happiness as a fruit not a goal. This comes from following Christ and His teachings. If I follow them the fruit is happiness. I do not set out to be happy, I set out to follow Christ, who as a bi-product delivers blessedness. There are few more fulfilling feelings in life than helping other through life, by sacrificing something of ourselves. The more self-absorbed we become the less fulfilment we reach. Modern man is angry [ e.g. terrorist attacks, mass shootings]. He is angry because his life has no meaning, no purpose, no hope. The modern world says: all there is to life is to eat, drink and be merry for tomorrow you will die. Man was made by God for more: a more noble purpose, but today man is fed on this very empty, unsatisfying diet. The young are anxious and we have a duty to assuage their fears. This can only be achieved by proposing to them a better way: The Christian Truth, which, if lived, gives witness to the values we are espousing through good example a serious way to living our faith is necessary if we are to channel the young's natural idealism into hope through commitment. The church has only Jesus Christ to offer, but needs nothing more. We all need a personal relationship with Him. This only happens in getting to know Him and time in prayer is essential. We discover Him in the Gospel, meet Him in sacraments, The world has nothing permanent to offer – only dust. Christ is the way, the truth and the life. Fr. Peter Houghton

Church Registers (mid November to mid-January) Baptisms We welcome into the Lord's Family: November 24th Sadie Isabelle Morley Asby Marriage We congratulate: December 14th Richard Carrick & Joanna Rees Musgrave

Funerals May they rest in peace and rise in glory: November 19th Lorna Garn St. Lawrence December 2nd Dorothy Ethel Emerson Ormside December 3rd Patricia Wells Sands Methodist Church December 5th David Graham Sands Methodist Church December 9th Peter Jeremy Walker Asby December 13th Paul Kenyon St Lawrence January 4th Pauline Scott Newbiggin January 8th Janet Henderson St. Lawrence January 8th Pat Shackleton Milburn January 9th Michael Waters Murton January 15th Paul Mason Long Marton January 17th Edith Dargue Carlisle Crematorium

Church of England: Rector: Rev. Dr. Clive Hicks Tel. 017682.54409 �� 017682.54409 Associate Priest: Revd Peter Boyles �� 017683.54161 Retired Priest: Rev. Roger Collinson �� 017683.52886 For (C of E) wedding bookings contact Joyce Keetley, Office Manager, email: [email protected] and for baptism bookings contact the Revd Peter Boyles email: [email protected] Methodist Minister: The Revd Andrew Sterling: Tel: 017683 51244 Our Lady of Appleby Church: Roman Catholic Parish Priest: Fr Peter Houghton Tel: 017683 51474 Electronic copy by email is preferred - to - often we are quite busy and don’t have time to reply. Please identify the content in the email subject line and in the name of each attachment (don’t just call it “Heart of Eden” - unsurprisingly everyone else does that!). Written copy, please leave in letter tray marked ‘Heart of Eden Editor’ in St Lawrence’s Church, on top of the book-shelf on your left as you go in. It will be emptied for the last time at noon on the 13th of the month. Adverts Please contact the Advertising Manager, Tony Myler, 4, Mill Hill, Appleby-in-Westmorland, CA16 6UR. Phone 07850.359230. Email: [email protected], with copy to [email protected] (in case the advertising manager is away) - Deadline date as above. New or changed copy for already-arranged adverts should be sent to the editor as above. It would help if you could please send any payments for advertising in envelopes clearly marked ‘Advertising Manager’. Prices on application for commercial advertisements - payment in advance please. Small Private advertisements: we will only accept adverts suitable for a Church Magazine, and adverts will cost £5 for up to 40 words. Please write your advert (in block capitals) on a piece of paper, with your address, and leave it in the Heart of Eden tray near the main church door of St. Lawrence’s. Put an envelope, with a £5 note in it, and marked ‘HoE Small Ad’ and something to identify the advertisement, in the safe. The safe is straight ahead of you as you enter the church.To be included in a particular edition of the newsletter, please do this before noon on the 13th as with other items” n.b. please make cheques payable to “PCC of Appleby” We are very grateful for the very generous donations made by various groups and individuals towards the running costs of this Newsletter. We would welcome articles (and front cover photographs - the editor gets desperate for something new) relevant to the time of year, book reviews, travel articles, etc. Please send them to the editor.The bundles of copies of this Newsletter are taken round to the distributors by Jan and Alan Meakin. They can be contacted on 52407.

Seeking Newsletter Delivery Help SS. Margaret & James, Long Marton The Newsletter is brought to your house by one of our wonderful band Churchwardens:Mrs. Josie Cannon 017683.51386 of delivery volunteers – we have nearly 40 of these. As with any task, (Acting) Mr. Lutaf Greenshaw 07802254982 as time goes on some of these wish to hand on their task to others: if you think you could help as a deliverer please contact our Delivery St. Cuthbert, Milburn Coordinators, Jan and Alan Meakin on 52407. Churchwardens: Mrs. E. Godfrey (61007) Mr. Leigh Harding (0333.014.3944) News from the Churches Secretary: Christine Braithwaite St. John, Murton cum Hilton St. Lawrence, Appleby Churchwarden: Jean Hutchison ) Churchwarden: Jean Hutchison Secretary: Jo Ayres (52017) Secretary: Jo Ayres (52017) St. Edmund, Newbiggin From the Organ Bench A slightly belated Happy New Year, and I really hope that you all had Churchwardens: Mrs. M. P. Sawrey-Cookson (61574) "yourselves a merry little Christmas." We are so very grateful to those Mrs. M. Marsh (51098) of you who supported our Christmas Concert in December from which St. James the Less, Ormside St Lawrence's benefited by £831.00. February is now upon us, and on Sunday 2nd at 6.30pm we celebrate Churchwardens: Margaret Parry (51043) The Feast of Candlemas. Traditionally St Lawrence's hosts this Secretary: Richard Parry (51043) service on behalf of the Appleby Deanery. Candlemas marks the close of the Christmas Season, and is sometimes called The St. James , Temple Sowerby Purification of The Blessed Virgin Mary, or The Presentation of Christ Churchwardens: Anne Farmer in the Temple. The service is celebrated in the Anglo-Catholic tradition Angela Cleasby with the use of incense. Bishop Peter Ramsden will Preside and our Secretary: Helen Morgan Rector, Revd Clive Hicks, will preach. Eve-ryone is invited to join us for this service. At the end of February we drop into Lent. So, what might you consider Our Sister Churches doing to make Lent meaningful? It doesn't need to be a case of giving something up. To ease us into Lent there is our Ash Wednesday Roman Catholic Church of Our Lady of service on February 26th at 7.30pm. It is a Communion Service Appleby Gartheads Road, Appleby (involving ashing for those who would like to receive this) for the whole Fr. Peter Houghton (51474) of our Benefice and anyone else who would like to come, and will provide a wonderful and challenging start to the season. So do join us and take up the Lent Challenge; hopefully there will be some helpful material to help you along posted on our Face-book page at Methodist Church St Lawrence's Church, Appleby in Westmorland. The Sands Methodist Church St. Peter, Asby Rev. Andrew Sterling (51244) Churchwardens: Mrs. P. Bevan (53433) General Enquiries Linda Taylor (53448) Mrs. Denise Frisby (01539.623542) Secretary: Karen Royle (07966.371044) Come 4 Lunch” See under Asby Village activities The Sands Methodist Church Hall" Next " Come 4 Lunch " St. Cuthbert, Dufton will be on Friday 7th February between 11-45am - 1pm. Churchwardens: Mrs. Gillian Bryan (51414) Home made Soup +Roll, also a choice of Sweets, Tea or Mrs. Shelagh Endres (52855) Coffee. Secretary: Mrs. Louise Stewart Come along & meet the Team, make new friends or have a St. Michael, Kirkby Thore natter to the ones you know. This is all free, but