Hoe 2021 03 March

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Hoe 2021 03 March Heart of Eden The News Magazine of the ‘ Benefice St. Lawrence, Appleby and St. John, Murton-cum- Hilton; St. James, Ormside; St. Peter, Great Asby;, St. Cuthbert, Dufton; St. Margaret & St. James, Long Marton; St. Cuthbert, Milburn; St. Columba, Warcop & St. Theobald, Musgrave; St. James, Temple Sowerby; St. Michael, Kirkby Thore & St. Edmund Newbiggin. Also with additional information from Methodist Churches at The Sands, Appleby, Great Asby, Warcop and Dufton with Knock & The Roman Catholic Church of Our Lady of Appleby We also bring information from the council, local voluntary organisations, clubs and associations, buses and trains, events at the villages of the Mid-Eden Valley, and we are partly supported by the firms whose March 2021 advertisements follow the news items. A Time to Keep Silence We have all felt the loss of much from our daily life during the course of the pandemic: ordinary things, perhaps trivial in themselves, which normally we take for granted. That shop which can't be opened; a cup of coffee with a friend; visiting relatives who aren't local. And, if you've been 'shielding', you're aware of how dependent you are on the kindness of neighbours. (I pity those living alone in an anonymous tower block.) And not only have we to contend with all the problems Corona virus has brought us, but international news constantly attacks our peace of mind. We saw just how fragile is civilisation when we watched the violent mob invade the Capitol. As I was saying, we've lost many things during this past year. And among them has been the open church: open not just for services, but open throughout the week, open for anyone who wishes to visit it. For St. Lawrence's and the other churches are used not only on Sundays, but they are a refuge where more people than you might suppose come in on weekdays seeking the quiet it has to offer. People come to pray, to meditate, to think, to rest, seeking something the busy world has not time or place for. Of course, solitude and silence can be unnerving. In fact many, if not most of us, seek distractions from our problems rather than solutions. Now there is a long tradition in Christianity of voluntarily facing the darkness. Men and women have chosen to step aside from the usual round of life to take time to think and to listen. You'll remember how Jesus before beginning his public ministry went alone into the desert for forty days and forty nights and there he wrestled with his doubts and problems. Well, the Church has just begun the season of Lent when for forty days we think and pray seriously about what God is doing in our lives and what he is now calling us to do. To concentrate our minds we often give up something pleasurable just to remind ourselves that our appetites should not govern how we live. But, perhaps, the most important thing we can do is to seek time and place when we can be silent and listen for God. And that, of course — time and place — is what our churches can offer. And we look forward, impatiently, to the day when again the doors will be open and all may go in. And then we may declare with Jacob: This is none other than the house of God, and this is the gate of heaven. Church Registers January Funerals May they rest in peace and rise in glory: 4th January David George Atkinson Newbiggin 22nd January Derek John Hughes Long Marton 23rd January Richard Sheppard Kirkby Thore 25th January Januaryet Slater Ormside 28th January Jean Circuit Appleby 12th February Lydia Laverty Murton 18th February Freda Hindmoor Long Marton 23rd February David Graham Appleby 23rd February Thomas Tinkler Long Marton Church of England: Rector: Rev. Dr. Clive Hicks � 017683 62436 Associate Priest: Revd Peter Boyles � 017683 54161 Retired Priest: Rev. Roger Collinson � 017683.52886 For (C of E) wedding bookings contact Joyce Keetley, Office Manager, email: applebymc@carlislediocese.org.uk and for baptism bookings contact the Revd Peter Boyles email: peterboyles@hotmail.co.uk Methodist Minister: Rev. Andrew Sterling: � 017683 51244 Roman Catholic Parish Priest (Our Lady of Appleby)Church Fr. Peter Houghton � 017683 51474 Advertising We are not taking small ads, and the existing adverts will be run gratis for the duration Other matter for inclusion (church or village news, etc.) Deadline 25th of the preceding month We are very grateful for the generous donations made by various groups and individuals towards the running costs of this Newsletter. We would welcome articles (and front cover photographs - the editor gets desperate for something new) relevant to the time of year, book reviews, travel articles, etc. Please send them to the editor (heart-of-eden-editor@hotmail.co.uk) 2 Newsletter Delivery St. Cuthbert, Milburn As delivery of this newsletter is strictly by the