Locum Clerk: Rachael Kelly, 29 Greystoke Park Avenue, Penrith, , CA1 9DB. Tel: 01768 863900

Ormside Ward Meeting – 26 February 2018, 7.30pm, Church


Attendees: 28 members of the public, including John Dent, Raymond Colbear, Ian Sowerby (Chairman)

Election of Chairman for the meeting Ian Sowerby was proposed by Dale Williams, to be chairman of the meeting, and seconded by Alan Simpson. This was agreed.

Apologies Julie Scott & Mary Nelson

Minutes The minutes of the Ormside Ward meeting held 6 March 2017 were agreed and signed as a true record.

Maters arising from the minutes Swings – to enable matting to be placed under the swings the swings need to be relocated, it had been previously agreed that this would not be financially viable.

Planning Applications The planning applications received since the 2017 Ormside Parish meeting were noted. Council: Date valid Application no. Address & proposal Decision 16/01/2018 18/0044 Hadderdale, Great Asby Appleby-In-Westmorland Not yet decided Agricultural building - dry cow housing. 16/01/2018 18/0046 Hadderdale, Great Asby Appleby-In-Westmorland Not yet decided Agricultural building - cubicle housing 16/01/2018 18/0047 Hadderdale Lodge, Great Asby Appleby-In- Not yet decided Westmorland Agricultural - slurry lagoon 10/01/2018 18/0026 Helm Farm, Ormside Appleby-In-Westmorland Not yet decided Proposed open space store. 11/12/2017 17/1053 Outdoor Pursuits Centre Ormside Appleby-In- Non-Material Westmorland Amend Approval Non material amendment to include removal of 2no. Velux windows and addition of fire exit door to east elevation, addition of window to south eleavtion and internal alterations attached to approval 17/0748. 11/09/2017 17/0784 Former Methodist Church Withdrawn Catherine Holme Great Asby Appleby-In- Westmorland Discharge of condition 5 (Parking) attached to approval 14/0769. 25/08/2017 17/0748 Outdoor Pursuits Centre Approved Ormside Appleby-In-Westmorland Demolition of existing side building and construction of new timber frame extension. Page 1 of 11

30/06/2017 17/0568 Field North of Track to Eden Bank Farm, Ormside, Approved Appleby Proposed general purpose agricultural building 24/03/2017 17/0239 Field Adj Eden Bank Farm, Ormside, Appleby-In- Withdrawn Westmorland Proposed agricultural building. 10/02/2017 17/0104 Hadderdale, Great Asby, Appleby-In-Westmorland Granted Proposed roofing over existing silage bunker 10/02/2017 17/0105 Hadderdale, Great Asby, Appleby-In-Westmorland Granted Proposed roofing over existing silage bunker 10/02/2017 17/0106 Hadderdale, Great Asby, Appleby-In-Westmorland Granted Proposed roofing over existing silage bunker & access 10/02/2017 17/0107 Hadderdale, Great Asby, Appleby-In-Westmorland Granted Proposed roofing over existing silage bunker & manure store

Eden District Council – Devolution & Transfer of Assets The transfer of the footway lighting from Eden District Council to Bandleyside Parish Council was discussed at great length, and it was agreed following a vote for the Ormside Ward not to accept the transfer of the 1 approved light.

Reports An update/report from Burtons & Poor Stock: Report to Annual Parish meeting on 26th February 2018 Following agreement by the Trustees after the 2017 Annual Parish Meeting, a large proportion of the capital from both Poor Stock and Burtons Charity was invested in the Ethical Investment Fund of CCLA, as from 4th May 2017. As the minimum investment required was £1,000 the trustees, by a way of a Memorandum of Understanding, invested a total of £1,080 in this fund entirely in the name of Burtons Charity, but on behalf of both charities with the sum invested in the following proportions / amounts:

Burtons Charity – 69.5% - £750 Ormside Poor Stock – 30.5% - £330

The resulting dividend income will be split between the two charities in the same proportion.

As at the 23 February the value of the investment was £1,099.

Dividend income is expected on a quarterly basis and up to Feb 23rd was £19.90, with a total annual income expected to be C.£40 per annum (c 3.7% per annum)

Grants paid out since the last Annual Parish Meeting were:

Ormside Poor Stock – 4 Christmas gifts of £5 each. (Leaving a balance in the current a/c of c.£2 excluding the distribution of dividend income above)

Burtons Charity – 1 Further Education Assistance Grant of £40 (leaving a balance in the current a/c of c.£47 subject to redistribution of dividend income as above)

As the income of the two charities is less that £10,000 per annum an Annual Return to the Charity Commission is no longer required but the information regarding the two charities is up to date via the Charity Commission website.