any donations after experiences will be given to Charities in Appleby. All Churchwardens: Margaret Davidson (017683.61699) Maeve Moore (017683.62005) ages welcome. Secretary: Liz Higginbottom (017683.62910) Check or for more info contact Dan or Kristy Pattimore Bring & Share Meal. (017683 62655) The Sands Methodist Church "Bring & Shared Meal Sunday We are now back in a restored and redecorated church 16th February (Approx 12-15pm). Please come along. You complete with new toilet and kitchen.Visitors welcome don't have to be a member or belong to any Church. Just support group doesn’t appeal to everyone, but if you feel the come as a family or on your own you will be made to feel need to chat over a cup of tea and a biscuit, please come welcome & part of our Church Family. along. For more information please contact: Kevin Robinson – ‘‘Hebron’ in Appleby – save the date! 017683 51569 or Revd Sandy Pearl – 01931 714564 On April 22nd at Sands Methodist Church, we are pleased to present an event by the trio 'Hebron'. The group was born out of the thrilling Cancer Information and Support in spiritual revival amongst many Jewish peoples who have accepted Jesus as their Messiah. The musicians in question are Simon Elman Eden (vocals, bass guitar), Chrissy Rodgers (vocals, acoustic guitar, six- “Come for Coffee” drop-in sessions in the Bolton Lounge at string banjo) and Helen Shapiro (vocals, ukulele, tenor guitar). Helen the Voluntary Sector, The Riverside Building (The Health will of course be a name instantly recognised by fans of '60s pop music. Now she sings with the group, interspersing testimony, song, and the Centre) in Appleby on the 1st and 3rd Mondays of each month Gospel Message alongside the Jewish folk music and "Hava Nagila"- from 10am to noon (excluding bank holidays) for those style rhythms. The event is free, but admission will be by ticket only. affected by cancer (whether patients or carers of any age). (For tickets phone 07702 058323 or 07852 7917370). A freewill offering In addition to coffee and a chat, a gentle exercise class is will be taken. More information in due course, but a great evening in available from 10.30 to 11.00 in the adjoining Pennine Suite. prospect! If you require any further information regarding these groups please telephone Rosie on 017683 52263 or Jackie on Appleby Nichiren Buddhism 017683 52277. Appleby Nichiren Buddhism Discussion Meetings at 2:15pm on the last Sunday of the month, at Jen Kirby’s home Tel 017683 52921. Fun and inspiring dialogue. Come and join Citizens Advice Carlisle & Eden us Citizens Advice Carlisle & Eden needs YOU! The Citizens Advice service is looking for volunteers to train to be advice workers News from the Area in the Eden area. Age UK - Carlisle and Eden Citizens Advice Carlisle and Eden ask volunteers to give a regular one day a week over an extended period of time. We 1 Due to the kindness and generosity of Age Concern need volunteers to train as Advisers and also as Advice Appleby, we are now able to offer our day care service for Assistants and Business Support roles. Whilst specific £12 a day, the day centre is open every Tuesday in the qualifications or experience are not required, to train for the Riverside building attached to the health centre, from 9-30 role volunteers need to be good at listening, have a good am until 3-00pm. We offer a safe environment for older manner when talking to people, be open minded and non- members, a two course home cooked meal is included judgmental and enjoy helping people. It is also necessary to along with all refreshments throughout the day, along with have competent skills in using a computer. All volunteers are any games and entertainment. Or simply join us for lunch given free training appropriate to their role which might for £6 , for more information either just drop in on a Tuesday include how to assess people's needs, either face-to-face or for coffee or ring Pat Mchugh on 07958936694. over the phone, and identify the most appropriate course of 2 Join us in the Riverside Building adjoining the Health Centre action. Volunteer Expenses are paid. for a drop in Coffee and Cake morning. Bring a friend and meet If you are interested in volunteering, please send an email to new ones. Bring your own crafts and share your knowledge or [email protected] with a daytime have a game of cards or scrabble…or simply enjoy a chat over telephone number, or visit our website www.ca-ce.org.uk and coffee. We are open every Wednesday from 10:30 to noon. £3 complete the form or call 03300 563037 to leave your details. admission to include refreshments Ring Pat on 07958936694 Alternatively you can call in to our office at 2 Sandgate, for more details or simply drop in. Penrith.

The Appleby & District Arthritis If you need advice in Appleby, our outreach in Appleby is Research UK open on the 4th Wednesday of each month from 2 to 4pm at Appleby Library. If you can spare a few hours, have a great idea for a fundraising activity and would like to help us in the fight against arthritis, please contact Mrs Margaret Atkinson, Eden Carers Group Secretary on 017683 51047. For more information on Do you care? If so Eden Carers may be able to help you. We arthritis visit www.arthritisresearchuk.org are a charity providing free support to unpaid Carers; throughout Eden, who look after a family member, relative, Heart of Westmorland Bereavement friend or neighbour who could not manage without their help. Support Group will be meeting at The Hub Cafe in We support over 850 individuals (170 of whom are young Carers aged 5 to 18 years). We provide statutory carers’ Appleby on the first Monday of each month between 2 and 4 assessments: information and signposting; 1 to 1 support; pm. This is an informal group and anyone who has suffered benefit information; newsletters, support groups including after the loss of someone close to them either recently or some school clubs for Young Carers; social events; training and time ago, is invited. activities. Contact us on 01768 890280 or We will not be following a programme and will not offer [email protected] Let us help you care. counselling – simply the opportunity to talk about what is on your mind and share your feelings with others who may have felt the same. Grief affects everyone in different ways and a Eden Hearing Services - for the hard Tours of Lady Anne’s of hearing Almshouses Provision of batteries for hearing aids. Also free help and advice For a donation to our Summerhouse Fund, for people with hearing loss. groups or individuals can have a look round a cottage, a talk Appleby Health Centre, Riverside Building , Chapel Street in the Chapel and a tour of our gardens. nd 2 Thursday each month 1pm - 3pm To arrange, contact Valerie Kendall, Tel: 017683 53159; Also at Kirkby Stephen Local Links Office, Vicarage Lane email: [email protected] 7 St Anne’s, Boroughgate, rd 3 Tuesday each month 10am - 12noon Appleby-in-Westmorland, CA16 6XQ For more information or to request a home visit please contact Geraldine Bolton on 07578 404500. Could you do something amazing? Meals on Wheels - Volunteers Needed County Council supports the wonderful work We are looking for some volunteers to help deliver Meals on done by over 200 foster families, some in the Appleby Wheels in the town of Appleby one lunchtime each month. area. Fosterers are part of a team, with their own social We are a friendly,flexible team who deliver a hot meal and a pudding to clients on Mondays to Fridays. worker and contact with other carers. With over 600 We will arrange for your DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service) children needing foster families, more volunteers are forms to be completed, checked and issued and as long as you always needed There are a number of different have a vehicle for deliver you'll be 'good to go'. schemes: Please contact Dot Anderton 52389, Liz Harrison 51128, Kath ● Short Term Fostering: children are looked after until Martin 51031 or Jenny Morgan on 52210. family circumstances change to enable them to Upper Eden Food Bank return home. ● Long Term Fostering: children need a substitute News from the TIC permanent family. Happy New Year to you all! ● Approved