Asby Endowed School Travel Plan 1 School details Name of school Asby Endowed School DfES school reference no. 909/3061 Type of school Voluntary Controlled Non-Denominational Number on roll 33 Number of staff 2 full, 4 part time (it is highly recommended that a supplementary Travel Plan for staff and other school users is developed) Age range of pupils 4 -11 School contact details Head teacher Mr R Willett Address Great Asby Appleby-in-Westmorland Cumbria Postcode CA16 6EX Telephone number 017683 51154 Fax Email address
[email protected] Website Working group contact Name R Willett Address (if different to above) Telephone number Email address School situation and use Description of school locality/ The school is located at the east side of the river in the small village of catchment area Great Asby. Children come from a wide rural catchment and 1 bus takes children to the school. Catchment comprises village of Great Asby, hamlets of Drybeck and Little Asby and isolated houses. Village is c.200m above sea level and winter driving conditions can be treacherous. Facilities (e.g. playground, car park, Playground, parent parking next to the river sports hall, community centre) Number of entrances, 1 vehicle/pedestrian Core school times 9 – 3.30 Other uses (e.g. extra Occasional out of hours use, governors, Friends, Village History Group curricular/community access) meetings etc. Asby Endowed School Travel Plan Aims This Travel Plan specifically aims at reducing car journeys to and from school, and reducing/preventing casualties on