editor’s Churchwardens: Mrs. E. Godfrey list of email addresses, and as a link from “A Church ��61007 Near You” Mr. Leigh Harding (https://www.achurchnearyou.com/church/12199/), if ��0333.014.3944 you or anyone wishes to read it, please get in touch with the editor for a copy, or follow the link. Secretary: Christine Braithwaite St. John, Murton cum Hilton For diocesan Covid guidance check out the link Churchwarden: Jean Hutchison ) alongside Secretary: Jo Ayres ��52017 Pattern of C of E Services The present intention is to put together a provisional service plan for our churches for second half of April, St. Edmund, Newbiggin and then May, commencing 18th April. Churchwardens: This means, of course, that we are continuing into Mrs. M P. Sawrey-Cookson March with 'Online' (as per details in the attached). ��61574 The rector will be inviting further discussion with Mrs. Marsh ��51098 individual churches during the first half of March to establish a "return to normal" schedule, and imagines St. James the Less, Ormside that some may request services around and at Churchwarden: Margaret Parry Easter, but watch this space in next month’s edition. Secretary: Richard Parry See also the back page. both �51043 St. Lawrence, Appleby St. James , Temple Sowerby Churchwardens: Jean Hutchison Jo Ayres (�52017) Churchwardens: Anne Farmer Secretary: Jo Ayres Angela Cleasby St. Peter, Asby Secretary: Helen Morgan Churchwarden: Mrs. P. Bevan � 53433 St. Theobald, Musgrave Secretary: Karen Royle Churchwarden: Hannah Fox � 07966.371044 Hannah.Fox17@outlook.com St. Cuthbert, Dufton Churchwardens: Mrs. Gillian Bryan St. Columba, Warcop ��51414 Churchwarden: Joyce Keetley Mrs. Shelagh Endres ��52855 keetleyjd@sky.com Secretary: Mrs. Louise Stewart St. Michael, Kirkby Thore Churchwardens: Margaret Davidson ��017683.61699 Our Sister Churches Maeve Moore ��017683.62005 Methodist Church Secretary: Liz Higginbottom Rev. Andrew Sterling �51244 ��017683.62910 General Enquiries Linda Taylor SS. Margaret & James, Long Marton (53448) Churchwardens: Mrs. Josie Cannon ��017683.51386 Roman Catholic Church of Our Lady of Appleby, (Acting) Mr. Lutaf Greenshaw Gartheads Road, Appleby ��07802254982 Fr. Peter Houghton �51474 https://www.churchofengland.org/sites/default/files/2021-01/COVID-19%20Lent%20Holy%20Week%20Easter%20v1.0_1.pdf 3 Inner Wheel News from the Area We have two manual wheelchairs for temporary use of local people. They are kept at my house, 15 Boroughgate, and can be borrowed for a nominal deposit of £10. If the borrower cares to make a donation to Age UK - Carlisle and Eden Inner Wheel Charities after the loan, that would, of course, be For information just ring Pat Mchugh on 07958936694. welcomed. Heart of Westmorland Bereavement My contact phone number is 017683 53324. Gillian Whiting, Secretary, Appleby Inner Wheel Support Group For more information please contact: Kevin Robinson – 017683 51569 Meals on Wheels - Volunteers Needed or Revd Sandy Pearl – 01931 714564 We are looking for some volunteers to help deliver Meals on Cancer Information and Support in Eden Wheels in the town of Appleby one lunchtime each month. Regrettably, in view of the Coronavirus/lockdown situation, We are a friendly,flexible team who deliver a hot meal and meetings are currently cancelled, but if anyone needs a pudding to clients on Mondays to Fridays. support and advice, support and advice is available from We will arrange for your DBS (Disclosure and Barring Rosie on � 017683 52263 Service) forms to be completed, checked and issued and as Citizens Advice Carlisle & Eden long as you have a vehicle for deliver you'll be 'good to go'. Citizens Advice Carlisle & Eden needs YOU! The Citizens Please contact Dot Anderton 52389, or Kath Martin 51031. Advice service is looking for volunteers to train to be advice Sadly, we are not able to deliver meals presently, but workers in the Eden area. please let us know if you are interested in helping. Citizens Advice Carlisle and Eden ask volunteers to give a regular one day a week over an extended period of time. We Upper Eden Food Bank need volunteers to train as Advisers and also as Advice With the situation as it is, Citizens Advice are now asking that if you know of anyone, or you yourself are now finding you can’t afford food, you can Assistants and Business Support roles. Whilst specific call 0808 2082138 for free (open Mon to Fri 9am to 5pm). If needed, they qualifications or experience are not required, to train for the would issue a reference number. This would all be treated in strict confidence of course. role volunteers need to be good at listening, have a good manner when talking to people, be open minded and All details can be found on the UEFB website…. upperedenfoodbank.org.uk or by calling 07596 690902 non-judgmental and enjoy helping people.
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