Support (Respite) Care: children are We are still on winter hours this month, until the clocks go forwards in looked after for short periods, usually weekends or March, when we move to Summer opening hours. holidays to provide temporary breaks for their Winter hours are Monday- Thursday 10am-2pm, Friday 10am-3pm, Saturday 10am-2pm. carers/families. Come and see us for inspiration for where to go and what to see during ● Short Breaks (Shared Care): carers are linked with winter. There are still attractions open locally , and we have some families who have one or more children with Tickets and details of performances by Highlights and the Lights Camera Appleby Cinema group. Come and browse the posters for disabilities, to provide regular short-term care. local events, or visit us online at www.visitappleby.com ● Homestays. Families with room to spare supply In our exhibition centre we have an utterly astonishing array of Chinese supported accommodation for young people in art , some of it original, beautiful embroidery and artefacts from the Cultural Revolution and before. A lot of items are for sale, at extremely work, training or employment who are leaving the reasonable prices. This is all on display until February 7th. care system and learning to live independently. From Tuesday 11th Feb until Easter, the exhibition centre will have the local art and crafts of Carolla Frank. Please come and see her unique If you want to find out more please ring 03033331216; or go to handmade items for sale. Her beautiful and useful work is quickly cumbria.gov.uk/fostering; or message snapped up for gifts. First come first served! @cumbriafosteringandadoption As usual we sell local books and cards and other Eden Valley goods. Please do pop in if you are passing. Best wishes and kind regards Volunteers Needed to Support Nicola and Karen Families with Young Children Penrith and District Red Squirrel Group Cumbria Family Support (Note new name - as they Your native red squirrels need you! ecome a member of Penrith used to be East Cumbria Family Support) need more and District Red Squirrel Group for £20 a year. If you see a grey, volunteers to support families who are going through red or sickly red please ring Gary Murphy on 07974788434 Visit a difficult patch, and have young or primary age our website at www.penrithredsquirrels.org.uk to donate If you children. would like a talk for your club/group we can arrange them. Coffee Volunteers are carefully ‘matched’ with a family and then visit mornings and other fundraising events would also help. Find us weekly to provide practical/emotional support to parent/s, and/or on Facebook. children as needed. Support might involve looking after a child to enable a parent to attend appointments which benefit the Coffee Mornings Appleby Public Hall, Supper whole family; or focus on building positive relationships by Room Saturdays - 9:30am to 11:30am facilitating family activities. Sometimes support may focus on Date in aid of helping parents to build on their strengths, and feel confident 1st Seedlings Nursery about the 8th Rainbows decisions they make. These are just examples, and each family’s 15th Appleby Fire Service needs are individually assessed. To use that well- worn phrase 22nd Appleby Carnival Committee – ‘we do what it says on the tin’- we support families. 29th Stepping Stones School of Dance Our volunteers come from all walks of life, and are of all ages and experience. They respect family confidentiality, are non- judgemental and have been at the heart of our organisation since we began 24 years ago. Full training and ongoing support is given, and travel expenses 574 Kirkby Stephen - Penrith Bus paid. If you would like to know more, please contact our Eden Family Support Coordinator, Sarah Craig on 01768 593102; or Service email [email protected] This service, run by Cumbria Classic Coaches, operates one www.cumbriafamilysupport.org.uk return journey on Tuesdays including Appleby and Long Twitter - @CumbriaFS Facebook - Cumbria Family Support Marton on its route. It stops at Appleby (The Sands) at 10.15 (outward) and leaves Penrith Bus Station (return) at 14.30. From the Westmorland Dales Landscape Leaflets containing details of the 574 service are available at Appleby TIC and online at www.cumbria.gov.uk/buses/eden Partnership Surveying the Traditional Farm Buildings of the Westmorland Dales Traditional farm buildings make a very strong contribution to the New Community Wheels Service (on distinctive landscape of the Westmorland Dales area, but these Fridays)… structures are often overlooked and can be poorly understood. A This service started on 4 October (2019) and covers the villages major survey is now planned to build a more detailed picture of the previously served by the 573 Friday Appleby public bus service ie number and type of farm buildings that exist in the Westmorland Dales. Asby, Brampton, Dufton, Knock, Long Marton, Millburn, Ormside, Training events have been held for volunteers who have signed up Silverband plus Barrowmoor and Scattergate in Appleby - as well as to start the survey in 2020. The work forms part of a 'Traditional Farm the villages of Warcop and Sandford which were served by the Buildings' project, one of 21 projects being run as part of the previous Community Wheels service. The section of the service which Westmorland Dales Landscape Partnership Scheme, supported by covers Asby, Ormside, Sandford and Warcop also meets the 563 bus the National Lottery Heritage Fund. to/from Penrith. Leaflets are available at Appleby TIC or phone Volunteers will undertake two levels of survey. The first level will be 017683 53350 or phone Katy Wood (Cumbria CC) Tel 0333 240 6965 conducted from public rights of way and roads, and will include option 5 (Mobile 07788 396194) or go to recording the location of the farm building and taking photographs www.cumbria.gov.uk/communitywheels from their viewpoint. The second level will involve a more detailed survey of buildings; only carried out after permission from the landowner has been sought and granted. Rural Wheels Service The survey will not impose any obligation on the owners of buildings People not living on a particular bus route eg in one of the to carry out works, and the future of these buildings remains almost entirely at their discretion. The information collected will be added to villages are encouraged to contact the Rural Wheels service the Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority's Historic Environment managed by Cumbria County Council (Tel 01228 221055) to Record, which is their database for all historic buildings, sites and see if this service could provide transport to the nearest bus monuments. A copy of the survey information collected will be made stop on the route. available to all owners or occupiers upon request. If you have any queries or would like to get involved, then please Curry Aid News contact Hannah Kingsbury (the scheme's Cultural Heritage Officer), Thank you to everyone who came to support our coffee morning in April Cultural Heritage Officer at Westmorland Dales Landscape when we were able to raise £200. Partnership, Unit 1B, The Sidings, Tebay, Cumbria, CA10 3XR, or Jessie’s shoulder is healing slowly and she’s hoping to get a good report �01539 756624 / Mob: 07814 305775 or by emailing feels very frustrated that she can’t do the cooking and organising of big Curry Aid suppers, until her shoulder allows her to drive, lift heavy things Bus Talk and cook again. However she thanks the good Lord for those people who can and who continue to generously offer to hold events for her charity, such as: 563 Appleby - Penrith Bus Coffee Mornings, Quizzes, Raffles, Service Sales of Books & CDs The 563 service operated by Stagecoach consists of 3 return Please contact Jessie on 51227 Penrith - Appleby journeys, between 9.15 to 15.00, Monday to Friday, calling at Kirkby Thore and Temple Sowerby and or Jenny Morgan on 52210 thanks runs all year including school holidays. The first service to Please will you help? Anything, everything and anyone can Penrith, leaving Appleby Moot Hall at 9.50 and the final help: service leaving Penrith Rail Station at 13.30 and Penrith Bus