An update/report from Ormside Village Hall Report attached.

Village projects for consideration None Page 2 of 11

Any other matters / Public Forum Drain at Church & road drain Water at Lookin Flatt Blocked drain/gulley on road to Potholes at Little Ormside Potholes at Catherine Holme – from Rutter Falls road end Potholes at Great Asby dip The Clerk reminded the meeting it was benefice for faults to be reported directly to Cumbria County Council, using either the Highways Hotline (0300 303 2992) or the Cumbria County Council website. These details to be put on the Bandleyside Parish Council Website. Various trees & hedges have been “massacred” The fence wires between Wild Rose Caravan Park and the railway line are broken and need rectified – the Clerk to contact National Rail.

The meeting was closed at 20.30

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Report from Ormside Village Hall


Registered charity number 523074

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Names of Trustees

Elected Members 2017

Peter Fielder (Secretary)

Bev Lewis (Treasurer)

Christopher Pearson (Vice Chair)

Steven Taylor

Susan Wigley (Chair)

Dale Williams

Elected Representative Members 2017

Jennifer Denton St James PCC

Alan Denton St James PCC

*Barbara Colbear Women’s Institute

Vivianne Simpson Women’s Institute

Stuart Marston Bandleyside Parish Council

Ian Sowerby Bandleyside Parish Council

Co-opted Elected Members 2017

Dorothy Emerson

Alan Scott

*It is with great sadness that this year we learned of the unexpected passing of Barbara Colbear who served this community and Ormside Village Hall for many years.

Governance and Objectives of the Charity

Ormside Village Hall is an unincorporated Charity registered at the Charity Commission under no. 523074.

The Object (or the purpose) of the Charity is to:

“be held upon trust for the purpose of a Village Hall for the use of the inhabitants of the parish of Ormside in the county of Westmorland without distinction, political, religious or other opinions, including use for meetings, lectures and classes, and for other forms of recreation and leisure-time occupation with the object of improving the conditions of life for the said inhabitants.”

Appointment of Trustees

Clause 2 of the governing document, states that the “Committee of Management” (“the Committee”) are the trustees of the Charity as understood within the meaning of the Charities Act.

Clause 3 provides that the Committee shall consist of:-

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• Six elected members;

• Eight representative members; and

• No more than two co-opted members.

The elected members shall be elected at an Annual General Meeting.

Two representative members shall be appointed by each of the following organisations:-

the Parish Church of St. James Ormside or by the Parochial Church Council of the Parish Church;

(the Methodist Chapel at or the trustees of the Methodist Chapel;)

the Women’s Institute at Great Ormside;

the Parish Meeting for the Parish of Ormside.

The names of such representative members shall be notified by the organisations listed above to the Secretary of the Committee.

The co-opted members shall be appointed at a duly constituted meeting of the Committee.

Clause 3(6) requires that all members of the Committee shall retire from office at the end of the Annual General Meeting after the one which they were appointed, but they may be re-elected or re-appointed (so they are appointed for one year terms).

Policies and Procedures

To guide the Committee in exercising its duty of care to members and users of the hall, the following policy and procedures have been adopted and are reviewed annually:

• Children and Vulnerable Adults Safeguarding • Complaints • Environmental • Equality & Diversity • Finance • Hall Booking • Health & Safety • Village Website

Use of the Hall

The use of the hall and the hosting of events and activities help the charity to meet its objectives.


The Policy Review group considered the hire rates for the use of the hall and decided no change to current rates, pending Village Hall Improvement Plans. As of November 2017 the rates are:

• Regular users eg WI - £5 per evening, Page 6 of 11

• General Hire - £10 per session of morning/afternoon/evening, • Election - £100. The WI remains our main regular user including regular meetings; guest speakers; craft evenings.

The Village Hall continues to be used for elections and referendum for which it receives income.


The Village Hall Trustees are pleased to report that support for events and activities remain buoyant for such a small community.

Despite the need for some cancellations of planned events there was still a 62% increase in income (net income) raised from events in 2017/18 compared with the year 2016/17.

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The Trustees are mindful though not all events need to be income generators, providing a community facility in a very rural part of Cumbria is as important and we are always looking to welcome new people to the village hall.