Station at 13.40 for Appleby, include a loop via Cross Croft Appleby Edibles and Drawbriggs Lane. Where there isn't a bus stop, the bus After meeting with the Heritage Centre it has will stop to let you on if you hail the driver and also drop you been agreed that we will work in cooperation off if you request this (although this is at the discretion of the to expand the site to develop an area in which driver for safety reasons). The same two services go into to develop the delivery of supported sessions. Sandersons Croft in Kirkby Thore. Thank you to all the The AGM, February Meeting and seed swap date will be posted at existing users of the 563; new users are always welcome. the online link below: All are welcome. We're staying! Happy New Year. Following meetings with The Appleby Heritage Centre, a few of the more pro-active AE members 506 Appleby - Penrith - Kendal Bus have offered to help support the development of the space to expand it by about 1/3 to make room for supported sessions in growing. Station Thanks to John for our new logo. February meeting and AGM date The 506 service, also operated by Stagecoach, runs during TBC. Watch this space. Kendal College term times Monday to Friday, leaving Appleby Saturday April 4th. 1/2 Day 'workshop' An introduction to growing your Moot Hall (outward) at 6.55 for Penrith and Kendal and own fruit and vegetables. 10.00 am till 1.00pm £10.00 pp. Seed leaving Penrith Bus Station (return) at 18.32 for Appleby. swap and stay for lunch if you like. Booking Essential Leaflets containing details of the 563 and 506 services are https://www.penrithact.org.uk/garden-eden/appleby-edibles available at Appleby TIC (in Moot Hall) and online on the Stagecoach website and www.cumbria.gov.uk/buses/eden Appleby Smarter Community Speed Watch. Cumbria Police are seeking to implement further Appleby Smarter comprises of a group of volunteers who Community Speed-Watch Scheme's throughout the meet with the aim of keeping Appleby looking 'smart'. You EDEN area.Would you be interested? For further details please speak to your local Police Community have most likely seen us out and about on Mondays. Support Officer, or contact Scheme co-ordinator PC 1707 Norman Many thanks to those who take the time to stop and offer Black directly kind words of support! It means a lot! This month we Tel 101 ext 401707 [email protected] have been cleaning the black & white posts and shelters along the riverbank and along Boroughgate, tidying Follow Us on Twitter and Facebook outside the library and also tidying the raised flower beds www.twitter.com/cumbriapolice on Bridge Street. We also cleared overgrownfoliage along www.twitter.com/ulvpolice the footpath alongside the Heritage Centre. Why not have https://www.facebook.com/cumbriapolice a chat with one of the team to see if you would like to join https://crimestoppers-uk.org/ us - it's fulfilling and worthwhile work and can be great fun. Contact police on 101 or email [email protected] For emergency always call 999 Your Police Community Support Officer is: PCSO 5206 Karen Police Update Dakin, PCSO 5133 Larmour and PCSO 5406 Sally Ewbank. Email: [email protected] CRIME FIGURES can be obtained via the Or [email protected] Cumbria Police Website: Or [email protected] We are also available between 10:00 and 12:00 in Appleby https://www.cumbria.police.uk/Your-Area/Your- Tourist Information Centre on the second Wednesday of each area.aspx month, and at Shap Primary school on the second Monday of Alternatively use the following link: each month between 11:00 and 12:00. We are also available https://www.police.uk/ on the first Monday of each month at Maulds Meaburn village Institute from 10:30. Incidents of note Hollies Recycling Don’t throw it out – help a charity The Hollies, Roman Road, Appleby now collects Stamps now go to Bone Appleby Cancer Research Trust. RNIB made £24,605 last year, so let’s help a ● 7th Dec Police dealt with incident of Public Order, town centre smaller vital charity. ● 7th Dec Report of deliberate damage to vehicle, town centre Printer cartridges & toner; CD’s, DVD’s, Mobile `phones & chargers for ● 20th Dec Theft of copper piping and alloy wheel from grounds GNAAS; Tools for Tools With A Mission (www.TWAM.co.uk) – old tools of residential property between pm 19 Dec - 20 Dec get refurbished and sent to give people work and therefore an income. ● 21st Dec Padlock broken at outside storage unit Colby Lane No more bottle tops, please, as there is no transport. overnight 19-20 Dec ● 21st Dec Report of anti-social incident at residential estate ● 28th Dec Vehicle has been keyed in Appleby Town centre Appleby Clubs between 11:30-12:30. ● 30th Dec Report of smashed window to business property on The Sands. The Appleby in Westmorland Society If you have any information on any of the incidents above Memories in Time - Time flew at the meeting of the Appleby- please contact Police on 101. in-Westmorland Society (at the end of November last) as retired lawyer and clock enthusiast Tim Sykes took his audience on a journey through the world of the long-case (grandfather) clock Country Watch Eden - Rural Crime as evidenced by the work of the family of Barber, clockmakers Week of Action in October of Winster, not too far from the shores of Lake Windermere. There has been a report of a theft of 200 Swaledale ewes and hogs He himself IS the proud possessor of a clock made by Jonas from the fell in the Shap area. The sheep all have a red stroke down Barber II, one of a numbered series that went into four figures, nearside ribs and an under key notch in the right ear. All are tagged though these were not sequential. Other examples of Barber with number UK104027. If you have seen anything suspicious or have clocks can be seen at Bowes Museum, Barnard Castle (No. any information please contact Police via 101 incident number 132 of 405) and Abbott Hall Museum in Kendal. Slides were shown 12th Dec 2019. to illustrate the fine woods used in the construction of the cases 22/12/2019 – report of theft of sheep from a field in the area of Maulds of these clocks made by master craftsmen as well as the detail Meaburn, 17 texel cross grown lambs, marked with a red wool mark on their heads and ribs, incident number 49 of 2nd Jan 2020. of their faces, which through the years progressed from being If anyone is interested in becoming involved particularly in farm watch made of brass with partly silvered surfaces to white faces in and taking part in nights of action, please contact PCSO 5206 Karen later years, these decorated with colourful images of flowers Dakin or PCSO 5169 Janet Allinson on Tel 101 or and fruit. It should be said that Barber and his fellow [email protected] clockmakers usually confined themselves to making the movements of the clocks with latches and pins, the dials and Community Engagement. the details thereon including spandrels being hand-made in other places such as Birmingham, probably with some design Appleby Beavers visited Appleby Police Station for a tour and discussed relevant topics on vandalism and keeping yourself safe input from Barber and others. PCSO and Brownies sang carols at Appleby Grange. We also engaged The early clocks usually had only one pointer, a second one with the Christmas service for Appleby Primary at St Lawrence’s being considered unnecessary due to its position as it moved Church. between the Roman numerals in relation to the five subdivisions between each, at first indicated by lines and later not a requirement. There are no auditions: just turn up and by points indicating the time within the hours. Only with the enjoy singing. coming of the railways, with the need for time to be precise for This coming year 2020 marks the 25th anniversary of the the production of timetables, did a second pointer become founding of The Fellside Singers and we are planning several necessary. Traditionally the figure four was indicated by 'IIII' events to celebrate. Our popular Christmas will include a meal instead of 'IV', said to be for reasons of symmetry. That the by Temptations, and in the Spring our concert will include most famous clock in the country - Big Ben - has a 'IV' is due selections from the music of Andrew Lloyd Webber as well as to it being designed by Pugin, who designed a large part of the other lighter choral works, and in the summer we will be inviting sculpture and decoration of the Houses of Parliament in the other choirs to come and sing with us to celebrate in a 19th century and 'didn't know that much about clocks' said performance of the Vivaldi Gloria. Tim. The answer to the question 'How did clockmakers know For further information contact our secretary Anne Perry how to set their clocks running at the right time?' was that each annebellechasseATgmail.com or our conductor Richard clock-maker kept a regulator clock for the purpose of uniformity McGregor ([email protected] and, as applied to railway timetables, safety. Or phone 01768 53683 anytime and speak to Richard/leave The local clock-making industry, said Tim, was some twenty your number to thirty years behind that of London, where Tompion was one of the major exponents of the craft. With a nod to the fairly Appleby Junior Football Club prolific clock-making industry in America, he said that the Do you enjoy having a kick about with your friends? removable top section of the clock case, which protected the Would you like to meet new people and be part of a team? face and movement of the clock, was known as a hood in Well Appleby Junior Football Club is the answer! England but as a bonnet in that country - 'The reverse of the We offer mixed teams as below: descriptions of the section of a car which covers the engine Under 7's & 8's, Under 9's, Under 10's, Under 11's mixed compartment in the respective countries' he observed. teams. 'We have had another formidable serving of expert information Under 16's boys & Under 16's girls. from Tim Sykes' said Society Vice-Chairman Barry McKay We are back training and playing at King Georger Playing thanking the speaker. Field. If you would like more details or would like to come Next meeting 30th January along and have a go, please contact us at David Cross will tell us about the brilliant young artist, Percy Kelly, who couldn’t stop painting and drawing. [email protected] or Facebook @applebyjuniorFC The Arts Society Friday Club All lectures start at 11 am at Appleby Market Hall. Coffee served We finished 2019 with our annual Xmas Party at the Sands, along with from 10.15 am.Members free, a small charge of £8.00 for non- many friends of the club. Lots of lovely food and a disco for dancing. members. To find out more about our society please visit: Then the Appleby Town Band joined us to play xmas carols for us all taswestmorland.org.uk to join in with. Finally, a visit from Father Christmas, lots of laughter On the 12th February, Jonathan Foyle talks about “Tudor Hampton and presents as well !! It was a lovely evening. Court” Then, we started the new year 2020 with a meal out together. It was a fantastic turnout, with a few family members joining us this year. The Appleby Badminton Club meal was very good and again lots of laughter!! Happy New Year to everyone. Looking for a new sporting interest? Please come along. We play Dates for your calendar Wednesdays 7.30pm – 10pm and Mondays 8 - 10pm. We also Fri 7th Feb. 7-9pm Guide Hut Dominoes have Junior Coaching Sessions on Mondays 6.30 – 8pm for Fri 21st Feb. 7-9pm Sands Sports with Rainbow club children aged 8 years old and over. All new members are very welcome. Please come along and give badminton a try, we are Appleby & District Gardeners’ Society a very friendly club with a wide range of ages and abilities Please The next meeting is on Wednesday 19th February at 2pm in contact Sheila, [email protected] for further the supper room, when Mrs. Pat Dawson will talk about herbs information and flower arrangements. Appleby Bowling Club Join the Appleby Rainbows, We are indoors playing short mat bowls. If you would like to come and have a go, please come from 2 till 4 pm each day Brownies and Guides or phone the bowling club on 017683 53021. st Next event: Fun Quiz night, on Saturday 7th starting at 7-30pm. £5 1 Appleby Rainbows (age 5-7) includes supper and all in aid of the flood fund. Thurs. 5 to 6:15pm Fellside Singers 1st Appleby (age 7-10) Mon. 5 to 6:30 pm Would you like to sing in a choir or 2nd Appleby (age 7-10) Wed. 5 to 6:45 pm have been in a choir before and 1st Appleby Guides (age 10+) Wed. 7 to 8:30pm miss it? Why not come along to The Fellside Singers, all welcome. We rehearse on a Tuesday We are always on the look out for adults to become evening from 7.30-9.00 in The leaders with any of these groups - message the group Sands Methodist Church Hall, The Sands, Appleby. We are for more information: Appleby Rainbows, Brownies and a small friendly choir and usually perform three concerts a year Guides in Appleby and the surrounding villages fundraising for charities Telephone Alison Taylor (Brown Owl) 017683 both local and international. We are looking for singers in all 61241 [email protected] parts (soprano, alto, tenor and bass) and although we use printed music to learn the pieces, the ability to read music is Inner Wheel Whist and Dominoes 2 Saturday 29th February We meet every other Thursday afternoon (this month 6th Home Sweet Home (Nearly There Yet) and 20th) from 2 until 4 pm at the Public Hall Supper Room. Appleby Public Hall 7.30pm All this and lots of fun for only £1.50. Bring a friend too. Home Sweet Home is a show that explores what it is like when you feel you don't belong. Kaveh Ring Jenny Morgan 52210 for information. Rahnama explores a range of issues from from the BNP in the '80s to juggling in the rain! With a classic Appleby Lace Group soundtrack of feel-good hits, this partly autobiographical show is an entertaining look at what it means to be British when one, or both, of Do you have an interest in learning a Lace Craft - your parents isn't. Tatting, Crochet, Bobbin Lace or Knitted Lace. We People have laughed a lot at this show... a few have cried! "Wonderful and truly moving... a heartfelt exploration into belonging." meet every other week on a Thursday morning in the Tickets: 017683 52902/www.highlightsnorth.co.uk Pennine Room of the Riverside Medical Building for terms of six weeks. If you would like more information Appleby Highlights is run by volunteers and is a not-for-profit, community interest organisation. please contact Barbara Smith on 017683 51157 or email [email protected]. Appleby Rotary Club The Rotary Club Bookshop is open at the Hub from Wednesday to Lights, Camera, Appleby Saturday, 10 am to 3 pm. We continue to be grateful for donations Saturday 15th February in of books and for the funds generated from sales. We can also take in old spectacles for Vision Aid. Appleby Public Hall Pond Life (15) Appleby Probus Club It's the summer of 1994. In a quiet mining village just If you are a retired or semi-retired gentleman and would outside Doncaster, a rumour stirs about the legend of a giant carp in the nearby decoy ponds. Young Trevor appreciate some company, come and join us at the Royal Oak takes watch one night at the water's edge. The in Appleby, for lunch on the last Friday of each month - 12:30 following night, he decides to lead a brigade of friends and neighbours for 1 pm. Details from Ian Rudd on 62552. on a fishing expedition. In a world of broken families, cassette tapes and rumbling political fever, these friends, each with their own struggles to bear, share a moment of harmony as they witness the carp for Appleby Textile Group themselves that they will never forget. This film will be shown with Do you have an interest in textiles? We meet twice a month subtitles for those who are harder of hearing. with a date time and an evening meeting. Come along to We will be serving Fish & Chips, of course! Tickets £11 for food and film. Please book food tickets in advance. chat and share skills in all textile crafts. We have a Film only tickets, £4 available on the door. Doors open 6pm, food programme of speakers, run workshops and organise served 6.15-6.30pm. Film screening at 7pm. Pay bar, raffle, traditional Outings. We normally meet on the first Tuesday of every sweets from Appleby’s own Sugar & Spice and interval ice-cream from month 7 pm to 9 pm at The Guide Hut, Appleby. Non the Jersey Ice Cream