Events planned for 2018:

• Cinema Evenings • Quiz/Bring & Share • Domino Evening • Coffee morning ‘catch ups’ • Pop up Cafe/Plant Sale • Car Treasure Hunt • Christmas Coffee & Crafts • BBQ • Guest Speakers Due to the closure of the hall for part of 2018 for renovations therefore the VH Trustees have anticipated a reduced income for this year and have budgeted accordingly.

We welcome any suggestion for further use.

Risk Management

• Insurance

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The Management Committee recognises that it is under a legal obligation to protect the building, its users (and employees), through adequate and appropriate insurance.

• Health & Safety The Health and Safety Checklist for Village & Community Halls template from the HSE is used on an annual basis.

The Committee recognise that taking a sensible and proportionate approach is the key to making sure the Hall provides a healthy and safe place for people to use without unnecessary bureaucracy.

Building Issues

VH Improvement Funding

Consultation – early 2016

Draft Architectural Plans complete – Easter 2016

Open Meeting- July 2016

Lottery Stage One Application submission – October 2016

Lottery Stage One Application decision – December 2016

The VH Trustees believe the outcomes from the consultation period are still the mandate for what type of improvements are needed and desired.

Following an unsuccessful single grant development the VH Trustees decided to adopt a 4 phase improvement plan which enabled work to proceed as and when funding allowed.

Phase 1 Main Hall

Phase 2 Lobby & Kitchen

Phase 3 Village Hall Extension

Phase 4 Access and Landscaping

Phase 1 and 2

The following funding applications were made with respect to phase 1 and 2 totalling £49,696. The total confirmed amount raised is £45,196. This is a shortfall of £4,500 however the VH Trustees have agreed that phase 1 can commence alongside phase 2, monitoring expenditure accordingly.

Once Phase 1 and 2 nearing completion then further funding applications will be made for phase 3 and 4.

Phase Amount Source Amount 1 15k-19k Ormside Village Hall 10,000 Main Hall Bandleyside Parish Council 3,000 Frieda Scott Charitable Trust 3,500 16,500 Phase Amount Source Amount 2 30k Hadfield Trust 5,000 Lobby/Kitchen Eden District Council Community Fund 3,500

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Cumbria County Council 1,500 Awards for All 9,696 Cumbria Community Foundation 4,000 Bernard Sunley Foundation 5,000 28,696

Other Building Issues

Fire fighting appliances are inspected annually under contract with the supplier.

Volunteers from the Committee carry out other regular maintenance checks and annual HSE Health & Safety Checklist for Village & Community Halls.

Portable Appliance Testing was carried out and items that were not compliant were removed from use.

Enquiries were made by members into the Village Hall being used as a Broadband Hub. It became apparent that this was not achievable.

Financial Report

Please see End of Year Accounts 2017/18 prepared by this year Dale Williams (Acting Treasurer) and examined by Jackie Barton. Thank you to Dale and Jackie for the work this year.

Point of note: that Trustees of Charities with an income of over £25,000 are under a legal duty as charity Trustees to submit annual return, report and accounting documents to the Commission as the regulator of Charities. However it is not the case should this be for a one-off period of time. The VHC will review this at forthcoming meetings.

Volunteers’ Effort

Management costs are kept to a minimum through the use of volunteers for regular maintenance and cleaning of the Hall. On average 5 hours of volunteer time are given each week to cover routine tasks such as booking management, cleaning and maintenance. In addition, a trustee generally gives 2 hours a month for meetings and 50 hours per annum in organising and running fundraising events.

A heartfelt thank you to all the Trustees and volunteers who give of their time and effort in helping Ormside Village Hall continue to be of benefit to those it serves.

Achievements this Year

• Quarterly financial reports enabling the VH Trustees to monitor income and expenditure. • A successful round of grant applications to allow village hall improvements to commence. • A significant new event in the spring cafe and plants sales which brought new visitors to the village. • The launch of a regular coffee morning which brings people together. • Considerable housekeeping exercise in preparation for further improvements. • Village Website continues to profile the Village Hall and wider community activity. Thanks to Dale Williams for his content management and hosting arrangements. Future Plans

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• A press release to acknowledge all those individuals and organisations that have shown support during the last 12 months. • A significant Village Hall renovation will provide a warm and welcoming environment, facilitating improved attendance to events and increased hire. • A planning application is to be submitted based on the reconfigured plans to progress Village Hall Improvement Phase 3 and 4. Subsequently financial applications will be sought to meet the costs of best value tender quotes. Sue WIGLEY Chair-Ormside Village Hall The Old Rectory Ormside Appleby in Westmorland Cumbria CA16 6EJ

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