Farm, Melkinthorpe. Food tickets must be booked in advance from Appleby Tourist members welcome, entrance fee £6 or £10 for Special Information Centre or the Courtyard Gallery, Appleby. For further Speakers (including raffle ticket &refreshments) And for information please tel: 07903 858093 or email: members only, on the third Wednesday, sewing in the [email protected] Pennine Room, Riverside 9.30 to 12.30. For further details Make Remote cinema night your regular monthly social. All profits please contact Barbara on 017683 51157, Sandra on support further film and cultural events for Appleby. Remote in Appleby is run by volunteers and is a not-for-profit 01768 899795. Email: Applebytextile@ btinternet.com organisation. Remote Cinema is a scheme funded by the Big Lottery Also see Appleby Textile Group.blogspot.co.uk. and offered to villages in Eden, by Eden Arts and Cine North. Follow Next meetings: us on our Facebook page: Appleby Remote Cinema Scheme 4th February - Annual General Meeting and “Talk” Appleby Highlights - two events Villages 1 Friday 21st February The Marriage of Figaro Appleby Hub 7.30pm Asby A whistle stop tour of Mozart's playful opera. Figaro Wed. 5th 7:30pm The Hollies Asby Fellowship: Clive Hicks - and Susanna are getting married, but trouble clouds Haggai the horizon. The lecherous Count Almaviva is out to Sun. 9th 5pm (meet at) St. Peter's Moonlight Walk - boots and warm bed the bride, the lovesick pageboy Cherubino keeps clothing recommended - soup in landing himself in hot-water and, to top it all off, if St. Peter's on return Figaro cannot repay his debt to Marcellina the Tues. 11th 7:30pm Village Hall Asby WI: "Bee keeping & Honey" housekeeper, he'll have to marry her instead! Be Thurs. 13th 12.30 pm Eden River Café Asby Diners: 2 entertained by four professional opera singers and an course meal + drink for £7.50 accordionist in this short opera packed with mistaken Mon. 17th 10 - noon St. Peter's Church M e s s y identity, misunderstanding and comic twists. This is the perfect chance Church - all ages welcome to experience the magic of opera! Tues. 18th 7:30 Dallison House Asby MU There will be a short interval and the performance will be followed by Wed. 19th 7.30 pm The Hollies Asby Fellowship: Donlad marston an informal Q+A with the performers. Doors open 7pm, performance - Zephanaiah at 7.30pm. Pay bar and raffle. Thurs. 27th 7.30 pm The Hollies Asby PCC (for APCM) Tickets: £10 adult / £5 child / £25 family (2 adults/2 children) Book online: www.operanorth.co.uk/wso-figaro or tel: 017683 52902 Sat. 29th 10:30 - 12:30 St. Peter's Church Coffee, Cake and Chat in aid of Church to reserve and pay on the door. Funds Bandleyside Long Marton Bandleyside Parish Council are considering reducing the number of Another decade dawns so here's the goings on in Long Marton: Annual Parish Meetings held to 1, from 3. This is to help reduce costs, Yoga - held on Wednesday mornings, 10.00-11.45am. Details from Jo and to bring the parish council in line with other parishes. The legal Chapman 079027 18957 www.cumbriayoga.co.uk requirement is only to hold 1. We will be discussing this at the Annual Crafters Group - Small & friendly craft group welcoming like minded Parish Meetings in February. The agenda will be published on the new members. Bring along a craft project or learn to crochet ?? Meet notice boards and website. Thursday 7.30pm - for more info contact Nicola on 62301. Carpet bowls - Tuesday Feb 4 & 18 @ 2pm. Good fun, all welcome £2 Dufton Village Hall. a session. Details: Vicky 01931 715810 Sun. 2nd (KO) 3pm 6 Nations Rugby: England v France Lunch Club - Wednesday Feb 12 @ noon. Ring Anne on 61244 to order Thurs. 6th 10 - 12 Art Class (and weekly ongoing) a week prior to date. Excellent food & good company, so come & join Thurs. 6th 7:30pm Book Club - “Flaubert’s Parrot” by Julian Barnes us! (Community Room) Coffee morning - Tuesday Feb 11, 10.30 - 12.15. Good crack, cakes, th Fri. 7 10:30 - 12 Mother & Toddler (weekly in term time) toasties, soup & raffle, everyone welcome. Sat. 8th (KO) 4pm 6 Nations Rugby: England v Scotland Sun. 9th 10 - 12:30 Big Breakfast Local History Group - David Crosby Wednesday Feb 19th talking about Thurs. 13th Village Hall Committee Meeting an "Incredible Journey". Further details from Sat. 15th 9 - 12 PCC Coffee Morning [email protected] Sat. 22nd High Cup Nick Fell Race: Volunteers needed to help Pie Night - our Winter Warmer is on Friday, Feb 21st. Pie, pudding, in the hall, and to make soup and cakes - contact Pat quiz & raffle. £11. Ticket only - to book contact Nicola 01768 62301. Williams. Also to help with marshalling and the race, Afternoon Tea - date for your diaries - Sunday, 17th May from 2pm. contact Morgan Donnelly Sun. 23rd (KO) 3pm 6 Nations Rugby: England v Ireland Don't forget hall hire, contact Anne on 61158. Farther ahead: Milburn th th More 6 Nations 7 and 14 March 1st 10:30 Coffee Morning in aid of the Village Hall - all welcome Thursday 23rd April Highlights - Liz Cotton 7:30pm Described as 'halfway th between Victoria Wood and Louden Wainwright III' Liz provides a life's 15 10:30 In the village hall: coffee morning with cake stall in aid of worth of songs, humour, anxieties and love. 16+ audience St. Cuthbert's Church. Come and have a crack and lovely home made biscuits and lift the gloom on what can sometimes be a cold and Great Ormside (village hall) miserable month of February. Everyone welcome. 29th Spuds, Puds and Comedy Evening in Milburn village hall. th Tues. 4 7:30pm Women’s Institute Lesley Rowe - Artist Come and banish those February blues and enjoy the company of & her time on the TV friends for an evening of Comedy, food and fun, in aid of Milburn church Wed. 12th 10 - noon Coffee Morning funds. More details from Christine Braithwaite on �01768361385 or Wed. 19th 7:30pm Craft Evening Jane Taylor on �01768361595 Wed. 26th 7:30 Village Hall Annual General Meeting Fri. 29th 7:30 Quiz Night (door open 7pm) Entry £4 per Milburn film club person except children free. Bar and raffle The next meeting of Milburn film club Is Friday 28th February at 7:30pm in the Village Hall, when we shsal on the night but BYO snacks th st show "The Affair of the Necklace" drama/ history/ Fridays 7 & 21 : Country Dancing classes in the village hall romance 7:30pm - £3 per person - bar open - just turn up! A young aristocratic woman is left penniless by We’re delighted to announce that the Carol Singing round the village political unrest in France. She sets out to avenge the raised £100 from generous villagers which was given to the air family name, and this leads to theft, intrigue and ambulance deception. Dancing: We have now changed our dancing night to Friday as Monday was difficult for some of our regular dancers. We will continue on Fridays this term and hope to finish with another ceilidh at Temple Sowerby Easter time. Our New Year village ceilidh was a great success, with a Temple Sowerby Gardening Club lot of laughter and time to chat with friends and neighbours. Thank you Last year we enjoyed two garden visits and two talks as to everyone who came. We made £200 for village hall funds. It would an introduction to Temple Sowerby Gardening Club, and be great to have some new faces to join us as a fun way to keep fit and based on their success, we have planned a programme get rid of the winter blues. of talks and garden visits for 2020 which will take us forward to September; talks for the autumn are in the Kirkby Thore pipeline. For more information see our page on the Temple Sowerby nd Website www.templesowerby.org.uk, Email 2 4pm Memorial Hall Messy Church [email protected] or phone Angela 017683 62969. For families of all ages - Family Church at K.T. new rectory - 4pm, 3rd Sunday in the month. (contact Kristy Pattimore (62655). Small Advertisements For 7-11 year olds - OASIS after school club, Fridays in term time, 3.30 - 5pm at school (contact Sue Grainger (61744). (none - always welcome!) Knock We are having a Jumble Sale and a tea/coffee and light refreshments morning on Saturday 29th February 2020 from 10am until noon. Entrance will be £3 which will include tea/coffee and homemade scones and biscuits. Please save anything you think might be suitable for the jumble sale and we will let you know nearer the time about where to bring it or when it can be collected. Please come along for a good rummage and a friendly get together. All proceeds from the jumble sale and the entrance fee will go to the Mission Room. This month’s Crossword

Across 8 Interrogated (Acts 12:19) (5-8) 9 ‘Burn it in a wood fire on the — heap’ (Leviticus 4:12) (3) 10 Tobit, Judith, Baruch and the books of Esdras and the Maccabees are part of it (9) 11 Science fiction (abbrev.) (3-2) 13 Clay pit (anag.) (7) 16 Went to (John 4:46) (7) 19 ‘Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God’s mercy, to — your bodies as living sacrifices’ (Romans 12:1) (5) 22 David’s plea to God concerning those referred to in 14 Down: ‘On — — let them escape’ (Psalm 56:7) (2,7) 24 Royal Automobile Club (1,1,1) 25 How the book of Ezekiel refers to God more than 200 times (Ezekiel 2:4) (9,4)

Down 1 Seas (Proverbs 8:24) (6) 2 One of the sons of Eli the priest, killed in battle by the Philistines (1 Samuel 4:11) (6) 3 Specialist in the study of the Muslim religion (8) 4 ‘Do not rebuke an older man harshly, but — him as if he were your father’ (1 Timothy 5:1) (6) 5 One of Esau’s grandsons (Genesis 36:11) (4) 6 Taking a chance (colloq.) (2,4) 7 God’s instructions to the Israelites concerning grain offerings: ‘ — salt to — your offerings’ (Leviticus 2:13) (3,3) 12 Confederation of British Industry (1,1,1) 14 ‘All day long they twist my words; they are always — to harm me’ (Psalm 56:5) (8) 15 The crowd’s reaction to Jesus bringing back to life a widow’s son in Nain (Luke 7:16) (3) 16 Disappear (Psalm 104:35) (6) 17 How Jeremiah was likely to die if he wasn’t rescued from the cistern where he was imprisoned (Jeremiah 38:9) (6) 18 What the prophets do to a wall, with whitewash (Ezekiel 13:10, RSV) (4,2) 20 Made by a plough (Job 39:10) (6) 21 Noah was relieved when the flood waters continued to — (Genesis 8:5) (6) 23 Jesus gave the Twelve the power and authority to do this to diseases (Luke 9:1) (4) This month’s solution

Candlemas In addition to being known as the Feast of the Presentation of Jesus at the Temple, other traditional names include Candlemas, the Feast of the Purification of the Virgin,[5] and the Meeting of the Lord.[6] The date of Candlemas is established by the date set for the Nativity of Jesus, for it comes forty days afterwards. Under Mosaic law as found in the Torah, a mother who had given birth to a boy was considered unclean for seven days; moreover she was to remain for three and thirty days "in the blood of her purification." Candlemas therefore corresponds to the day on which Mary, according to Jewish law, should have attended a ceremony of ritual purification (Leviticus 12:2–8). The Gospel of Luke 2:22–39 relates that Mary was purified according to the religious law, followed by Jesus' presentation in the Jerusalem temple, and this explains the formal names given to the festival, as well as its falling 40 days after the Nativity. In the Roman Catholic Church, it is known as the "Presentation of the Lord" in the liturgical books first issued by Paul VI,[7] and as the "Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary" in earlier editions. In the Eastern Orthodox Church and Greek Catholic Churches (Eastern Catholic Churches which use the Byzantine rite), it is known as the "Feast of the Presentation of our Lord, God, and Savior Jesus Christ in the Temple" or as "The Meeting of Our Lord, God and Saviour Jesus Christ". In the churches of the Anglican Communion, it is known by various names, including: The Presentation of Our Lord Jesus Christ in The Temple (Candlemas) (Episcopal Church),[5] The Presentation of Christ in the Temple, and The Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Anglican Church of Canada),[8] The Presentation of Christ in the Temple (Candlemas) (Church of England),[9] and The Presentation of Christ in the Temple (Anglican Church of Australia). It is known as the Presentation of Our Lord in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod observes 2 February as The Purification of Mary and the Presentation of Our Lord.[10] In some Protestant churches, the feast is known as the Naming of Jesus (though historically he would have been named on the eighth day after the Nativity, when he was circumcised). "Candlemas" is a northern European name for the festival because there had long been a procession with lighted candles at the mass on this day, reflecting Simeon's proclamation of "a light for revelation to the Gentiles", which, in turn, echoes Isaiah 49:6 in the second of the “servant of the Lord” oracles.[9] Doubt: I believe, help my unbelief In the Old Testament, the Israelites often sinned. When they finally I was in a discussion recently as to whether or not a Christian can have came to their senses, and saw their evil ways as God saw them, they doubts. The father in Mark’s story (9:17-27) speaks for many people. He could do nothing but repent in sorrow. They mourned for the damage knew that Jesus could heal his son, but just wasn’t quite sure if He would. and evil they had done. As part of this repentance, they covered their Doubt comes in many forms. It may be intellectual, a form of wrestling with heads with ashes. For the Israelites, putting ashes on your head, and the truth of certain key Christian beliefs like the Virgin Birth or the inerrancy even rending your clothes, was an outward sign of their heart-felt of the Bible. It may be philosophical, a pondering of the problem of evil and repentance and acknowledgement of sin. (See Genesis 18:27; 2 why God allows bad things to happen to good people. Sometimes it is Samuel 13:19; Job 2:8, 30:19; Isaiah 58:5; Jeremiah 6:26; Jonah 3:6) spiritual, and doubting whether or not we are saved. Occasionally it is In the very early Christian Church, the yearly 'class' of penitents had emotional, wondering if we are loveable, if we have any worth or value in ashes sprinkled over them at the beginning of Lent. They were turning God’s sight. to God for the first time, and mourning their sins. But soon many Such doubts are painful and debilitating, but true faith does not exclude other Christians wanted to take part in the custom, and to do so at the possibility of doubt. Indeed, we could say that faith would not be faith the very start of Lent. They heeded Joel's call to 'rend your hearts if there was not an element of doubt! and not your garments' (Joel 2:12-19). Ash Wednesday became Often doubt is a way by which we discover the truth in a deeper way as known as either the 'beginning of the fast' or ‘the day of the ashes’. we wrestle honestly with the questions we have. For many it is a way by The collect for today goes back to the Prayer Book, and stresses the which faith grows and matures, leading us to a greater understanding of penitential character of the day. It encourages us with the reminder the mystery of God and the reality that with our finite minds we can never of the readiness of God to forgive us and to renew us. understand everything about God or the way in which He works. The Bible readings for today are often Joel 2:1-2, 12–18, Matthew 6: Doubt is not the same an unbelief, which is a stubborn refusal to believe 1-6,16 – 21 and Paul’s moving catalogue of suffering, "as having what the Bible says to be true. Doubt is more a normal part of faith nothing and yet possessing everything." (2 Corinthians 5:20b - 6:10) development and is not to be feared, especially if we bring our questions The actual custom of 'ashing' was abolished at the Reformation, to God. though the old name for the day remained. Today, throughout the The great Methodist minister Dr William Sangster was asked if he ever Church of England, receiving the mark of ashes on one’s forehead is doubted. “Yes,” he replied, “of course I have doubts. But I also doubt my optional. Certainly the mark of ashes on the forehead reminds people doubts!” of their mortality: "Remember that you are dust and to dust you will return..." (Genesis 3:19) Leap Year Saint: The late medieval custom was to burn the branches used on Palm Only celebrated every 4 years? Sunday in the previous year in order to create the ashes for today. There is a saint for Leap Year: He is St Oswald of Worcester, who died th on 29 February 992. His family story was extraordinary, and full of some Lent Fasting surprising ‘leaps’, all by itself. It provides a tantalising glimpse of what This month sees the start of Lent, the season of penitence, self- happened to at least one of those pagan Viking warriors who settled in examination and fasting running up to Easter. Fasting can be a Anglo-Saxon Britain. neglected discipline, but it plays an important part in the Christian life. For Oswald’s great-uncle had come to England c 865, as part of the ‘Great Jesus began His earthly ministry by fasting in the wilderness for 40 Heathen Army’ of Viking invaders. But his son, Oswald’s uncle, Oda, days and He taught His disciples to fast (i.e. not if but ‘when you fast, forsook paganism, and not only converted to Christianity, but actually ended put oil on your head and wash your face, so that it will not be obvious up as Archbishop of Canterbury. From there, Oda was in a position to help to others that you are fasting, but only to your Father, who is unseen.’ his nephew, Oswald, which he did. (Matthew 6:17,18). Oda sent young Oswald to be educated at the abbey of Fleury, then a great Why Fast? centre of learning. There Oswald absorbed the Benedictine ideals which Firstly, giving up something in my life underlines my desire to put God would guide his later life and work. Back in England, he became bishop of first in my life. Secondly, fasting shows me how much I depend on Worcester in 961, and with the support of King Edgar, eagerly joined in things other than God in my life, so I can surrender my idols to Him. major reforms of the Anglo-Saxon church. In 972 Oswald was made Thirdly, fasting encourages me to have a deeper hunger and Archbishop of York, and seems to have taken a great interest in renewing dependency for God in my life. Therefore, fasting gives me space to the church in the Danelaw. He founded Ramsey Abbey, which became humbly focus on God for His strength, provision, and wisdom and one of the great Fenland monasteries. results in a more intimate relationship with Christ. It also enables the Oswald was popular as an archbishop, and always washed the feet of the Holy Spirit to reveal my true spiritual condition, leading to brokenness, th poor every Lent. On 29 February 992 he had just completed this service repentance, and a transformed life, with a heart more attentive to God. at Worcester when he collapsed and died. In later years, Worcester How can I fast? adopted both him and Wulfstan to be its two chief saints: they flank the Usually fasting involves missing one or two meals during the day, tomb of King John, which is before the high altar in the cathedral. although some can’t abstain from food for medical reasons. It might also include abstaining or limiting the time I give to television, alcohol 25th February - Shrove Tuesday: Pancake or social media. However, Lent can also be a time to embrace new Day spiritual disciplines e.g. joining a study group, ‘random acts of Ever wonder why we eat pancakes just before Lent? kindness’, or giving more time to prayer and Bible study. Whatever The tradition dates back to Anglo-Saxon times, when you do, make Lent count this year! Christians spent Lent in repentance and severe fasting. So on the Tuesday before Ash Wednesday, the church bell would summon them to confession, where they would be ‘shriven’, or absolved from their sins, which gives us Shrove Tuesday. At home, they would then eat up their last eggs and fat, and making a pancake was the easiest way to do this. For the next 47 days, they pretty well starved themselves. Pancakes feature in cookery books as far back as 1439, and today’s pancake races are in remembrance of a panicked woman back in 1445 in Olney, Buckinghamshire. She was making pancakes when she heard the shriving bell calling her to confession. Afraid she’d be late, she ran to the church in a panic, still in her apron, and still holding the pan. Flipping pancakes is also centuries old. A poem from Pasquil’s Palin in 1619 runs: “And every man and maide doe take their turne, And tosse their Pancakes up for feare they burne.” Some people have noted that the ingredients of pancakes can be used to highlight four significant things about this time of year: eggs stand for creation, flour is the staff of life, while salt keeps things wholesome, and milk stands for purity. Shrove Tuesday is always 47 days before Easter Sunday and falls between 3rd February and 9th March.

26th February - Ash Wednesday: mourning our sins Lent begins with Ash Wednesday. But why 'Ash' Wednesday? The reason has to do with getting things right between you and God, and the tradition goes right back to the Old Testament. Affected by Cancer? Appleby and District Cancer Support Group Come for coffee and friendly chat

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Appleby, St. Lawrence Dufton, St. Cuthbert Usual Weekday Services 2nd 3:00pm Compline Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday 16th 10:45am Holy Communion 9:00am Morning Prayer (Said) Great Asby, St. Peter 5:00pm Evening Prayer (Said) nd Monday (10th) 2 3:00pm Holy Communion 7:00pm Compline 9th 11:00am United Service at Baptists th Monday (24 ) 16th 3:00pm Evening Prayer 7:00pm Compline rd Tuesday 23 11:00am Morning Prayer Kirkby Thore, St. Michael 9:15am Service at St Anne's Almshouses chapel 2nd 4:00pm Messy Church (First Tuesday – Holy Communion / other Tuesdays – Morning 9th 10:45am Morning Prayer Prayer) 16th 4:00pm Family Church 9:30am Group for Prayer in the Heart of Eden rd Friday 23 10:45am Holy Communion 10:00am Holy Communion (Said) Alternates BCP/CW Long Marton, St Margaret & St. James th th st th (7 (BCP) / 14 (CW) / 21 (BCP) / 28 (CW)) 9th 9:15am Holy Communion rd Special Weekday Services 23 3:00pm Family Communion & Baptism Wednesday (26th) Ash Wednesday Milburn, St. Cuthbert 7:30pm Benefice Holy Communion with Ash Each Wednesday 10:00am Holy Communion (5th / 12th / 19th / 26th) Sundays 8:00am Holy Communion (Said) Alternates BCP/CW 2nd 10:45am Holy Communion nd th th rd (2 (BCP) / 9 (CW) / 16 (BCP) / 23 (CW)) 9th 10:45am Holy Communion rd 2nd The Presentation of Christ in the Temple 23 10:45am Holy Communion 10:45am Holy Communion Murton, St John 6:30pm Solemn Eucharist 2nd 10:45am Holy Communion 9th The Third Sunday before Lent Musgrave, St Theobald 10:45am Family Communion and Baptism 16th The Second Sunday before Lent 9th 10:00am Holy Communion 10:45am Holy Communion 23rd 10:00am Holy Communion rd 23 The Sunday next before Lent Newbiggin, St. Edmund 10:45am Morning Worship 2nd 9:15am Holy Communion 23rd 4:00pm Holy Communion BCP The Methodist Church The Sands, Appleby Ormside, St. James 2nd 10:30am Rev Andrew Sterling 2nd 9:15am Morning Prayer 9th 10.30am Mr Wilf Capstick th 6:30pm ‘Connexion’ service at Kirkby Stephen 9 9:15am Holy Communion All Welcome 16th 10:00am Morning Worship 16th 10.30am Mr Richard McGregor 23rd 3:00pm Evening Prayer Bring & Share Lunch – All Welcome Temple Sowerby, St. James rd 23 10.30am Rev Andrew Sterling 16th 10:45am Holy Communion The Methodist Church Dufton with Knock Warcop, St. Columba 2nd 10:45am J Law 2nd 10:45am Holy Communion th 9th 10:45am A Sterling CA 16 10:45am Holy Communion 6:30pm ‘Connexion’ service at Kirkby Stephen All Welcome Church of Our Lady of Appleby th 16 10:45am LA MASSES: rd 23 10:45am D Askew Appleby Saturday – Vigil Mass 6:00pm The Methodist Church Great Asby Sunday 11:00am 2nd 6:30pm A Sterling th Mon, Tues, Fri 9:00am 9 11:00am US at Baptist Holy Days 7:00pm 6:30pm ‘Connexion’ service at Kirkby Stephen Sunday 22nd 6:30pm Appleby Town Carols All Welcome Tuesday 24th 6pm Vigil Mass of Christmas 16th 6:30pm S Radford Wednesday 25th Mass for Christmas 23rd 6:30pm at Baptist Kirkby Stephen (in Anglican church) Sunday 9:00am The Methodist Church Warcop 2nd 10:30am J Betts Weds, Thurs 10:00am 9th 10:55am T Taylor Holy Days 10:00am 6:30pm ‘Connexion’ service at Kirkby Stephen All Welcome St. Anne’s Hospital (Boroughgate Almshouses) 16th 10:30am D Askew Services every Tuesday at 9:15am, Matins except first Tuesday 23rd 6:30pm LA of the month Holy Communion